Chief Guest Introductio
Chief Guest Introductio
Chief Guest Introductio
One day National Seminar on Recent trends in VLSI design 27th September 2013
CHIEF GUEST INRODUCTION: A warm good morning to one and all gathered here. As mahatma Gandhi told Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. We are honoured this morning by the presence of a great academician Dr.T.N.PRABAKAR currently working as DEAN (ACADEMIC) & HOD of electronics and communication engineering in Oxford engineering college ,trichy. He is a great man of excellence .he has 14years of teaching and 2 years of research experience. He has qualified his UG degree on instrumentation and control engineering from MK University in 1994. He has qualified his M.Tech on process control and instrumentation from regional engineering college trichy in 2002 and his PhD on embedded and VLSI system from national institute of technology trichy. He had guided 10 master thesis and one research thesis .he is also a member of ISOI and IEEE. A patent is also filed through Anna University, Chennai in Indian patents office on the topic design of global asynchronous controller on 12 February13 and published online on 1 march 2013. He had published 6 international journal paper with greater impact factor. He is also a reviewer for IEEE , Taylor and Francis Conference and journals in the field of VLSI design. His Ph. D work ntasyconwas fabricated as an ASIC chip under the India chip programmed 2010 sponsored by DIT, government of India. He has served as a scientist under Dr.G. Lakshminarayanan, Department of electronics and communication engineering NIT trichy in the DST projects. We Thank you sir..for kindly being our chief guest and we fully appreciate you finding the time to be with us despite your tight schedule. And also my precious thank to all the participant who travelled far and near to share there experience. I truly believe the engagement of faculties and students from various institution attending today will certainly make this seminar fruitful and productive. Thank you
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. Mahatma Gandhi
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela We thank you for kindly being the chief guest at this session. We fully appreciate you finding the time to be with us despite your tight schedule. On behalf of BUP I warmly welcome VCs & Pro VCs, Deans & faculties of different universities, experts & all other distinguished participants for finding time to be with us today. My precious thanks to all the participants who traveled far and near to share experience and to engage with each other. I truly believe the engagement of faculties from different universities attending today will certainly make this seminar fruitful and productive.