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Competency Directory Competency Assessment Worksheet –

Core Competencies

Name: Position: Date:

Composure ‰ Is cool under pressure ‰ Gets rattled and loses cool under pressure and stress
‰ Does not become defensive or irritated when times ‰ May blow up, say things he/she shouldn’t
are tough ‰ Gets easily overwhelmed and becomes emotional,
‰ Is considered mature defensive or withdrawn
‰ Can be counted on to hold things together during ‰ May be defensive and sensitive to criticism
tough times ‰ May be cynical or moody
‰ Can handle stress ‰ May be knocked off balance by surprises and get easily
‰ Is not knocked off balance by the unexpected rattled
‰ Doesn’t show frustration when resisted or blocked ‰ May contribute to others losing composure or being
‰ Is a settling influence in a crisis unsettled
‰ May let anger, frustration and anxiety show
Customer focus ‰ Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and ‰ Doesn’t think of the customer first
requirements of internal and external customers ‰ May think he/she already knows what they need
‰ Gets first-hand customer information and uses it for ‰ May focus on internal operations and get blindsided by
improvements in products and services customer problems
‰ Acts with customers in mind ‰ May not make the first move – won’t meet and get to know
‰ Establishes and maintains effective relationships customers
with customers and gains their trust and respect ‰ Uncomfortable with new people contacts
‰ May be unwilling to handle criticisms, complaints, and
special requests
‰ May not listen well to customers, may be defensive
‰ May not make the time for customer contact
Dealing with ‰ Can effectively cope with change ‰ Not comfortable with change or uncertainly
ambiguity ‰ Can shift gears comfortably ‰ May not do well on fuzzy problems with no clear solution or
‰ Can decide and act without having the total picture outcome
‰ Isn't upset when things are up in the air ‰ May prefer more data than others, and structure over
‰ Doesn't have to finish things before moving on uncertainty
‰ Can comfortably handle risk and uncertainty ‰ Prefers things tacked down and sure
‰ Less efficient and productive under ambiguity
‰ Too quick to close
‰ May have a strong need to finish everything
‰ May like to do things the same way time after time
Process ‰ Good at figuring out the processes necessary to get ‰ Not good at figuring out effective and efficient ways to get
management things done things done
‰ Knows how to organize people and activities ‰ Works in a disorganized fashion
‰ Understands how to separate and combine tasks ‰ Doesn’t take advantage of opportunities for synergy and
into efficient work flow efficiency with others
‰ Knows what to measure and how to measure it ‰ Can’t visualize effective processes in his/her head
‰ Can see opportunities for synergy and integration ‰ Lays out tasks for self and others in a helter skelter way
where others can't ‰ Doesn’t work to simplify things
‰ Can simplify complex processes ‰ Uses more resources than others to get the same thing
‰ Gets more out of fewer resources done
‰ Lacks attention to detail
‰ Doesn’t anticipate the problems that will arise; not a
systemic thinker

The LEADERSHIP ARCHITECT® Limited, Inc. © Copyright 1992, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2003 Michael M. LOMBARDO & Robert W. EICHINGER. 1
Competency Directory Competency Assessment Worksheet –
Level 1 Competencies

Name: Position: Date:

