General Guidelines For Equipment and Piping Location, Spacing, Distances and Clearances

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Section - II A: General Guidelines for Equipment and Piping Location, Spacing, Distances and Clearances B : !

ames "# Pennoc$

This article should only be used as a guide. It's intended purpose is to help the piping designer who is responsible for placement of one specific item in a typical refinery, chemical or petrochemical process plant or someone who may need help in developing a total plot plan for a complex unit. The guidelines given here are based on my many years of experience with one of the world's largest engineering, design and construction companies along with the U. S. OS ! "art #$#% and the &'"! (&ational 'ire "rotection !ssociation) *ode &o. +%. The latest editions of these codes and any other applicable national, regional and local codes should be referred to and used because they may be more stringent. The sub,ects covered in this article have been arranged in alphabetical order in the hope it will ma-e them easier to locate. Access %See &aintenance' Columns %See (ertical (essels' Compressors, Centrifugal .ocate centrifugal compressor as close as possible the suction source. Top suction and discharge lines either should be routed to provide clearance for overhead maintenance re/uirements, or should be made up with removable spool pieces. Support piping so as to minimi0e dead load on compressor no00les1 the load should be within the recommended allowance of the compressor manufacturer. *entrifugal compressors should have full platforming at operating level. eavy parts such as upper or inner casing and rotor should be accessible to mobile e/uipment. 2eview the e/uipment arrangement for access and operation. .ocate lube and seal oil consoles ad,acent to and as close as possible to the compressor. Oil return lines from the compressor and driver should have a minimum slope of #34 inch per foot to the inlet connection of seal traps, degassing tan-s, and oil reservoir. "ipe the reservoir, compressor bearing, and seal oil vents to a safe location at least 5 feet above operator head level. Compressors, )eciprocating .ocate reciprocating compressors so suction and discharge lines that are sub,ect to vibration (mechanical and acoustical) may be routed at grade and held down at points established by a stress and analog study of the system. !ccessibility and maintenance for large lifts such as cylinder, motor rotor, and piston removal should be by mobile e/uipment if the installation is outdoors or by traveling overhead crane if the installation is indoors (or covered). ori0ontal, straight line, reciprocating compressors should have access to cylinder valves. !ccess should be from grade or platform if re/uired. 6epending on unit si0e and installation height, hori0ontal7opposed and gas engine driven reciprocating compressors may re/uire full platforming at the operating level. Control (al*es .ocate control valve stations accessible from grade or on a platform. In general, the (flow, level, pressure, temperature) instruments or indicators showing the process variables should be visible from the control valve. Cooling +o,ers .ocate cooling towers downwind of buildings and e/uipment to -eep spray from falling on them. Orient the short side of the tower into the prevailing summer wind for maximum efficiency. This means that the air flow (wind) will travel up the long sides and be drawn in to both sides of the cooling tower e/ually. 8hen the wind is allowed to blow directly into one long side it tends to blow straight through and results in lower efficiency. .ocate cooling towers a minimum of #%% feet (+%m) from process units, utility units, fired e/uipment, and process e/uipment.

Cradles %See Insulation S-oes and Cradles' Equipment Arrangement %General' !rrange e/uipment, structures, and piping to permit maintenance and service by means of mobile e/uipment. "rovide permanent facilities where maintenance by mobile e/uipment is impractical. 9roup offsite e/uipment, pumps, and exchangers to permit economical pipe routing. .ocate this e/uipment outside of di-ed storage areas. E.c-anger, Air Cooler %/in /ans' !ir *oolers are in typically used in the cooling of the overhead vapor from tall vertical vessels or towers such as *rude 'ractionators and Stripper *olumns. The natural flow tends to follow gravity, where the tower overhead is the high point then down to the !ir *ooler, then down to the !ccumulator and finally the Overhead "roduct transfer pumps. 8ith this in mind the !ir *oolers are normally located above pipeways. This conserves plot space and allows the pipe rac- structure with it's foundation to do double duty with only minor up grade to the design. If the pipe rac- is not used then plot space e/ual to the si0e of the !ir *ooler is re/uired. In addition a totally separate foundation and stand alone structure is re/uired. E.c-anger, 0G0 /in %Dou1le Pipe' These exchangers can be mounted almost anywhere any they can be mounted (with process engineer approval) in the vertical when re/uired. ! 97'in :xchanger is recogni0able by its shape. One segment loo-s li-e two long pieces of pipe with a #;% degree return bend at the far end. It is one finned pipe inside of another pipe with two movable supports. This type of exchanger can be ,oined together very simply to form multiples in series, in parallel or in a combination of series3parallel to meet the re/uirements of the process. This exchanger is not normally used in a service where there is a large flow rate or where high heat transfer is re/uired. The -ey feature with this exchanger is the maintenance. The piping is disconnected from the tube side (inner pipe). On the return bend end of this exchanger there is a removable cover. 8hen the cover is removed this allows for the tube (inside pipe) to be pulled out. This exchanger is normally installed with the piping connections toward the pipe rac-.

