The Adventures of Don and Carol Croft All
The Adventures of Don and Carol Croft All
The Adventures of Don and Carol Croft All
Episode 1 Moonbusting Part 1 By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adc!oon"ustin pt1.sht!l #arch/$pril% &''1 (his is )ust too "izarre not to ha*e a +ritten record +hile it,s still fresh in !y !ind. - uess it doesn,t !atter to !e any!ore if anyone "elie*es it or not. -t feels *ery real to !e .Carol certainly has no dou"ts a"out it/ and there are )ust too !any e*idences and confir!ations for us to suspect that +e,re )ust !akin it up. 0ur con*iction is strictly a personal !atter% thou h% and you need to use your discern!ent to see if this story has rele*ance for you. - used to lau h at people +ho +rote a"out these thin s. 1o+ - lau h a"out people +ho lau h at these thin s. 2o it oes. Carol Derry and - had "een ro+in our relationship +ith the 3in !akers and so!e nati*e reptilians that ha*e "een follo+in us in a 4-!an .5/ craft since our !eetin +ith $l Bielek on 6e"ruary 1 in $tlanta. 0ther roups ha*e lately co!e into this +orkin relationship% includin dolphins and 7leiadians. -t,s apparent that ood uys conspire )ust as !uch as parasites do% e8cept the ood uys lo*e and trust each other and the "ad uys +ait for opportunities% such as% a si n of a+akened co!passion% to tear each other,s throats out. Both of us had then noticed t+o indi*iduals at the ne8t ta"le at -907 +ho see!ed peculiarly interested in our con*ersation +ith $l for : hours or so. 3e !ade eye contact +ith the! and they see!ed pleasant% if odd and lackin in social races. $fter+ard% Carol told !e that +hen she ca!e "ack fro! the restroo! to+ard the end of the *isit% she +as struck "y the realization that these people +ere reptilians% dis uised as hu!ans. - take her *ery seriously% as her psychic perception has a *ery ood track record and she is one of the !ost relia"le and fearless li*in people that - kno+ personally. 0ur relationship started nearly four years a o. 2he is !y sister-in-la+ #elody,s% "est friend and fello+ +itch. 2he,s had the a"ility to see ener y and non-physical entities since early childhood and has "een a"le to spontaneously astral tra*el for !ost of her life. 3e "eca!e partners in ener y +ork nearly a year a o ;<une% &'''= in -daho% +hen Carol helped !e de*elop the (er!inator "y usin her special a"ilities. 6our years a o% traded a zapper and an or one accu!ulator .or one de*ices !ake psychic perception !uch stron er and clearer/ for a couple of Cards of Destiny readin s fro! Carol. - call the! >1e+s ?ou Can @se.A -,d "een !akin zappers for a year +hen - !et her and had )ust disco*ered the +ork of 3ilhel! Beich throu h 2er e Cahili Cin ,s e8cellent "ook% Darth Dner ies. -,! rateful to #r. Cin for thro+in out all the do !a that "eca!e attached to or one +ork since the death of Dr. Beich and - hope others can use this "ook as a practical introduction to usin these ener ies. 3e started our ener y +ork last year ;<une% &'''= .aside fro! the zapper "usiness/ +hen +e used the Eapporiu!--our !o"ile factory% BF% ener y center% ho!e% +hich is loaded +ith hi h ener y de*icesGto heal a *orte8 in the *icinity of <i! and #elody,s land .+e si!ply parked the BF +ithin the *orte8 o*erni ht/. Both of us sensed% then sa+% so!e *ery irate aliens . rays/ as that +as occurrin . (hey +ere una"le to et into the Eapporiu! "ecause of the intensity of the or one field and +ere una"le to har! us. (he *orte8% the ener y of +hich +as "ein Hstolen, "y the rays% strai htened out to its natural for! +ithin a fe+ hours I the aliens departed after lettin "oth of us kno+ that they +ere *ery pertur"ed. (his set a pattern for +hat ca!e later. (he 9oly 9and renade strai htens the! out al!ost instantly +hen it,s placed on the round or in a "ody of +ater. -n the follo+in pa es% -,ll "rin the 3in !akers and nati*e reptilians into sharper focus for the reader% don,t +orry. 3e,*e encountered other roups% "ut these t+o% especially the 3in !akers% are the ones +e,re +orkin +ith ;after this +ritin +e "e an +orkin +ith the Je!urians% too=. . - stayed in rural -daho +ith !y "rother <i! +hile +aitin for a ne+ en ine for the Eapporiu!. <i!,s a real
!ountain !an and is also a +orld authority in !edie*al "ook"indin . (hat took t+o !onths% durin +hich ti!e used the solar panels on the Eapporiu! and continued !y "usiness. - also esta"lished a partnership +ith Carol +ho li*ed &' !iles a+ay. Carol and - left to ether in late $u ust% co!!itted to do +hate*er +e +ere uided to do in the healin trades to ether. 3e didn,t ha*e a clue +here it +ould lead% "ut +e +ere ha*in plenty of fun findin out. By the autu!n eKuino8% +e found oursel*es on #t. 2hasta. 0n a +hi!% +e had *isited the 0re on Forte8 a fe+ days pre*ious to that. 3e +ere ha*in difficulty findin it% so - asked Carol to look for the ener y% and +e dro*e to+ard the do!e of ener y that she sa+. - had a flood of Hhunches, as to the nature of the *orte8 and its connection +ith other ener y centers in the +orld. Carol sa+ that the center of the spherical ener y field +as a"out L', "elo+ the round and that the ener y +as "ein enerated "y an o")ect% pro"a"ly so!e sort of crystal% placed there in antiKuity "y $tlanteans for so!e reason .+e,re in the slo+ process of learnin !ore a"out it/. $fter the short tour% +e looked at so!e literature and a lo"e in the little ift shop there. (he fello+ +ho had "ou ht the land in the 1M:'s +as an a!ateur archaeolo ist .I !etaphysics "uff/ and +as apparently a+are of +hat +as under round. (he fello+ died in the 1M4',s or so% and left specific instructions in his +ill that no"ody +ill e*er "e allo+ed to di on the property. 2o!eone had !arked so!e lines on the lo"e +hich connected the 0re on Forte8 to the Nreat 7yra!id at Niza% the north+est point of the ?ucatan 7eninsula% throu h a point on the (e8as coast north of Corpus Christi% then throu h the (on ue of the 0cean% +est of 2outh $ndros -sland% Baha!as% and into the Ber!uda (rian le. (his +as part of a pattern superi!posed "y a star tetrahedron on the planet. - don,t re!e!"er the rest of it% "ut - had "een *ery close to the 2outh $ndros% ?ucatan .- +as ship+recked there si8 years a o% after a hurricane/ and the (e8as locations pre*iously. - felt a hu e upsur e of ener y and realization that there +as so!ethin *alua"le for us to do and find in those three places. - ha*e al+ays had a consu!in desire to *isit the Baha!as in particular. #y introduction to !etaphysics ca!e +hen - "eca!e in*ol*ed +ith !y second +ife% 2usan% shortly after disco*erin the zapper. - uess that "y curin !y lifelon depression +ith the zapper% it prepared !e for seein the *alue of ener y +ork. - found that - ha*e an aptitude for !akin flo+er essences ."y assistin 2usan% +ho is a ifted healer/. 0ne of the peculiar characteristics of this !etaphysical +ork is that% thou h it,s not physically% !entally% or e!otionally strenuous% it can still "e e8haustin . 0ften% after a fe+ hours of processin the "losso!s% +e +ould al!ost sta er ho!e and into "ed for se*eral hours of deep sleep in the !iddle of the day. (hat,s pretty typical of any +ork that in*ol*es psychic ener y. Nettin the !unchies can "e another effect% and also euphoria. -,! +ritin this "ecause - can,t sleep after the !oon"ustin episode yesterday near the secret% under round "ase +est of here. -,! pretty +ired% e*en thou h -O! tired. - should also !ention that - "e an +orkin +ith crystals after "ein introduced to their effects "y <a!es 9u hes three years a o% after he and his +ife% Bose #ary% +orked on !e usin one of their copper rids. (hat,s a +hole other narrati*e% "ut "riefly% <a!es has su ested !any of the !odifications that -,*e !ade to the "asic zapper. 9is ener y credentials +ere esta"lished in 1MPM in the instant that he +as struck "y etheric li htnin . @ntil then% he +as a successful #ayta dealer +ith no "ack round in !etaphysical su")ects. (his is truly a stran e and +onderful +orld. -t took hi! fi*e years to realize that he +asn,t oin insane% "ut had si!ply "een i*en instructions for his ne+ career .Carol and - feel that the 3in !akers !ade that happenG<a!es identifies the! as $tlantean elders/. 2he says that she realized this after our latest !eetin +ith <a!es and Bose #ary% in #assachusetts earlier this !onth. 2o!e of the 3in !akers are $tlantean eldersGit,s actually i!possi"le for us ri ht no+ to deter!ine +ho!% precisely% they all are. 0n #t. 2hasta% Carol felt an ur e to find a sacred spot a!on the ancient firs near 7anther #eado+% +hich is a"out half +ay up the 1&%''' ft. !ountain. 3e felt uided to a spot +hich felt like a shrineGa lar e "oulder +ith se*eral hu e trees arran ed in a se!i-circle around it. - had "rou ht so!e foldin chairs so +e could "e co!forta"le. 3e set the chairs in the !iddle of the se!i-circle% facin each other% and +e "oth felt and sa+ so!e entities that +ere apparently +aitin for us. - sa+ the! as shi!!erin ener y% like !o*in heat distortions. Carol sa+ the! in !ore su"stantial shapes and colors.
$t the instant of the eKuino8% - +as lookin at Carol I suddenly felt !yself "ein stretched up+ard% and then co!pressed. 2he +as +atchin !e and started lau hin . 2he later told !e she sa+ !e stretch up+ard% then snap "ack do+n into a sKuashed shape. 2he had said that there +as a ship directly o*er us% +hich "elon ed to the entities +e +ere seein . #ore recently she has told !e that +e had "oth "een taken a"oard% i*en infor!ation and returned to our "odies in the instant of the eKuino8. #ost psychic people realize that only "eneficial races and entities are a"le to "e on or in #t. 2hasta. #any $tlantean artifacts ha*e "een found there and in the *icinity. 2i!ilar artifacts ha*e co!e to "e associated +ith the D yptian culture. Drun*alo #elchizedek has the !ost co!prehensi*e historical o*er*ie+ of these thin s that - kno+ a"out. 9is +ork is fun to in*esti ate and he is a persona"le teacher. 7ort $rkansas% (e8as -!!ediately after the 2hasta e8perience% +e realized that +e needed to o to the three places - !entioned earlier. 3ithin a couple of +eeks +e +ere in 7ort $ransas% (e8as% near the place +here the line "et+een the 0re on Forte8 and the ?ucatan location crossed the (e8as coast. - spent a fe+ +eeks tryin to et our "oat sea+orthy for the trip to ?ucatan and the Baha!as. $s it happened% !y atte!pt to o to sea failed in an i no!inious capsize. - had successfully crossed the Nulf si8 years "efore after e8tensi*e preparation and forethou ht. (he first ship+reck then occurred after - had sailed !y 1M,% open "oat throu h a hurricane for & or : days% "ut dra ed the anchor after+ard and landed on the "each% puttin a "i hole in the "otto!. (his ti!e% - suffered fro! a co!"ination of o*er-confidence% hurry% and for etfulness of +hat the sea can "e like. $s +e +ere ettin ready to o to 6lorida for another atte!pt% the t+o people +ho +e had "efriended in 7ort $ransas% Charlie and 2usan% told us a"out their fa*orite place up the coast a little +ay +here a :%'''-year-old oak re+. - ot a flash that this +as +hat +e had co!e there for. Carol Kuickly a reed% and our friends took us there the ne8t day. Carol sa+ the ener y do!e% +hich +as identical to the 0re on Forte8% fro! a fe+ !iles a+ay. (here are no other trees like that in (e8as. (he Charter 0ak% of si!ilar a e and located in $ustin% had recently "een poisoned and killed. Carol said that this tree +as sufferin "ecause the *orte8% +hose center +as also L' under the tree% +as distorted. (he ne8t day - !ade !y first 9oly 9and renade. - put so!e Kuartz crystals in one of the little "lack "o8es +e use to !ake our zappers and filled the "o8 +ith or one eneratin !aterial. 3e a*e it to 2usan and Charlie and they put it in the round ne8t to the tree. Carol% +ho is a"le to see *ortices re!otely once she has *isited the!% said that the *orte8 i!!ediately healed and stren thened and that the tree +ill no+ "e healthy and *i orous a ain. $ctually% this +as the second 99 % "ut the first one intended for a *orte8. - !ade the first one after #elody told !e that there +as an entity% perhaps an ele!ental% that !ade !any people unco!forta"le +hene*er they passed a certain spot not far fro! her property. Carol felt it +as a no!e and - felt a presence there% !yself. - !ade an or one enerator and left it as a ift in that spot% after +hich Carol and - felt a sense of appreciation and ratitude fro! the entity. 2he no+ thinks it !ay "e a reptilian. #elody no+ likes the spot and she and <i! "ou ht the property it,s on. Carol and - ha*e co!e to realize that only "eneficial entities actually like or one. 7arasitic/predatory entities see! to suffocate in the presence of stron % healthy or one. (his is ho+ +e sort of fell into the understandin of +hy an 99 can perpetually keep a location cleared of unhealthy ener y in ter!s of the cooperation of earth ele!entals% or de*as. - suspect that the ele!entals% like us% ha*e a fairly short attention span for acti*ity that,s not fun% so i*in the! an or one eneratin de*ice pro*ides endless en)oy!ent to the!% there"y holdin their attention and inspirin reciprocity% +hich see!s to "e an innate characteristic of all sentient "ein s. - think that others +ho do ener y clearin s need to "e !ore a+are of +hat they can do for the de*as% rather than the other +ay around. 3e felt a tre!endous sense of co!pletion after i*in the 99 to 2usan and Charlie and then it +as ti!e to o. 6ort 7ierce% 6lorida I DonOs Baha!as D8cursion
$fter arri*in in 2outh 6lorida +e noticed that the ener y at the "each +as *ery erratic and a little sickenin % and the or one enerator in the (er!inator +as puttin out !ore ener y than usual. 3e soon realized that this happens +hene*er there is a lot of deadly and/or dead or one present. Dri*in the len th of the island that the "each +as on +e ca!e to a nuke plant a"out &' !iles south% +hich +as responsi"le for the sick ener y field +e had e8perienced. - !ade another crude 99 and +e +ent ri ht "ack to the plant and put it in the "ushes at the entrance of the facility. Carol said the sickenin ener y +as i!!ediately dra+n into the 99 and the sickenin field i!!ediately di!inished to )ust outside the "uildin that housed the reactor. 3e i!!ediately felt "etter and the field has re!ained that +ay e*er since .-t,s "een si8 !onths/. -ncidentally% lyin on the "each +e also noticed that a dark little cloud kept for!in o*er one of the apart!ent "uildin s near"y. 3e later identified that as dead or one% not a real cloud% and attri"uted its creation to destructi*e e!otions felt and e8pressed "y one or !ore people in that "uildin . (his partly lead to our kno+in that a 9oly 9and renade in ones li*in Kuarters +ill uarantee that the un"alanced ener y +ill "e transfor!ed and returned to the source as ood% "alanced or one% +hich is re)u*enatin % sta"ilizin and e*en reduces fear and an er. 3e had already learned that or one enerators increase their output of or one in direct relationship to the stren th of the deadly/dead or one field throu h +hich it passes. (his is in contrast to +hat happens +hen an or one accu!ulator encounters an un"alanced or one field: it a"sor"s the "ad or one and "eco!es to8ic. Based on !y "oatin e8perience in (e8as% - further !odified the "oat "y addin floatation around the ed es and tried it out in rou h $tlantic seas in early Dece!"er. -t ca!e throu h +ith flyin colors% so - crossed the Nulf 2trea! a couple of +eeks later +ith the intention of *isitin the three spots that Carol had do+sed on the charts. - took the "oat there in !id Dece!"er durin a stor!y period. (he L'-!ile trip across the Nulf 2trea! fro! #ia!i to Bi!ini +as *ery rou h% "ut - didn,t e*en et !y shoes +et. (he ne8t day on the Nrand Baha!a Bank% thou h% +as a little different. Due to the shallo+ +ater .6 to &' feet/ the seas +ere *ery close to ether and often "reakin . - arri*ed at the *orte8, center late in the afternoon. - felt *ery unco!forta"le% al!ost sick +ith distress. - didn,t +ant to et close to 1orth $ndros -sland% another 4' !iles to the southeast% in darkness "ecause - +asn,t fa!iliar +ith the +aters there% so - dropped anchor and spent the ni ht. - didn,t sleep "ecause it +as )ust too rou h% so after a fe+ hours - pulled the anchor up and prepared to lea*e. -n the process of haulin the anchor on "oard fro! the stern% a lar e +a*e "roke into the "oat% s+a!pin it. (he "oat stayed upri ht "ecause of the floatation -,d "uilt around the un+ales% and the en ine +as dry "ecause -,d put a !otor +ell in the !iddle of the "oat% to+ard the stern. - kne+ - didn,t ha*e enou h as to reach $ndros at that slo+ speed and - ran out a couple of !iles short of the island and dropped anchor in the cal!er +ater there. 2o!eho+ - lost the anchor and +oke up after -,d drifted se*eral !iles to the south. By this ti!e% - +as so +eary and soaked that - didn,t ha*e the ener y to put the !ast and sail up% so - thre+ out the other anchor and tried to sleep. (he short% steep +a*es kept "reakin into the "oat and - "ailed constantly for a couple of days "efore it cal!ed do+n enou h for !e to et !y +its to ether enou h to raise the sail. -t +as easy to reach the shore after that and sail up the coast to+ard a settle!ent% "ut the +ind chan ed to the north. found a sheltered spot and tied to so!e !an ro*es in order to et so!e ood rest. (he !oon +as full and the "oat +as left hi h on the "each "y its tideGtoo hi h to launch until the proper !oon phase allo+ed the tide to co!e hi h enou h a ain. - e*entually decided to +alk the 1' !iles or so to Bed Bay% the only settle!ent on the +est side of the island% after a passin fisher!an stopped to see if - +as okay and told !e +here it +as. -t,s not on the chart - had% +hich +as lost any+ay +hen the "oat ot s+a!ped. - uess -,! +ritin this "ecause - "elie*e the ordeal +as a ift and a lesson and to i*e !ore insi ht into +ho! the +riter is. - ne*er felt that - +as in dan er. -,*e al+ays had a tendency to "e a little too !entally oriented. (hin s like this tend to slo+ !e do+n and et !e in touch +ith the real +orld !ore. - did ha*e an e8perience +ith sea sprites durin the +orst of it. - +as a"le to kno+ +hen a +a*e +as a"out to "reak o*er !e in the "oat +ithout lookin . 0n the rare occasions that - +as taken "y surprise "y a "reakin +a*e% - felt the presence of a
sea sprite% lau hin at !e. - kno+ they aren,t hu!an% +hich e8plains +hy they can find hu!or in our sufferin instead of e!pathy. -,! lau hin no+ "ut - didn,t see the hu!or at the ti!e .+hich is e*en funnier/. 7art of the fun of li*in on this planet is our interaction +ith ele!entals. (hey ne*er take thin s as seriously as +e do. Nuy #urchie +as fond of sayin % >(he hea*iest star kno+n to !an is B-2irius.A - had "rou ht a"out 6' 7o+er Bars and a hand-pu!ped re*erse os!osis de*ice% +hich ets fresh +ater fro! sea+ater. - only drank a"out a half allon a day and finished all the 7o+er Bars in the 1: days of the episode. didn,t ha*e a "o+el !o*e!ent durin all that ti!e .should ha*e "rou ht an ene!a "a /. 3hen - reached 2tancil D*ans, house in Bed Bay at the end of the day lon !arch throu h inter!ittent !an ro*e s+a!ps and alon "eaches% he raciously offered to let !e stay the ni ht and to take !e to the "oat the ne8t !ornin +ith so!e as. 9e +ouldn,t accept !oney% "ut did accept the (er!inators - offered. Baha!ians are enerally *ery open!inded. 2tancil had helped !any Cu"an and 9aitian refu ees. 9is house is the first one on the road fro! the dock at Bed Bay. 1o+ he has a *ery ood "usiness arran e!ent +ith so!e Nreek !erchants +ho "uy spon es and fish fro! hi!. (hey a*e hi! a *ery nice ice!akerGKuite a co!!odity there. (he ne8t !ornin - had a B# that !ade !e feel like - +as e8periencin child"irth. #uch later% Carol told !e that the la"els on the 7o+er Bars state that you need to drink a lot of +ater +hen you eat one. - think the seis!o raph at the @ni*ersity of 6lorida recorded the landin of the Niant (urd in the Baha!as. - !otored around the island and do+n the eastern shore to Ce!ps Bay in the ne8t three days% !eetin so!e *ery fine people alon the +ay and tradin zappers for hospitality. Bein a little shy no+ a"out open +ater% - +ent alon the shore in the coastal la oon% +hich !ay ha*e "een ill ad*ised% since - holed the hull in P places on the coral heads. (he holes +ere in the co!part!ents% so the "oat +as only half full of +ater. - had stopped at one of the @2 facilities on 1orth $ndros that !aintain the secret "ase. - didn,t kno+ !uch a"out the "ase at the ti!e% "ut - +as struck "y their sense of ur ency in sendin !e on !y +ay and the ti ht-lipped "eha*ior of the ci*ilians that - !et there. (he director +as *ery kind and a*e !e copies of the portions of the charts that co*ered the $ndros shoreline% "ut !ade it clear that - +asn,t supposed to "e there. - needed !ore cash to et "ack to 6lorida% so +hile - +aited for the Bank of the Baha!as in Ce!ps Bay to open .they only open for three hours on 3ednesday !ornin s/ - +as "efriended "y 3illy 2!ith% +ho paid !e the hi hest co!pli!ent +hen he told !e >?ou ha*e the soul of a "lack !an5A 9e is the one +ho !entioned the under+ater "ase. 9e didn,t kno+ it +as !arked on the nautical charts. - had planned to *isit Cu"a on that trip and +ished to find a traditional healer - could donate the Cro+d Eapper to. $n en ineer told !e that - could use the re ular zapper circuit +ith a 1&* car "attery to zap up to a dozen people at a ti!e and - felt this +ould "e a terrific "oon to the rural Cu"ans% as it +ould Kuickly cure e*ery illness they +ere prone to. (he Baha!ians are a little too prosperous to use one% it see!s to !e% as they can afford to "uy the sin le ones. - +as stron ly +arned not to o into Cu"an +aters +ithout ettin a *isa first. 0ne +o!an told !e that her "rother had drifted into those +aters in a stor! +hile fishin and he,s still in prison there. $nother reason -,! +ritin a"out this episode .+hich only re!otely relates to the cloud"ustin and 99 ca!pai n/ is to de!onstrate so!e of Carol,s skills. $t the instant that the "oat +as s+a!ped Carol +oke +ith a start and had a clear i!a e of +hat +as happenin to !e. 2he ot out the chart and !ade an Q on the e8act location% a"out L !iles southeast of the center of the *orte8. Cashi% the $tlantean% so!eti!e 3in !aker% +ho )oined us on #t. 2hasta in 2epte!"er% +ent to her and said% >9e,s crazy5A Carol said he,d "een +ith !e up until that point. - ot "ack to 6lorida fro! !y solo trip to the Baha!as on <anuary 1&. 9ere,s an e8a!ple of the open-!indedness of people +ho ha*en,t "een "rain+ashed as +e $!ericas ha*e "een: 2o!e Baha!ians told !e that one che!trail )et had spe+ed it,s poison alon the eastern% populated shores of $ndros -slands% fro! north to south% after +hich !ost people ot a flu. (here +as an uproar% +hich +as reported in the 1assau ne+spapers% and the Baha!ian o*ern!ent had +ords +ith the @2 $!"assador. $fter that% - don,t think any !ore che!trails +ere spe+ed o*er the Baha!as. 0ne lady +ho told !e this still had the
Hflu%, +hich disappeared after she used one of !y zappers for an hour or so. 7eople tend to heal Kuickly there.
#y 7aradi ! Nets Noosed Before lea*in for $tlanta later in <anuary% Carol do+sed that +e needed to take three 9oly 9and renades% thou h it +asn,t clear yet +here t+o of the! +ould o. 0ne +as for the nuke plant outside 0rlando. By no+% +as !akin the! in the characteristic cone shape. 3e +ere una"le to et closer than a !ile to the 0rlando nuke plant. (he closest spot +as on the peri!eter road around a state prison. 3e stopped outside the north fence of the prison yard and Carol ot out and put the 99 into the s+a!p that surrounded the nuke. (he *orte8 had "een +ild and +as spinnin "ack+ard% +ith !any s!aller% darker s+irls co!in out the sides in a +ay that re!inded Carol of a #edusaOs head. 3e,re pretty sure that so!ethin "esides electric po+er eneration has "een oin on there% especially considerin the inaccessi"ility of the rounds. 3ithin seconds% a *ery lar e *olu!e of deadly or one "e an funnelin into +ater around the little 99 % the "ack+ard spin started slo+in do+n and the au8iliary s+irls "e an to shrink. (he response of this one had "een !uch slo+er than any of the pre*ious *ortices +e,d encountered. Carol says the spin has since re*ersed to a clock+ise direction. #ay"e this is )ust +hat happens +hen a nuke is "uilt on an earth *orte8. (he hu!an !acroparasites see! childish in their irresponsi"ility "y "uildin these thin s +ithout re ard for the har! they !ay "e doin to the!sel*es as +ell as us. $l Bielek 3hen +e ot to $tlanta the ne8t day% 2te*en !entioned that $l Bielek li*es there and that he,d really like to !eet hi!. Carol said%A 3hy don,t you call hi!RA 2te*en found his nu!"er in the phone "ook I called to in*ite hi! to lunch% +hich $l raciously accepted. - had heard $l on the $rt Bell pro ra! se*eral ti!es and had read a"out the 7hiladelphia D8peri!ent and 7reston 1icholsO account of the +ork at #ontauk% 1e+ ?ork. (hou h it +as all intri uin % !ost of it see!ed pretty far out to !e% especially the #ontauk story. #y approach to thin s like this had "een to )ust +ithhold "elief and dis"elief until so!e corro"oratin infor!ation sho+ed up else+here. - +as a little surprised to find that - had a lot of Kuestions for $l a"out thin s that he had not discussed on the radio or in his pu"lished +ork% na!ely the acti*ities surroundin the $!erican !ilitary ca!pai n in $ntarctica% led "y $d!iral Byrd in 1M4P and so!e of the other acti*ities of the Ner!an secret order that has al+ays financed and operated the facility under #ontauk% 1e+ ?ork. (he 1M4P e8pedition% pu"licized as a !appin e8ercise .5/ ended in a rout and recei*ed no pu"licity after that% althou h thousands of co!"at troops and !any 1a*y fi hters and "o!"ers +ere in*ol*ed. $l told us that the !ilitary +as sent to neutralize the Ner!ans +ho had "uilt a "ase there. (hey easily repelled the $!ericans +ith *ery hi h tech ener y +eapons and anti ra*ity craft. 9e said that the 1azis +ere not in*ol*ed in the acti*ities% "ut that a secret roup of Ner!ans had de*eloped and financed this operation in con)unction +ith the #ontauk facility since lon "efore 33--. (hey had !ade contact +ith an alien race that had i*en the! technolo y. 9e said that part of their fundin ca!e fro! the plundered train full of 1azi old +hich Neneral 7atton had ordered an in*esti ation of shortly "efore his assassination. (hou h it,s not officially kno+n +ho took the old% $l says it +as taken "y the roup that +as operatin the #ontauk facility. $l,s father +as apparently a !e!"er of that secret roup% as +as 7hil 2chneider,s father% the H!edical officer, for 7ro)ect Bain"o+ .the 7hiladelphia D8peri!ent/ in 1M4: and a collea ue of $l,s durin that ti!e. 9e told us a little a"out his trip into the future a"oard the @22 Dldrid e and his in*oluntary trip throu h the C-$,s dedicated portal in one of their under round facilities at Jan ley% Fir inia% to a planet in the B 2irius syste! throu h +hich they thro+ people they don,t +ant to deal +ith "ut are un+illin or not allo+ed to !urder the!sel*es% like $l. 9e +as the only one e*er to "e thro+n "ack% apparently. 9e told us that they pitched hi! "ack after he told the! that he,s spent ti!e +ith the 3in !akers +hen he +as propelled to the year &S4: in
7ro)ect Bain"o+. (he "ad uys are all apparently scared of the 3in !akers. 3e,*e since disco*ered +hy% to our "enefit. $l told us that the B 2irians ha*e "een plannin to esta"lish colonies here so that they can eat hu!ansGone of the s+eet deals !ade +ith the! "y our alle ed o*ern!ent. (his is no surprise to !any of us% considerin +hat they,*e "een cookin up +ith the Chinese alle ed o*ern!ent since 1i8on,s ti!e and e*en +ith 9itler% hi!self% durin the +ar. ?ikesGthere,s no dou"t in !y !ind that the alle ed @2 o*ern!ent has only one real ene!y% the Constitution and% "y e8tension% the 7eople of the @nited 2tates. (he ni ht "efore +e !et $l% +e +ere *isited in the +ee hours "y a !an in an e8pensi*e suit% +ho )ust opened our locked !otel roo! door and "e an lookin around the roo!. - sat up in "ed and asked hi! +hat he +anted% and he e8cused hi!self politely% and +alked "ack out. Carol told !e he +as fro! the 12$% sent to et a *isual i!a e of +hat +e +ere doin in the roo!. 3e had "rou ht our zapper !akin paraphernalia% +hich +as spread out on a coffee ta"le in front of the couch. -,*e +ondered if they kne+% "efore +e did% that +e,d "e seein $l. #ost of the #ontauk players like $l Bielek and 7reston 1ichols% had their !e!ories erased% "ut they radually reco*ered so!e% if not all of their e8periences. 2o!e enuine patriots like 7hil 2chneider% +ere !urdered after they "e an oin pu"lic +ith re*elations of deep under round "ases and secret deals !ade +ith ne ati*e aliens to sell us do+n the ri*er. (hese !en +ere too reat a risk to ha*e )ust si ned a secrecy a ree!entGtheir !e!ories +ere erased. 0f course this sho+s the essential stupidity of their for!er e!ployers% since !e!ory stora e is not strictly a function of "rain cells% and the "rain is holo raphic% any+ay. Bi Brother +ill ne*er achie*e his fondest desires "ecause he fails to understand the "est and pri!ary part of +hat !akes us hu!anG our spiritual nature. 6ortunately for Bi Bro% thou h% +e,*e de*eloped a de*ice ;the 2uccor 7unch= +hich can !ake hi! e8perience his o+n spiritual nature% +hether he likes it or not. Backtrackin )ust a little !ore% Carol and - had seen t+o @60,s north of here .that +as )ust north of the under round "ase +est of Fero Beach/ late one ni ht as +e +ere returnin fro! 0rlando in !id-Dece!"er. 0ne +as *ery "i % oran e and elliptical% the other +as !uch s!aller--the size of a s!all co!!ercial )et% trian ular +ith halo en li hts on it. (he trian le one +as apparently sur*eillin the oran e one and +as al!ost directly o*er us "efore the cre+ noticed our car. 3e had otten off the interstate and dri*en +est on a side road in the direction of the oran e ship for se*eral !iles +hen the trian le one sho+ed up. 3e are assu!in that the oran e one +as hu e "ecause% thou h it +as !o*in to the north *ery slo+ly% it +as not ettin any lar er as +e approached o*er a ten !inute period% dri*in o*er 6'!ph. 3hen +e sa+ the trian le one% - i!!ediately stopped the car and +e ot out to et a closer look at it. -t slo+ly turned on its side and !o*ed a+ay fro! us% !akin +hat sounded% to !e% like a hushed% suckin sound. (his +as )ust northeast of the "ase that +e +ere near yesterday durin our !oon "ustin e8ercise. 3e,re sure it +as an $!erican craft% po+ered "y a fusion reactor that enerates the electrical field needed to !anipulate ra*ity% as descri"ed in (he Cos!ic Conspiracy "y 2tan Deyo.
#ean+hile% Back in $tlanta 3e +ere ready to lea*e to+n "ut didn,t kno+ +here to put the 99 s. Carol do+sed the !ap and ca!e up +ith the t+o locations: 2a*annah and <ekyll -sland. By the end of the day% +e sa+ the "e innin of a ne+ pattern: healin distorted *ortices +hich ener ize the *arious e*il a endas of the present day alle ed +orld order and their alien fello+ predators. 3e dro*e to+ard 2a*annah and noticed that s!o e8tended 6' !iles fro! the seaport. 3e "oth sa+ a "ri ht% s!all @60 on the ed e of the s!o field% +hich disappeared after a fe+ seconds. Dnterin the field% Carol "e an feelin nauseous and - "e an feelin irrita"le. 1ot surprisin % since s!o is si!ply dead or one.
Carol +as una"le to find a focal point of the disrupti*e ener y field% thou h it +as stron est at the port facility. 2he sensed the presence of a reat nu!"er of rays and B 2irians there +ho +ere an ry +ith us and +ere tryin to stop us. Carol had ne*er felt sicker than +hen she +as near the port. (he field +as so hu e and tu!ultuous that Carol +as una"le to find the source of it. 3e si!ply +ent to +here she felt the sickest and put the 99 in so!e thick "ushes there. Carol said the ener y started s+irlin around and funneled into the 99 as thou h it +ere "ein flushed do+n a toilet. (he pulsations% +hich +ere !akin her ill% stopped i!!ediately. (he D(,s +ere furious I so!e of the! "e an follo+in us. Che!trails 0ur take on the acti*ity there is that the port is "ein used to i!port and distri"ute the "ioto8ins +hich are "ein sprayed throu hout the country in the for! of che!trails and that they are purchased fro! ChinaGperhaps one of the !a)or aspects of the Clintons, dealin s% fro! +hich the !edia +hores distracted pu"lic attention "y oin after his se8 life ad nauseu!. $pparently% !uch !ore than #cDonald,s toys and pirate CD,s can "e had for a "ar ain price in 2han hai these days. -t,s astonishin % "ut not too surprisin +hen you really think a"out it% that !ore people aren,t a+are of the che!trail pro ra!. -,*e seen hundreds of these un!arked% +hite Boein P'P,s on the round% as +ell as in the air% all o*er the @2. 7eople are no+ droppin like flies and/or "ein de"ilitated "y se*eral Hne+ untreata"le diseases,% due to the success of a enerations-lon !ental disorientation pro ra!- this is considered nor!al. a! confident that enou h people +ill +ake up to stop it "efore the !acroparasites ha*e achie*ed their ai!s% +hich is no dou"t the e8ter!ination of se !ents of the +orld,s population "y race-specific "iolo ical +eapons sprayed in the skies a"o*e populations. <ekyll -sland - +as e8cited a"out oin to <ekyll -sland "ecause - kne+ that the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation +as Hsecretly, set up there in 1M1' and the final phases of the usurpation of the Constitution .the only o*ern!ent supported "y the $!erican 7eople/ +as planned at the sa!e ti!e "y the sa!e playersG!ostly Duropean "ankers and their $!erican stoo es% includin <.7. #or an. - no+ "elie*e that e*ery parasitic and predatory sche!e of these hu!an oddities is assisted and e*en inspired "y off-+orld parasitic entities% +hich these !en apparently +orship as Hthe de*il., -,*e heard it said that +ealth is not necessarily associated +ith intelli ence Carol found the +ounded *orte8 at the old <ekyll -sland 9otel in +hich the conspirators had !et in 1M1'. - +ent into the "uildin and put the 99N into the structure itself% +hich resulted in !ore +ailin and la!entin "y rays and B 2irians. 0n the +ay out% +e instructed lots of hosts +ho +ere +atchin us fro! +indo+s in the !ansions surroundin the hotel to o to the li ht% +hich Carol said they i!!ediately did. 3hy do paranor!al researchers !ake these thin s see! so co!plicatedR 3e dro*e ho!e ri ht after that and spent a couple of days recuperatin . Don Croft
Episode 2 Moonbusting Part 2 By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adc!oon"ustin pt&.sht!l #arch/$pril &''1 0ur 6irst Bi O3eird 2cienceO (rip 3e had "een in*ited to #anhattan "y so!e *ery +ealthy people +ho had "een "uyin lots of (er!inators and +anted us to set up a factory in Costa Bica. (he date of the !eetin +as set for #arch :1% so +e left a +eek early to do so!e ener y +ork on so!e *ortices that +e had do+sed the !ap for and to *isit so!e of the ancient Druid sites in 1e+ Dn land. (he first 99 stop +as the 7enta on% outside 3ashin ton% DC. Carol sa+ a do!e of *ery dark% sick ener y .artificially produced/% +hich +as o"*iously centered deep under the !iddle of the penta on shape% also a distorted natural *orte8 at the northeast corner of the "uildin . -t +as a 2unday% so the parkin lots +ere nearly e!pty% and +e parked as close as possi"le to the *orte8. - ot out% +alked to a spot +here - could "ury it% and at that !o!ent a car raced out of an under round parkin ara e a fe+ yards a+ay% under the 7enta on "uildin itself. By the ti!e -,d otten "ack in the car% t+o federal police cars had con*er ed on that car% "lockin the road% and the police +ere Kuestionin the dri*er. 0ne of the police !o*ed his car out of the +ay so +e could pass. - asked Carol% +ho is telepathic% to see +hat they +ere up to. 2he said the three people in the car +ere spyin for 1orth Corea and that the +hole acti*ity +as !anipulated "y the 3in !akers to ensure that no one +ould notice our acti*ity there. 3e +ent strai ht to 7hiladelphia after that to !eet +ith an electronics "roker and a pu"licist. 3e ot an e!ail that the rich uys postponed the 1? !eetin % "ut +e +ere on a roll and had lots of other +ork to do in the northeast% so +ere not disappointed. 3e had finished the Che!"uster the day +e left 6lorida% "ut hadn,t used it .or so +e thou ht/. (he initial use +as to "e a fe+ days later in Ban eley% #aine% in honor of Dr. Beich% +hose la"oratory% 0r onon% is there. (he 6ederal Beser*e Bank 9a*in concluded our "usiness in 7hilly the ne8t day% +e +ere uided to #anhattan in the !iddle of the ni ht to put an 99 in the *orte8 around +hich +as "uilt the 6ederal Beser*e Bank and the 3orld (rade Center .need say !oreR/. ;re!inder: this +as al!ost si8 !onths "efore the felonious feds de!olished the 3(C= Carol sa+ that the ener y near the round +as pinched and co!pressed and *ery dark. 3e found the "ank% +hich is the u liest "uildin -,*e e*er seen% and put the 99 into the round "et+een that nasty place and the 3orld (rade Center. #ost people don,t kno+ that as soon as Boose*elt esta"lished the @CC ;@nifor! Co!!ercial Code= in place of the la+ful% Constitutional courts% he "e an !o*in the nation,s old reser*e fro! 6t. Cno8 to the under round *aults of the 6ederal Beser*e Bank of 1e+ ?ork. 9e had !ade it unla+ful% "y e8ecuti*e fiat% for Hco!!on citizens, to o+n old "ullion and the 6ed ot +hate*er the co!pliant a!on the population a reed to i*e up. - see that period as the !ost cala!itous ti!e in our nation,s history% since the people allo+ed the!sel*es to "y hypnotized into i*in up !ost of their freedo!% in a +ay that is essentially the sa!e as the people of Ner!any% -taly and Bussia +ere doin % thou h the Bussians deser*e so!e credit for "ein the only population that offered resistance to the ne+ lo"al tyranny. (+enty !illion in the alle ed 2o*iet @nion had to !e !urdered% and the rest had to "e star*ed and "eaten into su"!ission "efore they capitulated to the City of Jondon,s pro8y rulers% the Bolshe*iks. $!ericans% at the sa!e ti!e% +elco!ed the sa!e syste! +ith open ar!s and e*en o*erlaid Christian the!es on the process% sad to say. (o the Ner!ans and -talians% it !ay ha*e )ust see!ed like !ore of the sa!e% considerin their history of class consciousness and su"!ission to aristocracy% e*en the ne+% hea*ily financed aristocracy !ade up of for!er street thu s and other cri!inals in snappy unifor!s. Duropean aristocracies had routinely "een created this +ay +hene*er there +as a royal coupGno different than +hen a ne+ @2 president thro+s out !ost of the !id le*el "ureaucrats +hen they et into office and replace the! +ith their o+n fa!ily !e!"ers% concu"ines and other
sycophants. - C103 +e are ready for and deser*e "etter than this stinkin !ess. $t the sa!e ti!e% Boose*elt caused it to "e a punisha"le offense to personally o+n old. 7eople +ere !uch !ore ulli"le at the ti!e than no+. - think !any !ore people are a+are no+ that the alle ed o*ern!ent is not actin in their "est interest. 7residents no+ find it e8pedient to do in secret +hat Boose*elt and (ru!an did openly re ardin the suppression of personal freedo!. -f anyone +ere to +onder +ho really runs the sho+ in the @2% no !ore +ould need to "e said to pro*e that the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation .throu h its @nifor! Co!!ercial Code and its alle ed To+nershipT of the population/ is the only o*ern!ent no+. (hat +ill all chan e in a sin le day +hen enou h people "eco!e a+are that their "irthri hts ha*e "een usurped "y cri!inal politicians. 3e can then return to la+ful o*ern!ent +ithout necessarily sheddin a drop of "lood. (he infor!ation a e has pro*ided so!e interestin ne+ opportunities in politics and )ournalis!% as +ell as finance% so +hy don,t +e take full ad*anta e of the!R (he 6ed interfaces +ith the Duropean "anks thou h the 3orld (rade Center and Bockefeller Center. 0*er half of the shares of the 6ed are o+ned "y Duropeans% especially British. Carol and - are ettin that a full fled ed +orld +ar has "een a*erted% thou h the City of Jondon +ill perhaps "e destroyed "y a lunch"o8 nukeGone of the !any they,*e Hlost track, of. (his +ould instantaneously ter!inate the po+er of the international "anks and their stran lehold on all of the o*ern!ents of the +orld .includin ours/. -t +ould end the e8ploitation of the +orld,s resources as +ell as stop the or anized enocide of $frica and related Heu enics, pro ra!s. (he po+er *acuu! left "y the disappearance of the @1% the dele ates of +hich are all appointed "y the sa!e indi*iduals that operate the -#6% can and +ill "e filled "y an elected +orld parlia!ent. #ore 6ro! $l Bielek: (he Nalactic 6ederation% 9ale-Bopp% 2tar 3ars% I 1L 9z 0ne of the thin s that $l Bielek told us% +hich stretched our +orld*ie+ to its li!it% is that there is a Nalactic 6ederation. (he in*ited !e!"ers !eet three reKuire!ents: the a"ility to defend one,s planet fro! in*asion% political unity and - can,t re!e!"er the third one% thou h - re!e!"er that it +as o"*ious that +e,*e already !et that one. - ha*en,t seen this infor!ation in his pu"lished !aterial. (his 6ederation% also% is not !ade up entirely of friendly planets and the ones +ho are preyin on us in cooperation +ith the earthly o*ern!ents also "elon to this 6ederation% so +e need to decide as a race if this !e!"ership is e*en desira"le. $l clai!s that the 2tar 3ars pro ra! +as an effort of all of the +orld,s !ilitary to et the capa"ility to repel an alien attack and/or in*asion. (he first use of the +eapons +ere on the Oco!etO 9ale-Bopp% +hich +as actually a pro)ectile "ein uided ."y B 2irians and Draconians/% to strike the earth. #any +ho +orked in secret pro ra!s tell us that hostile alien craft are do+ned on a daily "asis in !any countries "y 2tar 3ars technolo y ;see 7hil 2chneiderOs Jast Jecture=. 1o dou"t% these didn,t o throu h the proper channels "efore preyin on the population. (he o")ect that +as seen inter!ittently "ehind the Hco!et, +as the ship fro! +hich the pro)ectile +as "ein uided. 9ale-Bopp +as di*erted lon "efore it +ould ha*e reached Darth. 0ur !ilitary had "een a+are of this for years "efore 9ale or Bopp had seen it% "ut +as )ust +aitin for it to et +ithin ran e of the ne+ +eapons. -f they had failed% the resultin catastrophes and >earth chan esA +ould ha*e fulfilled all of the Hearth chan es, predictions of 1ostrada!us% Cayce% (oye% 2callion% etc.% +hich are no+ no lon er rele*ant. $l told us that +hen the @22 Dldrid e Htouched do+n, in the year &'6: that a !ilitary coup had replaced the +orld order and +as uidin hu!anity to+ard representati*e o*ern!ent. 9e said that durin the !onth he +as hospitalized there for radiation sickness he +as easily a"le to piece to ether that the only physical catastrophes% aside fro! the nuclear destruction of a fe+ cities in a li!ited nuclear +ar% +as that the oceans had risen radually to a le*el +hich !ade it necessary for people to !o*e out of !ost coastal cities% a process +hich has already "e un% since the polar ice caps are !eltin fro! the "otto! up. - for ot to !ention that -,d studied $l,s +ork for !any years% alon +ith the other #ontauk participants,
+ritin s and lectures% "ut - +as ne*er Kuite sure if this +as true. Carol and - +ere "oth i!pressed "y his sincerity% hu!ility% his Kuick and candid ans+ers for e*en !y !ost specific Kuestions .he +as )ust as Kuick to distin uish +hat he said he kne+ directly fro! +hat he con)ectured or didn,t ha*e ans+ers for/% and his un+illin ness to profit fro! his infor!ation% thou h he +as "arely ettin "y on social security and a fe+ dollars +orth of sales of !aterials at his lectures% !ost of +hich he donated his ti!e for. Carol said his aura +as *ery clear and stron % thou h a little odd% pro"a"ly due to ha*in had his identity transferred fro! his ori inal "ody. - had the i!pression that he +ishes to !ake up for so!e of the har! that the #ontauk facility had done and is doin to youn "oys in the #C @ltra pro ra!% +hich the !o*ie% Conspiracy (heory% touches on% and for its other insidious acti*ities% e*en thou h he +as ne*er taken to +ork there in a fully conscious state. #any e*ents +hich had "een ine*ita"le% "y the +ay% "eca!e less likely +hen the 7hiladelphia D8peri!ent disrupted the ti!e strea! that the earth +as in. (he resultin chain of e*ents !ake it see! clearer to !e that the 9and of Nod is in*ol*ed on !any le*els. #uha!!ad said% >#en plot and Nod plots% and Nod is the "est plotter.A -t see!s to !e that an attri"ute of di*inity% or at least of e8tre!ely ad*anced spirituality% is the a"ility to turn the !isdeeds of the !acroparasites into "eneficial acts. (he alle ory of #oses and Chidr in the Uur,an ;Coran= illustrate that *ery +ell. D*eryone see!s to a ree that &'1& is an i!portant year in hu!an history. <a!es 9u hes had told !e that 1L 9z +ill "e Darth,s resonant freKuency then. 3e !ade our (er!inators to operate at that freKuency on a hunch and it has far e8ceeded our e8pectations (he Draconian that has "een harassin us since +e started !oon"ustin really see!s to hate that freKuency. 3e ha*e a freKuency enerator set at 1L and hooked to the copper rid/crystal arran e!ent .thanks% <a!es5/ in the floor of the Eapporiu!. (hat,s another confir!ation. $ctually% +hate*er an ers the !acroparasites .hu!an and other+ise/ is pro"a"ly ood for us. D*ery ti!e +e put a 9oly 9and renade in a location% - ask Carol if anyone,s an ry +ith us. 2he has al+ays said% yes% so far. - fi ure that if +e ha*en,t an ered a predator% +e )ust aren,t doin our )o" ri ht. #ontauk 3e dro*e out to #ontauk% +hich is on the eastern tip of Jon -sland% ri ht after +e found our +ay out of #anhattan. #ontauk is +here $l had spent !any years of his life +orkin in the #C @ltra pro ra! and other pro)ects +hile in a hypnotized state. 9e "e an reco*erin his !e!ory of this and the 7hiladelphia D8peri!ent in the late 1MS',s. (he first li!!erin s of reco nition ca!e +hen he sa+ the !o*ie% 79-J$DDJ79-$ DQ7DB-#D1(% around 1MSS. $ little later% he "e an !eetin others +ho had "een in*ol*ed in the pro ra!s and +ho +ere also reco*erin their !e!ories% all of +hich had "een erased "y post hypnotic su estion. (his is all co*ered in reater depth on $l,s CD% +hich is a*aila"le fro! that site ;DditorOs 1ote: $s of $pril% &''&% this +e" site has "een taken do+n "y $l Bielek due to a le al dispute the CD producer. (he CD can "e o"tained directly fro! $l Bielek found at this link. 3e +ill soon post an article +ith !ore details. Cen $dachi=. Carol sa+ the ener y of the under round facility fro! a"out :' !iles and "e an feelin sick +ithin 1' !iles. (he closed-do+n "ase under +hich +as the center of the *orte8 +as inaccessi"le% "ut +e planted a 9oly 9and renade +ithin the field and near the old li hthouse. 3e "oth i!!ediately felt the ener y li hten and "e in to heal. (hou h our !ilitary had closed the "ase +hen 2enator Nold+ater "eca!e a+are of +hat +as happenin there in the early ei hties% there is still a reat deal of acti*ity oin on at deeper le*els. #C @ltra #ontauk is the ori inal place +here youn T#ontauk BoysT +ere taken into the #C @ltra pro ra!. $l says that there are centers in all of the !a)or @2 cities no+ +here this is still oin on. (i!othy Jeary% Bichard $lpert .Ba"a Ba! Dass/ and $lan 3atts +ere e!ployed "y the C-$ to conduct !ind control research +ith hallucino ens in one part of the #C @ltra pro ra! accordin to so!e research )ournalists% +hile other parts of the pro ra! created assassins% !ass !urderers and serial killers% !any of +ho! ha*e "een tri ered into !ayhe! on the e*e of the passa e of stricter un control Hla+s, and of unconstitutional e8ecuti*e po+ers. Conspiracy (heory is a !o*ie that profiles so!e of that. (he psychiatrist in the !o*ie portrayed the role of Dr.
<olyon .T<ollyT/ 3est% +ho +as the personal psychiatrist of !ost of the indi*iduals that ha*e "een in the ne+s as assassins% schoolyard killers% federal "uildin "o!"ers% etc. ;Dr T<ollyT 3est of @CJ$ is detailed in Brice (aylorOs "ook% (hanks 6or (he #e!ories -Cen=. 2ince this +as !ade in 9olly+ood% it +as not allo+ed to sho+ that this predatory shrink +as )ust part of a lar er or anization V-/ (here,s plenty of docu!entation on this fro! intrepid in*esti ati*e )ournalists. - don,t e*en keep track of it any !ore. - "elie*e that in the future people +ill "e a"solutely astonished that the $!ericans of this ti!e period could e*en entertain the thou ht that this sort of thin isn,t happenin and that so !any $!ericans no+ su"scri"e to Hnon-conspiracy theories., . (he rest of the +orld% especially the Bussians% are astonished that $!ericans are so hood+inked. $l is candid a"out his role in this. (o his credit% he did +hat he could to !ake the pro ra! less "rutal to the youn "oys +ho +ere a"ducted for its purposes. $lso% there,s !ore a+areness no+ a"out one,s freedo! not to participate in pro ra!s like this. $s late as the 1ML',s% +hen $l +as first acKuired to +ork at #ontauk% it +as considered honora"le to do +hate*er the o*ern!ent +anted one to do +ithout Kuestionin it. $lso% $l,s cooperation couldn,t "e considered strictly *oluntary% since he +as put into a deep hypnotic state +ith stron post-hypnotic conditionin ;all +orkin personnel in*ol*ed in the #ontauk 7ro)ect and si!ilar "lack operations +ere su")ected to #ind Control- +here !e!ories are T+ipedT and replaced +ith false Oco*erO !e!ories. -Dd.=. 9e told us that D(,s +ere and are hea*ily in*ol*ed in these pro ra!s and that a Draconian is the o*erseer. 3ilhel! Beich I (he #ontauk 7ro)ect 9istorical perspecti*e can help us ha*e so!e co!passion for ho+ people !ade choices. 3ilhel! Beich had "een a co!!unist as a youn !an% for instance% "ecause he hated fascis! and pro"a"ly felt that this +as the only +ay to oppose it. 6ortunately% he +as e8pelled fro! the party after he found +ays to teach the street le*el party !e!"ers to "e !ore content. $"out the sa!e ti!e% so!e of the other psychoanalysts in Ner!any and $ustria .includin his !entor% 6reud/ ot to ether to dri*e hi! out of their territory. $pparently% he +as ha*in the sa!e success rate +ith his patients fro! the upper classes% the perpetual cash co+ for !ost shrinks "efore the o8y!oron Hhealth insurance, "eca!e popular. - !entioned these thin s "ecause they had helped !e understand ho+ $l,s acti*ities fit into +hat had "een happenin in the +orld in recent history. #y o+n study of the li*es and ha"its of !acroparasites helped !e to "elie*e that $l is tellin the truth. 2u"seKuent study of the 3in !aker !aterial and our o+n e8periences +ith those entities a*e !e *alidation fro! a different direction. (his pro"a"ly !akes !e see! like the !ost pessi!istic sort to so!e people and the !ost opti!istic to others. $ctually% "oth opti!ists and pessi!ists see! to a ree that Hthis is the "est of all possi"le +orlds., V-/ $l told us that Beich +as one of the first scientists e!ployed "y the C-$ in !ind control research. 3hen he realized +hat the ai!s of the C-$ +ere in the late 1M4',s Beich Kuit the pro ra! after sa"ota in the research% "ut it +as too late to stop the! fro! usin his +ork. (he #ontauk Boys 7ro ra! +as "ased on Beich,s findin s and the researchers forced the "oys to en a e in sodo!y in order to et psychic control o*er the!. Carol told !e that the reason - +as particularly unco!forta"le at #ontauk is "ecause - had "een one of the early recruits as a child. $l told us that !any of the "oys died "efore he +as a"le to et the pro ra!!ers to stop forcin their cooperation. (his +ould help e8plain !y hatred for this kind of acti*ity. $l says that as he tra*els around the country he no+ reco nizes !any !en +ho had "een recruited in the pro ra!. (he first fe+ hundred +ere taken fro! the i!!ediate *icinity. $fter it "eca!e apparent that this +ould lead to e8posure of the pro ra!% they used the ti!e tunnel technolo y .this had "een used to a"duct $l and his associates fro! around the country/ to pick up "oys% "rain+ash the!% and return the! "efore their a"sence +as noticed. (his technolo y +as contri"uted "y the B 2irians% +ho! $l says are the hard+are !erchants of the ala8y. Carol and - are findin out +hat the aliens ot out of that deal. 2trate ic Deploy!ent I 9u!an #unchies - hadn,t !entioned that +e had put 99 ,s in t+o other *ortices in 6loridaGone )ust off the coast south of 7al!
Beach% the other one in #ia!i Beach% +here the 2tonehen e-type arran e!ent +as recently unearthed. Carol ot telepathically that the B 2irians needed these *ortices to create the conditions for their !aterialization here. $l had said that their pay!ent for technolo y +ould "e an endless supply of hu!ans as food% !ainly in a fe+ !a)or $!erican cities. 3e "elie*e that our si!ple actions ha*e stopped this fro! "eco!in reality. 0ur confir!ations ha*e "een increasin +ith each of these actions. 3e +eren,t a"le to find a !otel roo! in #ontauk% so slept in the car the rest of the ni ht. Carol noticed that the 99 +asn,t +orkin Kuite as it should% so +hen it +as li ht enou h% +e found it and sa+ that it +as not sittin upri ht. 2ettin it sKuarely on its "otto! Kuickly caused the final shift in the ener y field. 2he said that there +ere !ore D(,s upset "y this than at any of the other ener y *ortices +e,d fi8ed. $lthou h there +ere *ery stron +arnin s on the 10 (BD27$22-1N si ns at the entrances to 6t. 9ero% the closed do+n !ilitary "ase in the *orte8 under +hich $l had +orked% and police see!ed to "e present !ost of the ti!e% +e +alked throu h one of the open ates for a little tour. 3e didn,t o far "ecause the "uildin s +ere o"*iously not in use and it )ust felt creepy% especially to !e. Druid (i!e 7ortal 3e took the series of ferries fro! Jon -sland to 1e+ Jondon% C(% later that !ornin . -t cost WL' and took lon er than it +ould ha*e to dri*e throu h 1?C% "ut +e en)oyed seein the eastern shore of Connecticut and stayed the ni ht in a !otel in Jy!e% ho!e of the fa!ous ticks. - +onder if those ticks ori inally ca!e fro! "lue !onkeys < rin>. 3e had the ur e to o ri ht to a Druid site% so Carol do+sed Cent Cliffs% 1?% +here an under round cha!"er +as said to "e close to hi h+ay :1'. (he hi h+ay +as a"out &' !iles lon % and after +e,d dri*en the len th of it once +ithout seein the cha!"er Carol closed her eyes and sa+ the location% +hich +e found a fe+ !inutes later. 3e took se*eral di ital pictures% t+o of +hich sho+ed so!e hosts and another of +hich sho+ed a relief car*in of so!e Celtic knot +ork on one of the stones inside the cha!"er ;this i!a e +as "ri ht% as if hi hli hted "y a spotli ht% "ut o*er the follo+in !onths it faded out al!ost co!pletely. $t first% it appeared to "e a si8 pointed star= Carol said that this cha!"er had "een used as a ti!e portal "ut they had recently !o*ed the portal,s location. 1e+ ?ork 2tate +ho is a !e!"er of a :%'''-year-old Druidic order I also descended fro! a line of nati*e !edicine +o!en. 2he +as si!ultaneously initiated into the order "y "oth her Druid rand!other and her nati*e rand!other% +ho +as a !edicine +o!an and nati*e elder. 1eedless to say% !y friend shared *ery little of her occult career +ith !e% thou h she distri"uted a lot of zappers to other nati*e elders in the @2 on !y "ehalfGsort of an offerin on "ehalf of !y +hite $!erican ancestors +ho +ere Kuite o"tuse in their i norance of the unity of the hu!an race. 3hen - painted her kitchen a+hile "ack she did tell !e of her e8periences +ith the Je!urians on #t. 2hasta +hen she *isited there the first ti!e .1MP&/ she had thou ht they +ere )ust nice hippies +ho had taken her Hinside, the !ountain. 2he,s "y far the youn est S'-year-old person - e*er kne+. $ 2econd 7ortal in 1e+ 9a!pshire (here +as another ti!e portal then at the 2tonehen e site in 2ale!% 1e+ 9a!pshire% so +e dro*e ri ht up there. (he sno+ +as pretty deep +hen +e ot there and it +as around !idni ht. Carol found the ener y of the place and +e only had to o X !ile into the +oods. $pparently ti!e portals appear at certain ti!es in certain locations% related to astrono!ical/astrolo ical arran e!ents ;this state!ent corro"orates perfectly +ith infor!ation pro*ided at do+sin +orkshops "y !aster do+ser 3alt 3oods...Cen.=. 3hen +e ot to the site +e +ere "oth o*er+hel!ed +ith a *ery lo*in % tin lin feelin and Carol said there
+ere se*eral 3in !akers *isi"le to her on the other side of a ti!e portal. - reco nized the feelin of their presence as "ein si!ilar to +hat - felt in the ethereal presence of #anifestations of Nod in !y drea!s and conte!plations. . (here,s really no denyin +hat it is. 3e et little rushes of it so!eti!es around or one enerators and crystals% "ut this +as !uch stron er and !ore su"stantial. 2he kept *ocalizin +hat - +as thinkin and then told !e +hat they +ere tellin her in response to that. 2he reco nized one of the! as the entity that ca!e "ack fro! the Baha!as +ith !e in <anuary% +ho! +e had "oth seen and - +as callin 1or! "ecause - thou ht he +as a no!e. 9e had particularly liked the se*en or one enerator pyra!ids that - had !ade and put in the upper le*el of the Eapporiu!. - felt a terrific sense of confir!ation fro! this% and a further realization that +e,re takin part in a cos!ic dra!a. $t this point - +as no lon er )ust !oti*ated "y !y an er to+ard the !acroparasites. -t see!s that the !ore successful +e are in defeatin the!% the less they annoy !e. (hat !ust "e an e*idence of the pro ress of !y spiritual healin . Carol ne*er had that sort of an er. -t looks like she,s )ust ha*in fun +ith the +hole thin . Dolphins are like that. -,*e "een tellin her that - +ant to "e like her +hen - ro+ up. 2he pro"a"ly thinks -,! )ust kiddin . (he portal had opened )ust as +e arri*ed and closed a ain +hen they finished tellin us +hat +e needed to hear. (hat sort of ti!in has "een characteristic of our +ork to ether. 2ynchronicity is a ne+ science to us "ut has "een part of the !odus operandi of the D(,s and our spiritual fore"ears fore*er. -f - ha*e any enius in !e -,d ha*e to say it,s in the for! of a sense of ti!in . 0r onon (hou h it +as late% +e felt it +as e8peditious to dri*e to Ban eley% #aine% for the Che!"uster de"ut. 3e !ade it throu h *ery rou h road conditions to northeastern 19% across the 3hite #ountains% "ut had to rest for a fe+ hours in the car. (here +asn,t a chance of ettin a !otel roo! in that area. 3e arri*ed in Ban eley in the afternoon% )ust after a "lizzard I another sno+stor! +as on its +ay. 3e rented a !otel roo! and fell asleep fro! e8haustion and - had a distinct drea! of 3ilhel! Beich in +hich he sho+ed !e the de*ice he had put under round to create the artificial *orte8 that Carol had seen in the *icinity of Dr. BeichOs research estate% 0r onon% )ust "efore +e arri*ed in to+n. - should ha*e paid closer attention% "ut Carol told !e that the +ork +e are doin is "eyond !ost of the pioneerin or one +ork that Dr. Beich had done "ecause ours +as "ased on or one eneration% not or one accu!ulation% therefore it,s apparently incorrupti"le. (he predatory re i!e that usurped Dr. Beich,s ood +ork for their o+n destructi*e purposes can,t e*en understand the "asic 9oly 9and renade. 3e had e!ailed 0r onon a !onth "efore to let the! kno+ that +e,d "e co!in . (heir +e"site indicated that they +ould "e open to *isitors at this ti!e% "ut +e had otten no response. 3e called that afternoon fro! the !otel to see a"out a *isit the ne8t !ornin % "ut +e +ere told that this +ould not "e possi"le. 3atchin the +eather channel on ca"le (F that ni ht% +e noticed that it +as rainin for a"out a &' !ile radius around 6t. 7ierce% 6lorida% +here +e had set up the Che!"uster a +eek earlier for a"out L hours on the day +e left. -t see!ed a little odd that it +as rainin no+here else in the re ion. 3hen +e ot "ack% our nei h"ors told us that it started rainin after +e left% and that the drou ht +as o*er% at least for 6t 7ierce. 3ater rationin had "een planned for 2outh 6lorida. (he sky +as hea*ily o*ercast +hen +e arri*ed in Ban eley and another stor! +as forecast for the ne8t day. ot up at around ::::$# and set up the Che!"uster in the !otel roo!. 3hen +e +ent outside a"out S$# +e sa+ a circle of "lue sky directly o*erhead% surrounded "y *ery dense% dark cloud co*er% +hich +as !o*in fast. (hou h +e +ere una"le to et into the 0r onon facilities% +e parked outside the entrance and took a fe+ pictures of oursel*es and the Che!"uster "eside their si n for the record. Carol told !e that Dr. Beich +as *ery
upset +ith the! for not lettin us in% "ut that there +as nothin there that +e needed to see any+ay. - +ondered +hy he +as still around as a host and asked hi! to o to the li ht% +hich Carol said he i!!ediately did. 2he said he had "een afraid to do so "efore that. 2he later told !e that the 3in !akers a*e Dr. Beich the infor!ation that +as the "asis for his or one research% and that he felt asha!ed for the +ay his findin s +ere used "y the alle ed +orld order. 9e re!inds !e of $l Bielek and other patriots that +ay. Dr Beich dearly lo*ed his adopted country% "ut +as o"li*ious of the dark dealin s of the !en +ho had destroyed and replaced the real o*ern!ent "y the ti!e he arri*ed in the late 1M:',s. 3ilhel! BeichOs -!prison!ent I #urder Dr. Beich +as i!prisoned and !urdered shortly after his +ork +ith the Cloud"uster ot into full s+in . (hat +as +hen the parasitic D(,s had )ust esta"lished a partnership +ith the leadin o*ern!ents of Darth% so disa"lin their ships +as pro"a"ly rockin the "oat pretty se*erely. $lso% he had !ade it clear to the C-$ that he +as opposed to their ai!s re ardin the use of se8uality in !ind control. (he $#$ and their stoo es at the 6D$ finally ot their +ish to ha*e hi! i!prisoned for his healin +ork and e*en had his "ooks and records e8pun ed fro! all institutional li"raries and pu"licly "urned .+hat other +estern nation did that in that century% h!!!R/. (hey had "een tryin in *ain to !ake that happen for !any years% "ut needed a nod fro! the top predators to railroad hi! into prison% +here he +as !ore *ulnera"le to their assassins. Jike !any other patriotic $!erican pioneers in the &'th century +ho chose to learn this lesson the hard +ay% Dr. Beich had assu!ed that the @CC courts are capa"le of holdin fair trials% so he !ade the !istake of sho+in up in court rather than fleein the country% +hich +ould ha*e "een prudent. - consider the $#$ to "e si!ilar to the !afia in that "oth or anizations are su"ordinate to the secret police .the 12$ and their pre!ier le "reakers% the C-$/ and are considered e8penda"le "y the!. -,*e put all of the alpha"et soup police a encies into the sa!e cate ory as su"- roups of the 12$. 0nly the county sheriff is constitutionally sanctioned% and that is an elected office for o"*ious reasons% not an appointed one. 9a*in said that% - realize that !any people +ho +ork for the !ultitude of unla+ful police a encies are +ell intentioned and ha*e consciences% +hich !akes the! lia"ilities for their "osses in the lon run. $fter all% they,re the ones +ho ha*e to decide at +hat point la+s are no lon er +orth enforcin % and all of the ar!ies on the planet are not sufficient to su"due this +ell-ar!ed population on "ehalf of the City of Jondon if the police refuse to support the current re i!e any lon er. 10 dou"t our o+n !ilitary has already "een se*erely culled ."y the Nulf 3ar 2yndro!e/ and the re!ains scattered a"road as !ercenaries for the sa!e reason. 2uppressed 9ealin (echnolo ies -,*e "een told that there are still alle ed la+s on the "ooks that !ake the possession of or one de*ices a punisha"le offense. Eappers are far !ore effecti*e in curin illnesses than any or one de*ices alone are .the (er!inator has a si nificant or one- eneratin co!ponent/ and so are a !uch reater threat to the dru /!edical cartel than Dr. Beich,s in*entions +ere% "ut the unla+ful o*ern!ent a encies that used to prosecute true healers can no lon er do so in "road dayli ht "ecause critical !ass has "een reached a!on the population re ardin a+areness and resent!ent of institutionalized e*il in the for! of federal a encies such as the 6D$. 2o% Carol and - ha*e assu!ed our "irthri ht of free speech re ardin the nature of ine8pensi*e% effecti*e healin and the success of this de*ice. (he alle ed la+s passed for the parasitic a encies that suppress healers !ean nothin to us personally% nor do +e consider their appro*al necessary or e*en desira"le. $fter all% opposition "y the alle ed o*ern!ent in these !atters has "eco!e a terrific endorse!ent for people in our trade. (hey ha*e had to content the!sel*es +ith payin o"fuscators to slander the !akers of these de*ices and the si!ple scientific principles on +hich they operate. 2o!e pu"lic schools ha*e hosted presentations "y professional o"fuscators +ho are +arnin students not to try zappers .shades of D$BDR V-/. -t,s all ood pu"licity% as far as +e,re concerned% and )ust another e*idence of the profound stupidity of hu!an predators.
$ concerted effort +as !ade in the su!!er of &''' to discredit the zapper and put !anufacturers out of "usiness. (he techniKues used +ere identical to those used a ainst Dr. Beich and others earlier. (his ti!e% thou h% it !ust ha*e "ackfired "ecause it si!ply stopped and the t+o "usinesses that +ere tar eted +ere "ack in "usiness in a short ti!e% pro"a"ly +ith a lar e nu!"er of ne+ custo!ers. - felt like - didn,t et !y party in*itation that ti!eG#onty 7ython coined the ter!% H2ecret 7olice!en,s Ball, a fe+ years "ack for a fundraisin presentation for $!nesty -nternational% and held a su"seKuent H2ecret 7olice!en,s 0ther Ball., 2ince the o*ern!ent officials in Britain% Canada% and the @2 +ho initiated the ill-ad*ised crusade +ere dou"tless appointed rather than elected% they pro"a"ly didn,t ha*e their fin ers on the pulse of pu"lic a+areness. - !i ht add that the British "ureaucrats .in"red aristocrats% of course% and supporters of the si8-fin ered lo*e industry/ +ere especially "old in their stupidity and arro ance. (he Canadian ones !ost nearly appro8i!ated hu!an intelli ence in their approach% since they su"seKuently Kuickly appro*ed the de*ices for sale. #ay"e the +ife of the #inister of 9ealth cured her cancer +ith a zapperG+ho kno+sR Beturn to 0ld 2ale! #ean+hile% the dia!eter of the "lue area of sky kept increasin . 3e dro*e south to+ard Boston that afternoon and could see the "lue area recedin "ehind us% thou h +e +ere dri*in in the direction the +eather syste! +as !o*in . 3e +ent to 9a!pton% 19% to take care of so!e "usiness and stayed at a !otel on the "each that ni ht. -t +as the sa!e o*ercast condition that +as in Ban eley "efore +e arri*ed% so +e set up the Che!"uster on the porch% took a picture of the sky at +hich the CB +as pointin % and left it in that position all ni ht. (he ne8t !ornin the sky in that direction +as clear% so - took a picture of that and +e left for 2ale!% #$. - took another picture of the Hprayin Dl*is, la+n orna!ent that the o+ners had placed +ith so!e other icons. 9e had a red )acket on. 3hat does it all !eanR $s +e dro*e south 4' !iles or so to 2ale! +e sa+ the o*ercast continue to "reak up. -t had "een Kuite oppressi*e% so e*en thou h it "rou ht precipitation it had the !enacin aspect of ha*in "een created throu h the 9$$B7 net+ork% +hich !ade it fodder for the cloud"uster. $"out 1L years a o% Carol had a *ision in +hich she +as "ein "urned as a +itch in 0ld 2ale!% #assachusetts% and "uried after+ard in a ra*eyard. 2he felt a stron ur e to *isit the ra*eyard% so +e "e an searchin for it +hen +e arri*ed in 2ale! that afternoon after takin care of other "usiness. 3e needed help to find the ra*eyard. 2ale! is a lar e city that ne*er used the ser*ices of an ur"an planner% as far as +e could see. $ nice lady offered to lead us to the ra*eyard. 3e noticed that there +as a dense field of dead or one there% so Carol su ested that +e put an 99 there to clear it up% +hich it i!!ediately did. (here +eren,t !any hosts there. 3e told the! all to o to the li ht% includin one +ho Carol said +as the !ost notorious of the )ud es +ho sentenced the +itches to death. 2he said he +as lurkin there and +as particularly afraid to approach the li htG- uess that,s ho+ all predators end up if they don,t et it strai ht "y the ti!e they die. 1athaniel 9a+thorne had descri"ed the +itch trials as a +ay for the predators +ho +ere runnin !any of the co!!unities in 1e+ Dn land on "ehalf of the Hcro+n, to di*ert attention a+ay fro! their o+n satanic acti*ities. 6rancis Bacon% not lon "efore that% +as the chief inKuisitor in Dn land of the +itch-hunts and% at the sa!e ti!e% o*erseein the creation of the Cin <a!es Fersion of the Bi"le. 9e +as part of the predatory net+ork that ended up takin control of all of the #asonic lod es in Durope )ust prior to the creation of the $!erican Bepu"lic. 1ote that +hen <a!es, cro+n +as usurped a little later "y the Fenetian .read: Ba"ylonian/ "ankin a ents, pro8y ruler% the !asons in Dn land ne*er !issed a "eat and !any of the! ot kni hted and i*en land and titles. -% for one% "elie*e that the $!erican Be*olution +as pri!arily a !o*e to esta"lish indi*idual so*erei nty as an institution for the first ti!e in history and +as the fruition of #uha!!ad,s unprecedented teachin s on that
su")ect .#usli!s kno+ #uha!!ad as the HCo!forter, predicted "y <esus/. (he "est e*idence - can offer is the Bill of Bi hts% +hich e*en the present day alle ed @2 o*ern!ent still pays lip ser*ice to out of fear of the 7eople. $lso% no predatory re i!e% no !atter ho+ candy-coated their rhetoric% +ould e*er ad*ocate the possession of firear!s "y the populace and the a"olition of a standin ar!y% as the Constitution clearly does. 3e ot a !otel roo! and set up the Che!"uster a ain% thou h the o*ercast had "een "reakin up. 1e8t !ornin the sky +as entirely cloudless and the +ind had stopped "lo+in . - stayed in the roo! to +ork and Carol +ent "ack to the ra*eyard% +here she i!!ediately found the ra*e that +as in her *ision I took a picture of the ra*estone. <a!es 9u hes 3e *isited !y dau hter% Be*in% +ho is a student at Brandeis @ni*ersity in 3altha!% #$% after doin so!e "usiness in Boston% and +ent to 2prin field% #$ the ne8t day to !eet our friends% <a!es and Bose #ary 9u hes% +ho had co!e fro! $shland% 0re on% to i*e a kundalini/psychic readin +orkshop. <a!es credentials in the field +ere esta"lished in an instant +hen he +as struck "y etheric li htnin in 1MPM. 6i*e years later% after intense sufferin and loss% he +as finally con*inced that he hadn,t lost his !ind and "e an relayin the teachin s he had "een i*en in that instant. 9e ne*er ad*ertises "ut fro! that day they,*e had as !any people uided to the! as they could personally handle. Bose #ary ot her healin ift shortly after <a!es "e an usin his. - "elie*e it +as a re+ard for her perse*erance in the !arria e durin the fi*e years it took for <a!es to recuperate. (hey,*e "een to ether for 46 years% ha*in !arried +hen they +ere "oth 1S and penniless. $ctually% <a!es had an old car and a card"oard "o8 full of personal stuff +hen they ot !arried. 9e,s so i!!ersed in the ener y field of the ones he calls $tlantean elders that casual con*ersation +ith hi! is usually full of useful infor!ation. Carol spoke +ith hi! for a fe+ !inutes and later told !e that it +as the 3in !akers that had "een co!!unicatin throu h hi! all these years. 2he said that as he +as talkin % they +ere standin "ehind hi! and fillin in the "lanks the!sel*es. 0ne of the reasons - ad!ire hi! is that he a*oids te!ptation to ha*e a follo+in or to capitalize unreasona"ly on +hat he does. 9e +on,t e*en i*e a na!e to his +ork or clai! special status for hi!self. (his is another characteristic of the ne+ paradi !% in +hich Hthe !eek are inheritin the earth., 7redatory and cynical people are si!ply una"le to stand "ein in their presence% +hich <a!es takes as a !atter of course% not +orth d+ellin on. (he first thin <a!es tells the people in his +orkshops is to "e co!!itted to the healin +ork. (here,s usually a lot of audi"le sKuir!in +hen the +ord Hco!!it!ent, co!es up in an ener y +orkshop full of ne+ a ers. Carol and - are ettin a lot !ore psychic a"ility and learnin !ore a"out usin ener y% "ut +e see these ne+ a"ilities as sur*i*al skills rather than parlor tricks or social cli!"in techniKues. 3e really ha*e put our li*es on the line. $s +e left 2prin field% - sa+ a @60 that fle+ across our field of *ision in front of the car. -t disappeared "ut not "efore Carol also sa+ it. 2he told !e it +as the reptilians and they +anted to let us kno+ that they,ll "e our friends and allies fro! no+ on. (hat craft also sho+ed up )ust a"o*e <a!es left shoulder in the "ack round of a di ital photo% +hich is on !y hard dri*e. $ 2eparate 7eace 3e picked Be*in up to spend a fe+ days +ith her durin her sprin "reak. $fter *isitin so!e "usiness associates in 7ortland% #aine% +e all dro*e do+n to Bich!ond% Fir inia% +here Be*in +as to !eet a friend fro! school. 3e set up the Che!"uster there for a couple of days and cleared up the o*ercast condition there. 3e +ere "oth a+are that a craft had "een follo+in us since +e left 6lorida% cre+ed "y nati*e reptilians. (hey had started !onitorin us +hen +e !et +ith $l Bielek. (+o reptilians had not so su"tly !onitored our con*ersation +ith hi! in the restaurant for o*er : hours fro! the ne8t ta"le. $ couple of +eeks later in 6t. 7ierce% one of the! had +alked up to !e and stared !e in the face. - +as startled "y that and !entioned it to Carol% +ho told !e it +as a reptilian. (hat +as a day after Carol sa+ one of their lar er craft land in the +oods
ne8t to the BF ca!p round +here +e +ere stayin . @p until that ni ht in 2ale!% +e considered the! parasites% "ut it suddenly occurred to !e that if they are nati*e to earth% as +e are% +e should try to co!e to ter!s +ith the!. Besides% they had "een +ith us lon enou h for !e to feel that +e had a relationship of sorts +ith the!. (hey hadn,t har!ed or pro*oked us. (he B 2irians% on the other hand% had "een harassin us and !arkin our "odies +ith their i!plants. - thou ht of the analo y of the $n les and 2a8ons in Dn land at the ti!e of $rthur. (he 2a8ons +ere descended fro! 1orse in*aders +ho had co!e to Dn land to plunder and su")u ate the locals. $fter !any enerations the 2a8ons had turned to far!in instead of plunderin "ut re!ained at +ar +ith the locals. $rthur si!ply approached the! +ith an offer of peace% +hich they ladly accepted and the t+o roups "eca!e a nation "efore lon . - *er"ally addressed the! .they,re telepathic "ut - +anted to !ake !y intention clear/ and pro!ised that - +ill ne*er ai! the Che!"uster at the!. 0ne of the reasons - had "uilt it +as to "e a"le to shoot do+n @60,s% +hich had considered anti-hu!an. (he spiritually ad*anced races don,t use physical ships to co!e here% -,d co!e to "elie*e. 2o the first thin - did +hen - initially set up our Che!"uster +as to ask Carol +here the B 2irian ship +as that +as !onitorin us and pointed the Che!"uster at it. Carol sensed e8tre!e alar! fro! the aliens and said that the ship instantaneously shot into space% out of ran e thou h still in line +ith +here - +as ai!in . 3e later ca!e to understand that all anti ra*ity craft of the parasitic aliens and hu!ans are po+ered "y nuclear fusion. (hese reactors are all *ulnera"le to the Che!"uster "ecause they reKuire a deadly or one field to sustain their nuclear reaction. (he B 2irian craft still +on,t co!e close% thou h - !ade the sa!e peace offer to the!. Cold fusion% on the other hand% is an or one process% as are all of the ne+ free ener y technolo ies. Fiktor 2chau"er er +rote a"out the ne+ paradi ! of ener y production% "ased on i!plosion rather than e8plosion% !any years a o. (he parasitic D(,s are still tryin to !aintain the old paradi !% as are their hu!an stoo es% the present day alle ed +orld order .they call the!sel*es the 1e+ 3orld 0rder/. 2o +e ara e in*entors +ill "e sho+in the +ay in the de*elop!ent of the ne+ technolo y. - no lon er feel that physical a ression is necessarily appropriate to+ard the !acroparasites. - +as surprised to learn that +e are !ore ad*anced than they are% spiritually% sort of the +ay in +hich !any apparently pri!iti*e hu!an societies are !ore spiritually ad*anced than the ones +ith all the technolo y% fine art% philosophy% etc. $s soon as - !ade the esture to the reptilians% Carol told !e that they +ere rateful for the pro!ise and +ere after all )ust follo+in us "ecause they +ere curious to kno+ +hat +e +ere up to. 0n the +ay to 7ortland +e +ere late% so - asked the reptilians to run interference for us "y causin the traffic cops to look the other +ay or drop their donuts +hen +e +ere speedin . - dro*e "y a couple of #aine hi h+ay patrol cars at o*er S' !ph ri ht after that and Carol said they didn,t see us. - felt a *ery stron sense of ratitude to our ne+ friends. (his +as the first of !any such episodes. -t re!inds !e of the closin scene of Casa"lanca +here Bick and Jouis +alk off ar! and ar! as ne+ friends and allies... Carol sees the unhealthy or one as dark ener yGthe +orst of it has a reddish lo+. @sually% +hen +e first set up the CB% lots of this ener y co!es into the "ase of the de*ice throu h the tu"es% +here it,s chan ed into healthy or one instantaneously and sent "ack out in a spinnin !otion. 3hen one touches the pipes at this ti!e a little pain is e8perienced in the hand and ar!. (his pain oes +hen one touches the "ase. ;$s of #arch &''&% the farthest ran e of a Che!"uster +e,*e +itnessed% e*idenced "y disappearin che!trails% is 1L' !iles= (he ori inal Cloud"usters had to "e connected to a "ody of +ater. #o*in +ater +as prefera"le. -f one touched the pipes +hile they +ere dra+in in the "ad ener y it caused intense pain and e*en unconsciousness. - had read a"out one case in +hich the person +ho touched a cloud"uster in operation +as nearly killed and had to recuperate in a hospital. $ spark +as seen to o fro! the pipes to the person. Dlectricity and or one are al+ays
present to ether in *aryin proportions. - had suspected that the or one enerator +ould take a+ay the har!ful aspects of the Cloud"uster and !ake it !ore porta"le. (he results ha*e far% far surpassed !y e8pectations. (.B.(. Baids the -B2 0ur associates in #aine had told us a"out a de!onstration they +ould "e attendin at the -B2 Buildin in 3ashin ton% DC in a fe+ days. 3e felt this +ould "e a ood e8peri!ent for the Che!"uster and pro!ised to !eet the! there. 2o% after Be*in,s friend picked her up in Bich!ond% +e dro*e "ack to DC the ni ht "efore the de!onstration so +e could et a ood parkin spot in front of the -B2 Buildin . 3e set up the Che!"uster in the car .+e had left the Eapporiu! in 6lorida/% ai!in it at the "uildin % and tried to sleep. 2leep +as difficult "ecause so !uch "ad ener y +as "ein dra+n into the cloud"uster. -n a fe+ hours the sky had cleared .rain had "een forecast/% as had the Che!"uster. 3e co*ered it +ith a "lanket. -t still looked like +e +ere hidin a +eapon and +e looked for+ard to seein if any secret police +ould take notice. - think !y !ain !oti*e for oin there +as to et one of the )ackets% +hich looked like the ones the stor! troopers use +hen they "reak do+n the doors of the rule "reakers in the +ee hours and haul the! a+ay .does that rin a "ellR/. But instead of the alpha"et soup letters on the "ack% these )ackets say: (?B$11? BD27012D (D$#. $"out L'' people +earin these )ackets +alked around the -B2 Buildin se*eral ti!es% after +hich #r. Benson% author of (he Ja+ (hat 1e*er 3as% in*ited the -B2 director to address the de!onstrators and sho+ +here in the -B2 rule "ook .note% these are not la+s/ is the rule reKuirin anyone to pay inco!e ta8es. (here is no such rule% of course% "ut that su")ect is not in the pur*ie+ of this article. 0f course% the director didn,t co!e out% "ut he did stand in the shado+ of the police chief )ust inside the door and took pictures of the cro+d. -,d like to see his photo al"u! so!eti!e. - think parasites enerally don,t like to "e e8posed to sunli ht or fresh air. -t +as a lo*ely day. (here +ere plenty of secret police +atchin the cro+d% as +ell as 23$( sorts% includin one takin *ideos of all the protestors fro! the front steps of the -B2 fortress. (hree of the secret onesG)ud in "y their e8pensi*e shoes and clothin % -,d say they +ere 2ecret 2er*ice a ents-- +ere +ithin &' feet of our car% "ut they ne*er see!ed to notice it% e*en +hen - +ent there to chan e !y shirt. -t looked to !e like a 6, lon rocket launcher% co*ered "y a "lanket% +as propped on the dash"oard% pointin at the director,s office .it +as the only one +ith a "alcony% so - think it +as intended ori inally to "e used "y the director to address an adorin Depression-era cro+ds or so!ethin /. - don,t kno+ +hat it +ould ha*e "een like +ithout the Che!"uster% "ut there +as plenty of u ly ener y +hen +e arri*ed in the !iddle of the ni ht. 6ortunately% the ener y on the CB +as clear all day and no"ody ot freaky or unpleasant. 2o!e e*en en a ed the 23$( ca!era!an in pleasant con*ersation. 0n !y early +alk around the pre!ises% - found a tractor-trailer% +hich +as loaded +ith 23$( people. $t L$#% they +eren,t tryin hard to hide their presence. $round !id afternoon +e +ent to the 12$ headKuarters% a"out :' !iles northeast of DC and put a 99 in the round )ust +ithin the field of the *orte8 there% +hich +as hu e and% of course% *ery distorted. - +as surprised to learn that there are not !any natural *ortices +ithin DC itself% considerin ho+ e8tensi*ely the planners had used sacred eo!etry. 2o!e"ody needs to put one near the 3ashin ton #onu!ent% thou h% +hich is in a *orte8 that is not co!pletely occluded. -t,s not hard to fi ure out +here the fountainheads of e*il are in this +orld. -t,s pretty !uch as si!ple as Hfollo+ the !oney., -n the case of the 12$: Hfollo+ the infor!ation%, since they alle edly control the !eans of trans!ittin infor!ation here. - suspect another *orte8 +ould "e found near Brussels% +here the !assi*e co!puter called T(he BeastT is located and in the financial district of Jondon. -,d "e curious to kno+ if there,s one at Buckin ha! 7alace% too. (he fa!ilies that ha*e enerated the !ost e*il since Ba"ylonian ti!es finally
ended up o+nin Dn land shortly "efore the British D!pire +as started. (hey +ere the ones +ho financed 3illia! of 0ran e to usurp the throne in the early 16'',s. (he 1e+ 3orld 0rder is )ust the present for! of their ancient he e!ony. (heir !odus operandi has al+ays "een the control of !oney and infor!ation. 7aradi !s% (he 0ld I (he 1e+ - sur!ised that the kno+led e of ho+ to "uild on and use these ener y sources had not "een re ained "y +esterners until the !iddle 1S'',s. -t looks to !e like the #asons and #or!ons +ere the first +esterners to use this kno+led e e8tensi*ely in !odern ti!es. (he Chinese ha*e ne*er stopped usin these practices and the Druids .and +hoe*er preceded the!/ had full co!petence in the!. - don,t kno+ +hat +ill co!e of these thin s. -,! content to +ork on a Hneed to kno+, "asis% since the e8planations +ouldn,t !ean *ery !uch to !e in !y present state of a+areness. -n the old paradi !% a lot of ener y +as spent preser*in infor!ation throu h secrecy. - dou"t that any of the old secrets are unkno+n to us no+% especially if one kno+s ho+ to use the -nternet. (he ne+ paradi ! see!s to dictate that the "est +ay to hide the truth is to say it clearly and plainly. (hin s that are true are al!ost ne*er +hat +e e8pect or +ish the! to "e and they ha*e a tendency to stretch our +orld*ie+ and e*en o"literate it. 2o !uch of +hat +e "elie*e is conditioned "y our pre)udices and fears +hich takes a reat deal of effort and conte!plation to ro+ out of% old +ays of seein and hearin . (he "est confir!ations for !e until no+ ha*e "een the e8pressed an er of predatory D(,s% +hich has otten !ore and !ore o*ert since +e started last su!!er. -,*e concluded that the hu!an parasites ha*e *ery little to say in the course of Ohu!anO e*ents. <ud in fro! the appearance of the Draconian +ho has "een so present lately% - also suspect that the stories of de*ils and 2atan !ay ha*e co!e fro! uninfor!ed hu!an contact +ith these indi*iduals. -f +e +ere afraid of hi!% - suppose it +ould "e easy to "uild that sort of story around hi!. $s it is% he,s )ust a nuisance% and e*ery ti!e he does so!ethin o*ert +e et !ore infor!ation% +hich pro"a"ly )ust !akes hi! e*en !ore an ry and perple8ed. $l Bielek had told us that there +ere se*eral D( roups +orkin at #ontauk and that the "oss +as a Draconian ;titled TCharlieT accordin to $l Bielek...Cen=. 9e told us +here the Draconians co!e fro!% "ut that infor!ation doesn,t ha*e !uch rele*ance to !e and - keep for ettin those details. - )ust see the! all as lar e parasites. 3e dro*e "ack to 6t 7ierce after +e strai htened out the 12$ *orte8. Don Croft
Episode 3 Moonbusting Part 3 By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adc!oon"ustin pt:.sht!l $pril/#ay &''1 - don,t re!e!"er ho+ the su")ect of !oon"ustin ca!e up. - think it +as "ecause +e had rented a B !o*ie recently .+e +atch !o*ies on our FCB +hile +e do our !anufacturin +ork/ that +as a"out an e*il entity on the dark side of the !oon +ho +as plannin to do "ad thin s to Darth throu h the Ber!uda (rian le,s connection +ith his !oon territory. 0n a hunch% - asked Carol if there +as infor!ation +e could use so!e+here in that !o*ie and she a*e !e a stron Hyes., 2o% ha*in +aited patiently for the opportunity to et "ack to !y +orkshop so - could e8tend the CB,s ran e% +ondered if it +ould "e possi"le to affect the !oon +ith a Che!"uster. -,d co!e to "elie*e that our !oon is all or partly artificial% thou h e8tre!ely ancient% and +as a "ase used "y predatory aliensGa sta in area. -,d listened to Bichard 9oa land,s accounts of structures on the surface% especially on the dark side% +hich +as not deci!ated "y the e*ent that cratered the "ri ht side so e8tensi*ely% apparently in the sa!e ti!e period% that half of #ars, surface +as also o"literated. -t sounded pretty con*incin % especially after ha*in read the "ook 2o!eone Dlse -s 0n (he #oon% +hich +as a photo essay .co!piled fro! 1$2$,s files "efore they could re!o*e the! all/ of enor!ous eKuip!ent operatin in so!e of the !oon,s craters% and the e8tensi*e net+ork of tracks "et+een the craters. (hese photos +ere fro! 1$2$ files "efore so!e e8tensi*e editin took place in the early P',s in !ost of their file locations. 3illia! Cooper had done a dissertation a"out the hu!an "ase on the !oon that he,d "eco!e a+are of around that ti!e +hile he +as +orkin in 1a*al -ntelli ence and su"seKuently acKuired se*eral accounts fro! eye+itnesses +ho +ere participatin at *arious le*els in that pro)ect. 2tan Deyo +rote Cos!ic Conspiracy in the late P',s% in +hich he a*e a detailed history of the de*elop!ent of anti ra*ity craft "y hu!ans in the 1ML',s. (his research +as co*ered in *arious pu"lications until the !id L',s% "ut +as ne*er seen a ain in any pu"lication .e8cept his "ook and a fe+ other under round ones/ after a certain date% at +hich ti!e all references +ere dropped. - ot his "ook +hen - +as li*in in (on a in 1MS4-L. -t +as pu"lished in $ustralia% "ut had "een una*aila"le in the @2 until the -nternet +as up and runnin a fe+ years a o. - ot t+o shocks +hen - read that "ook: there is e8tensi*e censorship in $!erica% and a fe+ nasty% dried up% passionless old !en .e8cept +hen they dress up in "lack ro"es and ritually slau hter "a"ies/ +ho really do secretly run the +orld. 2tan didn,t see! to "e a+are of any D( connection +ith the anti ra*ity research +hen he +rote that "ook. Cooper a*e a *ery con*incin e8planation of ho+ and +hy the $pollo !issions +ere faked. 6or e8a!ple: the Fan $llen "elt +ould ha*e destroyed any life a"oard the spacecraft since there +as no radiation protection on "oard. (he e8tre!ely cu!"erso!e spacesuits are still used e*en thou h !uch li hter% !ore user-friendly ones had "een perfected in the 6',s. Co!puters +ere not ad*anced enou h then to do the calculations that +ere necessary. (he !o*ies of the !oon+alks sho+ed the! )u!pin a fe+ inches hi h instead of +hat should ha*e "een a couple of feet% considerin the lo+ ra*ity. (here +ere no stars sho+n in space. 1otice that 1$2$ is still usin 1MP',s technolo y in their space pro ra!. (hey are o"*iously "ein trotted out as a s!okescreen. (he presentation +ent on for an hour and - couldn,t find any +eak points in it. 2peakin of +eak points% -,! a science fiction "uff. -,*e ne*er read anythin presented as fiction that didn,t look like fiction. $l Bielek,s story has al+ays sounded "izarre and unthinka"le% "ut it ne*er see!ed like fiction. -t see!s !ore and !ore like si!ple )ournalis! to !e lately. - contrast this +ith the stories told "y people consider professional o"fuscators. 3e,*e "een a"le to use $l,s infor!ation to help us sort out +hat,s "een happenin around us. 0"fuscators% "ein essential parasites% i*e no usa"le infor!ation% no !atter ho+ fascinatin they !ay sound or ho+ Hnice, they see!.
3hen - returned to the @2 in 1MSL - read 3orld 0rder% (he 9e e!ony of 7arasitis! "y Dustace #ullins. #any "elie*e that this "ook contains enou h hard and circu!stantial e*idence fro! pu"lic record to con*ict the nasty old uys !entioned in the pre*ious para raphs as +ell as the *arious echelons of their sycophants% stoo es and thu s% all the +ay do+n the predatory dun heap% fro! the City of Jondon% throu h the Bockefellers% Cissin er% the Bush !en% -di $!in% 7ol 7ot% 3innie #andela% 2adda! 9ussein and 9illary Clinton% to !ost of the planet,s to+ns and *illa es. 7arasites are as parasites do. (his infestation of the "ody politic +ill need to "e healed fro! the outside as +ell as fro! inside. $ Kuick re!edy +ould "e to use the -nternet to elect a te!porary +orld con ress +hose purpose +ould "e to for! an elected +orld o*ern!ent. - ha*e no dou"t that there are so !any enli htened% other+orldly entities ready and +illin to help us +ith this that it +ould "e easy and +ould Kuickly take on a life of its o+n. Did you hear that here firstR ?ou,ll hear it a ain soon fro! so!eone +ho,s ne*er heard of !e if this is ti!ely. #oon D+ellers - asked Carol to see ho+ !any hu!ans are on the !oon% and +hether they had "uilt a "ase or +ere usin e8istin architecture. 2he said there +ere around S'% half of the! $!erican and half of the! Bussian% and that they +ere usin an under round "ase that had already e8isted. - then +anted to kno+ ho+ !any aliens +ere there. 2he said that there had "een 1'%''' until the arri*al a fe+ years a o of a nu!"er of Draconians a"oard the hu e ship that had "een "ehind 9ale-Bopp. (hey had co!e to the !oon to or anize so!e *ery "ad thin s after the !ilitary here th+arted their atte!pt to use the co!et to help the! take the planet. 2he recently told !e that there,s a portal in the !oon% like in the 2tar ate !o*ie% "ut that it,s not "i enou h for a ship to pass throu h. <ust as Boose*elt sold the $!erican Bepu"lic to the British "anks in the 1M:',s and Clinton sold the re!ains of our national security to the Chinese% the 1e+ 3orld 0rder has sold the planet to parasitic off-+orlders. - uess it hurts !ore +hen alle edly la+ful o*ern!ents do thin s like that. (he 1e+ 3orld 0rder has ne*er had a !andate fro! the population or any la+ful "asis for their position and actions. (hey )ust !ade it up. #ay"e that,s +hy it,s so easy for little people like us to thro+ a +rench in their !achinery. (he stren th of our early nation +as in its Constitutional indi*idual so*erei nty !andate and its relati*ely close ali n!ent +ith uni*ersal la+. (he 1e+ 3orld 0rder is sKuarely opposed to uni*ersal la+ and is thus *ulnera"le to the concerted effort of a fe+ people +ho are in har!ony +ith true order. Jock I Joad 3e do+sed that the e8tension of the 6, pipes of the Che!"uster to around 11, +ould !ake it possi"le to affect the !oon% so as soon as that +as finished% - propped it up and ai!ed it at the !oon. 3hen the ai! +as correct% Carol sa+ that the +hole !oon started shakin as thou h in a L.' earthKuake. 2he said that the occupants +ere terrified and co!pletely una+are of +hat +as causin it. 2he said that a half hour +ould "e plenty and that it +ould take a total of L sessions to persuade the aliens to lea*e. 3e did the second half-hour session later that !ornin 3e +aited a couple of ni hts to do the third session. 3e +ould ha*e done it sooner% "ut the !oon +asn,t *isi"le after the first ni ht. (here +ere no clouds and +e kne+ +here to look% "ut +e )ust couldn,t see it. Carol% as a practicin +itch% keeps close ta"s on the !oon and it,s cycles. Carol ot up around &$# and did that one herself. 2ince she doesn,t need to physically see it to kno+ +here it is there +as no pro"le! ettin the ai! ri ht. &4 hours later a *ery Kuiet helicopter appeared o*er the trees a"out a Kuarter !ile northeast of our ca!psite in the BF park. -t ho*ered for a !inute then started flyin "ack and forth at a"out 4'' ft.% shinin a spotli ht on the round "elo+. (his kept up for a"out half an hour. 3e "oth stood outside and +atched. - asked the reptilians to Hcloud their !inds, so that they +ouldn,t co!e our +ay and Carol said they i!!ediately did so and not to +orry. 2he felt that the chopper cre+ considered it ridiculous to think that this could "e co!in fro! an BF ca!p round full of retired +hite people. - see their pointG- call the! Depression Ba"ies and their !a)ority enthusiastic support for the recedin re i!e and their "rain+ashed +orship of !ediocrity has al+ays sickened !e.
(his is the eneration that ca!e out of 33-- .- do respect the sacrifice of the *eterans and the ones +ho died then/ +ith the con*iction that +hate*er the o*ern!ent +ants is fine "y the! and confor!ity +as the order of their day. Centralized po+er re+ "y leaps and "ounds on their +atch and the persecution and !urder of people like 3ilhel! Beich had their full support and appro*al. 2o!e thin s ha*e chan ed for the "etter% thank Nod5 -t +asn,t accidental that the @2% Durope% Bussia% and China all adopted si!ilar social/econo!ic orders around the sa!e ti!e and that the -#6 .Ba"ylonian fa!ilies/ financed and !icro!ana ed it all. Jyndon JaBouche refers to the Uueen of Dn land as the H3hore of Ba"ylon, "ecause of her no!inal support of the +orld dru trade% historically a British !onopoly. -t,s also no accident that the dru trade no+ en*elopes and is "leedin these nations to death. #ost people !y a e are fairly incapacitated% spiritually% "y their re ular use of dru s. (he helicopter inspired !e to do so!ethin to t+eak the parasites a "it. $n $ir 6orce "o!"in ran e .or so!ethin / is on the !ap a"out 4' !iles north+est of 6t. 7ierce. 3e discussed oin there to do the ne8t !oon"ustin session% since they o"*iously had fi ured out +here it +as co!in fro! and - +anted the! to kno+ that +e kne+. 3e hu!ans are pro"a"ly the last race in the ala8y that doesn,t use telepathy as the pri!ary !ode of co!!unication. Carol is *ery ood at it and e*en has a hard ti!e shuttin out other people,s thou hts in cro+ds% so!eti!es. 2he assures !e that anythin +e,re thinkin a"out +hile +e,re outside the Eapporiu! is clearly recei*ed "y !ore than one roup of D(,s% especially the B 2irians% and% "y no+% the Draconians% +ho are their "osses. 2o they already kne+ +e +ould "e oin to the $ir 6orce "ase. Nettin -n Closer (he ne8t !ornin +e dro*e up --L to the e8it closest to the "ase and took the &-lane hi h+ay throu h ?ahoo. Carol said to dri*e another 6 !iles after +e spotted the +ater to+er of the "ase. 0*er the "ase she sa+ a *ery dark% do!e-shaped ener y field that is typical of e8tensi*e nefarious under round acti*ity. $ couple of !iles "efore +e +ere to deploy the de*ice% +e sa+ three police cars parked "y the road% o"*iously +aitin for so!eone to sho+ up. (here +as no shoulder on that road or anyplace "esides far! dri*e+ays to park on% so +e picked a lar e dri*e+ay near a far!house that looked deserted and set up the Che!"uster at the roadside. 3e couldn,t see the !oon% "ut Carol found it and had !e ad)ust the ai! until she could sense the !oon shakin . -t only took a fe+ seconds. - had to !o*e it e*ery L !inutes to sustain the shakin effect. 3ithin fi*e !inutes% Carol said there +as a *ery lar e trian ular craft fro! the "ase ri ht o*er us% thou h +e +ere in*isi"le to the!. - couldn,t see it% "ut -,! fa!iliar +ith the trick. $t this point - no lon er had the ur e to ai! the Che!"uster at it. -,*e decided not to "e an a ressor and the !oon"ustin isnHt hurtin anyone. Besides% the !ilitary !en +ho are flyin these craft are !ost likely not fully a+are of +hat they,re doin and +on,t re!e!"er it later. (hat,s ho+ they ot $l to +ork for the!. 3e packed up after a half hour and dro*e ho!e. (he police +ere still in the sa!e spot. Carol said that they +ere on the lookout for us% "ut hadn,t "een told e8actly +hat to look for. (here are plenty of +eak links like this in the predators, chain of co!!and% "ut the ood uys like to share infor!ation +ith each other. Carol also said that if +e had "een arrested "y the!% +e +ould ha*e "een taken to the "ase and e8ecuted. 0h% +ellG!ost thin s that are fun carry so!e risk. (he police% of course% had no clue +hat this is a"out and +ere only follo+in orders. -t re!inds !e of the cops in (he #atri8. $fter that +e considered it e8pedient to chan e our address. (here +ere at least t+o reasons for this: the top hea*y or anization +e +ere dealin +ith is *ery slo+ to !ake chan es% e*en slothful% "ut +e had no dou"t they +ere on to us in our present location and the rent +as due in a day or so. 3e !o*ed to the 6lorida Ceys to "e closer to the Baha!as% +here +e +ould "e oin at the end of this +eek to do so!e +ork. (hat,s another story% of course.
$ Caller 6ro! Dracos (he !ornin after +e arri*ed at Nrassy Cey% 6lorida% +e did our fifth !oon"ustin session. By no+% Carol said that !ost of the aliens had already left and in fact a hu e Draconian ship +as )ust o*erhead and +as o"ser*in us on its +ay out of the territory. $lthou h -,! not accusto!ed to telepathy or astral tra*el% -,*e had a fe+ e8periences +ith "oth. Carol routinely does "oth and has ifted a"ility. $fter the fourth session% she told !e that a Draconian% +ho has "een in char e of all acti*ity +ith hu!ans% ca!e personally to check us out. $pparently it +as hard for hi! to concei*e that so !uch trou"le could "e !ade "y the likes of us and he +as not accusto!ed to lookin into these thin s personally. (here +ere !any le*els of flunkies "eneath hi!. Before she !entioned it% - had otten a clear i!a e of a fello+ standin outside the Eapporiu! door +hile +e +ere in "ed +ith a look of consternation on his alien face--a tall% skinny uy. Carol said he couldn,t et inside "ecause of the 1L9z freKuency. 9e +ould ha*e "een a"le to tolerate the or one field for a +hile% thou h% if it +eren,t *i"ratin at that freKuency. 9e,s sho+ed up here e*ery ni ht since then ;rarely no+% as of #arch &''&=% thou h -,! no lon er a+are of hi!. (he second ni ht% after our fifth !oon"ustin session% Carol told !e that he +anted to talk to "oth of us "ut had to slo+ us do+n so that +e could "e !ore a+are of hi!. #y response +as that - didn,t need to talk to a parasite. (hey ne*er i*e anythin of *alue% so +hy "other +ith the!R 9a*e you heard the -ndian sayin : (he ea le ne*er +asted so !uch ti!e as +hen he consented to "e tau ht "y the cro+R But Carol +as curious% so +e "oth +ent to "ed .he needed for us to "e asleep in order to co!!unicateGdoesn,t that )ust fi ureR/ - +oke up suddenly a"out 1$# and looked at Carol. - could see his face superi!posed on hers% thou h it +as transparentGcreepy% "ut par for the course. -t looked like a stretch i!a e of Bichard Nephardt,s face and also the i!a e of Bapho!et the 9er!aphroditic Noat in the in*erted penta ra! in #orals and Do !a ;"y $l"ert 7ike.Cen=% the #asonic "i"le. ?es% there are actually ro+nups +ho "elie*e in these silly thin s. Be!e!"er the ada e that says that +ealth and intelli ence are not necessarily found to ether. -n the !ornin Carol said he had talked to her for a lon ti!e "ut she couldn,t re!e!"er a sin le thin he said. - told her that he +as )ust lookin for a +eak spot to e8ploit and she a reed. -,*e "een su")ected to that sort of Hco!!unication, fro! hu!ans in the past% especially in relationships "efore - learned to stop fallin in lo*e +ith control freaks% "ut - don,t think any"ody +ould try that no+ +ith !e. 9e had attached +hat Carol calls cords to "oth of us. #ine +ere in the area of the third chakra. 9e +as apparently tryin to +eaken !y resol*e. 7arasites can,t relate to the fact that +hen a person acts fro! inte rity% nothin +ill deflect hi!/herGnot e*en the destruction of the physical "ody. 9e attached a !uch stron er cord near Carol,s heart chakra. - had "een a"le to re!o*e those thin s +ith a tool - !ade fro! a sound crystal +ith a #o"ius coil around the "ase% held in the hand and pulsin 1L9z ;the 2uccor 7unch...Cen=% "ut it +as a te!porary fi8 that ena"led Carol to et throu h the day +ithout pain. (he ne8t e*enin % Carol +as rela8in % listenin to the 3in !aker CD% and she told !e that so!e 7leiadians +ere around her% dissol*in the cord that the Draco had put there. 9elpful Dolphins I @nder+ater Cities 2peakin of 7leiadians% after +e rented the ca!psite in the Ceys% +e noticed that it +as across the road fro! the Dolphin Besearch Center. - hadn,t thou ht a lot a"out dolphins% "ut this caused !e to start thinkin a"out the! in ter!s of +hat +e,d "een doin . - used to listen to +hales +hen - li*ed in the Fir in -slands in the early P',s. -t +as *ery s+eet% and the deeper one +ent in that nice% clear +ater% the louder it ot ."ecause of the pressure/. #y ne8t e8perience +ith +hales +as in 1MML% a fe+ days "efore - sailed into the hurricane near ?ucatan +ith !y little dory. -t +as a cal! day and - +as sittin % readin a "ook +hen - noticed a shado+ pass o*er the "ook. - looked up and sa+ a lar e +hale
flipper o*erhead% then looked "ehind !e and sa+ a "i eye. - +as transfi8ed and in a !o!ent the +hale +ent under+ater. - thou ht% H- could ha*e touched hi!5, and +ent "ack to readin . $ fe+ seconds later% the sa!e thin happened. - reached out% "ut +as una"le to !o*e to touch the second one either. -n those !o!ents% kne+ so!ethin had transpired spiritually. (hese t+o +ere pilot +hales% a"out &' feet lon . (hey are pro"a"ly technically dolphins. #y first psychic contact +ith dolphins happened a fe+ days a o. (he day after +e arri*ed here Carol +ent o*er to see +hat +ould happen. 2he said so!e dolphins% +ho co!!unicate telepathically% had "een callin to her. $n hour later she ca!e "ack and told !e that three of the! had introduced the!sel*es to her. 0ne of the! +as especially kno+led ea"le% thou h not physically +ell. (here are little placards "y each pen that tell a little a"out the indi*idual dolphins and +hat their na!es are. asked her +hat their real na!es are and she said they are hard to pronounce. -,d asked her to take a holy hand renade there in case any of the dolphins +anted it. 3ith the dolphin,s per!ission% Carol left one in the +ater on the ed e of his pen. 3e +ent there to ether shortly "efore closin ti!e that day. (he one +ho +as ill ca!e close to us and looked at us "oth for a !inute. Carol +as o"*iously ettin a lot fro! hi!% "ut - couldn,t sense anythin . (he ne8t pen had the t+o others that Carol told !e a"out. (hey "oth ca!e close to +here +e stood and looked at us and !ade a lot of sounds. - felt a +a*e of lo*e fro! one% and Carol said% >$nra )ust reached out and hu ed youA. $nra is an appro8i!ation of her real na!e% Carol said. (hat ni ht% +hen the Draconian fello+ +as tryin his "est to et at us% +e "oth ot a series of co!!unications fro! $nra and the older dolphin. - should ha*e +ritten !ine do+n. (he process for !e is like this: -,! a+ake and rela8ed and !y toes and then feet start t+itchin like crazy. (hen !y heart chakra starts a"sor"in *ery lo*in % playful ener y and sendin it "ack out% then i!a es start appearin in !y !ind. Carol,s process is the sa!e% "ut instead of toes% she feels a little tin lin in her fin ers. 2he says that re ular telepathy doesn,t in*ol*e the heart chakra this +ay. 9er i!a es +ere of under+ater cities and !ap locations in the area +e,*e kno+n +e are supposed to e8plore in the Baha!as near 2outh $ndros -sland. 3hen Carol told !e the 7leiadians +ere healin her% - reco nized their ener y as si!ilar to the dolphins "ut !ore refined and ethereal. 3e had )ust otten "ack fro! a clandestine *isit +ith the dolphins that e*enin after the facility closed. Carol +anted to i*e an 99 to $nra so she could help +ith the older one,s healin . (his 99 is a little different and has a rare earth !a net in it to create a !ore concentrated% localized field for chakra "alancin ;2t. Buster,s Button=. 3e put our din hy in the +ater at the "oat ra!p a couple of doors do+n fro! the dolphin residence and ro+ed there. Carol +alked out to the platfor! fro! +hich the hu!ans relate to the dolphins I ot $nra,s per!ission to drop it in the pen. $fter a fe+ !inutes% $nra started fa!iliarizin herself +ith it. 3e +ent o*er there the ne8t day see the! a ain and heard one of the people there say that the older fello+ +as !ore ener etic than she had e*er seen hi! "efore% e*en doin unsolicited "ack flips. (he dolphin co!!unications happened t+o ni hts for !e% "ut it,s pretty !uch continuous for Carol. 9ere is a ood e8a!ple of ho+ +e process truths: - think - reached the li!it% for no+% of !y s!aller capacity for this and -,! takin a "reak fro! it. - don,t e*en sense the Draco uy no+% thou h Carol said she sa+ his ship ri ht o*er the ca!p round in :D today on her dri*e ho!e. - a! en)oyin the inter!ission% "ecause - suspect that -,ll "e in a !aelstro! of ne+ e8periences in the Baha!as shortly. (hese thin s are happenin all around !e% "ut -,! una+are "ecause -,! not Kuite ready to "e +ith it &4/P. 3e Net Be!ote OFie+edO - ha*e to put this in: Carol pretty !uch has a part of her a+areness in the psychic real! around the clock and tells !e +hen certain entities sho+ up. 2o!eti!es +e notice this at the sa!e ti!e% "ut -O! still a neophyte. 3e ha*e "een Ore!ote *ie+edO and t+o o*ern!ent-paid psychics +atched us +hile +e +ere !oon"ustin "y the secret "ase. 0ne of those is a +ell-kno+n author of considera"le inte rity% e*en thou h her patriotis! !ay "e !is uided. 2he left +hen she realized that +e +erenOt har!in anyone .she also finally realized that her
e!ployer has no inte rity/. (he other +as +atchin us throu h the eyes of a red+in "lack"ird. 9e didnOt tell his "oss our location. (he re!ote *ie+er episode +as kind of +eird% like the person doin it +as in a trance% not fully conscious--!echanical% al!ost. 1o+ - understood +hy the alle ed o*ern!ent no lon er puts a lot of !oney into the re!ote *ie+in pro ra!. D8pandin 0ur 7eri!eter 0ne day% around that ti!e% it occurred to !e to cut the "oundary +ire -Od installed around the inside of the Eapporiu! to focus the ener y of the lar e #o"ius coil that -,d +ired into the ener y/freKuency rid. 7uttin a crystal inside the #o"ius coil had !ade the "oundary +ire un-necessary% - thou ht% and - +anted to test that. $t the sa!e ti!e% - connected another lar e #o"ius coil% +hich +as +rapped around a *ery "i % s!oky Kuartz enerator crystal% in series +ith the rid to the freKuency enerator% +hich sends a constant 1L9z throu h the e8tensi*e net+ork "eneath the floor of the Eapporiu! .+e added a lar e #o"ius coil/crystal sphere to the rid a fe+ !onths a o% also t+o 9e"re+ alpha"ets% one old-plated% the other sil*er-plated% +hich <a!es had )ust de*eloped and +as sellin /. - did this all +ithin a fe+ seconds% "ut +e felt a hu e rush of kundalini throu h our si8th chakras. Carol +as nearly o*er+hel!ed% "ut - )ust felt so!ethin like a coffee rush. 2he sa+ the ener y shoot out in all directions fro! the Eapporiu!. (he "oundary +ire had kept that ener y +ithin the *ehicle and !ore su"dued "efore this% +hich e8plains +hy the Draco +as a"le to et to the door% "ut couldnOt co!e in +ithout an in*itation .is that +here the *a!pire "elief ot startedR/. $s +e +eakened% he +as a"le to co!e in for short periods% "ut he clearly hated the freKuency. 9e can also tolerate stron or one for short periods% +hich is pro"a"ly +hy heOs the "oss of all the parasites .sort of like "ein the leper +ith the !ost fin ers/. $"out t+o hours after - cut the +ire% a helicopter sho+ed up% circlin our ca!psite )ust a"o*e treetop le*el. Carol +as off shoppin % +hich +as too "ad% since - +anted her to read the !inds of the people in the chopper to see +here they +ere fro! and +hat they +ere up to. (here +as a lon ar! +ith an instru!ent on the end of it% +hich they +ere o"*iously usin to !onitor so!ethin . -t +as close enou h for !e to see that it +asnOt a ca!era. -t circled around the Eapporiu! once and fle+ do+n the "each a Kuarter !ile or so .the ca!p round +as the center of itOs acti*ity/. - Kuickly +ent inside and turned off the freKuency enerator. -t ca!e "ack% circled the ca!p round a ain% and left. (he +hole episode lasted a"out 1L !inutes. -t +as after Carol ot "ack fro! shoppin that +e did the Osend tou h lo*e to DracoO e8ercise. Ceepin in (ouch -s 2o -!portant 2o!eone apparently put the thou ht into !y head that +e could stop "ein defensi*e and actually pursue this indi*idual. - asked Carol to connect +ith the Draco psychically and tell !e +hat happens. - held the crystal/coil/freKuency tool ;the 2uccor7unch= ne8t to !y heart chakra and focused on the Draco +ith the intent of sendin "ri ht "lue% concentrated or one "ack alon the cord that +as still attached to !e and i!!ersin hi! in a 1L9z or one field. $t the instant - felt it +as done% Carol said he +as )u!pin around like so!eone a*e hi! a hotfoot. - !entally told hi! that -Oll "e doin this +hene*er - think of hi! as lon as heOs any+here near the !oon or Darth% and -O*e "een keepin !y pro!ise. Carol said he +as scarin her +ith descriptions of +hat he +as oin to do to !e for !akin hi! feel this +ay "ut that he +as% indeed% una"le to "reak free of the ener y field - +as creatin for hi!. 9e !ay not "e stayin !uch lon er% "ut -,*e learned that it,s un+ise to rest on one,s laurels concernin these folks. (hey,re e8tre!ely resilient and treacherous. 3hen - +as done% the cord +as one. (his is ri ht in line +ith the ne+ paradi ! +ay of sol*in pro"le!s: ask for di*ine assistance and )ust follo+ the si!ple instructions. Jife used to "e so hard. 3e had found a *ery dense field of dead or one directly o*er the hu e% flat hill that +as erected on 9o!estead $ir 6orce Base. @ntil recently% - think% +hen the alle ed o*ern!ent created under round facilities% they )ust left the dirt on top of the hole. 2ince the "ook a"out secret under round "ases ca!e out in the HM',s% they learned to put it so!e+here else. $ "i hill in s+a!py south 6lorida is pretty conspicuous.
9o!estead $ir 6orce Base Carol said that there +as a +eather control facility under round there% at +hich so!e hu!ans and aliens fro! L races +ere +orkin to ether. 0ne of the races +as fairly ne+ to Carol. (hese so!eti!es +alk on all fours enerally and re!ind her a little of <ar)ar Bi s in the latest 2tar 3ars !o*ie. - had asked her to look at 3ri ht 7atterson $ir 6orce Base a fe+ !onths earlier and she,d see! the! thereGin fact one of the! Hlooked, at her then. 2he tells !e no+ that the ones +orkin +ith our alle ed o*ern!ent are rene ades of a race that is usin Fenus as a "ase in our star syste! ;the ones of this race +ho are o"ser*in Carol and - no+ are le iti!ate ones fro! the roup that +ere in*ol*ed +ith 1icola (esla=. By the +ayGthe aliens at 3ri ht 7atterson $6B are not capti*es. ?ou !ay re!e!"er that the 2er"ian and Bosnian diplo!ats +ho +ere taken under round at that "ase to reach a peace a ree!ent a fe+ years "ack ca!e "ack up to H!eet the press, considera"ly cha rinned and +hite as sheets. (hat +as e*en co*ered in the prostituted !edia at the ti!e. 3hen Bush 2r. ran for president a ainst Clinton in ,M1% Bea an,s only pu"lic appearance in support of Bush% +ho he alle edly hated% +as in front of the old han ar doors at the defunct Bos+ell $ir 6orce Base in 1e+ #e8ico. (here +asn,t, a hu e cro+d there. - +onder if there,s a connectionR $t that ti!e% +e had planned to o to 2outh $ndros -sland% Baha!as% as soon as possi"le to do so!e ener y +ork and retrie*e our "oat% +hich -,d left there in <anuary. 2ince the +eather in the Baha!as +as unseasona"ly "ad% +e decided to +ait until it cleared to !ake the trip. - had "een a"le to ne otiate rou h +ater on the +ay o*er% "ut the "oat is too s!all for t+o people to do it safely% and Carol needs a certain co!fort le*el in order to do her "est psychic +ork. 3e set up the Che!"uster on the "each .follo+in a half hour session of !oon"ustin /% ai!in stratosphere o*er 2outh $ndros -sland% 1'' !iles or so directly east "y southeast. at the
(he Bi Nuy 2tops By $ ain $ fe+ hours later% Carol +as a little alar!ed and told !e that the enor!ous Draconian ship that had "een directin 9ale-Bopp to hit the earth "efore the 2tar 3ars array di*erted its course% and +hich and had lately "een "ehind the !oon% sho+ed up directly a"o*e and to the east of us on its +ay "ack to its ho!e planet. (hat +as ni ht +e had our tYte-Z-tYte +ith the Draconian "i +heel. 9e had told Carol that he +as lea*in .liar/ and that he +anted to finish his "usiness +ith us first. $ couple of days after +e pointed the Che!"uster out to sea% the s!o +hich had co*ered the Ceys dissipated and the stron +ind slo+ed to a seasonal "reeze. 2o!e !uch needed rain then fell for a day or so and then the sky cleared to its traditional clear "lue color. 3e noticed that there +ere still thunderstor! clouds directly o*er the secret "ase at 9o!estead $6B% fifty !iles to the northeast% "ut no+here else% so +e "rou ht the Che!"uster to our ca!psite and directed it at the stor! clouds o*er the "ase. $ll this ti!e +e had left the L H lon e8tension pipes on% +hich !akes the Che!"uster !ore efficient for lon ran e tar etin "ut still allo+s it to +ork on local conditions. 3e,*e lately "een surprised to learn that the si!ple or one enerator is the "asis of a ne+ technolo y +hich none of the parasitic D(,s had "een a+are of. (he ne+ technolo y follo+s the ne+ paradi !% +hich is "ased on ener y !o*in to+ard the center% or attractionGlo*e% if you +ill. (he old paradi ! found e8pression in technolo y "ased on !o*e!ent a+ay fro! the center% such as internal co!"ustion en ines and nuclear reaction. 1o dou"t this is +hy Dr. Beich +as a"le to neutralize alien and do!estic anti- ra*ity craft +ith his Cloud"uster. 0ur take is that they rely on nuclear fusion for po+er and that the reactors fail +hen the deadly or one is dra+n fro! the!. -f anyone thinks that +e hu!ans don,t yet ha*e nuclear fusion de*ices% - su est a re*ie+ of recent history% +hich sho+s that secret technolo y is al+ays at least a eneration ahead of the Hstate of the art, technolo y of the !arket place and the scientists spoken of "y the prostituted !edia are the!sel*es% co!pletely una+are of +hat,s "een acco!plished. <ust e8trapolate: a fe+ years after the !edia had "la""ered a"out the 2tar 3ars pro ra! ha*in "een a"andoned% they sho+ed a test/de!onstration of the ne+ space-"ased laser +eapon%
+hich +as !any steps ahead of the crude toys the talkin head scientists e*aluatin the 2tar 3ars pro ra! "efore it had Hlost fundin , had "een enthusiastically "a""lin a"out. (hat +as durin one of the e8tre!ely rare occasions that - +atch C11. - uess the C11 censor +as in the toilet or han in out at the +ater cooler solicitin a +o!an or a "oy +hen that one ot past hi!. $l Bielek had assured us that 9ale-Bopp had "een di*erted fro! it,s Draco-directed earth"ound path "y a particle "ea! +eapon that se*eral o*ern!ents of earth had successfully de*eloped and deployed in the 1MS',s 2tar 3ars pro ra!. $s - !entioned% the strikin of the planet "y the co!et in 1MMS +ould ha*e fulfilled all of the predictions of Cayce% 1ostrada!us% and present day seers re ardin catastrophes and earth chan es. (he future,s up for ra"s no+% +hich is the !ain reason - feel co!pelled to share our recent e8periences. - used to feel so pessi!istic and suckered "y doo!sday scenarios that - +as al+ays unconsciously lookin for a suita"le hole in the round to hide !y fa!ily in )ust in case. 1o+ it feels like the "ad uys lost already% +hether they kno+ it or not. - really "elie*e that they ot the +orld "y default +hen the kin s and reli ious leaders lost their po+er in the !id 1S'',s and no+ it,s up to us to take "ack that responsi"ility collecti*ely and stop encoura in the plunderers and parasites +ho think they,re in control. Don Croft
Episode 4 The Bahamas Part 1 By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adc4the"aha!as.sht!l #ay &''1 3e picked a date to fly to 1assau and "ou ht tickets fro! Chalk $irlines .a !istake/% a s!all airline operatin out of 6lorida. $s the +eather in the Baha!as had still not cleared% +e asked the! to chan e the date or i*e us a refund. (hey refused "oth% so -,! !entionin this as a +arnin to anyone +ho +ould "e te!pted to use their ser*ices. 3e "ou ht a porta"le di*in co!pressor to take +ith us% since Carol,s *ision of the under+ater city +as in +ater that +as a little too deep for snorkelin co!forta"ly. 0n #ay 4% +e "it the "ullet and )ust fle+ to 1assau. (he airline officials +ouldn,t allo+ us to take the co!pressor "ecause there +as an odor of asoline% thou h -,d carefully e!ptied the as and oil fro! it the day "efore. (he delay caused us to !iss our connectin fli ht to 2outh $ndros -sland% so +e spent the ni ht in a fa!ily hotel% +hich +as *ery nice% in the city. (hese hotels ha*e lo+er rates and cater to the *isitin fa!ily !e!"ers of the locals. 3e didn,t et too e8ercised a"out the delay and chan e of plans% since +e kne+ that the 3in !akers al+ays kno+ +hat,s "est and circu!stances often chan e our plans and reKuire!ents. 2outh $ndros -sland 1or+ard Bah!in is the Chief Counselor .kind of like !ayor or o*ernor/ of 2outh $ndros -sland. (he alle ed @2 o*ern!ent had "uilt a dockin facility at Ce!ps Bay% 2outh $ndros in the early 1MS',s% durin the construction of the secret "ase on the "otto! of the (on ue of the 0cean a"out a hundred !iles to the southeast .it,s &%''' feet do+n and !arked on all of the nautical charts/. #r. Bah!in acKuired the "uildin s and land of the dockin facilities after+ard and esta"lished a "oat "uildin shop and !arine ser*ice station. $nyone is free to use the dock +ithout char e. 9e also "uilt a s!all hotel near the dock and operates a uide ser*ice for forei n *isitors +ho like to o after "onefish +ith local uides -,d left our "oat in #r. Bah!in ,s "oatyard and his son% <oel% +ho runs the yard and shop% had allo+ed !e to repair the da!a e that -,d done to !y "oat +hen - landed on the reef a couple of ti!es +hen !otorin alon the shore in <anuary and to safely store the "oat. #y friend% 3illy 2!ith% +ho is a co!!ercial fisher!an there% +as at sea% "ut +as due to return in a day or t+o. 3e had put the "oat,s accessories% includin the S hp <ohnson out"oard !otor% in his dad,s stora e shed L !iles up the coast in 2!ith 9ill. 3illy +as usin the !otor% ha*in repaired it after - had allo+ed salt+ater to dry in the car"uretor. 2o +e +ouldn,t "e oin any+here until he ot "ack% and the rou h sea conditions +ould ha*e to chan e "efore +e ot in the "oat for the L'-!ile trip to the location Carol sa+ on the !ap in her *ision. #essa es 6ro! (he 9eart Durin our first ni ht on 2outh $ndros% +e contacted the 3in !akers and - put the 2uccor 7unch de*ice on !y heart chakra and stren thened the or one "ea! to the Draco. - had "een doin it e*ery ni ht for a fe+ ni hts. $t first Carol told !e that the Draco !ade so!e dire threats concernin our safety if - didn,t stop. 1aturally% that )ust !ade !e !ore deter!ined to keep it up% since - kno+ the analo y or ridin a ti er% and "y this ti!e the Draco +as actually li htenin up. 3e "oth felt that the initial an er +as due to the acti*ation of kundalini "y the 1L9z or one field - had created around the Draco. 3hen +e first "eco!e acti*ated this +ay pure% chaotic e!otion is produced. 6or so!eone +ho is not fa!iliar +ith unconditional lo*e% the e!otion is !ost often e8pressed as an er. @nder these circu!stances% the e!otion !ust "e e8pressed. 1L9z or one is a !anifestation of unconditional% or uni*ersal lo*e in a potent for!. .9ere,s a +eird little aside ;<une &''1=: +e no+ ha*e a s!all colony of ants in the Eapporiu!. - hadn,t i*en
the! !uch thou ht% "ut Carol said this !ornin % >Jook ho+ fast they,re !o*in 5A and it,s true: they !o*e as fast as spidersGa"out t+ice the speed of other ants their size. - asked Carol if there,s a Kueen in here% since they,*e "een +ith us since +e left 6lorida +eeks a o. 2he said the Kueen +as dra+n to !o*e in "ecause she liked the 1L9z or one field% +hich is Kuite stron "ecause of the copper rid/crystal arran e!ent under the entire floor +hich is connected to a freKuency enerator. (here are P lar e pyra!id or one enerators o*er the ca" and an or one enerator "et+een each of the t+el*e lar e Kuartz crystals on the rid. 3e so!eti!es need to turn off the freKuency enerator to et to sleep "ut it enerally pre*ents parasitic entities fro! enterin or e*en readin our thou hts./ .Back to the $ndros -sland a fe+ +eeks earlier:/ (he (ies (hat Bind 9a*in connected +ith the 3in !akers% Carol +as in a state that ena"led !e to ask the! Kuestions. 2he enerally has not trou"le co!!unicatin +ith the!% especially +hen +e,re in the process of our !etaphysical chores% "ut +e needed to find +ays to pass the ti!e and -,d ne lected to "rin enou h "ooks to read. - kne+ that H$"d,ul-Baha is a!on the 3in !akers fro! ti!e to ti!e. - ha*e to say that - don,t kno+ if the 3in !akers are e*en a co ent or anization. - tend to think they are not and !e!"ers co!e and o. (he ne+ paradi ! does tend not to fa*or institutions. - asked Carol if he had infor!ation for !e. - ot an i!a e of hi! then. - don,t re!e!"er +hat - ot fro! hi! in ter!s of infor!ation% "ut +hen he +as done% Carol said he see!ed to "e +aitin for so!ethin . - said >Does it ha*e so!ethin to do +ith our li*in arran e!entRA and Carol said% >?es% and he,s ot a s!irk on his face.A - asked if it +ould "e !ore appropriate to !arry Carol than to "e shackin up +ith her and Carol said he nodded his head% s!iled and left. 2o - proposed and she accepted .thankfully/. 3e +ant to et !arried on #t. 2hasta durin the su!!er solstice. Durin the Hconfir!ation procedures, there durin the fall eKuino8% -,d first had the ur e to !arry Carol "ut - ha*e to say that -,*e let !y feelin s that follo+ed !y e8periences in t+o failed !arria es o*erride !y inte rity% thou h - +as entirely de*oted to Carol. - )ust ha*e an inte ral feelin that shackin up is contrary to uni*ersal la+. #y reli ion certainly doesn,t sanction it% "ut this feelin doesn,t see! to relate to !orality. -t,s !ore like an instincti*e dri*e% like ea les and ha+ks ha*e% to "e co!!itted to one !ate. @ntil - !et and later fell in lo*e +ith Carol - didn,t realize that for !arria e to +ork% !y partner needs to "e as co!!itted as - a!. - don,t think that,s an issue +ith ea les and ha+ks% since they are instincti*ely co!!itted to each other until death. (here aren,t any fair +eather !ates a!on the!. - certainly don,t ha*e a pro"le! +ith anyone else,s li*in arran e!entsGto Kuote 2einfeld: 1ot that there,s anythin 3B01N +ith that5 - think the 3in !akers stopped !e fro! "rin in "ooks% "ecause +e had to "e Kuite in*enti*e to find +ays to pass the ti!e. (he first !ornin on 2outh $ndros% +e took a ca" to 3illy,s parents place and "rou ht the "oat stuff "ack to the hotel. - turned the "oat upri ht% reasse!"led the rudder and o*erhauled e*erythin that needed attention. $t this point% all it needed +as the !otor. - kept a !ast and sail on it for e!er encies% "ut +e,d need the !otor to et our +ork done in a ti!ely +ay. (he Bi!ini Forte8 (here,s a *ery% FDB? lar e *orte8% the center of +hich is a"out :L !iles east of Bi!ini. #any people kno+ a"out it and so!e ha*e one there to +ork on healin it. (he ener y is distorted% due to so!e da!a e that had "een done to the crystal structures set up "y the $tlanteans there. 3e fle+ throu h the center of the *orte8 on
our +ay fro! #ia!i to 1assau and Carol said she felt the ener y for a distance of a"out 6' !iles% !akin it the lar est ener y *orte8 she,d encountered. (he 3in !akers had directed us to !ake a lar er-than-usual 99 for that one% so - did so and attached a parachute so that +hen - placed it in +ater it +ould land upri ht. (hey had also directed us to take t+o !ore 99 ,s +ith us to the Baha!as% alon +ith a half-scale Che!"uster% +hich ne lected to do. - had t+o of the little "o8 9oly 9and renades a!on !y stored personal thin s. - took the "oat to Bi!ini in !id Dece!"er durin a stor!y period. (he L'-!ile trip across the Nulf 2trea! fro! #ia!i to Bi!ini +as *ery rou h% "ut - didn,t e*en et !y shoes +et. (he ne8t day on the Nrand Baha!as Bank% thou h% +as a little different. Due to the shallo+ +ater .6 to &' feet/% the seas +ere *ery close to ether and often "reakin . (he Cruel 2ea - arri*ed at the *orte8, center late in the afternoon. - felt *ery unco!forta"le% al!ost sick +ith distress. - didn,t +ant to et close to 1orth $ndros -sland% another 4' !iles to the southeast% in darkness "ecause - +asn,t fa!iliar +ith the +aters there% so - dropped anchor and spent the ni ht. - didn,t sleep "ecause it +as )ust too rou h% so after a fe+ hours - pulled the anchor up and prepared to lea*e. -n the process of haulin the anchor on "oard fro! the stern% a lar e +a*e "roke into the "oat% s+a!pin it. (he "oat stayed upri ht "ecause of the floatation -,d "uilt around the un +hales% and the en ine +as dry "ecause - had put a !otor +ell in the !iddle of the "oat% to+ard the stern. - kne+ - didn,t ha*e enou h as to reach $ndros at that slo+ speed. - ran out of as a couple of !iles short of the island and dropped anchor in the cal!er +ater there. 2o!eho+ - lost the anchor and +oke up after -,d drifted se*eral !iles to the south. By this ti!e - +as so +eary and soaked that - didn,t ha*e the ener y to put the !ast and sail up% so - thre+ out the other anchor and tried to sleep. (he short% steep +a*es kept "reakin into the "oat and - "ailed constantly for a couple of days "efore it cal!ed do+n enou h for !e to et !y +its to ether enou h to raise the sail. -t +as easy to reach the shore after that and sail up the coast to+ard a settle!ent% "ut the +ind chan ed to the north. - found a sheltered spot and tied to so!e !an ro*es in order to et so!e ood rest. (he !oon +as full and the "oat +as left hi h on the "each "y its tideGtoo hi h to launch until the proper !oon phase allo+ed the tide to co!e hi h enou h a ain. - e*entually decided to +alk the 1' !iles or so to Bed Bay% the only settle!ent on the +est side of the island% after a passin fisher!an stopped to see if - +as okay and told !e +here it +as. -t,s not on the chart - had% +hich +as lost any+ay +hen the "oat ot s+a!ped. 2ea 2prites -,! +ritin this "ecause - "elie*e the ordeal +as a ift and a lesson and to i*e !ore insi ht into +ho! this +riter is. - ne*er felt that - +as in dan er. -,*e al+ays had a tendency to "e a little too !entally oriented. (hin s like this tend to slo+ !e do+n and et !e in touch +ith the real +orld !ore. - did ha*e an e8perience +ith sea sprites durin the +orst of it. - +as a"le to kno+ +hen a +a*e +as a"out to "reak o*er !e in the "oat +ithout lookin . 0n the rare occasions that - +as taken "y surprise "y a "reakin +a*e - felt the presence of a sea sprite% lau hin at !e. - kno+ they aren,t hu!an% +hich e8plains +hy they can find hu!or in our sufferin instead of e!pathy. -,! lau hin no+ "ut - didn,t see the hu!or at the ti!e .+hich is e*en funnier/. 7art of the fun of li*in on this planet is our interaction +ith ele!entals. (hey ne*er take thin s as seriously as +e do. Nuy #urchie +as fond of sayin % >(he hea*iest star kno+n to !an is B-2irius.A 6' 7o+er Bars - had "rou ht a"out 6' 7o+er Bars +ith !e and a hand-pu!ped re*erse os!osis filter +hich can +rin fresh +ater fro! sea+ater. - only drank a"out a half allon a day and finished all the 7o+er Bars in the 1: days of the episode. - didn,t ha*e a "o+el !o*e!ent durin all that ti!e .should ha*e "rou ht an ene!a "a /.
