CV6311 Shear Strength Lect1 2012

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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CV6311 Soil Behaviour and Engineering Properties

Stressstrainbehaviourandshear strength hof fsoil il
Lecture Notes 1 Stress-strain behaviour of soils

A/P Anthony Goh Tel: 6790-5271, [email protected]


Outline of Topics
Stress-strain St t i b behaviour h i and d failure f il theories; th i Stress paths Critical state and critical state line Lab determination of shear strength g and stiffness properties of soils Drained and undrained behaviour of sand and clay


What will you learn? Stresses and strains in soils (elastic behavior) Determine stress states (Mohrs (Mohr s circle) Determine the stress paths Drained D i d and d undrained d i d conditions diti Laboratory shear strength tests Soil constitutive models


Reference Books
Holtz, R. D. and Kovacs, W. D., Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering Prentice-Hall, Engineering, Prentice Hall New Ne Jersey, Jerse 1981. 1981 Fredlund, D.G. and Rahardjo, H., Soil Mechanics for Unsaturated Soils, John Wiley and Sons, Soils Sons New York, York 1933, 1933 517 pp. pp Terzaghi, K., Peck, R. B., and Mesri, G., Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996. 1996 Atkinson, J.H. and Bransby, P.L. The Mechanics of Soils An Introduction to Critical State Soil Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, 1987. Atkinson J. Atkinson, J H. H An introduction to the Mechanics of Soils and Foundations, McGraw-Hill, 1993. Wood, D.M. Soil Behaviour and Critical State Soil Mechanics, Cambridge, g , 1990. Clayton, C.R.I., Matthews, M.C. and Simons, N.E., Site Investigation, 2nd Edition, 2005, available online:
CV6311_Goh 4

Geotechnical Design g Process

Site Investigation

Ground stratigraphy and groundwater conditions

S behaviour Soil

Calculation and analysis (idealization, modelling)

Experiments, testing, field measurements

CV6311_Goh 5

The major j sources of uncertainties include:

inevitable spatial variation of soil properties over even short distances incomplete knowledge of the ground stratigraphy and soil properties complex soil behaviour which depends on stress state, stress history and boundary condition seasonal fluctuation of ground water affect the engineering behaviour of soils
CV6311_Goh 6

Thestateofstress atapointaccordingtoareference coordinateis(9componentsfor3Dand4componentsfor2D) coordinate

11 =x,22 =y,33 =z

12 =xy=yx,(xy=yx duetothemomentequilibrium) 13 =xz=zx 23 =yz=zy


Principle stresses are normal stresses on planes of zero shear h stress. t Principlestrains arenormalstrainsonplanesofzero shear h strain. t i

Soils can only sustain compressive stresses practically (assume the tensile strength of soils are negligible).
CV6311_Goh 8

Stresses and strains

Normal N l stresses t and d strains t i (assume small deformation)

Py Pz Px z = , x = , y = xz xy yz

z =

z x y , x = , y = z x y


Volumetric strain

p = x + y + z

, so the final volume is Assume the initial volume is V0 = 1,

Vf = (1 + x )(1 + y )(1 + z ) p = V Vf V0 Vf = = 1 V0 V0 V0

p = (1 + x )(1 + y )(1 + z ) 1 = x + y + z + x y + x z + yz + x yz x + y + z (small ll strains t i )



Shear stress and strains

F = xy y
for small shear strains,

x zx = tan1 z
x tan zx = zx , zx = z



Idealizedstressstrainresponseandyielding P The h change h invertical lstressis z = A Theverticalandradialstrainsare z r z = , r = H0 r0

Poissonsratio (v = lateralstrain/axialstrain)

r z

(stressconditionsforthe triaxialtest)



Linear elastic and nonlinear elastic materials

Tangent and secant elastic modulus Elastic materials obey the principle of superposition. The applied loading order is not important and the equilibrium strain is the same. stress
Linear elastic Ei, slope p of initial tangent elastic modulus Et, slope of tangent elastic modulus