E.c-angers, )e1oiler %2ettle )e1oiler' .ocate -ettle reboilers at grade and as close as possible to the vessel they serve. This type of reboiler is identifiable by its uni/ue shape. It has one end much li-e a normal Shell and Tube exchanger then a very large eccentric, bottom flat transition to what loo-s li-e a normal hori0ontal vessel. <ou could also call it a ='at= exchanger. The flow characteristics on the process side of a -ettle reboiler are the reason for the re/uirement for the close relationship to the related vessel. 2eboilers normally have a removable tube bundle and should have maintenance clearance e/ual to the bundle length plus > feet (#.>m) measured from the tube sheet. E.c-angers, S-ell and +u1e Shell and tube exchangers should be grouped together wherever possible. Stac-ed shell and tube exchangers should be limited to four shells high in similar service1 however, the top exchanger should not exceed a centerline elevation of #; feet (>.>m) above high point of finished surface, unless mounted in a structure. ?eep channel end and shell covers clear of obstructions such as piping and structural members to allow unbolting of exchanger flanges, and removal of heads and tube bundles. :xchangers with removable tube bundles should have maintenance clearance e/ual to the bundle length plus > feet (#.>m) measured from the tube sheet to allow for the tube bundle and the tube puller. @aintenance space between flanges of exchangers or other e/uipment arranged in pairs should be #'7 5= (%.>m) (min.). :xchanger maintenance space from a structural member or pipe should not be less than #'7 %= (+%%mm) (min.). /urnaces %/ired Equipment' .ocate fired e/uipment, if practical, so that flammable gases from hydrocarbon and other processing areas cannot be blown into the open flames by prevailing winds. ori0ontal clearance from hydrocarbon e/uipment (shell to shell) >%'7 %= (#>m) Exception: Reactors or equipment in alloy systems should be located for economical piping arrangement. "rovide sufficient access and clearance at fired e/uipment for removal of tubes, soot blowers, air preheater bas-ets, burners, fans, and other related serviceable e/uipment. *learance from edge of roads to shell #%'7 %=(+m) "ressure relief doors and tube access doors should be free from obstructions. Orient pressure relief doors so as not to blow into ad,acent e/uipment. The elevation of the bottom of the heater above the high point of the finished surface should allow free passage for operation and maintenance. /urnace Piping .ocate snuffing steam manifolds and fuel gas shutoff valves a minimum of >% feet (#>m) hori0ontally from the heaters they protect. Aurner Balving for a 'loor 'ired 'urnacesC *ombination oil and gas firing valves should be operable from burner observation door platform. 'or those fired by gas only, the valves should be near the burner and should be operable from grade. Aurner Balving for a Side 'ired 'urnacesC .ocate firing valves so they can be operated while the flame is viewed from the observation door.

