Application of Computers To The Teaching of Mining Engineering

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WADE, L. Application of computers to the teaching of mining engineering. APCOM 87.

Proceedings of the
Twentieth International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Mathematics in the Mineral Industries.
Volume 1: Mining. Johannesburg, SAIMM, 1987. pp. 341-349.
Application of Computers to the Teaching of Mining
Department of Mining Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
The advent of relatively cheap computing power has precipitated a rapid growth
of computer usage in the mining industry. In order to obtain most benefit
from this development a need is recognised for the future mining graduate
to be trained in computer literacy. This paper outlines the type of training
required and describes progress to date with such a programme at the University
of the Witwatersrand. Certain challenges concerning the teaching effort are
It is a well known and documented
fact that the cost of computer
equipment has fallen at a rate
unprecedented in the commercial
history of any other commodity.
This is
especially true of micro-
where, between 1982 and
1986, the cost of a unit fell by
90% whilst the computing power
provided increased tenfold. Figure
1 graphically shows this reduction
in the price of computing power
using the example of five quoted
prices for microcomputers having
twin diskette drives. All prices
are based on graphics screens with
the exception of 1980 when such a
feature was unobtainable.
If one considers the high South
African rate of inflation and the
drop in the foreign exchange value
of the rand over the same period,
the cost reductions in real terms
are even more dramatic. Similar
cost reductions are evident in
computing peripherals, with an A3
size 8-pen plotter having fallen
in price by 75% during a four-year
The nett effect of these price
reductions has
computers much
been to make
more affordable to
all types of enterprises, with a
consequent proliferation in the
number of computer installations.
Large multi-disciplinary concerns,
such as mining houses, have not
proved to be an exception to this
phenomenon. The particular mani-
festation in the mining industry
has been a tendency to move away
from the traditional data process-
ing specialist department situated
at some centralised facility. The
modern trend is rather to provide
decentralised computer facilities,
to. be operated by the different
professional ctsciplines at their
distributed work sites. Computers
are therefore fast becoming simply

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
FIGURE 1. Cost of computing power (Rands per kB RAM)
one of the weapons in the arsenal
of specialists, tackling problems
in a vast range of disciplines.
Computers in the mining industry
In common with most other large
industries, mining has had much
experience in the use of computers
for major administrative tasks
such as stores control, payrolls,
accounting systems and financial
planning. More recently management
information systems and planned
maintenance have been subject to
computerisation. To a large extent
these applications show only minor
differences between mining and any
other industry.
There exists, however, a range
of applications highly specific to
mining where the computer's speed,
accuracy and ability to cope with
large volumes of data opens up the
opportunity for optimal solutions
to problems which could previously
only be superficially examined.
A complete list of these tasks
would be far too large to include
in this paper, but areas such as
geological modelling and reserves
estimation, process control, mine
planning and many others readily
come to mind.
Many of these applications are
common to the entire industry or
to a large sector of it, such as a
specific mineral or all divisions
of a mining house. For these tasks
general solutions, perhaps of a
modelling nature, are often used.
A typical example of this type of
tool is the spreadsheet, whereby
the same package can be modelled
by its various users to provide
solutions to a wide variety of
problems. Such packaged products
are available to the computer user
from three major sources, i.e.
off-the-shelf from a computer
from a specialist mining
company or from a central
software development
team. From whichever source the
software emanates, the user has a
product to which he must apply the
data of his specific problem.
Many problems, however, whilst
being complex enough to warrant
computerisation, are not of such a
widespread potential use that they
justify software development on a
commercial scale. In these cases
the user has no ready-made package
to fall back on and must therefore
develop his own software or engage
a programmer to write software to
a specification.
The computer-literate mining engineer
The Department of Mining Engineer-
ing at the University of the Wit-
watersrand has considered the
situation described in the intro-
ductory sections above and has
come to the conclusion that future
generations of mining engineers
must be computer-literate in order
to perform their expected duties.
The type of computer awareness
required falls into three distinct
categories. Firstly, the mining
engineer must be capable of using
packages, and hence must be aware
of what the marketplace can offer.
Secondly, he -must be capable of
designing software specifications,
which necessitates a
engineering and data-
methodology. Thirdly,
a process
he must be able to write his own
programs. This entails familiarity
with various operating systems and
computer languages.
Perhaps most importantly, only a
truly computer-literate person can
determine whether an off-the-shelf
purchase, a customised third party
product or a self-written system
will be the most suitable and cost
effective solution for a given
problem. Paradoxically, only the
computer-literate person can judge
when it is advisable not to use a
computer, but rather to use some
other problem-solving tool.