Nonlinear elastic Es, slope of secant elastic modulus

CV6311_Goh 13

Soilsareactuallyelastoplasticmaterials ( l ti deformation (elastic d f ti +plastic l ti deformation) d f ti )



Materialresponsestoshearforces Tangentandsecantshearmodulus



The h stressatwhich h hpermanentdeformation d f initiatesis calledtheyieldstress.Thatis,theyieldstressy isthe b boundary d that h separatesthe h elastic l d deformation f and d plasticdeformation. Structuresteel



Theyieldstressforsoilsis usually ll not tclearly l l d defined. fi d


Elastic deformation Plastic deformation (permanent) Yield stress stress at which permanent deformation initiates




The yield stress for soils is not a constant. It continuously i increases or decreases d as materials t i l gets t hardened h d d or softened.



1 1y A

Yield surface

Elastoplastic 3

Elastic B 3y 3

Set 3 = 0 and increase 1 yields at 1y (pt. A) Set 1 = 0 and increase 3 yields at 3y (pt. B)
CV6311_Goh 19

Essential Points: An elastic material recovers its original configuration on unloading; an elastoplastic material undergoes both elastic (recoverable) and plastic (permanent) deformation during loading. materials Soils are elastoplastic materials. At small strains, soils behave like an elastic material and thereafter like an elastoplastic material. The locus of the stresses at which a soil yields is called a yield surface. Stresses below the y y yield stress cause the soil to respond elastically; stresses beyond the yield stresses cause the soil to respond elastoplastically. The yield stress for soils is the not clearly defined and not a constant.
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0 0 0 x x 1 1 0 0 0 y y 0 0 0 z z 1 1 = 0 0 2(1 + ) 0 0 xy xy E 0 yz 0 0 0 0 2(1 + ) 0 yz 0 0 0 0 2(1 + ) zx 0 zx

2(1 + ) zx = zx E G E G= 2(1 + ) zx =
Only two of these parameters either E or G or v are required to solve problems dealing with isotropic, elastic materials

G = shear modulus



Ifthestressesappliedtoa soilarePrinciplestresses, stresses thenHooke'slawreduces to

compliancematrix 1 1 1 = 1 1 2 E 2 1 3 3

1 1 1 E = 1 2 2 (1 + )(1 v ) 1 3 3 stiffnessmatrix
Displacements p andforcesareobtainedby yintegration g e.g. g

z = z dz, Pz = z dA
CV6311_Goh 23

Plane stress, plane strain and axial axisymmetric conditions

Plane stress (y = yz = xy = 0) Plane strain (y(2) = yz = xy = 0)



Plane strain y(2) = 0

1 1 1 = 1 1 2 E 2 3 1 3
This results in:

2 = (1 + 3 )
1+ [(1 )1 3 ] E 1+ [(1 )3 1] 3 = E 1 =
CV6311_Goh 25

Plane strain y(2) = 0

1 = 3 =

1+ [(1 )1 3 ] E 1+ [(1 )3 1] E

In the matrix form

1 1 + 1 1 = 1 E 3 3 1 1 E 1 = 1 ( )( ) 1 + 1 2 3 3
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Example 1
A retaining wall moves outwards causing a lateral strain of 0.1% 0 1% and a vertical strain of 0.05% on a soil element. Assuming the soil is a linear elastic material with E = 5000 kPa and = 0.3 and plane strain conditions diti apply, l calculate l l t the th increase i i stress in t i imposed. d

1 1 E 1 = 3 (1 + )(1 2 ) 1 3

0.3 0.0005 5000 1 0.3 0.00 (1 + 0.3)(1 2x0.3) 0 . 3 1 0 . 3 001

Solving, 1 = 0.5 kPa, 3 = -5.3 kPa (negative means reduction)

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Axisymmetric condition
z = 1, r = = 3

