7 - Field Orientation

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This chapter begins with a review of conditions of production and control

of torque in the dc motor. Principles of the field orientation in the induction
motor are introduced, and the direct and indirect field orientation schemes
utilizing the rotor flux vector are presented. Stator and air-gap flux orienta-
tion systems are described, and we finish with an explanation of the
control of stator current in field-oriented motors fed from current source



The concept of field orientation, proposed by Hasse in 1969 and Blaschke

in 1972, constitutes, arguably, the most important paradigm in the theory
and practice of control of induction motors. In essence, the objective of
field orientation is to make the induction motor emulate the separately
excited dc machine as a source of adjustable torque. Therefore, we will
first review fundamentals of torque production and control in the dc motor.


A simplified representation of the dc motor is shown in Figure 7.1.

The pair of magnetic poles, N and S, represent the magnetic circuit of
stator, that is, the field part of the machine. Therefore, the space vector,
Xf, of flux (flux linkage) generated by the field winding, is stationary and
aligned with the d axis of the stator. Thanks to the action of commutator
(not shown) and properly positioned brushes, the distribution of armature
current in the rotor winding is such that the space vector, i^, of this current
is always aligned with the q axis, even though the rotor is revolving.
Practical dc motors are equipped with auxiliary windings designated
to neutralize the so-called armature reaction, that is, weakening of the
main magnetic field by the MMF produced by the armature current. Then,
the developed torque, J ^ ' is proportional to the vector product of i^ and
Xf, that is, to the sine of angle between these vectors. As seen in Figure
7.1, this is always a right angle, which ensures the highest torque-per-
ampere ratio. Thus, the torque is produced under optimal conditions, the
minimum possible armature current causing minimum losses in the motor
and supply system.
In the separately excited dc machine, the field current, /f, producing
Xf and the armature current, f^, flow in separate windings. Therefore, they
can be controlled independently. Usually, particularly under high-load
operating conditions, the flux is kept constant at the rated level within
the speed range of zero to the rated value. Field weakening, that is, flux
reduction in inverse proportion to the speed, is used at speeds higher than
rated. With low loads, the motor efficiency can be improved by reducing
the flux to such a trade-off value that the resultant decrease in core losses
offsets the simultaneous increase in copper losses. In drives that most of


FIGURE 7.1 Simplified representation of the dc motor.


the time run well under the full load, such efficiency optimization schemes
can bring significant energy savings.
Presented considerations explain why the separately excited dc motor
were for many decades the favorite actuator in motion control systems.
The dc motor not only generates the torque under the optimal condition
of orthogonality of the flux and current vectors, but it also allows fully
independent ("decoupled") control of the torque and the magnetic field.
The torque equation, to be used as a reference for the field-oriented
induction motor, can be written as
TM = Mf4. (7.1)
where A:^ is a constant dependent on the construction and size of the


All three torque equations, (6.17) through (6.19), of the induction motor
in the stator reference frame include the difference-of-products terms.
Notice that if, for example, in Eq. (6.18), Xq^ were made to equal zero,
the resultant formula would be similar to that, (7.1), for the dc motor.
Unfortunately, this is not possible, because X^j. constitutes the quadrature
component of the revolving vector, \^ of rotor flux. Thus, Xqj. = 0 is
possible only if X^ = 0, which is absurd.
However, if torque equations in a revolving frame are considered, the
manipulation described above becomes feasible. If
2 L
TM ~ 2^p"7^(^Qs^DR ~ ^DS^QR) (7-2)

and XDR = 0, then

^M ~ ^T^DR^QS' (7.3)

where k^ = 2p^^l{?>L^, and the induction motor, as desired, emulates

the dc machine. The described condition is realized by aligning the D
axis of the revolving reference frame with the rotor flux vector, \ p as
illustrated in Figure 7.2. Similar results can be obtained aligning the D
axis with another flux vector, that is, the stator or air-gap flux vector. For
instance, the stator field orientation, according to Eq. (6.17), yields

where k^ = 2pJ3,

FIGURE 7.2 Alignment of the revolving reference frame with the rotor flux vector.