Action oriented ‰ Enjoys working hard ‰ Slow to act on an opportunity
‰ Is action oriented and full of energy for the things ‰ May be overly methodical, a perfectionist, or risk averse
he/she sees as challenging ‰ May procrastinate
‰ Not fearful of acting with a minimum of planning ‰ May not set very challenging goals
‰ Seizes more opportunities than others ‰ May lack confidence to act
‰ May know what to do but hesitates to do it
‰ May not be motivated; may be bored with the work or
burned out
Approachability ‰ Is easy to approach and talk to ‰ Distant, not easy to be around
‰ Spends the extra effort to put others at ease ‰ Not comfortable with first contacts
‰ Can be warm, pleasant, and gracious ‰ May be shy, cool or a person of few words
‰ Is sensitive to and patient with the interpersonal ‰ Doesn't reveal much, hard to know what he/she is really like
anxieties of others ‰ Doesn't build rapport, may be a "let's get on with it" type
‰ Builds rapport well ‰ May be a poor listener or appear uninterested
‰ Is a good listener ‰ May not pick up on social cues that others would recognize
‰ Is an early knower, getting informal and incomplete ‰ May be tense
information in time to do something about it ‰ Transactions don't go smoothly
Learning on ‰ Learns quickly when facing new problems ‰ Not agile or versatile in learning to deal with first time or
the fly ‰ A relentless and versatile learner unusual problems
‰ Open to change ‰ May not analyze problems carefully or search for multiple
‰ Analyses both successes and failures for clues to clues and parallels
improvement ‰ May be afraid to take a chance on the unknown
‰ Experiments and will try anything to find solutions ‰ Learns new things slowly
‰ Enjoys the challenge of unfamiliar tasks ‰ May be stuck in historical, tried and true methods,
‰ Quickly grasps the essence and the underlying uncomfortable with ambiguity and quick to jump to a
structure of anything solution
‰ Doesn't look under rocks, just sticks to the obvious
‰ Looks for the simplest explanation too soon
‰ Gives up too soon and accepts a marginal solution
‰ Functions on the surface, doesn't go deep
Problem solving ‰ Uses rigorous logic and methods to solve difficult ‰ Not a disciplined problem solver; may be stuck in the past,
problems with effective solutions wed to what worked before
‰ Probes all fruitful sources for answers ‰ Many times has to come back and rework the problem a
‰ Can see hidden problems second time
‰ Is excellent at honest analysis; looks beyond the ‰ May be a fire-ready-aim type
obvious and doesn’t stop at the first answers ‰ May get impatient and jump to conclusions too soon
‰ May not stop to define and analyze the problem; doesn’t
look under rocks
‰ May have a set bag of tricks and pull unfit solutions from it
‰ May miss the complexity of the issue and force fit it to what
he/she is most comfortable with
‰ Unlikely to come up with the second and better solution, ask
penetrating questions, or see hidden patterns

The LEADERSHIP ARCHITECT® Limited, Inc. © Copyright 1992, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2003 Michael M. LOMBARDO & Robert W. EICHINGER. 2
Competency Directory Competency Assessment Worksheet –
Level 2 Competencies

Name: Position: Date:

Approachability ‰ Is easy to approach and talk to ‰ Distant, not easy to be around
‰ Spends the extra effort to put others at ease ‰ Not comfortable with first contacts
‰ Can be warm, pleasant, and gracious ‰ May be shy, cool or a person of few words
‰ Is sensitive to and patient with the interpersonal ‰ Doesn't reveal much, hard to know what he/she is really like
anxieties of others ‰ Doesn't build rapport, may be a "let's get on with it" type
‰ Builds rapport well ‰ May be a poor listener or appear uninterested
‰ Is a good listener ‰ May not pick up on social cues that others would recognize
‰ Is an early knower, getting informal and incomplete ‰ May be tense
information in time to do something about it ‰ Transactions don't go smoothly
Organizing ‰ Can marshal resources (people, funding, material, ‰ Doesn't pull resources together effectively
support) to get things done ‰ May not know how to find and arrange people, materials,
‰ Can orchestrate multiple activities at once to budget, etc.
accomplish a goal ‰ May be a poor delegator and planner and not very
‰ Uses resources effectively and efficiently motivating to work with
‰ Arranges information and files in a useful manner ‰ Performance decreases as the number of simultaneous
activities increase
‰ May rely too much on self
‰ May scramble at the last minute and have to work long
hours to finish
‰ May not anticipate or be able to see how multiple activities
come together
Problem solving ‰ Uses rigorous logic and methods to solve difficult ‰ Not a disciplined problem solver; may be stuck in the past,
problems with effective solutions wed to what worked before
‰ Probes all fruitful sources for answers ‰ Many times has to come back and rework the problem a
‰ Can see hidden problems second time
‰ Is excellent at honest analysis; looks beyond the ‰ May be a fire-ready-aim type
obvious and doesn’t stop at the first answers ‰ May get impatient and jump to conclusions too soon
‰ May not stop to define and analyze the problem; doesn’t
look under rocks
‰ May have a set bag of tricks and pull unfit solutions from it
‰ May miss the complexity of the issue and force fit it to what
he/she is most comfortable with
‰ Unlikely to come up with the second and better solution, ask
penetrating questions, or see hidden patterns
Written ‰ Is able to write clearly and succinctly in a variety of ‰ Not a clear communicator in writing
communications communication settings and styles ‰ May be hard to tell what the point is
‰ Can get messages across that have the desired ‰ May be too wordy or too terse or have grammar/usage
effect problems
‰ May not construct a logical argument well
‰ May not adjust to different audiences; may have a single
style of writing