Along the z-axis

1 =

1 [1 (2 + 3 )] E 1 = [1 23 ] E
1 1 1 = 1 1 2 E 2 3 1 3

1 3 = [3 (1 + 2 )] E 1 = [(1 )3 1] E



Axisymmetric condition z = 1, r = = 3 = 2

Along the z-axis

1 [1 23 ] E 1 3 = [(1 )3 1] E 1 =
In the matrix form

1 1 1 2 1 = E 1 3 3 1 E 1 2 1 = ( )( ) 1 + 1 2 1 3 3
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Example 2
An oil tank is founded on a layer y of sand. The vertical and lateral stresses at a depth z in the sand directly below the centre of the tank are 50 kPa and 20 kPa, respectively. Assuming the sand is a linear isotropic elastic material with E = 20,000 kPa and = 0.3, 0 3 determine the strains imposed on the sand.

1 1 1 2 1 = E 1 3 3
= 2x0.3 50 1 1 0.3 1 0.3 30 20,000

Solving, g, 1 = 1.9x10-3, 3 = -5x10-5

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Confinedcompressionoronedimensionalcompression condition diti (oedometer ( d t test, t t consolidation lid ti test) t t) x = y = 0 and x = y (r = =0, r = )
0 0 0 x x 1 1 0 0 0 y y 0 0 0 z z 1 1 = 0 0 2(1 + ) 0 0 xy xy E 0 yz 0 0 0 0 2(1 + ) 0 yz 0 0 0 0 2(1 + ) zx 0 zx

Q x =

1 [x (y + z )] = 0 and x = y E z x = 1
CV6311_Goh 31

and Q = 1 + , = and = z z z x y x y x

E 1 z = z 2 2 z E 1



0 0 0 x x 1 1 0 0 0 y y 0 0 0 z z 1 1 = 0 0 2(1 + ) 0 0 xy xy E 0 yz 0 0 0 0 2(1 + ) 0 yz 0 0 0 0 2(1 + ) zx 0 zx


z E E(1 ) z = = = 2 1 z (1 + )(1 2) 1 2 2 z z 2 E 1 1
CV6311_Goh 32

Signconvention Normalstresses:Compressionispositive

+ Mohrscircleforstressstates Axistransformation Si convention Sign ti for f shear h stress: t Th shear The h stress t on a given i plane l is positive if it tends to produce a clockwise rotation about a point just outside the element or counterclockwise rotation about a point inside the soil element.
positive shear stresses produce counterclockwise couples l on th the element l t

zx = xz
CV6311_Goh 33

Note: cos2 = cos2 sin2

Area A0

= 2cos2 1 = 1 2sin2

Resolve forces perpendicular and parallel to the plane

A 0 x A 0 sin sin z A 0 cos cos + zx A 0 sin cos + xz A 0 sin cos = 0

= x sin2 + z cos2 2 xy sin cos = x 1 (1 cos 2) + z (1 + cos 2) 2 zx 1 sin 2 2 2 + x z x Eqn (1) = z + cos 2 zx sin 2 2 2 CV6311_Goh


A 0 + x A 0 sin cos z A 0 sin cos zx A 0 cos cos + xz A 0 sin sin = 0

= x sin cos z sin cos + zx cos 2 sin2 = 1 ( z x ) sin 2 + zx cos 2 2
Eqn (2)

Note: cos2 = cos2 sin2 = 2cos2 1 = 1 2sin2

CV6311_Goh 35

Fromequations(1) ( )and d(2), ( ) wecanderive d the h equationf forthe h Mohrscircle.

z + x z x = cos 2 zx sin 2 2 2
1 ( z x ) sin 2 + zx cos 2 2

(3) (4)



z + x z x = cos 2 zx sin 2 2 2

Eqn (1)