Principles of field orientation along a selected flux vector, Xf (Xp X^,

or Xni), can be summarized as follows.
1. Given the reference values, T^ and \f, of the developed torque
and selected flux, find the corresponding reference compo-
nents, /^s and i^S' of the stator current vector in the revolving
reference frame.
2. Determine the angular position, 0f, of the flux vector in question,
to be used in the DQ-^dq conversion from /gg to /J^ and from
i^s to /*s.
3. Given the reference components, i^^ and i*^, of the stator vector
in the stator reference frame, use the dq—>abc transformation to
obtain reference stator currents, /*s, i^^, and i*^, for a current-
controlled inverter feeding the motor.
Based on the dynamic equations of the induction motor, a block
diagram of thefield-orientedmotor in a revolving reference frame aligned
with the rotor flux vector is shown in Figure 7.3. According to the theory
of linear dynamic systems, the integrator block with negative feedback
can be replaced with afirst-orderblock, as shown in Figure 7.4. It can
be seen that the torque in afield-orientedmotor reacts instantly to changes
in the /QS component of the stator current, while the reaction of rotor flux
to changes in the other component, /^s, is inertial.

^DS- X
J / ' ' L 3^Lr

FIG U RE 7.3 Block diagram of thefield-orientedmotor in a revolving reference frame
aligned with the rotor flux vector.


FIGURE 7.4 Reduced block diagram of thefield-orientedmotor in a revolving refer-

ence frame aligned with the rotor flux vector.

Because 0)^ = 0) and Wg - COQ = (o^ then the real part of Eq. (6.28)
may be written as


Under the field orientation condition, XQR = 0 and, with X^R = const,
dX^^/dt = 0, too. Hence, 1^^ = 0 and i^ = /QR, which, because A.^ =
XDR, indicates orthogonality of the rotor current and flux vectors. This is
the condition of optimal torque production, that is, the maximum torque
per ampere ratio, typical for the dc motor. Thus, the field orientation
makes operating characteristics of the induction motor similar to those
of that machine.


Knowledge of the instantaneous position (angle) of the flux vector, with

which the revolving reference frame is aligned, constitutes the necessary
requirement for proper field orientation. Usually, the magnitude of the
flux vector in question is identified as well, for comparison with the
reference value in a closed-loop control scheme. Identification of the flux
vector can be based on direct measurements or estimation from other
measured variables. Such an approach is specific for schemes with the
so-called direct field orientation (DFO), which will be explained for the
rotor flux vector, X^ as the orienting vector.
Only the air-gap flux can be measured directly. A simple scheme for
estimation of the rotor flux vector, based on measurements of the airgap
flux and stator currents, is depicted in Figure 7.5. Two Hall sensors of
magnetic field are placed in the motor gap, measuring the direct and
quadrature components, Xdm ^^^ ^qm» of the air-gap flux vector, X.^^. Stator
currents are measured too. The rotor flux vector, in the rectangular or
polar form, is calculated as

As's (7.6)

As an alternative to the fragile Hall sensors, flux sensing coils or taps on

the stator winding can be installed in the motor. Voltages induced in the
coils or the winding are integrated to provide Xdm ^^^ ^qm-

FIGURE 7.5 Estimation of the rotor flux vector based on direct measurements of the
air-gap flux.

Sensors of the air-gap flux are inconvenient, and they spoil the rugged-
ness of the induction motor. Therefore, in practice, the rotor flux vector
(or another flux vector used for the field orientation) is usually computed
from the stator voltage and current. In particular, the stator flux vector,
Xs» can be estimated using Eq. (6.15) which, in turn, allows calculation
of the air-gap flux vector, X^, as