The LEADERSHIP ARCHITECT® Limited, Inc. © Copyright 1992, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2003 Michael M. LOMBARDO & Robert W. EICHINGER. 3
Competency Directory Competency Assessment Worksheet –
Level 3 Competencies

Name: Position: Date:

Conflict ‰ Steps up to conflicts, seeing them as opportunities ‰ Avoids conflict in situations and with people
management ‰ Reads situations quickly ‰ May accommodate, want everyone to get along
‰ Good at focused listening ‰ May get upset as a reaction to conflict, takes it personally
‰ Can hammer out tough agreements and settle ‰ Can't operate under conflict long enough to get a good deal
disputes equitably ‰ Gives in and says yes too soon
‰ Can find common ground and get cooperation with ‰ Gets into conflict by accident; doesn't see it coming
minimum noise ‰ Will let things fester rather than dealing with them directly
‰ Will try to wait long enough for it to go away
‰ May be excessively competitive and have to win every
Decision quality ‰ Makes good decisions (without considering how ‰ Goes first with quick solutions, conclusions and statements
much time it takes) based upon a mixture of before analysis
analysis, wisdom, experience, and judgment ‰ May rely too much on self - doesn't ask for help
‰ Most of his/her solutions and suggestions turn out ‰ Making decisions may trigger emotions and impatience
to be correct and accurate when judged over time ‰ May not use orderly decision methods, models or ways to
‰ Sought out by others for advice and solutions think
‰ May jump to conclusions based on prejudices, historical
solutions or narrow perspective
‰ Doesn't take the time to define the problem before deciding
‰ May have trouble with complexity
‰ May wait too long, agonize over every detail to avoid risk or
‰ May go for the big elegant decision when five little ones
would be better
Organizational ‰ Knowledgeable about how organizations work ‰ Doesn't get things done in organizations beyond his/her
agility ‰ Knows how to get things done both through formal area
channels and the informal network ‰ May lack the interpersonal skills to get things done across
‰ Understands the origin and reasoning behind key boundaries
policies, practices, and procedures ‰ May not negotiate well within organizations
‰ Understands the cultures of organizations. ‰ May be too timid and laid back to maneuver through
‰ May reject the complexity of organizations
‰ May lack the experience or simply not know who and where
to go
‰ May be too impatient to learn
‰ May neither know nor care to know the origins of how things
work around the organization
Planning ‰ Accurately scopes out length and difficulty of tasks ‰ Doesn't plan for much
and projects ‰ May be a seat of the pants performer scratching it out at the
‰ Sets objectives and goals last minute
‰ Breaks down work into the process steps ‰ Doesn't follow an orderly method of setting goals and laying
‰ Develops schedules and task/people assignments out work
‰ Anticipates and adjusts for problems and ‰ May be uncomfortable with structure and process flow
roadblocks ‰ May be disdainful of planning and come across to others as
‰ Measures performance against goals loose or too simple
‰ Evaluates results ‰ May not have the patience to establish goals and
objectives, scope out difficulties, plan for task completion,
develop schedules, and do roadblock management
‰ May be confusing to work for and with
‰ May be demotivating to others who work with him/her
The LEADERSHIP ARCHITECT® Limited, Inc. © Copyright 1992, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2003 Michael M. LOMBARDO & Robert W. EICHINGER. 4
Competency Directory Competency Assessment Worksheet –
Level 4 Competencies

