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2014 Awaken Packet

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College Park

Awaken 2014


Team Contact & Info.3 Important Dates.4 What To Expect.5 o Typical Day & Outreach.6 Praying for Trip.7 Provision for Trip Cost..8 o Practical Advice for Fasting8 Packing List...9 Trip Guidelines..10 Outreach Essentials11 o Sharing Your Personal Testimony...11 o The Salvation Message13 o Praying for Healing..14

Team Contact Info

Team Name: __________________________________ Big Team Leaders Name(s): _______________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Administrator Name(s): _______________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Small Team Leader Name(s): _______________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________

Financial & Forms

Turn in all trip forms to your team administrator. Turn in all money to your team administrator or College Park Administrator Drew Dixon at the Beltway Park offices or at College Park each Wednesday. We accept cash, check, credit and debit cards. There will be an additional 3% fee for all credit and debit card transactions. Direct all financial and record-keeping questions to your team administrator. Please help us by turning in your money on time and communicating with your administrator and team leaders.

Questions or Emergency?
If you have an emergency and cannot attend one of the Mandatory training meetings, please notify your Team Leaders & Administrator ahead of time. Plan to attend Make-up Training on Saturday March 1st. E-mail Drew at [email protected] if you have any questions that cant be answered by your Big Team Leaders or Team Administrator. Please have parents call the Beltway offices at (325) 692-6540 for all non-emergency questions. ONLY in case of emergency should parents call Pastor Jeremy at (325) 201-2610.

Important Dates
Saturday, February 1st 9:00AM-4:00PM 1st Mandatory Training Day *$100 trip payment due payments are non-refundable Saturday, February 22nd 9:00AM-4:00PM 2nd Mandatory Training Day *Remaining trip money due ($210) payments are non-refundable Sunday, March 2nd Deadline for trip money to be turned in to go on the trip! God is faithful he will provide! Friday, March 7th 7:00 Team Parties Saturday, March 8th 5:00pm Administrators & Servant-hood team arrive at Beltway for setup 5:45pm Registration & Check-in Luggage at Beltway North Foyer (everything but your backpack/purse). It will be transported to the hotel for you! 6:30pm Dinner at Beltway 7:30pm Prayer Rally 8:30pm Leave for Hotel Friday, March 14th 4:00pm Return to Beltway and go home

What to Expect
Stuff youll want to know
Big Team Your Big Team is comprised of the Life Groups within your Section. Most of your training for the trip will be done with this group of people. On the trip, most of your activities will be done with your Big Team, including: transportation, service projects, outreaches and team encouragement times. Your Big Team Leaders will be responsible for overseeing this team. Small Team Every person in your Big Team will be placed on one of 4 Small Teams: Drama, Hip Hop Dance, Childrens, or Servant-hood. These teams will work together to put on powerful outreaches each night of the trip. You will train with your Small Team in preparation for the trip. Ministry Team Each student will also be placed on one of 3 Ministry Teams: Evangelism, Prayer, or Encouragement. All students will participate in each of these activities throughout the trip, but each student on the team will receive further training in one particular area in order to lead out! Morning Worship Sessions each morning of our trip everyone will gather together for an awesome time of worship, teaching, sharing testimonies and prayer for each other. You will be so encouraged! Outreaches Each night your Big Team will go to a specific location to do an outreach at a park, neighborhood, apartment complex, bus station, or street corner. Each team member will have a role in ministering to people through their Small Team. You will get to see God heal people and save people! Accommodations we will be staying at a hotel in the Abilene area. You will be in a room with a few other same gender students from your team (likely your Life Group). Meals will be provided each day. Transportation throughout the week will be on school buses. Every student is required to stay with the team the entire week (hotel & transportation). 5

Typical Day
6:30am 8:00am 9:00am 12:00pm 12:30pm 5:00pm 8:30pm 11:00pm Wake up, Time with Jesus, Shower Breakfast Worship Time for whole group (music, testimonies, preaching, ministry time) Lunch Teams leave for worksites or stay for seminars Teams at outreach sites (dance, dramas, preaching, music, activities, evangelism) Dinner/Team Time (testimonies & encouragement) Bed Time

