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Surplus Radio Conversion Manual Vol2

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BC-454-455 Receivers R26-27 / ARC-5 Receivers AN,/APSl3 Tronsmitter,/Receiver BC-457 / 459 (SCR-224N)or A R C - 5T r o n s m i t t e r s S e l e n i u m R e c t i f l e rP o w e r U n i f s T -23 / ARC-5 V.H. F. Tronsmitter R - 2 8 / A R C - 5V H . F . R e c e i v e r GO-9 or TBW Tronsmitter B C - 3 5 2M o r k e r R e c e i v e r B C - 9 4 5 8R e c e i v e ro s T u n e r BC-325 {BC-l9l) Tronsmitier T A-128/ 12C Tronsmitler A N , / A R T - 1 3o r A T C T r o n s m i t t e r Simplifi ed Coil-Winding Doto AVT-l 12A Tronsmitler BC-1 206 Receiver AM-26or AIC InierphoneAmplifier LM Frequency Meter A R B R e c e i v e r{ d i o g r o m o n l y } Surplus B e o mR o t o t i n g Mechonisms

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C o t .N o . E E - 3 2 2


Second Edition

by R. C. Evenson and O. R.

Published ond distributed to the eleclronicstrode by

Copyright 1948by Techno-GraphicPublications.

Printed in U.S.A.



"nia:ii/iic-sJ BC-454-455

'l -

to 28Mc. Receivers, Conversion

Transmitter/Receiver, to 420 Mc . . . . . . . . 14 Conversionto 28 Mc. . 24 36

'^"Jfransmitters, BC -457 / 459(SCR-2?4N1 ARC-'

Selenium-RectiJierPower Units .

T-?3/,+19-!I v.H.F. Transmitter/Receiver, operation . . . 40 R-28IARC-5 r

co-e I rBw I
BC-35? BC-9468 Marker Receiver, to Capacity ReIaY Receiver, to High Fidelity Tuner. 56 59

BC-375(BC-191)Transmitter, Use with dxternal V.F.O. . . . . 7 3 TA-I?B/LZC AN/ARr-13'L ATC ) Transmitter,Conversion.. 81

.FY -.'ansmitter, to A.C. Power and 28 Mc. . . . . 9 1 Cd oil-WindingData' Simplifie . . .' . 99 . . . . . 101 . ' 103

AVT.112A BC-1206 AIC LM

Transmitterfor LightAircraft Receiver for Light Aircraft

AM-26 J

InterphoneAuiplifier, to 9-Watt Amplifier . . 109 FrequencyMeter M e c h a n i s m s. . . S u r p l u sB e a m R o t a t i n g ....115 -..122


Diagram only . . .. . , .L28 Receiver,Schematic

Acknowledgement gratefully is given to the Editors of CQ, to the Editors of QST, to the students and instructors of Electronic Technical Institute of Los Angeles, and to the Vickers Electric Division of the Sperry Corporation for have information, illustrations, and suggestions which been incorporated into this volume

CONVERTING THE ARC-5 AND BC-454 SERIES RECETVERS FOR OPERATION ON 10 METERS The ARC-5 and BC-454 "Command Set" series receivers may be converted into 10-meter receivers that are hard to beat. They are especially well adapted for mobile use. one of these receivers can be used in conjunction with the ARC-5 transmitter on 10 meters, as described elsewhere in this manual, to make up a very economical mobile installation. (a) GeneralDescription: The receivers are very compact, Iight, and completely enclosed in an aluminum case. The basic circuit is that of a 6-tube superhet designed to obtain its "B" voltage from a 28-volt dynamotor normally clipped onto the rear of the chassis. (For additional data and other uses for these units, see Volume I of this manual.) All units of the series are nearly identical with the exception of frequency coverage and intermediate frequencies, which are given in the following chart:


Army BC-453 BC-9468 BC-454 BC-455

Freq. Coverage

IF Freq.


190-550 kc. 520-1500 kc. 3-6 Mc. 6-9 Mc.

85 kc. 239 kc. 1 4 1 5k c . 2 8 3 0k c .

The first two receivers listed are not recommended for 1O-meter operation due to the low intermediate frequency. The following instructions are applicable to all models. However, if the ARC-5 series is used special attention should be paid to the following points. The ARC-5 receivers differ from the BC-454 series in that they use a 12sF? tube at v6 as the second IF and AVC, whereas the command sets use a 12SK? as second IF and the AVC is taken from the 12SR? stage. This causes some change in the audio circuit components, due to the different AVC circuits. A diagram (Fig. 3) is given of the ARC-5 after conversion. (b) Filament Circuit Changes: As the filaments were originally wired for 28-volt operation (in series parallel) it wiII be necessary to rewire them for 6-volt operation by placing all tubes in parallel with one side common to ground. The hot filament lead may be brought out on pin 6 of the rear plug. (Wires on this pin were part of the original filament circuit and may be removed.) AII extra filament wiring as used in the original 28-volt system should be removed, along with the filament choke L-14. The present 12-vo1t tubes should be replaced with their 6-volt equivalents as follows:

Original 12SK? 12K8 12SR? 12A6 ARC-5 OnIy-125F?

Replacement 6SK? 6K8 6SR?or 6SQ? 6K6, 6V6 or 6F6 6SF?

No changes in wiring are necessary when substituting 6-volt tubes.

(c) Removal of Present CW Oscillator Stage: It is assumed that the CW oscillator will not be desired on 10 meters. Since this stage can be made into an additional stage of audio, all wires to terminals 6 and 2 of the 12SR? tube and all wires to terminal 5 of the 12.{6 should be removed. This operation causes the following component parts to be useless, Hence they may be removed. R14, C26, L12, L13, C27, C28, R15, R18, R19, R20, R16, R1?, C29. It will be necessary to refer to the original circuit (pages 8-9) to locate and remove these parts. Once again some confusion may arise if the ARC-5 is being converted, so be careful to remove only the parts associated with the CW oscillator circuit. (d) Addition of First Audio Stage: The operation just accomplished causes the triode section of the 12SR? tube to Refer to the circuit be free for use as a stage of resistance-coupled amplification. of Fig. 2 if the BC-454 series is used and to Fig. 3 if the ARC-5 is used. The audio volume control included in the revision is mounted on the front panel in place of the original adapter plug, from which all wiring can be removed. How"Gain Control Line" on the circuit diagram normally went ever, the wire labeled through an external 50,000-ohm pot to ground for control of RF gain. In thisconversion it is to be grounded directly to the chassis at some convenient point, allowing the RF gain to run wide open. is included in the circuit. It will be notedthat a 1N34 crystal-diode noiselimiter This limiter is especially advisable if the receiver is to be used in an automobile. The noise-silencer switch is mounted in place of C5. (C5 may be used in the plate circuit of V? after conversion.) The present output transformer should be replaced, as the original one was designed to match headphones and will not match the ordinary PM speaker. A small universal matching transformer to couple the chosen output tube to a PM speaker should be installed. (e) Antenna Post Modification: It is advisable to remove the present antenna post and to replace it with a standard bayonet receptacle as used on most auto radios. For convenience, it is suggested that this receptacle be installed on the side of the receiver instead of on the front. Note: The above modifications will allow operation on the original frequency of the unit merely by applying heater and plate voltage; however, for lO-meter operation the RF section must be modified further as follows: (f ) Rl, Components: Remove the plug-in RF assembly consisting of the 3 coils enclosed in the metal shield cans. Work on one coil at a time. It will be necessary to remove the metal slug in each coil to facilitate rewinding. The slug is replaced when rewinding is finished. Ll (Ant coil) Remove the existing winding and rewind with 6 turns of No. 18 enameled wire, space wound the full length of the coil form.

L2 (Honeycomb mixer coil) Remove the existing honey-comb coil with the exception of the last layer. This will leave approximately 9 turns for L2. This should be interwound with L3 after L3 has been rewound as in the next step. (Added sensitivity will be gained by interwinding the coils.) - 6 -

L3 (On same form as L2) Remove the existing winding and rewind with 5 turns of No. 18 enameledwire, space wound the full length of the coil form. (Now interwind L2 with L3.) L4 (Osc coil - small winding) No alteration necessary. Lb (Osc coil - on same form as L4) Remove the existing winding and rewind with 5 turns of No. 18 enameledwire close spaced. L5 should be between 1,/8" and 3/16" from L4. In order to provide sufficient spread of the l0-meter band, it is necessary to reduce the capacitance of each section of the tuning condenser. This is accomplished by pulling off all rotor plates with the exception of the slotted one at the end of each section. This can be done with a pair of long nosed pliers without removing the condenser. Using a single plate in each section of the condenser, the band spread should be about 2? to 30 Mcs on the calibrated dial. The original dial plate should be removed byloosening the retaining nut, and replaced with a round piece of lucite or metal on which the 10-meter calibration may be marked. If not already provided, holes should be drilled in the RF section shield to expose the trimmer condenserswith the shield in place. Otherwise, the added capacitance of the shield would detune the circuits. At this point the receiver is capable of operation providing power is applied. (Seefollowing section on power supplies.) The alignment is quite simple. The receiver should operate smoothly over the band. If it does not oscillate, reverse the connectionsto the oscillator coil winding. If the receiver is sensitive only in spots instead of over the entire range, take a turn at a time off the oscillator coil or coils until the receiver tracks. (The oscillator must be tuned above the incoming frequency to obtain proper tracking.) Normally the oscillator can be made to track properly by adjustment of the oscillator trimmer, but sometimes a turn or so must be taken off the coil to increase its frequency. If the RF trimmer appears to have no effect, take a turn at a time from the center coil (small wire) until the trimmer gives a definite peak in output. The oscillator padder should be adjusted for maximum output while the tuning dial is rocked back and forth. The oscillator trimmer may be used to move the 10meter band into the limits of the dial desired. The 2-meg. grid resistor of Y3 should be detached from the AVC circuit and groundedto give a better signal,/noise ratio. (g) Power Supplies: A simple power supply circuit for use with the receiver is shown in Fig. 4. A vibrator supply can be used if mobile operation is desired. Also, for mobile operation the voltages can be tal<enfrom the existing broadcast receiver thus eliminating the need for an extra supply. In this case it is necessary to place a switch in the broadcast receiver to remove its load from the power supply when the 10 meter receiver is being used. (h) Rack Mounting: For mobile installations, the FT220A rack may be used to mount the receiver, making it an easy matter to take out and repair the set. This rack was designed to take 3 receivers so it will be necessary to saw off one and rewire it to suit the plug connections used on the receiver. The switch on the front of the rack may be used for a standby switch and the fuse block on the rear will be handy for a battery lead fuse" - 7



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SYnPt z's 3PD tF (u9 trc)

-e46 -B-$chematlc llltlng0lagrm Bscdtst-Bc Radlo

Typical also of the BC-454 series and most other 'rCommand Set'rtype Receivers.

/2 p6 AuDto PMP


5YM8OL I R-l ia osc i-2 R-J F-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 F-9 OHMS 620

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ladlo Bocalw Bc-e46-B Schemallc |{iilng 0lagram

Typical also of the BC-454 series and mosr other rCommand Set" type Receivers.

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BC -946-B RECEIVER (Before Conversion) Typical of Command Set Type Receivers




is a low-powered airborne radar unit, The AN/APS-13 Transmitter/Receiver It was designed and used as a warning device for rear approaching enemy aircraft. "Tail-End Charlie" and operated audible indicators commonly referred to as the when rear approaching aircraft were within operating range of the unit. The unit is completely enclosed and weighs approximately l2-L/2 pounds. It operated from 28 volts DC, requiring 3.25 amperes, witha self-contained dynamotor "8" voltage. supplying the Since the ApS-13 is designed to operate in the 420-Mc. range, no major revamping of the tuned circuits in the transmitter and receiver sections is required for amateur use. However, the pulse modulator and other components for the radar functions are not used and therefore are modified or removed from the unit. (a) Description: Two 6J6rs operating in parallel push-putl as a self-excited oscillator form the transmitter section of the APS-13. Tuning of the transmitter is accomplished by a screwdriver control on the front panel which slides a shorting bar along the l/4' wave plate line. The antenna circuit is coupled to the 1/4-wave line by means of a "hair pin" pick-up loop which is variable by screwdriver adjustment. Coupling ofthe antenna circuit is also controlled by the variable antenna loading condenser, C-159. The receiver section consists of the front-end section (6J6 oscillator and 6J6 mixer), 3O-Mc. IF, detector and video. The video output controls audible and visual indicators through the two 2D21 thyratrons and associated relay circuits. "front-end" is accomplished by screwdriver adjustments Tuning of the receiver from the front panel. The tuning arrangement consists of a shorting bar on the oscillator line and mechanical rotation of condenser plates on the mixer line. "frontConverted for amateur use, the APS-13 includes the original receiver end" and IF section with an added audio section for AM reception. The audio section A conventional AC power supalso serves as a plate modulator for the transmitter. ply is also included i:r the modified version. (b) Removal of Parts: For AM operation it is obvious that the pulse modulator must be replaced and the receiver modified for audio reception. This eliminates the pulse forming networks and other associated eomponents used for radar operation as Iisted below: Dynamotor D-101 K-101. with terminal board and associatedparts. ReIay

R F T r a n s f o r m e r s L - 1 0 8 , T - 1 0 9 , T - 1 1 0 , T - 1 1 1 , T - 1 1 2 ,T - 1 1 3 , T - 1 1 4 ' T - 1 1 5 ' & T-116 C o n d e n s e r s C - 1 5 ? ,C - 1 5 8 ( A & B ) L-111 CoiI T u b e s& S o c k e t s V - 1 1 0 , V - 1 1 1 , V - 1 1 4 ' V - 1 1 5 , V - 1 1 6 ' & V - 1 1 7 ' w i t h a I I small immediately associated parts. Terminal Boards E-116 (on back of front panel), with associatedparts. E-103 (associatedwith V-109; Ieave tube and socket). Ptug J-101 (on front Panel). C-115, C-209, L-153, & L-154 Cover Plate (on front panel)with associated (on front panel) temporarily removed Coax Line Receiver front-enci section !r Ir Transmitter section

Removal of the abovecomponents leaves primarily only the IF section. Temporary removal ofthetransmitter and receiver front-endsections becomes apparent in the following mechanical modifications. (c) Addition of Components and Controls: From Fig. 1, it is apparent that the center section of the chassis is cut out with a hacksaw and replaced with a new solid section of sheet dural or aluminum. This operation permits better mounting of the added components and improves the appearance of the completed unit. Dimensions of the removed section and new section are given in Fig. 1. Before replacing the new chassis section, drilling and cutting of mounting holes for the major addedcomponentsshould be done. The location of these components, power supply and so forth, is not critical and canbe determined approximately from ttte photos. The following controls and componentsare located on the front panel: AF Gain Control (in former position of "RegulationControl") RF Gain Control (provided with shaft extension for control knob) (4 prong socket in former position of J-101) SpeakerPlug MicrophoneJack (to correspondto microphoneused, T-17, etc.) Transmit-Receive Switch (4 pole, 2 position) (remounted to clear receiver controls as shown in Coax Mounting Bracket photographs) Receiver Oscillator Tuning Control (adaptedfor knob) (d) Receiver Front-End Section: Before replacing the receiver front-end section, the removal of several parts and reconnection of the heaters is necessary. Parts to be removed include C-143, C-144 and C-145 feed-throughtype condenserswith terminal board E-119 and all immediately associated parts located on the side adjacent to the oscillator tuning line. The yellow lead to the cathodeof V-101 is also removed. The heater circuit for this section is reconnectedfor 6-vo1t operation as shown in the converted schematic diagram, Fig. 5. It should be noted that all the RFC's are used. To facilitate receiver operation, the existing screwdriver oscillator tuning should be modified for a knob control. This is easily accomplished by using a standard 1/4" shaft extension as shown in Fig. 2. If desired, this same treatment may be used for the screwdriver mixer tuning control. After the receiver front-end section is replaced in its original position on the chassis, it is reconnectedas shown in Fig, 5. (e) Receiver IF Section: From the converted schematic diagram, Fig. 5, it is apparent that the five 30 Mc. IF stages are left intact and that only slight circuit changesare made. These primarily involve the voltage supply circuits and the RF gain control. To obtain correct voltages for the screen grid buss and the plates of the IF amplifier stages, dropping resistors are used with by-pass condensers for ample "motorboating" may occur through decoupling. If sufficient decoupling is not used, the power supply from the AF section. The new RF gain control varies t}re screen voltage on the first IF stage. The former RF gain control (cathodecircuit of fifth IF amplifier) is removed with the cathoderesistor, R-132, being run directly to ground.