1 ( z x ) sin 2 + zx cos 2 Eqn (2) 2 Squaring both sides of each equation and then adding

z + x + 2 = z x + 2 zx 2 2 2 + 2 z x z x let avg = R= + zx 2 2
then, t e ,

( avg )2 + 2 = R 2
CV6311_Goh 37


Principal stresses
By definition, principal planes are surfaces where the shear stress = 0 The associated normal stress is defined as the principal stress Equating = 0 in Eq.(4) gives

tan(2 ) =

2 zx z x




Eq. q (5) ( )g gives two p planes that are 90o apart p The associated normal stresses, called principal stresses t 1 and d 3, are obtained bt i d b by substituting b tit ti E Eq.(5) (5) into (3)

1 =

z + x

( x ) 2 + z + zx 2

( ) (6)

Major principal stress t Minor principal stress

3 =

z + x

( x ) 2 z + zx 2




The normal force and shear stress that act on any plane can also be determined by plotting Mohr's circle as shown in Figure 1.

Plane AD: Plane AB:

Normal stress is +x shear stress is +xz


zx F xz

Normal stress is +y shear stress is -zx



The points R and M in Figure 1 represent the stress conditions on planes AD and AB, respectively. O is the intersection of the normal stress axis with the line RM. The circle MNQRS drawn from O as the centre and OR Mohr's as the radius is the Mohr s circle for the stress condition considered. radius of circle =
z x 2 + zx 2

At points N and S, the shear stresses are zero. N = 1 (major ( j principal i i l stress) t ) and d S = 3 (minor ( i principal i i l stress)
CV6311_Goh 41




z x 2 + zx 2

R (x, +xz)
stress on plane AD

Bring drawing instruments for Exam

O (z, -zx) M D


normal stress

zx F xz

Figure 1

stress on plane AB

zx = xz


The stress on p plane EF ( (Figure g 2) ) can be determined by moving an angle 2 (which is g that the p plane EF makes in a twice the angle counterclockwise direction with the plane AB) in a point M (p (point M counterclockwise direction from p represents the stress on plane AB) along the point Q. circumference of the Mohr circle to reach p The abscissa and ordinate of point Q, respectively give the normal stress and the respectively, shear stress on plane EF.





(x+z)/2 ( = 90o)

z x 2 + zx 2

(x, +xz) R

(, )

stresses on inclined plane EF

( = 0o)


normal stress

(z, -zx)

zx F xz

Figure 2

stress on plane AB


Example p 3
Find 1 and 3, and the normal and shear stresses for = 45o

150 kPa 60 kPa


90 kPa 60 kPa

x = 90 kPa kPa, z = 150 kPa kPa, zx = 60 kPa

Substitute in Eq. q (6) ( )&( (7) )

1 = 187.1 kPa, 3 = 52.9 kPa

1 = z + x
2 ( x ) + z + zx 2 2

3 =

z + x

( x ) + zx 2 z 2

Substitute in Eq. (3) & (4) = 60 kPa, = 30 kPa

z + x z x = cos 2 zx sin 2 2 2
1 ( z x ) sin 2 + zx cos 2 2



150 kPa 60 kPa

Graphically, plot the two points and Mohr circle



90 kPa 60 kPa B

x = 90, xz = -60 z = 150, zx = +60 The results should be the same





(150, 60) (, )
stresses on inclined plane EF

2 3 1

stress on plane AB
normal stress

(90, -60)





u effective ff ti stress 3' 3

Effective stress Mohr circle total stress


normal stress

1' = 1 - u 3' = 3 - u
Effective stress Mohr circle is the same diameter as that for total stress stress, but is offset horizontally by a distance equal to the pore water pressure u. The shear stress on a given plane has the same value on both circles.
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Example 4
Find the stresses acting on the inclined plane A

50.6 46.5 44.5

K0 = 0.61 0 61

40.8 40 8

Note: When the g ground surface is horizontal, and there are no externally y applied pp forces, the geostatic shear stresses in the horizontal and vertical planes are zero and the principal stresses act vertically and horizontally.