/lare Stac$s .ocate the flare stac- upwind of process units, with a minimum distance of 4%% feet (5%m) from process e/uipment, tan-s, and cooling towers. If the stac- height is less than D> feet (4>m), increase this distance to a minimum of +%% feet ($%m). These minimum distances should be verified by *ompany "rocess :ngineering. /uture Pro*isions Space for future e/uipment, pipe, or units should not be provided unless re/uired by the client or for specific process considerations. 8hen applicable this re/uirement should be indicated on the plot plan and "EI6s. Insulation S-oes and Cradles .ocate Insulation shoes anywhere a line crosses a support for hot insulated piping when the piping is + inch (;%mm) and larger carbon and alloy steel lines with design temperatures over 5>% degrees ' (+>%*). .arge diameter lines (4% inches (>%%mm) and over), stainless steel lines where galvanic corrosion may exist, lines with wall thic-ness less than standard weight, and vacuum lines should be analy0ed to determine if shoes or wear plates are needed. "rovide cradles at supports for insulated lines in cold service and for acoustical applications. Ladders 3 Cages @aximum height of a ladder without a cage should not exceed #>'7%= (F.>m) @aximum vertical distance between platforms +%'7 %= ($m) *ages on ladders over #>'7%= (F.>m) high shall start at ;'7%= (4.>m) above grade. @inimum toe clearance behind a ladder %'7 D= (4%%mm) @inimum handrail clearance %'7 += (;%mm) Le*el Instruments .ocate li/uid level controllers and level glasses so as to be accessible from grade, platform, or permanent ladder. The level glass should be readable from grade wherever practical. 8herever possible, orient level instruments on the side toward the operating aisle. Loading )ac$s .ocate loading and unloading facilities that handle flammable commodities a minimum of 4%% feet (5%m) from away from process e/uipment, and 4>% feet (D>m) from tan-age. &aintenance Aisles %at grade' :/uipment maintenance aisle for hydraulic crane (#4T capacity) should have a hori0ontal clearance width of #%'7 %= (+m) (min.) and a vertical clearance of #4'7 %= (+.>m) (min.). 8here a for- lift and similar e/uipment (>%%% lbs 3 4+%-g capability) is to be used the hori0ontal clearance should be 5'7 %= (4m) (min.) and the vertical clearance should be ;'7 %= (4.>m) (min.). 8here maintenance by portable manual e/uipment (!7frames, hand truc-s, dollies, portable ladders or similar e/uipment) is re/uired the hori0ontal clearance should be +'7 %= (#m) (min.) and the vertical clearance ;'7 %= (4.>m) (min.). "perating Aisle %at grade' @inimum width 4'7 5= (;%%mm) eadroom D'7 %= (4.#m) "rifice )uns and /langes .ocate Orifice runs in the hori0ontal. Bertical orifice runs may only be used with the approval of *ompany *ontrol Systems :ngineering. Orifice flanges with a centerline elevation over #> feet (F.>m) above the high point of finished surface, except in pipeways, should be accessible from a platform or permanent ladder. .ocate orifice taps as followsC !ir and 9as 7Top vertical centerline (preferred) 7F> degrees above hori0ontal centerline (alternate)G Liquid and Steam 7 ori0ontal centerline (preferred) 7F> degrees below hori0ontal centerline (alternateG (&oteC The piping isometrics should show the re/uired tap orientations) Personnel Protection .ocate eye wash and emergency showers in all areas where operating personnel are sub,ect to ha0ardous sprays or spills, such as acid. "ersonnel protection should be provided at uninsulated lines and for e/uipment operating above #F% degrees ' (5% *) when they constitute a ha0ard to the operators during the normal operating routine. .ines that are infre/uently used, such as snuffing steam and relief valve discharges, may not re/uire protective shields or coverings.

Pipe *learance between the outside diameter of flange and the outside diameter of pipe to the insulation should not be less than %'7 #=H (4>mm) *learance between the outside diameter of pipe, flange, or insulation and structural any member should not be less than %'7 4=H (>%mm) H8ith full consideration of thermal movements