unfortunateLy in most cases, the upper slug adjusting screws of the IF transformers were clipped off at their stagger-tuned settings. This practically eliminates realignment of the stages in order to narrow the existing pass band. However, this is not too objectionable since there is ample gain available. Also, a relatively wide pass band is desirable to compensatefor frequency instability of the modulatedSelf-excited oscillators commonly used in the u.h.f. bands. It should be noted that slight retuning can be accomplished by carefut adjustment of the primary slugs (lower ones). Peaking on noise is satisfactory. (f) Audio Section: The added audio section consists of 3 stages: the plate detector (6AGb), first audio amplifier (6AG5),and the second audio power amplifier (6v6). This circuit is of conventionaldesign utilizing as many of the original parts as possible. It should be noted that the microphone circuit derives its excitation voltage from ttre cathode resistor of the 6V6 stage. The output transformer is of the conventionalpush-pull to voice-coil type which utilizes half of the primary winding as a secondary for modulating the transmitter. With the "T-R" switch in the transmit position, the speaker voice coil (secondary) circuit is opened, giving a 1:1 impedanceratio to the plates of the transmitter oscillator. It should be noted that the "T-R" switch disables the receiver section by removing the plate voltage fromthe IF section during the transmit period. In the transmit position,the mike transformer secondary is switchedintothe grid circuit of the first audio amplifier. Also the oscillator becomes active when its cathode circuit is completedby the "T-R" switch in the transmit position. (g) Transmitter Section: The transmitter section remains virtually unchangedwith exception of the removal of R-155 and R-156. As in the receiver section, the heater circuits are reconnected for 6-volt operation with all the RFC's used. After the transmitter is replaced on the chassis in its former position, it is reconnectedas shown in Fig. 5. (h) Power Supply: Porver requirements for the converted ApS-13 are 6.3 volts at 4.3 amperes for the heater circuit, and 300 volts DC at approximately 80 ma. for the plate supply. The power supply shown in Fig. 5 is adequate for the above requirements and can be convenientlyplaced on the new chassis section as shown in the photographs. The AC power switch may be located at the AF gain control or separately on the front panel as desired. (i ) Adjustments and Operation: Before attempting adjustment of the receiver and transmitter, all voltages should be checked. Readings should approximate the values shown on the converted schematic diagram. If the AF and IF sections are functioning, the oscillator "hiss" (noise) should be heard at the speaker output with its level being varied by both the AF and RF gain controls. With the oscillator tuning set at its approximate mid-position, the mixer can be tuned through resonance with an obvious increase in noise level at the resonaat point. Mixer resonanceshould occur near the open position of its condenserplates. If it is not near this point,the tuning range of the mixer can be shifted by moving the shorting bar on the mixer line. Generally this adjustment is not necessary.

Further adjustment of the receiver tuning must be done with an external signal or ignition noise. In coupling the receiver input to the antenna, adjustment of padder condenser, "8" "hair-pin" on panet) and the coupling loop is necessary. AdjustC-119 (labeled padder condenser, C-119, is critical for optimum performance. ment of the If the self-excited transmitter is oscillating ("T-R" switch in transmit position), its grid voltage wiII be approximately -22 volts. This reading is obtained when the oscillator is not loaded. "hair-pin" coupling loop. Loading ofthe transmitter is adjusted by C-159 and the Under loaded conditions, the plate current ofthe oscillator should not exceed 50 ma. Normal readings willbe around 45 ma. It should be noted that this type of oscillator may not oscillate when too heavily loaded. Modulation Ievel is adjusted by the AF gain control in the audio section. In normal operation, the AF gain is left at its proper modulation setting for transmission, with the RF gain being adjusted for the desired receiver output level. For transmitter adjustment, the ordinary 28-voLt dial lamp provides a good indicator for RF output and modulation of the RF output. it After connecting the coax matching section to the receiver and transmitter, and reis necessary to make slight tuning readjustments both for the transmitter ceiver. When using the antenna matching section, tuning interaction between the transmitter and receiver requires careful adjustment for optimum operation. Satisfactory operation can be had by using the converted APS-13 with a multielement beam fed with 52-ohm coax. For proper matching, a series 1/4-wave Iine section can be used. (j ) Optiona! Refinements: For those who may desire to improve lowing suggestions may be of interest: further their converted APS-13, the fol-

(1) BV carefully locating the added components on the new chassis section, sufficient space can be obtained for mounting a small PM speaker on the inside of the front panel. This necessitates cutting a hole or drilling the front panel for the With the speaker mounted internally, the speaker plug can be speaker grill-work. eliminated. (2) Higher efficiency in the antenna circuit can be obtained by replacing the existing coaxial matching section with an antenna switching relay. This relay may preferably be of the coaxial type. (3) For added sensitivity and higher signal noise ratio, an added RF stage can "front-end". Excellent results can be had by using the be used ahead of the receiver light-house tube with coaxial tank circuits. (4) Better performance can be had by using voltage regulation lrom a VR-105 (used in the originalcircuit)forthe screen supply voltage ofthe IF amplifier section. (5) For optimum transmitter adjustment, metering of the grid andplate circuits is very helpful. Also, at these frequencies a field strength meter is advantageous in tuning antenna systems.

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The SCR-2?4N or ARC-5 series aircraft transmitters, have several good features that justify their modification for l0-meter mobile operation in conjunction with the popular PE-103 dynamotor, This converted transmitter, used in eonjunction with the converted lO-meter ARC-5 or BC-454 receiver, also describeO in tiris manual, provides the amateur with a satisfactory 29 Mc. mobile rig at a very reasonable cost. The SCR-2?4N or ARC-5 series transmitter consists of a stable Vtro with a directly calibrated dial driving a pair of parallel 1625's (12-volt g0?'s). The existing circuit requires 28 volts DC using series-parallel circuits for the 12-volt tubes. The plate voltage supply is obtained from a 28-volt dynamotor located in the separate modulator unit. The circuit also includes a tuning-eye indicator and a plug-in crystal unit for calibration of the VFO. This conversion deals with the more popular unit, ttre BC-4b9, having the fundamental frequency range of ? to 9.1 Mc. Multiplying by 4, the output fre-quency becomes 28 to 36.4 Mc which includes the lO-meter band. It becomes apparent that the BC-457, which has a flndam-ental frequency of 4 to 5.3 Mc, with i frequency multiplication of 6, covers 24 to 31.8 Mc, thus including both the 10 and ll-meter bands. If the BC-45? is used, the only variation required from the conversion described herein is that the stage following the VFO must function as a tripler instead of as a doubler. (a) Preparation of the Chassis:

From the photographs and the converted circuit it is apparent that all components and associated wiring are removed with the following exceptions: the Vfp circuit, coil compartment, and variable condenser C-63 wtiich are left intact; the variable condenser (c-95) which was originally the pA tuning condenser; the mechanical tuning gear and drive arrangement; and the tube sockets. After stripping the chassis, except for the VFO which is left unaltered. variable condenser C-65 is mechanically uncoupled from the oscillator tuning control shaJt. This is accomplished by removing the drive gear from the condenser shaft. The shaft is then extended through a hole in the chassis skirt for an external knob or screwdriver control with a locking device. This condenser becomes part of the pA plate circuit and functions as the antenna loading condenser. Since a mating plug for the existing ]-64 at the rear end of the chassis is not always available, it is replaced with a standard 6-prong tube socket. Relays K-53 and K-54, along with the antenna connection post, are also removed from the chassis. Relay K-53, which is located on the under side of the chassis, should be saved. After modification it is used for the new antenna switching relay. (b) Tube Substitution: For 6-volt operation all the existing l2-volt tubes must be discarded. The 1626 oscillator tube can be directly replaced by a 6]b, its 6-volt equivalent. The metal type is preferred. The two sub-chassis sockets formerly occupied by the two 162b's are now modified for the 80? (PA) and the 6vG (second doubler). Due to the different base of the 80?, the ?-prong socket holes must be filed out with a small round file to accept the 807 as shown in Fig. 1. Before filing, the spring clips on the bottom of the socket should be removed so as not to damage the contacts. The spring clips are replaced after the pin holes have been modified.


The second sub-chassis socket is modified for mounting the 6V6 octal socket. The spring contacts are removed and discarded by drilling out the rivets. A hole of sufficient diameter is cut in the insulating material to accept a standard ringmounted octal socket. Care should be exercised to avoid cracking the insulating material. As shown in Fig. 2, the first doubler (6SK7) occupies the socket of the former calibration indicator (1629). The heater circuit is then wired for parallel operation with one side grounded as shown in the diagram, Fig. 6. (c) Addition of the Frequency Multiplier Stages:

For conservation of space and ease of operation, permeability tuned coils are used for both doubler stages (14 Mc. & 28 Mc.). These forms are available in all Since the efficiency of these varieties, both surplus and standard manufacture. stages is not of importance and relatively broad tuning is desirable, the distributed circuit capacitance is sufficient for tuning the coils to resonance. Coil winding data is given in Fig. 4. If forms of different diameter are used, the number of turns should be varied accordingly. The resonant point and harmonic output of the doubler stages can be easily determined with an absorption-type wavemeter. A small neon lamp is also useful for adjusting these stages. The doubler coils are single-hole mounted to the chassis skirt with the adjustment screw exposed for external adjustment. The first doubler coil is mounted directly under the 6SK? socket, while the second doubler coil is mounted in the existing hole in the chassis skirt beside the 6V6 socket. The mounting hole was formerly used for the PA padder (C-6?) adjustment. Since the grid leads to both doubler stages are rather long, it is preferable'to use shielded cable for both these leads. Low-capacitance mike cable or coax with both ends of the shield grounded should be used. It should be noted that the first doubler gridis driven from the same point of the VlO that formerly drove the grids of the 1625's. In the first doubler grid circuit, R-?4 becomes the grid-Ieak resistor for the 6SK7; this value should be changed to 100K ohms. Bias for the second doubler is derived both from the grid leak action and from a cathode resistor. It is important to note the connections to the oscillator coil compartment before removing the original leads. This wiII eliminate the necessity of removing the oscillator compartment shieldto determine the proper corurections. Component placement and shortness of leads are important in wiring the two doubler stages as is usual in transmitter design. (d) Power Amplifier Circuit:

All components, except the antenna loading condenser C-65 and the plate feed RFC are mounted above the chassis. This provides good isolation in addition to convenient mounting and close grouping of components. The PA plate tuning con denser is mountedas nearthe 80? socket as possible and iscontrolled by the former antenna loading control shaft and knob. This shaft is modified for coupling to the condenser shaft as shown in the photos. The final tank, (L-3) is mounted vertically beside the PA tuning condenser. A centralized junction point for the RF leads from the antenna coupling condenser, the final tank, and the antenna loading condenser is made by relocating the porcelain feed-through button as shown in the photograph. For isolation, t}re PA feed RFC is Iocated under the chassis with its associated by-pass condenser directly between the end of the antenna loading condenser and the chassis skirt. (e) Antenna Circuit:


As indicated inthe converted schematic diagram, Fig.6,the pA tank circuit and the antenna loading condenser form a pi-network. With each setting of the loading condenser, the PA tank must be retuned to resonance. Greater loading requirei less capacitance in the loading condenser and more capacitance in the PA tuning eondenserto maintain resonance. The original relay K-53 is modified by rewinding it for 6-volt operation and revamping the contacts as shown in Fig. 3. with the relay in its open position (unexcited) the transmitter RF circuit to the antenna is open and the receiver is switched to the anterura. The relay is mounted inside the transmitter front panel in the former position of K-54 without the necessity of drilling new holes. The antenna switching relay is coupled to the pi-network through a .001 mfd. silver-mica condenser. (f ) Metering: The second doubler grid, PA grid, and the PA plate circuits are metered. Midget closed-circuit jacks are located on the chassis skirt as near to the circuits concerned as possible. The locations should be apparent from the photographs. If a single meter is used, the proper shunt values must be determined for the circuits concerned. A O-1 ma. meter can be used satisfactorily with approximate shunt values of 15 ohms for Ra and 0.?5 ohms for Rb. If accurate readings are desired, shunts must be determined experimentally for the individual o-1 ma. meter used. (g) Modulator: The modulator described herein is capableof delivering 12 watts of audio power which will satisfactorily plate modulate 25 to 30 watts input to the power amplifier. A separate, completely enclosed, chassis is used for the modulator. As shown in the photographs, the chassis from the AM-26 Interphone Amplifier will serve the purpose satisfactorily; however, any chassis of similar size can be used. The circuit consists of push-pull 6v6's driven by a push-pull connected 6sN? which in turn is driven by the surplus T-1? single-button carbon microphone. Trarsformer requirements include a mike to push-pull grids transformer and a modulation transformer such as the UTC s-18. The impedance transformation from the 6v6 plates to the 80? is 9000 to approximately 6000 ohms. The actual impedanceof the PA will dependupon the loading of the PA circuit. To avoid poor voltage regulation and large dissipation in a dropping resistor, the tull 500-volt output of the PE-103 dynamotor is applied tothe plates of the 6v6's. To permit this high voltage, the cathodebias is increased considerably above that used in normal audio applications. Normal vo'ltagesfor the screens of the 6V6rs and the 6SN7 as well as for the low voltage stages in the transmitter are obtairred through dropping resistors as shown in Fig. 6. One feature to be noted is that the mike excitation is obtainedfrom a tap on the cathoderesistor of the 6V6's. This consists of a potentiometer in series with the cathoderesistor at the low potential end. The swinger of the potentiometer supplies the excitation voltage for the mike and also serves as a mike gain control. This is an optional arrangemeni since the mike voltage can also be obtained from the 6-volt automobile battery through an appropriate RC hash filter. (h) Control Circuits: Because the transmitter, modulator, and dynamotor are normally located in the trunk or rear section ofthe automobile, a remote control box is required for operation from the front seat ofthe car. This control box is usually located at some convenientpoint onthe dashpanel and includes a mike jack (for PL-66), atoggle switch (s.p.s.t.) and a pilot lamp. 26