3hen - reached 2tancil D*ans, house in Bed Bay at the end of the day-lon !arch throu h inter!ittent !an ro*e s+a!ps and alon "eaches% he raciously offered to let !e stay the ni ht and to take !e to the "oat +ith so!e as the ne8t !ornin . 9e +ouldn,t accept !oney% "ut he did accept the (er!inators - offered. Baha!ians are enerally *ery open-!inded. 2tancil had helped !any Cu"an and 9aitian refu ees. 9is house is the first one on the road fro! the dock at Bed Bay. 1o+ he has a *ery ood "usiness arran e!ent +ith so!e Nreek !erchants +ho "uy spon es and fish fro! hi!. (hey a*e hi! a *ery nice ice!akerGKuite a co!!odity there. (he ne8t !ornin - had a B# that !ade !e feel like - +as e8periencin child"irth. #uch later% Carol told !e that the la"els on the 7o+er Bars state that you need to drink a lot of +ater +hen you eat one. - think the seis!o raph at the @ni*ersity of 6lorida recorded the landin of the Niant (urd in the Baha!as. > [ 9olin Da, 9ull on the 3ay to Ce!ps Bay [ A - !otored around the island and do+n the eastern shore to Ce!ps Bay in the ne8t three days% !eetin so!e *ery fine people alon the +ay and tradin zappers for hospitality. Bein a little shy no+ a"out open +ater% - +ent alon the shore in the coastal la oon% +hich !ay ha*e "een ill ad*ised% since - holed the hull in P places on the coral heads. (he holes +ere in the co!part!ents% so the "oat +as only half full of +ater. - had stopped at one of the @2 facilities on 1orth $ndros that !aintains the secret "ase. - didn,t kno+ a"out the "ase yet% "ut - +as struck "y their sense of ur ency in sendin !e on !y +ay and the ti ht-lipped "eha*ior of the ci*ilians that - !et there. (he director +as *ery kind and a*e !e copies of the portions of the charts that co*ered the $ndros shoreline% "ut !ade it clear that - +asn,t supposed to "e there. - needed !ore cash to et "ack to 6lorida. 3hile - +as +aitin for the Bank of the Baha!as in Ce!ps Bay to open .only open for three hours on 3ednesday !ornin s/% - +as "efriended "y 3illy 2!ith. 3illy paid !e the hi hest co!pli!ent +hen he told !e >?ou ha*e the soul of a "lack !an5A 9e is the one +ho !entioned the under+ater "ase. 9e didn,t kno+ it +as !arked on the nautical charts. - had planned to *isit Cu"a on that trip and +ished to find a traditional healer - could donate the Cro+d zapper to. $n en ineer told !e that - could use the re ular zapper circuit +ith a 1&-*olt car "attery to zap up to a dozen people at a ti!e and - felt this +ould "e a terrific "oon to the rural Cu"ans% as it +ould Kuickly cure e*ery illness they +ere prone to. (he Baha!ians are a little too prosperous to use one% it see!s to !e% as they can afford to "uy the sin le ones. - +as stron ly +arned not to o into Cu"an +aters +ithout ettin a *isa first. 0ne +o!an told !e that her "rother had drifted into those +aters in a stor! +hile fishin and he,s still in prison there. $nother reason -,! +ritin a"out this earlier Baha!as trip here .+hich only re!otely relates to the Che!"ustin and 99 ca!pai n/ is to docu!ent Carol,s special skills. $t the instant that the "oat +as s+a!ped% Carol +oke +ith a start and had a clear i!a e of +hat +as happenin to !e. 2he ot out the chart and !ade an Q on the e8act location% a"out L !iles southeast of the center of the *orte8. Cashi% the $tlantean and so!eti!e 3in !aker% +ho )oined us on #t. 2hasta in 2epte!"er% +ent to her and said% >9e,s crazy5A Carol later told !e that he,d "een +ith !e up until that point. - ot "ack to 6lorida fro! that solo trip on <anuary 1&. 0ur last trip a*e !e the chance to take care of thin s - couldn,t attend to on the solo run% especially the Blue 9oles of 2outh $ndros -sland.
Episode 5 The Bahamas Part 2 By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adcL"aha!aspt&.sht!l #ay &''1 Blue 9oles 0n day t+o in 2outh $ndros% +e +ent to the "lue hole at the south end of the coastal road -- the only road on the island to speak of. 3e decided to +alk "ack% "ut paid a local lady +ho stopped to i*e us a ride to take us the M !iles to #ars Bay .+e hitched and she +as the first person to arri*e/. -,! lad she +asn,t shy a"out askin for !oney. (he price of as +as W: a allon. - +ould ha*e offered to pay% "ut she "eat !e to it. -t +as fun talkin +ith her% especially for Carol% +ho hadn,t tra*eled outside the @2. (he "lue hole at #ars Bay is ri ht on the ed e of the "each. -t,s perfectly round% a"out 1'' feet in dia!eter and no"ody has "een a"le to deter!ine its depth .Carol said it,s a"out a thousand feet deep\. $t lo+ tide% the hole is surrounded "y e8posed +hite coral sand% +hich continuously falls into it. - took a "reath and do*e do+n a"out :' feet and sa+ that the sandy ed e slopes do+n a"out 1' feet to the rocky +alls. (he +alls are honeyco!"ed +ith lar e openin s fro! +hich - felt so!e pretty stron currents that +ere colder than the surroundin +ater. (here +as Kuite a lot of plankton% so the *isi"ility +as only a"out 1L feet% and there +ere a lot of fish of *aryin sizes. - suspect that a lot of fresh +ater co!es into the hole throu h the ca*es. 3e s+a! to the !iddle of the hole to drop the holy hand renade -,d prepared +ith a little parachute. Carol took so!e pictures of the Hlaunch, +ith the under+ater ca!era she,d "ou ht for !y L&nd "irthday .#ay L/ and +e +atched as it slo+ly descended out of si ht. Carol said that the ener y of the *orte8 there +as already *ery stron and pleasant "ut it ained a lot !ore *itality% rotation rate% and color as soon as +e put the 99 in the +ater. $lso% the no!es that had follo+ed us ca!e closer to the hole and +ere discussin us. (hey still +ouldn,t ackno+led e Carol,s atte!pts to co!!unicate +ith the!% thou h. (he uardian of the *orte8% +ho Carol says is an $tlantean% +as *ery pleased +ith +hat +e did and co!!unicated that to the ele!entals. 0n the +alk "ack to Ce!ps Bay% - heard the! se*eral ti!es as they follo+ed us in the "ush alon the road. 0nce it sounded )ust like a "oltin horse in the e8tre!ely thick ro+th .you can,t see !ore than a fe+ feet into it any+here on 2outh $ndros/. $tlantean Crystals Carol told !e that the holes are for!ed o*er crystalline de*ices that sur*i*ed the destruction of $tlantis. Coral doesn,t ro+ +ithin the heli8-shaped field that is directly o*er the de*ices. -,*e al+ays thou ht that the coral for!ed *ery Kuickly to !ake $ndros. -,*e "een on !any coral atolls% especially in the 7acific% and ha*e ne*er seen such rou h landscape as is on $ndros. -n the (on a islands% the coral is so old and dense that it looks to !e like "asalt. (he ancient 7olynesians cut it into lar e "locks for "uildin their house platfor!s. 3e stayed there for another hour and discussed charterin a "oat +ith a fisher!an +ho sho+ed up to see +hat the tourists +ere doin . (he 3in !akers told Carol that +e,d ha*e to do the +ork oursel*es% so +e didn,t !ake a deal +ith the fisher!an. (he site of the under+ater city i*en to Carol "y the dolphins is only 4L !iles fro! +here +e +ere. 3e felt frustrated that conditions didn,t per!it us to o strai ht there. $"out a half hour after +e "e an +alkin "ack% Carol told !e the 99 had finally reached the "otto! of the "lue hole. 1early e*ery car that passed us stopped and the dri*ers offered to i*e us a ride% "ut +e said +e +ere )ust ettin so!e e8ercise. -,! sure +e +ould ha*e had so!e nice con*ersations.
(he ne8t day +e +aited for 3illy to arri*e. -t +as pretty tou h for us to )ust han out and e*ery"ody +as too "usy to play. (he 2econd Blue 9ole 2o the follo+in day +e +ent to *isit the other "lue hole - kne+ a"out. 0ur "listers had healed up enou h to o a ain so +e started +alkin north to (he Bluffs% near the other end of the road. 3ithin fi*e !inutes a youn lady stopped to i*e us a ride and% +hen +e told her +here +e +ere headed% said >(here are lots of othersGlet !e sho+ you5A 3e stopped first at the one - had "een to "efore. - thre+ one of the 99 ,s into the !iddle of the hole and the ener y i!!ediately re+ stron er% "ri hter and "e an rotatin faster. (his one had "een a little !ore slu ish than the one +e,d "een to at #ars Bay. Carol said that +as due to so!e people +ho li*ed "eside it and +ere an ry !ost of the ti!e. 0ur uide,s deceased rand!other% +ho had "een *ery fond of this "lue hole% had "een upset a"out the acti*ities of these people .Carol picked that up/% "ut +as *ery pleased +ith +hat +e did there% as +as the uardian of the *orte8. - "elie*e that the $tlanteans had found a +ay to li*e out of ti!e in a +ay that,s !ore su"stantial than astral tra*el. Carol feels that so!e of the 3in !akers are also $tlanteans. 2tar ate (he ne8t one she took us to +as located )ust a short distance fro! the one - kne+ a"out and +as only recently disco*ered. 2o!eone had na!ed it H2tar ate,. - handed our uide one of the older or one enerators that -,d "rou ht +ith !e in Dece!"er and had stored at the island. $fter she thre+ it into the "lue hole% the sa!e thin s happened as it did +ith the other "lue holes. $ny confi uration of or one eneratin !aterial% especially +hen ali ned crystals are !olded into it% +orks fine for this. (he cone shape )ust +orks "etter% especially +hen it,s upri ht. -n se*erely disrupted and H!ana ed, *ortices special care needs to "e taken to !a8i!ize the potential of the or one de*ices. -n 6lorida% Carol +as instructed to use an e8tra lar e 99 for "oth the hu e *orte8 east of Bi!ini .+e,ll ha*e to do that one ne8t ti!e unless so!e"ody else ets to it first/ and the one east of 2an Die o% +hich is not that "i % "ut is se*erely distorted "y the nefarious +ork "ein done in the under round "ase there. 3e +ere instructed to install a special copper coil in one of the 99 ,s destined for Bohe!ian Nro*e "ecause of the nefarious acti*ities there .not the least of +hich is lar e scale pedophilia/ conducted "y cri!inals a!on the +orld,s fore!ost "ankers% politicians and !ilitary !en e*ery su!!er around the solstice. (he last of the enerators +ent into the fourth and last "lue hole +e *isited on 2outh $ndros +ith the sa!e results. -t,s +orth !entionin that our uide +as sacrificin so!e sleep ti!e as she +as +orkin as a !echanic on the ni ht shift at the po+er plant for the island. (hat ni ht% all four of the $tlantean uardians of the "lue holes ca!e to Carol and offered to help us +hene*er +e asked the!. (he ele!entals had also "eco!e friendly +ith us. 0ne of the!% +ho! - call 1or!% has "een +ith us off and on since !y trip there in Dece!"er/<anuary. -,*e seen and heard hi! se*eral ti!es since then% and enerally sense +hen he,s present. 3illy (he ne8t !ornin 3illy sho+ed up. -t +as also a *ery cal! day at sea% so - filled up a couple of si8- allon as tanks .enou h to et us to the site and "ack/ and hauled the! to the dock. - cau ht up +ith 3illy in the "oatyard and he reeted !e in his custo!ary fla!"oyant +ay. 9e,s one of those people +ho are al+ays Hon, and is Kuite a cele"rity locally. (he !otor +as still at his fishin ca!p on one of the cays south of the island. -n fact% that ca!p +as +ithin ten !iles of the place +e needed to o. ?ears a o +hen - *isited the ?ucatan coast in !y sail"oat% - noticed that !ost of the fisher!en there +ere usin *ery "i % po+erful out"oards. (he !oney they +ere ettin for their catch didn,t "e in to co!pensate for the a!ount of fuel and the cost of the !otors% as the "otto! had dropped out of the !arket for fresh fish.
$t the ti!e - thou ht it +ould "e !ore appropriate for the! to use s!aller !otors. - did !eet one !an +ho +as operatin an old con*erted fishin sail"oat +ith a s!all diesel !otor. -t looked *ery sea+orthy and could carry a lot of fish and ice. (he Baha!ian fisher!en +ere ettin a ood price for their fish "ut also preferred the "i !otors. 3illy re!arked to the other !en at the "oatyard that he,d used !y little Shp <ohnson all +eek trollin and only used a tank of as. 9e also told the! that !y (er!inator had cured all of his health pro"le!s% +hich +as nice "ecause people +ho hadn,t tried one there +ere skeptical. (here +as a lot of flu there since the che!trails started sho+in up recently. - +as lad to hear the! openly discussin it. 3e +ere a"le to sho+ a couple of flu sufferers that a zapper cures it in a fe+ !inutes. 3e +hite $!ericans don,t ha*e !uch tri"al identity% "ut !ost of the people in the +orld still do. -,*e noticed that in a tri"al society% people et their a+areness en !asse +hereas +e tend to do it !ore indi*idually. 1o dou"t "oth +ays ha*e their "enefits and dra+"acks% "ut if "rain+ashin is taken out of the !i8% there,s a lot to "e said for "oth. 3illy !ade it clear that - +as +elco!e to "uild a house on any of the "eaches he o+ned in the *icinity of 2!ith 9ill. -,*e decided to send hi! the title to the "oat in e8chan e for that esture. 3e,ll "e doin !ore +ork there sooner or later and it +ill "e nice to ha*e our o+n place. -,ll !ost likely )ust put a concrete pad do+n for a lar e tent or t+o. 3e had planned to take no !ore than a +eek or so to co!plete our +ork there. 3e still needed to *isit the site the dolphins sho+ed Carol and dri*e the "oat &L' !iles "ack to #ia!i% stoppin at the Bi!ini *orte8 on the +ay to drop the "i 99 . (he sea had already "eco!e rou h a ain% so +e reluctantly decided to si!ply fly "ack to #ia!i. 3e,re sure +e,ll "e "ack there "efore lon % thou h. 9o!e+ard Bound <udy% 3illy,s +ife% dro*e us to the airport that day after +e *isited +ith her and the children for a +hile. 7assen ers are reKuired to check in a couple of hours "efore the fli ht .- don,t kno+ +hy/% so +e ot to o"ser*e the locals in the +aitin roo!. -t,s actually !ore like a porch since it only has +alls on t+o sides. Bufus% a ca" dri*er% +alked to a s!all ta"le and sla!!ed do+n a "o8 of do!inos and +ithin !inutes a tourna!ent +as under+ay in +hich !ost of the people in the +aitin roo! e*entually took his or her turn. 0ne thin - like a"out the Baha!ians is that they,re *ery socia"le and ne*er see! "ored. -t,s easy to start a con*ersation +ith anyone there. - re!e!"er that it +as like that here "efore (F ot esta"lished in the li*in roo! .the "e innin of the "rain+ashin and the end of society as a foru!/. (hat,s pro"a"ly +hy porches are no lon er "uilt on houses. 3hen - +as a little +anderer in Cansas City in the early 1ML',s% - re!e!"er people on their front porches +ould often call to !e durin !y e*enin constitutionals. $!erica +as a different place then% a different place +ith a different heart. Don Croft
Episode 6 Road Warriors of Sorts Part 1 By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adc6road+arriorsofsorts1.sht!l #ay &''1 3hen +e returned to Nrassy Cey% 6lorida the +eather +as seasonally +ar! and "reezy and the perpetual s!o had one% thanks to the cloud"uster. Carol had the i!pression that the hu!ans% and especially the D(,s in the under round "ase at 9o!estead $6B +ere at their +its end tryin to et their technolo y "ack online. - +ish kne+ +hy a cloud"uster neutralizes +eather !anipulation eKuip!ent. 3e,d noticed that for se*eral days after +e left% the +eather !ap on C11 sho+ed perpetual thunderstor!s directly o*er the "ase "ut not any+here else in the *icinity. (hat had stopped +hen +e returned and the at!osphere a"o*e 9o!estead +as clear of s!o . $pparently% the Hsecret, "ase had "een "uilt at a ti!e +hen the telltale !ountain of e8ca*ated soil and rock +as not considered noticea"le "y the pu"lic. 1o+% - think they !o*e it to other locations +hen they "uild the under round "asesGkind of like the prisoners of +ar in that !o*ie +ith 2te*e #cUueen and Charles Bronson fro! the si8ties +ho +ere tunnelin out of the 1azi 703 ca!p. 7arasites rely on the host not kno+in of their presence and there,s "een enou h pu"lic discussion of under round "ases in recent years to cause the! to "e !ore discreet% - "elie*e. Can anyone tell !e +hy so!e people don,t +ant to confront e*il and call it "y its na!eR -n !y *ersion of a perfect +orld% e*eryone takes a stand to either confront e*il or assist it. -t,s hard for !e to ha*e respect for anyone +ho does neither. - don,t o+n a un or ad*ocate har!in e*ildoers e8cept to stop the! fro! har!in others. Bohe!ian Nro*e 6or instance% +hile the +orld,s Hleaders, are en a in in pedophilia outside Nuerny*ille% California% +hy doesn,t the local sheriff e8ercise his o"li ation and arrest the! allR #any locals kno+ they do it e*ery year around the su!!er solstice and "usloads of youn children are seen arri*in there "efore% and lea*in after the cere!onies .at least% the sur*i*in ones lea*e "y "us/. (he county and state courts +ould "e o"li ated to con*ict the! "ased on the testi!ony of !ultiple +itnesses% no dou"t. -t really isn,t co!plicated. (hat sheriff has !ore actual po+er than all of the pedophiles and their !inions co!"ined. - uess the luke+ar! fence sitters +ho "elie*e that reality is a "i ray area really do "elie*e that those silly politicians +ho "lather on the (F% in Con ress and the 0*al 0ffice% ad nauseu!% really do run the sho+. #ay Nod rant that their fences !ay all "eco!e electrified. (hat +ill et a little passion into the!% at least. (hese dried up old parasites et to ether for the Bilder"er er !eetin s% Council on 6orei n Belations !eetin s% -nternational #onetary 6und !eetin s% 3orld Bank !eetin s% @1 2ecurity Council !eetin s% @2 7residential ca"inet !eetin s% etc.% "ut only at Bohe!ian Nro*e do they openly co!!it predatory acts i!!ediately punisha"le "y la+. #ay"e ne8t year so!e"ody +ill do so!ethin constructi*e a"out it. 2o!e !i ht ar ue that these oddities are so shut do+n% e!otionally% that they ha*e to !olest and ritually !urder children and infants in order to actually feel any stron e!otion% "ut - think e*en the !ost resolute fence-sitter +ill a ree that this is no e8cuse. (he 2heriff +ould "e an international hero o*erni ht if e*en )ust the internet co*ered the e*ent. 1o dou"t $BC% 1BC% C11% BBC% 17B% and CB2 +ill "e discussin the latest tri*ia instead of reportin the e*ent "eyond a "rief !ention around :$#% "efore the censors ha*e had their cappuccinos. Don,t you kno+ that these cri!inals not only +ish to continue har!in us% "ut are deathly afraid of e8posureR
1ure!"ur +as a"orted "y the la+yers, and Dr. <un ,s !achinations% - "elie*e .the Hcollecti*e uilt of the Ner!ans, !yth +as <un ,s ift to the post+ar 1azis/ despite the allant efforts of 3hittaker Cha!"ers and the $!erican <e+ish Con ress% "ut this +ould "e cleaner% +ith less !uss and fuss. ?ou don,t ha*e to say anythin G)ust think a"out it. (he sheriff,s deputies could "e polite and e*en use padded handcuffs on the!G!ay"e Nreyhound "uses instead of school "uses or cattle trucks% to take the! to )ail. - think :' Billion dollars "ail each +ould keep !ost of the! locked up until the trial% at least. -,! +ay ahead of !yself here% since the Bohe!ian Nro*e +as the last of our @2 pro)ects% on this trip% at least. -,*e read the +itness reports% *icti!s, testi!onies% and !any docu!ented +orks "y +riters concernin the cri!inal acti*ities of the alle ed ne+ +orld order. 6or you to "elie*e !e% you +ould ha*e to see the sa!e !aterial. - uess -,ll ha*e to "e satisfied "y e8pressin !y opinion% thou h - dearly +ish to con*ince e*eryone that this is true. -f - +ere to keep all the "ooks% *ideos and articles that -,*e read and studied on this su")ect% -,d need to haul a third trailer% so -,! optin for the shorthand !ethod in hopes that the thou hts -,*e e8pressed +ill resonate +ith a critical !ass of readers. - !i ht copy (aylor Cald+ell,s "i"lio raphy% +hich is !ainly !ade up of conte!porary docu!entation fro! !ainstrea! pu"lications% thou h - fa*or the "lack and <e+ish authors +ho pu"lish under JaBouche,s "anner and so!e of the <ohn Birch 2ociety literature .they "acked a "lack presidential candidate% $lan Ceyes/. Dustace #ullins is a particularly *i orous docu!enter. $ckno+led in (he 7redators <ust as catharsis is a healin process for so!eone directly in*ol*ed in these cri!inal acti*ities% so is the ackno+led !ent that they e8ist ood for the soul of the citizens of the planet. - +ish - kne+ for sure +hy +hite $!ericans are the de!o raphic roup +hich is !ost resistant to considerin this infor!ation. -s it "ecause they feel that their uneKui*ocal econo!ic he e!ony !ay "e threatened "y e8posin these H"enefactorsR, 6ood for thou ht]-s loss of credit !ore unthinka"le to the! than the esta"lish!ent of a true +orld co!!on+ealth "ased on indi*idual freedo! and responsi"ilityR @nder that paradi !% they,ll "e e*en !ore prosperous% since there +ill "e no predatory a encies layin traps for takin their +ealth. -s any roup !ore +orthy of the t+isted assess!ents of such a !ali nant !ind controller as 2i !und 6reud than the pale-skinned pur*eyors of +estern de!ocratic li"eralis!R ?ikes. $l Bielek told us that the co!"ined !ilitaries of the planet did et to ether to di*ert 9ale-Bopp fro! hittin the planet .it +as uided fro! the Draconian ship that +as seen "ehind it inter!ittently/ so there,s already so!e infrastructure for a united +orld in addition to the internet. (he internet +as set up "y the !ilitary% and - "elie*e a faction of the! is protectin it fro! "ein usurped "y the felonious feds and the international Nestapo. -,! sure -,! e8pressin thou hts that !any people ha*e "ut are un+illin to share pu"licly. - think you,ll find that there,s no retri"ution +aitin for anyone that openly speaks a"out this on the internet. ?ou sure as hell +on,t hear the! e8pressed in an o")ecti*e +ay on any of the !edia o+ned "y the cele"rants at the Bohe!ian Nro*e de"aucheryGyes% includin 17B% +hich ets !ost of its !oney fro! the Bockefellers% Carne ie-#ellon% et al. (hey ad!ittedly only et :^ of their "ud et fro! the Hpu"lic, in their fund dri*es. Fenusians 3e started dri*in north on 0*erseas 9i h+ay in the 6lorida Ceys around M7# on #ay &&% &''1. $"out fi*e !inutes into the )ourney% a @60 slo+ly fle+ across the road in front of the Eapporiu! at a"out 1'' feet altitude. 3hen - first sa+ its flashin li ht - thou ht it +as a helicopter% "ut +hen it +as *ery close% - could see that the "otto! +as *ery flat and e8tended for a"out a &' foot radius. Carol later told !e .she +as follo+in in the car/ that they +ere fro! the Hsecret, "ase and +anted to "e sure +e +ere lea*in .no dou"t5/. (hat ni ht +e slept in a hi h+ay rest area south of 6t. 7ierce. - +oke +ith a start at :$# and noticed a *ery "ri ht li ht in the southeast. -t +as !uch "ri hter than any star or
planet -,d seen% so - +ent outside to see if there +ere other stars *isi"le. (here +eren,t% "ut +hen the sun rose% Fenus +as in the position -,d seen the li ht in. -,! hesitant to say this +as a ship% thou h Carol later told !e that +e,d otten the attention of the Fenusians that inspired 1icola(esla. 2he says they,re nerdy% technical types. 3hen she +as under 3ri ht-7atterson% a creature +ith *ery lon ar!s and a look that re!inds her of <ar)ar Bi s of the latest 2($B 3$B2 !o*ie noticed her. 2he later sa+ so!e of these fello+s under 9o!estead $6B. 2he no+ says that the ones in*ol*ed +ith the alle ed o*ern!ent here are rene ades% not of the roup that +orked +ith (esla and are o"ser*in us. 2he says the "unch that uided (esla en)oy +atchin so!e of our !o*ies% includin #atri8% <ohnny #ne!onic% #ystery #en% etc. (hey don,t care for Q-6iles for so!e reason. (he (er!inator% $-D2% and B 2irians 3e dro*e to $tlanta to see our ood friend% 2te*en 3hite% +ho had arran ed our *isit +ith $l Bielek. $l couldn,t !eet +ith us this ti!e% as he +as ettin ready for a trip% "ut +e spent a *ery pleasant e*enin +ith 2te*en and his fa!ily. 2te*en has "e un to pro!ote the (er!inator to "lack ci*ic and church roups in $tlanta% as it,s a sure cure for $-D2. 3e send zappers to our $frican friend in 1a!i"ia for distri"ution a!on $-D2 sufferers there and he,s ha*in 1''^ success. (here,s so!ethin else you pro"a"ly +on,t hear a"out on 17B V-/ since their corporate sponsors are acti*ely tryin to depopulate $frica +ith "io+eapons% includin $-D2% all of +hich are neutralized in the "ody "y any zapper on the !arket. (he cloud"uster +as set up to point a"o*e and ahead of us. -t +as cold% "lustery and o*ercast +hen +e ot to (ennessee and stopped for the ni ht. By !ornin it +as sunny and "reezy% contrary to the predictions of !eteorolo ists. (his has happened repeatedly since then. (he ne8t day there +ere a couple of *ery lar e lenticular clouds near"y .uncharacteristic for that area/ +hich Carol said +ere hidin so!e *ery lar e B 2irian craft. (hey +ere one a fe+ !inutes later as +e "e an dri*in to+ard 2t. Jouis. Juna #ound% 2t. Jouis 0n the +ay throu h Centucky +e could see the dark clouds part ahead of us as +e dro*e% thou h is re!ained fairly cold and +indy. (his kept up all day until +e ot +ithin :' !iles of 2t. Jouis. 3e sa+ a line of thunderheads% arran ed fro! north to south% fro! horizon to horizon% &' !iles east of 2t. Jouis. (here +ere no "reaks "et+een the! and they had an artificial look. -,d read that this is characteristic of +eather control technolo y% +hich uses standin electro!a netic +a*es to contain and direct +eather fronts. -f you re!e!"er seein the satellite photos of the +eather durin the floodin of the #id+est in 1MM1% this +as o"*ious. 1atural +eather fronts are cur*ed e*ery ti!e. $s +e approached the stor! front% an openin appeared ahead of us. (he stor! line +as only a"out : !iles +ide% thou h there +ere *ery tall% "ut sKuare% cu!uloni!"us clouds in the center. 9a*in plo+ed an openin throu h the dense cloud co*er +ith the cloud"uster% - stopped to take a picture for posterity. Carol +as an8ious to tell !e that the clouds +ere full of B 2irian craft +ho +ere acti*ely en a ed in !utilatin far! ani!als and pets in the surroundin countryside% and +ould - !ind shootin at the! +ith the cloud"usterR 2he learned telepathically that this +as preparatory +ork for a planned in*asion of countless thousands% perhaps !illions of B 2irians% +ho +ould then "e in eatin usGall in confor!ity +ith their a ree!ent +ith the fello+s at Bohe!ian Nro*e that - !entioned earlier. $! - ettin anyone,s attentionR (his ti!e they didn,t shoot out into space "ut lost control of their craft and collided +ith each other. (hey +eren,t "rou ht do+n "ut they had to stop +hat they +ere doin . Carol told !e that the Draconian that +as attached to our cord +as lau hin at the!. Jau hter is a si n that e!otions are "ein e8pressed% so - took this as a ood o!en. (he sun +ould soon set% so +e decided to spend the ni ht near Cahokia #ounds% east of 2t. Jouis. (he lar est !ound% na!ed Juna% is shaped like the "ase of a pyra!id. -,d seen a display in the interpreti*e center there% "ased on e8ca*ations% that sho+ed a *illa e +ith houses !ade of papyrus% identical to the ones the #arsh $ra"s still "uild near the !outh of the (i ris Bi*er. (hor 9eyerdahl had pro*en decades a o that #esopota!ians had populated Daster -sland prior to the arri*al of the 7olynesians% thou h of course the hu!an
history of Daster -sland +as !ore likely "e un !any !illennia "efore that. $ncient 2ettlers 7rofessor Barry 6ell% an oceano rapher at 9ar*ard% had later pro*en that the population of 1orth $!erica% fro! coast to coast% included D yptians% 7hoenicians% 1orth $fricans and Celts fro! 2pain and 7ortu al. (his proof +as finalized partly "y the analysis of runic inscriptions found in stone throu hout the continent% +hich a*e the na!es of the people present and the dates of the car*in s. (here +as no date found later than 1:''BC. Feliko*sky clai!ed that a +orld+ide catastrophe at that ti!e effecti*ely ended the D yptian e!pire. (here are D yptian hiero lyphics car*ed in stone near #t. 2hasta% thou h they could "e $tlantean% as they created the ancient D yptian culture% - "elie*e. Copper in ots% identical to the ones fro! D yptian !ines% ha*e "een unearthed near Chica o% and there are countless D yptian artifacts in ca*es near the confluence of the #ississippi and 0hio Bi*ers. (he sacred lan ua es of so!e of the 2outh+est 1ati*e $!erican tri"es are found *er"ati! in sacred te8ts found in Ji"ya and other 1orth $frican nations. Dr. 6ell first disco*ered the re!ains of D yptian culture in 7olynesia% in the sa!e places that 9eyerdahl "e an his Kuest. 3hen - stayed in 3estern 2a!oa - +as struck "y the si!ilarity there of cere!onial dress and people,s na!es to D yptian illustrations and na!es. - +as i*en Barry 6ell,s "ook shortly after that. H#issouri, is said to !ean Hpeople of the lon +ooden ships, in the nati*e lan ua e% and Cahokia +as kno+n to "e a tradin center that predated the -ndian culture there. (he <esuits set up headKuarters on Juna #ound in the 1P'',s. - naturally assu!e that they already kne+ so!ethin a"out the pre-Colu!"ian acti*ities there% considerin their !andate to kno+ e*erythin there is to kno+ a"out e*erythin . (here +ere plenty of other% !ore suita"le places in the area for the! to set up shop. - asked Carol to look at the ener y at the !ound and she said it +as a *orte8 created artificially "y an $tlantean de*ice "uried under the "ase of the !ound% si!ilar to +hat +e found at the 0re on Forte8% at the hu e tree on the coast near Corpus Christi% the e8tensi*e *orte8 east of Bi!ini% and at the "lue holes. 3e ha*en,t looked at ho+ the !ound *orte8 lines up +ith those and other sites% "ut +e soon +ill. - suppose it oes +ithout sayin that the B 2irians +ere siphonin the ener y of that *orte8. 3e ha*e the i!pression that they +on,t "e a"le to operate efficiently on our le*el until they,*e a"sor"ed sufficient earth ener y fro! these *ortices% and they see! to "e concentratin their efforts +ithin the @nited 2tates% perhaps "ecause of so!e deal they !ade +ith the Bush ."oth/ and Clinton ad!inistrations. (heir treasonous deals +ith the co!!unist Chinese +ould "e !isde!eanors co!pared to this. (hou h this +asn,t on our initial list of 1: *ortices to apply 99 ,s to% Carol +as instructed to put on the !ound and also to Hshoot the !oon, one !ore ti!e. $s it +as late and +e +ere "ein sur*eilled "y so!e park security people% - si!ply put the "ase of the CB on the round and held the pipes in position +hile Carol directed !e to !o*e it until she could feel the effect +as acco!plished on the !oon. 3e kept this up for a half hour or so% and loaded the CB "ack into the Eapporiu!. Carol also told !e that the park personnel +ere "ein used "y D(,s to +atch us up close. -,! lad she has a sense for this% since it ca!e in handy later. <ust as sha!ans can look throu h the eyes of ani!als% D(,s can do so throu h suscepti"le hu!ans .!ost +hite $!ericans can "e used this +ay "ecause of the resoundin success of the "rain+ashin pro ra! directed at the!/. $nyone +ho is drunk or stoned has no control o*er "ein used this +ay "y D(,s or sha!ans. 9u!ans aren,t as proficient at usin other hu!ans this +ay% as far as +e kno+% "ut a ents are a"le to direct people +ho ha*e "een successfully su")ected to the C-$,s #C @ltra 7ro ra!. Betri"ution 3hen - started the Eapporiu! stea! ca!e out the e8haust. (he B 2irians had "roken !y head askets% +hich +ere less than a year old. (his is the only ti!e +e,*e otten any retri"ution for stoppin their fun. - dro*e to a !echanic in #issouri the ne8t day% ha*in one throu h a"out 6 allons of +ater in the radiator to et there. $s it +as the day "efore #e!orial Day +eekend% +e had to +ait four days "efore the !echanic could +ork on the
en ine. #y !o!% sister and stepfather li*e in the 2t. Jouis area% as do !y old friends% ( and C% +ho helped !e et started in the zapper "usiness L years earlier "y ettin lots of *ery sick people to use zappers and su"seKuently et +ell Kuickly% and they,re also in the !etaphysical healin trade no+. Bein a naturally antsy person% - +ouldn,t likely ha*e spent Kuality ti!e +ith any of the! if the en ine hadn,t "roken do+n that +ay. 9ere,s another e8a!ple of 3in !aker assistance .inter*entionR/. (hey used the retri"ution of the B 2irians to e*eryone,s ad*anta e% since ( and - !ade a cloud"uster and it,s clearin the +eather and s!o in the +hole 2t. Jouis !etropolitan area and surroundin countryside no+ ;this is the one +hich +as first disco*ered to destroy che!trails% for +hich cloud"usters are pri!arily used throu hout 1orth $!erica and Durope no+% #arch &''&=. 3e spent so!e ti!e +ith !y fa!ily% too% +hich +as *ery nice for all of us. #anipulated #eteorolo y I #etaphysics (he cloudy% cold and +indy +eather cleared +ithin hours of our arri*al at Juna #ound% of course% and re!ained pleasant and +ar!% thou h it rained off and on for days. (here had "een a drou ht "efore that% of sorts. (hat is to say it +as o*ercast a reat deal% "ut hadn,t rained. (his is a sure si n of +eather !anipulation. -n the earth,s fashion% +hen it ets cloudy% it rains% and then it clears up. 2tron +inds are also not a nor!al feature of our planet,s "alanced +eather. (here +as no stron +ind durin our *isit "ut as +e dro*e south+est after lea*in 2t. Jouis% +e encountered a lot of +ind and o*ercast skies. (he +ind +as "lo+in to+ard 2t. Jouis% "ut C has kept !e updated "y e!ail and that +ind ne*er reached the!. - +as a!used to hear that C and (,s nei h"ors% +ho nor!ally ask the! a"out e*erythin they do outdoors% studiously a*oided !entionin the cloud"uster% +hich +as set up in the front yard ne8t to the Eapporiu!. -,d think the Eapporiu!% at least% +ould ha*e dra+n so!e co!!ent or Kuestion. - +onder if "oth +ere in*isi"le to the nei h"ors. (he ones ne8t door +ere to+n officials. - su ested that e*en if C had e8plained it all to the! it !i ht ha*e sounded to the! like she +as speakin Chinese. 7eople readin this on !etaphysical lists +ill kno+ e8actly +hat - !ean. -n fairness% +hen - first !et <a!es 9u hes% he talked to !e a"out !etaphysical thin s% !ainly ener y% and it sounded a little like i""erish% thou h - +as spell"ound. 0nly after 9e and Bose #ary had +orked +ith !e on their rid% acti*atin !y kundalini% did - "e in to understand +hat he +as talkin a"out. (his +as e*en after -,d spent a year +ith !y second +ife !akin flo+er essences% ha*in al!ost daily *isions% and hearin stories of her interaction +ith ele!entals and D(,s. - +onder ho+ far out it +ould ha*e see!ed if - hadn,t encountered her "efore !eetin <a!es. -,! not usin the na!es of people +ho +ouldn,t appreciate scrutiny as a result of !y +ritin . -t fascinates !e that - started !archin alon a !etaphysical path ri ht after - cured !y life-lon depression in 1& hours +ith !y first zapper in 1MM6. Don Croft
Episode Road Warriors of Sorts Part 2 By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adcProad+arriorsofsorts&.sht!l #ay-<une &''1 $rk. $n el 3e needed to *isit <ack 0,Brien% a successful in*entor/en ineer% and 2ue 7otter% +ho had kindly "een circulatin our stories on !any internet lists% in $rkansas. (hey ha*e "een +orkin to ether for years% applyin their skills as psychics to heal and "alance the planet. (hey !ost often +ork alone "ut ha*e often +orked +ith others% e*en in e8tended roups% to focus on different aspects of ener etic healin for the planet and hu!anity. Carol and - are encoura ed +hen +e see other people spontaneously doin this +ork. 3e feel that +e are all "ein in*ited and uided to participate in an orchestrated% unified healin process for !ankind and the earth. -n accordance +ith the ne+ paradi !% anyone can participate accordin to his/her talent% inclination% e8pertise and co!!it!ent. (he only prereKuisite see!s to "e to follo+ one,s intuition. 0n one le*el% +e,re all skilled physicians and intrepid +arriors in the spiritual real!% thou h at ti!es +e !ay "e seen as and/or feel like the +alkin +ounded and a leaderless !o". (he shinin !o!ents are +hat dri*e us for+ard. Jots of people kno+ +hat -,! talkin a"out. $lso in accordance +ith the ne+ paradi !% this has nothin at all to do +ith institutions or for!al trainin "ut has e*erythin to do +ith faith% co!!it!ent% hu!ility% and the desire to de*elop our discern!ent and effecti*eness. -t,s so apparent to Carol and - that the shots are all "ein called fro! the unseen real!. (hat,s +here the enerals are. (heir orders co!e as intuiti*e pro!ptin s and the pattern of their inspiration sho+s the underlyin unity of our race. 0nly "y actin and seein the fruits of our actions can +e start to see the unifyin principle "ehind the!. 6earlessness is the standard for our acts. $fter +e checked into a !otel% +e had a terrific dinner at 2ue,s +ith <ack and their friend% Caren% +ho often does healin +ork +ith the!. $fter dinner <ack and 2ue "e an doin psychic stuff and Carol looked at it all. 2he +as a"le to confir! that !ost of +hat they did +as ha*in a ood effect% and the entities they +ere interactin +ith could "e clearly seen "y Carol. - "elie*e that the 3in !akers prefer that +e +ork to ether% and there,s pro"a"ly an opti!al nu!"er of people for the effecti*e co!pletion of each pro)ect. 1o !atter ho+ !any ti!es +e hu!ans drop the "all% opportunities still co!e up for us to shine. Before -,d !et Carol% -,d "een frustrated "y the le*el of fear present in people -,d "een tryin to +ork +ith. 9er fearlessness has "een *ery healin and inspirin to !e in the past year. -n our tra*els% +e,*e !et others +ho are also not afraid to do this +ork% such as 2ue and <ack% 2te*en% C and ( .- respect the +ishes of others to re!ain anony!ousGit,s not necessary to "e a tell-all like !e to "e effecti*e/ -t,s not ti!e to talk a"out +hat <ack is doin +ith us yet% "ut rest assured it has potentially far-reachin i!plications and is in line +ith his successful career and !y confrontational stand re ardin the alle ed +orld order,s e8ploitation and oppression. 2ue introduced us throu h e!ail to Nladys Brid es% an $rkansas crystal dealer% +ho has raciously a reed to supply crystals at a fair price to anyone +ho +ants to !ake holy hand renades and cloud"usters. 9er e!ail address is "rid [email protected]!. 2he,s a *ery nice person to "oot. 2tran ely% althou h the sky cleared i!!ediately after +e parked the Eapporiu! at the !otel% dead or one "e an to ather in the *alley% reducin *isi"ility to a"out : !iles. (here,s no hea*y industry in the *alley and not a lot of cars and trucks% so it couldn,t "e !istaken for Hs!o ., (here are no lar e cities +ithin a hundred !iles.
(he 2uccor 7unch is Born - +as inspired to !ake a !o"ius coil around an old Kuartz enerator crystal and put it "et+een the pipes of the cloud"uster +ith a 1L9z freKuency circuit fro! a zapper. -t had "een re!arked "y !any people that this crystal )ust +asn,t special% "ut -,*e ot a soft spot in !y heart for u ly ducklin s. - asked Carol to +atch the effects as asse!"led the apparatus. $s soon as the crystal/coil +as sittin "et+een the pipes in the upri ht cloud"uster% she sa+ the dead or one "e in to rotate and *isi"ly Hdrain, into the ends of the pipes. 3hen - put the electrodes of the circuit onto the ends of the coil% the acti*ity speeded up "y L'^. #y u ly ducklin crystal +as turnin into a s+an no+ ;+e later du""ed this a 2uccor 7unch=. Carol told !e that she could see that a confederation of D(,s and hu!ans +ere directin a reat deal of ener y and technolo y to neutralize the cloud"uster +ith !assi*e Kuantities of dead or one. (hey all see! kind of stupid to !e% since any "alanced person +ould ha*e kno+n after these fe+ !onths that increasin the a!ount of dead or one in the *icinity of any or one enerator !akes it +ork "etter and faster% like +hen 9ercules thre+ 7ro!etheus on the round in the !yth% and there,s si!ply no possi"le +ay to Ho*er+hel!, one this +ay. - find it interestin that the Fenusians% +ho inspired (esla to desi n and "uild such !iraculous de*ices% +ere una+are of the or one enerator. (he only entities +e kno+ of +ho see! fa!iliar +ith it are the 3in !akers .+hoe*er they are/ and the off-+orld 7leiadians. (he dolphins had "een una+are of it% thou h recepti*e to it. 3e didn,t stick around to see ho+ lon it +ould take to neutralize the dead or one field this ti!e% as +e had a schedule to keep. 2o% +ho is $rk.$n elR 2ue started si nin her e!ail,s HBerEerkiel, ri ht after our *isit. 2he had su ested that she !i ht start channelin infor!ation fro! the an el% HBerEerkiel%, so no+ +e,re han in on e*ery +ord of her e!ails. 3e,d put !o"ius coils and 1L9z circuits on a couple of enerator crystals for 2ue and <ack to use durin their daily planetary healin sessions. - had su ested that this +ould sharpen their psychic perception and pro*ide additional protection fro! errant entities and 2ue has told !e that - +as correct and she e8pressed their appreciation. (he crystal on the cloud"uster% +hich had "een cloudy% is no+ clear on the end fro! "ein in the stron or one field. (his see!s to "e a standard result. Forte8 6i8inO % (he D-$% I 2tran e O2!o O 3e dro*e throu h (ulsa and north into Cansas on our +ay to Den*er% +here +e +ere scheduled to put a 99 in the *orte8 at the ne+% ei ht "illion dollar Den*er -nternational Hairport, +ith its !ultile*el under round facilities not apparently related to flyin . 3e had "een directed to put one in the *orte8 located at a #or!on (e!ple in 1orth Cansas City% "ut a fello+ !etaphysician had done that for us. (hat one "elon ed to the Beor anized Jatter Day 2aints Church and the *orte8 there has "een descri"ed to !e as a ti!e portal. (he ori inal #or!on Church headKuarters re!ained in -ndependence% #issouri +hen Bri ha! ?oun took the !a)ority of church follo+ers to @tah lon a o. 0ur take is that the #or!ons are the first +estern or anization in !odern ti!es to e8ercise the kno+led e of placin sacred structures on natural *ortices. (his +as traditionally done throu h the #iddle $ es "y the #asonic orders +hich "uilt the cathedrals in Durope. 3ashin ton% DC% +as laid out on an e8tended 7enta ra!% +ith the #all and 3hite 9ouse in particular sy!"olizin the -sis/0siris cos!olo y% "y $!erican #asons in the early 1S'',s% "efore the ad*ent of <oseph 2!ith,s influence. (here are no natural *ortices in any of these locations% e8cept the 3ashin ton #onu!ent. (he 7enta on and 12$ 9eadKuarters% +hich +ere placed and "uilt in the &'th century% are on natural *ortices. -t,s +ell kno+n that #or!ons are sou ht "y the secret police a encies in $!erica "ecause of their loyalty% #asonic connections% and their a"ility to keep secrets. - suspect that the 7enta on,s construction had so!ethin to do +ith that% too% "ut don,t kno+ +hat the connection is. (he eneral +ho o*ersa+ the construction of the 7enta on also !ana ed the #anhattan pro)ect. #ay"e he +as a #or!on. 1o"ody "ut the Bussian o*ern!ent
kne+ +hat the #anhattan 7ro)ect +as a"out until after the $!ericans nuked the non-co!"atant populations of 9iroshi!a and 1a asaki. Jike Dresden% +hich +as fire"o!"ed% these t+o cities +ere clearly not en a ed in +ar-related industries. 1a asaki held the Bo!an Catholic headKuarters for the country. (ru!an +anted to nuke Cyoto% "ut the 2ecretary of 3ar% +ho +as supposed to decide +here to co!!it that +ar cri!e% had spent his honey!oon in Cyoto and +as feelin a little too nostal ic to o"literate it. $s usual% the o*ercast skies in front of us parted as +e dro*e throu h 0klaho!a and Cansas. 3e dro*e throu h clear conditions the rest of the +ay to Den*er. 9a*in dri*en perhaps a !illion !iles in the @2 o*er the decades% -,*e noticed in )ust the past couple of years that there is Hs!o , nearly e*ery+here no+% so!eti!es as dense as li ht fo % "ut darker% of course. 0n this trip +e also sa+ che!trails o*er all of the populated areas. (he only place +e sa+ no s!o or che!trails at all +as in @tahGso!e thou hts on that in a "it] 3e dro*e to the Den*er airport% "ut didn,t see any round or ardens in +hich to put the 99 % so Carol asked the 3in !akers for so!e direction. (hey told her it +ould "e o"*ious% so she ot out of the car and they told her% HJook up., 2he sa+ a s!all ra""it sittin on so!e rocks on an e!"ank!ent. (he ra""it i!!ediately hopped around a colu!n I Carol +ent there and put the 99 into a hole a!on the lar e rocks +here it +ouldn,t "e noticed. 3e didn,t see any *e etation near there that +ould interest a ra""it. (hat *orte8 had "een co!pressed to+ard the round% "ut +as radually released "ack to its healthy state. (here +as a Draconian ship a"o*e the co!ple8% and a couple of B 2irian ships% so it took a+hile "efore they a*e up tryin to !aintain the distorted for! of the *orte8. (hey,d otten there ri ht after +e did% thou h +e had "een openly discussin our intention to o there. By this ti!e the parasitic D(,s had "eco!e fairly inco!petent at !onitorin us. Carol says that this is partly "ecause the 3in !akers are !akin us in*isi"le to the! !ore often and "ecause the parasite/predator D(s are )ust too "usy tryin to fi8 +hat +e,*e "een doin . $lso% the Draconian that had "een in*ol*ed +ith us is apparently ettin interested in other !atters. - uess the thrill is one fro! "ein a parasite no+ that he is ettin in touch +ith his e!otional "ody% perhaps for the first ti!e. Cundalini acti*ation can "e such a "itch% as +e all kno+. (he 2alt Jake City Bun I 1i htti!e Fisitors -t +as early enou h in the day to et to a place close enou h to 2alt Jake City to lea*e the Eapporiu! +hile +e did the deed there early the ne8t !ornin % so after a *ery "eautiful% "ut une*entful dri*e across the Bockies% +e parked at a hi h+ay rest stop on --P'% near @2 SM% +hich +e,d "e takin south. 2alt Jake City +as 1&' !iles north+est of there% easy for !e to et to and "ack "efore Carol ot up if - left around &$#. (here +as a sin le truck parked at the rest stop +hen +e arri*ed. 3hen - ot "ack% Carol said she had an e*entful ni ht% as the truck +as occupied "y non-nati*e reptilians +ho +ere sur*eillin us. (he truck +as still there +hen +e leftGthe Eapporiu! +as there o*er t+el*e hours. Carol heard the! outside the Eapporiu! +alkin around durin the ni ht. #ean+hile% - had slept for four hours or so and left for 2alt Jake City in the car. -,*e al+ays en)oyed the landscape around @tah% +hich is the !ost surreal in the country. - arri*ed in the city a little after 4$# and had to dri*e !ost of the +ay throu h to+n off the free+ay% +hich +as closed. $fter a"out 1L !inutes% - sa+ a "ri ht flash to !y left. - only sa+ a Kuick up+ard !o*e!ent I kne+ it +as an anti ra*ity craft% as it !ade no noise. (he streets +ere nearly e!pty at that hour .- later asked Carol +ho +as in the craft that - sa+ in the city% and +as told it +as one of the Fenusian ones that had )ust "e un o"ser*in us/. - felt an uncusto!ary sense of trepidation and a stron i!pression that - +as not +elco!e as - approached the #or!on (e!ple do+nto+n. $s - stood in front% preparin to place the 99 in the round% - noticed a person on the ed e of the plaza in a "a y suit +ho looked like a detecti*e. (hou h no"ody else +as present e8cept a street s+eeper% the !an in the suit didn,t see! to see !e. - "uried the 99 this ti!e so that no"ody +ould find and re!o*e it and the feelin of fore"odin and alienation i!!ediately dissipated. #y +atch said 4:44$#. Carol
+oke up in the instant - did that% 1&' !iles a+ay. Both of us felt a *ery stron release of suppressed earth ener y. (hou h there +as no +ind% and no other *ehicles ca!e to the rest area durin the ti!e - +as one% Carol said that se*eral ti!es the Eapporiu! +as rou hly shaken "y reptilians fro! the truck near the Eapporiu! in atte!pts to et her to o outside to in*esti ate. (his +as not unusual% so she didn,t i*e it !uch thou ht. 3e noticed on the trip south throu h the state that the people +e !et +ere *ery rela8ed and friendly. - !ust say that - had al+ays dreaded dri*in throu h @tah% thou h it,s *ery "eautiful country. - had "een put off "y the feelin of alienation - had there% "ein a naturally re arious person. - had the feelin that there +as so!e !ind control% al!ost hi*e-!ind acti*ity oin on a!on the "elie*ers/citizens% +hich +as "ased on the application of a co!"ination of corrupted earth ener y% intention% and sacred eo!etry. (he elon ated tetrahedron steeples of the churches and te!ples al+ays looked like transcei*ers to !e. - kno+ that #or!ons had "een e8tre!ely a ressi*e in the 3est% at least% in acKuirin cell phone co!!unication net+orks and a friend of !ine in Canada% +hose phone had "een tapped% +as a"le to et the tap traced to a )unction "o8 on the property of the local #or!on Church. 9e had "een critical of the alle ed +orld order in his phone con*ersations. (here is no !andated free speech in Canada. - personally think that no reli ion has the ri ht to interfere +ith the "irthri hts of its !e!"ers% let alone the non-"elie*in pu"lic. Carol said that the 3in !akers told her that it +ould take up to a +eek for the !ind control apparatus of the #or!on Church to disinte rate co!pletely% and that the reason no che!trails had "een sprayed o*er @tah +as that they had already "een sufficiently controlled +ithout ha*in to su")ect the! to ende!ic illness and de"ilitation% nor +as there any plans to kill off lar e parts of the population there as there are throu hout the rest of the +orld. -t occurred to us "oth that the #or!on "elie*ers are potentially an unstoppa"le force if they decide to reclai! their "irthri hts and !ay yet "e shinin e8a!ples for the rest of the +orld this +ay. - kno+ that indi*idual #or!ons ha*e done heroic and e8e!plary +ork in the fields of ta8 refor!% co!!on la+% ne+ paradi ! science and healin . - had once heard so!eone use the ter!% H rinnin like a #or!on, to descri"e so!eone +ho +as actin in a superior% up-to-so!ethin +ay +ith a little self-ri hteousness !i8ed in. (hat,s the +ay - used to see @tah people +hene*er - tra*eled throu h their state "efore. (he day follo+in the 99 episode in 2alt Jake City% - found that the people - encountered in @tah +ere suddenly open% cordial% and !ore thorou hly hu!an than - had e8perienced in !y pre*ious trips throu h the state. (ruthfully% the !e!"ers of any reli ion you could na!e !ost often display identical rins +hen dealin +ith Hnon-"elie*ers., (his in no +ay relates to the principles on +hich these reli ions are founded% and -,! not one to "la!e Nod for the shortco!in s of people +ho constantly drop his 1a!e. (+o phrases co!e to !ind: .1/ D*ery"ody +ants to o to hea*en% "ut no"ody +ants to die .&/ D*er,"ody talkin, H"out hea*en ain,t oin, there .- "elie*e hea*en is open to anyone inclined to o there% "ut the phrase is ood hyper"ole/. 3e,d do +ell to concern oursel*es personally +ith the 1^ or so of any or anization +ho ha*e a clue a"out indi*idual responsi"ility and freedo!. 0ld +ays of politickin si!ply don,t +ork any !ore% thank Nrid. Don Croft
Episode ! Road Warriors of Sorts Part 3 By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adcSroad+arriorsofsorts:.sht!l <une &''1 Duke #ade #e Do -t 3e had an intri uin :D e8perience +ith so!e Fenusians +ho had "een follo+in us since +e used the Che!"uster .CB/ on the under round "ase south of #ia!i% 6lorida. 3e +ere dri*in south on @2 SM fro! --P' and Carol directed !y attention to a fe+ *ery s!all clouds that +ere lined up east to +est directly in front of us. (he only other clouds in the sky +ere o*er the Bockies far to the east. -t +as o"*ious that so!e"ody +as creatin and !aintainin the little clouds to conser*e ener y .it apparently isn,t easy to "e in*isi"le/. - asked Carol if they +ere up to no ood% "ut she couldn,t tell ri ht a+ay. -,! afraid - )u!ped the un a "itGparked the Eapporiu!% took out the CB and started "lastin the little clouds .<ohn 3ayne had slept in the to+n +e )ust passed throu h% accordin to a si n +e sa+% so there !ay ha*e "een so!e su"li!inal thin +orkin in !y head/. 3ithin a fe+ seconds% each cloud - shot disappeared% "ut each ti!e the one ne8t to it ot "i er. 3hen it +as o"*ious that - +asn,t +innin % - Kuit. By that ti!e% Carol had pulled her car o*er and +as standin +ith !e. 3hen -,d i*en up% she said% >3hy are you doin thatR (hey,re )ust +atchin us and no+ you,*e !ade the! !ad.A 2he said that +hat - did +asn,t har!in the!% )ust !akin it hard to stay cloaked. - +as relie*ed. - i!!ediately Kuit% put the CB a+ay% and apolo ized to the people in the craft. Carol then said >Jook at that cloud of dead or one5A and - ot e8cited a ain% took !y sound crystal +ith the !o"ius coil and started directin or one into the cloud% +hich +as a hundred yards or so in front of us and slo+ly risin fro! the round. 6irst a hole sho+ed up +here - +as pointin the crystal% then a counter-clock+ise *orte8 started spinnin around the hole. -t looked like one of those spiral ala8ies that +e,*e seen in deep space telescope photosGreally cool% "ut it +as spinnin in the opposite direction of the little circles - +as !akin +ith the crystal. Carol and other sensiti*es see this stuff all the ti!e% "ut runts like !e et pretty )azzed +hen +e see it happenin . $ll of this ti!e% there +as a sin le cloud a"o*e and in front of us% +hich didn,t !o*e% thou h there +as a ood "reeze "lo+in fro! the north. -t actually ot a little dark +hile all this +as happenin . Carol told !e that all fi*e of the craft +ere in that one cloud and that they +ouldn,t Htalk, to her% "ut +ere +atchin and listenin . $fter offerin our friendship and pro!isin not to shoot at the! any !ore% - ot in the truck and tried to start the !otor. Carol had to pour so!e asoline into the car"uretor to et it started. 2he said the dead or one +e sa+ had "een put into the car"uretor "y the Fenusians as a little pay"ack and that if they +ere really an ry they +ould ha*e "roken so!ethin % as the B 2irians did +hen +e did our last Che!"ustin e8ercise "y Juna #ound at Cahokia a couple of +eeks earlier. - had to lay the CB do+n on the floor in "ack% pointin at the !otor% in order to keep oin . (hankfully% the !otor ran s!oothly a ain after a fe+ !iles and has "een fine since then. (he little clouds stayed near us all the +ay to 6la staff the ne8t day. 3hen +e +ere ha*in lunch in 6la staff% +e sa+ the sa!e sort of little clouds all in a ro+% lo+ in the sky. 3e +atched the! for the hour or so +e +ere there% and they didn,t !o*e% thou h there +as a steady% stron "reeze. (hat e*enin - sa+ one of the craft depart .the settin sun reflected off the side of it% +hich ot !y attention/. 3e,*e since !ade contact +ith the!. Carol ot their leader,s na!e% "ut couldn,t pronounce it. 9e likes so!e science fiction !o*ies that +e ha*e.
(he Ba*en 0n the +ay to 6la staff +e stopped at 6our Corners% +hich is the point +here @tah% Colorado% 1e+ #e8ico and $rizona !eet. -t,s also a natural *orte8 I for!erly a national park. 1o+ the 1a*a)o tri"e o+ns it and re ulates the acti*ity there. 3e didn,t see any s!o on our dri*e throu h the @te Beser*ation in @tah% "ut suddenly +e +ere i!!ersed in it as +e arri*ed at 6our Corners to offer the holy hand renade to the uardian of that *orte8. Carol said the *orte8 +as "ein kept pristine "y the 1a*a)o sha!ans% "ut that our offerin had "een accepted in honor of the unity of hu!anity. $ *ery old ra*en sho+ed up and appeared to +ant our attention. Carol told !e to follo+ the ra*en to find the ri ht spot to put the 9oly 9and renade .99 /% and )ust then the ra*en fle+ to a pile of lar e stones a"out a hundred yards a+ay. - +ent to that spot and put the 99 in a!on the stones as the ra*en +atched fro! a fe+ paces a+ay. Carol said she sa+ a 1a*a)o +o!an,s i!a e superi!posed on the ra*en. 1a*a)o land is unlike any of the other terrain on the continent and is indescri"a"ly spectacular. - had dri*en throu h there +hen - +as nineteen years old in !y "uddin ho"o career% "ut apparently +as o"li*ious to !ost of the "eauty then. 3hy do so!e old people pine for their youthR 0n this trip% thou h% the s!o "eca!e so dense "y the ti!e +e reached the *icinity of the 9opi land that +e +ere alar!ed at the i!plications. 3e decided that +e,d facilitate ettin a CB there as soon as possi"le to clear a+ay all of that dead or one% since they +ere o"*iously "ein tar eted for so!e reason% pro"a"ly "ecause their e8istence poses a threat to the current re i!e. 3e need to o after the predatory a enda +here*er they,re concentratin their deadly attention. 9yper in 2edona $s - !entioned% the 3in !akers had us !ake 1: 99 ,s "efore +e started on our +eird science trips in #arch. $lon the +ay% they added a fe+% pro"a"ly on account of !y peculiar ina"ility or un+illin ness to keep secrets. Carol% +ho tends to "e handicapped !ore in the opposite +ay% and - "oth a ree that the 3in !akers allo+ed for this trait of !ine "efore +e ot in*ol*ed +ith the!. $fter finishin the day,s (er!inator "usiness in the 6la staff !otel roo!% +e dro*e strai ht to 2edona. 3e,d asked #elody to send the pile of !ail% includin !oney orders% +hich accu!ulated in -daho to 2edona and e8pected the! to "e there +hen +e arri*ed% +hich +as 6riday afternoon. 3hen the packa e hadn,t otten there% +e assu!ed that +as "ecause +e needed to spend !ore than a day in $rizona. (he plan +as to pick up the !ail% put an 99 in the *orte8 field in 2edona% !eet so!eone in (ucson% and then dri*e on to southern California for the ne8t phase. 2tandin in the 7ost 0ffice% - noticed that !y "ody +as *i"ratin % startin fro! the *ertical line of chakras% !ainly the heart% and spreadin out to the rest of !y "ody. Carol sa+ that "efore - could tell her a"out it% of course. 2he said that this +as happenin "ecause so!e ener y +orkers had "een Hfi8in , the *ortices around 2edona and they +ere spinnin at an un-naturally hi h rate. 2he +as Kuite unco!forta"le% "ut - )ust felt ener ized. 1aturally lethar ic people like !yself appreciate !ost kinds of e8tra ener y. (he 3in !akers had us put the 99 % +hich +as hastily !ade in 6la staff usin a pretty party hat% on the round in to+n. Carol noticed that the hyperacti*e spin slo+ed do+n ri ht a+ay and all of the *ortices +ere a ain in har!ony. Jike !ost doctors% Hpo+erful sha!ans, apparently often feel the need to fi8 +hat isn,t "roken. (hankfully% en a in in p---in contests is "eco!in fau8 pas +ith !ore of the! and no+ theyOre startin to look for the unifyin principle of the ne+ paradi ! and et in line +ith that. Bi e os are "est left at the door +ith si8 uns and "i +hite horses. 3hen +e ot "ack to the rest area parkin lot to et the Eapporiu!% #ada!e Ba*en +as +aitin for us. - asked Carol to look at the ener y to !ake sure !y hunch +as correct a"out that% and she said - +as definitely ri ht. Fi"ratin in 7hoeni8 I (rial in (ucson (he folks +e needed to see +ere in (ucson% so +e ot a spot in an BF ca!p round in 7hoeni8 for the +eekend. (hat ni ht - put the sound crystal +ith the !o"ius coil and freKuency de*ice on !y chest and - started *i"ratin
a ain. -n a fe+ !inutes% - +as filled to "urstin +ith kundalini. D*ery ti!e Carol touched !e she )u!ped. actually +ent to sleep ri ht after that% content in the kno+led e that - +as ettin so!e ood infor!ation that +ould "e unlocked at the appropriate ti!e in the future. (he only other ti!es -,*e felt that so stron ly +as on <a!es and Bose #ary 9u hes, rid in $shland% 0re on. (hey really $BD +izards5 - +anted to o to (ucson to !eet the folks - !entioned% "ut took the ti!e instead to catch up +ith +ritin do+n our e8periences. - +orry a "it a"out for ettin i!portant thin s if - +ait too lon . (he fello+ in (ucson is a cele"rity +ho +as shortly to "e in a sho+ trial in a kan aroo federal ta8 court% so - had offered to i*e hi! a 99 to keep in the courtroo! .he raciously accepted it and pro!ised to put it on the defendant ta"le as a paper +ei ht/ and to fi8 up one of his +ife,s crystals +ith a !o"ius coil% etc. Carol had felt that the 99 % especially% +ould i*e hi! an ad*anta e "ecause the contu!acious "eha*ior of the crooked )ud e and prosecutor +ould not "e effecti*e% and the )ury +ould ha*e less fear and !ore coura e. Fery si!ple. - personally +ouldn,t sho+ up in any of those unla+ful ad!iralty courts e8cept in chains% "ut e*ery"ody has their o+n style -- a fact that - respect and +ork +ith. 9e +as Kuite confident he could +in% since he kne+ the appropriate constitutional la+s and is a *ery% *ery ood orator. $fter another day of catch-up +ith +ritin and (er!inator !anufacturin % +ith so!e restaurant tourin !i8ed in% +e dro*e "ack to 2edona in the car. Jooks Jike 2cience 1o+ 2o!e of you !ay kno+ that +hen !iracles are e8perienced they don,t see! +eird or +ondrous at all. $t least that,s our e8perience. 6ire+alks feel that +ay to !e% for instance .e8cept for the little lo+in coals that et stuck "et+een !y toes after - et done/. -,d otten used to ettin reports fro! custo!ers of H!iraculous, cures o*er the years so - don,t e*en record the! any !ore or i*e the! !uch thou ht. Besides% )ust a"out any cure see!s like a !iracle to the a*era e inco!petent% )aded doc +ho is in the "usiness of keepin custo!ers until their assets are all one% not curin illnesses. -t )ust looks like science no+. - like the really +eird stuff any+ay% "ein an $ce of 2pades. 3ell% accordin to our +atches% +e +ould ha*e had to dri*e o*er 1'' !iles per hour to co*er the distance "et+een 7hoeni8 and the 2edona hi h+ay cutoff% "ut - ne*er +ent o*er S' !ph. (his )ust told us that +e needed to "e so!eplace at a certain ti!e% so +e paid closer attention after that. 3e picked up our !ail and started out of to+n% follo+in our ur e to *isit a nice !etaphysical store on the +ay out% +here - ot Carol a "eautiful heart-shaped crystal fro! #ada ascar% a place that fi ures hea*ily in her astrolo ical infor!ation .- found out later/. Bell Bock 7ortal $s +e passed "y Bell Bock% Carol ot that look that tells !e she,s ettin a !essa e% so - asked her H3hat,s upR, 2he said that +e needed to "e oin "y Bell Bock at that !o!ent "ecause a portal opened up there "riefly and she needed to identify +hat that felt like. (he 3in !akers told her that +hen +e return to ether at so!e undisclosed future ti!e% the portal +ill open a ain and +e,ll !eet the 3in !akers in our o+n di!ension% face to face. (hat e8plained the ti!e +arp that happened earlier. - lo*e the 3in !akers, style5 - "et a fe+ of the! are also $ces of 2pades. $fter an une*entful% "ut incredi"ly hot trip throu h $rizona and a ni ht in a rest area% +e arri*ed at the pass +est of 7al! 2prin s that opens onto the Jos $n eles !etropolitan area. (he s!o +as piled up and spillin o*er that pass and a stron % cold +ind +as "lo+in fro! that direction. (here +as a stationary cloud on the south ed e of the pass that Carol told !e +as co*erin a *ery "i B 2irian craft that +as unloadin so!ethin into the under round facility there that "elon s to our alle ed o*ern!ent. ?uck. 3e kne+ +e,d "e spendin a fe+ days in southern California% "ut didn,t +ant to "e in that a+ful dead or one field% so +e dro*e throu h 2an Bernardino in the direction of Fictor*ille and ot a !otel for a fe+ ni hts at the pass near"y. (he dead or one/s!o e8tended a little a"o*e and "eyond the hi h+ay e8it +here the !otel +as located.
2li! 2purlin ,s Dn*iron!ental 9ar!onizer is said to re!o*e dead or one fields and their attendant particulates% +hich to ether !ake up Hs!o ., - don,t ha*e one% "ut - "elie*e this is true. - dearly +ish !ore people in cities +ould )ust et these de*ices and use the! correctly. (hey are pro"a"ly superior to cloud"usters for this task% thou h they no dou"t +ork on si!ilar principles. Both de*ices re ulate +eather% thou h in sli htly different +ays. 3hen +e ot up in the !ornin % the s!o had retreated to !uch lo+er ele*ations% and the sky +as uncharacteristically "lue% +hich +as nice "ut not surprisin . 3e +ere no+ ready for our descent into No!!orah. Don Croft
Episode " #a$ifornia %emmorah 0kay to Jook Back (his (i!e By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adcMokaytolook"ackthisti!e.sht!l 0ct. &''1 2an Die o Forte8 (he lar e% *ery sick *orte8 )ust east of 2an Die o +as a place +e,d "een +arned "y so!e"ody to stay a+ay fro!% as he,d personally kno+n of so!eone +ho had "een !urdered "y a "lack helicopter +ith a harpoon sort of de*ice for )ust +alkin on the land there% so of course +e )ust couldn,t +ait to et there5 (he 3in !akers told Carol that the under round "ase and *orte8 +ere at the upstrea! end of 2+eet+ater Beser*oir% so +e dro*e there. 3hen +e arri*ed% she +as told to o i!!ediately to 0tay Beser*oir% a fe+ !iles to the south% +hich +e did. 2he then sa+ the *orte8% +hich +as e8ceptionally lar e and !edusa-like% as the *orte8 at the nuke plant outside of 0rlando lookedG*ery unusual and sinister. 3e had tried to dri*e to the spot on the hi h+ay that +as !arked on our !ap% "ut that road +as "locked and "ulldozed out of e8istence a fe+ !iles prior to the site% so +e took an alternate route. (here are no fences around the land o*er the under round facility% "ut !etaphysical folk in 2an Die o kno+ a"out it and the attendant dan ers to curious *isitors. #any people had disappeared there. (he people +ho kno+ a"out it assu!e that the alle ed o*ern!ent doesn,t +ant to dra+ attention to the acti*ity there% so didn,t put up fences. -t,s on the ed e of the !etropolitan 2an Die o area. -nstead of fences and unifor!ed uards% they apparently feel it,s e8pedient to )ust OdisappearO curious *isitors. (hey kno+ that anyone still in the #atri8 +on,t "e curious a"out that area. -,! actually feelin pretty confident that the critical-!ass nu!"er of people +ho ha*e left the #atri8 and kno+ for sure that the alle ed o*ern!ent is +a in +ar a ainst us has already "een reached. - think that nu!"er is only a fe+ thousand% so perhaps you are one of the lucky fe+. (he tide is turnin no+% as e*idenced "y the youn people peacefully de!onstratin a ainst the 3orld Bank,s atrocities can attest. (heir parents !issed the !ark in the si8ties +hen they de!onstrated a ainst the felonious feds% since our alle ed o*ern!ent has al+ays taken direction fro! the cynical% predatory old !en +ho o+n the 3orld Bank. 2o you could !etaphorically say that in the si8ties the do attacked the clu" that +as "eatin hi!% "ut no+ the do is a+are of +ho,s +ieldin the clu" and is attackin hi!% instead .spiritually% of course% not physically/. -,! so tickled to see this happenin at last5 $s soon as +e stop feedin the hu!an parasites in the "ody politic% the D( ones +ill )ust dry up and "lo+ a+ay. -sn,t that o"*iousR 0f course the hu!an ones +ill ha*e to resort to either honest +ork or honest cri!inal acti*ity% as - !entioned. - don,t think it,s possi"le in the e!er in paradi ! to conduct predatory acti*ities under the Hcolor of la+%, i*en the sudden and +idespread effecti*eness of the internet and enou h people,s discern!ent. Cicero had said Hpoliticians are not !ade% they are e8creted., 1one of !y associates pay any !ind at all to the prattle of these redundant folk. Carol told !e that they +ere e8pectin us to sho+ up at 2+eet+ater Beser*oir% "ut +ere shocked to find us at the real location% 0tay Beser*oir. 2ee ho+ the 3in !akers can e*en use !y "i !outh .key"oardR/ to ad*anta eR do ha*e an intrinsic hatred for secrecy% unless it,s for so!e"ody,s protection or a non-offensi*e confidence. (he ne+ paradi !Os +ay to hide the truth is% after all% to state it clearly and in si!ple ter!s. 2ecret societiesG hu!"u 5 3e parked the car near"y and +alked to+ard the old reser*oir% at +hich a couple of fello+s +ere Hfishin ., $ o*ern!ent pickup truck sho+ed up +ithin seconds of our arri*al and the dri*er scrutinized us% and then dro*e
o*er to +here the t+o !en +ere. 3e +alked to the ri ht spot and - put the lar er than usual 99 +here - +as directed. Carol didn,t look +ell. $ "lack helicopter fle+ slo+ly fro! "ehind a near"y hill% and then fle+ "ack. Cloakin I @nidentified D(Os 3e ot into the car and e*ery four or fi*e !inutes% a helicopter fle+ +ithin *ie+. (his happened durin the +hole ti!e +e dro*e up the coast% al!ost to J$. Carol said that they at first +anted to !ake sure +e +ere lea*in . Durin the ti!e "et+een the pickup turnin a+ay fro! us and the appearance of the "lack helicopter% Carol said +e +ere in*isi"le to hu!an sur*eillance% so they didn,t ha*e a clue +hat +e did and didn,t see the 99 at all% thanks to the 3in !akers. (he helpful reptilians% +ho usually run interference for us +ith !ind control on sur*eillors% +eren,t a"le to enter the 2outhern California !etro area% Carol said% "ecause the reptilian hi*e there is predatory and a ressi*e. (he one +e,re friends +ith is !ello+ and not har!ful to hu!ans. $ll they kne+ for sure +as that +e se*erely da!a ed the apparatus that predatory D(,s had set up in con)unction +ith our alle ed o*ern!ent that +as keepin a "lack hole sort of portal open under round% in the *orte8. Carol didn,t kno+ +hat it +as intended for% "ut only that it +as !ore than usually nefarious. $s - +as placin the or one de*ice% an D(-type that Carol had ne*er seen "efore thrust so!e reen sli!e do+n her throat and into her sto!ach% +hich "e an to hurt. 7uttin a (er!inator on% she felt "etter in a fe+ !inutes. 2he said it +as !ycoplas!aGthe sa!e stuff used in che!trails% and that it +as intended to cause her to ha*e a *ery prolon ed% painful death. -,d heard years a o on $rt Bell,s pro ra! accounts of people pickin up "its of sli!e that dropped out of !ilitary planes o*er D*erett% i!!ediately after +hich they ot e8tre!ely ill% so!e e*en dyin . - assu!e no+ that this +as done in the early sta es of che!trail e8peri!entation. 1o+ it disperses nicely +hen it co!es out of the @1 tanker )ets o*erhead% so +e stopped hearin those stories. - uess the D( picked on her "ecause they )ust didn,t see !e and +hat - +as doin for a fe+ seconds. - can tell you that if one of those fello+s sho+ed up% it +ould "e +orth the e8perience to !e )ust to see hi!% since -,! a confir!ation )unkie. Carol,s seen this sort thin all her life% thou h% so she doesn,t need !uch confir!ation that +ay. 6ro! her description% the only i!a e that co!es to !y !ind is the predatory co!!ander of the attackin alien ship on N$J$Q? U@D2(. 2he says they aren,t Draconians and hasn,t a clue +here they,re fro! or +hat they +ant "esides the ensla*e!ent and e8ploitation of hu!anity. 0ne of the! ot into the "lack hole portal and tried to hold it open. - checked +ith Carol durin the day and she said that after a+hile% se*eral of the! +ere in there% thou h they kne+ "efore lon that it +as a futile effort. (he *orte8 strai htened ri ht out to its pristine for!. Carol said that the 99 +ouldn,t ha*e +orked if it +ere any s!aller. (he only other place that +e kno+ of that needs one that size in the hu e one% centered :L !iles southeast of Bi!ini on the Nrand Baha!a Bank. -t took ten !inutes to fly throu h that *orte8 on the +ay to 1assau fro! #ia!i. (hat,s the one - +ent a little crazy in durin a stor!. - +ish Carol had "een +ith !e then. +ish +e kne+ +hat sort of thin they had planned for that "lack hole. (he at!osphere cleared up ri ht after that and "eca!e pleasant. -t +as o*ercast and +indy until +e did the deed. 0ne of !y custo!ers in 2an Die o told !e a fe+ days later that she kne+ so!ethin ood and !o!entous happened there that day. (here +ere !any helicopters takin turns sur*eillin us all the +ay to 0ran e County. 3e passed throu h a sort of per!anent road"lock half+ay to 0ran e County at +hich indeter!inate federal police +ere lookin into each car on the ei ht-lane hi h+ay. Carol i!!ediately said the alle ed cop that looked at us took a picture of us. $ fe+ !inutes later% a car that ca!e up "ehind us slo+ed to !atch our speed and the dri*er looked at the or one pyra!id in the "ack +indo+ and the si8 feet lon cloud"uster% +hich +as "et+een the seats% +ith the top end restin on the dash"oard. - asked her if the fello+ +as a felonious fed spook and she said% no% he,s )ust a re ular uy stuck in the #atri8
that the spooks +ere usin to look at our de*ices. (hey caused hi! to slo+ do+n and +ere lookin throu h his eyes to see our stuff% )ust like the 1a*a)o !edicine +o!an +as usin the ra*en in a nicer +ay. Creepy% "ut +hat else do you e8pect fro! cri!inals +ith unli!ited "ank accounts and +arped% infantile sha!ans at their "eck and callR Ba"a Ba! Dass% $lan 3atts and (i!othy Jeary% for!er .R/ C-$ operati*es% no dou"t helped the psyops uys s+ell their ranks +ith psychically proficient% "ut inte rity-challen ed Hyoun % !i hty sha!ans, throu h their in*ol*e!ent +ith #C @ltra. (hat,s not to say they aren,t nice uys% of course. - re!e!"er that one youn lady - kne+ +ho had li*ed at #r. Dass, ashra! in 1e+ #e8ico in the se*enties +as told the Bi 2ecret there G>-t,s all in the head5A $nyone in a discernin !o!ent realizes that the use of hallucino enic dru s stops spiritual ro+th% so it,s understanda"le that Dr. Jeary et al. e!phasized their use so e!phatically at the ti!e. $t least no"ody is callin their shenani ans Hspirituality, any !ore. (hank Nrid the youn er eneration is !ore discernin . -,d al+ays +ondered +hy so !any !etaphysical folk !y a e are so ada!ant a"out not opposin the esta"lished order% "ut no+ - understand H+here they,re co!in fro!%, and it,s not a place -,d like to *isit% thanks. China I Jon Beach% California (he rest of the day in Jos $n eles +as !ostly spent in traffic% thou h +e deli*ered 99 ,s to t+o locations and left the cloud"uster "et+een 9olly+ood and Bur"ank. (he first 99 +ent on the property of an under round "ase at the 2eal Beach 1a*al 3eapons 2tation% +here there,s a *orte8 +hich +as "ein used "y a consortiu! of D(,s and $!erican and Chinese !ilitary people. - !ean co!!unist Chinese% of course. (he Chinese #ilitary o+ns and operates the container port facility in Jon Beach that,s in the ne+s no+ and then. Jast ti!e - kno+ a"out +as +hen a container full of auto!atic +eapons "ound for the 3atts district of J$ +as disco*ered there. "et that that in*esti ati*e )ournalist +ho ran that story +as suicided or is une!ployed. (he C-$ had to sho+ up at a 3atts pu"lic !eetin )ust to say this ne*er happened. - +onder ho+ !any people there "elie*ed the!. Carol told !e that the Chinese scientists at the facility +ere particularly interested in our cloud"uster. 1o+ there,s a conundru!. (+o forces see! to "e at +ork in China no+% e*en in the sa!e indi*iduals. 0ne is !o*in to+ard e*en !ore oppression and the !ilitary takeo*er of the @2 .stand in line% fellas/% the other to+ard free !arket practices and indi*idual freedo!. 3e,ll do +hat +e can to encoura e the latter course. -,d "e happy to share the cloud"uster infor!ation +ith anyone% as it can,t "e used to har! people or the planet. (he *orte8 healed% of course. 3e didn,t feel too concerned a"out +hat +as oin on there. -t kind of paled after our e8perience in 2an Die o% and +e +eren,t "ein o*ertly sur*eilled any !ore. 9ours later% +e ot to the s!all *orte8 across to+n in Dncino and dropped the 99 there. - dro*e east on @2 1'1 until Carol told !e to stop and +e deposited the cloud"uster in the "ushes "y the side of the hi h+ay. Carol +rote do+n the nu!"er on the li ht pole so it can "e reco*ered at the appropriate ti!e% "ut +e,*e since lost the !ap. 3e +ere infor!ed that it +ould take a"out a !onth to clear the dead or one out of J$. 1o dou"t there are !ore *ortices in the area% and plenty of other places that need 99 ,s% "ut these are the ones +e +ere directed to take care of initially. 1o dou"t other ener y healers +ill do the rest +hen the ti!e is ri ht ;as of <an. &% &''& J$$B7 _Jos $n eles $t!osphere Becla!ation 7ro)ect\ is +ell on the +ay to finishin that )o"=. @nlike Jot,s +ife at the Bi"lical Ne!!orah% Carol didn,t turn to salt as +e dro*e a+ay fro! Jos $n eles that day. -t is an icky place% thou h. 3e "oth found it nearly i!possi"le to e*en dri*e throu h the area "efore that day% "ut - uess "ein on a !ission !akes unpleasant thin s like that !ore tolera"le. Don Croft
Episode 1& Bohemian %ro'e By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc1'"ohe!ian ro*e.sht!l <une &''1 -t occurred to !e as +e dro*e north throu h the 2an 6ernando Falley% that if there +ere only one Che!"uster in e*ery state% the che!trail pro ra! +ould ha*e to "e scrapped in the @2. Considerin the a!ount of dead or one in California% it felt as thou h ten +ould "e reKuired there. -,d read accounts of a cloud"uster "ein used durin the 1MP',s "y (re*or Consta"le in southern California to re!o*e the o!nipresent s!o fro! the desert east of Jos $n eles. (he "efore and after photos +ere astonishin . 9e,d done the sa!e thin in -srael% at the 2ea of Nalilee. -f anyone can tell !e +hy the +hole 2an 6ernando Falley has al+ays had so !uch dead or one% -,d appreciate it. -t +ould "e such a nice dri*e if you could see the !ountains. Jinda I #etaphysical Boad 2er*ice (he re+ard for sufferin throu h that e8tensi*e dead ener y field +as our arri*al in 3alnut Creek% east of 2an 6rancisco% and "ein reeted "y Jinda% Carol,s lon ti!e friend and so!eti!e teacher. 3e spent three days parked at the lo*ely apart!ent co!ple8 +here she li*es and spent !any hours co!parin notes and i*in and recei*in inspiration and insi hts. Jinda is a ifted her"alist that is a"le to do +ith her o+n tinctures +hat others ha*e done +ith flo+er essences and ho!eopathic re!edies. Jike Carol% Jinda parleyed her natural psychic ifts and ener y sensiti*ity into a re+ardin and useful career. 2he had "een a+are of the 3in !akers +e"site% "ut hadn,t pursued the su")ect. 3hen +e told her +hat +e,d "een up to +ith it% she decided to contact the 3in !akers durin !editation. 2he told us that they i!!ediately started constructin a set of +in s for her% etherically. 9er description re!inded !e of "utterfly +in s. (he ne8t day% as Jinda and Carol +ere returnin fro! the 2an 6rancisco airport +ith <enny% +ho had )ust finished the school year in -daho% they +ere parked in rush hour traffic on the free+ay% !iles fro! an e8it. (he as au e on Jinda,s ne+ (oyota indicated e!pty% +hich +as a cause for so!e alar!. $ !o!ent later% the sa!e au e indicated that the tank +as half full. Jinda and Carol say that they "oth i!!ediately kne+ this +as done "y the 3in !akers and they did it +ith hu!or. Jinda is another person that takes !iracles in stride. - asked Jinda if she kne+ a +ay to i!pro*e the 99 ,s and she i!!ediately e8plained the coils that +e ha*e since "een puttin in ours. Bohe!ian Nro*e I Children 0n <une 1S +e +ent to Nurney*ille% north of 2an 6rancisco% to carry out the 3in !akers instructions re ardin Bohe!ian Nro*e% annual atherin place of the !ost depra*ed and po+erful !en on the planet. - !ade a special 99 for that +hich had one of the coils that Jinda descri"ed. (he predators +ere due to arri*e for the co!in solstice% durin +hich each year they hold a satanic cere!ony% dressed in "lack ro"es% and do Nod kno+s +hat. -,d first heard of it on a short +a*e radio pro ra! on +hich se*eral youn people a*e their testi!ony re ardin their e8periences there as children% *icti!s of rape. By this ti!e -,d done enou h readin a"out these !en to understand that this +as not unlikely. -n their testi!onies% !any fa!ous !en +ere na!ed "y these youn people and the pro ra! +as hosted and directed "y a state senator fro! 1e"raska% friend and confidant of for!er C-$ director Casey .the director +as suicided at his ho!e soon after this/ (he senator +as usin this pro ra! to do +hat -,! doin no+: to call for the in*esti ation% arrest and prosecution of the participants of the annual satanic acti*ities at the Nro*e. 0thers ha*e +ritten e8tensi*ely a"out this% so - don,t need to duplicate their efforts. (he "asic facts of the acti*ities at the Nro*e are not unkno+n to the to+nspeople of Nurney*ille% +e found out.
Dle!entals I T3T - had "een contacted "y a 3iccan +ho li*es in the area and +ished to help us heal the +ounded *ortices there. (his person% +ho! -,ll call 3% is a co!petent and fearless healer +ho is closely connected to the land% ele!entals and ethereal "ein s in the surroundin area. (he alar! and dis ust e8pressed to 3 "y the ele!entals and lon -dead nati*e !edicine people had reached a sort of "rink or li!it% "eyond +hich their support and influence +ould "e +ithdra+n. (here are si8 *ortices% only one of +hich is in Bohe!ian Nro*e% +hich connect in a s!all area around Nurney*ille. Carol had otten an i!a e fro! the 3in !akers of the spot +e +ere to put the 99 . 3 led us there fro! Carol,s description and raciously put it in place. $ll of us felt an i!!ediate li htenin and "reathed easier. 3 announced that the Hinsect people, +ere the first to notice and appreciate +hat +as done. - then noticed the presence of thousands of dra onflies% +hich - kne+ had not "een there !o!ents earlier. - al+ays notice dra onflies. $s +e +alked "ack to the car% 3 reeted all of the ele!entals alon the +ay and !entioned that the asse!"led !edicine people +ere *ery pleased and encoura ed "y +hat +e did and +ould no+ enthusiastically resu!e their healin +ork. (he atrocities co!!itted a ainst the +hole hu!an race "y the !en that asse!"le at Bohe!ian Nro*e are done in secret and +ith !ore than adeKuate protection "y ar!ies of la+yers% spies and assassins. 3e ha*e no dou"t that they are directly responsi"le for all of the enocide% +ars% epide!ics% despotis!% i!po*erish!ent and ensla*e!ent of "illions of people. 0nly at Bohe!ian Nro*e are they *ulnera"le. (he County 2heriff (he only la+ enforce!ent a ency allo+ed "y the Constitution is the county 2heriff% elected "y popular *ote. Based on e8istin testi!ony% the 2heriff of 2ono!a County% California +ould "e )ustified in arrestin the asse!"led perpetrators at any ti!e durin their days lon pedophilic or y at Bohe!ian Nro*e. 1ot only +ould he "e +ithin his ri hts% no force on earth +ould dare try to stop hi!. (hese predators rely totally on secrecy to carry out their plans. 3here secrecy is not possi"le% they rely on e8tensi*e "rain+ashin and !ind control. -nti!idation is the last resort% and pu"lic inti!idation is unthinka"le in the @2 e*en no+. 7lease note that -,! not "ein seditious and -,! not ad*ocatin that anyone "reak any Constitutional la+s. 2editious acts are those +hich under!ine the Constitution. $ll of these !en are !anifestly uilty of thatV -,! not. $ fe+ years a o% the 2heriff of 1ye County% 1e*ada% arrested @2 6orest 2er*ice a ents +hen they atte!pted% +ith dra+n +eapons% to stop hi! fro! enterin land alle edly "elon in to the federal o*ern!ent. 1othin "ad happened to the 2heriff. 0n the contrary% - understand he +as re-elected. $lthou h Dan Bather ne*er !entioned this historic e*ent% it,s +ell kno+n. 7arasites I 6ear (ypical of the cri!inal !ind% +hich is essentially arro ant and stupid% there are ti!es +hen his uard is do+n and these are the ti!es to act a ainst hi!. $ person +ith inte rity doesn,t need to +atch his "ack constantly and doesn,t need an ar!y of thu s and spies in order to "e safe. - +ouldn,t "e +ritin this if - +ere afraid of "ein tortured or killed "y these predators% "ut - ha*e faith that the pu"lication of these +ritin s +ill de!onstrate that it,s no+ safe to discuss these thin s "ecause under the e!er in paradi !% parasites +ill no lon er "e a"le to rule us. - +on,t "e +aitin for our space "rothers to rescue us fro! these people% thanks. -,! currently li*in !iles fro! the nearest to+n% and -,! a half-!ile fro! the nearest nei h"or. $side fro! a BB un% +hich - play +ith a "it% - ha*e no protection and a! not hidin . -n fact +e,*e "een sur*eilled here se*eral ti!es since our arri*al% e*en "y the trian ular craft that $rt Bell reported seein -- the sa!e type +e sa+
in 6lorida% up close% in Dece!"er. - hadn,t noticed "efore% "ut the house shook last ti!e they sho+ed up. 0utside% as it +as ho*erin "ehind the trees on the ed e of the yard% all - heard +as the characteristic% lo+ Hsuckin , sound. 2o - uess there,s a su"sonic Kuality to the anti ra*ity de*ice they,re apparently usin . - don,t e*en shut or lock the ate. - lo*e li*in and a! ha*in !ore fun than e*er% "ut - +ill oppose and e8pose the! to !y last "reath% no !atter +hat they do. (he schoolyard "ully picks on anyone on the play round e8cept the kid +ho isn,t afraid of hi!. (hat kid has to let the "ully kno+ that he,s not afraid to die. #en +ho had "een in prison tell !e it,s the sa!e +ay there. -,! tellin +hoe*er a!on the predators and sycophants that attend Bohe!ian Nro*e,s satanic acti*ities +ho care to read this that - a! not afraid of torture% poisonin % !ind !anipulation% attacks on !y lo*ed ones% or any atrocity their fertile if infantile !inds can contri*e to stop !e. 9a*in said that% -,! also not a "it +orried that they +ill try. (he fact that you,re e*en readin this de!onstrates that they are po+erless to influence +hat is done on the -nternet or e*en in pri*ately o+ned pu"lications. -f you,re afraid of the! you,re )ust encoura in their predatory "eha*ior% so stop "ein afraid of these parasites5 (he other thin a "ully fears is "ein confronted "y e*en a s!all roup. 3hen a pedophile is released fro! )ail% people plaster his picture and stats on all the telephone poles in the nei h"orhood as a +arnin . 9o+ is this any differentR $ren,t +e pretty !uch o"li ated to dra+ attention to these pedophiles% at least durin the su!!er solstice periodR #any people in !y a e roup +ho +ere teens in the hippy era ha*e "een thorou hly "rain+ashed and conditioned not to confront e*il or e*en discuss it. 3ell done% Drs. Jeary% $lpert% and 3atts% #C @ltra operati*es e8traordinaire5 $lso% con ratulations to British 2ecret 2er*ice,s (a*istock -nstitute% initiated under the direction of 2i !und 6reud. (hanks to 2i !und for persecutin his one ti!e prot` `% Dr. 3ilhel! Beich% since this led to Beich,s or one research and his $!erican residency. @n uarded 7redators and Bestored Fortices 0ur children,s eneration% ho+e*er% ha*e de!onstrated their spiritual acu!en and co!!it!ent to the e!er in paradi ! "y peacefully de!onstratin in order to dra+ attention to the cri!inal acti*ities of the 3orld Bank% +hich is !ore or less the epito!e of the parasitic alle ed order. - hope this +ritin +ill inspire so!e of the! to direct their attention to the annual acti*ities outside Nurney*ille% California% as this +ill strike at the only un uarded cri!inal acts of the !en +ho o+n the 3orld Bank. - +ould "e pleased and honored to )oin the! there ne8t year. -f four of us sho+ up it +ill "e as thou h a thousand are there. $s an e8perienced si n artist% can !ake so!e i!pressi*e placards. 3 told !e that all of the an sters, "ody uards% fa!ily !e!"ers% and secret ser*ice people han around Nurney*ille durin the Hfesti*ities., 2peakin of festi*ities% a day after +e,d "een there% Carol told !e that another 99 +as needed to finish the )o"% as an enor!ous a!ount of ener y +as "ein e8pended to contain and li!it the effect of the first one until the cri!inal acti*ity at the Nro*e +as finished. - Kuickly !ade another one and 6edD8ed it to 3% +ho put it in one of the other *ortices )ust "efore the arri*al of the felons. (he 3in !akers told Carol that not only did their cherished cere!ony not produce the custo!ary results% they actually didn,t ha*e any fun this ti!e preyin on the little children that had "een "ussed in for the festi*ities. 2he +as told that this se*erely shook their confidence and that they didn,t ha*e a clue ho+ that could happen. 6inally% Carol told !e that the si8 *ortices ha*e co!"ined into one *ery% *ery po+erful one% the ener y of +hich +ill not "e a*aila"le to the parasites any !ore. 2o% no+ you kno+% fellas5 Better luck ne8t year% and !ay"e +e,ll see you there5 ?ou should kno+% too% that !i ht point !y cloud"uster at the ne8t anti ra*ity craft that sho+s up here. - kno+ it +on,t hurt anyone% "ut the uys inside +ill et a distinct surprise. (he ood uys like it +hen - point the CB at their craft% +hich are +ay "etter than yours. Net a clue. Don Croft
Episode 11 (ou Must Be Eighteen By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc11you!ust"eei hteen.sht!l <une &''1 3e had successfully finished our 99 place!ents prescri"ed "y the 3in !akers for our coast to coast trip at one of the *ortices near Bohe!ian Nro*e +ith the a"le assistance of our 3iccan friend there% and arri*ed at #t. 2hasta on <une &'th% &''1% after *isitin the 9u hes in $shland% 0re on% )ust up the road. #y "elated "irthday present to Carol +as her choice of Fo el po+er crystals that <a!es 9u hes had desi ned. $t his su estion% she took t+o to 2hasta to keep o*erni ht. 0ne +as 1&-sided% the other 16-sided% and "oth dou"le ter!inated at specific an les. - "rou ht a crystal alon +ith a !o"ius coil and a freKuency de*ice attached ;2uccor 7unch=% in order to acti*ate it on the !ountain and tune it to the o+ner to help her throu h a trau!a she +as e8periencin . (elepathy 1e+"ies Carol,s 1L-year-old dau hter% <enny% had )oined us in 2an 6rancisco ri ht after she finished school in -daho. Carol and - opted to sleep in the ro*e +e had found in 2epte!"er% +hich is near 7anther #eado+% "ut <enny preferred the co!fort and FCB of the Eapporiu!. $s Carol and - retired to the ro*e shortly "efore sunset% <enny asked her !o! to keep track of her telepathic !essa es and report "ack in the !ornin +ith the!. (he dau hter has started to de*elop ifts inherited fro! her !other. 0n the short hike fro! the parkin lot to the ro*e% - distinctly heard Carol say% >3hat ti!e is itR 0h% +ait% for otG- ha*e a +atch on.A - told her the ti!e and she said% >3hy did you tell !e thatRA 3hen - told her she had )ust asked !e% she said% >1o% - +as )ust thinkin it.A (hou h it didn,t feel +eird% - kne+ -,d )ust entered the (+ili ht Eone. 3hile +e +ere eatin our supper "efore "ed% - Hheard, her silently readin the in redients on the food packa e. 3e "edded do+n )ust as the sun +as settin . (here +ere "i "lack ants all o*er the "eddin % so +e put food a short distance a+ay to dra+ the! off. 1aturally% they si!ply carried the food onto the "eddin . (he "u s kept us a+ake pretty !uch all ni ht "ut it,s )ust as +ellGit +ould ha*e "een a loss to ha*e slept throu h +hat transpired. $s soon as the sun had set% +e "oth heard rather strident sin in /chantin start up. -t sounded like it +as co!in fro! Nray Butte% a"out a half !ile a+ay. Carol fi ured they +ere )ust 3iccans perfor!in a solstice cere!ony at first% "ut then the sound see!ed to "e co!in fro! e*ery direction. (here +ere !ale and fe!ale *oices% a"out a dozen or so% it see!ed to !e. -t +as a pretty !elody that they repeated continuously until 6:4'$#% the !o!ent of the solstice% at +hich ti!e it si!ply stopped. 7ull Do+n the 2hades I (ell the Cids to Jea*e 2o% here,s +hat happened "et+een sunset and the solstice: - rarely see entities that are not fully in our di!ension. Carol sees the! plainly% )ust as she hears thou hts of others. -n 2epte!"er% at that ro*e% -,d seen se*eral as shi!!erin distortions of the "ack round% includin Cashi% our $tlantean helper% and Jucille% the fairy that d+ells on !y sound crystal .- na!ed her after B.B. Cin ,s uitar% +ith her per!ission/ (he entities that Carol sa+ around us +ere co!pletely in*isi"le to !e. (hese are the ones that +ere !akin the !usic and interacted +ith us that ni ht. (his ti!e% Carol sa+ throu h their "lue ener y fields and sa+ re ular hu!ans +ith "lond hair% fair skin and "lue eyes% all youthful adults% Je!urians .+ho the hell kno+s ho+ old they areR/ thou h there +ere others there% too. $ ood friend% after -,d kno+n her a fe+ years% once shared a story +ith !e: 2he +as *isitin 2hasta for the first
ti!e in the early se*enties% at 7anther #eado+% +hen she noticed so!e "eautiful youn people ha*in a picnic. (hey called her o*er and shared food +ith her. $fter+ard% they all put out !ats% in order not to crush any plants% and took a short nap. 3hen they +oke they in*ited her to acco!pany the! throu h a *ery lar e tunnel% on the other side of +hich +as an identical !eado+. - for ot +hat happened then% "ut !y friend said she ot in her car a little later and dro*e "ack to the interstate to continue her )ourney north. 6or years after that she thou ht she,d )ust spent the afternoon +ith so!e nice hippies in odd clothin . - uess that !ost people readin this already kno+ that there are no tunnels like that on the !ountain. (his friend is fro! a fa!ily that has "een in*ol*ed in a !etaphysical or anization for :%''' years. -,! assu!in she doesn,t +ant her na!e !entioned. 0ne reason - lo*e 2hasta so !uch and consider it ho!e is that the ener y there is so pure and po+erful that "oth the parasitic D(,s and earthly non-hu!ans si!ply can,t stand to "e there. <erky hu!ans e*en ha*e a hard ti!e stayin lon there on the !ountain. $ *isit there is like an etheric colonic to !eGalso% like a terrific "reath of clean air and a lon drink of cool +ater after "ein in the desert. $round 1'7#% - ot an i!pression that there +ere a lot of people standin around us. - +as tryin to sleep% ha*in ro+n tired of +atchin the aerial display "y the *arious Je!urian craft. Carol confir!ed !y i!pression. 2he usually )ust keeps these thin s to herselfGpro"a"ly the result of conditionin % as children and others soon learn not to step on the paradi ! toes of others less a+are of their surroundin s "y pointin out ano!alies. - think - kne+ ri ht a+ay that they +ere )ust +aitin for us to ha*e se8 "ut they +anted !e to think it +as !y idea. - +as onto the!% of course% as soon as the thou ht occurred to !e. - +as "orn at ni ht% "ut it +asn,t last ni ht. 9ere,s the part that is truly difficult for !e to +rite% so please "ear +ith !e. $ lot of people understand that there is tre!endous ener y released in an or as!. (hese +atchers stayed around until they had otten enou h ener y fro! our or as!s. 2o!e stayed until the end "ut !ost left in s!all roups "efore that. Boy% +as that +eird for !e5 -,! sure - couldn,t ha*e done it if -,d "een a"le to see the!% thou h - could definitely sense the!. - kne+ "efore +e started that an e8chan e +as a"out to take place% so that e8tra incenti*e +as nice. -n Carol,s defense% - feel sure that she +ouldn,t ha*e done that in front of re ular hu!ans of our di!ension V-/ (hey,*e "een +ith us off and on e*er since. Carol says they,re helpin to protect us no+ fro! the alle ed o*ern!ent +hile +e disse!inate the infor!ation a"out ho+ to easily destroy the che!trails. (his is the third roup that +e kno+ of +ho are runnin interference for us. (he !ain ones are the 3in !akers% of course% "ut the Beptilians that +e !et in Neor ia and 6lorida also help fro! ti!e to ti!e. (he s!all roup that re!ained after the party interacted +ith Carol. 0ne of the!% she told !e% stood o*er !e and ai!ed a crystal de*ice at !y heart chakra% in +hich there has "een lin erin pain since !y children +ere taken fro! !e "y the alle ed o*ern!ent in 1MML. -,*e co!e a lon +ay% of course% ha*in "een *ery close to suicide% early in 1MM6% i!!ediately "efore findin the zapper and killin the parasites that +ere causin !y depression. (he flo+er essences of !y second +ife +ere a tre!endous "oost ri ht after that% "ut it,s "een a ruelin cli!" until *ery recently. (he only thin that kept !e fro! killin !yself at the lo+ point +as the realization that it is e8tre!ely hurtful to one,s children. Di*orce is hard enou h on the!% Nod kno+s. (he Je!urians that stuck around after the sho+ +ere Kuite intri ued +ith the Fo el crystals% e*en the contri*ance that -,d !ade up. 0ne of the! en)oyed the e8perience - a*e hi! "y pointin the de*ice at hi! and spinnin it% Carol told !e. - had told her to sho+ !e +here he +as standin . -,ll "e 20 rateful +hen +e,*e all decided to return to the rule of uni*ersal la+% under +hich o*ern!ents are for"idden to intrude on fa!ily !atters unless an actual cri!e is co!!itted. @nder the la+ of rules that e8ists
no+ the felonious court syste! considers us chattel of the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation% the )ud es, and la+yers, o+n lie e lord and !aster. 3hen +e ot "ack to the Eapporiu! after our e8cursion% Carol told <enny +hat she,d "een pro)ectin % includin >- can,t "elie*e they,re actually oin to sleep on the round.A Don Croft
Episode 12 What We )id *ast Summer By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adc1&+hat+edidlastsu!!er.sht!l 2epte!"er 1% &''1 Carol +as in*ited to spend 2epte!"er in an $frican country to sho+ people ho+ easy and cheap it is to cure $-D2. - +onOt na!e the country% since all of the o*ern!ents there ha*e !ade it unla+ful to treat $-D2. 2he +as in*ited "y a foundation +hich is operated "y nati*e $fricans ;update% it +as Cenya=. 4' #iles 1orth of 2pokane% 3ashin ton 3eO*e "een sort of care takin a rural tract north of 2pokane for the su!!er. -tOs i*en us a chance to study the effects of the Che!"uster o*er ti!e. $lso% people in 4 other countries are sendin data a"out their o+n Che!"ustersO effects. -tOs reat to see that +eOre all ettin the sa!e results. (he one +e left in J$ has stopped the che!trails at least around the 9olly+ood/Bur"ank area and reatly reduced the s!o ;it +as re!o*ed around the ti!e of this +ritin =. (he only account - ha*e of that is fro! a custo!er in 1orth 9olly+ood. 2he had to dri*e forty !iles "efore she could start to see che!trails (he pipe spacin see!s to "e the "ottleneck for people !akin their o+n. -Oll send a pattern for the three ply+ood pieces +hich hold the pipes in position durin construction to anyone +ho is seriously intent on !akin one or ha*in one !ade. ;(his +as +ritten "efore the Belfe,s put the info on +++.!etatech.or or Cen at educate-yourself.or =. -O! not takin !oney for any of this so that - can continue to pro!ote it in !y essentially anarchic style. 2ince settin up the Che!"uster% +eO*e seen a *ariety of @60Os. (he CB !ust "e so!e kind of etheric porch li ht. 3e !ostly see reptilian craft .accordin to Carol/% +hich are s!all% disc shaped and shiny% "ut a trian le craft sho+ed up close to the house early on% and occasionally a Je!urian ship. 2asKuatch (here are at least four 2asKuatch on the property% not far fro! the house. (heyOre Kuite loud and see! to keep coyotes% deer% o+ls% etc.% as pets% "ecause +e hear the! usually +hen one or !ore of those species are near us% and !ostly at ni ht. (he !ost dra!atic chorus +as at a"out L $# one !ornin % thou h% +hen all four +ere as loud as an air raid siren. (hey see! to li*e at a *orte8 thatOs in a ro*e of trees in the !eado+ near the house. 3e put an 99 in the *orte8 to tone it up% and Carol said they lo*e it. -f you listen to the tape recordin of a 2asKuatch that $rt Bell plays no+ and then% - can tell you that itOs accurate. (hat recordin sounds a little scary% "ut these sound "eautiful and not at all threatenin . (hey are e8tre!ely psychic and a"le to shift in and out of our ti!e phase. CarolOs seen the! four ti!es% and each ti!e they disappear ri ht after !akin eye contact. 0nce she sa+ a !ature !ale +ith a youn ster. 0ur friend% Bo"% +ho is a healer on the 6lathead -ndian Beser*ation in #ontana% told us that heOs had lots of interaction +ith 2asKuatch% and that they once took hi! to one of their co!!unities in the !ountains% +here they actually raise crops. 9e told us he +as taken "y the! throu h a di!ensional ate+ay in the face of a cliff "elie*e hi!% as he ca!e fro! a lon line of sha!ans and ets ood results +ith his healin +ork. -O*e sent so!e custo!ers to hi! for assistance it ettin their i!!une syste!s "ack on line. -f a personOs i!!une syste! is *ery +eak% he/she +onOt "e a"le to use a zapper properly. 9is e!ail address is [email protected]. Bo"Os Che!"uster is also +orkin +ell. CB Beport 3ithin a +eek of settin up the CB here% the che!trails +ere all one% and none ha*e "een for!ed here since then% thou h the )ets fly o*er e*ery !ornin fro! their "ase in Canada% then "ack a ain in the e*enin % spe+in as they fly. $nother +hite plane% a s!aller tur"oprop one% so!eti!es flies alon the path of the )ets at a lo+er altitude% presu!a"ly to try to fi ure out +hy the spe+ isnOt doin its )o".
3e put a CB in the yard of our friend +ho o+ns this property. 2heOs in 2pokane% forty !iles to the south. -t took a"out a +eek for that one to disappear the spe+% too% "ut no+ the @1 spe+ planes are una"le to et the stuff to set up "et+een here and there% as our CB fields ha*e linked. $nother CB +as put at the other end of 2pokane +ith the sa!e results% and +e put one at !y "rotherOs place S' !iles southeast of 2pokane% in -daho. (here are no che!trails no+ +ithin a"out forty !iles of any of these. (here ha*e "een t+o 9$$B7 attacks this su!!er% pro"a"ly desi ned to disa"le the Che!"usters. (he first attack +as stopped in a clean line !ade "y the three Che!"usters to our south. (he second attack +as directed at us here. $ stron +ind ca!e up in front of so!e stran e lookin clouds. - si!ply pointed the CB into the +ind and it stopped +ithin a"out fi*e !inutes. (he "i cloud"ank dissol*ed% and +e ot a nice% entle rain an hour later. Corporate 2pies 6or three days after that% a "i 1a*y spy plane% like the one the Chinese do+ned% fle+ "ack and forth o*er us% so!eti!es Kuite lo+. 0ne day% at dusk% a *ery Kuiet helicopter fle+ directly o*er us at a lo+ altitude. $s it passed% - sa+ another reptilian craft as the t+o crossed paths. 2pokane +as one of the fi*e +orst s!o cities on the continent. 1o+ itOs pretty !uch s!o -free% and the +hole a!"ience of the city has i!pro*ed. - used to dread oin there% "ut no+ - can spend the +hole day there and not feel tired. (he reason - "elie*e these are @1 planes% is that itOs co!!on kno+led e that all @1 *ehicles are un!arked and painted +hite. - ot so!e po+erful "inoculars and +as a"le to see that the spe+ planes are stark +hite +ith no !arkin s under the +in s. Co!!ercial )ets ha*e pro!inent nu!"ers under the +in s. 2pe+ planes are also !uch Kuieter than co!!ercial or !ilitary )ets% thou h they only fly at around &'%''' feet or less% +hile co!!ercial fli hts are t+ice that hi h. (he spe+ is !ost often irre ular in the +ay it e8its the craft% so!eti!es shootin far out to one side. #ost often% Boein P'POs are used. - dou"t there are any co!!ercial airlines or !ilitaries that use these dinosaurs. (hey,re *ery Kuiet% thou h% in spite of their lo+ altitude. - can,t e*en hear the! +hen -,! in the city. 3e disco*ered that 2li! 2purlin Os Dn*iron!ental 9ar!onizers +ork syner istically +ith the Che!"uster% and +hen a friend of ours +as sho+in 2li! +hat the CB did to the che!trails% 2li! "ou ht it. -n that instance% the Che!"uster +as set up )ust !inutes "efore 2li!,s presentation durin a *isit to a Canadian city. - attri"ute this faster action to 2li!Os and 6red,s apparent or one capacitance, fro! +orkin +ith their ener y de*ices o*er the years. (he "ase of the Che!"uster is an or one enerator% as is the 99 . 3hen intention is applied to any or one enerator "y these +alkin ener y capacitors% the effect is po+erfully a!plified. (he 1a!i"ian Che!"uster ;there are si8 of the! as of <anuary% &''&= is "ein used to pre*ent sandstor!s fro! reachin the locale. (his has resulted in !ore !oisture "ein "rou ht fro! the opposite direction in the for! of dense fo . -t can "e !any years "et+een rainstor!s in 1a!i"ia. -Oll include !ore data fro! that site in the future. 3e li*e in a se!i arid part of the country% and rainfall is al!ost unheard of durin the su!!er. -tOs rained e*ery +eek to ten days since +e set up our Che!"uster% and on the dri*e to 2eattle% +e noticed that there +as a lot of reenery a!on the sa e "rush% and e*en ne+ sa e plants% +hich +ere in "loo! durin +hat is nor!ally the hottest% driest part of the su!!er. (his rain has "een co!in fro! the south% instead of fro! the ocean% 4'' !iles to the +est. (here are no sources of !oisture to the south. Dr. Beich e8perienced this effect near (ucson serendipitously. 9e had taken his cloud"usters there in the early fifties to !ake +ar on the off+orlders +ho +ere pollutin the planet +ith dead or one% as the current hu!an
re i!e has since learned to do% and he soon disco*ered that the cloud"usters +ere refreshin the at!osphere and causin the desert to "loo!. (he rain ca!e later +hen he re!o*ed the ener y pollution fro! the 2ierras. - canOt really talk a"out +hatOs on our a enda for the autu!n% "ut +eOd sure like to et onto a !otor yacht and do so!e net+orkin in Central $!erica and the Cari""ean. -Oll pro"a"ly *isit a different $frican country after Carol ets "ack -t +ould "e terrific to find so!e in*estors +ho +ould "uy a fe+ !illion co!ponents for cheap zappers to "e asse!"led and distri"uted throu hout $frica. -t +ill pro"a"ly happen% since the old order is no+ recedin faster e*ery day and the ne+ one is takin its place. 0ur take is that if the esta"lished order in so intent on killin off our $frican fa!ily !e!"ers% they !ust "e pretty i!portant to the planetOs future. 6or !any years% -O*e "elie*ed that +hen the alle ed rulers of the planet are finally con*icted for their cri!es% a fittin punish!ent +ould "e to put the! to +ork as )anitors and orderlies in a charity !aternity hospital in the Central $frican Bepu"lic. (his +ould "e an act of !ercy% since it +ould allo+ the! to e8perience ser*ice +ork "efore they kick the "ucket. 0n that note% -O*e decided to use Canadian pennies on the (er!inators. (he UueenOs face +ill "e the !ediu! throu h +hich healin ener y +ill "e "rou ht to a lar e nu!"er of people +ho ha*e "een !ade ill "y the a encies that sheOs sponsorin -- na!ely the *arious su"- roups of the international !oney cartel +hich finances all "iolo ical +arfare% enocide and eneral !ayhe! on the planet. -O! doin her a s!all fa*or. - "elie*e sheOs not actually a reptilian% as !any ha*e i!puted% and that any hu!an% no !atter ho+ culpa"le% has a chance to et inte rity and a conscience as lon as he/she dra+s "reath. Danion Brinkley 3e attended Dannion BrinkleyOs +orkshop yesterday. - +as happy to learn that% throu h his study of Kuantu! physics% heOs co!e to kno+ that chaos is not so!ethin to "e a*oided% "ut is% if used +ith intent% an unfailin source of spiritual ro+th% so +e should +elco!e it. (he (er!inator produces pure chaos +ith the #o"ius coil% and the "ody takes this ra+ ener y and uses it for "alanced kundalini acti*ation% +hich in turn pro!otes healin and deto8ification fro! the su"-cellular le*el on out. $nother point he !ade is that all of the technolo y that "rin s us to ether is a !eans of achie*in unity and hi her uni*ersal a+areness. (his is a distinct departure fro! the $tlantean paradi !% in +hich technolo y had the opposite affect. 9e predicts that soon +eOll si!ply !o*e fro! e8ternal technolo y to usin D1$ to acco!plish these tasks% so all of these useful% "ut so!eti!es frustratin tools are si!ply a te!porary "rid e "et+een our !aterialistic traditions and the e!er in spiritual ones. - ot to hu Danion t+ice. 9e asked !e if - prefer to "e around hi! +hen heOs cal! and co!posed% and - told hi! - like hi! "etter +hen heOs yellin and screa!in . Don Croft
Episode 13 + #ase of ,i'es By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adc1:acaseofhi*es.sht!l 0cto"er 1L% &''1 3e felt it +as unsafe to send this account to !any people until +e had nei h"ors a ain. 3e +ere li*in in rural 3ashin ton 2tate last su!!er% +here our closest nei h"or +as a Kuarter !ile a+ay throu h the forest% and aerial sur*eillance and re!ote .and not-so-re!ote/ *ie+in of our acti*ities +ere oin on al!ost constantly% so it )ust felt too risky to talk a"out this then in a pu"lic foru!. -f anyone thinks #a)or Dd Da!es is not pro!otin the #odel ( of o*ern!ent psychic spyin % please think a ain. #y +ife% Carol% spent the !onth of 2epte!"er in Cenya% +orkin in a *illa e clinic. 2he took a s!all Hcro+d zapper, that -,d !ade shortly "efore she left. -t zapped three at a ti!e% po+ered "y a s!all 1&* "attery that +as char ed daily +ith a fle8i"le solar panel. Briefly% as this is to "e told in !ore detail later% Carol +as in*ited to o there "ecause of the $-D2 epide!ic and the reputed a"ility of zappers to cure $-D2. 3hile there +ere no testin facilities there% e*eryone +ho had $-D2 in that area +ho a*ailed the!sel*es of the clinic,s cro+d zapper apparently reco*ered *ery rapidly% e*en the people +ho +ere close to death. Carol took a picture of the outdoor H+aitin roo!, +hich +as full of $-D2 sufferers +aitin for their daily a hour on the zapper. -,ll et her report and pictures onto +++.+orld+ithoutparasites.or $2$7. 3e had rented a s!all house in #osco+% -daho% shortly "efore Carol left% "ut couldn,t !o*e in until !id2epte!"er. -n the last +eek of $u ust% +e +ent to 1elson% BC% for a dental appoint!ent% takin <enny% Carol,s fifteen-yearold dau hter% +ith us. (hat,s a"out 1'' !iles directly north of +here +e +ere li*in . 3e had "een lookin for+ard to that trip in order to find the connection% perhaps% "et+een the @1 2pe+planes that fle+ fro! that direction e*ery !ornin on their +ay to $!erican tar ets and fle+ "ack e*ery e*enin after their day,s +ork .- don,t H"la!e Canada%, as in the 2outh 7ark !o*ie V-/ and the reptilian hi*e fro! +hich the !ultitude of craft that +e sa+ around us ca!e fro!. (he connection +as o"*ious. 7ro"a"ly "ecause our cloud"uster +as dra+in in all the dead/deadly or one% reptilian craft +ould criss-cross the skies +here the che!trails +ere "ein spe+ed% apparently in an atte!pt to !ake the! last lon enou h to spread out in the custo!ary +ay. (hey +ere unsuccessful% of course% since a cloud"uster% like 7ro!etheus% )ust ets stron er +hen this kind of ener y is present. -,d thou ht that there +as a secret "ase north of 1elson in the "i *alley that sho+ed no hi h+ays or railroads on the !ap. $s at 6t. 9uachaca in $rizona and 0tay Beser*oir in 2an Die o% secret "ases are often "uilt around the openin s of reptilian hi*es. - !ay ha*e "een correct a"out the location of the air"ase% "ut Carol do+sed the !ap and told us that the hi*e openin fro! +hich the craft ca!e to +ork in our *icinity +as near Cran"rook% BC% on the ed e of the Bocky #ountains% a"out 1&' !iles to the east% so after the dental +ork +as done% +e piled into the car and dro*e there% takin our holy hand renade +ith us. $"out 1L !iles "efore +e ot to Cran"rook% Carol said she ot a !ental i!a e of +here to place the 99 to close the portal .openin /. (he i!a e +as of a s!all lake on the north side of the hi h+ay and +e +ere to thro+ it any+here in that lake. $"out fi*e !inutes later% +e sa+ the lake% "ut "efore - slo+ed do+n% Carol said H(he 3in !akers told !e that the reptilians put that i!a e in !y !indGthe real portal is east of Cran"rook. -t,s a steep "ank% like a cliff% "eside a ri*er "end., 2o% +e dro*e throu h to+n% to+ard a !ountain that Carol said +as close to the portal. 3hen +e reached a )unction% <enny said to turn ri ht% and then directed us to !ake a left turn and +e arri*ed at the place descri"ed
"y Carol. -t +as a short +alk to the tall "ank% and - put the 99 +here Carol directed !e. 7ortals are hyperdi!ensional. (hey,re specific locations% usually in natural *ortices% throu h +hich the reptilians can pass fro! their deep% under round hi*es to the surface. (here is a force that prohi"its the! fro! interactin +ith us in :D +hen +e,re in a fully a+ake state% "ut apparently this force is radually "eco!in inacti*e% since +e,re a"le to see their craft !ore and !ore and !any people are seein the! peripherally. Dner y-sensiti*e people like Carol see the! !ore clearly% "ut still as not-Kuite-physical entities. $l Bielek% 7reston 1ichols and others +ho +orked +ith the reptilians in the under round facilities sa+ the! in :D "ut these people +ere in an altered psycholo ical state +hen they +orked under round. Carol sho+ed !e on the !ap that this hi*e,s south+est portal +as this one% and that their only other portal +as across the Bocky #ountains% near Dd!onton% $J. ;+e )ust did that one% too% finally% on #arch 1'% &''&= (hey apparently kne+ +e +ere co!in % as Carol said there +ere a lar e nu!"er of craft present. 3e ot "ack in the car and dro*e a+ay. $"out t+o !inutes later% Carol and <enny "oth said si!ultaneously% H(here,s a "i % "lue ship ri ht "ehind us5, - kne+ "efore anyone said so that this +as a Je!urian craft uardin us fro! the reptilians% +ho +ere apparently !ad enou h to do so!ethin e8tro*ert to us. <enny had seen this one or one )ust like it .Carol said it +as one of their !id-sized ships and had a cre+ of a"out t+enty/ a +eek "efore. 2he +as returnin to 2t. #aries% -daho% +ith her older "rother and a friend and they,d left the hi h+ay durin a rain% flipped o*er and landed upside do+n in a lake% a"out fifty feet "elo+ a steep "ank. 6ortunately% all three +ere a"le to et out safely and et to shore. <enny,s telepathic ift sort of "lared out the ne8t !ornin and the follo+in e*enin % as she +as standin on the deck of her "rother,s apart!ent% a lar e% lo+in "lue sphere appeared ri ht in front of her% then slo+ly receded into the sky and out of si ht. $fter +e closed the portal% +e +ere only sur*eilled "y one craft at a ti!e in the follo+in +eeks. Carol said that they +ere )ust too "usy tryin to arran e another openin to "other +ith the spe+plane pro ra! any !ore. (he ni ht after +e ot "ack ho!e% thou h% a craft fro! the hi*e sho+ed up near us and - felt the fello+s inside tryin to !anipulate !y !ind. - et a characteristic tone in !y left ear anyti!e reptilians are tryin to influence !e% so that,s ho+ - kne+ they +ere there. Carol confir!ed it% so - put the sound crystal that - "ou ht fro! <a!es 9u hes on !y chest% "et+een !y solar ple8us and heart and applied the 1L9z of the zapper circuit to it. (he ener y enerated "y the !o"ius coil in the zapper is reatly !a nified and focuses "y the crystal and can "e sent +here*er - direct it% so - sent it "ack alon the ener y attach!ent that the reptilians +ere tryin to place on !e% as - had +ith the Draconian earlier this year. Carol said they sa+ it co!in and deflected it to the hi*e,s Kueen% hereafter referred to as the Ba in Uueen% +ho +as directin the!. Carol said BU started sKuir!in and ot *ery an ry and threatenin % "ut the attach!ent +as +ithdra+n fro! !e i!!ediately. - pro ra!!ed the crystal to keep sendin her the "ea! of "ri ht "lue or one at that freKuency. 2ince then +e ha*en,t had any interference fro! that hi*e. -t had "een ettin pretty o*ert ri ht "efore +e !ade that trip. -n the ne8t se !ent% -,ll o into ho+ this directly related to Carol,s e8perience +ith *oodoo in $frica V-/ (he "est first step +ith any predatory entity% hu!an or other+ise% is to !ake the! respect us. (hat opens the door to har!onious co-e8istence if not unity later on. 0ur e8perience +ith the friendly hi*e under 6lorida/Baha!as/?ucatan sho+ed us that this is not unthinka"le I Carol noted that they all honor the sa!e Creator that +e do. $nother thin happened in early 2epte!"er% a fe+ days after Carol left. 3e had "een in*ited to i*e a talk at a !onthly !eetin of the #etaphysical Besearch 2ociety in 2pokane then. (hey !eet in a #asonic Jod e% ri ht in
the roo! +ith all the satanic sy!"ols% thrones% etc. 3e,d "een to one of the !eetin s that su!!er and the people are pretty i!pressi*e% thou h the !eetin place is a real "u!!er to "e in. Before - started talkin % - put the pyra!id-shaped or one enerator that Carol keeps in the "ack +indo+ of the car into the center of the lar e in*erted penta ra! in the !iddle of the floor and - put the clod"uster% +hich is a half-scale cloud"uster desi ned for therapeutic +ork% on a podiu!% pointed at another satanic sy!"ol a"o*e one of the thrones. - told the audience to )ust take note of any chan es in the ener y of the roo! and started talkin a"out our (er!inators and ans+erin Kuestions. - passed out a"out thirty (,s to people +ho +ere sick. $"out half the audience +as noticea"ly ill and there +ere a"out a hundred people there. (his is typical of any $!erican atherin GL'^ seriously ill. -,*e ne*er seen this any+here "ut in the @2 and dou"t that this could ha*e "een possi"le "efore the Che!trails and the +idespread use of health insurance .an o8y!oron% of course/. $nother feature of @2 healthcare is that one is challen ed to cure the illnesses caused "y the treat!ent as +ell as the one for +hich one is treated. -n !any% if not !ost% cases of cancer the treat!ent kills "efore the cancer has a chance to% and the anti"iotics .$JJ of these are stron fun al to8ins/ used to Htreat, infections create conditions that lead to far +orse infections a little later. (he che!trails ha*e o*erridden all other causes of illness% thou h% in the past year or so% and their diseases !i!ic the for!er "ut are !ore pernicious. $"out t+o thirds of the zappers +ere sold that ni ht. -n a less a+are roup - +ould ha*e sold a"out half than !any ;fi*e +ere stolenGCarol later told !e that a felonious federal a ent attendin the !eetin did that out of spite. - had asked all feds in the audience to stand up and introduce the!sel*es at the "e innin of !y talk% "ut no"ody did that= $"out half+ay throu h the hour-lon talk% se*eral people noted that the a!"ience had transfor!ed into a *ery pleasant% ener izin state. #any of the audience +ho are professional clair*oyants and psychics% could see the custo!ary "lue do!e of or one centered on the pyra!id% and a child said she could feel the s+irlin currents as a "reeze. D*eryone +as feelin pretty ood% an effect +hich +as !ore si nificant "ecause !any hated "ein in the roo! in +hich satanic acti*ity had "een carried out and in +hich there +ere de"ilitatin eo!etric shapes% such as the in*erted penta ra!. -f anyone looks throu h #0B$J2 $1D D0N#$% the #asonic H"i"le, +ritten "y Confederate Neneral $l"ert 7ike in the !id nineteenth century% one +ill find a dia ra! of HBapho!et% the 9er!aphroditic Noat, dra+n in an in*erted penta ra!. 1otice that the face looks reptilian% perhaps e*en Draconian. Carol and - "elie*e that this is the i!a e that the :&nd de ree and a"o*e #asons re ard as 2atan% their sponsor. 3e "elie*e that a Draconian or off-planet reptilian sho+ up in their secret upper le*el !eetin s and that the hu!ans are )ust stupid enou h to think he/she,s a de*il V-/ -t,s no s!all +onder that JaBouche refers to 2atanis! as Hinfantilis!., 3e feel it,s ti!e to educate these "eni hted souls and tardiness and hooky should not "e allo+ed. 0ne other e*ent occurred +hile Carol +as one that,s +orth !entionin here. -n <uly% +hen - asked her if there +ere any sick *ortices around +hich needed a 99 % she pointed at 7riest Jake on the !ap as the only "i one around. $t the #B2 !eetin a couple of people !entioned that there +as so!e nefarious acti*ity oin on there "ut that they +ere at a loss to kno+ ho+ to re*erse it. - ot a "etter !ap and asked <enny to point out the *orte8 for !e% and she sho+ed !e the s!aller island in the south part of the lake. - +as ready to o on 2epte!"er 1L% +ith a holy hand renade and our little din hy on top of the car. - had )ust !ade a dou"le size cloud"uster% +hich - na!ed <u!"o 6unky. Carol had helped !e deter!ine the di!ensions "efore she left. - had a feelin that this +as connected to the e8ercise - +as a"out to en a e in. - ot to the lake around noon. (here +ere a fe+ rain clouds o*er the north part of the lake. -t took !e an hour to et to the little island fro! the !arina on the shore. - used a trollin !otor since there +as no +ind for sailin . -t felt pretty cru!!y there and - +as a little nauseous fro! the ti!e - ot there until - left a couple hours later.
