Company Data Matrix
Company Data Matrix
Company Data Matrix
Personal The
30 personal computer, People's
Lenovo Group Mobile handheld
Limited 1 Large thousand comput Republic of
devices, servers, China
984 er peripherals and
digital products
Business Communication 2.0/Winter09/COMPANY DATA MATRIX (page 2/3)
Major Major Past Current Future
COMPANY Services Products Achievements Projects Goals
Personal 2007/08 fiscal year enterprise Lenovo will be the
computer, "Think" brand of 16.4 billion U.S. restructuring future of high-tech
Mobile computers and dollars;as China's and upgrading associations, service
Lenovo Group handheld the latest domestic market - Lenovo associations,
Limited devices, "Idea" brand sales of first since signed a international
servers, computers 1997;No.50 of strategic associations.
peripherals and Chinese 500 partnership
digital products with UFIDA
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COMPANY Why I think this company is “great”
1. High-technology Strategy
2. Establish a network for many customers
China Mobile 3. Public relationship (ex, When sichuan happened the earthquake,china
moblile limited provided Communication facilities for free to disaster
victims )