Platforms @inimum width for ladder to ladder travelC 4'7 5= (;%%mm) eadroomC D'7 %= (4.#m) eadroom from stairwell treadsC D'7 %= (4.#m) @inimum clearance around any obstruction on dead end platformsC #'7 5= (>%%mm) Pressure Instruments .ocate all local pressure indicators so they are visible from grade, permanent ladder, or platform. Those located less than #> feet (F.>m) above high point of finished surface should be accessible from grade or a portable ladder. Those located in a pipeway should be considered accessible by portable ladder. Those over #> feet (F.>m) above high point of finished surface should be accessible from a platform or permanent ladder. Process 4nits The relation of units, location of e/uipment, and routing of pipe should be based on economics, safety, and ease of maintenance, operation, and construction re/uirements. The alignment of e/uipment and routing of pipe should offer an organi0ed appearance. Process 4nit Piping .ocate all pipe lines in ma,or process units on overhead pipeways. In certain instances, pipes may be buried, providing they are ade/uately protected. .ines that must be run below grade, and must be periodically inspected or replaced, should be identified on the "EI6s and placed in covered concrete trenches. *ooling water lines normally may be run above or below ground, based on economics. 6omestic or potable water and fire water lines should be run underground. Pumps .ocate pumps close to the e/uipment from which they ta-e suction. &ormally, locate pumps in process units under pipeways. 6esign piping to provide clearance for pump or driver removal. Similarly, on end suction pumps, piping should permit removing suction cover and pump impeller while the suction and discharge valves are in place. !rrange suction lines to minimi0e offsets. The suction lines should be short and as direct as possible, and should step down from the e/uipment to the pump. Suction lines routed on sleeperways may rise to pump suction no00le elevation. Orient valve handwheels or handles so they will not interfere with pump maintenance or motor removal. Balve handwheels or handles should be readily operable from grade. @aintenance and operating aisles with a minimum width of 4'75= (;%%mm) should be provided on three sides of all pumps. Pump Strainers "rovide temporary conical type strainers in 4 inch (>%mm) and larger butt weld pump suction lines for use during startup. !rrange piping to facilitate removal. Use permanent <7type strainers on 4 inch (>%mm) and smaller screwed or soc-et weld pump suction piping. )ailroads eadroom over through7railroads (from top rail) 44'7 5=HH (Dm) *learance from trac- centerline to obstruction #%'7 %=HH (+m) (HH Berify conformance with local regulations) )elief (al*es %Pressure, Safet and +-ermal' .ocate all relief valves so they are accessible. 8herever feasible, locate them at platforms that are designed for other purposes. 2elief valves with a centerline elevation over #> feet (F.>m) above high point of finish surface (except in pipeways) should be accessible from platform or permanent ladder. "ressure relief valves that discharge to a closed system should be installed higher than the collection header. There should be no poc-ets in the discharge line. Safety relief valves (in services such as steam, etc.) that discharge to the atmosphere should have tail pipes extended to a minimum of ; feet (4.>m)above the nearest operating platform that is within a radius of 4> feet (D.>m). This re/uirement may be waived, provided a review of the proposed arrangement indicates that it does not present a ha0ard. 2eview all pressure and safety relief valves discharging flammable vapors to the atmosphere within #%% feet (+%m) of fired e/uipment for vapor dissipation. "ressure and Safety relief valves, #7#34 inch (F%mm) and larger, should only be installed with the stem and body vertical position. Thermal relief valves, # inch (4>mm) and smaller, may be installed with the stem and body in a hori0ontal position when it is impractical to install it in the vertical position.

)oads @a,or process plants normally have three classes of roads. They might be called "rimary roads, Secondary roads and @aintenance access ways. Clearance or distance required )oad t pe "rimary Secondary (H) (ertical 5idtS-oulder Side or off road #%'7%= (+m) >'7%= (#.>m)

4#'7%= (5.>m) 4%'7%= (5m) #%'7%= (+m)

>'7%= (#.>m) 4%'7%= (5m) (not re/'d)

#4'7%= (+.Dm) #4'7%= +.Dm) +'7%= (#m)

@aintenance access #%'7%= (+m)

(H) &ormally secondary plant roads may be used as tube pull areas. Safet Access "rovide a primary means of egress (continuous and unobstructed way of exit travel) from any point in any building, elevated e/uipment, or structure. ! secondary means of escape should be provided where the travel distance from the furthest point on a platform to an exit exceeds D> feet (4>m). !ccess to elevated platforms should be by permanent ladder. Safety cages should be provided on all ladders over #>'7%= (F.>m) The need for stairways should be determined by platform elevation, number of items re/uiring attention, observation and ad,ustment, and the fre/uency of items. .adder safety devices such as cable reel safety belts and harnesses, may be investigated for use on boiler, flare stac-, water tan-, and chimney ladders over 4% feet (5m) in unbro-en lengths in lieu of cage protection and landing platforms. Sample Connections .ocate all sample connections so they are readily accessible from grade or platform. In general, where li/uid samples are ta-en in a bottle, locate the sample outlet above a drain funnel to permit free running of the li/uid before sampling. ot samples should be provided with a cooler. Sleeper Pipe Supports &ormally, route piping in offsite areas on sleepers. Stagger the sleeper elevations to permit ease of crossing or change of direction at intersections. 'lat turns may be used when entire sleeper ways change direction. Spectacle Blinds .ocate spectacle blinds to be accessible from grade or platform. Alinds located in a pipeway are considered accessible. Alinds that weigh over #%% lbs (F>-g) should be accessible by mobile e/uipment. 8here this is not possible, provide davits or hitching points. *losely grouped flanges with blinds should be staggered. Steam +raps .ocate all steam traps at all poc-eted low points and at dead ends of steam headers. !lso, provide traps periodically on excessively long runs of steam piping, for sufficient condensate removal, and to ensure dry /uality steam at destination. Steam traps should be accessible from grade or a platform. Steam traps located in pipeways should be considered accessible by portable ladder. +an$age .ocate any tan-age containing hydrocarbon or other combustible fluids or gasses a minimum distance of 4>%'7%= (##>m) from any process unit, rail loading facility or truc- loading facility. The minimum spacing of offsite storage tan-s and di-e re/uirements should be in accordance with the latest edition of the &ational 'ire "rotection !ssociation, *ode &o. +%, and OS ! part #$#%.#%5 (b), where applicable. +emperature Instruments .ocate temperature test wells, temperature Indicators and thermocouples to be accessible from grade or a portable ladder. Those located in a pipeway should be considered accessible by a portable ladder. Those located over #> feet (Dm) above high point of finished surface should be accessible from a platform or permanent ladder. .ocate all local temperature indicators (TI) should be visible from grade, ladder, or platform. +o,ers (See Bertical Bessel) 4tilit Stations "rovide and locate utility stations with water, steam, or air as indicated belowC !ll areas should be reachable with a single >% foot (4%m) length of hose from the station.