3hen - ot to the island% - put the 99 under so!e "rush on the island,s hillside% and then returned to shore. By the ti!e -,d otten the "oat "ack on the car and +as lea*in % dark clouds +ere for!in o*er the s!all island. (hat ni ht a thunderstor! arri*ed +here +e +ere li*in % a"out si8ty !iles south+est of 7riest Jake. (he stor! ca!e fro! that direction% +hich is the first ti!e since +e ot there in <une that any +eather ca!e fro! any direction "ut south. - later learned that the stor! ne*er reached 2pokane% :L !iles south of us. $t sunset after - returned fro! the lake% - had placed !y lar e s!oky Kuartz enerator crystal in the center of the pipes on <u!"o 6unky and applied 1L9z to the !o"ius coil that -,d +rapped around the crystal. $ fe+ days "efore all of this% -,d otten a *ery lon e!ail fro! Dr. <a!es De#eo% +ho is reputed to "e an e8pert on all su")ects related to or one and Dr. 3ilhel! Beich. - +on,t o into details% "ut he e8pressed a lot of an er at +hat -,d "een doin and sayin a"out our cloud"usters% especially the one in 1a!i"ia. (he letter didn,t see! *ery rational or o")ecti*e to !e% so - asked hi! for !ore clarification. 6or instance% he told !e that +hat +e +ere doin +as ineffecti*e and that - +as apparently delusional. 9e also said that +e +ere causin drou ht% not alle*iatin it% and that only hi hly Kualified people should atte!pt cloud"ustin . 9e didn,t address !y o"ser*ation that if it +ere ineffecti*e% at least it +ouldn,t "e doin any har! V-/ (hat,s +hat sparked !e to !ake the "i er cloud"uster. -t had rained re ularly enou h all su!!er to cause the desert for 1L' !iles +est to re!ain reen% lon after it should ha*e turned "ro+n as it typically does ri ht after the sprin rains. -t hadn,t rained for three +eeks "efore - ot that letter fro! Dr. De#eo% so - +as concerned that there !ay ha*e "een so!e truth to his +arnin . - had a hunch% thou h% that drou hts !ay "e lar ely the result of parasitic entities siphonin ener y fro! *ortices like the one in 7riest Jake. - later learned that the older cloud"usters !ade in the style Dr. Beich desi ned .De#eo used that kind/ +ere no lon er effecti*e at stoppin drou hts for so!e reason. Carol and - are in the process no+ of findin others throu h the internet +ho are +illin and a"le to find these *ortices +ith us and correct the i!"alances. (here are roups of people +ho re ularly heal certain *ortices% "ut that reKuires attention and effort. (here are talented people% like 6red 6ischl% +ho do clearin +ork in cooperation +ith earth ele!entals% "ut that needs re ular rene+al. #ay"e ele!entals% like hu!ans% don,t ha*e lon attention spans. (he ele!entals a"solutely lo*e ha*in or one enerators like the holy hand renades around% thou h% +hich !ay partially e8plain +hy our !ethod reKuires no !aintenance. (he "eauty of our !ethod is that after the 99 is in place% no attention or follo+-up is reKuired. - learned the i!portance of that principle "y !akin zappers that can si!ply "e +orn instead of takin daily ti!e and attention to hold so!e copper pipes or paste electrodes onto the "ody. 3e "elie*e% too% that the !assi*e *olu!e of electro!a netic ener y in de*eloped countries is e8acer"atin the +eather i!"alances. 2he took t+o 99 ,s to Cenya +ith her. 3hile she +as in the *illa e% there +as a thunderstor! e*ery sin le ni ht% "e innin +ith her arri*al. Before that there had "een a se*ere drou ht. -n the a"sence of electro!a netic acti*ity% the at!osphere there +as *ery responsi*e to e*en a little or one eneration. (he *illa e had no electricity% not e*en a s!all enerator% +hich !ade us lad +e thou ht to include a solar panel +ith the cro+d zapper. Cloud"uster and holy hand renade instructions and pictures are no+ on +++.!etatech.or Don Croft
Episode 14 )ead$- .a$$eBy Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adc14deadly*alley.sht!l 0cto"er-1o*e!"er &''1 .- +as oin to +rite a"out Carol,s 2epte!"er trip to Cenya% "ut no+ that the felonious feds ha*e escalated their 3ar on 9ealin .thank Nrid they are as inept +ith this as +ith the alle ed 3ar on Dru s5/% +e,*e decided to include that account in a "ook% alon +ith our upco!in Calahari $-D2 Cure 2afariGa sort of pre-e!pti*e uerrilla initiati*e in the 3ar./ (he 3ar on Dru s analo y "reaks do+n +hen you consider that the people at the top of the re i!e are actually sellin the dru s% of course. ;see Dope -ncorporated-(he Book (hat Dro*e Cissin er Carzy "y Jyndon JaBouche= 3e had found it e8pedient to "rin the Eapporiu! to 2outhern California in connection +ith a free ener y process +e,re in*ol*ed in .a de*ice that can only "e prepared a"o*e a certain te!perature/. (he alternati*e +as to +ait until +e ot "ack fro! $frica% +hich +ill "e late <anuary &''& to dri*e it to a +ar!er cli!ate to finish the process% +hich see!s like "ad ti!in . #ore on that later% of course. $"out t+enty !inutes after +e left our ho!e in #osco+% -daho% Carol said% HDid you "rin any 9oly 9and renadesR, - hadn,t considered it% "ut neither of us +anted to turn "ack% so +e headed south% takin the !ost direct routeGto 3inne!ucca .- al+ays call it Bun-a!oka ho+ can - resistR/% then throu h Death Falley to the *icinity of Ne!!orah. - think the only +ay +e can tolerate !ore than dri*in throu h Jos $n eles is to ha*e a"out &'' pounds of or one eneratin !aterial around us% +hich the Eapporiu! has% in addition to an in*ol*ed rid/crystal/coil/freKuency apparatus under the entire floor. $s +e left #osco+ around noon% the sky +as "eautifully clear and "lue% e8cept for the nice% healthy clouds% thanks to our t+o Che!"usters% the <oe Cell and se*en lar e or one enerator pyra!ids in the Eapporiu!. (he che!trails there had started disappearin +ithin !inutes of settin up <u!"o 6unky in late 2epte!"er% "ut the custo!ary +ind of the 7alouse .fancy na!e for the prairie that )oins the foothills in the *icinity of #osco+/ didn,t die do+n until - added +ater to the <oe Cell in the Eapporiu! and connected it to the "attery% in !id 0cto"er. (here +asn,t !ore than a "reeze until - had to disse!"le the <oe Cell a couple of +eeks later% at +hich ti!e the +ind returned until the ne8t day% +hen the <oe Cell +as "ack to ether +ith "etter +ater. $utu!n is supposed to stay +indy% +hich is +hy so!e people dislike that "eautiful area. (here +as a "ank of +hat appeared to "e artificial +eather a"out ten !iles south of #osco+% runnin east to +est. $s +e approached it% the +estern end H!o*ed aside, and !ost of the +ay to Bun $!oka the ed e of the syste! stayed )ust a"o*e and to the +est of us% due% no dou"t to the ener y fro! the *ehicle. - had +anted to et an indication of the ran e of our #osco+ Che!"usters% as there +ere none to the south of us until 2outhern $rizona .$l Nray,s $rray/ at the ti!e. 6or the ne8t four hours% o*er &'' !iles% the che!trails +ere "ein *i orously laid do+n alon the ed e of that fake +eather syste!. $fter that% +hen it +as dark% the !oon sho+ed us that the che!trails re!ained intact e8cept for in a space a"out L !iles in dia!eter directly o*er the Eapporiu!. 3e reached 3inne!ucca after !idni ht% "y +hich ti!e the H+eather syste!, had en*eloped us. 3e had seen and dispersed se*eral lenticular clouds alon the +ay% especially after the front had o*er+hel!ed us. 3e al+ays !ake sure they aren,t our friends fro! the "ase on Fenus first. (hey,re usually )ust local reptilian craft. -,d packed !y stuff in a little "ackpack so - +ouldn,t ha*e to check it in at the airport on the +ay "ack ho!e% "ut for ot to "rin it. #y Bi 2ecret ;+e later na!ed this H2uccor 7unch., H2uccor%, +hich !eans nourish!ent recei*ed fro! others% as in the for! of a ift of !ercy% and is pronounced% Hsucker.,= +as in that "a % so +e ri ed up Carol,s t+el*e-sided Fo el crystal +ith a (er!inator to !ake the! o. Carol tried the crystal "y itself% "ut she said they +ere )ust lau hin at her% so she put the pennies of the ( on the crystal% and +e had our turn to
lau h as they took off. 3hen they,re one% the lenticular clouds si!ply disinte rate +ithin a couple of !inutes. -t !ust take a lot of ener y to !aintain the!. - sa+ one that +as !ade up of a"out nine layers% like a stack of pancakes. - had dri*en all the +ay. (he plan +as for us to take turns dri*in and o strai ht to 2o Cal% "ut - had otten so!e ephedra at a truck stop% so +as too +ired to sleep. - +as in pi hea*en% thou h. 3e +oke up around ei ht o,clock and it had started sno+in ently. By the ti!e +e finished our shoppin for snacks% etc.% it +as co!in do+n harder and a stron +ind +as "lo+in fro! the +est. Carol had said that the 3in !akers told her +e didn,t ha*e ti!e to stop for "reakfast if +e +ished to lea*e to+n% and a store clerk told !e that the sno+ +as e8pected to keep co!in throu h the follo+in +eekend .this +as 3ednesday/% so +e dro*e fifty !iles east% to Battle #ountain% then south% as planned% to (onopah. - +as told that the road +as already i!passa"le a short distance +est of 3inne!ucca. $s durin the day "efore% +e kept the +eather front% +ith it,s "lizzard conditions% to our +estern side until +e ot far enou h south to reach the southern li!it% in this case% )ust outside of (onopah% 1e*ada. $t ti!es% the sno+ +as )ust shallo+ enou h to !aintain traction. $n hour later +e +ouldn,t ha*e "een a"le to dri*e that +ay. 2e*eral ti!es% especially +hen +e stopped for as% +e sa+ a "lue hole )ust a"o*e us% +hich steadily +idened. (his led us to realize that ettin <oe Cells out there in lar e nu!"ers !i ht do !ore to destroy the 9$$B7 .and therefore all predatory/parasitic electronic apparati/ than a fe+ hundred cloud"usters. (he CB,s still see! to "e "etter for destroyin che!trails% thou h% and for i!pro*in the a!"ience of the en*iron!ent o*er a +ide area. (he trip to Death Falley +as fairly une*entful% e8cept that +e sa+ a lot of un!arked +hite *ehicles in that part of 1e*ada% !any of +hich had no license plates. $lso% +here +e sa+ !ore of these *ehicles on the hi h+ay% there +ere )ust a fe+ people li*in in the once-prosperous little to+ns% and all of the as stations +ere closed do+n for a stretch of o*er ninety !iles. 3e had the i!pression that the fe+ re!ainin residents +ere "ein !ade to feel un+elco!e% "ut +ere )ust un+illin to lea*e. (here +as a lot of +hite *ehicle traffic off into the !ountains. 0ne pickup% +hich turned onto the hi h+ay fro! one of these +ell-tra*eled side roads% had HJockheed #artin, on the side of it. $ little further do+n the road there +as an odd-lookin "uildin +ith a hu e *ent co!in up out of the round "eside it% ri ht ne8t to the hi h+ay ;+e put a 9oly 9and renade there on a return trip a couple of !onths later=% and Carol said there +as a lot of ener y and acti*ity co!in fro! !any places under round alon that +hole stretch of @2 ML in 1e*ada. $ 1e*ada 9i h+ay 7atrol fello+ stopped us for ha*in a headli ht out ri ht "efore +e turned onto the road to Death Falley% +hich !ade Carol feel pretty ood% as she,d "een stopped se*eral ti!es on our tra*els% and this +as !y first. - had noticed that police in eneral don,t see! interested in the *ehicle% thou h -,! not sure +hy. #ay"e it )ust looks too +eird for !ost of the!% thou h a 2heriff,s deputy near #t. 2hasta once stopped to offer help +hen - +as parked near there and she co!pli!ented !e on the appearance of the Eapporiu! and asked !e +hat zappers are .- painted si ns on "oth sides of the ca!per shell - "uilt on the 1MP'% yello+ 6ord 61'' pickup% +hich looks like an upside do+n "oat to so!e% a spaceship to the !ore i!a inati*e/. (he road do+n into Death Falley +as in pretty rou h shape% and there +ere no uard rails% +hich see!ed curious to !e% as there +ere hazardous cur*es durin !ost of the 1: !ile stretch fro! the 4%''', plateau do+n to the *alley floor% +hich is ri ht at sea le*el. <ust )okin % - asked Carol if there +as any unsee!ly acti*ity oin on there% and she pointed to a li hted area a"out 1' !iles further on% +hich +e fi ured +as 2to*epipe 3ells% accordin to the !ap. 3e found a +ellli hted% s!all BF ca!p round +ith a "ar and !otel% all *ery upscale and ne+% there% on the south side of the road% and opposite +as the road to the +ells +ith a si n that a*e directions. Carol said the +ells +ere actually *ents for an ancient under round facility% and this +as no+ "ein used "y a consortiu! of hu!an and nonhu!ans% !ostly dressed in +hat looked to her like +hite radiation suits% so!e +ith hel!ets% others +ithout. 3e didn,t e*en stop% thou h "oth of us +ere sorry +e had ne lected to "rin an 99 . $s it turned out% that fau8 pas
!ay ha*e sa*ed our li*es% +hich !ay "e another case of the 3in !akers turnin a lia"ility into an asset. Carol has a thin oin +ith o+ls. - rarely sa+ o+ls "efore - !et her% "ut in the past fe+ !onths% our *ehicle has nearly hit se*eral of the! as they s+ooped across the road directly in front of us% and on our +alks in the #osco+ Ce!etery% Carol often stops and talks +ith an o+l that lands on a lo+ "ranch or li ht pole alon our path. 0ne of the! s+ooped the car )ust as +e turned onto the road leadin into Death Falley% another as +e +ere lea*in % )ust after the incident -,ll no+ relate. Carol told !e later that a s!all plane fle+ *ery lo+% close to us )ust as +e dro*e past 2to*epipe 3ells% and that she Hheard, the pilot i*e instructions to so!eone to look for an Hunidentifia"le land *ehicle%, and that he +as helpin to set up satellite sur*eillance. $"out fi*e !iles "eyond the !otel% - stopped the truck and ot out to relie*e !yself. 3hen - ot "ack in% Carol said% HDid you see the reptilianR 9e ca!e o*er to look at usGhe,s ei ht feel tall. - thou ht he +as co!in o*er to +here you +ere. 9e +as ri ht "y the truck., - said% H3here,s he co!e fro!R, and she indicated a s!all% cone shaped !ound near"y .!ounds are ano!alies in Death Falley/. <ust as +e dro*e onto the hi h+ay% a dark shape sped across the road% at a hei ht of a"out ten feet. - said% H3hat the hell +as thatG+as that hi!R, and Carol said it +as% and that he +as playin +ith us% ridin on a s!all scooter-type flyer. - had !ade a contact +ith hi! thou h !y heart chakra )ust "efore +e !o*ed do+n the road% as -,*e otten pretty fond of reptilians% especially since +e Hli"erated, the s!all off+orld reptilian colony near D!ida% -daho% a !onth "efore. - had one of those H$9$, !o!ents )ust then% +hen - realized that there are a"out as !any% per capita% reptilians +ith personality as there are hu!ans in the !ainly Caucasian cultures of our +orld .in other +ords% *ery fe+/ +hich is +hy it,s al+ays "een such a relief to !e to arri*e in a Hthird +orld, country and - et culture shock +hen - return to the @2. (he nice thin a"out reptilians is that they,re e8tre!ely attenti*e and non-)ud !ental. $lthou h they tend to operate as a hi*e% that chan es +hen their consciousness raises% and - don,t think a hi*e !ind is any !ore appropriate for the! than it is for hu!ans. -f you look at +hich hu!an roups use "eehi*es as their sy!"ols% !y point +ill "e +ell taken. - think that,s +hy H(he Bor , creeps us out so !uchGit hits fairly close to the !ark in that +ay. -n 1orth $!erica and Durope% a fe+ people can "e con ratulated for "ein sli htly less !entally conditioned than others% "ut it,s e8tre!ely rare to find so!eone +ho is free of it. -n !ost unde*eloped countries% these !ind control pro ra!s +ere ne*er initiated% +hich is pro"a"ly +hy there are such *i orous population reduction policies !andated for their alle ed o*ern!ents "y the -#6% @1% and other predatory/parasitic a encies of the alle ed +orld order. - +as relie*ed to learn that !any of our !ilitary officers are no+ disco*erin that they are nothin !ore than !ercenaries--le "reakers--for these a encies% and - think +e can e8pect to see so!e creati*e initiati*e "y the!% thou h the internet% itself% is pro"a"ly already a result of this initiati*e. -f you consider that our officers +ent throu h the entire Fietna! 3ar period +ithout opposin the Jondon "anks, predatory sycophants in the 3hite 9ouse% this is a si nificant de*elop!ent. - hope you +ho are readin this +ill take a hint and !ake an e*en stron er effort to notice details around you in your tra*els and inKuiries and +ill use your i!a ination to connect the dots yoursel*es. -,d "e a little pertur"ed if anyone e*er took !y +ord as "ein authoritati*e. $ fe+ !iles do+n the road% )ust "efore the hi h+ay starts the L%''' ft. ascent% there,s another *ery +ell lit% classy esta"lish!ent% +hich is a ta*ern. - +ish -,d taken !ore notice of the *ehicles in "oth of these places% "ecause a +hite% late !odel car pulled out of the lot ri ht as +e +ere lea*in % and - pulled o*er to let hi! pass .the Eapporiu!% thou h it has a ne+ !otor% doesn,t o fast uphill/. <ust for fun - said% H-s he one of the uys +ho +orks under roundR, and she told !e he,s a uard there% on his +ay ho!e after +ork% and that he,s not a+are of
us or +hat he,s uardin in the facility. 3e noted that there +ere also no uard rails on the hi h+ay oin up out of this side of the *alley% thou h it,s a "eautifully en ineered road% +ell pa*ed% !arked and "anked% +ith e*en a shoulder. ;$ couple of !onths later +e sa+ a J0( of ne+ uardrails there= 0ur route +as to take us to 0l!ancha% "ut - !issed a turn and ca!e out t+enty !iles north of there on @2 :ML. - noticed that there +ere e*en !ore +hite *ehicles on the California side than in 1e*ada. (he clerk in the as station/store stared at us so !uch% that as +e left% - )okin ly asked Carol if he +as a reptilian% and she said% Hyes., <ust then t+o un!arked *ans% a +hite one and a sil*er one% "oth +ith hea*ily tinted +indo+s and no license plates% sped past us at a"out ei hty !iles an hour% *ery close to ether. Carol said there +ere four uys in each one% hea*ily ar!ed% !ostly $!erican% "ut +ith so!e Bussians and #id-easterners a!on the!% dressed in "lack% and that they +ere really scared of us. -n that part of California% people rarely dri*e that fastGyou need to et closer to J$ and the other !etro areas to see that/ 2he said they,d "een instructed to run us off the road leadin out of Death Falley% "ut couldn,t et to us in ti!e. -f +e,d stopped to drop a holy hand renade% they +ould ha*e otten their +ish. (hanks% 3in !akers5 -,d like to o "ack +ith so!e friends in a cara*an to do that one% since they apparently don,t like to ha*e +itnesses +hen they kill people that +ay. #ay"e - could )ust si n up for a tour +ith so!e retireesGdrop the 99 then et "ack on the "us. #ay"e you could do it. 2o !any secret "ases% so little ti!e5 $s thou h that +eren,t enou h e8cite!ent for one e*enin % +e,d seen so !any H@60s,G- use that ter! ad*isedly% since Carol,s a"le to identify all of the! and tell +here they,re fro!Gthat ni ht that they no lon er needed !uch co!!ent. (he !ost interestin one% to !e% +as a lon oran e one +ith a lot of li hts alon the side% !o*in at a steady rate "elo+ the clouds in front of us I not !akin any effort to hide. 2he said that +as one of the Fenus uys, "i er ships. (hey +eren,t e*en concerned a"out us this ti!e and only use their s!aller craft to sur*eille us. $s far as +e kno+% these are the only nice off+orlders "esides the .no+ friendly/ reptilians +e !et in D!ida +ho still use technolo y that,s disa"led "y a Che!"uster or Bi 2ecret ;2uccor 7unch=. 3e "elie*e that this is +hy they keep ta"s on us. #ay"e they can see enou h of the pro"a"ilities that they consider us a link to ettin "etter technolo y fro! the Je!urians and others. $l Nray sent us tapes of so!e *ery interestin talks "y Bar"ara #arciniak. Carol ets *isits "y 7leiadians +hen she needs e8traordinary healin after predatory attacks% and +e feel that this is their pri!ary purpose hereG indi*idual healin and uidance. 3e are co!in to "elie*e that if +e are to fi8 +hat ails hu!an society% +hich is +hat also ails our planet% +e need to take the initiati*e and find the solutions% rather than ettin the! handed to us "y off+orlders. (o !e% this also accounts for the ad!itted trickery and !aze-like directi*es that Bar"ara and other .le iti!ate% in our opinion/ channelers et fro! off+orlders. (he only pro"le! +e,re ha*in +ith so!e of the nati*e reptilians is that +e ha*en,t earned their respect. Nettin their respect helps us and it helps the! !o*e out of a predatory a+areness. (here are only t+enty or so predatory reptilian hi*es% accordin to the infor!ation +e,d otten fro! one of their Kueens +hile she +as under duress fro! our Bi 2ecret ;2uccor 7unch= and a friend of ours turned one of the! around all "y herself. 3e turned another around +ith the help of one of the Je!urians +e !et on 2hasta at the su!!er solstice last <une% and +ill +ork +ith our 1a!i"ian friends on turnin the Kueen of the $frican hi*e +ho controls all of the *oodoo on that continent. 0ne of our friends in Bosnia !ay help us turn the Kueen of the hi*e +hich controls the British aristocracy% Eionis!% -sla!ic funda!entalis!% the alle ed 3orld 0rder% the @1% the -#6% etc. $ friend in 6inland has the opportunity to help us turn the Kueen of the hi*e that controls the Bussian No*ern!ent and !ilitary% and all that re!ains to dise!po+er the rest of the alle edly potent tyranny in the +orld is to find so!e"ody +ho can do the sa!e for the Kueen of the hi*e +hich controls the Chinese o*ern!ent and !ilitary. (he rest are s!all chan e. (+o 9oly 9and renades% placed in the ri ht locations% are all that,s needed to do the deed for each hi*e% thou h in so!e cases one is enou h% and "oth can "e re!o*ed any ti!e% "ut
not "y the reptilians or their hu!an !inions. (his story is "etter than any 9olly+ood script or science fiction "ecause it,s real. @nlike so!e% +ho char e up to si8ty dollars for a "ook on this su")ect% +e +ill ne*er take a penny for this narrati*e or for infor!ation and co!!erce related to the Che!"usters and 9oly 9and renades. 3e,ll continue to earn our li*elihood in unrelated +ays so that +e can,t "e accused of ha*in a profit !oti*e +ith this story. $lso% anyone +ho kno+s us can assure you that the notion of a follo+in is repu nant to Carol and -% so that,s not a !oti*atin factor. 3e +ill ne*er inter*ie+ for !ainstrea! radio% (F% as +e consider this the kiss of death for any serious pioneer these days. (hat policy is su")ect to chan e after the current parasitic/predatory +orld re i!e is replaced .2001% please Nrid5/% and +e ha*e no pro"le! at all +ith the fact that !ost people +ho read our narrati*e do so si!ply for the entertain!ent *alue. -t +as ettin close to !idni ht as +e +ere on the final le to our destination on the outskirts of Ne!orrah% a #otel 2i8 "eside a Denny,s in 7al!dale. Dast of the hi h+ay% near the top of a !ountain% in the *icinity of the China Jake secret facility% - sa+ a lar e% lo+in area. -t re!inded !e of the second @60 pheno!enon -,d seen four years earlier% in British Colu!"ia. Carol +as leanin a ainst the door% sleepin . - turned to ask her +hat it +as% and decided not to% since - kne+ ho+ tired she +as. 2he held up her hand and !o*ed it like she +as pushin so!ethin a+ay fro! her face. $s she often does% she +oke up +hen - looked at her% so - pointed at the lo+% and said H3hat,s thatR, H0h% - thou ht - +as drea!in . 0ne of the little +hite alien uys fro! that ship kept ettin in !y face% tellin !e to listen to hi!. - +as pushin hi! a+ay% "ut he kept co!in "ack. (hey look sort of like the cro+d of cute little uys on N$J$Q? U@D2(% "ut they are friendly% +hiter and stockier than those% and ha*e ar!s that han do+n to their knees and kno"s on the "acks of their heads. (here are se*eral of their craft on the !ountain% illu!inatin an area of it% "ut you can,t see the craft the!sel*es. (hey said not to tell anyone +here they,re fro!% +hich is a planet that hu!ans don,t kno+ a"out yet% any+ay., $s - continued dri*in south% the "ri ht spot !o*ed up and o*er the !ountain rid e% )ust as the one in Canada did. Carol told !e that this is also +hat - sa+ four years earlier. Carol cli!"ed into the "ack ri ht after she said that and slept in the "ed until +e arri*ed here. -,! in the !otel no+% the ne8t !ornin % +ritin it all do+n +hile it,s fresh in !y !e!ory. 9ere,s Hthe rest of the story., Cashi% +ho is the $tlantean elder +e !et on #t. 2hasta at the autu!n eKuino8 in &'''% +hich +as the "e innin of our current *enture% sho+s up no+ and then% and this +as one of those ti!es. 9e +as there +hen the little uy +as tryin to et Carol,s attention% so Carol asked Cashi if this +as i!portant and he said that it +as. 2he also asked the 3in !akers% of +ho! Cashi is apparently one no+ and then% and three of the! +ere also there and e*eryone told her% HJisten% "ecause the little uy +ants to i*e you the description of a de*ice that Don,s to !ake. 9o+e*er% Don,s not to tell anyone a"out it until you "oth fi ure out +hat it does5, 2he a*e !e that description% and -,! pleased to say that it has no !o*in parts and is in line +ith thin s +e,re already doin % so - hope to i*e you a report on the outco!e in the ne8t install!ent .no char e% of course V-/ -,ll fiddle +ith it "efore - o to 1a!i"ia ne8t +eek. 1a!i"ia is a "etter place to play +ith this stuff% - think "ecause there,s no 9$$B7% #C@J(B$% or other dis ustin electronic facilities near there to ske+ the process or results of +eird science pro)ects. Don Croft
Episode 15 #aro$ #roft Ta/es +n +0)S #ure To 1en-a "y Don Croft /dc/adc1Laidscuretokenya&Pfe"'&.sht!l 6e". &P% &''& - ot an e!ail reKuest fro! the director of a foundation that or anizes and supplies a *illa e clinic and orphana e in a *illa e in Cenya% near Jake Fictoria% last $u ust. (he reKuest +as for a donation of zappers to i*e to $-D2 sufferers there. $fter so!e !ore correspondence% the director asked if -Od "e +illin to o there and teach the folks ho+ to use the zappers% so Carol and - discussed that and decided that Carol !i ht "e a "etter candidate for that. D*er since - first disco*ered% firsthand% that zappers cure $-D2% -Od "een dyin for an opportunity to take this infor!ation to $frica% +hich is under oin a enocidal pro ra!% +hich has "een usin $-D2 to reduce the population. -O! personally as incensed a"out this as others do a"out the enocide co!!itted on the Duropean <e+s and Nypsies in the pre*ious century. -O*e al+ays "een curious to kno+ +hy these people arenOt up in ar!s a"out the current enocide pro ra!. 1otice that -O! not !entionin na!es. -tOs "ecause the director kne+ instincti*ely that her or anization +ould "e )eopardized if the +ord ot out a"out +hat +e +ere conte!platin . #edical students fro! a !a)or uni*ersity and a +ell-kno+n naturopathic colle e *olunteered re ularly for a !onth at a stretch to ad!inister the supplies of her"s% nutrients% ho!eopathic and other re!edies to the $-D2 sufferers and to deli*er these supplies to the clinicOs s!all apothecary. (here are no carriers to these places% so if itOs not taken in lu a e% it +onOt likely arri*e. (hatOs an interestin co!!ent on !any of the relief efforts +e hear a"out. Carol +as asked not to freely discuss her purpose +ith her fello+ tra*elers% thou h the Cenyan liaison in the @2 +ho +ould "e oin alon to super*ise the *olunteers +as +ell infor!ed and supporti*e. Dach of the *olunteers% includin Carol% "ou ht their o+n plane tickets "ut their Cenyan hosts pro*ided hospitality and !eals durin their stay. 3e !ade up a "unch of re ular% no-frill zappers for the Cenyan +o!an to distri"ute accordin to her discretion and Carol took a s!all cro+d zapper .zaps three people at a ti!e throu h s!all% hand-held copper pipes/ that !ade for her to donate to the *illa e clinic% alon +ith a little 1&* "attery and a solar panel to char e it daily. 2he also took alon a fe+ (er!inators .our current zapper !odel/ ;contact [email protected] for !ore info on (er!inators= and t+o 9oly 9and renades .99 /% +hich are cone-shaped or one enerators of our desi n. 2oon after their arri*al in the *illa e% so!e +o!en sho+ed up to dance for the! in the house +here theyOd "e stayin . Carol reco nized the! as +itches% of course% and the dance +as done to ensure their protection and safety durin their stay. -t +as apparent% pretty soon% +hy these +o!en found it necessary to protect the!. T1i ht runnersT are !en +ho run throu h the forest .al!ost entirely !ade of thorn trees/ naked e*ery ni ht% accostin people +ho are not in their houses% so!eti!es in*adin the houses the!sel*es. (here are no streetli hts% of course% and not e*en a s!all enerator in !ost *illa es. (hese uys +ere *oodoo practitioners and that area of Cenya +as not a happy place at that ti!e. 3here *oodoo predo!inates% there is usually so!e for! of control throu h terror that keeps ordinary people fro! !o*in around after dark. (his is co!!on in the countryside of 9aiti% accordin to the "ook% (he 2erpent and (he Bain"o+% and Carol told !e that there +as a pre*alent a!"ience of hopelessness and despair in that re ion% thou h all $frican people are naturally prone to e8u"erant happiness and lo*e of life. 2he kept lots of coins in her pockets for +hen the s!all cro+d of orphans s+ar!ed out of the +oods +hen she +alked "y each day. 2he +as surprised that they see!ed as thou h they didnOt ha*e a care in the +orld. (heir parents had !ostly died of $-D2. 2he learned that the O ood !a icO is !ostly done "y +o!en and the *oodoo is !ostly done "y !en% and that the
latter is fostered and pro!oted "y the un-natural neocolonial for! of o*ern!ent there. 2he also found that these +o!en are not afraid or e*en re!otely inti!idated "y the ni ht runners% +ho !ore likely fear and respect these +o!en. (he +hole continent is not like this% apparently% and +hen Carol later )oined !e in 1a!i"ia% she e8pressed profound relief that it +as so co!forta"le there and relati*ely free of !isery. 2he treasures her friendship +ith the people she +orked +ith in the *illa e% her hosts and the !any $-D2 sufferers she helped to cure the!sel*es% of course% and it +as pretty apparent to her that a fe+ holy hand renades and cloud"usters in that re ion could turn the ta"les% in short order% on those ni ht runners and the stran lehold they had on the population. - later had the pleasure of their acKuaintance +hen nine of the! astrally follo+ed Carol ho!e% "ut that account co!es to+ard the end of this chapter. -ncidentally she sort of sneaked one of the 9oly 9and renades into the roof of her hostsO ho!e the first day she +as there% and it rained e*ery sin le ni ht thereafter% shortly after sunset. (hey +ere astonished "y that% since they had "een e8periencin a de*astatin drou ht for Kuite a+hile. - +asnOt surprised to learn +hy this could happen-in areas of the +orld +here there is *ery intense or one acti*ity e*en a s!all or one enerator can unlock ener y i!"alances in the at!osphere% as a cloud"uster +ill in less ener etic surroundin s. $pparently the entire continent of $frica is a zone of intense or one acti*ity and itOs fairly pristine% since there are *ery fe+ !icro+a*e trans!itter/recei*ers% cell phone to+ers% etc.% +hich tend to deaden or one fields and discoura e free or one circulation in the at!osphere. - personally "elie*e that another factor responsi"le for the lo*ely or one there is the e8u"erance of the Black $fricans and their essential sense of har!ony% fostered o*er the !illennia% until *ery recently% "y a social syste! characterized "y po+er sharin "et+een !en and +o!en. (he conditions in $frica !ay "e si!ilar to +hat the +hite settlers found here in 1orth $!erica and no+ +eOre in the process of returnin our o+n continent to those pristine conditions +ith our cloud"usters and other or one de*ices% alon +ith !any other folks. ?ou can see or one currents if you look at a !onochro!e "ack round% especially "lue sky% and let your eyes o out of focus the +ay they do +hen you look at one of those posters that look like !ulti-color% chaotic dots until a :D i!a e appears. (he currents of healthy or one are "ri hter than the "ack round% the currents of the un"alanced or one are darker% and "oth see! to appear and disappear +ithin a second or t+o. -n $frica +e noticed that the "ri ht currents far outnu!"er the dark ones% and that the currents are !uch "ri hter% fatter% and last half a ain as lon as the ones in 1orth $!erica. 0f course% Carol and other sensiti*es )ust see the ener y itself% any+here% any ti!e% "ut this e8ercise is so!ethin you and - can do. (he !ed students that Carol shared sleepin Kuarter +ith +ere aloof and unfriendly +ith her the +hole ti!e% e8cept for a "rief interchan e +ith one or t+o of the friendlier ones. #ost ot a li ht case of #alaria% thou h they had "e un takin the prophylactic dru for !alaria "efore their arri*al and throu hout the trip. Carol tried takin the pills% "ut they !ade her feel sick% so she )ust kept her (er!inator ;contact [email protected] for !ore info= the +hole ti!e and she ne*er ot !alaria or any other sickness. 0ne of the first $-D2 sufferers she !et +as a youn +o!an +ho +as so far ad*anced in the illness that she could no lon er hold her head up and could only "reathe +ith difficulty. $t that point% Carol )ust a*e her a zapper to use% and in a +eek she +as +alkin around. -n another +eek% she had resu!ed her duties at the !ain house% full of ener y and health. By the ti!e Carol +as ready to lea*e the *illa e the +o!an had her "a s packed and +as oin to !o*e to a place in the nearest city. Dach day% Carol sho+ed up at the *illa e clinic% run "y @ncle Naia% +ho raciously "eca!e the proprietor of the cro+d zapper. (he days +ere spent usherin in roups of three $-D2 sufferers at a ti!e% for a half hour or so of zappin % then zappin three !ore% and so on. - !ust say that our purpose in CarolOs *isit +as !ainly to share infor!ation +ith the nati*e $fricans and in*esti ate the conditions there% not to play O reat +hite hopeO or et a reputation for applyin our $-D2 cure. 3e already kne+ that itOs i!possi"le to !o*e enou h zappers into the continent to re*erse the enocide "ein
perpetrated throu h the @1Os a encies .is that e*en de"ata"le any !oreR/% "ut our hope is that enou h $fricans +ill talk to each other a"out curin $-D2 +ith electric current. Dlectric fences are co!!on in !any parts of the continent% "ut not in the area +here Carol *isited. #y stron feelin is that any $-D2 sufferer can si!ply touch an electric fence once a day for three +eeks and e*ery trace of the *irus +ill "e eli!inated. Because of the *itality of the ener y there% people heal *ery% *ery Kuickly% +e noticed. -O! openly statin that $-D2 is *ery easily cured "y !ild electricity passed throu h the skin "y pulsed DC. - et ha!!ered so!eti!es "y professional !ed people for not pro*idin data like la" reports to "ack up !y clai!. tell the! that the "urden of proof is not on !e at all. -tOs not +orth !entionin to the! that thereOs no electricity in that *illa e% !uch less a !odern !edical la". - donOt ha*e any proprietary clai! to that infor!ation and anyone on earth can repeat +hat +eOre doin +ith $-D2. Besides--- also tell the!-!y distrust of !edical la"s is as profound and !y distrust of all the other tentacles of the !edical/dru cartel% and - think itOs ti!e for you to +ake up and stop ser*in that !onster5 D*en tappin a car "attery ter!inal +ith one hand +hile holdin the other ter!inal in the other for t+enty !inutes or so replicates +hat the zapper does. $fricans are e8tre!ely resourceful% so a little infor!ation can o lon +ay. 0ur e8perience +ith zappers curin $-D2 has "een 1''^ success so far. 2o!e of these people et tested after the cure% for confir!ationV so!e donOt "other +ith that .- certainly +ouldnOt "other +ith it/. Carol didnOt do a lot of follo+ up% "ut at least +e kno+ no+ that +hat theyOre callin $-D2 there .+e dou"t that itOs the sa!e en ineered *irus as the one used here/ is as easy to cure% thou h apparently !ore *irulent for the sufferers and kills the! !uch faster than in the +est. 2he found out that the @1 dictates !edical policies in $frica and theyO*e coerced all of the o*ern!ents to !ake treatin $-D2 +ith other than @1-appro*ed dru s strictly unla+ful. 0f course the dru s are ineffecti*e and e*en poisonous .only one in a thousand Black $fricans can afford the!/% )ust like here% and the la+s are hardly enforcea"le% "ut !any reputa"le traditional healers fear for their li*es if they trans ress those la+s% since !ost o*ern!ents there ha*e e*en less Odue processO police practices than +e do here in the land of the for!erly free and "ra*e% +ith our plethora of felonious )ack-"ooted thu a encies% federal% state% county and city. (he "eauty of our cro+d zappers is that% technically% the sufferer treats hi!/herself and the only relationship the $-D2 sufferers ha*e +ith the practitioners is as uests. -O! told "y Neor % a fello+ cloud"uster aficionado in 2outh $frica +ho +orks +ith Eulu chief sha!an% Credo #ut+a% that there is a co!!on plant in $frica that% +hen !ade into a tea% cures $-D2. (his !ay actually "e the ans+er. Neor is feelin pretty do+nhearted a"out this ri ht no+ "ecause% althou h Credo #ut+a is acti*ely ca!pai nin to spread this infor!ation% the 2outh $frican o*ern!ent .1elson #andelaOs re i!e% donOt you kno+R/ has i!ple!ented a focused !edia pro ra! of o"fuscation to pre*ent this infor!ation fro! spreadin . -O! tryin to con*ince Neor that their efforts +ill !ost likely cause the infor!ation to spread faster than if theyOd i nored it% )ust like +hat happens in the @2 +hene*er alternati*e !edicine is attacked "y the felonious feds. 0ur zapper "usiness certainly takes a Nreat Jeap 6or+ard in the nu!"er of orders e*ery ti!e they try to +hack Dr. 9ulda Clark% for instance. - kno+ that there really is no such thin as "ad pu"licity these days. 3eO*e co!e a lon +ay since the 1ML'Os +hen the O o alon to et alon O Depression Ba"ies and 33-- *ets stood idly "y and e*en cheered +hen Dr. 3ilhel! BeichOs "ooks +ere pu"licly "urned "y the felonious federal a ents and he +as then railroaded into prison and !artyred. - think the internet +ould ha*e died on the *ine if it +ere introduced in those "leak days. Carol didnOt let on that she +as psychic until the end of her *isit in the *illa e. 3hen the +ord ot out% she +as s+a!ped +ith reKuests "y !others to contact their children +ho had died% !ostly of $-D2. Carol said that the pressure fro! all of those recently deceased children +antin to talk to their !others +as so reat that she si!ply couldnOt "ear it.
(he Cenyan +o!an% @ncle NaiaOs niece% +ho super*ised the *isitors in*ited Carol to #o!"assa for a little BIB "efore their fli ht "ack to the @2% and they stayed in a *ery nice% thatched-roof hotel and spent a day sailin in an $ra"-style dho+ o*er the reefs and the clear% +ar! coastal +aters. -t +as the hi hpoint of her trip in so!e +ays% thou h she +as se*erely sun"urned. $nyone +ho *isits $frica ets sort of addicted to the place% - think "ecause itOs so in*i oratin % "ut - think% also% "ecause the people are so thorou hly fascinatin V e*en the !ost destitute and apparently hopeless "e ars there ha*e a )oie de *i*re and presence of !ind that one rarely sees in 1orth $!erica% e*en a!on the !ost affluent% interestin and "eautiful people. (he a*era e person there is courteous% intelli ent% curious and +illin to con*erse +ith stran ers. (hey recei*e ne+ ideas +ith an open !ind and are Kuick to adopt the! if they find the! +orth+hile. (ypically% if you start tellin a sick person there a"out the zapper% that person +ill put it on "efore you finish your first sentence. -n 1orth $!erica% youOd "e hard pressed to i*e the! a+ay to !ost people% no !atter ho+ sick and desperate they are% thou h this is chan in fairly rapidly these days no+ that the predatory re i!e that created and !aintains the !ind control infrastructure is finally collapsin . 0n the +ay "ack to the @2 there +ere an unusual nu!"er of checkpoints +ith !etal detectors% since it +as only three +eeks after the feds "le+ up the 3(C and 7enta on. 6or so!e reason% Carol +alked throu h those !etal detectors +ithout settin any of the! off% thou h she +as +earin the zapper .it has plenty of !etal in it/ her sil*er necklace and pendants% and plenty of pocket chan e. $ couple of !onths later% +hen - +ent to southern $frica% there +as al!ost no security at all in the Duropean airports - +ent throu h. - uess theyOd fi ured out "y then that the OterroristO attack +as phony% so +hy +aste their !anpo+er on a sha!R Duropeans are pretty pra !atic. (he first ni ht "ack for Carol +as spent in a state of collapse since she hadnOt slept for t+o ni hts "efore that% "ut on the second ni ht +e ot our first *isit "y the Cenyan *oodoo practitioners. Carol had one to sleep "ut +as shakin and cryin % so - +oke her up and asked her +hat +as up. 2he hadnOt discussed her psychic a"ilities in Cenya "ecause she didnOt +ant to ha*e to contend +ith the ni ht runners there. -t +as )ust as +ell% "ecause% althou h - +as sure she could ha*e easily handled the!% no+ - had a chance to try the 2uccor 7unch on hu!an su")ects instead of )ust predatory aliens and nati*e reptilians. (his is the de*ice - +as callin the Bi 2ecret% "ut Carol +as i*en instructions for another de*ice that deser*es that na!e !ore. - canOt talk a"out that one ri ht no+ V-/ 3e acti*ated !y o+n 2uccor 7unch to chase the fello+s +hile Carol used hers to put up a protecti*e "arrier% as they had caused a +ound in her etheric field that +as causin her so!e pretty intense pain in her lo+er "ack. sent the! all the "ea! of intense "lue or one% pulsin at 1L9z% a freKuency that is anathe!a to all predatory and parasitic entities% fro! +hich they +ere una"le to "reak free. Carol and - traced the source of the ener y to the Kueen of a *ery lar e reptilian hi*e that ran fro! 2+akop!und% 1a!i"ia% to a lar e s+a!p% &'' !iles north of Cinshasa% Eaire. 3e learned that this reptilian Kueen +as directly responsi"le for !aintainin the net+ork of *oodoo societies throu hout $frica% throu h ten of her offsprin +ith hu!an fathers. Credo #ut+a tells that the Kueen had in*ited hi! to !ate +ith her "ut he refused. 3e found this out later on. (he OsonO of the Kueen in Cenya occupied a key natural *orte8 +est of 1airo"i. Carol had noticed the *orte8 in the distance on her trip to the *illa e and sa+ that it +as se*erely distorted. 2he had hoped to tra*el there on the +ay "ack and put the other holy hand renade there to heal it% "ut no"ody +ould a ree to take her there "ecause of the reputation of the place as a site +here canni"alis! +as openly practiced. 0ne Cenyan did a ree to later put the 99 on the rounds of the presidential palace in 1airo"i% thou h. 3hen +e +ere tracin the ener y fro! the *isitors% - asked Carol to take a look at the !an in the *orte8. 3e kne+ at that point that he +as Oener izin O our *isitors "ut +e +erenOt a+are of his !o! until Carol scre+ed up her coura e enou h to take a close look at hi! and his surroundin . -t !ust ha*e "een pretty fri htful% "ut of course that fello+ is in the "usiness of fri htenin people. 2he told !e that heOs o"*iously not co!pletely hu!an and that he +as in the process of eatin a hu!an "ody part% ra+% +hen she looked in on hi!. -t +as only a short )u!p after that to connect +ith the !o!% +ho! +e i!!ediately ener ized in the custo!ary !anner. (his took
the +ind out of the sails of our *isitors instantly% and they +ere pretty pitiful lookin as they stu!"led around tryin to fi ure out +hat happened. (he connection theyOd created in CarolOs ener y field% throu h +hich +e found our +ay to the reptilian Kueen% also *anished at that point% thou h +e kept up the connection +eOd for!ed +ith the Kueen throu h the 2uccor 7unch. O2uccorO !eans Oto nourish%O "y the +ay. - donOt think itOs possi"le to har! anyone +ith this ener y% +hich is +hy -O*e arran ed for people to "e a"le to "uy the! no+. - donOt take !oney for this% "ut #ichelle Bid ley is !akin and sellin the! accordin to our specifications. -O*e asked her not to sell these to anyone +ho doesnOt ha*e a cloud"uster% "ecause - feel that one +ill !ore certainly use this in a "alanced +ay if he/she is in the presence of a *ery stron % "alancin or one enerator% +hich is +hat the cloud"uster is. #ichelle also !akes and sells cloud"uster kits and finished cloud"usters if one feels una"le or un+illin to follo+ the instructions for !akin a cloud"uster +hich are found on +++.!etatech.or in the Oche!"usterO section. 1ote that this is not our +e"site and that +e donOt necessarily support the other discussion youOll find there. (he *oodoo uys +ent "ack ho!e after that. Carol assures !e that they had "elie*ed that their Opo+erO ori inated +ithin the!sel*es% so they "eca!e confused and disoriented +hen +e )erked the ru out fro! under the!. (hey left shortly after that% "ut +e continued to ener ize the! for se*eral days after that durin the ti!e of day +hen they +ere in their !ost sound sleep. (hey say itOs a "itch to et enou h sleep +hen you +ork ni hts% so it +as con*enient for us that they +ere sleepin soundly +hen +e +ere +ide a+ake. $llo+in for the 11-hour ti!e difference% +e +oke the! up e*ery day +hen their clocks said M$#% +hich is ri ht a"out +hen they o into BD# sleep. - "et they had ni ht!ares a"out us +hen +e e*entually let the! ha*e their dayOs sleep V-/ (hey still co!e around once in a+hile% "ut theyOre discreet no+% so +e donOt "other the!. 2o!e folks !ay ne*er lo*e you% "ut !ost e*eryone can "e !ade to respect you. 2hortly after the Odust settledO that ni ht% so!e 7leiadians sho+ed up in the roo! to heal the da!a e done to CarolOs etheric "ody. - noticed the! as a distinct feelin % )ust "efore Carol said% Othe 7leiadians are here5O 0nce sa+ one of the! in a +akin *ision as a *aporous "lue entity +ith a "lack sky and a dazzlin % "lue sun in the "ack round. - found our years later% durin a *isit to #t. 2hasta +ith Carol% that this entity is a 7leiadian and ot the sa!e feelin +hen they ca!e to heal Carol that ni ht. (he dolphinsO ener y is si!ilar to that% thou h !uch easier for !e to identify +ith. - can tell you that our e8periences !ake the 2tar (rek series and !o*ies see! a little crude and clu!sy to us% thou h - think that those pro ra!s are a priceless ser*ice to the +hole hu!an race and are al!ost prophetic. - +as correspondin al!ost daily those days +ith Nert Botha in 1a!i"ia. 9e li*es +ithin t+enty !iles of the portal at the southern end of the $frican reptilian hi*e. 9e located it in consultation +ith us throu h e!ail and started !akin plans to close it +ith a holy hand renade% "ut thatOs another story. ?ou !ay re!e!"er that Nert ot the !ost dra!atic cloud"uster results "y stoppin the sandstor!s that had "een al!ost daily occurrences in that part of the 1a!i" Desert and later "rin in se*eral +eeks of thunderstor!s there. -Oll al+ays consider that $frikaaner desert rat !y soul "rother. DditorOs 1ote: Fisit Don CroftOs Cloud"uster Chat 6oru! to et the latest reports on dispersin Che!trails and other fascinatin discussions http://!/ roup/cloud"usters
Episode 1 The #anada E23ursion By Don Croft <[email protected]> #arch P% &''& /dc/adc1Pcanadae8cursion1&!ar'&.sht!l 3e had closed the +est portal of the nati*e reptilian hi*e in +estern Canada last $u ust +ith a holy hand renade. (hat +as near 6t. 2teele% BC% on the +estern ed e of the Canadian Bockies% not far north of the @2 "order. 3e had found the eastern portal% "y do+sin the !ap% in the *icinity of Cal ary% $l"erta% )ust across the !ountains and farther north. $ !onth after +e closed the first portal +e atte!pted to cross the "order "ut +ere turned a+ay. (his ti!e% thou h% +e decided to )ust keep tryin different "order crossin s until +e ot into Canada% "ut +e ot throu h on the first atte!pt-"arely. (he uard asked !e a series of Kuestions. (he last +as O3hatOs the na!e of your "usinessRO and - hesitated% since it has no na!e .nor license% "ond% ta8 nu!"er% etc./ "efore sayin O3orld 3ithout 7arasites5O $ cro+d of uards +ith pepper spray .they arenOt allo+ed to ha*e uns/ s+ar!ed out of the custo!s house% dra ed !e out of the car% thre+ !e on the round and rou hly handcuffed !e5 <ust kiddin -they )ust had us o in and et checked out "y an i!!i ration officer% +ho a*e us dire +arnin s a"out +hat the @2 "order uards +ould pro"a"ly do on our return V-/ -t used to "e so easy5 (hen +e +ere loose in Canada. B+ahahahaha55 3e dro*e "y the for!er portal at 6t. 2teele and Carol said the ener y there +as ood. (hey use a co!"ination of natural *ortices and pro!inent natural features usually% like a steep hillside% "i hole in the round% lake% etc. 3e hadnOt !ade a secret of +hy +e +ere oin to Cal ary and - ad*ised the reptilians +ho +ere follo+in us to tell their friends to et into the hi*e "efore +e ot to the portal. #ost people fail to realize that no non-hu!ans can interfere +ith anyone physically +hen +eOre conscious. (hey ha*e to +ait for an opportunity to !ess +ith us +hen +eOre in a se!i-conscious or unconscious state. <ust ha*in a 99 around +ill discoura e all "ut the !ost persistent a ents .non-hu!ans and o*Ot operati*es alike/ fro! approachin us% and a 2uccor 7unch% used )udiciously% +ill train the! to keep their distance fore*er after. (+o craft kept flyin directly o*er us% and three ti!es one of the! dropped so!ethin on our +indshield +hich sounded like pe""les. 3e +erenOt follo+in other *ehicles% the road +as clear and the sky +as cloudless. $fter three ti!es% Carol used the 2uccor 7unch on the! and they dropped far "ehind us I !onitored at a distance. Carol said they didnOt think +eOd close their other portal until +e ot +ithin a hundred !iles of so of Cal ary. -t see!s that the *arious hi*e Kueens co!!unicate +ith each other on a Oneed to kno+O "asis% since se*eral predatory hi*es ha*e "een closed do+n in the past year or so% "ut the ne+ ones apparently donOt "elie*e +e can do that. (he location +as northeast of Cal ary. 3hile dri*in throu h the city - ot lost and +ent se*eral !iles in the +ron direction. $t that point% thou h% Carol could see the *orte8 in +hich the portal +as located% so +e )ust dro*e to+ard that and e*entually found the ri ht hi h+ay. $ little +hile later% +e could see the location fro! the hi h+ay-it appeared to "e in or near the cityOs electrical po+er plant% +hich +as lit up like Disneyland. (hat !ade sense to !e% since +eOd seen% in dayli ht% a couple of reptilian discs flyin alon the hi h tension lines that o to Jos $n eles% apparently dra+in po+er to ena"le the! to cloak the!sel*es. 7arasites are as parasites do% after all. 3e +ere near the entrance to the po+er plant +hen Carol sa+ the t+o craft "olt into an openin in the round in a s!all ro*e of trees )ust across the hi h+ay fro! the uarded entrance. - turned around% parked the car and
+alked to the ro*e% +here - put an 99 in a ood spot. - felt people +atchin !e as - ot "ack into the car and Carol said that the uards +ere instructed to !onitor acti*ity across the hi h+ay% thou h they +erenOt told +hy. Carol said that a"out ei ht craft ot into the hole "efore +e ot there. - sa+ t+o of the! as +e +ere approachin the city. $t ni ht% they flash inter!ittently "ut not rhyth!ically like the li hts on aircraft do. - +anted the! all to et into the hi*e "efore +e closed their re!ainin portal "ecause it apparently takes a lon ti!e to !ake another one and "ecause theyOre kind of like old 2a!urai% +ho are une!ploya"le once their !aster has died. (he nicer reptilians +ill a"sor" ne+co!ers into their hi*e% "ut the predatory ones +onOt% e8cept as lunch% perhaps. 2ince +eOd "een on the road for t+el*e hours% +e ot a !otel near the 0ly!pics co!ple8 on the +est ed e of to+n. -t +as pretty cold% and +e noticed +ith a little trepidation that all of the cars there had oil pan heaters +hich +ere plu ed into the +all. Carol "arely ot the car started ne8t !ornin due to the cold. By the +ay% a Canadian +ho is !arried to a 2panish +o!an told !e that the na!e OCanadaO actually is fro! the Darly 2panish !ap!akers +ho% +hen asked +hat +as in that re ion% replied% O$ca% nada5O (hat !eans% O@p there% nothin 5O - donOt kno+ if thatOs true% "ut itOs a terrific antidote V-/ $ctually% any $!erican +ho tra*els in Canada has to ad!it that itOs a lot prettier than here. -t did occur to !e that perhaps the reason there +ere so !any nati*es there +hen the +hite !an arri*ed is that they could "e assured of not "ein attacked for a"out nine !onths out of e*ery year due to the nu!"in cold. (he ne8t t+el*e-hour dri*e throu h the Bockies and Nlacier 1ational 7ark +as alon one of the !ost scenic hi h+ays on the continent. $ fello+ +ho +as directin traffic for a road repair cre+ *isited +ith us for a fe+ !inutes +hile +e +aited to pass. 9e told us that forty "elo+ zero in "oth Celsius and 6ahrenheit are the sa!e actual te!perature% and thatOs +hat Canadians consider cold. 3e $!ericans +ho listen to 7rairie 9o!e Co!panion and shi*er at the thou ht of li*in in #innesota durin the +inter really donOt ha*e a clue a"out ho+ cold a place can "e and still "e considered ho!e. 3e +ent directly +est "ut the ne8t day +e +ere in a rain forest in Fancou*er% BC% puttin an 99 in a lake surrounded "y *i"rant reen *e etation. 3e spent that ni ht in Chilli+ack% thou h% +hich is at the eastern end of the 6raser Bi*er Falley% 6' !iles fro! Fancou*er% +here lacial peaks can "e seen on three sides. 3e +anted to !eet Dennis% +ho has a cloud"uster there% and tell hi! the ood ne+s that his cloud"uster +as destroyin the che!trails in Ca!loops% BC% 1L' !iles a+ay to the northeast. - didnOt ha*e his last na!e or phone nu!"er% unfortunately. By the +ay% those che!trails in Ca!loops +ere the first +e sa+ alon the +ay fro! our ho!e in northern -daho. 0n day three +e dro*e do+n the *alley to Fancou*er% stoppin to call Dale in $ler ro*e% +ho +as not a"le to spend the day +ith us% "ut +ho is in the process of puttin to ether a plan to heal the +ounded earth in his nei h"orhood +ith 99 s to supple!ent his cloud"usterOs efforts. Carol had do+sed fifteen locations in the !etropolitan area. $s it turned out% !ost of these locations are in parks% +hich supports 7reston 1icholOs clai! that predatory acti*ity is protected in perpetuity .they +ish5/ "y placin it on city% county% state or national parks. 3e put do+n ei ht 99 s on the +ay to 2te*enOs to sa*e ti!e. #ost of the! had o"*ious characteristics% and !ost of the! +ere fairly re!ote fro! peopleOs ho!es and "usinesses. $fter - put one in Deer Jake in Burna"y sa+ so!e"ody peekin at !e fro! "ehind a tree. Carol told !e it +as a tree spirit and that she sa+ her% too. (he ele!ental +as *ery pleased +ith +hat -Od done and +anted !e to kno+ it. (hese are usually as tall as people. sa+ one in a photo of a tree once.
3e !et 2te*e at his apart!ent in the early afternoon% and took a second !ap so he could do+se the locations in the 3est Dnd% +hich is the do+nto+n area of the city. 3e did this in 3akop!und% 1a!i"ia% +ith our friend Carsten% +ho do+sed the sa!e locations that Carol did on a separate !ap. 2te*e has a natural talent for this% +hich didnOt surprise !e. - could ha*e spent a couple of days )ust lookin at his interestin "ooks and artifacts% "ut +e needed to do the city% so +ent off to +ork after ha*in coffee and so!e !ap do+sin . (hank Nrid 2te*e had the presence of !ind to keep us on track oin to the nine locations they do+sed. - really appreciate people like 2te*e +ho can stay that focused. -Od otten lost se*eral ti!es "efore - reached his address and Fancou*er is one of those cities that arenOt laid out strictly on a rid. -t is the !ost "eautiful city in 1orth $!erica% thou h% and filled +ith a *ariety of ethnic populations% +hich adds to its char!. 2te*eOs cloud"uster +as in reat shape and needed no i!pro*e!ent. 3e really like +hat he did +ith the !a nets and coils around the pipes I -Oll try that on one of ours. -tOs si8ty feet off the round "ut Carol said the ener y is clear and lar e% )ust like ours. 9is "arrel of alu!inu! !ade !e a little reen +ith en*y% "ut - ot o*er it. 9is first atte!pt at !akin an 99 didnOt turn out as he +ished% "ut Carol said it +ould "e appropriate for the #asonic (e!ple. 3e had "een takin turns depositin the 99 s% and +hen +e ot to the te!ple it +as 2te*eOs turn. $s +e +ere parkin % a !ason +as approachin % lookin rather intently into the car. Carol told us he +as telepathic and kne+ +e +ere up to so!ethin % "ut 2te*er !ana ed to et his 99 in place in the fe+ seconds +e +ere out of the fello+Os *ie+ as he turned a corner. 9e sa+ us a ain as he entered the te!ple% "ut 2te*e +as ettin "ack into the car. (hat +as the only close call that day% thou h the sa!e cop sho+ed up each ti!e +e stopped to put an 99 in the first four locations earlier in the day. Carol said he +as i*in a *isual confir!ation and that a transponder% connected to satellites% has "een in our car since +e +ere in Death Falley in <anuary. 1o+ - understood +hy they "roke into our car there .- had put clear tape across all the door% hood and trunk ed es "efore +e +ent to "ed that ni ht% and the front passen er door OsealO had "een co!pro!ised/. 3e decided to )ust lea*e it there "ecause +e et points for not "ein inti!idated "y the predatory +orld re i!e. - like ettin points% thou h it feels like +eO*e already +on the a!e. -tOs kind of like countin coup V-/ -O! sure it dri*es the! to distraction. -Od put Carol up a ainst their "est psychics any day. - think +eO*e already done that a fe+ ti!es% actually. 3e noticed that the ed e of the 9$$B7 o*ercast !o*ed closer in to+ard the city durin the day% "ut the sky chan ed +hen +e +ere done and it rained steadily after that% +hich indicated a chan e for the "etter in the cityOs or one field. Carol had noted that the e8cellent or one "lanket had "een suppressed to the round as thou h "y Kuilt stitches% +hich +e all undid +ith the 99 s. 3e feel sure that this has put 2te*eOs CB in touch +ith that field% so the earth +ill no+ "e a"le to use it "etter to co!!unicate +ith the sky and re-esta"lish the ri ht +eather patterns. - ot to put the 99 in Uueen Dliza"eth 7ark V-/ and - put it "et+een the roots of a *ery tall tree. 0n 6riday% the pre*ious day% +e ot thirty rolls of Canadian pennies at a "ank in Be*elstoke% BC% "ecause - like to put the UueensO face on each of our (er!inators% as a kindness to her. (his is one s!all +ay that she can *icariously +ork off .throu h the zapperOs healin ener y/ so!e of the personal de"t to hu!anity and the earth that is accruin fro! her enthusiastic sponsorship of this predatory% enocidal% poisonous +orld re i!eOs "ankin houses in Jondon and 1e+ ?ork. $s +e dro*e the thirty or so !iles to the @2 "order% the rain continued% then stopped ri ht "efore the crossin . 0n the other side% the +ind +as "lo+in the opposite +ay .fro! the east/ and there +as no rain. (he only pro"le! ettin "ack into the @2 +as +hen the "order uard sa+ the re!ainin 99 s and asked !e +hat they +ere. - had hi! hold one and put his nose o*er the point and told hi! they +ere ifts% +hich is certainly true. Carol +as pretty i!pressed that - ot hi! to do that. -n case you donOt kno+% +hen you put your nose o*er the point of an 99 and "reathe% the effect is e8actly like +hen you "reathe pure o8y en-your ri" ca e e8pands like an accordion and you feel re)u*enated. (hatOs an or one effect.
Episode 1! We S$o4ed Time )o4n on Saturda-5 Mar3h 235 2&&2 By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adc1S+eslo+eddo+nti!eon&:!ar'&.sht!l #arch &6% &''& Dr. Jinda Cin s"ury is an old friend and associate of !y +ifeOs. 2he has a healin center here in #osco+% -daho and is particularly ifted at +orkin +ith her"s throu h the ele!entals that are the her"sO custodians. $ couple of years a o% +hile recuperatin fro! a "one fracture .it forced her to slo+ do+n V-/ she had a *ision of a Olaunch padO !ade pri!arily fro! a copper rid confi uration. $ !onth or so a o% she felt a stron need to ha*e a lar e pyra!id in her studio% so - !ade one out of copper pipes and fittin s-ten feet sKuare% each side an eKuilateral trian le% so itOs around se*en feet tall. 9er intention +as to ha*e her healin circle atherin s +ithin the pyra!id. @sually% fi*e% or so% local +o!en% includin Carol% sho+ up for these at the ne+ !oon to +ork on healin the!sel*es% the city% the re ion and the planet. .$ side-note: a fe+ +eeks a o so!e"ody on the CB foru! posted that "reathin o*er the point of a holy hand renade +as like "reathin pure o8y en% and sure enou h% +e found it to "e true./ (hereOs a 2t. BusterOs Button in one corner of the ten foot pyra!id +hich keeps the pyra!id hi hly char ed +ith pure or one and free of the un"alanced or one alto ether. (he ladies took turns standin on a ladder and sniffin o*er the ape8 of the ten footer. 0ne of the! "eca!e Kuite dizzy% like +hen you hyper*entilate% and Carol said that if you touch the person +ho is "reathin o*er the ape8 you et the sa!e "reathin effect yourself. (akin the little 2t. BusterOs Button a+ay fro! the lar er pyra!id di!inishes that effect Kuite dra!atically. Jinda had asked !e for a s!aller pyra!id% t+o feet sKuare% to "e put inside the lar er one% "ut didnOt yet kno+ +hy she needed it. 3ithin a fe+ days of JindaOs initial Opyra!id reKuest%O a fello+ D-!ailed !e +ith an odd story .- like anythin odd% of course/. 9is partner had )ust disappeared and their eKuip!ent +as confiscated shortly after they announced that theyOd slo+ed do+n ti!e in the field under a rotatin pyra!id +hich had crystals in the corners. kne+ ri ht a+ay that his story and JindaOs o"sessions +ere connected% so - told Jinda a"out it and she a reed to e8peri!ent +ith us in that *ein and pro!ised to see a"out recallin the e8act pattern of the Olaunch padO rid sheOd seen in her *ision. Jinda and Carol are "oth adept at spontaneous astral tra*el% "y the +ay% so itOs a real party +hene*er they et to ether. JOs *ision of the launch pad a*e her the i!pression it +as for the purpose of astral tra*el. - +as ettin a kick out of kno+in that !y ideas +ould cause thin s to happen lo+er do+n than the psychic centers V-/ -n fact% it turned out that the focal point of the ener y of this e8peri!ent +as "et+een the heart and solar ple8us of the person sittin under the rotatin pyra!id. -f any tra*el +as to take place% it +as uaranteed to happen in a !ore inte rated +ay than *ia the astral. - Kuickly !ade t+o pyra!ids% t+o feet sKuare% out of aT copper pipes% last 6riday% "ein careful to scre+ all of the )oints to ether so that it +ouldnOt co!e apart and drop on so!e"odyO head +hile rotatin . - do+sed the crystals to use and put a s!all D/( in each corner of the "otto!% a8es dia onal and horizontal% and a 4T lon % sin le ter!inated one% that - ot fro! a roadside *endor in the 1a!i" Desert in <anuary% han in fro! the ape8 strai ht do+n. Jinda +rapped that one in copper +ire so it +ould han "etter. 2he had dra+n a rou h dia ra! of the launch pad on paper for us% ha*in otten the inspiration a ain shortly "efore that. -t includes the spiral that she desi ned for the 2t. BusterOs Button .therapeutic holy 9and renade/ last <une. 2o +e sho+ed up at JindaOs office 2aturday afternoon ready to o to +ork .play/. 3e do+sed the correct hei ht of the s!all pyra!id and hun it "y a looped strin so it +ould keep spinnin +hen +e +ound it up. Carol took
her +atch off and laid it "eside Jinda% +ho +as the first su")ect% after +e "oth synchronized our +atches. - donOt need to o into all the details at this point% "ut clearly +e needed the launch pad dia ra! to co!plete our e8peri!ent% so +e each took a turn for a"out t+enty !inutes under it +hile the other t+o +atched. Carol and Jinda +ere +atchin the aura and pyra!idsO ener y I - +as )ust +atchin the countenance% +hich !y +ork +ith zappers o*er the years has i*en !e so!e a+areness of .+hen a personOs "rain parasites are killed% for instance% thereOs a !arked i!pro*e!ent of oneOs countenance-so!eti!es the person looks like so!e"ody else +ithin a"out t+enty !inutes/. Carol and Jinda "oth considera"ly li htened +hen they +ere sittin under the pyra!id% !ore so +hen they put the launch pad under the!. (he launch pad has an a8is. 3hen itOs turned side+ays% the ener y is dra+n do+n+ard. 3hen itOs turned front to "ack% the ener y !o*es up+ard and thereOs apparently a chan e of !ass +hen this is done as the pyra!id o*erhead turns in a clock+ise direction. 3ithout the launch pad so!e interestin thin s happen% "ut theyOre not particularly note+orthy. $ll of us could feel the +hirlin ener y created "y the rotatin pyra!ids% and it only felt really nice +hen it +as oin clock+ise. 0ur take is that this is +hen +e lost one !inute on the +atch +ithin the field in a"out one hour rather than +hen the pyra!id +as rotatin counter clock+ise. (hat +ill "e easy to check% of course. 3eOll et around to e8peri!entin so!e !ore so!eti!e% "ut - think itOs !ore i!portant to et this little report out successfully than to et "i er results% and itOs oin to take !e a fe+ days to !ake the launch pads .-O! !akin t+o% of course V-/ out of soldered +ire% sand+iched in t+o pieces of 1&T dia!eter ply+ood. Jinda en*isioned another pyra!id .the second one - !ade V-/ in*erted in the first one% sort of like the #erka"a% so that +ill co!e shortly I -Oll send you a report on that% too. 3eOll "e ettin a fi*e-le ed 2tar Nate fro! Neor e 9u hes +hen he returns to Dn land ne8t !onth .thanks% Bonen in -srael% for tellin us a"out Neor e and your o+n 2tar Nate5/5 -O! sure this is connected to +hat +eOre doin . (he fello+ +ho contacted !e +ith the ti!e !anipulation account +anted to et a cloud"uster so that he could ha*e enou h protection to et "ack to +ork +ithout ettin !olested a ain. - ha*enOt heard fro! hi! since% "ut suspect - +ill so!eday. 1otice that this is e8tre!ely lo+ tech. (he predators at #ontauk and other secret o*ern!ent facilities% +ho !istake feral cunnin for intelli ence% are ettin results +ith ti!e !anipulation usin i a+atts of electricity and lots and lots of alien technolo y% "ut - "elie*e +eOre onto so!ethin here that is in line +ith the technolo y of the Je!urians and other hi her races +ho are not stuck in a predatory loop like the races +ho are in*ol*ed +ith our alle ed +orld order. Dr. Nre""eniko*% Fiktor 2chau"er er and a fe+ others ha*e also disco*ered principles of ra*ity !anipulation that are relati*ely lo+ tech "ut profoundly effecti*e. -n !ost cases% these pioneers learned +hat they kne+ "y o"ser*in nature% not "y del*in into clu!sy !aterialistic science as the #ontauk researchers and their alien handlers ha*e done and for +hich theyOre apparently already payin their spiritual dues V-/ 9o+e*er% -O! in total a ree!ent +ith Danion BrinkleyOs assertion that all of the hi h tech co!!unication and transportation de*ices +eOre all usin no+ are i!portant inter!ediate steps up to+ard the le*el of no tech reliance on our o+n psycho-spiritual natures to !anifest our needs in har!ony +ith uni*ersal la+. 3e +ould do +ell to honor +here +e are no+% since thatOs the only +ay +eOll "e ettin the infor!ation +e need to !o*e "eyond it. (his report is an act of a ression on !y part% pure and si!ple. - O! sendin this out to you "efore postin it on the cloud"uster foru! so that the fed a ents +ho ha*e "een interferin +ith the posts of so!e of the !e!"ers there +ill kno+ that there are other +ays to et this infor!ation out to a lot of people% and% "elie*e !e% (hey 3ill Cno+ V-/ that they scre+ed up +hen they delayed !y 2unday !ornin postin for a day and a half. #ost of the real ne+s ne*er ets the attention of !ost people. -tOs not necessarily "ecause theyOre "rain+ashed%
per se% "ut rather "ecause !ost people are accusto!ed to and e8pect sensationalis!. -tOs another reason !ost people donOt see the a"undant ufos in our at!osphere these days. 3ithout a 9olly+ood soundtrack% this stuff )ust doesnOt ha*e a lot of i!pact% letOs face it. (o !e% the !ost i!portant historical incident recently +as not the fedsO "lo+in up the 3(C and 7enta on fro! the inside% +ith hi h e8plosi*es. -t +as the fact that thousands and thousands of people cra!!ed into the places +here #ichael #oore a*e his talks and si ned his "ook% 2(@7-D 39-(D #D1. $s a conspiracy "ook% this is not particularly profound% thou h he did a ood )o" peelin "ack the !ost superficial of the !any layers of the Bush fa!ilyOs centuries-lon tradition of cri!inal acti*ity and enocide. (he real si nificance is that !asses of people are e8pressin their distrust and non-support of this o*ern!ent% an unprecedented sho+ of non-support% in fact. (his !eans that the alle ed o*ern!ent no lon er o*erns at all. 3e $!ericans ha*e such a stron !andate of personal freedo! that e*en the !ost thorou hly "rain+ashed are no+ +akin up to the fact that this re i!e rules rather than o*erns% and +e all find rulership "y the alle ed elite si!ply unaccepta"le. 3hat -O! sayin is not sedition% "ut rather ood !edicine. - donOt e*en o+n a un% nor do - "elie*e that *iolent opposition or e*en +ork stoppa es and strikes are appropriate. 3e ha*e reached a sta e of !aturity that allo+s us to si!ply create a "etter alternati*e than tyranny% and +e can do it +ithout anyone !issin a !eal or losin a )o". Da*id -cke a*e a lecture in 1MMS% shortly "efore 9ale-Bopp +as to hit our lo*ely planet .di*erted% accordin to $l Bielek% "y our planetary defense syste!% 2tar 3ars/ and told this )oke: -f 9ale-Bopp hits land% it +ill cause the dust to o"scure the sky% destroyin life on earthV if it hits the ocean it +ill cause tidal +a*es that +ill +ipe out all coastal citiesV if it hits the 6ederal Beser*e Bank% it +ill cause the +hole +orld to prosper. (hatOs the alle ed o*ern!ent -O! referrin to% not their puppet- politicians in 3ashin ton% DC% +ho +ill do our "iddin as soon as their "anker o*erlords ha*e "een forced .at our insistence-3eOre the true o*ern!ent/ out of their penthouses and into the )ail house. 1o"ody needs to "e shot% thou h the uilty do need to "e held accounta"le. (he 2anta Bosa County 2heriff .the only Constitutionally allo+ed la+ enforcer in the county/ can do that on <une &1 this year if he feels like it. (he perpetrators +ill all% literally% ha*e their pants do+n at Bohe!ian Nro*e as usual on that date% +ithout any of their "ody uards or 2ecret 2er*ice a ents to fi ht for the!. Carol and plan to "e there% alon +ith Nre 3ion and other cloud"uster aficionados% and +eOll "e happy to lend our assistance V-/ - do "elie*e .speakin of cloud"uster aficionados/ that the drou ht in 1orth $!erica is no+ ended% thanks to around 1L' cloud"usters located in key positions around the continent. (his has all "een docu!ented "y !e!"ers of the foru! o*er the last si8 !onths in the for! of +eather reports and o"ser*ations centered on their cloud"usters. (hereOs !ore sno+ in the Bockies east of us than anyoneOs e*er seen% and the sal!on run is also unprecedented. Jake Cha!plain% +hich +as nine feet "elo+ nor!al le*els% is no+ apparently up to +here it should "e% only t+o !onths later. (he "ees% includin honey "ees% are flyin in the southern states already% re*ersin the trend of recent years of arri*in later and later% e*en into the su!!er% and the "irds are sin in a ain +here there are cloud"usters-re!e!"er the last ti!e you heard "irds sin in R 3hen +e see "lue sky and +hite% puffy clouds% our hearts ache +ith the realization that years of che!trails had !ade that si ht e8tre!ely rare% and people in the cities +here there are CBs are learnin +hat life can "e like +ithout s!o . 1o+ that the che!trail and 9$$B7 +eather control apparati are nearly disa"led% +e need to disa"le the !ind control to+ers that are sprin in up in e*ery nei h"orhood throu hout the +orld. (hese ha*e the flat% *ertical plates arran ed all around the !ast and each plate has a :T thick ca"le oin to it fro! under round. $s far as +e can tell% these are not e*en usually on the po+er rid% so itOs co!in fro! under round-the i!plications are !ind
"o lin % arenOt they5 (hese !ay ha*e "een set up to tri er illnesses in certain areas% e*en in certain racial roups% and e*en enocide% "ut +ithout the che!trails% +e "elie*e this +ill no lon er "e possi"le. 3eO*e found that disa"lin the pri!ary to+ers% +hich are usually o*er a hundred feet tall and located on hi h round +ill auto!atically disa"le the nei h"orhood to+ers. -,! sure !ost of us ha*e noticed ho+ close these are to ether% +hich !akes it o"*ious that theyOre not cell phone to+ers. 3eO*e disa"led the! in $frica% Canada and the @2 in our tra*els. <ust put a holy 9and renade as close as you can co!forta"ly et to the to+er and itOs out of ser*ice fore*er "ecause youO*e re!o*ed the essential deadly or one field. 10 predatory technolo y can operate +ithout plenty of deadly or one .seen as s!o % usually% "ut not al+ays/ +hich is +hy itOs so easy to protect oursel*es +ith or one eneratin de*ices +hich reach out% ra" the deadly/dead or one and trans!ute it into healthy or one. 9appy 9untin 5 +++.!etatech.or Oche!"usterO section has instructions for the holy hand renades. -f you send a sta!ped% self-addressed en*elope to !e% -Oll !ail out plans for the pyra!ids and the launch pad. Don Croft% &1& 9enley 2t.% #osco+% -daho S:S4: JetOs all do the ti!e !anipulation e8peri!ents and pool our infor!ation% okayR DonOt +orry% the )ack-"ooted thu s +onOt co!e out fro! under their rocks to dra+ attention to +hat youOre doin V-/ Besides% theyOre too "usy !onitorin our e!ail to "e out !urderin innocents any !ore. Be!e!"er that you need to ha*e a cloud"uster to )oin the foru!. (his has kept the o"fuscators and a ent pro*ocateurs a+ay.
Episode 22 #a$ifornia S3heming Part 1 By Don Croft <[email protected]> /dc/adc&&californiasche!in L!ay'&.sht!l #ay L% &''& Dra on $l I 6riends Ji"erate $rizona 2kies Dra on $l Nray and his associates% includin O6lashO Nordon% had done an en*ia"le )o" clearin a+ay the s!o fro! 2outhern $rizona in the pre*ious ei ht !onths +ith their percepti*e placin of Che!"usters in e*ery corner of the southern half of the state and in the !etropolitan 7hoeni8 and (ucson areas. (here are others in the area +ho "uilt and erected their o+n cloud"usters% and theyOre +orkin +ell +ithin that net+ork. $l deter!ined so!e of his locations to !a8i!ize the fields of the all of the Che!"usters in $rizona. (he t+o in 9opi/1a*a)o land% in northeastern $rizona% apparently !ade it i!possi"le for che!trails to OsetO any+here in skies o*er the entire state and "eyond. $fter a "it of "rainstor!in +ith Carol in 1o*e!"er% &''1% $l and 6lash found and closed the t+o portals of the local predatory reptilian hi*e% +hich stretches fro! 6t. 9uachucaOs OsecretO under round facilities% east of (ucson% to 3illia!s% in the hi h ele*ations +est of 6la staff. Carol had not i*en the! specific infor!ation% thou h +as ready to do so. 2he had a !ental i!a e of the location that $l and 6lash found on their o+n. $ third si nificant !e!"er of their tea! is Carroll% +ho had done *oluntary psychic +ork for the o*ern!ent in the past "ut no+ concentrated on +eekly channelin sessions. 2he refrained fro! acceptin !oney fro! the o*ern!ent so that she +ouldnOt "e o"li ed to cooperate +ith their reKuests in case they turned out to challen e her spiritual inte rity. -n her channelin !ode% Carroll pro*ides uidance and specific e8planations for $l% 6lash and others. 3eO*e personally found her +ork *ery useful. - feel the need to caution readers that this is )ust our personal perception% not a !andate "y any !eans% or a defense of channelin in eneral% !uch of +hich is corrupt. 3e "oth feel that +e +ould need to "e present in a session% as +e +ere +ith Carroll last 6e"ruary% to !ake that sort of assess!ent. D*erythin has its o+n ener y si nature% and the ener y +as *ery clean and po+erful in the channelin session. $ccounta"ility Cno+in Carroll had i*en !e a chance to ponder !y o+n attitude to+ard the o*ern!ent% +hich has led !e to hold no personal rud es a ainst anyone +orkin for the o*ern!ent. 3hatOs left for !e is antipathy for the corporation +hich had su"*erted and ained control of the o*ern!ent in the t+entieth century. (his is a thou htfor!% a si!ple !ental construct. No*ern!ent% to !e% is !ore than that% as hu!an society needs o*ernin . 9u!anity a"solutely has no need for institutional e8ploitation in the for! of a corporation% in this case% the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation% +hich is a tentacle of the lar er corporation centered in Jondon "ut not e*en na!ed as far as - kno+. $ny for! of o*ern!ent can +ork as lon as the representati*es are held accounta"le for their actions "y the electorate. Centralization of po+er is the real "u a"oo% +ith its layers of "ureaucrats +ho la"or secretly to fortify their o+n personal po+er% safe fro! direct accounta"ility. 3hen the "alance of political and econo!ic po+er shifts to+ard the local le*el there is auto!atically !ore accounta"ility and less ta8ation. (his isnOt co!plicated. -tOs pro"a"ly also not tau ht in econo!ics and political science courses in colle es. (he -nternet (he -nternet itself is e*idence that -O! on the ri ht track +ith this. -tOs also stron e*idence that freedo! of infor!ation leads to !ore political and econo!ic freedo!. -n BeichOs early days% people thou ht their only political options +ere fascis! and co!!unis! "ecause they si!ply lacked the infor!ation to include other options. 1o+ +e kno+ that fascis! and co!!unis! are )ust t+o ar!s of the corporation itself and that rassroots deter!ination is the only *ia"le option these days% in its !any !anifestations.
(esla lacked the net+orkin capa"ility of the -nternet to acKuire fundin for his pro)ects% so his only options +ere to ask a ents of the Corporation for !oney% all of +hich +as cut off +hen he de!onstrated the *ia"ility of his free ener y +ork. $fter that he relied on a pension fro! the Cin of 2er"ia to the end of his days .- a ree that he !ust ha*e otten !oney fro! the @.2. No*Ot for his preparatory +ork in 7ro)ect Bain"o+/% "ut his !a)or hu!anitarian pro)ects re!ained unrealized. Carol and - certainly donOt !easure up to (esla or Beich in our efforts% "ut +e are !akin our li*elihood fro! the -nternet and pro!otin our ideas +orld+ide successfully. - can tell you for sure that -Od fail if - had to sell zappers door to door in the @.2. or "y ad*ertisin in the printed !edia% thou h that !ay "e chan in no+. 3e ne*er spend a nickel on pro!otion% "ut +e ha*e faithful custo!ers in o*er fifty countries% !ost of +ho! had "een referred "y other custo!ers. - hope you can see that -O! not )ust e8postulatin a"out the po+er a*aila"le on the -nternet. 1o+% if only - can keep that hacker fro! the Corporation fro! deletin !y zapper e!ail orders and correspondence. 9e ot a"out t+enty of the! today% "ut - think -O! ettin ahead of the a!e. - +ish so!e"ody +ould plant a 9oly 9and renade in DarthlinkOs "ushes5 - think theyOre on the east coast% other+ise -Od do it !yself. D*en if - ha*e to o "ack to paintin si ns% -Oll stay acti*e in the Che!"uster foru! I +ill keep tra*elin . - feel that +hen one has found happiness in the !idst of harsh circu!stances% nothin can take it a+ay a ain% and - did that. $rizona D0B% Noin % Noin % None Carol and - +ere astonished to see ho+ clear the at!osphere +as as +e dro*e do+n into that "i *alley +here 7hoeni8% $rizona% sits. -n all !y years of passin throu h there oin east and +est on -nterstate 1' - had ne*er "een a"le to see all the +ay across the *alley "ecause of the dense s!o % no !atter +hat season it +as. 1o+ you can see across it fro! east to +est% and fro! north to south and the skies are the deep "lue one nor!ally associates +ith !uch hi her altitudes. Nood +ork% $rizona C"ers5 3e also noticed that none of the dead or one trans!ittin to+ers south of 7hoeni8 and all the +ay to the California "order on -nterstate S +ere puttin out !ore than a fizzle of deadenin ener y% thanks to Dra on $lOs persistent efforts +ith his 99 s o*er the +inter and sprin . (hank Nrid heOs ot a tra*elin )o"5 9e has ood +orkin relationships +ith so !any people that heOs found it *ery easy to place his !any cloud"usters across the state and one of his donated cloud"usters is in Jas Fe as% one in 7a e% $rizona% +hich is on the north central "order +ith @tah% and no+ on the southern tip of the California 2ierras not far north of the #e8ican "order. Jas Fe as (e8an <eff had spent a +eek in Jas Fe as a fe+ !onths a o and said that the spe+planes had con*er ed there and !ade hi! sick. (he CB +e left there .thanks% $l/ "efore that +ith friends spends !ost of its ti!e indoors% "ut +hen +e dro*e throu h there last +eek on our +ay ho!e the air +as fresh and clean% there +ere scattered rain sho+ers and the a!"ience +as *ery ood% all of +hich is e*idence% especially these days% that a Che!"uster is on the )o"% thou h 2li!Os $ ricultural 9ar!onizer can do that on its o+n. Consistently destroyin che!trails still see!s to "e the e8clusi*e pur*ie+ of the Che!"uster% "ut there +ere no spe+planes in the sky +hen +e dro*e throu h this ti!e. -rri ation 3ater 0ne can assu!e that <effOs luck in the casino +as "etter than for his arri*al ti!e% as he apparently +ent there in ti!e for a !assi*e specialized attack% si!ilar to +hat Bo"ert Beynolds is e8periencin on a continuous "asis at Jake Berryessa% in northern California% +hich is a supplier of irri ation +ater for the 2acra!ento Falley .-f anyone has infor!ation on +hy the spe+planes are poisonin the irri ation +ater .apparently/ - hope youOll share it +ith the rest of us. Fancou*er% BC% has "een attacked that +ay until recently% as +as 2prin field% #issouri once last +inter/. 6e+er 2pe+ 7lanes
#any of us are seein the spe+planes only rarely no+% and t+o factors see! to "e operatin : 1/ (heyOre focusin on fe+er areas% &/ +eOre defeatin the! V-/ #y uess is that the spe+"oys canOt !aintain that on a lar e scale any+here% perhaps "ecause it +ould dra+ too !uch attention to the! fro! an other+ise una+are pa)a!a-clad pu"lic. $fter the local (F ne+s in #ia!i had a discussion of che!trails in early $pril% the skies there re!ained free of spe+ for a +hole !onth. (heyOre "ack in the sky there% no+% "ut - "et there are a lot of an ry folks +ho other+ise +ould not ha*e noticed if it +erenOt !entioned on the ne+s. (hereOs a fello+ in the #ia!i !etro area !akin a CB. #ay"e this lit a fire under his nether end. 9opefully% <eff can re!e!"er !ore che!trail specifics fro! his *isit to Fe as. - ha*e the i!pression he didnOt spend a lot of ti!e outdoors V-/ .-,*e ot a )uicy o"ser*ation a"out Fe as that -Oll share later in this article% so hopefully youOll keep readin this to et to it/. 2ierras Bottleneck 3e ot a fresh Che!"uster and se*en 9oly 9and renades fro! Dra on $lOs arsenal in Casa Nrande the day after +e planted the second CB ne8t to 9opi land. Due to the circu!stances of this trip it +as a hit-and-run *isit +ith $l% sad to say% "ut he +as a ood sport a"out stayin up late talkin to us in spite of his early start the ne8t day. 3e dro*e the Eapporiu! out to the hi h+ay% "ut the shifter "roke +hen - +as pullin out of the as station. 6ortunately% $l dro*e "y on his lunch "reak and connected us +ith an honest !echanic. 3e had to lea*e the Eapporiu! o*erni ht in Casa Nrande for repairs% delayin our trip "y a day% so +e used the ti!e to o o*er to California in the car and place the t+o Che!"usters and se*en 99 s that Carol do+sed +ere needed for the pro)ect. Before +e arri*ed% sheOd found the pri!ary location for a Che!"uster in the 2ierras% +hich +as to open up the ener y "ottleneck that +as keepin re ular rainfall fro! 2outhern $rizona. (he ni ht "efore +e let% she +as told "y the 3in !akers to take another Che!"uster to an area north of there. 2he do+sed a location in the <oshua (ree 1ational 6orest% +hich is northeast of 7al! 2prin s% )ust north of the li!it of -!perial Falley. (he first location +as "et+een the $l odones Dunes and the Chocolate #ountains% +hich are the southern!ost chain of the California 2ierras. 7rotected (urtles% Bazor 3ire% I O2ecretO @nder round Base Carol sa+ the ener y "lock +hile +e +ere still in $rizona% a"out 1'' !iles to the southeast. 2he sa+ it as a natural ener y "lock related to a fault line. 3e dro*e alon a state hi h+ay fro! near ?u!a% $rizona% then onto a ra*el road. 3hen +e ot close to the tar et location% +e sa+ a ne+% hi h chain link fence +ith razor tape alon the top% runnin for !iles around an area +ere artificial hills fro! e8tensi*e e8ca*ation or !inin . (here +ere !any si ns on the fence indicatin % apparently% that the fence +as erected to protect an endan ered species of turtles. (hey think +eOre pretty stupid% - uess. (he en*iron!ental !o*e!entOs tacit support of the Corporation certainly reaped so!e results here. 2o!e railroad tracks ran north alon the li!its of that fenced area% +hich protects a !assi*e under round "ase in addition to the turtles. (hereOs ra*el road alon the opposite side of the tracks and there +ere plenty of +arnin si ns indicatin dire conseKuences if tra*elers left the road to e8plore the surroundin area. 3e put an 99 at a pri!ary dead or one I co!!unication trans!itter a"out : !iles up the road fro! the pa*ed hi h+ay. (here +ere no people .e8cept for a fe+ desert rats/ li*in +ithin fifty !iles of that to+er% so it +as o"*iously connected to the under round "ase. $ fe+ !iles further +as the spot indicated "y the 3in !akers for the Che!"uster. 3e noticed that this !arked the li!it of the dead or one field han in o*er the su"terranean "ase% as - said% itOs a "i "ase. Be!e!"er that this is a ood +ay to spot the under round facilities-dead or one .s!o / in areas +here there shouldnOt "e any. (he 2u"terrenes .thanks% Jouis5/ are co!!onplace under us% "ut ordinary e8ca*ation is still used to di out the "ases% and they need to put it so!eplace. ?ears a o% they )ust did it like ophers% lea*in the
di in s close "y% "ut no+ theyOre apparently usin the tunnels to take it far a+ay and du!p it. (hat one +e *isited is apparently an older one% so they )ust put a lon fence around the e8ca*ated !aterial. 9o!estead $ir 6orce Base has one of the "est e8a!ples of the CorporationOs lack of ood )ud !ent% - think% since there are !illions of tons of e8ca*ated !aterial in a "i !an!ade hill there% surrounded "y the D*er lades. (hey e*en "uilt thin s on top of it% perhaps in an effort to !ake it look uno"trusi*e. (hatOs kind of like puttin a "i fi leaf on the enitals of a nude statue. $ year a o% +e "usted their per!anent thunderhead fro! our ca!psite in the 6lorida Ceys% usin our Che!"uster +ith four-foot e8tensions% ai!ed horizontally at the thunderhead fifty !iles to the northeast. (hat cloud for!ation +as a "y-product of their dead or one eneratin apparatus% +hich +e also apparently neutralized. 1e8t ti!e +eOll )ust lea*e an 99 there instead. -tOs less dra!atic% "ut !ore effecti*e. (hey sent a saucer to "uzz us on the hi h+ay as +e +ere lea*in Nrassy Cey ri ht after +e did that. Carol said they )ust +anted to assure the!sel*es that +e +ere% indeed% lea*in . California Blue 2kins 3e didnOt lin er near the under round "ase on the eastern ed e of -!perial Falley. By the +ay% Carol sa+ so!e "lue skinned hu!anoids +orkin under round +ith the earth hu!ans and a fe+ reptilians. 2he had seen the lon ar!ed alien hu!anoids that are usin Fenus as a ho!e "ase% +orkin under round at 9o!estead and told !e that these +ere rene ades% and -O! assu!in the "lue skinned ones +ere also rene ades. -Oll ask Carol +hen she ets ho!e to!orro+. (he lon ar!ed fello+s are of the roup that helped (esla% Carol tells !e% and they are keenly interested in the Che!"uster +ork. (hey hide their ci ar-shaped craft in s!all puffy clouds% often uncharacteristic of the other clouds in the area. (heir craft are po+ered "y the sa!e sort of technolo y the reptilians and corporate hu!ans are usin % so theyOre suscepti"le to the CB% so you !i ht +ant to do+se "efore ai!in your CB at the!. - did that in a !o!ent of poor )ud !ent and they put dead or one in !y car"uretor ri ht after that. - had to lay the CB do+n% pointed at the car"uretor% "efore - could start the !otor a ain. -O*e seen their actual craft se*eral ti!es I +e consider the! our friends and helpers% as +e do so!e of the reptilians. Ceep lookin up% folks. - didnOt !ention that the 7hoeni8 area +as *ery co!forta"le. $lOs tellin !e that itOs "een cooler there this sprin . - su ested that his su!!er +ill "e !uch !ilder% too. 3e li*ed in a place last su!!er thatOs nor!ally hellish hot all su!!er lon . 3e set up our CB +hen +e arri*ed at the end of <une and "y the ti!e +eOd left in !id 2epte!"er there had not "een a sin le unco!forta"ly hot day. 1or +as there any stron +ind other than the fe+ !inutes "efore - ai!ed the CB into the! +hen they started up% t+o or three ti!es. 3e dro*e +est o*er the dunes% not lon "efore sunset. -t +as Kuite "eautiful% e*en the sand "lo+in across the road that +as catchin the lo+ an le sunli ht like "lo+in sno+. Jookin "ack to+ard the Chocolate #ountains% +e could clearly see the li!its of the dead or one field o*er the under round "ase% a"out t+enty !iles distant. Don Croft
Episode 23 #a$ifornia S3heming Part 2 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc&:californiasche!in L!ay'&pt&.sht!l #ay L% &''& (he -!perial Falley is one of the !ost unpleasant places +eO*e "een% ener etically. 3eOre sure thatOs related to the +all of dead or one that had "een in place for !illennia% perhaps% alon that section of the Chocolate #ountains. 3e could see !oisture-laden clouds east of the ran e of !ountains alon the 7acific Coast% "ut they +erenOt !akin it into this *alley. 3e passed a series of *ery lar e dead or one trans!itters on our dri*e north alon the center of the *alley to -ndio% only one of +hich ot its o+n 99 . (hat +as the first one +e ca!e to .a FDB? "i one/ in Bra+ley*ille% the first city +est of the under round "ase. Carol sa+ a tunnel leadin fro! the "ase to that to+er and "eyond. 3e spent the ni ht in a #otel 2i8 in -ndio% +hich is on -nterstate 1' )ust east of 7al! 2prin s. (here +as a sandstor! in pro ress .they need a CB5/ +hen +e checked in% "ut the skies +ere clear and lo*ely in the !ornin +hen +e left for the !ountain location of the second 2ierras CB. 3e didnOt ha*e to dri*e far off the interstate to et to the hi h round *orte8 Carol +as lookin for I fortunately there +as a "i enou h chaparral tree to hide the CB in a+ay fro! the access road. 3e hadnOt seen a successful che!trail since +e left northern $rizona after puttin our first 9opi CB in place. (hose +ere "reakin up as +e dro*e a+ay% and +eOre pretty sure that no !ore che!trails +ill "e stickin any+here in $rizona for the duration. #ay"e Bhode -sland +ill "e the second state to "e che!trail free% thou h 3ashin ton 2tate !ay also "e in that happy condition already. 0ne CB in Bhode -sland +ould do the trick. Dast Coast 3arriors -*o is a si n painter in Connecticut. 9eOs crankin out Che!"usters at an alar!in rate% usin his super duper Ner"er router to !ake the te!plates. -O! not sure he +ants !e to talk a"out hi! .a Brother of the Brush/. 9eOs ettin +hacked pretty hard +ith special spe+% !ay"e "ecause heOs so close to CarloOs t+o reat "i CBs in Uueens% 1?C% +hich is apparently another little 2talin rad-in-the-sky for the Corporation. #ore data fro! folks in that area +ould "e +elco!e. 6lo li*es in 1e+ <ersey% closer to 7hiladelphia% and her skies are apparently in ood shape% so thereOs so!e specific tar etin "y the Corporation oin on around 1?C. -O*e asked -*o to space out his CBs fifty !iles or so apart% since !ore CBs% spread out% is !uch% !uch !ore effecti*e than a "unch of the! close to ether. -daho <erryOs ot a ood sense of +hat to do this +ay and itOs paid off for hi! in a "i +ay% accordin to +hat +e sa+ alon the 2nake Bi*er Falley for a hundred plus !iles in the !iddle of an intense% thou h i!potent% 9$$B7 assault on the *alley. 99 Os -n the spirit of helpin that Che!"uster re!o*e the ener y "locks for !ore successful $rizona Che!"ustin % +e used up the re!ainin 9oly 9and renades +eOd "een issued fro! @ncle $lOs 1atural Nuard $r!ory% all the +ay into $rizona fro! +here +e put the CB. Con*eniently% all the pri!aries are located alon !a)or hi h+ays% so it +as easy to neutralize the!. 2o!e folks asked a"out the ran e of a 99 . (hatOs a+fully hard to deter!ine +ithout do+sin % as there are so !any *aria"les. -f you can see the ener y% like Carol and so!e others can do% or accurately feel it% as Colina and others can do% you +onOt need to rely so !uch on do+sin . 2o!e !ountaintop arrays +eO*e *isited needed t+o 99 s% so!e needed only one. -f - +erenOt so lazy% -Od put coils in all of our 99 s so that - +ouldnOt need to !ake so !any. #ay"e -Oll start doin that no+ to conser*e resin and crystals. -O! usin funky% "roken crystals for these% "y the +ay% and -Oll continue doin so. -t really is fine to do that. 0ne of the !ountain arrays alon --1' +asnOt easily accessi"le fro! the free+ay% so +e put it at the "ase of the
!ountain as close as possi"le and that +orked *ery +ell and Kuickly. Nrounded 2pe+ 7lanes I $lOs (ucson (our (here +ere usually t+o spe+planes in our *icinity% apparently atte!ptin to dissol*e the hi h altitude clouds that +ere for!in in our path. (he day "efore% shortly "efore +e left Casa Nrande% there +ere so!e nice clouds !o*in in fro! the direction of the 7acific 0cean. (hey +ere !uch too hi h for rain "ut they indicated that there +as enou h !oisture in the at!osphere to !ake rain. $pparently these ha*e "een present a lot since $l and the others started ettin CBs in $rizona. 3hen +e +ere pickin up the Eapporiu! fro! the !echanic% +e noticed that the clouds +ere lo+er and thicker than "efore +e placed the CBs in California. 3e e8pect !ore rain and cooler te!peratures in $rizona this su!!er% thou h it !ay not happen Kuickly. -n case you donOt kno+% rain is not e8pected durin the su!!er there at all. 3e stopped in s!o y% hellish hot 7hoeni8 last <une for a couple of days .!onths "efore +e kne+ +hat the CB could do/ and *o+ed not to e*er o there a ain in the su!!er if +e could a*oid it. JetOs see +hat happens there no+. 9ereOs so!ethin the $rizona folks can check out if theyOre so inclined. 3e dro*e "y an airport +est of 7hoeni8 on --1' and all +e sa+ on the round there +ere fifty or so spe+planes% painted +hite +ith red or "lue tails% so!e all +hite. 10 planes +ere landin or takin off. - assu!ed it +as the !unicipal airport until +e passed throu h 7hoeni8 on the +ay to Casa Nrande to pick up the Eapporiu!. (he 7hoeni8 airport east of to+n has constant air traffic co!in and oin . 3e sa+ a second fleet of spe+planes on the round at the airport in Cin !an% $rizona +hich is a to+n thatOs !uch too s!all to ha*e si nificant co!!ercial )et traffic% "esides "ein only a hundred !iles or so fro! Jas Fe as% +hich has another *ery "usy airport. $l had "een i*en a tour of the C-$ facility near (ucson that is used to paint the spe+planes and% presu!a"ly% fit the! +ith sprayin eKuip!ent. 9e +as on the )o"% sellin fire suppression eKuip!ent% and +as i*en the tour "y one of the facilityOs directors. - donOt kno+ anyone !ore resourceful than @ncle $l. #ay"e heOll race us +ith a !ore detailed account so!eti!e. (he only other place +eO*e seen !asses of spe+planes on the round since the pro ra! ot oin full ti!e is the !unicipal airport at #o)a*e% California% +here +e sa+ a hundred or so of the!. (hree years a o - sa+ a "unch on the round at #ia!i +hen - +as on !y +ay to the Baha!as. (hat +as shortly after the pro ra! +as ettin started on a lar e scale% "ut - +as only seein the spe+planes in the skies once a !onth or so. #ycoplas!a I 7a)a!a 7eople -O! still pretty i norant of +hatOs in the spe+% "ut -O! pretty sure% "ased on a lar e a!ount of zapper correspondence% that only the !ycoplas!a is a serious health threat% thou h the reports of !assi*e attacks in a fe+ areas !ay ha*e !ore to do +ith che!ical +eapons than +ith "iolo ical ones% and e*en the Corporation is not too arro ant to kno+ that this !ust not "e done too often or o*er too lar e an area if they +ish to continue to re!ain hidden fro! the 7a)a!a 7eople. -O! +aitin to find out if the !ycoplas!a infections in the population +ill start to disappear no+ that the spe+planes are no lon er a"le to poison the population centers +here there are Che!"usters present. -Oll let you kno+ +hat +e find out. Constant reinfection !ay "e necessary to keep the !asses of us de"ilitated enou h not to oppose the Corporation JetOs continue turnin up the pressure on our i!a inary .thou htfor!/ ene!yOs predatory and unconscious a ents. $s +e had seen in @tah% "ro+n *e etation +as the rule e8cept for +hat had sprun up after the Che!"usters had "een set up in the desert re ion last fall and +inter. (his is e*idence of 9$$B7-induced drou ht on a *ery lar e scale. 1o dou"t the Corporation +ould like the 7a)a!a 7eople to "elie*e that this drou ht is the result of the e*il% selfish ha"its of the Oconsu!ersO in de*eloped nations. - uess +eOre all sho+in e*eryone +ho cares to notice that this is si!ply untrue and itOs )ust one !ore spurious effort to et folks to accept !ore federal restricti*e en*iron!ental la+s. -!a ine us li*in in a fenced area +ith razor tape alon the top to protect the poor
"elea uered countryside for! our rapacious appetites. -O! not a consu!er. (he only consu!er - kno+ a"out is the locust. 1e+ 0ptions% #akin 3hoopee% I Drou ht $id - hope youOll think t+ice a"out acceptin la"els fro! the Corporation% as an e8ercise in neurolin uistics if nothin else. - also hope youOll not assu!e the @1 and itOs *arious predatory a encies ha*e any authority o*er us. 9a*in said that% - a! the first to ad!it that there are fine% self-sacrificin folks all o*er the +orld +orkin for the @1. - "et they could tell us so!e )uicy stuff a"out their e!ployer. - think this relates to Dr. BeichOs considered choice to )oin the Co!!unist 7arty. JetOs all look *ery seriously at our ne+ options. ?ou can "et Dr. Beich +ould "e an intrepid -nternet +onk if he +ere around today. (he Co!!ies e8pelled hi!% any+ay% for successfully teachin the O+orkersO +ho attended his talks not to "e an ry. $ctually% all he did +as con*ince the! to ha*e se8 +ith their +i*es. $s -O*e said% solutions to e*en the !ost insur!ounta"le pro"le!s are usually Kuite si!ple. - confess that - so!eti!es pro*oke !y o+n +ife a "it )ust so +e can kiss and !ake up. (hat +orks so +ell on ne+ a ers. (his +ill "eco!e !ore and !ore apparent to e*en the 7a)a!a 7eople in the co!in !onths% as the Corporateo+ned-and-operated @2 federal le islators +ill ha*e e on their faces +hile still insistin on federal aid for the alle ed drou ht areas .clo+ns are as clo+ns do% after all/. (hat re!inds !e of an old 1ational Ja!poon Badio 9our skit in +hich an announcer ad*ised a ainst sendin Care packa es to Durope. 9e said the Duropeans +ould )ust +hack the! +ith their polo !allets and kick the! into their s+i!!in pools +hile they ha*e a ood lau h at our e8pense. Cer 7in 5 Carol a*e !e a .&& cali"er pellet rifle for !y Birthday. - spent so!e ti!e cali"ratin the scope today. - hadnOt shot anythin since - +as in the $r!y in 1M6M I - for ot ho+ !uch fun shootin is. $ C0& cartrid e ets a"out 4' ood shots. #y electronics "roker has an @zzi% "ut -O! not really interested in ha*in firear!s% thou h certainly ha*e that ri ht and could chan e !y !ind if - +ant. - +as struck "y the unlikelihood of all that ood shootin +e see in !o*ies. - do "elie*e un control is necessary. - had to et into a three point "racin position )ust to hit a tin can at &L yards and it +asnOt e*en !o*in . -tOs 3orkin #ost of the +ay fro! 7hoeni8 to -daho sho+ed e*idence of recent% a"undant rainfall. $lon @.2. ML itOs entirely desert until you dri*e into -daho a"out t+enty !iles. (here are still a fe+ areas in northern $rizona and southern 1e*ada that are still !ostly "ro+n% "ut a couple of CBs on that road +ould stop any further possi"ility of drou ht in the future% +e feel sure. (o our astonish!ent% +e "e an so see runnin creeks fro! a"out the !iddle of 1e*ada all the +ay north+ard alon the hi h+ay% and !ore and !ore reenery. (he dead trees and "rush still "ore tra ic +itness to +hat +ent "efore% thou h. -O! sure that "y this ti!e e*erythin that re+ +ould ha*e "een dead "y no+ if it +erenOt for the efforts of the C"ers in the $!erican 3est. 3e also sa+ !ore and !ore rass ro+in in the desert as +e dro*e north. -n so!e areas of 1e*ada and southeastern 0re on itOs lookin like a prairie rather than a desert. - had to pinch !yself% as -Od "een tra*elin that road for !any years% in all seasons% and had ne*er +itnessed that "efore. 2outh+est -daho is lookin like pictures -O*e seen of -reland. 9ereOs +hat +e sa+ in Jas Fe as: 6ro! Boulder City% +hich is on the southeast li!it of the Fe as !etro area% until the *ery northern li!it +e sa+ 10 dead or one trans!itters at all% thou h +e +ere dili ently lookin . (his is the first ti!e +eO*e "een in a population center and not seen the trans!itters e*ery fe+ "locks throu hout the city. 0ur pet theory is that a!"lers and "rothel patrons !ust not "e suppressed% ener etically. (he residential areas in the su"ur"s% thou h% are +ell co*ered "y the trans!itters% so the fa*or does not apparently e8tend to the +orkers in the Desert 7aradise.
Death Falley Dri*in north on @.2. ML +e noticed an ano!aly south of Beatty% +hich is +here +e custo!arily turn +est throu h Death Falley on our +ay to J$ fro! -daho. -n case youOre a ne+"ie here% Carol and - had *isited Death Falley t+ice in the last si8 !onths. (he first ti!e +e +ere !ade to feel un+elco!e% so the second ti!e +e spent the ni ht there and neutralized an alien under round "ase +ith three 9oly 9and renades. 0ur car +as "roken into that ni ht% apparently so a "u could "e placed "y a ents of the Corporation or of the o*ern!ent-+eOre not sure +hich. 3e left the "u there )ust for fun. 3hy hide fro! the!R 3hen +e talk a"out this stuff itOs )ust i""erish to the! any+ay. (heyOre not the ene!y% after all% only the thou htfor! +e call the Corporation is the real ene!y. 3e stopped for as in Beatty% and - said to Carol% +ho +as dri*in the car .- +as dri*in the Eapporiu!/% ODid you see that "i dead or one field "y the hi h+ayRO 2he said% O-tOs a reptilian "ase-you can e*en see the indentations in the round o*er their tunnels-itOs really old.O - told her - didnOt see that% "ut to the +est of the hi h+ay is a s!all airport +ith "i trans!itters% and thereOs a distinct dead or one field o*er it. 2he +as lookin at the other side of the hi h+ay and !issed the airport. 2he says itOs connected to the "ase in Death Falley% "ut that +e didnOt need to lea*e an 99 there this ti!e. 3e took our custo!ary shortcut fro! (onopah to Battle #ountain% 1e*ada. -f you e*er et a chance to dri*e throu h there% itOs Kuite "eautiful. (he road oes throu h so!e *ery hi h *alleys and close to so!e 1'%'''O peaks% +hich !ay keep sno+ on the! this su!!er. (here +ere rain clouds in those *alleys% too. 4 $# Callin Card 3e ca!ped north of $ustin% 1e*ada% +hich +as a stoppin place for the 7ony D8press. -tOs a hundred !iles fro! the nearest to+n% +hich is Battle #ountain% on -nterstate S'. - dro*e do+n the !ountain to a lo+er ele*ation so +eOd "e +ar!er that ni ht. (hereOs *ery little traffic there% so +e slept ri ht "y the road in the Eapporiu!. $"out 4$# so!ethin hit our +indshield *ery hard and +oke us "oth up. Carol said the reptilians +ere s+oopin us and did that to the +indshield. 3e "oth +ent ri ht "ack to sleep "ut +hen +e ot up around P$# +e sa+ a ne+ crack in the +indshield and a crater ri ht in the !iddle of it fro! +hate*er hit it. (hey did that to our car +hen +e +ere on our +ay to close the hi*e portal in Dd!onton% $l"erta% in #arch. - sa+ the craft that ti!e. 7redatory reptilians% like their hu!an co!padres% are sore losers% "ut thatOs the +orst they can do to you if you arenOt afraid of the! and/or donOt ha*e a pot or alcohol ha"it. (hat stuff props open the cro+n chakra% !akin one perpetually *ulnera"le. - +ish you luck if you intend to fi ht e8ploitation and ha*e a pot ha"it. - sure as hell +ouldnOt atte!pt it if - +ere you% unless -Od "een free of the stuff for a couple of +eeks% at least. 2D 0re on Be ional D0B Control Center -t +asnOt until around sunset that ni ht% +hen +e arri*ed at the under round facility in southeast 0re on that +eOd *o+ed to neutralize on our last *isit in 6e"ruary .+e +ere out of a!!o then/ that Carol said the reptilians +ere s+oopin us and crackin our +indshield to inti!idate us into not neutralizin that dead or one trans!itter re ional control center% +hich had a"out :'' people in a se*erely 7a)a!a state sittin at !onitors apparently re ulatin the dead or one output of perhaps thousands of nei h"orhood trans!itters. 3e did the O"o+lin pinO trans!itter fi*e !iles a+ay% too% for ood !easure. Carol had seen a tunnel connectin that +ith the cro+ded one. By the +ay% @ncle $l% that "o+lin pin trans!itter looks )ust like one of the trans!itters you sho+ed !e in a picture of the reptilian hi*e portal location you OdidO at 6t. 9uachuca +ith 6lash. - sa+ another one at the 0akland $irport recently. - donOt dou"t it has so!ethin to do +ith the 6$$% "ut thereOs !ore to it. 3hat +eOre doin is not interferin +ith le iti!ate radar and radio trans!ission% of course. -t only ne ates the trans!ission of dead or one% +hich is apparently only effecti*e at short ran e% line of si ht% any+ay. 0ur ne8t to last 99 +ent to a pri!ary trans!itter array close to the hi h+ay on a hi h "luff o*erlookin a lar e *alley in south+est -daho% 1L !iles fro! 0re on. 3e sa+ no !ore to+ers until +e reached -nterstate S4% +hich is the road oin east throu h Boise. (he concentration of dead or one trans!itters on that east-+est route is the densest +eOd seen outside of 2alt Jake City for so!e reason. <erryOs ot a lot of potential heroics there.
1orth of there +e sa+ no !ore si nificant to+ers until +e reached Je+iston% &'' !iles north. 3e dro*e throu h a lot of to+ns and only sa+ t+o of the dead or one trans!itters% "oth under construction and "oth in the !iddle of s!all to+ns. Jap+ai% -daho - had one 99 left and +e +ere puzzlin +here to put it +hen !y as pedal fell to the floor and - had to pull o*er. 3e +ere in the !iddle of Jap+ai% +hich is the capital of the 1ez 7erce Beser*ation )ust south of Je+iston% -daho. Carol sho+ed !e ho+ to connect the +ire "ack up to the car"uretor a ain% and +e left% still +onderin +here to put that last 99 . 3e stopped to eat supper at 2kippers% +hich is an ine8pensi*e seafood franchise restaurant that has really ood% fresh fish. Carol said% O?ou kno+% se*eral people told !e - need to do so!ethin a"out the ener y in Jap+ai% so thatOs pro"a"ly +here +e need to put a 99 -actually% the 3in !akers are tellin !e to put t+o of the! there% so +e need to do that soon. 0ne needs to o +here +e stopped% the other one needs to o at the other end of to+n.O said% O3hy donOt - put that "ear cla+ that Bo" Billin s a*e !e into one of the 99 sR - ha*e a hunch "ears are sacred to the 1ez 7erce.O <ust then a "i % "urly -ndian ca!e round the corner and +alked .like a "ear/ past our ta"le. Bo"Os the sha!an +ho has a Che!"uster on the Blackfoot Beser*ation in northeast #ontana. 9i% Bo"5 Nrizzlies often sleep in the "ushes in front of his ho!e and heOs a confidant of so!e 2asKuatch in the !ountains near"y. CB 0dorizer $fter that +e dro*e the re!ainin thirty !iles ho!e to #osco+% farther north on the 7alouse hi h a"o*e Je+iston% +hich is in a "i % deep canyon ne8t to the 2nake Bi*er. (hatOs also the ri*er Boise is on. 3e had left a Che!"uster +ith our 3iccan friend% Jori% in Je+iston in 1o*e!"er. (he s!o % !ainly fro! the hu e 7otlatch 7ulp #ill% +as incredi"ly "ad in Je+iston for !any years% "ut there hasnOt "een a +isp of it since Jori put our CB in her front yard .please note that - said% 6B01( yard% those of you +ho are inclined to hide or dis uise your CBs/ 2heOs in a *ery 7a)a!a !iddle class nei h"orhood% thou h - dou"t sheOs +orn pa)a!as since she +as a child. 3e canOt e*en s!ell the pulp !ill any !ore in Je+iston. 6or those +ho donOt kno+ +hat a typical pulp !ill s!ells like% i!a ine openin the lid on a full diaper pail on a su!!er day. (he en*iron!entalists +ere .are/ in the !iddle of a pitched "attle +ith the superior force of corporate la+yers on account of the at!ospheric effects of the !ill% "ut +e erased the pro"le! +ith under a hundred dollarsO +orth of stuff fro! 9o!e Depot% the recycle place and Nladys Brid es. <oe Blo+ 9ereOs +hatOs happenin +ith <oe Blo+% +hich -O*e na!ed the <oe Cell in the Eapporiu!: -t had "een lonely for hu!an co!pany +hile it +as in the southlands all +inter% so it +as slo+ to rea+aken to +here it +as +hen dro*e it do+n there in 1o*e!"er to protect it fro! freezin . Back then - noticed that the truck +as !o*in uphill pro ressi*ely faster on the +ay to California. 0n the +ay "ack% the sa!e thin happened% and Carol said a ton of hi h ener y +as e!anatin fro! the Eapporiu! and that se*eral ti!es sheOd "arely "een a"le to catch up +ith !e. - ne*er used to dri*e fast% especially in the 1MP' 6ord pickup on +hich the Eapporiu! is "uilt% "ut - +as oin like a "at out of hell on this trip. (he as !ilea e actually decreased fro! o*er ten to around nine !iles per allon and the en ine is runnin *ery rou h% +hich is a si n% accordin to the !anual% that the or one is startin to i!plode in the cylinders. - opened up the cell yesterday and itOs still producin Bro+nOs as% +hich is an i!plodin as not related to hydro en .a si n of life for a <oe Cell% accordin to the !anual/% so -Oll )ust keep takin trips in it e*ery +eek or so +hen +eOd nor!ally use the car instead. -tOs "eco!e !ore fun to dri*e the thin . - canOt e8plain it. -Oll keep you posted. $s +ith 7lanet Q% the !o!ent is !ore i!portant than possi"le future scenarios% and -O! )ust lad to ha*e
<oe Blo+ "ack a ain% +ithout e8pectations or strin s attached. 9eOs a s+eetheart and fun to ha*e around. Don Croft
Episode 24 6ishing for 6eds Part 1 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc&4fishin forfeds&M)un'&.sht!l <une &'% &''& .- +as oin to title this )ournal entry% O9ide and 2eek +ith the 12$O% "ut - +anted it to reflect our !ore a ressi*e attitude to+ard unla+ful a encies such as the 12$% C-$% 6B-% etc./ 9ereOs a short *ersion for those +ho are curious a"out +hat Carol and - ha*e "een up to% "ut !ay not resonate +ith your *ie+ of reality: 3e left #osco+% -daho on 3ednesday% <une 1M% deli*ered a Che!"uster to Clarkston% 3ashin ton% *isited our +itch friend and CB aficionado% Jori% in Je+iston% -daho% the to+n ne8t door% and headed for Bohe!ian Nro*e% at least the outskirts of it% near Nuerne*ille% California. 3e arri*ed in ti!e for our friend% kno+n on the foru! as Nre us% to uide us to the rele*ant *ortices and to te!porary locations for the t+o cloud"usters +e +ere carryin and all of that +as finished "y sunset% +hich +as not "ad at all for a"out fi*e hours of +ork. Bohe!ian Nro*e and the #alta 9i*e 3e felt it +as i!portant to ha*e e*erythin in place "efore the satanic cere!onies "y the "i o+l statue at Bohe!ian Nro*e co!!enced at sunset. 3e +ere also ti!in it to coincide +ith the efforts of Colina and the Duropean Che!"uster cre+ in #alta% +hich Carol said +ere oin +ell in spite of the concerted effort of !any a encies% hu!an and other+ise% to su"*ert it. Colina is *ery sharp a"out these thin s and kno+s +hat to do. (hey +ent to #alta to close off the +est portal of the pri!ary% predatory reptilian hi*e on the planet% +hich is inti!ately connected +ith the secret roup that co!pels the -llu!inati to hold those infantile% de radin cere!onies each year at Bohe!ian Nro*e. Be!e!"er that none of the -llu!inati +hose na!es ha*e e*er "een !entioned are the ones in char e% includin the Bothschilds% 7rince (hur! und (a8is% et al. -f youO*e e*er read their na!es% they are underlin s. Carol +as pre*ented fro! oin to #alta "y the feds% +ho kept her passport until after her scheduled departure date. 1o !atter% of course% since she really needed to "e +ith !e on this trip in order for it to "e successful. 2heOll o ne8t !onth and "uild on +hat Colina and cre+ ha*e done so +ell. (here are !any *ortices there that had "een associated +ith pre-Christian spirituality% "ut are no+ se*erely distorted "y the !any secret societies% especially the British ones% +hich are fuelin their predatory acti*ities +ith that stolen ener y. (hese or anizations are anti-Christian% so -O! not deni ratin the healin !essa e of Christ in any +ay "y indicatin that !any of the older for!s of +orship are eKually *alid. 7erhaps their chief endorse!ent is the fact that the patriarchal secret orders had "een so deter!ined to suppress the!. - suspect that the nastiest% !ost hidden of the -llu!inati .at the top of the dun heap/ +ill see their na!es plastered all o*er the internet "efore +eOre done and *ery likely after their atte!pts to institute o*ert lo"al tyranny and enocide ha*e failed co!pletely this year. Carol tells !e that if they canOt do it "efore early 1o*e!"er they kno+ it +ill "e i!possi"le to do so at all. (o+ers% (o+ers% (o+ers 1apoleon said% O$n ar!y can do anythin +ith its "ayonets e8cept sit on the!%O and no+ that the -llu!inati ha*e Ofi8ed their "ayonets%O +hich is ho+ -O! characterizin the ne+ DJ6 trans!itters% they ha*e to do so!ethin o*ert pretty soon or else theyOre oin to "e e8posed% at least the "ody parts that they sit on. JetOs all continue neutralizin those pri!ary trans!itter arrays on the hilltops and also continue talkin a"out the situation5 3eO*e already poked so!e pretty "i holes in their net+ork in !any cities% and note that it didnOt take a lot of effort or !oney to do that !uch5 <ust donOt discuss your plans "eforehand and ne*er !ention trespassin . (ake the "attery out of your cell phone% since the transponder in the phone i*es your precise
location at all ti!es% and if you think youOre "ein tracked other+ise% turn on your 2uccor 7unch and put it in your pocket. .0ops-sorry5 - +as supposed to sa*e this sort of discussion for the ne8t part of the narrati*e./ (he usual hu e cro+d of O6ortune L''O and +orld political leader cele"rants +erenOt there this year% pro"a"ly "ecause the pre*ious year Nre us and oursel*es had cut off !uch of their occult ener y source ri ht "efore last yearOs cere!onies% lea*in the! under+hel!ed +ith their o+n apparent po+er. - think itOs hard for the! to ha*e !uch confidence in their handlersO occult pro+ess +hen the !a ic stops +orkin . 6ickle folks% - uess. - rule out the clai! that only a fe+ of the +ealthy% influential predators .ersatz aristocracy\ sho+ed up out of concern for their security% since they are the only real terrorists in the +orld and they +ere the ones +ho had the 3(C and 7enta on "lo+n up in the first place. (hey all sho+ed up for the Bilder"er !eetin in Fir inia a fe+ +eeks a o% - "elie*e% and they also sho+ed up in $l"erta a ain ri ht after that. Both of those places are far !ore easily accessi"le to Oe*il #usli!sO than Bohe!ian Nro*e and !uch harder to defend for reasons that -Oll !ake clear in a "it. -n the ne8t part of this narrati*e% -Oll offer !y o"ser*ations on the differences "et+een satanic and di*ine kno+led e and - hope it sparks so!e li*ely discussions. Boo! $nyone +hoOs at least "een an ar!y runt +ith a little field trainin +ith e8plosi*es kno+s that the "uildin s in 0klaho!a City and 1e+ ?ork and the part of the 7enta on that +as "ein Ore!odeledO durin M/11 +ere "lo+n up fro! the inside. C-4 is kind of fun% "ut no+ theyOre usin ful!inate of !ercury% +hich is a lot !ore spectacular. - "et they didnOt trust that M/11 )o" to the oofy B$(6 )erks +ho failed to "rin do+n the entire #urrah 6ederal Buildin "ecause so!e of the ful!inate of !ercury canisters the fire!en found in the standin structure +ere une8ploded. Ji*e and learn. $ll the truck "o!" did% aside fro! !akin an i!pressi*e crater in the street% +as to "reak +indo+s and a little "it of "uildin fascia. 3hy didnOt !ore people Kuestion the purpose of destroyin the #urrah "uildin "efore any in*esti ations could "e done on itR (hat +as ri ht "efore the -nternet ot oin % thou h% so s!all +onder. 2pookin the 2pooks - ot a chance to teach Carol and Nre us +hat - had learned a"out fed acti*e sur*eillance a fe+ +eeks earlier in Jos $n eles under the a"le tutela e of !y secret insider "uddy. (he t+o of the! are e8tre!ely fast learners and +e ot photos of se*eral field a ents of the C-$ and 12$% +hich caused the! to "ack off enou h to let us put the si8 99 s and t+o te!porarily-positioned Che!"usters in place +ithout "ein o"ser*ed or perhaps arrested. 3e dro*e a"out the area in the Eapporiu!% +hich is ar ua"ly one of the !ost conspicuous *ehicle on the planet% second% perhaps to the 0scar #eyer 3einer 3a on% so -O! sure the 2pecial $ ents in Char e .2$-C/ had so!e e8plainin to do a"out +hy they didnOt see us place any of the de*ices. @sually thereOs only one 2$-C in an operation% "ut there +ere at least t+o federal a encies tryin to follo+ us. 2ince the Eapporiu! has a rather e8tensi*e ener y rid !ade up of crystals% copper +ire% or one enerators% !o"ius coils and a freKuency enerator% to +hich the rest is attached% none of the *oice and tele!etry transponders the *arious fed a encies put in the *ehicle +ere +orkin +hile the freKuency enerator is turned on at 1L9z% so +e +ere untracea"le-e*en "y satellite. Carol repelled the *arious psychics +ith a 2uccor 7unch as they sho+ed up. 3e turned off the screenin de*ice +hen +e left in order to et the feds to follo+ us a ain and headed to+ard ho!e .in the ne8t part% -Oll tell a"out the !ost fun 6ed photo-op of the +hole trip/. $fter 2acra!ento% +e turned it on a ain and +ent to Death Falley to put a Che!"uster there. Carol said the 12$ spooks in (ahoe City +ere +aitin for us% "ut they still apparently thou ht +e +ere oin
ho!e at that point and +ere )ust playin +ith their heads% so they co*ered the only other lo ical route. $n 12$ *ehicle passed us on @.2. Boute :' headin to+ard (ahoe City "efore +e ot to 7lacer*ille% "ut Carol said they hadnOt "een told to +atch for us yet. 3e turned south a fe+ !iles "efore any of the! +ould ha*e spotted us. (here +as a fake forest fire .saucer crash/ on @2 :ML% so +e had to !ake a detour throu h part of 1e*ada to Brid eport. #ore on that later% too. TDonOt +orry "oss% +eOll et hi! this ti!e5T $+hile after +e dro*e south throu h Brid eport% - clu!sily allo+ed an 12$ psychic to read so!e of !y thou hts +hile Carol +as sleepin on the "unk "ehind the dri*er seat for a couple of hours "efore +e ot to Death Falley% so they +ere +aitin for us there. By then% Carol +as a+ake and alert a ain% and it +as Kuite dark% so +e easily eluded their o"*ious round sur*eillance% planted the CB in an area of hi h "rush .for ood co*er/ durin a lon dri*e +ithout headli hts% and turned off the freKuency enerator and turned on the headli hts% "oth in the !o!ent +e passed the 12$ fello+ in a +hite *an +ho +as to report our presence. Carol +a*ed to hi!. - +as dri*in pretty fast and had asked Carol to cue into his thou hts and location "efore +e reached 2to*epipe 3ells% +here she said he +as +atchin the hi h+ay. B0?% +as that fun5 2he also keyed into the intention of the 12$ 2$-C to send so!e nin)a types in a couple of *ans% )ust like they did on our first trip there last 1o*e!"er% to run us off the road $2$7 so +e didnOt lin er for any photo opportunities. (hey didnOt find us a ain% of course% and stopped lookin after a+hile% accordin to !y telepathic +ife% +ho )ust ot a pro!otion% apparently. -O! oin to start salutin her. -llu!inati Deep (hroat 9ere are !ore of the details for our fello+s on the cuttin frin e of !etaphysical research and de*elop!ent. (he rest are free to keep their 7<Os on and hit the OsnoozeO "utton on their alar! clock. Jife can o on as usual: +ork-"ooze/pot-+ork-"ooze/pot -O! +ritin .and youOre readin / under a handicap% since - pro!ised to sparin ly discuss !y for!er-insider friend out of consideration for his safety. #y *isit +ith hi! +arranted a )ournal entry rather lar er than this one% "ut it also in*ol*ed too !uch acti*ity that +ould land hi! in a dun eon% the "otto! of a lake or a fed psycho +ard to tell you a"out ri ht no+. -O! confident that heOll feel co!forta"le a"out !e talkin a"out it "efore the end of the year% +hen +e ha*e had our collecti*e *ictory o*er the efforts of this unla+ful o*ern!ent to create an o*ertly !urderous police state. 0f course% +eO*e "een li*in in a police state for enerations% and theyO*e in*ested countless "illions of dollars in keepin the 7a)a!a 7eople fro! "ein a+are of it% since the 7< folks +ould instantly put an end to it if they +oke up to the kno+led e their o+n po+er% as you and - are doin ri ht no+. 3e "oth ot a lot of ne+ infor!ation fro! our interaction. 9e de*eloped a first-hand appreciation of the easy a"ility of the 3in !akers to protect and uide the process of political and spiritual li"eration no+ in pro ress and - ot a *ery ood% first-hand look at ho+ the felonious feds are a"le to et infor!ation fro! us and ho+ to stop the! fro! ettin it +ith a little sa**y and so!e si!ple de*ices. 3e didnOt ha*e ti!e to et into all the stuff he had taken "lood oaths not to re*eal% "ut +e can do that later% perhaps. 9e kno+s that -Oll tell you a"out it. 3e had told lots of folks o*er the -nternet that +e +ere lea*in on (uesday. 0ur unspoken intention +as to sneak do+n to J$ for a "rief *isit +ith !y friend% "ut an electrical pro"le! in the Eapporiu! !ade that i!possi"le this ti!e. Jan ley #aintenance #an $"out an hour after our announced departure ti!e a fello+ knocked on the door and said he +as the ne+ !aintenance !an and +ished to fi8 an electrical pro"le! +eOd reported a fe+ days earlier. -t +as around se*en oOclock in the e*enin . 9e +as a C-$ operati*e sent to case the house for e*idence of +hate*er +e +ere doin to scra!"le the psy-ops eKuip!ent theyOd set up a "lock a+ay in an effort to !ake us psychotic or so!ethin . 0f course that all stopped +orkin +hen +e put the 99 in the "ushes under their +indo+. (hatOs the pyra!id-
shaped one that <eff Contreras sent us% so hereOs a ood endorse!ent for you% <eff5 $fter they "eefed it up so!e !ore% +e put an 99 at each corner of our house outdoors. (heyO*e "eefed it all up se*eral ti!es since then and t+o transfor!ers leadin to that "uildin % +hich !ainly houses the offices of the @ni*ersity of -dahoOs 6orestry Depart!ent% ha*e e8ploded fro! o*erloads V-/ --the later one e8ploded the day "efore +e left this +eek. 3hen - laid <u!"o 6unky% our outsize Che!"uster% into the +ind a couple of !onths a o% to stop a 9$$B7 assault .rare these days/% a "lack helicopter sho+ed up o*er our "ack yard. - hadnOt seen one of those in 1orthern -daho "efore% so -O! sure <u!"o really did a nu!"er on the C-$Os for!ida"le psyops eKuip!ent that day. - didnOt realize it +as pointin at their little setup until that chopper sho+ed up. - +as )ust feelin a little pee*ed at the sudden +ind +hen - set it to point into the face of it. Nood thin for the cre+ of that chopper% too% that - had no intention to use a "o+ and arro+ and roll of sur*eyor tape and !ake it land real soonV-/. - think they donOt like to fly at all in 1. -daho. 2o!e"ody once told !e that +hen the pilot of a chopper is flyin lo+ o*er your nei h"orhood on a !oonless ni ht% you can also force hi! to land )ust "y shinin a stron spotli ht at the chopper. (hey alle edly ha*e to land to recali"rate their ni ht *ision and infrared eKuip!ent +hen you do that. -Oll try it the ne8t ti!e - et a chance. - "ou ht a really stron 1&* spotli ht. - +onder if theyOre ha*in as !uch fun as +e areR <enny% +ho is also telepathic% "ut not nearly as talented% yet% as her !o!% said the O!aintenanceO fello+ +as e8plorin the +hole house% thou h the pro"le! +as in the "athroo!. 9e looked like an en ineer% sort of o*erKualified% and dro*e a *ery nice% ne+ truck +ith lots of eKuip!ent in the "ack. - lo*e !y landlord% "ut - kno+ for sure that he doesnOt pay top dollar for anythin % includin +a es for a !aintenance !an. 3e all kne+ he +as a spook "efore he left the house% "ut ne8t ti!e% -Oll ha*e the forethou ht to t+eak hi! a little. 2!ile5 (akin their picture is the ulti!ate coup% pro"a"ly !ore hu!iliatin to the! than shootin the!% +hich - +onOt do unless/until the felonious 6eds et their +ish and put their tentati*ely scheduled dissident-roundups and OdetentionO ca!p e8ter!inations into operation a little later this year. $ll "ets are off in that case% of course. really "elie*e +eOll all stop the! "efore they et to that point% thou h. $!ericans ha*e de*eloped a curious duality in the last couple of enerations. 6or so!e reason they think itOs "ad +hen a ro""er "usts your door open and *iolates your ho!e% "ut itOs okay if the 6eds do it +ithout due process% as they do often these days% especially to people of color. -Od "e +illin to "e !artyred for !y reli ion% as !any thousands ha*e "een recently% "ut thereOs no +ay in hell -Od sacrifice !yself for the sake of their infantile predatory sche!es% +hich should "e painfully o"*ious to any rational% "alanced person "y no+. #y parentsO eneration +ere ar ua"ly !uch !ore stupid than !ine is% "ut not e*en they +ould ha*e "een co!forta"le +ith a O9o!eland 2ecurity 6orce.O ?ikes5 Bay 3atch Jike !ost of our dri*es% the one to the Bay $rea +as pretty e*entful. $fter notin all the ne+ !artial la+ DJ6 trans!itters that +e +ill need to disa"le alon @.2. Boute ML in +estern -daho% +e +ere keen to check out +hat +eOd done to the under round facility in nei h"orin 0re on a fe+ !onths pre*iously. (here +ere no che!trails% thou h there +ere se*eral of their planes% includin a Boein P4P% tryin to lay do+n the spe+ do+n+ind of that facility% all the +ay to Boise. <erryOs CBs +ere !akin that i!possi"le% of course% "ut an DJ6 freKuency +as o"*iously "ein used on the odd-lookin clouds that +ere sort of pointin to+ard the facility% +hich is a"out 1P' !iles fro! <erryOs +estern!ost CB and apparently +ell +ithin its ran e. Cloud Co*er 3e sa+ four lenticular clouds for! ri ht in the !iddle of that cloud for!ation. (he apparatus +as apparently directed at these clouds al!ost i!!ediately% as they de*eloped a sort of +ash"oard te8ture on so!e of the outer ed es. $t the sa!e ti!e a che!trail )et fle+ ri ht o*er all of the!. 3e sa+ the shado+ of the disappearin spe+
on each lenticular cloud. 2oon after that% a reen ed e for!ed around the! all and the +ash"oard te8ture Kuickly disappeared. (hen a !a enta ed e surrounded the reen color and the size and density of the clouds increased a "it. $"out t+enty !inutes later +e passed throu h +hat should ha*e "een the shado+ of these clouds% "ut there +as no shado+ at all on the round% thou h the clouds had o"*iously "een denser than the surroundin clouds% +hich did cast shado+s. (here +ere Je!urian ships inside% as youO*e pro"a"ly deduced "y no+. (he lenticular clouds +hich hide the craft of predatory roups are dark and rather u ly. - had seen the flash of a Je!urian craft near the horizon shortly "efore the clouds for!ed that day. (hatOs their +ay of announcin their presence to psychically challen ed folks like !e. Carol already kne+ they +ere there% of course. 2he said they sho+ed up to distract the folks in that under round facility% +hich had created the effects in the sky earlier% so +e could put a second 99 there and end their predatory acti*ities there. $ youn fello+ in 9olland recently told !e a"out seein +hat Carol and - kne+ +ere Je!urian and reptilian craft there as he and his "rother one day +ere "ustin clouds +ith the O*isual ray%O +hich !any ha*e !entioned doin in the foru!. (he Je!urian craft +as flashin near the horizon% then +hen he and his "rother +ere +atchin % it Kuickly !ade a hu e O3O fli ht pattern +hile puttin out a steady li ht. (his +as *ery close to t+o dark lenticular clouds% +hich then !o*ed to+ard each other at hi h speed and contrary to the direction that the other clouds in the sky +ere !o*in . (hereOs an a+ful lot of infor!ation in a de!onstration like that. - con ratulated the!% "oth for tryin to "ust che!trails +ith such panache and for puttin the o"ser*ations in +ritin and - su ested that +hen they no lon er feel they ha*e ti!e and ener y to destroy che!trails this +ay% +hy not )ust put a Che!"uster out in the yard and et it done effortlessly% &4/PR $pparently the che!trail ca!pai n has not "een defeated yet in Durope as it has "een in 1orth $!erica. 7ipe Calls 3e dutifully arri*ed at the under round facility% +hich is !arked "y a +indo+less "uildin on a hilltop ne8t to se*eral to+ers +ith those *ertical% 1&O tall !ast antennae arrayed around the tops of each one and put the 99 on the side of the facility fro! +hich Carol sa+ the ener y e!er in .opposite of +here +eOd put the first 99 /. sa+ a draina e pipe co!in out farther do+n the hill and assu!ed it +as co!in fro! inside the hill% so - "ent do+n and shouted a O9ello5O into the pipe. $t that point - noticed% +ith a little cha rin% that it only reached the other side of the road and +as for drainin rain+ater. 3hen - ot "ack in the truck% Carol +as i lin and said that +hat - did +as felt rather stron ly "y tro lodytes in char e there and it pretty +ell freaked the! out. 3hen +e arri*ed% she had picked up on their plans to do so!ethin pretty a+ful to the population of the area soon% "ut the date +asnOt clear. 2he ot a si!ilar i!pression fro! the under round folks that she ets +hen !o*in throu h a cro+d of people% thou h of course% !ost of the people in that facility are #C @ltra drones. (he #C @ltra pro ra! +as set up to pro*ide the +ork force for the 3orld 0rder and e*eryone in the secret facilities% fro! the )anitors to the scientists% +ere processed throu h #ontauk-type facilities as youn "oys. - apparently +as% as +ere !any people on the cloud"uster foru!. -t used to "e considered an honor to "e a +hite !an% "ut no+ +e kno+ that +hites are the !ost easily pro ra!!ed% +hich doesnOt speak +ell for our innate spiritual stren th. 9o+e*er% that i*es us a pretty stron *ested interest in "rin in the predators do+n +hen +e do +ake up to +hat +as done to us +ithout our consent. #y clandestine insider "uddy says theyOre ai!in for 0cto"er% &''&% to fully acti*ate the cro+d control DJ6 to+ers and take the dissidents a+ay% as +ell as all the uns they can round up fro! a!on the *iolently sick% physically disa"led citizenry. 0h% Cell 7hones% of course5 -O! patiently +aitin for Carl to furnish so!e e*idence that these ne+ trans!itters are for cell phones. $fter he does that% -Oll ask hi! +hy the trans!itters are as close as a !ile apart in so!e cities% such as 2acra!ento and 2pokane% and al!ost entirely a"sent in cities such as 2anta Bosa and Jas Fe as. (here are o"*iously no fe+er cell phones per capita in the latter than in the for!er. -O! sure the other electronics en ineers on the cloud"uster
foru!% +ho ha*e "een a little shy a"out pu"licly discussin this up to the present% +ould "e keen to read CarlOs co!!ents. - sense so!e hesitation on their part% "ut hopefully% after readin a"out our o+n e8periences +ith the 0")ect of their possi"le trepidation% the dirty C-$% theyOll et "older and i*e us their learned opinions. -f the +et+ork specialists arenOt suicidin !e for "latantly stoppin their fun% -O! sure they +onOt punish these en ineers for e8ercisin their free-speech "irthri ht. D*ery predatory a ency in hu!an history has relied al!ost totally on fear and inti!idation to !aintain their control o*er others. Nre us +itnessed the +ay +e all forced the sur*eillors to lea*e us alone and +e used nothin "ut a ca!era and a little telepathy. (hey are !uch !ore terrified of ca!eras than of psychic acro"atics. -O! sure they donOt ha*e a clue that the only reason +e could pick the! out of the cro+d +as that Carol and Nre us keyed into their thou hts. Don Croft b &''& Don Croft I Dducate-?ourself.or . $ll Bi hts Beser*ed
Episode 25 6ishing for 6eds Part 2 Part 1 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc&Lpt&fishin forfeds&M)un'&.sht!l <une &'% &''& Bo8 Boys $ccordin to Carol% the 12$ had a tea! of O"o8 sur*eillanceO specialists +aitin for us in 2an 6rancisco-a dozen or so. 3e decided to take a different route to Nuerne*ile fro! 2acra!ento. Nuerne*ille is a"out si8ty !iles directly north+est of 2an 6rancisco. 1o dou"t there +ere "u s on e*ery line co!in fro! the folks in 2an 6rancisco and *icinity that +eOd arran ed to contact on this trip% +hich is +hy +e didnOt contact the!% for +hich apolo ize here and +ill% personally% +hen +e et "ack ho!e. 3e stopped outside of 2e"astopol to !ake the 9oly 9and renades +eOd need for Boo ey!an Nro*e and ti!ed it so that +eOd "e close to Nuerne*ille "efore the 6eds arri*ed. $"out a !ile "efore Nuerne*ille% it felt like +e +ere "ein +atched% so - asked Carol a"out it. 2he said there +as a fello+ on a !otorcycle t+o *ehicles "ack +ho had raced throu h traffic to "e the first to !ake *isual contact +ith the Eapporiu!. - pulled o*er fast and snapped his photo as he +ent "y. - could see he +as *ery surprised and an ry .hu!iliated/ and Carol said he +as one of the "osses of the operation and +as no+ out of the a!e% since - O!adeO hi!. .(ry it yourself5/ 3e re!e!"ered that Nre us li*es )ust off of the ri*er road outside of to+n% so +e turned ri ht and started lookin for so!ethin fa!iliar. 3e had otten to ether a year "efore to plant a 99 in the ne8us of the array of *ortices that the 6ortune L'' and +orld political leader "o ey!en e8ploit for their annual satanic rites at the Nro*e. 3e had 6edD8ed a second 99 to Nre us the ne8t day% +hich he deployed in another *orte8 ri ht "efore the solstice cere!ony. 3e +ent past the settled area +ithout reco nizin his "uildin % so - asked Carol to key into the head of the 6ed +ho +as acti*ely +atchin Nre us that day and% sure enou h as +e +ere dri*in "ack into to+n% she indicated a fello+ dri*in a cherry picker +ith his turn si nal on. 9e +as con*er in on Nre usO house% +here another a ent% apparently fro! another a ency% in another cherry picker +as pretendin to do so!ethin hi h up on a telephone pole. (he *arious a encies donOt like to share intel +ith each other% +hich is an a!usin aspect of the -llu!inatiOs plans to !er e the! all into the O9o!eland 2ecurityO force. - suspect there +ould "e another +ar of attrition a!on the 6eds if that e*er co!es to pass. 2ort of like OCin of the 9illO +ith uns% psyops +eaponry and poison. -tOs reat that the spook sho+ed us +here to turn% as +eOd for otten that Nre usO house isnOt ri ht on the hi h+ay. - took pictures and +a*ed to the t+o fello+s !entioned a"o*e. Nre us hopped into the truck +ith us and +e +ent to +ork. Nre us had photo raphed the fello+ +ho +as up the po+er pole a couple of days "efore that% "ut he didnOt sho+ up in the di ital i!a e. 9e +as +ay too "i to duck do+n into that little "ucket he +as in +hen Nre us took the picture% so Carol re!inded !e that $l Bielek had !entioned that so!e of the 6ed a ents no+ ha*e a hand-held de*ice that chan es their ener y field so that they donOt sho+ up in a photo +hen itOs turned on. - "et +hoe*er follo+s us no+ has one of those in their hand all the ti!e. (his uy didnOt et that enra ed OlookO on his face until Nre us photo raphed hi! a ain later that day. - think he honestly "elie*ed +e +erenOt onto hi! until that point. 7retty thickheaded for a 12$ spook. Nre us had tried to et the 2heriffOs Depart!ent to look into the truckOs e8pired license plates a fe+ days "efore that% +ith no luck. - think he should et a O"u snifferO to locate the transponders in and around his residence. 3eOre oin to et one shortly. -tOs fine to te!porarily neutralize the transponders% "ut itOs "etter to )ust find and destroy the! all.