^m ~ ^s As's (7.7)
and estimation of the rotor flux vector, A^ from Eq. (7.6).
For best performance, the torque and flux in induction motors with
direct field orientation are closed-loop controlled. The torque, which is
difficult to measure directly, can be calculated using an appropriate equa-
tion, such as (6.18). A block diagram of the ASD with direct rotor flux
orientation using air-gap flux sensors is shown in Figure 7.6. Proportional-
integral (PI) controllers used in loops of the flux and torque control
generate reference components, /gs and i^^, of the stator current vector
in the revolving reference frame. The DQ-^dq dynamic transformation
block converts the i^^ and i^^ dc signals into i$^ and /*s ac signals
representing reference components of the stator current vector in the stator
reference frame. Operation of the dynamic transformation block is syn-
chronized by the angle signal, ®^ from the flux calculator. The i^^ and
/|s signals are applied to the dq^abc static transformation block to produce
reference currents, i%, i^^ and i^^, for individual phases of the current-
controlled inverter.

FIGURE 7.6 Block diagram of the ASD with direct rotor flux orientation.

In the block diagram in Figure 7.6 and throughout this whole book,
the generic term "calculator" is used to represent an open-loop estimator
or closed-loop observer. Chapter 10 contains more information on the
estimators and observers of motor quantities.
EXAMPLE 7.1 At a certain instant, the angle, @^ of the rotor flux
vector in the drive in Figure 7.6 is 130°. The output signals, i^^ and
/^s, from the flux and torque controllers are 20 A and —30 A, respec-
tively. Find the required (reference) values of individual phase currents
in the stator.
Based on the DQ->dq transformation (6.22), ig = 20 cos(130°)
+ 30 sin(130°) = 10.1 A, and i^, = 20 sin(130°) + 30 cos(130°) =
- 4 . 0 A. Finally, the dq-^abc transformation (6.6) yields i*^ = 2/3 X
10.1 = 6.7 A, i^, = - 1 / 3 X 10.1 - I / V 3 X 4.0 = - 5 . 7 A, and
/*s = - 1 / 3 X 10.1 + I/V3 X 4.0 = - 1 . 0 A (the last result could
also be obtained from the Kirchhoff current law: i^^ = —/*s - /*s ~
-6.7 + 5.7 = - 1 . 0 A). •


In an alternative approach to direct flux orientation, the indirect field

orientation (IFO), the angular position, 0 p of the rotor flux vector is
determined indirectly as

e , = jo^^dt + /7p0M, (7.8)


where (o* denotes the rotor frequency required for field orientation and
©M is the angular displacement of the rotor, measured by a shaft position
sensor, typically a digital encoder. The required rotor frequency can be
computed directly from motor equations under the field orientation condi-
tion. With A^ = \DR,

^'r = ^(^DR - LJ% (7.9)

which, when substituted in Eq. (6.28), yields

^DR[1 -^T,(p+M)]=LJl (7.10)
where T^ denotes the rotor time constant, L^/R^, Splitting Eq. (7.10) into
the real and imaginary parts gives
^DR(1 +P^r) = LJj,s (7.11)


<«>rTADR = LJQS' (7.12)

Replacing cOj. with o)*, X^R with X*, and /QS with /^g in the last equation,
and solving for w*, yields

(o* = ^ ^. (7.13)
' Tr X*

Note that Eq. (7.13) is a time-domain equivalent of the phasor-domain

Eq. (5.27) for the scalar torque control. Indeed, from Eq. (7.11), in the
steady state of the motor (p = 0),

X* = XgR = LJ^s^ (7.14)

which, when substituted in Eq. (7.13), gives

(o* = - ^. (7.15)

Variables /§§ and i^^ represent the required flux-producing and torque-
producing components of the stator current vector, i*, in the same way
that / | and I^ in Eq. (5.27) are the respective components of the stator
current phasor. If,
The reference current i^^ corresponding to a given reference flux,
X*, can be found from Eq. (7.11) as

TJ[? + 1 \ ( dkf \

while the other reference current, /^s, for a given reference torque, 7^,
can be obtained from the torque equation (7.3) of a field-oriented motor

ihs = 7- —• (7.17)