Since slow-heating catlode-type tubes are used in this version, the heater'circuit must be separately controlled from the high-voltage circuit. To avoid damage to the tubes, the heaters should be on approximately 30 seconds before the high voltage from the PE-103 is applied. From the control circuit diagram, Fig. 7, it is evident that a separate power switch operates the heater circuit and also the pilot lamp circuit in the control "push-to-talk" switch on the hand microphone operates the dynabox. Closing the motor relay circuit and the antenna switching relay. Even though it is preferable to use a separate relay for the heater circuit, in this instance it can be eliminated if a heavy No. 8 or No. 10 lead of minimum length is used between the modulator and the Remote Control Box. Voltage drop is not appreciable since the current in this circuit only approximates 3 amperes. The total Ioad drawn from the carbattery when operating the transmitter willbe approximately 25 amperes. Normal operation and tuning adjustmentswiII not overload the circuit breakers in the PE-103; if they do open, trouble can be expectedin the transmitter anC modulator circuits. The connectiondiagram and operation for the control circuits should be self-explanatory from Fig. ?. (i ) Operation: Preliminary operation and adjustment should be done on the bench with reduced voltage (200 to 250 volts) on the PA. This precaution is obvious since PA bias is derived by the grid-Ieak action. The lack of RF excitation to the grid of the 80? would result in permanent damage to the tube if high voltage were used. However, the VFO always oscillates, while crystal oscillators often do not. With Iow voltage applied to the transmitter, set the oscillator at approximately ?.25 Mc. and adjust the two doublers to their proper harmonic. As previously mentioned, this is easily checked by an absorption-type wave meter. The second and fourth harmonics are 14.5 Mc. and 29 Mc. respectively. If the doubler stages are resonant at their proper frequency, the final stage can be tuned to 29 Mc. as indicated by the dip in its plate current. For this initial adjustment, the antennaloading condenser should be set at its maximum capacitance (minimum loading). This results in the most pronounceddipint}te PAplate current. The modulator may be separately checked by connecting an ordinary output transformer and PM speaker tothe secondary of the modulation transformer. Audible check for distortion and response should be sufficient in this case. The power output can be roughly checked along with the amount of excitation voltage for the mike by measuring the a-c voltage across a 6000-ohm, 1O-wattresistor connected across the output of the modulator. Before replacing the covers on the completed transmitter, the VFO should be recalibrated. This is necessary in order to corrpensate for the slight electrical differences in the new circuit fotlowing the YF0, and for variation between the former 1626 and the 6J5. Recalibrating is a simple operation and is done by setting the VfO dial to ?.50 Mc. and beating its secondharmonic with WWV's 15 Mc. signal in your rebeiver. Zero beat is attained by adjusting the oscillator padder condenser (C-60) accessible through the top of the VFO coil compartment. Generally, the oscillator inductance (slug adjustment, exposedscrew on topof VFO coilcompartment) need not be changed. Due to the relatively broad tuning of the multiplier stages and the loaded PA circuit, the transmitter frequency can be shifted considerably by merely tuning the


When the transmitter is functioning properly, full voltage may be applied to it and the modulator from the PE-103 with the following expectedmeter readings: SecondDoubler Grid Current PA Grid Current PA Plate Current 27 0.6 ma. 4tobma. 80 to 90 ma. (normal loading)

when loading the PA to the l/4-wave (appro:r. 100 inches) whip antenna or a dummy antenna, the capacitance in the loading condenser is decreased as the loading is increased. As previously mentioned, the final tank circuit must be retuned to resonancefor each new setting of the loading condenser. Normal loading for the PA should be between80 to 90 ma. with the full applied voltage. (j ) Optional Refinements: For those who may desire additional refinements, the following suggestionsmay be of interest: (1) Monitoring Circuit, especially usefulfor checking the transmitter output can be added with a one-turn pick-up coil at the cold end of the PA tank coil. The output from the circuit shown in Fig. 5 is brought out to the transmitter front panel for high impedancephones. (2) Resonancelndicator, which consists of a pick-up turn at the cold end of thg PA tank coil with a .15 ampere pilot lamp, provides easier adjustment of the pA tuning. The pilot lamp can be located directly behind the plastic window on the transmitter front panel. (3) Heater circuit Relay, which avoids the necessity of hear,yleads to the remote control box, can be placed in the heater circuit and located on the modulator chassis. This relay can be wired for both local and remote contro^. (4) Metering, cil be more elaborately done by mounting a 2-inch O-1 ma. meter intle front panel of the transmitter with a rotary switch and circuit as shown in Fig. b. (5) Crystal Microphone, can be added with an extra stage of voltage amplification at the front end of the modulator. This stage should consist of a 6Fb, 6J?, or similar tube. The circuit can be located at the remote control box as the preamplifier and must incorporate the conventionalmike gain control. (6) Stabilization of the VtrO, can be slighily improved by regulating its platesupply voltage. This can be accomplished in the conventional manner through the use of VR tubes. (7) Mounting For the Transmitter, can be facilitated by using its regularly associated FT-226A mounting rack. By using both sections of the rack, both the transmitter and modulator can be mounted. This will also provide convenient removal of the units for adjustment and servicing. For additional data, refer to Volumel of the "surplus Radio Conversion Manual", "SCR-274NTransmitter Conversion to VF0."


Eorrou Vrtw or Socrer (n

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Moor rt ro Socrt T 7- Plt B,ase FoP 5-PIN BA'E 5-Pttt Bnse


/^ t 807)l 7 s 'Osc. v L


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To Coto Etto oF PA TAN(

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Moorrrto AtrrrNttA Prter

Cott ts PwouvD
FULL oF#32 NAMEL roe 6/ oPEeATloN.


COIL WINDING DATA L-1 (lst doub. plate) 14Mc L-2 (2nd doub. plate) 28Mc L-3 (PA plate) 28Mc


12 turns, #24 enamel, close wound on 5/8" dia. form. ? turns, #20 enamel, space wound on 5/8" dia. form, length 3/8". 9 turns, #16 tinned, L-l/4" long on 1" dia. form. ?-1/2 turns, hook-up wire in plate lead, L/4" dia. 1/2" long.

RFC-1 (parasitic choke)



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N 1

ours/oE vlEv{ / ^ 6ato 23 - Osc.PLara 4- AMp. ScBegN

7 - AMP. PLA.

C 5 8 A , C 5 8 B , C 5 8C .05uf C59 - .00018 uf C60 - Master Osc. padding C 6 1 - . 0 0 6u f C62 - Fixed Neutralizing C63 - Master Osc. tuning C64 - .002 uf C65 - P.A. tuning C66 - .01uf C67 - P.A. padding C68 - 3.0uuf C69 - 50 uuf K53 - Xmttr Selector Relay K54 - Xmttr Output Relay

R68,R?6,- 20 ohms R69 - 1 Megohm R?0 - 1000ohms f /q R ? l - 1 2 6o h m s R 7 3 , R ? 4 ,- 1 5 , 0 0 0 ohms R?? - 390 ohms R?8 - 51 ohms RL-50 - Parasitic Suppressors T53 - Oscillator Coils T54 - Amplifier Coils Y50 - Crystal Unit

L52 - Ant. Loading Coil R 6 ? , R ? 2 , R ? 5 , - 5 1 , 0 0 0o h m s


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r tnretABC-1 TBeNsutreP OBrc


trrtB CourrprEo MoB/LE TBzusu




A majority of the items of electronic equipment available on the surplus market are designed for operation in military aircraft. Hence, these items of equipment have been designed for the types of power supply available aboard such an aircraft. Three types of power supply have been standard; these are: 12-14 volts d.c,,24-29 voltsd.c.,and115voltsa.c.at400cyclesor800'or2400cycles.Itisimpracticable to attempt to construct a high-frequency a-c supply for the operation of electronic equipment requiring such a source of power. It is better in such cases to construct a completely new power supplyfor the equipment andto design this power supply for operation from the standard 115-volt 60-cycle line. Many of the items of surplus equipment are designed in such a manner that certain of the operating features and conveniences are lost when a 12-volt or Z4-volt d-c power supply is not available for the unit. Relays, motors, band-changing systems and such conveniences must have a sizeable d-c power supply for their operation in many of the items of equipment. And if a d-c power supply is made available for these sections of the equipment itis often practicable and even less expensive to construct a slightly larger d-c power supply so thatthe plate-supply dynamotor and the tube heaters also may be operated from the d-c supply.

Typical 28-Volt MediumCurrent Selenium Rectifier. (Vickers)

Features of the Selenium-Rectifier

Power Supply:

power supply for the production of low-voltage highThe selenium-rectifier current d.c. is a completely reliable and quite satisfactory item of equipment. The efficiency of operation of such power supplies is quite good, running from ?b to 8b per cent at full load on the basis of output to input wattage. Regulation is adequate, running from three to five per cent from half-load to full-load current. The life of the rectifier unitis, for amateur use particularly, substantially unlimited; a standard unit running at rated load with normal cooling will show a loss of only a few per cent in output voltage after a 10,000-hour period of operation. The rectifiers deliver full output as soon as they are turned on and they are completely silent in operation since there are no moving parts.
l b

Figure 1 - Forward and reverse current characteristics of a typical selenium-rectifier plate.

r5 '" z
- s B

: ' 9 r


Design of Selenium-Rectifier Supplies: Figure 1 shows the static forward and reverse current characteristics of a typical selenium rectifier plate. It can be seen that current flows much more readily in one direction than in the reverse direction. However, there is a moderate limit to the value of reverse voltage which may be applied to such a rectifier plate. The actual value of the maximum value of reverse r-m-s voltage which may be applied to each plate of a selenium rectifier depends upon the size of the plate and upon the maximum temperature at which the plate will be operated. Under ordinary conditions this maximum permissable reverse voltage varies from something over 20 volts for the small rectifier units used in a.c.-d.c. power supplies down to about 14 volts for the larger of the plates used in low-voltage high-current power. supplies. Figure 2 shows the dynamic voltage drop across each of the plates of each section of a selenium rectifier unit. A half-wave rectifier has only one section, a full-wave rectifier has two sections, and a bridge rectifier of the type used in lowvoltage supplies has four sections. Rectifier units designed for an output voltage of 12 to 14 volts have only one rectifier unit for each of the four sections of the bridge rectifier, while units designed f.or 24 to 28 volts output have either two or three units in series in each of the sections. In the curves of figure 2 the number (1) represents the very smallest rectifier plate while (6) represents a relatively large plate of the type used where several amperes of output current will be required.



Figure 2 - Dynamic voltage-drop characteristics of six typical selenium-rectifier plates. From figure 2 it can be seen that a voltage drop of approximately one volt for each plate connected in series in the effective current path within the power supply will be obtained at full. load. Referring to the recommended circuit for a seleniumrectifier power supply, figure 3, it can be seen that the number of plates in series is twice the number of plates in each in the current path for a bridge rectifier And, with a choke-input power supply, the average output section of the rectifier. voltage of the rectified wave is 0.9times thetransformer secondary voltage. Hence, with a nominal 28-volt power supply as shown the output voltage will be 0.9 times


the transformer secondary voltage minus about 4 volts rectifier drop (assuming two plates per section in the rectifier) minus the resistance drop in the power transformer and the drop in the filter choke. The power transformer which feeds the rectifier must have a current rating of at least 1.15 times the d-c output current which willbe taken from the power supply. This comes about as a result of the fact that the r-m-s value of the alternating current wave which is fed to the rectifier is 1.15 times the average or d-c value of the rectified wave.

F I G U R E3
T Y P I C A L V A L U E S F O R A 2 8 - V O L T , I O - A M P E R ES U P P L Y .

S - n . c . L r N Es w r T c H .

F - s - A M P E R EF U S E . T - T A p p E D3 5 , 3 6 , 3 7 ,A N D 3 8 v o L T s A T 1 2 A . L - o . o z s H E N R Y1 , oA M P E R E S . C - z o o o ! , F D . ,5 0 v o L T s . REstsroR. R- so oHMs,so-wATT BLEEDER A M p E R E , tuM 2 B - v o L Ts E L E N Recr.- to

BRIDGE RECTIFIER. The use of a choke-input filter forthe output of the selenium rectifier in a highcurrent power supply is to be preferred over the use of a filter capacitor directly With a capacitor-input filter across the output of across the output of the rectifier. the rectifier (in such cases a single capacitor is usually the only filter) the d-c output voltage will be somewhat higher, but the regulation will be much poorer and the r-m-s current through the rectifier will be approximately 1.2 times the d-c current being talen from the supply. With a choke-input power supply the d-c output voltage is as stated inthe paragraph above, the regulation is good, and the r-m-s current through the rectifier is only 0.8 times the d-c output current of the power supply. Filter chokes for low-voltage high-current power supplies are not so easily But a relatively small amount of inductance is required of available as rectifiers. such a choke. The minimum value of inductance required is determined through the use of the same formula as used in determining the value of the input choke for a high-voltage power supply. L = Ri"/1000. In conventional mercury-vapor-rectifier this case R1 represents the smallest value of load resistance which will ever be used across the output of the power supply. If the power supply will sometimes be allowed to run without external load, R1 is the value of the bleeder resistor which will be used. However, if the power supply always will be operated with full load, R1 is equal to the output voltage of the power supply divided by the load currentin amperes. The inductance required in a 10-ampere power supply will be found to


be in the region of 10 millihenries, depending uponthe voltage and uponthe minimum current which will be drawn. In most cases it will be found that the choke required by the formula stated above will be about the same in physical size as the choke which normally would be used in a conventional high-voltage power supply with the same power output rating. The filter capacitor should have a capacitance of 100 to 5000 mfd. depending upon the load being placed upon the power supply and upon the degree of filtering required. However, in many cases and with many items of equipment neither a filIn the power supplies for these ter choke nor a filter capacitor wiII be required. items of equipment it is necessary only to connect the output of the reetifier to the input terminals of the equipment. In fact, if it is desired to get by with the bare minimum in the power supply it will be wise to attempt this procedure with the power supply for the equipment in question. If excessive hum or unsatisfactory operation is obtained the filter choke and capacitor may then be added. The selenium rectifier should be mounted in such a manner that free air circulation is allowed. The rectifier plates are required to dissipate a moderate amount of heat by their operation. The units are designed in such a manner that normal convection currents of air flowing between the plates will accomplish the cooling. Under no conditions should the temperature of any of the plates in the selenium rectifier be permitted to exceed 750 Centigrade. If this temperature is exceeded, stacks are rapid deterioration of the plates may be expected. Selenium-rectifier designed in such a manner that under full load with an ambient (or inside-the housing) temperature of 35o C. the maximum safe operating temperature of the rectifier unit will not be exceeded.