Typical Outreach
1) On the bus ride to outreach team takes time to listen to God and pray for the outreach. 2) When team arrives to the outreach site, the group will worship and pray (leaders will survey the scene, connect with host, decide where to set up). 3) Leaders debrief team with the schedule for the outreach (what time set will start where central location will be, etc.). Set up sound system, food, activities, etc. 4) Everyone go out and gather people to outreach location (crank up the music!!!) 5) Distribute food & facilitate activities at outreach location to gather people 6) Once people begin to gather, run The Set: a. Hip Hop Dance, Testimony, Drama, Gospel presentation b. Invitation (everyone on team engaged with someone in the crowd to share Jesus, pray for healing, etc.) c. Worship during invitation d. Share testimonies of what God is doing to build faith! e. Connect with people, enjoy/celebrate people, disciple new believers f. Be sure and get contact info for follow up g. Run set again depending on situation, or continue to love and minister to people 7) Load buses before dark Share testimonies on the bus ride back! 6

Praying for Awaken

For Preparation and Administration: 1. Finances that every person would be provided with $210. (Philippians 4:19) 2. Wisdom For All Leaders including Pastor Jeremy, College Staff, & your Big Team/Small Team Leaders as they prepare our accommodations, ministry locations, and make other important decisions for our mission trip. 3. Administrative Details that transportation, eating arrangements, and everything else would work out smoothly. (Matt 6:31-33) 4. Spiritually Preparation that each member of our team would be prepared spiritually & practically for what God wants to do before, during, and after the trip. (1 Pet. 1:13; Eph. 4:11-12) For the Week of the Trip: 1. Safetyduring all our travel. (Psalm 91:11-12) 2. Salvationthat God would save many people (Col. 4:3; 2 Thes. 3:1; Mark 4:20) 3. God would move through us powerfully with signs, wonders, healing, & deliverance, drawing people into the Kingdom. (1 Cor. 2:4-5) 4. People of Peace (Leaders)that God would lead us to strategic people of influence in communities who will bring their entire households/families/friends to Jesus. (Luke 10:6) 5. For new disciples to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:17) 6. For new disciples to be established in the local church. (Acts 4:32) 7. That we would be filled with the Holy Spirit to speak the Word of God boldly. (Acts 4:31; 1 Thessalonians 1:5) 8. Grace and favor with the authorities everywhere we go. (1 Tim. 2:1-2) 9. Health and adequate rest for all team members throughout the trip. (Is. 40:31; Matthew 8:17) 10. For our team to be servant-hearted in love toward one another. (Colossians 3:12-17; Philippians 2:2-8) 7

Provision for Trip Costs

We know that most college students dont have $210 hanging around; however, as a testimony, we have seen God provide in miraculous ways over the years as we have obeyed Him and taken care of the practical things that we could. As you seek God for provision and look for ways to raise support, the following is a practical list to keep in mind:

Be ACTIVE in Believing God for Finances:

1. Through prayer and fasting with thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6) 2. Through other believers (support). (Phil. 4:11-17) 3. Through working hard at team & personal fundraisers (2 Thes. 3:7-8) 4. Through obediently aligning our lives to his will (spending & saving wisely) (Lk 16:10-11) 5. Through sacrifice by selling & giving up things (Acts 2:45) 6. Through extravagant giving to others (Proverbs 19:17) ***We encourage every student to send out support letters to close friends and family to help raise money for you and your team. A sample support letter for Awaken is available on the College Park Website.

Practical Advice for Fasting:

See article on Fasting on College Park Website for more info 1. Start slow (Fruit/veg/juice) 2. Set beginning/ending times 3. Plan ahead 4. Communicate with LGL/SL/Big Team Leader as needed 5. Replace meal/social times with the Word & Prayer 6. Prepare to walk by faith, not feelings 7. Get more rest! 8. Come off the fast gently (no pizza gorge) 9. Expect change, power, etc. 10. Worship & sing through the day to 'feed' your spirit!