1 = v = (9.81)(50.6 - 46.5)+(18.9)(46.5 - 44.5) + (19.3)(44.5 - 40.8) = 149.4 kPa u = 9.81(50.6 9 81(50 6 - 40.8) 40 8) = 96.1 96 1 kP kPa 1' = v' = 149.4 - 96.1 = 53.3 kPa
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K0 = 0.61

3' = h' = K0 (1') = (0.61)53.3 (0 61)53 3 = 32.5 32 5 kPa kP 3 = h = h' + u = 32.5 32 5 + 96.1 96 1 = 128.6 128 6 kPa
shear stress

1 3

normal stress




1 3 (149 0) (149,0) 2


normal stress

(, )
= (142, -10)

= 180 - 35= 145

= 35

Either rotate angle 2 counterclockwise or angle l 2 clockwise l k i



= 180 - 35= 145

1 3

From graph, = 142 kPa ' = - u = 142 96.1 = 45.9 kPa




Pole of the stress circle

P Any line passing through the pole will intersect the Mohr's circle at a point that represents the stresses on a plane p p parallel to the line.
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Theanglebetweenthemajorprincipalstressplane andhorizontalplane zx

tan =

1 x





Example 5

1 + 3 1 3 + cos 2 2 2

1 (1 3 ) sin 2 2

(, ) 2



Repeat Example 4 using Pole method

stress shear

1 3


(149 0) (149,0)


normal stress

(, )
= (142, -10)

= 35




1 = 541.4 kPa

3 = 258.6 kPa
= 22.5o

= 470.7 kPa

= 122.5 kPa

P pole l



Mohrs circle in 3-D If all the principal stresses are considered (3-D), there are three Mohrs circles. In I general l we are mostly tl concerned d with ith the th maximum i shear and therefore the major and the minor stresses are only important. important (2: intermediate principal stress)



Example 7
v h An element of sand behind the retaining t i i wall ll has h effective ff ti stresses 'v = '1 = 300 kPa and 'h = '3 = 100 kPa. kPa Determine the critical failure planes and the stresses on these planes.





failure plane (, )

30o 3



normal stress

From the plot, ' = 30o failure plane

= 150 kPa; = 87 kPa

CV6311_Goh 62

In soils, strain can be compressive or tensile. There is no absolute reference strain. strain Usually, Usually we deal with changes or increments of strains resulting from stress changes.

Essential points: Mohrs circle is used to find the stress state or strain state from a two-dimensional set of stresses or strains on a soil The pole on a Mohrs circle identifies a point through which yp plane p passing g through g it will intersect the Mohrs circle any at a point that represents the stresses on the plane.



Stress and strain invariants

Stressandstraininvariantsaremeasuresthatareindependent oftheaxissystem. Meanorvolumetricstress (onlyrelatedtothevolumechange)


1 + 2 + 3 3

The h meanstressisinthe h d directionof fthe h spacediagonal,alineorientedatequal anglestoallthreeaxes.

Deviatoricorshearstress (onlyrelatedtotheshapechange, distortion)


1 (1 2 )2 + (2 3 )2 + (3 1 )2 2

1/ 2



p = 1 + 2 + 3

2 2 2 2 1/ 2 (1 2 ) + (2 3 ) + (3 1 ) q = 3



Axisymmetriccondition,(triaxial test)

2=3or2 =3;2 =3
p' =

'1 +2'3 + 2 3 and p = 1 3 3

p' = p u
q = 1 3 ; q' = '1 '3 = (1 u) (3 u) = 1 3

Therefore,q=q;shearstressisunaffectedbyporewater pressure. Strain

p = 1 + 23

q =

2 (1 3 ) 3


Planestrain,2 =0 Stress ' + '2 + '3 + 3 + 3 p' = 1 and p = 1 3 3

p' = p u
1 q' = q = ' ' 2 1 2


) + ('2 '3 ) + ('3 '1 )