THE ARC-5 VHF TRANSMITTER/RECETVER Most "surplus hounds" are well familiar with the popular ARc-b series transmitters and receivers, but the vHF units of that series are not so well known. The ARc-5 vHF consists of the T-Z3/ARC-5 Transmitter andthe R-zg/ARGb Receiver, neither of which resembles the lower frequency ARC-5 units which are so common on the surplus market. This article does not cover the actual conversion procedure, but merely gives inJormation to assist the reader in converting the units as may seem necessary. The transmitter and receiver are of the crystal-controlled variety, each using four crystals. Both can be set to operate on four channels throughout the range oi 100-156Mc. The units are designed exclusively for phone operation and also are intendedonly for operation from a remotely-controlled, push-buttonbox. The modulator (type MD-?/ARC-5) is a separate unit including a 2g-volt DC dynamotor which furnishes voltages for the transmitter mountedon the same chassis. The 28-volt dynamotor which supplies voltages for the receiver is located on the rear of the receiver chassis. The primary power requirements for operation are as follows:
Receiver only Xmttr and Modulator (standby) Xmttr and Modulator (transmitting) Receiver, Xmttr and Modulator: (standby) (transmitting) (charurel switching) 28 volts DC at 2.0 amperes rr tr " " rr 2.7 rr rr r' " g.b rl rr " rr rl I' rr
1 1 1 1 A n t l

" t'

"11.b " 6'9

rr rl

Transmitter: The T-23IARC-5 transmitter weighs 12.3 lbs. and is LS-B/L6inches by g-9/16 inches by 5-29/64 inches in physical size. It is normally plugged into a type MT-69/ARC-5 mountingrack. For original schematicsee Fig. 1, pages 44-4i. The power output is from 6 to 10 watts into a 50-ohm antennaon anv one of four frequencies within the following channels: A B c D 100-124 Mcs L22-146 ', 122-146 I, 132-156 ''

The crystal frequency tobe used foreach channel is determined by the following formula: Crystal Frequency equals Carrier -{requency 1B The Transmitter tube line up is as follows: V301 V302 V303 V304 (1625) Crystal controlled harmonic oscillator (1625) 1st harmonic generator (832A) 2nd harmonic generator (832A) Final PA

The power amplifieris plate and screen modulatedbythe separate MD-?/ARC-b modulator and power unit. 40

Transmitter Tuning: To tune the transmitter, allow the turret mechanism to come to rest on the channeldesired and cormect an external milliammeter from the terminals of J30? (on front of transmitter), to ground, according to the circuit being tuned. The tuning controls are labeled on Fig. 4 for easy reference. The following currents are normal: Oscillator grid current 0.? to 1.2 ma 1.5 to 5.a ma lst harm. gen. grid 1.5 to 5.4 ma 2nd harm. gen. grid 1.2 to 4.8 ma RF amplifier grid 550 volts Plate voltage, final A listing is made here of relay functions in order to simplify the schematic diagrams. K304 K301 K302 K303 K305 K306 Receiver: The R28/ARC-5 Receiver weighs 14.5 lbs. and is 14 by7-5/32by A-1/8 inches physical size. It is normally plugged into a type FT-220A molnting rack. in ^ ihe circuit is a 10-tube superhet with no provision for BFO, as only voice reception is intended. The receiver will function on only four frequencies in the folIowing channels, dependingupon the crystals used: ABcDMes. 100-124 " t22-L46 " t22-L46 " 132-156 For schematicdiagrams see center spread, p a g e6 5 . Controls motor Antenna relaY Plate and screen voltage Modulator Screen and key control Aux. plate and screen voltage Modulator plate and voltage regulator interlock.

The crystal frequency is determined by the following formula:

equals ry crystal Frequency

The Intermediate Frequency is 6.9 Mc. and the audio output impedance is 300 ohms, unless the BC-9424 equalizer is used, which causes the output to be 4000 ohms. The tube line up of the Receiver is as follows: V101 V102 v103 v104 v105 Vl06 V10? V108 V109 Vl10 (?1?A) RF amPlifier (71?A) Mixer ( 1 2 s H ? )1 s t I F ( 1 2 s H 7 )2 n d I F (12SL?)Det-AVC-squelch (12SL?) 1st AF and squelch amP. (12.{6) 2nd AF (12SH?)RF osc - 4th harmonic generator (?1?A) Tripler - 12th harmonic generator (?1?A) Doubler - 24th harmonie generator

For information,

the plug connections on the receiver

are as follows:

Rear plug (J102) 123456?Ground Audio output (hi or low) MVC gain control lead AVC-MVC control lead Blank 28 volts (in) "B" plus (out)

Front plug (J103) 123456Channel A Channel B Ground Channel C Channel D Blank control control control control

To operate the receiver alone, short terminals 1 and 6 of the rear plug to start the dynamotor, and place a 50,000-ohmpot. to ground from terminal 3 to function as an RF gain control.

A schematic drawingof the FT-220A Rack is given in Fig.5, page 46. For diagram of interconnections, see center spread, page 66.




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FIc. 1 - ARC-5 VHF TRANSMITTER (Original Schematic)




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FIc. 1 - ARC-5 VHF TRANSMITTER (Original Schematic) For ARC-5 VHF Receiver, see page 65.


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CONVERSION OF THE GO-g TRANSMITTER (AIso applicable to TBW series)

The model GO-9 Aircraft transmitter was manufactured for the United States Navy and used primarilyin the larger Naval aircraft for CW and MCW transmission with a nominal power output of 100 watts. The complete unit is quite adaptable to amateur use as it covers directly the 20,40 and 80 meter bands. "TBW', is It is to be noted here that another popular surplus transmitter, the quite similar to the GO-9. The TBW is also Naval equipment, being designed for The general appearance is somewhat different, but the advance-base installations. same three-section construction is used. Two major differences exist between the models: First, the TBW intermediate frequency section covers a slightlydifferent range (350 to 1000kc.); second, the TBW incorporates an 843 tube as a class A suppressor -grid modulator, The high-frequency section ofthe TBW is identical to that of the GO-9 in regard The instructions to follow may to the basic circuit, and the power unit is similar, be generally used for the TBW, but as this conversion data pertains primarily tothe certain sections will not apply to the TBW. Particular attention GO-9 transmitter, should be paid to the difference in terminal connection numbers in relation to the power supply section. Naturally, since the TBW has its original modulator, the one described for the GO-9 wiil not be necessary. The assembly consists of three aluminum frames fastened together with snap catches and guide pins to operate as a single unit. AII of the necessary connections between units are made by contact brushes and contacts. The three units and their specifications pertaining to the GO-9 and TBW follow: IF Transmitter GO-g Type CAY 52192

TBW Type CAY 52238 33 I/4 inches 13 5/8 inches l7 L/4 inches ?6.5 lbs. 350-1000 kc. Type CAY 52239 33 L/4 inches 13 5/8 inches L1 t/4 inches 84 lbs. 3 0 0 0 - 1 8 , 0 0k 0c .
Type CAY 20084 (includes Modulator) 33 l/4 inches lO 7/ 16 inches L1 ti4 inches ?1 lbs.

Size: Height Width Depth Weight Frequency HF Transmitter Size: Height Width Depth Weight Frequency
Rectifier Unit Size: Height width Depth Weight

33 3l/32 inches 10 1/2 inches 16 3/8 inches 44 lbs. kc. 300-600 Type CAY 52193 33 3l/32 inches l0 l/2 inches 16 3/8 inches 4?.5 lbs. 3 0 0 0 - 1 8 , 0 0k 0c . Type CAY 20103 3 3 3 L / 3 2i n c h e s ? 3,/8 inches L6 3/8 inches 40.5 lbs.

Tube Line Up (Same for both GO-9 and TBW with exception of an additional 843 modulatorin TBW.) 1 type 801 Master Oscillator IF Transmitter 1 tYPe80? IF AmPlifier 1 type 803 Power AmPlifier 47


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Marker-beacon receivers, particularly the BC-35?, have appeared in large quantity and at very moderate cost on the surplus market. The BC-357 is of little value in its original form to the average experimenter. However, its small size, and several of the components in the unit, make for easy conversion to a capacityoperated relay. This type of relay, which is caused to operate by the immediate presence of any large object, has many uses which may include the control provision for the opening of garage doors, turning on of lights or ringing of bells as an intruder protection, counting of personnel, and similar applications. The original circuit of the receiver consisted essentially of a two-tube, tuned r-f, reflex-type receiver with its rectified output used to operate an extremely sensitive relay. The receiver is completely enclosed in an aluminum case with dimensions of 3-1,/2 inches in width, 5-1/2 inches in height, and 6 inches in depth. The most valuable components of the unit are the sensitive relay and the housing. The relay will close with a current of 0.4 ma. and will open again when the current falls to 0.2 ma. The contacts are capable of carrying upto 500 ma. at low voltage without deterioration. The housing alone is excellently suited for use as a container for receivers, converters, or other items of mobile equipment. Conversion to a Capacity-Operated Relay: A simple Hartley oscillator is used with the sensitive relay in the plate circuit of a 6Jb tube. The circuiti.s self-rectifyingto permit the use of the 115-volt a-c line voltage as plate supply potential. Before adding the new circuit the chassis is stripped ofall components except forthe relay, one tube socket,and the lower tuning condenser. The completed circuit includes a well insulated lead brought out from the grid of the oscillator. This lead should not exceed 5 or 6 feet in length and may be terminated at the existing jack on the front panel. The oscillator coil, as shown in figure 2, can be for any frequency below about 500 kc. The operating principle is as follows: When the circuit is oscillating a relativeIy high bias is developed at the grid of the tube. With the high bias, which results from grid-leak action, very little plate current flows and the relay does not close. However, when the grid circuitis loadedby an external capacitance the r-fgrid voltage is decreased, resulting in lowered grid bias which increases the plate current and closes the relay. Final adjustment of the converted unit will include adjustment of the tensionspring of the relay. This spring must be adjusted to locate the operating point of the relay in the center of the tube characteristic. The unit is capable of slight r-f radiation since the external lead is coupled directly to the grid of the oscillator. However, if a frequency well below 500 kc. is used this radiation will be so small that it will not be perceptible even in a nearby receiver. A BC-348 receiver may be used to check the installationto insure that oscillator radiation is not taking place. Positive tests should be made to insure against violation of FCC regulations concerning such devices.



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HIGH.FIDELITY TUNER FROM THE BC-9468 RECEIVER The BC-9468 aircra-ft receiver, or its Navy equivalent, in the ARC-5 series, lends itself readily for conversion to a high-fidelity broadcast tuner. This receiver is identical to the SCR-274 series except that its frequency range is 520 to 1500 kc. with an intermediate frequency of 239 kc. For schematic, see pages 8-9, and 11. Typical of aircraft equipment, this receiver was designed to operate from 28 volts, DC. The 12-volt heaters were wired in series-parallel while the high voltage was supplied by a dynamotor mounted on the rear of the chassis, The original tube Iine-up is as follows:

12SK? 12K8 12SK? 12SK? 12SR? 12A6

lst RF amp lst Detector (mixer) 1st IF amp 2nd IF amp 2nd Detector, CW osc. 2nd Audio amp (output)

(a) Preparation of Chassis for Added Circuits: After removing the bottom plate from the chassis, the three plug assemblies [-1, front; J-3, rear; and ]-2, dynamotor) with their respective wiring andhardware should be removed and discarded. This is done vith the following exceptions: (1) The "gain control line" (green lead) from the cathodebus to pin No. 1 of J-1, should be groundedto a convenientpoint on the chassis. (2) R-22 and R-23, the tapped bleeder resistor across the plate supply which furnishes the screen voltage (approx. 100 volts) from the tap, is left intact. (3) C-32 is then rewired as the screen voltage by-pass from the tap on the bleeder. All other componentsassociated withthe plugs and the audio section and the CW oscillator are completely stripped from the chassis. These include the following: i n s i d ec a n ) , C - 2 6 , R - 1 4 , C - 2 9 , L-15, L-14, C-16, L-12 and 13 (andcomponents R - 1 9 , R - 1 8 , R - 2 t , V - 2 , C - 3 1 , C - 3 5 , a n dT - 1 . The output transformer, T-1, has a high-impedance secondary (4000 and 300 use and is not usable with conventionalspeakers. ohms) intended for headphone (b) Modification of the Heater Circuit for 6-Volt Operation: Since broadcast tuners are normally used in conjunction with a separate audio amplifier which supplies the heater and plate voltages for the tuner, 6-volt heater operation is recommended. This necessitates changes in the heater wiring as shown in Fig. 1 and the substitution of 6-volt equivalents for the existing tubes. In the tuner version, the audio output stage, (12A6), is not used and therefore no substitution is required. However, this socket affords tie points for connectionof the 6Eb tuning-eye assembly. The leads are run through the center hole of the socket with the connectionsmade underneaththe chassis. If the audio amplifier is added to the chassis as mentioned in section (i), a 6Y6 output tube is substituted for the former 12A6. The heaters of the 6E5 are merely paralleled at some convenientpoint in the heater circuit.


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(c) AVC Circuit Modification: In the original circuit, the AVC voltage was derived from the diode action of the secondIF amplifier grid. For better performance this is changedas shown in Fig. 6 using the second diode plate of the 6SR7. This changerequires removing R-11 from the grid circuit of the second IF amplifier and connectingthe AVC lead to the AVC bus at the junetion of C-15A. The tuning indicator (6E5) is operated from the AVC voltage in the conventional manner as shown in Fig. 6. (d) Audio Section: The audio modification as shown in Fig. 7 incl.udes the conventional volume control in the grid circuit of the 6SR?. The audio output from the triode section of the 6SR? is brought out through the rear of the chassis with about 30 inches of shielded microphone cable. A standard microphone cable connector provides a good shielded connection to the amplifier used. The circuit components shown in Fig. 6 give audio responsefrom approximately30 to 10,000cps. (e) Power Connections: Power connectionsfor the tuner (6 volts and plate voltage)arebroughtouton the rear end of the chassis through a conventionalsoeket. Unless a specific plug is required, the ordinary octal tube socket can be used in the former position of the J-3 plug. At this plug the '8" minus lead is grounded to the chassis as well as to one side of the heater supply.voltage. It should be noted that these grounded connections must correspond to thosb of the power supply and amplifier used. A grounded center tap on the heater tnansformer at the power supply carmotbe used unless the tuner heater circuit is rewired with an ungroundedsystem. If the heater supply is center-tapped, generally the center tap can be lifted and one side of the 6-volt circuit grounded instead. 60

(f ) Adjustments for Operation: After the converted tuner is operable, IF alignment and coupling adjustments should be made to obtain the broad band-pass necessary for high-fidelity reception. This phase of the conversion is the key feature for high-fidelity performance. The determined by the band-pass of the higher audio frequency response is primarily IF amplifier which in this case should approach 20 kc. The best IF amplifier alignment can be obtained only by the scope and wobbulator method where adjustment can be made with a visual pattern of the IF amplifier response. Most of the larger radio service shops have this type of equipment. This method of alignment results in a symmetrical waveform as produced by the three tuned stages and the proper coupling adjustments. will be obtained with The proper coupling adjustment for the IF transformers the plungers approximately half-way in. These plungers are exposed for adjustment at the tops of the IF cans when the plastic caps are removed. Maximum coupling, which allows maximum band pass, occurs when the plungers are in; minimum coupling, or narrow band pass, is obtained by pulling the plungers out. It should be noted here that high selectivity (sharp tuning) can be obtained, Sharper resacrificing the high frequency response, by using minimum coupling. sponse often becomes desirable when two stations are so close to each other that they interfere with normal or broad-band reception. Even though maximum coupling gives a band width of approximately 25 kc. it also gives a very pronounced undesirable dip as shown in Fig. 9. This double-peak effect becomes quite obvious when tuning the receiver. After the IF alignment and coupling adjustments are made the waveform of the IF amplifier response wiII be that shown in Fig. 9. Over-all frequency response of the tuner will be that shown in Fig. 10. (g) RF Alignment Procedure: Should it be necessary to touch up the RF alignment, which generally is not requiredif the dial calibration is reasonably accurate, the procedure in Fig. 2 should be followed. (h) Mechanical Modifications and Layout:

Even though there are many possible versions adaptable to the 8C946 receiver, the following two tuning dial and panel arrangements have proven very satisfactory. These modifications are intended, where it is desired, to dress up the appearance of the tuner or its receiver version for home use. The first version, as shown in Fig. 3a, utilizes the existing gear reduction mechanism with a centered knob assembly. The knob shaft is belt driven, with a step-up ratio to the former control shaft. This shaft carries a small flywheel in addition to the pulley which results in a pleasant smooth tuning action. The flywheel and driven pulley shaft utilize the tuning-knob assemblies that are available for the surplus SCR-274 series transmitters and receivers. Other controls are brought out symmetrically onthe panel by means of extended shafts as shown in Fig. 3a. The second version for the tuning and panel arrangement uses the conventional type slide-rule diat (180 degrees rotation) mounted directly to the tuning condenser I/4-inch shaft. This arrangement eliminates the former gear cirive sincethe driven condenser gear, onthe condenser shaft, is replaced with the ordinary 1/4-inch shaft sgrrpling or extension. To remove the condenser driven gear (split type), it is necessary to remove the condenser shield covers and the triangular plate on the right end of the variable tuning condenser. If an ordinary 1/4-inch shaft extension is used, the triangular


Intermediate frequency 239 KC High End 1400 KC (Adjust c 4 E ,

c4D,& c2)

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plate can be replaced and used for additional shaft support. in Fig. 3b. (i) Complete High-Fidelity System from the BC-9468:

This approach is shown

Since the chassis of the BC-946 receiver affords sufficient space for additional components, the additional components to make up a complete radio receiver can be successfully added. The first version utilizes a power supply mounted in the former dynamotor space, as shown in the photographs. The output stage consists of a 6V6 which occupies the former 12A6 socket. Due to the lack of space and to avoid inductive hum is mounted on the the output transformer pick-up from the power transformer, speaker frame or cabinet. This version, in Fig. 7, using the single-ended 6V6 is capable of delivering 4 At normal listening level (approximately I watt) watts at Iess than 67o distortion. the percentage distortion is negligible for all practical purposes. With application of inverse feedback, distortion can be reduced. The second version for the high-fidelity radio and amplifier incorporates the audio ampliiier on the BC-946B chassis but uses the power supply as a separate unit. The amplifier section utilizes push-pull 6V6rs operating AB1 and is capableof delivering 10 watts at less than 3.57o distortion when used with the recommended power supply. It will be noted from the schematic diagram, Fig. 8, that the amplifier section uses the floating-paraphase form of inversion and a small amount of inverse feedDuaI tone back. This deJign aCcounts for better performance from the 6V6's. controls (bass and treble) are used to give high or low end boost or attenuation. A phono input also is incorporated. (j ) Speaker Cabinet: for use with a l2-inch The reflex-type speaker cabinet as shown in Fig.4, speaker, provides exceptional performance. This type of cabinet acts as a resonant cavity toward the lower frequencies and improves the over-all listening response.