-n 1MMP% 3ilhel! #uller sho+ed !e a little freKuency enerator that he turned on +hene*er he +anted to discuss anythin +ithin ran e of the snoops that freKuently park ne8t to his property. -t puts out a field lar e enou h for t+o people to co!forta"ly sit in. - later ot one of those fro! a ?u osla*ian zapper custo!er of !ine% ri ht after the $!erican $ir 6orce "o!"ed his city +ith radioacti*e su"stances. -ncidentally% Bill #uller +as the first person to sho+ !e that +e donOt need to fear these predatory a ents. - think he stopped "ein afraid of tyrants so!eti!e durin his inter!ent in a 1azi concentration ca!p as a youth. (he 2uccor 7unch% thou h% creates a !uch lar er field. -O! curious to kno+ +hat the li!its of the field are. (hat pro"a"ly has a lot to do +ith the person +hoOs usin it% of course% "ut -O! sure the !ini!u! field is adeKuate to enco!pass any *ehicle you !ay "e dri*in or a ood part of your residence% e*en +ithout "ein a !aster of Ointention.O $nyone can direct the ener y% re ardless of skill or Ocredentials.O (hese days% if youOre a fairly "alanced person% acti*ely en a ed in planetary healin .)ust talkin a"out it doesnOt count% since thatOs a si n of i!"alance% -#90/ if you et e*en a fleetin i!pression that so!e"ody is psychically snoopin you% youOre pro"a"ly ri ht% so )ust i!a ine the "ea! of or one oin fro! that 2uccor 7unch to +hoe*er or +hate*er is interferin +ith you and - uarantee theyOll +ish they hadnOt. Ceep the! dancin as lon as you like. -t +onOt har! the! at all. Both of you +ill et so!e educational "enefits fro! the e8perience. ?ouOll find that it +ill happen less and less as ti!e and your ood +ork pro ress. Bohe!ian Nro*e Boo ey!an Nro*e is in a narro+ *alley alon the Bussian Bi*er% a"out 1' !iles fro! the coast. Bohe!ian 9i h+ay% +hich crosses the ri*er do+nstrea! fro! Nuerne*ille% is the road fro! +hich the cele"rants enter. 2ince - donOt kno+ the area +ell% itOs a "lur to !e e8actly +here +e put all those 99 s "ut +e put the t+o cloud"usters in positions that ai!ed to+ard the Nro*e fro! the other points of a trian le for!ed +ith Nre usO cloud"uster% +hich re!ained in the or eous rose arden in front of his apart!ent% pointed at the Nro*e. (here is a *orte8 do+nhill fro! +here +e put the second CB and one of the 99 s +ent into that *orte8. $nother +ent into a sacred pool o*erlookin the Nro*e. ?es% +e had to trespass to et to it% "ut itOs in a *orte8. Bi ht "efore +e arri*ed at the OtrailheadO +e passed t+o 2heriff,s *ehicles% +hich +ere parked "y the road. $s +e pulled o*er to +alk to the site% "ut "efore Nre us and - ot out to do it% the cops dro*e "y us% ha*in reported to the 6eds that they sa+ us% accordin to Carol. 2he stayed in the truck% +onderin if the 6eds +ould sho+ up% no dou"t% and catch us trespassin % "ut +e ot "ack "efore any of that happened. 2he had told !e that +hat they +ere hopin for +as a chance to ha*e us arrested so that +e could "e disappeared on so!e token le al rounds. 0ther+ise% the local cops pro"a"ly +ould "e suspicious of the 6edsO intentions and cops% after all% are )ust 7< people% too. 3e put an 99 in the ri*er opposite the "o ey!en,s play "eachV then one near the sla*esO ated entrance. By then it +as nearly sunset% so +e dropped Nre us off at his place and +ent to spend the ni ht near the seashore. - ot the ur e to et up around 6::'$# and cli!"ed do+n the steep "ank to deposit the last 99 for that pro)ect in the ocean 1ot surprisin ly% there +as al!ost no surf and the tide +as lo+% so - +as a"le to et it in place and hidden +here it +ould "e constantly co*ered "y sea +ater. -tOs *ery unusual for there to "e no surf on the California coast. Carol told !e that puttin the 99 there +as the finishin touch "ecause fro! here on% +hoe*er tries to !ake satanic !a ic at the Nro*e +ill "e co!pletely and utterly unsuccessful. 3e stopped at the 2afe+ay in Nuerne*ille to et Nre us a spray "ottle for the #iracle-- that pro*ided so!e astonishin healin for a lon -standin pro"le!. (he clerk asked us +hat +e +ere doin in Nuerne*ille and told her +e +ere there to shut do+n the "lack !a ic. 2he asked if +e +ere oin to participate in the protest and - said - felt the protests +erenOt necessary any !ore. Carol and - had the i!pression that the people in that part of the state +ould "e happy to see the satanists o else+here. (he reputation of Bohe!ian Nro*e is so "ad that it "leeds throu h e*en the 7< peopleOs +all of denial.
7layin +ith 2pooks Nre us !ade us so!e fine coffee% then +e headed to+ard 2acra!ento +ith the freKuency shield turned off so the 6eds could !ore easily follo+ us and so +e could fish for the! a ain. $"out t+enty !iles up the road% - asked Carol +here the spook +as +ho +as tailin us and she said he +as on a !otorcycle a"out & "locks "ack% tryin not to "e o"*ious. - ran throu h the last of the yello+ phase of a traffic li ht so that heOd ha*e to et a little farther "ackV then% - sped up and turned into a hidden side street and parked the truck. Carol and - Kuickly ot out +ith the ca!era and stood "ehind a tall hed e )ust "eside the road+ay. 2he told !e the instant "efore he appeared% and +e )u!ped out +ith the ca!era to take his picture. $s - +as fiddlin +ith the ca!era settin % - heard hi! re* his !otor and zoo! off at a *ery hi h speed. Carol +as lau hin "ecause% she said% he al!ost crashed +hen he sa+ us. 9e had his head do+n like a racer and +as a "lock a+ay "efore - e*en had the chance to look up. 3e dro*e past 2acra!ento a little +ay then stopped for as. - scanned the horizon +ith the "inoculars% and then turned on the spook-"e- one apparatus and +e took off in a zi za pattern to+ard @.2. Bte :'. Carol had said that the 12$ had a li ht plane in the air% "ut *ery lo+% out of si ht so that +e +ouldnOt see it. -t +as !ainly trackin us "y the transponder% so it +asnOt +atchin carefully. Bi ht "efore +e ot onto Bte :'% headin to+ard Jake (ahoe City on the +ay to Death Falley% - sa+ the "ri ht flash of a Je!urian craft near the horizon )ust ahead of us. Carol said they +ere con ratulatin us for doin all of that +ithout the 3in !akersO help. 2o!e of the Je!urians are 3in !akers% of course% as are representati*es fro! )ust a"out e*ery "eneficial a ency you could !ention-past% present and future. - donOt e*en try to fi ure out their roster any !ore. By no+% the 12$ +as still thinkin +e +ere headed ho!e% "ut +e +ere )ust playin +ith the!V so they +ere +aitin to pick us up a ain in (ahoe City. 2tar 3ars 9ereOs +here it ot a little +eird% e*en for us. - s+ear that e*ery ti!e +e dri*e do+n @2 :ML +est of the 2ierras in California% it feels like +eOre in the (+ili ht Eone. (hat hi h+ay +as closed north of Brid eport% so +e had to detour into 1e*ada% as - !entioned "efore. Before +e ot to the detour% thou h% +e passed a *ery lar e antenna array on a !ountaintop% ne8t to a *ery hi h pass on California Bte SM. 0n the ne8t peak% there is a hu e stone !onolith% +hich rese!"les the heads on Daster -sland% "ut there is no road leadin up to the !onolith% as there is leadin up to the trans!itters. 3e didnOt i*e it a lot of thou ht at the ti!e% "ut +hen +e ot to the detour at Bte :ML +e sa+ that there +ere t+o e8tensi*e rainstor!s% one o*er the alle ed fire and one centered o*er the Che!"uster - had left near 6allon% 1e*ada three +eeks earlier ."y the +ay% theyOd had !any ood% lon -lastin rainstor!s since then/. $s +e dro*e south% parallel to :ML% +e neither sa+ nor s!elled s!oke fro! the alle ed forest fire. Carol said that there +as a token fire started "y the 6orestry depart!ent )ust for effect% "ut that the area +as closed "ecause the 6eds +ere reco*erin a crashed spaceship "elon in to off+orld reptilian +ould-"e in*aders. (he facility on the !ountaintop% +hich +as :' !iles fro! the nearest settle!ent% is a 9$$B7/2tar3ars scalar trans!itter and had "een used alon +ith si!ilar facilities in the re ion to shoot do+n the craft. (he !onolith +as erected thousands of years pre*iously "y *isitors as a pri!ary *orte8 !arker. (he near"y 9$$B7/2tar3ars facility +as put there in order to e8ploit the natural ener y of the *orte8. 9$$B7 needs to "e defeated% "ut the 2tar3ars +eaponry is protectin us% so Carol and - +onOt neutralize any of that e*en if itOs "ein used for 9$$B7. 3e "elie*e they can "e reco nized "ecause theyOre only placed in areas +here there are no people li*in . (his one +as at a"out M%''' feet ele*ation.
-f that +erenOt +eird enou h% as soon as +e dro*e into Brid eport% the southern ter!inus of the closed portion of hi h+ay :ML% +e sa+ a lar e sno+plo+ headin north past the checkpoint. $pparently that ship crashed *ery hi h in the 2ierras +here there +as still sno+ there. $t the as station% - spoke +ith a @.2. #arine +ho had )ust arri*ed% he said% to or anize the #arines Ofi htin the forest fireO into a con*oy for the return trip to Ca!p 7endleton% north of 2an Die o. - told hi! to keep his eyes and ears open% as +e kne+ for sure there +as no forest fire. 3e li*e in a part of the country +here forest fires are not unco!!on and the s!oke oes out for hundreds of !iles and lasts lon after the fire is out. 1e*ada is do+n+ind of the alle ed fire and there +as no s!oke at all. (he ne8t se !ent of the (+ili ht Eone +as north of #a!!oth Jake% +here +e passed a con*oy of a dozen un!arked% unlicensed +hite *ans% dri*in 6L !ph% *ery close to ether. (he +indo+s +ere tinted% "ut so!e of the dri*ers had their +indo+s rolled do+n and - sa+ Boy 2cout insi nias on their unifor!s. #y +eird sh-o!eter +as already off the scale at that point% so +e didnOt i*e it a lot of thou ht. (he front t+o *ans had different letter/nu!"er co!"inations +ritten +ith !arkers on pieces of card"oard taped to the +indo+s% "e innin +ith O7.O the follo+in *ans had letter/nu!"er co!"inations "e innin +ith OC.O (he second *an +as dark reen and +e couldnOt e*en see the dri*er. (he front *anOs +indo+s +eren,tO tinted% so +e sa+ the unifor!s of the athleticlookin youn !en% a"out a dozen% +ho +ere seated there. (hey +erenOt Boy 2cout unifor!s "ut they +erenOt @2 !ilitary ones% either. (hey turned off the hi h+ay at the road leadin to #a!!oth Jake. Carol said they +ere #C @ltra folks% takin speci!ens fro! the spaceship crash site to the !assi*e under round facility there. <ust ahead +as Cro+ley Jake% +hich had another hu e under round co!ple8. (+o of the entrances can "e seen clearly fro! the hi h+ay and a little co!!unity of upscale% upper !iddle class ho!es +as placed near one of the!. (he nearest to+n +as a"out 4' !iles south% so this isnOt a "edroo! co!!unity "y any !eans. - uess the "oss drones et to li*e up in the open air. - +onder if they ha*e 2tepford +i*es .cy"or s/ to keep the! co!panyR 1ot lon after that% Carol cli!"ed into the "unk "ehind the dri*erOs seat and - dro*e on to+ards Death Falley in the dark. 2he had "een keepin a third eye out for 12$ psychics after one of the! cle*erly pinpointed our location on the +ay to Nuerney*ille% "y readin road si ns. (his ti!e% the sa!e fello+ sho+ed up .- hadnOt fi ured out yet ho+ to sense his presence/ and read a thou ht or t+o that - +as ha*in a"out Death Falley. $ couple of hours later% there he +as% sittin in a little red car "eside the road leadin do+n the L%'''O rade into Death Falley. 9e pulled out "ehind !e and follo+ed !e do+n% so - parked "eside the road and +atched hi! o "y. $t this point% - didnOt kno+ +ho he +as% "ut any traffic on that road at that ti!e of ni ht .around 1'::'7#/ is a little suspect% especially if it e8hi"its that kind of "eha*ior. By no+% Carol +as a+ake and sittin "eside !e% so - asked her to look at the fello+. 2he said she ot no i!pression at all fro! hi!. - noticed that he had stopped )ust "eyond the dirt road that "ranched off south to 7ana!int 2prin s% +hich runs alon the eastern floor of the *alley. (he !oon +as a"out c full% li ht enou h for !e to find !y +ay +ithout headli hts% "ut too dark for anyone to see the truck fro! a distance if the li hts +ere turned off. 9e had stopped a"out a half !ile "eyond the )unction% so - turned south and dro*e a couple of !iles. $nother *ehicle% +hich +as lar er and pullin a trailer% pulled up "ehind the s!all car% then they "oth !o*ed off to+ard the east% out of si ht up into the s!all ran e of hills that runs do+n the center of Death Falley. Nettin a hunch that it +asnOt Kuite ti!e to o% +e +aited a fe+ !inutes and% sure enou h% the car ca!e "ack a ain% stopped at the turnoff "riefly% then !o*ed on to the li hted facility% )ust uphill fro! the floor of the *alley to the +est. Carol had disco*ered that the red car +as "ein dri*en "y a youn psychic that had keyed into !y thou hts a"out Death Falley and he +as feelin a+fully un -ho and cocky. 2he put the 2uccor 7unch on hi! and said he +as so o*er+hel!ed that he had to et out of his car. 1o+ +e +ere co!pletely safe fro! scrutiny% so +e !o*ed "ack onto the hi h+ay and dro*e to+ards 1e*ada% to the east. 3e found a spot +ith sufficiently hi h sa e"rush and left the Che!"uster there. 3e dro*e the re!ainin &'
!iles to 2to*epipe 3ells% +here Carol had seen the other a ent +aitin for us. 3e decided not to stop and take his photo% "ecause the 3in !akers inter*ened to tell Carol that the 12$ had scra!"led so!e #C @ltra hit !en fro! the under round facility east of Death Falley% and they had started out a"out fi*e !inutes earlier in t+o *ehicles. 0ne +ould dri*e do+n the road to+ard 7ana!int 2prin s% since that +as +here they fi ured +e !i ht ha*e one% and the other +as headed to+ard us at *ery hi h speed. (+o such *ans% +hich looked )ust like the ones in the con*oy +eOd seen earlier% passed us at *ery hi h speed )ust as +e had turned onto hi h+ay :ML oin south to+ard Jos $n eles on our first trip throu h Death Falley last 1o*e!"er. -f - hadnOt taken the +ron turn earlier% they +ould ha*e "een a"le to !urder us +ithout ha*in to +orry a"out onlookers. 9i h+ay :ML is +ell tra*eled. (hat +as a pretty +eird trip% too. - +rote a"out that one earlier. $t that point% the international Che!"uster pro)ect had )ust otten off to a *ery ood start thanks to the efforts of 2tephanie and #ichael Belfe. 3e had returned to Death Falley to put so!e 99 s o*er the ancient Draconian "ase there in 6e"ruary. 3e rented a roo! at 2to*epipe 3ells and - ot up around 4::'$#% feelin a stron ur e to et the )o" done. Carol said she heard three lar e *ehicles race past the !otel only fi*e !inutes after -Od left. (hereOs no traffic in Death Falley to speak of at that ti!e of day% "ut - +as co!pletely in*isi"le to the!. (he 3in !akers !ade that happen% not us. think +e !ade so!e kind of rade on this +eekOs trip% since +e +ere a"le to elude the 6eds "y our o+n efforts. -t feels pretty ood to do that and it points up the essential inco!petence of hu!an intelli ence a encies in the face of the ne+ paradi !. (+o Boads (his leads into !y discussion of the t+o kinds of kno+led e and their characteristics. -f one considers the Book of Nenesis as an analo y% the lesson tau ht "y the story of Cain and $"el points out the distinction "et+een sal*ation "y +orks and sal*ation "y race. -O! usin the ter!% Osal*ation%O conditionally% since -O! not supportin the 6unda!entalist notion of sal*ation. Bather% - think of sal*ation as an indication of kno+in oneOs place in the sche!e of thin s as a spiritual "ein . 3hen one "elie*es that sal*ation is attained "y oneOs o+n efforts% he/she is follo+in a li!itin line of thou ht. 3hen one "elie*es that sal*ation is a ift of Nod% not earned "ut i*en% he/she is follo+in the !ore creati*e Di*ine kno+led e and is !ore easily suscepti"le to di*ine uidance and protection. (his see!s to "e the !odus operandi of the 3in !akers% +hich is +hy - personally feel confident a"out +orkin +ith the!. (he ancient teachin s of the secret societies are essentially Juciferian% therefore self-centered. (he di*ine teachin s% characterized "y the spiritual teachin s of the founders of the !a)or +orld reli ions% stress the *alue of ser*in others and encoura e the de*elop!ent of our latent spiritual talents. (he founders the!sel*es +ere essentially hu!"le and self-sacrificin % stressin the i!portance of spiritual life o*er +orldly do!inion. (he (ao (e Chin illustrates the po+er of hu!ility +ith the analo y of +ater% +hich al+ays seeks the lo+est place to rest% takes the shape of +hate*er container itOs in% and is essential to all life. (he po+er of +ater to erode and "reak do+n all natural "arriers is also part of that analo yV so "ein hu!"le doesnOt !ean one needs to "e de raded. O9u!"leO is another +ord for O!eek%O and <esus told his follo+ers that one day Othe !eek shall inherit the earth.O Juciferian doctrine leads one to arro ance% on the other hand. -f youOre a follo+er% conscious or other+ise% of this doctrine% youOre pro"a"ly ettin an ry +ith !e ri ht a"out no+. (he Duropean secret societies% +hich ha*e "een !oldin +estern thou ht for the last three centuries% ha*e cle*erly !i8ed aspects of di*ine "eliefs in +ith the less palata"le Juciferian doctrine in order to et folks to !o*e a+ay fro! independent thou ht and the concept of indi*idual freedo!. 2ecret societies also fostered an i!a e of spiritual "ein s as ascetics and other+ise non-participatory in day to day issues% like freedo! and creati*e e8pression. -n $sia% other !ethods ha*e "een used to su")u ate people throu h reli ion. (hou h a careful re*ie+ of +hat
re!ains of the ori inal teachin s of Eoroaster% Buddha% and Crishna sho+ that none of the oppressi*e practices and "eliefs of these faiths are rooted in the teachin s of the founders% "ut rather +ere added "y the cler y% lon after+ards. -sla! is the first reli ion to ha*e !ost of the teachin s of the founder +ritten do+n +ithin his lifeti!e and the BahaOi 6aith is the first to ha*e no cler y at all% so these are relati*ely unpolluted "y destructi*e% di*isi*e% social practices and do !as. -n the e!er in paradi !% recei*in see!s to ha*e !ore *alue than i*in . (hink a"out that for a !o!ent. #ost i*in is done throu h a sense of uilt or a desire to et so!ethin "ack. #ost of us find it difficult to recei*e a ift% e*en fro! a dear friend. 0ne needs to o*erco!e uilt in order to recei*e freely. Nuilt is the other side of the coin of the "elief that +e are Nod% -#90. -tOs also the !ain o"struction to true unity a!on people. -O*e !et a lot of people and - carefully consider e*ery "elief syste! thatOs e8pressed to !e "efore - try to deter!ine if it has *alue for !e. 3hat !ost +esterners see! to !iss is the point that oneOs actions speak !ore clearly of his "eliefs than his +ords. 0*er the years% the +esterners -O*e kno+n +ho insist that they are Nod% see! to "e *ery narro+ and intolerant of other "eliefs and e8press a lot of resent!ent +hen - Kuestion the!. (he $sians -O*e kno+n +ho e8press that "elief see! to "e talkin a"out so!ethin entirely different and also see! to "e e8tre!ely fond of se!antics. - ha*e a ood friend +ho is a 2ikh fro! 7un)a"% and thou h he +as Kuite do !atic a"out this issue% he +as also self-sacrificin to a fault and e8tre!ely tolerant and curious a"out !y o+n "eliefs. $lso% +hene*er he +as in trou"le% he asked Nod for help. - uess if he really "elie*ed he +as Nod he +ouldnOt feel the need to do that. (his leads !e to "elie*e that +esterners are i*en this as part of a !ind control pro ra! to keep the! polarized and isolated% and therefore easier to control. $fter all% if you can !ake !e an ry or hate Oor anized reli ion%O youOre in char e% not !e. - uarantee that no"odyOs oin to et at !e "y criticizin !y "eliefs. Juciferian doctrine is the !ost or anized of all the Oreli ions.O - kno+ people +ho ha*e ained i!pressi*e occult kno+led e throu h years of trainin in secret societies. #any of the spooks +e eluded this +eek% +ere trained that +ay. (he pro"le! +ith that !ode of education is that there +ill al+ays "e a sort of ceilin % since itOs "ased on a denial of di*ine assistance. Carol and - ha*e a relati*ely casual "ack round in !etaphysics% "ut +e ha*e faith in an o!nipotent% all-lo*in % independent Creator +ho +orks throu h !any a encies such as the 3in !akers. - can tell you that if youOre not a+are of these thin s you can only et it "y askin Nod for it. 1ot e*en the 3hite Brotherhood can help you +ith that% and - think theyOre enerally considered the hi hest hu!an occult a ency% a sort of fountainhead of all the secret Juciferian orders in the +orld. Don Croft
Episode 26 0t7s Time to 8eutra$i9e Those Pes/- :nderground Bases;8o4 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc&6neutralizeunder round"asesno+1:)ul'&.sht!l <une &M% &''& .- )ust ot an interestin e!ail fro! !y secret "uddy yesterday% "ut -Oll et to that at the end./ ?esterday% Carol and - neutralized the "ase +hich is under the "eautiful 2nake Bi*er a"out :' !iles +est of +here +e li*e. 6or the past !onth% Carol has "een feelin like she had 7#2. 2he hadnOt really had 7#2 since she started usin a zapper fi*e years a o% "ut for a fe+ days she felt sure thatOs +hat +as happenin . 2he noted t+o days a o% +hen she finally found the source of her disco!fort% that psychics are !ost often the last ones to protect the!sel*es. 3e had thou ht it +as co!in fro! the little psy-ops facility the C-$ had set up in a federally-o+ned "uildin on the uni*ersity ca!pus at the end of our little street% "ut +hen +e +ent o*er there a ain% Carol could see that they had already packed it all up and left% since it +asnOt +orkin on us-at all. 2he told !e that the source of the assault ener y +as fro! the area under the perpetually !essed up sky +est of to+n. -t +as to+ard that direction that out dau hter <enny% had seen the lar e reptilian ship stickin out of a toos!all lenticular cloud a couple of +eeks a o. - !ade three 99 s yesterday !ornin and +e headed out to neutralize +hate*er +as "ein used to "ea! !y +ife. - had do+sed that t+o +ere needed% "ut - like to ha*e e8tra )ust in case. 3e ot a 3ashin ton !ap .the -daho "order is a couple of !iles +est of #osco+% +here +e li*e/ and Carol do+sed that the pro"le! +as co!in fro! a 3ashin ton state park on the 2nake Bi*er. Be!e!"er that !ost "ases are "uilt under land fro! +hich all !ineral ri hts are kept in the hands of the unla+ful o*ern!ent% such as state and national parks% !ilitary "ases% e*en city and county properties. 3eOd ne*er "een o*er there "efore% and the dri*e do+n fro! the 7alouse% +hich is +hat they call the north/south "and of rollin prairie here .hence the na!e of the 1ez 7erce -ndiansO horse "reed% the $ppaloosa/% to the "otto! of the 2nake Bi*er Canyon +as "reathtakin . -tOs a "i ri*er +ith a syste! of locks and da!s that allo+ ocean ships to tra*el to Je+iston% -daho. 3e do+sed each turn in the road rather than )ust follo+ the hi h+ay si ns% and the first "it of uidance took us to the end of a road "y a little state park that had s+i!!in and "oat launchin facilities. - put the 99 in the +ater% hidden "y rocks% and as - started returnin to the car% - sa+ t+o fello+s in an old red pickup truck lookin at !e as they +ere lea*in the facility. - noted it% "ut didnOt think !uch a"out it% "ut Carol told !e they +ere +aitin there in case +e should sho+ up and that theyOd +aited a J01N ti!e. 2he said the dri*erOs thou hts +ere% O6inally% +e can et out of here5O -t struck her at the ti!e that this is not characteristically ho+ fisher!en think% and they dro*e "y her to look at the car% "ut didnOt !ake eye contact +ith her. $s +e +ere lea*in the house yesterday% +e noticed that there +ere a"out fifty lenticular clouds in the direction of the tar et area .no% there are no !ountains in that direction/ and that the sky directly o*er that area +as e8tre!ely dark and the undersides of the clouds +ere distorted. -t re!inded !e of the sky - sa+ +hen - sailed !y little "oat throu h a hurricane years a o% "ut in this case the clouds +ere *ery still% unlike the hurricane% +here they appeared to "e "oilin . $t one point% - sa+ distinct lines on the ed es of a couple of those clouds% o"*iously of enor!ous ships ha*in a hard ti!e co*erin the!sel*es up. Dlse+here% the sky +as lo*elyV +ith the +hite% puffy clouds +e like to see% and there +as no +ind to speak of% as +eOd nor!ally e8perience close to a thunderhead. (his +as not a thunderhead.
Before +e ot close enou h to turn onto the hi h+ay leadin to the tar et area% - turned on the 2uccor 7unch to "lock the transponders in and on our car so that so!e"ody +ould ha*e to physically see us to kno+ +here +e +ere. 1ot e*en satellite transponders +ork in the *icinity of a 2uccor 7unch% so if you +ant to et off the 12$Os screen% )ust turn it on and *isualize a do!e of ener y surroundin your *ehicle or roup and youOll "e in*isi"le% e*en to the 3orst of the 3orst% at least electronically% and at ti!es% apparently% e*en physically in*isi"le .5/ to the!. - kept ai!in the 2uccor 7unch at the +eird clouds and Carol said the ships kept shufflin around to et out of !y si hts% "ut they +ouldnOt lea*e the area. 1e8t ti!e - do that% - think -Oll play J$ C@C$B$C9$ or (9D #DQ-C$1 9$( D$1CD on the CD player. (he other 99 site +as a"out ten !iles do+nri*er% "ut +e had to dri*e "ack up out of the canyon and o*er to it alon a"out thirty !iles of hi h+ay. Due to the inordinate a!ount of rain here this sprin and su!!er fro! the cloud"usters% the area has "eco!e uncharacteristically reen% e8cept for on the steep sides of the canyon. -tOs actually on the ed e of a desert% and e8tre!ely arid in the su!!er% ordinarily. - had Carol drop !e off at the point she considered !ost suita"le for the 99 and she dro*e on to the end of the road% +here there +as a ate and a uard post. 2he felt her picture "ein taken and OheardO lots of talk o*er the radio "et+een one of the uards and +hoe*er +as on the other end of the trans!ission and "y the ti!e she ot "ack to +here sheOd dropped !e off% - +as finished puttin it in the ri*er and had al!ost otten "ack to the road. .- "et they +ere +onderin +hy she sho+ed up in the car +ithout !eV-/ 2ince -O! a little i!petuous% it "othered !e a "it that the dark clouds and hea*iness didnOt entirely dissipate "y the ti!e +e had dri*en up out of the canyon. -t +as a lot li hter% "ut the clouds still had those sharp ed es% so kne+ the ships +ere still there. 3ithin another fifteen !inutes% thou h% the ships had left and the clouds resu!ed their natural appearance and started !o*in do+n+ind a ain. 3hen +e put the first 99 do+n% the dark ones !o*ed up+ind a"out fi*e !iles and stayed there. Carol said that they had "een there to a"sor" so!e of the scalar ener y/dead or one that +as "ein produced partly fro! the facility under the ri*er% so +hen +e shut off that ener y supply to the!% the scalar effect also disappeared. (hese% she said% +ere hu e ships "elon in to the B 2irians and +ere "ein used to help prepare for the upco!in phony alien in*asion% sta ed "y the -llu!inati% +hich "rin s us to +hat !y secret "uddyOs e!ail +as a"out. 6irst% thou h% - !ention that +e 99 Od a "rand ne+ 9$$B7 array that is "ein set up in 7ull!an% 3ashin ton% +hich +e passed throu h to et to #osco+. 7ull!an is )ust o*er the frontier in 3ashin ton% +est of #osco+% and the uni*ersity ca!pus there has so!e pretty ri! enetic la"s +hich need a 99 no+% too. - think dead/deadly or one has "eco!e the currency "ase of the +orld order rather than old. 6olks% letOs "ankrupt the!5 0nly one antenna is up so far% and it doesnOt e*en ha*e the nasty stuff on it yet. 3e put an 99 there no+ )ust so theyOll et a little surprise +hen they try to turn the finished array on later this su!!er. 3e did all of the DJ6 and other predatory facilities around here already. .- "et youO*e done the ones +here you li*e% too5 V-/ 9ereOs the ist of +hat - ot fro! !y secret friend: ?ou need to turn on your discern!ent function full "last and not )ust accept or re)ect any of this. - credit hi! +ith "ein sincere% ha*in a stron desire to ser*e hu!anity% and +ith "elie*in that +hat he says is true "ased on his for!er life of ser*ice to the -llu!inati. -O! personally actin on his ad*ice no+. ?ou can do as you please +ith this infor!ation.
(he $liens $re Co!in % (he $liens $re Co!in 5 (he felonious feds and other +orld order a encies are sta in a phony alien in*asion% +hich should "e happenin *ery soon. (here are lar e ships% constructed else+here% that are stationed outside our at!osphere% !uch as seen in the !o*ie% -ndependence Day. Carol says these ha*e "een sold to the -llu!inati "y the B 2irians. (heyOre a"out &' !iles lon . - re!e!"er a satellite photo fro! a"out fi*e years a o that sho+ed a rectan ular craft% around that size% floatin a"o*e the 7acific ocean a couple of hundred !iles off the coast of 2outhern California. (he shado+ could "e seen on the ocean. -t +as in the stratosphere% apparently. -ncidentally% thatOs the area +here the che!trails are !ade daily no+. -tOs a"out the only place in this part of the +orld +here che!trails can still "e !ade to spread out sufficiently and itOs apparently desi ned to create and !aintain the drou ht in the 3estern @2% +hich the CBs ha*e pretty !uch "usted no+% re ardless. - passed throu h a *ery lar e thunderstor! centered o*er Bakersfield% California% +hich +as !ade independently of any cloud co*er co!in fro! the 7acific. -O*e seen this happen se*eral ti!es in 1e*ada% too% in the past !onth. 3hen +e put the second 99 at the under round facility "y @2 ML in southern 0re on a +eek a o Carol OheardO the! talkin a"out so!ethin *ery "i that theyOre a"out to sprin on the population and the acti*ity +as rather fe*erish there. - assu!ed they !eant !artial la+ until Carol said the alien in*asion sca! +as also "ein prepared under round near here% too. - asked her if she sa+ a "unch of Bussian troops under round and she said they +ere there "ut that other nationalities +ere there% too. #y hunch +as that the forei n round troops used to enforce !artial la+ !i ht co!e up fro! these facilities rather than o*er the hi h+ays or dropped fro! aircraft% since all the under round "ases are interconnected--sort of an under round interstate hi h+ay net+ork% apparently% here and else+here% !ostly in Durope. Dr. 2tephen Nreer has "een +arnin a"out this alien in*asion sca! lately% as ha*e others% includin !y friend% <a!es 9u hes. (he -llu!inati a ents% such as 9.N. 3ells% the participants of the -ron #ountain think tank in the early si8ties% and !any others% ha*e "een discussin the ad*anta es of sta in one of these e*ents% as it +ould "e their fa*orite +ay to et people to +elco!e their o*ert tyranny. Jast yearOs ploy in*ol*in i!a inary e*il #usli!s didnOt pan out% as +eOre seein no+. (heO Beichsta 6ireO sort of ploy +orked for 9itler% "ut +e are )ust too cos!opolitan and a+are these days to froth at the !outh at forei ners any !ore% "ut creepy% o*er+hel!in % and terri"le non-hu!an aliens !i ht +ork. 9o+e*er% if +e can pull the curtain aside in ti!e and sho+ e*eryone the +izardOs "ackside% +ho kno+sR #ay"e% )ust !ay"e% +e can "ust their "u""le. $s +eO*e learned fro! the 1azi takeo*er of Ner!any% fro! the Bolshe*iks% and fro! #aoOs political !achine and !any others: once the tyrant is +elco!ed as a sa*ior% thereOs *ery little left that one can do to oppose hi!% so +e are at a critical )uncture ri ht no+% this su!!er. - think this !ay "e the ulti!ate test of the li"eratin potential of the -nternet% as +e all kno+ that the other !edia are al!ost co!pletely su"*erted no+% so they +ill not "e a *ia"le infor!ation source in the co!in days. -n !y opinion% they ne*er +ere a *ia"le infor!ation source% "ut itOs ettin !uch +orse no+. (he Bad Nuys use technolo y and !a ic to ether and so !ust +e. 0ur or one- eneratin de*ices are !ore !a ical than their technolo y% especially since or one .ether/ is the !ediu! of !a ic and +e can produce an $36@J lot of that% as +e all kno+. $lso% our !a ic eats their !a ic for "reakfast and al+ays +ants OsecondsO. 2peakin of eatin % you !i ht +ant to et a *o!it "a "efore readin the ne8t part. - used to think that if +e put the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation out of "usiness% the +orld order +ould i!plode. (hat !ay still "e true% "ut - rather think no+ that +e need to o after the core roup of insti ators and that the Corporation% of +hich the 6ed is only one tentacle% are all !iddle !ana e!ent drones. (hese are the de enerates that ha*e al+ays sho+n up en !asse at Bohe!ian Nro*e and Bilder"er er concla*es. #y friend +as taken to !eet a !an called 2in in 9on Con once. 2o!e of the !en at the top of the a"o*e
!entioned Corporation +ere there at the ti!e and they +ere *isi"ly terrified of 2in % +ho is a s!all !an% a"out 4 and a half feet tall% +ith oriental features .Carol ets that 2in apore is na!ed after hi! or his fa!ily% "ut not clear a"out that one/. (his fello+ is the Nuidin Ji ht of the +orldOs dru !arket% +hich is one of the !ain supportin pillars of the -llu!inati. - +onOt d+ell on his in*ol*e!ent +ith the 3hite Brotherhood% since !any of !y readers "elie*e the 3hite Brotherhood are a "ene*olent or anization% "ut suffice it to say that heOs at the top of the -llu!inati food chain% alon +ith t+o others that !y friend had not !et face to face. D*ery"ody a rees that the -llu!inati are Bad Nuys% e*en the -llu!inati% so -O! not steppin on any toes here. $t the ti!e% 2in +as lyin face do+n on a couch. 9e looked to "e in his thirties% "ut !y friend has the i!pression that heOs ancient. 9e +as told that 2in eats the "rains of the children sacrificed at Bohe!ian Nro*e and other corporate atherin s. 9e had so little ener y that he had to "e helped into a sittin position "y his o!nipresent "ody uards. #ay"e heOs ot his o+n Be*erly 9ills plastic sur eon. 9e +as in a penthouse on one of the skyscrapers in 9on Con .sort of re!inds !e of 9o+ard 9u hes/. #y friend said that +hen he +as allo+ed to lea*e the !eetin % he )ust felt rateful that he +asnOt (ed (urner. $fter all% so!e"ody had to kill those "a"ies and children in order for 2in and the other -llu!inated !asters to et their dinner - suppose this keeps !iddle !ana e!ent in line .- uess the Bad Nuys in real life donOt ha*e the spunk and panache of the ones in the !o*ies% like <ack 1icholson/. 2o% there it is% folks. -Oll "e sendin 2in healin ener y fro! ti!e to ti!e. 2piritual healin % that is-- ha*e the i!pression that if he +as feelin physically stron he could do a lot !ore da!a e than if heOs disa"led. - hope e*eryone +ith a 2uccor 7unch +ill et in on the act. D*ery li*in % "reathin sentient "ein has the potential of ettin onto an up+ard-pointin spiritual path characterized "y selfless ser*ice% e*en 2in . -tOs happened "efore% so +e canOt say that itOs co!pletely unlikely or i!possi"le. (his is a ood +ay to help derail the ensuin and - truly "elie*e that +eOre up to the task enocide and lo"al de*astation at the hands of 2in Os su"ordinates
6or those readers +ho "elie*e -O! delusional% at +orst% and !is uided% at "est% realize that -O! not ad*ocatin har! to anyone and - "et this is entertainin you% at least. -O! confident that e*en if only a half dozen folks follo+ !y reco!!endations it +ill ha*e a po+erful and co!pellin effect on 2in and the -llu!inatiOs predatory a enda% especially since !y friend has the i!pression that heOs not entirely hu!an. (he non-hu!an off+orlders and nati*e reptilians are e*en !ore suscepti"le to the 2uccor 7unch than +e are% in our e8perience. 9a*e fun5 Do you realize that - !ay "e the first person in history to pu"licly na!e a top -llu!inatiR Do - et a prize for thatR Can - et a prize for "ein on the hi hest nu!"er of sh-- listsR 3ho could "e on the panel of )ud es for that oneR 2o!e people reco!!ended the !o*ie% $ BD$@(-6@J #-1D% to Carol. -tOs an account of the adult life of <ohn 1ash% +ho +ent insane after "riefly ettin in*ol*ed +ith "lack ops for the o*ern!ent% then reco*ered his sanity and +ent on to et a 1o"el 7rize. 3e en)oyed it *ery !uch% "ut there see!ed to "e a co!pellin underlyin !essa e that e*eryone +ho "elie*es in conspiracies is insane. - suppose that !essa e has !ore i!pact on folks +ho donOt ha*e direct e8perience +ith the sea!ier side of o*ern!ent operations and !ind control% "ut Carol and - "oth noticed that <ohn 1ashOs +eak point early on +as his !assi*e e o% +hich he e*entually +as a"le to rei n in% and that !en of science% enerally% ha*e difficulty +ith !etaphysics "ecause their trainin reKuires the! to "lindly accept principles of institutional science% +hich is "uilt on the denial of non-!aterial principles. (his usually leads the! to "lindly adopt institutional !etaphysical do !as +hen they do push on to in*esti ate the non-physical real!% such as those pro!oted on "ehalf of the 3hite Brotherhood% +hich in itself can lead to insanity in !y opinion. -t takes oneOs full attention
and discern!ent% not to !ention% ha*in real faith% to na*i ate these so!eti!es-dark +aters and do !a +onOt sa*e one% "ut stron intuiti*e uidance and a little faith +ill-e*ery ti!e. D*en if one "e s the Kuestion of +hether a 1o"el prize is so!ethin to cherish% considerin that 9enry Cissin er% Bo"ert Nallo% $*erill 9arri!an and other arch traitors and international cri!inals ha*e "een a+arded the!% Dr. 1ashOs achie*e!ent is certainly praise+orthy. #ay"e so!eday% a prize +ill "e concei*ed that is not connected +ith so!eone like 1o"el% +ho "eca!e +ealthy fro! the international a!!unition trade durin a de*astatin international !ana ed conflict. $fter all% if 9itler or 7ol 7ot +ere i*in out prizes% +ho +ould +ant to put that on a resu!eR (o !e% sayin youO*e ot a 1o"el 7rize is sort of like sayin you are an -llu!inati or 7resident of the 1orth $!erican #an/Boy Jo*e $ssociation. -t has so!e *alue in certain circles% of course% "ut not in polite co!pany. (hat "it a"out 2in +as hard for !e to conte!plate% and - ha*e a cast iron sto!ach +hen it co!es to di estin infor!ation like that% enerally% so - sy!pathize +ith you if youOre a little sKuea!ish. (he reason the 3hite Brotherhood and their -llu!inati su"ordinates use youn folks like !y secret "uddy is so that they can "enefit fro! the spiritual *ision of those +ho are innocent and not !ired do+n "y satanic practices. 3hen these +ell!eanin youn risin stars +ake up to +hatOs happenin % they often kill the!sel*es out of re!orse. 3hatOs i!pellin !y friend to +ork +ith us in disa"lin the predatory a enda of the likes of 2in % is a desire to atone for the years durin +hich he "rou ht other ne+-a e innocents into the fold and turned the! o*er to his for!er !asters% thou h he ackno+led es that he stopped doin that as soon as he ot a clear picture of ho+ he +as "ein used. (hatOs +hen the !urder atte!pts started happenin to hi! and to his +ife. - uess - could "e +ritten off as a lunatic or !ind control stoo e if it +erenOt for the fact that the results of our +ork are so *isi"le and +idespread and that so !any others resonate closely +ith our e8periences. 3e +ho are disa"lin the re i!eOs a enda represent !any "ack rounds and "elief structures% so it +ould "e hard to !ake the case that our perceptions are a result of !ind control. Nenerally% !ind control is only effecti*e on folks +ho are not iconoclasts and +ho stron ly desire acceptance. (here are a ents of the -llu!inati +ho offer useful infor!ation a"out !etaphysics and other su")ects% "ut theyOre the e8ception and are "rou ht on sta e to pro*ide credi"ility for their !asters. - use so!e of their +orks as reference !aterial and -O! rateful for it all% "ut that doesnOt hide the fact that theyOre +orkin for the Bad Nuys% ulti!ately. 0f course -Od ne*er )oin their or anizations% +hich is the +ay una+are folks are channeled into the direct influence of the !asters. (his actually does relate to cloud"ustin % ulti!ately% since itOs !y effort to unra*el +hatOs "ehind the !echanis! that +as so se*erely poisonin the at!osphere until +e all ca!e alon . (echnically% +hoe*er is responsi"le for that is an ene!y% since it +as done to us consciously% in a coordinated and pernicious +ay% +orld+ide. 3ho could ar ue that itOs not i!portant to kno+ oneOs ene!yR - lo*e 2in the sa!e +ay - lo*e any other sentient "ein % and - +ish the "est for hi! and the other top -llu!inati. Don Croft
Episode 2 Mount Rainer < Mount St= ,e$ens Part 1 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc&Ppart1S)ul'&.sht!l <uly 1S% &''& <eff Ba aley and - closed the re!ainin predatory hi*e portals in 1orth $!erica on <uly 1Sth. Ca!eron and 1ora% !y youn er children% +ent alon ood-naturedly for the ride. (o sa*e you fro! plo+in throu h the precedin narrati*e% -O! oin to +rite a synopsis of +hat lead up to puttin the caps on that hi*e. $ second portal is "ein constructed off the coast of 0re on% "ut Carol said it +onOt "e finished until the su"!arine *olcano there reaches the surface% so +e only need to close the t+o a"o*e-!entioned *olcanic portals to put the hi*e out of action. Fery lar e ships are associated +ith this hi*e for so!e reason. <enny sa+ one in our area recently +hen they failed to enerate enou h cloud co*er and one end +as stickin out of the characteristic dark lenticular cloud. 2he said% O#o!% is that +hat - think it isRO Carol said that e*en - could ha*e seen it. (hat +as shortly "efore +e neutralized the under round "ase near here% part of +hose )o" +as apparently to OrefuelO the lar e craft of the predatory non-hu!an races associated +ith the +orld re i!e-the fuel "ein dead or one% of course. (he Je!urians and nice off+orlders enerate *ery li ht lenticular clouds to hide their craft. (hey use healthy or one as fuel% of +hich the supply is unli!ited and free. 2ee ho+ si!ple it isR Closin 9i*es $ccordin to +hat Carol and - +ere a"le to learn "et+een <une and 0cto"er% &''1% there had "een four de*outly predatory nati*e reptilian hi*es in 1orth $!erica% alon +ith an eKual nu!"er of neutral and unco!!itted ones. $s 7hil 2chneider had descri"ed "efore he +as !urdered% there are a nu!"er of predatory OcoloniesO of off+orld reptilians% "ut these are another su")ect and are less threatenin % since theyOre not in*ited participants in the present day orderOs a enda. (hese are the uys that the 2tar 3ars +eaponry +as partly desi ned to deal +ith. (he O!eteorsO +hich "laze slo+ly across our skies occasionally and crash in places like Nreenland are the do+ned interlopers. (his happens a lot !ore often than is reported e*en on the $rt Bell sho+. (he nati*e ones are in*ited participants% thou h so!e !ay ar ue that the a enda ori inated +ith the! in the first place. #ay"e a cuttin frin e historian or archaeolo ist can settle that so!eti!e. 3e stu!"led onto one predatory hi*e portal at 0tay Beser*oir east of 2an Die o% California% a year a o% +hile neutralizin a particularly nasty under round facility there. Bi ht after that% +e ot our first o")ect lesson in acti*e .alle ed/ o*ern!ent sur*eillance fro! "oth air and round. 3e also encountered a different Draconian race there than the one +eOd "een dealin +ith. (hey had created and +ere tryin to keep open a sort of O"lack holeO portal under our "i 99 % apparently for !o*in nu!"ers of their "rethren here +ithout ha*in to use spacecraft. (he other end of that hi*e had an openin near $capulco% "ut Carol sa+ that the nati*e sha!ans there had !ade it unusa"le lon a o. (he ne8t hi*e +e +ere a+are of +as unco!!itted to a predatory a enda. (hat one ran under a stretch of #issouri% $rkansas and 0klaho!a. 0ne of our custo!ers% +ho is a chiropractor in #issouri% +ho li*es close to the northeast openin of the hi*e% tipped us off a"out that +hen it "eca!e clear that the Kueen of that hi*e had a connection +ith her. (he Doctor found it e8pedient to close the hi*e portal on a conditional "asis so that the Kueen +ould de*elop respect for her personally and +ould decide that an a enda "ased on !utual respect +ith hu!ans in eneral +ould "e a "etter option. (hat holy hand renade can "e re!o*ed any ti!e "y the Doc at her discretion. $fter CarolOs return fro! Cenya% +e used the opportunity of an on oin astral assault "y the nine *oodoo !en +ho Ofollo+edO her ho!e to trace the source of their po+er. <ust as you can Ofollo+ the !oneyO to kno+ +ho is
pullin the strin s in politics% science% !edicine% education% the en*iron!ental !o*e!ent% reli ions% etc.% to reach the source of their influence% you can follo+ the nasty D0B .critical !orass/ of any or anization in*ol*ed +ith the +orld+ide predatory a enda +ith a little dili ence and telepathy. - uess - +ei h in +ith !ore dili ence and Carol +ith !ore telepathy% thou h +eO*e each found that +eOre capa"le of operatin alone effecti*ely in a pinch. (he ulti!ate source of the $frican *oodoo ener y is the reptilian Kueen of a sin le $frican hi*e runnin fro! Con o to 1a!i"ia. @sin the 2uccor 7unch to put her under so!e duress% +e +ere a"le to !ap out the !a)or predatory hi*es on the planet. (hat +as in early 0cto"er. (he nu!"er of predatory hi*es she a*e us +as t+enty. (here are an eKual nu!"er of hi*es +hich are neutral or e*en friendly to+ard hu!ans. 3e encountered friendly ones se*eral ti!es around the ti!e that +e started +orkin +ith out first cloud"uster in 6lorida. (heir hi*e is under 2outh 6lorida% the 3estern Baha!as% Cu"a and ?ucatan. 3e +ere creeped out "y the! at first% "ut radually ot co!forta"le +ith the! +hen +e realized their intentions. 3e +ent to 1a!i"ia !ainly to !ake sure the south portal of that hi*e +as shut% thou h our $frican friends located it and closed it the!sel*es +ithout our help after - arri*ed. - uess - ha*e !ore dili ence than personally need V-/ (i!e +ill tell +hether our su"seKuent cloud"uster e8peri!ent in the 1a!i" Desert +as successful. 3e closed the only predatory hi*e in Canada last fall and +inter. (hat one ran under the Bockies% fro! Cran"rook% BC% to Cal ary% $l"erta. (here is a hi*e under 0ntario and Uue"ec% "ut it has co!e o*er to our side recently. 2o!e C"ers in 1orthern 0ntario +ere ready% +illin and a"le to close the +est portal% +hich +as near the!% )ust in case. 3e credit the 3in !akers +ith inspirin people near reptilian portals to rise to the challen e. (his has happened !any ti!es after +e disco*ered the locations of hi*e portals that +e +ere not a"le to reach. Bichard 2!ith li*es *ery near the s!all predatory hi*e that lies under the Chica o !etropolitan area. 9e found and closed that portal% then found and closed the southern portal not lon after that. (his !ay partially account for the terrific skies and +eather that Chica o has "een e8periencin % thou h the cloud"usters that Bichard% 2te*en% and (ara ha*e !ade and distri"uted to others in the city are% of course% responsi"le for !uch if not !ost of that happy condition. (he hi*e connected +ith the !ost e8ploiti*e aspects of the planetary a enda runs fro! #alta to Bosnia. Colina% the 3heelchair Neneral fro! Bosnia% alon +ith Jisa% Dric% $nn% and #arkus% all of the! Duropean cloud"uster aficionados% resolutely and efficiently closed the #alta portal in <une and further healed the +ounded ancient% ad)acent Noddess *ortices there. 3e ot the distinct i!pression that this ancient connection "et+een the reptilians and the +orld order infrastructure +as the O uidin li htO of the +orld "ankin syste!% all Duropean secret orders% the destructi*e aspects of -sla!ic funda!entalis! and Eionis!. (here re!ains t+o hi*es that need attention $2$7: the one +hich runs fro! 6inland to the @rals is connected +ith the !illenniu!-lon Bussian predatory a enda and secret order and the one that runs fro! #on olia to northern China operates the a e-old hierarchy of China. 1ote that e*ery "ad thin that happens politically these days ori inates fro! one or a co!"ination of these three hierarchies% all of +hich +ould likely o"literate the others if the opportunity presented itself% +hich is a ood reason to pinch off all their non-hu!an heads sooner than later. $re there any *olunteers our thereR 2ecret Buddy 0ur 2ecret Buddy la!ents that no rich people ha*e co!e for+ard to play a role yet. 9e +ishes heOd kno+n a"out all of this +hen he +as rich. (hat +ealth and property !ore or less e*aporated +hen he used his connections to arran e to pu"lish a "ook that +as to e8pose the predatory a enda. 9e and his lo*ely +ife sur*i*ed se*eral !urder atte!pts shortly after that. - uess the 3hite Brotherhood doesnOt realize that you donOt need to "e rich to "e effecti*e% thou h. $ll of us "ear +itness to that si!ple truth. (yranny is essentially una"le to understand% !uch less effecti*ely oppose% any rassroots !o*e!ent and tyrants% such as those dried up old farts% +ill ne*er fatho! the lessons they should ha*e learned fro! a cursory study of history. #ay"e after &'1& +e +onOt need to deal +ith folks like the! any !ore. 2atanis! should "e considered infantilis! for this and !any other reasons%
no !atter ho+ rich% po+erful% old% and adept its proponents are. 0f the three surface-+orld predatory hu!an hierarchies% the Chinese one is the !ost pra !atic and see!s to realize that !ayhe! for its o+n sake can "e counterproducti*e. - +ish the Brit and Bussian aristocracies +ould take a hint fro! that and o*erco!e their traditional "loodlust. -t could "e that China +ill turn out to "e the <oker of the deck% the unpredicta"le +ild card. -O! ea er to see +hat our friend% Ca! 3on % +ill "e a"le to acco!plish in the short and lon ter!. 9e see!s to e!"ody the prolific creati*ity and insi hts attri"uted to that nation and race and is no+ applyin his skills and un"ounded ener y to our planet-+ide pro)ect. (he three a"o*e-!entioned hi*es fuel and !ore or less direct all !a)or +orld conflicts and tyrannies and Carol and - fir!ly "elie*e that closin at least one portal of each can cause the reptilians to te!porarily a"andon their hu!an liaisons% essentially depri*in each "eastly or anization of its head% as +as done in #alta. 3e noticed that +hen a portal is closed% they a"andon their surface-+orld a enda to focus on creatin another portal% +hich takes years of +ork. -tOs sort of like +hat happens +hen you step on an anthill. CarolOs #alta (rip (he easiest portal to reach is on the coast of 6inland. -f anyone +ants to o there% let !e kno+ and -Oll tell you the location +e do+sed. Carol tried to et to #alta this !onth% "ut +as pre*ented rather o*ertly. 2he +as harassed and follo+ed constantly e*ery ti!e she left her hotel in 7aris e8cept for durin the "rief !o!ents durin +hich she placed a holy hand renade on the rounds of Fersailles. 2he +as plannin to use so!e de*ices that the $ndro!edan d+ar*es a*e her instructions for .- !ade the!/ to stren then and e8tend the old Noddess *ortices in #alta to infuse the +orld +ith !ore fe!ale ener y% of +hich +eOre in dire need these days after !any !illennia of patriarchy. (he suitcase that contained the de*ices +as kept in 7aris for se*eral days I +hen +e ot it "ack yesterday% one of the de*ices had "een ta!pered +ith. 3e et the i!pression that the Nestapo oons +ho +ere e8a!inin the! +ere una"le to stand the nice ener y that one of the! +as puttin out% so one of the! cut all of the 1& +ires holdin the dodecahedron Kuartz crystal in the center of the apparatus% +hich turned it off. $l Nray I 6lash Nordon 2hortly after +e had our first duress session +ith the $frican Uueen in 0cto"er% $l Nray sent us a note of introduction and offered his help. 3e had the i!pression that he +as a +itch like Carol% "ut +as surprised to learn that heOs a ca ey% resourceful% and tou h (e8an. -n !y opinion% our e!ail i!pressions of each other +ere correct% thou h often it +as difficult to reconcile that +ith +hat +e found in a physical !eetin later on. 2oon after -nternet introductions +ere !ade all around% he and his psychic co-+orker% O6lashO Nordon% set off to find and close "oth portals of the reptilian hi*e runnin fro! 6t. 9uachuca% southeast of (ucson% $rizona% to north central $rizona near a ski slope. $l has one on to neutralize !ost of the DJ6 trans!itters in the southern part of the stateV put cloud"usters in nu!erous places% includin t+o -ndian Beser*ations% and to donate cloud"usters for key spots in California% includin Bohe!ian Nro*eOs ad)acent to+n and the ancient artificial !oisture "arrier in the southern 2ierra #ountains. 1ot to "e too se*erely outdone% thou h% Carol and - put t+o CBs on the 9opi Beser*ation last sprin and neutralized a lot of the trans!itters on the -nterstate near the $rizona frontier "et+een Jos $n eles and 7hoeni8% as +ell as puttin $lOs donated CB and one of ours in the California 2ierras. $fter the !artial la+ threat has "een di*erted later this year% $l +ill "e ettin the "i est trophy if he keeps oin as he has "een% since - think it +ould take an ar!y of intrepid C"ers to o*ertake his record at this point. Nestapo 2pooks -tOs pro"a"ly not a ood idea to ha*e any conferences "efore +eO*e all earned our prizes "y !akin !artial la+ inad*isa"le% for lack of enou h DJ6 trans!itters% since +eOd )ust "e playin !usical chairs +ith the Nestapo+anna"ees +ho +ould no dou"t sho+ up in dro*es to han on our e*ery +ord in hopes of liKuidatin us later on.
3e ha*e an entoura e of these creeps e*ery ti!e +e dri*e to the store these days% and - donOt +ant others to ha*e to put up +ith that if they donOt ha*e to. Nettin to ether in a lar e roup +ould no dou"t !ake that happen for e*eryone +ho attended +hoOs not on the -nternational #onetary 6undOs enerous payroll. Did you kno+ that the !en +ho O uardO the 7resident are paid out of JondonR $ 7lan 0ur 2ecret Buddy has concei*ed a plan to depri*e the 3hite Brotherhood of their dark chi. -t in*ol*es linin up a"out &' CBs +ith solar po+ered .this partOs !y contri"ution/% )u!ped up CBs- a la 9ooten- +ith !o"ius/crystal-"all freKuency arran e!ents in the or onite% all of +hich +ould "e placed alon an earth !eridian% or ley line% perhaps "e innin and endin at *ortices. (his +ould no dou"t char e the earth so stron ly +ith healthy or one .chi/ that the dark !asters +ould not "e a"le to !ake enou h D0B to e8tin uish a !atch% let alone prop up this !ass delusion theyO*e created o*er the !illennia. 2ince his enerations-lon fa!ily "ack round +as centered in ser*itude to the 3hite Brotherhood% itOs "een hard for hi! to "reak out of that a+areness and see the other forces at +ork "esides his o+n and a fe+ othersO heroic% self-sacrificin efforts to a+aken hu!anity to the !astersO predatory/parasitic acti*ities and a enda. 9eOs "een inside #t. 2hasta% seen the ruins of the ancient Je!urian city accessi"le "y the ca*es% +as +arned "y one of the dark !asters ne*er to return to 2hasta .- hope to o there +ith hi!/% "ut +as una+are of the hyper-di!ensional presence of the Je!urians the!sel*es% +ho ha*e raciously appeared to !any people% includin Carol% our friend Dorothy the Druid% and - no+ and then on the !ountain% +hich is apparently one of their surface ha*ens. (he !asters !ay "e in control of so!e of the roups +ho call 2hasta ho!e% "ut they definitely donOt o+n that territory% nor +ill they. Je!urians 2ince the hi*e portal closures% the Je!urians are assu!in territorial skies that had "een held "y the reptilians% so itOs o"*ious to us that +e arenOt the only earthly ones fi htin e*il these days. (he Je!urians ha*e run interference for us !any ti!es and -O! sure theyOre +orkin in +ays that +e arenOt a+are of to help ensure hu!anityOs *ictory o*er its ancient oppressors. 3e think they ha*e )ust "een +aitin for so!e folks to step for+ard and sho+ so!e co!!it!ent and use the tools +eO*e all "een inspired to !ake. - suspect they ha*e no *ested interest in our *ictory "ut are offerin their ser*ices out of co!passion and lo*e for us. 1ote that -O! not callin the tools +eapons. Carol and - ha*en,tO seen e*idence that off+orlders interfere in +orldly affairs e8cept perhaps in e8tre!e circu!stances for specific purposes-for instance% they !ay defuse a nuclear "o!" if a !issile is inad*ertently launched a ainst a city in another country. 0ur encounters +ith the! ha*e "een in the for! of indi*idual healin and inspiration re ardin in*entions. Carol and - ha*e noticed that the color oran e is often associated +ith their ships and portals% so if you see oran e thin s in the skies you !ay "e +itnessin an inter*ention or other *isit. (he Je!urian ships flash and streak as "ri ht% +hite% li hts inter!ittently and so!e see a "lue% spherical or one field around the! so!eti!es. Bri ht flashes in the dayti!e skies are also si ns of their craft. -t could "e that Dr. Nre""eniko*Os e8planations of his o+n anti ra*ity craft !ay "e descri"in the characteristics of the Je!urian craft% +hich are likely !ore hi hly de*eloped than Dr. NOs flyin 2i"erian paint "o8. - donOt kno+ +hy% "ut usually see the! close to the horizon% thou h -O*e seen the! o*erhead a fe+ ti!es% especially +hen +e +ere on #t. 2hasta. ?ouOll no dou"t see the! and other unusual craft if you pay attention. Be!e!"er that !iraculous thin s donOt see! *ery astonishin +ithout a 9olly+ood soundtrack. $ lot of us ha*e "een seein the Je!urian craft in the skies in the past fe+ !onths. <ust as Britannia ruled the +a*es at one point% the reptilians ha*e ruled our skies for a lon % lon ti!e. - "elie*e the Je!urians% +ho are also a nati*e hu!an race% +ere content to li*e in an ad)acent ti!e line or di!ensional construct "efore +e all closed those reptilian hi*es do+n. 1o+ +e ha*e "een seein !ostly Je!urian craft in our tra*els rather than the reptilian ones. 0n the day - arri*ed in 1a!i"ia there +as a lon display in the skies o*er the capital% 3indhoek% put on "y fi*e Je!urian craft% sort of like a Blue $n els de!onstration% "ut +ithout the noise. $ respected o"ser*er +as inter*ie+ed in the !ain ne+spaper a"out +hat he sa+ in the $frican sky that day and Nert Botha%
!y host% translated it for !e fro! $frikaans a fe+ days later. -n this case% they sho+ed up a +eek "efore the reptilian portal +as closed% so they arenOt chicken hearted. $s the astrono!er on pu"lic (F says% OCeep lookin up.O $frican 3o!en $nother +ild card in the unfoldin planetary ro+th process are the +o!en of $frica. $frica !aintained a dyna!ic tradition of se8ual eKuality in spite of the a ressi*e patriarchal trends of the past !illennia. -t took *iolent suppression "y Duropeans% follo+ed "y their eKually *icious current flunkies% to force +o!en out of politics and cut off their access to the econo!y% "ut our !eetin s +ith so!e fe!ale traditional healers in Cenya and 1a!i"ia sho+ed us that this is )ust a te!porary incon*enience. $lthou h -O*e had a pretty ood idea of +hat itOs like to "e around *ery charis!atic +o!en% - +as unprepared for !y psychic encounters +ith 0u!a Jahia in ad*ance of our physical !eetin . 3035 1o +onder the *oodoo uys +onOt try to har! those $frican +itches. -O! lad she likes !e% thatOs all -Oll say a"out that. 3hen you *isit $frica% take so!e !o8ie +ith you. 3in !akers Carol has told !e that the 3hite Brotherhood% alon +ith their nati*e reptilian cohorts% are essentially defeated already "y +hat +e C"ers and others around the +orld ha*e done under the uidance of the 3in !akers% +ho deser*e the O3hite BrotherhoodO title !ore than those *ery old% hyper-e8ploiti*e% utterly de raded% se!i-hu!an !asters. 0f course% the 3in !akers donOt see! to care a"out titles and status% as !any hu!ans do. -tOs hard for !e to picture any of the! in !y Boli*ian $d!iral re alia. (he na!e is a con*enient handle for so!ethin *ast and inco!prehensi"le to !e and the !e!"ership see!s rather fluid in any case. (he Bussians $re Co!in #y i!pression is that +e need to step up the pace no+% as it +ould "e unreasona"le to e8pect that these )erks +ill o do+n +ithout tryin to take all of hu!anity +ith the! into the a"yss% so +e all need to at least neutralize the DJ6 trans!itters in our *icinity for our o+n fa!ilyOs safetyOs sake. 0ur fa!ily +ill et a fe+ ar!s and so!e food and !ake a sin le ca!pin trip into the ad)acent -daho/#ontana +ilderness in $u ust to stash the stuff )ust in case the headless "east thrashes a "it in its death throes. Carol did see a lot of Bussian and other forei n troops in the under round "ase )ust +est of here and it +ould "e silly to suppose theyOre )ust oin to +alk ho!e no+ Don Croft
Episode 2! Mount Rainer < Mount St= ,e$ens Part 2 Part 1 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc&SpartB1S)ul'&.sht!l <uly 1S% &''& -n early 2epte!"er% +hen +e took 2eattle its first cloud"uster on the +ay to ettin Carol onto the plane to Cenya% +e encountered a hu e reptilian ship +hich +as "ein used to o*ersee a !assi*e che!trail sprayin pro)ect ai!ed at the +orldOs first cloud"uster array :'' !iles east .do+n+ind/ of 2eattle. (he kerosene +as rainin out of the sky that day. (hat ship +as o*er the Colu!"ia Nor e% half+ay "et+een the t+o cities. Carol sa+ an eKually "i reptilian ship o*er #t. Bainier as +e +ere dri*in into the Cascades a little later and thatOs +hen +e learned that Bainier and 2t. 9elens are reptilian portals. Carol said the reptilians +ere in the process of a"andonin the Bainier portal% perhaps "ecause an eruption +as i!!inent. (hat +as the ti!e +e decided that it +as i!portant to et those portals closed $2$7 "ut +e +ouldnOt "e a"le to et to it until the sno+ had !elted sufficiently the follo+in su!!er to dri*e up to suita"le spots on "oth !ountains to plant the 99 s. #ountain #en (his "rin s !e around to tellin you +hat <eff and - did that day in the !ountains. 9eOs the fello+ in 1o*a 2cotia +ho ot tossed in the asylu! after a Canadian o*ern!ent official conspired +ith the national police and his +ife to "utcher .edit is too kind a ter! for +hat they did/ the te8t of so!e of his cloud"uster foru! posts to pro*ide Oe*idenceO that he +as crazy a fe+ !onths a o. (he 3in !akers sprun hi! t+el*e hours later% of course% "ut the plan +as apparently to disappear hi! into a dru -induced se!i-co!atose state for the duration. (hat +as ri ht after he neutralized one of those D0B "ea! facilities .+ith an 99N/ not far fro! his ho!e% ha*in already "e un to disa"le the che!trail a enda in +estern 1o*a 2cotia +ith his cloud"uster. 9eOs oin to share so!e e!s of infor!ation a"out that +hen the ti!e is ri ht% "ut suffice to say thereOs !ore to this fello+ than !eets the eye. ?ou pro"a"ly kno+ ho+ hard it is to keep !y !outh shut +hen -O*e ot so!e su"stantial infor!ation in !y head% "ut <eff kno+s +hen to talk a"out that "etter than - do. <eff sho+ed up in his hundred-dollar car and a !onthOs +orth of lucre on #onday. 9e +as on his +ay to 2undance% near 7ine Bid e% 2outh Dakota. (he first thin he said% after introducin hi!self% +as% T-O*e ot a !onth after 2undance to o any+here you su est and neutralize a net+ork of DJ6 trans!itters-+here do you +ant !e to oRT - donOt think he realized at that point that -O! not the leader of this or anization. - +ouldnOt +ish that title on anyone% "ut !ost of us assu!e that e*ery roup has a leader% so - didnOt take offense at his assess!ent. Cen in 2anta Bosa su ested that +e !i ht call oursel*es Cni hts D8e!plar% +hich is a cle*er idea% "ut that i!plies a hierarchy% - think% +hich !ay "e fau8 pas pretty soon. -O! fond of "elie*in that any title "esto+ed after &'1& +ould "e a"out as *alued as "ein *oted 7resident of 1orth $!erican #an Boy Jo*e $ssociation. - !ust ad!it% thou h% that -Oll i*e up !y Boli*ian $d!iral unifor! only +hen itOs pried fro! !y cold% dead fin ers. 3e spent the ne8t fe+ days colla"oratin and conspirin and on 3ednesday afternoon +e dro*e the Eapporiu! o*er to 3hite 7ass in the Cascade #ountains so +e could et an early start on the t+o *olcanoes. Dru store 2et @p $lon +ith <eff ca!e a ne+ +a*e of attention "y the feds% sensed rather than seen at first% thou h our 2ecret Buddy e!ailed !e that they +ere plannin to plant so!e dope in the house as an e8cuse to disappear us. 9e had
narro+ly escaped a si!ilar fate the +eek "efore in 0)ai% California. 9e ran into the 23$( tea! that +as in the sta in area% earin up% ri ht after decidin not to enter the house +here he +as "ein set up "y an acKuaintance. 2ince - pay attention to thin s like that% - noticed that the in!ates of the crack house ne8t door to us +ere payin an a+ful lot of attention to !e for a chan e and parkin their cars in front of our house. $lso% local cops +ere slo+ly cruisin "y% lookin in !y +indo+s. (his +as a ne+ de*elop!ent% too. (he only ti!e - e*er sa+ cops on our street "efore that +as +hen they +ere *isitin our nei h"ors. #ay"e they et a special deal on the !etha!pheta!ine they !ake ne8t door. 2o!e"ody ou ht to open a donut shop in to+n to et these uys "ack onto the strai ht and narro+. - +ent ne8t door and talked to the O odfatherO a"out the situation and that see!ed to defuse +hate*er !ay ha*e "een cookin % thou h after Carol ot "ack it started up a ain. (he local cops had dressed up like nin)as and raided his house the ni ht "efore Carol and <enny left for Durope "ut none of the! +ere arrested. 3e "elie*e thatOs +hen the cops in*ited the kin pin there to plant the dope in our house in e8chan e for no further harass!ent. (heyOd really "een leanin on hi! lately% accordin to +hat he told !e. (hat +as a couple of days "efore 2ecret BuddyOs +arnin . 3hen - *isited +ith the kin pin he offered to sell !e so!e dope% of course% "ut - think that +as )ust the entrepreneur in hi! !anifestin rather than a setup. 0n a i*en day and ni ht% there are around thirty different people co!in and oin fro! that house% +hich looks like it "elon s on (o"acco Boad .a! - datin !yselfR/ and !ost of the! are caricatures ri ht out of a Dick (racy ro ue allery. -f that fello+ or any of his cohorts sho+ up in our ne+% upscale nei h"orhood across to+n% at least three people +ill call the cops "efore he reaches our door% so - think +eOre off the hook +ith these little fed-sycophant nin)a local cops for no+. - hadnOt !et anyone like Cin pin since - +as in the pokey and he looks like heOs "et+een sentences no+. #ost local police !ay as +ell +ear s+astikas and "reak +indo+s% since theyOd "e hard to distin uish fro! their fore"ears in 1M:'Os Ner!any. (hose nin)a outfits really i*e !e the creeps. Ja+ I 0rder JetOs et "ack on track and ha*e our elected 2heriffs resu!e their Constitutional duties rather than foist the! off on these )erks% okayR 3hy not ri ht no+R - hope to Nod you donOt ha*e to learn a"out this *ital su")ect the hard +ay% as - ha*e. 0f course% the local cops +ill fade into o"scurity if the @1 .!ainly Bussian and Chinese/ 7eacekeepers are allo+ed to sho+ up in their ar!ada of +hite *ehicles and drop fro! planes and helicopters around us. (i!e to "lo+ a+ay that ne+-a e-patsy fo % folks% and stay focused on disa"lin +hat theyO*e ot lined up for us. ?ou donOt need to shoot anyone or e*en "reak anythin in the process% +hich - find ironic% "ut ratifyin . certainly hope -Oll ne*er ha*e to shoot anyone% "ut - +ill to protect !y fa!ily and Carol and - usually hit +hat +e ai! at. 2ecret Buddy noted in his unpu"lished e8pose a"out the concentration ca!ps et al that 2+itzerland and $!erica are the only nations +hose populace is ar!ed. -n "oth countries an ar!ed populace is !andated as a protection fro! tyranny. -n the case of 2+itzerland% they are !ainly concerned +ith forei n in*aders no+% "ut our $!erican Constitutional !andate to keep and "ear ar!s has !ore to do +ith the threat posed "y the o*ern!ent itself. ?ou can read the 2econd $!end!ent yourself. -tOs not la+yer-speakV any schoolchild can clearly understand it.
#any people in $!erica ha*e "een !entally conditioned to "elie*e that uns are "ad. Colina sent !e a cute essay that co!pared the relati*e threats of o+nin a un and *isitin a !edical doctor and it sho+s that itOs far% far !ore risky for your health to *isit a doc than it is to o+n a un. (his "rain+ashin took enerations to acco!plish% ha*in "e un shortly after the ne+% unla+ful o*ern!ent reached critical !orass in 1M:L. -n 2+itzerland there is no sti !a to un o+nership and )ust a"out e*ery household is +ell ar!ed. (hey ha*e shootin !atches !uch like +e ha*e carni*als and fairs. D*eryone sho+s up to co!pete for a+ards and prizes. (he people there ha*e "een +ell ar!ed since the 1:''Os% +hen 3illia! (ell put a cross"o+ "olt throu h he heart of the last 2+iss tyrant. 6unny-- ne*er hear the 2+iss "ein criticized for their uns the +ay the $!ericans routinely are. 6ood for thou htR 0ur "rain+ashin can "e such a "itch to undo5
2undance 7oor <eff had "een on the educational fast track for se*eral !onths "efore he sho+ed up here. 9e had to stop !y !onolo ues se*eral ti!es so that he could assi!ilate so!e of the ne+ stuff that kept co!in up% not only a"out our )oint pro)ect "ut also a"out aspects of his past and fa!ily connections that +ere "e innin to !ake sense to hi! for the first ti!e. -t +ent "oth +ays% of course% and he a*e !e a lot of infor!ation - need to ha*e% too. -O! so lad he connected +ith the -ndians5 (he 2undance rituals are a *ia"le force these days. 0ne of the proofs% - think% is an account <eff related a"out a couple of folks he kno+s +ho infiltrated the festi*al on "ehalf of the 3hite Brotherhood% +ho apparently hate not kno+in a"out e*erythin that happens in the +orld. 0ne +as a )ud e in Canada and the other is her "oyfriend. 7art of the ritual in*ol*es so!e pretty intense fastin % durin +hich thereOs a kundalini a+akenin . 6or an upri ht person% this is confir!in and e!po+erin % "ut for a person +ithout inte rity% it can "e fairly !onstrous. (hose t+o a ents are no+ in prison after atte!ptin to "urn a +o!an to death +ith asoline. <effOs e8perience propelled hi! alon his up+ard spiralin spiritual path% for +hich - feel honored to ha*e assisted hi! in !y little +ay. $s -O! +ritin this% heOs in the !ost intense part of the 2undance ritual. 3e !ade a cloud"uster on his last day here% +hich he intended to lea*e in 7ine Bid e. $s a fello+ +hite uy% - sy!pathize +ith his unspoken desire to !ollify the at!osphere there so it +onOt "e 11' de rees in the shade a ain. (hey dance outside in the sun for se*eral days% fastin % not e*en drinkin +ater% in preparation for the final ritual% +hich in*ol*es so!e interestin physical endurance acti*ity. - think the ti!in of that phony dru "ust setup +as for <effOs "enefit% since heOs apparently supposed to take his cues so that the ne8t ti!e the creepy o*Ot in Canada tries to set hi! up heOll "e a"le to a*oid trou"le. 9eOs an a+fully keen o"ser*er. 9$$B7 2tor!s -tOs a+fully nice here in northern -daho no+. (here +as a phony thunderstor! t+o ni hts a o% 9$$B7 and che!trail induced% that skirted around the cloud"usters "ut he follo+in ni ht +e ot one of those entle cloud"uster thunderstor!s and itOs still rainin inter!ittently. - sa+ one of the Je!urian lenticular clouds under the phony (-stor! near sunset. -t had the characteristic neon pink and reen ed es and none of the oran e color that +as in the surroundin clouds. Ceep +atchin the skies for those5 Carol and - +atched another Je!urian cloud like that in 0re on recently that +as under attack "y a 9$$B7 facility that +e +ere en route to neutralize. (he ship +as dra+in fire to sho+ us +hat to do% apparently. 3hen the ener y +as directed at it to cause it to "reak up% the cloud "e an to sho+ a pink ed e all around it. $2 the attack intensified% a reen ed e sho+ed up inside the pink one. $fter +e put the 99 on the facility all of the 9$$B7 characteristics disappeared +ithin !inutes fro! the surroundin clouds. Back to the #ountains
3e parked "y the roadside in a little ra*eled clearin "eside a "i tracked *ehicle. 3e +ere fairly undistur"ed the rest of the ni ht e8cept for one un!arked +hite fed spook *ehicle that parked and shone its headli hts into the "ack of the Eapporiu!% checkin us out for a fe+ !o!ents "efore it dro*e a+ay. -Oll et "ack to that. 3hen +e ot "ack on the road% to+ard #t. Bainier on @2 9+ay 1&% +e sa+ that a +hole fleet of +hite *ehicles% so!e !arked as "elon in to $r us @nder round 2pecialties% others un!arked% +ere in*ol*ed in layin four *ery thick fi"er optic ca"les alon the hi h+ay. 2o!ethin didnOt see! ri ht a"out that% of course% since the only "i en ineerin pro)ects happenin these days see! to "e centered on the creation of !artial la+. $t one spot the ca"les "ranched off in the direction of an unpa*ed road oin up a !ountainside. $ couple of !iles "eyond +here the ca"les "ranched off there +ere t+o +hite *ehicles parked as thou h the cre+ +ere +aitin for so!ethin . - +as usin the pendulu! a lot since Carol +asnOt around% and - ot that there +as a ne+ 9$$B7 facility "ein "uilt on the !ountain a"o*e +here those t+o +hite trucks +ere I that the ca"les that "ranched off +ere oin to that hidden facility. 0n the +ay "ack% - put an 99 in that spot. (he t+o *ehicles +ere still there then% thou h ri ht after - talked to one of the dri*ers they "oth left. 9e said the ca"les +ere connectin ?aki!a and Ni 9ar"or% +hich is on 7u et 2ound% near (aco!a% "ut <eff ot an intuiti*e hit that this +as "ein set up to facilitate the planned phony alien in*asion. #y psychic secretary concurs and so does Carol. (he east ter!inal of those ca"les is the "i 9$$B7 array on the !ountaintop on the south ed e of ?aki!a% +hich +e neutralized on our +ay "ack. 2o!e"ody ou ht to neutralize the Ni 9ar"or end% +hich is also pro"a"ly a 9$$B7 array and under round control center. (he ni ht "efore% +e had parked "eside one of their !onstrous ditch di in !achines. - realized that the feds thou ht - kne+ so!ethin a"out the fi"er optics ca"les and +ere tryin to fi ure out ho+ and +hy that could "e. - think the 3in !akers directed us to that spot )ust to t+eak the feds into creditin us +ith !ore intelli ence than +e actually ha*e. - think one of the principles of successful +arfare is to confuse your ene!y this +ay% and theyO*e declared +ar on us% +hich !akes the! our ene!y% folks% +hether youOre co!forta"le +ith that thou ht or not. #ount Bainier -t +as a short dri*e to Bainier. 3e paid the W1' fee and dro*e up to the 6%'''O le*el% +here the sno+line +as% and planted our 99 . -t felt pretty ood there% - !ust ad!it% "ut after the 99 +as in the round it felt !uch "etter. (he reptilians had apparently already !o*ed their portal o*er to #t. 2t. 9elens at this point. Bainier is nice% "ut no place that -O*e *isited in this +orld co!es close to !atchin the profound and e8hilaratin ener y of #t. 2hasta. 3e only encountered t+o spook *ehicles on the +ay do+n the !ountain. 3e took the dri*ersO pictures +hen +e pulled o*er to let the! pass. <eff really en)oyed that part. 3e had the !o"ius/crysta/1L9z de*ice in the truck oin all the ti!e )ust so theyOd ha*e to send *ehicles to keep ta"s on us. ?ou should try it5 $s lon as theyOre oin to "e "otherin you% +hy not ha*e a little fun +ith the!R 2ince +e arenOt telepathic% +e do+sed all the *ehicles that +ere near us. - ad!it that itOs !ore fun +ith a telepath. #ount 2t. 9elens Nettin to #t. 2t. 9elens is a "it !ore ti!e-consu!in and sto!ach-challen in -!iles and !iles of t+istin % pa*ed lo in roads that had to "e re-en ineered after the 1MS' eruption. #elody and <i! li*e :'' !iles do+n+ind of the eruption and their property +as co*ered +ith se*eral inches of *olcanic ash. <i! told !e that their arden the follo+in year +as *ery healthy fro! all that fertilizer% thou h it +asnOt fun cleanin up ri ht after the e*ent. Close to the !ountain% you can see the dead trees that +ere "lo+n do+n. (hey all point in the sa!e direction and you can see ho+ the currents of the "last s+irled around the peaks and *alleys "y the +ay the trees are lyin . $s you et closer to the *orte8% +hich is the crater% there are fe+er and fe+er li*in thin s. (here +ere !ore and !ore feds in *ehicles% thou h% +hich is apropos. Folcanic ash is e8tre!ely fertile and is "alanced food for plants% so the only reason that place is not a )un le "y no+ is the deadenin effect of the D0B field that +e found there%
- "elie*e. $t the sa!e ele*ation% Bainier is e8tre!ely *erdant and Oor onizedO and the t+o *olcanoes are only a"out si8ty !iles fro! each other. <eff felt a hea*y pressure that he attri"uted to radiation as +e ot closer and - had a hard ti!e dra+in "reath% thou h the altitude +as not hi h. 3e parked at the lot near the peak% +hich is as far as you can dri*e +ithout e8citin the forestry cops% and +alked up a trail to put the 99 do+n. 3e !ade a couple of feds )ust "y scrutinizin the! throu h our "inoculars as they +ere scrutinizin us throu h theirs and +hen +e ot to a point +here +e +ere sure no"ody +as +atchin % +e "uried the 99 . -n an instant our lun s filled +ith s+eet air and all hea*iness *anished. - !ade one fed +ho +as o lin !e fro! "eside a red car at a distance of a"out a !ile and a half. (his !ay "e a distance record. 9e took off ri ht after that and didnOt look "ack. (he peak ne8t to the crater% +hich had no clouds around it% +as i!!ediately o"scured "y dark clouds as soon as the 99 +as in the round. (hese "e an e8tendin out fro! it in all directions. - uess the reptilians +ere foolish enou h to lea*e one or t+o of their "i ships out% e*en thou h they kne+ +e +ere on our +ay and +ould pro"a"ly succeed% as usual. <eff and - +atched as other clouds sort of "u!ped up a ainst that for!ation and scooted around it. 3e !ade se*eral !ore feds on the +ay out% includin % apparently% the 2pecial $ ent -n Char e% +ho had "rou ht his +ife and kids alon as co*er-or at least so!e"odyOs +ife and so!e"odyOs kids. Boy% +as he !ad +hen - took his picture5 - so!eti!es +ish there really +ere people like $rnold 2ch+artzene er and #ichael Caine doin this +ork% "ut itOs unlikely that any spiritually healthy person is collectin those paychecks these days. 3e topped at a *ie+in area a couple of !iles do+n the road to see if any of the! +ould "e oin to look for our 99 . 3e ot distracted "y a !iddle a ed couple% one of +ho! +as ettin a panora!ic shot +ith a *ideo ca!era a fe+ paces a+ay fro! +here +e +ere standin . (he ca!era lin ered a "it +hen it ca!e around to point at <eff and -. <eff Kuickly took their picture and the +o!an ot a !ortified look on her face that a*e !e the i!pression that sheOs psychic. #y pendulu! a reed +ith that. - ha*enOt !entioned !y kids !uch. (hey +erenOt enthusiastic a"out oin % so - "ri"ed the! +ith so!e *ideo a!es and they "rou ht so!e !o*ies to +atch. 1ora had "een !y ener y-sensiti*e assistant +hen she +as youn er% "efore Carol and - ot to ether% "ut she had lost or suppressed her a"ilities soon after she !o*ed "ack in +ith her !o!. 0n the +ay ho!e fro! the !ountains% she +as *isited "y the 3in !akers% +ho appeared as a "ri ht% rapidly !o*in li ht inside the "ack of the Eapporiu!. - had told <eff that - felt sure he +as oin to see at least one Je!urian craft% since they usually sho+ up +hen +eOre on our e8peditions. 9e did see one not lon "efore 1ora had her *isit. Carol often sees Je!urians a!on the 3in !akers. 2heOs seen ele!entals a!on the!% souls of departed people% $tlantean elders% prophets% and so!e off+orlders. - think it +ould "e hard to concei*e of a !ore ho!o enous roup% thou h the ener y si nature of all of the! is hu!or% co!passion% patience% profound lo*e% hu!ility and ser*itude. 0nly a real "onehead could "elie*e that theyOre not +hat they appear to "e. 3hen the feds follo+ you itOs hard for the! not to "e o"*ious. (hey !atch your speed% "ut stay +ell "ack. -f you slo+ do+n to force the! to pass you% theyOll !o*e ahead a certain distance if they feel you ha*enOt !ade the! and !aintain a steady speed a ain. -f theyOre !ade% theyOll si!ply take the first turnoff and you +onOt see the! a ain. - donOt think the Duropean -nterpol Nestapo )erks care if you !ake the! or not. - "et the ones in 2+itzerland care. (hat happened once on the +ay ho!e. (his ti!e% +hen he had passed !e and +as !aintainin a steady speed a Kuarter !ile in front of !e - pulled o*er fast and turned off !y headli hts. <ust then a lar e truck passed% too% and - ot "ehind hi! and +atched for the other *ehicle. (here +as a fork in the road )ust ahead and he took the +ron turn% pro"a"ly thinkin that - kne+ a"out that fork and +as plannin to take the non-custo!ary route. didnOt ha*e a clue that the turn +as there% )ust follo+ed !y instincts. (his is fun and a!es no+% "ut if it co!es to pass% .Nod for"id5/ that these Nestapo )erks et per!ission to shoot us on si ht% these little tricks +ill co!e in
handy% - think. #y psychic secretary tells !e itOs okay to tell you that <eff picked Den*er as his $u ust tar et% since +e "oth ot that the S "illion dollar OairportO there houses the !ultile*el under round control facility for the entire 1orth $!erican net+ork of DJ6 and 9$$B7 (rans!itters% and it pro"a"ly fi ures hea*ily in the i!!inent phony alien in*asion scenario% too. Carol and - put an 99 at that facility last year% "ut itOs oin to take a lot !ore than that to neutralize it. (he surroundin area is apparently i!portant to the hoped-for !artial la+ effort% so his tar et is +ell chosen% - think. 9is ood friend in 1o*a 2cotia has taken on the task of neutralizin the e8tensi*e net+ork there and is !akin and distri"utin se*eral cloud"usters until <eff returns and ets "ack into the act there. 2ta in $reas in 1eed of $ssistance 2ecret Buddy tells !e there are t+el*e sta in areas in $!erica for the second phase of the planned O@1 7eacekeeperO in*asion. Ca!% Carlo and others are handlin the one in 1e+ ?ork City% <esse has "een sin lehandedly neutralizin the one in the 2an 6rancisco Bay area-co!e on folks% help hi!5-J$$B7 and 2ecret Buddy are doin J$% and no dou"t others are doin it in secret% "ut this is no ti!e to sit on our hands5 9ere are so!e !ore% includin Canada: Fancou*er% 2eattle% 7ortland% 9alifa8% #ontreal% (oronto% Boston% Balti!ore% 2a*annah% #ia!i% 1e+ 0rleans% 9ouston. (he Chinese o*ern!ent has "een operatin the 7ana!a Canal since Clinton a*e it to the! early in his re i!e. Be!e!"er #onica Je+inskyR (hat +as a pu"licity ploy to distract us fro! +hat the )erk +as doin to further sell us out to China. 1o +onder he idolized 6DB% +ho sold us out to Jondon in the thirties. Did that hill"illy et paid +ith ratuitous se8 for all of thatR - can say that "ecause - re+ up in $rkansas. (he soft under"elly of the +orld re i!e is its penchant for centralization and dead or one eneration% +hich is tailor-!ade for our uniKue !inistrations% since our de*ices are a ood antidote for their cancerous !anifestations. Don Croft
Episode 2" #aro$5 Me$od-5 and *inda7s E23e$$ent +d'enture By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc&Me8cellentad*entureSau '&.sht!l $u ust Sth% &''& ;(he follo+in co!!ents are fro! JindaOs and CarolOs notes% co!piled and edited "y Don Croft. 6or those +ho donOt kno+% #elody is DonOs sister-in-la+. 2he introduced Carol to Don fi*e years a o. Jinda is #elodyOs and CarolOs close friend and so!eti!e-!entor in the psychic and healin arts. Jinda also has +orked +ith Carol and Don in de*elopin so!e of their de*ices= #aryhill 2tonehen e% Colu!"ia Bi*er Nor e% 3ashin ton 2tate Carol and #elody had "een here a fe+ years a o and did a clearin . (he ener y here had "een !essed up for a lon ti!e. Carol thou ht it +ould "e the perfect place to try out the ne+ de*ices for +hich she had recei*ed directions fro! the $ndro!edan d+ar*es in a series of *isions recently. 3hen they arri*ed% the ener y of the area felt *ery hea*y and a itated% as usual. Carol placed the 1&-sided crystal de*ice on the stone altar and she and #elody sent it a little ener y to et it started. (he ener y field fro! the de*ice increased steadily and forced Carol and #elody to keep "ackin up until the center area +as full of a ONenesisO type of ener y. 3hile this +as happenin % Jinda helped it e8pand up+ard. Jinda and Carol sa+ a trapped Je!urian there. 9e +as accusto!ed to usin or anized sacred spaces such as the real 2tonehen e as a play round% a place to "eco!e ener ized% "ut due to a !isali n!ent of the stones in #aryhill he couldnOt et "ack out a ain. $fter they +ere finished +ith the first de*ice% Carol put the Fo el crystal de*ice .also !ade in a copper dodecahedron/ on the altar and the ener y shot up like a *orte8% and co!pletely cleared the ener y there. (he Je!urian +as then freed% and *ery rateful. $fter they +ere done and lookin out at #ount 9ood% they realized that the ener y co!in up throu h #ount 2hasta on a !a)or earth !eridian see!ed to "e purposefully a*oidin #ount 9ood. (hat +as +hen they kne+ that they needed to include this area in so!e healin +ork that theyOd planned to do alon the 0re on coast on another !eridian that passed throu h #t. 2hasta and #t. 7alo!ar. (hey had no dou"t that they could correct the artificial ener y i!"alance they +ere +itnessin . (o sta"ilize +hat had "een done at the 2tonehen e% #elody put one of her tree resin 9oly 9and renades% +hich she calls 9ar!onizers% a!on the roots of a near"y tree. (hen she did an attune!ent and prayer. Carol and Jinda +ere on the east side of the site% o"ser*in this process. Carol sa+ the earth ripple and hea*e like a freKuency +a*e and then it slo+ed and ca!e to a stop. Jinda felt and sa+ this% too. (he 9ar!onizer corrected the i!"alance of the #aryhill *orte8% sta"ilized the #aryhill 2tonehen e structure and connected it +ith the Darth. $fter they +ere done +ith the dayOs e8ercise% the +hole Colu!"ia Nor e looked and felt s!oother and !ore rela8ed. Before% it felt a itated and the +ater +as choppy. $u ust Mth $fter they arri*ed at their friendsO house at Cannon Beach% they all do+sed the 0re on !ap to et the appro8i!ate locations for the re!ainin 9oly 9and renades. (hey focused on the coastal areas and the areas around #t. 9ood. $s they +ere do+sin the !ap% Carol noticed a sli ht echo in the roo!. 2he sensed that so!eone +as listenin
throu h a !icrophone either directed at or attached to the +indo+. (hey had for otten to "rin the 2uccor 7unch in fro! the car. (he 2uccor 7unch is a co!"ined electronic and crystal de*ice desi ned "y Don and Carol to pursue and educate interferin entities +hen they attach etheric TcordsT throu h +hich they could dra+ out our *ital ener y. 3e later disco*ered that the 2uccor 7unch also "locks transponders and other sur*eillance de*ice si nals. 3e "eca!e the o")ects of acti*e sur*eillance "y the 12$ and C-$ after tellin the +orld ho+ to neutralize the ne+ !artial la+ DJ6 trans!itters that ha*e sprun up like a forest all o*er the planet in the past year or so. $t this point% she "rou ht in the 2uccor 7unch and turned it on. (hey had "een careful "efore that not to discuss specific locations on the !ap. $s confir!ation that !ore ephe!eral a encies are +atchin o*er us and uidin our +ork +ith the 99 s% Carol has noticed that +hen sheOs placin the de*ices% the a ents +ho +atch her under o a sort of Brain freeze durin the process. (hat +as !ost apparent in 7aris% +here the a ents are far !ore a ressi*e than in the @.2. and less likely to let their attention falter. $fter all% the Nestapo "eca!e -nterpol after 3orld 3ar --. (he three +o!en took it easy on the "each for the ne8t couple of days. $u ust 11th 1u!"er 1 Jincoln City +as the nearest do+sed location and Carol felt that this *orte8 had so!ethin to do +ith +hales. (hey all had the i!pression that the specific location +as closer to Depoe Bay% thou h. (hey stopped at a restaurant in 2iletz Bay to et so!e lunch. $s they +ere sittin at the ta"le% Carol felt a lot of pressure at her "ack. 2he asked Jinda: TDo you feel thatRT Jinda felt it at her "ack and shoulder. (he distorted *orte8 +as ri ht outside the restaurant in the "ay and they kne+ that it needed to "e taken care of "efore lunch. Jinda stayed in the restaurant and o"ser*ed the effects as #elody and Carol +alked +ith the 99 to the end of the near"y dock. Carol sa+ that the *orte8 +as spinnin the +ron +ay and that there +as a distinct indent in the +ater +here it +as touchin do+n. #elody and Carol said a prayer that the 99 +ould land in the ri ht spot and at the ri ht an le to do the !ost ood. (hen #elody hea*ed it out into the "ay% as close as +e could et it to the "i di!ple. $s soon as it +ent in% Jinda felt the ener y rela8 and start to spin in the other direction% as did Carol. Carol told !e that it +as )ust like +hat she sa+ outside Nuerne*ille% California% near Bohe!ian Nro*e% +here +e put a 99 into an especially *ile *orte8 a year "efore +ith our friend% Nre % and CarolOs dau hter% <enny. 3hen #elody and Carol ot "ack to the ta"le% they all noticed a distinct i!pro*e!ent in the de!eanor of the people in the restaurant. Before% it +as so loud in there that the +o!en practically had to yell to hear each other. 1o+ it +as a lot cal!er and the noise le*el +as reduced to a"out half of +hat it +as "efore. Jinda told so!e stories a"out ho+ dan erous this spot in the "ay +as. (here +ere Kuite a fe+ people +ho had dro+ned there. (he "odies +ere ne*er found% e*en the trained rescuer +ho +ent in to help a dro+nin person. 9is "ody +as ne*er found either. Jinda telepathically heard a cry for help and sa+ an ar! reachin out of the +ater to+ard her )ust "efore the 99 +as flun into the "ay% "ut in the !o!ents it +as sinkin to the "otto!% she sensed that this "ound spirit +as set free. (he seals on the near"y "each apparently felt it ri ht a+ay% too. (hey +ere !ore rela8ed and surrendered to the sand. Before +e placed it% they see!ed *ery confused as to +hether or not they really +anted to "e on the "each. (hey kept co!in in to shore and then oin ri ht "ack out. -n case you donOt kno+% the +ater alon the 0re on coast is not far a"o*e freezin % e*en in the su!!er% so s+i!!in is not !uch of a pasti!e there% e8cept for !asochists.
1u!"er & (hey do+sed the 2ea Jion Ca*es as the ne8t 99 location. 0n the +ay% they felt that they +ere under attack "y 6eds usin electronic +eaponry. (hou h the 2uccor 7unch and 99 s nor!ally handle these attacks +ell enou h% the hi her-po+ered assaults% perhaps +ith scalar technolo y% so!eti!es "leed throu h the protecti*e field a "it% thou h not in a for! that causes real da!a e. 2ince Jinda doesnOt li*e +ithin the capacitatin influence of a Che!"uster% as Carol and #elody do% her ener y le*el +as so lo+ "y the ti!e they reached the ca*es that she opted to stay in the car. #elody and Carol stopped at the o"ser*ation deck to take a look at the sea lions. (he +ind +as so stron % it +as shakin the telescope% so she couldnOt et a clear look at the!. (he sea +as e8tre!ely tur"ulent% crashin into the cliffs "elo+. (he t+o +o!en had decided that one of #elodyOs tree-resin 9ar!onizers +ith arnets +as appropriate for this *orte8. -nside the ca*e they +ere alone% "ut #elody sensed a third presence and asked Carol to look at the entity. Carol sa+ a co!posite !an/sea lion entity standin to the left of #elody. -n the !o!ent that #elody placed the 99 in the appropriate spot% si8 or se*en of the sea lions in the ca*e stood up on their hindKuarters% faced the +o!en and started chantin in a steady tone. (his kept up for a"out fi*e !inutes% durin +hich Carol and #elody felt that they +ere each "ein enfolded in the ar!s of the entity% a MO tall ele!ental% +ho! Carol understood to "e the uardian of that *orte8 .No on a *orte8-healin e8pedition and !eet interestin people V-/. 3hen they +ent "ack outside% the seas had s!oothed and +ere not as hi h and the +ind +as no lon er "lo+in . 1u!"er : -t +as a"out P::' 7# "y the ti!e they ot to the *orte8 in the 0re on Dunes .+hich is a coastal recreation area south of 6lorence and north of Coos Bay% 0re on/. (his is the coastal *orte8 of the !a)or rid line that runs throu h #ts. 7alo!ar% Jassen and 2hasta in California% and #t $shland and the .$tlantean-"uilt/ 0re on Forte8% near Ca*e <unction% 0re on. 3eO*e all "een en a ed in a pro)ect +ith se*eral other people to et enou h 99 s and cloud"usters alon this !eridian to depri*e the dark !asters% +ho run the +orld re i!e% of their stolen ener y. (hey do+sed that an ordinary 99 +as needed for this one. (hey placed it a!on so!e tree roots and +atched the ener y o do+n deep and spread out fro! there. (here is so!ethin under round there% perhaps a hu e su"terranean ri*er or under round "ase. (here is a s!all Coast Nuard "ase near"y +ith an o*ersized landin strip% +hich usually indicates a pretty lar e under round facility. (hey all ot the i!pression that a lot of *ile stuff +as happenin do+n there. $u ust 1& (he Best $rea (his +as an unplanned stop. (hey had planned to cross the coastal !ountains to Du ene and dri*e "ack to #t. 9ood% "ut they sa+ an enor!ous field of dead or one o*er the city and to the north alon the 3ila!ette Falley. Carol and Jinda sensed that they +ere all under *isual sur*eillance. Jinda felt the need to put a 99 near"y and Carol telepathically heard *oices sayin There% here% here5A (hey i!!ediately ca!e to a hi h+ay rest area% across the hi h+ay fro! a hu e dead or one trans!itter% so they stopped% ot a tree resin 99 out of the trunk and scouted for a place to put it .3hen you tra*el% notice ho+ !any of the pri!ary !artial la+ DJ6 trans!itters are located close to the interstate rest areas/. 2ince they felt that people on the round +ere closely +atchin the!% they lin ered at a fe+ spots and looked around at the +atchers until they ca!e to the ri ht spot. $ !an +as "lo+in in*isi"le lea*es ai!lessly in the !iddle of the parkin lot and a +o!an on a cell phone +as reportin the +o!enOs !o*e!ents. (he third +atcher in a +hite *an later follo+ed the! onto the free+ay. #elody took his picture. 9e +as rather surprised and perple8ed% since T ettin !adeT for a spook is as "ad as
ettin coup counted +as to an -ndian +arrior% and #elody felt like sheOd so!eho+ !ade the rade. (hey found a tree +ith a deep cre*ice into +hich the 99 fit perfectly. Carol felt that she needed to ask per!ission of the treeOs ele!ental% "ut none +as i*en until she put a hand on the tree. $t that point% the ele!ental a*e per!ission% "ut she felt it creepin up her ar! and dra+in on her o+n *ital ener y% +hich caused her +hole ar! to ache. 2he had to hold her ar! under runnin +ater at a near"y faucet to restore the ener y and noticed that the or one a"o*e the tree +as poolin % atherin stren th% and then dra+n into the surroundin trees% all of +hich +ere dyin fro! the effects of the dead or one "ein trans!itted "y the DJ6 to+er across the hi h+ay. Before this as they +ere lookin for the spot to put the tree-resin +ith-lapis 99 % they could all feel the dead or one co!in into the tip of the 99 % "ein dra+n into it% as thou h it +ere a t+ister "ein hooked at the s!all end. #elody called that 99 % T7ecos BillT. (here +as a stron +afflin effect of the ener y% "ack and forth "et+een the near"y to+er and the 99 % until the dead or one field +as a"sor"ed at last "y the 99 and trans!uted into healthy or one. -t looked to Carol like the sa!e #edusa-effect that sheOd seen at a particularly *ile nuclear po+er plant in a !a)or *orte8 near 0rlando% 6lorida. Carol and - .Don/ had neutralized that one in Dece!"er &'''% +ith one of our first 99 s. (he #edusa-effect !ade Carol +onder if there +as a nuke reactor under the rest area. #t. 9oodOs (rian le (hey had do+sed that there needed to "e : 99 s placed in a trian le +ith one point at the southeast side of #t. 9ood. (hey put the first one +here 9i h+ay &11 crosses the Clacka!as Bi*er southeast of 7ortland% near Dstacada. (here +as hea*y traffic on the narro+ "rid e% and as Carol and Jinda +alked onto the "rid e to drop the 99 into the +ater% a !an +alked onto the "rid e fro! the other end and stopped on the opposite side and stared at the!. -!!ediately% a car stopped ne8t to the !an ri ht on the narro+ "rid e and the t+o talked +hile they "oth stared at Carol and Jinda. (hese fello+s +ere o"*iously 6ed a ents +ho +ere "usy +ith !ore than )ust sur*eillance. #elody ot out of the car% +alked to +here Carol and Jinda +ere standin % and stared at the !ale pedestrian in a +ay that only so!eone +ho kno+s #elody can appreciate. (his all happened in a short ti!e% of course% "ut ti!e see!s to stretch out +hen +eOre in peril. Jinda felt so!e ur ency at that point% ettin the i!pression that the fello+ +as a psyops a ent intent on so!eho+ usin the other a entOs parked car "eside hi! to cause the dri*er of a passin car to lose control and sla! into the +o!en on the "rid e. 2o they dropped the 99 into the +ater uno"trusi*ely and ot off the "rid e. Jookin "ack on the incident% they kne+ that they +ere "ein protected then "ecause no cars passed durin the ti!e they +ere on the "rid e% e*en thou h traffic +as *ery hea*y and fast "efore and after that. (he second a entOs parked car left *ery little roo! for other *ehicles to pass and *isi"ility +as poor approachin the "rid e fro! "oth directions on that rural stretch of hi h+ay. $fter they placed the 99 they felt a tre!endous rush of healthy ener y co!in up fro! the ri*er. (he second point of the #t. 9ood trian le% near Nresha!% 0re on% recei*ed a tree resin 99 that included rose Kuartz% turKuoise% and arnet crystals% alon +ith $laskan !a netite sand .$ line dra+n throu h this point and the #aryhill 2tonehen e% +hich oes up the Colu!"ia Nor e throu h @!atilla% 0re on% fi ures into a later sta e of their e8pedition/. (heir i!pression +as that the three 99 s in the #t. 9ood place!ent +as +elco!in Ji ht Bein s ho!e to the !ountain "y openin up the ley lines and cha!"ers under and around the !ountain% creatin a "uffer "et+een the !ountain% 7ortland% and the 3illa!ette FalleyOs forest of dead or one trans!itters and other dense% artificial distortions of the earthOs ener y rid in that re ion. (he ener y around the !ountain is no+ returnin to its pristine state% +hich !akes it suita"le once a ain for the presence of the !ore ephe!eral off +orlders% !uch as
that found on #t. 2hasta. (he third point of the trian le is on #t. 9ood itself. $s they +ere dri*in to the final location% Jinda felt the dead or one in her fifth and se*enth charkas that +as "ein trans!itted "y the to+ers alon the +ay. Carol felt it in her head and sensed the presence of a "arrier created "y the first t+o 99 s that +as "lockin the ener y fro! !o*in to+ard the !ountain itself. (he resin 99 +as placed near the )unction of @2 9+y &S and Be*enue Boad% hi h up on the south+est side of the !ountain. Jinda ot the idea that this place!ent sta"ilized the !ountainOs ener y and is healin it so that it can de*elop into a place in the Cascades Ban e that +ill ri*al #t. 2hasta as a ho!e for li ht "ein s. D*en after the first t+o 99 s +ere placed ."oth in *ie+ of #t. 9ood/% there +as a stron sensation of lo*e% freedo!% and unity present in the re ion that +asnOt felt earlier in the day. $u ust 1:th @!atilla 0n (uesday !ornin % they started dri*in east fro! 7ortland alon the or e. (hey stopped at the 2tonehen e to check on the ener y there and +ere ratified to find a li ht% airy a!"ienceV *ery fine ener y !o*in in +a*es up to the ri! of the or e and do+n a ain. 3hen they had first arri*ed to place the 99 and use the *orte8-healin de*ices% the air +as s!o y% "ut no+ it +as clear and pleasant% and the !ountains +ere clearly *isi"le. Before% #t. 9ood could "arely "e seen at all throu h the dead or one. (hey could also no+ see the natural ener y flo+ around the !ountain that they had helped esta"lish the day "efore. (his is the ener y that had "een channeled around #t. 9ood "efore the three 99Ns +ere put in place. (he +ater on the Colu!"ia Bi*er +as unusually cal!- lassy in fact. (his is a place thatOs fa!ous for its relia"le% stron +inds. (here are a lot of "usinesses +hich rely on the !ultitude of +indsurfers that o there e*ery su!!er. (hey had do+sed @!atilla as an i!portant area to place an 99 % "ut they didnOt kno+ +hat to look for there. Di ht or nine !iles "efore they reached the city% they +ere pro!pted to e8it the free+ay and start lookin for the ri ht location. (hey all started to et a !etallic taste in their !ouths% +hich indicated the presence of stron radiation. (heir do+sin directed the! to a road% +hich ended at the ated entrance of the @!atilla $r!y Depot% +hich is alle edly an a!!unition stora e facility. (hey +ere "ein +atched throu h a ca!era !ounted on a pole "y the ate. $s they turned around to lea*e% a !edical supply truck +ent throu h the ate onto the "ase% +hich a*e the! a creepy feelin . (hey +ondered ho+ !any people li*in near this facility +ere dead and/or dyin of cancer and other diseases. (hey +ere all e8periencin "urnin eyes and throats "y then% in addition to the !etallic taste% and felt pain around their li*ers. (hey dro*e "ack alon the free+ay a"out fi*e !iles and e8ited +here they +ere pro!pted. Carol recei*ed a !ental i!a e of a fello+ in unifor! ettin a photo of the +o!en in the car handed to hi! and "ein told% T0h% shdd--theyOe here5A $s she +as seein that% Jinda said% T(hey kno+ +eOre hereRT 7sychically *ie+in the photo% Carol Osa+O the 2uccor 7unch on the dash"oard of her car. (hey fi ured that they +ere headin for the "ackside of the "ase and follo+ed a dirt road alon an irri ation ditch. $lon that road% there +ere !any ca!eras on posts dis uised as a +aterin syste!% althou h there +ere no crops or orchards alon the +ay% and e*erythin +as dry or dead. (hey found the spot to put the second 99 % +hich #elody put on the round alon +ith a specially chosen stone% and they +atched as the ener y of it +ent deep under round% shaped like a +or!% split into three se !ents and shot to+ard the heart of the under round facility at the depot.
(hey dro*e "ack to the free+ay and on throu h @!atilla% stoppin at so!e fruit stands. (hey sa+ that all of the fruit +as e8tre!ely to8ic% e8cept for +hat +as shipped in fro! other re ions. (hey dro*e up to+ard 3alla 3alla% 3ashin ton% lookin for the ri ht location for the second 99 . (his one needed to "e put in +ater and +hen it +as in position% Jinda sa+ an arch "ein created "et+een this one and the one near @!atilla% +hich for!ed into a coil shape% rese!"lin the one that oes into the "otto! of the 2t. BusterOs Button% +hich is a therapeutic 9oly 9and renade desi ned for "ody +ork. (hey could see the dead or one dissol*in in that field and "ein dra+n into the *ortices. (hese 99 s ha*e a life of their o+n. -tOs like each one kno+s e8actly ho+ to handle their o+n situation once theyOre put in place. -tOs a lot like the +ay +e operate +hen +e follo+ our instincts. 2o!e feel that the 2un de*as .ele!entals/ are the uidin force of all of the or onite-"ased de*ices% +hich !akes sense to !e% thou h one !i ht lo ically ask +ho is usin the ele!entals for this +ork% since ele!entals ha*e no +ill% per se. (hat !ay "e a !oot point in practical ter!s. 0r onite% "y the +ay% is nothin !ore than a !i8ture of eKual *olu!es of resin and !etal particles and/or !etal spirals. $ny type of resin and any !etal are appropriate% as this +hole process is Kuite pastoral% as you !ay ha*e noticed.
DditorOs 1ote: (his article is an addendu! to DonOs first Dlf to+er article posted in late #ay &''&. Be sure to read that article carefully in order to understand the ra*ity of the situation concernin these to+ers. 1othin is !ore i!portant no+ than for ordinary people like you to et in*ol*ed in "uildin .or pay so!eone to !ake/ these to+er "usters. -tOs your life and your country folks. -f you donOt do it% +ho +illR 3e ha*e an opportunity here to a"ort the re i!eOs !artial la+/concentration ca!p a enda. $ccordin to DonO sources% itOs oin to happen (9-2 6$JJ% &''&. $re you oin to sit "ack and hope Don Croft% sin le-handed% +ill sa*e the entire countryR /dc/dclateston!cto+erarrays&L!ay'&.sht!l .Cen $dachi=
By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc:'elfto+eraddendu!1Sau '&.sht!l $u ust 1S% &''& $fter hearin fro! (ara% a youn !other +ho has !ade a Che!"uster .!y *ersion of a cloud"uster/ "oosted so!e key ener y sites% and neutralized !any trans!itters +here she li*es% north of Chica o% - +as sort of )olted on (uesday into the realization that the 9oly 9and renades .99 / !ay "e o*erkill for the !artial la+ trans!itters% so after Carol ot "ack fro! her ad*enture this +eek - Kuickly !ade up +hat - consider to "e the !ini!al or onite de*ice for neutralizin these da!ned thin s. 2o!e of our "est +ork occurs to us in an al!ost off-handed +ay. (he day "efore Carol +as to o to Cenya% uest of a foundation that operated a *illa e $-D2 clinic there% it occurred to !e that a solar po+ered cro+d zapper !i ht co!e in handy. 3eOd !ade up a pile of re ular zappers to donate to our $frican cousins. -t turned out that the *illa e had no electricity at all% so that little cro+d zapper is ettin plenty of use in an area +here !ost% especially those cast out of +ork "y $-D2% canOt afford to e*en "uy "atteries. (he pile of zappers +ere handed out in the first fe+ days% a drop in the "ucket% really% "ut the other has "een used to heal lots and lots of people and it +onOt likely +ear out soon. (he cone shape of the 9oly 9and renade occurred to !e as - +as +alkin alon the shore on $ndros -sland% not lon after !y O#iddle $ ed #an and the 2eaO ordeal% durin the !ost harro+in part of +hich our $tlantean elder friend% Cashi% +ho had "een acco!panyin !e% +oke Carol up in 6lorida to tell her% O9eOs crazy5O and to sho+ her on the !ap precisely +here !y "oat had foundered at sea in a stor! in the southern point *orte8 of the Ber!uda (rian le east of Bi!ini. (he !ost !enacin of aerial pheno!ena% "oth @60s and con*entional craft at )ust a"o*e rooftop le*el% +ere sent to inti!idate (ara +hen she first co!!itted to this pro)ect% "ecause of a fe+ factors that !ost of us are not pri*y too. 2he not only stood her round outside +hen they appeared% "ut +as Kuite *ocal in the cloud"uster foru! a"out her intention to do this +ork no !atter +hat happens. - hope so!e of the older and +iser of us can take that lesson to heart and stop +hinin a"out the ufoOs% choppers% )ets% etc.% that the feds often send to our ho!es in their atte!pts to scare us into a state of inacti*ity. 1e8t ti!e any aircraft co!es +ithin three hundred feet of !y house% -O! oin to shoot it +ith !y pellet un and -Oll "e ai!in at the +indshield% too. - really hope one of the! tries that a ain. JetOs see if the cops sho+ up then. -tOs *ery unla+ful to operate any aircraft that +ay% and the cops kno+ it "etter than +e do% as does the !ilitary% +ho operate so!e of the!. (he C-$ and 6D#$ are funda!entally unla+ful% so of course itOs okay to shoot at their choppers +hen they *iolate our ho!es. #ay"e -Oll et a chance to see if a "o+ and arro+ and a roll of sur*eyor tape can% indeed% force one do+n. By Oo*erkillO of course% - only !ean that the 99 is !ore po+erful than it needs to "e )ust to neutralize a pri!ary or secondary !artial la+ trans!itter. - "et a lot of !y readers follo+ the principle of Oappropriate technolo yO
already. 0ur efforts are "etter spent !akin !any !ore of the appropriate (o+er Busters for the *ast nu!"er of the ne+ !artial la+ trans!itters% and sa*e our 99 s for !ultiple arrays% *ile *ortices% #asonic te!ples% satanic !urder sites% our in-la+sO shru""eries% etc.% for +hich theyOre !ore appropriate. Di8ie Buster (he (o+er Buster is a :oz paper cup% like the ones for "athroo! dispensers% filled +ith a half/half !i8 of resin and !etal particles into +hich - insert a sin le% funky Kuartz crystal. Jike the @ ly Ducklin % these lonely crystals are dear to !e "ecause they de!onstrate that our de*ices +ork e8tre!ely +ell +ith an a"solute !ini!u! of attention to Kuality and refine!ent. - donOt !ean to Otalk holes in the sto!achsO .a Kuaint Ner!an e8pression i*en to !e "y a 2+edish acKuaintance today/ of the ne+ a ers a!on us% nor do - +ish to deni rate their fine contri"utions% +hich far outshine +hat -O*e done in !any% !any cases. #y o")ecti*e fro! day one has "een to ena"le the !ost unholy% non-psychic of folks .not unlike !yself/ to "e e!po+ered "y achie*in !iraculous results% and - still ad*ocate +a in spiritual +ar on the re i!e +hich is poisonin our lo*ely planet. -O*e co!e to ter!s +ith the fact that !ost of the folks +ho et into this are ne+ a ers% thou h there are !any nota"le e8ceptions. (he stereotype for ne+ a ers is that they talk a lot a"out ser*ice and spirituality "ut run a+ay fro! real co!!it!ent. -O! proud to say that the folks associated +ith this foru! are e8ceptions to (9$( rule% no !atter +hat ideolo y they are pro!otin . (hese de*ices are "oth the +eapons and the a!!unition in this +ar% +hich - truly "elie*e +e are +innin no+% thanks to the un+a*erin support and uidance of !any ethereal a encies and to the co!!it!ent of +e fe+ players +ith our !a ic "ullets and cloud"usters. 9ereOs so!e e*idence that -O*e struck a ner*e of the planetary re i!e "y tellin the +orld a"out this to+er"ustin trick: -n early #ay% - +rote a short article a"out the purpose of the !artial la+ trans!itters and a"out ho+ one can easily neutralize the!. - sent that article out to a net+ork of hundreds of e- roups !ade up of people +ho typically resonate to ne+ infor!ation like this. $t the sa!e ti!e% - posted it on the cloud"uster foru! and sent it to !y friend% Cen $dachi% +ho posted the article% alon +ith so!e photos of typical O!ind control to+ers%O on his *ery +ell attended site% http://+++.educate-yourself.or 3ithin t+o days% - +as pre*ented fro! postin or !oderatin any !ore in the ori inal cloud"uster foru!% hosted on ?ahoo% and !y hu e address "ook +as erased "y so!eone at Darthlink% !y ser*er. (his has not "een !uch of a pro"le!. -n fact% itOs led to so!e *ery ood de*elop!ents. (he first foru! had "eco!e hea*ily infiltrated +ith a ent pro*ocateurs in the a"sence of a !oderator. 6ro! this ordeal% - learned ho+ to et !y !ail +ithout ha*in to +orry a"out interference "y the feds .they had erased all of !y "usiness orders and left the other e!ail alone/. ?esterday% Carol and - dro*e "y the re!ainin !artial la+ trans!itter in our county +hich has not "een neutralized and she tossed the to+er "uster into the "rush "y the side of the road. (hatOs our Odri*e "yO techniKue. 3e +erenOt close enou h to the enclosure to risk detection of the de*ice--+e feel certain that any+here +ithin a Kuarter !ile .sli htly less than .: kilo!eter% 44' yards% or 4a foot"all fields/ is sufficient% and itOs "est to shallo+ly "ury it. -f the Bor scra!"les at so!e point to find these thin s% the distance% co!"ined +ith the O"raincloud%O a la the 3in !akersO effect on the !inds and eyes of the searchers% +ill pretty !uch ensure that the to+er "usters +onOt "e disco*ered and re!o*ed. 9e!atite D*en thou h Carol ad*ised !e after -Od !ade the first prototype that four he!atite "eads +ould ha*e !ade it +ork "etter% - opted to test the one -Od !ade% since !any of you donOt ha*e easy access to he!atite "eads. 2he says this rounds the ener y faster so that the or one field +ill "uild up !ore Kuickly in case the trans!itter ets turned on full "last ri ht a+ay.
2he did allo+% thou h% that the field +as instantly sufficient to cancel out the nasty ener y co!in out of that trans!itter% +hich is a pri!ary one% "y the +ay% apparently controlled throu h a satellite% and that it +ould easily eat up the stuff e*en if/+hen the traitorous feds turn it on full "last this fall. 6eed"ack #any folks are sayin that the or onite de*ices all see! to "e operatin intelli ently% and - ot an uncharacteristic telepathic !essa e concernin that first to+er "uster that +ent so!ethin like this% ODonOt +orry a"out it% Bu"% - can handle it.O $s you pro"a"ly uessed% the reason - did this is so that !ore to+ers +ill et "usted in ti!e to pre*ent the hi h treason "ein referred to as O!artial la+O fro! "ein atte!pted at all. (hou h the re i!e can "e characterized "y e8tre!e cunnin % +hich so!eti!es appro8i!ates intelli ence% and e8tre!e arro ance% +hich is pro"a"ly +hy they refused to consider all of us threats until lon after it +as feasi"le to suicide us% they arenOt so stupid that theyOll co!!it !illions of Bussians and Chinese% alon +ith +hate*er other !ercenaries they can con into riskin life and li!" for the!% to in*ade and su"due Durope% 1orth $!erica and "eyond% in the face of a li!itless uerrilla force% e*en in part of one nation% and +eO*e all cleared a lot of OpartsO of se*eral nations of these da!n trans!itters already% as they +ell kno+. Call to $ction - ad!it that the prospect of !akin :'' 99 s ne8t +eek% +hich is +hat +ill "e needed to neutralize all of the pri!ary trans!itters% 9$$B7 arrays% under round "ases% etc% in !y part of the country% +as dauntin % "ut - can easily !ake &L' (o+er Busters and L' 99Ns .for hard tar ets/. - found four "rand ne+ 9$$B7 arrays alon the interstate on !y last trip to 2eattle fro! 2pokane-:'' !iles. - can !ake sure that the in*ited in*aders +ill i*e 1orthern -daho% 1orthern 3ashin ton and 1orth+estern #ontana a *ery +ide "erth% since there are enou h potential uerrilla fi hters% includin yours truly% to !ake this counterproducti*e for the!. -tOs pro"a"ly +orth !entionin that since the attrition of our ar!ed forces after Desert 2tor! the round troop force of the @2 is only nu!erous enou h to control Bhode -sland% so they are not a threat% e*en if the rank and file +ere +illin to kill their unar!ed Country!en% +hich they are not. $ll the fancy !ilitary hard+are in the +orld +ouldnOt do !uch ood to an occupyin force% +hich is +hy the poorereKuipped "ut nearly uncounta"le Chinese and Bussians are !ore appropriate. ?ou can "et that !ost of our !ilitary folks +ill e8ercise their oaths to defend the constitution if !artial la+ ets i!ple!ented% so theyOd "e on our side if they +ere to so!eho+ !ake it "ack to the @2 fro! their far-flun outposts. 0f course% if !y re ion is a "ad !ilitary risk that !eans that the !ercenaries are !ore likely to sho+ up +here you are% zip cuff you +hen your local trans!itter has thro+n you and your nei h"ors to the round% and haul you off to the uillotine% so - hope to Nod -O*e i*en you so!e incenti*e to !atch the efforts of <esse% Dra on $l% (e8as <eff% 2ecret Buddy% (ara% Ca! 3on % Carlo% 1o*a 2cotia <eff I $n ela% (illie% Colina I Jisa% Carol I -% and !any anony!ous others out there and si!ply pre*ent that possi"ility in your re ion% too. -!a ine ho+ nice the +orldOs oin to "e after +eO*e faced do+n the arro ant "ullies pretty soon and e8posed their a es-old trans ressions and enocidal a enda5 Dare +e think of the possi"ilities% too% after the 7a)a!a 7eople all around us ha*e found it e8pedient to dress for the day and assu!e so!e of their responsi"ilities% as +e ha*eR (he re i!e +ould ha*e us all "elie*e that% if i*en half a chance to !ana e its o+n affairs% hu!anity +ould turn into a ra in % anarchic !o"% "ut - "elie*e that this +ould "e the e8ception% not the rule. #ost of the +orld already li*e their li*es +ith *ery little interference or OhelpO fro! centralized national o*ern!ents "ecause those o*ern!ents si!ply lack the infrastructure and !assi*e fundin reKuired to !aintain the sort of tyranny and !ind control thatOs found in Durope% 1orth $!erica and de*eloped $sian nations% so +e +ho li*e in the de*eloped nations !ay ha*e to study and "e tau ht "y our less-industrialized nei h"ors ho+ to et alon in our local co!!unities +ithout "ein !icro!ana ed "y ethically-challen ed stran ers% thousands of !iles a+ay.