"rovide water outlets at grade level only, in pump areas, and near e/uipment that should be water washed during maintenance. "rovide steam outlets at grade level only in areas sub,ect to product spills, and near e/uipment that re/uires steaming out during maintenance. "rovide air outlets in areas where air7driven tools are used such as at exchangers, both ends of heaters, compressor area, top platform of reactors, and on columns at each manway. ose, hose rac-, and hose connections should be provided by the client or be purchased to match the clients existing hardware. (al*e 6and,-eel Clearance *learance between the outside of hand wheel and any obstruction (-nuc-le clearance) should be %'7 += (;%mm) (al*e "peration .ocate operating valves re/uiring attention, observation, or ad,ustment during normal plant operation (noted on the "EI6s) so they may be within easy reach from grade, platform, or permanent ladder as followsC 7 4= (>%mm) and smaller may be located reachable from a ladder. 7 += (;%mm) and larger must be reachable and operable on a platform Operating valves with the bottom of handwheel is over D feet (4.#m)above high point of finished surface or operating platform may be chain7operated. The centerline of handwheel or handles on bloc- valves used for shutdown only, located less than #> feet (F.>m) above high point of finished surface, and those located in pipeways, may be accessible by portable ladder. The centerline of handwheel or handles on bloc- valves used for shutdown only and located over #> feet (F.>m) above high point of finished surface, except those located in pipeways, should be operable from permanent ladder or platform. In general, -eep valve handwheels, handles, and stems out of operating aisles. 8here this is not practical, elevate the valve to 5'7 5= (plus or minus + inches) clear from high point of finished surface to bottom of handwheel. (ents and Drains The "EI6s should indicate, locate and si0e all vents, drains, and bleeds re/uired for process reasons and plant operation. "rovide plugged hydrostatic vents and drains without valves at the high and low points of piping. "rovide valved bleeds at control valve stations, level switches, level controllers, and gage glasses per ,ob standard. (ertical (essel %Column' Piping and Platforms .ocate vertical vessels in the e/uipment rows on each side of the pipeway in a logical order based on the process and cost. The largest vessel in each e/uipment row should be used to set the centerline location of all vertical vessels in that e/uipment row. This largest vertical vessel should be set bac- from the pipe rac- a distance that allows for1 any pumps, the pump piping, an operation aisle between the pump piping and any piping in front of the vessel, the edge of the vessel foundation and half the diameter of this the largest vessel. Set all other vertical vessels in this same e/uipment row on the same centerline. "rovide a clear access area at grade for vessels with removable internals or for vessels re/uiring loading and unloading of catalyst or pac-ing. "rovide vessel davits for handling items such as internals and relief valves on vessels exceeding a height of +% feet ($m) above the high point of the finished surface, and on vessels not accessible by mobile crane. Orient davits to allow the lowering of appurtenances into the access area. 5al$,a s 8al-ways should have a 4'75' (#m) hori0ontal clearance (not necessarily in a straight line) and headroom of D'7 %= (4.#m) !ames "# Pennoc$ is a former "iper with more than F> years experience covering process plant engineering, design, training, pipe fabrication and construction. e is now retired and lives in 'lorida, US!.

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