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Psychology Facts

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5 Psychology Facts

Just 5 random psychology facts that I discovered in my studies on psychology

Psychology Fact #1

Bigender is a condition that is very scarcely researched, and fits under the category of Gender Identity Disorder People !ho are Bigender can feel as if they are male one minute, and female the ne"t #heir constant feeling of $eing male the feeling female can $e confusing to deal !ith

Psychology Fact #%

#he &oce$o effect is !here someone starts to feel negative effects after they are told that negative effects are going to occur 'i(e if someone firmly $elieves that cell phones cause headaches, they !ill o$tain a headache !hen around or using a cellphone, despite the fact that cellphones don)t cause headaches *ou firmly thin( it harms, therefore it harms

Psychology Fact #+

Phantom 'im$ ,yndrome is a mysterious condition that happens to amputee)s -sually people feel movements and even real pain in their lim$, despite the fact that their lim$ no longer e"ists

Psychology Fact #.

/apgras delusion0 #he $elief that your family or friends have $een replaced $y an impostor #his is usually caused $y a traumatic $rain in1ury

Psychology Fact #5

#here is a condition, (no!n as Impostor ,yndrome, or #he Impostor 2ffect, !here someone !ho is highly successful $elieves they are successful due to illegitimate means #hey $elieve that they didn)t earn their success, that it !as handed to them, or else it !as a mista(e #he same !ay that many people !ho are talented may $elieve that everyone around them is only $eing nice, or are ignorant of actual talent #hey usually fear that one day they !ill ma(e a mista(e, and then everyone !ill then see them as a fa(e as !ell 3r 4$lo! their cover 5

#han(s for 6ie!ing7

8ll these facts and more on various topics can $e seen on my #um$lr0 http099raccoon:science tum$lr com9

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