(he internet has a!ply de!onstrated that the trend in the e!er in paradi ! is a+ay fro! centralized po+er to+ard !ore responsi"ility and freedo! for the indi*idual and each co!!unity is a !onta e of ele antly uniKue indi*iduals +ith "oundless potential. -tOs 1o+ or 1e*er 3eO*e ot a little !ore than a !onth% perhaps less% to et the to+er-"ustin )o" done% accordin to !any rounded peopleOs reckonin s. 1o+ that the to+ers are co!pleted in !y part of the nation% -O! a"out to finish the )o" this !onth. (o state the o"*ious% pretty soon the 7< folk +ill realize that these ne+ trans!itters ha*e nothin at all to do +ith co!!unication% since !ost of the! are pretty +ell lued to their cell phones and +ill reco nize at so!e point that the co*era e is still )ust as spotty as e*er e*en thou h a forest of trans!itters )ust +ent up this year in and around their locale. (his is the point at +hich the re i!e +ill ha*e lost the initiati*e alto ether if they ha*enOt found it feasi"le to initiate their enocidal a enda yet% since e*ery population +ould "e un!ana ea"le once the true nature of these trans!itters is e*en hinted at. 3e are pro"a"ly close to the Ohundredth p.). !onkeyO situation ri ht no+. 1ot to deni rate the 7< folk% of course. 2cratch the surface of !ost of the! and youOll find a olden indi*idual +ho +ants +hatOs "est for his fello+s. (hatOs +hy - donOt insult the! +ith the ter!% Osheeple.O 9istory sho+s that tyranny relies M'^ on *oluntary co!pliance and 1'^ on threat of force and that !eans the populace has to "e conned into policin each other. 3ho can i!a ine that those old tactics are oin to +ork in the e!er in paradi !R -t +orked in $!erica +hen the feds ot the 33-- *ets .co!!enda"le for their selfsacrifice% "ut reproacha"le for their O o alon to et alon O stri*in to confor!/ and their friends to "urn Dr. BeichOs "ooks and cheer as he +as railroaded into prison% +here he +as !urdered in the early 1ML's. #ost of the $!erican people arenOt fallin for this cri!inal re i!eOs latest fear-!on erin % race-hatred ca!pai n ai!ed at the people of the #iddle Dast. 1o+ that the !ore !allea"le +hites in $!erica are no lon er the o*er+hel!in !a)ority and race hatred has "eco!e unfashiona"le% these "latant atte!pts at !ind control and patriotic !o" incite!ent are fallin short of their !ark% causin thinkin people to distrust their alle ed o*ern!ent e*en !ore. Contrast this +ith the 8enopho"ia and "lood lust that s+ept the nation after the +orld re i!e tricked 2adda! into takin Cu+ait only ten years a o. 0f course% the -nternet +asnOt around then. D*en the peace-lo*in li"erals "ou ht into that feedin frenzy. $s consolation to those +ho funda!entally hate to look at e*il and are inclined to punish those of us +ho do% the presence of so !any or onite de*ices% spread across the landscape at each pri!ary trans!itter location% +ill uplift hu!anity in these re ions for t+o reasons: 1/ they are syner istically neutralizin a pri!ary producer of dead or oneV &/ they are spinnin the ood or one out into the at!osphere in direct proportion to the fedsO efforts to produce the "ad% u ly stuff. 0f course% the fonts of dead or one are all operatin at a"out 1L^ no+ to keep e*eryone fro! inte ratin the e!er in paradi ! infor!ation% so - uess that +ould "e reason nu!"er three to "ust the! ri ht no+. -t really doesnOt !atter +hat ter!inolo y is used as lon as the deed ets done. No ahead and turn the spiritual +arrior% $rchan el #ichael% into an interior decorator if you +ant. 2ince this is a +orld+ide pheno!enon% as far as +e can see% - sincerely hope that if youOre li*in in a nation in +hich ar!ed resistance is not an option any!ore .all de*eloped countries% aside fro! the @2% 2+itzerland and 2outh $frica/ youOll at least consider the latter as pri!e !oti*atin factors to put these trans!itters out of co!!ission. (hese are 10( for co!!unication% folks% so - think itOs prudent to e8ercise ood neurolin uistics and stop callin the! Ocell to+ers.O (he !ain reason for these trans!itters is to enforce co!pliance to the planned% potentially i!!inent +orld+ide tyranny% +hich is deter!ined deci!ate the +orldOs population "ack to the nu!"ers that e8isted "efore the industrial re*olution so that they can !ore efficiently !ana e hu!anity% +ho! they ha*e al+ays considered their chattel.
(o+ers $re Bad 1e+s (his stuff is +orse than the darkest future scenarios that science fiction +riters ha*e "een capa"le of in*entin -in fact itOs so horrid and unthinka"le that no"ody +ho +ould dare to +rite it as fiction +ould "e a"le to sell it. 1o"ody +ants to think a"out an o*ert% lo"al tyranny that +ould !ake 9itler% Bo"espierre% 2talin% #ao and 7ol 7ot pale into historical insi nificance% "ut this has "een the cherished hope of the -llu!inati for perhaps si8 !illennia% in the studied opinions of so!e people. JetOs depri*e those old farts in the 3hite Brotherhood of their lon -cherished oals% okayR $fter that% +eOll "e lookin at a *ery "ri ht future% "eyond our fondest hopes. - feel that itOs i!portant to state that lo"alis! is not inherently "ad. -n fact% itOs the ne8t lo ical step in the !aturin process of our species. 3e )ust donOt need it cra!!ed do+n our throat this +ay% thatOs all. 3e really are "etter than that% in spite of +hat the C-$ spin artists in the uni*ersities and !edia +ant us to "elie*e. $nother re!inder is that itOs still i!portant to use the holy hand renades to restore the co!pro!ised *ortices% neutralize locations of predatory institutions% and s+eeten our nei h"orhoods and cities% so the (o+er Busters are in no +ay !eant to !ake the 99 s e8traneous. - feel that itOs i!portant to state that lo"alis! is not inherently "ad. -n fact% itOs the ne8t lo ical step in the !aturin process of our species. 3e )ust donOt need it cra!!ed do+n our throat this +ay% thatOs all. 3e really are "etter than that% in spite of +hat the C-$ spin artists in the uni*ersities and !edia +ant us to "elie*e. (hatOs ri ht-- said% O3hite Brotherhood.O 3hy do you think Jucis (rust .for!erly Jucifer (rust/ is the only institution that refers officially to the! as the Osa*iors and "ene*olent uidesO of hu!anity. ?ikes. 9a*e you e*er read so!e of the @1 literature +ritten and pu"lished "y that trustR -f you do% youOre in for a rou h ride if you ha*e a tender heart. (heyOre the official pu"lishers for the @nited 1ations% +hich no+ for!ally pro!otes a Opopulation reductionO policy instead of its for!er Ozero population ro+thO reco!!endations. $ctually% only the ter!inolo y has chan ed% "eco!in !ore "latant and re*ealin lately. (he policy has al+ays "een the sa!e as it is no+. DonOt !ost people realize that the $-D2 Oepide!icO in $frica% for instance% +as created and is !aintained "y the 3orld 9ealth .R/ 0r anization. - +as shocked to learn that the @1 has forced all $frican o*ern!ents to punish traditional healers for treatin $-D2 sufferers and only @1-sanctioned dru s are allo+ed to "e used for that. (hank Nod !ost of the traditional healers% the !a)ority of +ho! are +o!en% are not inti!idated "y this threat% nor are !ost of the !en +ho +ould ha*e to enforce these alle ed la+s keen on offendin these po+erful +itches. - donOt think these +o!en +ould "other callin the cops if they felt personally threatened% if you catch !y !eanin . (he *oodoo uys are scared of the!. (he Jucis (rustOs other "i interest is the ne+ a e !o*e!ent% +hich it clai!s to foster and shepherd. Can you see +hy - crin e a "it e*ery ti!e so!eone si ns a note to !e +ith OJo*e and Ji htRO - tried si nin !y return notes% OJust and Darkness%O in an atte!pt to "alance it out a "it% "ut - Kuickly a"andoned that +hen - realized that so!e +ere takin it as a se8ual co!e-on. 3ords are i!portant and re*ealin % no !atter ho+ enli htened and holy +e "elie*e +e are. (urnin the (ide JetOs see if anyone co!es for+ard to defend those enocidal old )erks no+. Carol tells !e that theyOre already scoutin around for the ratlines so they can a"andon their "erthed% sinkin ship +hen the ti!e co!es% pretty soon. $ll +e need to do is !ini!ize the !ayhe! they +ish to co!!it in their spitefulness and frustration as they scurry alon to keep up +ith their recedin paradi !-sort of like the +ay the 1aziOs tried to "lo+ up 7aris at the end of their *isit there in 1M4L. 3hat +eOre doin ri ht no+ +ith our (o+er Busters and 9oly 9and renades can "e co!pared to turnin the 1azisO hi h e8plosi*es around 7aris into chocolate or delicious% stinky cheese. Can you i!a ine a !ore fun and
re+ardin pasti!e than this oneR -t !i ht "e a ood ti!e no+ to start thinkin a"out +hat +eOll do +ith these useless trans!itters. -Od like to !ake a kind of tree house in one ne8t su!!er. 1o dou"t the free ener y electrical enerators that are at !any of these trans!itters% under round% +ill co!e in pretty handy for us all. ?ouOll notice that !any of the! are not connected to the po+er rid. - feel that itOs i!portant to state that lo"alis! is not inherently "ad. -n fact% itOs the ne8t lo ical step in the !aturin process of our species. 3e )ust donOt need it cra!!ed do+n our throat this +ay% thatOs all. 3e really are "etter than that% in spite of +hat the re i!eOs spin artists in the churches% pu"lic schools% uni*ersities and !edia +ant us to "elie*e. - hope that #ark I 2uze% Ben I <erry% Cristina% Cees I Dric% 0ro*ille Da*e% 2tanly% 2ecret Buddy% #oonreader!an% Fancou*er 2te*e% Ca! 3on and the rest of the or one pioneers +ill continue de*elopin their fine% i!pro*ed CBs and other de*ices and keep us all posted on their pro ress5 (hereOs certainly roo! for us all and !any !ore in this ne+ field of ser*ice to hu!anity. Don Croft
Episode 31 Beating The 6e$onius 6eds7 Sur'ei$$an3e Team < Ps-3hi3s By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc:1"eatin feloniousfeds&&au '&.sht!l $u ust &&% &''& Carol and - +ent shoppin on #onday to 2pokane% +hich is S' !iles north of our little to+n% #osco+% -daho. (he 12$% and so!eti!es also the C-$% +atches us constantly due to our past successes in frustratin their +ishes% or at least they try to !onitor us. 3e keep a dedicated 2uccor 7unch .27/ oin on a 1&* "attery% &4/P% in the house so they canOt listen to our con*ersations. 0n I 0ff 6un @sually% +e O!akeO a fed a ent or t+o "efore +e lea*e to+n% and thou h +e didnOt ha*e any 9oly 9and renades or to+er "usters !ade up% they had to assu!e +e +ere out to sa*a e their a enda% as usual% so they sent the reKuisite nu!"er of u"iKuitous +hite *ehicles to track us after - turned on the 2uccor 7unch )ust "efore reachin the first hi h+ay )unction. 3hen the 27 is off% they si!ply track us "y satellite. - do that so that theyOll ha*e to send so!e"ody up each road% since turnin on the 1L9z 2uccor 7unch "locks all the *oice and satellite locator transponders in the *ehicle% lea*in *isual sur*eillance as the only alternati*e. Carol says +eO*e otten Kuite a reputation and that they all hate "ein assi ned to +atch us. - turn it off +hen +e reach a destination% then turn it on a ain at inter*als desi ned to !a8i!ize their le +ork. (ry it yourself5 By 47# they had i*en up tryin to locate us. (his +as a first for us% and hopefully +eOre settin a trend that others can follo+ no+. (he 1L9z 7unch - donOt think itOs +idely kno+n that you can "lock electronic sur*eillance. 3ilhel! #uller% the actual in*entor of the first successful !a net !otor/ enerator% sho+ed !e ho+ to "lock their !asterin and transponders "y )ust punchin in 1L9z to a little freKuency Bo8% +hich he ot in -taly. - later ot one that +as !ade in Bosnia "efore the factory +as de!olished in that !ana ed conflict% "ut the effects of the 2uccor 7unch are far !ore po+erful and apparently e*en satellite *isual trackin is !essed up "y it-+ho kno+s ho+R $lthou h the -nterpol spooks are !ore a ressi*e than the ones here .-O! +aitin to hear if this is true in 2+itzerland% +here folks are +ell ar!ed/ their attention spans ha*e reat lapses +hen one is depositin or onite de*ices% and these uys are the direct descendents of the Nestapo% so youOd e8pect !ore out of the!. Jet the Na!es Be in (he first fed +e sa+ +as the "oss% the 2pecial $ ent in Char e. Carol kne+ they +ere +aitin for us )ust south of 2pokane on @2 ML. 9e crossed the hi h+ay in front of us and - a*e hi! a ood look so he kne+ +eOd !ade hi!. 9e +as dri*in a *ery e8pensi*e 43D truck +ith a lar e ca"-shiny +hite. Carol said the second uy +as follo+in a"out a Kuarter !ile "ack% so - pulled o*er and +a*ed at hi! as he passed in his shiny +hite car. - sped up to tail hi!-he +as dri*in BD$JJ? fast-"ut +e ot off at the ne8t e8it to "uy so!e e!stones. 3hen +e ot to the store% a re ular stop for us% a fed +as there +atchin us. Carol sensed hi!% "ut +e didnOt see hi! till +e ca!e out and he +as +ith a psychic fe!ale a ent. (hey +ere starin at us +hen +e ca!e out of the store
fro! across the "oule*ard% "ut +hen - +a*ed to the! they studiously a*oided lookin at !e V-/ (he +o!an sho+ed up later on. - turned the 2uccor 7unch on as +e dro*e across to+n and turned it off +hen +e stopped for lunch. $ couple of feds +ere +atchin us fro! a Kuarter !ile a+ay throu h "inoculars. Carol psychically sa+ +hat they +ere seein % so +e located the! that +ay% and +hen +e pulled out% 27 still off% +e dou"led "ack after theyOd pulled out to follo+ us% then easily lost the! in hea*y traffic% as they dared not et too close. - turned it on a ain and +e dro*e to+ard Coeur dO$lene% -daho% &' !iles east on the 6ree+ay. $fter +e crossed the state line% - turned it off a ain% +e +ent to the only store in this part of the +orld +hich sells or anic snickerdoodle-fla*ored coffee% li ht roast% and ti!ed it )ust ri ht to !eet the first fed to arri*e fro! do+nto+n 2pokane. 3e faked the! out +ith the 27 *irtuosity% so they +ere +aitin for us in the other direction V-/ Carol sensed the uy co!in fro! a"out a !ile a+ay% so +hen his shiny +hite *an ca!e to+ard us on the other side of the free+ay% - a*e hi! a hearty +a*e and a s!ile. (hatOs the last +e sa+ of the feds that day% thou h +e +ere an hour and a half fro! ho!e. 6or all they kne+% +e +ere out "ustin trans!itters like "ats out of hell. (hou h - kno+ that doin this +ithout a telepath in attendance is not as producti*e% <eff and - a*e a ood account of oursel*es +hen +e closed the t+o re!ainin predatory reptilian hi*e portals% etc.% +hen Carol +as in 7aris last !onth% and if +e can do it% so can you% !ost likely. - donOt kno+ if :& 9z +orks for this% "ut - can try that in the Eapporiu!% since it has a !ultiple freKuency enerator hooked to the "uilt-in !o"ius coil/crystal arran e!ent in that *ehicle. -,ll let you kno+. (he 27s ha*e our zapper circuit hooked up to the!% so the freKuencyOs not chan ea"le. (he D!pire 2trikes Back (hat ni ht% <enny +as "ein psychically attacked "y the fe!ale a ent% so +e hooked into that loop +ith the 27 and ot that the a ent is one of si8 assi ned to try to har! us and to spy on us astrally. (his one created a connection to <ennyOs solar ple8us throu h the round% +hich Carol said is cle*er% and the intention +as to sicken the teena er so that +eOd ha*e to stick around. 0f course% the (er!inator cures any real sickness aside fro! acute poisonin % so all that +as left +as the e!otional co!ponent. Carol +as loath to do +hat needed doin "ecause sheOs so keenly a+are of the i!portance of doin no har! in her +ork. 9o+e*er% the a ent +as in the process of har!in CarolOs dau hter% so it +as okay to do enou h to "reak the connection. 6ederally trained psychics donOt kno+ ho+ to defend the!sel*es% as - !entioned. -t !ay not "e i!portant +hy this is so% "ut itOs ood to kno+ that it is. 7redatory people like that are not *ulnera"le in the areas that they choose to attack others% that is% the head charkas% "ut they are easily !anipulated thou h their lo+er charkas% +hich is +here Carol directed !e to focus the 27Os ener y +ith her. $ll +e had to do +as to )uice up her kundalini in the second and third charkas and she +as on the floor in a fetal position% o*erco!e +ith fear "ecause she had no su"seKuent control o*er her !ind. (he "ody is al+ays the "oss% folks% no !atter +hat anyone told you V-/. (he feds sho+ their spiritual stupidity for i norin this si!ple truth% "ut of course to study the ener ies of the lo+er charkas in a "alanced +ay reKuires inte rity. 1eed - say !oreR 7eople centered in their "odies arenOt !anipula"le "y head a!es% +hich !ay "e +hy $fricans are i!!une to !ind control% for instance. - ot a flood of threatenin !ental i!a es fro! the fe!ale a ent. (his is +hat - ot fro! the Draconian that +as the first tar et of !y first 2uccor 7unch. $s +ith the !entally oriented Draconian% this personOs efforts +ere
pretty pitiful. -O! an in-the-"ody sort of fello+. 3anted: 7sychic 3arriors $l!ost a year a o% e*ery psychic +e kne+ or kne+ a"out +as se*erely attacked "y the fed psychics in an effort to +arn the! a+ay fro! opposin the re i!e. (his didnOt see! to ha*e !uch to do +ith the Cloud"uster effort% since it +as )ust "arely ettin started. $ll of the! +e kne+ a"out ot physically ill for a couple of +eeks% e8cept for the ones +ho had zappers% of course. 2o!e of the! spun all sorts of fancy e8planations for their failure to protect the!sel*es% "ut !ost of the! see! to kno+% at least% that they +ere tar eted. - hope !ore of the! +ill co!e for+ard and use their talents% as Carol is% to oppose the predatory re i!e. - think itOs oin to happen pretty soon. 1o"ody likes the notion that theyOre oin to et attacked ar"itrarily "y stran ers% so !y hope is that so!e of the! +ill a*ail the!sel*es of our protection/a ression de*ices and put these spooks in their places. -O*e said this "efore% "ut Dd Da!es presents his *ersion of re!ote *ie+in as the ulti!ate spy+are. -n fact% itOs the #odel ( of psychic spyin tech. -f you "elie*e hi!% youOd "elie*e that the "attleship% $rizona% is state of the art na*al po+er. (he federal o*ern!entOs unla+ful spy a encies% !ainly 12$ and C-$% are turnin out psychics faster than +e can esti!ate and theyOre all ea er to pro*e the!sel*es. (hey donOt teach the! !uch a"out uni*ersal la+% apparently. 2ort of like the police acade!ies no lon er !ention the Constitution% "ut +e kno+ for sure that they can "e held to account !ore or less instantly +hen they "reak those la+s and try to har! us. - uess the a*era e <oe% since heOs una+are of the e8istence of the lar er aspects of his o+n e8istence% is co!pletely defenseless a ainst these predators% so they are al+ays surprised and rather shocked +hen +e identify the! and put the! on the 27 OspitO for a fe+ turns. (he +o!an a ent +as the first hu!an to stay the course after that% "ut in her case +e si!ply +ent after her "oss% to +ho! she and the other fi*e +ere assi ned to "lock access "y us. -t +as !i hty easy to et to hi! and +e +ere "oth surprised to see that it +as the sa!e fello+ +eOd !ade earlier in the day. 9eOs an acco!plished !ason% so this stuff is not ne+ to hi!. - ener ized his chakras +ith kundalini% startin fro! the "ase% and he +as in pretty ood shape% so +hen - ot to his heart - +asnOt surprised to find that heOs essentially a lo*in person. Carol said at that point that all he +anted to do +as Kuit% "ut he felt locked in "ecause it +as his li*elihood. 9e appeared to "e close to retire!ent a e. 2ince <enny +as free of the attach!ent at this point% +e si!ply left the! alone. -Od "e *ery surprised if they try so!ethin like that a ain. Carol said the "oss a ent +as !ade a+are of the atte!pt to kill us last +eek% "ut +asnOt connected +ith it. -O*e seen hi! at least once around here-the day that <eff and - +ent to the Cascade #ountains% he +as han in out "eside one of the trans!itters +e hadnOt neutralized yet. ?ou can "et theyOre all readin this post. -O! told that a"out fifty feds read e*erythin - +rite. -tOs funny% "ut if anyone +ere to ask !e to do anythin reKuirin psychic perception% -Od ha*e little or no confidence in !y o+n ad*ice% "ut +hen -O! doin this stuff it feels like - canOt fail. Carol told !e that until - +as fifteen% - +as "ein trained in the #C @ltra 7ro ra! to "e a spook. (hey canned !e then "ecause of inte rity issues-- had it and they didnOt. (hat !i ht e8plain +hy - a"solutely lo*e t+eakin the!. - ad!it that - lo*e it !ore than life itself. - suppose that as lon as - en)oy playin for hi h stakes% itOs "etter to do it this +ay than to turn into one of the zo!"ies that one sees in Fe as. @nderlyin e*erythin % of course% is !y faith that +eOre oin to +in this a!e% once and for all. (his is a"solutely the "est ti!e to "e ali*e5 DonOt try this at ho!e unless youOre +illin to ride the ti er% okayR 0ther+ise% let your instincts uide you and donOt hesitate to follo+ your hunches.
Don Croft
Episode 32 Su33essfu$ To4er Busting 1&1 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc:&to+er"ustin ':sep'&.sht!l 2epte!"er :% &''1 - et the feelin that !any folks ha*e a hard ti!e "elie*in that : oz of or onite in a little paper cup can neutralize the "ad effects of a !artial la+ trans!itter. - ad!it that "y e*enin % durin the first four days of this e8pedition% - +as feelin sort of like Don Uui8ote% tiltin at +ind!ills% "ut t+o thin s snapped !e out of that little funk: a fed 2$-C .2pecial $ ent -n Char e/ *isited !e at a trans!itter site in Blackfoot% -daho% and after each day of "ustin re ional net+orks% - contended +ith thunderstor!s o*er precisely the area that had "een neutralized. (here had "een little rain throu hout the su!!er +est of the parts of -daho co*ered "y cloud"usters% "ut - didnOt kno+ that at the ti!e. $ year a o% - had a hunch that so!ethin on the round +as "ein used to fi ht the effects of the cloud"usters. $t first - thou ht it +as )ust 9$$B7% "ut then - suspected that the *ast net+ork of ne+ trans!itters +as producin sufficient dead or one to keep the sky fro! assu!in its pristine state consistently. Di8ie 9u s - arri*ed at the little Di8ie Cup solution after feelin so!e frustration at the thou ht of producin hundreds of 99 s to do the )o" that needed to "e done on a lar e scale in !y re ion of the country. $fter Carol and - tested the idea on so!e local trans!itters% - re!e!"ered that +e first ot the notion that +e could neutralize dead or one sources this +ay +hen +e +ere lyin on a "each in 2outh 6lorida a couple of years a o and she +as astonished to see the nice or one field that !y (er!inator +as reachin out a"out t+enty feet instead of three or four feet. 3e disco*ered that afternoon that thereOs a nuke plant on the lon % skinny island% a"out &' !iles south of +here +eOd "een s+i!!in . 3e first tested our theory that or onite puts out !ore ener y in the presence of a dead/deadly or one source rather than ettin polluted "y it +hen +e dro*e the Eapporiu! past the nuke plant north of 7ortland% 0re on a couple of !onths "efore that. (his +as the ulti!ate test to !e% since or one accu!ulators "eco!e to8ic in the *icinity of any dead or one source% and deadly +ithin up to forty !iles of a nuke reactor. 3e !ade up our first 99 the ne8t day and deli*ered it to the 6lorida nuke plant south of the s+i!!in "each. (hat +as the day after Carol noticed the or one field of the (er!inator enlar in and "eco!in !ore *ital. (his +as in 1o*e!"er &'''% four !onths "efore +e !ade our first cloud"uster. $fter +e put the four ounces of or onite I t+o little Kuartz crystals in a (er!inator "o8 .1T8 &T8:T/ +e dro*e out onto the island and put it in the "ushes at the entrance to the nuke facility% a"out a half !ile fro! the reactor itself. 3e stayed there +hile Carol +atched +hat happened to the ener y. -!!ediately% the dead/deadly or one field shrunk fro! its "eyondsi ht li!it to e8actly +here the 99 prototype +as sittin and re!ained sta"le there. Both of us found our "reathin easy and the oppressi*e% *a uely o!inous feelin si!ply *anished outside that spherical field. - kno+ that a hu e percenta e of people +ho +ork at nuke facilities die of cancer% !uch too early in life. - fully a ree +ith Dr. BeichOs assess!ent that the real dan er fro! nuke reactors is the dead/deadly or one fields they produce% +hich canOt "e shielded% rather than fro! radiation itself% +hich can "e shielded effecti*ely. (hese trans!itters all put out that nasty ener y ri ht no+% +hich is a ood reason not to +ait to neutralize the! all in your area% at least for your o+n sake. Jast ni ht% - ot "ack fro! !y first lar e-scale ca!pai n of neutralizin the ne+ trans!itters. $fter consultin +ith <erry #orton% +ho li*es east of Boise% -daho% and +ho had neutralized ."y that ti!e/ !ore than a hundred ne+ trans!itters and !a)or arrays fro! thirty !iles east of his ho!e% +est+ard to 0re on alon the *ery +ide% populous 2nake Bi*er Falley% - co!!itted to co*erin the entire *alley fro! (+in 6alls o*er to 3yo!in % lea*in the corridor fro! 7ocatello to @tah to <erry and his son% Ben.
2ince !ost of the state is +ilderness "et+een that *alley and our o+n ho!e in #osco+% on the -daho panhandle far to the north% that only lea*es the populous re ion includin Coeur dO$lene and 2and 7oint% north of the +ilderness area% +hich Carol and - +ill finish off to ether. 2heOd +orked for the Census Bureau in the north panhandle in 1MMM so kno+s it "etter than !ost people. $lso% she re+ up sort of ri ht ne8t door to that area% on #t. 2pokane% in 3ashin ton 2tate. 3e used the trans!itters for fifty !iles around our o+n ho!e to test the para!eters of the (o+er Busters. 3e used 9oly 9and renades on all of the arrays in this area .there are nine of those/. 3eOre seein % "y the +ay% that thereOs an a*era e of one array per si8 or se*en sin le and dou"le to+ers% thou h of course cities lar er than a hundred thousand people ha*e !ore sin le trans!itters per array. 6or dou"le to+ers% +e put do+n t+o (o+er Busters% for sin le ones% one is sufficient% no !atter ho+ !uch crap theyO*e piled onto the to+er. -Oll spare you the eo raphical details so youOll et a feel for the spirit of this e8ercise% +hich - dearly hope youOll replicate at least in your o+n i!!ediate area% for your o+n sake if not for hu!anityOs% since these da!n thin s are !ini!izin the effects of your cloud"uster ri ht no+ and stoppin a lot of rain% in con)unction +ith the che!trail pro ra!. 3eO*e all essentially castrated the latter pro ra!Os "iolo ical +eapons aspect% "ut they still ha*e the capa"ility of stoppin !ost of the rain in cooperation +ith the dead or one producin trans!itters. -tOs up to you to find out if you can repeat +hat - acco!plished. - e8pect that your results +ill "e e*en !ore dra!atic% since none of the areas +here - produced afternoon thunderstor!s ha*e cloud"usters. -f youOre discoura ed a"out "ein a"le to find *ortices% donOt "e5 (he re i!e has !apped the! all out for you "y placin trans!itter arrays in and around the!. $ny ti!e you see !ore than t+o ne+ trans!itters +ithin a Kuarter to a half-!ile of each other% you +ill "e in a !a)or *orte8 if you stand in the !iddle of that. $t this point% Carol and - are pretty sure that all of the other trans!itters are located at least on ley lines. (he re i!e does this to !a8i!ize the effects of their predatory apparatus. (his isnOt a ne+ practice-itOs "een part of their occult !odus operandi for !illennia% +hich is +hy there are cathedrals "uilt on the old pa an holy sites in Durope and lar e corporate headKuarters and/or facilities in 1orth $!erica are "uilt on ancient nati*e holy places +hene*er possi"le. (he neatest part% to !e% is that +hen one places an or onite de*ice any+here near a trans!itter% it not only trans!utes the deadenin ener y of the trans!itter .all of +hich are operatin at lo+ po+er ri ht no+/ into life force and heals the lesion in the earthOs ener y field that the trans!itter has produced. $n ancient principle in +arfare is to use the ene!yOs o+n ener y and infor!ation a ainst hi!. (hou h the !ention of +ar is repu nant to !any of you +ho ha*e cloud"usters and ha*e also contri"uted !a nificently to the effort of healin these trans!itter lesions% the fact re!ains that the re i!e is !akin +ar on us and on the planet itself% so -O! not out of "ounds in discussin our !utual +ork in this conte8t. (he re i!e i*es us infor!ation a"out the locations of *ortices and ley lines si!ply "y erectin their horrific trans!itters and arrays. By puttin or onite de*ices in the *icinity of these sites% +e create a condition in +hich there is !ore life force in those locations than +ould ha*e "een there if they hadnOt put those to+ers there in the first place. Jos $n eles and 1e+ ?ork City are the !ost challen in areas% since each place has thousands of indi*idual trans!itters and perhaps a hundred arrays. - reco!!end hittin the routes leadin out of the city first% since these are apparently desi ned to pre*ent !asses of +ell-ar!ed people lea*in the !etropolitan areas% +hich +ould "e untena"le for e*en a *ast% "lue hel!eted in*adin ar!y. - uarantee that you can "ust those to+ers a lot faster than they can put up ne+ ones. -O*e seen the trans!itters in the passes leadin out of J$ and a photo of these +ould "e sufficient proof to anyone that this has nothin to do +ith cell phones. (hey put the! on telephone poles a"out a Kuarter !ile apart alon the canyons% !ost of +hich are unpopulated. (he 2an 6rancisco Bay area has the sa!e pheno!enon.
- noticed that all the !a)or arrays had the little trans!itters like this on phone poles a!on the !uch lar er% !ore co!ple8 to+ers. - "elie*e these are desi ned to stop people fro! sa"ota in the array% nothin else-theyOre pro"a"ly to "e left on full "last for the duration of !artial la+ so that the array need not ha*e an occupyin force. - uess they +erenOt countin on us% ehR (he first day in the trenches +as pro"le!atic for !e "ecause it +as the first ti!e -Od e*er co*ered a lar e area "y !yself. (hat in*ol*ed a lot of dri*in alon ra*el and dirt roads% !any of +hich arenOt on the !aps% in order to find !y +ay to the !a)or arrays% especially. By late afternoon the +ind and rain +ere so intense that it +as hard to keep the last !a)or array in si ht throu h the hea*y do+npour and dust clouds. (he reason - kne+ that this thunderstor! +as produced "y !y o+n efforts is that - +atched it for! in a "lue sky directly o*er (+in 6alls% a city of L'%'''% shortly after -Od neutralized the !a)or arrays north and south of the city and all of the trans!itters +ithin the ur"an area "et+een those t+o "uttes. Blue sky and scattered% puffy +hite clouds surrounded the stor!% so it +as o"*iously not part of a frontal syste!. (his happened on the follo+in t+o days o*er 7ocatello and -daho 6alls% t+o cities of co!para"le size% in e8actly the sa!e +ay as - +orked !y +ay +est and north. #y oal +as to do this in a +ay that you can easily replicate% so - didnOt focus on any of the !ore a"struse techniKues that Carol and - are fond of "ut !i ht "e hard for you to relate to. -f you li*e in a city% )ust dri*e "ack and forth on parallel !a)or streets% a"out a !ile or so apart% and keep +atchin for the trans!itters. Drop a (o+er Buster in a ri*er% into so!e"odyOs shru""ery% or other concealed spot not closer than a "lock fro! the trans!itter% and !o*e on to the ne8t one you see. Be!e!"er that if you put it too close it !ay "e disco*ered in a search. 3e donOt "ury these unless thereOs no other option. (he Dri*e-By techniKue is fun and kind of ro!antic to us% pointin up ho+ little effort is reKuired to neutralize these costly apparatus. -n that spirit% +e put pennies on our zappers as electrodes% a co!!ent on ho+ Kuickly and cheaply one can cure Oincura"le%O other+ise costly illnesses% such as cancer and $-D2. 7ut a 9oly 9and renade .!ore than a pint is not necessary if you can et close/ in the *icinity of all the arrays in the city or +ithin si ht of it in the outlyin area. -tOs pro"a"ly "est to shallo+ly "ury these as close as possi"le. -f the arrays are in a restricted area and you donOt feel confident in Otrespassin %O si!ply line t+o or three 99 s up% a Kuarter !ile or so apart% ai!in enerally at the array. -t !i ht "e a ood idea to et an 99 on either side of that array% as close as you can safely et. (he ran e of these de*ices can "e Kuite si nificant if you *ector the! this +ay. -f youOre not confident in your do+sin a"ility for findin opti!u! 99 locations in this case% "uy one of BenOs pendulu!s and et up to speed that +ay. 9ereOs ho+ - found the first of the t+o under round "ases: (he afternoon "efore takin on 7ocatello% - took care of all the trans!itters and arrays in the far!in re ion north and +est of the city% +hich is in a sort of Opocket *alleyO leadin off to+ard @tah fro! the !uch lar er 2nake Bi*er Falley. By the ti!e - reached the city of Blackfoot% &L !iles north of 7ocatello% the feds had "een trackin !y pro ress "y notin the seKuence of neutralized trans!itters. (here +ere t+o to+ers )ust inside the city li!its and +ithin fi*e !inutes of "ustin the first one% a shiny% li ht "ro+n pickup truck +ith tinted +indo+s sho+ed up and parked "eside that to+er% +hich +as close to the road. #akin sure the person in the truck didnOt see +hat - did for the other to+er% - dro*e o*er and parked "eside hi! and rolled !y +indo+ do+n. - had to et close to notice the four *ery thin% oddly shaped antennae on the roof of the ca". (he dri*er% a !iddle a ed !an +ith *ery short hair% rolled his +indo+ do+n and - said% ODo you +ant to talk to
!eRO 9e said% O1o% sir%O "ut didnOt look at !e. 9e looked "e!usedly at the lo*ely raphics that -Od painted on the side of the Eapporiu! +hile - scrutinized all the fancy radio eKuip!ent stickin out fro! his dash"oard. (hat only lasted a"out fi*e seconds "efore - dro*e a+ay. - had the i!pression that he didnOt +ant to talk !uch. (he follo+in !ornin - +as ready to take on 7ocatelloOs challen es% and the hu e% ne+ connin to+er at the s!all airport and the 9$$B7 I transfor!er array% alon +ith the to+n-sized pile of dirt "eside it% "oth of +hich +ere across the interstate hi h+ay fro! the airport indicated the presence of a !oderate-sized under round "ase. Eoe in 2alt Jake City +as the first to note the presence of 9$$B7 trans!itters in a !a)or transfor!er co!ple8% so - +as +atchin for that. $ll transfor!er arrays ha*e li htnin rods that stick up t+enty or thirty feet a"o*e the structure% "ut the trans!itters are at least a hundred feet tall% usually !uch taller% and there are at least four of the!. 3hen you see one% "ury an 99 near"y. 3hen you see a trans!itter that looks like the top half of a "o+lin pin% put an 99 as close as you can to that one% too. 3e donOt kno+ +hat theyOre for% "ut so!eti!es theyOre at airports% so!eti!es out in the !iddle of no+here. Carol says the ener y co!in off of the! is e8tre!ely "ad% thou h +e ha*enOt a clue +hat they,re for. 7ocatello $irport has one. $fter - took care of the sin le !artial la+ trans!itter at the airport% near the ter!inal% early that !ornin % noticed that an airport security *ehicle +as discretely parked and the dri*er +as +atchin !e !eander the rounds lookin for other tar ets. - didnOt find any !ore% so - dro*e "ack o*er the interstate and parked "y the o*erpass% facin the "i dirt pile and transfor!er/9$$B7 array on the hillside at the ed e of the *alley. Before any !a)or assaults% - like to park at a *anta e point and scrutinize the ene!y territory throu h !y "inoculars. $s - +as doin that% a fed in a +hite car dro*e slo+ly past !e% turned ri ht and dro*e into a as station near"y. 2he !ade the !istake of stoppin in the !iddle of the lot for a fe+ seconds "efore parkin "y the con*enience store% +here she +as for se*eral !inutes% too lon to et a snack and/or use the "athroo!% so - dro*e do+n there !yself% arri*ed and parked out of si ht of +hoe*er +as in the store% and entered throu h the front door. 2urprise5 V-/ (he +o!an Kuickly "ypassed the counter and left% carryin t+o coffee cups to her car. (here +as no"ody else in the car% "ut a youn !an in neat% nondescript ci*ilian clothes and +ith a !ilitary haircut +as still at the counter% +hile the clerk +as tryin to process his card% +hich - assu!ed he +as tryin to use to pay for the coffee. 9e apolo ized to !e for takin so lon % and - told hi! it +as okay% - had all day. 9e +asnOt in the car +hen she dro*e "y !e on the o*erpass. 3hen - looked at the card on the counter% he co*ered it +ith his hand% faced !e and !ade so!e odd co!!ent a"out county cards% passports% and OM/11 +ouldnOt ha*e happened if "lah% "lah% "lah.O - said% O0h% co!e on-anyone +hoOs "een in the !ilitary kno+s that the feds "le+ up those "uildin .O 9e a*e !e a *ery odd look and si!ply left. - follo+ed hi! out after payin for !y coffee. 9e had otten in the dri*er seat of a cop car that +as parked "y the as pu!ps. (he real cop .- assu!ed/ +as sittin in the passen er seat +ith a "e!used look on his face. 1eedless to say% - didnOt see those folks a ain. - sincerely hope that -O! not ettin the! into too !uch trou"le "y +ritin this% "ut - thou ht you +ould +ant to kno+ a"out it. -n case -O*e i*en the i!pression that -O! a ainst police in eneral% - +ant to correct that no+. -O*e found that !ost of the police -O*e !et are )ust as self-sacrificin and ser*ice-oriented as you and - are% and )ust as !uch in lo*e +ith the idea of personal freedo! and responsi"ility. (his !ay not "e true in so!e of the !a)or cities% of course% or out in Noiter*ille so!eplace% "ut - hope that none of us ha*e taken the attitude that police!en are the ene!y% per se% and the sa!e is true for the !ilitary people -O*e kno+n% here and a"road. (he 12$ and C-$ are not le iti!ate police a encies% nor are they ser*in any useful purpose as far as - can tell. (hey,re a+fully interested in these to+ers and under round "ases% +hich represent a secret as +ell kept and
potentially deadly as the #anhattan 7ro)ect. 3eO*e ne*er heard or seen e*idence that the 6B- are interested in +hat +eOre doin . 6elonious 6eds By the +ay% -O! not pleased +ith the fact that so!e feds ha*e kept all of the +holesale zapper pay!ents fro! "ein deli*ered to us in the past t+o +eeks% "ut +eOll find a +ay to stop that% too% -O! sure% )ust as - found a +ay to et !y "usiness e!ail a ain after they tried to stop that in $pril. 3hen - et !ore info a"out the latest trans ression "y the unla+ful feds% -Oll share that +ith you% too. (he first assault on our li*elihood "y the! ca!e ri ht after - shared instructions for neutralizin these *ery to+ers. - think the re i!e sent that #C @ltra sap to kill us )ust on principle and the folks +ho arran ed that are pro"a"ly not connected +ith the ones doin this petty harass!ent. (he killersO handlers really need to ha*e so!e ti!e-out or et their o+n heads re!o*ed% "ut -Od like to ha*e a heart to heart talk +ith the folks +ho are )ust interferin +ith our li*elihood. (hey need to at least realize that their interference has "eco!e an endorse!ent. - could still do this +ork e*en if - had to o "ack to li*in in !y car and snappin si n )o"s. -O! sure that -*o-fello+ si npainter and (o+er Buster e8traordinaire in Connecticut-can relate. 0f course% anyone +ith a 2uccor 7unch in the car +ill re!ain electronically in*isi"le to the spies durin the to+er "ustin episodes% and ha*in one turned on inside the house +ill ensure that their con*ersations at ho!e +onOt "e electronically !onitored% unless theyOre online or on the phone. 0ther+ise% itOs pretty easy to et the )o" done +ithout "een seen "y the street le*el federal +atchers. - did trespass that day in order to et an 99 properly placed to *ector that 9$$B7 array% +hich +as i!possi"le to et close to. -t +as connected% ener etically% to an e8tensi*e !ountaintop array o*erlookin 7ocatello. (hat road +as hard to find5 -f you decide to trespass on the re i!eOs sanctu! sanctoru! this +ay% try to et a feel for ho+ lon it +ill take the uys +ith handcuffs to et to you. Do the deed and et out of there in that case. 9onestly% - find this sort of a!"lin a lot !ore fun and re+ardin than slot !achines or "lack)ack .or "accarat +ith BlofeldR/ "ut donOt try this unless you are +illin to take the conseKuences for failure. -O*e ot !y pit "ull teeth in their pants ri ht no+% and -O! not lettin o% no !atter +hat. 2o!e !ore pit "ulls out there "esides the dozen or so +ho are doin +hat +eOre doin +ouldnOt "e a "ad idea in these days leadin up to their +ished-for !artial la+ D-Day. 0f course% )ust "ecause an unla+ful o*ern!ent puts Ono trespassin O si ns up ar"itrarily doesnOt !ean they o+n that land% and so!e county 2heriffs .the only la+ enforcers sanctioned "y the @2 Constitution/ in $rizona and 1e*ada pro*ed that point "y arrestin ar!ed OfederalO officers for atte!ptin to stop the! fro! tra*elin on OtheirO land. (hatOs our land% folks% not theirs. (he confir!ation for neutralizin an under round "ase is in seein the persistent s!o a"o*e round dissipate +ithin hours. (hat,s +hat happened there and o*er the !uch lar er "ase in the desert +est of -daho 6alls t+o days later. 0f course% there isnOt enou h industry or population density to create such a s!o field in those areas. (he under round "ase +est of our ho!e% under the 2nake Bi*er Nor e in the unpopulated area do+nstrea! fro! Je+iston% had a persistent s!o field% e8tendin fro! the round up into the hi her clouds% that disappeared ri ht after +e put t+o 99 s on top of the "ase% close to the *ery "i airstrip there. (he hu e pulp !ill a fe+ !iles upstrea! in Je+iston had !aintained a dense% stinky field of s!o up to the or eOs ri! until +e put a cloud"uster there in 6e"ruary. - dropped a 99 in the hu e settlin pond connected +ith that !ill +hen - took a fortuitous +ron turn and ended up there on the first le of !y )ourney last +eek. couldnOt s!ell that settlin pond at all yesterday +hen - dro*e past there on !y +ay ho!e. -t had "een the only part of that operation that had still stunk after the CB +ent up in Je+iston. $l+ays e8pect confir!ation +hen you do this +ork. 0ther+ise% ho+ could you e8pect your interest and
enthusias! to "e !aintainedR 3ithout the confir!ations% -Od feel pretty foolish doin this. - hope youOll start s!all and see the i!!ediate affects on the sky +here you li*e% then decide if you +ant to e8tend the "enefits to a +ider area% +hich !any of you +ill no dou"t +ant to do after that. - truly "elie*e that +e can et this into popular culture enou h to co!pletely dis!antle the re i!eOs +orld+ide enocide/tyranny apparatus% as +eO*e done +ith their che!trail plans already +ith our cloud"usters in less than a year. 3e ha*e faith that the 3in !akers are uidin this effort and protectin the participants. $ctually% - "elie*e that NodOs doin it% and that the 3in !akers are si!ply 9is/9er appointed a ents. 9a*in said that% - kno+ for a fact that it doesnOt !atter if you "elie*e as - do and that youOll et the sa!e results that - ot no !atter +hat you do or donOt "elie*e in. 6aith has little to do +ith "elief structures% after all. ?ouOd need to ha*e so!e faith in order to take anythin -O! sayin seriously enou h to e8peri!ent +ith this stuff on your o+n% - think. 0ur faith is +hat unites us% not our "eliefs. 0f course% there are !a)or *ortices that arenOt adorned +ith trans!itter arrays. 3eOre noticin that there are !any people sho+in up no+ +ith the a"ility to find these places and heal the! +ith 99 s. #ost of the earthOs !a)or *ortices had "een corrupted "y the re i!e% +hich is essentially parasitic as +ell as predatory% so takin these "ack for hu!anity and our lo*ely planet depri*es the re i!e of their dark chi% +ithout +hich they canOt operate effecti*ely. 9ereOs +hat - sa+ after puttin a sin le 99 in a sin le trans!itter array that +as located on flat round on the ed e of a s!all to+n: (here +as an a!orphous +hite !ass of cloud that "e an spreadin fro! the sky directly a"o*e that array% +hich +as !ade up of four tall to+ers that "ristled +ith e*ery sort of panel% rod% dish and dru! trans!itter apparatus (here +ere no other trans!itters +ithin fi*e !iles of this array. (he cloud for!ation assu!ed a sort of funnel shape in the center% +hich pointed do+n to the trans!itters. (here +as no +ind associated +ith it and it re!ained *ery +hite throu hout% unlike +hen a tornado is for!in alon a frontal syste! .- spent !ost of !y early years in $rkansasO tornado zone% so - kno+ +hat tornado +eather looks like/. -t +as surrounded "y lo*ely "lue sky and puffy clouds. 0f course our friends% the Je!urians% +ere o"ser*in fro! their craft inside the little lenticular clouds under the other clouds. - +as +atchin this fro! a"out 1L !iles a+ay% +here - had )ust neutralized another array on top of a "utte. re!e!"ered that the three pre*ious daysO thunderstor!s o*er the cities -Od *isited started out the sa!e +ay% thou h on a !uch lar er scale% of course. <ust as the rain-"earin cu!ulus cloud started for!in o*er that a!orphous !ass% pro!isin another rainstor!% a lar e% +hite% un!arked Boein P4P fle+ across an ed e of the a!orphous part and laid a trail "efore turnin south and flyin a+ay. 3ithin !inutes% the cu!ulus cloud shrunk and disappeared and the a!orphous !ass and +hite funnel shrank "ut didnOt co!pletely disappear or !o*e do+n+ind. (hat plane +as flyin at a"out ten thousand feet% !uch lo+er than -Od seen one fly for the past year or so. - think that if there had "een a cloud"uster in the re ion% the che!trail +ouldnOt ha*e "een effecti*e. $fter -Od neutralized another principle "utte-top array the ne8t !ornin % clouds started for!in fro! the northeast% +hich +as do+n+ind fro! the area fro! +hich rain nor!ally arri*es. - had to cli!" to the top of that "utte% as !y truck +ouldnOt ha*e "een a"le to ne otiate the steep road% e*en if - +anted to a!"le "ein arrested for trespassin there. - think itOs safe to assu!e that any array that reKuires trespassin on alle ed o*ern!ent land is an i!portant one to the predatory a enda.
- didnOt dri*e to the "utte "ecause feds +ere passin !e on the road e*ery fi*e !inutes or so and the dust cloud alon the only dirt road leadin to the "utte +ould ha*e i*en !e a+ay instantly. 6or se*eral hours% at least si8 che!trail )ets tried unsuccessfully to stop the +ind+ard ad*ance of these hi h altitude !oisture "earin clouds "ut they a*e up around &7# and the clouds kept ad*ancin o*er the areas of the hu e under round "ase in the desert that - +as a"le to Ohu O. (here +ere at least four nuke plants a"o*e round around the peri!eter of that "ase% thou h the densest part of the s!o field +as in the !iddle% +hich looked co!pletely e!pty. (here +ere t+o arrays on "uttes near the north and south ed es% +ithin the restricted zone% the !uch lar er south one ha*in nineteen separate to+ers on a *ery hi h% steep *olcanic cone. Jines of du!ped rock and soil can "e seen alon the road e*ery Kuarter !ile or so% and a hu e pile of e8ca*ated dirt and rocks is near one of the nuke plants% i*in a+ay the presence of the under round "ase e*en !ore raphically than the s!o field in the desert. (hese piles are often seen near the trans!itter. (hey learned not to pile it too hi h% so you !i ht ha*e to look closely for ine8plica"le piles of rock and soil in the *icinity of the ne+ to+ers. Carol Osa+O !any of the! connected to under round net+orks and no+ sheOs tellin !e that !ost trans!itters can "e !anually controlled fro! directly "elo+ round. (his area is called -daho 1ational Dn ineerin and Dn*iron!ental Ja"s% so - assu!ed this is one of the places the re i!e uses to e8peri!ent +ith +ays to en ineer the destruction of our en*iron!ent. (he confir!ation that this hunch +as correct ca!e +ithin an hour or so of puttin the last 99 in place around the restricted area% +hich is pheno!enally lar e. - literally +atched the darkenin clouds e8tend o*er the area as the s!o fields shrank into t+o lin erin fields% and then disappeared. (he *ery stron +ind that had persisted all day di!inished at the sa!e ti!e% another confir!ation. 1e+ 7si Na!es 0n the dri*e ho!e yesterday% - +as su")ected to a "rand ne+ .to !e/ sort of psychic assault +hich +as apparently desi ned to et !e to *isualize the locations of the 99 s that -Od placed to neutralize that lar e array on the southern "utte on -1DDJ. - had to et ho!e and +ork +ith Carol to neutralize that effort. 2he and Jinda had "een su")ected to it since their *isit to the under round "ase at @!atilla% 0re on% a couple of +eeks "efore that% "ut had )ust disco*ered the source of it% since itOs a lot !ore su"tle than anythin +eOd encountered "efore% includin the D( stuff% early on. (his is strictly a hu!an effort in*ol*in 12$/C-$ psychics and so!e ne+er% hi h tech apparatus. #ore on that later% after +e et "etter data% "ut +eOre handlin it fine% +ith 3in !aker assistance% and ettin !ore info fro! the ene!y in the !eanti!e% of course. - hope that the round le*el 12$/C-$ spooks and psychics +onOt "e punished after +eO*e all esta"lished real o*ern!ents in 1orth $!erica% unless theyO*e "een in*ol*ed in killin people% of course. - donOt think the !urderous a ents ha*e any illusions a"out +orkin under la+ful !andates% "ut the others pro"a"ly do. - look for+ard to !eetin so!e of the folks +ho ha*e "een assi ned to spy on us and harass us and s+ap stories +ith the!. Carol and - ha*e otten friendly +a*es fro! so!e of the! after +e reco nized the!% e*en "efore +e noticed the! a couple of ti!es. (hose are usually youn people and/or people of color. (alk to the $ni!als (he follo+in is +orth !entionin % "ut shouldnOt "e considered essential to this +ork. 3hene*er - needed to find the ri ht far! road to et to a to+er or array% - found that the "eha*ior of ha+ks and do*es +as helpful% +hich is ironic considerin !y on oin dialo ue +ith cloud"uster aficionados +ho hate !y +arfare analo ies. (his !i ht "e a ood ti!e to refer to Da*id -ckeOs assertion that the do*e is a sy!"ol of predatory aspects of the ancient +orld re i!e rather than to any association +ith peace% "ut - donOt support or deny his clai!s a"out that.
Carol +as the first one to point out and de!onstrate to !e that the "eha*ior of "irds and ani!als in eneral can "e used to sho+ us +hat to do. Jots of cloud"uster folks ha*e noted ano!alous "eha*ior of "irds around the!% especially ha+ks and ea les. 9a*e you noticed that *ultures are rarely seen in areas +here there is a cloud"usterR 3e sa+ the! a lot around here "efore puttin a CB up and - only sa+ a half dozen or so in the area - *isited in the last +eek% thou h it +as hundreds of !iles fro! the nearest kno+n cloud"uster. -O! sure there are no cloud"usters +est of <erryOs in -daho "ecause the local thunderstor!s had a lot of li htnin and +ind% characteristics that are al!ost entirely a"sent in (-stor!s +hen a CB is present. (his is another proof that the concerns that +e are doin har! +ith our *ersion of the CB are unfounded. $t any rate% *ultures lo*e dead or one fields and are apparently not co!forta"le in areas of stron % healthy or one. Che!trails I 2pook Bustin (he che!trails throu hout -daho are disappearin )ust a"out as fast as they can "e sKuirted out% so the ran e of cloud"usters for this% at least% is *ast in e*ery case. - pro*ed% at least to !yself% that the che!trails +ere hea*ily dependent on the dead or one created "y the +orld+ide net+ork of !artial la+ trans!itters. $ fast dri*e throu h the Jos $n eles Basin +ould de!onstrate this to anyone these days. ?ou,d dri*e fro! "lue% healthy sky% and as soon as you arri*e in the Basin the sky is +hited out at a"out &'%''' feet and itOs "lue a ain as you pass out of the !etropolitan area in any direction. (he density of trans!itters there is !any ti!e reater than any place else -O! a+are of. (his +hiteout is !aintained "y the trans!itters% not "y che!trails. (his contrast is !ost o"*ious +hen itOs seen fro! a plane. $ fed% posin as a cellular phone tech% +as +aitin at one of the trans!itters alon !y route% so after discretely depositin a (o+er Buster under his unheedin nose% - stopped to chat +ith hi!. - +as a!used to hear hi! e8plain that this trans!itter% +hich only had an array of *ertical flat panels and +as far fro! any to+n or hi h+ay% +as for cell phones. - noted that these costly erections% replete +ith "uried fi"er optic ca"le% independent po+er supplies% concrete prefa" "uildin s% under round cha!"ers% etc.% are distri"uted in a ratio of one to+er per one to three thousand people% and that it +ould pro"a"ly take a hundred years for the tiny fraction of a penny per !inute of cell phone use that he said +as allotted for all of this to pay for the!. 1o dou"t all of this +ould "e o"solete in a couple of years at current trends% any+ay .-O! told that !ost actual cell phone traffic is handled "y satellite ri ht no+% not round trans!itters/% and althou h - consider that !ost folks +ho are corporate sla*es are tacit% unKuestionin supporters of top-hea*y% predatory/parasitic a endas% the top fello+s on the corporate dun heap are not stupid and they +ouldnOt +aste "illions of dollars on so!ethin that +asnOt likely to pheno!enally line their pockets and increase their o+n personal po+er. (here is only one corporation on the planet in real ter!s% after all. Check out Da*id -ckeOs assess!ent of the satanic sy!"ols found in all the !a)or corporate lo os. 2acra!ento has these a"out a half !ile apart throu hout the city and in the entire city of 2anta Bosa% not far a+ay% there are only t+o of the!% - !entioned to hi!. $t the end of our con*ersation% that fello+ had the sa!e e8pression on his face% as did the fello+ +ho +as dri*in the cop car earlier that day. -n our tra*els% +eO*e only seen one of these trans!itters under construction% and in that case it +as on a restricted road alon the interstate in 1e*ada. @n!arked +hite *ehicles +ere there. 6ro! no+ on% +hen - see anyone at these sites -Oll !ake a point of speakin +ith the! if possi"le. - hope youOll do the sa!e and share your infor!ation +ith the rest of us. -O! like anyone else in that in*esti atin this aspect of reality feels like takin the "anda e off a festerin %
!a ot infested lesion% "ut that analo y holds up pretty +ell +hen you consider that not re!o*in the "anda e has e*en !ore unpleasant conseKuences. 3eOre in a situation si!ilar to the one the Ner!an citizens found the!sel*es in durin the !iddle 1M:'Os-so!ethin horrendous is "ein prepared for us all "y the corporate elite% the *ery sa!e fa!ilies +ho created 9itler and put hi! into position .includin the Bush fa!ily/% "ut the i!plications are not fully o*ert yet. (he difference% at least in the @.2.% 2+itzerland and 2outh $frica% is that these fa!ilies ha*e utterly failed to disar! the populace and the +orld+ide +e" is "ein used "y folks like you and !e to spread infor!ation Kuickly throu hout the lo"e. Cno+led e has al+ays "een !ore po+erful than "ullets% at any rate% "ut those ci*ilian "ullets are pretty dauntin to the re i!e and $!erica is their hoped-for prize% apparently. Clinton% the for!er alle ed leader of the $!erican people% loathes the !ilitary .no s!all +onder/% "ut - loathe *iolence in eneral% thou h - support the rank and file !a)ority of +ell-intentioned !en and +o!en in our *astly di!inished !ilitary% +hich represent a potent% i!!ediate threat to the +orld re i!e once theyO*e a+akened to their true responsi"ility. $s <erry says% +eOre pourin resin ri ht no+ so that +e +onOt ha*e to pour lead later on. Don Croft
Episode 33 +meri3an To4ers #orp7s 8e4 Ro$e in Spo/ane5 Washington By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc::spokane+ashin ton14sep'&.sht!l 2epte!"er 14% &''& $!erican (o+ers Corporation% +ho o+n a"out a hundred and fifty or so entropy trans!itters in 2pokane are no+ responsi"le for creatin and !aintainin the healthiest city+ide or one field -O*e e*er encountered% ho+e*er in*oluntarily they fell into this )o". -n an effort to "olster the Cloud"uster 6oru!Os te!porarily la in i!a e re ardin this pro)ectOs *ia"ility for D*ery!an% - +as oin to !ake to+er "usters +ith only or onite and conKuer the stal+art le ion of entropy trans!itters in the City of 2pokane +ith the!% alone. - asked Carol for her opinion% and she said the 3in !akers told her that or onite% alone% could "ust a trans!itter% "ut that - +ould ha*e to use fi*e ounces instead of three +ith a crystal. 2he passed the "uck% in other +ords% so still donOt kno+ +hat her opinion is V-/ Jaziness o*erca!e !y desire to pro*e this to you. 9opefully% you can find at least a "a of "roken Kuartz crystals if our *endors are out of the! or youOre li*in in a country +here ettin packa es fro! the @2 or 9olland is like ettin a root canal. - think +eOll all sort that out soon% at any rate. $fter a"out 1L' dri*e-"ys and plantin s o*er the course of se*eral *isits "y Carol and - .+e did the arrays !uch earlier/% the City of 2pokane is no+ entropy-free. 9ereOs +hat happened in the sky: Blue 2kies% 1othin But Blue 2kies $s - reported on #onday% a hu e "lue hole opened up in the 9$$B7 and spe+ re!nant soup o*er the city after Carol and - did the do+nto+n area. (he spe+ had "een disa"led for o*er a year% thanks to 2pokaneOs t+o cloud"usters% "ut there re!ained shreds and spots here and there in the 9$$B7- enerated andro ynous and spotty cloud co*er o*er the city. 3e +ill soon fi8 those 9$$B7 enerators and that enor!ous under round "ase a hundred !iles +est .up+ind/ of the city% "ut the contrast "et+een their current "oundary and the *i"rant or one field o*er the city is *ery instructi*e ri ht no+. $fter a"out thirty (o+er Busters +ere laid do+n in rid fashion% concealed in shru""eries and other spots% as a*aila"le% e*ery three "locks o*er the entire section of the city +here there are tall "uildin s .e*ery sin le "uildin has so!e for! of entropy-producin apparatus on top/ all of that indeter!inate cloud co*er si!ply *anished in a fe+ !inutes% sho+in a ri!. (he hole +as a"out ten !iles in dia!eter. 0f course% +e put an 99 "y the hu e #asonic (e!ple% +hich Carol says is used as an entrance to ne+ under round facilities. Dri*in o*er the lo+ !ountain pass% the +hole city +as *isi"le to !e in the early !ornin (uesday +hen arri*ed to finish the task. (he "lue hole +as still there and the che!trails +ere disappearin so fast there that al!ost thou ht they +ere actual contrails .re!e!"er the!R/ "ut as soon as the )ets fle+ into the surroundin 9$$B7- enerated and entropy-trans!itter sustained soup% the che!trails lin ered for up to half an hour. 0ne of the spe+plane pilots e*en !ade a little half-loop in the soup for effect. - think thatOs ta"oo for the! o*er populated areas "ecause of the risk of +akin up pa)a!a people do+n "elo+. - did so!e of the su"ur"s first% then the upscale residential areas of the city% +hich ha*e fe+er to+ers than the places +here folks are closer to ha*in nothin to lose% so it +asnOt until late afternoon that - ot the nitty- ritty entropy zone co*ered.
$ curious thin happened in the sky after our 2unday *isit. -nstead of appearin a!orphous% the 9$$B7 soup to the +est% "eyond the "oundary of do+nto+n 2pokaneOs *i"rant or one field% took on an al!ost lo*ely aspect% hard to descri"e. - ne*er sa+ that "efore. -t +as arran ed in sine-+a*e ro+s% not unlike ocean +a*es% "ut the +a*es +ere side to side and sort of ephe!eral% +ith a distinct ed e to the upper surface% fadin out underneath. (he ed e of their pattern ended a"out t+enty !iles fro! the city in the !ornin % "ut after a"out ei ht hours of flyin in and out of the ed e "y three spe+planes% the ed e radually e8tended to +ithin a"out fi*e !iles of do+nto+n. (here are no 99 s or to+er "usters +est of 2pokane yet% "ut - counted four !a)or ne+ 9$$B7 arrays out there recently% and - kno+ thereOs an enor!ous "ase under #oses Jake% 3ashin ton% +hich is alle edly the car o ter!inal for the 2eattle airport% t+o hundred !iles further +est. - +as +orkin east of do+nto+n% so - ot a ood *ie+ of the process. $fter the last to+er +as "usted in the city% the day +as nearly o*er. Before sunset% - +as treated to an a+eso!e display of +hat the ri ht-spinnin or one field +as doin % "ecause )ust then a spot of dura"le spe+ drifted o*er the city. $s - +atched% it started to spin around its center like +ater oin do+n a drain. (he ne"ula-shaped spinnin spe+cloud ot !ore distinct% then si!ply *anished in a"out fi*e !inutes. $t that point% so!e o*erfed and redundant "ureaucrat in the Depart!ent of 9$$B7 pro"a"ly told one of his sycophants% T(urn the da!n thin off ri ht no+5 3e donOt +ant any of those 7a)a!a 7eople to see +hatOs happenin to those phony clouds o*erhead555T $nd sure enou h% all of those lo*ely sine +a*es si!ply *anished +ithin seconds then. -snOt there so!e Bi"le prophecy a"out si ns in the hea*ensR $s - said% you can e8pect confir!ation after youO*e "usted enou h trans!itters in an area to et an effect in the sky. - sa+ that the first ti!e +hen - "usted all the trans!itters in (+in 6alls% -daho% +hich is a hundred !iles fro! the nearest cloud"uster. 0f course% - had to *isit t+o arrays% one to the north and one to the south% "oth on "uttes% therefore *ortices% to et the full effect. 0ne 99 at each array% a"out 1&oz of or onite each% took care of the!. 1ot a "ad in*est!ent in ti!e and or onite% ehR - ot a to+n-sized thunderstor! out of that dayOs +ork. 2!all% +hite fluffy clouds in a clear "lue sky could "e seen all around that little stor!% thou h it +as piled as hi h as any Cansas thunder"u!per. (he presence of a cloud"uster +ould ha*e ensured that *ery little li htnin +ould ha*e struck the round% "y the +ay% and there +ouldnOt ha*e "een that stron +ind. (he results are not al+ays the sa!e% "ut they see! to "e dra!atic each ti!e% re ardless. (here are a"out :'%''' people li*in there% and% sure enou h% a"out t+enty Ocon*ertedO entropy trans!itters standin a!on st the!% all eneratin the purest% stron est healthy or one i!a ina"le. (hanks% $!erican (o+er Corporation555 - think the ratio of entropy to+ers to people fa*ors the to+ers !ore in -daho% "ecause !ore are needed in places +here folks ha*e de!onstrated their +ill to defend their freedo!. - !ean that. - like the fact that the 12$/C-$ a ents are not co!forta"le here in -daho. (hey pro"a"ly shouldnOt et co!forta"le here% "ecause those a encies are co!pletely unla+ful and not e*en re!otely sanctioned "y the @2 Constitution. (he 6B- ha*e left us alone% pretty !uch% thou h they no dou"t keep ta"s on e*eryone +ho has the +ord Ocloud"usterO or Oholy-hand renadeO or e*en Ohu %O at this point% in their e!ail or phone con*ersations. (hey pro"a"ly kno+ +eOre not oin to har! anyone% and !ay"e after doin +hat they did to Bandy 3ea*erOs +ife% theyOre a "it sensiti*e a"out their i!a e re ardin freedo!-lo*in people in -daho Don Croft
Episode 34 +nother Wa- to 1i3/ Some ,++RP Butt By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc:4another+ayhaarp&&sep'&.sht!l 2epte!"er &&% &''& 3e,re still at ho!e after a +eek of plannin to et out and neutralize the rest of 1orth -daho,s dead or one trans!itters. Carol had arran ed to pick up #elody and attend a full !oon cere!ony in 2t. #aries% -daho% so ta ed alon after seein this as the opportunity to put a 9oly 9and renade on top of near"y 2t. <oe Baldy #ountain% an e8tinct !ile-hi h *olcano that,s the !a)or *orte8 of the area. -,d seen a couple of ne+ trans!itters on the !ountain throu h "inoculars% "ut Carol and #elody looked at the ener y and told !e it,s a "it clouded% "ut still pretty stron and clean. (hat !ornin the sky +as al!ost co!pletely +hited out "y che!trails% +hich +ere "ein laid "y a fleet of Boein P4P,s. (he striations in the phony cloud co*er sho+ed intense 9$$B7 influence% and Carol told !e that it +as 9$$B7% fro! the hu e ne+ facility in $laska% that +as "ein used to affect our area of sky% assisted "y the !oon,s o+n cycle and the ti!e of year. 3e didn,t take it to heart% since +e kne+ that it took an a+ful lot of ener y )ust to affect a little "it of sky% and the ed e of the area of influence +as )ust a fe+ !iles north of 2t. #aries% +hich is a"out si8ty !iles directly north of #osco+% our to+n. 2ince !ost of the 9$$B7 trans!itters that +ere used to affect our sky locally ha*e "een neutralized% the !ore distant facility% +e "elie*e% has to use so !uch ener y that it "eco!es counterproducti*e after a fe+ hours. #elody had "rou ht alon so!e of her 9ar!onizers and donated one for #t. Baldy. 6or the 9ootenists out there% - note that she included arnets% he!atite% pyrite% !a netite and a pinch of sa e +ith the tree resin and alu!inu! particles% and the 1& oz.% cone shaped 9ar!onizer +as +rapped +ith a copper coil and coated +ith "ees+a8. -t took !e an hour and a half to et to the top of the !ountain in the Eapporiu! and - decided to stick around for an hour or so to see if - could discern any effects. $fter - ot to the top% the +hiteout spread se*eral !iles farther north% "ut +ithin &' !inutes or so of "uryin the 9ar!onizer% a "lue hole appeared in the !ess directly o*erhead in +hich fresh che!trails +ere disappearin +ithin seconds. (he other spe+ trails% so!e a couple of hours old% "e an disappearin around the ed e of the hole and ne+ spe+ trails farther fro! the hole "e an disappearin in seconds% too% and the hole e8panded in all directions% acceleratin until there +as nothin "ut "lue sky in all directions. (here +ere still a lot of spe+planes at +ork% "ut the spe+ disappeared +ithin a"out 4 seconds fro! each one in si ht. - had otten "ack to the pa*ed road on the +ay "ack to 2t. #aries "y the ti!e all of the 9$$B7 effects and che!trails +ere one. 1or!ally% after +e do so!ethin special like that% +e see at least one of the Je!urian craft not far a"o*e the horizon% "ut e*ery ti!e they,*e "een far a+ay and +e only reco nized the! "y the seKuence of their "ri ht flashes. Carol had seen an enor!ous Je!urian ship start to !aterialize a "lock fro! our house a fe+ e*enin s a o% and the follo+in ni ht +e sa+ a s!aller craft streak do+n to+ard the near side of #osco+ !ountain a fe+ !iles east of our house% lea*in a trail of lu!inous or one% +hich faded out in a couple of seconds. (his ti!e% as - +as dri*in to+ard 2t. #aries to pick Carol and #elody up% - sa+ the sunli ht reflect off of an enor!ous% sli htly con*e8 !etal surface that +as tilted a"out 1' de rees and +as !o*in *ery slo+ly to+ard the south. - lost si ht of the craft after the road cur*ed around the 2t. <oe Falley% "ut e8pected to see it a ain as - dro*e
around the trees a little farther ahead. - did see it% "ut instead of "ein o*er the *alley itself% it +as still flyin alon the sa!e course% "ut disappeared "ehind a !ountain a"out fi*e !iles a+ay. $t first - thou ht it +as a"out the size of an airliner% "ut distance is a+fully hard to )ud e if you don,t ha*e so!ethin to relate to on the o")ect. -t !ust ha*e "een !any ti!es lar er than a passen er )et. Carol told !e it,s si!ilar to the ship she sa+ ho*erin o*er our nei h"orhood silentlyG!ay"e the sa!e one. 3hen she sa+ the one fro! our house% she +as telepathically told not to +orry% that they +eren,t oin to let it happen% the Hit, "ein taken to !ean !artial la+. - i*e these accounts to encoura e others +ho! +e kno+ to talk openly a"out their o+n si!ilar accounts instead of )ust tellin us a"out the!. -,d "e disappointed if anyone accepts !y reports +ithout so!e corro"oratin accounts fro! other people and/or so!e le +ork of their o+n. 3e dro*e to Crystal 7eak% +hich is another !ile-hi h *orte8 a fe+ !iles south of #elody,s place% and deposited another of her 9ar!onizers. (his one had Kuartz fro! #ontana% pyrite% !a netite and he!atite. (he road sho+n on the !ap to et to the peak is no lon er accessi"le% so +e put the 9ar!onizer in a clearin ri ht across the *alley. Carol and #elody sa+% ri ht after it +as in place% "ri ht currents of ener y co!in up out of the top of the !ountain and fro! the lesser peaks alon the rid e leadin up to it. (hey !et in the sky so!e +ays a"o*e the !ountain and the lines for!ed a crystalline shape +hich sta"ilized. (his is one of the !ountains surroundin +hat has "een called H$scension Falley, "y so!e. $ lot of sensiti*es ha*e co!e to this *alley to e8perience the uniKue ener y. - don,t understand all of that% "ut that,s okay. -,! )ust lad that runts like !yself can play a hand in this a!e. #elody and Carol had !ade plans to do that on Crystal 7eak% - took the opportunity their 2aturday !eetin to o to #t. Baldy% and +hen - +as on the !ountain +aitin to see +hat !i ht happen% - traced the line on the state !ap "et+een the *ortices and ot the H$ha5, response. - disco*ered% +hile studyin the !ap% that these t+o !ountains are in a perfect line +ith the *orte8 in 7riest Jake% farther north% +hich - treated +ith an 99 a year a o and ot a su"seKuent thunderstor! fro!% and +ith the concentration ca!p near Cooskia% -daho% farther south% +here - also left a holy hand renade. 3e,ll do !ore +ith this line of *ortices% pro"a"ly farther south alon $scension Falley in an old -ndian sacred area. 2o!e"ody 3ho Cho+s 2o!ethin once told !e that if +e can take "ack fi*e *ortices alon )ust one ley line fro! the dark !asters and their +orld e!pire% +e can then !ore easily take "ack our +hole planet fro! the!. (he ley line +hich has otten the !ost attention fro! C"ers% so far% includes the 0re on Forte8% #t. $shland% #t. 2hasta% #t. Jassen and #t. 7alo!ar .it oes throu h the !iddle of 2an Bernardino% too% +here there,s a CB/% so that one !ay "e the first to "e Hinherited "y the !eek., Circu!stances ha*e led us to "elie*e that this line of -daho *ortices are i!portant% too. -,! !eek. $ren,t youR #eek !eans Hhu!"le%, not Hchu!p., -f you +ant to et a clue a"out the po+er of hu!ility% read ($0 (D C9-1N "y Jao (se. (he "ook% +ithout co!!entary% fills a"out the sa!e size pa!phlet as the @.2. C012(-(@(-01 and is e*ery "it as easy to understand unless you,*e "een institutionalized "y too !uch for!al education and are con*inced that you can,t really kno+ anythin for sure. (here are no trans!itters on Crystal 7eak. -n fact the nearest trans!itter of any kind to #elody,s +as in 2t. #aries% t+enty-fi*e !iles north+est. Carol and - neutralized that one last !onth. (he ne8t nearest one is another t+enty !iles farther +est. (his is pro"a"ly +hy #elody has e8perienced none of the psyops a ression that !ost of us ha*e had to contend +ith +ho li*e in the *icinity of the Hcell phone, trans!itters. (he ran e of these DJ6 +eapons see!s to "e pretty short. -,*e "een encoura in the !ore acti*e of the Cloud"uster aficionados to neutralize all the to+ers +ithin ten !iles or so of their ho!es so that this personal nuisance can "e eli!inated. (he 12$/C-$ psyops a ents +on,t likely "other folks +ho )ust ha*e cloud"usters these daysGthe nu!"ers !ake that unfeasi"le for the little psych espiona e spy ar!y to contend +ith. (he Duropeans C"ers are contendin +ith -nterpol or +hate*er
unla+ful a encies are is in the "usiness of hurtin innocents there in the na!e of national security. -t,s all the sa!e or anization% as far as +e,re concerned. (hese unla+ful spook a encies apparently are !andated% +orld +ide% to stop our rassroots effort in a !anner that +on,t dra+ attention to their in*ol*e!ent. (hat,s +hy you can e8pect to "e tar eted if you o out and "ust the da!ned dead-or one trans!itters and 9$$B7 arrays on a re ular "asis% or e*en )ust if you,*e told anyone you plan to do so. ?ou,*e read on the foru! of people ettin sick unaccounta"ly% ettin stron feelin s of failure and fore"odin )ust "efore oin out to "ust to+ers% "ein "uzzed "y lo+ flyin aircraft of e*ery description% includin the u"iKuitous "lack helicopters and anti- ra*ity trian ular craft. Consider these endorse!ents rather than inti!idation% okayR -t +ould "e nice to think that creatin a to+er-free zone around us +ould stop the lo+- rade interference and allaround pain in the neck of acti*e sur*eillance e*ery ti!e +e o out to "uy "read and !ilk% "ut +hen one takes the initiati*e% it,s )ust like ridin a ti er: it,s not a ood idea to )u!p off )ust "ecause you don,t +ant to play that a!e any !ore. (here,s so!e incenti*e ri ht there to e8pand our field of influence until e*ery trace of these trans!itters are one% and you can "et there are !illions of dollars "ein spent )ust to try to stop ?ou% alone. ?ou !ay ha*e noticed that our ranks are s+ellin +eek "y +eek% so you can i!a ine ho+ !any +ill "e doin this in a year. #any of the people doin this in !etro areas% +here the nu!"er of trans!itters is far too reat for one person to do alone% are coordinatin their efforts no+% for instance: J$$B7% 1e+ ?ork City% and the (oronto (ornadoes. Carol and - are the #osco+ Nrenadiers V-/ (he day +hen +e can turn these !onstrosities into "irdhouses and a!use!ent rides .or scrap/ ets closer +ith each to+er "uster +e toss out the car +indo+ "ut you can "e sure they +on,t "e lea*in us alone% so +e !ustn,t let the! et us into a defensi*e position. 3hen +e,re acti*e and *ocal a"out our *ictories% they,re on the defensi*e% not us. ?ou,*e also read fro! the sa!e co!!itted people ho+ this has caused the! to "e !ore deter!ined than e*er to +in this spiritual +ar% no !atter +hat. - credit the e!er in paradi ! and our te!poral position in a *ast solar cycle for the fact that so !any folks% in so !any countries% are independently decidin to do this ood +ork. -t could "e the hundredth !onkey principle at +ork% too% "ecause - rarely !eet a person +ho si!ply +on,t hear a"out these thin s. (he press% other prostituted !edia% and our self-policin % pa)a!a people fa!ily% friends and nei h"ors !ay try to con*ince the!sel*es and each other that these ne+ to+ers are for cell phones% "ut on so!e le*el e*ery"ody kno+s and physically feels +hat their true purpose is% so no"ody,s likely to lau h at us +hen +e tell the! a"out it in si!ple lan ua e. - suppose it,s +orth !entionin that the only se*ere criticis! -,! ettin these days is fro! people +ho aren,t acti*ely en a ed in this +ork for one reason or another. (he rest of us +ho ha*e CBs are !ore concerned +ith stoppin and e*en healin real ene!ies than snipin at !e or each other% and +e,re ha*in a hell of a ood ti!e in the process and feelin a rather stron sense of purpose and self-+orth. (hese are the ood old days% as far as +e,re concerned5 (he recedin paradi ! no lon er has the po+er to hold up pa)a!a people,s "elief structure% +hich took so lon to createGso!e "elie*e that this delusion/illusion,s construction +as "e un !any thousands of years a o "y the *ery sa!e fa!ilies +ho o+n and operate the +orld re i!e ri ht no+. - lean to+ard that "elief% "ut - don,t ha*e enou h infor!ation to ha*e an infor!ed opinion a"out it. - do kno+ that one secret re i!e runs the planet% that it,s parasitic and essentially e8ploiti*e% and that it has to "e stopped "efore it destroys !ost of hu!anity. 7arasites i*e no thou ht to the i!plications of destroyin their host. -t,s si!ply not part of their nature to think that +ay. (hat oes for the "ankers in the City of Jondon and the dark !asters of the re i!e +ho o+n and operate the!% )ust as +ell as for a tape+or!% a patholo ical liar or a cancer tu!or.
0n a !ore cheerful note% +e don,t kno+ +hat the full i!plications are for our easy *ictory o*er 9$$B7 yesterday% "ut +e are confidant that these +ill "eco!e clearer as others repeat this e8peri!ent or a si!ilar one and share their o+n o"ser*ations +ith us all. (hat +as% "y far% the !ost dra!atic effects -,d seen for so little effort. Don Croft
Episode 35 Mount Ba$dPart 1 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc:L!ount"aldy&Psep'&.sht!l 2epte!"er &P% &''& $fter tryin for a +eek to find an opportunity for Carol and - to o on the road to ether for a couple of days% "ut failin due to so!e conflicts +ith schools schedules% etc.% +e decided that it +as prudent for !e to et up north and try to finish off the to+ers in -daho. 3e,ll still try to et o*er to Central 3ashin ton to ether to neutralize the dead or one net+ork up+ind of +here +e li*e. $fter our #t. Baldy *ictory% the 2pe+ $d!inistration has called out the Bi 7lanes to dose us e*ery day. 1othin ,s stickin o*er us% of course% "ut north of us the trails +ere lin erin lon er than - liked% so ri ht "efore - left on the latest to+er "ustin e8cursion% three days a o% Carol helped !e turn <u!"o 6unky% our outsized cloud"uster% so it pointed up into the northern sky. 3e enerally keep it pointin +est to pre*ent 9$$B7 +inds fro! "lo+in % +hich it does *ery +ell. - dro*e north for ei hty !iles% so - had a ood *ie+ of the su"seKuent process. 6irst% all the ne+ spe+ "e an disappearin +ithin seconds. (his +as +ithin a half hour. (hen the e8istin spe+ re!nants sort of shredded a+ay to the north% thou h the pre*ailin +ind at that altitude is fro! the +est. $ll of it +as one +ithin t+o hours. - later found that the field of influence spreads out in a cone. - don,t kno+ +hat the northern li!it is% "ut a hundred !iles to the north the +idth of that cone is a"out 14' !iles. 6or the politically sKuea!ish% please )u!p to the report itself ;7art &=. 3hat follo+s is so!e thou hts that consider rele*ant% "ut you !ay not% and - don,t +ant to e8clude you fro! this "eautiful process )ust "ecause ha*e stron opinions. $s it turned out% a needful detour into 3ashin ton 2tate !ade it i!possi"le for !e to et up to the re!ainin t+o s!all to+ns near the Canadian "order in -daho% "ut -,! confident that the C"ers in one of those to+ns can handle that. 3e +ould like to et to the ne8t "order crossin farther +est and take care of the enor!ous ne+ under round "ase +e disco*ered last year there. - i!a ine it,s part of the re i!e,s in*asion scenario% sort of like the +ay the 1. Coreans tunnel under the de!ilitarized zone to et their a ents into 2. Corea. -,! no+ confident that the *ast !a)ority of folks +ho +ork for the @2 and Canadian alle ed o*ern!ents% includin the ones +ho are follo+in you and - around on our to+er "ustin crusade% +ould resist ri ht no+ if they kne+ )ust +hat their e!ployer +as really up to. - don,t !ean to i*e the i!pression that Canadians are tunnelin into the @.2.% of course. (here,s an -ndian Beser*ation that "orders Canada in 3. #ontana that has a lot of dirt roads. ?ou Canadians can co!e across there if you don,t like to deal +ith "ureaucracy. - kno+ so!e other spots% too. -t,s funny ho+ this has !ade !e less suspicious of official-type folks rather than !ore so. (he real culprits are at the top of the dun heap% after all. (hey don,t kno+% as +e do% that centralization is not a ood idea% so they keep the lo+er echelons in the H!ushroo!, !ode. (hat,s a"out to "ackfire on the ancient )erks% - think. $ H!ushroo!, is one +ho is kept in the dark and fed "ull !anure. $cceptin that treat!ent is contrary to hu!an nature and to uni*ersal la+. - feel it,s dead +ron to accept disrespect in any !anner. $ "usiness acKuaintance of !ine in $nacortes% 3ashin ton has a son +ho +as one of the !ilitia !en +ho stopped the Hdefunct, Bussian $r!y fro! crossin into the @.2. fro! Canada north of 0ro*ille% 3ashin ton .on the eastern side of the Cascade #ountains/% to occupy the 1orth Cascades -nternational O7eace 7ark, in 1MML. +as li*in on the +estern side of that area then and - re!e!"er +hen the only hi h+ay throu h the 1orth Cascades 1ational 7ark +as closed to traffic "y unifor!ed soldiers of indeter!inate ori in.
?ou !ay re!e!"er .althou h you !ay "e pro ra!!ed not to consider it si nificant/ that the Bussians +ho +ere in the -ron Curtain countries +ere not allo+ed to return ho!e after the end of the Cold 3ar. 3here else +ould they o "ut hereR HNi*e !e your tired% your poor% your huddled under round !asses% yearnin for so!e fresh air., ?ikes. $t least the countless thousands of Bussian troops in the Dastern @.2. are out +alkin around on the !ilitary "ases and in the closed-do+n national parks. <ust "efore that% an acKuaintance of !ine +ho +as a lon shore!an in Bellin ha!% 3ashin ton% the closest port to the national park% personally loaded !anacles fro! a ship into a "i % un-!arked% +hite truck. -t +as so odd that he left +ork and follo+ed the truck onto the dead end road leadin into the heart of the 1orth Cascades 1ational 7ark% so!e+here near #t. Baker. - heard ru!ors at the ti!e that a concentration ca!p +as "uilt there. Do you re!e!"er the !edia tellin a"out that Hpeace park,R Did you e*er +onder +hy no !ention +as !ade in the prostituted !edia any !ore of that H-nternational 7eace 7arkR, (heir plan% apparently% +as to close it to all *isitors and fill it +ith Bussian co!"at troops% trained for ur"an +arfare. (he sa!e thin +as carried to co!pletion in the 2!okey #ountains 1ational 7ark at the sa!e ti!e. - think they,re +ay "ehind schedule for ettin !artial la+% and that this is the reason they stuck their necks out e*er further "y erectin all those u ly to+ers. 3hen you et to !y account of +hat happened in 2pokane yesterday% you !i ht see another use for the dead or one net+ork they,*e created. (he re i!e certainly ets points for their H!ulti-use, !odus operandi% at least. 3hen the +ord% HNod, is !entioned in #orals $nd Do !a% the #asonic "i"le% HJucifer%, their o+n !ental construct of a de*il% is inferred for the fe+ +ho H et it%, and the *ast !a)ority of #asons +ho +ar! pe+s on 2unday !ornin s are there"y !ollified. 3hen the re i!e,s !edia +hores speak a"out Hpeace, it,s not the sa!e thin that you and - en*ision at all% "ut the 7a)a!a 7eople o contentedly "ack to sleep +hen that reassurin +ord is !entioned. (hat re!inds !e of Jincoln,s si!ile. 9e asked% H-f you call a donkey,s tail a le % ho+ !any le s does a donkey ha*eR, 0f course +e i!!ediately say% H6i*e5, "ut he said% H1o% he still has four le s. Callin a tail a le doesn,t !ake it one., 9a*in studied the life of that dead 7resident a "it% - personally think he used so!ethin "esides a tail for that e8a!ple% "ut this is a fa!ily foru!. 9ere !ay lie the cru8 of +hy +e can all o out and co!!it !ayhe! on the cherished a enda of% ar ua"ly% the !ost po+erful re i!e in recorded history% yet the +orst that,s happened to us% so far% is so!e petty larceny "y the #en in Black and ettin a couple of la+n orna!ents pushed o*er. Due to the reKuire!ents of the e!er in paradi !% the reality that +e can only "e o*erned if +e i*e our consent has "een stren thened% so the +orld re i!e has had to "end o*er "ack+ard in recent ti!es to !aintain the illusion that they ha*e po+er o*er us all. (hey actually don,t% other+ise so!e"ody +ould ha*e suicided se*eral of us lon "efore no+. 3e are e8ercisin real po+erV they,re not% and they,re definitely not oin to dra+ any attention to +hat +e,re doin "y har!in or e*en threatenin us in this crucial .for the!/ period% e*en thou h +e,re steadily takin a+ay their territory. D*erythin ,s "ased on ener y. (hey kno+ that "etter than !ost of us do. $ny parasite has to first prepare the "ody "efore it can successfully in*ade. (his is done "y de"ilitatin the "ody slo+ly% "y de rees so the cause +on,t "e disco*ered. (his process has "een acceleratin in recent enerations and it,s reached a fe*erish pitch no+ "ecause they,re o"*iously "ehind schedule and are under ti!e constraints% set "y a uni*ersal cycle. 3e,re si!ply re*ersin that de"ilitatin process% and pretty Kuickly% apparently. 3e do it +here +e li*e and !o*e out fro! there and net+ork +ith others in a rassroots !anner. 0ur success is uaranteed if +e stay in !otion and follo+ our instincts. $s - see it% e*en if all freedo! on the
planet is ended on 1o*e!"er :% for instance% -,ll at least die content in the kno+led e that - a*e it !y "est shot and dyin is "etter than li*in as so!eone,s chattel. 3hat,s +ron +ith dyin % any+ayR (he re i!e,s days +ill "e done shortly no !atter +hat any of us do% si!ply "ecause the old farts at the top are no+ "ein called to account for their deeds. (his house of cards% thou h they call it a fortress% is collapsin ri ht no+. (he trick% in the end% !ay "e to a*oid standin under the fallin de"ris. -n the recedin paradi !% effort +as only !ade in hope of re+ard or fear of punish!ent. -n the ne+ one% the effort is the re+ard and the punish!ent% as the case !ay "e. (he only thin of real *alue +e can take +ith us fro! this life is our character% and *irtue is the only thin that really de*elops character% not kneelin do+n or "endin o*er for so!e chu!p cler y!an. (he re i!e relies on the conta ious nature of fear% suspicion% and personal dou"t to !aintain their fra ile he e!ony. 3e are e8periencin the conta ious nature of coura e% lo*e and certainty% and that process !eans a lot !ore than any political or econo!ic considerations. -n fact% any ad*ance in the latter t+o is !eanin less if the people ha*en,t first otten so!e coura e and a sense of personal responsi"ility. -f you,re readin this% - don,t think you fancy yourself +ell off if you,re +ell-fed% +ell-appointed cattle. Don Croft
Episode 36 Mount Ba$dPart 2 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc:6!ount"aldyB&Psep'&.sht!l 2epte!"er &P% &''& (he -daho 7anhandle is ei hty !iles +ide and a"out 1L' !iles lon . -t,s !ostly +ilderness and the population is alon the +estern ed e% +here the !ountains turn into prairie% and in so!e lon *alleys. -nterstate M' oes fro! 2pokane% the city in 3ashin ton that +e freed fro! the dead or one trans!itters this !onth% to 3estern #ontana% o*er the Continental Di*ide. (he to+ns alon that route are *ery s!all% and there +ere *ery fe+ dead or one trans!itters to speak of "et+een Jake Coeur d,$lene% in the +est% and #ontana% and only one 9$$B7 trans!itter% +hich con*eniently straddled the hi h+ay. - did that one +ith t+o (o+er Busters% thro+n out the passen er side +indo+ oin east% then +est on the return. (he only stop - !ade +as at Cataldo #ission% H(he oldest standin "uildin in -daho., -n other +ords% that,s the church co!ple8 that the <esuits erected +ith forced -ndian la"or in 1SL: in ad*ance of their re i!e,s pilla ers and plunderers. <ust as a tape+or! +eakens the host in order to !ore easily steal its sustenance% !issionaries so+ed seeds of dou"t% fear and !istrust a!on the tri"es in order to !ake the! easier to conKuer a little "it later on. (here,s a hu e Hcro+d stopper, near the !ountain pass that,s at the "order of -daho and #ontana +hich +as i!possi"le to reach% so - *ectored that one +ith three (o+er Busters% a Kuarter !ile apart. -t ot dark after - crossed o*er the "order% +hich - thou ht +as pretty ood ti!in . (he reason that dead-or one trans!itter +as i!possi"le to et to is that !y steerin coupler "roke after - dro*e into #ontana and - only had enou h control to dri*e the truck alon the hi h+ay far enou h to reach an auto parts store in Cello % -daho% forty !iles +est. (hat +ould ha*e "een farther in the other direction. -,! not a !echanic% "ut - !ana ed to replace the "roken coupler. Cello is at the "otto! of 2il*er #ountain% +hich is a !a)or *orte8 and has a co!ple8 array of dead-or one trans!itters% of course% and perhaps e*en so!e co!!unication eKuip!ent. ?ou !ay ha*e found% on your to+er "ustin e8cursions% that the hi h places are no lon er accessi"le to the pu"lic. 3e !ay "e led to assu!e that this is to ensure that our cell phones +ill keep +orkin % no !atter +hat threat is posed "y "ad #usli!s% "ut here,s one of the areas +here the re i!e,s illusion "reaks do+n. (here are already a lot of people in this country +ho resent not "ein allo+ed access to Hpu"lic lands, in the *icinity of ne+ trans!itter arrays and ne+ under round "ases +ith their e8pensi*e off road *ehicles and pretty soon they,re oin to si!ply decide that this is an untena"le situation% - think. #t. Baldy is the only !ountaintop that -,*e "een to recently to that isn,t restricted. (here,s *ery little ne+ stuff up there and it,s 6' !iles fro! the nearest city alon *ery t+isty roads. (he fact that - ot such spectacular effects in the sky last 2aturday )ust "y puttin a 99 there sho+ed !e the i!portance of reclai!in the !a)or *ortices% thou h. - hope to sho+ you that it,s not necessary to risk confrontation +ith Kuasi-!ilitary 3ackenhut Corporation uys +ith uns to et that done. 0f course% the easy +ays up the !ountain +ere closed off at the "otto!% so - had to dri*e around to the "ackside% +hich +as a ten-!ile detour% and dri*e up the treacherous old lo in roads as far as - could o. - +as a"le to et +ithin a couple of !iles of the top "efore the risk of ettin stuck +as )ust too stron % so - !ana ed to et the
Eapporiu! turned around ."arely/ on a narro+ s+itch"ack and put !y "i est holy hand renade there. - Hstrun out, three to+er "usters alon the road at inter*als until the road ca!e "ack to the creek near the "otto!% and put one !ore in the creek itself. $ fello+ had piled dirt on the road in preparation for "ulldozin it out% so - +as stuck there for a half hour +hile he spread it out. (he <oe Cell had stopped +orkin "ecause the center pipe had corroded throu h and the +ater ran out. ?ou need )u*enile +ater for a <oe Cell% that is% sprin +ater that,s run do+nhill for so!e distance% so - filled an e!pty )u +ith that creek +ater% ha*in noted that there,s less iron at the hi her altitudes on that !ountain. (he +ater - ot for the <oe Cell closer to ho!e is loaded +ith iron% so conducts electricity a little too +ell. $t least the !otor had retained the :'^ po+er "oost the <oe Cell had i*en it. - think it +as a"out to kick o*er to runnin on pure ener y rather than fuel shortly "efore it "roke "ecause the !otor had "een runnin *ery rou h. -t ran s!oother than e*er after the !ishap. Carol then asked !e to take the top off and e8a!ine it "ecause she no lon er sa+ any ener y co!in fro! the <oe Cell. -,ll ha*e our local !achinist !ake a ne+ center pipe up for us shortly and et the <C "ack in action. 0f course% +hen -,*e achie*ed free ener y success% -,ll "e co!pletely *ocal and strident a"out it. -f the re i!e is concerned a"out ha*in its to+ers and "iolo ical che!trails "usted% +ait Htil they ha*e to deal +ith a rassroots free ener y pro!otion ca!pai n% too% and -,! not Hsellin shares, for so!e alle ed future de*elop!ent% rather +ill "e de!onstratin it to !echanics and !achinists and sellin the en ineer plans to anyone *ia !ail for W1P a set. -t,s "een !y life,s drea! of kickin the +orld re i!e sKuarely in it,s sanctu! sanctoru! and - "elie*e that free ener y is the !ost !a ic of all the !a ic "ullets% or "oots% as the case !ay "e. 2il*er #ountain% +hich has a *olcanic top )ust like #t. Baldy% took half the day to re)u*enate. - Kuickly arri*ed at Jake Coeur d,$lene% +here -,d seen one of those "i % fake dead-or one trans!ittin 2eKuoias to+erin o*er the fir trees and a ne+ 9$$B7 array near"y. (he access to those t+o sites +as also restricted. (he fake tree +as on pri*ate propertyGthat,s a hu e hilltop estate of so!e rich chu!pGand the 9$$B7 array is in a hi h !eado+ "elon in to another oneGthere see!s to "e no shorta e of stupid +ealthy folks and far!ers +ho are +illin to take the "ait. - ot a (o+er Buster +ithin a Kuarter !ile of the fake tree "efore ettin to a Hpri*ate dri*e% no trespassin , si n and ate "ut the 9$$B7 array took so!e fina lin and *ectorin +ith a 99 and a to+er "uster on either side alon the pu"lic roads. (he city of Coeur d,$lene% +hich has a"out :'%''' people and a"out fifteen trans!itters% is in one corner of an allu*ial plain that,s trian ular +ith 7ost 6alls on the left corner% fifteen !iles +est and Bathdru! and $thol in the top rounded corner% a"out :' !iles north. (he center part is !ostly far!s. --M' oes alon the south ed e of the *alley% +hich is the north shore of the lake% +hich is pretty "i and *ery "eautiful. (he trans!itters alon the hi h+ay ha*e a lot !ore panels and rods than if they +ere )ust for the to+n Ga ain% it,s the !ulti-use factor: stop tra*elers and disa"le the to+nsfolk at the sa!e ti!e. 9a*e you i*en any thou ht to +hat,s "ein said in the British !edia in apolo y for these trans!ittersR (he Brits notice the! !ore than the $!ericans "ecause Duropeans% enerally% care !ore a"out aesthetics and let,s face it: these thin s are @NJ?. (hey,re "ein told that there are !any to+ers "ecause there are !any cell phone co!panies% and each has its o+n net+ork. (hey,re told% further!ore% to e8pect e*en !ore trans!itters closer to the users as the nu!"ers of cell phone users increases in ti!es to co!e. 3hat,s +ron +ith this pictureR By follo+in that line of reasonin % +e should "e pro ressin fro! cars to horsesV fro! planes "ack to trains in transportation technolo y.
- don,t kno+ if the Brits are s+allo+in that to+er proliferation scenario. #ay"e so!e"ody +ill tell the!% at least% that in areas +here only one cell phone co!pany operates% the ratio of the nu!"er of people Hser*ed, per to+er is e8actly the sa!e as in the areas +here there are a dozen cell phone co!panies. - kno+ that the sa!e !edia held a "rief ca!pai n a couple of years a o to discredit Dr. 9ulda Clark and zappers in eneral% "ut our sales of zappers to Brits +ent up after that% so !ay"e there,s hope for the! in this case% too. -f this +ere 1ML4 $!erica% Dr. Clark,s "ooks +ould ha*e "een pu"licly "urned and she +ould ha*e "een !urdered in prison "y no+. Dr. Clark has "een e8onerated% hands do+n% e*en in our unla+ful courts after repeated atte!pts "y the! to railroad her into prison on false char es. -,*e e*en found her "ooks in pu"lic li"raries% e*en thou h the $#$ has !ade its intentions to destroy her Kuite clear. (hey did that to Dr. Beich and !any% !any other reputa"le pioneers +ithout e*en "reakin a s+eat in earlier ti!es. (his is one !ore piece of e*idence of the su"tle shift in po+er "ack to an infor!ed pu"lic% no !atter ho+ fe+ +e are. (he political "ase of support for ar"itrary Kuasi- o*ern!ental a encies are droppin like flies no+% thanks to #edicare% predatory 9ealth -nsurance .!y current fa*orite o8y!oron/ sca!s and other "ackfires of national socialis!% +hich is so lo*in ly cherished "y the Depression Ba"ies on +hose "acks it +as set up in the first place. 0opsG- uess - slipped into a rant there. 2orry a"out that. 9ayden Jake is north of Coeur d,$lene. - +as oin to do that after doin Cd,$ and 7ost 6alls "ut it )ust felt too creepy there that day and it,s oin to ha*e to +ait "ecause - ran out of (o+er Busters. (he +ater to+ers there are the +eapon of choice apparently of the re i!e% thou h the "i est% !eanest to+er +e e*er sa+ is ne8t to the area +here the 1azis li*e% speakin of 1ational 2ocialis!. Carol and - did that one !onths a o +hen +e +ere on so!e other "usiness% "ut happened to ha*e an 99 in the car. Before - took on the *alley% - decided to neutralize the "utte-top/*orte8 array o*erlookin the *alley fro! the east. - sa+ on the !ap that a forest ser*ice road +ent fro! the "ackside o*er the top to the to+n% so - +ent o*er to check that out. 0n the +ay to that road% - passed throu h so!e shi!!erin ener y for a"out fifty feet. Carol said it,s so!e sort of portal that +as openin at the !o!ent. - didn,t e8perience that on the +ay "ack a half hour later. - ca!e "ack that +ay "ecause% of course% the road +as closed off to !otorized *ehicles. (he road on the other side +as also closed off% endin effecti*ely on pri*ate property% "ut - *ectored an 99 and a couple of to+er "usters alon the road on the +ay "ack do+n to the *alley. (he +est end of that *alley !eets the east end of 2pokane Falley. (he 2pokane Bi*er oes fro! Jake Cd,$ to+ard the Colu!"ia Bi*er a"out forty !iles to the north+est of the city. 3hen - +as on a rise% - sa+ a *ast field of +ater to+ers reachin fro! 7ost 6alls to 2pokane. (here are a"out thirty of the!% !ostly in areas +here there are *ery fe+ people li*in % so of course - assu!ed there,s so!e dirty "usiness in*ol*ed +ith that. - still don,t kno+ +hat that,s a"out% thou h there,s apparently so!e under round "ase construction oin on alon the southern ed e. (his H+ater to+er far!, is the area +here - encountered the !ost round sur*eillance. 0f course - keep a 2uccor 7unch oin all the ti!e +hen -,! out and a"out so - can "e sure that - +on,t "e +atched fro! space and it,s !uch easier to deal +ith eye"alls on the round% so to speak. -f - +eren,t !ore a+are% -,d ha*e to +onder +hy there +as so !uch traffic on those lonely roads "et+een no+here and no+here. ?ou,re pro"a"ly like !e at this point if you,re an ha"itual to+er "usterV it,s kind of fun to +a*e at the! and try to en a e the! in con*ersation. - don,t kno+ a"out +here you are% "ut here the locals al!ost all +a*e "ack and are usually happy to talk to you. (he 12$/C-$ a ents so studiously a*oid eye contact
that you,d think this +as #anhattan or 7aris. ?ou can "e sure they,re Hperipheral *isionaries%, thou h% so +hen you look at the! for !ore than t+o seconds% they kno+ they,*e "een H!ade%, and are out of the a!e. 3ait until - tell you a"out yesterday,s Hthree +ay, encounter +ith the 6eds ;7art :;5 (hat +as funV at least for !e it +as. - started seein a pattern to these to+ers. 2o!e of the! lined up perfectly% thou h - suspect they,re all on the ley syste!% so puttin (o+er Busters "y each one is pro"a"ly ettin so!e lon -ter! "enefits. (he spe+planes +ere hittin 2pokane/Cd,$ e8tra hard yesterday% and they +ere flyin lo+. Boein P4P,s% +hich ha*e the !ost spe+po+er% +ere !ostly "ein used% and - assu!e the least to8ic stuff% perhaps "ariu! salts% +as "ein spe+ed. 2ince +e,d neutralized all of the 9$$B7 facilities% the pri!ary *orte8 arrays near"y% and all of the dead-or one trans!itters% they +ere only ettin a"out 1'^ of the desired effect and the spe+ disappeared "efore spreadin out% thou h they +ere a"le to achie*e so!e fairly lon trails. - for ot to !ention that on the +ay to --M' fro! #osco+% !y ho!e% +hich is S' !iles south of Cd,$% -,d done so!e H!oppin up, of one re!ote trans!itter that Carol and - had "een una"le to find the access road for and a "utte-top% s!all array o*er the line in 3ashin ton +hich +as also hard to reach. Don Croft
Episode 3 Mount Ba$dPart 3 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc:P!ount"aldyC&Psep'&.sht!l 2epte!"er &P% &''& #ica 7eak I 2hasta Butte $ co!panion 9$$B7/dead-or one array near #ica 7eak% 2pokane,s +orst *orte8/!ountain array to the south% is 2hasta Butte. (he access road to that ended at a ne+ pri*ate estate% so - put one 99 as near as possi"le and left finishin it until later on. $fter - did the +ater to+er far!% it +as Hlater on, and - found yet another !ountaintop array% includin 9$$B7% in line +ith #ica 7eak and 2hasta Butte at a lo+er ele*ation. 9a*in lost the rest of the 12$/C-$ entoura e alon the !ountain road leadin up to the locked ate on the road to that rid e top% - found a ood spot to put a second 99 to *ector "oth 2hasta Butte and partially take care of the third array. - had a sense so!e chan es in the sky +ould soon "e o"ser*a"le% so - hurried around the !ountain to put the third 99 % the char!er% if you +ill. -t happened to "e near another% easier access road that +asn,t !arked on the !ap. - kno+ it led to the array "ecause a si n indicated "uried ca"le and the ra*el +as ne+ and thickGnot e*en +ealthy chu!ps +ith !ountain estates could pay for that. Cno+in +ealthy folks as do% the co!e on for the! +as pro"a"ly really% really cheap land% sold to the! "y the alle ed federal o*,t% +ho didn,t o+n it in the first placeGas *alid and la+ful as a deal !ade in a #onopoly a!e. (here +as no si n denyin access% "ut a couple of railroad ties +ere placed across the road% that,s all. ?ou !ay ha*e noticed that *ery thick fi"er optic ca"les are "uried alon the access roads to arrays and e*en to re!ote indi*idual to+ers. ?et one !ore e8tra*a ance to "e paid for "y you for only &/1' of a penny per !inute of cell phone useR 3ho says there,s no free lunch5R NoshG!ay"e Bi Brother really is our friend% after all. - +onder +hat these uys are thinkin . (hey +atch !e dri*e "y a to+er% then the Hpo+er, +inks out there +ithout !e ha*in apparently done anythin at all. - al+ays !ake sure -,! not o"ser*ed +hen - toss the (o+er Busters out the +indo+% and - uess they don,t read !y +ritten reports or take the! at face *alue. - let one of the! ha*e a ood look inside the "ack of the Eapporiu! yesterday% "ut -,ll et to that in a "it. $s e8pected% a distinct chan e +as takin place in the sky% o*er not )ust this array and near"y 2hasta Butte% "ut si!ilarly o*er #ica 7eak and spreadin out. 6irst% all ne+ che!trails disappeared +ithin three or four seconds% then the e8istin che!trails sort of shredded and disappeared. $ lo*ely% puffy +hite cloud for!ed o*er each array and re!ained distinct in spite of pre*ailin +inds% thou h of course they +ere constantly for!in Git +asn,t the sa!e clouds% per se. (his led to a concerted lo+ altitude assault on the three clouds% +hich continued for hours% "ut had a"solutely no effect on the clouds. -n those !inutes% too% a *ery "i % a!orphous lo+ altitude cloud "e an for!in o*er the city itself% e8actly the +ay - sa+ a thunderstor! de*elop o*er each city in 2D -daho after - "usted the to+n to+ers and surroundin arrays. - think four )u!"o )ets at a"out 1&%''' feet +ere on that one% as you pro"a"ly uessed +ould happen. -t didn,t fare as +ell as the puffy clouds o*er the arrays did. $lso% - could see it +as ettin hit *ery hard fro! the direction of #t. 2pokane% )ud in "y the ali n!ent of the ripples that started appearin . - +as off to the north% startin to +ork !y +ay "ack to+ard 9ayden Jake% +hen - noticed that 9$$B7 action co!in fro! #t. 2pokane% +hich is the area,s pre!ier *orte8 and has the "i est array. 3e hadn,t i*en it !uch thou ht "efore "ecause it,s "arely *isi"le fro! the city% &' !iles to the northeast. - only noticed a fe+ +eeks a o that there,s an array on top% and that +as only +hen - +as lookin thou h po+erful "inoculars.
7icket Duty $s - +as ru!inatin on the sky pheno!ena% an -daho 9i h+ay 7atrol car dri*en "y a fe!ale cop dro*e slo+ly past !e as - +as pu!pin as% and the dri*er a*e !e a slo+% !eanin ful look% so - kne+ the feds +ere ha*in all the cops keep ta"s on !e% too. - paid for the as% ot !y coffee% then +alked around to+ard the "ack of the as station% and sure enou h% she +as hidin there and scooted out to the road +hen she kne+ -,d !ade her. 2he +aited at the intersection as lon as she co!forta"ly could% lookin at !e% "ut - didn,t !o*e until she +as out of si ht. 3o+G ood thin she didn,t notice that !y license plates e8pired last !onth. - think !y insurance ran out% too. Nod% do - hate 1ational 2ocialis!5 - +as oin to do 9ayden Jake% "ut the fact that it felt so creepy there that day% !y close encounter of the second kind +ith that cop% and !y curiosity a"out +hat +ould happen if - did #t. 2pokane led !e to decide to take the "ack roads to the latter% +hich - suspected +as "ein closely !onitored% and see if - could !ake so!e interestin thin s happen in the sky fro! there% too. -,ll let 9ayden Jake "ask in the lo+ of that nice ne+ or one field for a "it% then -,ll o "ack and finish the )o" there% hopefully +ith Carol% since she learned +here so!e of the 1azi Hsettle!ents, are +hen she took the census in the panhandle three years a o .+hich paid for her nice car/. - +ant to race each settle!ent +ith at least a to+er "uster. (hey !ust ha*e a lot of !oney. (hat,s a pretty ritzy area. #ay"e the !edia has another picture painted a"out that. (he 1azis hold a full dress parade in Cd,$ each year% "ut other+ise are her!its% in fact. (hey pro"a"ly shouldn,t "e that shy. $fter all% 1ational 2ocialis! has "een fully e!"raced "y !any $!ericans% so it,s fashiona"le a ain. - earn a lot of points for e*adin the !ulti-)urisdictional .of course the only ones +ith any real )urisdiction are the 2heriff,s depart!ents/ dra net in !y audy truck so often. - hope to +in a prize so!eday% "ut that,s not +hy - do this% of course. Carol used to li*e on #t. 2pokane and spent a lot of ti!e +anderin all o*er the !ountain in a )eep +hen she +as in hi h school. (here +ere no restricted areas then. (here,s a ski lod e +ith a hu e pa*ed parkin lot near the top of the !ountain% at the end of a +ell-!aintained% pa*ed t+o-lane hi h+ay. 3hen - sa+ a si n% fifteen !iles fro! the ski lod e% sayin that access to the re!ainin t+o !iles +as no+ cut off% - kne+ so!e e8tra !easures +ere needed. - +as oin to si!ply put an 99 near the lod e% like 1o*a 2cotia <eff and - did on #t. Bainier% "ut not ettin +ithin t+o !iles +as a pro"le!. 0n the road up the !ountain% - tossed a (o+er Buster out% one per !ile. $t the ate% +hich is at a for!er lod e% there +ere se*eral *ehicles parked% "ut - didn,t see anyone% so - Kuickly turned around% dro*e do+nhill a +ay% and planted a holy hand renade. - sensed that no"ody sa+ !e arri*e. Because of the tall trees and the narro+ canyons on the dri*e do+n% - couldn,t see !uch of the sky for a"out a half hour. - did see the ne+ spe+ disappearin +ithin seconds .of course they sensed a shift% so sent se*eral )u!"o )ets o*er to the skies o*er #t. 2pokane/ and the ne+ spe+ shreddin as "efore. By the ti!e - ot "ack to @2 Bte &% north of 2pokane% the entire sky +as azure "lue% thou h there +ere at least ten )u!"o )ets spe+in like !ad at lo+ altitude o*er the entire area in a crisscross pattern. - could still see the clouds o*er each !a)or array farther south% "ut the )ets had deci!ated the a!orphous potential rain cloud o*er the city "y no+ and it +asn,t refor!in . (he #cDonald 2u!!it - +ent into a #cDonalds to use the facilities .that,s !ostly +hat - use #cDonalds for/ and +hen - ca!e "ack out% a 6ed in a +hite *an +as parked directly in front of the Eapporiu!% a*oidin eye contact% and another 6ed% pro"a"ly the one in char e% dro*e "y !e slo+ly and a*e !e the H- found you, look that only the "osses are allo+ed to do. - +a*ed to hi!% he +a*ed "ack and parked out of si ht +hile a third 6ed% in an un!arked +hite flat"ed truck% parked "eside !e and +anted to kno+ all a"out ho+ - !ade the ca!per shell on the Eapporiu!. - told hi! a "it a"out that and let hi! take a look in the "ack. $fter that% - pointed at a )u!"o )et flyin silently
ri ht o*er us at a lo+ altitude and told hi! a"out the che!trails. 9e didn,t +ant to hear that% "ut he didn,t lea*e% either. - said% H1ot only did - !ake those che!trails disappear% the 12$ is really !ad a"out that and is follo+in !e aroundGthere,s one .pointin to the "ack of the hidin 2$-C% +ho +as still sittin in the car/% and there,s another one .pointin at the uy practically "lockin !y e8it/. (he third one didn,t +ant to hear a"out that% either. 9e didn,t react at all to those state!ents% "ut chan ed the su")ect and started askin !e a"out the zappers. - told hi! a "it and pro"a"ly could ha*e stayed there talkin all day% "ut - told hi! it +as ti!e for !e to o. - +anted hi! to see that there +as nothin in the "ack of the Eapporiu!G!ore points for !e% - uess. - only had a dozen to+er "usters left and four 99 s% so - decided to !op up the re!ainder of to+ers leadin fro! 2pokane to -daho alon @2 Bte. &. Brian% Carols, "rother% and his fa!ily li*e ne8t to that road and +e,*e "een +antin to neutralize the trans!itters they li*e +ithin ran e of. 0nce in -daho a ain% - took the state hi h+ay south alon the "order. - had seen an array on 9oodoo #ountain% another !a)or *orte8 +ith a "ald *olcanic top% like #t. 2pokane has% a"out fifteen !iles to the southeast of 9+y &% +hich oes east to 2and 7oint fro! +here it enters -daho. 3ith a na!e like that% it,s N0( to "e a *orte8% ri htR $ssu!in that the road sho+n on the !ap no lon er reached the top of the !ountain as indicated% - put one 99 as close as - could et directly +est of the su!!it and dro*e to the end of the pu"lic access road on the southern slope and put one there% too. - had used a *ery s!all 99 to neutralize a 9$$B7 array alon the hi h+ay se*eral !iles north+est of the !ountain. (hat left t+o (o+er Busters and one 99 % so - dro*e east fro! Bathdru! to the spot on the north/south federal hi h+ay% @2 ML% +here the ley line fro! #t. Baldy and Crystal 7eak crossed it and "uried it there. By the +ay% alon that fi*e !iles of rural hi h+ay east fro! Bathdru! are si8 enor!ous dead or one trans!itters% thou h the area is sparsely populated and the road is not hea*ily tra*eled. - suspect this !akes up the northern array for the entire *alley and of course +e,ll et those shortly. 3e,ll do so!e !ap +ork and put so!e !ore healin de*ices alon that *orte8 farther south of #elody,s place% +hich is also on that ley line. - +ish -,d had one of her 9ar!onizers for the latest location. - for ot to !ention the other apparent reason for keepin the cities under a "lanket of dead or one. - "elie*e it,s si!ply the re i!e,s +ay of !akin certain that the hundredth !onkey effect of +hat +e,re en a ed in% +hich is a Hlittle person,s, +ay of takin po+er "ack fro! the parasitic/predatory re i!e% +on,t catch hold in the eneral population% thou h they !i ht ha*e already failed to stop it. -f this +ere !ainly a"out rain suppression they +ouldn,t focus so hea*ily on the skies o*er the cities. (he old )erks still +on,t i*e up that focus on the ur"an population% years after the -nternet has conclusi*ely de!onstrated that decentralization is the +a*e of the present. $t least +e fe+ ha*e eli!inated the threat of "iolo ical assault fro! the )ets. (hat stuff has the shortest life span in the presence of a cloud"uster% all of +hose ran es are sufficient to enco!pass !ost of the population of 1orth $!erica no+. Don Croft
Episode 3! 6ishing for 6eds;*e'e$ T4o By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc:Sfishin forfedsle*et+o'1oct'&.sht!l 0cto"er 1% &''& Carol and - took :' to+er "usters to finish off the *alley north of Jake Coeur dO$lene yesterday afternoon. $s usual% the fun started lon "efore +e ot there. Chu!!in Carol had noticed that +e are "ein acti*ely sur*eilled less and less these days. 2he said itOs "ecause itOs no lon er cost effecti*e "ecause +e al+ays !ake the a ents in the first fe+ !inutes of their sur*eillance and of course% none of the electronic sur*eillance !easures +ork at all +hen a 2uccor 7unch is turned on. 3e +ere a"out fi*e !iles out of to+n +hen Carol% +ho +as dri*in % said% O(hereOs so!ethin a"out that +hite 2@F "ehind usO. 2ure enou h% the dri*er +as keepin a"out a Kuarter !ile "ack and pacin us. 2he doesnOt usually en a e so!eone telepathically unless she feels that the person has less- than-honora"leintentions% so this +as enou h for her to read the fello+% +ho +as% of course% a 2$-C of the 12$-a ne+ uy to our area. 3e "elie*e that +hen one of the! ets assi ned to +atch us% itOs like a 6rench!an ettin sent to a desert outpost in $l eria in the colonial days. 2he slo+ed +ay do+n so he had to pass and +e +a*ed at hi! happily. 9e didnOt turn to look% "ut of course all a ents are peripheral *isionaries. $n older +o!an +as in the dri*er seat. 2he didnOt turn% either. ?ou can "et that if you "eha*e that +ay to+ard anyone else% youOll et a response of so!e kind% pro"a"ly annoyance if not a lance or a tentati*e +a*e. 9e speeded up after that% "ut +as stuck "ehind another car% so Carol !aneu*ered to pass hi!. 3e +a*ed a ain and +hen he +as "ehind us% closer than a Kuarter !ile no+% of course% "ecause +eOd !ade hi!-he +as )ust lookin for a raceful e8it no+-- - turned around and looked at hi! throu h "inoculars. 9e re!ained stonefaced% "ut Carol said he +ished to kill !e at that point. 3e let hi! pass not lon after that and he +ent really fast until he +as out of si ht. Carol said he +as cussin like a sailor into the radio to his co-+orkers and flunkies and that they +ere all ha*in a ood lau h "ecause they set hi! up and didnOt tell hi! a"out CarolOs telepathy. (heyOre not as kind to each other as +e are to our fello+ posters. (he +o!an +ith hi! +as one of the 12$ psychics. (hey et assi ned to all the *isual sur*eillance tea!s around us no+ to key into Carol. (he +o!an +as in on the prank% Carol said. - ad!ire her for keepin that stone face throu hout. - kno+ - couldnOt do that. Carol could% "ut sheOs part -ndian. 3e sa+ no !ore a ents that day% thou h - often asked Carol to check on it. (his isnOt the One8t le*elO aspect% thou h% e*en thou h it is refreshin not to ha*e to look o*er our shoulders all the ti!e. Dark 3aters 3e did the to+ers in the C dO$ *alley and +ent alon the ri*er to the Bi City .2pokane/ to et resin and "atteries% +hich +e et in "ulk for the zapper "iz and the or onite de*ices. Before +e ot to to+n% +e sa+ t+o ne+ to+ers "ein set up on a !ountain northeast of the city% so +e dutifully +ent off lookin for the access road. 3hat follo+ed +as pretty +eird% e*en "y !y standards. (he access road ended on pri*ate property. -t +as pa*ed up to that point and all of the properties around there had acrea e and +ere +ell heeled. -t +as a !ile fro! the
array% "ut Carol said +e could *ector it +ith a to+er "uster there and on the other side of the !ountain. 3e had passed ."arely/ three pickups parked in the road a"out a tenth of a !ile fro! the end. (he !en +ere cuttin fire+ood on the "ank a"o*e the road and they all lared at us% +hich +e found rather odd. 3e passed a little clearin on the +ay "ack fro! the end of the road% in +hich +ere a dozen or so "i lo sections% stools% - think% and a collection of antlers +ith !asks% +ith "lack hoods attached% han in on the tree trunks. - "et you can see +hatOs co!in . CarolOs face fell +hen +e passed it and - i!!ediately assu!ed she +as seein so!ethin there. 3e +ere close to the !en a ain "y the ti!e she +as a"le to stop. 3e +anted to drop a (o+er Buster on the site% of course. $s she "acked up to the site% +hich +asnOt *isi"le to the !en% they lared fiercely at us. 3e did the deed and dro*e past the asse!"ly a ain. (he youn est !an% +ho +as standin on the "ank% e*incin the !ost hostility% estured at Carol +ith a peace si n% +hich he Kuickly in*erted to point to+ard the round "efore +e passed. 2he said that the folks li*in around that cul de sac% includin these Olu!"er)acks%O are all re ularly in*ol*ed in hu!an sacrifice% ri ht there "y the roadside. (hatOs +hat she +as seein +hen she looked at the site. (here +ere no !ore tar ets to speak of. - +as pleased to see that - re!e!"ered !ost of the tar ets +e encountered on the +ay ho!e. 2hark $ttack - ot a hunch to o the lon er +ay ho!e% thou h 7ull!an% 3ashin ton% and Carol honored that. - +anted to *isit the fake ponds that +e neutralized last !onth +ith a sin le to+er "uster. 9ereOs +here 7hase (+o of the 12$ assault on us !aterialized% and it relates to +hat +e sa+ on the "ack road earlier north of 2pokane% thou h the de!onstration of that relationship +as arran ed "y the nice uys% not "y the re i!e. (his Osettlin pondO is at a +ell-appointed rest area in a re!ote far!in district +here traffic alon that secondary hi h+ay canOt really )ustify the e8pense of a free+ay-style rest area. Jast !onth% - had noted the hi h ra*el "er! there and the steel doors e!"edded in a concrete fascia leadin under round% ri ht "eside it. 3hen - casually tossed the (o+er Buster into the +ater% the le*el +as a"out ten feet "elo+ the line indicated as nor!al. (he rectan ular pit +as di*ided into t+o% rou hly sKuare raded ra*el pits and surrounded "y a chain link fence. -t +asnOt on lo+ round% so it o"*iously +asnOt related to +ater runoff% +hich +ould ha*e "een e8traneous at any case% since there +as nothin around e8cept far! fields for !iles and none of the! are irri ated. $fter - did that% +e +ent off to look for access to a near"y to+er. $"out 1L !inutes later% +e returned and the +ater le*el of that se !ent of the pond +as up to the hi h line. (he other part of the pond had re!ained at the hi her le*el throu hout. - hadnOt tossed one in there% +hich is +hy - +anted to return yesterday to finish the )o". Carol said at the ti!e that this +as connected +ith an under round "ase% "ut she didnOt look into it "eyond that. ?esterday% - +alked up the "ank and tossed another (o+er Buster in% "ut there +as no +ater at all and the Odi*iderO had "een re!o*ed and the pond +as len thened considera"ly. (he sun had set and - listened for the OsplashO "ut only heard the (o+er Buster hit the dry round at the "otto! and "ounce. Carol told !e that +hen the (o+er Buster hit the round% she i!!ediately e8perienced a sharp pain in the "ack of her neck. 3e dro*e to+ard ho!e and the pain ot !ore and !ore se*ere and the side of her head started "urnin . 0f
course% +e kne+ this +as fro! an 12$ psyops a ent or roup of the!% so +e used the 2uccor 7unch to return the fa*or. (he pain radually dissipated% "ut the deter!ination and *indicti*eness of the a ents didnOt lessen ri ht a+ay. - decided to o after the "oss first% +hose na!e Carol said is 9enry Chapelle% then on to his "oss% +hose first na!e she told !e is #orris. 3e didnOt et the na!e of the psyops a ent they +ere usin % "ut +e did et that heOs an old ti!er% not one of the ne+ raduates theyOd "een thro+in at us for the past fe+ !onths% nor +ere they usin the dead spies in life-si n !aintenance tanks. (he +ay they found us so fast after ha*in lost us all day is that the Orest areaO is closely !onitored "y *ideo ca!eras. (hereOs e*en a si n sayin that there. $lso% they +ere e8tre!ely upset +ith us "ecause that first to+er "uster had caused a nuclear reactor% located under the facility% to shut do+n +hen the +ater fro! the pond +as "rou ht in to cool it. (he reason the pond le*el ca!e up so fast +as that they e8pelled all of the offendin +ater fro! the *icinity of the reactor in order to try to et it to start up a ain. - donOt think the co!!ercial nukes rely so hea*ily on OcapturedO +ater and - donOt kno+ if youOd shut one do+n this +ay. (he ones +eO*e seen are "y open and runnin +ater. 3e routinely drop an 99 in +ater near the! +hen opportunities present the!sel*es% and Carol said that all this does is li!it the field of the dead and deadly or one escapin the contain!ent facility. (hereOs no +ay to shield that stuff% of course% +hich is +hy people and li*estock !utate and drop like flies around the nuke plants until an or onite de*ice is deployed there. 3hat distin uishes that attack is that it +as ritual-"asedV satanic% if you +ill. -O! still not clear on the connection +ith that particular site% +hich see!s fairly !inor to !e. -t could "e that theyOre )ust fed up +ith us no+ and are callin in the "i uns to deal +ith us% as it +ere. (heyO*e lately "een +orkin on CarolOs dau hter throu h her inti!ate ener etic connection +ith a thorou hly !anipula"le pothead% +hoOs in )ail% "ut due to et out in three !onths. CarolsO taken steps to alle*iate that% "ut itOs up to <enny to cut the cordV no"ody else can do it. 3eOre confident that this +ill et resol*ed to the "enefit of all concerned% and that no lastin har! +ill "e done throu h it. <enny is often fa*ored +ith raphic protection re!inders in the sky fro! the Je!urians and is enerally pretty +ell "alanced. Cno+in +ho to open oneOs heart to is a lesson that !ost folks ne*er learn% of course. - started out opposin ritual dark !a ic and "eatin its perfor!ers in 1MP'% in Ner!any% so this is fa!iliar territory for !e and not particularly threatenin . -O*e al+ays !aintained that the "est a 2atanist can aspire to is to "e NodOs hand puppet. -Oll play +ith the! anyti!e they like. (hey al+ays end up p----- on their shoes instead of on !e and !ine. $ttention $ll (reasonous (hu s 2peakin of uns: +e "ou ht that .4L pistol last !onth% "ut ha*enOt taken the ti!e to fa!iliarize oursel*es +ith it. 1either of us had e*er fired a pistol "efore and - hadnOt fired a +eapon since 1M6M +hen - +as in infantry trainin . (he feds didnOt follo+ us out of to+n that day% "ut +e turned on the 27 so +e +ouldnOt "e tracked "y satellite and then dro*e to a re!ote lo in road and set up the !etal tar et% +hich spins +hen you hit it. Carol said +e +ouldnOt "e tracked unless one of us ot an adrenaline rush% "ecause thatOs +hat keys in the 12$/C-$ psyops people +ho are tuned to us. - said% Odon,t +orry% dear% itOs really not *ery e8citin or fun to shoot a +eapon. (heyOre noisy and they kick.O - stupidly for ot to put earplu s in and the first shot te!porarily reduced !y hearin "y half% at least% for the rest of the day. (hat pistol is as loud as - re!e!"er the "azooka - fired lon a o% thou h of course !y ears are not as dura"le as "efore% +hich - hadnOt taken into account. 1one of the other +eapons - Kualified on in the ar!y +ere nearly as loud as that% as - re!e!"er. - hate to think of firin the da!n thin off in the house. Carol ot a rush fro! it% thou h and +ithin fi*e !inutes of her shootin session% +e heard a plane flyin around in the *ery lo+ cloud co*er a"o*e the forest% lookin for us. (hey didnOt spot us% of course% and the psychic had only "een a"le to i*e an appro8i!ate location. - "et that the 12$/C-$ pilot didnOt like flyin around the
!ountains in near-fo % no !atter ho+ fancy his instru!entation !ay "e. 6ro! no+ on% +eOll o to an indoor firin ran e and +ear those "i ear!uff thin s. - donOt think - need any !ore +ork +ith it% thank Nrid% "ut Carol needs to et closer to the tar et% she feels. -O! not fond of cleanin it% either% or s!ellin cordite on !y hands. -Od for otten ho+ !uch - donOt like shootin uns. -Oll o "ack to pellet rifles for fun and +eOll )ust keep this one +ithin reach% !a azine re!o*ed% to protect our ho!e% +hich is an act of sanity these days% contrary to +hat so!e folksO !ental pro ra!!in !ay dictate. (he "i est deterrent the +eapon pro*ides is that unla+ful o*Ot a ents kno+ +e ha*e it. -O! not a+are of any threat that eKuals their ar"itrary% reprehensi"le attacks on innocents like oursel*es. 3ithout a trace of facetiousness% - can say that - lo*e e*en these !ind-controlled #C @ltra shooters and other +et+ork specialists% "ut that lo*e +onOt "e e8pressed "y lettin the! har! !e or !y lo*ed ones in our ho!e. - say% clearly% that - consider the 1ational 2ecurity $ ency and the Central -ntelli ence $ ency treasonous and operatin entirely and profoundly outside of any esta"lished or natural la+. -O! callin for their i!!ediate dis"and!ent and dissolution. -O! also callin for all culpa"le a ents and "osses to "e held accounta"le for their deeds in courtV la+fully esta"lished or other+ise% in +hate*er nation they are operatin in ri ht no+. (hey shouldnOt "e allo+ed to hide "ehind an $!erican fla . Don Croft
Episode 3" When The ,unters Be3ome The ,unted5 and >ther Persona$ Po4er #onsiderations By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc:M+henhunter"eco!eshunted'Loct'&.sht!l 0cto"er L% &''& (his )ournal entry is dedicated to !y ood friend% $lan ?urko% +ho )ust ot out of :' days of solitary confine!ent for apparently encoura in his fello+ in!ates in a 6lorida prison to e8ercise their so*erei n ri hts not to eat "ad food. 0f course% those in!ates only took !ade their indi*idual decisions +ith their o+n discretion. $lan only !entioned that he +ouldnOt "e eatin that stuff any !ore and follo+ed throu h +ith that co!!it!ent. 9e ne*er incited his fello+ in!ates to anythin at all e8cept to follo+ their hi her instincts in life. 9eOs in prison in the first place "ecause heOs a reputa"le )ournalist +ho isnOt afraid to lift the lid on the re i!eOs predatory *accination a enda% certainly not "ecause he "roke any real la+s. 9is latest +ork clearly sho+s that the O$nthra8 CartelO .!y ter!inolo y/ is nothin "ut a sca! "ased on a +ellorchestrated fear ca!pai n and that the official re!edies% +hich in*ol*e "illions of dollars in !anufacturin and distri"ution% are not only ineffecti*eV theyOre positi*ely har!ful. D*en the 6D$% the unla+ful federal a ency +hich is o+ned and operated "y the sa!e folks +ho are carryin out this ca!pai n% refuses to appro*e the procedures. $s far as -O! concerned% this research si!ply points out% once a ain% that the only terrorists operatin in the @nited 2tates ri ht no+ are e!ployed% directed and financed "y the alle ed @2 o*ern!ent% itself. - hope you aren,tO entertainin a notion to recei*e a *accine shot for anythin these days. $fter readin so!e of !y !aterial on ho+ Carol and - are dealin +ith the 12$/C-$ a ents +ho follo+ us around and so!eti!es try to inti!idate us% $lan ad*ised !e to "e !ore entle +ith those a encies "ecause there are ood people in the! +ho re ularly and clandestinely thro+ +renches into the co s of their predatory/parasitic !achinery. (his is +ritten in reply to $lan% +ho is ood-hearted to a fault% and in ackno+led e!ent of his personal sacrifice and inte rity. (+o days a o% after +e had left an initial 6'-!ile lon s+ath of disa"led dead or one trans!itters and *orte8arrays% +e +ere dri*in throu h 3il"ur% 3ashin ton and - spotted three *ehicles parked to ether on a side street +ith t+o of the dri*ers standin and con*ersin . 3e hadnOt seen any feds since +e left the *icinity of 6airchild $ir 6orce Base alon @2 Bte & a couple of hours earlier% so - +as scannin for si ns of the! +hen - spotted these fello+s. (he older looked directly at !e and had that O0h% 2-t5O e8pression -O*e co!e to en)oy so !uch% then - noticed that t+o of the s!all +hite cars had OCity 7arcelO on the doors in "i % nondescript red lettersV no phone nu!"er or other raphics. 0f course% thereOs no such "usiness. - turned around at the ne8t a*aila"le spot and +ent directly "ack to confront the!. (his is a departure fro! !y usual hand- esture- rin indications that -O*e !ade federal a ents% "ut it )ust felt appropriate. 0f course% the other t+o cars had split instantly +hen the "oss a ent ot !ade and they +ere tryin to et into position a ain else+here% "ut the "oss had otten "ack into his car and +as sittin % starin for+ard +hen - dro*e ne8t to hi! and +a*ed at close ran e. 2ince he didnOt respond% - !ade a Kuick @ turn% dro*e "ack alon side his car and yelled% O9o+ ?a DoinORO 9e still didnOt turn to look at !e% so - +histled so loud it hurt poor CarolOs ears. (hen he looked at !e% "ut he +asnOt s!ilin . - )ust +a*ed and s!iled as usual and dro*e off% "ut - could tell - had turned a corner in !y relationship +ith these folks.