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For Wiring Diagram (fig' S) see pages 8-9.


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method of IF By the wobbulator-scope alignment and coupling adjustment, similar scope patterns can be obtained as shown here. This response is indicative of the audio response of the funer assuming a flat response of the audio system lor the frequency range in question. The low frequency droop in the over-all response (modulated RF signal) as shown in fig. 4, is due to the audio characteristic of the system used.

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One of the most widely known and widely available units oI surplus transmitting equipment is the BG3?5. Due tothe relatively poor frequency stability of the transmitter, few amateurs have had the temerity to attempt to operate the transmitter as it originally was designed. By far the majority have disassembled both the transmitter proper and the tuning units for the wealth of usable components which they contain. However, this section describes a relatively simple and quite practical conversion procedure by which the transmitter may be operated substantially intact and still meet the FCC requirements for transmitted frequencystability of signals on the amateur bands. The conversion procedure consists essentially of two steps: (1) The construction of two power supplies, 24 volts d.c. at 7.5 amperes and 1000 volts at 300 ma., either of which is universal inits application so that it may be used with any item of equipment in addition to serving as a portion of the BC-3?5 transmitter system. And (2), the modification of the tuning units so that an external v.f.o. may be used to excite the original oscillator of the MOPA transmitter so that this stage operates as a bufler amplifier or as a frequency doubler. (a) Description of the BC-3?5 Transmitter: The BC-3?5 transmitter originally was designed for and used in larger military It is capable of delivering 45 to 100 watts output over a wide frequency aircraft. range into an antenna system such as could be installed on an aircraft. The r-f circuit uses a 211 (VT-4C) as master oscillator and another 211 as power amplifier. The audio system uses a 210 speech amplifier or tone generator and a pair of 211 tubes in push-pull as modulators. The The transmitter is provided with a quite flexible antenna-Ioading circuit. output may be coupled into a single straight wire of any reasonable length. Power requirements for the BC-3?5 are 24/28 volts DC at approximately 600 watts for CW operation and about 850 watts for phone. Plate voltage is obtained from the PE-?3 28-volt dynamotor which requires approximately 20 amperes under Its high voltage output is 1000 volts at 500 ma. normal operating conditions. Physically identical with the BC-191, the dimensions of the BC-375 are 20" high x 22" wide x 8" deep. The complete equipment, with the BC-3?5 as the primary component, is as follows: Transmitter Tuning Units. .BC-375 . T U - 5 B ( 1 5 0 0 - 3 0 0 0k c . ) , T U - 6 B ( 3 - 4 . 5 M c . ) , T U - ? B ( 4 . 5 - 6 . 2 M c . ) , T U - 8 8 ( 6 . 2 - ? . ?M c . ) , T U - 1 0 8 ( 1 0 - 1 2 . 5M c . ) . . .BC-306 .PE-?3 .T-1?, etc.

Antenna Tuning Unit. Dynamotor. Carbon Microphone

The significant difference between the BC-191 and the BC-3?5is thatthe former In the DC version operates from 12-volt source for its filament and relay circuits. (component of the SCR-1??), the transmitter plate power was derived from a 12-volt dynamotor, while in the AC version (component of the SCR-188) all transmitter power requirements were derived from AC power unit RA-34. This power unit, designed to operate from 105-125 volts or 210-250 volts, 50,/60 cycles, furnishes filaThe dimensions of the ment, mike, and plate voltages for the 12-volt transmitter. RA-34 are l3-7/8" x Lz-Il/L6" with its weight being 140 pounds. (b) Power Supply Equipment:


If one is not a proud possessor of an RA-34 power unit, two power supplies for the filament and plate requirements of the BC-3?5 must be consiructed. The filament power supply must provide 24volts DC at approximately g amperes. The con_ struction of this unit involves more expense than if only AC iransform""" """ u""d, but is justified for several reasons. First, it is very aitficutt to get at the filameni circuits to make any changes. Second, direct current must be usedto permit the use of the antenna relay. Third, a certain amount of AC hum from the iilament tubes must be tolerated unless special balancing circuits are used with AC filament power. A power supply to meet the requirements is shown in Fig. 2. The selenium rectifier, with a single section filter, provides sufficiently "rnoJth DC for operation of the filament and relay circuits. , _ - The high-voltage plate supply must deliver approximately 1000 volts at about 300 ma. The circuit shown in Fig. 3 for the high voltage supply has proven to be satisfactory. As previorrsly mentioned, this suppiy is of conve-ntional design so that it may be used with other equipment. Power eonnections to the transmitter are made at the plug connections as also shown in Fig. 3. (d) Modification for VFO Excitation: The two power supplies described above will operate the transmitter as it was originally used in the military service. However, the instability of the master oscilt1t!o_ri9 considerably outside the limits for amateur operation as specified by the FCC. This situation maybe correctedby moditying the oiiginal master oscillator to function as a neutralized buffer amplifier stage driven b'y an external vFo. Any VFO with sufficient power output and the proper frequency range will be satisfactory. However, the surplus scR-2?4N transmitter, when conveited, serves the pur_ pose very well.* The output frequency of the vFo must be 3.b ivlc. for 3.b ana ? Mc., and ? Mc. for ? and 14 Mc. transmitter operation. The Bc-4bg (? to 9.1 Mc.) when used as the vFo permits both 40 and 20 meter operation. For 20 meter oper_ ation, the original master oscillator stage functions as a doubler. Although this stage is quite inefficient when operating as a doubler, satisfactory operationian be obtained by supplying adequate drive from the VFO. If the BC-696 transmitter (converted) is used for the vFo, g0 and 40 meter operation of the transmitter can be obtained. It should be noted that frequen"y *,rltiplication greater than two in the converted master oscillator stage is unsatisfaetory due to low efficiency. To modify the original master oscillator for operation as a neutralized buffer amplifier stage or as a doubler, it is necessary to construct a tuned grid circuit for the VT-4C (211) stage. This circuit consists of a tank which may be tuned either to the 80 or 40 meter bands. It is link coupled as shown in Fig. i to a coaxial con_ nector mounted on the side of the transmitter. Tfe tuned circuit is mounted on the main frame of the transmitter and should be located as near to the tube as is possible. It should be placed just behind the front panel with its tuning and switch controls brought out through the panel. The circuit and the components required are shown in Fis. 4. (e) Conversion of the Tuning Units: Modification of the tuning units primarily involves changing the original oscilIator circuit to a neutralized amplifier or doubler circuit. aOJitionat modification ol the excitation and neutralization taps for the PA also are suggested for increas-gb, ing excitation to the PA. The tuning units described provide ao and 20 meter operation with sufficient excitation to the final to realize an RF output of approximately 100 watts. * "Surplus Radio Conversion Manual". Volume I
dA t a

Tuning Unit TU-6B (3-4.5 Mc.): This tuning unit requires only minor changes to permit straight-through operation from the 80-meter VFO. An added 50 uufd. variable transmitting-type condenser is used at the cold end of the buffer tank for neutralizing as shown in the converted TU-6B schematic diagram, Fig. 5. The condenser is mounted in the buffer compartment (originally oscillator compartment) with its screwdriver. adjustment acce^ssible through the rear panel of the tuning-unit chassis. Stand-off's should be used for mounting the condenser. "hot" end to the For increased excitation to the PA, the excitation tap is moved "cold" end. Switching of the coil while the neutralizing tap relocated at the bottom or "before and after' diao{ positions for these two taps should be obvious from the grams, Fig. 5. Tuning Unit TU-88 (6200-??00 kc., 40 Meters): oI as a This unit may use the buffer stage as a straight through amplifier doubler, depending on the vFo source. output is for 40-meter operation. The same operations for modification are required as in the case of the TU-6B il excitation is lo be supplied on ? Mc. Considerably less capacitance is required for the added neutralizing condenser, thus permitting the use of a 25 uufd. variable. Similarly, the control shaft is extended through the rear of the unit for screwdriver adjustment. The neutralizing condenser is added to the TU-88 in the same circuit po"ition as shown for TU-6B in Fig. 5 if excitation will be supplied on 7 Mc. to the unit. Fig. 6 shows the proper circuit connections for the TU-88 rvhen the first 211 tube is to be operated as a doubler from 3.5 Mc. with ? Mc. output. Note that it is not necessary io install a neutralizing condenser when this stage is to be operated as a doubler. It is necessary, however, to remove the oscillator feedbackcondenser from inside the tuning unit, as shown in Fig. 6. The excitation and neutralizing leads to the PA should be interchanged as described for the TU-6B to provide greater drive for the PA. If the neutralized buffer amplifier stage is to function as a doubler, neutralization for this stage is not necessary. However, to improve its doubling efficiency' the grid bias foithe stage is increased. This is accomplished by inserting a ?5K ohm resistor in the grid bias lead as shown in Fig. 6. Even though this operation materially improves the doubling efficiency, considerably more drive from the VFO is required for doubling than for straight-through operation. Tuning Unit TU-10B (10-12.5Mc., 20 Meters): For 14-Mc. operation, with excitation from the vFo on ? Mc., the buffer amplifier must function as a doubler. As mentioned previously, this stage is not efficient as a doubler. To compensate for the inefficiency, added drive from the VFO is required as well as incrlased bias for the stage. The additional bias is obtained by i sertion of the 100K resistor in the grid-bias lead as shown in the schematic diagram, Fig. 7. As m-entioned above, neutralization is not required for the buffer stage when it functions as a doubler, ihus eliminating the need for the neutralizing condenser required for straight-through operation. The PA excitation and neutralization taps ire interchanged for increased excitation as with the other tuning units. one more operation is required to bring the tuning unit into the 14-Mc. range. This involves shorting out one turn at the cold end of both the buffer amplifier and pA tank coils. The shorting can be accomplished by flowing solder across the two end turns in both cases. One point that should be mentioned is that the taps on the buffer coil must remain an equidistant number of turns from the center-tap connection.




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(f ) Modifications

for the Modulator:

The existing modulator is incapable of full modulation of 100 watts output from the PA. This is due to insufficient drive from the carbon mike and the 210 audio amplifier. since a pair of push-pull 211's are capable of much more audio than really necessary, increased drive will solve the problem. This may be accomplished by inserting an additional audio stage between the mike and the 210 stage. For convenience, the added tube may be coupled to the 210 through the existing mike transformer, with a plate to 200-ohm transformer used to match the plate of the added tube to the existing mike input. A more refined solution to the audio amplification problem would be to construct a new preamplifier and driver to replace the 210 stage. The driver transformer to the modulator grids has several taps ranging from 150 to 4000 ohms, thus allowing flexibility in the choice of the output stage of the audio amplifier driver. Higher bias is required for increased output from the class B 211 modulator. Fixed bias is preferred and can be obtained from a 75 bolt B battery. It should be noted that the modulation can be increased materially without the addition of fixed bias. However, it is suggested that fixed bias be added since modulator bias was obtained from the PA grid leak resistor in the original circuit. Hencethe modulator bias fluctuates with the PA grid current. (g) Operation: Operation of the BC-3?5 transmitter on amateur frequencies does not require the BC-306 antenna tuning unit. Various feeding circuits may be selected by the antenna circuit controls. The BC-3?5 output circuit is not readily adaptable to feeding a balanced load, although satisfactory results often may be obtained. Antenna loading can be roughly determined by the RF ammeter located in the upper part of the antenna tuning section. During initial tests and tuning, reduced voltage should be used so as to avoid damage to the tubes. The original calibration charts will not be correct for the new tuning unit circuits. Therefore the dials should be recalibrated with a reliable frequency meter.