2 2

2 1/ 2

q' = q =

1/ 2 1 (1 2 )2 + (2 3 )2 + (3 1)2 2

q=q;shearstressisunaffectedbyporewaterpressure. Strain

p = 1 + 3

q =

2 2 2 1 + 3 13 3

1/ 2



Hookeslawusing stressandstraininvariants (f linear (for li isotropic i i elastic l i material) i l) (drained (d i dcondition) diti )
e p =

1 p' K'
e p



K' =

E' 3(1 2')


e q =

1 q 3G



E' G = G' = 2(1 + ')




Hookeslawintermsofthestressandstraininvariantsis(for alinear, linear isotropic, isotropic elasticmaterial)

e p' K ' 0 p = e q 0 3G q

Note: Shearstressesdonotcausevolumechangesandmean effectivestressesdonotcausesheardeformation. Poissonsratio


3K' (1 2') =1 ( ) 2G 1 + ' 3K'2G ' = 2G + 6K'

E' = 3K ' (1 2')

E' = 2G(1 + ')




Ifthedrainageisnotallowed, allo ed thevolume ol meofthesoilsampleis keptconstant.

1 p' = 0 K' (linear isotropic (linear, isotropic,elasticmaterial)

e p =

Thisequationleadstoeitherp p=0 =0orK= K =. ThereisnoreasonwhyKshouldbe,(preventing drainageoftheexcessporepressurecannotchange theeffectivebulkmodulusofthesoilsolids)sop=0

CV6311_Goh 70

Wealsocanrewritetheaboveequationintermsoftotalstress; thatis,


1 p = 0 K Eu K= 3(1 2u )
e p =


Inthiscase,pcannotbezero. Therefore,theonlytenablesolutionisK=Ku=,which leadstou =0.5.

CV6311_Goh 71

The h deviatoric d stressisunaffected ff d b byporewaterpressurechanges. h Thatis,

Eu G = Gu = = G' ( ) 2 1 + u


E' Eu = 2(1 + ') 2(1 + u )

B substituting By b i i u =0.5, 0 5 weobtain b i

Eu =

1.5E' (1 + ')

For many soils, 1/3, so Eu 1.1E. The undrained elastic modulus is about 10% greater than the effective elastic modulus.
Note: Under undrained conditions, the value of shear modulus Gu in terms of total stress has the same magnitude as the effective stress value G. This equality arises because the pore water offers no resistance to shear. shear
CV6311_Goh 72

Essential points:

Stress and strain invariants are independent of the chosen axis system. Stress and strain invariants are convenient measures to determine the effects of a general state of stresses and strain on soils. p the average g normal stress on The mean stress represents a soil while the deviatoric stress somewhat represents the average shear or distortional stress.



Example 9 A cylindrical sample of soil 50 mm in diameter and 100 mm long is subjected to an axial effective principal stress of 400 kPa and a radial effective principal stress of 100 kPa. kPa The axial and radial displacements are 0.5 mm and -0.04 mm, p y Assuming g the soil is an isotropic, p , elastic respectively. material, calculate (a) the mean and deviatoric stresses, (b) the volumetric and shear strains, and (c) the shear, bulk and elastic moduli.

'1 = 'z = 400kPa

p' =

'3 = 'r = 100kPa

'1 +2'3 400 + 2x100 = = 200kPa 3 3 q' = '1 '3 = 400 100 = 300kPa
CV6311_Goh 74

(b) ( )

z = 1 = r = 3 =

0.5 = 0.005 100 0.04 = 0.0016 25

p = 1 + 23 = 0.005 2x0.0016 = 0.0018

q = 2 (1 3 ) = (2 / 3)(0.05 + 0.0016) = 0.0044 3




K' =

p' 200 = = 111 ,111kPa e p 0.0018

e q =

1 q 3G

G = 300/(3x0.0044) = 22,727 kPa

' =

3K'2G 3x111 ,111 2x 22,727 = 0.4 = 2G + 6K' 2x 22,727 + 6x111 ,111

E' = 2G(1 + ') = 2x 22,727(1 + 0.4) = 63,636kPa kP



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