Durin the entire follo+in day of our t+o-day to+er "ustin patrol throu h central 3ashin ton% - only sa+ t+o a ents% and they +ere !akin sure - +ouldnOt "e ettin close enou h to e8chan e reetin s. -O! ea er for the ne8t opportunity to hu!iliate a "oss field a ent% )ust as -O! ea er to find any helicopter +ithin ran e of !y pellet un o*er !y house. -tOs !y +ay of Ocountin coup%O +hich +as the option that the !ore honora"le% ci*ilized -ndian tri"es used to settle disputes +ith nei h"orin tri"es "efore the 3hites ca!e here. -n !y *ie+% since they ha*e no la+ful )urisdiction to follo+ !e% keep our !ail .they kept se*eral thousand dollars in +holesale order pay!ents for o*er a !onth "efore allo+in the! to "e deli*ered "y our post!an last +eek% for instance% and !ost of those +ere sent "y 7riority #ail/% knock o*er our la+n orna!ents% cause our phone calls to "e inaudi"le due to hea*y electronic Osur*eillance%O send physical a ents to pro+l inside our ho!e at ni ht throu h so!e arcane ener y transfer tech or so!ethin .- +asnOt ho!e that ni ht% of course/% or other+ise insinuate the!sel*es officially into our li*es% they are 6air Na!e for !y o+n *ersion of harass!ent and interference. $s you can i!a ine% it +ouldnOt occur to !e to dri*e ne8t to a police car and "eha*e that +ay. (his !ay illustrate a point a"out personal po+er that -Od like to !ake here. Jots of folks talk a"out personal po+er% i*e e8pensi*e se!inars a"out it% sell "ooks% and other+ise entice the ulli"le into ettin an illusion or% at "est% a distant li!pse of +hat personal po+er is% thereOs nothin Kuite like !akin a physical% :D de!onstration of oneOs personal so*erei nty. - a*e "ack the sla*e nu!"er that +as foisted on !e. (hat +as o*er si8 years a o. -t +as a ood esture and donOt re ret it. - donOt think itOs necessary% thou h% for one to do that in order to e8perience personal so*erei nty. use a dri*er license% for instance% thou h - kno+ so!e +ho et a+ay +ithout e*en ha*in one of those or re isterin their *ehicles. $s +ith anythin % itOs pro"a"ly outside the "ounds of prudence to "e a purist% not to !ention the forced loneliness it i!plies. D8pressin inte rity in an intelli ent +ay !akes ne+ friends and lets the false friends detach racefully% thou h. - consider hollerin at that fed a !oderate act% "y the +ay% considerin the profoundly unla+ful !andate heOs operatin under that "rou ht hi! to !y attention. Citizen arrest +ould e*en ha*e "een appropriate% "ut -O*e "een too lazy to learn the ins and outs of co!!on la+ to pull that off. #ay"e -Oll "uy so!e handcuffs and +a*e the! in their faces. - si!ply "elie*e that one !ust e8press his/her personal so*erei nty .!y Canadian friends +ho did that ha*e another na!e for it% "ut itOs the sa!e thin / in a personal +ay. D8pressin it is an ackno+led e!ent of the co*enant under uni*ersal la+ that +e all co!e into this +orld in tacit a ree!ent +ith. 3hen +e et in touch +ith personal po+er% +e also et a "oost in a+areness concernin personal responsi"ility. (he traditional notion of Oli"ertyO has al+ays "een suspect to !e% as it i!plies anarchy and hedonis!% "oth of +hich - consider self-destructi*e tendencies. - so!eti!es )okin ly refer to !yself as an Oessential anarchistO "ecause that% to !e% i!plies re)ection of ar"itrary authority% +hich +e surely all can do +ell +ithout. (rue authority deri*es fro! our innate understandin and ackno+led !ent of uni*ersal la+. (he @2 ConstitutionOs Bill of Bi hts is the uarantor of our protection under this un+ritten% un+ritea"le co*enant% +hich is as per*asi*e and i!!uta"le as the la+ of the )un le% only a hi her e8pression that that. 0ther countries ha*e si!ilar uarantees% or certainly should "y no+. 6or those of us +ho find it con*enient not to pay attention to our inner uidance concernin !atters of la+% there are +ritten la+s in force in e*ery society to keep these people fro! easily *iolatin the ri hts of others. - can en*ision a society in +hich police and courts are e8traneous% "ut - ha*enOt "een to !any places in the +orld +here this is practica"le. - !ust say -O*e *isited places +hich ha*e no apparent need for a for!al syste! of la+
enforce!ent% nota"ly a s!all% re!ote co!!unity in ?ucatan and one or t+o islands in the Bepu"lic of Belau. (hatOs not to say these folks donOt ha*e a practical +ay of e8actin retri"ution for o"*ious cri!es% of course. 3hat has co!e to "e thou ht of .under the protocols of our current !ental pro ra!!in / as !oderate is to keep the e o in a stran lehold. 3hat !ost donOt see! to realize is that this si!ply stops one fro! e8pressin personal po+er and fro! takin personal responsi"ility. $s +ith other aspects of artificial pro ra!!in % +e are presented +ith t+o options: let the e o e8press fully .read: o"no8ious% self-centered% predatory/ or suppress it. $ctually% the e o is like a fine stallion% or the ti er% if you +ill. 3hen +e en a e the potential of the e o +ith a si!ple% hu!ane "ridle% itOs oin to take us places +e +ouldnOt other+ise ha*e e8perienced. -f youOre readin this% youOre !ost likely a person of conscience and inte rity and - encoura e you to stop "eatin your e o into su"!ission +ith the clu" of artificial pro ra!!in and let it )oin forces +ith your intuition and heart-felt desires. -f you donOt ha*e a conscience or a sense of inte rity% none of this +ill !ean anythin to you% and for your sakes% - say% O(hank Nod for the @2 Constitution and +hate*er can adeKuately replace it in the future.O (his is a non seKuitur% "ut it )ust occurred to !e that Carol and - are enactin a hi her e8pression of Neneral 2her!anOs !arch to the sea in the @2 Ci*il 3ar. 3eOre !archin to another sea% and +eOre har!in no"ody in the process% of course. -n fact% instead of a trail of destruction and !isery% +eOre lea*in a trail of e!po+er!ent and a+akened possi"ilities. 9e had an ar!y% "ut at this point +eOre only t+o a!on a s!all handful of people. -tOs a ood de!onstration that a fe+ co!!itted% e!po+ered people can undo +hat +as done "y a horde of predatory officials% sycophants% un+ittin technicians% unli!ited finances and the +orst of all possi"le intentions. 3eOre not only undoin it% +eOre causin it to +ork for us all. (hatOs real po+er. ?ellin at 12$/C-$ "oss field a ents is )ust a field tactic. -f they et in trou"le +ith their "osses +hile carryin out unla+ful sur*eillance orders% thatOs really not our pro"le!% is itR 3e still et occasional friendly +a*es fro! lo+er le*el operati*es. 3hat endears $lan to !e so !uch is his a"ility to turn e*ery incident into a spiritual re+ard for hi!self and others. 9eOs )ust as s+eet and self-deprecatin after thirty days in the hole% for instance% as he +as the day he +ent in. $ lesser person +ould ha*e "eco!e "itter and depressed "y these se*ere tests. -O! e8tre!ely ratified to kno+ this fine e8e!plar. 9opefully% enou h attention can "e directed his +ay for hi! to et an unconditional pardon. -O! "ettin that the -nternet is !ore appropriate for this than any other !edia% since the really effecti*e% po+erful people in the +orld prefer this !edia o*er the rest. Don Croft
Episode 4& Weather )omes < 7*>R+87 Stations 8eed :rgent +ttention By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc4'+eather"allsloranstations1'oct'&.sht!l 0cto"er 1'% &''& (here +ere four note+orthy e*ents in our last to+er "ustin patrol: 1. the +eird at!ospheric feature surroundin the @2 3eather 2er*ice .ser*in +ho!R/ radar do!e after +e "usted it% &. findin and "ustin the re ional @2 Coast Nuard J0B$1 station% :. the i!pro!ptu note +e left at the locked ate across the access road to the re!ote "utte-top array% and 4. confrontin the "oss of a s!all 12$/C-$ sur*eillance unit in 3il"ur% 3ashin ton. @nder round Bases% 9$$B7 $rrays% I Badar Do!es 3e started out +ith a hundred to+er "usters and ten holy hand renades% +hich nor!ally keeps us "usy for t+o days in rural areas. (he route +e took .+e didnOt decide that until +e left the house/ +as the :''-!ile loop fro! 2pokane% alon @2 Bte & to Coulee City% do+n throu h Dphrata to Neor e% 3ashin ton .no kiddin /% o*er to #oses Jake% ho!e of a key under round "ase% then up -nterstate M' to Bitz*ille% +here +e ran out of a!!o. (hat +as a ood stoppin place% since itOs +here the road fro! the (ri-Cities to 2pokane ends. (he (ri-Cities of Central 3ashin ton are filthy ri ht no+ +ith under round facilities% un"usted to+ers and se*eral nukes on the surface and% +e suspect% !ore than an a*era e nu!"er of 9$$B7 arrays. 2herry Dliza"eth and +e "usted so!e !a)or stuff there last +inter "efore +e realized that each to+er needs to "e "usted indi*idually. 3e need to o "ack to 6airchild $ir 6orce Base% +hich is &' !iles or so alon Bte &% north+est of 2pokane "ecause +e felt it +ould eat into our a!!o supply too !uch% and it can "e easily done in a day trip fro! our ho!e% co!"ined +ith so!e Bi City shoppin . 3e did "ust so!e of the peripheral to+ers% arrays and 9$$B7 facilities in the *icinity% thou h% and +hile dri*in to+ard a distant 9$$B7 array% +e spotted the "i radar do!e on a secondary hi h+ay. (o et to it% +e had to dri*e fi*e !iles alon a ra*el road% and alon another ra*el road on the +ay "ack to Bte &. (hou h these roads +ere recently raded% the rhyth!ic O"arsO +ent unifor!ly across the road and it e8tended for !iles fro! the radar do!e. 3eO*e dri*en on a lot of ra*el roads and one can al+ays dri*e alon the ed e of the road or in the other lane to et a+ay fro! those irritatin +ash"oard "u!ps% "ut not on these roads. Carol said +hate*er is "ein trans!itted fro! that do!e is so stron that it created that effect on the ra*el roads. (he ener y +as particularly "ad around that "i +hite do!e and there +as a s!aller% older do!e near"y that +as also pu!pin out a hu e *olu!e of dead or one. 0ne to+er "uster each +as all that +as needed% thou h% accordin to !y +ife% +ho sees ener y% like - see this co!puter screen. 3e did so!e of the stuff around the air"ase after that and +erenOt +atchin the sky !uch until the hea*y o*ercast and rain cleared in a "i hole o*erhead. 3e sa+ that the hole +as centered o*er the distant radar do!e% +hich +as shrouded in a *ery dark !ass of fo in the shape of a !ushroo! cloud% reachin a couple of thousand feet altitude. -t +asnOt !o*in !uch. (o date% thatOs the freakiest at!ospheric ano!aly -O*e +itnessed. -t rates hi her than any of the @60s +eO*e seen. Do% do % do% "ust those radar do!es5 @2$6 -ntelli ence By then% +e +ere on our +ay to Coulee City. 3e stopped to do a roadside to+er and sa+ a youn fello+ +ith a cre+ cut in a <eep 3a oneer "ehind us as +e turned off the hi h+ay. 3e dro*e do+n the road a hundred yards or so to turn around and look for a ood spot to toss the to+er "uster "ut that fello+ dro*e onto the rounds of the to+er itself and +atched us. - sort of assu!ed he +as an $ir 6orce intelli ence fello+% since he o"*iously
kne+ so!ethin a"out us and +ent strai ht to the to+er. 0f course% he didnOt see +here Carol tossed the (B. 3hen +e turned around% he dro*e out in front of us. - Kuickly ot "ehind hi! as he +as +aitin to et on the hi h+ay% and +hen he +as lookin % - pointed !y fin er at hi!% s!iled and did the thin +ith !y thu!" that !i!ics a pistol ha!!er. 9e didnOt see! to think it +as funny. Carol said he +as an officer. - felt honored that they didnOt send so!e runt out to spy on us. 2ha!e on you% $ir 6orce uy% for un+ittin ly supportin this horrid +orld re i!e5 Countin coup on these spooks is )ust as !uch fun as "ustin their "ossesO to+er net+ork. ?ou really should try it5 0ne of their t+o en ine tur"oprop spy planes took off ri ht after that and follo+ed us around into the ni ht. $nother honor. 0f course% the only thin they e*er sa+ +as !e% +a*in at the!. Ceystone 2pooks -t +as si8ty !iles a+ay% in 3il"ur% +here +e spotted the three little fed cars-t+o +hite ones and a red one-parked in a little cluster on a side street. (+o had OCity 7arcelO in nondescript% red *inyl .re!o*a"le/ letters on the doorsno phone nu!"er or other -D. (he red one +as the sa!e sort of car% perhaps a Neo% and +as red. (he dri*ers of the +hite cars +ere standin % talkin % and +hen - lanced at the! .they had a ood *ie+ of cars co!in and oin on the !ain road/ the older of the t+o ot that O0h% 2--t5O look on his face that -O*e co!e to en)oy seein so !uch. 2o!ethin sort of snapped in !e and - decided to confront the! this ti!e. By the ti!e - could turn around% thou h% only the older uy +as there and he +as sittin in his car% lookin strai ht ahead "y the ti!e - ot there. shouted a reetin at hi! +hen - dro*e alon side% as his +indo+s +ere closed. 9e didnOt !o*e his head% so turned around up the street and dro*e alon side a ain% shouted and +histled until he looked at !e. 9e looked pretty !ad% "ut - felt a+fully da!n ood. Co*ert 7sychicsR Carol said the red car "elon ed to the psychic of the roup. - donOt kno+ ho+ it is +ith you on your patrols% "ut e*ery "o8 .they +ish/ sur*eillance tea! that ets assi ned to us has a psychic. (hey often pick red cars. Carol says itOs an e o thin +ith the!. - donOt think their e os ha*e !uch fun +hen they et assi ned to us. 3eOre "uyin so!e handcuffs and +eOll dan le the! in *ie+ of all the spooks that are stupid enou h to follo+ us fro! no+ on. (heyOre !akin the!sel*es pretty scarce these days around here as it is. - +onder ho+ !any "i holes a "o8 can ha*e and still "e called a "o8. - think they put the ne+co!ers on us +ithout tellin the! a"out the hazards% )ust for fun. 3e like that a!e% too. $ coulee is a canyon in 3ashin ton. - donOt kno+ +hy they call the! coulees-pro"a"ly fro! the 6rench. 3ithout a topo raphical atlas% +hoe*er "usts to+ers in the Dastern half of 3ashin ton and the southern half of -daho +ill find these coulees pro"le!atic .assu!in there +ill "e any to+ers left to "ust there after 1o*e!"er/. ?ou can "e dri*in alon in a ently rollin prairie and co!e to a thousand foot drop +here a distant ice a e lake e!ptied and car*ed a coulee on its rush to+ard the sea. (he Colu!"ia Nor e is +here the coulees in Dastern 3ashin ton all lead. 3e turned onto a ra*el road that led to+ard an array that day and +e could see the sa!e apparent road oin all the +ay to the to+ers% a"out fi*e !iles a+ay% "ut in fact% +e had to dri*e 1L !iles to et there "ecause a s!all coulee interrupted the road to there. Nood thin +e had that atlas5 ?our o+n state .assu!in youOre in the @2/ likely has its o+n *ersion of De Jor!eOs $(J$2 $1D N$ED(DDB. 3e ha*e the! for -daho% 3ashin ton and 1orthern California ri ht no+ and +ill et #ontana and 0re on as our to+er "ustin ho""y pro resses. 1oted Nates -tOs a ood thin +e disco*ered that arrays can "e "usted fro! re!ote locations "y intelli ently applyin an 99 or t+o alon +ith so!e to+er "usters% strun out fro! the 99 location. $ll of the access roads are "ein ated
and locked no+. - consider their ne+ strate y of lockin the ates leadin to arrays their #a inot Jine-too little% too late. 3eOre like a little holy panzer di*ision% doin an end run V-/ 2ince -O*e co!e to assu!e that e*ery crisis is an opportunity% as - +as conte!platin those redundant locks on the chain holdin the ate to a "utte-top array closed% it see!ed like a fun idea to lea*e a note for the 12$/C-$ tucked in the chain% so - +rote one up on the "ack of an e8press !ail receipt that had !y na!e and address on it% si ned it% rolled it up and tucked it in a chain link. -t +as a short note% sayin that +e had )ust "usted the array +ith a holy hand renade and that +e didnOt need to o to the array in order to do it. 9ereOs +hat -O! oin to run off a fe+ hundred copies of at CinkoOs shortly and start lea*in on the ates at all the to+ers and arrays hereafter: -f youOre readin this note% youOre "ein infor!ed that -% Don Croft% ha*e placed an or onite de*ice% +hich - call a O(o+er BusterO in the *icinity of this to+er. - did that to neutralize the considera"le *olu!e of deadly ener y that it +as trans!ittin . (his effort is a s!all part of an on oin international pro)ect desi ned to disa"le the har!ful effects of these ne+ trans!itters. $s youOre readin this% there are people on e*ery continent of the lo"e +ho are "ustin the to+ers +here they li*e% all actin on their o+n. #ost of us !ake our o+n (o+er Busters. -f youOre a technician +ho earns a li*elihood +orkin on these to+ers% "e assured that +e donOt hold you responsi"le for the da!a e theyOre doin to the at!osphere and to the people +ho li*e +ithin ran e of the!. 3hat - did doesnOt interfere +ith le iti!ate co!!unication freKuencies% "ut it has disa"led specific e8tre!ely lo+ freKuencies and also the specific radio and !icro+a*e freKuencies that are desi ned specifically to do har!. By the +ay% after "ustin these to+ers for nearly a year and readin all thatOs a*aila"le on their technical aspects .+hich is ne8t to nothin / -O! still uncon*inced that they ha*e anythin at all to do +ith cell phones or le iti!ate co!!unication technolo y. Disa"lin predatory ener y is si!ply a feature of ho+ or onite +orks. 6or infor!ation on this su")ect% study!"! and its resources% thou h of course youOd need to e8peri!ent on your o+n +ith this si!ple !aterial in order to actually understand it. - sincerely hope you +ill do so. 7lease feel free to contact !e personally% any ti!e. -tOs hi hly unlikely that you ha*e any real infor!ation a"out +hat youO*e installed and/or are ser*icin . 7erhaps% if you did youOd find other% less har!ful% thou h less lucrati*e in the short ter!% e!ploy!ent. -f you do kno+ so!ethin a"out the har! this is doin % "ut are +orkin here% any+ay% sha!e on you5 -f youOre an intelli ence operati*e and are readin this% you need to et another )o" no+ "ecause youOre closer to the core of this dis ustin re i!e and that re i!e is a"out to o do+n. -f youOre farther up the ladder in the 12$/C-$% you pro"a"ly already kno+ that your unconstitutional )o" is a"out to "e ter!inated "y popular !andate. -tOs inconcei*a"le that you donOt kno+ so!ethin a"out its predatory a enda. (hat !akes you% if not culpa"le% at least an accessory to the !ost reprehensi"le of cri!inal acti*ity: treason. - su est that you !ake other arran e!ent for your li*elihood "efore this dinosaur of a +orld order co!es crashin do+n on you% personally% in itOs i!!inent death throes. - "et you already kno+ that youO*e ot no )o" security% e*en if youOre )ust one of the "o8 sur*eillance runts +ho follo+ us around. .si nature here/ Don Croft 1M1L 3. Fie+ Dr.
#osco+% -daho S:S4: @2$ [email protected] - +as thinkin of co!posin this lo*e letter for the past fe+ days% "ut Neor in <ohannes"ur % +ho has http://+++.or!% is the first person to announce a si!ilar plan on the foru!. -O! particularly ratified to see that -O! not the only one +ho has concei*ed this strate y. By the +ay% - hope !any people +ill deputize his efforts to "rin rain to drou ht-stricken Ei!"a"+e and stop the process thatOs leadin to fa!ine there. 9e has the capa"ility of re*olutionizin the fortunes of the entire southern part of the continent and it +ould only take a !odest ."y @2 standards/ a!ount of !oney to carry that to co!pletion. 3e found an array that !ay include so!e prototype dead or one trans!ittin eKuip!ent. -t o*erlooks the to+n of Uuincy% 3ashin ton% +hich is fairly notorious for its hi h cri!e rate. (he per capita concentration of to+ers in that to+n is t+ice as hi h as the a*era e. 3e spotted the hu e J0B$1 .9$$B7/ array fro! Uuincy and thou ht it +as fi*e !iles a+ay% "ased on the size of the usual 4-trans!itter 9$$B7 arrays that +e routinely "ust. $ctually% itOs at least t+ice as "i as the latter. 3e finally arri*ed after reachin Neor e% 3ashin ton. (hatOs the little to+n on the ed e of the Colu!"ia Nor e% +hich hosts "i concerts in the su!!er. (hereOs a natural for!ation thatOs used as an a!phitheater there% kno+n in 2eattle as O(he Nor e at Neor e.O 3e dro*e ri ht up to the trans!itter array% +hich +as surrounded "y a fence and had a ated entrance. (he Coast Nuard has "uildin s +ithin the co!pound. 3e "uried the sin le ordinary 99 not far fro! the road oin in. 0f course itOs a 9$$B7 facility. 7erhaps it still has J0B$1 functions% perhaps not-+ho caresR (here isnOt !uch dead or one produced "y le iti!ate co!!unication and na*i ation freKuencies. J0B$1 2tations -O! sure these J0B$1 stations are !a)or players in the electronic disruption of natural +eather patterns in each re ion of the lo"e. N72 has !ade the! entirely redundant for na*i ation. (heyOre a"solutely filthy +ith dead or one production. 0rdinary radio trans!issions donOt look like that% Carol tells !e. <esse Ealoudek "usted a !a)or J0B$1 facility north of 2an 6rancisco and durin that day he reported the hea*iest round sur*eillance of his array-"ustin career to date. $rrays are <esseOs specialty. - hope youOll try his ne+ line of 9ootenized (o+er Busters and 9oly 9and renades. (his +ill help you et a )u!p start if this is still unfa!iliar to you and it +ill help <esse et to !ore predatory arrays and take the! out. 0ne of <esseOs confir!ations is that heOs one of the fe+ road +arriors in this pro)ect +hoOs otten o*ert interference fro! the fed spooks in the field. 2o far% <esse% <eff Ba aley% Carol% #elody and - are the only ones +ho ha*e e8perienced that% as far as +e kno+. - consider it an endorse!ent% and tellin a"out it not only pro*ides protection for us% it lo+ers the o*erall chutzpah score for the felonious feds and reduces the fear factor in +ould-"e road +arriors% hopefully. -O*e co!e to "elie*e that the alle ed har! "ein done to the planet "y radio and !icro+a*e trans!issions in eneral .aside fro! these o*ertly predatory to+er net+orks/% is !ostly )ust Juddite hype and !ental pro ra!!in % desi ned to Oencoura eO us to e!"race a si!pler .read: toilso!e/ life style. (hat !ay "e another of the re i!eOs #a inot Jines% thou h% "ecause .- truly "elie*e/ +eOre on the *er e of adoptin non-in*asi*e% none8ploiti*e co!!unication technolo y. $s +ith the issue of Opollution fro! e*il auto!o"ilesO this O6or+ard% into the past5O a enda is likely !oot. -O! assu!in you kno+ that free ener y technolo y is a"out to replace the petroleu! industry% )ust as alternati*e healin is a"out to replace the !edical/dru cartel. -f you donOt kno+ that% +hy not i*e it so!e serious thou ht and in*esti ation% not to !ention e8peri!entationR 9oly #oses5 #oses Jake has a "i "ase under round% (o ca!oufla e the fact that half the to+n +orks there or is connected +ith it throu h the dozen or so hu e corporations +hich ha*e facilities around its fenced% patrolled peri!eter% a
Boein P4P +ith O<apan $irlinesO !arkin s on it does touch and o landin s all day lon % year in% year out% as does a CL-$ fro! ti!e to ti!e. (hatOs the "i est plane in the +orld and "elon s to the @2 $ir 6orce. (here is no other air acti*ity to speak of there% and +e sa+ nothin happenin on the round at all. (his enclosed% patrolled facility +as proclai!ed the OCar o $irportO au8iliary to 2D$($C% +hich is the "i air ter!inal "et+een 2eattle and (aco!a% 1L' !iles +est of #oses Jake. - re!e!"er seein that <$J plane doin the sa!e thin years a o% each ti!e - dro*e fro! the 2eattle area% +here - had a si n "usiness then% to *isit !y "rother here in -daho and - assu!ed - +as seein e*idence of a *ery "usy air ter!inal. (he )et flies a"out ten !iles a+ay "efore turnin around to land each ti!e. 2o +hoe*er is dri*in throu h the area +ould naturally !ake the sa!e assu!ption. $re the people in #oses Jake all "rain-dead or dru edR -t +asnOt a +orkday +hen +e +ere snoopin around the peri!eter of the "ase% lookin for places to put our doo!sday .for their nasty acti*ities/ de*ices% and there +as little traffic. 3e +ere follo+ed around "y a old Cadillac% +hich had four senior citizens inside% includin the dri*er. Carol said the uy is a "i +i in to+n +ho Okno+s so!ethin O a"out the acti*ity under round and that he *a uely kne+ +hat +e +ere up to. - assu!ed theyOd )ust "een to a steak house or a re*i*al or so!ethin . - pulled o*er% and he e*entually dro*e slo+ly past. - s!iled and +a*ed and he did the sa!e. - +ouldnOt ha*e dan led handcuffs in his face% since he o"*iously +asnOt a pro. Do - i*e the i!pression that -O! not discreet so!eti!esR (here are a lar e nu!"er of to+ers per capita in the to+n of #oses Jake% as there are in Uuincy% +hich is in the sa!e *alley% a"out &' !iles to the north+est. -t took us Kuite a +hile to "ust the! all "ecause the to+nOs di*ided "y se*eral parts of the lake and +e didnOt "uy a city !ap. By the ti!e +e +ere done in the late afternoon% a hu e% a!orphous +hite cloud +as de*elopin o*er the "ase in the no+-9$$B7-free sky. -t +as typical of the ne+ kind of clouds +eO*e "een seein +hen +e "ust to+ers in a lar e area in a sin le day. (here +as a ro+ of s!all% +hite lenticular clouds around the part of the peri!eter of that ne+ cloud that +as closer to us. (he nearest 9$$B7 trans!itters +ere si8ty !iles a+ay% +e esti!atedV too far for the re i!e to et definiti*e results in their effort to destroy that potential thunderstor!% and Carol said the Je!urians had decided to anchor +hat +eOd done on the round and nurture the at!osphere o*er that "ase. 3e had "usted the s!o fields all day "y si!ply disa"lin the to+ers in the!. 0f course thereOs no lo ical e8planation for s!o in far!in country .if youOre usin that old% "roken-do+n lo ic they tau ht you at #-(% that is/. Jenticular OCloudsO (he sun set as +e continued our patrol% northeast alon --M' to+ard to+er-free 2pokane. - +as astonished% then% to see that the lenticular clouds are apparently a lot denser than the hi her% surroundin clouds. (hey look +hite fro! "elo+ durin the day% "ut in the li ht of dusk theyOre dark. Jarry in <apan is the first person to tell !e that he .and his +ife/ sa+ the pink and reen ri! around a li ht% lo+altitude lenticular cloud. 3e didnOt see that today% "ut it +as nice to et that o"ser*ation fro! so!e"ody else% and fro! so far a+ay. (heyOre also seein the *ery dark lenticular clouds% +hich Carol and - "elie*e hide predatory reptilian craft. 3e donOt see those in 1orth $!erica any !ore% no+ that the CB net+orkers ha*e closed off their access to the surface +orld +ith so!e Osur icalO inter*entions. - kno+ itOs hard for !ost of !y readers to e*en conte!plate the e8istence of reptilians% Je!urians and other roups +e discuss here% "ut you really shouldnOt take +hat - +rite to heart unless you ha*e so!e corro"orati*e e*idence to "ack up +hat -O! tellin you. -f - can con*ince you to "ust the to+ers +here you li*e% !y oal is acco!plished. 3hy not adopt a O+ait and seeO attitude to+ard the other thin s - !ention no+ and thenR 3e !ay soon see if -O! reportin *ia"le infor!ation re ardin uncon*entional races and species or -O! si!ply delusional
a"out the!. (hereOs no denyin the results +eOre ettin +ith the or onite de*ices at any rate% and anyone can replicate those results. (he first ti!e +e sa+ one of those pink and reen ri!!ed lenticular clouds +as in Dastern 0re on% +est of Boise% -daho% +hen +e +ere oin after so!e key 9$$B7 facilities last su!!er in support of the #ortonOs to+er "ustin ca!pai n in 2outhern -daho. (hat ti!e% +e dro*e under the cloud so that +e +ould ha*e "een in its shado+. -t cast no shado+ on the round at all% thou h the surroundin clouds% +hich looked to "e the sa!e consistency% did cast shado+s. -t really pays to look up. -O! encoura in e*eryone to look carefully at the sky and s!o conditions "efore and after a day of to+er "ustin and to +ork syste!atically and report all of the o"ser*ations on the foru! for the sake of science% education and pu"lic record. 2o!e successful to+er "ustin folks see! to "e afraid of lookin like a kook% e*en thou h se*eral people ha*e reported the sa!e results -O*e descri"ed so often. (he pattern and strate y +ill re*eal itself to you early on in the day% donOt +orry. <ust rela8 and consider it an outin . (hatOs +hat +e do. (his is the only ti!e that +e spend entirely +ith each other these days% so +e look for+ard to our patrols +ith so!ethin like yearnin . -f you do the a"o*e% youOll et the *isual confir!ations you deser*e% donOt +orry. (o+er Busters 0f -ou7re in an a'erage si9ed to4n5 from 2& to 5&5&&& peop$e and -ou don7t fee$ $i/e ma/ing -our o4n To4er Busters5 -ou 3an get them read- made= >ne bat3h 4i$$ disab$e a$$ of the to4ers -ou7re $i'ing under the poisonous inf$uen3e of right no4 and -our $ife and those of e'er-one in -our to4n 4i$$ be s4eeter 4ithin minutes of finishing that simp$e tas/5 0 guarantee= (ou 3an safe$- figure one To4er Buster for ea3h 155&& peop$e in -our to4n5 and get three ho$- handgrenades to disab$e the arra-s that 4i$$ $i/e$- be easi$- seen on the to4n7s outs/irts= There are usua$$- t4o? one on either side of to4n= 0f there are hi$$s 4here -ou $i'e5 the arra-s 4i$$ be on top of them=
;DditorOs 1ote: Don !entioned so!ethin to !e at the "e innin of this )ournal entry that - think e*eryone should read: Did you kno+ that the feds are no+ "ulldozin the areas around their fa*orite "usted to+ers in J$ and Chica o% at leastR #etal detectors +onOt find or onite de*ices. 3e put the! )ust far enou h a+ay that "ulldozin is not one of their +orka"le options V-/. - su est to folks that they put off +orryin a"out 7lanet Q and start "ustin to+ers. -f the feds et their +ay this fall% +eOll all +elco!e so!e Kuick death fro! an errant planet ne8t sprin . Cen $dachi=
By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc41stoppin !uha!edhar*eyos+ald14oct'&.sht!l 0cto"er 1r% &''& - !ay "e doin !ore than pushin the en*elope +ith so!e of !y readers +ith this e8ercise. @ntil no+% you !ay ha*e "een a!used% at "est% "y !y !ore arcane su estions and clai!s% "ut - think our ti!e for effecti*e action a ainst this unla+ful +orld re i!e is runnin out unless +e can disa"le the current ploy thatOs perhaps desi ned to destroy the last of our freedo! and put us on the fast track to+ard !artial la+ and O9o!eland 2ecurity.O Dast Coast O2niperO #urders C"s +orkOs assess!ent that the strin of !urders last +eek% patterned to lead to 3ashin ton% DC% are "ein carried out "y a tea! of ten C-$ operati*es-three shooters% one handler and a Ocleanup cre+O to take care of lo istics and co*er the snipersO tracks. (his led !y psychic +ife% Carol% to realize that this is directly connected to the planned @2 political assassination that she and se*eral other psychics had seen scheduled for 0cto"er. 0n (he 3aterfront 2i8 of us foiled an atte!pt "y o*ern!ent a ents on <uly 4 to "lo+ up part of the cro+d on the Chica o +aterfront durin the annual fire+orks display. -n that case% one of the C"ers +ho is a professional psychic +as already on the )o"% tryin to disa"le the "o!"% and he e!ailed !e earlier in the day% la!entin ha*in to do it alone. - told hi! -Oll see a"out roundin up so!e folks +ith 2uccor 7unches and in a couple of hours there +ere si8 of us% fro! t+o countries% i*in it our full attention% as +ere so!e Je!urians and nice off-+orlders% apparently. Durin that ti!e% t+o people +ere shot "y a Olone un!anO at the Dl $l ticket counter in J$Q% the air ter!inal in Jos $n eles thatOs surrounded "y 9oly 9and renades. (o so!e of us% the fact that 17B played this do+n as ha*in nothin to do +ith terroris! speaks *olu!es to the effecti*eness of the or onite de*ices that the J$$B7 distri"uted in the *icinity. (he BockefellersO 17B ;1ational 7u"lic Badio= is rattlin their sa"er louder than any other alle ed ne+s net+ork ri ht no+% so - assu!e they +ould ha*e )u!ped at a chance to do their succu"us +ork +ith that shooter in J$ if only heOd "een a"le to kill a lot !ore people. Classic !aneu*er: "o!" a "unch of innocents in Chica o% ri ht after a Ocold-"looded a ent of e*il 2adda!O .)ust another #C @ltra stoo e/ shoots a "unch of people in a cro+ded air ter!inal half+ay across the country. 3elco!e to a ne+% safer OsecureO $!erica5 .Bun for the hills5 V-/ 0ur state% -daho% +ouldnOt "e a pusho*er% no+ that the to+er net+ork here is disa"led. 1or +ould the ad)acent areas in 3ashin ton 2tate. - uess the Canadian 9o!eland 2ecurity eKui*alent in (oronto% Fancou*er and 9alifa8% at least% +ould need to +orry a"out #oloto* cocktails there% and +hate*er uns the locals found prudent not to turn in a fe+ years "ack. <ohannes"ur !i ht et another chance at an O0ran e 6ree 2tate%O and oodly parts of 9olland% Bel iu!% 1a!i"ia and $ustralia +ould no+ "e pro"le!atic for Bi Brother. - hope that other people in the +orld are disa"lin the to+ers as fast as +e are no+ in our area. CB 6oru!
7lease let the ne+ cloud"uster foru! kno+ if youO*e done it and appro8i!ately ho+ "i your li"erated territory is5 (ellin a"out it is a *ery% *ery *alua"le incenti*e to et others to do the sa!e-donOt you realize that5 Best assured the re i!e kno+s a"out each to+er you "ust +ithin !inutes and so!e"odyOs usually +aitin do+n the road to et a li!pse of +here youOll "e tossin your ne8t to+er "uster% so your secrecy isnOt protectin you fro! those )erks. DJ6 (o+ers D*eryone else on the planet +ould "e thro+n painfully to the round% floppin like fish out of +ater% e*ery ti!e their *ersion of 9o!eland 2ecurity presses the Odisa"le the local populaceO "utton in order to restore order or round up the latest list of patriots. (hereOs a *erse in the Bi"leOs 0ld (esta!ent that says% O#y people perish for lack of kno+led e.O . /dclateston!cto+erarrays&L!ay'&.sht!l/ - )ust read that those ra ta Chechens are +innin another +ar "ein +a ed on the! "y the Bed $r!y .are our 2pecial 6orces helpin the Bussians this ti!e% tooR/ -f the Chechens can do it% - suppose +e can if +e ha*e to. -Od rather replace the re i!e +ith real o*ern!ents "efore thin s et to that point here% +ouldnOt youR $ 6e+ Nood #en .I 3o!en/ -O! +ritin this for the sake of the *ery fe+ people +ho +ill read this% take it to heart and do so!ethin constructi*e +ith us. - donOt e8pect anyone else to take it seriously and - donOt !ind lookin like a chu!p to the latter or "ein lau hed at "y fools. -t +ould "e +onderful if so!e of the !edia +hores find it useful to tell a"out +hat +eOre doin and lau h a"out it as theyOre shufflin their yello+ papers. (hereOs no such thin as "ad pu"licity. -f youOre keyed into the to+er "ustin process% you pro"a"ly kno+ that the "est e*idence that ti!eOs runnin out is that the feds are no+ "ulldozin the round around so!e of their !ore i!portant disa"led trans!itters in an effort to re!o*e the to+er "usters. #etal detectors are disa"led "y or onite% so theyO*e apparently i*en up tryin to find the! and re!o*e the!. 1eeded: 7sychic -nter*ention 9ereOs !y proposal: +hile !ost other psychics and +ell-+ishers ha*e "een duped into )oinin the current lo*e and li ht peace ca!pai n in un+ittin con)unction +ith the lo*eless% "eni hted nazis at the @1% -O! askin e*eryone% +ho feels so inclined% to )oin our current effort to cause the C-$ !urder tea! to lose its focus and% in particular% !o*e in on the "oss of the operation +ith e*ery la+ful !eans at our disposal and disa"lin hi! lon "efore any political assassination can "e carried out "y the shooters. -O! talkin a"out the C-$ official +hoOs pullin the strin s and callin the shots% not necessarily the !urderersO field "oss% thou h heOs fair a!e% too. - think ti!eOs too short to "e sKuea!ish. 3hen the federal o*ern!ent% itself% is !anifestly !urderous% there is no real federal o*ern!ent% so +hat else can +e doR -f +e donOt do this% +ho +illR ?ou can "et they didnOt "other to set up a protecti*e psychic net around these skunks. (hat +ould ha*e slo+ed us do+n% at "est% "ut ti!eOs short. - kno+ there are enou h psychics on this foru! to do the )o"% "ut this is a a!e anyone can play% and !ore is "etter in this case. 6or those +ho ha*e 2uccor 7unches and/or Bi 2ecrets% all thatOs necessary is to et an i!a e in our !inds of that fello+ and send hi! +hate*er ener y +e feel is appropriate. -f youOre not in touch +ith your o+n doppel an er% no+ !i ht "e a ood ti!e to et o*er your shyness and ask hi!/her/it to o to +ork for you. 2o!e people donOt need any tools at all to do this +ork. (ry to !o*e "eyond +hat is con*entionally considered OappropriateO in this case. -f the local cops there +ere to et +ind of this% !ost of the! +ould find it appropriate to fill the "astards full of lead. 3e donOt need to do that. 1i ht Fisitor 9ereOs +hat - did last ni ht +ith our latest astral *isitors. (his uy is a Bussian% +orkin for one of the dark !asters. 9eOs the !ost persistent psychic attacker +eO*e !et so far.
9e +ent after <enny% +hoOs "een feelin terrific% "y the +ay. 9e had failed to et the "est of Carol for the past +eek. $round !idni ht% +hen Carol and <enny hadnOt "een !akin !uch head+ay +ith this )erk% - si!ply asked !y doppel an er% throu h !y Bi 2ecret% to o after hi! in the for! of a lar e% "lack panther and take a fe+ "loody chunks out of hi!-na!ely his throat and a"do!inal *iscera. Carol said that did the trick -Oll "e surprised ."ut ready/ if he co!es "ack a ain. -O! apparently not done +ith his !aster yet. 9e +as still "ein chased around "y that panther +hen - fell asleep. (his is reat fun-it +orks e*en "etter on the less-capa"le 12$/C-$% C2-2 and/or -nterpol psyops people youOre pro"a"ly ettin harassed "y ri ht no+ if youOre acti*ely "ustin their trans!itters. - hope youO*e found% as +e ha*e% that no"ody +ho +orks for the re i!e can ha*e any po+er o*er us no+. -Oll keep a runnin account here and - hope youOll do the sa!e. -t !ay "e surprisin to find ho+ consistent our e8periences +ill "e and this can "e a terrific educational e8ercise for e*eryone. 6eel free to start your o+n thread in the foru!% of course. -f youOd rather use the lo*e and li ht approach% thatOs fine% too-- !ean that. Don Croft
Episode 42 The Tonas/et Barter 6air By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc4&tonasket"arterfair&4oct'&.sht!l 0cto"er &4% &''& Carol and #elody,s latest opportunity for a +ell-deser*ed "reak fro! their hus"ands% the Croft "rothers% ca!e last +eek. -n this part of the country% the Barter 6airs are a ti!e-honored institution% perhaps a continuation of the old -ndian 7otlatch. #elody and <i! started one in 2anta% -daho% a"out t+enty years a o% that is a lon -a+aited e*ent for !any folks in the re ion% "ut the pre!iu! annual Barter 6air happens in (onasket% 3ashin ton% on a s!all plateau on the Col*ille -ndian Beser*ation a"out fifty !iles fro! the 0ro*ille "order crossin into Canada. 0ro*ille - had +ritten earlier that the 0ro*ille "order crossin is +here the 3ashin ton Constitutional #ilitia confronted a hu e con*oy of Bussian troops in 1MM4 +hen they atte!pted to cross o*er the "order and into the H1orth Cascades -nternational 7eace 7ark., (he fact that those resolute !ilitia!en in their pickups +ere successful in turnin the! "ack is precisely +hy the plans for that Hpeace .the re i!e,s *ersion of peace% not ours/ park, +as no lon er !entioned and Kuickly re*erted to a H1ational 7ark, a ain. - suspect the Bussians found another route onto .into/ @2 soil after that% "ecause Carol picks up their thou hts +hen +e,re in the *icinity of under round "ases% +hich is one reason +e,re "ustin all the to+ers in our re ion% of course. -f the Chechens can +hip the Bussians, "utts t+ice% you kno+ that +e can if +e ha*e to% as lon as the deathforce trans!itters are disa"led+hich they certainly are no+ in our re ion. -,d rather e!"race the! as friends and +elco!e the! to !y fine country. (he choice is theirs% of course. 3e don,t "la!e the! for +hat the re i!e does% )ust as +e don,t "la!e our fathers and randfathers for "ein the re i!e,s !ercenaries in all the conflicts since 1S6L. - !ade up 6' (o+er Busters and si8 holy hand renades for the! and #elody took alon a plethora of her 9ar!onizers. 9ere,s +here - take out !y ne+ di ital !essa e recorder. - ot it "ecause - didn,t +ant to !iss any of the thin s Carol +as to tell !e a"out their e*entful trip. Bein naturally shy% she cla!!ed up +hen - put the thin in her face. -t +as a "it like coa8in a toddler to open up. 6ortunately% after she ot oin % it ca!e out in a flood and - ot e*ery little "it5 - for ot to !ention that <enny% Carols, 16 yr old dau hter% +ent alon . 9er )o" on the road +as to toss out the (o+er Busters as they found DJ6 to+ers on the hi h+ay leadin north out of 2pokane. $fter they ot on -ndian land% the to+ers +ere essentially a"sent. 7ortal $cti*ity <ust o*er the !ountain pass "eyond Cettle 6alls% #elody and Carol sensed reptilians and sure enou h% the under round d+ellers had reacti*ated another portal% +hich !ust ha*e "een unused for !illennia. #elody "uried one of her 9ar!onizers there and that +as the end of the acti*ity. Carol said that the presence +as pretty fee"le% they +ere si!ply resi ned to losin the portal this ti!e and that nothin !uch +ould ha*e co!e of it any+ay. 2ince +e closed the portals on Bainier and 2t. 9elens% they,*e "een pretty "usy !akin a ne+ one so!eplace else% to the e8clusion of any parasitic/predatory acti*ity in our re ion as the re i!e,s cohorts. #elody felt "ad a"out doin that. 2he hates to do anythin that,s hurtful% "ut Carol assured her that none of the reptilians +ould "e har!ed. (hey don,t need to "e in the surface +orld ri ht no+. 12$ Beporters 2e*eral of the cops they passed on the hi h+ay called the! into the 12$% "ut +hen they ot to the fair% all the cops and pa*e!ent artists +ere !ore in*ol*ed +ith keepin track of the dopers. -n so!e years% 1'%''' people sho+ up for this e*ent. (he only ti!e the +o!en encountered the reKuisite anti-or onite 12$/C-$ psyops tea! +as on the first day. -n this case% they +ere a couple of !iddle a ed folks in !atchin reen *ests and caps +ho +ere o"*iously out of
place a!on the hippies and !ountain people. (he +o!an +as !ar inally co!petent and had sort of ske+ered #elody% psychically. #elody felt it and then tried starin the +o!an do+n. 2he asked Carol% H3hat do - do% +hat do - doR, and Carol told her to think of so!ethin else. 2o she started runnin 2carecro+,s son fro! (he 3izard of 0z: H-f - 0nly 9ad a Brain%, !entally and the psychics "roke contact and they "oth +ent a+ay% not to return. - "et they +ere happy to lea*e. (hey had set up the cloud"uster ri ht a+ay so there +ouldn,t "e any unpleasant +eather for the +eekend. 0f course% the rain that +as forecast didn,t arri*e% nor +as there any custo!ary stron autu!n +ind on that hi h plateau. (he +o!en slept co!forta"ly in the Eapporiu!% +hich has a nice yacht heater in it. Carol took alon the little FCB +ith a JCD screen and Carol kept askin her to turn it do+n "ecause she didn,t feel it +as in keepin +ith the spirit of the lo+-tech-oriented atherin . - think Carol for ot to !ention that neither are the co!"ustion en ines in the parked *ehicles or the 7$ syste! "ein used there. Fisitors 1ot lon er after the CB +as erected% a hu e trian le ship sho+ed up. Carol and #elody +ere a+are of it% especially #elody% +ho +as ettin "ea!ed fro! it. (he thin +as so "i that it +as castin a shado+ in the sky and +as close to the sun,s position. (he round shado+ +asn,t apparent% thou h it !ay ha*e "een on the other side of the !ountain. #elody pointed the CB at it and Carol pointed her 2uccor 7unch at it and it +as one in a *ery fe+ !inutes. Bi ht after it fled% a "unch of li ht lenticular clouds sho+ed up around +here it +as located. (hese +ere the Je!urians. (he ship +as one of the re i!e,s B 2irian consorts, ships% pro"a"ly slated to participate in the phony alien in*asion later this 6all. Carol said it +asn,t one of the "i &' or"itin B 2irian space stations. 2o!e of the folks there reco nized the cloud"uster "ecause there are a "unch of the! around 0ro*ille no+. (ypical of !ost CB "uilders% they ne*er told us a"out their de*ices. -,! )ust lad they !ade the!% thou h. (hey ot the infor!ation off the -nternet and decided it +as +orth a try% then others !ade !ore. (hat,s ho+ ood really ood ne+s spreads% after all. OBuildin -nspectorsO 9ere,s +hat so!e of the locals said a"out +hat,s happenin in the areas close to the national "order near 0ro*ille no+: #ysterious +hite trucks sho+ up at the houses and ca"ins near the "order in the +oods and the fello+s in the! tell the people that they,re "uildin inspectors. (hey poke around% then tell the residents that their houses aren,t up to code and that they,ll need to do thus and so in order to et the! up to code "y a deadline% or else they,ll ha*e to lea*e. 3hen they et to the stores% they,re all told that the supplies are not a*aila"le. Darlier this year% a lot of forest fires +ere started "y H"all li htnin %, and there +ere se*eral 9$$B7 +ind e*ents Gtypically% PL!ph +inds that felled trees and da!a ed property. (he +o!an +ho told Carol a"out it said that she called the +eather ser*ice and they denied that anythin like that happened in those !ountains "ecause Hit +as i!possi"le., Carol says this is )ust so!e 9$$B7 scalar stuff desi ned to dri*e people out of the area. (he "alls of Hli htnin , +ere seen plu!!etin to the round fro! hi h in the at!osphere and the +inds +ere *ery localized% not part of a frontal syste!. (he "order crossin facilities on "oth sides of the line ha*e "een "eefed up far "eyond +hat one +ould e8pect for such re!ote locations. (he +o!en didn,t dri*e to 0ro*ille% so they don,t kno+ if the to+ers ha*e "een disa"led in that area yet. 0ne can only hope. - !ay connect +ith so!e !ilitia folks near +here +e li*e soon to see if any of the! kno+ a"out +hat +e,re doin . (hey,re a pretty infor!ed% *ery lo+ profile "unch and not at all like the racist% 8enopho"ic paradi ! the !edia has su ested. -,*e learned that all the ethnic roups in $!erica are proportionately represented in the Constitutional 2tate #ilitias. $round here% they operate the 2earch and Bescue operations for so!e of the county 2heriffs. (here,s a lot of +ilderness close to +here +e li*e.
#t. Bainer 9eatin @p 0ne of the !en at the fair had found out that #t. Bainier is thro+in ash no+ and the lakes up on the !ountain are heatin up. 9e sho+ed Carol and #elody a "a ie full of the ne+ ray ash and said the feds follo+ed hi! around +hen he +as there collectin it. 9is i!pression +as that they didn,t appro*e. (he! (heir Dyes $nother !an +ith a lar e i uana draped o*er his shoulder ca!e to *isit the +o!en a fe+ ti!es. 9e +as a friendly fello+% "ut they had the distinct i!pression that he has a lot of reptilian D1$ and in fact% is one of their +alkin H*ideo ca!s., #elody said% H$re you a reptilianR, and the fello+ said he didn,t kno+% "ut that he,s fascinated +ith the Hunder round d+ellers., Carol says that his irlfriend +as an a+ful lot like hi!% also reptilian. (hey ad!itted that !ost other people consider the! really +eird. -,d like to et to kno+ the!% thou h. Carol had asked !e to !ake at least four 99 s% one for each corner of the plateau% "ecause the last ti!e she +ent there +as so!e a+fully intense predatory ener y there% especially durin the all-ni ht dru!!in circles. uess the hippies need to et !ore in touch +ith ho+ the -ndians do that at po++o+s and !ay"e ease up on the ol, hallucino ens a "it to keep the un+anted astral *isitors out of the circle. - didn,t hear +hat happened this year% "ut no ne+s is ood ne+s% - uess. 0n the trip "ack% thou h they +ere !akin a "eeline for Denny,s Bestaurant in 2pokane% they did stop to disa"le a "rand ne+ 9$$B7 array north of 2pokane that +asn,t there four days earlier. (here +as a fed!o"ile +aitin to see +hat the +o!en +ould do a"out it% "ut of course% <enny +as too sharp for the! to see her do the deed V-/. Don Croft
Episode 43 Wat3h The S/By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc4:+atchthesky&6oct'&.sht!l 0cto"er &6% &''& 3atch (he 2ky for D*idence of ?our 2uccess5 -t,s e8tre!ely ratifyin to !e to see that !any are no+ postin a"out their to+er "ustin *ictories. (he only co!ponent that isn,t ettin enou h attention in !ost of these accounts is o"ser*ations of the sky "efore% durin and after si nificant nu!"ers of to+er sites and/or key *ortices% and/or under round "ases ha*e "een healed. 0n our pre*ious t+o-day patrol% in +hich +e "usted the under round "ase at #oses Jake% 3ashin ton% the Coast Nuard J0B$1 .9$$B7/ facility at Neor e .no kiddin /% 3ashin ton% the +eather "all north+est of 2pokane% 3$% and a plethora of lesser arrays and to+ers there +asn,t an e8tre!ely re!arka"le at!ospheric display% other than disappearin s!o % a "i % a!orphous +hite cloud o*er the "usted under round "ase% surrounded "y lo+er altitude li ht% s!all lenticular clouds and an ato!ic-"o!"-cloud-styled% dyna!ic D0B/fo field o*er the "usted +eather "all for a "it +hich i!!ediately follo+ed the Kuick% +idespread cessation of so!e less-than-pleasant rainfall a fe+ !inutes after +e tossed a sin le to+er "uster out the car +indo+ across the road fro! the +eather "all .classic (B dri*e-"y--in fine style% - !i ht add/. D*en if you don,t see these !ore !undane confir!ations% - think you,ll find that +hen you +atch cal!ly and carefully "efore% durin and after your e8cursions you,ll catch a li!pse% at least% of so!e at!osphere ano!alies that are +orthy of postin here. ?ears fro! no+% +hen serious researchers .BD$J scientists% free of institutional a s and shackles/ are lookin throu h our posts% your casual sky o"ser*ations +ill "e solid old. (ry to think of that +hen you et the feelin that so!ethin ,s not +orth !entionin % okayR <ohnny (o+er Buster 9ere,s +hat one can reasona"ly e8pect fro! S hours of !ostly rural to+er "ustin : 3e only had the day for "ustin on 6riday% so +e decided to do so!e !oppin up% !ainly 6airchild $ir 6orce Base and little Cheney% 3ashin ton% +hich are only a hundred !iles a+ay. 2ince +e "usted the Coast Nuard J0B$1 .!a)or% !a)or% !a)or 9$$B7 array for this part of the country/ and the +eather "all 13 of 2pokane the che!trails had not stuck at all here for !ore than a !inute or so% e*en on days +hen +e +ere seein spe+planes e*ery fi*e !inutes% all day lon % tryin to !ake strai ht lines% let alone Q,s. 3e "usted those tra*esties three +eeks a o. 0n 6riday !ornin % +e sa+ spe+ here for the first ti!e since +e did that. -t +as stickin for a"out ten !inutes and the planes +ere flyin "y e*ery fi*e !inutes% so they,d created a "it of a field to the north% out of i!!ediate ran e of our cloud"usters. (his is a patternGhas anyone else noticed itR 3e et a !a)or *ictory o*er the!V they take so!e ti!e to fi ure out a ne+ a!e plan% then )ust as they find a +ay to et spe+ to stick a ain% +e "lo+ the! out of the sky% yet a ain. By the +ay% - don,t kno+ if !any realize this% "ut the spe+ is ettin less and less to8ic. Carol and - are a"solutely con*inced that +hat they,re doin no+ is si!ply tryin to !aintain the perception that "lue skies are not our "irthri ht. 3hat they see! to kno+ is that after years of to8ic +hiteouts people are startin to notice%
thanks to your and our cloud"usters% that the sky is "eautiful a ain. (hat !eans that 7< folks are +akin up en !asse no+% - "elie*e. (his "ein the re i!e,s pri!ary personal terror .a+akened !asses/ they,re in*estin a load of ti!e% !anpo+er% planes and non-to8ic spe+ to !aintain the illusion that they control the skies% not the ood uys. 3hat tickles Carol and !e to death is that the fello+s at the top of the re i!e,s 2pe+ $d!inistration dun heap pro"a"ly are certain that +e kno+ +hat +e,re doin e*ery ti!e +e "lo+ the! out of the sky after their other+ise-"rilliant ne+ strate ies% as +e did on 6riday% a ain. $ctually% +hat +e do% +hich is si!ply to follo+ our instincts% is co!pletely indeciphera"le to those satanic control freaks +ho are una"le to Hkno+, anythin e8cept that they can hurt people and that they are *ulnera"le to e8pressions of their o+n "osses, displeasure. Dri*in north +est to Cheney% +e disco*ered that !ost of the spe+ planes had "een concentratin near +here +e li*e% "ut as the to+er "ustin pro ressed% !ore and !ore of the! sho+ed up o*erhead +here +e +ere +orkin V sort of like flies ather around so!ethin that,s not to "e !entioned in pu"lic racefully and +ill follo+ it if it ets !o*ed around. 3e took care of the stretch of interstate that still needed attention .all of --M' is no+ to+er free fro! #ontana to half+ay across 3ashin ton 2tate/ then +ent to Denny,s% near #edical Jake% for lunch. (he +o!an in Bakersfield +ho !ade the first CB there +orks at Denny,s. 3hen +e +ent into the restaurant the spe+ lines +ere all o*er the sky and they +ere !akin the! sli htly faster than they could disappear% so they +ere ettin a pretty ood score. 3hen +e ca!e out% there +ere )ust as !any spe+planes% !ay"e !ore% "ut the spe+ +as disappearin in a fe+ seconds% all o*er the sky and not a trace of older spe+ re!ained. - think this is si nificant "ecause +e didn,t "ust any !a)or arrays up to that pointGonly a scatterin of roadside deathforce trans!itters and +hate*er +as on the ca!pus of Dastern 3ashin ton @ni*ersity and in the to+n of Cheney% +here the school,s located. -f +e can do that and see such dra!atic results% so can you. $ Nift 0ne of the fello+s +ho +orks in the restaurant sa+ Carol usin her pendulu!% asked her a"out it and +as curious and a+are enou h to accept a (o+er Buster fro! us. - asked hi! to keep it hidden in a pocket% and then +atch +hat happens to the "eha*ior of his co-+orkers% one of +ho! he had !entioned treats hi! rather "adly. 9e said% H0kay% +hy don,t you co!e "ack here in a couple of days and -,ll let you kno+., - said% H3e already kno+G+e +ant you to e8perience it yourself5A 9e kind of re!inds !e of Ben #orton. - "et +e,ll "e hearin fro! the fello+. - +rote do+n the foru! address for hi!. ODonOt 3orry% Boss% - Not OD! Co*eredO $fter lunch% +e did #edical Jake .+e had put a 99 at the !ental hospital +hen +e *isited there in #ay/ and the "utte-top "i array o*erlookin the air"ase. Carol said a fed +as hidin there to spot us% so of course dropped her off out of si ht to "ury the sin le% ordinary 99 and then dro*e around the top of the "utte fishin for the fed a!on the razortape-topped little co!pounds% "ut he re!ained hidden. - think he had the keys and +as inside an enclosureGa tactician5 $fter - picked her up% she said he +as lookin at us throu h "inoculars and tellin his "oss that he,d pre*ented us fro! doin the deed. 2he told !e that his "oss said% H$re you sureR, Boy% - "et that uyOs in trou"le "y no+5 a*e hi! a friendly +a*e as +e +ere oin do+n the road% +hich she said he sa+ throu h his "inoculars. 6our 99 Os 0opsGfor ot to !ention that Carol su ested that +e put the four 99 s +e "rou ht in four places around the
"ase. (hose +ere the sa!e four she put around the plateau at (onasket to help keep the a!"ient parasitic/predatory entities fro! usin the potheads, "odies and !inds durin the Barter 6air .she couldn,t sleep on account of that happenin en !asse around her last ti!e. 2he indicated to !e that e*eryone there +as% +ho they thou ht they +ere this ti!e V-/ 3e had left one alon the southern "oundary "efore +e ot to #edical Jake% and the "utte top array ot nu!"er t+o. 3e put the third one near the spot +here the $ir 6orce -ntelli ence 0fficer +as +aitin for us "y a to+er on our last patrol% and then the other one +ent to the last spot after Carol dropped !e off at #cCrap to freshen up. 2he +as follo+ed "y ei ht feds and $ir 6orce intel uys .- +ish - had a picture of that/% "ut told !e that +hen she ot out of the car to "ury the thin % the 3in !akers put in a rare appearance )ust to assure her that none of those uys +ould ha*e a clue +here she "uried it. 2he also said that she sensed the effect of a lar e iron door sla!!in shut the instant she put that ordinary 99 in the round. -t pro"a"ly oes +ithout sayin that +e only use ordinary 99 s and (o+er Busters for our patrols% )ust to sho+ anyone +ho,s interested that the other fancy stuff is not essential for this. 0f course the fancy stuff is nice% too% if you,re inclined to spend the ti!e% !oney and effort to do that- +e,re not. 3e like to use fancy stuff in our !ore personal efforts. 3e scooted off to "ust a to+er that +e hadn,t had ti!e to et to on our pre*ious patrol throu h the area and it +as hard to find this ti!e "ecause it had "een turned off +hen the feds fi ured out +e +ere headin there. kne+ that "ecause it +as nearly sunset and the +hite stro"e li hts usually co!e on "efore that. Carol didn,t sense any D0B co!in off it until +e ot close. 2he said they couldn,t stop the residual D0B fro! e!anatin fro! it "y turnin off the po+er. 3e had to look at the topo !ap for a "utte to fi ure out +here the to+er +as "ecause it +as a skinny 9$$B7sort of trans!itter that +ould ha*e "een hard to see that far a+ay e*en in dayli ht. (he last ti!e +e sa+ it% also close to sunset% the li ht +as "linkin like a cha!p. Carol said they turned it off so they could at least ha*e one re!ainin trans!itter in the re ion. -f - +as a nicer person% -,d pro"a"ly let the! ha*e it% "ut +e e*entually found it and "usted it% any+ay. (here +ere t+o fed!o"iles on that road% "ut of course they ot there after the fact. Dru! $rray #icro+a*e (o+ers 3e found and "usted one of those dru! arrays on the +ay ho!e. -t +as a"out t+enty !iles fro! the nearest !a)or hi h+ay and the feds hadn,t a clue +e +ere oin that +ay on the +ay ho!e% so the li ht +as flashin on it. (here +ere se*en "i dru!s on it% pointed e*ery +hich +ay. Carol felt another to+er not far fro! there "ut the li ht +as not flashin % so +e,ll et that ne8t ti!e +e o on patrol. -t,s on the +ay to the area in Central 3ashin ton that +ill "e our ne8t ca!pai n% this ti!e +ith 2herry Dliza"eth. - kne+ there +as another to+er a fe+ !iles farther on% "ut it +asn,t lit up% either. Boundin a "end% - sa+ a red flashin li ht% di!!er than usual% in a place +here there +eren,t any to+ers "efore% so - +as pretty )azzed to "ust a ne+ to+er. 3e stopped the car and the li ht started !o*in to the north. - looked at it throu h the "inoculars and sa+ that the red li ht +as sort of rotatin around a *ery di! +hite/yello+ li htGo"*iously not an airplane or Hone of ours., Carol told !e they,re *ery friendly insectoid D(s +ho are currently "ased on #ars% "ut are fro! a star syste! no"ody,s heard of% "ut their ho!e planet is "lue and reen. 2he said they +ere in*ited "y the Je!urians to co!e here to help !ake sure this satanic re i!e doesn,t et its +ish to destroy !ost of hu!anity in the co!in short days.
2he told !e that these uys% alon +ith the little d+ar*en $ndro!edans +hose ship +e all sa+ fly o*erhead last #onday ni ht% +ere techies% easily a"le to stop nuclear "o!"s fro! oin off. 6riends $ll told% in the past +eek +e,*e "een in contact +ith fi*e or si8 other-than-surface-earth-hu!an races% includin the nati*e ele!entals and Je!urians% +ho are hu!ans% al"eit hyper-di!ensional. 3e,*e encountered a fe+ others no+ and then% too. -,! encoura in e*eryone +ho has contact +ith one or t+o of these races or others to consider that e*eryone,s contacts are eKually *alid and not to et stuck in the e8clusi*ity roo*e. - think you,ll find that your contacts +ould encoura e you to do the sa!e thin . 7retty soon% - e8pect that our super!arkets% s+i!!in pools and theaters +ill look like the "ar scene fro! 2($B 3$B2% so +hy not rearran e our paradi !s no+ and a*oid the rushR $! - the first to offer a hearty 3DJC0#D5 to these co-+orkers fro! out of to+nR By the +ay% for those of us +ho ha*e encountered the Je!urians and dolphins% the notions of ascended !asters% !ysterious alle ed hidden% all-po+erful% H secret%, "eneficial societies% etc.% that are +hat the re i!e uses to hook incredulous ne+ a ers% is pretty !undane in co!parison. 6or +hat it,s +orth% - ha*e it on pretty ood authority that you +ouldn,t +ant to et to kno+ the entities that the re i!e,s Jucifer (rust at the @1 pro!otes as Han elic., -,! curious to see +hat transpires after they lift the lid on their <effrey Dahl!er style H+orld sa*ior, in Dece!"er. - hope so!e local 2heriff,s deputy +ill "e +aitin in the +in s for that !iscreant +ith handcuffs and an arrest +arrant. Back to the su")ect of to+er "ustin % +e didn,t see any re!arka"le at!ospheric effects other than the for!ation of the usual a!orphous +hite cloud o*er the "ase .unless one counts the @60/ after doin the !ost dra!atic thin on 6riday% +hich +as "ustin +hate*er +as +rithin under 6airchild $ir 6orce Base. (he "i effects that day ca!e after "ustin a fe+ !undane to+ersGnot !ore than t+enty. ?ou !i ht not see anythin note+orthy at all% so!eti!es% "ut don,t let that discoura e you5 Don Croft
Episode 44 )on #roft )oes )=#= in ,onor of )r= Rei3h By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc44dcdoesdcfor+r1Lno*'&.sht!l 1o*e!"er 11% &''& - +ent to +ork at correctin the satanic eo!etry on +hich our nationOs Capital is laid out in order to atte!pt to circu!*ent any possi"le !ayhe! fro! o*ern!ent a ent pro*ocateurs and fro! the DC police force that !ay occur durin the de!onstration planned for the follo+in +eekend "y perhaps tens of thousands of patriotic $!ericans +ho are no+% as - +rite this on 11/1L% on their +ay to that city in con*oys fro! across the continent to de!and a return to Constitutional o*ern!ent. #y heart is +ith the! and -Od prefer to "e there% "ut - +anted the or onite de*ices - laid out to OcookO and "uild up the healthy or one shield there for a +eek "efore their arri*al. 9ereOs a teaser: $fter P& hours of eludin the feds in and around DC% they cau ht up +ith !e +hen - had finished the )o" and +as on the phone +ith Carol. -n the s!all parkin lot of an $I3 restaurant in rural #aryland% there +ere fi*e fed!o"iles: three of +hich +ere "rand ne+ shiny "lack Jincolns% one a ne+ Jincoln Ota8iO-sans passen er% and a )eep% parked ne8t to !y rental car. (here +ere t+o actual #en in Black saunterin a"out% larin at !e and speakin into !icrophones. -f - +erenOt so tired% - +ould ha*e chatted the! up and taken so!e di ital pics for you uys. (hat only occurred to !e !uch later% thou h. - ne*er felt like - +as in dan erV e*en +hen - +as tossin to+er "usters into the C-$ hindKuarters co!pound at Jan ley. Before - et into the details% - +ant to ackno+led e <erry and Ben #orton for disco*erin si!ilar satanic patterns in Boise% -daho and correctin the ener y i!"alance on that artifact +ith intelli ent place!ent of or onite de*ices. - follo+ed their fine e8a!ple in 3ashin ton% DC% and - hope !any others +ill do the sa!e in the !any other to+ns and cities +here this patternin has "een used. Neor e 3ashin ton #asonic #e!orial 0ddly .does this ter! apply to e*erythin - doR/% the !ost infor!ati*e part of the e8ercise +as !y *isit on 2unday !ornin to the Neor e 3ashin ton #asonic 1ational #e!orial in $le8andria% Fir inia. (he !onu!ent lies )ust outside the old )urisdiction of 3ashin ton% DC% +hich +as a dia!ond-shaped area takin in parts of #aryland and Fir inia. $pparently% the Fir inia parts are no lon er federal )urisdiction. $ "rief tour of the !onu!ent% +hich also ser*es as the $le8andria #asonic Jod e and is used for hi her cere!onies% +as *ery re*ealin to !e a"out Neor e 3ashin tonOs true relationship to free!asonry. (hou h the !asons clai! that 3ashin ton +as an enthusiastic supporter of their efforts% so!e solid in*esti ati*e )ournalis! in recent years indicates that this +as not the case and that he rather resi ned hi!self to ha*in to use the e8istin #asonic net+ork si!ply "ecause it +as his only option. $lso% durin the end of the 1Sth century% there +ere atte!pts% at least in $!erica% to re!o*e the Bepu"licOs lod es fro! British super*ision. - think it could ha*e one either +ay% +hich is +hy 3ashin ton !aintained his connection to that net+ork. -n 3ilhel! BeichOs early years% co!!unis! and fascis! +ere the only *ia"le options for political action% so fi ured that +as a &''^ i!pro*e!ent o*er 3ashin tonOs day. 1o+% of course% +e can "lo+ off all political a encies and artifacts and )ust use the -nternet to create our o+n infor!al% effecti*e rassroots efforts% such as the cloud"uster foru!% and +e can pattern real o*ern!ent on +hatOs "een done +ith the -nternetOs o+n or anization success% +hich is free of political parties% corporate !anipulation and ersatz ideolo ies. 3ashin ton a reed to sit for a portrait in 1PM4% not lon "efore his death% "ut he stipulated that the artist !ust accurately represent his countenance and not e!"ellish his effort% as all the other artists had done "efore and after. -Od ne*er seen that portrait "efore% "ut it +as pro!inently displayed in the !onu!ent% as +ere copies. 3hat one sees in that picture is a "itter% "roken old !an% close to death. (he literature there says that there +ere three #asonic doctors in attendance durin his yearlon fatal Oillness.O
(he roup +as led "y Dr. Dick% +hose portrait is nearly as pro!inent as 3ashin tonOs. (he fello+ looked pretty !enacin to !e and near"y his duelin pistols +ere on display. Duelin +as a co!!on !eans of eli!inatin political opponents% thou h - "elie*e those docs +ere ad!inisterin arsenic in !easured Kuantities% ai!in to et 3ashin ton to die on an astrolo ically fa*ora"le .to the or anization/ day. -tOs pro"a"ly a lot like the cancer docs +ork no+% e8tractin e*ery penny fro! their patients "efore allo+in the! to e8perience the !ercy of death. 1ot *ery lon after 3ashin tonOs death% "urley% rapacious $aron Burr% +ho later fled to Dn land after "ein accused of helpin the Brits set up a ne+ colony in (e8as% shot the relati*ely +i!py $le8ander 9a!ilton that +ay% i!!ediately after +hich a 2+iss "anker% $le8ander Nallatin% +as !o*ed into 9a!iltonOs (reasury 2ecretary position. NallatinOs +ife "elon ed to the pre-e!inent British "ankin and espiona e fa!ily of the ti!e and he +asnOt yet a citizen of the ne+ Bepu"lic. 3ashin ton is said to ha*e refused e*er to let $aron Burr into his presence durin the 3ar of -ndependence. Burr openly confessed to ha*in associated +ith the top British spy in $!erica then and he !arried the !anOs +ido+ soon after his death. - ha*e a hard ti!e takin Onon-conspiracyO theories seriously. (he !onu!ent is a s!all% ranite skyscraper% topped "y a stepped pyra!id and a sort of trans!itter de*ice% apparently. -t re!inds !e of the steeples of the #or!on (e!ples in a +ay. -tOs "uilt on a s!all hill and is the !ost pro!inent structure in the city. - +ent in there to ask so!e"ody a"out the location of that #asonic te!ple in 3ashin ton that Da*id -cke descri"es. - hadnOt located it "efore. -t +as only after - !entioned that !y Nranddad +as in 9arry (ru!anOs lod e in Cansas City durin 33-- that they a*e !e the address% +hich turned out to "e part of the satanic pattern -Oll et to descri"in shortly. - hope no"ody thinks -O! out to sa*a e !asons. (he *ast !a)ority is co!pletely and studiously clueless re ardin the rander a enda of their or anization. (hey see! to "e content to "e part of so!ethin Bi and 2ecret% thatOs all. (he fe+ hi her up in the lod es% like !y Nranddad% kne+ a "it a"out it and +ere infor!ed a"out !a ic% "ut only a tiny fe+ at the international le*el% are really keyed in to the or anizationOs predatory/parasitic o*erall purpose. #asonic $ssassinations - do "elie*e that 3ashin ton +as !urdered "y the international !asons% as +as Jincoln. -n the days "efore the C-$% this is ho+ it ot done. $s !any people kno+% the C-$ patterns its o+n +et+ork on old #asonic/satanic !a ic rituals in order to et a little personal po+er for its operati*es and for the or anization at !ankindOs eneral e8penseV predatory/parasitic acti*ity. (ypically% +hen a !an of character and su"stance ained pro!inence in hu!an society% the satanic net+ork e*entually !urdered hi!% then canonized hi!. #artin Juther Cin is another e8a!ple. Beich +as killed +ithout later "ein honored "ecause his life +ork represented the end of all of this horror. (hatOs pro"a"ly +hy they "urned all his pu"lications and notes "efore they thre+ hi! into prison. - +as once told that itOs a ainst federal la+ to ha*e e*en an or one accu!ulator. JetOs see the! try to enforce those alle ed la+s no+ V-/. - +ish theyOd try-+e could all use the free pu"licity and it +ould "e fun to see the prosecutors lau hed to scorn "y an a+akenin pu"lic. 3ilhel! Beich -O! dedicatin !y 3ashin ton% DC% effort to Dr. Beich% +ho +as defa!ed% i!prisoned and !urdered "y the sa!e ancient +orld re i!e +ho dre+ that "i satanic star on the round and "uilt a city around it in the first place.
-n the harsh li ht of BeichOs scientific achie*e!ents% relati*e di! li hts such as Dinstein are the sore losers. $ +ord of support fro! Dinstein +ould% -O! sure% ha*e pre*ented the de"acle surroundin BeichOs crucifi8ion. Dinstein% early on% ackno+led ed BeichOs disco*eriesO astoundin i!plications% "ut soon after apparently realized that his o+n lifeOs +ork +as sho+n to "e relati*ely insi nificant% after +hich he shunned Dr. Beich% e*en durin the latterOs life-endin period of tra*ail. 3hen Dinstein realized that Beich had disco*ered the OetherO that the for!er +as tryin to deny in his +ork% he told hi!% O(his is a "o!" for physics5O Jike the rest of us% Dinstein +as so!eti!es slo+ on the uptake% not realizin that the "o!" +as particularly destructi*e to his o+n physics V-/ #y heart fairly "reaks +hen - consider +hat Dr. Beich !ust ha*e e8perienced in such a hostile +orld. -O! Kuite sure that if he +ere ali*e no+ heOd ha*e no end of support% "oth !oral and financial% fro! a rassroots net+ork of researchers on e*ery le*el% !uch like +e +itness in our lo"al cloud"uster net+ork ri ht no+. 1or +ould this horrid federal thin that calls itself o*ern!ent dare to interfere in his life and +ork these days. (he sa!e is true of (esla% Bife% 2chau"er er% #es!er% Jei"nitz% Nalileo and all the rest +ho endured the "urden of "ein ahead of their ti!e. By the +ay% the fact that !ost of these folks ha*e Ner!an na!es encoura es !e to "elie*e that the Ner!an people !ay yet "e the ones +ho first propel our pro)ect into popular culture and a+areness. 9ans 2olo Carol and - +anted to o to 3ashin ton to ether% "ut fa!ily constraints !ade it i!possi"le% and - later realized that itOs "etter% in a +ay% that - do it alone% since it +ill pro*ide an e8a!ple to others +ho are si!ilarly lackin in psychic ifts as !yself. -O! not sayin this facetiously-- really !ean it. CarolOs o*er in #ontana "ustin to+ers this +eekend. 3eOre creatin a Nestapo-free "uffer zone around -daho in case the satanic feds et their !artial la+ +ish ne8t !onth. -tOs her first lone to+er "ustin patrol. - +as ratified +hen she e8pressed her lack of confidence at not ha*in !e alon % since - had to o*erco!e the sa!e feelin s the first fe+ ti!es - +ent out +ithout her. 3e "oth a ree that itOs a hell of a lot !ore fun +hen +e do it to ether. 3e reser*ed a rental car for !e at the B3- airport outside Balti!ore. - +anted to at least reet #ichelle Bid ley in Balti!ore and thank her personally for all her selfless effort in this +ork o*er the past year. $t (he $irport -Od !ade up 4' to+er "usters and ei ht 99 s on CarolOs reco!!endation% "ut the feds contri*ed to pre*ent the! fro! ettin on the plane +ith !e in 2pokane. 3hen - passed throu h security "efore oin to the fli htOs +aitin area% - ot the de*ices throu h +ith *ery little discussion +ith the security people. (he pro"le! ca!e +hen it +as ti!e to "oard the plane and suddenly there +as a s!all cro+d of unifor!ed and suited people standin around !e. - can "reeze throu h any !etal detector +ithout settin it off these days. Carol +as a"le to do that for o*er a year% "ut - )ust achie*ed that happy state. - hope you can all e8perience that little )oy after youO*e "uilt up your personal or one char e sufficiently. $s - +as e8itin the ter!inal to et onto the plane% +hich had "een held up a half hour in the process% - told all the asse!"led airport cops and ad!inistrators% O-tOs okay% - can !ake !ore +hen - et there5O (hey ca!e *ery close to lettin !e take those on the plane "efore the feds inter*ened .accordin to Carol/. - think they liked !e% personally. Bed Cars I (BOs $s it turned out% it +as "etter that - didnOt et into DC durin dayli ht and +hen - +as in the 9o!e Depot parkin lot% +est of Balti!ore% !akin up !y 4' to+er "usters and S holy hand renades% - sa+ a typical Cessna 1P' spy plane toolin alon o*er all the !a)or roads in !y *icinity for a"out an hour. (here +ere plenty of other "ri ht red cars in that lot +ith !ine and none of the people +ho dro*e "y had Othe lookO that -O*e co!e to identify as 12$/C-$ pa*e!ent artists.
(heyOd i*en !e a "ri ht red car +ithout offerin a choice. - later sa+ that it +as the only red car in that hu e rental car lot +hen - returned it to the airport on #onday ni ht. $ couple of pa*e!ent artists +ere on !y tail as left the airport parkin ara e after - picked the car up. - pulled o*er into a !edian and they stupidly pulled o*er ri ht "ehind !e% lookin a "it sheepish. - think the to+ers +ere stupefyin the! a "it. 3hen - turned% they +ent the other +ay. $ little later% - turned on the 2uccor 7unch. - +anted the! to kno+ - +as dri*in a+ay fro! 3ashin ton and into Balti!ore. #ichelleOs phone nu!"er +asnOt in the "ook and -O*e ot a rep for not "ein telephone user-friendly% so -Od for otten to secure the nu!"er "efore -Od left and it felt too risky to call Carol at that point of the *enture to help !e find it in !y old records% considerin ho+ hard the feds !ust ha*e "een tryin to find !e. $s it turned out% it +as i!portant that - spoke to fe+ if any people durin the e8ercise% so - pro!ised #ichelle that Carol and - +ould o on patrol +ith her soon to !ake up for !y fau8 pas. $ Jittle 1i ht 3ork - took a rounda"out route into 3ashin ton% DC% "ecause -Od seen a lot of *ideo ca!s on all the Belt+ay and --ML ra!ps on pre*ious *isits. $lso% - realized that it +ould "e prudent to enter the city after dark so that the red car +ouldnOt stand out so !uch. $s - !entioned% the city is dia!ond shaped. #ore specifically% itOs a sKuare% rotated 4L de rees. (he eo raphical center is +ithin a hundred yards or so of the 3ashin ton #onu!ent% that tall o"elisk on a lo+ hill. Carol said that this erection stands in the center of the only !a)or *orte8 in the city. (he east/+est a8is on +hich the !onu!ent rests is !arked "y the Jincoln #e!orial at the +est end of the !ile or so lon park-like 1ational #all% and the east end is the Capitol Buildin % the for!al ho!e of Con ress. #uch farther east on that a8is is the circular Bo"ert 6. Cennedy #e!orial 2tadiu!% +hich has a dou"le heli8 stair+ay confi uration around the outer +all. $s a fe+ researchers ha*e pointed out% there is an in*erted% distorted penta ra! centered on the north/south a8is of 2i8teenth 2treet% +hich is a"out fifty yards +est of the #onu!ent. (he do+n+ard point of that star is in the 0*al 0fficeV the 7residentOs +orkshop% if you +ill% in the 3hite 9ouse. $ll "ut one of those lines is clearly delineated "y streets. -f you consider the star anato!ically% "oth feet are in traffic rotaries% as is the left hand. (he ri ht hand +as in the old 3ashin ton% DC% ad!inistrati*e "uildin . -f you e8tend out fro! that ar!Os point% youOll see 17B headKuarters occupyin the opposite corner. -t +asnOt hard for !e to see +here 1ational 7u"lic Badio ets the ener y to spin all that ne+s and infor!ation out "eyond #other DarthOs reality or"it. 2o!e of the chakras of the starOs O"odyO are clearly !arked "y !onu!ents and they all ot a ood dose of healin or onite% as did each point e8cept the Bush fa!ilyOs operational headKuarters. (he OhipsO e*en ot a (o+er Buster each. - think the star +as Kuite happy "y the ti!e - +as done. D8tendin to the south% across the #all% the line oes under the do!e of the <efferson #e!orial% +hich is another satanic te!ple. (he "eauty of these edifices re!inds !e of the +orld re i!eOs penchant for "astardizin le iti!ate classical proportions and architectural standards to i*e itself the aura of le iti!acy% !uch the +ay a pedophile and/or serial killer !ay put on a police unifor!% clerical ar" or )ud eOs ro"es and e*en et paid to do so "y this filthy% poisonous +orld re i!e. - ca!e into the city fro! the north alon 1:th 2treet. (he ri ht foot traffic rotary park ot a (o+er Buster +ithout any scrutiny fro! the feds% "ut "y the ti!e - arri*ed at the left foot rotary there +ere a +hite% un!arked cherry picker and +hite% un!arked *an parked in the park and the fello+s fro! the *ehicles +ere apparently scannin for !e. - had parked a "lock a+ay and had no trou"le ettin a de*ice in the ri ht spot +ithout the! noticin !e. -O! pretty sure they +ere )ust told to look for a red car% of +hich - sa+ there +ere *ery fe+ in the city% "y the +ay.
Nroundin 6oot+ork 9ere is +here - can pitch the to+er "uster +ork as a +ay to round and center the still- pseudo!ystical +ould-"e planetary healers. (his is a ood +ay to et so!e street s!arts and these skills apply )ust as +ell to hi h psychis! as to !y slo in foot+ork. - offer the analo y of a person arri*in at a "i city% innocent as a "a"e +ith hundred dollar "ills han in fro! e*ery pocket to descri"e the state of MM^ of people +ho "oast of their psychic ifts. $s you can uess% the ru"e +onOt et t+o "locks "efore "ein !u ed or taken Ounder the !entorOs +in O in a confidence sca!. 3hen innocent% untrained psychics enter the +ide +orld of hi h psychis!% there are in*aria"ly a host of sa**y predators% !anipulators and false friends +aitin to steal e*ery "it of ener y/infor!ation they can fro! the no*ice and !any of these predator/parasites ha*e "een at this a!e for a lon % lon ti!e. 2o!e of the! are a"le to +ithstand so!e contact +ith our or onite de*ices% too% so thereOs no easy +ay to !ark the! other than to scrupulously follo+ our finest instincts. (he responsi"ility each one of us ha*e to keep our o+n intuiti*e counsel these days is nothin short of a+eso!e and in fact nearly o*er+hel!in % "ut the payoff co!es in the for! of e!po+er!ent% con*iction% fuller psycho/spiritual de*elop!ent and stron er faith. $nd our efforts et pretty fast results and confir!ations% thanks to all the nice% unseen helpers that +ant us all to succeed these days. $s so!e kno+led ea"le people in our foru! ha*e !entioned% the psychic con artists use copious a!ounts of real infor!ation to et the confidence of the uninfor!ed. (he !anipulation is in the for! of infor!ation spin% +hich is al+ays desi ned to !o*e our attention a+ay fro! our OfunctionO as Beich called it. -O! sure youO*e noticed that the !entally pro ra!!ed pseudo!ystics are the !ost ada!ant in denial of their o+n !anipulation and in denouncin pseudo!ysticis! itself. (hatOs a si n of successful !ental pro ra!!in % sort of like ho+ pa)a!a people +a*e fla s and talk "oldly a"out freedo!% "ut are enthusiastic corporate sla*es and/or property of the state the rest of the ti!e. - +as lad to learn that Dr. Beich +as in the ha"it of holdin pseudo!ysticsO and pseudoscientistsO feet to the fire +hene*er they !ade their unfounded procla!ations% and thatOs encoura ed !e to keep follo+in that course. (he alternati*e see!s% to !e% to let this net+ork de enerate into an ineffecti*e% !anipulated charade. 3hat +eOre all doin is "asically scientific% "ut on a stron spiritual foundation% )ust as Dr. BeichOs efforts +ere. 3hen - arri*ed in the city% it felt )ust terri"le% e8cept for ri ht around the 3ashin ton #onu!ent% +here t+o holy hand renades had "een "uried si8 !onths "efore. 2atanic Desi ns -t occurred to !e that the purpose of the in*erted penta ra! and the t+o a8es +as to parasitically ather and direct the hu!an ener y of the city d+ellers into the 3hite 9ouse and Capitol Buildin % "oth of +hich are !ore correctly called Juciferian/Ba"ylonian te!ples% than o*ern!ent offices. (he 6ederal (rian le% +hich sits "et+een the 3hite 9ouse and the Capitol Buildin % is ho!e to the 6B-% <ustice Depart!ent% -B2% 6(C and a ra""it +arren of "ankin offices. Neneral $l"ert 7ikeOs statue% +hich had "een te!porarily re!o*ed due to pu"lic outcry% sits on the east point of the trian le. (hatOs the fello+ +ho +rote% #0B$J2 $1D D0N#$% +hich is the !asonsO thinly dis uised satanic uide"ook. 9e +as a Confederate Neneral durin the Ci*il 3ar +ho e8torted the 0klaho!a -ndian tri"es into not supportin the 1orth. -n typical co+ardly fashion% he e8e!pted hi!self fro! e*ery for! of real "attle throu hout that +ar. $lso% throu hout the conflict% he +as officiatin as the ackno+led ed head of all #asonic lod es in 1orth $!erica% on "ehalf of the British !asters of 6ree!asonry. 9e +as an a*o+ed 2atanist% !uch like $nton JaFey. 9e ot a (o+er Buster% of course. 0ne of our associates had put one of Dra on $lOs 9oly 9and renades on 7ikeOs 7eak in the Colorado Bockies last su!!er. -O! sure that place relates to 3ashin ton DCOs satanic ener y net.
(he Capitol Buildin % thou h closely uarded "y DC cops% ot a couple of (o+er Busters. - felt like the in*isi"le !an at ti!es. -tOs cool ho+ you can start to sense +hen youOre "ein +atched and +hen you arenOt. 9ereOs another case +here street instincts "lend +ith "uddin psychic skills. - !ust say - +as rather dependent on Ben #ortonOs pendulu!. $fter - started usin that one% - realized that this represents the ne8t le*el in do+sin e8pertise. 1o*ices can et ood% consistent results +ith BenOs !odel. - +onder if he kno+s ho+ si nificant this isR - +as ettin the sa!e results "y puttin !y left hand o*er the point of the 2uccor 7unch +hile do+sin +ith !y ri ht. ?ou should try this in a controlled e8peri!ent. ?ou !ay "e surprised% as - +as% at ho+ +ell the 27 can short circuit our pre)udices% +hich often Kueer the do+sin process. Carol told !e itOs "ecause +eOre ettin info fro! the uardian of the crystal in this case% not fro! our o+n souls. 3hatOs your take on thatR (he OJookO 3hen - +as "et+een tar ets at the Capitol Buildin % actually +alkin on the street "ehind it% a ne+% "lack stretch li!ousine +ith darkly tinted +indo+s all around% includin the front% cruised *ery slo+ly past !e so the occupant in the "ack could et a close up look at !e. - had the sense that this uy +as relyin on a hi her a ency than the 12$ to find !e. - sa+ hi! t+o or three !ore ti!es up close "efore - +as done in the city% and in those cases - spotted hi! first and e*aded hi!. - had specifically asked for a tiny car so - could et in and out of traffic Kuick. Carol said heOs so!e"ody fro! the 3hite 9ouse. #ay"e heOs eatin sour rapes after +hat +e all did to that C-$ creepy-cro+ley +ho +as directin the sniper shooters in #aryland and DC last !onth .if youOre inclined to accept C11Os assess!ent of that situation% then consider this state!ent si!ply an e8pressed opinion% okayR/ 2hortly after that% - +as puttin a (o+er Buster in the reflectin pond in front of the Capitol and a !otorcycle cop +ent "ehind !y parked car and ot the plate nu!"er. By the ti!e - ot out of the #all there +as a fed!o"ile "ehind !e% +hich - easily lost in traffic and *isited the other tar ets that ni ht +ithout incident. (his +as around &$#% so the fed!o"ile +as pretty o"*iously tailin !e. $fter that% the DC police "e an i*in !e Othe lookO e*ery ti!e they sa+ !e% and - kne+ there +ere all told to +atch for !e and report !y position. 3hen they et that look% they no lon er return your reetin s. (ry it yourself5 $ll the cops in #osco+% our to+n% are doin that these days for the feds% +hose conspicuous presence is no+ "ein discussed openly here% e*en "y people +ho arenOt pot dealers. - dro*e southeast of to+n a"out ten !iles to spend the ni ht in the car. - didnOt +ant to check into a !otel "ecause a cop +ould ha*e picked up on that and the feds +ould "e "o8in !e in the ne8t day% or at least tryin hard to. Day (+o 3ith !y )etla - slept until al!ost noon% then decided to put to+er "usters on the four points of the cityOs peri!eter% +hich - hoped +ould take up !ost of the re!ainin dayli ht hours% then o to the C-$ hindKuarters at Jan ley )ust "efore dark. #y ti!in +as e8Kuisite% thou h - +as !ade "y one of the sur*eillance ca!eras alon the Belt+ay and follo+ed "riefly a couple of ti!es. (he route to Jan ley +as so circuitous% and out of the pur*ie+ of DC cops% that - ot there undetected% no dou"t surprisin +hoe*er +as +atchin the !onitor connected to the *ideo ca! at a ser*ice ate on the +est side. turned around ri ht in front of the ca! )ust to t+eak the "astards% then tossed a (B into the co!pound after dro*e a+ay. - put another one farther +est "ecause - kne+ - +ouldnOt "e a"le to access the north fence. (his *ectorin really% really +orks. - had tossed the first one near the si n that indicated that the facility is no+ na!ed after Neor e Bush% 2r.% and then dro*e to the east fence and tossed one in fro! there. -t +as nearly dark at that point and the (B% +hich +as Kuite hea*y "ecause - had to use steel "all "earin s .BBs/ to !ake it% nearly struck a "i sur*eillance ca! that +as sittin on a fence post. -t +as pointed alon the fence% not at !e% "ut - kne+ they had spotted !e. - dro*e a+ay +ithout headli hts for a half-!ile% then ot on the hi h+ay that led into Neor eto+n. (he city felt a lot "etter "y the second ni ht.
- spent the rest of the ni ht doin the rest of the tar ets% includin one tossed onto the 3hite 9ouse rounds literally a split second "efore a "oss federal cop +ith old "raid around his hat rounded the corner and a*e !e a hard look. (+o fed cops on "icycles had scrutinized !e in turn as - approached the co!pound fence ri ht "efore that and after - encountered their "oss. - +as out of si ht for a"out t+o seconds% alto ether. - al!ost hit a ca!era that ti!e% too% or perhaps a !icrophone. -t sort of OchinkedO on a thin that )utted up fro! the arden "ed. 9oo% 9oo $s Da*id -cke notes% the Capitol "uildin is in the OheadO of an o+l shape% delineated "y 7ennsyl*ania $*enue on the north and #aryland $*enue on the south. (he 3ashin ton #onu!ent represents% anato!ically% the o+lOs hin that its shape and function su ests accordin to its location on the o+lOs O"ody%O (he ears of the o+l are !arked "y t+o peculiar road+ays "ehind the Capital Buildin % as is the outline of the head. - a ree +ith -cke that the o+l represents #oloch% the old Ba"ylonian od to +ho! roups of children +ere sacrificed% +hich e8plains to !e +hy that 4' foot hi h ranite o+l presides o*er the !urderous satanic rituals that used to take place at Bohe!ian Nro*e "efore +e apparently shut that facility do+n last <une. (ed Nunderson and others ha*e otten testi!ony fro! people +ho had "een taken as s!all children to the Capitol Buildin and to Bohe!ian Nro*e for ritual se8ual a"use fro! day care centers% then returned "efore their parents picked the! up at the end of the day. 2o!e field trip% ehR 2enator <oseph Biden +as one of the pedophiles na!ed !ost often "y these +itnesses. (he current 7resident apparently has a lon history of se8ually a"usin s!all children as +ell as ritually !urderin pseudo!ystical chu!ps. - still think Cheney +ould do !ore da!a e as 7resident% thou h. 2ay Cheese (hatOs not to say o+ls are "ad% of course% )ust as fi*e pointed stars are not "ad. $ll the past presidents ha*e "een photo raphed participatin in those rituals% "y the +ay% includin Bea an and Carter% the OniceO ones. $n eye+itness reported that Cissin er% durin the leisure periods of those little BIB ti!es% likes to dress like a +o!an and et chased "y "are-chested !anly !en throu h the +oods. -s that ho+ he really earned his 1o"el 7rizeR - think he let the uys catch hi!% so that prize +asnOt +on in a footrace. -cke delineated a lar e% si8 pointed star in the city% too% and - sa+ plenty of streets on the !ap that +ere confi ured at the proper an les% "ut the i!a e itself escaped !e. (hereOs so!e"ody in the city no+ +ho has *olunteered to continue this pro)ect% so Carol and - +ill +atch the -cke *ideo a ain and send her the !arked !ap. -Od hate to think that - +as the only person doin that fun% re+ardin +ork there. $cross the Bi*er and -nto (he (o+ers - sa+ *ery fe+ deathforce trans!itters in the city% "ut across the 7oto!ac% in $rlin ton% thereOs a line of a"out forty trans!itters facin DC. $t least theyOll "e easy to "ust% all in the sa!e day. 0f course the Belt+ay% +hich is the free+ay that oes around the periphery of DC% is filthy +ith these trans!itters. $ccordin to the ar u!ent that these to+ers are for cell phones% then no"ody uses the phones +hile theyOre actually in DC% "ut only +hen theyOre dri*in laps on the Belt+ay. $! - ri htR 2heesh. Jas Fe as is the only other city that -O*e "een in +here the to+ers are conspicuously a"sent until you et out to the city ed e and into the su"ur"s. - uess people in Jas Fe as canOt use !o"ile phones "ecause "oth hands are occupied +ith "oozin it up and )erkin the slot !achine handlesR - uess thatOs re!otely feasi"le. DC felt +onderful "y the end of Day (+o. -t +as actually hard for !e to lea*e. (hat +as Kuite a chan e fro! "ein dis usted "y e*en dri*in throu h the city on pre*ious *isits. #ost of the people +ho read this +ill alternate "et+een "leatin that -O! deluded and pruriently en)oyin !y +ritin style and chutzpah. -O! ai!in this effort at the tiny nu!"er of co!!itted people% in key areas throu hout the +orld% +ho resonate +ith +hat -O! e8pressin and +ish to participate in our little% effecti*e% ro+in % infor!al net+ork of e!po+ered% co!!itted% enuine en*iron!ental healers.
(o the !any pseudo!ystics +ho are readin this% - su est that hereOs a ood !ethod you can use to Kuickly !o*e up a notch fro! "ein "old% flo+ery talkers% to "ein actual perfor!ers in the healin trade. 1o dou"t youO*e ot at least t+o deathforce trans!itters "ea!in you into a stupor as youOre readin this% so +hy not et to +ork ri ht outside your o+n front doorR -f you donOt +ant to !ake the si!ple de*ices% there are se*eral fine% fair-!inded *endors a*aila"le on"!% the in*iola"le pri*ate internet site that 2tuart <ackson kindly !aintains for our planetary rassroots net+ork. (he !ore - learn a"out 3ilhel! BeichOs life and +ork% the !ore - appreciate +hat heOs done for us all "y settin such a stainless e8a!ple +ith his hi h spiritual and intellectual standards and +ith his de!onstrated personal inte rity. -O! hu!"led "y the realization that these +onderful attri"utes are no lon er capitally punished "y a "eni hted% fearful and *indicti*e $!erican society% so our task is !uch% !uch easier and !ore re+ardin than his +as- thou h a reat deal less challen in . Don Croft
;DditorOs 1ote: (he a!azin )ournal of Don I Carol Croft continues. 6or the tiny% !inuscule fraction of hu!anity fortunate enou h to ha*e stu!"led upon these pa es% consider yourself pri*ile ed and part of a *ery select circle. 3ithin the pa es of these $d*entures% +e are +itnessin one of the !ost e8citin and dra!atic real life sa as to ha*e unfolded since the days of the 0ld 3est% yet thereOs really nothin in history to adeKuately co!pare it to. -t stands on its o+n as a shinin e8a!ple of the triu!ph of coura e o*er fear% creati*ity o*er destruction% truth o*er deceit% and of course% ood +ill o*er e*il intent. $ ainst un"elie*a"le odds and facin a !ind "endin disparity of resources% finances% and personnel% a !ere handful of ordinary people .+ith Oe8traordinaryO assistance to "e sure/ are th+artin one of the !ost dia"olical plots to destroy and ensla*e hu!anity in the history of planet Darth. -f the !otion picture +as e*er !ade and the story accurately told% this sa a +ould s+eep e*er !a)or a+ard in fil! and print and "e retold +ith a !antle of a+e and ad!iration for enerations to co!e. @nlike the !e a-!illion propa anda *ehicles churned out "y the -llu!inati stoo es in 9olly+ood% here +e ha*e real herois!% real ad*enture% and real dan er. - had the chance to !eet the -ntrepid Duo up close this ti!e and ot to +itness the action first hand. #a!a #ia% +hat an afternoon5 -t +as a little like "ein dropped into the set of #en -n Black --- at @ni*ersal 2tudios- and +e only +ent to lunch V-/
<ust so you kno+% in all of these episodes% the su"titles% underlines% "old +ords% and italics% are !ine to e!phasize the i!portance of +hatOs "ein co!!unicated% "ut the +ritin is all Don Croft. 2o sit "ack and "uckle up. $s that deep% "aritone *oiced announcer Kueries at the openin of the $rt Bell sho+: T3anna take a rideRT .Cen $dachi= By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc4L$part'Pdec'&.sht!l Dece!"er P% &''& Carol and - took circuitous route to deli*er the che!trails docu!entary to 2tuart. 3e started out "y eludin the 12$ stalkers in 2eattle% dropped a fe+ healin de*ices around #t. Bainier on the +ay to (aos% 1e+ #e8ico% then picked up the CD in Jos $n eles and took it to 2tuart in 2an 6rancisco. (here are a lot of indicators that this rapacious +orld re i!e is losin control these days and our total success is only one of the!% "ut it certainly "ears reportin for the sake of historic record% if not for the sake of )ournalis!. - !entioned the latter "ecause% of course% none of +hat +eOre doin is reported +ith the intention of pro*in anythin . 0ur hope and desi n is that these fe+ people +ho are a"le% ready and +illin +ill repeat +hat +eO*e done and e8pand on it% as !any ha*e done already. 3eOre happy to lea*e the proof to so!eone else. -O! told that up to half the people +ho are postin on our foru! are 12$% C-$% C22$ and -nterpol !oles and un+ittin % stoned-out a ent pro*ocateurs% +aitin for an opportunity to di*ide and destroy the cloud"uster net+ork and erase our efforts .letOs see +ho on the foru! has the chutzpah to call !e paranoid for offerin this assess!ent V-/. D*en that is encoura in and a confir!ation "ecause it only takes t+o or three of these a ents to neutralize !ost other foru!s on the internet. 0f course theyOll fail% pro"a"ly sooner than later% since all of the ood stuff here is done "y e8a!ple% not "y personality factors% and e*eryoneOs discoura ed fro! i!itation and "lind acceptance. (hose of us +ho operate in the field do so +ithout hu!an assistance +hen necessary and our net+orkin is infor!al and Oun-or anized.O #uch% if not !ost% of the cloud"uster% 99 % and to+er"ustin +ork is no+ done "y people +ho donOt e*en contact the foru!. (his is the !ost encoura in de*elop!ent to !e% thou h they apparently closely follo+ the posts on the foru!% so the foru! +ill re!ain *ia"le and essential to this lo"al healin task.
-t canOt "e ar ued that there are any kin pins or charis!atic leaders here and thatOs also pro"le!atic for the +orld re i!eOs espiona e apparatus. (he a ents are findin it counterproducti*e to attack the 0ld 6art 9i!self% for instance. Carol and - had "rou ht a hundred to+er "usters and ten holy hand renades alon to create a nice "uffer around !y kids in 2eattle and #t. Fernon% 3$ .+e thou ht/ "ut after droppin the kids off at their !o!Os place in #t. Fernon +e OdecidedO that +e needed to et to (aos "ecause the +ord% O(aosO had sho+n up in a lucid drea! Carol had t+o days "efore. 3e hadnOt discussed that drea! +ith anyone or outside a 2uccor 7unch field until then. $t this point% unless one has taken steps to shield oneOs thou hts fro! the 12$ psychics% those thou hts are as accessi"le as the 7< chu!ps in (9D #$(B-Q +ere to Othe $ ents.O -t takes !ore than a 2uccor 7unch to do that% unfortunately. 3eOd had so!e success eludin the 12$ stalkers "y usin #r. 2kull% !y crystal-skull 2uccor 7unch. (he entity +ho +as helpin us throu h #r. 2kull has the a"ility to !ake +hate*er *ehicle +eOre dri*in appear to "e any *ehicle +e like. Carol has confir!ed it "y Olookin throu h the eyesO of the fed stalkers and police .$JJ police forces are funded pri!arily "y the feds these days/ as they scan for us on the hi h+ays. 3e !ade a 12$ psychic in the restaurant in 2eattle (hursday !ornin .(hanks i*in --Od for otten to "rin !y ne+ super-telephoto ca!era into the restaurant/ and that uy +as the last one to see us until +e arri*ed at 2ecret BuddyOs house in Jos $n eles fi*e days later. (he first t+o ni hts +e e8perienced so!e frantic searchin "y the fed stalkers and - had to e8ercise so!e uncharacteristic self-discipline to keep the! fro! accessin our location +hile - +as in !y alpha and "eta states. -O*e since otten "etter at that. 0n the second ni ht% in Colorado% Carol +oke !e up around !idni ht and said% O(heyOre ettin closeV think a"out so!e other place5O $fter another couple of !inutes% she said% O-tOs okay% theyOre one.O (he first ni ht +e stayed in a little to+n in -daho. 3e parked "ehind the "uildin % so the fed pa*e!ent artists +ouldnOt "e a"le to see our car. (he psychics ca!e out in force on ni ht t+o. 0f course the 12$Os "een usin psychics since their inception. - "elie*e the C-$ is pri!arily in*ol*ed +ith electronic ad etry and old-style pa*e!ent-artist sur*eillance% "ut the 12$ uses a "lend of satanic% ritual !a ic and technolo y to do its +ork-not surprisin since the top 12$ people are the O1ational 2ecurity CouncilO +ho operate +hoe*er has "een appointed 7resident of the @nited 2tates. (he !o*ie% 9earts 0*er $tlantis% has so!e ne+s that +e to+er "usters can use these days a"out the true nature of fed psychics. O#a)or Dd Da!esO is a "ad )oke. OBe!ote *ie+in 2atan%O indeed V-/ 9a*e you noticed that the !edia +hores are feastin on Dick CheneyOs entrails no+R 3e "elie*e thatOs due to our infor!al net+orkOs ha*in pre*ented BushOs assassination last !onth and our collecti*ely Ointerferin O +ith Chainsa+ Cheney and the other @2 rats in the sinkin ship of the +orld re i!e. -f this sociopath fully intended to ha*e his +ar on 2adda!% +e seriously dou"t heOll "e a"le to pull if off no+% since heOs essentially "een sho+n to "e out of "alance. Jike +ith too !any rats in a s!all space% the one +ho sho+s +eakness is eaten "y the others .Better use a lot of spices in that !eat% you re!ainin "oys and irls sittin at the dun heapOs su!!it5/. 3hen !y Doppel an ster is done +ith the 12$ "oss of the under round "ase at ?ello+stone .they use Dliza"eth Clair 7rophetOs near"y chu!ps as techie sla*e la"or and "lood sacrifices/% - think -Oll put hi! to +ork on Condoleza Bice% since - learned that all of the satanic rituals of :&d and ::d de ree 6ree!asons and ei hth and ninth de ree (heosophists are carried out "e +o!en like her. $pparently 9illary Clinton +ants to !o*e up fro! "ein the "a"y slayer in those rituals .O-t (akes a Jod eO/ to the "oss position. -tOs al+ays "etter to deal +ith the "oss than +ith flunkies. $ll the ritual perfor!ers are flunkies% of course% "ut theyOre the ones +ho are actually operatin the re i!eOs occult en ine of destruction. - re!ind you that this is )ust !y opinion% of course. $pparently enou h people ha*e si!ilar opinions "ecause the ten top )erks in $!erica are not ha*in a lot of fun these days. <ust "efore +e ot "usy +ith the! in 0cto"er
+ith 2uccor 7unches% Bi 2ecrets% radionics% etc.% they +ere in pretty hi h spirits-re!e!"erR <ust track their pro ress "y lookin at their photos fro! +eek to +eek. 2peakin of photos% ha*e you noticed the look on 7rince 3illia!Os face latelyR 9e looks like a "loody de!on +aitin to tear so!e"odyOs throat out. $lso% his pop looks like heOs a ed ten years in the last year% other+ise Dad looks as o"li*ious as e*er. #any are no+ sayin that 7rince 3illia! O$rthurO is the $ntichrist% the false prophet to "e trotted out after +e et !artial la+ in $!erica-and then the planet. -O! lad !y ro+n kids didnOt o throu h that phase in their teens. ?ikes--Od pro"a"ly "e dead as Diana no+. Jook at that uyOs face and consider ho+ !any saps +ould "uy into the O3orld 2a*iorO sca!. Can you say% OpsychopathRO 9ereOs +here ne+ a e pro ra!!in is likely to "e put to its !ost se*ere test. -t +ill "e fun to +atch if one has a stron sto!ach. 3e ru""ed ener y fields +ith a lot of 12$ a ents since +e let the! find us on #onday !ornin .they still couldnOt see us% "ut -Oll et to that in 7art (+o/ (hey +ere ettin +ound up ti hter and ti hter each day. (he ad*anta e +e had +as that they +ere una"le to see us% so +e ot pretty close to the! in their un uarded !o!ents. - ha*e to +onder ho+ these folks sur*i*e a nor!al +orkday% surrounded as they are "y people )ust like the! .- pro"a"ly donOt +ant to understand that/. $fter 2tuart ot the docu!entary online and fi8ed .+ith his 2uccor 7unch/% the #an in Black +ho +as in char e of interruptin cloud-"!Os internet access% the do+nloads started fro! all o*er the +orld and +e kne+ that 2tuart <ackson +asnOt oin to "e O1in)aOdO out of this life for slappin the face of the 12$/C-$% so +e all +ent to a restaurant to cele"rate. (he feds +ho +ere in there% +aitin % a*e us the !ost forlorn looks% like +eOd shot their do s. -t +as Kuite a spectacle. (hatOs +hen - kne+ for sure that +eOd all "eaten the #i hty 6ed 2pook $ encies% playin "y our o+n rules. (hey didnOt e*en poison our food that e*enin % thou h e*en our +aitress +as an a ent .psychic% too V-/. -t takes so!e effort and attention to stop the fed psychics fro! anticipatin our !o*es. (he fact that theyO*e found *ery% *ery fe+ of our or onite de*ices can only "e attri"uted to hi her inter*ention% in !y opinion. -Oll continue to i*e detailed reports of ho+ Carol and - elude these psychic +easels .not to i*e +easels a "ad na!e% of course/ and - hope e*eryone +ill try their hand at it. -tOs +onderfully fun and re+ardin and itOs ettin less risky% day-to-day. 2o!e folks are !ystified that +e ha*enOt "een suicided. -O! told "y folks +ho Okno+ so!ethin O that there ha*e "een !any atte!pts. 3eOre only a+are of three fro! the re i!e and one fro! Bad D(. 2o!e folks i*e !e too !uch credit for coura e. -n fact% !ost of +hat looks like coura e is si!ple o"li*ion. CarolOs the one +ith real uts "ecause she sees the threat on the astral plane and does this stuff any+ay. 2he also sees the protection there% of course% "ut only "ecause she has faith. 3ithout faith% e*en the !ost potent psychics +onOt see the protection "ecause they si!ply choose to li*e in fear instead. Ca*eat e!ptor. 3e dro*e fro! Duran o .+here +e spent the second ni ht/ to (aos% only stoppin to heal a *orte8 at a !ountain pass and t+o !ore in the hi h *alley on +hose eastern ed e lies (aos. 3hen +e do those healin s% the dark !astersO a ents are a+are first% then the 12$% and then the C-$. (hereOs a place called Jas 7iezas .(he 2tones/ on the +estern ed e of (aosO *alley% +here the hi h+ay co!es out of the !ountains. Carol sa+ a lar e% +eakened *orte8 at one of the s!all-hill sized stones +hich is on @2 6orest 2er*iceOs area headKuarters and horse far!% +hich +ere not occupied that day. $s +e +ere +alkin "ack fro! placin the 99 % a late !odel sedan +ith darkened +indo+s all around dro*e around the parkin area% o"*iously lookin for so!e"ody .us/. Carol said they didnOt e*en see us% thou h +e +ere in the open% close to the parkin lot. 2he also said theyOre aliens% +hich is +hy the lass +as "lackened% that it +as not likely e*en a car .+e +ere apparently caused to percei*e it that +ay/ and that it ca!e up fro! an under round facility *ery close "y. (he *alleyOs a"out forty !iles +ide at an ele*ation of P%''' feet. (o+ard the eastern ed e a *ery deep% narro+
canyon runs throu h it at the "otto! of +hich flo+s the Bio Nrande Bi*er o*er a series of cataracts. 0ur ne8t task +as to drop a 99 into the ri*er% so +e +alked out onto the !iddle of the "rid e and had the ood fortune to hit a pool instead of a rock% +hich +ould pro"a"ly ha*e shattered the 99 dropped a thousand feet or so. 3e had the notion that this pro)ect has so!ethin to do +ith the 3in !akers and +e +ere directed to a hill south+est of (aos% ri ht after +e checked into a hotel. 6or so!e reason itOs easy to see +here all the *ortices are in that *alley .and in !any other places% thanks to all the cloud"usters/ "ecause the clouds spin ;*orte8= around the!. (hese arenOt ordinary cloudsV theyOre the a!orphous% +ispy% +hite ones that - sa+ for!in each afternoon on !y initial (o+er Bustin research e8ercise in 2outhern -daho in 2epte!"er. -n that case% it for!ed o*er each to+n after all the deathforce and 9$$B7 trans!itters and arrays +ere neutralized. -t see!s that a lot of C"ers !istake these clouds for che!trail re!nants .and et "u!!ed out/% "ut in fact% Carol and - "elie*e +eOre +itnessin a "rand ne+ cloud for!. - sa+ these in $frica% +here there are no che!trails% so think -O! correct a"out this. -t took so!e ti!e to reach the hill *orte8 location south+est of to+n and that *orte8 is on land that the Cin of 2pain had i*en to so!e"ody in the 1L''s. Carol +ent throu h the fence to put the 99 in the ri ht spot% and then +e +ent "ack to the hotel. $s +e entered our roo! +e realized that the electricity +asnOt +orkin . -n fact the +hole do+n had lost po+er a !o!ent "efore and it +asnOt restored for another hour. - asked a local store o+ner if this +as co!!on and he said it only happened durin *iolent stor!s. (he day +as *ery pleasant% +ith a "lue sky% +ar! te!peratures and a li ht "reeze. 0ne of the characteristics of a O*orte8 cloudO is that it tends to de*elop into a cu!uloni!"us +here there are drou ht conditions. #any people in drou ht areas ha*e told !e that their cloud"usters created rainstor!s this +ay and -O*e +itnessed it !ore than a fe+ ti!es. (hese are o"*iously created locally% not "lo+n in on a frontal syste!. @sually "lue sky and s!aller% cu!ulus clouds are seen all around and the rainstor! doesnOt !o*e a+ay do+n+ind. - en)oy +atchin peopleOs faces !ore than the stor! itself in those cases. - feel like the ood +itch% Nlinda% in (9D 3-E$BD 06 0E% sayin % O3ake up5O at ti!es like that. $lso% these *orte8 clouds in 1orth $!erican drou ht re ions are routinely suppressed "y a type of che!trail that dissipates clouds. - think thatOs a *ariation of sil*er iodide% "ut -O! not sure. (hese clouds are nor!ally for!ed around the hi her !ountains in so!e areas. 3hen a cloud"uster is +ithin a hundred !iles or so% these !ountaintops are constantly +reathed +ith rainin or sno+in clouds. $fter +e did the *orte8 south+est of (aos% +e sa+ cu!ulus "e innin to for! in the outer tendrils of that cloud and the other *orte8 clouds e8tended to+ard each other and thickened into cu!ulus% as +ell. By the ne8t !ornin % it +as rainin . Carol said that +hat +e did allo+ed the *ortices to re-connect after ha*in "een isolated fro! each other "y ritual dark !a ic and 9$$B7. (he *itality of the at!osphere in that re ion is so stron that che!trails donOt last !ore than a fe+ seconds. (here +ere se*eral spe+planes crisscrossin the skies o*er the *alley and !ountains +hen +e +ere there. - think the nearest cloud"usters to (aos are in 2anta 6e and Duran o. 3e think that anyone +ho *isits Chaco Canyon% farther +est% and puts a 99 in the ri ht area +ill "reak the 12$Os control of the 3in !aker archaeolo ical site and allo+ the infor!ation to finally o pu"lic instead of "ein distorted on the internet. 9o+ a"out it% 2anta 6e CBersR Jet !e kno+ if you +ant !ap-do+sin data. (he trip to Jos $n eles fro! 1e+ #e8ico +as unre!arka"le e8cept that +e noticed that the Je!urians are "lockin all the 9$$B7 effects fro! reachin 1a*a)o/9opi land% +here it +as rainin nicely. (here +as a lot of
9$$B7 stuff oin on south of there alon -nterstate 4'% "ut the reen and !a enta "ordered Je!urian lenticulars ;clouds= created a sort of +all-in-the-sky% "eyond +hich none of the striations% +hich are characteristic of 9$$B7 trans!issions ;a hi hly striated% "anded-cloud look=% could "e seen north of the hi h+ay% +hich runs alon the southern "order of the hu e 1a*a)o Beser*ation. (he 9opi Beser*ation is sKuarely in the !iddle of 1a*a)o land. $nd there are three cloud"usters around the 9opisO peri!eter. By the fourth ni ht% +e e8perienced no !ore pro"in "y 12$ psychics% "ut +eOd "een do ed "y a sort of Draconian D( roup for a couple of +eeks and they al+ays see!ed to kno+ +here to find us. 3eOd successfully discoura ed the! fro! e8ertin pressure on CarolOs head% "ut +ere ha*in so!e pro"le! ettin one of the! to lea*e !e alone. Carol e*entually chopped off his left ar!% "ut he kept at !e% sort of like the Black Cni ht in #01(? 7?(901O2 90J? NB$-J. Carol says they ha*e ray skin and are sort of like !ules% used "y the Draconians specifically for harass!ent/!urder. 2he says theyO*e "een "red to ha*e lo+ intelli ence and suicidal deter!ination. - asked Carol to stop har!in the uy +ho +as hurtin !y "ack and neck and to let hi! kno+ that +e lo*e hi! and that stopped it for "oth of us. (hereOs a certain dyna!ic in*ol*ed in applyin ChristOs teachin s that see!s to ha*e escaped !ost Christians and has certainly eluded the head-oriented (heosophists .and% "y e8tension% all the !entally-pro ra!!ed 1e+ $ ers/ +ho insist that <esus is Oone of the!O and a cle*er ritual !a ic adept rather than a Di*ine #anifestation% 3ho is "eyond their )acked-up !ental co!prehension% "ut easily found throu h anyoneOs healthy heart chakra. <ust as Oe*eryone +ho talks a"out hea*en isnOt oin thereO% - hope that you arenOt tricked into "elie*in that anyone +ho talks a"out selfless lo*e can de!onstrate it. -n the real! of action% !oney talks and B2 +alks. -f fine rhetoric +as sufficient% all the ood talkers +ho ha*e run fro! this fi ht at the first si n of actual opposition +ould still "e out there "ustin to+ers instead of snipin at the ones +ho are still at it or disappearin off the radar screen alto ether. Jao (seOs dissertation on the po+er of hu!ility can round the a*era e ChristianOs understandin of <esusO sacrifice so that he/she can et past the phony elitis! and Nnostic !ish!ash that the cler y foisted on hi!/her for t+o !illennia. ?ou can "et <esus didnOt o out +ith a +hi!per as +eOre led to "elie*e% nor did hu!an li!itations e*er factor in to his earthly +ork. 3e paid a *isit to 2ecret Buddy% so!e+here in Jos $n eles% "ut thatOs the only part - canOt talk a"out until he decides its okay. 9eOs the one +ith the !ost serious dropped-)a+ syndro!e re ardin our sur*i*al under the circu!stances. - +ish - could share so!e of his stories. #ay"e heOll a ree to co-author a "ook +ith us so!eday. (he really fun stuff started +hen +e connected-the ne8t day-- +ith C"s+ork ;Jos $n eles !e!"er of +++.foru!.cloud-"!=% +ho !ade ood on his pro!ise and !etaphorically chained us to the alley "ench .our con*erti"le/ and !ade us use our "ucket oO to+er"usters in his rand sche!e% +hich heOll descri"e +hen itOs done. (he +hip he +ielded on Carol and - +as the entice!ent of lettin us see% firsthand% the fruits of J$$B7Os ;OJos $n eles $t!osphere Becla!ation 7ro)ectO= la"or to date and also of lettin us participate in so!e of the )uiciest "its of their re ional ca!pai n. 9e pro!ised to post a full account of his insi hts and acco!plish!ents in the pro)ect. - suspect that the other J$$B7 !e!"ers--Bick% 7ickles and $ndy--+ill then share +hat theyO*e done in this ca!pai n% too. 3hen you see ho+ si!ple and o"*ious it is% youOll slap your forehead% as - did.
Episode 46 8S+ .ersus the #$oud;Busters %ang Part 2 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc46Bpart'Pdec'&.sht!l Dece!"er P% &''& -t +as a dark and stor!y ni ht. <ust kiddin -- al+ays +anted to +rite that. -tOs fittin that 2tuart ot the docu!entary online the day "efore the 7earl 9ar"or $ttack anni*ersary. - +onder )ust ho+ !uch !ayhe! +eO*e all )ust pre*ented )ust "y e8posin the skid !arks on the re i!eOs lacy panties this +ay. -f you consider ho+ *i orously the 12$/C-$ operati*es ha*e tried to pre*ent this fro! "ein a*aila"le to you +e can assu!e that itOs pretty da!a in to the re i!eOs predatory a enda. -O! told that the people +ho are considered the !ost coura eous on the -nternet flatly refused to !ake this a*aila"le on their Ounder roundO sites and plainly stated that they considered it too !uch of a physical risk to do so. 3eOre pleased to death that 2tuart ot the opportunity to scoop this. #ay"e no+% the countless hours and i!!easura"le effort heOs put into this pro)ect +ill no+ "rin hi! so!e +ell-deser*ed !aterial re+ards and reco nition. Nettin "ack to C"s+orkOs crackin +hip% three days "efore (he D*ent% +e put the con*erti"le top do+n so +e could all et plenty of s+in in our dri*e-"y to+er"uster thro+s. #r. Brand of Nlendale% California 6irst% thou h% +e *isited #r. BrandOs pyra!id% secreted a+ay at the "ase of the foothills in Nlendale. (his is one of the t+o !ain anchor points of all of the satanic ener y in the Jos $n eles Basin. (he other anchor point pyra!id is near the 90JJ?300D si n% pro"a"ly +here all those deathforce trans!itters are. 3e decided a ainst stealth% thou h our host had reconned the area and found a "ack-entrance trail. 3e parked in the lot of the Oli"raryO near"y and +alked strai ht past a fortuitously open ate% up the road% o*er a ODo 1ot Cross7olice JineO yello+ tape and ri ht up to the enclosure +herein sat the 1:O hi h ranite pyra!id% surrounded "y the ra*es of so!e of BrandOs !is"e otten. Brand donated the land on +hich Nlendale sits +ith the stipulation that this pyra!id "e perpetually protected "y the City of Nlendale. 9e croaked in the 1SM's. $ little "ack round: !ost of the land around that part of J$ +as "ou ht "y top #asonic adepts and the purpose fro! the "e innin +as to create a !etropolis% founded on satanic ener y for the purpose of e8ploitation. 0f course% as #oha!!ad said% O#en plot and Nod plots% and Nod is the "est plotter%O so +hat +eOre seein no+ is that $JJ of the efforts e8pended "y the 2atanists are no+ "ein turned into fonts of healin ener y. 3e +ere careful not to put any of the de*ices +here theyOd "e easily found and re!o*ed% and +e also follo+ed C"s+orkOs ha"it of Oo*er- iftin %O and Kuickly re!o*ed oursel*es after seein the reKuisite ha+ks "rin us *isual confir!ation that +eOd ot it done ri ht. $ fed!o"ile rounded the "end on the road up to the shrine )ust as +e hopped o*er the yello+ tape on our +ay out and the cre+-cut uy a*e us (he Jook% apparently ha*in failed to see +here +eOd "een. Bi ht after that% another fed in hikin re alia and +ith a un in his fanny pack +alked up the road% passed us% and a*e us an e*en ri!!er look. 9e then took the +ron turn% )ust as his chu! did V-/ 3e i!!ediately sa+ the s!o clear a+ay fro! the hills and as +e dro*e to+ard 9olly+ood for 7hase (+o the clearin action preceded us until the entire to+n and *alley +as free of s!o . (he hillside closest to the shrine +as as dead as #t. 2t. 9elens. $ Kuarter !ile on either side the hills +ere *erdant.