Packing List
Luggage: ONE SMALL suitcase (or small duffel bag) and a backpack Essentials: alarm clock, personal toiletries (including shampoo, toothbrush), small water bottle, Bible, notebook, several pens Optional (but suggested): work gloves, sunglasses, a bandana, a hat to work in, sunscreen, hand lotion, camera, iPod. ***Important Note: We want this to be a week of engaging God wholeheartedly with community. You may bring your phone, but we ask that you not take calls, text, or play games during week. We ask that you only bring worship music with you that will help you engage the purposes of God for the week. Clothing: We will be doing outreaches among the poor, among Muslims, and Hindus NOTHING FLASHY, EVERYTHING MUST BE MODEST. Short must be knee length. No jeans with holes in the upper thigh/waist area. Clothing must be appropriate for multiple situations (i.e. covering stomach, chest and backside during worship and ministry times, outreaches, team times, activities, etc). Be prepared to work (painting, cement, etc.). You will get dirty! MEN: - 2 pairs jeans (for outreaches), underwear and socks - 2 knit, 7 t-shirts, - 2 pairs tennis shoes (1 for painting), 2 sweatshirts (one for work) - 1 light jacket, 1 set of work/paint clothes - 1 casual pair of clothes for church service on Sunday - No sleeveless shirts. No torn clothing. No tight muscle shirts. WOMEN: - 2 pairs jeans for outreaches, socks and underwear - 2 pairs tennis shoes (1 for painting), 1 set of work/paint clothes, - 4 shirts, 5 t-shirts - 3 sweatshirts (1 for work), 1 light jacket - 1 casual pair of clothes for church service on Sunday - No tank tops or spaghetti strap shirts. No low cut. Drama Team: 2 solid black/white t-shirts & 1 extra pair of jeans 9

Trip Guidelines
1. Keep your focus on Jesus. No hunting, prowling, or flirty flirty. No couples being alone, away from the group. This is a ministry trip and although we want everyone to be developing new friendships, tremendous confusion and disunity can come from developing romances during this brief period of time. If it's from the Lord, dont worry it will last until the week is done. 2. Be mature and seek honor in questionable situations. This, of course, relates to the bonding that we are trying to avoid this week as discussed in #1. 3. Make sure your leader knows where you are at all times and be on the bus at designated times. The more responsible everyone is in this matter, the more relaxed the leaders will be. We want to spend our energy worshipping Jesus and bringing heaven to earth, not trying to find each other. Do not go anywhere alone. 4. Constantly support one another with prayer and encouragement. No practical jokes. The general idea is that we want to work as a team and not allow anyone to feel isolated or alone. You can assume a leadership position by helping anyone you see that may feel left out or confused. 5. Be faithful to the people at the outreaches. Dont promise them anything unless you confirm it with a leader and know that you will be able to follow through with your promise. Dont make long-term commitments to people at outreachesallow your idea some time to be tested. Get peoples contact info and we will give it to our partner churches. 6. Be in your room at the designated curfew times & be prompt at EVERY meeting. This will be a physically and spiritually demanding week. You will need all the rest you can get. 7. Get time with Jesus before breakfast. 10

Sharing Your Personal Testimony

Your testimony will be one of the most important ways that you share Christ with others. People really are people, and despite cultural/ethnic differences, your personal experience will relate to them in ways that you could not imagine. Share it frequently...tell your story! People really do want to hear.

Why a testimony?
We are commanded by scripture to be ready to give an account of the hope we have (1 Peter 3:15). Your testimony has power against the enemy (Rev. 12:11). It shares your personal experience and identifies with the listener. It cannot be refuted. Your testimony happened to you & intellectual arguments cannot refute that it did. It promotes vulnerability & authenticity, we are real people and not supermen.