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The Bendix TA-128 transmitter comprises a remotely controlled, four-charurel. 40-watt output, master oscillator type transmitter. The four-channels provide telephone, cw, or MCW operation in the frequency ranges of 300-600 kc. and 8000 to ?000 kc. The TA-12c covers the range 300-600 ke. and 3000-12,000 kc.; otherwise the two are identical. The transmitter is one of the most attractive to appear on the surplus market and is ideal for the amateur in need of a desk-sized transmitter to cover several of the amateur bands. The unit is quite light, weighing only about 35 lbs, and in physical size is tl-L/B inches wide, 10-1/4 inches high and 6-3/4 inches deep. The equipment was designed to be operated from a primary power unit consisting of a DC dynamotor requiring 24 volts at 14.8 amperes. The modulator is part of the power unit chassis. However, the power supply (Mp-288) is usually not available. Each of the four channelshas its own oscillatorand each uses a type 12SK? tube. The IPA stage consists of an 80?, while the PA is composed of (2) s0? tubes in parallel. The modulator (part of MP-28B), is composed of two amplifiers, a 6N? anda 6F6 driving a pair of 80?'s in PP. (a) Filament Conversion: The tubes in the transmitter proper are wired originally for operation from 24 volts and are in series-parallel. The first step in the conversion is to rewire these for 6.3-volt operation by placing all tubes in parallel. This can be accomplished quite easily be referring to the "before and after' diagrams given in Fig. 1. Note that since the 12SK7 type tubes have 12 volt filaments, it will be necessary to replace them with 6SK?s. If desired, the entire tube line up may be wired for 12-volt filament operation and the 12SK?'s will not have to be replaced. But in this article 6.3-volt operation is assumed. (b) Elimination of Keying Relay K101 and Substitute Circuits:

Relay K101 acted as an antenna change-over relay and switched plate voltage to the osc. and doubler in addition to other functions. As this relay operated from 24 volts DC, it must be removed and the circuit modified. This procedure is as follows: CIip all wires to K101 and remove it from the transmitter. AII of these wires may be taped up or removed, with the following exceptions: The lead from terminal 10, which is the plate voltage lead for the osc. and doubler, should be jumpered to the wire on the relay contact to which it would normally make contact when the relay operated. This will enable application of plate voltage directly to the osc. and doubler. In addition, the lead from the antenna terminal through meter M101 should be jumpered in place of the normal relay contacts. This lead will now run directly from the antenna terminal through M101 and to the swinger of s102F. (s102G is no longer used asit merely applied voltage toan external antenna loading coil relay when the transmitter was set on the low-frequency channel, number 1.) See Fig. 2. (c) AC Power Supply and Modulator to Replace Original Unit: As the fundamental power source was a 24-volt DC supply, it will be necessary to build an equivalent AC power supply to furnish voltages for all filaments and f6r the tube plates. This will have to be constructed on an external chassis. A modula-

tor capable of l00percent modulationis also built on the same chassis as the power supply. These two units may be wiredin accordance with Fig. 3. Pay special attention to the terminal connection numbers as these will coincide with those at the transmitter. (d) Metering Information and Keying Data: M101 on the front panel indicates antenna current at the transmitter output terThe two jacks J102 and J103 provide meter connections for measuring minal. cathode currents of the doubler and PA tubes. J103 may also be used to key the transmitter for CW use as it opens the cathode circuit of the PA. A 22.5-volt battery is placed in series with terminal 14 along with an added metering jack to register PA grid current. See Fig. 2. (e) Operating Data: After connecting the power supply/modulator unitto the transmitter as shownon the diagrams, set the OSC TUNING dial for each channel to the reading corresponding to the desired frequency. The frequency calibration curves.Figures 4 and 5 will pelmit setting the frequencyto approximatelyplus or minus .\Vo. A frequency check should be made with an external frequency meter for greater accuracy. The fotlowing tabulation shows the frequency coverage of each channel:

Channel 1 2 3 4

TA.12B kc. 300-600 3000-4800 4000-6400 43?0-?000

TA-12C kc. 300-600 3000-4800 4800-7680 ?680-12000

The switch (S2) of the power unit should be thrown to the off position, and AC applied to the power unit by elosing switches 51 and S5. After a minute oI so warm up-period, 52 should be thrown on, applying plate voltage to the tubes. (Note: when using CW, switch 53 should be closed, shorting the secondary of the modulation For phone, of course, it should transformer to prevent damage to the transformer. be left open.) (1) Rotate the output TUNING dial of the desired channel as far as possible in a Set the antenna caCCW direction, thus placing the entire load coil in the circuit. pacitor switches (5104, 105 and 106) to the OUT position. These switches al'e on (2) Set the plate the same mounting board as the Channel 1 loading switches. capacitor switches (S109, 108, 10?) to the OUT position. These are accessible when the transmitter is removed from its case. Set the output loading coil of the desired charurel to 50, which corresponds to maximum capacitance. (3) Connect an antenna to the antenna terminal (115 feet of straight wire will work very well.) (4) Set the channel selector to the desired number and close the telegraph key, which can be plugged into ]103. Rotate the channel loading dial from 50 to 0 observing the PA (A meter will have to be placed in series with the key to observe plate current. this.) Rotate the channel TUNING control and channel LOADING control untila dip in PA plate current is noticed. A setting should be found which will give a dip in plate current to approximately 180 ma. To obtain proper loading it may be necesiary to connect the fixed plate capacitor in parallel with the variable by means of the switch (5109, 108, 10?) on the rear plate of the coil and capacitor assembly' It may also be necessary to connect the anterura series capacitor in the circuit by means of 5104, 105 or 106. The antenna current as indicated by M101 should pass through a peak at approximately the same tuning point that gives minimum plate It is possible to tune to a harmonic of the desired frequency, so a wavecurrent.


meter should be used at all times as a check on the output frequency. (f) General Notes: The test key on the front panel may be wired in series with J103 if desired and used for tuning purposes, allowing a meter to be plugged into J103. It may be advisable to insert an r-f choke in series with the B plus lead to the transmitter final tank coil. This lead should be by-passed to ground. Schematic circuit diagrams of the transmitter and original power supply unit are given in Figs. 6 and ?, With this conversion it will not be possible to make use of the remote control unit, due to the lack of 24 volts DC for operation of the control motors.


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TA-128 Transmitter

TA-12B Bottom View After Conversion

FIG. 8 90



The Collins ART-13 Autotune Transmitter and its Naval counterpart, rhe ATC, were designed for use in the larger types of Army and Navy aircraft. They are now available on the surplus market in limited quantity. This unit is truly the answer to the desire for a beautifully versatile rig covering all the amateur bands between 2000 and 18,100 kc. By simple conversion the lO-meter band may be added. Provision is made in the design for addition of a unit to cover the range of 200 to 1500 kc. But, as this range is useless for amateur operation, the space allowed for this section may be used for the addition of a 10meter stage. Phone or CW may be used with about 200 watts input to the final. Monitoring circuits are built into the set for both. CW speeds up to 25 WPM are possi.ble. However, if higher keying speeds are desired it is suggested that block-grid keying of the final amplifier be used. Probably the most noted characteristic of this transmitter isthe autotune mechanism which allows selection of any one of 11 preselected frequencies, pre-tuned and ready to operate approximately 30 seconds after the selector dial is set to the channel desired. This mechanism may also be set into operation from a remote position by means of a separate control box, allowing the transmitter to be installed in a basement or garage and yet operated from within the house. In addition, a frequency-merer type VFO is incorporated. A crystal calibrator is included to check the calibraiion of the VFO. The transmitter is only slightly larger than the standard communications receiver and weighs just ?0 lbs. It is of rugged construction and looks well enough to be placed in the most particular ham shacks. It is housed in a black wrinkied aluminum cabinet 23-5/8 inches wide by 16 inches deep and Ll-3/8 inches high. Provision is made for use with a shock-mount base. The tube complement is as follows: 1 - B37 electron coupled oscillator 1 - 1625 (12 volt B0?) doubler, tripler or quadrupler, depending upon frequency desirec 1 - 1625tripler 1 - 813 power amplifier 1 - 12SJ?speech amplifier 1 - 6V6 driver 2 - 811 modulators 1 - 6VO sidetone audio amplifier L/2 - l2SL7 -GT calibration-crystal oscillator l/2 - t2SL7-GT frequency tripler l/2 - l2SL7-GT calibration detector l/2 - l2SL7-GT tone oscillator 1 - 12SA7 mixer (in frequency divider) (a) AC Power Supply for the Equipment: The main problemin converting this transmitter isin constructing a power supply so that the equipment may be operated from the standard 115-volt a-c line. In fact, if operation on the 28 Mc. band is not required, the construction of the power supply is all that is required before placing the transmitter on the air. On the basis of the conversion of a number of these excellent transmitters it has been concluded that the most satisfactory method ol constructing the power supply is that method which requires no modification or extensive disassembly of the transmitter. To meetthe above requirementit is necessary that the power supply furnish the 91

following voltages and currents: 2? volts d.c. at 10 amperes 400 volts d.c. at 225 ma, 1250 volts d.c. at 250 ma. The 2?-volt d-c power supply lights all filaments and heaters and the pilot lamp, powers all relays, and operates the autotune mechanism. The 400-volt power supply runs the v.f.o., exciter, crystal calibrator, speech amplifier, and in addition supplies screen voltage to the 813 final amplifier. The 1250-volt power supplyprovides plate voltage for the 813 when operating on c.w., and in addition supplies plate voltage to the 811 modulators when operating on phone. Figure 1 shows a complete power supply forthe transmitter. A bridge selenium rectifier is used for the 2?-volt supply, while mercury-vapor rectifiers are used for each of the other power supplies. Choke-input filters are used in all three of the power supplies. The 12.5-ohm resistor in series with the negative return for the high-voltage power supply will give a full-scale reading of 320 ma. when the meter"P.A. PLATE" position. selector switch on the panel of the ART-13 is placed in the power plug is This lead was used in ART-13 not used. ? of the The lead to terminal the aircraft installation to turn the equipment on. With this power supply the equipment is placed into operation by closing the main switch in the 115-volt a-c line. Note that a separate switch has been provided for turning offthe high-voltage supply when tuning the transmitter or checking frequency; the low-voltage system operates normally with this switch turned off, but no high voltage is applied to the 813 or to "CALIBRATE-TUNE-oPERATE" switch on the the 811's. Always be sure that the "TUNE" position "CALIBRATE" when tuning or or the transmitter is in either the If this is not done, damage to the screen of the 813 may calibrating the transmitter. occur as a result of excessive screen dissipation. With the power supply circuit as "VOICEshown, the plate-voltage supplies wiII be in operation at all times when the "CW'or "MCW" position, althoughthe "MCW" posiCW-MCW" switch is in either the tion of course will not be used. For this reason 52 has been included to provide for control of the application of plate voltages to the transmitter from the operating position. (b) Adding the 10-Meter Multiplier: The upper frequency limit of the ART-13 transmitter is 18.1 Mc. Hence the inclusion of an additional multiplier is necessary if operation on the 28-Mc. band is desired. This multiplier may be mounted in the space in front of the 813 tube which was provided for the low-frequency oscillator. A metal shelf or subchassis is installed in this space. A power plug which carries all necessary voltages for the A 1625 tube is used for the added stage is already provided in the compartment. added stage since its filament may be connected to the power plug after the 28-ohm resistor is removed from the circuit. This resistor was provided to give the same drop as the 1625 tube for which it substitutes when the low-frequency oscillator is not used. The circuit of the stage is given in Fig. 3. A variable condenser across Tuning is broad and may be accomthe plate coil of the 1625 may not be required. plished by decreasing or increasing spacing between the coil windings. The stage may be operated either as a doubler or tripler, but in this particular conversion a tripler appeared to give much better results. CoiI data for a tripler stage is given in Fig. 3. The coil is best A 1O-meter final tank circuit must also be constructed. mounted on the relay K-105 located just to the left of the new l0-meter compartment as viewed from the front panel. This relay, K105, originally switched the The 10-meter 813 plate to an external loading coil for low-frequency operation. tank circuit is merely hooked between the relay output contact and ground. Coil


data is given on the lO-meter circuit diagram Fig. 3. In these units it is advisable to remove the low frequency RF choke L-109, and move C-128 (.002) into the former position of L-109. The high-voltage lead is then connected to one side of C-128 and to the bottom of the high-frequency choke, L-108. The other side of C-128 is grounded. The 10-meter antenna connection can now be made to the external Ioadcoil terminal if a lead is run from the load corr terminal to a tap on the lO-meter tank. To switch from l0-meter (tleration to any one of the other frequencies, two methods may be used, The lirst method allows fully automatic operation and uses a double pole, double throw relay mounted on the panel in the bottom of the transmitter near the grid of the 813. Activation of this relay is accomplished by the same current source which supplies the external antenna change-over relay. The second method involves the use of a four-pole double-throw switch mounted nearthe grid of the 813 and wired according to Fig. 3. Both methods merely break the lead from the multiplier stage plate to the 813 grid and connect either the l0-meter multiplier section or the normal HF oscillator to the 813. "8" "A" and are tuned in the norFor 10-meter tuning, the transmitter controls "D" "E" and are mal fashion to l/3 of the required 1O-meter frequency. Controls "C" placed position ? to close the internal should be on not important but control switch in series with the key and to short out the HF pi-network coil. and tune the After switching to 1O-meter operation, turn on the transmitter tripler for a maximum reading of 813 grid current with the meter switch in the "Tune" position The 813 tank is then and the emission switch in the CW position, tuned for minimum plate current. (c) Autotune Mechanism: To tune manually, the locking bars are left tight and the channel switch turned "Manual". After the mechanism has stopped, the knobs are set as stated in the to calibration book and the transmitter is tuned normally. To preset a channel, turn the channel switch to the number desired, When the mechanism stops, the locking bars are loosened and the transmittertuned normally. The knob positions are noted and turned CCW l/4 turn and then returned to the position noted. The bars are locked while holding the knobs in position. This channel is now preset the another can be set up, (d) Calibration Instructions: The internal crystal-controlled calibration oscillator provides an accurate (within .017o) check point every 100 to 600kc. This is accomplished by zero-beating calibration oscillator the master oscillator with the output of the crystal-controlled ''B" dial pointer is at the nearest check point given in the calibration book. Then the moved to correct the dial reading at the check frequency. A 200-kc. crystal is used "Calibrate-Tune-Operate" switch must be in the as the controlling standard. The "Calibrate" position during this operation. (e) Operating Notes: One feature of this transmitter which may be disturbing is the possibility of tuning to a harmonic of the desired frequency. The remedy for this is to note the dial readings when you are positive of the frequency and suspect any great deviation from these readings at later dates. Meter readings cannot alwaysbe reliedupon and a simple absorption-type wavemeter will come in very handy when in doubt. AIso, MCW operation is legal only on the 11-meter band. (f ) Microphone Data:


The transmitter is designed for use with a low-resistance (40-ohm) carbon microphone or a high-output 200-ohm dynamic microphone, neither of which is readily available. A much better arrangement may be had by rewiring the microphone switch as shown in Fig. 4. R-201, 202,203 and 204 are removed, along with C-201. If it is desired to use a high-impedance dynamic mike or crystal mike, a speech amplifier stage will have to be built into the space occupied by T-201 and associated parts. This stage may be a 6Jb used in the conventional manner.* (g) Cooling: Due to the unusual compactness, this transmitter will operate quite warm. In the event that better cooling is required, the rear plate behind the 813 compartment may be removed. Alternatively, a small blower or fan can be mounted on the rear panel of the transmitter. (h) General Notes: A time-delay relay may be advantageous in the power supply to prevent plate voltage from being applied before the tubes have heated up. "Emission" "Off" position, It is important to note that when the switch is in the it doesnrt remove the power whenthe AC power supply is used. The switches shown in the power unit diagram must be used. Two antennas will probably be used and, for all bands except 10 meters, a long wire 118 feet long and tapped 16 feet from the center will function very nicely. For 10 meters, a dipole or a rotary array may be fed in the conventional manner. Full-scale meter readings on the ART-13 are: Position: Battery Voltage PA Grid PA Plate FulI Scale Reading: 54 volts (28 volts in marked position) 1? ma. 320 ma.

Tuning should always be done in the CW position so that meter readings obtained will not include the current drawn bv the modulator tubes. Static in the modulator is about 40 ma.

(i) Schematic Diagram See center spread, page 68. + For information on this added stage, and for other information on the conversion of the ART-13 transmitter, see "SURPLUS RADIO CONVERSION MANUAL", Volume



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It is frequently necessary to wind new coils in the conversion of surplus equipment as well as in the construction of standard communications items. These coilwinding charts were devised as an assistance to those persons who occasionally do have need to wind a coil of relatively standard dimensions. The curves are ploited in terms of the major amateur bands and in conjunction withtheresonantcapacitance which will give a moderate value of Q under average operating eonditions, The curves of figure 1 and figure 2 are derived in each case for a specified diameter-to-length ratio. The resonant capacitance quoted includes the stiav circuit and tube capacitances which exist in the circuit. The eurve "Turns per inch for common wire sizes" is included as a guide in determining the length which will be required for a specified number of turns for these wire sizes.