0n the +ay to Nlendale% our host pointed out the t+o layers of s!o o*er the city itself% +hich +as uncharacteristically *isi"le fro! the 7asadena 6ree+ay. 3e sa+ the top layer radually et sucked do+n into the cloud"usters that +ere ran ed around the city and he told us that this is no+ a daily occurrence. By the ti!e +e +ere done +ith 9olly+ood% the s!o +as one there% too. (hereOs essentially no !ore s!o fro! #onro*ia all the +ay throu h the 2an 6ernando Falley. 7eople +ho are in their se*enties ha*e said theyO*e ne*er e8perienced this in 7asadena% +hich is in the !iddle. $t!osphere Becla!ation in 2outhern California (he reason -Od donated cloud"usters to C"s+ork is that - had a hunch that he kne+ ho+ to "est deploy the! in 2outhern California% +hich -O*e called the re i!eOs death-ener y 2talin rad. 9is resoundin success on #t. 7alo!ar +as the "est confir!ation -Od otten "efore our *isit% "ut seein and feelin J$ in such a pleasant state +as !uch !ore i!pressi*e proof that !y hunch +as on tar et. -Od ne*er "een a"le to take !ore than 1& hours in 2outhern California "efore +ithout +antin to tear !y hair out "ut +e spent four days there and - no+ "elie*e could actually li*e there if need "e "ecause the ener y fro! J$$B7Os ;Jos $n eles $t!osphere Becla!ation 7ro)ect= efforts is so nice-it felt to !e like the +ay you !i ht think it should feel after +atchin all the !o*ies that +ere fil!ed there. 1e+port Beach +ould "e !y choice "ecause of all the interestin "oats. 3eOd "een to J$ se*eral ti!es since +e first dropped a CB there in <une of &''1 .that one +as one "y $u ust/. (his ti!e% the s!o +as considera"ly di!inished all the +ay fro! Fictor*ille% +hich is in the desert on old @2 Boute 66 that co!es into Jos $n eles fro! Chica o% throu h 2an Bernardino% +here thereOs a cloud"uster on the ley line connectin 7alo!ar +ith 2hasta and the 0re on Forte8% across the +estern% pre*iously s!o iest% part of J$% into 7asadena and the 2an 6ernando Falley. D*ery+here +e +ent in 2outhern California +e could see the stars at ni ht. -O! told that this al!ost ne*er happened in J$ for at least fifty years. (here are actually J0(2 of proofs that J$$B7 is li*in up to its na!esake: Jos $n eles $t!osphere Becla!ation 7ro)ect. #ay"e no+ that it can "e seen that disa"lin the +orld re i!eOs deadly apparatus carries no physical risk any !ore% J$$B7Os ranks +ill s+ell and the countless thousands of deathforce trans!itters +ill Kuickly "e turned into or one enerators. (he real lory% thou h% has "een earned "y Bick% 7ickles% C"s+orks and $ndy% in !y opinion. 0r onizin the Ja+n 0n the +ay to and fro! 9olly+ood +e raced 6orest Ja+n Ce!etery +ith a necklace of to+er"usters% thro+n +ith panache fro! the car. 3e also did the (riadsO condo co!ple8 ne8t to one of the "i !o*ie studios. - chose the to+er"uster sa!ple that Neor Bitschl had sent us fro! $frica% thou h% to free #arilyn #onroeOs host fro! the hotel +here she +as stuck. - did that on foot and lo*in ly V-/ 9olly+ood (hen +e +ent to +ork on the 9olly+ood 9ills and ot a +eird *ersion of a 9olly+ood (our fro! our host% +ho dro*e. -O! not clear on ho+ !uch of this to share% since it ets into so!e of the proprietary stuff J$$B7 is doin % "ut suffice it to say that all of the satanic ener y that the (heosophists instilled into 9olly+ood prior to Crishna!urtiOs O+akin upO to $lice BaileyOs intent in 1M&M is no lon er operatin in fa*or of the re i!e that the founder of the Jucifer (rust .Bailey/ so dili ently ser*ed until her de!ise. Jucifer (rust +as rena!ed Jucis (rust% surreptitiously% after a )ournalist asked so!e sharp pu"lic Kuestions a"out OJuciferOsO close connection to the @nited 1ations. - think that happened in the !id ei hties. Crishna!urti !o*ed fro! 9olly+ood to 0)ai +hen he disco*ered the satanic nature of his affiliation +ith Bailey in that year and li*ed out his days as a relati*ely free !an "ut the "ad ritual !a ic stuff ne*er !issed a "eat on that hill that has the 90JJ?300D si n% up until a"out Dece!"er :% &''&. Budolph 2teiner had )u!ped (heosophyOs ship years "efore Crishna!urti did +hen $lice Bailey offered to pro!ote Budi as O<ohn the BaptistOs Beincarnation.O -f youOre still stuck in these constructs% +hat +ill it take to +ake you upR <ust re!e!"er that the re i!e rides alon on your ood intention and innocence% so donOt feel that all the Beally Nood stuff you kno+ is
ne ated +hen you disco*er the e*il of the folks +ho created all that o*erlaid !ental pro ra!!in . (he fed!o"iles created a *erita"le traffic )a!% +hich sho+ed us that +e +ere doin it ri ht% and a chopper fairly parked o*er the top of that hill for se*eral hours% pro"a"ly ri ht o*er the pyra!id. 3hat Cretins. (he road +as "locked that day% so +e couldnOt dri*e to the top. 3hen the re i!eOs "ack is turned% - e8pect one of J$$B7 +ill et up there and finish the )o" if they ha*enOt already. -tOs a *ery i!portant tar et. ?ou could rent a horse any day of the +eek at the sta"le at the end of the pa*ed road leadin to the top% so if youOre as pitifully out of shape as a! you can still et there +ithout pain and e8haustion. - ha*e faith at this point that #arc #eltonOs e8cellent O2kinny Dli8irO +ill disappear !y recently acKuired !idriff% as it did for !y lo*ely +ife. .#[email protected]! is the +ay to reach hi!./ -O*e "een usin his Dner y Dli8ir% +hich is +hy - can et so !uch done these days +ithout takin !y 0ld #an 1aps. 3e ran ed out to the other 9olly+ood hills fro! there and used up !ost of the rest of the hundred or so to+er"usters Carol and - had "rou ht. Carol ot a nice picture of !e shootin a to+er"uster into Jake 9olly+ood% +hich +e couldnOt et close enou h to for tossin . (he 2i n is in the "ack round of that photo. C"s+ork disdains !y spud un and e*en !y little plastic flin er% "ut - had to ha*e !y fun ne*ertheless. <eez% C"s+ork5-+hen you et past fifty-t+o you et a sore ar! fro! thro+in all day lon . -O! oin to ri up a slin % like Da*id used a ainst Noliath. - think - can et a hundred-yard to+er"uster thro+ that +ay. 3e didnOt stick around lon after - fired off the spud un% +hat +ith all the paranoia in upscale nei h"orhoods like that a"out s+arthy-skinned "o!" thro+ers. - think - actually sa+ a "u!per sticker there +ith Neor e 3. BushOs na!e on it% stran e to say. -O! told that only e8tre!ist Bepu"licans actually support that !oronic handpuppet. 3hy not pled e alle iance to Charley #cCarthy and Ja!"chop +hile youOre at itR -s the <oy of $rtillery so!ethin that not e*eryone +ould appreciateR #ay"e it oes into the sa!e cate ory as 7ee3ee 9er!an. 2ha!e on you if you en)oy shootin a s!all cannon% "ut +onOt ad!it it5 - ha*e the sense that the re i!e +ill han on until the last shred of po+er is taken fro! the!% so e*en if they OcapitulateO +eOre oin to need to o around and undo all the "ad stuff they +ill still ha*e in operation. (his +ill help to ensure that they +onOt su"*ert the ood political and spiritual +ork that +eOre doin ri ht no+. D*en thou h the 1'1st $ir"orne Di*ision% at least% is on the *er e of a !ilitary coup +e need to !ake sure that a real% representati*e o*ern!ent ets esta"lished $2$7. -t +ould "e so natural and easy +ith the internet to !ake that happen. (he !ilitary is !ore suscepti"le to su"*ersion than an elected "ody and it takes enerations to su"*ert a le islature. - "et the -llu!inati already ha*e a lar e nu!"er of a ents a!on the !ilitary patriots already. 3e "elie*e the top rats in the +orld re i!e ha*e "een lookin for safety for a"out si8 !onths "ecause they see the trends faster than their flunkies .like the ten "loodthirsty 1orth $!erican chu!ps on our list/ do and you can "et they donOt share infor!ation like that +ith anyone. -f anyone thinks that O3hite Cni htsO are oin to char e in and rescue us% please think a ain. -tOs not the nature of the !ilitary to o*ern. - donOt +ish to trade a "loated% slu ish% unar!ed ene!y .the re i!eOs -llu!inati% +hose only +eapon is !ind control/ for an ar!ed% or anized one in any e*ent% do youR 6un at 9otel 6ed 3e ot a hotel roo! in Nlendale for t+o ni hts and +ere treated +ith e*ery i!a ina"le "ea! +eapon% roo!ru!!a in "y the feds% phone shenani ans% etc. - !ay as +ell ha*e rented a roo! at Jan ley. - slept throu h it all% of course% "ut Carol ot s!acked all ni ht lon the second ni ht .after +e did 9olly+ood/ fro! the roo! a"o*e and didnOt sleep at all until - put #r. 2kull to +ork on the C-$ delinKuents o*erhead. CarolOs still in the process of learnin that itOs a ood idea to +ake !e up +hen that stuff starts instead of +aitin se*eral hours. #o"ile Bea!er #eets 0r one 6ield
2peakin of psyops% +e +ere ha*in a late lunch in an outdoor caf` in Nlendale after +e did 9olly+ood% practically hand feedin french-fries to the sparro+s% +hen C"s+ork turned +hite and fell "ack in his chair. Carol% seein that% i!!ediately put up a shield and only e8perienced so!e disco!fort. Jater +e fi ured out that the +eapon +as in a fed!o"ile *an that had )ust arri*ed at a parkin spot a"out t+enty feet fro! +here +e +ere sittin and that if +e hadnOt "een so infused +ith all that or one it pro"a"ly +ould ha*e caused a heart attack in one or t+o of us. (hat led to so!e interestin speculation on the *ia"ility of the C-$Os !ost fa*ored ener y +eaponry in a stron or one field. 3e had no or onite de*ices +ith us at the !o!ent% so +e 3DBD the field. (hank Nrid Colonel Beardon is full of crap +hen he +rites .in his ini!ita"le% unintelli i"le style/ a"out the in*inci"le scalar +eaponry of the secret o*ern!ent5 (here +ere t+o unifor!ed police!en in the restaurant% assi ned to +atch us there. 0ne cop car +as parked "y our car and - +as plannin an e8peditious e8it in the opposite direction if -Od seen cops standin around there% since the spud un +as in the "ackseat and the top +as still do+n. Carol had +isely co*ered it +ith her )acket "ut - didnOt kno+ that and "esides the cop )ust parked there to inti!idate us. - think they had donuts in that restaurant% so +e +ere safe at any rate. 3eO*e all heard horror stories a"out J$7D. - en*isioned a ten-second Bodney Cin *ideotape loop +ith !e on the round% surrounded "y de!onstrati*e Blue Cni hts +ith "illy clu"s. - only en*isioned that "riefly% of course V-/ 6or our readers +ho la!ent that they ne*er see anythin like this +hen theyOre out "ustin to+ers% let !e re!ind you that 1/ itOs pro"a"ly there% "ut youOre not a+are of itV &/ you !ay need to try harder-!ay"e it only ets really o*ert after youO*e cost the re i!e a "illion dollars in disa"led eKuip!ent. -f youOre psychic and are "ustin to+ers% !y uess is that youOre seein it all and that if you lack faith you +onOt continue after they slap you one ti!e. (hey didnOt e*en try "o8 sur*eillance this ti!e% so - uess our reputation preceded us. 3e did !ake se*eral 12$ and C-$ pa*e!ent artists% +ho tailed us as soon as they sa+ us% and C"s+ork +as a "it scandalized +hen yelled% +a*ed and/or pointed at the! "ecause heOs ot a fa!ily to think a"out and - +as really !akin a couple of the a ents an ry. - pointed out to hi!% thou h% that they Kuickly left us alone after that. 1one of the! follo+ed us +hen +e +ent into the 9olly+ood nei h"orhoods% for instance% and +e had a ood t+enty pri*ate !inutes to fire off the (B into Jake 9olly+ood and pre-"ust a near"y to+er array% +hich +as under construction. 2peakin of to+ers% that +as the only ti!e +e put or onite near to+ers intentionally that day. (he plan J$$B7 is carryin out doesnOt in*ol*e "ustin to+ers at all% +hich is +hat !akes it t+ice as astonishin to !e in li ht of +hat theyOre acco!plishin . (hey "ust to+ers% too% of course. - +ish - could say !ore. -tOs not arcane or e8clusi*e. $"solutely anyone could do this and no special crystals% +ater% rituals% pro ra!!in % etc.% are essential to the plan% thou h all of the a"o*e are "ein added to !ake it that !uch "etter. -O! particularly lad to ha*e this opportunity to de!onstrate that healin the at!osphere is not a Croft e8clusi*e "y any !eans. $fter this all plays out in the co!in years% our part +ill "e seen as a si nificant contri"ution to a !uch +ider rassroots effort. (he #essiah co!ple8 is one of the features "uilt into the Jucis (rust !ental pro ra!!in and lots of folks ha*e un+ittin ly fallen into that trap and are no lon er *ia"le. (hatOs +hy - !entioned Crishna!urti and 2teiner in this conte8t. (hey +ent on to lead producti*e li*es after disco*erin % at a relati*ely early a e% that their affiliation +ith the re i!eOs hu!anist doctrine/do !a and hierarchy +as counterproducti*e% spiritually. Jike the youn folks +ho look for enli hten!ent in hallucino ens% they ca!e to see that they thou ht they +ere headin for #ecca% "ut ended up in -stan"ul. (he +ay - see it% !ost of the occult infor!ation held "y #asonic and (heosophical .$tlanteanR/ secret societies is *alid% "ut itOs lifeless. (he un+ittin adherents +ho still possess the life force and follo+ the doctrines associated +ith this infor!ation are the ones +ho !ake it appear ali*e% not the !en and +o!en at the top% +hose hearts are as lifeless as a discarded shoe. Carol and - and !any others no+ use sacred eo!etry and other occult infor!ation% for!erly considered the do!ain of these secret orders% "ut +eOre usin it to create and pro!ote life% not to suppress it and parasitically e8ploit it. (he si!ple disco*ery that or onite and crystals can e8ponentially increase the po+er latent in for! !ay so!eday rank as a !a)or scientific/spiritual achie*e!ent.
JetOs lea*e the 1o"el 7rize to the Cissin ers and fake scientists% thou h% okayR -Od sooner accept an honorary !e!"ership in 1$#BJ$-at least theyOre upfront a"out their per*erse orientation and purpose. 0ur +ork stands on its o+n% so +e donOt need flo+ery rhetoric or a"struse clai!s to fool you into acceptin it. $lso% thereOs so !uch pollution in the a"o*e-!entioned orders that real proof of the potential of this infor!ation is hidden fro! the adherents until they reach the sta e +here theyOre not likely to e8it the pro ra! e8cept "y death% either natural or contri*ed. -t could "e that the !ost secrecy-da!a in aspect of our +ork is that ordinary people like you and - can no+ do Bi #a ic +ithout co!!ittin to a satanic order. - stopped countin the nu!"er of psychics +ho o cross-eyed at +itnessin +hat you and - can no+ do +ithout their a"ilities and trainin . (he s+eet part is that you !ay not e*en see this yourself yet% "ut that doesnOt stop you fro! e8ertin a reat deal of po+er in anchorin the e!er in % ena"lin paradi ! and e8tricatin hu!anity fro! the retreatin % e8ploiti*e one. Beich +rote% in his pri*ate notes% that Dinstein represented the last concerted effort of !aterialistic .dead/ science to !aintain control o*er the +ay +e percei*e reality. Beich credited his resoundin successes in the physical sciences +ith ha*in co!e fro! the study of ho+ the !ind +orks% +hich is essentially an or anic% life-oriented approach to science. -tOs a ood thin for us all that 6reud% his for!er% *ery )ealous !entor% contri*ed to ha*e Beich "lack"alled fore*er fro! practicin psychiatry on this planet% thou h of course% if heOd pursued that course% he +ould ha*e infused psychiatry +ith true spirituality and !ay"e +e +ouldnOt ha*e the Dr. <olyon 3ests destroyin innocent people +ith !ind control these days. @nseen 7rotection 9o+ !any of us are seein "y no+ that if it +erenOt for so!e profound protection and uidance +eOd all "e chasin our tails% leisurely picked off .suicided/% in the custo!ary +ay% "y C-$ operati*es under the direction of so!e"ody like (ed% the Creepy-Cro+leyR 3hen in the history of the planet ha*e a!ateurs such as oursel*es "een allo+ed to syste!atically disa"le% +ith co!plete i!punity% a costly predatory apparatus such as the che!trail pro ra!% 9$$B7 and the deathforce trans!itter net+orkR 3hat +eOre all doin is sort of like so!e"ody in 1M:'s Bussia +alkin up to 2talin% sto!pin on his outy toe and pokin hi! in the eye% then +alkin a+ay and oin a"out his life as "efore. (hink a"out it. (his !eans +eOre "ein protected% so ha*e faith and keep follo+in your e8cellent instincts5 Fictory BeKuires Dn a e!ent - kno+ - can "e rou h on the Jo*e and Ji ht Bri ade% "ut -O! tryin to et the! past their pro ra!!ed reluctance to face and oppose e*il. 1o"ody - kno+ is !ore lo*in than - a!% e*en to+ard the "a"y killers like 9illary Clinton and Neor e 3. Bush% "ut itOs not contradictory to lo*e so!e"ody and restrain the! fro! har!in others at the sa!e ti!e. - personally "elie*e itOs an act of lo*e on "ehalf of e*eryone to stop their !ayhe! "y any !eans +ithin uni*ersal la+. $ certain a!ount of a ression is reKuired to ener etically restrain a predator% +hich !eans that spiritual +arfare is not unlike street fi htin . -f youOre callin yourself OfearlessO and Ospiritual +arriorO% donOt "e duped into "elie*in that the only ene!y is you% okayR - "et you dollars to donuts that youOll ne*er hurt anyone. (he re i!eOs payrolled predators% on the other hand% +ill cook and eat your youn children if i*en half a chance and +e all need to disa"le their unseen handlers. (he (o+er Busters Bri ade 1eeds ?ou JetOs et real5 (i!eOs short no+ that theyOre "latantly +a*in the 22 fla in our faces. 1ote that the 9o!eland 2ecurity 2er*ice is literally usin the old 1azi 22 ea le as its lo o. 9o+ "latant does it ha*e to "e "efore you finally realize that theyOre leerin at you and sharpenin their kni*es no+R (he Duropean <e+s relied on piety and upri htness to sa*e the! fro! the Nestapo% ri ht up until the !iddle of 1M4L. -f that didnOt +ork for the!% +hy do you think itOs oin to help you this ti!eR 3e donOt need "ullets to +in this +ar. $s - !entioned% itOs a spiritual "attlefield. 0r onite is the !a ic "ullet% "ut it needs to "e used +idely%
not kept under our "eds or in our ardens. Be as saintly as you +ant% "ut please keep ettin out there and destroyin the re i!eOs ener y foundation. (he hea*ily pro ra!!ed% head-oriented people can parrot one hell of a fine yarn a"out selfless lo*e% ser*ice to others% Oascension%O Okar!a%O etc.% "ut the real test is puttin all this fine rhetoric to +ork in the disdained :D +orld% +hich% letOs face it% +e li*e in ri ht no+. DonOt "e like the pedant in the se+er .an old 2ufi analo y/ +ho +onOt accept a helpin hand fro! passers"y "ecause their *er"al offers to help donOt fit his hi h ra!!atical standards. No ahead and call 9oly 9and enades O9u sO and O9ar!onizersO and (o+er"usters O(reatsO "ut )ust keep on ettin the! to spots +hich +ill take the earthOs fine ener y a+ay fro! the predatory% parasitic re i!e% okayR (his is takin !ore pa es than - had thou ht% so -Oll continue this in 7art (hree. - need to +rite a"out our !eetin +ith #arc #elton and Cen $dachi% then a"out the e*ents leadin to our successful !eetin +ith 2tuart in 2an 6rancisco. Don Croft
Episode 4 8S+ .ersus the #$oud;Busters %ang Part 3 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc4PCpart'Pdec'&.sht!l Dece!"er P% &''& 2an Die o C"s+ork ot a"out forty ne+ to+er "usters to ether for us for (hursday so +e could continue J$$B7Os ca!pai n to+ard 2an Die o. 2o!e"ody else +ould ha*e done that% "ut +e +anted to contri"ute so!e !ore to+ard their co!prehensi*e effort on our +ay to !eet #arc #elton% the notorious $ ent #&. -Oll et a +ord or t+o in here a"out our !eetin +ith <a!es and Bose #ary 9u hes in $shland% 0re on% on our +ay ho!e fro! California ;7art 4=. 3hat struck us +as the sa*a e nature of the ener y of 2an Die o% +hich hasnOt had the ood fortune to e8perience J$$B7s healin endea*ors. #arc is the only person in that +hole +ide !etropolitan area +ho has a cloud"uster% to the "est of our kno+led e% and his ceaseless efforts since his arri*al on the foru! late last su!!er had only !ade a dent in the o*erall deadenin ener y field there. 3e +ere rather disoriented "y all that dead or one and +ere cau ht off uard "ecause +eOd already otten accusto!ed to the relati*ely !ello+ a!"ience of Jos $n eles .- s+ear -Od ne*er ha*e e8pected to put O!ello+O in the sa!e sentence as OJos $n elesO/. #arc is a )oy to "e around% thou h% so our trepidation +as co!pletely offset "y his scintillatin presence. 9ereOs a uy +ho really puts his !oney +here his !outh is% too% and has pro*en his +illin ness to enter the dra onOs !outh +ith nothin to "ack hi! up "ut his o+n faith and nati*e a"ilities. 3e +ere lad to find that heOs initiated his o+n approach to planetary healin % "ased on ener izin the lines connectin the !a)or earth-star rid point *ortices. (hereOs one of these !a)or *ortices *ery close to the under round "ase in #e8ico that he successfully neutralized last !onth and thou h the re i!e found and re!o*ed "oth of the de*ices he so painstakin ly put there% heOs already arran in to et it done per!anently ne8t ti!e. -n pra !atic ter!s% +hen +e feel that astral eyes are on us% +eOre pro"a"ly correct% so i!a inin the source of intrusion% i!palin the *isitor on our healin 2uccor 7unch "ea! and then e8pellin hi! does the )o". -t ets easier +ith each episode and that little flicker of !o*e!ent in our peripheral *ision ;astral entities= ets less and less freKuent if +e re!e!"er to follo+ our instincts !ore carefully and consistently. 3e hope and e8pect that his innate ift +ith her"al !edicine +ill soon finance a +idespread ca!pai n to realize his inspired planetary healin *ision. -n case you ha*enOt tried his @ncle DarlOs Dli8irs% please do so and youOll see +hy +e donOt +ant to "e +ithout the! any !ore. 9eOs al+ays happy to discuss his fine products if you e!ail hi! at [email protected]! Carol and - "elie*e that itOs okay that so!e of the de*ices in #e8ico and China +ere found for t+o reasons: the +orld re i!e no+ kno+s that e*en their !ost cherished and secret facilities are easily found and neutralized "y our net+ork and theyOre sho+in us that +e need to pay closer attention to the i!portance of psychically shieldin our location fro! the! durin our !ost sensiti*e operations. $lso% this !ay point out the i!portance of o*er- iftin and the notion that OcloseO counts +ith horseshoes and hand renades .in this case% holy ones/. CarolOs 2ecrets #y +ife keeps so!e secrets fro! !e "ecause - ha*e a "i !outh% +hich is okay "ecause if it +erenOt for !y "i !outh +eOd "oth "e pushin up daisies "y no+ or strun up on so!e dun eon +all. 0ne of those secrets is her a"ility to !ake us in*isi"le to predators% "oth the physical and astral kind. #y o+n efforts +ith #r. 2kull see! pretty crude ne8t to that% thou h #r. 2kull has no peer in certain other applications.
0ur success in eludin the feds for all that ti!e can "e attri"uted to a co!"ination of hi her inter*ention% CarolOs skills and the ineptness of the fed stalkers. -f - can et !ore specific instructions out of this -Oll share it +ith you% "ut itOs still pretty ne+ to !e% so all - can do is report +hat +e e8perienced for no+. C"s+ork told us that +hen he asked his 2uccor 7unch to !ake hi! in*isi"le to predators it +as a pro"le! in traffic "ecause so !any people there are predators that he had to dri*e Fery Defensi*ely "efore he thou ht to !odify his reKuest and apply it only to the alle ed o*ern!entOs o+n stalkers. $t least one fed!o"ile ca!e close to collidin +ith us on a free+ay in J$ last +eek. - had to sla! on !y "rakes +hen he chan ed lanes to +here our car +as. #r. 2kull (o the "est of !y kno+led e% the entity +ho "rou ht !e that crystal skull and inspired !e to put a !o"ius coil around his head like a hippie head"and is 9er!es% the ori inator of the sciences +ho is re*ered "y 6ree!asons as their pre-D yptian founder. - think the (heosophy folks call hi! 9ilarion% thou h the uy theyOre callin "y that na!e is pro"a"ly a rin er% )ust one of the dark !asters in astral costu!e% as is 2t. Ner!ain% in !y opinion. -O! certainly not prepared to defend !y assess!ent% "ut it feels ri ht to !e. (heyOre reat uns on usin rin ers for da!n near e*erythin % +hich +ill "e apparent if they try to trot that psychopath% 7rince 3illia!% out onto the +orld sta e as the return of <esus Christ V-/ #ost psychics are rather unco!forta"le in the presence of #r. 2kull% and so!e ha*e inti!ated that thereOs so!e dark force at +ork in there. - +onder if that reticence has so!ethin to do +ith the ra+ po+er that #r. 2kull represents. - heard a story one ti!e a"out so!e Ca""alistic adepts +ho accessed the force of Creation. #ost of the! +ere literally destroyed "y the po+er% "ut the only one +ho +asnOt affected "y it +as the one +ho didnOt +ant personal po+er. Carol liked it "etter "efore - put the !o"ius head"and on% "ut - fi ure that if youOre oin to a street "ra+l itOs a ood idea to "rin alon a dirty fi hter% since $JJ on the opposin tea! are dirty fi hters. -f you ne+ a ers +ant to en a e in these fisticuffs% youOd "etter +ear a tin cup "ecause your hi h !indedness and colle iate style +ill pro"a"ly cause you to lea*e your *itals unprotected. (alkin a"out lo*e and fuzzy thin s +onOt stop the! fro! oin for the onads% you can "et. - +ish - could count the nu!"er of ti!es -O*e had to hold the hands .*ia e!ail/ of the ne+ a ers in this ca!pai n +ho ha*e en a ed the re i!e on the field and +ere surprised that the re i!e fi hts "ack after theyO*e )ust disa"led a fe+ of their !illion-dollar deathforce trans!itters. - et a kick out of the ones +ho e8pect the 12$/C-$ to honor their Onon-a ressionO entreaties after the fact V-/ #r. 2kull and !y Doppel an ster are apparently old "uddies% so they +ork +ell to ether and -O! not nae*e enou h to assu!e they need !y super*ision once theyO*e a reed to take on another hu!an tar et. Jo*e can take !any for!s. -t !ay "e a stretch for you to accept that - can lo*e <ay Bockefeller +hile - su")ect hi! to the dou"le +ha!!y of #r. 2kull and !y Doppel an ster "ut - donOt see a contradiction. $fter all% <ayOs upper chakras are pro"a"ly ettin a ood +orkout for the first ti!e since he +as first ritually a"used as a s!all "oy in an effort to et the poor little "u erOs hi her chakras shut do+n and e*eryone +ins +hen +e play this a!e. Beptilian (esti!onialsR - +ish those old Draconians +ho no+ occasionally ask for a dose fro! !y 2uccor 7unch +ould +rite a testi!onial for !e so - +ouldnOt ha*e to contend +ith you Jo*e and Ji ht uys any !ore. (hey +ere the scariest predators% "y far% +hen +e first ot started +ith our cloud"uster t+o years a o. Condoleza Bice% +ith hu!an infant "lood drippin fro! her chin% looks like a +ar!-hearted school!ar! ne8t to these uys. -!a ine a stretched out *ersion of Bichard Nephart on crack cocaine .7rozacR/ and +ith an attitude and you ha*e an appro8i!ation of +hat these alien fello+sO !erciless aspect +as. 1o+ theyOre not so "ad to ha*e around. - "et they kno+ so!e terrific stories and )okes.
$fter *isitin #arc +e had )ust enou h ti!e to finish our assi n!ent in J$$B7Os proprietary ca!pai n and et to a !otel for the ni ht in (e!ecula. Carol +as pretty e8hausted fro! spendin t+o ni hts in NlendaleOs C-$ Central .Days -nn/ so that ni ht she slept *ery +ell. (he feds didnOt find the car until early !ornin . (hey lost it a ain as soon as Carol rene+ed her spell% of course. 0ran e County% California 3e dro*e o*er to Capistrano .returnin % as it +ere% like the sal!on V-/ / on the +ay to see Cen and did so!e !ore +ork for J$$B7 on the +ay% since no"ody +ould "e likely to dri*e alon this !ountain hi h+ay anyti!e soon. 3e +erenOt a"le to spot 7alo!ar% "ut Carol could see that the ener y co!in off the !ountain +as *i"rant and clean% still% fro! C"s+orkOs efforts there. Capistrano !ust ha*e a cloud"uster "ecause e*eryone +e sa+ had a s!ile and the at!osphere there +as pristine. 3e called Cen $dachi after +e arri*ed in 0ran e County. $t one point% in 1e+port Beach% +e +ere +alkin alon the street +hile ettin an oil chan e and a fed in a spy-tech +ork truck !ade a @-turn ri ht in front of us in an effort to locate us. (he uy looked ri ht at "oth of us and didnOt reco nize us. 3e had let our uard do+n for a "it "efore +e stopped at <iffy Ju"e and a Kuiet chopper spotted us and started circlin . Carol did the in*isi"ility ritual and the chopper fle+ ai!lessly a+ay% then +e started seein a plethora of fed!o"iles +hile the car +as in the shop and +e did the tourist thin alon the +aterfront. (hat +as fun. Cen told us to !eet hi! "y an oriental !arket and +e thou ht% O0h% reat-look for a s!all% !iddle a ed oriental !an at an oriental !arket5O But +e reco nized hi! ri ht a+ay so!eho+. 9e took us to a <apanese Bestaurant in Costa #esa and there +ere t+o feds in the "ooth close to the door +hen +e arri*ed% so +e a"andoned the notion that +eOd ha*e any pri*acy. Cen puts all of our stuff on his popular site% +++.educate-yourself.or % and in our *ie+ that !akes hi! a close ally. (hou h he !i ht not ackno+led e it% heOs sacrificed a lot o*er the years to infor! hu!anity to the "est of his a"ility .thatOs sayin a reat deal/. - ot the <oe Cell infor!ation fro! his site a fe+ !onths "efore +e !ade a cloud"uster% and - kno+ heOs "een on the cuttin ed e lon er than +e ha*e. - et the sense that all of us +ho are no+ +akin up +ant% !ore than anythin else% to "e free of the old constraints that ha*e "een i!posed on us% practically since "irth% "y the +orld re i!e. - suspect there are !any paths one can take to et out of this !aze% "ut Carol and - ha*e chosen to de!olish the !aze itself rather than )ust to escape fro! it. CenOs pro*ided e*ery "it of infor!ation at his disposal to assist all of us in our efforts to +in this lo"al spiritual +ar and infor!ation has taken the place of "ullets in this ca!pai n. $ "ullet is only useful if it reaches its tar et and infor!ation is only useful if it can "e applied to a constructi*e solution% so itOs up to each of us to Oeducate oursel*esO these days. 0ther sites focus on pro"le!s% only% and the net effect is that they lead us to feel discoura ed and e*en hopeless in the face of the !ountain of dile!!as% !ost of +hich +ere created solely "y the +orld re i!e. CenOs efforts are applied in the direction of findin solutions to the Bi 7ro"le!s that the other sites only +hine a"out. - think he deser*es a !edal for that and certainly not a posthu!ous one. $lthou h he does this !ostly +ithout i*in a thou ht to his o+n personal ad*anta e% - hope that anyone +ho +ants a (er!inator +ill "uy one fro! hi! rather than fro! Carol and -% since this +ill offset% in a s!all +ay% so!e of the sacrifices he !akes daily to keep us all infor!ed and up to speed. (he 7erils of Da*esdroppin $ funny thin happened +hen +e +ere sayin ood"ye to Cen in the *icinity of the oriental !arket: - ot an ur e to sho+ hi! !y spud un% so - took it out of the trunk% loaded the cha!"er +ith propellant .Bi ht Nuard/ deodorant% the "ro+n can% +orks "est and lea*es no residue-it e*en s!ells ood after you fire it off/ and i nited it% +hich produced a satisfyin B00# that turned e*eryoneOs head for a Kuarter !ile around% "ut not "efore - ot it secreted "ack into the carOs trunk.
Carol i!!ediately +alked o*er to a fed!o"ile that +as half-hidden a hundred yards a+ay. 3hen she ot "ack she said that an 12$ fello+ in that car +as listenin to us all throu h one of those distant-sound isolators and a!plifiers +ith headphones +hen - set off the spud un% "ut he scooted posthaste after - "lasted the thin and he sa+ Carol co!in . 2he !ade sure he sa+ her +a*e at hi! "efore he left. - "et his ears are still rin in fro! that Nreatly $!plified spud un e8plosion. Carol had pointed out !ost of the feds +ho +ere around +hen +e +ere +ith Cen. Jike e*eryone else% heOd ne*er noticed the! "efore. -tOs Kuite a shock to all of us +hen +e first realize )ust ho+ utterly !olested our pri*acy is% +hich is +hy Carol and - relish the ti!es +hen +eOre co!pletely free of sur*eillance% as +hen +eOre in our ho!e and occasionally +hen +eOre out on patrol. - think +eOre all headin to a ti!e% soon to co!e% +hen +eOll "e a"le to easily disa"le all sur*eillance% e*en the psychic hackin that accesses us throu h our old !ental pro ra!!in . 0f course% potheads and drunks +onOt e*er e8perience this until theyO*e o*erco!e their addictions. @ntil then% theyOre all si!ply +alkin *ideoca!s and un+ittin a ents of the re i!e and +e a*oid closely associatin +ith the!% if possi"le% for that reason. Boad Ba e 3e left Cen around L::'7# and it took us t+o hours to dri*e throu h Jos $n eles alon -nterstate L on the +ay to 2an 6rancisco. 3e didnOt "other countin the fed!o"iles that +ere out lookin for us% "ut thatOs +hen one of the! nearly ran !e off the road. (he succession +ent like this as +e dro*e throu h their desi nated )urisdictions: a chu!p part-ti!e fed in his o+n cheap car +ould scurry "y us% then a re ulation fed!o"ile or t+o% then a 2$-C in a *ery e8pensi*e car +ith "lacked-out +indo+s all around +ould hurry "y% atte!ptin to do +hat his flunkies had failed to acco!plish. (hat happened t+o or three ti!es "y the ti!e +e reached the 2an <oaKuin Falley. (hey had a pretty ood idea +e +ere oin to see 2tuart "y no+ to hand hi! the che!trail docu!entary CD. -t +as 117# "y the ti!e +e ot to a stoppin place and +e didnOt e8pect the feds not to find our car "y this point "ecause they had apparently !ade it a top priority and had put da!n near e*eryone +ho could dra hi!self across the floor out to find us. 3hen Carol oes to sleep the in*isi"ility spell +ears pretty thin. Callin Card% ONoodfello+sO 2tyle $n hour later% - +ent out to et so!ethin out of the car and found an oil spill under the en ine that ran to a lo+ spot in the pa*e!ent and pooled. - +as too tired to deal +ith it and it +as apparently no lon er spillin out% so )ust +ent "ack to "ed. (he ne8t !ornin there +as only a faint trace of the spilled oil and e*en the pool had "een +iped up. - kne+ that oil doesnOt )ust a"sor" into sealed pa*e!ent that +ay and +hen Carol ot to the car she said% T$ uy )ust stopped !e "y the soda !achine )ust no+ and !ade a point of tellin !e +hat a "eautiful !ornin it +as. 3hen he +as talkin % - sa+ an i!a e of hi! tryin to put a "o!" in the car last ni ht% "ut ha*in failed "ecause you sho+ed up and rattled hi! pretty "adly. - si!ply told hi!% O3hat you did last ni ht didnOt +ork%O and +alked a+ay.T (hen - sho+ed her the traces of the spilled oil. - ot in the car and turned the i nition key% not yet connectin +hat she )ust told !e +ith +hat - +as seein . 2he later told !e that +hen she +as sittin in the passen er seat she held her "reath% half e8pectin it to "e her last. 9eOd o"*iously sat in the dri*er seat the ni ht "efore "ecause #r. 2kull% +ho +as standin upri ht "ehind the lu!"ar support pillo+ after - ot out the ni ht "efore% +as on his side +hen - opened the door and !o*ed the pillo+. - "et #r. 2kull oosed that C-$ !urderer +hen he sat do+n. #ay"e he did it +ith Jo*e and Ji ht-+ho kno+sR (he 2an <oaKuin *alley is perpetually s!o -"ound and part of this is due to the fact that the only cloud"usters are in 2acra!ento and Bakersfield% as far as - kno+. (he skies o*er "oth cities are in pretty ood shape and thereOs less s!o there% "ut so!e"ody really needs to Do 2o!ethin for the area in +hich !ost of $!ericaOs produce is ro+n% donOt you thinkR
D0B Crop 3ater I Bitual #a icians (hou h +e +ere in a hurry% +e stopped to toss a sli htly "uoyed 9oly 9and renade in an irri ation canal alon the +ay. - tape so!e floatation !aterial to the point so that it +ill land on its "otto!% on the "otto!% instead of top do+n. CarolOs a"le to et the! to land upri ht e*ery ti!e in +ater% "ut the only ti!e - +as a"le to do that +as +hen Nre us took !e to the sprin in the *orte8 on the Bohe!ian Nro*e rounds last <une. - dropped it after reachin do+n into the +ater up to !y ar!pit. 2till dou"tin that it landed ri ht% - !o*ed aside the +ater +eeds and sa+ that it did% indeed land upri ht another t+o feet or so "eyond !y reach. Nre us had no dou"t at all and +as a!used% - think% at !y lack of confidence. - donOt take chances any !ore and tape and plastic foa! packin !aterial is cheap and plentiful. Bichard in Beno told !e that he dropped an 99 in Jake (ahoe recently after ha*in follo+ed !y reco!!endation to tape a 2tyrofoa! "all to the point and the +hole thin )ust floated a+ay. 9e told !e that sea ulls i!!ediately started peckin at the 2tyrofoa! and that the thin +as sure to sink pretty soon. - kno+ of another case of sea ull inter*ention thatOs pretty re!arka"le% too. 3hen - parked% Carol recei*ed a stron +arnin not to et out of the car. #y insistence to her to co!e alon and share the fun sort of o*er+hel!ed her "etter )ud !ent% thou h% and a +easel crossed our path on the +ay to the canal% a Kuarter !ile a+ay do+n a dirt road. Carol +as i!!ediately attacked "y a nu!"er of ritual !a icians .should ha*e paid attention to the +arner% not to !e/ and on the +ay "ack she t+isted her ankle on le*el round and fell do+n. $s - approached the canal% - e8perienced a stron ODonOt Do -t5O resonant e!otion fro! the "ad uys% so - kne+% ri ht a+ay% that these canals +ere "ein used to carry a J0( of concentrated dead or one to the crops in the fields. - +ould like to spend a !onth in the 2an <oaKuin Falley and the ad)oinin hills and reser*oirs +ith Carol if so!e"ody doesnOt "eat us to it "y ne8t su!!er. 2an 6rancisco (he trip into the Bay $rea +as not re!arka"le e8cept that the hundreds of e8pensi*e +ind enerators in the hills east of the !etro area +ere co!pletely still due to lack of +ind. -f anyone +ere to attack cloud"usters thatOs pro"a"ly the only concei*a"le chink in our ar!or% "ut of course% after all the *ia"le free ener y de*ices are allo+ed into the !arketplace +ithout physical risk to the in*entors% those +ind enerators +ill end up in the sa!e scrap pile as the deathforce trans!itters% so +hatOs the fussR $lternati*e Dner y% 6ree Dner y% I 0r onite 7uttin a lot of confidence in +ind enerators and solar panels "e s the issue that these products are only a*aila"le .at an inflated price/ fro! the *ery corporations +ho! +e hope to et our independence fro! "y turnin to alternati*e ener y production technolo y. Jearnin that there are al+ays !ore options than the ones presented to us "y the +orld re i!e is one of the prereKuisites of +akin up and takin off our 7<s. 2peakin of Colonel Bearden V-/% - re!e!"er hearin hi! say% around 1MM'% that there +ere a"solutely no *ia"le free ener y de*ices on the planet at that ti!e. 2i8 years later - !et Bill #uller% +ho told !e his !a net !otor/ enerator had "een perfected and +idely de!onstrated to professionals% +orld+ide% in the late ei hties and that there +ere at least fi*e other free ener y de*ices% operatin on co!pletely different principles% that +ere ready for the !arket "y then in British Colu!"ia% alone. Bearden has no+ randly announced that heOs oin to i*e us all Ofree plansO for his alle ed free ener y de*ice. -f his dia ra!s are as studiously indeciphera"le as his speech and +ritin are - +onder if heOs i*in a+ay anythin at all "esides a ood +ay to i nite the kindlin one ti!e in our +oodsto*es. 6or no+% -O! puttin Col. Bearden% O6ree Dner y De*ice -n*entor%O in the sa!e cate ory as #aitreya or 7rince 3illia!% O(he Jon $+aited Beturn of <esus Christ.O Bin ers are as rin ers do. -O! still patiently +aitin for so!eone% anyone% to tell !e one distinct ne+ principle or description leaned fro! Col. BeardenOs talks% "ooks or dia ra!s. -O*e ot a hi h -U% "ut all of his stuff is inco!prehensi"le to !e. 6or !y !oney% if so!ethin is fascinatin % en rossin % illu!inatin % etc.% certainly one should "e a"le to repeat% in oneOs o+n +ords% at least a little "it of +hat heOs learned fro! it all. 0ther+ise it looks like !ental pro ra!!in to !e% thatOs all. 9o+ is that any different than the periodic assault on oneOs sensi"ilities "y 0ral Bo"erts% Nuru Ba! Dass or Be*. <i! <onesR
Contrast that +ith +hat the C"ers are no+ doin and reportin . 0r onite +ork and the related crystal and sacred eo!etry technolo y is all re*olutionary science +hich has loads of sensory confir!ations% "ut anyone can understand it on so!e le*el and itOs "ein descri"ed in as !any +ays as there are indi*idual people doin the research. 1otice that no"odyOs parrotin Don Croft in the process .thank Nrid/. $s !uch as the 1e+ $ ers i*e !e the +illies% - !ust ad!it that their descriptions of these processes are at least as *ia"le as !y o+n. Boad Bunner and 3iley Coyotes Before crossin the 2an #ateo Brid e on the +ay to Bel!ont% +here 2tuart li*es% +e stopped at a as station to et a !ap. (here +ere t+o fed!o"iles in the parkin lot% thou h the occupants didnOt spot us. 0ne of the feds +as inside% easy to distin uish. - !ade a point of standin ri ht "ehind hi! at the counter and !entally tryin to et hi! to look at !e% "ut he )ust stood there% fairly *i"ratin +ith stress and tension. 9e Kuickly left to resu!e his 2earch #ission V-/ O(he Da le 9as JandedO 3e ot to 2tuartOs place +ithout ha*in called hi!% as +e didnOt +ant to ha*e a fed reception there. -t took the! a"out forty !inutes to fi ure out that +eOd arri*ed% and then the chopper recon fli hts started up. - called <esse Ealoudek and in*ited hi! o*er for the cele"ration% "ut for ot to tell hi! 2tuartOs apart!ent nu!"er% so - +aited for hi! in an ad)acent parkin lot. 3hen <esse ot there% a fed *an pulled in ri ht "ehind hi!. - +a*ed to the operati*e% e8pectin hi! to then depart% "ut he parked near"y and sort of scurried to+ard 2tuartOs apart!ent co!ple8% ri ht past <esse and -. 9e had an odd rin on his face% too. <esse ot in the car and +e "eat the fello+ o*er there% "ut Carol said that he ot so confused that he didnOt cut the phone lines or anythin and si!ply turned around and left. 2tuartOs landlady is a 3iccan sort +ho uses her finely honed instincts to pick renters and it felt really nice around there. (+o nei h"ors% a youn couple na!ed <ohn and <acKuelyn% are Kuite psychic% too% and ha*e "een +atchin out on 2tuartOs "ehalf *ery +ell in a sort of sy!"iotic relationship +ith our foru! hostOs i!pressi*e ener y contri*ances% +hich are a *ery ood% uniKue synthesis of or onite% sacred eo!etry% passi*e coil technolo y and crystals of *arious sorts. 3e all had a *ery fun% on oin Osho+ and tellO session. (he CD +as uploaded +ithout hesitation "y 2tuart% e*en as - +as tryin to +arn hi! that the ne8t &4 hours carried a stron likelihood that the feds +ould "reak his door do+n and haul off his eKuip!ent and possi"ly "eat hi! up or e*en shoot hi! in the process. (he under round infor!ation site o+ners kne+ a"out this risk% +hich is +hy they all declined the offer to !ake it a*aila"le to the pu"lic. 3ho could "la!e the!R ?ouOd ha*e to ha*e so!e inti!ate kno+led e of ho+ or onite +orks in order to et the confidence reKuired to pull this off% - think. (he connection to his ser*er +as i!!ediately cut after he posted the announce!ent on the foru! that the docu!entary +as a*aila"le for do+nload. (he connection +as fi8ed after considera"le telephone interaction +ith his ser*er. -t +as lost a ain ri ht after - posted a confir!in !essa e a fe+ !inutes later. (his ti!e the ser*er +as less +illin to cooperate and +as tryin to pass the "uck to the phone co!pany% so Carol and - asked 2tuart to put his cannon-scale 2uccor 7unch to +ork on the person +ho +as really responsi"le. 9e en*isioned a "lack-suited !an +ho +as super*isin so!e se!i-conscious techies at co!puter ter!inals and he lit the #an in Black up +ith healin or one. By the ti!e +e looked a ain% the connection +as re-esta"lished and as far as - kno+ the foru! hasnOt !issed a "eat since then. $n hour or so later there +ere se*enty people throu hout the lo"e already do+nloadin the docu!entary to their o+n co!puters. - think +eOre the only people on record +ho are oin after the #en in Black these days. 3hat else can one do you do +ith a #ortician 3ith $ttitudeR Do they realize ho+ lau ha"le they all areR (hey do dri*e a+fully nice cars% thou h-not at all like the 6ord 7olice 0fficer 2pecial in the !o*ie. 3e all +alked to a near"y restaurant in hi h spirits to cele"rate and +hen +e +alked thou h the dinin area +as struck "y the nu!"er of people +ho looked directly at us all +ith forlorn e8pressions% like +eOd sat on their Caesar salads or so!ethin .
Bestaurant 6ed Carol counted se*en 12$ and C-$ a ents in that restaurant% includin our +aitress% as - !entioned. - put #r. 2kull on the ta"le as a sort of centerpiece and a lot of the noise in the restaurant .they +erenOt all feds% of course!ost of the folks there +ere happy and it +as as noisy as a Ner!an "eer hall/ instantly ot !any deci"els lo+er for so!e reason. <esse had picked out se*eral of the pa*e!ent artists% e*en one +ho passed us on the side+alk on the +ay to the restaurant% thou h he +asnOt lookin as syste!atically as Carol +as. - told <esse he needs to ha*e !ore confidence in his considera"le a"ilities. - had only picked out a couple for sure-the t+o +ho +ere starin at !e the !ost openly and accusin ly on our +ay to our ta"le. 9ereOs a ood spot to !ention a ti!e ano!aly e8perience that t+o people had +hile out "ustin to+ers. -t +asnOt one of these folks% "ut - +ant you to kno+ a"out it. (hese t+o uys - - can *ouch for the character of the one +ho told !e-+ere dri*in do+n a city free+ay and suddenly the city itself *anished% replaced "y far!land. $lso% the !edian strip +as co*ered +ith oleander "ushes. (his lasted se*eral !inutes% durin +hich "oth !en +ere considerin the i!plications of ne*er seein their kids a ain% and then it all chan ed "ack ri ht "efore their hi h+ay e8it ca!e up. Jater on% one of the! +as told that +hen the free+ay +as "uilt% in the late forties% there +as no city there and the !edian strip +as planted in oleander "ushes. 3as that a non seKuiturR 3ho kno+s% ehR V-/ Carol told us that Dece!"er 6 is represented "y the Uueen of Clu"s% +hich stands for successful co!!unication. (he planetary rulin card associated +ith the Uueen of Clu"s is the $ce of 2pades% +hich stands for Othe truth hidden "ehind the illusion.O -tOs also !y "irth card% +hich !ay e8plain +hy -O! so dri*en to re*eal the !an standin "ehind the curtain .Nosh% is that 2t. Ner!ainR V-//. -tOs also <eff Ba aleyOs "irth card% and 7rincess DianaOs. - see this is nine pa es already. -Oll +rite 7art 6our and that should finish it. Don Croft
Episode 4! 8S+ .ersus the #$oud;Busters %ang Part 4 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc4SDpart'Pdec'&.sht!l Dece!"er P% &''& Carol and - hadnOt seen a OhealthyO che!trail in any of the ei ht states +e *isited last +eek% thou h the skies o*er $rizona directly south of 1a*a)o land ca!e closest to "ein in a state to sustain the!. - think the ones there took a +hole half hour to disappear% e*en +ith a lot of help fro! 9$$B7. $lso% there +as only one to+er array and a sin le O"o+lin pinO +eather interrupter on the Beser*ation% "oth of +hich +ere still disa"led fro! our *isit in #ay. 2outh of there it looked like so!eone had so+n dra on teeth "ecause the to+ers there had sprun up like !ushroo!s since our #ay ad*enture. -f - had any dou"t that the Je!urians ha*e taken on the task of disa"lin 9$$B7 those suspicions +ere then put to rest. (he skies o*er -ndian land +ere pristine "lue and nearly full of rain-"earin clouds of the healthy or one kind +ith none of the striations that +ere apparent "eyond the Je!uriansO !a enta and reen "ordered "arrier up+ind to the south. 2e*eral other people ha*e told !e theyO*e seen this "order pheno!enon on the li ht lenticular clouds. - e8pect a lot !ore people +ill stop studyin their shoes no+ +hen theyOre out and a"out and +ill actually notice so!e of the pheno!ena happenin o*erhead. - think itOs happenin )ust a"out e*ery+here no+. 0ne report of the reen and !a enta "orders ca!e to !e fro! <apan% unsolicited% and - think thatOs the last place on earth +here che!trails re!ain un!olested "y cloud"usters% so apparently the Je!urians arenOt +aitin for so!e"ody on the round to initiate the ca!pai n there. $ssured that 2tuart +asnOt oin to et his "rains splattered on his apart!ent +alls "y the !urderous feds% +e left for ho!e 6riday e*enin % ai!in to et to 2acra!ento so +e could hide in so!e o"scure hotel +ell enou h to et a ood ni htOs sleep. (he pressure +as off% thou h% no+ that theyOd failed to pre*ent the e8posure of the che!trail pro ra! on the -nternet and +e encountered *ery fe+ fed stalkers on the hi h+ay. (he ne8t !ornin - sa+ +hat appeared to "e a couple hundred California #ilitia !e!"ers trainin not far fro! -nterstate L. - noticed that they +ere near a deathforce trans!itter and it struck !e% a ain% that if the !ilitias +ould only "e infor!ed of the nature of these to+ers and ho+ easily they can "e disa"led theyOd re!ain a *ia"le first line of defense a ainst the present predatory federal o*ern!ent after disa"lin e*ery trans!itter in e*ery state. (he alternati*e is that theyOll "e thro+n to the round and disar!ed% )ust like e*eryone else% if this unla+ful re i!e ets its +ish and fully deploys their ne+ Nestapo/22 a ency% the 9o!eland 2ecurity 2er*ice. - kno+ for sure that this +ill ne*er happen in -daho and the ad)acent areas in #ontana and 3ashin ton% "ut +hy not free e*eryone else "y disa"lin all the rest of the statesO deathforce trans!itter net+orksR D*il (hou htfor! 6urther alon % - sa+ +hat appeared to "e a hu e% distant flock of "irds yratin in the air. - pointed that out to Carol and she said it +as an Oappro8i!ately pure e*ilO thou htfor!% a"sor"in dead or one in a per*erted *orte8. 3e checked the !ap and found that the *orte8 is near or on the ?u"a County $irport and that the under round acti*ity there is connected +ith Beale $ir 6orce Base. -O*e seen a fe+ s!all to+n airports recently +hich ha*e "i "lack connin to+ers +hich could pro"a"ly handle a !etropolitan areaOs air traffic. 2o!ethin s!ells funny +ith that. (he si!ilarity of that dark thou htfor! +ith the shrouded entity in (9D 6B-N9(D1DB2 struck !e as si nificant. - donOt personally "elie*e that a Opure-e*ilO entity is possi"le in the uni*erse% "ut the thou htfor!s created "y ritual !a ic is a close appro8i!ation. (he t+o ti!es that Carol +itnessed si!ilar thou htfor!s "ein a"sor"ed and trans!uted "y 9oly 9and renades +as on top of our o+n #osco+ #ountain and in the *icinity of #ica 7eak .lots of trans!itters there and a *ery "i +eather "all/ and the #or!on (e!ple near 2pokane. Carol said the thou htfor! near 2pokane +as connected and sustained "y "oth the electronic ad etry on the
!ountain and "y the ritual dark !a ic perfor!ed re ularly in that te!ple% +hich is co!ically o*ershado+ed "y a hu e antenna array centered around a +ater to+er. (hey painted all that !ess a"o*e the te!ple reen% possi"ly so it +ouldnOt detract so !uch fro! the fancy% e8pensi*e te!ple% "ut to !e thatOs kind of like puttin a "i fi leaf on #ichelan eloOs ODa*id.O 3ater Niftin 3e !ade a detour to put an 99 in Jake 2hasta% then another side trip to put one in the 2acra!ento Bi*er. (he lake +as a hundred feet or so "elo+ its hi h !ark% "ut the ri*er "elo+ the da! +as near flood sta e% +hich is not surprisin to us% since +e kno+ the feds are drainin all the reser*oirs to keep the illusion ali*e that thereOs a nation+ide drou ht. 3eOre "eco!in !ore and !ore a+are of ho+ i!portant it is to et or onite de*ices in all the "odies of +ater "ecause +ater a"sor"s and trans!its healthy or one !uch faster and in reater intensity than the at!osphere does. (hat fact accounts for all the reports fro! researchers on the cloud"uster foru! of Kuickly i!pro*ed +ater conditions after or onite de*ices +ere deployed. $shland% 0re on 3e didnOt stop a ain until +e reached $shland% 0re on% +here - +anted to confer +ith !y teacher% <a!es 9u hes. $ year and a half a o% after +e chan ed +e"sites% the old one +as still sho+in up on all the search en ines and it had <a!esO phone nu!"er on it for folks +ho +ere interested in askin a"out his rid and crystal healin +ork and kundalini acti*ation. 2ince +e +ere no lon er usin the phone for "usiness at that point% <a!es +as ettin a lot of calls fro! people +antin to "uy zappers and it +as ettin annoyin % so - had their phone nu!"er taken off our +e"site at <a!esO reKuest. Jast #ay% a year later% ri ht after - put out the report on the !ind-control to+ers and instructions for disa"lin the!% ?ahoo cut off !y access to the .first/ cloud"uster foru! and also to !y o+n +e"site. (hey also put <a!esO phone nu!"er "ack on our +e"site then% perhaps in an effort to cause pro"le!s "et+een us and also% perhaps% to harass <a!es% +ho is a po+erful psychic. (he 12$Os ne+% youn ar!y of psychic predators +as still oin after all the *ia"le psychics at that ti!e. 3e donOt kno+ of any psychics +ho +erenOt syste!atically attacked "y these astral thu s in the past year. - think this o*erconfident 12$ ar!y of darkness has pretty !uch thro+n in the to+el "y no+% thanks lar ely to +hat +eO*e all done to the! +ith our 2uccor 7unches% etc. (hatOs +hat they et for "latantly oin a ainst uni*ersal la+. Jately% "ecause of <a!esO unfortunate difficulty% - ot a ne+ +e"site oin %! +hich doesnOt ha*e his phone nu!"er on it% and -O*e "een lookin for +ays to disa"le the pre*ious site% +++.+orld+ithoutparasites.or . $fter so!e concerted effort% +e !ay ha*e found the solution% "ut - canOt discuss that in detail yet. ?ahoo% +hich is o+ned and operated "y the C-$% essentially hacked !y pass+ord and access to !y o+n +e"site out of e8istence% so suffice it to say that +eOll fi ht fire +ith fire in this case and this has "rou ht <a!es and - closer to ether rather than force us apart. 3e !ay e*en et a *isit in -daho fro! the 9u hes out of the "ar ain soon. #ean+hile% Chris% our ne+ 3e"!aster in 3isconsin% is "oostin the ne+ siteOs ratin s in the search en ines so the old site +ill stop sho+in up for e*eryone "ut the !ost deter!ined +e" surfer "efore lon . -Oll look into +ays that - can share <a!es and Bose #aryOs uniKue insi hts and healin ifts +ith e*eryone here +hen they co!e. $ "rief description +ouldnOt do the! )ustice% of course% "ut - +ant to at least !ention that they a*e !e !ost of the ideas -O*e used to i!pro*e the healin and in*i oratin perfor!ance aspects of our zappers o*er the years that -O*e kno+n the! and of course theyO*e i*en !e a reat deal !ore than that in the for! of selfless lo*e% spiritual healin % and *ital infor!ation. (he 0re on Forte8 (he only other !entiona"le e*ent on the trip ho!e +as our *isit to the 0re on Forte8 an hour or so after +e left the 9u hes. Carol and - essentially started this pro)ect there a day "efore the 6all DKuino8 in &'''. $t that point% the *orte8 +as a spherical field a"out 6'' feet in dia!eter% centered on .Carol sa+ this/ an $tlantean crystal artifact a"out fifty feet "elo+ the round. $ fello+ had "ou ht the land% - think% in the 1M&'s and he had an
interest in archaeolo y and pre-Colu!"ian history. (here are ra*ity and other ano!alies inside the *orte8 and the -ndians in the area had a*oided that spot for so!e reason. $ tourist attraction +as "uilt there% called O(he 9ouse of #ystery%O and e*en the hokeyness of the attraction doesnOt take a+ay fro! the i!pact of the ano!alies% +hich in*ol*e ra*ity and li ht distortion. -tOs rather disorientin other+ise to "e +ithin that field% "ut +e en)oyed the effects. -t +as closed for the +inter +hen +e arri*ed and no"ody +as there or near"y. 3e considered oin o*er the ate to put so!e or onite de*ices +ithin the field% "ut as +e approached the ate a "ri ht li ht ca!e on and Carol said% O3e need to et a+ay fro! here.O 2o +e tossed so!e de*ices o*er the fence and throu h the ed e of the field and Kuickly left. 6our *ehicles ca!e up the re!ote road as +e +ere dri*in "ack do+n to the hi h+ay. -tOs a dead end road% - think% so they couldnOt ha*e "een oin any+here "ut to the *orte8. Carol said they +ere respondin to a silent alar! and that if +eOd stayed around +e !ay ha*e otten shot% e*en thou h +e +erenOt trespassin % "ecause the interest of these folks e8tended "eyond the co!!ercial aspect of the facility. $lso% +hen +e had arri*ed in the *icinity of the *orte8 she had difficulty "reathin . $fter +e ot so!e or onite +ithin the field% she +as takin deep "reaths and ya+nin al!ost constantly. 2he said% ODidnOt you feel thatR5O and - said% O1o.O - did feel the ur ency to et out of there% thou h% and - ne*er Kuestion feelin s like that. (he te!perature +as *ery lo+ +hen +e arri*ed and it +as fo y. Before +e ot "ack into the car% the te!perature had risen and all the fo +as one. -n fact% there +as no !ore fo for si8ty !iles on the +ay to Bose"ur % +here +e spent the ni ht. - e8perienced a dra!atic e8pansion of the lun s a"out thirty !iles "eyond the *orte8 and Carol thou ht that +as pretty funny. -tOs e8actly the sa!e feelin you et +hen you stick your nose o*er a 9oly 9and renade. 2ince +e fi ured that the $tlanteans had put this artifact in a natural *orte8 to "oost the po+er of the earthstar rid% +e +ondered ho+ lon it had "een suppressed and "y +ho!. CarolOs i!pression is that so!e Dts had done that &%''' years a o so!eho+. -f you consider that the earthOs !a netic field oes throu h four thousand year cycles and that &%''' years a o the !a netic field +as at its stron est point% +e !ay ha*e "een fulfillin so!e cos!ic cycle "y releasin that *orte8 fro! an artificial constraint. #ay"e +eOll kno+ so!eday. #ay"e -O! !istaken-+ho can say ri ht no+R 3hen +e +ere in the ONift 2hopO there% +e sa+ so!e pretty arcane literature and artifacts. 0ne of the artifacts +as an old lo"e% perhaps "elon in to the deceased ori inal o+ner of the facility that indicated all the points on the earthstar rid and sho+ed all the lines connectin these points. (he points in the 0re on Forte8 and the southern point of the Ber!uda (rian le% east of Bi!ini% had a line that passed across the (e8as coast northeast of Corpus Christi. 3hen Carol and - +ent there +e found a si!ilar *orte8 centered on a :%''' year old oak tree. (hat +as in early 1o*e!"er% &%''' and $nn% a "ri ht% friendly +o!an +ho li*ed near +here +e +ere stayin % told us a"out it and took us there. 3e !ade an early prototype of a 9oly 9and renade to put in the round there a couple of days later and $nn did the deed shortly after that. 2he had a stron connection to that spot and +as thrilled that +e also thou ht it +as si nificant. $ctually% +e didnOt kno+ +hat +e +ere lookin for until she told us a"out it. 3eOd "een parked "y a !arina in 7ort $ransas% (e8as% and - +as ettin the "oat ready for an ocean trip to ?ucatan. (he place +here -Od ended up in !y pre*ious "oat after a hurricane in 0cto"er% 1MML% +as )ust a fe+ !iles fro! a place +here another i!portant rid line crossed the ?ucatan 7eninsula and Carol ot that there +as so!ethin i!portant for us there% as there +as in the Baha!as. $ couple of !onths later -Od !ade it o*er to the *orte8 east of Bi!ini% "ut thatOs co*ered else+here in our narrati*e. - )ust +anted to +rite a "it here a"out the si nificance% to us% of the 0re on Forte8. Drained Beser*oirs I #t. 2hasta 6ly"y Co!pared to the pre*ious ten days% the rest of the trip ho!e +as relati*ely "orin and une*entful e8cept for a "rief *isit +ith !y "oys in 2eattle. - did stop and spud un our last to+er"uster into the artificially depleted
reser*oir on the east side of 2noKual!ie 2u!!it in the Cascade #ountains alon -nterstate S'% thou h. - did it at dusk and +aited for a "i truck to pass so no"ody else +ould see or hear +hat - +as doin % then Kuickly put the OpieceO "ack in the trunk. 0ops% for ot to !ention that as +e passed #t. 2hasta% +e +ere *isited "y t+o s!all Je!urian craft% a"out t+o or three !iles distant% +hich slo+ly OstreakedO for us across part of the sky to our left and in front% so +e could "oth see the! clearly. - think +eOre ettin closer to the ti!e +hen theyOll perhaps sell or i*e us a used .at least/ flyer. - "et they kno+ -Od use it to "ust to+ers and heal *ortices and ley lines. Don Croft
Episode 4" The %rand Poobah7s Predi3tions By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc4M randpooh"ahspredictions&4dec'&.sht!l Dece!"er &4% &''& Carol )ust looked askance at the title of this piece. #y instincts% and the !ost +onderful pendulu! on the planet .as far as - kno+/ confir!ed that itOs not inappropriate% so -Oll lea*e it in the header and hope that youOre not too hu!orously challen ed to appreciate it. .By the +ay% Boli*ia is a *ery% FDB? poor% landlocked country% +hich has no 1a*y. $nalo ies "reak do+n and donOt +ant you o"fuscators and pedants out there !akin references to the 1azis +ho took all their +ealth there after 33-- V-/ (hatOs ot nothin to do +ith !e5/ ;2ide"ar note fro! the Boli*ian $d!iral-*eteran readers +ill understand-Dd.= (he !ain trend - see no+ is that treasonous politicians are "ein held accounta"le% at lon last% and their clandestine puppet !asters and the !edia prostitutes and )ournalistic poseurs are a"out to "e e8posed/disa"led in the process. Bisin $+areness $side fro! the political considerations% this% to !e% is a stron si n of hu!anityOs risin a+areness. (o deny the i!portance of o*ern!ent in our daily li*es is not healthy. (o de!and accounta"ility fro! our elected officials is a spiritual e8ercise. (hereOs a sayin in the #iddle Dast: an hourOs reflection is "etter than se*enty years of pious +orship. (his applies to social issues as +ell as to an indi*idualOs o+n spiritual status Kuo "ecause the denial of our responsi"ility to e8pect accounta"ility fro! elected officials ste!s fro! a false idea of spirituality thatOs al+ays "een pro!oted "y cler y. Cler y are the folks +ho i*e reli ions a "ad na!e% in !y opinion. - hope to Nod that another trend +ill soon "e that lust for leadership +ill% at lon last% "e seen in its true li ht instead of "ein +inked at and e*en encoura ed. $s !y friend% <a!es 9u hes% said% O7olitics and reli ion are losin influence no+V science and spirituality are takin their place.O (his is happenin ri ht "efore our eyes no+. - look for+ard to that process acceleratin in the co!in year and after the Jondon-financed puppet !asters are re!o*ed fro! "ehind the curtain +e can and likely +ill ha*e a Constitutional Con*ention and redesi n the +ay +e o*ern oursel*es. - think +eOre ready to do a+ay +ith political parties% too. Decentralization is the key to proper o*ern!ent% as it is on the -nternet and in the free !arket place. 3hat do you think ro"otics and free ener y +ill do to 3al#art and its sla*e la"or ca!ps in China% for instanceR 3hat are +e oin to do +ith the thousands of e!pty 3al#art "uildin sR (e!porary housin for Chinese refu eesR Boller rinksR 3hat a ratifyin pro"le! that +ill "e. (his process is as or anic as has "een the esta"lish!ent of our infor!al% lo"al cloud"uster net+ork% also as or anic as the +ay the -nternet +as set up +ithout anyone su estin % OJetOs all fi ure out a +ay for !ankind to co!!unicate freely% +ithout o*ern!ent/corporate a encies ettin in the +ay.O -t +ill )ust happen naturally% hus"anded "y !any responsi"le people +ho lo*e personal freedo! for the!sel*es and for e*eryone else. #ay"e those heinous custo!s facilities at "orders +ill radually fall into disrepute in the process. 6ree Dner y 6ree ener y is a"out to re*olutionize the fortunes of de*elopin nations. (he de*elopin countriesO ra+ !aterials and other nati*e resources +ill "e +rested "ack fro! the -nternational #onetary 6und% the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation and the 3orld Bank. - actually "elie*e these three parasitic institutions can "e dis"anded +ithout anyone so !uch as !issin a !eal% !uch less their )o"s.
Co!"ine free ener y and ro"otics .already perfected/ and e*en nanotechnolo y and e*eryone has the potential to prosper if he or she +ishes% e*en .especiallyR/ the for!er sla*e la"orers in China and Ban ladesh. #oney $lso% currency !ay "e standardized at the sa!e ti!e that itOs taken "ack fro! international "ankersO control. 3e already see plenty of discontent a"out the +ay old% dia!onds% petroleu! and national currencies are !anipulated "y the +hi!s of a fe+ fa!ilies in Jondon. @ni*ersal currency% "ased on *alue rather than de"t% is the ne8t lo ical step. 3e deser*e that. Chan in 7aradi !s $ll the predatory and parasitic thou ht for!s are no+ disinte ratin . -tOs not "ecause - say so - )ust i*e this a little reflection and o"ser*ation on your o+n and see if you a ree. $ll the superfluous hu!an institutions are essentially disa"led at this lo*ely sta e of the Bi Cos!ic Cycle. (he +ord% OessentiallyO has so!e Kualifiers% of course. - think of that in ter!s of the ener y foundations of these predatory/parasitic institutions ha*in "een eroded sufficiently no+ so that +e can Otake it all "ackO fro! the planetary tyrants +ithout riskin har! to oursel*es "ecause the principals are too "usy sa*a in each other no+ and plannin +ays to escape and sur*i*e +ith all their plunder intact. -O! Kuite ordinary. 9o+ is it possi"le that an ordinary person could ha*e stu!"led onto a co!"ination of !undane technolo ies that can easily and cheaply destroy the che!trails% disa"le the ne+ dead or one trans!itters% +rest control of the +eather a+ay fro! an out-of-control +orld o*ern!ent% cure $-D2 and cancer% end drou hts% possi"ly chan e deserts into ardens% destroy s!o % and +ho kno+s +hat elseR (he "est one could say a"out !e is that -O*e follo+ed !y instincts pretty +ell in a ti!ely +ay and that -O*e done a ser*icea"le )o" of o*erco!in all that !ental pro ra!!in that +as stuffed into !e fro! a e four on+ard. - +as fifty-one +hen Carol and - !ade our first cloud"uster. @p until then !y life +as not re!arka"le% includin the i!pro*e!ents - !ade on the "asic 9ulda Clark zappers. -tOs "een a +ild ride e*er since the first ti!e +e set that CB up in the dri*e+ay of the refu ee ca!p in 6lorida .BF ca!p round/ in #arch &''1. (he ne8t lo ical Kuestion% "ased on a rational *ie+ of !odern history% is ho+ is it possi"le that -O! still "reathin R #ore than a fe+ people +ho kno+ the score are astonished "y this in li ht of the da!a e +eO*e caused to the !ost po+erful and !enacin re i!e in the history of the planet. - ha*enOt heard any *ia"le hu!anist e8planations "ein offered for the pheno!enon of our safety and prosperity in the face of an i!placa"le% po+erful ene!y and - ha*e no dou"t that there are a nu!"er of !ore po+erful a encies% all operatin in concert and happily +ithin the "ounds of uni*ersal la+% +hich are deter!ined to uarantee that this ne+ technolo y +ill "e adopted "y popular culture% +hich is the ne8t lo ical step% pro"a"ly in the co!in year. -tOs any"odyOs uess +hen these "eneficial a ents +ill re*eal the!sel*es to us all. Carol and .and !ore than a fe+ others/ ha*e only otten "road hints and passin confir!ations of their assistance% "ut their record speaks *olu!es for their inte rity and ser*ice to hu!anity. 2tandin (all D*en so% no"odyOs rescuin us or takin responsi"ility for our future +elfare. 3e ha*e to take full responsi"ility for that and% a ain% +e ha*e to take political and econo!ic po+er "ack fro! the people +ho stole it fro! us all. (ake it "ack +e +ill and e*ery "it of it. - dou"t that the old uys +ill "e handin o*er their sa"ers in a surrender cere!ony on the deck of a "attleship .-Od "e +illin to accept their sa"ers in !y Boli*ian ad!iral ar"/. Bather +eOll all ha*e to continue to disa"le each of their dead or one and 9$$B7 trans!itters% neutralize e*ery sin le under round "ase% place healin de*ices alon all the !a)or ley lines and in the !iddle of all the Darth 2tar Nrid nodes and in all the other *ortices. D8pect the "itter old uys to hold on until the last shred of control and influence has "een taken fro! the! and the last sycophant has a"andoned the!.
3eO*e all ot plenty of planetary healin +ork to do in the ne8t fe+ years. -O! happy a"out that. -t "ears repeatin that there is no political freedo! +ithout econo!ic freedo!% all the 1ational 2ocialist flatulence a"out Ode!ocracyO and Ofree tradeO not+ithstandin .
O(he Best Jaid 7lansO - used to assu!e that +hen the chan in of o*ern!ents and the fruition of a lo"al free !arket took place it +ould "e sudden and trau!atic. 1o+ - rather "elie*e that it +ill continue to "e a natural% rational% +ell considered and discussed process in*ol*in e*eryone% co!!ensurate +ith our continually risin consciousness as a species. - ne*er "elie*ed that politicians +ould initiate any pro ressi*e i!pro*e!ents in !ankindOs fortunes% e*en under duress. (he @1 has certainly "een sho+in its true nature in recent years as a tool of the international financial ca"al. 1ote their studious a*oidance of the su")ect of free elections for their o+n alle ed officials. 9o+ are they Kualified to ensure free elections in 9aiti% $l"ania and other countriesR (he current crop of prostituted politicians are not prepared to help us% since their careers are all esta"lished "y the he e!ony of parasitis!. (he "est they can hope for no+ is to sur*i*e treasonOs noose until they can lea*e office +ith +hate*er di nity and plunder they can sal*a e. -tOs al+ays appropriate to hope that a soul% e*en a politicianOs% +ill under o so!e epiphany and transfor! its orientation fro! selfish pursuits to ser*ice. -tOs pro"a"ly the +ron ti!e to "elie*e that a cri!inal can escape accounta"ility "y clai!in such an epiphany% thou h% and the Con ress of the @nited 2tates is entirely !ade up of !anifest traitors no+. - donOt think anyone foresa+ the present course of e*ents. 2ee ho+ each ti!e the re i!e takes another leap for+ard to dra us all closer to the "rink of enocide they end up fallin on their facesR $s - said% they ha*e no essential foundation any !ore. 2ure% the alle ed @2 7resident is a dolt and puppet% "ut this is happenin to the +hole hierarchy no+. 7sychic 2tuff $ fe+ !onths a o% +hen Carol +as under oin a particularly e8cruciatin attack "y a 12$ psyops/2atanist tea!% - cal!ly asked her% ODonOt you +ish you +ere thick like !e so that stuff +ouldnOt faze youRO 2he said% O105O - didnOt "rin it up a ain V-/ #any in our infor!al net+ork are no+ sayin that these attacks are ettin less freKuent and also +eaker. -O! still a little puzzled "y the notion that people +ant to "e !ore psychic% especially since these a"ilities unfold naturally in direct proportion to our efforts to heal the planet and ser*e hu!anity. Nettin these skills "efore +eO*e acKuired the !aturity to handle the! properly leads to trou"le e*ery ti!e. (he ones +ho canOt help "ein psychic +ould "e the first to tell you that itOs no picnic. (hese are the ones +ho ha*e to take e8traordinary !easures to protect the!sel*es fro! psychic assault. $lso% these ha*e "een the pri!ary tar ets of the psyops assailants "ecause the secret .they +ish/ re i!e apparently considers all psychics to "e potential Oun*eilersO of their he e!ony. (hat !ay e8plain the ela"orate protocols for lurin psychics into either ser*in or at least not identifyin and opposin the occult-en endered political/reli ious !achine. $ co!!on ploy is to encoura e psychics to et a follo+in . Jo*e of leadership is% after all% the !ost corruptin of hu!an Kualities-far !ore destructi*e% spiritually% than the !ere lo*e of !oney. 3hat the re i!e fails to reco nize is that anyone +ho e8ercises Nod- i*en discern!ent is at least as !uch a threat% perhaps e*en !ore so% "ecause no+ the illusion of the re i!eOs po+er is openly "ein e8a!ined "y a rapidly acceleratin nu!"er of OordinaryO people. (he re i!e is kind of stupid in ter!s of identifyin threats. (hey +ent after the producers of the C(/CB *ideo after it +as aired on (F% for instance% failin to realize that the real threat is co!in fro! people +ho are freely and consciously accessin it on the internet. 3hen people +atch (F theyOre so deeply into the Bread and Circus !ode that they pro!ptly for et !ost of the *ia"le info they !ay
ratuitously et fro! the "roadcasts "ut +hen a person do+nloads the *ideo he is in a purposeful% responsi"le fra!e of !ind. Carol notes that anyone can increase his/her psychic a"ilities +ith the help of a proper teacher. 3e all ha*e differin capacities for that% of course. 2he +ould ad*ise findin a teacher +ho has no lust for leadership and is not affiliated +ith any institution% especially the usual occult ones. (he $ussie Cre+ I Do+sin Nerard and the #el"ourne cre+ ha*e arran ed for an airplane to "e used to reclai! so!e re!ote locations fro! the re i!e. 3anderin +izzer in Canada do+sed the $ustralia !ap for the! to find the locations. #ap do+sin is one of the "asic e8a!ples of Otar etO location and identification that !ost of us can do +ithout trainin or talent. 3e all ha*e *aryin skills +ith this% of course% "ut in a pinch any one of us could use this !ethod if +eOre in dou"t a"out +here to put our healin de*ices% especially if +eOre out in the field at the ti!e. (hereOs a lot of po+er latent in O!o*e!entO and +e can and should all access that +hene*er possi"le and not "e afraid to follo+ our instincts% e*en +hen they contradict a +ell-concei*ed plan. - used that Opo+erO to find the south reptilian portal in 1a!i"ia and our cohorts there confir!ed it +ith their o+n do+sin +ithout !y !entionin !y data. - also found the alternate near"y secondary portal that the reptilians had "een preparin "efore our arri*al% "ut that happened fortuitously% it see!s. Confir!ation and second opinion psychic +ork should "e a ha"it for e*erythin +e do% +e "elie*e. -f itOs *alid% it +ill sho+ up a ain and a ain in othersO inKuiries. #arc #eltonOs Darthstar Nrid 7ro)ect is pro"a"ly the ne8t hi her le*el for our healin +ork and all the other efforts fit nicely into that a enda. - look for+ard to seein !ore and !ore of this "ein done fro! the air and fro! ocean *essels. Carol and - look for+ard to usin "oth !ethods "y sprin or su!!er. 3hoe*erOs in the "usiness of sellin resin +ill do *ery +ell in the co!in year% +e "elie*e% as this net+orkOs achie*e!ents et the attention of popular culture. 3e donOt need to OdoO anythin to !ake this happen e8cept stay in the !o!ent and take on the challen es as they co!e to us. - think the essence of +hat +eOre +itnessin in the +orld is the shift of a reat cos!ic cycle. (o restate so!ethin -O*e said !any ti!es% our role in this shift is one of con*enience and a!elioration% only. (o say that +eOre !akin it happen see!s like an infantile assertion and a sort of pedantsO Bo!per Boo!. $"orted O(erroris!O -O! so!e+here "et+een a!used and annoyed +hen - hear people clai! to ha*e a rasp of the true nature of this cyclic process. - suspect that the (aoist notion that less e8planation is !ore !ay operate in our a"ility to understand +hatOs oin on. 0ur "est efforts see! to "e in the for! of e8ploitation% thou h of course - !ean that in ter!s of the +ordOs hi hest definition. - surely do "elie*e that our little infor!al net+ork of 27Oers% astral tra*elers and sensiti*es disa"led all the nuclear Otri ersO that the re i!e fully intended to use to et us into !artial la+% includin the scheduled nuke attacks on Chica o% <uly 4V #ia!i% .6riday/ 2epte!"er 1:V J$ and Den*er% 1o*e!"er &P and late Dece!"er. (he 6riday the 1:th "o!"in of a nuke plant in #ia!i +ould ha*e !ade it possi"le for the re i!e to !o*e us into !artial la+ and enocide "efore they found it necessary to e8plain +hat all those ne+ to+ers are doin in our faces. (he to+er net+ork +as essentially co!pleted "y early 2epte!"er% +orld+ide. Niant red+ood trees in 0ran e CountyR V-/ (he fact that thereOs not e*en a si nificant disinfor!ation site on the net a"out these to+ers sho+s us that the +orld re i!e didnOt e*en consider Oe8planationsO for the to+ers necessary. 3atch no+ ho+ fast theyOll "e scra!"lin to set so!e of that up no+ that their !artial la+ a enda has failed alto ether .+e "elie*e this is the case/. (oo little% too late for the!% - think. (oo !any people are +akin up and askin hard Kuestions. 3hen these
Kuestions et past the sta e of repeatin the unsu"stantiated clai! that these are for cell phones Carol and - +ill cele"rate. (he treasonous passa e of the 9o!eland 2ecurity $ct "y "oth houses of Con ress +as apparently a rather desperate act% "ased on the assu!ption that the thou ht for! related to Othe threat of #usli! terroristsO +as stron er than it indeed +as at the ti!e. ?ou can "et that e*eryone +ould ha*e "een larin at all the s+arthy #ideast-deri*ed $!ericans "y no+ if the feds had "een a"le to pull off those phony terrorist "o!"in s. - ha*enOt seen any of our $!erican "rethren of that ancestry "ein treated "adly% ha*e youR 7sychic $uthorR -O*e ot a friend +ho +rote a no*el a"out a +ealthy and po+erful ca"al takin o*er the +orld. (he tactic +hich the plottin characters used +as to et their a ents to fly t+o hi)acked passen er )ets into the 3orld (rade Center% and then "lo+ up the t+o "uildin s +ith e8plosi*es that had "een pre*iously placed on all the support colu!ns. $ strin of +ell ti!ed and +ell placed "o!"in s of $!erican cities in the follo+in !onths +as to ha*e capped the plan to !o*e $!erica% then the +orld% into !artial la+. $ year after "e innin this !anuscript% that e*ent occurred and he thre+ the finished !anuscript in the du!pster instead of takin it to the pu"lisher. (hat rather distur"ed the fello+ and "rou ht a lot of Kuestions up for hi!. (his incisi*e author has no dou"t that +e fe+ are the ones +ho pre*ented the successi*ely planned "o!"in s in the real scenario. 9eOll et a CB to ether soon and start participatin in the CB foru!s after that. ?es% thatOs ri ht: another person of inte rity% a"ility and co!!it!ent% a"out to co!e a"oard. $fter 2tuart !ade the C(/CB docu!entary a*aila"le on"! on Dece!"er 6% !any interestin thin s started happenin . - see the! also as a trend. 0ne trend is indicated "y this su"stanti*e fello+Os interest and participation. -O*e posted so!e particularly +ell+ritten% anony!ous letters in that *ein fro! other prospecti*e foru! !e!"ers. $nother trend is that -O! no+ ettin letters fro! Black $fricans +ho are in the process of "uildin and "uyin CBs after listenin to our inter*ie+ +ith Dr. Canya in 1o*e!"er on +++."! . (he reason - *alue their participation% aside fro! the unifyin aspect% is that "lacks are particularly in*ulnera"le to the sort of !ental pro ra!!in that saturated +hites practically fro! infancy% !akin us all puppets to the re i!eOs pro ra!!ers "y a e 6 or P. (heir participation on the foru! +ill "e *ery "alancin and enrichin for e*eryone. 0ne of the $frican cloud"usters is "ein "uilt in @ anda% not far fro! the *illa e in Cenya +here Carol did her $-D2 cure de!onstration last year. Neor Bitschl and $ndy 3alker% !ean+hile% ha*e initiated a plan to set up ten cloud"usters in a confi uration that !ay uarantee a"undant rainfall across #oza!"iKue% Ea!"ia% Bots+ana and 1a!i"ia. (his +ould pro*ide a lorious confir!ation for us% since +e +ent to 1a!i"ia specifically to participate in chan in /healin the cli!ates of the 1a!i" and Calahari Deserts. 0ur o+n short trip pales in co!parison to their concerted% lon -haul efforts "ut it +as a nice step alon the +ay. -!a ine distri"utin CBs throu hout a *ery arid country the size of (e8as +ith *ery fe+ pa*ed roads and as stations and you et an idea of +hat itOs like to et this done in Bots+ana. 0h% yes-an Dski!o is ettin a CB to ether on the 1orth 2lope of $laska no+% too. - personally kno+ of t+o far!ers +ho ha*e CBs% thou h they told !e lon after the fact. 0ne of the!% in -o+a% had !ade nine of the! and "usted all the to+ers +ithin forty !iles. $pparently in reprisal% his cattle all ca!e do+n +ith respiratory illness ri ht after that. 9eOs usin zappers no+ to cure the co+s and is ha*in i!!ediate success +ith that effort.
Carol told !e that an 12$ a ent sprayed a "iolo ical +eapon on the hay in his "arn. (hey ot a 2uccor 7unch and +ere then a"le to sleep +ell a ain despite constant and deter!ined efforts to disa"le the! +ith psyops +eaponry and psychic attacks. - su ested that he locate the near"y-parked *an +hich the feds use for that and to confront the occupants so that theyOll lea*e. 7syops stuff is *ery short-ran e +eaponry% despite BeardenOs clai!s to the contrary. 3e kno+ this fro! personal e8perience% not that !y sayin that holds any +ater in ter!s of e*idence. (he !ost encoura in trend for !e% thou h% is the apparent shift in the foru! a+ay fro! personality issues and fruitless pedantic and se!antic y!nastics and solidly to+ard the healin +ork itself and *alid research I de*elop!ent. - see this as an or anic process% therefore unassaila"le. $lso encoura in to !e is that there +ere no Osacrificial *icti!sO in the process% since thereOs "een less and less na!e-callin and character assaults. D*eryone on the foru! is findin his/her o+n appropriate le*el in ter!s of +ork-"ased repute% not in ter!s of self-a randize!ent or steppin on the heads of others for !ore reco nition. -n other +ords% the CB net+ork is as unlike the corporate% acade!ic and o*ern!ent !ilieu as possi"le V-/ Co!in Disinfo 0n the horizon% a ne+ disinfor!ation )u ernaut )ust appeared. (he a!!unition theyOre packin concerns the .1/ !oonOs ne+ or"it ha*in caused all the "ad +eather in recent years% .&/ OproofO that cell phones are +hat the ne+ to+ers are all a"out% and .:/ so!e ne+ doo!sday scenarios. 3atch +hat happens +hen this stuff starts sho+in up in our foru!s. 3eOll need to stay on our toes and stick to the issues. (he su"!itters +ill sport a lot of alle ed acade!ic credentials and +ill refer to o"scure sources% +hich +e canOt check out% to "ack up their clai!s. Be!e!"er that so!ethin has to "e *alidated "efore it can "e considered !ore than an interestin tale. 0ne co!parison that !ay "e useful +hen/if this disinfo ca!pai n starts is that Dl 1ino is a"out to o the +ay of the Blue #onkeys as disinfor!ation e8cuses for cataclys!ic assaults on hu!anity "y the re i!e. Nro+in -nterest $ 7ennsyl*ania #ilitia uy e!ailed !e to say heOs !ade a cloud"uster and has "een "ustin to+ers and sharin this infor!ation +ith his cohorts. -O*e "een hopin for this to happen since #ay. (hose uys kno+ so!ethin a"out net+orkin . #essiah!e+s tells us that the folks +ho o+n the -daho 0"ser*er .fore!ost pu"lication a!on the O"alancedO patriots in the @2/ are lookin fa*ora"ly at our +ork and are Kuite i!pressed +ith the C(/CB docu!entary% as is Dr. 9oro+itz% +ho is the pre-e!inent unco*erer .throu h docu!ented research )ournalis!/ of the re i!eOs "iolo ical +eaponry and the enocide a enda. -O! lookin for+ard to a continued% steadily acceleratin ro+th in our infor!al lo"al net+ork. (he reason fa*or this O+ord of !outhO disse!ination is that the folks +ho co!e to us +ill "e ready to co!!it% !ostly% and they +ill ha*e already decided that the old !ental pro ra!!in is not so!ethin +orth keepin . 3e can e8pect e*en !ore di*ersity% too. (hatOs our stren th ri ht no+. Carol and - ha*e "een in*ited to #e8ico City to re*erse the s!o and +eOre thinkin that if this can "e done e8peditiously then the city can "e a sho+caseV an undenia"le e8a!ple of ho+ e*en the !ost de raded !etropolitan at!ospheres can "e transfor!ed "y ordinary people like oursel*es +ith si!ple de*ices and a little perse*erance. -t +ould "e a reat opportunity for !e to et fluent in 2panish% too. Carol +ould stick around for the setup and plannin % and then -Oll han in like a pit "ull until itOs all done. .- hope our intrepid #e8ican cohorts +ill chain !e to the alley there the +ay C"s+ork did in 9olly+ood earlier this !onth V-/ (he s!o there is actually +orse than J$% thou h the a!"iance is nicer. - re!e!"er not "ein a"le to see t+o "locks throu h the s!o in #e8ico City on a sunny day. #ay"e (okyo after thatR (he che!trails are still !akin e*eryone sick in <apan% -O! told. 0ne !an there is preparin to !ake a cloud"uster no+. Don Croft
Episode 5& Where +re We@ By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcL'+hereare+e'4)an':.sht!l <anuary 4% &'': - really need to put so!e thou hts on electronic paper a"out +here - think +eO*e "een% +here +e are and +here +eOre headin in the lo"al cloud"uster net+ork. Be sure to re!e!"er that +hat - say is )ust !y opinion and donOt +ant you to "elie*e anythin - +rite unless it )i*es +ith your o+n discern!ent. Beser*e )ud !ent on the rest% if you can. 6eel free to take e8ception to any of this in your response to !e or on the foru!. (he "est feature of the cloud"uster foru! is its pu"lic records aspect% - think. -f one +ere inclined one could re*ie+ the course of this e!er in lo"al net+orkOs pro ress *ery accurately "y studyin the posts and identifyin the patterns and trends there. 2hort of doin that% -O! oin to +rite a"out +hat -O*e noticed happenin fro! a personal standpoint. #y role as facilitator there has "eco!e conspicuously less and less i!portant in recent !onths% -O! happy to report% and the !oderators are doin a ood )o" keepin the threat of dissi!ulation and character assassination at "ay% thou h e*en their )o"s +ill likely soon "e as redundant as the #ayta Bepair!anOs. (his is pro"a"ly keepin 2tuart <ackson as "usy as a one-fin ered speed typist% thou h. Nod rant hi! +ealth and ease at so!e point% lon "efore his e8piry V-/ $nyone can see that the ro+th process for this infor!al net+ork has "een or anic and *ital. -f you consider that this has all happened in )ust o*er a year +ithout ad*ertisin or !edia attention itOs Kuite pheno!enal. (he "est e*idence of its *itality is that there are no+ se*eral *endors !akin a respecta"le li*elihood "y !akin and sellin the related de*ices and that happened *ery fast and in a sustained +ay. -f you ha*e e8perience in "usiness you can particularly appreciate this pheno!enon. -t took !e fi*e years in each of t+o successful careers in "usiness to et to +here the *endors ha*e reached in a fe+ !onths. -tOs not +ithin our !eans to offer proof of our clai! that the che!trails throu hout 1orth $!erican and !uch of 3estern Durope +ere disa"led "y last #ay due to the nu!"er of cloud"usters in these re ions% "ut there are an a+ful lot of anecdotal accounts "y foru! !e!"ers of the che!trails failin to "lock out the sky +here they li*e. - lea*e places like Jos $n eles and Fancou*er out of this e8a!ple "ecause of the e8traordinary circu!stances there% "ut other cities% such as Boston and 2eattle% +ere perpetually cleared of che!trails and e*en s!o "y sin le cloud"usters. 3hen +e *isited Jos $n eles a !onth a o% there +as no s!o in 7asadena% Nlendale% and the 2an 6ernando Falley% thou h these places had traditionally had the +orst s!o conditions of all. J$$B7 .Jos $n eles $t!osphere Becla!ation 7ro)ect/ is an infor!al roup of cloud"usters% to+er "usters and ener y rid healers +ho di*ided the +ork up a!on their s!all nu!"er and are syste!atically re*ersin !any decades of electronic% occult and )ust-plain-hu!an-!isery-fro!-the-cro+ded-!asses induced at!ospheric dead or one radiation assault in the Jos $n eles Basin. D*en Bi*erside and 2an Bernardino +ere relati*ely s!o free fro! a +ider distri"ution of cloud"usters and so!e intelli ent *orte8 and ley line healin "y J$$B7 !e!"ers in the re ion. (he +hole !etropolitan area felt ood to !e for the first ti!e since - first *isited there in 1M6S. Before +e first took a cloud"uster to J$ in <une of &''1% - si!ply couldnOt "ear to spend !ore ti!e than it took to dri*e throu h there on the free+ay. Carol felt the sa!e +ay. 3e didnOt feel like lea*in last ti!e% in spite of the 12$ oons practically steppin on our heels and the electronic attacks fro! their parked *ans and fro! the hotel roo! a"o*e ours. (hatOs another de*elop!ent +orth !entionin . 3e disa"led all the ne+ trans!itters for o*er a hundred !iles around us% includin all the 9$$B7 arrays% so our skies in -daho are pristine% e*en +hen there are half a dozen spe+planes flyin "ack and forth o*erhead all day lon % as happens e*ery +eek or so% still.
- suspect that all of the predatory electronic tech is desi ned to +ork in con)unction +ith either the prion protein crystals that +ere induced to ro+ on our ner*e tissue or so!e deep pro ra!!in in our "rains. #ay"e itOs a co!"ination. - !ay see! to "e far out on a li!" +ith this o"ser*ation% "ut Dr. 9oro+itz i*es so!e pretty con*incin docu!entation to "ack up his assertion that prions ha*e "een supplied throu h !ost of the do!estic +heat crops for +ell o*er a decade .they ro+ on ner*e tissueV "rains% spinal cord% etc./ and that the prion crystalOs *aryin len ths resonate and *i"rate to specific freKuencies to enerate certain sy!pto!s +hen those radio freKuencies are directed at indi*iduals "y scalar tar etin and/or o*er a +ide area. - "elie*e this accounts for so!e of the foru! !e!"ers reports of ettin sick ri ht after ettin the i!pression that so!eone +as tar etin the! this +ay. (he ones +ith zappers see! to et o*er the sickness *ery fast and +hen +e +ere o*ertly "ea!ed in Nlendale none of +e three .+ho are lon -ti!e zapper users/ e8perienced !ore than so!e !o!entary disco!fort% e*en thou h the *an +hich had the eKuip!ent +as only a"out ten feet a+ay. 3e +ere eatin in an outside caf` at the ti!e. (he 12$ and the rest of the 2atanists are pretty !ad at C"s+ork for unco*erin and disa"lin their e8tensi*e occult po+er net+ork in the J$ Basin V-/ Carol and - "elie*e that itOs only possi"le to ro+ these prion crystals in the "ody +hen the p9 oes "elo+ a certain le*el and that a pri!ary purpose of the che!trails +as to reduce e*eryoneOs p9% partly to foster the ro+th of these protein crystals and partly to create the lo+ i!!unity necessary to infect !ost of the population +ith anthra8 and/or s!allpo8 in phase t+o of the che!trail pro ra!% +hich +as to closely follo+ the declaration of !artial la+. 0f course% phase t+o "eca!e i!possi"le +hen +e aced phase one and thatOs pro"a"ly +hy theyO*e one to an eKually +orka"le O7lan BO +hich is to in)ect an already suspicious populace +ith 2!allpo8. 3eOre really not as stupid as the re i!e looks% - think. - think that +hen the che!trail pro ra!Os "iolo ical aspect +as disa"led last sprin it se*erely th+arted the re i!eOs a enda and that in a fe+ places% like Jos $n eles% theyO*e resorted to occasional che!ical +eapon assaults in an atte!pt to re-esta"lish the old status Kuo. (heir pro"le! is that the che!ical assaults are !ore "latant% therefore they risk e8posure !ore. (he "io+eapons in che!trails sho+ed up as respiratory distress% follo+ed "y a eneral !alaise si!ilar to Ose*ere candidaO infestation and that de enerated for !any people into hepatitis C% fi"ro!yal ia% chronic fati ue% hypersensiti*ity to che!icals and certain foods% etc. (hese sho+ed up since early 1MMM in ende!ic proportions. -O*e had !y zapper "usiness on the internet since 1MMP and after - started noticin che!trails in 1MMM% the reports fro! prospecti*e custo!ers of these diseases cli!"ed steadily until they !ade up the !a)ority of peopleOs co!plaints. Carol and - de*eloped the (er!inator specifically to cure !ycoplas!a infestations "ecause this "io+eapon has "een found to enerate all of the a"o*e ende!ic illnesses and the other zappers on the !arket and our o+n early zappers +ere not ettin consistent results in curin these "rand ne+ sicknesses. - fi ured out later that these ende!ics +ere due to al!ost daily re-infestation of !ycoplas!a throu h the che!trails. - fi ured that out after #ay% +hen +e first ot the i!pression% "ased on lookin at the skies in 3estern $!erica in our tra*els% that the "io+eapon aspect of the che!trails had "een defeated. $lon +ith seein far fe+er che!trails% e*en in re ions that +ere far fro! a cloud"uster% - ot fe+er and fe+er reports of Ose*ere candida%O and also "e an readin Dr. 9oro+itzO and others assess!ents of the "iolo ical +eapon content of che!trails and their related sy!pto!s. $fter that% - ot fe+er and fe+er reports of fi"ro!yal ia% 9epatitis C% chronic fati ue% etc.% and in fact "e an hearin a"out people spontaneously reco*erin fro! these illnesses o*er the course of the su!!er. #ost of these sufferers had "een a"le to trace the "e innin of their sickness to early 1MMM. $nother trend - sa+ happenin +as that the people +ho "ou ht our (er!inators +ere healin !uch faster after that. 0ne aspect of !ycoplas!a infestation is that +hen one +ho is dealin +ith that uses one of our zappers the tail penny% +hich is the ne ati*e electrode .to8ic !aterials in the "ody are all acidic% therefore positi*ely char ed and
dra+n to the ne ati*e pole/% al!ost i!!ediately turns "lack and ets co*ered +ith a thick residue. D*en !etal cleaner +onOt re!o*e all that "lack stain. $fter #ay - heard less and less fro! custo!ers +ho +anted to kno+ +hy the penny turned "lack. - ne*er hear of that no+. (his !ay "e the "est e*idence of the cloud"ustersO success% actually. 0ther areas% includin !ost of $sia and all of $frica% are free of che!trails so these co!plaints ne*er ca!e fro! there. $ustralia and 1e+ Eealand +ere pretty +ell sa*a ed "y che!trails and !y zapper orders fro! those places reflected the sa!e pattern on the sa!e schedule. (he (er!inators - sell to people in <apan still et "lack tail pennies and the custo!ers still co!plain of Ose*ere candida.O (here are no cloud"usters in <apan% as far as - kno+% and the che!trails are as "ad there as they +ere in $!erica. (hereOs no+ a cloud"uster "ein "uilt near 1a oya% an industrial center% and Jarry 7edersen% +hoOs !akin that one% told !e that the three holy hand renades he !ade poked a "i "lue hole in the spe+planeOs +hiteout and are disappearin all the su"seKuent che!trails o*erhead% so -O! confident that his Cloud"uster +ill ha*e a *ery +ide ran in effect% perhaps like the first ones in Boston and 2eattle ha*e had fro! the "e innin . 3hen Carol and - left $frica a year a o% +e didnOt foresee the e8plosi*e ro+th in the nu!"er of cloud"usters in 2outhern $frica. -n fact% +ithin a !onth or so t+o of the C"ers in 1a!i"ia +ere apparently scared "y Dr. De#eo into dis!antlin their cloud"usters and - ha*enOt heard fro! the! since then. (he other C"ers there are !ore stal+art% thank Nrid% and the three +hich +e hid in !a)or 1a!i"ian *ortices +ill no dou"t connect *ery nicely +ith the ne+ ones that Neor and $ndy are puttin throu hout the Calahari% east+ard to #oza!"iKue% Ei!"a"+e and Ea!"ia. 0ur inter*ie+ +ith Dr. Canya on Blake Badio in 1e+ ?ork directly resulted in se*eral Black $fricans "uildin cloud"usters farther north% so that +as *ery confir!in for us. Neor Bitschl really should "e the poster child for or onite "ecause of his !onu!ental success in esta"lishin a "uddin national reputation +ith this +ork in 2outh $frica. - think +eOre all too close to the +ork ri ht no+ to appreciate the si nificance of the ine*ita"le defeat of 9$$B7 drou ht/fa!ine sanctions in that country. - only +ish Carol and - could "e there to participate in Neor and 6ar!er DddyOs co!in *ictory. 3e certainly !ustnOt let the +orld re i!e ha*e its +ay any lon er +ith artificially induced fa!ine in $frica. <eff Ba aley told !e that he sa+ no che!trails at all in China or (i"et% "ut that the !ind control trans!itters are *ery thick in "oth places. Nee% - uess the (i"etans% !ost of +ho! can "arely afford to eat and ha*e an electric li ht "ul"% ha*e all ot cell phones---not. - +onder if this +ill "e the year in +hich so!e"ody "esides !e +ill speak up a"out the o"*ious: O3hy are +e callin these cell phone to+ersR (hereOs no technical data a*aila"le% any+here% that i*es any e*idence that these are for co!!unication.O 0ne !ore "i challen e to our shizoid pro ra!!in % - uess. (his conundru! !ay point to so!ethin *ery% *ery i!portant to consider in oursel*es. 3eO*e "eco!e accusto!ed to seein the re i!e as the a*o+ed ene!y of !ankind% "ut that resol*e "reaks do+n +hen certain tri ers in our "rains are acti*ated. 3e should "e e!"arrassed at ho+ easily +eO*e "een induced to call these ne+ to+ers Ocell to+ers.O -O! +onderin ho+ fast this can "e turned around if +e all si!ply stop +atchin (F. (here +as a ti!e +hen considered (F to "e one of lifeOs pleasures and co!forts and - ot pretty irritated +hen !y reception +ent "ad. donOt kno+ e8actly +hat it +as that caused !e to !o*e fro! adorin tele*ision to feelin repulsed "y it% "ut feel like crap +hen -O! in a roo! for any len th of ti!e +ith a (F runnin . (hat effects see!s to "e pretty !uch a"sent +hen -O! playin a !o*ie% in fact Carol kno+s that -O! not +illin to do any of the zapper asse!"ly +ork unless a !o*ie tape or DFD is on. - ne*er could hold a factory )o" in !y unskilled la"or days. (oo "ad for !e they didnOt ha*e FCBs then% - uess. 9a*e you noticed that people +ho +atch (F e*ery day ha*e a harder ti!e raspin si!ple concepts and feelin ener yR - donOt "elie*e thatOs an accidental or collateral effect. - "elie*e thatOs a pri!ary effect desi ned to !aintain the status of the 7< folk.
-O! sure youOll a ree that after an afternoon or e*enin in front of the tele*ision you feel !ore tired than +hen you sat do+n on the couch. (hatOs also desi ned into the pro ra!!in . - "et you donOt feel that +ay after youO*e spent the sa!e a!ount of ti!e in front of your co!puter% especially if you use a flat screen instead of a heinous cathode ray !onitor. -tOs the a!"ient% irrational !ental pro ra!!in that is no+ standin in the +ay of the e8ponential ro+th of this rassroots !o*e!ent. (he e8ternal and internal psycholo ical assaults on us all ha*e pro*en !ar*elously ineffecti*e and no+ the old "u a"oo% "rain+ashin % is standin in full *ie+ in the a"sence of the +ar footin +eOd "een forced to adopt until no+. - +as rather shocked to realize recently that so !any C"ers are disheartened +hen a che!trail )et flies o*erhead and lea*es a trail that lin ers !ore than a fe+ seconds. - honestly donOt kno+ ho+ to respond to that apparently unthinkin % pro ra!!ed response% other than to repeat that it no lon er happens here thanks to our foot+ork in disa"lin a thousand or so to+ers. - uarantee that +e et !ore than the a*era e nu!"er of spe+plane *isits. -n fact% the presence of che!trails is not a si n of our defeat. -tOs not a su"tle point to say that they no lon er spread out to co*er the sky% nor do they suppress the for!ation of healthy% !oisture-"earin cu!ulus clouds e8cept in *ery rare cases% like o*er parts of Jos $n eles and Fancou*er. 1e8t ti!e you feel inclined to sin a s+an son after the rude appearance of spe+planes% i*e it an hour or so and notice that +hat - )ust said is true% okayR Carol says theyOre often )ust sKuirtin out har!less sky+ritin che!icals )ust to keep the 7< folks fro! +akin up so fast fro! the presence of all this or onite and Oskies that look like they did +hen +e +ere kids5O -f the appearance of token che!trails distur"s you% assu!e that itOs keepin the 7< folk unconsciously discoura ed% too. (he pro ra!!in in so!e people is so effecti*e that the si ht of these +eak che!trails in con)unction +ith ettin a cold or so!e !ilde+ poisonin fro! stale household air leads the! to assu!e that theyO*e )ust succu!"ed to an aerial "iolo ical attack. -f you fit that "ill% call the hospital and see if theyO*e "een flooded +ith cases of respiratory distress. - "et your sy!pto!s arenOt e*en respiratory in your case. (he lo"al to+er net+ork +as essentially co!pleted "y the first of 2epte!"er% +hich is +hy +e put off disa"lin the ones in our re ion until then. 3e notice that *ery fe+ ne+ trans!itters ha*e "een erected in the past fe+ !onths% thou h the under round construction see!s to proceed as fast as e*er. -O! not oin to d+ell on +hat a fe+ of us did last year to disa"le the nuke attacks on so!e of our cities "y our o+n alle ed o*ern!ent% or on the +ay those t+o carloads of C-$ "o!"ers +ere disoriented in the 9ootensO or one field on their +ay to "lo+in up a #ia!i nuke plant of 2epte!"erOs 6riday the thirteenth .ri ht after the lo"al to+er net+ork +as finished/ "ecause thatOs i!possi"le to su"stantiate. -t is food for thou ht +hen you consider ho+ the feds co!pletely lost their !o!entu! not lon after their initial assault on the 3orld (rade Center% thou h% and ho+ they ne*er e*en started to et it "ack since. -t could "e that -O! o*erly concerned a"out the "rain+ashin -O! +itnessin and that the present apparent ennui is )ust a cyclic pause in the net+orkOs unfold!ent. -f so% -O! open to correction. Cat in 7a e% $rizona% told !e on 3ednesday that a spike sho+ed up o*er 2pokane in the Doppler radar readin s lately% so the ne8t day% on our trip to 2pokane% Carol and - dropped a to+er "uster in +hat looked like another coolin pond for an under round nuke plant near a !a)or 9$$B7 array and Cat said the spike disappeared after that. 3e had looked for that pond "efore% "ut couldnOt locate it. Carol said the array% +hich is a !assi*e one that +e disa"led "efore% +as finally dead "y the ti!e +e left the city that afternoon. Before then% the trans!itters +ere all i*in off *ery dense D0B% "ut it +as restricted to ri ht around the to+ers the!sel*es. $s happened on 2teptoe ButteOs array after +e killed the near"y under round nuke this +ay% the 9$$B7 array on (o+er #ountain "y 2pokane +as i*in off no ener y at all e8cept for the flashin red li hts on top% +hich are pro"a"ly po+ered "y the co!!ercial electricity rid.
D*en the sin le !ind control to+ers pro"a"ly use up so !uch electricity that their presence on the po+er rid +ould +ake up the 7< folk a!on the utility +orkers. Cell phone trans!itters% indeed V-/ ?ou could s!elt alu!inu! ore +ith the po+er it takes to run a sin le array. -t !i ht "e a ood idea to look for the under round nukes that po+er !ost or all of the !a)or arrays +here you li*e. ?ou !i ht ha*e to do+se the !ap "ut - think youOll "e astonished at ho+ O iftedO you are at this. Carol and "elie*e you can actually disa"le a nuke plant "y puttin an or onite de*ice into the coolant. (his is easy to do for the secret nukes that donOt et their coolin +ater fro! lar e "odies of +aterV the trick is findin their coolin ponds. 3atch for isolated% ra*el lined% steep-sided s!all ponds surrounded "y a hi h fence. -f youOre in a cold re ion the +ater !ay ha*e a lot of antifreeze in it and +ill produce a reen-yello+ splash. Be!e!"er that disa"lin these under round nuke enerators can do only ood for the +orld. 3e put 99 s on the round as close as possi"le to the surface nukes. (his +onOt stop the reactions% "ut it +ill li!it the oranur field to a sphere the size of the one +hose radius reaches fro! the 99 to the reactor% so all the +orkers in there +ill pro"a"ly still die youn of cancer% "ut at least the surroundin population +onOt ha*e to on account of the nuke plant. #y second +ife spent fifteen years +orkin at the nuke in 2ea"rook% 19% so - kno+ first hand a"out the hi h cancer rate a!on nuke +orkers% e*en the ones% like her% +ho donOt +ork near the reactors. 2he sur*i*ed "ecause she Kuit and under+ent so!e radical alternati*e treat!ents. -O! toyin +ith the notion that tele*ision pro ra!!in !ay "e responsi"le for the reticence -O! seein in !any of us re ardin spottin all those 12$ sur*eillance people. - +as introduced to this a+areness rather rudely last 2prin "ecause the fello+ - +as *isitin +as already under "o8 hea*y sur*eillance and they +ere rather o*ertly opposed to our !eetin . - see that a fe+ others a!on us are +akin up to the presence of the 12$ stalkers !ore ently than - did. $s 9ina 0hale says% there can "e a !ore radual shift fro! studiously a*oidin noticin your surroundin s as you !o*e fro! place to place .+eOre hea*ily pro ra!!ed to do this/ to noticin e*erythin possi"le in the process. Be!e!"er that once you start seein these un"linkin % studiously nondescript starers you can !ake the! i*e you !ore space "y +alkin up to the! and si!ply en a in the! in con*ersation-say anythin at all and they +onOt +ant to et that close to you any !ore. Be sure to post your e8periences on the foru! so others +ill "e encoura ed to "reak out of their pro ra!!in % too. -t takes !ore coura e to do this than to shoot an ene!y on the "attlefield. (hatOs "ecause +eOre pro ra!!ed not to ackno+led e the presence of secret police. -tOs deep pro ra!!in . -f youO*e "een "ustin to+ers% theyOre on you like flies on sh--% rest assured. ?ouOll e8perience a rather ut-+renchin shift in the process "ecause "reakin out of pro ra!!in is not pleasant at first. -t does et easier% thou h% and e*en fun after a+hile and after you scra!"le up to the ne8t le*el of a+areness no"ody can !ake you o "ack to the +ay you +ere "efore. -tOs Kuite e8hilaratin % - can tell you. 3hen so!e"ody e!ails !e and says% O(hanks for e*erythin youOre doin for the planet%O - ha*e the i!pulse to "itch slap the +riter e*ery ti!e. (his isnOt at all a"out !e and anyone +ho +ants so!e"ody else to assu!e his/her o+n Nod- i*en responsi"ility deser*es the +orst of political fates. (hatOs the "ase i!pulse that allo+ed 1ational 2ocialis! to "e esta"lished in $!erica in the first place. 2peakin of One8t le*elO - noticed that another round"reakin feature of our little net+ork is the conspicuous lack of for!al hierarchy. (here definitely is a hierarchy% "ut itOs founded on de!onstrated reputation% not on credentials or intellectual or occult foppery% and it has an or anic nature. - keep usin the +ord% Oor anic%O - kno+% and at the risk of "ein tedious - say in !y defense that the ro+th process is so essential to +orkin +ith or onite that - honestly donOt kno+ a "etter ad)ecti*e at this point. Nro+th has a cyclic co!ponent and there are lots of analo ies - could use to illustrate it% "ut +eO*e seen that
there +ere sta es in our de*elop!ent as a net+ork/ lo"al co!!unity +hen the outlook +as "leak% and sta es +hen each of us felt ready to take on the dark !asters the!sel*es and !ake the! e!pty "edpans in a charity !aternity hospital in the Central $frican Bepu"lic. ?D$955 2o!e"ody s!arter than !e once told !e% years a o% that after - started +orkin +ith crystals -Od radually stop e8periencin e8tre!e e!otional hi hs and lo+s and +ould disco*er rather a !ore !oderate e!otional e8perience characterized "y a steadily risin "ase ener y le*el and a+areness. (his has "een especially true of !y +ork +ith or onite. - +onder if one can "e e8tre!ely !oderate. - think that !oderate e8pression and approach is i!portant +hen +eOre sharin any of this cuttin frin e stuff +ith ne+co!ers. - think itOs also i!portant to culti*ate this so that +hen further atte!pts are !ade to under!ine our effort +e can continue to deal +ith the! on a !ore or less e*en keel. ?ou can "et that )ust "ecause +e took a+ay their chances for !artial la+ they +onOt stop tryin to disa"le our efforts. -n fact - think they )ust turned cranked up the po+er in that process. - donOt kno+ if you noticed% "ut there has "een an increase in the nu!"er and OforceO of !essianic fi ures in the past couple of +eeks offerin "old pro!ises of creatin +orld peace% etc. - +onOt na!e any% "ut these are "ased on thou htfor! +ork a!on +hite people and they ulti!ately foster a sense of po+erlessness and su"!er ence into nonentity a!on indi*iduals and accession of personal ener y to any of a nu!"er of the re i!eOs pied pipers. 3hen - ask people +ho send !e these !ass in*itations to su est so!e e*idence that supportin this +ill "e +orth+hile -O! al+ays !et "y either an er or a +eird apolo y for sendin the thin in the first place. - al+ays ask this honestly "ecause -O! al+ays +illin to pro*ide e*idence that our particular pro)ect is +ell +orth supportin . (his thou htfor! pro"le! is +hy Carol and - are e8a!inin the uses of radionics no+. (he $laska dou"le pyra!id report is +hat ot our attention re ardin the *ia"ility of Badionics +ith or onite +ork and itOs co!e full circle for !e% at least% "ecause it +as for radionics that Carl 3elz introduced or onite in the first place on +++.or - pooh-poohed personally usin or onite for this ri ht up until the uy in $laska sent !e that terrified account V-/ thou h - re!ained open to hearin a"out othersO success. -tOs still a "it early to !ake a co ent report on our efforts "ut +eOre usin Dale 2chultzO .2kipper!anOs/ fine radionics stand and pyra!id 99 in con)unction +ith another pyra!id fro! the 9ootens on <ay Bockefeller ri ht no+ and +eOre usin t+o of CristinaOs C/Q pyra!ids% "otto! to "otto!% on Condoleza Bice% +hoOs "een harassin Carol e*ery ni ht for +eeks .her attacks are ettin pro ressi*ely +eaker and a fe+ days a o - put a sort of yantra o*er her na!e "et+een the pyra!ids and Carol said it i!!ediately and stron ly affected CondolezaOs third chakra/. - really need to et so!e radionics construct oin on that !essianic/ roupie thou htfor! thatOs "een irritatin !e lately. - think - can easily track the effects of that "y the nature of !y inco!in e!ail. (he hu!an psychic predators ha*e a lot !ore !o8ie and sta!ina than e*en the Draconians attackers. -t could "e "ecause the hu!an ones are chronically stupid% "ut -O! not sure a"out that. 2peakin of stupid% take a look at $le8 <onesO fil!in of the hu!an sacrifice ritual at Bohe!ian Nro*e on <uly 1L% &'''. -Od ne*er actually seen or read a"out one of those rituals "efore and it +as Kuite educational for !e. Carol e8plained so!e of the stuff to !e "ecause she fa*ors ritual !a ic and - ha*e a ood "ook on #asonic rituals that pro"a"ly ets into the nitty ritty .e8cept for the !urder part/. -Oll read that "ook no+-- didnOt kno+ +hat to relate it to "efore. 0f course they had e*erythin turned around so that the +atchers had the i!pression that it +as a lo*ely esture to kill so!e"ody in the na!e of spiritual happiness and pro ress. (hey clearly de!onized the *icti!-no )oke5 (hey had apparently dru ed hi! and co*ered hi! +ith a "lanket so no"ody +ould "e shocked into a+areness "y seein the *icti! clearly. 2chizophrenia +as desi ned into +hite culture early on.
-f you think the hi her le*el satanic stuff is done "y a "unch of spiky-haired% "ody-pierced% un+ashed 9uns% think a ain. (he !ore risly stuff is reser*ed for lo+lifes% reptilian predators and #C @ltra chu!ps% like the !u!"le-chantin cro+d that surrounded C"s+ork and Othe NirlO on their recent successful !ission to 7alo!ar% "ut the hi h rollers are into classical !usic .fro! the Bo!ance 7eriod V-/ / pretty ro"es and histrionics. (his *ideo !ay "e helpful if you +ant to et past so!e of that pro ra!!in thatOs so ende!ic in +hite people these days. - think you can order it fro! $le8 on! . (hank Nrid !ore people of color are no+ )oinin the foru!. 3e really need the "alance and di*ersity here. 2peakin of +++% - no+ look for daily ne+s - can use on the $!erican 6ree 7ress .! (hereOs a headline section. 6or instance% if you hear that $!erica is "ein threatened "y a nuke attack fro! 1. Corea% look on this site for the real story% +hich is that 1. Corea and 2. Corea are tryin to unite and $!erica is si!ply standin in the +ay. - think $!erica is the only terrorist nation on the planet ri ht no+ and this phony o*ern!ent has a lon history of terrorizin its o+n citizenry% e*en killin us in lar e nu!"ers in one fell s+oop and also slo+ly% +ith cancer% as +ith the countless children +ho are un+ittin ly su")ected to Otestin O these days. - think our prison population is up around se*en !illion no+% so - think +eOre +ay ahead of 9itler% 2talin% Castro and #ao at this point% per capita. 0f course !ost of the! are people of color and -Od "e surprised if you really "elie*e theyOre any !ore inclined to cri!inality than +hites are. -n fact the cri!inal class that runs this country no+ are entirely +hite e8cept for a fe+ token sycophants of color% none of +ho! +ill et close to the top of that satanic dun heap. (he fact that the +hite population is "lissfully una+are of this cala!ity denotes the se*erity of not only the cala!ity "ut also the "rain+ashin of the +hite population% +hose history of racis! and cultural schizophrenia !ade the pro ra!!in possi"le in the first place. (he pro ra!!in sho+s !ost clearly in the response to reports of tra edies. $ !illion dead in Bo7hal% -ndia fro! che!ical poisonin ets only a tiny outcry and sho+in of support co!pared to the sinkin of a ferry"oat in the Dn lish Channel. -O! not +hinin % )ust sho+in the depth of the pro"le!. (he i!a e of a couch potato +atchin #onday 1i ht 6oot"all re!inds !e of the cro+d of cheerin % lassyeyed% !outh-"reathin elitists at Bohe!ian Nro*e +ho +atched that ro!antic spectacle of hu!an sacrifice V-/ Bi ht no+ +e can turn all of this around "ecause the threat of !artial la+ doesnOt need to et our first attention and efforts any !ore. -t takes the "oldest of all approaches to !o*e into this ca!pai n of the spiritual +ar% thou h% and this approach proceeds fro! first disa"lin our !ental pro ra!!in and conditionin . (ou h call "ut - think +eOre all up to the task. Based on the astoundin success of this little net+ork o*er the past year - +onOt e*en try to predict +hat +eOll all "e doin a year fro! no+% thou h - ha*e no reason to dou"t that +eOll "e unspeaka"ly successful. #y hope is that no+ that the feds ha*e so rossly o*erstepped their "ounds +ith that horrid Nestapo/22 le islation +e !ay soon see the co!plete e8posure and disenfranchise!ent .hopefully the e*entual punish!ent/ of the puppet !asters in Jondon and at the @1 +ho O uidedO our elected leaders into a position +here they openly co!!itted hi h treason "y passin that le islation and !y !ain concern no+ is that +eOll et enou h 7< folks to +ake up no+ that +e can a*oid a !ilitary coup to set thin s ri ht. $fter the lo""yists are disa"led +e can pre*ail on our state le islatures to con*ene a Constitutional Con*ention this year and pro*ide an e8a!ple to e*ery nation on earth--a +ay to "reak free of JondonOs "andits and take "ack so!e national so*erei nty in ad*ance of the for!ation of a true +orld co!!on+ealth. 1aturally% in the process +e can !ake sure he e!ony is returned to state and local o*ern!ents% +hich +ill lea*e 3ashin ton rather desolate. ?ou !ay not realize that Jondon has Oe8propriatedO all of the natural resources in the +orld in lieu of alle ed de"t
defaultin . 3e can erase those Jondon-"ased phony de"ts in a day "y deposin that horrid% parasitic !onarchy in 3indsor. (he "anker/trolls are all literally hidin fro! us under her a!ple skirts% terrified of e8posure. 3atch the +orld prosper after that. -t +ill happen or anically V-/ and fast. -tOs the lo ical fruition of the idea that +e can and !ust deter!ine our o+n destiny and are not sla*es to fate% after all. (he Kuestion +e should "e askin isnOt O9o+ can +e esta"lish +orld peace and prosperityRO $ctually% the Kuestion is O9o+ can +e not ri ht no+RO (hat +as a ood finish% "ut - +anted to sa*e the follo+in for the end: Carol and - )u!ped throu h hoops and e*en endured another !urder atte!pt "y the 12$ to et that che!trails/cloud"usters *ideo docu!entary to 2tuart. - notice that itOs ettin *ery little discussion in the foru!% nor do the C"ers +ho still participate in the che!trail "oards and foru!s e*er apparently !ention it there% e*en thou h it clearly sho+s +hat the C( pro ra! is a"out and +hat the de!onstrated solution is. -f youOre a C"er and are still participatin on Che!trail Central @2$ and the other alle ed infor!ation sites you !i ht take a look at +hat has caused you to decide not to share this docu!entary +ith those roups. - donOt +ant to see any confessions here% okayR -f you think itOs i!portant% please )ust share it +ith others +hen the opportunity arises. ?ou can "et - send all !y zapper custo!ers to 2tuartOs site and !ention the free *ideo in the process. Bense% Carnico!% Bell and all the other alle ed under round infor!ation sites +ere i*en the CD *ersion !onths "efore 2tuart !ade it a*aila"le "ut none of the! !entioned it on their pro ra!s or +e"sites. ?ou can "et they all +atched it and clearly understood the i!plications. (he pre!ier under round info site% +hich na!e escapes !e at the !o!ent% at least had the courtesy to say that they +onOt sho+ it "ecause they donOt +ant to "e !urdered. (hey told one of the producers that this is the first ti!e that consideration had co!e up in their career% so that !ay sho+ you ho+ close to the re i!eOs "one this *ideo cuts. - can find out the na!e of that site if anyoneOs interested. -O! sure !any of you are fa!iliar +ith it. -O! sure you kno+ that you +onOt risk your life "y sharin this "ecause the catOs out of the "a . ?ou can see that 2tuart is still "reathin and chipper. 9e "lasted the #an in Black in char e of !essin up his internet connection shortly after he announced the presence of the *ideo to the foru! and it looks like heOs "een a"le to !aintain his internet access since then. -O! sure you kno+ of other sites +hich +erenOt so lucky after postin particularly dicey info. (hey should et 2uccor 7unches and learn ho+ to use the!. 2tuart understood the risk he +as takin % too% "ut he% of all the people in the +orld +ho +ere i*en the opportunity to !ake this pu"licly a*aila"le% had the de!onstrated coura e and co!!it!ent to do so. ?ou !ay not see it no+% "ut -O! sure future historians +ill take careful% re*erent note of that sin ular act. 0nce a ain% - su est that itOs our !ental pro ra!!in co!in to the fore in our hesitation to share this +ith others. $ndyOs offerin a free copy to anyone +hose co!puter lacks the capacity for do+nloadin this rather "i pro ra!. -tOs :' !inutes on a CD. Ct"! is his site. - donOt presu!e to second uess BenseOs% Carnico!Os% BellOs and all the othersO !oti*es for not sharin this +ith others% "ut itOs oin to "eco!e !ore and !ore apparent that this is one of those rare ite!s% like or onite% +hich separates the sheep in this +orld fro! the oats. 9a*e you +atched it yetR Don Croft
Episode 51 Terrori9ing the Terrorists By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcL1terrorizin terrorists&1)an':.sht!l <anuary &1% &'': 1e+ (oy Carol and - ha*e "een testin a ne+ ener y de*ice for t+o +eeks and until last ni ht - didnOt kno+ ho+ to "roach the su")ect here "ecause itOs clearly contro*ersial and there +as so !uch su"*ersi*e doodoo floatin in the cloud"uster foru!Os punch"o+l until last +eek that rational discussion +ould ha*e "een i!possi"le. $lso% +e needed to "e sure that this de*ice% like all the others +eO*e offered% canOt "e used to har! innocents. $ local cop .#osco+% -daho% @2$/ in a nin)a suit +as sneakin around outside our house last ni ht% ri ht "efore - had a little epiphany a"out this o*erall discussion. 3e kno+ it +as a cop "ecause <enny heard the cretinOs police scanner o off +hen he +as ri ht "elo+ her +indo+ V-/ - uess heOs not Kuite ready for the "i lea ue yet. 3e +ould ha*e assu!ed it +as )ust another 12$ predator if she hadnOt heard the scanner on his shoulder. 3eOre at the end of a dead end street and there +erenOt any cop cars in si ht% so he had to ha*e sneaked onto the property% pro"a"ly fro! across the !eado+. 3hen <eff Ba aley +as *isitin .+hile Carol and <enny +ere in Durope/ a si!ilar O*isitO occurred ne8t door to the house +e +ere li*in in at the ti!e% and - +atched it all fro! !y +indo+. (he stupid cops% dressed up like 1in)as% sneaked onto this uyOs property fro! the "ack and harassed the crack dealer .!y char!in ne8t door nei h"or/% apparently in ad*ance of coercin hi! to plant so!e of his product in our house .- had this fro! a relia"le source% "ut you need to take !y assertion as an opinion/. (heyOd "een leanin on this chu!p for t+o +eeks "efore that ni ht and for a fe+ days% the cops +ere cruisin "y our house and starin at us throu h the +indo+s. #ay"e you kno+ Othat look.O 3e +ere on a dead end street then% so the cops had no "usiness "ein so uncharacteristically present there. 2ince this +as clearly a *iolation% Carol i!!ediately OlookedO at +here that copOs orders ca!e fro! and sa+ the 12$ "oss a ent for our case% tellin the crooked police chief in our to+n to send so!e"ody to search our property for so!ethin . 2he couldnOt see +hat that +as% "ut she kne+ he didnOt find anythin . 6or the record% the elected 2heriff here refuses to "e led around "y the nose "y these federal predators. 9eOs the only cop here per!itted under the @2 Constitution. Carol +ent to the police station to !ake a for!al co!plaint. (he cop at the desk could find no record of that *isit .of course/% "ut sheOll pursue it a ain to!orro+ and sheOs let the! kno+ that the ne8t ti!e a cop sho+s up any+here on our property e8cept at the front door% sheOll !ake a citizenOs arrest. (hey kno+ sheOs la+fully ar!ed "ecause one of the local cops ran into the un shop +ith a clip"oard "efore she e*en left the parkin lot +ith her ne+ Be!in ton Jadys!ith M!! re*ol*er V-/ (here are only a"out 1&%''' people in this to+n and thereOs sure as hell no e8cuse for the police to "eha*e as the Nestapo% here or any+here else on this planet. 1e+ Jessons $fter Carol ot a clear picture of the "oss a entOs co!plicity in the harass!ent episode% - i!a ined !y hand around this 12$ 2pecial $ ent in Char eOs "eatin heart and sKueezed until Carol said he +as terrified. (hen asked her ho+ !any psychics +ere assi ned to help and protect this predator .- +as told "y an insider that this uy is in the ha"it of rapin +o!en and little irls and - +as ad*ised not to piss this uy off after - sa+ hi! larin at us a fe+ !onths a o fro! his% ne+% tan Jincoln (o+n car/ and she said% O6i*e% and they li*e ri ht in to+n5O - said% O7ick out the !eanest one%O and she ot the i!a e of a !an. 3ith !y left hand - sKueezed his onads until he% too% +as terrified% then - told hi!% since he is telepathic% O?ou need to tell your "oss that if anyone e*er sho+s up on our property a ain "y his orders% +eOll "e "ack and heOll "e !uch% !uch +orse off than he is ri ht no+.O (hen - let the! "oth o. - e8pect a ne+ 2$-C to sho+ up here soon V-/
(here you ha*e it. Carol and - ha*e "een doin this to predators .in the act of har!in or threatenin people/ here and there around the planet for t+o +eeks% e*ery ni ht at "edti!e. (he reason - didnOt co!!ent earlier +as "ecause the fe+ people +ho +ere perpetuatin su"terfu e in the CB foru! +ould ha*e had a field day +ith this. 2tuartOs "een syste!atically re!o*in those fro! the foru!. #ay"e the ones still han in around% +aitin for a chance to sa"ota e this foru! +ill co!e out of hidin no+% "ut -Oll consider that a result of !y initiati*e if they do% and 2tuart can et a clearer sense of their true intentions and in*ite the! out% too% +ith a clear conscience. 1ote that - didnOt call the! a ents. (his is "ecause su"terfu e is the issue% not affiliations% and - donOt +ant to la!orize +hat these !alcontents do to potentially educational and li"eratin processes. (hat e*ent is typical of +hat +eO*e "een doin e*ery ni ht. 2o!e of you uys had !uch +orse o*ern!ent interference than +eO*e had% +e disco*ered throu h our e8peri!ent. -tOs a testi!ony of the character of the acti*e participants here that only the fe+ +ho +ere truly under duress accepted our in*itation to help. 3e found t+o a ents this +ay% too. 1o+here to 9ide $n a ent canOt hide his/her true intentions fro! a skilled psychic like !y +ife. 1either of these a ents +as under any kind of threat% "y the +ay. -O! sure +eO*e all !et liars "efore. (hese a ents are not "ad people% "y the +ay. $t that lo+ le*el in the 12$ or associated secret police a ency theyOre not in a position to har! anyone and - et the sense that !ost of the! in the *arious internet foru!s +ouldnOt drea! of hurtin anyone. (heyOre )ust collectin a paycheck and follo+in their "liss. - donOt "la!e the!V - )ust +ant to pre*ent the! fro! +orkin a!on us% thatOs all. (hey all s!oke a lot of dope% apparently. -O*e "een encoura in e*eryone to i*e this up if they +ish to ha*e psychic inte rity. - donOt think itOs possi"le to protect oneself *ery +ell if one has "een s!okin the stuff "ecause psyops people can only et in throu h a hole in the etheric nets around us% and pot !akes and e8tends these holes for the!. (he a ents are essentially paranoid fro! s!okin the stuff% +hich is ho+ they% in turn% are controlled and kept in fear. $fter a person has reached a certain le*el of psychic inte rity% it "eco!es unthinka"le to e*en "reathe the second hand pot s!oke. $t ti!es% it can feel intolera"le to e*en stand ne8t to so!eone +hoOs "een s!okin it. (his is #etaphysics 1'1% folks% not )ust so!e Cal*inist rant. 3e canOt fake inte rity% thou h !any can fake sincerity fairly +ell to those +ho are Odiscern!entally challen ed.O (he reason -O! reportin all of this no+ is that - found a precedent a!on traditional sha!anic healers for terrorizin predators. $ccordin to the "rain+ashin that all of the +estern psychics +e kno+ are su")ect to% itOs Ounla+fulO to take these !easures a ainst predators. ?ou kno+% a lot of +estern psychics call the!sel*es sha!ans% "ut none of the! +ill do +hat needs doin to de!onstrate their clai!s% so far. -tOs an e!pty title until real coura e is de!onstrated in the face of a "loodthirsty foe. Carol felt sure it +asnOt ri ht to attack an attacker% +hich is +hy she +ould do the lookin and telepathy for !e +hen necessary% "ut she +asnOt +illin to Odo the )o"O or e*en touch the de*ice - +as usin % +hich is "asically )ust a 2uccor 7unch surrounded "y or onite. 2he +ouldnOt touch the de*ice-until last ni ht% +hen her o+n dau hter +as under duress fro! this la+"reakin cop. (here +ere ei ht full ti!e 12$ psychics lookin for +ays to "reak us% "ut three of the!% +ho +ere on assi n!ent fro! 2pokane% +ill ne*er ha*e anythin to do +ith us a ain. Jast +eek% they +ere tryin to et at <enny .CarolOs dau hter/% "ut Carol found out a"out it and -DOd the!. 3e then spent a little Kuality ti!e Otalkin O to the! and de!onstratin our clear intent and a"ility. 3eOd actually seen the !ost a ressi*e one of the three on the street in 2pokane one day last su!!er% spyin on us .sheOs the one +ho dro*e <enny to near suicide a fe+ !onths later% "efore Carol disco*ered ho+ she +as doin that/. - uarantee that sheOll ne*er terrorize anyone a ain. 3e al+ays look for the "i est% "addest predator and use hi!/her as an o")ect e8a!ple for the rest.
(he $frican Connection (he rele*ant sha!anic e8e!plar +ho occurred to !e is 0u!a Jahia% the Qhosa +itch/healer +e !et in 1a!i"ia% thou h the +itches +ho! Carol !et in Cenya are in the sa!e cate ory. - suspect *o <oanna in Brazil has the sa!e le*el of de!onstrated a"ility. - feel her +atchin o*er us e*en as - +rite. #y little epiphany last ni ht +as that the only +ay one can "e effecti*e this +ay is to strike terror into the hearts of predators. -tOs i!plicit that this can only "e done in real ter!s +ithin the "ounds of uni*ersal la+. (hat !eans that the predator has to "e in the act or preparation sta e of co!!ittin a cri!e% literally. (he response fro! us has to "e in "alance +ith the threat le*el presented "y the predator. (his is so!ethin thatOs felt instincti*ely% not so!ethin arri*ed at "y rational de"ate% thou h it all !akes sense in rational ter!s. -n a real sense% the $frican sha!anic healers +e !et are entirely unafraid of the o*ern!ent% the *oodoo societies% and e*erythin else-e8cept oin a ainst uni*ersal la+. - suspect their initiation process has a lot to do +ith )ust findin predators +ho are in the act of attackin innocents and scarin the li*in sddt out of the! or e*en killin the! +ith ener y% +hiche*er is !ore appropriate V-/ - confess that +hen -O! around the Osha!ans of colorO% itOs a +onderful relief not to "e su")ected to pseudo-9indu !etaphysical ter!inolo y. (here% -O*e said it. (hat !ental pro ra!!in crap is as hard for !e to tolerate as a !ultile*el !arketin pitch or tele*an elis!. Beturn of the <edi - "ou ht a little BenI2uze ;crystal de*ice= last !onth and - can use e*en this to terrify predators to a lesser e8tent. - e*en did that a couple of ti!es .once to a B-2irian +ho +as tryin to har! !eV once to a 12$ psychic-a !e!"er of a psyops tea! in a car/ and once +ith the 27/or onite de*ice +hen it +asnOt e*en attached to the 27 freKuency "o8% so essentially this isnOt a"out tools in the lon run. -tOs a"out the +ill and desire to stop tyranny% in !y opinion. - think +e et these little li!pses of our true potential in order to spark us on+ard. 0thers are usin their 2uccor 7unches to do this no+ .they,re not talkin a"out it in the CB foru!s% pro"a"ly "ecause of past su"terfu e and sa"ota e in the ranks/% "ut !y 27 si!ply +onOt do that. (hatOs another discussion% of course% and the 27 is apparently still !ore suita"le for so!e applications% especially in*ol*in reptilians and D( +ho are apparently i!!une fro! the ne+er de*ice. 0ne reason - +aited t+o +eeks to e*en !ention the ne+er 27/or onite de*ice is that - +anted to see if any fool% predator% or un"alanced person% could inflict har! on innocents +ith one. 2ince +eOre Kuite sure that the 12$ and other fake- o*Ot an sters .they all fit at least t+o of those depictions/ ha*e !ade !any of these and are tryin to use the! a ainst Carol and -% ha*in otten !y *ery clear instructions fro! !y personal correspondence to se*eral people% and since +eO*e felt "etter in the past t+o +eeks than +e ha*e in the pre*ious t+o years% -O! certain no+ that this de*ice canOt "e used to har! innocents. 3ell% okay% -O! not really an innocent% per se% "ut "y Oinnocent%O - !ean anyone +hoOs not a predator. CarolOs an innocent "y anyoneOs standards% - uess% and <enny certainly is. <ennyOs "een feelin "etter than e*er lately% too. Carol and - ot so!e clear% si!ple para!eters for a prototype +hich - "elie*e +ill "e !ore po+erful and effecti*e than the one +eOre usin no+. - shared those para!eters +ith se*eral *endors% +ho ha*e told !e theyOll also !ake prototypes% and after +e test these% -Oll do a fuller description and +rite-up for you here. 2ince our prototype only has the ite!s that Carol and - ca!e up +ith independently% -O! not *iolatin anyoneOs proprietary ri hts. -Oll !ake sure that the !akers of the de*ice -O! usin no+ +ill et their due credit shortly. D*ery or onite% electronic% eo!etric and crystal de*ice +eOre all usin ri ht no+ is a te!porary crutch. -O*e ot no pro"le! ad!ittin that. 3hy do people deni rate crutches% thou hR -s that so!e +hite-!an% schizoid attitude related to hatred of handicapped peopleR (hink a"out the +eird i!plication of despisin crutches for a second.