Lets Look at Pauls Example (Acts 26:4-23)

If you look at the two times that Paul shares his personal testimony in the book of Acts, you can see a pattern to how he did it. 1. He shared his life before Christ. Paul identified with his listeners by talking about the common ground that he had with them. Through this identification, he lets them know where he was coming from. Secondly, he identified a sensitive area in them, an area that would allow Paul to share Christ. He then shares Christ at this point of need. This should be the goal of the first part of your testimony. You want to establish common ground with your listeners (let them know you are a regular human and not just a religious fanatic), and identify with them at a point of need, if you can. My life before Christ: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 11

2. He shared how he came to Christ. Paul shared how he got knocked to the ground by a blinding light and was changed. It is possible that your testimony is not that dramatic. That is OK. What you want to share is the essentials of salvation and how the Holy Spirit drew you into an understanding of these essentials (more on what those are later...). Spend time describing how the Holy Spirit drew you to have faith in Jesus. Men and women will not follow Jesus based on intellectual arguments, but they will if the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to them and they repent of their sin. How I was saved: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3. He shared his life with Christ. Lastly, Paul shared what he had done since he was saved. This is very important. People must realize that they are not accepting a new way of thinking, but a new life (and way of living). Share with them how Christ met your needs and how He can meet theirs. My life since becoming a believer in Jesus: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Tips on sharing your testimony

Stay in first person--dont preach. You are not preaching, you are sharing your story. Be factual--DONT exaggerate! You dont have to share everything. Use discretion. Pray, pray, pray!


The Salvation Message

Gods Purpose: Peace and Life: God created people for a love relationship with Him. This is really an essential part of sharing Jesus with people. They must understand Gods original plan. Communicate His unfailing love with passion. The Problem: Separation from God: People must understand that sin has separated them from God. Scripture teaches that when Adam sinned, his very nature was changed from one who is perfect to a sinner. We inherited this sinful nature. Because we have sinned, we are separated from God and nothing we do will bring us near to Him again. Without His intervention, we are in a hopeless state. The Solution: Jesus Christ: Jesus came to set us free from our sin. He was God in flesh so that He could understand all that it meant to be human. Jesus lived a sinless life and was put to death because He told the truth that He was the Son of God. On the cross He took on Himself the sin of the world so that everyone who would believe on Him would not perish, but have eternal life. Our Response: Receive Jesus: They must be brought to repentance over their sin. Belief in Jesus does not mean one simply intellectually understands His claims. People receive Jesus by believing in what he has done on the cross, confessing He is Lord, and turning away from their sin. New life in Christ: What do you do as a new follower of Christ? Ask God for the Holy Spirit: God wants to fill & empower you with His Holy Spirit everyday! All we do is humbly ask (Luke 11:9-13)! Spend time with God: God wants you to know Him more & more! Every friendship grows as you spend time with that person. Reading His word, worship, & prayer! Spend time with other Jesus-followers: We were not made to make it on our own. We need to be involved in the lives of other Christians where we can worship Jesus, serve, & build Christ-centered relationships (Heb. 10:24-25) 13

Praying for Healing

1. Interview a. What is your name? How can I pray? How long have you had this condition? Do you know the cause? 2. Prayer Selection a. Petition ask Father in Jesus name to heal condition (speaking to Father) b. Command in the name of Jesus command the condition to be healed (speaking to the condition in the name of Jesus) 3. Watch and Pray a. Invite the Holy Spirits presence b. Tell the person not to pray but just receive and to interrupt you if they feel anything in their body as you pray c. If they indicate any sin in their life, have them confess before praying for healing. d. Keep your eyes open as you pray e. Use short specific prayers. Dont preach. f. Trust the Holy Spirit, not the method 4. Stop and Re-interview a. Keep listening to the Holy Spirit and ask them what is going on as you pray. b. Ask them if they sensed anything during prayer (heat, tingling sensation, any fruit of the Spirit)Thank God for every little thing he is doing! c. Ask questions that might help uncover roots of the problem: i. Have family members had this condition? Has anyone pronounce a curse over you or youre family? Have you ever been involved occult activity? d. Pray again 5. Post Prayer Suggestions a. Encourage the person and prepare them to resist any further attack b. Share appropriate lifestyle changes for maintaining healing & prevent re-occurrence c. Never accuse person of lack of faith or sin being the reason they are not being healed 14

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