Computer literacy is a mental
quality not easily defined. The
child leaving school in 1990 will
be computer-literate, whereas his
counterpart of 1970 most certainly
was not. The difference is mainly
attitudinal, but it is an attitude
which can, to some extent, be
acquired by exposure to computers.
The first conclusion drawn by the
Department therefore was that the
students should be afforded free
access to as much computer hard-
ware as possible, concomitant with
security considerations.
Simply providing free .access to
hardware is, however, no guarantee
that it will be used. A principal
problem in this regard is that
many people are wary of computers;
They perhaps fear being proven to
be inadequate to the challenge, of
not being able to make the machine
work correctly, of damaging the
machine or of wasting their time
without obtaining answers.
The classic solution to this
adopted by problem, and
the author,
the student
the one
is carefully to guide
through his earliest
what to
to computers, telling him
do but permitting him to
make errors. This teaching format
shows that the computer will not
berate the student for his being
stupid, neither will it be damaged
if told to perform the impossible.
The student learns that mistakes
can be rectified and achieves the
satisfa"ction of obtaining results
from his first computing sessions.
An almost irreplaceable ally in
overcoming fear of computers was
found in a most unorthodox form -
the computer game. Games of manual
dexterity such as Pacman and Space
Invaders rapidly familiarise one
with the keyboard layout, whereas
numerical games such as Chess and
Othello encourage logical thought
processes. Furthermore, when the
student succeeds in defeating the
computer, he begins to appreciate
the limitations of the machine and
the complexity and importance of
well-thought-out software.
Whilst the Department did not
actively encourage the playing of
computer games, neither did it
discourage such experimentation
provided that it was restricted to
times outside the normal lecture
The result was very rapid
for computers on the part
of students. This familiarisation
process was observed to last for
approximately one month fora new
computer user. After this period
the games lost their novelty and
the students began using computers
for problem-solving purposes.
Once the fear of computers has
been overcome a programme aimed at
achieving a more complete level of
computer literacy can be embarked
upon. The major elements to be
learned are:
knowledge of computer hard-
how and when to use packaged
how and when to write one's
own software
The Department has developed and
implemented such a programme.
Modus operandi for developing computer
As a result of a fire the entire
Departmental computing facility
was destroyed, Fortunately, the
insurance cover was sufficient to
permit replacements to be bought.
A fortuitous benefit of the fire
was that certain of the equipment
destroyed could not be replaced by
identical units, as these were no
longer on the market. Consequently
the insurance payments could be
used for the purchase of whatever
else was capable of performing the
same duty as the previous models.
These funds were augmented by a
generous grant from the Chamber of
Mines of South Africa for the
purpose of
into the
teaching of
mining engineering, in particular
in geostatistics. This combination
of circumstances meant that the
Department was in the enviable
position of being able to plan and
faciE ty.
It is
an entire new computer
a contentious issue as to
a new computer user should
first obtain hardware and then the
to first
to run on it, or whether
obtain the software and
then the hardware on which it will
run. The latter school of thought
is tending to prevail.
The Department then found itself
in a rather conflicting situation.
Firstly, for those applications
requiring a mainframe computer the
only viable route was a linkage to
the Uni versi ty computer. For 'this
level of sophistication the hard-
ware came first, followed by the
software. The opposite applied in
the case of microcomputers. A vast
amount of software is available to
the Department
Much of this
at very low cost.
software is highly
specific to mining, often having
been written by the various mining
houses. As virtually all of the
major mining companies in South
Africa have standardised on the
IBM PC, the Department was obliged
to acquire the same machines, or
compatibles, in order to run the
In between the mainframe and the
microcomputers a need was felt for
a high-resolution graphics machine
of medium power. In this range
neither of the previously quoted
constraints applied. No hardware
precedent existed, nor was there
any readily available software for
which suitable hardware had to be
purchased. For this category of
machine expert advice was obtained
from the Computer Centre of the
University, which recommended a
Hewlett Packard system.