A drive system with indirect rotor flux orientation is shown in Figure

7.7. In accordance with Eq. (7.8), the angle, ©^ of the rotor flux vector
used in the D Q ^ d q transformation is determined as

0 , = 0 * + 0„, (7.18)

FIGURE 7.7 Block diagram of the ASD with indirect rotor flux orientation.

where 0 * denotes the time integral of the reference rotor frequency,

o)*, and 0o = /7p0M is the angular displacement of the rotor in an
equivalent two-pole motor.
EXAMPLE 7.2 The example motor operates in the indirect field
orientation scheme, with the flux and torque commands equal to the
respective rated values, that is, \ * = 1.178 Wb (see Example 6.2)
and T^j^i = 183 Nm. At the instant r = 1 s since starting the motor,
the rotor has made 8 revolutions. Determine the reference output
currents, /*s, i^^, and /*s, of the inverter as calculated by the digital
control system.
The torque coefficient, kj = 2p^J(3L,X is 2 X 3 X 0.041/(3
X 0.0417) = 1.97. Because \ * = const, current /gs can be found
from Eq. (7.14) as igs = K^^m = 1.178/0.041 = 28.7 A, while
current i^s^ from Eq. (7.17), is Tl^/(kj \*) = 183/(1.97 X 1.178) =
78.9 A. The rotor time constant, T^ is given by T^ = L^/Rj. = 0.0417/
0.156 = 0.267 s, and the reference rotor frequency, o)*, can be calcu-
lated from Eq. (7.15) as /$s/(vBs) = 78.9/(0.267 X 28.7) = 10.3
rad/s. This result can be verified by finding the rated slip, ^^at, at the
rated supply frequency of 60 Hz (377 rad/s) as 10.3/377 = 0.027, a
value already listed in Table 2.1.
The integral, 0*, of co* at r = 1 s is 0 * = (o*t = 10.3 X 1 =
10.3 rad, while the rotor displacement, 0^, of the equivalent 2-pole
motor equals p^ of the displacement of the actual motor, that is, 0^
= 3 X 8 X 2iT = 150.8 rad. Thus, angle 0^, for the DQ-^dq transfor-
mation is 0r = 0 * + 0o = 10.3 + 150.8 = 161.1 rad, which is
equivalent to 230.4°. Now, from Eq. (6.22),

cos(230.4°) -sin(230.4°) 1 [28.7] ^ r 42.5 A ]

/qsj sin(230.4°) cos(230.4°) J[78.9j [-72.4 A J'

and, from Eq. (6.6),

r/*-| 1 1 28.3 A"
^bs -55.9 A
3 [-724] 27.6 A
1 1
3 V3
Note that the d q ^ D Q transformation does not affect the magnitude
of a vector. Indeed, both if and il have the same magnitude of [28.7^
+ (-78.9)^]^^^ = [42.5^ + i-llAf]^'^ = 84.0 A. •


As subsequently demonstrated, stator and air-gap flux orientation systems

require somewhat more complicated control algorithms than that for the
rotor flux orientation described in the preceding sections. On the other
hand, accurate estimation of the stator flux vector is easier than that of
the rotor flux vector, while the air-gap flux vector, as mentioned in Section
7.3, can be measured directly.
Eq. (6.17) yields the condition for stator flux orientation as XQS =
0. Then, the developed torque is given by Eq. (7.4). Eq. (6.13) allows
expressing the rotor current vector as


and the rotor flux vector as



a = 1 (7.21)
denotes the so-called total leakage factor of the motor. When XQS = 0,

^'r "~ 7~[^DS ^s(^DS + iiQs)\ (7.22)



K = T^V^DS - ^4(^Ds + JiQs)l (7.23)

Substituting Eqs. (7.22) and (7.23) in Eq. (6.28), with coe = (o, that is,
^e ~ ^o ~ ^P ^^d solving for X^s, gives, after some rearrangements,
1 + aT,(p + JO),)