Name: Position: Date:

Innovation ‰ Is good at bringing the creative ideas of others ‰ Not a good judge of what's creative
Management to market ‰ Doesn't understand the marketplace for innovation
‰ Has good judgment about which creative ideas ‰ Can't select from among creative ideas which one would work
and suggestions will work the best
‰ Has a sense about managing the creative ‰ Doesn't innovate
process of others ‰ May not be open to the creative suggestions of others
‰ Can facilitate effective brainstorming ‰ May be stuck in his/her comfort zone of tasks and methods of
‰ Can project how potential ideas may play out in doing them
the marketplace ‰ May not understand creativity or the process of innovation
‰ May close too soon with solutions and conclusions
‰ May be a perfectionist avoiding risk and fearing failures and
‰ May not use experiments to learn and improve, and may block
the innovations of others
Managing vision ‰ Communicates a compelling and inspired vision ‰ Can't communicate or sell a vision
and purpose or sense of core purpose ‰ Not a good presenter
‰ Talks beyond today ‰ Can't turn a good phrase or create compelling one liners
‰ Talks about possibilities ‰ Uncomfortable speculating on the unknown future
‰ Is optimistic ‰ Isn't charismatic or passionate enough to excite and energize
‰ Creates mileposts and symbols to rally support others
behind the vision ‰ Can't simplify enough to help people understand complex
‰ Makes the vision sharable by everyone strategy
‰ Can inspire and motivate entire units or ‰ May not understand how change happens
organizations. ‰ Doesn't act like he/she really believes in the vision
‰ More comfortable in the here and now
Quality ‰ Is dedicated to providing organization or ‰ Doesn't think broadly regarding the impact of work processes
management enterprise-wide common systems for designing ‰ Doesn’t comply or work to build commonalities in processes
and measuring work processes ‰ Doesn’t create effective and efficient work processes
‰ Seeks to reduce variances in organization ‰ Isn’t customer focused in how he/she designs and manages the
processes work
‰ Delivers the highest quality products and ser- ‰ Isn’t dedicated to continuous improvement of work processes
vices which meet the needs and requirements ‰ Doesn’t leverage technology to improve work processes
of internal and external customers ‰ Doesn’t know the tools and techniques to improve work
‰ Is committed to continuous improvement processes
through empowerment and management by ‰ Sticks to the old and familiar rather than stepping back and
data seeing the larger pattern
‰ Leverages technology to positively impact ‰ Isn’t willing to scrap the past in favor of the new and improved
quality ‰ Doesn’t listen to employees about improving work design
‰ Is willing to re-engineer processes from scratch ‰ Doesn’t empower other to design their own work processes
‰ Is open to suggestions and experimentation ‰ Doesn’t create an environment where the whole unit learns
‰ Creates a learning environment leading to the together how better to serve the customer
most efficient and effective work processes
Strategic agility ‰ Sees ahead clearly ‰ Doesn't think or talk strategy
‰ Can anticipate future consequences and trends ‰ Can't put together a compelling strategic plan
accurately ‰ More comfortable in the tactical here and now
‰ Has broad knowledge and perspective ‰ Lacks the perspective to pull together varying elements into a
‰ Is future oriented coherent strategic view
‰ Can articulately paint credible pictures and ‰ Can't weave a vision of the future
visions of possibilities and likelihoods ‰ May reject the usefulness of strategy, considering it pie in the
‰ Can create competitive and breakthrough sky
strategies and plans. ‰ May have narrow experience and not be knowledgeable of
business and world events
‰ May try to simplify too much or be very tactical
‰ May lack the disciplined thought processes necessary to
construct a strategic view