In retrospect, this decision
proved to have ~ n a mistake. To
purchase hardware for which no
software existed essentially meant
that there was no system. With the
wealth of software available for
the IBM-compatible PCs most of the
teaching effort tended to focus on
the latter equipment. The Hewlett
Packard system has unfortunately
not been developed in line with
original thinking, and indications
are that this hardware will remain
the preserve of the postgraduate
A major reason for this scenario
is that, despite the advantages of
the H.P. system over IBM-type PCs,
a far greater learning effort is
required in order to make use of
the enhanced H.P. features. With
undergraduate students the time is
just not available to pursue this
avenue. It was therefore decided
to attempt to cover a wider range
of computing applications using
the easiest system to learn, i.e.
the PC route, rather than a lesser
range using a more sophisticated
Numbers of computers required
The number of computers which are
required for teaching purposes is
naturally governed by the number
of students. At present, and for
the foreseeable future, classes of
15 to 25 students are anticipated.
Whilst it would be ideal for each
student to work individually at a
machine, the comparatively short
formal teaching time available for
computer education did not appear
to justify such a large capital
outlay. A decision was therefore
made to obtain 5 PCs along with 5
terminals to the mainframe, thus
requiring students to work in
groups of between 3 and 5 on the
same machine. The cost of this
quantity of
equipment could be
within the hardware
TABLE 1. Equipment installed
Item Quantity
IBM Terminal 3
Printers 5
Plotters 2
HP 9816 1*
HP 9836 1*
Digitiser (CALCOMP 9100)
* Capable of being used as
a mainframe terminal
budget. Ultimately, however, the
hardware situation was improved
even more as Sperry (Pty) Ltd.
donated a PC to the Department.
The end result was the suite of
equipment listed in Table 1.
Once again,
thinking has
was found
in retrospect, this
proven imperfect. It
that equipment usage
widely. The seven PCs fluctuates
are not fully utilised for 20
weeks of the year outside teaching
terms. During term time they are
generally well used, but during
formal computing teaching sessions
they are inadequate. When students
work in pairs the quality of the
learning experience deteriorates
sharply. There appears to be no
easy substitute for the previously
stated ideal of one machine per
Mining Engineering was not the
only department at the University
of the Witwatersrand to encounter
this difficulty. It was in fact
found to be common to all branches
of engineering. A joint venture
was thus entered into whereby all
engineering branches contributed
towards the cost of establishing a
pool of 25 PCs. Departments can
book the entire pool according to
a roster. From 1987 the Department
of Mining Engineering will make
use of this pool for the formal
and laboratory sessions
continuing to give students
to its own computers for
assignments and private study.
Computing teaching
A four-phase campaign was mounted
to teach students to use computers
as a tool to solve problems of a
mining engineering nature. These
phases were:
Basic computing concepts
The approach to using
computers in engineering
Computer applications in
Computers in specific
The first three phases take the
form of lectures and laboratory
classes, whilst the fourth stage
is the integration of computing
into the core subjects of the
curriculae for both undergraduate
and postgraduate programmes. The
four phases should ideally follow
a strict chronological order.
Phase I: Basic computing concepts
A mining students' first encounter
with computers is during his first
year Applied Mathematics course.
The main elements of programming
languages are taught during this
phase, using the medium of FORTRAN
on a mainframe. Severe financial
limitations unfortunately preclude
these first year students from
making use of on-line terminals,
and consequently they must use a
technically obsolete card punch
and reader system. This phase has
been operational for a number of
Phase 11: Computer applications iu engineeriug
This phase was introduced during
the 1986 academic year as a first
semester subject for second year
students. During this course the
students are taught how to analyse
engineering . problems and structure
computerised solutions to them.
Use is made of IBM PCs and, where
self-written programs are encoun-
tered, the medium used is PASCAL.
Phase Ill: Computers in mining
Phase III follows phase 11 as a
second semester subject for second
year students. Here the emphasis
falls on pre-developed solutions
to mining industry problems. Use
is made of software obtained from
industry, stressing the usability
and applicability of the software
to everyday situations. In those
cases where
is required,
use BASIC.
user-written software
the preference is to
Phase IV: Computers iu specific problem-solving
Though phase IV is logically the
final stage of computer literacy
training, this phase was the first
to be introduced. This was so that
even those students who never had
the opportunity to pass through
the first three phases could still
obtain some exposure to computing
in mining-specific situations.
The manner of teaching applied
during this phase tends to follow
a certain form. Firstly, lectures
are delivered on the theory of a
topic, with the relevant equations
being derived and The
students are then instructed to
perform an exercise using whatever
method they feel to be suitable.
The results of the exercise are
checked and the correct problem-
mechanics are reviewed.
the class adjourns to the
room to use a pre-defined
program to solve the same problem.