Clearly, in a field-oriented motor, the X^s component of the stator

flux vector may not have the imaginary part implied by Eq. (7.24). Also,
the magnitude, Xs= X^g, of this vector should be independent of the
torque-producing component, /QS, of the stator current vector. Therefore,
the reference signal, /g^, of the flux-producing current must be made
dynamically dependent on the reference signal, i^^, of the torque-
producing current in such a way that i^^ has no effect on Xps and that
XDS is a real number.
Separation of Eq. (7.24) into the real and imaginary parts yields

^^^"Hl+Tj;'^^ 1+^^^Qsj (7.25)


XQS = L,\<Tios + T J ^ ' ^ ' Q S )• ('^•2^)

Solving Eq. (7.25) for /^s and Eq. (7.26) for w^ gives the reference values
of these two variables as
/ 1 \ X*

ifis = ^ -^-^^ (7.27)

p + —


< = ^, ""''V (7.28)

The system for dynamic decoupling of the flux-producing and torque-

producing currents is shown in Figure 7.8.

FIGURE 7.8 System for dynamic decoupling of the flux-producing and torque-
producing currents.

Clearly, in practical systems, the reference torque and flux values

must be limited to avoid current overloads. Aside from that, in the classic
rotor flux orientation schemes described in Sections 7.3 and 7.4, there
are no additional limits on the torque and flux commands. However, such
limits do exist in drives with the stator flux orientation and air-gap flux
orientation. The steady-state value, o)*, of the rotor frequency conmiand
can be determined from Eqs. (7.27) and (7.28) by setting operator p to
zero and eliminating /§§. As a result, the following quadratic equation is
(1 - a)X* 1
0)5 (Oj + = 0. (7.29)
a%v^s ('^'^r)
For the solution of Eq. (7.29) to be a real number, the discriminant may
not be negative, which requires that

Because, from Eq. (7.4), /^s = T^/(k^\fX then condition (7.30) can be

rearranged to

Ml < j^d _ 1 (7.31)

It can be seen that it is the total leakage factor, a, that imposes the "torque-
per-flux-squared" limitation in the stator flux orientation schemes.
EXAMPLE 7.3 Assuming the stator flux at the rated level of 1.229
Wb (see Example 6.2), what is the maximum allowable reference
torque for the example motor in the stator field orientation scheme?
From Eq. (7.20), the total leakage factor, a, is 1 - 0.041^/(0.0424
X 0.0417) = 0.049, while /:| = 2 X 3/3 = 2 Nm/A.Wb. Thus, from
condition (7.31), \T;^\ < 2(1/0.049 - 1) X 1.229^/(2 X 0.0424) =
691 Nm. This Umitation corresponds to 3.8 times the rated
torque. •
The decoupling system in Figure 7.8 can be augmented to a reference
current system shown in Figure 7.9. The latter system forms an important
part of the direct field orientation scheme shown in Figure 7.10. The
stator flux vector is calculated from Eq. (6.15). Alternatively, it can be
determined from information about the air-gap flux and stator current, as
K = K-^ LJs' (7.32)
Knowledge of the stator flux vector allows calculation of the developed
torque from Eq. (6.17). The easy identification of the stator flux vector
makes an indirect stator flux orientation scheme superfluous.
In a similar way, the D axis of the revolving reference frame for
transformation of signals /g^ ^^^ ^$s ^^^^ signals il I * and /*s can be


A A A J ^
P+t P+OT.

a- •CJr

- ^
FIGURE 7.9 Reference current system for the stator flux orientation scheme.