The LEADERSHIP ARCHITECT® Limited, Inc. © Copyright 1992, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2003 Michael M. LOMBARDO & Robert W. EICHINGER. 5
Competency Directory Competency Assessment Worksheet –
Supervisory Competencies

Name: Position: Date:

Managerial ‰ Doesn't hold back anything that needs to be said ‰ Doesn’t take tough stands with others
courage ‰ Provides current, direct, complete, and "actionable" ‰ Holds back in tough feedback situations
positive and corrective feedback to others ‰ Doesn’t know how to present a tough position
‰ Lets people know where they stand ‰ Knows but doesn’t disclose
‰ Faces up to people problems on any person or ‰ Doesn’t step up to issues
situation (not including direct reports) quickly and ‰ Intimidated by others in power
directly ‰ Hangs back and lets others take the lead
‰ Is not afraid to take negative action when ‰ Is a conflict avoider unwilling to take the heat of controversy
necessary ‰ Afraid to be wrong, get in a win/lose situation, or make a
tough personnel call
Motivating ‰ Creates a climate in which people want to do their ‰ Doesn't know what motivates others or how to do it
others best ‰ People under him/her don't do their best
‰ Can motivate many kinds of direct reports and team ‰ Not empowering and not a person many people want to
or project members work for, around or with
‰ Can assess each person's hot button and use it to ‰ May be a one style fits all person, have simplistic models of
get the best out of him/her motivation, or may not care as much as most others do;
‰ Pushes tasks and decisions down may be a driver just interested in getting the work out
‰ Empowers others ‰ May have trouble with people not like him/her
‰ Invites input from each person and shares ‰ May be a poor reader of others, may not pick up on their
ownership and visibility needs and cues
‰ Makes each individual feel his/her work is important ‰ May be judgmental and put people in stereotypic categories
‰ Is someone people like working for and with ‰ Intentionally or unintentionally demotivates others
Building ‰ Blends people into teams when needed ‰ Doesn’t assemble, build or manage in a team fashion
effective teams ‰ Creates strong morale and spirit in his/her team ‰ Manages people on a one-to-one basis
(Levels 3 & 4) ‰ Shares wins and successes ‰ Doesn’t create a common mindset or common challenge
‰ Fosters open dialogue ‰ Rewards and compliments individuals, not the team
‰ Lets people finish and be responsible for their work ‰ May not hold many team meetings
‰ Defines success in terms of the whole team ‰ Doesn’t create any synergies in the team; everyone works
‰ Creates a feeling of belonging in the team on his/her own projects
‰ Doesn’t manage in a way that builds team morale or energy
‰ Doesn’t have the skills or interest to build a team
‰ May be very action and control oriented and won’t trust a
team to perform
Directing others ‰ Is good at establishing clear directions ‰ Unclear or cryptic communicator to direct reports
(Levels 1 & 2) ‰ Sets stretching objectives; distributes the workload ‰ Doesn’t set goals, targets, mileposts and objectives
appropriately ‰ Not very planful giving out work – just gives out tasks
‰ Lays out work in a well-planned and organized ‰ Mostly tells and sells; doesn’t listen much
manner ‰ Plays favorites and is tough on others
‰ Maintains two-way dialogue with others on work ‰ May be too impatient to structure work for others
and results ‰ Doesn’t delegate well
‰ Brings out the best in people ‰ Doesn’t take the time to manage
‰ Is a clear communicator ‰ May lack interest in managing and be more eager to work
on own assignments

The LEADERSHIP ARCHITECT® Limited, Inc. © Copyright 1992, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2003 Michael M. LOMBARDO & Robert W. EICHINGER. 6

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