To date this approach has been
applied to third and fourth year
undergraduate exercises in such
diverse fields as rock mechanics,
ventilation, coal quality analysis
and financial appraisals, as well
as in investment decision making
and geostatistics for postgraduate
When initially faced with class
exercises, seldom has any student
chosen to use a computer to solve
the problem. It has been observed,
however, that the situation alters
dramatically after exposure to
specific software. Aacademic staff
receive numerous requests from
students for copies of programs
which they wish to use for their
mine design projects.
Review of results
A comprehensive evaluation of the
success or failure of this venture
would be premature. Rather, it is
more pertinent at this stage to
make a few, possibly unexpected,
observations regarding the initial
Student preparedness
The vast majority, estimated at
90%, of mining engineering under-
graduate students have not had any
exposure to computers either at
school or in the home. In spite of
this inauspicious start, students
appreciate the need for computer-
literacy and are generally eager
to learn. Whilst some of this
eagerness may be attributed to the
mystique surrounding computing, it
is reflected in honest effort far
beyond the level necessary simply
to obtain course credits.
Student assignments, as far as
possible, take the form of current
problem-solving studies rather
than sterile exercises which can
be repeated by successive classes
of students. The degree curriculum
structure means that most of these
exercises involve technical issues
not yet studied by the student,
for example mining techniques or
financial evaluation. This means
that the student must establish a
close liaison with a member of the
academic staff who can explain the
specifics of the problem. Such a
relationship results not only in
part of
interest in mining on the
the student, but also in
deeper involvement in computing on
the part of the lecturer.
Report writing
A frequently quoted shortcoming on
the part of engineering graduates
is their- widespread inability to
communicate effectively. This is
particularly true with respect to
technical reporting. One of the
most surprising, and gratifying,
results of the computer-literacy
training programme is the very
high quality of documentation of
problem-solving assignments. Most
of the reports submitted to date
are characterised by their solid
approach to problem definition,
good descriptions of procedures
and sound evaluations of the
solutions offered. The surprising
fact is that these high-quality
reports had not been preceded by
formal communications training,
from such a
with fourth
the past few
whereas the results
training programme
year students over
years have been disappointing.
This unexpected success remains
so far unexplained. It is felt,
however, that a major contributing
factor was the very nature of the
assignments. The exercises, which
require the students to undertake
basic investigations before they
embark on the detailed design of a
final product (which must solve a
specific problem), seem to be more
suited to systematic analysis and
presentation than do conventional
academic exercises.
Student assessment
The most telling assessment of
computer-literacy training comes
from the students themselves. In a
scientifically conducted survey
the statement '(As a result of the
course) I developed s k l ~ s which
will be useful later in my degree
course' elicited a positive reply
from 92% of the 1986 class.
Challenges for the future
Computers for their own sake
This paper has concentrated on one
aspect of the use of computers in
mining, namely computer-literacy.
This concept should, however, be
seen in its widest possible sense,
encompassing knowledge not only of
what computers can do but also
whether they are the most suitable
tool in any given situation. There
is a great temptation for people
who know how
exercise this
to use computers to
skill in every task
they undertake, even if some other
tool, such as a calculator, could
have done the job more cheaply and
speedily. It is imcumbent on the
providers of computer education to
stress this potential pitfall.
Computer fallibility
Computers do not make mistakes,
but programmers most certainly can
and do. One of the unfortunate
side effects of the recent rapid
worldwide computerisation process
is the unquestioning acceptance of
computer outputs as gospel. A very
real danger exists that, unless
students are systematically taught
the solution process itself, the
situation may result where they
understand how to compute answers
but not how to verify or apply
those answers. Should the software
concerned be suspect, and yet be
applied unquestioningly, the con-
sequences could be catastrophic.
Computer obsolescence
Computer technology has developed,
and is expected to continue to do
so, at such a r t ~ that one may
predict rapid obsolescence of any
particular item of computer hard-
ware or software. Universities do
not tend to be financially able to
modernise their facilities at the
same pace as new products reach
the market. The teaching emphasis
must therefore be placed on basic
concepts of mining engineering and
computing, in the belief that the
correctly trained graduate will be
more readily able to adjust to
future technology changes.
Staff computer literacy
The greatest challenge involved in
producing computer-literate mining
engineering graduates is the lack
of computing skills on the part of
academic staff. It is envisagecl
that the situation will shortly be
on the
when students will insist
use of computers to solve
which the lecturer still
tackles by more laborious means.
In order for academics to take
the initiative some form of staff
training becomes imperative, to
which end introductory courses are
being organised. The teachers are
in fact becoming the pupils in
order to learn the skills needed
to produce a future generation of
mining engineers who will be able
to perform the duties required of
them in an automated society.

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