FIGURE 7.10 Block diagram of the ASD with stator flux orientation.

aligned with the air-gap flux vector, Xj^. The air-gap flux orientation
scheme is similar to that of the stator flux orientation, with Xf replaced
with \*^, Xs with Xjn, L^ with L^, and a with a^ the latter symbol denoting
the rotor leakage factor, defined as

(J. (7.33)

The air-gap flux vector is either measured directly or estimated from Eq.
(7.7). The developed torque in an air-gap flux oriented motor is given by

^M "~ ^T^QS^DM (7.34)

with the same torque coefficient, k^ = 2pp/3, as that in Eq. (7.4). It can
be demonstrated that the "torque-per-flux-squared" limitation is less re-
strictive than that, (7.31), for a motor with stator flux orientation.
EXAMPLE 7.4 Repeat Example 7.3 for the example motor with air-
gap flux orientation.
Based on results of Example 6.2, the rated air-gap flux vector at
t = Ocan be calculated from Eq. (7.35) as \^ = (0.032 - 0.00139
X 75) +7(-1.229 + 0.00139 X 37.4) = -0.072 - j l . l 7 9 = 1.179Z
-93.5° Wb. From Eq. (7.33), the rotor leakage factor, a^, is 0.00139/
0.0417 = 0.033, while k^ = 2 X 3/3 = 2 Nm/A.Wb. Thus, from
condition (7.31), \T;^\ < 2(1/0.033 - 1) X 1.179^/(2 X 0.041) - 993
Nm. This value corresponds to 5.4 times the rated torque. Recall that
the same ratio in the stator flux oriented drive in Example 7.4 was
3.8. •

In today's ASDs, control algorithms are implemented in digital sys-

tems, mostly microcontrollers and digital signal processors (DSPs).
Changes from one type of field orientation to another are easy, as they
are realized in the software only.


Although most practical ac ASDs employ PWM voltage source inverters,

current source inverters are still used in high-power vector controlled
drives. Typically, they are based on the relatively slow GTOs, for which
the square-wave operation mode is very appropriate. Current source invert-
ers are fed from controlled rectifiers allowing bidirectional power flow.
The current source for the inverter (the rectifier with a current feedback
and the dc-link reactor) automatically limits the short-circuit currents,
increasing reliability of the system.
Current control in current source inverters differs from that in voltage
source inverters. A given reference vector, i* = IfZ&f, of stator current
is realized by separately adjusting the dc-link current, /j, in the supplying
rectifier and selecting such a state of the inverter that results in a position,
©s, of the current vector closest to 0*. A simplified block diagram of
control scheme of the current source inverter is shown in Figure 7.11.
The reference stator current signals, /^^ and /^s, from the field-orientation

'^'''^^^ DC LINK '^^^^^^^


FIGURE 7.11 Control scheme of the current source inverter.


part of the control system of the ASD are converted to reference signals
if and 0*. The dc-link current is controlled in the rectifier using a closed
control loop with a PI controller, while the reference phase signals enforces
an appropriate state of the inverter (see Figure 4.33).
Practical systems with current source inverters are more complicated,
due to the problems of sluggish response to the magnitude command and
the influence of stator EMF, e^ = |Vs — RJX on the dc-link current, i^.
Lead-type compensators and EMF estimators are used for performance


Field orientation, consisting in the alignment of a revolving reference

frame with a space vector of selected flux, allows the induction motor to
emulate the separately excited dc machine. In this machine, the magnetic
field and developed torque can be controlled independently. In addition,
the torque is produced under the optimal condition of orthogonality of
the flux and current vectors, resulting in the maximum possible torque-
per-ampere ratio.
In ASDs with direct field orientation along the rotor flux vector, \^
this vector is determined from direct measurements or estimations of the
air-gap flux. The indirect field orientation is based on calculation of the
angular position, ©^ of A^ as a sum of an integral, 0*, of the rotor
frequency, o)*, required for the field orientation and the rotor angular
displacement, 0^, of the equivalent two-pole motor.
Stator flux orientation has the advantage of employing the easily
determinable stator flux vector. Disadvantages include the necessity of a
decoupling system making the flux independent of the torque-producing
current, as well as the "torque-per-flux-squared" limiting condition on
the reference values of torque and stator flux. The field-orientation scheme
using the air-gap flux vector is similar to that with the stator flux vector.
Voltage source inverters with closed-loop current control are employed
in most field-oriented drives. In ASDs with current source inverters, the
required space vector of the stator current is generated by simultaneous
adjustment of the dc-link current and inverter state selection.

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