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RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR LIGHT AIRCRAFT EMPLOYING THE AVT-112A TRANSMITTER The surplus market has made availabre a radio equipment, appropriately small and-light weight, that is readily adaptable to light aircrafi installation. Modification problems are generally quite simple. The complete radio installation may be made at a fraction of the cost of similar equipment on the standard market, As is apparent to persons connected withthe operation and servicingof aircraft, any installation of radio equipment must be subject to CAA inspection and thence operated only by personnel properly licensed ty iire fCC. (a) Description: The AVT-112A transmitter, specifically designed for light-aircraft us.e, provides reliable radio-telephone and CW transmission over modlrate distances on "ny frequency within the band of 2500 to 6500 kc. It is a crystal-controlled unit capable of delivering 6 to ? watts of RF power to the antenna. ihe Avr-112 is s-i7e'iirgh, 6-l/4" wide, 4-7/8'' deep, and welgirs 6 pounds. The unit operates from a 6, 12 or 24 volt source in conjunction with its associated plate voltage power supply which is a separate unit in tire installation. Six tubes are employed in the transmitter as follows: 6V6 6V6 (2) 6V6's 6AF6 6SL? Pierce crystal oscillator Power amplifier Modulator (push-puII) Dual type, tuning indicator Tuning Indicator amplifier

The crystal oscillator circuit is of the untuned Pierce type which does not require tuning adjustment regardless of the crystal frequency uied. For convenience and quick change of crystals, the crystal holder is lo-cated on the front panel of the transmitter. The hold-er is designed to accomodate the following types of crystals: AVA-10, A_VA-53, I\4I-8412, VC-2, and Signal Corps type FT_243I A single-ended 6v6 stage is used as thepower amplifier and is modulated bya pair of 6V6's operating push-pull. The modulator grids are driven directty by a carbon microphone through a mike-to-grid transformer. Excitation for the microphone is obtained from a tap on the 6v6rs common cathode resistor. Tuning adjustment of the PA and antenna loading is accomplished by the use of tfe electron eye indicator on the front panel. Iti two sectors indicaie the rela{t{ tive PA cathode current,..antenna current, and modulation level. No other metering is required for tuning adjustments. However, actual pA plate current may be del termined from a meter plugged into the jack located on thl back of the transmitter unit. In addition to the antenna loading and antenna coupling controls, a loading selector switch provides the required loading adjustments t*o match most convenl tional type antennas including the fixed "v" ard the trailing wire type. The ante*a circuit is also provided with an antenna switching relay which pu"mit" receiver use with the same antenna. An intercommunication system which utilizes the modulator as an AF amplifier is incorporated in the transmitter unit. The intercom system is switched inio operation by the fourth position of the antenna selector swiich. When in this position, the radio portion of the transmitter is completely disabled. All connections to the transmitter, with the exception o{ the microphone, are made from the rear of the unit. 101

(b) Adjustment and Operation of the AVT-112: After installationwith an appropriate power supply,the desiredcrystal installed, and the microphone plugged in, the transmitter is ready for initial operation adjustments. Approximately 30 seconds warm-up timefor thefilaments should be allowed before operating. Tuning adjustments for the AVT-112 falLinto two phases: PA tuning, and loading the transmitter to the antenna. These adjustments should be done in the following manner to insure proper operation: PA (1) (2) (3) (4) Tuning Set Selector Switch (B) to position 3 "Ant. Set Load." coarse (C) and fine (D) controls to position 1 "Ant. "O" (extreme Set Coup." (E) to position counter-clockwise) "PA Adjust Tuning" (A) to resonance as indicated by minimum shadow angle on lower sector of tuning indicator tube, and lock. (If two resonant points exist, select the lower frequency which will be the fundamental.) to Antenna:

Loading Transmitter

This adjustment should be made while airborne. (1) Set "Selector Switch" (B) to, Position 1 (trailing antenna, all frequencies) Position 2 (fixed antenna, Iow and medium freq.) Position 3 (fixed antenna, medium and high freq.) (2a) Adjust length of trailing antennafor maximum shadow width on top sector of "Ant. Coup." (E) set at approximately 30 (dial reading). tuning indicator with "Ant. antenna length and Coup." for maximum shadow angle on Readjust both tuning indicator. Note the following approximate antenna lengths versus frequency to aid in artenna adjustments:

Frequency 3000 4000 5000 6000

Approx. Total Length ?5 feet

DJ 45


4 0 '

(2b) For fixed type antenna: set "Ant. Coup." to dial reading of 30, and adjust "Ant. Load", coarse (C) for maximum shadow angle on upper sector of tuning "Ant. Coup." (E) for maximum shadow angle. Recheck indicator. Increase both antenna loading and antenna coupling to obtain widest shadow angle on indicator. "Ant. In event that there are two loading points indicated when adjusting provides (C), point maximum dial reading which still select the of Load." "Ant. Load." is indicated by use of the fine adjustment (D). Proper setting of greater antenna current with an increase ofantenna coupling from its original setting (dial reading, 30). Upon loading the transmitter, normal increase in PA current, as indicated by the widening shadowangle onthe lower sectorofthe tuning indicator, should be apparent. No retuning of the PA is necessary. When the antenna circuit is properly tuned, any change in the PA tuning rvill result in a decrease of anteruta current. Modulation is indicated by variation in shadow angles of both sectors of the tunModulation of 1007o is indicated by the top sector of the tuning ining indicator. dicator when the shadow just reaches minimum width (closes).


Control positions for the above adjustments should be apparent from photograph of the AVT-112 transmitter unit. (c) Complete Equipment for Aircraft Installation:

the front

For a complete radio installation, the following described components are necessary with interconnections as shown in Fig. 3: (1) Radio Transmitter, AVT-112A (described above). (2) Power Supply Unit: In addition to the aircraft battery a separate power unit is required to supply The original and receiver. the required plate voltages for the transmitter It is of the vibrator power unit associated with the AVT-112 is the AVA-126. type and capable of supply 320 volts at 110 ma. as required by the AVT-112. pounds. Further data This unit is ?-1,/16" x 7" x 7-5f16" and weighs l0-l/4 with the schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 2. Other types of power supply units utilize the surplus dynamotors which provide the required power when operated from the necessary battery source. One such unit used verv satisfactorilv is the BD-8? 12-volt dvnamotor. (3) Raaio Receiver: The receiver AVR-20, originally used with the AVT-112 and associated equipment is not readily usable for civilian aircraft due to its frequency range (2300 to 6700 kc.), Even though this receiver can be modified, it is a major undertaking and not considered advisable. Another surplus aircraft type receiver that will satisfy the need is the BC1206. It can be used very satisfactorily with only minor modifications. The BC-1206 receiver covers 200 to 400 kc. and was designed to operate from 28 volts DC, which in addition to the filament requirements was also the plate supply. Modification for 12-volt operation requires reconnecting the filament circuit as shown in Fig.4 and substituting 6K6rs for the original 25L6's. By utilizing approximately 90 volts from the dynamotor (through a dropping resistor) this receiver offers sufficient audio volume for speaker operation, Speaker operation requires an additional matching transformer from the headphone output to voice coil, or the direct substitution of a plate to voice coil transformer for the existing one designed for headphone use only. It should be noted here that any commercial type of receiver may be used in conjunction with the AVT-112 providing it operates from the same batteryvoltage source. (4) Aircraft Battery: The basic power source for aircraft radio equipment is generally a 12-volt Somewet-cell storage battery with a rating approximating 50 ampere-hours. times 24 volt batteries are used. The battery normally supplies the filament requirements for both the transmitter and receiver in addition to the associated relays. The greatest battery load is the plate voltage power unit. (5) Aircraft Generator: In order to maintain the charge of the small aircraft type battery, the generAircraft not ator is neeessary equipment for a satisfactory radio installation. adaptable for engine-driven generators generally employ the rvind-driven type.


(6) Aircraft Antenna: Any conventional type of aircraft antenna, such as the types described above, may be used with the AVT-112 and its associated receiver-.-






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Tube Compliment & Functions: 6K? 65A7 6SK? 6SQ? 2 ea 25L6 RF Amplifier lst Det. & Osc. IF Amplifier 2nd Det. & lst Audio Audio Output

Frequency Range: 200 to 400 Kc 142.5 Kc IF Frequency: Receiver Sensitivity: Approx. 5 microvolts for 10 mw power output with 4:1 signal,/noise power ratio.

Output Inipedance: 300 ohms and 4000 ohms (switched internal) Power Output: 150 mw (approx.) Volume Control: RF gain control Power Requirements: 28 volts dc at 1.0 Amps. Overall Dimensions: 4-7/16" x 4-L/2" x7-9/32" Weight: 3 lbs & 12 oz.



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The inexpensive, compact, AM-26/AIC Interphone Amplifier which orrqrn.rllv served as an inter-communication unit in the larger aircraft, can be converted inrl a satisfactory audio amplifier. This conversion, which can be made at a I'ert'reasonable cost, results in a 9-watt amplifier with sufficient gain to operate from the average crystal phono pick-up. The amplifier is capable of driving a 10 or 12 inch PM speaker. The AM-26 is physically \-lf 2" long x 5-L/4" wide x 5" high. In its existing form, this amplifier is of Iow gain with the typical 300-ohm input impedance and 30/300 ohm output impedance. It is designed to operate from 28 volts, DC, at approximately 1.25 amperes with the DM-32 dynamotor (component part) supplying the high voltage (250 volts DC). The tube complement consists of the following with their respective functions: (1) 12Jb Voltage Amplifier (1) 12J5 Phase Inverter (2) 12A.6'sPush-Pull Power Ampliliers


Before modification of the amplifier circuit, the following parts, which are not used in the converted circuit. should be removed: Input transformer 22 Output transformer 23 Connection PIug 28 Dynamotor Plug 2? (dynamotor not used) Gain Switch 25 and associated circuit Hash Filter Chokes 26-L and 26-2 Hash Filter Condensers19-1. 19-2. and 14 Resistors 1, 2, and 3 Switch 24 Condenser 15 Conversion Procedure: In order to use the existing tubes, the heaters are rewired in parallel. This requires a few changes in the existing circuit and the use of both transformer lowvoltage windings (5.0 and 6,3 v.) connected in series as shown in Fig. 2. Polarity must be observedin order to obtain additive voltage of 11.5 volts. It should be noteC that the rectifier, 6X5, operates fromthe 6.3-volt section of the series windingswith the junction of the two windings grounded to the chassis. The heater circuit leads should be twisted where possible in order to minimize hum pick-up. Alter the previously mentioned components have been removed, the power suppiy is constructed as shown in Fig. 2. The rectifier, 6X5, socket is mounted in the former C-14 position while the power transformer and filter choke are mounted in the space formerly occupied by the dynamotor, DM-32. The second section of the filter utilizes the existing electroly'tic filter condensers, 18-1 and 1B-2, These are purposely used in the second section due to their lower voltage rating (10 mfd. at 350 volts each). In order to givethe amplifier higher gain, a 12SQ? isused in place ofthe voltage amplifier stage, 12Jb (20-1). This necessitates the new associated circuit as shown in Fig. 2. The volume control is located in the grid of the 12SQ7 and replaces the former input transformer. With slight modification, the phase inverter is changed to the seif-balancing 109

type utilizing the existing resistors, (4?K) 9-1 and 9-2, in the cathode and plate It should be noted that these resistors and their associated circuits respectively. coupling condensers, 16-1 and 16-2, are left intact with the only changes beingthose pertaining to resistor 9-1 which is connected into the cathode circuit of the 12J5


In the grid circuit of the 12A6's, R-11 is removed and the grid resistors 10-1 and 10-2 are connected to ground. It is most desirable to use a universal type output transformer to match the speaker voice coil to the plates of the 12A6's. Other types of output transformers may be used as long as the load impedance reflected to the 12A6's is approximately 1 2 , 0 0 0o h m s . The tone control, as shown in the plate circuit of the 12SQ?, is optional. It to the amplifier for average listening use. Other merely lends more flexibility types of tone-control circuits may be substituted as desired. If the frequency response is poor in the high frequency range, the values of condensers 17-1 and 17-2 should be reduced as desired. These values may be approximately .005 or .01 mfd. It should be noted that the original feedback circuit, condenser 16-3 and R-6 and R-?, is not used in the new circuit. R-6 is used as the cathode-bias resistor in the phase inverter circuit. The other components may be left or removed as desired, The AC circuit is connected on the original terminal board which contained the former resistors 1, 2, and 3. This board provides neat and convenient tie points for the leads concerned. The AC power switch is incorporated on the volume control. It will be found that the completed amplifier is a neat and compact unit which has many applications. It may be used as a phono amplifier, inter-com amplifier, modulator for low-power transmitters, and so forth. This unitis capable of delivering 9 watts at less than Spercent distortion; distortion of coursebecomes negligible at the normal listening level of approximately one watt. An alternative circuit is shown in Fig. 3. It will be noted that this amplifier Also, dual tone controls are used for added utilizes the floating paraphase circuit. flexibility in controlling the frequency response.



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One very satisfactory item of test equipment that has appeared on the surplus market is the Navy Model LM Frequency Meter. The unit covers the frequency range shown in Fig. 1 for different models. The LM Frequency Meter is very similar in design and operation to the Army Similarly, it has many successive models designated by a number suffix BC-22t,* (LM-1, LM-2, etc.). The general characteristics of all models are identical. Later models have minor improvements and changes as indicated inthe comparison chart, Fig. 1. (a) Description The primary component of the LM Frequency Indicating Equi.pment is the heterodyne frequency meter (C-?4028, Navy component designation). Physical dimensions of this unit are approximately 8-lf2" x B" x 8-7/2" with its weight being about pounds. Other components necessary for operation of the heterodyne frell-l/2 quency meter are the calibration book, Iow impedance headset (600 ohms), and a power supply capable of supplying the required voltages as listed in the comparison chart. Complete equipment also includes the frequency meter shock-mounting base, carrying case, shielded power cable with plugs, instruction books, and operating spare parts. Essentially, the electrical circuits of the LM heterodyne frequency meter consist of a crystal calibration oscillator (1000 kc.), a manualiy-tuned VFO, a highgain detector, and an audio-frequency amplifier. By manually switching the circuit of the audio frequency amplifier, it functions as an audio oscillator which modulates the VFO. The 1000-kc. crystal oscillator is used as a reference standard for calibrating the VFO at a number of points over the tuning range. High stability of the crystal oscillator is maintained due to special design ofits components. The crystal unit is sealed in an evacuated metal envelope, resembling a small metal hermetically vacuum tube with an octal base. Due to this type of construction, the crystal unit is relatively unaffected by physical variations sueh as barometric pressure, humidity, vibration, shock or mounting position. The temperature coefficient of the crystal unit is less than 0.0001 per cent variation in frequency per degree Centigrade over an ambient temperature range of 80 degrees. Inherent design of the crystal oscillator circuit provides an output rich in harmonics thus providing a number of useful check points over the entire tuning range of the VFO. The VFO is an electron coupled, hetrodyne type of oscillator, capable of being "zero-beat" method at various predetermined points over the two calibrated by the manually-tuned ranges. Fundamental ranges ofthe VFO are 125 to 250kc., and 2000 to 4000 kc. Employing the calibrated 1st, 2nd,4th and 8th harmonics, the first range gives continuous coverage from 125 to 2000 kcs; likewise, by the use of the calibrated 1st, 2nd, 4th, and part of the 5th harmonics, continuous coverage is obtained from 2000 to 20,000 kcs. in the second range. variable Tuning of the VFO is accomplished by a low-temperature-coefficient, condenser with a 100:1 gear reduction from the external control. This ratio requires 50 revolutions of the vernier dial for 180-degree rotation of the variable condenser. Backlash in the gear mechanism is held to less than 0.3 of 1 division on the dial units scale. The low temperature coefficient of the VFO tuned circuit is maintained by temperature compensated componentsusedin conjunctionwiththe tuning condenser. The temperature coefficient of the VFO is less than 0.003 per cent of the frequency per degree Centrigrade over aJI ambient range of 9? degrees for the entire range. Arrangement of the detector circuit allows the mixing (comparison) of three RF sources. These are the Crystal Calibration Oscillator (electron coupled), the VFO output (control grid injection), andthe incoming RF signal from the antenna terminal * "Surplus Radio Conversion Manual," Volume I




