Procedure: Introduction To SIMULINK AM Modulation and Demodulation
Procedure: Introduction To SIMULINK AM Modulation and Demodulation
Procedure: Introduction To SIMULINK AM Modulation and Demodulation
1. What is SIMULINK?
Simulink is a software package that enables you to model, simulate, and analy e systems whose outputs change o!er time. Such systems are often referred to as dynamic systems. Simulink can be used to e"plore the beha!ior of a wide range of real#world dynamic systems, including electrical circuits, shock absorbers, braking systems, and many other electrical, mechanical, and thermodynamic systems. Simulating a dynamic system is a two#step process with Simulink. $irst, a user creates a block diagram, using the Simulink model editor, which graphically depicts time# dependent mathematical relationships among the system%s inputs, states, and outputs. &he user then commands Simulink to simulate the system represented by the model from a specified start time to a specified stop time.
$ig. ,
EE423 Lab #2. 0n the .Simulink Library 1rowser/ window, click .$ile/#2 .3ew/ #2 .'odel/
$ig. 2
EE423 Lab #2. Example 1: Simulate Sine wave f (t - = sin(,555 4 2 4 t ,. 2. 3. 4. 6reate a new model window by choosing .$ile/#2 .3ew/ #2 .'odel/ 7rag .Sine )a!e/ block from .Simulink/ #2 .Sources/ to the model window8 7rag .Scope/ block from .Simulink/ #2 .Sinks/ to the model window8 Left#press the mouse when the arrow becomes a single cross by mo!ing the mouse near to the right side of .Sine )a!e/8 keep left button pressed and mo!e the single cross to the left side of .Scope/ until you see the single cross becomes double crosses8 release the button and the tow parts are connected. $ig. 3 is the finished diagram. +. 6lick .Simulation/#2 .Simulation parameters 9/ and refer to $ig. 4 to set the simulation parameters. *. 7ouble click the .Sine )a!e/ and set the parameters as shown in $ig. + :. ;ress .Start simulation/ to run the program <. 7ouble click the .Scope/ and you should see the wa!e similar to $ig. * =. >efer to $ig. : to set the parameters of .Scope/ by press .;arameters/ button on the display panel. ,5. >ight click on the scope8 then choose .a"es properties9/ to set .?/ scales. ,,. 3ow you should see the picture of $ig. <
$ig. 3
$ig. 4
$ig. + 4
$ig. *
$ig. :
$ig. < +
EE423 Lab #2. Example 2: Use the FFT block as Spectrum nal!"er ,. >efer to $ig. = to set the diagram. &o add .1#$$&/, choose .7S; 1lockset/ #2 .7S; Sinks/ #2 .$$& Spectrum Scope/. @se $ig. ,5 and $ig. ,, to set .$$& Scope/. After you finish setting, the .$$& Scope/ becomes .1#$$& Scope/. 2. &o draw a line from an e"isting line to the spectrum scope, keep pressing .6trl/ button and then use the similar procedure of e"ample,. 3. @se $ig. 4, $ig. + and $ig.: to set en!ironment and Sine source parameters. 4. >un the program and you should see the spectrum as shown in $ig. ,2
$ig. =
$ig. ,5
$ig. ,, :
$ig. ,2
EE423 Lab #2. Example #: $ro%uct o& Two Sine 'aves ,. >efer to $ig. ,3 to draw the system diagram. &o add . / product, choose .Simulink/ #2 .'ath Bperations/ #2 .;roduct/. 2. @se $ig. ,4 and $ig. ,+ to set parameters of .Sine ,/ and .Sine 2/ 3. >un the program and you should get picture of $ig. ,* and $ig. ,:
$ig. ,3
$ig. ,4
$ig. ,+ ,5
$ig. ,*
$ig. ,:
where s (t - is the normali ed message, satisfying F s (t - F ma" , . &he $ourier transform of v AM (t - is gi!en byC
Vc V mVc mVc ( c - + c ( + c - + S ( c - + S ( + c 2 2 2 2 where s ( c - is the $ourier transform of s (t - . V AM ( - =
A simple demodulation techniGue is the en!elope detection. &o use en!elope detection, you should make sure that m , . &he diagram is as below.
$ig. ,< is the system diagram. ?ou should set block parameters yourself (including the digital filter which is in .7S; 1lockset#2$iltering#2$ilter 7esigns/. )rite down these parameters in your lab report. +. ;rint out the wa!es in Scope,, Scope2, Scope3, Scope4, Spectrum,, Spectrum2, and Spectrum3.
$ig. ,<
After low pass filtering and 76 blocking, we get the output signal proportional to the original signal. &his demodulating scheme can be !iewed asC
'ultiply by
&he 2 carrier signals are the same, as well as the two 1;$s. Add a 'u" to compare the demodulated signals by using 2 methods respecti!ely. 0nclude all scope output plots in your lab reports.
). *uestions'
Bnly one Guestion in this e"periment, but may be challengingC 0n e"ample3, we choose ,H+,255 as the sample time. 6hange it to ,H+5555 to see the difference in freGuency domain. ;rint out figures for these two cases and e"plain why this difference happens.