195-100 2000-4000 I tt-400 2000-4000 r9r-400 2000-4000 lt5-400 2000-{000 ttt-400 2000-{000 19t-,100 2000-4000 Nonc r I t -.{00 2000-.0000 I t t-,100 2000-,{000 r 9 t-.100 20 0 0 - { 0 0 0

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Voltego rcguletor circuit rddcd



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Senc rr LM-Z

Symbol dcrignrtionr rcarigncd


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cnR-7402 t

Rcctificr Porrr Suc Unit Typc CRR-2010,+ r2lr+-z1l2t 2ooI 260-260 | 17t
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er LM-4


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|95-100 20 0 0 - 4 0 0 0 r I t-400 20 0 0 - . + 0 0 0




r2/r1-z1l2S 2ooI 260-260 / 175 12l11- 21l2s 200| 260-260 | 175

Rcctifier Powcr uurt Typc CRR-20104 or Rcctifier Powcr Unit Type CRR-2010.1A tzlt<-Ztlzg z o oI 2 6 0 - 2 6 0 / 1 7 5


m LM.7

Includcd in Typo CRR-I00t6 Watcrproof Cerrying Ctrc LF Hct. Orc. fund. freq. rengc chengcd



125-250 2000-,+000 | 25-2tO 2000-4000

Minor ncchenicel reviriont Semc rr LM-I0





125-250 2 0o 0-z[00 0

Sroa r


Includcd in Typc CRR-10086 rVatcrproof Crrrying Cerc



t2t-250 2000-4000

Sdf coataiaod b.tt.aio

Semc er LM-10

Mountcd il Type CRR-l0lll Cerryia3 Crrc rith batt.ri6

tJ-r.a LX-rt


t2r-2to 2000-4000 t2t-2to 2000-{000 t2t-2to 2000-,1000

r 2l r+-2172r I 17t zoo | 260-260

Uait Porcr Rcctifior Typo CKB-20104A 12/rF21/2a ?oo I 260-250 / 17 t

Seno er LM-10


Senc er LM-10


Semc er LM-10

Includod io Typ. Vatcrproof CKI-100t6 Carrying Cu Mouatcd ia Typr CKE-I0rrl Crrrying Crr with battcriar



t2r-2to 2000-4000

Sclf coateiard Bettcrior

Srroc u LM-10 lcrr rhoch nount ber


(also control grid injection). By means of switching, either the crystal oscillator signal or the incoming signal is manually selected for heterodyning with the Vf0. The detector output, after being amplified by the AF stage, is brought out through a jack on the front panel for a 600-ohm load. The audio output is intended for low-impedance headphonesl however, other indicating devices can be used. Frequency response of the audio section is intentionally peaked at 250 cps. At 100 cps and 500 cps the response drops approximately 1.5db below the 250 cps reference. When the heterodyne oscillator is being used to radiate an RF signal, the signal can be amplitude modulated with a 500 cps tone by manually switchingthe AFamplifier circuit tothe'Modulation On" position. Under this condition the audio amplilier becomes an audio oscillator capable of modulating the VFO about 40 per cent. Power requirements for the LM Frequency Meter involve filament supply and plate supply voltages. By setting the links in the filament circuit, the filaments may be operated from either 12 or 24 volts. Similarly, links are used for the selection of the plate voltage range. The settings are: Iow range, 200 to 260 volts; and high range, 260 to 4?5 volts. Plate and screen voltage for the VFO stage are regulated by means of neon glow lamps. It should be noted that the plate circuit can be manually switched ON and OFF independently from the filament circuit. This permits warming up of the unit or keeping it in readiness without radiation from the VFO or unwanted output in the headphones.


AF Auptrrtee

(b) Operation: Before attempting accurate frequency measurements with the LM Frequency Meter, the heaters should be allowed a minimum 10-minute warm-up period, In order to utilize the VFO dial readings (not calibrated in frequency), the calibration book which specifically accompanies the instrument must be used. From this book the calibration point for the VFO may be determined in the raage in which the frequency measurement is desired. The crystal check points for the respective ranges are indicated at the bottom of each page, printed in red. After allowing a sufficient warm-up period, and switching on the plate voltage, the VFO is carefully calibrated to the designated check point by adjusting the Cor"zero-beat" rector"dialfor as head inthe headphones. The Modulation switch mustbe "OFF" position in the for this adjustment, 117

Having calibrated the VFO, as described above, the frequency meter is ready for frequency indication. It should be noted that prolonged interval.s between the VFO calibration and frequency measurement should be avoided to eliminate the possibility of frequency drift in the VFO. In measuring the frequency oI a local RF source (transmitter), it is necessary that a short antenna lead be connected to the frequency meter's antenna post. This antenna lead should be only loosely coupled to the transmitter output. Over coupling should be avoided so as not to damage the frequency meter circuits. "RF Adjustment of the Coupling" control is made for the desired listening level in the headphones. By manually tuning the VFO, "zero-beat" is obtained with the incoming signal as heard in the audio output. The frequency is then determined from the VFO dial reading by referring to the calibration book. It should be noted that in the reverse procedure from that described above, the transmitter may be tuned to "zero-beat" with the frequency meter, thus adjustingthe transmitter to the desired frequency. In adjusting a receiver to a desired frequency, or checking its diat calibration, the VFO of the frequency meter is used to radiate a signal from a short antenna lead. Loose coupling to the receiver concerned is generally adequate, After setting the calibrated VFO to the desired frequency, the receiver is tuned for zero-beat as heard at its output. A modulated signal from the frequency meter is required for receivers not equipped with a beat-frequency oscillator. Receiver alignment can be accomplished by using the frequency meter's modulated VFO as a signal generator in the conventional manner. From the above, it is also apparent that frequency measurement of a distant RF source may be made by "zero-beating" it ina receiver with the radiated VFO signal. (c) Accuracy of Measurements: In the calibration book, the low frequency fundamental range is logged at each 0.1-kc. point between 125 and 250 kc. Similarly, the high frequency fundamental range is calibrated at each 1-kc. interval. By use of the interpolation table in the calibration book, frequencies that fall between the logged frequencies may be determined. Accuracy of frequency measurement in reference to the crystal frequency is better than 0.02 per cent for any frequency within the 125-2000 kc. range, andbetter than 0.01 per cent for any frequency in the 2000-20,000 kc. range. A desirable feature included in the exceptionally good design of this unit is the non-locking-in characteristic between the heterodyne oscillator and the RF source to which it may be coupled. Even though the headphones become rapidly inefficient in reproducing beat tones below 100 cps, characteristic audible "rushes", which coincide with the beat frequency, are recognizable weII below the low frequency Iimit of audibility. In some models of the LM Frequency Meter, the crystal oscillator is provided with a trimmer capacitor across the crystal. By this adjustment, the crystal lrequency may be calibrated against WWV. (d) Addition of An AC Power Supply: The nominal power requirements for the Model LM series Frequency Meter arg 12 volts at 0.6 amperes (filament supply) and 250 volts at 20 ma. (plate supply). An AC power supply tosatisfy these requirements is shown in Fig. 4. It should be noted that for portable use the frequency meter may be powered with batteries without any alteration of the power circuits. Socket connections can be determined from the schematic diagram, Fig. 3. Details for adapting the LM Frequency Meter for the added AC power supply are given in Fig. 4, If a mating plug for I-102 is not available, the plug can be removed with the necessary leads to the power unit being brought out through the hole formerly occupied by J-102.



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The surplus market has brought several economical means for rotating beam antennas within the reach of the average amateur. This section covers the conversion necessary to adapt several surplus mechanisms for this purpose. Signal Corps Antenna Reel: one of the less expensive devices to appear is the signal corps Antenna Reel RL-42B. It consists of a 24-volt reversible motor (8500 RpM) attached to a reduction gear box which drops the speed to 120 RPM with considerable torque. It will rotate, directly, small beams, or can be used to turn a gun mount unit (described later) at a still further reduction in speed with resultant increase in torque to turn the heaviest beams. The Antenna ReeI has an extra take-off gear which can be used to drive a Selsyn generator for direction indication as this shaft turns at the same speed as the main shaft. The motor was intended to operate on 24 volts DC, butit will runon 24volts AC. One factor exists, however, to make alteration necessary. Inside the motor casing is a clutch mechanism actuated by a 24-volt DC solenoid. This clutch chatters when operated on AC. Therefore it must be permanently locked or removed and a suitable coupling used to replace it. Two micro switches andabathtubcondenser should also be removed from the gear box. The following steps will describe these operations: First, remove the reel, ifit is snapped on to the gear box shaft, and take out the 8 flat-head screws holding the top cover plate. This allows the top plate to be removed, although it may have to be pried off. The main shaJt and associated gear will come off with this cover plate. The inspection side plate should be removed also which will now give access to the gear box interior. The two micro switches may be easily removed by taking out the two large screws on the side opposite the motor, allowing a screwdriver to be inserted for removing the long retaining screws. Clip off the wires to the switches, as the only wires needed are the three from the motor itself. The bathtub condenser should be clipped out and removed. AII wires to the plug should be clipped off elose, as the entire length of the motor leads will be needed. Remove the four screws holding the motor to the gear box, and then pull off the motor. Now remove the fibre ring from the motor and take outthe four long screws of the motor end plate. This will allow the clutch mechanism to be exposed. The problem from here on is to eliminate the clutch action. This may be accomplished by two methods: the first is to remove both clutch plates and substitute a metal or flexible coupling; the second, merely connect the two plates together permanently. If the substitution of a coupling is desired, proceed as,follows: Push in on the small gear, insert a hacksaw blade, and cut off that clutch plate. The other plate can be pried off its shaft after removing the retaining allen screw. (Be very careful not to bend the shafts during this process.) The solenoid can now be removed by clipping the leads and sliding it off the shaft with its associated fibre washers and parts. Should a coupling be used to connect the two shafts, it will be necessary to drill out or shim the coupling to take the shaft ends. Added length of the shaJt on the gear end may be obtained by removing the spring-type washers under the gear. The alternate method, joining the clutch plates permanently, can be accomplished by drilling two or more holes through the plates and tapping the set of holes in the plate on the motor side. It will be necessary to drill completely through the heavy end plate and through the one clutch plate unless the small gear can be removed ald the plate pulled off to work on it. Short 6-32 screws can now be screwed through the plate on the motor side, allowing about 1/16 inch to extend out and fit into the holes of the plate on the gear side, acting as pins.


Before assembling the unit, it willbe necessaryto replace the present electrical connection plug with another which can be fitted with a mating section. The unit may now be assembled and connected for operation. One of the motor leads (usually black) is common and either one o1 the other leads will give rotation when connected to 24 volts AC. One lead gives CW rotation, the other CCW rotation. A transformer will be required to step down the 115 volts AC to approximately 24 volts required. If a light beam is used, it may be fitted on to the main shaft of the gear box by various means, depending of course upon the beam support used. If a heavier beam is used, it will be necessary to obtain a surplus gun-mount mechanism to increase the torque and correspondingly lower the speed of rotation. This unitis described in the following section. See photos at end of this article for the appearance of the unit. Fig. 1 is a typicaI installation. K? Gun Mount: Another outstanding surplus item which can be used as a beam rotating device is the K7 Gun Mount which was originally used by the Armed Services for rotating maehine guns. This gun consists ofa fairly large gear box aboutthe size of a gallon paint can, on top oi which is a flat rotating mounting plate. Originally, the unit was used to rotate a gun in both the horizontal and vertical planes with two flexible Only the horizontal rotation flexible shaft is practicable shafts used for controls. for beam rotation. It can be made as long as desirable for remote control. The unit has an approximate gear ratio of 40:1, that is, the mounting plate will complete one revolution for 40 revolutions of the flexible shaft. The flexible shaft can be turned by hand or by some motor drive mechanism such as the Antenna Reel RL-428, described in the preceeding paragraphs. The antenna reel has sufficient power to turn the gun mount when eoupled through a flexible shaft even rvhen a very heavy beam is used. In the installation described, the gun mount rests on an outside platform with a 4" x 4" pole 20-feet high bolted to the gun mount plate. A 20-foot flexible shaft extends into the shack and is driven by the Signal Corps antenna reel, which is wall mounted, Lubrication is very important in the use of the K? gun mount. Before placing it in operation, the mounting plate and gear box cover should be removed and the top gear compartment filled with transmission grease (about SAE-90). This wiil preAll other rotating parts should be vent freezing of the gears and rust formation. well lubricated if the unit is not protected from the weather. Selsyn Generators Type 2J1F3: There are many types of Selsyn units available on the surplus market, all uperating on the same principle. But most of them are quite expensi't'e. The trpe. 2J1F3is one of the smaller Selsyns and it is economical for use as a remot-inciicator. These units are about 4-1,/2 inches long and approximately 2-1.'1 inches in diameter. They will operate from 24 volts AC and thus work very l'ell in conjunction with the Antenna Reel described previously. A pair of the units is necessarr', of course, for the indication system. One is geared to the beam itself and the other is at the operating position with a compass card attached for indicating 0 to 360 ciegrees. The only problem involved in the use of the Selsyns is that of obtaining lhe correet gear ratio at the indicator end, so that the beam and indicator ar rotating at the same speed. This is a mechanical problem and will vary $'ith the t1'pe of beam rotators used; however, some ofthe surplus dial mechanisms as used rn tuning units and so forth have gear ratios which will work out nicely with the K7 gun mount and Signal Corps antenna reel. The diagram in Fig. 2 is typical of all Selsyn motor circuits.


Rotator Motor Type G303Ay2: Another popular and extremely practical beam rotating device is the Rotator type G303AY2. This motor was- originally designed and use"d on 400 cycles. How_ ever, by the simple ad.dition_of a.ohasing co_ndenser, (L2-20 mfd., oil or paper), the motor will operate directly on 110 volts AC, 60 cycles and provide an economical and husky beam rotator. since the motor is of the induction type, no noise is created by brushes or mov_ ing mechanical parts. It is of the reversible type, requiring only 3 wires for operation. Its weight is 3 lbs. and it is approximately 5" x b" x I" in size. It revolves at a speed of 3/4 RpM. The motor will drive satisfactorily most 10 and 20 meter beams, providing they are oflight construction. For the heavier beams a bearing surface is recommended. Two-meter, six-meter, television, and FM beams can easily be driven direcly from the motor shaft. To place the motor in operation, remove the elastic stop nut and lever arm, remove the three screws anf top cover plate, being careful to save the gasket and slip off the plate containing the two wiper arms (this plate merely sewed as a stop mechanism and will not be required). In order to remove the wiper arm plate, the motor will probably have to be connected to 110 volts as per Fi[. 3 and itlowed to rotate until the wiper arms are in the center position wheie they-can be slipped off. The gear of the wiper arm assembly can be used on the end of a length-of thin, walled tubing as a beam support if desired. This is accomplished by using a hack_ saw as per Fig. 4 and cutting out the gear, being careful not to oamage th" g"r" teeth. The gear can now be pressed into a piece of tubing or other support. Do not remove the four screws held by safety wires on the eno of ttre motor opposite the rotating gea-rs, as the motor and gears are sealed in oil. A drain plugis provided on the side of the motor case for draining and filling as required. connect the motor rhrough a condenser and switch a" pe" Fig. 3 and the unit is ready for operation. It can easily be mounted by means oi ttte fJ,r" tapped holes on the side. The photos at the end of this article will give a general idea of the appearance.


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