- donOt think that +e 7ink (oes are inherently schizoid% "ut duplicity da!n sure is an inte ral part of the <udeoChristian culture for the past t+o !illennia. JetOs see ho+ fast +e can dis!antle the o*erlaid thou htfor!s that !akes us assu!e that crooked-is-strai ht and strai ht-is-crooked% okayR 9ereOs so!e !ore thou htfor!s for the sake of illustration: O2ecurity is !ore i!portant than freedo!%O O(he de*il !ade !e do it%O O-f youOre sufferin % itOs your o+n fault%O O3e canOt chan e the +orldV +e can only chan e oursel*es%O O-tOs not spiritual to "e concerned a"out o*ern!ent%O ODenial is a +onderful thin %O O- ha*e this pro"le! "ecause in a past life%O O-O! really a !i hty ad!iral of a fleet of starships fro! the 7leiadesOV O- only appear to "e fearful% duplicitous and inco!petent "ecause - +anted to i*e !yself a lesson in this incarnation.%O O(his isnOt really happenin to !e.O ?ikes Carol +as thinkin a"out so!e of these e8pressions yesterday +hile she +as doin her e!ail and told !e she heard a *oice% then% that said% O(hese people need to do so!e re"irthin .O (hatOs the super*ised techniKue of rapid "reathin that can "e used to "urn a+ay delusion .thou htfor!/ o*erlays rapidly. -t has to "e conducted "y so!eone you trust i!plicitly or you +onOt open up enou h to et the )o" done. <a!es and Bose #ary 9u hes helped !e +ith that fi*e years a o% "ut theyOre not doin that any !ore% professionally .t+enty years is enou h% they recently told !e/. (here are a lot of ood folks pro*idin this ser*ice% "ut if your instincts tell you that the one youOre considerin is not trust+orthy% youOll +aste your ti!e and !oney if you do it +ith that person. -O! not sayin the facilitator needs to "e a saint% only that you need to "e a"le to trust hi!/her. @ntil - !et 0u!a Jahia in $frica% - +asnOt a+are of another hu!an +ho +as a"le and +illin to e8ercise such profound personal po+er. $s - !entioned last year% she checked !e out thorou hly% +eeks "efore she allo+ed !e to *isit her. Durin this process% - ca!e the closest to a feelin of terror than - had in recent years. -n those !o!ents% she +as puttin !y intention to the testV lookin ri ht into !y heart. (he reason - didnOt let fear rule is that - kne+% +hen her randdau hter !entioned her to !e .the !ornin after - arri*ed in 3indhoek/ that she +as the traditional healer +ho! -Od co!e to i*e !y cro+d zapper to. - kne+ that she had the po+er to kill !e if e*er de!onstrated ill intent. 2i!ple truth% clear kno+in . (he reason she has that a"ility% thou h% is "ecause her o+n intent has "een purified "y the fire of tests% te!ptations% trau!as% loss% and opposition. (his po+er is ne*er i*en to so!e )erk off the streetV itOs earned and i*en +ithin the Ja+. (he "adly na!ed Nreat 3hite Brotherhood doesnOt ha*e this po+er to i*e% thou h they dearly +ant you to "elie*e they do. (heyO*e al+ays had to resort to "ullets% poison and corrupted courtroo!s for ettin their fearless opponents out of the +ay. (heir fake ascended !asters% like Count 2t. Ner!ain% are really )ust in a hyper-di!ensional% ti!eless li!"o% si!ilar to a "orn-a ain chu!pOs idea of hea*en. $s Ja Bouche said once: (heyO*e traded eternity for a "ad infinity. - uess the old Count si!ply outs!arted hi!self% ehR - "et thereOs no se8 +here he is. (he reason 0u!a Jahia can o throu h life co!pletely unafraid of predators .no shorta e of those in $frica thou h the ones here% usually connected +ith the 12$% are far !ore sa*a e and "loodthirsty on the +hole/ is that she kno+s she can destroy the! if she needs to. (he @2 Constitution clearly states that anyone can la+fully stop a person +ho is in the act of co!!ittin a cri!e. -tOs "een a lon % lon ti!e since the Constitution +as the "asis of our court syste! .natural la+ +as replaced in all the courts "y corporate rules in 1M:L/. (here are no !ore cri!es a ainst people under the rule of the Corporation .@nifor! Co!!ercial Code% @CC/. (here are only cri!es a ainst the 2tate .the Jondon-o+ned 6ederal Beser*e Corporation/ and its property .the people of the @nited 2tates/. 2o!e of us are no+ conspirin to destroy the corporate .+hat an apt ter!5/ thou htfor! +hich keeps people "elie*in that itOs o"li atory to o alon +ith the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation% +hich o+ns all our courts% our currency% all personal and pu"lic property and e*eryone in the @2 +ho has a social security nu!"er. 3e esti!ate that this thou htfor! +ill "e destroyed% radionically "y <une. (hen a fe+ !onths later% the Corporation itself +ill "e peacefully dis!antled "y for!erly incredulous $!ericans% the assets redistri"uted "y a real o*ern!ent +hich is Constitutionally esta"lished. - think the fake o*Ot sa+ this co!in % hence the 1D2$B$ delusion as a half-hearted stop ap to keep the corporate thou htfor!Os foot in the door. #i8in !etaphors% 1D2$B$ is apparently intended to "e the do Os nose in the co!in real national o*ern!entOs tent V-/
-O*e only shared the details of our e8peri!ent +ith a fe+ people +ho! - trust the +ay -O! askin you to trust your chosen re"irth facilitator. By the +ay% "orn-a ain chu!ps think that re"irthin is a one-ti!e deal. $ctually% +e all do it in sta es as lon as +eOre ali*e. (he trick is to et it done oursel*es in a pro ressi*ely easier +ay. (he first fe+ ti!es !ay rather feel like dyin than "irthin . (he or onite de*ices +ill s!ooth the +ay considera"ly% so donOt for et to ha*e at least a 9oly 9and renade present. 0u!a Jahia -O! +onderin if any sha!ans outside $frica and Jatin $!erica practice this le*el of personal po+er. 3hat e8perienced in $frica felt fa!iliar and ri ht% and itOs ri ht in line +ith !y instincti*e "elief that $frica +ill soon assu!e its proper place in hu!an% spiritual ci*ilization. (he suppression of $frica has "een essentially the sa!e as the suppression of a hu e part of our o+n personal potential% thou h here itOs done +ith "rain+ashin here. (here itOs done +ith *iolence and o*ert threats. - think the fake +orld re i!e has deter!ined to +ipe out these fe+ e8e!plars in the only +ay thatOs "een open to the!- enocideV their tried and true co!panion until no+. 0u!a Jahia had "een poisoned t+o years "efore Carol and - !et her. 2he +as in her ei hties and - suspect that dose +ould ha*e Kuickly killed e*en a healthy youth% "ut her ti!e here si!ply +asnOt up yet% and - think she kne+ it. (he solar po+ered cro+d zapper ot such rapid and astonishin healin results +hen she Otest dro*eO it that - +ish -Od taken pictures of the faces of her fa!ily +hen she )u!ped up after t+enty !inutes of zappin and started fle8in her pre*iously painful )oints. -Od seen the healin !any ti!es% "ut those looks +ere priceless. O0u!aO is $frikaans for O rand!other%O and thatOs e8actly ho+ she felt to !e% as does *o <oanna in Brazil. 3hen Carol +ent to Cenya a fe+ !onths earlier% she +as struck "y the fearlessness of the +itches/healers she !et on the first day in the *illa e. (hey% alone% +ere not inti!idated "y the Oni ht runnersO-- the *oodoo !en +ho run naked in total darkness throu h the forest of thorn trees and attack people +ho are outside their ho!es after dark. 0thers +onOt o out at ni ht for fear of encounterin these !urderous !en .they re!ind !e of 2hrinerssorry a"out that/. (he 9aitian *illa ers are ruled in a si!ilar +ay "y the *oodoo societies there. #eetin those +itches and 0u!a Jahia +as an eye opener for Carol. -t took "oth of us this lon to !ake the connection "et+een their fearlessness and ours ri ht no+. -tOs "ased on the kno+led e that +e can stop predators in the act of har!in innocents. (here are Kuite a fe+ people in this foru! +ho are ready to do this no+ if they +ant to. 1ine *oodoo !en follo+ed Carol ho!e fro! Cenya% astrally% and +e stopped the! +ith the 2uccor 7unch in one session. (hatOs also +hen +e found the reptilian hi*e openin s in $frica% throu h a chain of astral inKuiries. (he desire to close the south portal of the $frican reptilian hi*e is +hat !oti*ated !e to o to 1a!i"ia three !onths after Carol ot "ack. (hat +as found and closed "y our $frican co!padres then +ith the 99 one of the! !ade% "ut it +as done after - sho+ed up. - think they needed so!e !oral support then. - "elie*e that +as on Dece!"er 1P% &''1. $ +eek "efore that% on the day - arri*ed in $frica% a *ery len thy si htin of se*eral @60s +as reported in the nationOs pre!ier ne+spaper. (here +ere no pictures% "ut the detailed account +as on the front pa e. 6ro! the descriptions% it +as o"*ious to !e that those +ere Je!urians% co!in to reclai! the skies o*er 2outhern $frica as the reptilians +ere retreatin in ad*ance of the portal closin . Carol and Cerstin +ere Oin*itedO a"oard a Je!urian craft on account of the or onite de*ices there the day "efore she left% a !onth later. (he che!"uster +ork +e did% to ether +ith our $frican counterparts% in the 1a!i" and Calahari and handin the cro+d zappers to nati*e healers +ere our second and third reasons for the *isit. $ll zappers cure $--D2 *ery% *ery Kuickly. - think Neor BitschlOs the uy +ho +ill et this ood ne+s and afforda"le zappers into the hands of the $frican healers no+% throu h the auspices of +++.or and the enerosity of others. 9eOs already !ade i!pressi*e inroads re*ersin the 9$$B7 sa*a ery in 2outhern $frica +ith his !any +ell-placed cloud"usters and other or onite de*ices. (he daily interference +ith !y e!ail stopped a"ruptly after the second ni ht of our e8peri!entation +ith this de*ice and aside fro! the :' or so daily !ass-addressed e!ails fro! the chu!p 12$ a ents +hich contain their latest co!puter *iruses in attach!ents .- routinely delete all those "efore - start on correspondence/ there see!s
to "e no !ore hacker assaults oin on. -t +as ettin +orse and +orse until the day it stopped entirely% t+o +eeks a o. 2o!e hackin at this point +ould "e )ust another opportunity for us to see +hat the ne+ de*ice can do. - +as surprised to learn that !ost of the "osses in these predatory secret police operations are #en in Black .#orticians 3ith $ttitudeR/. 12$: (raitors in (rou"leR 0ur ai! is to +a e a ca!pai n of terror a!on all the predators of the 12$ and the associated enforcin a encies of this fake +orld re i!e. (his is +here all the terroris! in the +orld co!es fro!% after all. (heyOre the ones +ho "lo+ up pu"lic "uildin s% "lo+ up passen er )ets% co!!it !ass !urder% conduct all the satanic serial killin s% !aintain and e8tend #C @ltra and all the other predatory !ind control pro ra!s% tell all the politicians ho+ to *ote .usually "y e8tortion if "ri"ery fails/. (hey run the 6B-% the local police a encies and e*en !ost of the 2heriffs Depart!ents and they do their "est to run the 2tate 7olice a encies. (hey set up and run all of the spiritual chu!psO urus +ho et +ide acclai! . ee% ho+ do they et so popular V-/. (hey o+n and operate all of the Eionist and -sla!ic "o!" thro+ers and assassins. (hey set up and !aintain all the 2talins% 9itlers and 7ol 7ots operatin ri ht no+ as heads of state in sundry little countries and they !urder $JJ of the opposition in these countries +hen theyOre a"le to. -n short: disa"le these "ehind-the-scenes cri!inal net+orks and the +orld re i!e +ill "e co!pletely defenseless% therefore no lon er *ia"le. (he disappearance of the +orld re i!e +ill "e no !ore trau!atic to the "ody politic than the death of a tape+or! is to a hu!an "ody. 3atch ho+ fast +e fi8 political corruption once the politiciansO ena"lers are one. -tOs oin to "e a peaceful transition in !ost cases% - think% to o*ern!ent "ased on personal freedo! and responsi"ility. 3e hu!ans are all Kuick studies% - "elie*e% and all of us instincti*ely kno+ ri ht fro! +ron . 2o!eti!es it )ust takes a little coachin % +hich !ay "e the ulti!ate function of the -nternet. @ni*ersal Ja+% (he 6ly in the 0int!ent Carol and - fi ured out that e*ery !e!"er of Othe re i!e%O certainly includin their predators% is essentially e8penda"le% e*en the fi*e old dark !asters at the top end of the Nreat 3hite BrotherhoodOs for!erly secret hierarchy. (hey all kno+ it "ecause% for all the !o*ers and shakers in this hierarchy% syste!atic pro ra!!in "e an in their earliest !o!ents in this life +ith ritual infant a"use ;see (hanks for (he #e!ories "y Brice (aylor-Cen=. Jater on% the !e!ories of their early a"use +as suppressed and their !inds +ere o*erlaid +ith predator pro ra!!in % i*in the! the delusion of personal po+er% "ut reinforcin their distrust of their co+orkers and a distinct fear of failure. (his is also the root pro ra!!in used in #C @ltra and all the other pro ra!s desi ned to keep their troops in line. -tOs this pro ra!!in +hich !akes the psychic predators try to i nore uni*ersal la+% and ulti!ately that !akes the! *ulnera"le to you and !e. 0ne of the 12$ shrinks !oonli hted once to i*e #cDonalds Corporation this for pro ra!!in their e!ployees to ne*er unionize. -t +orks V-/ Be!e!"er that a predator chooses to attack innocents and other predators. (here are no un+ittin *icti!s at that le*el of sa*a ery. 0n the other hand% the lo+er le*el chu!ps of the 12$ +ho disa"le internet foru!s% +rite (F scripts and political speeches and ar ue the fake Ola+O in the fake courts are relati*ely har!less% so of course +e +ouldnOt e*en think of har!in the!. Cri!inals in Char e <ust like the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation% itOs ti!e to dis!antle all the secret police a encies and this canOt happen unless theyO*e "eco!e essentially afraid of the conseKuences for hurtin innocents. (he +orld is in a state of anarchy "ecause cri!inals run all of the o*ern!ents fro! "ehind the scenes and terrorize the populace in the process. (hat !eans there is no effecti*e o*ern!ent in real ter!s ri ht no+. 3eOre responsi"le for creatin proper o*ern!ent% not politicians or fake sa*iors. - donOt think +e ha*e ti!e to et appro*al fro! Othe !assesO for this +ork "ecause as lon as theyOre afraid of these fake o*ern!ents% theyOll re!ain asleep and e*en dan erous. 3e need to do +hate*er it takes% +ithin the real la+% to neutralize the e8ternal source of this fear pro ra!!in . (o Carol and -% ri ht no+% that !eans destroyin the thou htfor!s +ith tur"ochar ed radionics and syste!atically terrorizin the de!onstrated secret
police terrorists. - think that until +e et at least a dozen !ore interested and a"le folks in*ol*ed +ith this +e are riskin a "ullet or t+o in the head% hence the su"!ission of this post for the record ri ht no+ instead of t+o +eeks fro! no+. (he 12$ tried to !urder se*eral of us to pre*ent the che!trails/cloud"uster *ideo fro! ettin onto the -nternet. (hat stopped a"ruptly soon after 2tuart did the deed on"!. - e8pect a si!ilar scenario +ill play out until there are a fe+ prototypes out and a"out in the ri ht hands. #ainly% itOs the infor!ation that is i!portant. (his ne+ de*ice is )ust an appropriate 2uccor 7unch surrounded "y adeKuate or onite. $s +ith all the other de*ices Carol and - introduced% the para!eters are *ery li"eral% so thereOs little chance of scre+in it up if youOre relati*ely intelli ent and are +ilin to pay attention to your instincts in !akin your o+n prototype. -O! askin for a dozen psychic practitioners or tea!s like Carol and -% "ut - +ouldnOt "e surprised if there are a fe+ hundred "y <une% +hich feels to us like the ti!e +eOll clearly ha*e the upper hand. By O+eO - !ean hu!anity% of course% not this infor!al net+ork. 2cheduled 1uke on 3ashin ton DC in late <anuary - think that if the scheduled nuke attack on 3ashin ton% DC "y 12$ a ents later this !onth fails% there +onOt "e any !ore "latant atte!pts to !o*e us into !artial la+ and enocide% then +e can focus on disa"lin and dis!antlin the 12$ fro! the inside out. - definitely "elie*e that a fe+ of these instru!ents in the ri ht hands +ill do the trick of disa"lin the cri!inal 12$ and the other predatory enforcers of lo"al tyranny in a short ti!e. -n the +ron hands% theyOll )ust "e props .or "lud eons/. Do (rainin 7a*lo* disco*ered that only a s!all% hidden effort is needed to train so!eone to "eha*e and "elie*e a certain +ay or not to. $ctually% this is a di*ine principle that 7a*lo* applied in a less than di*ine for!at. 3e found out that the OdisciplinedO predators do tell the others a"out +hat +eO*e done. #ay"e a dozen !ore of these de*ices in the ri ht hands +ill "e enou h to !ake sure that these tales of terror spread thorou hly throu h the predatory ranks of those dis ustin a encies. (he clear "ut i!plicit !essa e: O-f - e*er hear of you har!in another innocent% youOre oin to pay dearlyV and no"ody can protect you and itOs i!possi"le to hide fro! !e. -f - et killed% there +ill "e so!e"ody else to find you and do the deed% pro"a"ly i!!ediately.O
9elp 3anted -O! askin for a dozen practitioners% "ut - +ouldnOt "e surprised if there are a fe+ hundred throu hout the +orld "y <une% +hich feels like the ti!e +hen +eOll clearly ha*e the upper hand. By O+eO - !ean hu!anity% of course% not this infor!al net+ork. -tOs not e*en necessary to tell us youOre doin this. -n fact% +hen the *ictory co!es% the casual nature of our association +ill "e )ust another confir!ation of the po+er of the hu!an spirit o*er the po+er of de radation and e8ploitation% +hich reKuires se*ere structurin % co!ple8 for!al hierarchies and infi htin to !aintain itself. - think +e can see ho+ the fake infi htin disappeared fro! the foru! after the su"terfu e artists +ere su!!arily e)ected. -nfi htin is not inherent to hu!an or anization-itOs a pro ra!!ed acti*ity. (he fact that it characterizes corporate e!ploy!ent si!ply supports !y clai! that corporations are unnatural or anizations% a"out to "e a"andoned in fa*or of !ore or anic for!s of or anization. (he +ell-reputed a!"ience and true ca!araderie in the CB foru! +ill continue to et "etter% youOll see% and the structurin +ill "eco!e less and less apparent% as it is on the internet itself. -O! reportin this here% "ut in fact +e donOt need the foru! for this particular pro)ect. - )ust +ant a pu"lic record account of +hat +eOre doin and the foru!s at"! are our chosen chronicle "ecause 2tuart <ackson is !ade of the sa!e stuff +e are% so - trust that heOll ne*er sell out and trash this +onderful site. 2ure% itOs all "een archi*ed in se*eral places "y no+% "ut - +ant 2tuartOs site to et so +ell kno+n that <eff Bense +ill soon co!e "e in on his knees for 2tuart to sell hi! a "anner ad V-/
Besides% 2tuart kno+s that if he drops the "all so!eti!e% so!e"ody else +ill pick it up and run +ith it on the -nternet. 9eOs pro*en his co!!it!ent +ith e*ery o"stacle .opportunity/ thatOs "een thrust in front of hi!% thou h% so -O! sure heOll stay in the a!e for the duration and "eyond. (he disse!ination of +orka"le solutions to see!in ly insur!ounta"le cala!ities and threats is "ein done no+% al!ost entirely% throu h the ood races of the -nternet. (he para!eters here are entirely different fro! anythin else e8cept the lo"al psychic net+ork a!on the true% unaffiliated sha!ans% +hich is ancient and hi hly e*ol*ed and e*en linked to hi her a encies. -f you detect the stink of the Nreat 3hite Brotherhood fro! so!eone clai!in to "e a healer/sha!an% check to see if your +alletOs still in your pants. (he -nternet is the crutch that hu!anity is usin to help us et to the ne8t le*el of a+areness% on +hich tyranny has al+ays "een si!ply i!possi"le to create and !aintain. 9u!anity is only a fe+ ho""lin steps a+ay fro! that +onderful real! ri ht no+. #ay"e +e can finally et around +ithout crutches after +e et there. -s that oin to happen after &'1&R -!a ine a +orld +ithout parasites. OBe"irthin O has a lot of !eanin s. Don Croft
Episode 52 The Po4erWand E'er-man7s Weapon +gainst T-rann$dditional Dssays on the 7o+er+and: Dpisode L4% Dpisode 6&% Dpisode 6&B $d*entures of Don I Carol Croft -nde8 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcL&thepo+er+and&6)an':.sht!l <anuary &6% &&'': 9a*in satisfied oursel*es that a"solutely no har! can "e done +ith this de*ice% +eOre ready to i*e out the instructions for it. $fter that -Oll discuss +hat led to !akin ours and other considerations. 2pecial thanks in the "e innin is due Ben #orton% 2uze 9ooten and Bruce 2tenulson for helpin us !ake the crucial connection. -O*e descri"ed our e8periences +ith BenOs and 2uzeOs de*ice% +hich inspired our 7o+er3and% in the (errorizin (he (errorists article% +ritten )ust pre*ious to this one. $ fe+ days after +ritin that account - !ade our prototype 7o+er3and and Carol and - "e an e8peri!entin +ith it. -O! +ritin a detailed description of ho+ !ine +as !ade. -f any of this see!s o*er your head% you pro"a"ly should "uy one fro! one of the *endors on"!. Carol and - +ill check their +ork and +rite our reco!!endations after theyO*e produced a suita"le !odel that !eets our !ini!u! standards. 9ere are the in redients: .-tOs "uilt in a :T dia!eter copper pipe% MT lon . Basically itOs )ust a 2uccor 7unch e!"edded in sli htly O9ootenizedO or onite ;resin/!etal sha*in s !i8 +ith !isc. added crystals-Cen=./ 1. (he Copper 7ipe &. $n Dndcap .optional/ :. $ 2uita"le Crystal- it needs to "e at least se*en inches lon % close to 1 aT thick in the !iddle and +ith a sin le distinct point on one end. $ Fo el .e8pensi*e5/ +ill do fine% of course% "ut !ine is funky and cost only W4L. 4. #o"ius Coil - used an entire roll of the "lue !a net coil +ire fro! Badio 2hack .sold sin ly in a plastic and card"oard packet/ to !ake the !o"ius coil on the crystal. (he instructions for +rappin this coil are on"!. 2ince the Oca"leO for the coil +as *ery lon in relation to the thickness of the crystal% - !ade a series of si8 OknotsO or underhand !o"ius turns. (his sa*ed !e fro! ha*in to !ake a hu e% un+ieldy Oknot.O Dach knot +as !ade up of si8 turns of the ca"le around the crystal. - stripped an inch of +ire on the t+o ends and +rapped the! around the threads on the ends of t+o% &T lon dry+all scre+s% so solderin +as not necessary. - put so!e little shrink tu"es around the len ths of the scre+s so that the current +ould not short into the or onite around the!. - also li"erally coated .+ith N007/ all the "are +ire that +as still e8posed and N007- lued the scre+s alon the crystal so that )ust the heads +ould "e e8posed after it +as all done. @ntil the lue dried% the scre+s +ere taped into position. - applied the t+o alli ator clips fro! the freKuency "o8 to the t+o scre+s to po+er the coil +hen it +as finished. 0thers use a different contact !ethod. L. 0ther Crystals $ little a!ethyst .!ine +as an inch lon % "roken fro! a cluster/% a "it of pyrite .- used a"out a Kuarter teaspoon of "roken "its/% he!atite .- used four 1&!! "eads/% and arnets .- used four or fi*e s!all rou h "its% a"out 6!!/. 3ithout at least these 9ootenizers% the ener y fro! your 7o+er 3and +onOt "e rounded or focused. -t +ill +ork a"out half as +ell as the one - !ade and the ener y field +ill "e spinnin +ildly around the roo! instead of takin proper for!. -f you +ant% you can "eef it up a lot !ore +ith !ore !inerals% intelli ently co!"ined. Be*(ed at #ythIJinks .a link is on"!/ has the! all in stock% plus a lot of the
!ore e8otic ite!s and so!e *ery nice crystals for your other or onite de*ices% if you canOt find the! locally. 3e +ere careful to !ake ours +ith !aterials you can find in any "ead store and rock shop. 6. 2uccor 7unch 6reKuency Nenerator -f you donOt +ant to use the hard-+ired "o8es supplied "y the 2uccor 7unch !akers% you can do+nload the soft+are for a freKuency enerator onto your desktop and hook the coil to you speaker plu -ins on your co!puter. ?ou can do+nload the 1C9 6reKuency fro! Cen $dachiOs +e" site: /nch/ 3e use 1L9z for this "ecause it dri*es all parasites and predators to distraction% "ut it feels ood to "alanced% healthy people and "oosts our a+areness. (he healthy or one fields et Kuite )uiced "y it% too. 0ur theory is that this is "ecause it +ill "e the earthOs resonant freKuency after &'1&% +hen tyranny and parasitis! +ill si!ply "e un*ia"le on this planet. P. $ Copper Coil - used MMT of 1S au e "are copper +ire ;or ena!eled copper +ire used for coils and transfor!ers=% +rapped loosely counterclock+ise alon the len th of the crystal. (he counterclock+ise +rap ets the pro)ected or one field spinnin in a direction suita"le for disse!"lin predatory/parasitic thou htfor!s. 1L9z speeds that process. S. #ostly Copper#etal for 0r onite Carol told !e that at least half the !etal should "e copper% perhaps "ecause of the nature of the +ork thatOs to "e done +ith this de*ice. 3e used alu!inu! for the rest. M. Cheap 6i"er lass Besin 3e dou"le the catalyst a!ount "ecause itOs cold in our ara e. 9ereOs ho+ - !ade !ine: 2ince - tend to "e a little rou h +ith !y stuff% - recessed the point of the crystal into the pipe. - pushed it throu h so!e cuts in the "otto! of a :oz Di8ie cup% +hich - also use to !ake the (o+er Busters that can "e shot fro! !y spud un. - put N007 Nlue around the "otto! of the cup to ensure that resin +ouldnOt leak in and fill the ca*ity% then lued the ri! of the paper cup onto a flat plastic surface after the first "unch of lue hardened enou h to hold up the crystal. - had au ed the "usiness end of the t+o ter!inals .scre+ heads/ to "e an inch "elo+ the ed e of the pipe and +hen - put the freKuency "o8 in there the copper end cap .lu"ricated +ith sprayed silicone/ fit snu ly and held it in place on top of the scre+ heads. (he silicone ensures that youOll et it off a ain. $fter the lue dried around the ed e of the paper cup% - set the copper pipe do+n around the +hole thin and added so!e !etal-enou h to stand the a!ethyst up so it pointed in the sa!e direction as the 27 crystal. - poured in enou h catalyzed resin to saturate the !etal. $t this point% itOs "etter to pour )ust a little catalyzed resinV enou h to o )ust o*er the "otto! of the Di8ie cup% in case there are leaks. -f you add too !uch% the pressure +ill force a lot !ore resin throu h the leak and out fro! the ed e of the pipe. 3hen this hardened% - added the pyrite% !ore !etal% the he!atite% !ore !etal% and then near the OtopO - added the arnets and filled the +hole thin +ith resin up to the scre+ heads. - ended up rindin the "usiness end% of course% and chiselin out the leaked resin there% and it +as finished. - decided to sell the co!ponents for the freKuency "o8es +holesale to anyone +ho +ants to order the !ini!u! of ten. -O! doin this for t+o reasons: 2ince theyOre !achined and suita"le for fittin in the space !ore people +ill "e "uildin the 7o+er 3ands for sale .itOs sli htly "i er than a M* "attery/. $lso% it cost us dearly to et the circuit/s+itch/JDD asse!"lies and the !achined "o8es !ade in the first place and +e +ant to reco*er our
in*est!ent. 3e use the circuits for our (er!inator zappers and - had the s!all "o8es !ade in so!e Kuantity for the 2uccor 7unches and other applications. (he (er!inator "o8 and the 27 "o8 +ere !achined to accept the sa!e circuit/s+itch/JDD asse!"ly. - "ou ht all of Ben #ortonOs and 2uze 9ootenOs offerin s in recent !onths. (hese are partly "ased on #ark 9ootenOs uniKue skills of usin specific !inerals and crystals to enhance and specify the effects of or onite and their o+n inspired applications of coils% crystal arran e!ents and shapes. -O*e often referred to the superior function of 2uzeOs do+sin pendulu! and to the co!"ination of the Ben I <erry (reat and 2uzeOs s!all 2uper 2e*ens into the BenI2uze de*ice% +hich fits nicely in the hand and tra*els +ell in the pocket for *italizin the a!"ience +here*er one oes +ith it. -n a pinch% it can also disorient and rather terrify a psychic predator% so itOs no softy. (hey sent us another de*ice% +hich is a dou"le scale BenI2uze +ith a 2uccor 7unch crystal coil and circuit e!"edded in the !iddle. (here are other proprietary ite!s they didnOt descri"e to !e "ut +e disco*ered early on that it could "e used to do thin s that the 2uccor 7unch alone +as incapa"le of. (he (errorizin (he (errorists article +as +ritten a"out +hat Carol and - did +ith this de*ice% as - !entioned a"o*e. Bi ht after that article +as +ritten% +e recei*ed a de*ice fro! #ark 9ooten +hich has no electronics and relati*ely little or onite% "ut it out-perfor!s our 7o+er3and and +orks on a sli htly different principle. 2ince he e8pressed that he +onOt "e !akin these for sale% - +onOt o into that in depth% "ut it +as Kuite astonishin to us that so !uch could "e done +ithout a !o"ius coil. - think #ark has !ade so!ethin that hu!anity +onOt "e ready for . enerally/ for another ten years. -tOs also incapa"le of doin har!% "y the +ay. -t certainly does send "ack predatory ener y tenfold to the source% thou h% as does the 7o+er 3and. - think +eO*e sort of stu!"led onto the nuts and "olts of )ust ho+ tyranny +ill no lon er "e practica"le after a fe+ !ore years. .Back to the 2uper BenI2uze-if - !ay "e so "old as to su est a na!e/ (his reKuires *ery concentrated effort and apparently e*en focused ra e to disa"le a predator in the act of co!!ittin a cri!e. -t also see!s to reKuire so!e *isualization. - dou"t that this +as their intended purpose in creatin it. Carol +as un+illin to e*en pick it up until +eOd had it for a !onth. (he little BenI2uze +as adora"le fro! the first. -O! the one +ho !ade the connection "et+een the lar er de*ice and effecti*e selfdefense. CarolOs reluctant to think in those ter!s% thou h sheOs happy to assist !e +ith her supernor!al si ht. - sent out a reKuest for *olunteers +ho +ere under attack "y 12$ and other secret police psychic predators to i*e Carol and - per!ission to *isit the! and disa"le their attackers. $"out t+enty people responded fro! around the +orld% only t+o of +ho! +ere insincere .Carol sa+ the! as a ents/. 0ne +as since "ooted off the foru!% "ut the other is still there% thou h not !akin trou"le for no+. 3e !ainly +anted to et our o+n O"efore and afterO assess!ents and to see +hether our i!a es corresponded +ith real results "ased on su"seKuent o"ser*ations "y the askers. 3e found out in the process that all hu!an predators are *ery *ulnera"le to this de*ice% +hile the hu!an/reptilian hy"rids and D(s are harder tar ets. 3e couldnOt touch the Draconian +e found pullin the strin s in one 12$ psyops assault% "ut +e did disen a e that one +ith !y 2uccor 7unch in the custo!ary +ay. (he flunkies% in this case an ar!y field rade psychic officer and se*eral 12$ psychics% +ere fodder for this +eapon and you can "et they +onOt "e doin this to anyone else in the near future. 0ur hope has "een for all psychic and e*en physical fake- o*Ot predators to "e too scared% due to circulatin reports% to o after anyone. 3hen +e encounter a tea!% +e al+ays o after the stron est% !eanest one and ha*e the others +atch. - pretty +ell descri"ed the processes in the pre*ious episode% so thereOs no need to co*er that round a ain. Bruce 2tenulsen +as the first to co!"ine a coiled crystal and or onite for effect. (hatOs the D0B$2 unit you !ay ha*e heard a"out. 2uze 9ooten +anted !e to "e sure to i*e Bruce credit for actin on the ori inal concept. (hanks% Bruce5 2ince Carol and - a*e a+ay our in*entions so that +e couldnOt "e ta ed +ith profiteerin % !y conscience is
clear in pro!otin the 7o+er 3and% a de*ice +hich is deri*ed fro! e8peri!entin +ith Ben and 2uzeOs creation. - need to stress that 9ootenizin or onite% as done o*er and a"o*e our offerin s% points the +ay to a ti!e +hen there +ill "e no need for electrical circuitry any !ore in an or one-"ased technolo y for hu!anity. - feel sure that in the present e*olution of technolo y% or one +ill "e to electricity +hat electricity +as to stea!. - hope +e can keep usin the ter!% Oor oneO on "ehalf of Dr. Beich% +ho literally sacrificed his life in 1MLP at the hands of fake- o*ern!ent assassins to !ake it possi"le for us to e*en ha*e this discussion. 9e kne+ for al!ost t+enty years that it +as oin to happen% +hich !akes his offerin that !uch !ore precious. Ben pointed out that !uch of +hat they added to this de*ice is proprietarial and secret% so - +as ea er to see if this pri*ate do!ain technolo y related to the reat results +e +ere ettin +ith their de*ice. $t this point - can confidently say that our si nificantly easier and !ore effecti*e results in the *ein of stoppin predators +ere fro! the co!"ination of the 2uccor 7unch and or onite in a si!ple confi uration. -Oll "e lookin for+ard to seein ho+ other researchers analyze the effects and a"ilities of the 2uper BenI2uze in perhaps other +ays that +eOre not yet a+are of. -O*e sent ours to an e8tre!ely ifted and talented ener y +orker/healer for his assess!ent and -Oll share his co!!ents as soon as - et the!. - put a ne+ "attery in the freK "o8 and turned it on "efore !ailin it off )ust in case so!e Nestapo "astard is stupid/arro ant enou h to try to sa"ota e the packa e. -Oll also take it to other reputa"le psychics +ho! +eO*e +orked +ith in our tra*els for their assess!ents. - +ant to !ake sure that Ben and 2uze et full credit for their +ork and this is "est done "y ettin the un"iased e*aluations of !ore than )ust Carol and her psychic-hack hus"and. - carried the 7o+er3and fro! the "ase!ent to our "edroo!/+orkshop% +hen it +as finished% and it felt like an ar!y +as !archin in front of !e V-/. (hat +as pretty special. Carol said that "efore it +as e*en turned on% a "i % spherical co"alt "lue or one field +as +rithin % centered four feet "eyond the end% sort of like a #edusaOs head. (his is the thin that *isits the tar et +hen +e turn on the po+er% "ut itOs hu e then and has no ran e li!it. $lso% no psychic shields or ritual !a ic protection +orks a ainst it. - thou ht this article +ould "e a lon one% "ut the effect and techniKue is so si!ple that thereOs not a lot to ela"orate on. (he first thin +e did +as test it on !e% full "last. - felt a pleasant rush all o*er% like +hen you stand under a tropical +aterfall or di*e into a pool. Carol sa+ the co"alt ener y flo+in o*er !e% "ut none of it +ent inside. uess nothin in !e needed to "e recycled. - learned to stop *isualizin predators co!in apart "ecause - +ant to steer clear of any notion that -O! a !urderer. -nstead% - )ust direct the ener y at the! +ith the understandin that it +ill do +hate*er is la+fully appropriate to their situation. 2ecret Buddy says itOs al+ays appropriate to kill ritual !urderers% "ut he kno+s stuff - donOt kno+. -tOs sufficient to say no+ that all of the *en eful !ilitary psychics% #ontauk 3onks% #en in Black% dark !asters% 2atanists% etc.% +ho took e8ception to our efforts "y tryin to disa"le us in the past fe+ days ot it all "ack in appropriate !easure +ithout us ha*in to trans ress the Ja+. (oday% +e e*en disen a ed the first hacker in three +eeks +hoOs had the te!erity to interfere +ith !y co!puter. 9e +as )ust a nerdy 12$ eek% so the 7o+er 3and didnOt da!a e hi!. -t did disa"le all his co!puter ear% thou h% +hich put hi! in a paranoid state .heOs pro"a"ly a pothead/. Carol had hi! OseeO "lood drippin do+n his !onitor screen )ust for fun .+e +atch a lot of !o*ies +hile +e !ake zappers/. - think he +as set up "y his "osses to do that "ecause heOs not psychic enou h to see +hat +eO*e "een up to. 2he said -O! )ust another na!e on his list of +ould-"e *icti!s and only after his stuff stopped +orkin ri ht did he suspect that heOd stepped on the +ron toes and that !ade hi! scared.
$ny"ody else +ant us to see if +e can stop their co!puter interferenceR -f so% e!ail !e at ter!inator:@tur"! . -n the past fe+ days% -O*e heard fro! a half dozen !a)or players in our net+ork +ho say their +e"sites are do+n% all their e!ail disappeared% etc.% so !ay"e the secret police are doin a little rear uard action. (hose cretins only ad*ertise the!sel*es to us this +ay. DonOt you feel e!"arrassed that you +ere e*er afraid of these inco!petent )erksR - do. -f youOre an a ent readin this% - "et you already kno+ +eOll find you out in the process if you cry O3olf5O V-/ DonOt +orry- +e +onOt hurt you% $ ent. $nyone +ho e!ails !e for that +ill et pro!pt attention and if you send another note +ithin a day or t+o% -Oll "e sure to tell you +hat +eO*e seen and possi"ly done for you. 6eed"ack fro! you +ill "e deeply appreciated-+e donOt e*er run fro! science. 3eOll "e on the road .pursuin the ene!y% not fleein fro! the! V-// after 6e" &% so please donOt ask after that% okayR (his is for our education% !ainly. (he rat "astards +onOt et close to us any !ore so +e need help findin predators to disa"le. 7retty soon anyone can do this )o". 2o!e"ody else !ade a 7o+er 3and prototype the day "efore - did .-O! not sure he +ants to announce hi!self% other+ise -Od !ention his na!e/. 9e used it radionically to direct ener y at an up and co!in uru +anna"ee +ho! he found particularly annoyin . -n this case it +as done radionically +ith the 7o+er 3and pointed at a +itness +ell +ith the uyOs na!e in it. 9e asked Carol to look at the results and Carol sa+ that the +ould-"e uru si!ply ot a hu e rush of real inspiration fro! that e8ercise% e*en thou h the fello+ +ith the 7o+er 3and +anted hi! to suffer. #r. 3anna"ee is si!ply not a predator. 3e asked our friend to !onitor the tar etOs +e"site fro! no+ on and see if he has replaced his apparent cra*in for a follo+in +ith a stron % de!onstrated desire to e!po+er others. 2ure% all the leadership addicts say theyOre e!po+erin people% "ut if youOre readin this youO*e pro"a"ly fi ured out that itOs only the actions that count% not the clai!s or e*en the intentions% fro! us all. 9ereOs !y theory on ho+ the 7o+er3and +orks: (he +orld is ruled throu h a predatory/parasitic thou htfor!. 3hoe*er identifies +ith these thin s is suscepti"le to "ein dissol*ed "y the 7o+er 3andOs directed% focused ener y. (he de ree of dissolution is in direct proportion to that personOs de!onstrated co!!it!ent to predatory action. (hey hi her up the dun heap that a person is% the !ore !ayhe! and !urder he/she !ust ha*e co!!itted% therefore the !ore *ulnera"le to this de*ice. <ust like the in 9itlerOs 22% ad*ance!ent in the 1e+ 3orld 0rder is !easured "y the hei ht of the pile of corpses in oneOs personal resu!e. (he Jo*e and Ji ht urus are +indo+ dressin % only. (hey donOt participate in the risly stuff% "ut their pro ra!!ers do. Bodily parasites are predators% of course% "ut on a s!aller scale% "iolo ically. (he parasitic aspects of the +orld re i!e are seen in its lo"al e8ploitation of hu!an ener y and natural resources. - think the reli ious and educational institutions fit +ell in the parasite cate ory. (he predatory aspects are seen in a encies like the 12$% the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation% the -nternational #onetary fund% Co!!unis!% 1ational 2ocialis! .like the fake @2 and Duropean o*ern!ents/% !ilitary dictatorships% etc. (hese are all thou htfor!-"ased and e8Kuisitely +orthy of dissolution ri ht no+. Because the thou htfor!s are i!!ense itOs oin to take so!e ti!e to dissol*e the! +ith e*en the !ost po+erful radionics confi urations% "ut that !ay take as little as si8 !onths if the ri ht nu!"er of us apply +hat +eO*e all learned to the task. $ll predators are hea*ily *ested in the thou htfor!s% to the e8tent that they fully identify +ith the!. (his !ay e8plain +hy hu!an predators are so easy to neutralize this +ay. (he penchant to identify +ith thou htfor!s is part of hu!an nature and not intrinsically in error. (he
"rain+ashin of hu!anity has "een so effecti*e that !ost people% after "ein institutionalized "y pu"lic education% rope "lindly for *ia"le thou htfor!s to identify +ith. (he su"*ersion of for!erly *ia"le ones is so co!plete that +hen one falls in the trap of identifyin +ith the! he/she is si!ply allo+in e8ternal parasites to dra+ on their innate% essentially so*erei n po+er. (his is e8actly +hat happens +hen one accepts a 2ocial 2ecurity 1u!"er% adds his na!e to a church roster% )oins a political or anization% etc. $ll of us are co!pro!ised this +ay to so!e e8tent% so - think itOs pointless to rant a"out it. -t rather see!s !ore appropriate to destroy the thou htfor!s and effecti*ely protect oursel*es fro! the a ents +ho seek to punish and/or pre*ent us fro! carryin that out that process. - think !ost of us in this action-oriented net+ork ha*e e8perienced the +rath of the secret o*ern!ent "y no+% firsthand% )ust for "ustin so!e of their deathforce trans!itters and an under round "ase and !ay"e )ust for ha*in a che!"uster. (he 7o+er3and !ay "e the easy +ay for anyone to take "ack personal po+er in a profound% effecti*e +ay. ?ouOll kno+ +hen youO*e succeeded "ecause youOll then stop e8periencin u!shoe sur*eillance and co!puter hackin . ?our life +ill et s+eeter in other +ays% too% and youOll kno+ that this +orld order isnOt so !i hty% after all. 2e*eral ti!es% +ithout Carol "ein present% - sensed a psychic assault and t+ice ot the clear intention of so!e #en in Black +ho dearly +anted to shoot !e in the head. - finally sa+ so!e of these an sters outside Balti!ore a couple of !onths a o. (heyOre pretty "razen% unlike the for!erly o!nipresent 12$ u!shoes. donOt think theyOre Kuite "razen enou h to +ear those suits in -daho% thou h V-/ -n each case% - si!ply stopped +hat - +as doin % turned on the 7o+er3and and i!a ined the po+er oin to the source of the inti!idations. Carol looked at each one after+ard and said that the a ressors +ere co!pletely neutralized in a fully appropriate +ay and +ill ne*er do that a ain% at least to us. - didnOt entertain the thou ht of killin the! in that process% thou h one assault ca!e apparently *ia direct orders fro! t+o of the re!ainin dark !asters in the No"i. Carol and - +ere "oth astonished to find that the 12$ and si!ilar o*ern!ent a encies around the +orld operate so e8tensi*ely throu h ritual dark !a ic% rather than throu h si!ple psychis! and electronics. 7art of !e +as happy to see that the 2atanists connected +ith the fake 2outh $frican o*ern!ent +ho +ere tryin to stop Neor +ere a !i8ed roup of +hites and "lacks% holdin hands in a circle. (hat +as +hen +e sa+ that the 7o+er3and +orks +ell on roups of predators. -n that case% Carol sa+ a sort of li htnin "olt strike in their !idst and spread out to enco!pass each of the!. - +onOt et too raphic +ith that. (hey +ere also tryin to hurt 6ree 2tate 6ar!er Dddie. (hat +as after Carol and - +ent after the t+o #ontauk types +ho +ere doin "ad thin s that had !ade Neor *ery sick. - think Neor Bitschl ets the +orst kinds of opposition% pro"a"ly "ecause the stakes are !uch hi her in $frica% at least for creatin fa!ine and enocide. 9eOll pro"a"ly defeat all of that this year. 6ro! his influence and e8a!ple there are an a+ful lot of CBs throu hout $frica% +eOre findin % not )ust in the southern countries. - +as told "y a reputa"le hi h psychic +ho has checked our +ork that one 12$ officer +ho attacked us +as disa"led "y a Oscroru!O +hich is nothin "ut the ener y reflected "ack to the source. -n this case it +as a nonfatal heart attack. Carol said that after a +eek there still has "een no ne+ 12$ 2pecial $ ent -n Char e assi ned to interfere +ith us locally. 2he says they canOt find anyone +ho +ill take the )o"% e*en thou h theyOre offerin so!e hefty "enefits. 1o such thin as "ad pu"licity% - al+ays say. 2he says the felon/rapist +ho had that )o" "efore Kuit the $ ency after +e a*e hi! a taste of his o+n !edicine. 1o+ - +onOt ha*e a chance to put the little O2hhh5 -O! a 27?5T sticker on the "ack of his +ork car. (he dork
parked it at City 9all after hours V-/ and dro*e a+ay in his ne+ Jincoln (o+n Car. - donOt kno+ +here he parked that one. #ay"e he cloaked it or so!ethin . By the +ay% e*en the 1ational 7ark 2er*ice e!ploys an sters and felons. -O! told "y a for!er 7ark 2er*ice ran er that these uys are in char e of lo istics for the satanic !urder rituals that take place in !any national parks. (here are pro"a"ly 2atanists on your to+n council and in your police force. -t oes +ithout sayin that !ost of the )ud es are practicin "a"y killers. Considerin the hi h le*el of corruption in our courts% e*ery sin le )ud e is culpa"le of "ein an accessory after the fact% at least. -tOs i!possi"le to concei*e that they all arenOt inti!ately a+are of these thin s. 3eOre essentially li*in under anarchy ri ht no+. Can you see itR 3e si!ply need real% representati*e o*ern!ent no+. (he alternati*e is pro"a"ly enocide at this point. #arkOs de*ice% +hich - na!ed O2hi*aO% +orks on a sli htly different principle and it alone can et inside a Draconian and dark !aster +ithout interference. -t% as +ell as the 7o+er 3and% disse!"les predatory tar ets% "ut it see!s to dra+ in a!"ient or one to do that. 3hen you en a e the de*ice it looks like youOre standin in the upper openin of a tornado and +atchin the "eautiful ener y around you s+irl off in the direction of the tar et. -t feels really nice in the process and e*en - sa+ it happenin . Nood luck talkin #ark into !akin one for you V-/ - think youOd ha*e to i*e hi! a fe+ thousand dollars% to "e fair% considerin the e8pense of the !aterials% his uniKue skill and kno+led e and the lar e a!ount of ti!e it apparently takes to !ake one. 3e *ery deeply appreciate his +illin ness to sell us ours at such a lo+ price. -f -Od kno+n +hat it is% - +ould ha*e sent hi! a lot !ore% "ut !ay"e - can pay hi! +ith pu"licity V-/ - "et a dozen 2hi*as +ould !ake it possi"le for us to ha*e real o*ern!ents a ain in a fe+ short !onths. $ hundred of our po+er +ands in the ri ht hands +ould do it% - think. - donOt kno+ ho+ to factor in all the other ener y +ork "ein done in the +orld% thou h -O! sure +eOre all +orkin syner istically. (he in*entors +ho e8hi"it stron proprietary and self-seekin !oti*ations are )ust shootin the!sel*es in the foot. Dlitis! is 20 inappropriate in the e!er in a e. 3e cloud"uster types .and only a fe+ of us at that/ !ay "e the only ones ri ht no+ +ho are o*ertly clai!in the desire to disa"le the cri!inal +orld re i!e and "rin the! all to )ustice under proper o*ern!ents as soon as possi"le. #ost of the rest of the +orldOs ener y healers are still stuck in the Jo*e and Ji ht kinder arten protocols% in !y hu!"le opinion% so +onOt et !uch in the +ay of real results on a planetary scale. -f you are readin this and "elie*e that sho+erin predators +ho are in the act of co!!ittin enocide .that perfectly descri"es the 12$ and the rest of the secret o*ern!ent/ +ith lo*e and co!passion +ill stop the!% can tell you ri ht no+ that a 7o+er 3and +ill "e no !ore useful to you than a doorstop. (he ood ne+s is that *ery fe+ people ha*e the chutzpah to deny that this is happenin . (he less - hear a"out spaceships and <esus rescuin us all% the happier -Oll "eco!e. (he only ti!e - et claustropho"ic feelin s is +hen - conte!plate "ein stuck on a spaceship +ith a "unch of people +earin stupid% *acuous rins. ?ikes5 2hoot !e instead5 -n that *ein% -O! endin this article +ith a )oke - ot yesterday fro! a +o!an in Jos $n eles% an adept of hi h !a ic% +ho! - dearly +ish +ould co!e for+ard and clai! credit for sendin it to !e. $s an aside: it helped !e understand +hy Carol and - could ne*er find any *e etarian !eals in (e8as restaurants: #ore truth than fiction. Uuestion: ?ouOre +alkin do+n a deserted street +ith your +ife and t+o s!all children. 2uddenly% a dan erous lookin !an +ith a hu e knife co!es around the corner and is runnin at you +hile screa!in o"scenities and his intent to cause you and yours har!. -n your hand is a Colt .4L No*ern!ent #odel and you are an e8pert shot. ?ou ha*e !ere seconds "efore he reaches you and your fa!ily. 3hat +ould you doR
Ji"eral $ns+er: 3ell% thatOs not enou h infor!ation to ans+er the Kuestion5 Does the !an look poor or oppressedR 9a*e - e*er done anythin to hi! that is inspirin hi! to attackR Could +e run a+ayR 3hat does !y +ife thinkR 3hat a"out the kidsR Could a *iolent action on !y part trau!atize the!R Could - possi"ly s+in the un like a clu" and knock the knife out of his handR 3hat does the la+ say a"out this situationR -s it possi"le heOd "e happy +ith )ust killin !eR Does he definitely +ant to kill !e or +ould he )ust "e content to +ound !eR -f - +ere to ra" his knees and hold on% could !y fa!ily et a+ay +hile he +as sta""in !eR (his is all so confusin 5 - need to de"ate this +ith so!e friends for a fe+ days to try to co!e to a conclusion. Conser*ati*e $ns+er: B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 (e8anOs $ns+er: B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 click. .sounds of !a azine "ein e)ected and fresh one installed/ 3ife: T2+eetheart% he looks like heOs still !o*in % +hat do you kids thinkRT 2on: T#o!Os ri ht Dad% - sa+ it too.T B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 B$1N5 Dau hter: T1ice roupin Daddy5 .sound of second !a azine "ein e)ected% and another "ein inserted/ Don Croft
Episode 53 #risis A >pportunitBy Don Croft <<ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcL:crisiseKualsopportunity&fe"':.sht!l 6e"ruary &% &'': 0*er the past +eek% - think our fled lin lo"al net+ork !ade the rade. 2tuartOs still tunnelin out of the !ountain of 12$ hacker detritus that +as thro+n at hi! and !ost of us +ho +ere hit hard +ith the scalar +eapons% psyops assaults% etc.% in the past +eek are pro"a"ly reco*erin a lot faster than +e e8pected. (he folks +ho ot hit in the pocket"ook "y sleazy 12$ !anipulators !ay not see the li ht at the end of the tunnel yet% "ut - "elie*e theyOll co!e out of this +ith a net profit "efore lon . (hereOs no finer endorse!ent these days than to ha*e the o*ern!ent attack us. 2ince the o*ern!ent is essentially o+ned "y the 12$ ri ht no+% these attacks donOt co!e throu h the courts or police a encies. (hat +ould look ludicrous and +ould +ake up too !any pa)a!a people. Bather the attacks are launched "y the 12$ itself% usin e*erythin short of "ullets to the head. 3e e*entually disco*ered% throu h 2tuartOs co!puters% that there +ere o*er :'' 12$ hackers and psychic predators in a task force% led "y four #en in Black% !andated to stop us all. (hey focused on a dozen or so of the !ore acti*e net+orkers here and a"road. (here are no national "oundaries as far as these sa"oteurs are concerned. #ost of us here are not accusto!ed to +atchin o*erall patterns and trends% so -O! oin to lay out the patterns as - see the!. (aken indi*idually% each case of sa"ota e can "e confused +ith any nu!"er of other causes. (he one case +hich can clearly "e seen as a concerted attack is 2tuart <acksonOs. - "et he !issed se*eral ni hts of sleep in his efforts to !aintain the foru!Os +e" inte rity. -f anyone needed proof of 2tuartOs dedication% here it is. - hope he i*es us an outline of his e8periences% at least. $fter he "ooted the !ain a ents off the foru! thin s +ent alon pretty s!oothly until C"s+ork announced his history and purpose in the foru! and - posted a couple of articles on so!e ne+% interestin % effecti*e +ays to disa"le the 12$ predators. (aken as a +hole% this +as our outri ht personal declaration of +ar on the 12$. Jast (uesday .fi*e days a o/ - ot a note fro! C"s+ork askin if +e +ere okay "ecause he +as una"le to OseeO us. - said% O1o pro"le!s here%O not i*in it another thou ht until that ni ht +hen - started cou hin like a sanitariu! patient .!y lun s ha*e al+ays "een !y +eak area/. - asked Carol +hat +as happenin and she said that the local 12$ rats had "een parked across the field and +ere "ea!in !e +ith a ne+ +eapon "ased on a !odified 2uccor 7unch. - )uiced the! up +ith 2hi*a and didnOt et any sicker after that% "ut the ne8t !ornin - +as too +eak to et out of "ed. (hat hadnOt happened in nine years% since "efore - ot !y first zapper. - had a sense that they didnOt +ant us to !eet +ith Don and -n ri Cassel% of (he -daho 0"ser*er% an introduction that +as kindly arran ed "y Donna and Bo"ert Carrillo at their ho!e the follo+in 6riday in 2andpoint. Donna is !essiah!e+s on the foru! - spent !ost of 3ednesday and (hursday in "ed si!ply "ecause - felt too +eak to et up. Carol and periodically checked in on so!e of our co-+orkers% a fe+ of +ho!% includin 2tuart% +ere si!ilarly hit "y !ystery illnesses at the sa!e ti!e. Carol said 2tuart +as in constant !otion tryin to fi8 all the thin s that +ere oin +ron % "ut hadnOt yet connected that +ith outside interference. 2e*eral ti!es +e sent 2hi*a "lasts out fro! his co!puter into the hacker real!s% "ut it +asnOt until (hursday !ornin that Carol follo+ed the trail and disco*ered three hu e roo!s +ith o*er :'' 12$ hackers and psychics% in the !iddle of +hich +as an office +ith t+o-+ay !irrors% occupied "y four #en in Black.
2he said these people had "een hastily asse!"led so!e+here under 3ashin ton% DC for the e8press purpose of stoppin us% "ecause all the pre*ious atte!pts% includin those la!e a ent e8ploits% had only caused our effort to "eco!e !ore cohesi*e and focused. (rue to o"solescent o*ern!ent thinkin % they assu!ed that !ore force +ould +ork +here dis)ointed assaults had only stren thened our resol*e. #ay"e thatOs the 9ar*ard Business 2chool approach to spiritual +arfare. 3hat - hope to sho+ is that this has only caused the! to re*eal !ore of their ineffectual% leprous hand under that iron fist facade. -O! oin to start a thread to +hich - hope e*eryone +ill contri"ute the si nificant e*ents% feelin s% and happenin s that ha*e happened to the! in the past +eek% +hich to !any has see!ed like a !onth. -t all counts% folks. (hat thread +ill "e the "ody of e*idence. -O! only tryin to spark your e8pression no+. - +ant to et a "etter idea of ho+ !any of us +ere tar eted "y this task force. -t !ay "e ti!e for $l*in 3haley of #assachusetts to pipe in% - think. 9eOs a *ery articulate% "alanced !an +ho )u!ped into the pro)ect +ith "oth feet and full co!!it!ent% e*en "efore ettin a 2uccor 7unch% and has otten hit hard in the pocket"ook and physical +ell-"ein for his efforts. Finnie +as ca)oled into !eetin +ith an 12$ scu!"a a ent on (hursday and "y 6riday ni ht she +as in a steep tailspin. - told her sheOd co!e out of it fast and that all of these challen es are actually enerous ifts to us for our !ore speedy spiritual de*elop!ent. (hese "ody "lo+s cause us to de*elop street s!arts at li htnin speed. 3hen Carol found the 12$ rat nest% - used the 2hi*a to spin so!e reconstructin or one into their !idst. 2he sa+ the "oard operators freeze up in terror in rapid succession as the ener y +ent fro! one to another. (he sa!e +as happenin to all the psychics% then e*entually to the #-B. 0ne #-B fell +ith a heart attack% and then the "oss ca!e in to fill the ap. (hese uys are pretty ran y and tou h to stop. (hey donOt nor!ally e8perience fear. -nstead they o into a ra e. 2tress is a killer. $fter se*eral hours +e +ent "ack there and a fe+ of the hackers and psychics had re ained their eKuili"riu! and +ere "ack at 2tuart and a couple of other people% so +e )uiced the! a ain. (hat +ent on sporadically until last ni ht .2aturday/ "ut today% 2unday% itOs still silent in that place. (his !ornin % Carol +as a "it unsteady% so - ot her to do a short session +ith !e and she disco*ered thirteen 2atanist hidin "ehind a curtain% drainin her life force out throu h her feet +ith the intention of e*entually stoppin her heart. (hey assu!ed that she +as too +eak to spot the!. -t took a+hile for her to see the person they +ere hidin in their !idst% +ho +as the #an in Black in char e of the!. (hey had to die "efore he +as re*ealed. 9e then died% then a !an in a "usiness suit% his "oss% e8ploded into little pieces. - assu!e he +as one of those alle edly elite uys +ho sho+ up in 6ortune #a azine and Jifestyles of the Bich and 6a!ous. -f heOs a front !an% they pro"a"ly already cloned another *ersion and i!planted the personality and !e!ory. - think these uys are as e8penda"le as carni*al shootin tar ets. -tOs interestin that the syste! trashes +o!en and e*en su"*erted the ender eKuality !o*e!ent into a sordid de"ate a"out a"ortion% "ut at the *ery hi hest le*els of the secret re i!e they kno+ that only +o!en can direct the !ost po+erful rituals. (hatOs pro"a"ly +hy they focus !ore of their predatory intention on Carol than on !e. 3e ne*er direct the outco!e +hen +e en a e the 2hi*a. 3e only assu!e that the action +ill "e appropriate to the dan er presented "y the attackers. 3e )ust keep spinnin the ener y alon the pre*iously attached channels until the +hole line of successi*e tar ets ha*e "een neutralized. Nrunt le*el hackers and psychics usually )ust et petrified +ith fear% for instance% "ut the co!!itted 2atanists and #en in Black are all killers and see! to rate the e8tre!e !easures. 3e spin e8actly the sa!e ener y% in the sa!e for!% to our friends to help the! reco*er their stren th after an attack. - credit !y astonishin ly fast reco*ery to ettin 2uccor 7unch ener y fro! a fe+ of our friends +ho had
heard that - +as sick. (9$1C2% folks% for your ti!ely and !uch needed help5 Carol !ade the co!!ent that the 2atanists +ho are assi ned to us all co!e to dou"t the e8istence of their de*il% +hich is sort of like us dou"tin the e8istence of Nod V-/ 0f course% there ne*er +as a de*il% +hich is +hy itOs so easy for us to kick their narro+ "utts. - )ust asked #ark 9ooten ho+ fast he,d "e a"le to crank these 2hi*as out for sale "ecause - kno+ heOll "e s+a!ped +ith orders% as $ndy is already +ith the 7o+er 3ands. C"s+ork is ettin his 2hi*a at a"out the sa!e ti!e -Oll "e arri*in there. - hope to Nod each of these et into the hands of people +ho +ill use the!. 2tuart needs one on duty &4/P "y his co!puters. - ha*e no dou"t at all that +eOre oin to turn the entire dun heap of the secret re i!e into co!post +ith these and the 7o+er 3ands this year. $t last% the Nreat 3hite Brotherhood +ill "e doin so!ethin useful .helpin our flo+ers and *e eta"les ro+/. 7eople 7$? for ood co!post you kno+. - need to say so!ethin a"out our 6riday !eetin +ith the Carrillos and Cassels. 3e dro*e three hours to et there at :::'7#% spent a"out S hours +ith the!% and then dro*e "ack ho!e. 1either of us +as in a state to dri*e that far +hen +e started out and - +as still stru lin to cli!" the stairs at that point. -t +as such a pleasure to "e in their co!pany% thou h% that "y the end - +as fully alert and ener ized and dro*e all the +ay ho!e alon treacherous @2ML +ithout e*en needin coffee. 3e hear fro! Donna Kuite a "it "ut the "i surprise +as her hus"and% Bo"ert% +ho is a !an of faith +ho keeps an open !ind and an e8pansi*e heart. (+enty years +orkin for -B# didnOt dull his sensiti*ities or conscience. 9eOs one of those rare people +ho o throu h life unstained and uncorrupted. $t one point% +hen he +as talkin a"out one of his supernor!al e8periences% - sa+ a little "all of purple li ht in his !outh V-/ (hat uys throat chakra needs no help at all. Carol sa+ it% too. Donna and Bo"ert +ork closely to ether% as Carol and - do% and they lo*e each other like teena ers e*en after se*eral years of so!e pretty hard circu!stances. 7icture a southern "elle !arried to a Black 7uerto Bican% if you can. <ust "ein around these t+o +ould char e anyoneOs "atteries% - can tell you. Donna and -n ri are totally co!!itted to acti*is!. (heir connection +ith the Carrillos is the Faccination Ji"eration #o*e!ent% +hich theyO*e co!!itted to e8posin the threatened federal s!allpo8 *accination sca!. (heyOre all +orkin +ith Dr. Jen 9oro+itz. -f youO*e "een ettin infor!ation on the net a"out +hatOs really happenin "ehind the scenes +ith this tra*esty% itOs *ery likely fro! the efforts of this consortiu!. (he -daho 0"ser*er is a reputa"le alternati*e ne+spaper +ith su"scri"ers all o*er the planet. (hey +ant to do a spread a"out us% "ut the pro"le! is that +e donOt Kuite fit their para!eters. - personally think our approach is too +eird for !any of their readers. -O! oin to ask the! to inter*ie+ <erry #orton% instead% since heOs also and -dahoan% "ut has a !ore co!pati"le approach and +ould likely resonate "etter +ith their su"scri"ers. (hereOs a sayin +hich relates to this: 1ot e*ery utterance can "e considered ti!ely% nor can e*ery ti!ely utterance "e considered suita"le to the capacity of the hearer. #y e8pressions are pro"a"ly !ore suita"le for other pu"lications. - still think it +as i!portant for Don and -n ri to et acKuainted +ith us% thou h. Jots of people talk a"out kundalini and D1$ acti*ation these days% also a"out che!icals in food% fertilizers% che!trails% etc.% causin D1$ and soil to de rade. - think the or onite net+ork is re*ersin the da!a e at an e8pandin rate throu hout the planet. (his +ill pro"a"ly et !ore !o!entu! as +e keep focusin on the earthstar rid lines and nodes. Brent #osley is pro"a"ly the first a!on us to drop to+er "usters fro! a plane alon a rid line and into a !a)or )unction point in 1orthern $l"erta% east of the Bocky #ountains. (his is in an area +here there are no roads.
Neor Bitschl !ay "e the ne8t one to do that. Nerard in $ustralia used a plane to et to a re!ote location there to heal a !a)or *orte8 a fe+ !onths a o. - think !ost of us ha*e e8perienced so!e uniKue kundalini acti*ations +ith the 2uccor 7unches. (he difference "et+een that and the 7o+er 3and and 2hi*a is that +ith the latter t+o it see!s to happen all o*er the "ody at once% rather than radiatin up and out fro! the spine. -tOs *ery in*i oratin . 3hen that happens% you kno+ that the tar et is ettin so!e ood resolution. -f the recipient is a friend% it !eans his "atteries are char ed upV if itOs a predator% heOs pro"a"ly on his +ay to his life re*ie+ V-/ 1o+ that +eO*e shifted into o*erdri*e as a net+ork% letOs keep reportin our o"ser*ations and insi hts% okayR DonOt "e shy-if you donOt tell +hat you kno+% e*eryone +ill "e poorer for it. <ust +rite it do+n% post it% and let it o. - think +e no+ kno+ that thereOs no stoppin us. Don Croft
;DditorOs 1ote: (he T2hi*aT is a !odified *ersion of DonOs 7o+er+and !ade "y #ark 9ooten in 6lorida. 9eOs added so!e coils% possi"ly so!e additional types of crystal% and other thin s unkno+n to !e. 6or the ti!e "ein at least% he prefers to keep the details to hi!self. 9eOs offerin the 2hi*a for around WSL' -O*e read and he has a lar e "acklo of orders. 9e recently Kuit his day )o" to !ake a full ti!e effort at producin these. #arkOs price for the 2hi*a is pro"a"ly out of !ost peopleOs ran e% so Don is sayin that the 7o+er+and can et al!ost the sa!e results for far less cost% as they can "e !ade yourself or o"tain one ready !ade. Cen $dachi=
$dditional Dssays on the 7o+er+and: Dpisode L&% Dpisode 6&% Dpisode 6&B By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcL4po+er+andshi*a1L!ar':.sht!l #arch 11% &'': - ha*enOt had ti!e lately to e*en read any of the posts% !uch less +rite a len thy one !yself% "ut +ill et to that after Carol and - et the foundation +ork done in $tlanta .desta"ilizin the satanic foundation here% that is/ in a couple of days. -O! ettin fro! pri*ate e!ail% thou h% that thereOs a lot of fear and !is i*in s around the issue of dead D(s and predatory hu!ans +ho en a e us these days. -n fact% the 2hi*a is a "it !ore effecti*e and easy to use +hen sendin "ack and e8ponentially increasin the *eno! and a ression directed at us "y predators% "oth hu!an and non-hu!an ones. 3hy else do you think +e call it 2hi*a% for Cri!usO sake5R (o say that anyone +ho ets a 7o+er+and or 2hi*a +ill "e doin this +ork inad*ertently is a !isconception% thou h% pro"a"ly "ased on fear of oneOs o+n innate po+er. 3e +ere all "rain+ashed to "elie*e that +eOre po+erless and property of the state% so itOs a little un-ner*in to disco*er )ust ho+ po+erful +e are in real ter!s. $t the le*el !ost of us are ettin attacked% the only response the rank and file predators +ill e8perience is acute an8iety or perhaps terror. (his is enou h to disen a e the! fro! us and !ake the! +ant to ha*e nothin !ore to do +ith us. -f you +ant to clean the satanic clock% thou h% you need to consciously !o*e up the chain of co!!and. (hatOs +here the !urderers and "a"y eaters are. 6or those of you +ho ha*e 1e+ $ e or related sensi"ilities% kno+ that you +onOt "e har!in anyone unless you en a e these hi her-le*el predators directly. #ean+hile% - uarantee that youOll "e "usier +ith hackers% peekers% electronic attacks and predatory psychics than Carol and - are these days "ecause there see!s to "e literally no end to the chu!ps +ho *olunteer for the lo+ le*el harass!ent duty. - think it pays a lot "etter than if they +ere )ust cops or +orkin in a con*enience store and they all see! to +ant to "e like <a!es Bond or so!ethin . 3e choose to o after the "osses% and e*ery ti!e +e et hacked% street or helicopter sur*eilled or e*en re!ote *ie+ed% +e !o*e up the chain of co!!and e*ery sin le ti!e and e8ert all our effort to e8act so!e "alance on "ehalf of hu!anity. 0n "ehalf of ?0@ to "e precise. (hereOs so!ethin a little prurient a"out one +ho +ill ask for help% "ut +ill not help hi!/herself% - think. (hank Nrid that !ost in this foru! are self-starters and relati*ely a+ake and responsi"le. #y fond hope is that others can use these de*ices to help the! finally "reak apart and discard the old pseudoChristian and related 1e+ $ e !ental pro ra!!in that stops the! fro! standin up to tyranny effecti*ely. - et e!ail fro! our forei n !e!"ers and friends% especially the ones in non-+estern nations% +ho la!ent and offer consolation to !e that $!erica is so far do+n the road to o*ert tyranny. -O! still astonished +hen encounter !y o+n country!en +ho are still una+are of the state of affairs here. -O! certainly not +aitin for the 7< folk to +ake up "efore - take decisi*e action and if youO*e e*en ot one eye open it "ehoo*es you no+ to take
2ince all of this is +ell +ithin the "ounds of uni*ersal la+% the secret police and associated a encies si!ply canOt touch us +ithout riskin !onstrous retri"ution fro! a encies !uch hi her than oursel*es. (hey kno+ this "etter than the 1e+ $ ers and pseudo-reli ious people +ho are un+illin to "reak out of the cattle chute and e8ercise their in"orn ri hts and responsi"ilities. Do ro+ so!e "alls if youOre inclined to +hi!per a"out the state of affairs and are un+illin to do so!ethin constructi*e a"out it% okayR ?ou can "et youOll soon "e !eat on so!e"odyOs ta"le if you donOt do this. (heyOre not relentin % nor +ould they honor any truce you atte!pt to !ake +ith the!. Bead a history "ook% for NodOs sake5 3eOre (9DBD no+. (he cala!ities ha*e arri*ed. Net off your +hite ass and take a stand5 (his is !uch "etter than cli!"in a clock to+er +ith an @zzi--canOt you see itR - need to +rite at len th a"out all the +onderful CBers +ho! Carol and - ha*e connected and re-connected +ith on this trip. Nalaero Dlantra $urelius a*e !e a +onderful 99 % for instance% +hen - +as in 7hoeni8% and asked that Carol and - keep it in our ho!e. 2ince - consider the Eapporiu! our true ho!e% itOs oin to "e positioned to reinforce the <oe Cell in anticipation of ettin the cell to zero point $2$7. - +as )ust oin to !ake one for that% "ut NalaeroOs is e!inently suita"le and has senti!ental *alue% thanks to its association +ith this coura eous and resourceful 2outh $rizona pioneer and personal friend. 3e had a little re*ersal the other day +hen the 6B- coerced Canya into a"andonin this pro)ect% +hich effecti*ely stopped the participation of !ost of our ne+found "lack friends and co-+orkers here "ecause +e lost our !eetin place. (o his credit% heOs the one +ho initiated this pro)ect and introduced us to so!e *ery fine% conscientious people. $s (erry the #ail!an said at one of our sessions% Othe "lacks in $!erica are the O+ildcard%O and - suspected that +as so% "ut no+ - ha*e a clearer understandin of that fro! !y e8perience here in $tlanta. - also kno+ the 6Bclearly understands that "ecause their a ents +ere all o*er the nei h"orhood and ha*e inti!idated not only Canya% "ut se*eral other fine Black $!ericans into not associatin +ith us here. - donOt think any octo enarian should "e e8pected to stand up to this kind of pressure and +eOre si!ply rateful for our ti!e +ith Canya and the others and hopeful that +eOll find a +ay to et to ether after this. (i! D)e!"e!on did an a+ful lot of ood +ork "efore +e ot here and 2te*enOs CB north of the city is still kickin che!"utt and !ay ha*e "een lar ely responsi"le for the !oon chan in its or"it. Be!e!"er #oonreader!an on the first CB foru! +ho +as shootin at it +ith an e8tended CB ni ht after ni ht last sprin and su!!erR (hatOs 2te*en 3hite in Cu!!in % Neor ia. (his city +ill "e done "efore the end of #arch% re ardless of little o"stacles like the afore!entioned. -O! lettin (i! "reak the story a"out +hat transpired at the Neor ia Nuidestones. Do a search on that to find out ho+ the satanists do radionics% okayR V-/ (his +eek% on our +ay to 6lorida% - pro!ise to do so!e +ritin and postin +hile Carol dri*es. (he feds stopped !e fro! lo in into the foru!s today% so -O*e asked 2tuart to post this for !e. - could ha*e terrorized the hackers% etc.% "ut - +anted this to "e a testi!ony to their opposition to the 7o+er+and and 2hi*a V-/. -Oll et to the! a little later. -n shorthand% hereOs the choice one has +hen one ets a 73 or 2hi*a: deal +ith the Chinese-style hu!an +a*e of hackers% pa*e!ent artists and electronic/psychic predators or skip the !iddle!en and deal +ith the !id-le*el and "oss predators in the 12$/C-$% #-6% C2-2% C2-$% 0(0% -nterpol% CNB% and +hate*er is eKui*alent in your country. -f they canOt touch !e% you can "e da!n sure they canOt touch you.
?ou donOt ha*e to "e psychic to use these effecti*ely% "y the +ay. fDon Croft
Episode 55 6at5 Stupid 6edera$ 8inBas +ssau$t >ur *itt$e 0daho To4n By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcLLfatstupidfednin)as1L!ar':.sht!l #arch 1&% &'': -O! sure !any of us are a+are that &&1 hi hly paid% if not hi hly trained% 6B- predators assaulted the ho!e of a 2audi student in #osco+% -daho a fe+ days a o. - hope for their sakes that there +erenOt too !any stairs to cli!" or nu!"ers to read% since itOs +ell docu!ented that they often "reak do+n the doors on the +ron residences .and !urder the +ron people/ in their all-too-freKuent% "eni hted% unla+ful raids. (hey char ed hi! +ith credit card fraud% for NodOs sake% "ut - suspect he +as e*en innocent of that. (hey "usted his door do+n% terrifyin hi!% his +ife and their t+o s!all children% at 4::'$# and "ullied all the nei h"ors in that on-ca!pus student housin area to stay indoors until four hours later. (hey su")ected e*eryone he kno+s or e*er reeted on the street to len thy% de radin interro ations and enerally "eha*ed like deran ed "ullies for all to see. (he Nestapo and the CNB lo*ed to do thin s like that. Carol had told !e that the e*er-chan in federal cro+d in the house at S1& Blaine 2treet% #osco+% +ere there for other thin s "esides "otherin us% so no+ - see +hat !uch of the fuss has "een a"out for the past year there. (hey do a lot of spy +ork "efore "ustin these dan erous% s+arthy-skinned terrorists% donOt you kno+R -n this case% thou h% unlike in 1azi Ner!any and Bussia% there +as Kuite a "acklash of concerned citizens% a!on +ho! is a la+ professor in that uni*ersity% +ho i!!ediately rallied top le al support for the accused% and the 2audi o*ern!ent i!!ediately offered to pay all of the e8penses for his defense. 7ete% the i antic% !ountain-!an CBer near"y in #ontana% asked !e today if this +as indirectly a "it of inti!idation to+ard Carol and - and - told hi! that if it is% they !issed the !ark a ain% as itOs )ust so!e !ore potential free pu"licity for this or onite planetary healin pro)ect and that e*en if +e et killed today our score is so hi h that +eO*e pro"a"ly already +on the !atch. 3atch these "loated% felonious 6B- farts et their o+n s--t s!eared all o*er the! in the short ter!% folks V-/ (he 6B- skunks in CanyaOs nei h"orhood here in $tlanta +ere the ones +ho inti!idated our "lack associates into distancin the!sel*es fro! the $tlanta healin pro)ect and it happened on the sa!e day% so there !ay "e a connection% since this is the first ti!e the 6B- s--t+hackers intruded on us personally% as far as - kno+. -Oll +rite a"out their in-our-faces shenani ans at the address on #artin Juther Cin Boule*ard in $tlanta later on. @p until no+% itOs !ostly "een 12$% C-$ and e*en their !an y lapdo % 0rdo (e!ple 0rientalis% +hich is $leister Cro+leyOs tired and ai!less cro+d of "lack-ro"ed psychic predators +ho ha*e "een atte!ptin to disa"le Carol and -. TNet a lifeT% you "loodless% "a"y-killin creeps% or else lose +hate*er passes for the one youO*e ot no+. D*en in your fake o*ern!ent status you kno+ for sure that +e kno+ that youO*e ot no "usiness "otherin people on @2 soil. 2ince the 6B-% +hich is )ust another unconstitutional police a ency% are considera"ly less resourceful and intelli ent than their 12$/C-$ cousins% - suspect that +eOll ha*e a little !ore fun +ith these cretins in the process% thou h. -tOs a lot easier to !ake the 6B- peepers and underco*er chu!ps chase their tails% +e found out a couple of days a o. (heyOre also !ore de!onstrati*e +ith their )ack"oots% "lack "attle ear and !achine uns% so +eOll try to "e careful not to piss the! off too !uchV the stupid% la+less )erks. 7lease re!e!"er that theyOre the ones co!!ittin sedition and treason% not us. -s there anyone yet "esides Carol% CBs+ork% and !yself +ho is +illin to o directly a ainst these collecti*e
1azi satanist thu s yetR DonOt "e shy% folks5 3e ha*e a chance to do +hat the Ner!ans of conscience in the 1M:'s and 4's chose not to do and it can "e done successfully at this sta e +ithout spillin "lood% +hich pleases us no end. 2o!e"ody +ho !ade a 7o+er3and su ested that sendin Kuasi- o*Ot predators a "all of +hite li ht is perhaps !ore appropriate than in*okin )ustice on the!. 9e used <esusO alle ed attitude .9e turned the cheek +hen any"ody attacked hi! in order to de!onstrate that re*en e is counterproducti*e% "ut +eOre si!ply repellin tyranny% +hich is different/ as an e8a!ple in support of that approach. - noted that thereOs so!e institutional !isunderstandin a"out ho+ 9e dealt +ith predators and - cited the e8a!ple of 9i! "eatin up the !oney chan ers and physically thro+in the! out of the (e!ple as !ore rele*ant to +hat +eOre a"out +ith the 7o+er3and and 2hi*a% e*en thou h - personally "elie*e that +e lack the authority of a #anifestation of Nod. -tOs kind of funny to !e that the Juciferians ha*e con*inced entire !asses of people that theyOre each Nod $l!i hty% ha*in first castrated the! spiritually and turned the! into *ehe!ent apolo ists for the +orld order. (ruth is usually !uch stran er than fiction. $lso% since the +orld order is Juciferic% they lo*e "alls of +hite li ht and they use that approach the!sel*es% often% especially to decei*e 1e+ $ ers and pseudo-Christians% so thro+in that at the! is sort of like thro+in !oney% dru s% food or se8 and this approach !i ht "e counterproducti*e under the circu!stances V-/ -O! told that the all-ti!e fa*orite for! of +hite li ht a!on Juciferians .the -llu!inati/ is the flash that acco!panies the detonation of a ther!onuclear de*ice. (hatOs not Kuite the sa!e as the i!a e they present of a lo*in *isitation that fills the roo! +ith +hite li ht. (he "i challen e of +estern +hite people these days is to !o*e do+n out of that carnie-"arker style head-trip and into the heart% +here the rest of hu!anity is. fDon Croft of #osco+% -daho
Episode 56 %;Men 6rom ,e$$ By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcL6 !enfro!hell1L!ar':.sht!l #arch 1L% &'': 1o+% t+o years after !akin our first che!"uster% - find !yself in a situation si!ilar to the one +e e8perienced after ai!in that first one% +ith e8tensions% at the !oon on se*eral consecuti*e ni hts. 3e see! to "e in dan er of losin our li*es +hile at the sa!e ti!e doin so!ethin that se*erely challen es !ost peopleOs credulity. @p to the ti!e of that e8ercise neither of us had e8perienced any interference fro! the fake federal o*ern!entOs secret police a encies and it +as rather a shock to realize then )ust ho+ *ehe!ently opposed they all are to any distur"ance of their predatory a enda. 3eOd "een li*in on the road for a"out ei ht !onths "ecause the feds had shut do+n our $!erican co!petitors in the zapper trade ri ht "efore that and +e kne+ that they prefer not to o after !o*in tar ets. Nuerrilla #anufacturin and #arketin ca!e *ery easy to !e +hen - ot into this "usiness se*en years a o. -Od kno+n for years "efore this that the @2 No*ern!ent is fake and predatory "y nature and had arran ed !y life and fortunes around those conditions. $pparently% our successful efforts in $tlanta has opened up a +hole ne+ ran e of opposition% includin the nether real!s of the 6B- and e*en Delta 6orce. (he latter are serious% trained +arriors% unlike those fat% stupid% ar!ored 6B- thu s +ho assaulted that unfortunate youn 2audi student and his fa!ily in our to+n last +eek. 3e really ha!!ered the fake @2 No*ern!entOs outy toe this ti!e% )ud ed "y its potentially !urderous response. -Oll et to the details of that shortly in this piece% "ut the readersO di est *ersion is that +e cleared all the !uck out of the skies o*er the city itself si!ply "y disa"lin all the 9$$B7 trans!itters in the city. (he su"ur"s still ha*e their sky-!uck% includin lin erin che!trails and 9$$B7 +hiteout% "ecause +e didnOt distur" any 9$$B7 arrays outside the encirclin -nterstate &PL% +hich is an appro8i!ation of 3ashin ton% DCOs Belt+ay. #y personal ai! is to !ake the city !uch !ore pleasant than the su"ur"s "efore the end of #arch. (i! and - .and +hoe*er +ants to )oin us/ +ill !op up all the ne+ death force trans!itters and the re!ainin satanic and/or under round facilities there "y then. $nother confir!ation is that lenticular clouds +ere seen o*er and around the city% perhaps for the first ti!e. Carol and - "lasted all the dark ones in short order% of +hich there +ere only a fe+. - hope youOre all doin that +ith your 2uccor 7unches% at least% each ti!e you see the!. ?ouOll find that it +onOt take too !any punches to stop the dark ones fro! returnin % as the D( predator learn a "it faster than these denser% fake- o*ern!ent predators do. 3e lo*e to ha*e the li ht lenticulars around "ecause% to us% it !eans +eOre ettin plenty of reinforce!ents in our spiritual +ar. (hat realization of dan er t+o years a o pro!pted !e to start +ritin !y reports and distri"utin the! to se*eral acti*e internet "oards and lists for our o+n protection. - Kuickly learned that the *ast !a)ority of people +ho read these si!ply dis"elie*ed !ost or all of +hat - +as +ritin % "ut +ere entertained "y it all nonetheless. (hat pleased !e "ut - +as !uch !ore ratified to realize that there are Kuite a fe+ others out and a"out +ho understood +hat - +as +ritin fro! their o+n personal e8periences and special insi hts. (hey +ere )ust happy that so!e"ody finally +rote do+n and Opu"lishedO all the thin s they had "een una"le to talk to others a"out. 6or the !ost part% these are responsi"le% articulate% independent and !ature indi*iduals +ho had decided to use their o+n discern!ent instead of su"scri"in to the standard !ind control protocols. - had disco*ered a fe+ years earlier that the internet is a +onderful !eetin place for people +ho ha*e special interests. JetOs face it: for the ordinary person like you or !e% the chance of ha*in e*en one friend or acKuaintance +ho is ready% +illin and a"le to e*en discuss paradi !-challen in su")ects is pretty sli! or none8istent. -O! al+ays i!pressed to !eet so!e"ody +ho has net+orked +ith others in this Kuest +ithout ha*in had the "enefit of the internet to +iden his/her ran e of contact. #ost often% +hen - connect +ith a like-!inded person% that one is du!"founded to find another hu!an "ein +ho is +illin to speak candidly and pu"licly a"out these challen in % Ored pillO su")ects.
(he fruition of our Opu"lishin O efforts is% in addition to the ro+th of a lo"al net+ork of CBers% the *ery acti*e support and colla"oration of OC"s+orkO in Jos $n eles. (his fello+ not only kne+ +hat - +as +ritin a"out% "ut he sa+ in the che!"usters and the other de*ices a potentially effecti*e +ay to et so!e "alance in the "ody politic after ha*in disco*ered the deception he had "een led to participate in as an -llu!inati oracle. -O! usin the ter! O"alanceO since heOs not "y nature *indicti*e or *en eful% "ut he realizes% "etter than !ost% that this +orld re i!e si!ply !ust "e stopped ri ht no+ if +eOre to a*oid enocide and ensla*e!ent as a species. D*ery step of our colla"oration has produced "enefits that +eO*e "een a"le to share +ith e*eryone. 6or instance% +e +ere ettin a "ur er in Fan 1uys last #ay +hen +e disco*ered that si!ply turnin on a 2uccor 7unch in the car not only caused the !assi*e 12$ "o8 sur*eillance tea! to lose us% "ut e*en "locked all the electronic and satellite trackin and sur*eillance de*ices in his car. 3e then +ent on to put 99 s under the *ery noses of the hea*ily ar!ed uards at a !a)or under round facility in J$ and the frustrated feds didnOt find us a ain until +e rolled into his dri*e+ay% hours later. $ "onus for us all is that heOs de*eloped ne+ techniKues for healin the at!osphere% +ater and round usin these *ery "asic de*ices and is also +illin to use his e8traordinary talents and trainin to fairly e*aluate the effects of othersO or onite-"ased in*entions and offerin s and to accurately identify for 2tuart <ackson% o+ner of the foru!% the operati*es of the +orldOs *arious secret police a encies and keep the cloud"uster foru! fro! "ein polluted% di*ided and derailed +ith their incessant% seditious posts% a strate y to +hich e*ery other contro*ersial foru! on the net has fallen *icti!. By the +ay% note the difference "et+een the posts of an un"alanced indi*idual and those of a ents% +hich appear identical on the surface: the un"alanced person can "e i nored "y the rest% "ut the a entsO posts are so full of !ind control protocols and tri ers that it resonates effecti*ely +ith !any of the other !e!"ersO residual pro ra!!in % causin a lot of distractions and de"ilitatin responses% +hich as a rule caused the foru!s to "e unpleasant places to *isit. (he !arket rules% so unpleasant foru!s si!ply donOt re!ain *ia"le. -O*e adopted C"sO hi h+ay iftin procedure and so!e aspects of his 0*er iftin % po+er line and +ater iftin !ethods and ha*e otten so!e astonishin *isual confir!ations. -O! oin to e8tend this o*er thousands of !iles of -nterstate 9i h+ays throu hout the re!ainder of !y trip. Nood thin - found a source of cheap resin in $tlanta. DonOt "other orderin % thou h% as the shippin cost +ill !ake it cost you t+ice as !uch. C"s told !e that heOs concerned that -O! creatin an i!a e of hi! that is not entirely accurate% since - donOt discuss any of his shortco!in s. -Oll sort that out +ith hi! ne8t ti!e - see hi!% "ut for no+ -Oll )ust say that of course heOs )ust as hu!an as the rest of us and - see no reason to !odify !y clai! that +eOre all the O+alkin +oundedO in this real! ri ht no+. - dou"t youOll catch !e discussin anyoneOs shortco!in s in pu"lic% since think thatOs usually counterproducti*e to +hat +eOre all a"out in this pro)ect and -O! re!inded of a couple of 7ersian sayin % O#a nify not the faults of others% that your o+n faults !ay not appear reat%O and O-f a person de!onstrates ten faults and one *irtue% !a nify the *irtue and i nore the faults.O (hese are dyna!ic reco!!endations% full of potential for societyOs ro+th and pro ress% not )ust platitudes. 3hile -O! in the pseudo-preachin !ode% -Oll pitch our ne+ $tlanta-"ased cult% the 7---in Der*ishes. 2ince people are constrained to restrict do !atic and speculati*e discussions not related to or onite +ork to the O0ther -ssuesO foru!% and since e*en there itOs a little fau8 pas to parrot !ind control protocols and the related tri er phrases% (i! .D)e!"e!on/% Carol and -% after a sort of epiphany at the Neor ia Nuidestones% +hich are apparently the "est satanic effort at radionics% decided to open an a*enue for anyone to fully *ent this +ay% as lon as he/she first under oes a self-initiation "y p---in on a satanic edifice. - kno+ (i! has "roached this su")ect on the foru! and +e ha*e continued our discussions pri*ately in $tlanta. 2ince it +as his concept% -Oll pro"a"ly "e his lieutenant. 3e do need photo raphic e*idence% thou h% and our tea! of psychics +ill re*ie+ all the applications V-/ 0nce youO*e achie*ed the inner circle% feel free to add any do !a you like and please !ystify the process to your heartOs content. Firtual ar!chairs are on hand for pontificatin .
- donOt foresee the likelihood of the 7---in and 3hirlin Der*ishes +eddin their assets. Neor Bitschl in <ohannes"ur e!ailed !e recently to note that -Od "eco!e !ore strident lately and he +ondered if this +as fro! the influence of C"s. (hatOs certainly a fair o"ser*ation% "ut anyone +ho kno+s !e personally .includin C"s+ork V-// is pro"a"ly shocked that - turn into a "anshee +hene*er - disco*er a secret police stalker in !y *icinity. -O! told that -O! a *ery entle and considerate person .thou h - lau h loudly at !y o+n )okes/ and so!e folks ha*e a hard ti!e reconcilin that +ith !y "eha*ior to+ard official predators. -tOs said that Nod protects fools and drunks% "ut !ay"e itOs ti!e to add another cate ory to that phrase on account of +hat +eOre doin to these !enaces no+. (he ra e of the predators in this fake @2 o*ern!ent to+ard !e is palpa"le at ti!es V-/ - donOt kno+ +hy - en)oy this +ork so !uch or +hy it !akes !e feel so content and happy. #ay"e itOs )ust the realization that -O*e already sa*a ed their enocide a enda so "adly that e*en if they kill !e -Oll kno+ -O*e +on the fi ht "y inspirin others to do the sa!e. - +rote a strident post last +eek +hen - disco*ered that so!e +ere pu"licly "alkin at !y notion that one !i ht e8act so!e )ustifia"le retri"ution on !ass !urderers +ith the t+o ne+ de*ices. - !i ht ha*e see!ed out of control% "ut that +as a calculated oosin % directed at you. 3e in $!erica are a hairOs "readth a+ay fro! o*ert ensla*e!ent and enocide ri ht no+ and - feel perfectly )ustified in oin after the +hole predatory hierarchy +ith *i or and focused ra e. -f - +ere lookin for popularity - +ouldnOt +rite like this. -O! a hundred percent deter!ined to stop enocide fro! happenin and -Oll do +hate*er it takes% +ithin the real la+% to acco!plish that. -O! si!ply in*itin you% too% to e8perience the thrill of *ictory rather than ha*in to endure the a ony of defeat V-/ - suspect that one of the aspects of this no+ fully e!er in ne+ paradi ! is that ordinary people ha*e this po+er o*er predators for the first ti!e in hu!an history. $s +ith all of our other in*entions% +e donOt ha*e the capa"ility to decide +hatOs oin to happenV +e si!ply facilitate "alance. 1o sane person +ill clai! that this fake re i!e has anythin "alanced in it% so itOs in dire need of help. - su est that +hatOs left +hen +eOre done cleanin house +ill not "e a chaotic !ess% "ut a !ore ordered% responsi*e o*ern!ent free of outside !anipulation and of +idespread% conspired internal corruption. -t +ould "e nice if others decide to follo+ our e8a!ple% "ut e*en if no"ody else does% +eOll continue to follo+ our instincts and our heartsO desire until the pro"le!Os sol*ed or +eOre dead. 3e ot so!e *isual confir!ation that the 7o+er+and does indeed disa"le 12$ predators .t+o of the! in that case% one of +hich +as apparently a reptilian/% "ut itOs not prudent to announce the details of that Kuite yet% since it in*ol*es so!e"ody else - kno+ +ho needs to !ake that decision% so all you ha*e is !y +ord% for +hat itOs +orth. - donOt e8pect anyone to "elie*e the follo+in % "ut - hope it sparks at least a fe+ people to et into the act and perhaps sa*e "illions of hu!an li*es in the process. 9ereOs +hat Carol and - did last afternoon and e*enin .thou h - hasten to add that you% too% can do this e*en if youOre not psychic% once you et the feel for it/: <ust as the fake o*Ot apparently considers anyone in the population% e*en a s!all child% +ho has any psychic a"ility or potential a direct threat to their he e!ony and their o+n psychics% *accination pro ra!s and e*en che!trails% pre-e!pti*ely disa"le the! +hene*er possi"le. 3e al+ays take steps to disa"le any fed psychic peekers first% then +e deal +ith the rest of the threat syste!atically in each case. $pparently !ost of the runt le*el psychics in the 12$ and C-$ .the 6B- doesnOt ha*e !uch of that for so!e reason-!ay"e thatOs "ecause theyOre !ostly ha!-fisted% pinhead "rutes/ donOt +ant to play +ith us any !ore "ecause% aside fro! the occasional% *ery a!"itious neophyte% +eOre !ainly ettin psychic peek atte!pts fro! the old hands% nearly all of +ho! are !iddle-a ed +o!en. -f you ha*e a 7o+er3and or 2hi*a% or e*en )ust a 2uccor 7unch and you et the sneakin feelin so!eoneOs +atchin you% youOre pro"a"ly ri ht% so you ou ht to i!pale the unin*ited +atcherOs astral "ody ri ht a+ay if you donOt +ant to et hurt later on "y electronic assaults% etc. (hese are the ones +ho do the setups. (hey rarely die
+hen +e )uice the!% "ut they al+ays et terrorized "y that and enerally +onOt try it a ain. 0nce in a reat +hile +e et *isits fro! re!ote *ie+ers. (hese are the #odel (Os of predatory psychics% folks% and contrary to +hat you hear on the $rt Bell 7ro ra!. (hey feel to !e like "lind people usin canes and are *ery easy to disa"le. (he 0ld 9ands are slicker and less likely to "lunder% so you need to pay close attention to your instincts if you +ant to find the!% indi*idually% and et the! to lea*e you alone. (here are a li!ited nu!"er of !ature% co!petent psychics +orkin for the 12$ and C-$. (he chu!p satanic sorcerers of the C-$Os asset-the "lack-ro"ed Nolden Da+n or 0(0--fall like "o+lin pins +hene*er you focus a little attention on the!. (hey present the scariest aspect% "ut are the easiest to disa"le. Carol says their heads pop off +hene*er she uses the 2hi*a on the!% "ut they as nu!erous as stalks in a +heat field for so!e reason% +hich is +hy itOs i!portant to o after their 12$/C-$ "osses and the "ossesO "osses% as Carol e*entually did% in order to !ake the! stop rather than )ust pickin the! off% ni ht after ni ht. (hey usually attack durin our sleep ti!e and they only o after psychics. (hese folks are often the source of !ental i!a es and drea!s of our de!ise. - et a little "e!used +hen - hear fro! psychics +ho are still un+illin to consider takin the initiati*e a ainst their de!onstrated ene!y% +hich is !ainly the unla+ful 1ational 2ecurity $ ency ;12$=. (hey !ostly tell !e that they continue to use the sa!e tired techniKues that ha*e so far failed to pre*ent the! fro! ettin cancer% suicidal thou hts% and a plethora of other disa"lin conditions since the 12$ initiated its ca!pai n a ainst the! a fe+ short years a o. (echnically% - think one could consider this kind of incessantly repeated-"ut un*ia"le-approach to serious pro"le!s a definition of insanity% +hich is not surprisin since itOs apparently a product of !ind control and the Bi Jie that has con*inced people that theyOre not only po+erless to stop tyrants% "ut that theyOre are also% so!eho+- Nod $l!i hty V-/ 3e +esterners are particularly prone to schizoid *ie+s of reality% - think .if you dou"t that% take an o")ecti*e look at "oth churchianity and (heosophy% +hich are the t+o root sources of all "rain+ash protocols here/% so +e need to conscientiously undo all that contri*ed ru""ish if +eOre to !ake any real spiritual pro ress% - "elie*e% and stop actin and thinkin like a "lissed-out herd of cattle. 0n the +ay here .(a!pa% 6lorida/% +e sa+ a uy "ein put in the "ack of a 2tate 7olice sKuad car-a sin le apparently co!pliant uy "ein arrested "y cops fro! t+o sKuad cars. 2o!ethin s!elled funny a"out that% so asked Carol to et in the copsO heads and tell !e +hat +as oin on. 2he said the feds had told the cops to find and capture the uy% "ut didnOt e*en tell the! +hy. - spun so!e ener y at the! in !y special +ay and Carol said that !ade the! Kuestion and e*en dou"t their actions% +hich is happenin a J0( a!on police!en these days. (hen - spun the sa!e ener y at the 6B- a ent +ho ordered the arrest and she said he had a !ental "reakdo+n. 3e +ent up the chain of co!!and and his "oss fell o*er and that oneOs "oss died of a heart attack. - donOt kno+ if he could ha*e pre*ented that "y usin a zapper V-/ $fter supper% Carol told !e that the innocent uy +as oin to "e released "y !ornin +ithout ha*in "een char ed for any cri!e. - felt like a Boy 2cout for initiatin that on his "ehalf. (he pattern% as +e see it% is that the effect of the ener y fro! "oth the 7o+er3and and the 2hi*a tailors itself to the threat le*el that the recipient presents. 3e canOt dictate the results% "ut -O! learnin that +e can et a pretty ood feel for +hatOs oin to happen. 7uttin t+o and t+o to ether% re!e!"erin .1/ the 6edD8 truck full of 1in)as that pulled a+ay after - ca!e out of our hotel roo! the !ornin after Carol arri*ed in $tlanta and the three re!ainin feds standin there% rinnin at !e fro! across the parkin lot% .&/ the !assi*e intrusion of 6B- a ents in the nei h"orhood around Canya #cNheeOs residence in $tlanta last +eek% +here +e +ere teachin so!e of his students and friends ho+ to do this +ork% and .:/ the "lo+out +e had the t+o days a o on --PL in 2outh Neor ia% apparently caused "y so!e ta!perin +ith the tire at the hands of a Delta 6orce assassination specialist% +e thou ht it +ould "e prudent if Carol searched the ethers for any other plans to har! us. - ne*er +ould ha*e uessed that $tlanta +as such a cherished possession of the +orld alle ed order.
2he found fi*e Delta 6orce uys earin up for another atte!pt to !urder us in our sleep in our (a!pa !otel roo! .+e sell out and sleep in !otels no+ and then% e*en thou h +e are dri*in a perfectly ood% roo!y and co!forta"le Eapporiu!/. 3e "oth )uiced the!% and then she disco*ered fi*e !ore "ackup uys and +e )uiced the!% too. 0nly t+o out of the ten sur*i*ed that-- uess these t+o had ne*er !urdered innocent people "efore. (hen +e +ent after their co!!ander% his co!!ander% and on up the line. Carol said% O3hat did you do to those uysRO and - said% O(his ti!e% - spun the ener y fro! the round up%O and she said% O3ell% -Od ne*er seen that-their uts ca!e ri ht out of their !ouths5O $t the top of that daisy chain +as a uy in a li ht ray !ilitary unifor!. 2ince she said he +as an $!erican% +e assu!ed he +as one of the "rand ne+% dreaded 9o!eland 2ecurity% so +e +ent after the director of that Nestapo a ency .sa!e result/ and his ten deputies .also the sa!e result-"oy% these fello+s +ere nasty5/. - assu!e these represented the ten re ions that the @2 +as di*ided into "efore the 1ational Nuard +as taken fro! the states and arran ed in ten districts. (hat happened soon after the B$(6 thu s "le+ up the #urrah 6ederal Buildin in 0klaho!a City and "la!ed the ne+ !ilitias. - +anted to then do the fifty or so co!!anders of the +aitin concentration ca!ps% "ut Carol said she +as too tired% and "esides +e +ere no+ done eatin at Bed Jo"ster and it +as ti!e to pay the "ill V-/ - told her to pay +ith a credit card so the fed peekers +ould "e a"le to Kuickly locate us% then - )uiced the 12$ peekers in the t+o cars that +ere still +aitin for us to sho+ up at DennyOs% a "lock do+n the street. (he psychic in one car had a ner*ous "reakdo+n and her dri*er had the stron feelin that he didnOt +ant anythin to do +ith us. (he dri*er in the other car had the sa!e i!pulse% "ut he "ounced "ack and started lookin for us a ain% so - )uiced hi! a second ti!e and he learned his lesson. (he nice thin a"out +ritin this is that the fake federal o*ern!ent +ould *ehe!ently deny that their sur*eillin innocent people like Carol and -% !uch less plannin our de!ise% so none of the! +ill pursue us for this in their heinously unla+ful court syste!s or any of the less-unla+ful police a encies. Canya sho+ed !e an ite! on the net thatOs ettin a lot of play no+. -tOs a federal la+ that prohi"its +eather !odification +ithout prior federal consent. - suspect this +as tossed out on the tail end of Consta"le and BenseOs assaults on our +ork in order to inti!idate people into not !akin or onite che!"usters. (he "eauty of this alle ed la+ is that if any of us +ere to actually "e prosecuted% it +ould stron ly i!ply official acceptance that +e ha*e the a"ility to !odify +eather. 3eather +ork +as ne*er !entioned in BeichOs trial% )ust as zappers +ere ne*er !entioned in Dr. ClarkOs trials% thou h of course the 3ar on 9ealin in her case +as a"out zappers. -n fact% +eOre not doin anythin "ut helpin the at!osphere restore its o+n "alance. $fter +e et a CB up and perhaps disa"le a dozen or so 9$$B7 facilities in our prospecti*e areas it +ill rain +hen the round needs it and stop +hen the round has had enou h% so +eOre not technically !odifyin the +eather. 3e certainly are !odifyin the fake o*ern!entOs a"ility to suppress rain% thou h. (hereOs a ne+ internet ca!pai n under+ay to discredit Dr. Beich. - suspect that this +ouldnOt ha*e "een initiated if +e all hadnOt dra+n attention to that reat !anOs life +ork +ith our o+n fled lin lo"al effort. (hat site% the na!e of +hich eludes !e% si!ply parrots e*erythin that +as said a ainst hi! in the press in the 1ML's that led to his de!ise. (his approach no lon er +orks for the felonious feds% "ut - refer you to the pre*ious e8a!ple of insanity to illustrate the dyna!ics of +hy they keep tryin it. (he predators +ho are posin as our o*ern!ent and press are so deeply stuck in that rut that they donOt ha*e the ti!e or resources to create ne+ strate ies% think. 3e sort of stu!"led onto the distinction "et+een "eliefs that deri*e fro! !ind control and those that deri*e fro! personal e8perience and discern!ent. (he for!er are parroted% usually *er"ati!% +ith fe+ if any !odifications and the speakers in*aria"ly insist that this ca!e to the! spontaneously or that itOs )ust co!!on sense and theyOre often presented in an arro ant% intolerant +ay. (he others et their opinions and *ie+s of reality
usually after years of !eticulous and e*en painful inKuiry and o"ser*ation and these hard-+on "eliefs are stran ely consistent across the +hole ran e of hu!an cultures. (hese e8pressions are characterized "y hu!ility and are e8pressed in as !any +ays as there are indi*iduals +ho hold the!. (he cloud"uster foru! has "eco!e characterized !ore "y the latter sort in recent !onths and - +ant to "e clear that - "elie*e this has "een !ade possi"le% !ainly% "y the dili ent efforts of t+o people: C"s+ork and 2tuart <ackson. 1ot !any people realize yet that these t+o ha*e "roken ne+ round +ith their efforts. (he "ad uys ha*e relied on psychics to acco!plish their oals for thousands of years% so +hy not "enefit fro! their successes and apply all of that ra+ data to constructi*e endsR 1othin really +orth+hile happens purely spontaneously% contrary to unthinkin popular opinion. <ust as the Bi Jie distorts the *ie+ of our relationship to the Nodhead% the 3oodstock delusion distorts our *ie+ of the relationship "et+een applied discipline% !ental clarity and the intuiti*e% truly spontaneous creati*e process that +e are all en a ed in here. (hank 9ank +e set up a ne+ reli ion for those of us +ho feel the need to escape fro! the pressure of all this discipline and responsi"ility5 2ooner or later so!e !e!"er +ill co!e up +ith a sal*ation do !a and so!e +orld do!ination clai!s and then +eOll "e a"le to co!pete +ith all the other contri*ed theolo ies. - ha*e to say that if e*eryone +ants to *ote for a leader% thou h% -O! oin to !ake yet another cult V-/ Did you notice that the Bain"o+ Natherin recently and instantly "ent o*er for the feds +hen they +ere )ust !ildly threatened in order to stop the! fro! atherin R (his is ho+ !ind controlled folks respond to tyranny. think the feds kne+ this roup has no uns% other+ise they +ouldnOt ha*e "een so "old. 1o+ i!a ine the response if the feds order people to stop !akin cloud"usters or shoot Carol and - V-/ (heyOre !ore likely to "e !ore successful at ettin e*eryone to i*e up their uns a+ay fro! the populace% and the people of 2+itzerland% the @2% 2outh $frica and the 7hilippines +ill i*e up our uns as soon as hell freezes o*er. (he )oke on the feds is that e*en Bain"o+ people +ill still "e !akin che!"usters if they can "e assured that they can do it secretly. (hatOs +hy - ad*ise e*eryone +ho +ants to !ake one to first !ake a fe+ :oz. to+er "usters and disa"le the trans!itters around their ho!e first to create an a!orphous field. (his +ay the helicoptered Nestapo canOt find the center "ecause the hole in their dead or one !atri8 +onOt "e circular. $lso% theyOll feel closer to nature and hu!anity +ithout all that electronic and sonic !ayhe! oin on. 9o!eland 2ecurity% !y add5 2hi*a and 73 these !urderous "astards and let 9ank sort the! out. ?ou can "et this has "eco!e part of our daily re i!en and +ill "e for the duration. ?ou !ay "e happy to disco*er that you donOt e*en need to "e near the de*ices in order to use their ener ies effecti*ely% "ut thatOs another discussion. 1or do they need to kno+ +hoOs doin it to the!. Bi ht no+% theyOre focusin on us "ecause they pro"a"ly donOt +ant any !ore ordinary people puttin the! out of "usiness. #ore than - +ant to sa*e !y "utt% - +ant !ore people out there sa*a in the enocide a enda and personnel. -f - start seein li ht ray unifor!s in pu"lic -Oll fi ure that itOs ti!e to "end o*er and kiss !y add ood"ye% "ut in the !eanti!e +eO*e ot a "rief +indo+ of opportunity to stop these "latant 9o!eland 2ecurity 1azis fro! e*er sho+in their hand. - uess this piece ot too lon to include !ost of the details of our $tlanta Crusade .appropriate ter! for the Bi"le Belt V-// "ut - do +ant to !ention that after +e put the three 99 s around the air"ase at #arietta% +hich is !ainly a heinous Jockheed facility in the $tlanta su"ur"% Carol said that the 3in !akers +ere holdin do+n the ener y of the de*ices until +e left the *icinity in order to protect us. $ fed"oy in a "i % +hite pickup dro*e ri ht "y the Eapporiu! and didnOt see us ri ht after +e put the second 99 do+n% e*en thou h he +as lookin hard for us and he see!ed a little !anic. Carol said the !ain effect of "ustin under round facilities this +ay is that the !a)ority of people in the! start to +ake up and openly Kuestion +hy theyOre there. (here arenOt enou h thu s on the planet to do all the +ork% so the +orld order relies totally on !ind controlled people to carry out !ost of its a enda-all of it% in fact% e8cept for the openly predatory acti*ities. (hey ha*e plenty of "loodstained thu s for that and for occupyin the top
positions in all of the key corporations and all of the national o*ern!ents in the +orldOs Ode*elopedO nations. (hatOs so!e de*elop!ent% ehR -s that an 0r+ellian paradi ! for pro ressR -t +as ri ht "efore +e +ent to Jockheed that +e sa+ all the li ht lenticular clouds% +hich of course are created "y the ood uys to hide their craft. fDon Croft
Episode 5 Putting M- Mone- C,ideD Where M- Mouth CPenD 0s By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcLPputtin !oney+here!outhis1M!ar':.sht!l #arch 1M% &'': -O*e "een tellin you that the 7o+er+and is sufficient for disa"lin predators and no+ that CarolOs taken the 2hi*a "ack to -daho +ith her% -O! left here on the other coast +ith only !y 7o+er+and standin "et+een !e and a +hole J0( of de!onstrated% furious and deter!ined ene!ies in the e!ploy of this fake @2 No*ern!ent. 3hat "etter +ay to de!onstrate !y clai!sR -O*e al+ays had the inclination to Opro*e so!ethin O so +hy not )ust i*e in to it instead of fi ht itR Carol offered to lea*e the 2hi*a +ith !e "ut -O! not one to "ack do+n fro! !y o+n stated oals and heart-held "eliefs until theyOre sho+n to "e non-*ia"le. -O! so deter!ined to sho+ ?0@ that -O! ri ht that -O! puttin !y life on the line in the process. -O! not particularly psychic% as pro"a"ly is your case% nor a! - the !ost cle*er% resourceful or a+are person in any i*en lar e cro+d. #y point is that if - can do this% so pro"a"ly can you% so !y oal is to e!po+er you to take on these !urderers in your o+n court rather than ha*in to keep lookin o*er your shoulder e*ery ti!e you run out for a loaf of "read. - )ust dropped Carol off at the airport in 0rlando and a! on !y +ay "ack to $tlanta% +here the 6B-% C-$% 12$ and Nod-kno+s-+hat-other !ean and "loody a ency is +aitin for !e. -tOs "een so easy in the past three +eeks to say% O9oney-+ould you o check in the ether and see if anyoneOs thinkin a"out killin us% pleaseRO and then )ust knock the! all do+n like "o+lin pins "ut -O! lea*in !yself open to so!e de*elopin threats no+ so - can do it all +ith the 7o+er+and as they co!e up in :D% confident that - can stop any *isitin predatory psychics% all of +ho! precede the !ore "latant assaults% +eO*e learned fro! e8perience. (he 2hi*a is the "est instru!ent for disa"lin these spiritual cretins% "ut in real ter!s it +ill "e !any !onths "efore theyOre out on the !arket in sufficient nu!"ers "ecause only #ark kno+s ho+ to !ake the! and heOs a"solutely s+a!ped +ith orders and has no e8perience +ith !ass production. #ean+hile you can et a 7o+er+and in a short ti!e if youOre not inclined to !ake one yourself. $ndyOs ot the! on +++.ct"! and no dou"t others +ill "e offerin the! soon. @ntil so!e"ody else in 1. $!erica +ho offers 7o+er+ands sho+s !e so!e ood "usiness practices% -Oll "e sendin inKuiries on to $ndy% thou h. Neor Bitschl at +++.or is *ery skilled and relia"le% too. think so!e"odyOs !akin these in 0z for sale% "ut Carol says the coilOs not up to snuff yet. -f you think a caduceus or other for! of coil +ill do "etter or e*en as +ell as a !o"ius for this +ork% please look !ore closely and et so!e co!parison feed"ack fro! !ore than one reputa"le ener y sensiti*e% okayR - +onOt stop insistin that +e et "ona fide e*idence for any clai!s !ade "efore +e accept the! as true. Carol and - are no+ seein the 2hi*a as the cul!ination of our lo"al% infor!al effort to disa"le tyranny and +eOre seein the 7o+er+and as an i!portant inter!ediary step. -f you think youOll "e scootin around the ether like C"s+ork or Carol any ti!e soon% please think a ain. @nless you ha*e an o"*ious ift to do this telepathic and astral +ork you +ill only et a s!id eon of their results and only after !any years of hard +ork. -f that principle +ere not operati*e% there +ould ha*e "een !illions of Beetho*ens co!posin sy!phonies "y no+. (he nice thin a"out the 2hi*a is that one need only think of the tar et and the ener y oes to +ork on it% apparently uided "y the entity +ho has adopted to that de*ice. -n this case +eOre no !ore than spiritual door!en. Door!en in 1e+ ?ork City et to dress up like Boli*ian $d!irals% "y the +ay% so !ay"e +e can% too%
Carol and C"s+ork +ill et to ether +ith their t+o 2hi*as $2$7 to co!pare notes in real ti!e% as the t+o 2hi*as see! to "e +orkin on sli htly different principles and Carol% at least% feels itOs i!portant that all the 2hi*as "e !ade the sa!e +ay% as sheOs not entirely confident that #ark has the a"ility to !ake deter!inations a"out indi*idual reKuire!ents yet. 2ince it +ill "e a lon +ait until you et one fro! #ark if youO*e sent the !oney% thereOs plenty of ti!e to sort this out. 2ince ti!e is FDB? short for disa"lin the enocide a enda of this fake o*ern!ent in the @2 +e pro"a"ly should all ha*e so!e faith that cuttin corners like this .insufficient testin and para!eters/ +ill "e okay.
6or i*e !e% #ark% for speakin so candidly% and - assu!e you kno+ that - +ant you to succeed +ith this *enture and that itOs *ery i!portant to us that you do. (he 7o+er+and% in !y e8perience% needs to "e turned on and consciously directed and attended to "ut if you can i!a ine a tar et and focus a little .in a lo*in +ay% if thatOs your style/ a ression the ener y +ill o there and disa"le the tar et% +hether it )ust seriously disorients the pilot of that "lack helicopter +hich is zoo!in your ho!e in the !iddle of the ni ht% terrifies a predatory 12$ or #-6 psychic into a ner*ous "reakdo+n or causes the heart of a !urderous #an in Black or 0(0 sorcerer to "urst. 3hen Carol took her 2hi*a out of the Eapporiu! it felt to !e kind of like it did +hen !y rudder "roke out in the ocean durin a stor! once. -n that case% - )ury ri ed the thin and co!pleted the ocean crossin % e*en oin throu h a hurricane successfully in the process +ith that Ofield en ineeredO rudder% +hich - +as e*en a"le to lash the sails to for effecti*e self-steerin . -f youO*e sailed in a s!all open "oat in the open ocean% you kno+ +hat -O! talkin a"out% - uess V-/ -t +as after this realization that - started +ritin this piece. -O! Kuite sure the results +ill speak for the!sel*es "ecause -Oll "e "ack in the Jion Den to!orro+ afternoon. -tOs i!portant to fa!iliarize yourself +ith the +orkin s of the 2uccor 7unch% +e "elie*e% "efore you can e8pect to et these results fro! the ne+er de*ices. By the +ay% for those of you +ho are inclined to purchase other de*ices for +hich the in*entor clai!s eKual or superior results to these t+o% you should e8pect to see so!e proof or at least testi!onials fro! so!e reputa"le people "efore you send your !oney. Ca*eat e!ptor% a!ici. Did - tell you +hat happened in #ia!i t+o ni hts a oR -f you +ere +atchin the +eather channel you !ay ha*e heard of a *ery localized S'!ph +ind in the part of #ia!i +e +ere dri*in throu h at the !o!ent. 3hat they didnOt !ention is that there +ere so!e acco!panyin reen at!ospheric flashes in the *icinity of so!e !assi*e 9$$B7 arrays +e +ere dri*in past on the (urnpike ri ht after +e dro*e onto it. 3e had )ust disa"led 9o!estead @nder round $6B V-/ and t+o of its under round nukes and they +ere ettin p---y% so Carol said she stuck a "i or one spike up the 9$$B7 "ossOs add and said% OCo!e and et us% you son of a "itdd5O -O! assu!in she said if lo*in ly% "ut that assu!ption !ay not "e accurate V-/ - already kne+ that +o!en are a lot !ore a ressi*e than !en% in spite of all that !ental pro ra!!in to the contrary. (he Bo!an soldiers used to ra" their ddddOs and head for the hills +hene*er they sa+ those Celt% 6rank or 9un +o!en in a!on the !en in "attles V-/ 0f course% those old cultures had ne*er "ou ht into the Ba"ylonian concept of ender pre)udice. - ha*e to tell you that 9o!estead has stuck in !y cra+ for the past t+o years% since lea*in this state. 3hen +e left% the "i dirt pile had +eather "alls and "uildin s on itV no+ itOs posin as a landfill and all that stuff +as relocated to )ust "eyond the northern ed e of the s!all artificial !ountain. - uess enou h people are realizin that thereOs a "ase under there that they decided to dis uise it rather than !o*e it V-/ 6ake- o*Ot cretins5 - +as too "usy tryin to keep the Eapporiu! fro! "lo+in off the turnpike to think !uch a"out helpin Carol% and "esides she only told !e a"out that a little later. (raffic slo+ed to al!ost a halt and there +as a lot of da!a e% - sa+ on (F later that ni ht in the !otel. -t only lasted a"out fi*e !inutes. Carol said the 9$$B7 "oss +ho ordered that attack fro! his *ery unco!forta"le chair +ore a li ht ray !ilitary
unifor! and is an $!erican and that he hasnOt !urdered any innocents yet% +hich is +hy he didnOt )ust fall out of the chair. -s that 9o!eland 2ecurityR -f so% 7resident Cu)o hasnOt "een entirely forthco!in a"out +hat theyOre up to already. -f you kno+ a"out this% please let !e kno+ at ter!inator:@tur"! By the +ay% - keep ettin letters fro! !y friends +ith apolo ies for O"otherin O !e% +hich "others !e. -f you feel like +ritin to !e for a"solutely any reason% please do so% okayR - lo*e to do e!ail and especially to hear fro! !y friends% of +hich you are a dear one. - al+ays ha*e ti!e for that% e*en +hen - et a little "ehind for a fe+ days. 2ince -O! not the head of this effort% - really donOt et s+a!ped +ith e!ail. -f - +as a uru +anna"ee or had so!e e8clusi*e% proprietary de*ice that - +as pro!otin for personal lory - suspect -Od "e s+a!ped in that case "ecause that approach attracts all the +ron folks: the ones +ho +ould rather shift their personal-discern!ent responsi"ility onto so!eone else. - could tell you stories a"out +hat -O*e seen relatin to this si!ple principle V-/% "ut not no+. 2uffice to say that people +ho +ant a follo+in see! to "e co!pletely i norant of the personal discern!ent +orkin s of the heart and li*e in so!e pretty scary !ental delusions. (hey sincerely "elie*e theyOre an els in the flesh% "ut +hen -O! around the! - feel like -O! surrounded "y *ultures. Nood thin no"ody in this infor!al net+ork is like that5 -f +anted a follo+in % you and - +ouldnOt "e ha*in this discussion% - a"solutely uarantee% and so!e"ody elseOs na!e +ould "e associated +ith or onite cloud"usters "y no+. -n any case% -O! enthusiastically puttin !y life on the line ri ht no+ so that no superstitions +ill attach to our collecti*e +ork and oals. -f - lea*e $tlanta in a pine "o8% you !ay assu!e that -O! !istaken in this approach% thou h the only thin that !i ht actually pro*e is that - ha*e a short attention span and let !y uard do+n at the +ron ti!es V-/ 3eO*e "een at this )uncture a fe+ ti!es since startin this net+ork and the potential is presentin itself a ain% think% around the 2hi*a. -tOs si!ply "ecause this po+erful and effecti*e instru!ent represents the ne8t step in our technolo y and only one !an kno+s ho+ to !ake the! and is not tellin anyone else% +hich is certainly his "irthri ht. -O! not a controllin person at all% "ut - do +ant *ery !uch to keep this effort +ithin the real! of shared e8perience and non-e8clusi*e% indi*idual e!po+er!ent. - suspect that if #ark doesnOt play his cards ri ht% eKually effecti*e instru!ents +ill pop into the drea!s of !any people. 9eOs ot a !ar*elous chance to create +ealth and independence for hi!self and to educate !illions of ea er and talented souls in the short ter!. 3hen Carol and - +ere i*en the para!eters for the "asic CB and 99 +e i!!ediately "roadcast the! after ha*in tested the! thorou hly. 3eOll pro"a"ly et rich fro! that +hen the opportunity presents itself% and +eO*e certainly prospered indirectly fro! it due to our increased notoriety "ecause !ore people ha*e heard of our zappers in the process. - kno+ in !y "ones% thou h% that if -Od adopted an e8clusi*e or proprietary approach to this -Od either "e out of the a!e "y no+ or so!e"ody else +ould ha*e in*ented these or si!ilar de*ices in the first place. C"s+ork noted that so!e"ody like !e had to initiate this effort "ecause it +as necessary for so!eone +ithout uile or an un"alanced e o and +ith so!e hard-+on !aturity to foster and shepherd its rapid disse!ination. +rote and disse!inated !y first report t+o years a o )ust "ecause the feds +ere snoopin up our dddes and +e ot pretty spooked "y that and needed so!e fast notoriety in order not to +ind up as fatality statistics. 6ortunately% three people .zapper custo!ers/ offered to share it +ith so!e e8tensi*e e- roups and lists at the ti!e and the 1azis "acked off. 3e +ere on the road in the first place "ecause these cretins had )ust shut do+n all the other $!erican zapper !akers on the internet in their on oin 3ar on 9ealin and - felt sure that they donOt like to o after !o*in tar ets% especially uys like !e +ho do their "usiness on the "lack !arket% +hich of course is the only *ia"le !arket in the +orld in its present state of anarchy. ?es% o*ern!ent run "y !urderers is anarchy.
- certainly donOt +ish on anyone +hat led !e to "e +ho - a!% and it pains !e to see people oin throu h the sa!e thin s - did or "ein on the *er e of it +ith the kno+led e that only "y e8periencin se*ere ad*ersity +ill these folks step onto a spiritually producti*e path. -f youO*e ot a naturally pure heart and unpolluted !ind% youOre +ay ahead of the a!e% !y friend. 1o+% et so!e "rass "---s and e8ercise your nati*e cunnin to o alon +ith that and youOll "e a "ona fide threat to tyranny instead of )ust a potential% tender entr`e on the -llu!inati Buffet. 0r onite de*ices tend to push us all in a +onderful% producti*e "ut tranKuil direction% each of us startin fro! +hate*er position +e +ere in +hen +e initiated our o+n efforts. #any folks si!ply ha*e little capacity for heart ener y% and these are the ones +ho represent the "i challen e ri ht no+% - think% "ecause in our +estern cultures the alle ed po+ers that "e ha*e spent i!!easura"le resources o*er !any enerations to create a delusional paradi !% centered in the head% and it takes a lot of years for any of us to +ork our +ay out of that !aze. 3hatOs +orse% +hen people like #ao% 9itler% (a!!y 6aye or DC 7rophet are ascendant !illions of folks +ho ne*er Kuestioned the inad*isa"ility of +orshippin charis!a are dra+n into the fold% +hich is +hat e!po+ers these !onsters. (he stran e part is that all these charis!atic people had a"ys!al personal li*es% full of a"use% "etrayal and !anipulation "y the pro ra!!ers% desi ned to !ake the! distrust all others and "elie*e only +hat their handlers fed the!. 7oor 2hirley #acJaine is a ood e8a!ple of that. By the +ay% - once heard that +hen (a!!y 6ayeOs !akeup +as re!o*ed% it +as disco*ered that sheOs actually <i!!y 9offa% "ut - need so!e *alidation "efore -Oll "elie*e that. $re any of you feelin ed y "ecause of 7resident Cu)oOs alle ed +ar on 2adda!R Bead the latest issue of 27DC(B@# for so!e )uicy stuff a"out that ad*enture +hich youOll ne*er hear Dan Bather talk a"out% okayR +ant to *isit the editors in (ehachapi if possi"le. - ne*er pitch !yself to !edia people "ut -Od dearly lo*e to et so!e of our stuff in there. -n ri and Don Cassel "oth a reed +ith !e that -O! )ust too +eird to +rite for their pu"lication% (9D -D$90 0B2DBFDB% so -O! really lad <erry #orton +as picked to do that spread for the!. (hey told !e that -O! not too +eird to contri"ute so!ethin to 27DC(B@#% thou h and they discussed us +ith the editors there. (hanks so !uch% Donna and Bo"erto Carrillo% for introducin this to Don and -n ri Cassel5 3hat !akes Carol and - e8tre!ely happy is that +hen all the !ilitia folks out there ha*e read a"out to+er "ustin in that reputa"le under round pu"lication +e !ay find that all of the to+ers +ill soon "e disa"led across 1orth $!erica. (ake that% you fake- o*ern!ent 1azis5 9ardy 9ar 9ar 9ar555 Fictory !ay "e close at hand% folks5 (hereOs so !uch ood stuff happenin that -O! hearin a"out in pri*ate e!ail that itOs no lon er possi"le to e*en keep track of it all% !uch less report it% so youOll only "e ettin the hi h spots fro! !e for the duration. 2 t 2hultz has B@2(DD 6t. Je+is .the peri!eter is o*er ninety !iles/% for instance% ha*in +aited% prudently% for his 2uccor 7unch to arri*e fro! <esse% +ho! -O! e8tre!ely pleased to learn is still in the a!e. -t took hi! :L 99 s and PL (o+er Busters. #arty .the 2ar e/ is the fello+% you re!e!"er% +ho sho+ed !e ho+ to !onitor the "ustin of a to+er +ith a EapChecker last !onth. Neor Bitschl% the Ner!an .e8patriate li*in in 2. $frica and father of +++.or !enace to lo"al tyrants% ot the upper hand +ith his 7o+er+and after so!e rather intense soul-searchin . -O*e ne*er !et anyone +ho has assi!ilated so !uch infor!ation in such a short ti!e and "e an Doin 2o!ethin a"out tyranny +ith such total co!!it!ent and usto. Nood thin heOs on our side% ehR Nre Bro+n% +ho ro+s +or!s in 6lorida .in the soil% of course/ has apparently in*ented a free ener y de*ice that char es "atteries an infinitu!. - had to *isit hi! in order to et a clear picture of ho+ he did that. -Oll repeat his e8peri!ent and see if it can "e done outside a *orte8. 9e li*es in a "i one and -O*e ot so!e *ery s+eet% )uicy oran es fro! the tree "eside +hich is his cloud"uster V-/
Do!inic in $ustralia a*e !e the phone nu!"er of ODa*eO in (a!pa% +ho !akes and sells e8tre!ely ood (esla coils for a reasona"le price. 3e spent the !ornin in (a!pa +ith Da*e "efore oin to Nre and $n ie Bro+nOs lo*ely ho!e to the south in Bradenton. -t +as only as +e +ere partin that - learned his last na!e: #cCinnon. - used to listen faithfully to his international radio pro ra! in the nineties +hen he +as president of the -nternational (esla 2ociety. - +as pleased to "e a"le to connect hi! +ith 3ilhel! #uller% in*entor of the !a net !otor/ enerator. #uller had a de!onstra"le free ener y en ine lon "efore that fake% Col Bearden% announced to the planet in 1MM4 that% after !eticulous searchin and testin % there +ere 10 *ia"le free ener y de*ices in e8istence in our :D real!. 3hat a cruel )oke "y hi! and the other C-$ liars5 #uller had undenia"ly de!onstrated his de*ice to a +hole lot of en ineers and scientists "y then in Ner!any% 1orth $!erica and e*en China. - played +ith that po+erful en ine in Bill #ullerOs "ase!ent in British Colu!"ia se*eral ti!es fi*e and si8 years a o. Da*e sent us to see #ike in 2arasota for a enerous de!onstration of the (esla Coil for our assess!ent of its potential for "oostin or onite de*ices% so +e picked Nre up on the +ay. (hat deser*es another post "ut suffice to say that a (esla coil puts out a !assi*ely stron or one field that char es up all or onite de*ices e8ponentially for !any% !any hours after spendin fi*e !inutes or so in the presence of a po+ered-up coil. ?ou can "et -O! ettin one as soon as - et ho!e5 (he "ystanders also et char ed up% +hich finally let !e understand +hy so!e people lo*e fiddlin +ith these thin s so !uch V-/ $fter spendin a ni ht in the Bro+nsO +onderful *orte8 it reKuired an effort to lea*e% as these folks are t+o of the rare indi*iduals +ith +ho! Carol and - feel perfectly rela8ed and co!forta"le. Cristina 2chepps of +++.po+erpyra!! has concei*ed an addition to her de*ices% +hich pro*es to "oost the! into the stratosphere of potential re ardin hu!an de*elop!ent. 1o dou"t sheOll share all the details of that +hen sheOs ready for production% as sheOs "ased a *ery successful "usiness on the principle that +e fa*or% +hich is that !ost people +ant to kno+ ho+ these thin s are !ade "ut they usually prefer to pay for the! V-/ <ust to tease you% -Oll let out that itOs a replica of the Cin Os Cha!"er in the "i pyra!id at Niza% desi ned to hold an enhanced 7o+er 7ack a la Dric 1u*er in 9olland and other syner istic ne+ oodies. Carol ot to play around +ith the cha!"er prototype and sheOs e8tre!ely i!pressed +ith its apparent potential. Nood one% Cristina5 -t +as nice to finally !eet her and 9u""y% Col. 2te*e% in #ia!i ri ht "efore +e "usted 9o!estead. 3e feel so pleased to "e associated +ith these fine folks. -t took !e three or four !onths% a couple of years a o% to persuade Cristina to !ake her first 99 % "y the +ay% "ecause this petite youn accountant had a repu nance for resin. 9er ne+ !atri8% +hich she dyes% is *irtually non-to8ic and !akes an interestin te8ture after castin . - think the thin that kept !e perse*erin +ith her in the early days +as that she often Kuoted parts of the dialo ue in #01(? 7?(901O2 90J? NB$-J in her e!ail to !e. Ceep checkin her site for the na!e of that resin% okayR 2heOs like us and en)oys sharin instructions and infor!ation. ?ou can see that +eO*e "een ha*in lots of fun !eetin our co-conspirators on this trip. 1o+ itOs ti!e to o "ack to 2atan*ille .$tlanta/ to knock out the rest of the to+ers "efore the end of the !onth% +ith (i! D)e!"e!onOs and 2te*en 3hiteOs a"le and resolute colla"oration% at least. -Od "etter pick up !y der*ish outfit at the cleaners. - hope they ot the stain out. fDon Croft
Episode 5! Pri'ate #roftEs Mar3h from the Sea By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcLSpri*atecrofts!archtosea&4!ar':.sht!l #arch &4% &'': 2ince -,! in Neor ia and since -,! sort of doin the opposite of +hat Neneral 2her!an did here in the Ci*il 3ar% - fi ure it,s okay to put a rank in front of !y na!e. -t +as the rank - held at the end of !y !ilitary career in 1M6M and it,s the opposite of Neneral% as it turns out V-/. $lso% since - started !y coast to coast hi h+ay iftin ca!pai n on the "each east of 2a*annah% this title da+ned on !e after Cen $dachi su ested usin the "road the!e of 2her!an,s !arch of !ayhe! and destruction in the title of one of !y posts/articles. <ud in "y the 6B-% 12$% Delta 6orce% etc. ra"id reaction to our acti*ities in $tlanta% - kno+ that +e,re co!!ittin !ayhe! to their collecti*e satanic a enda here in the heart of 0le Di8ie. $fter the 6B- fake police inti!idated our "lack $tlanta associates out of participatin in our acti*ities% Carol% (i! 0,Donnell .>D)e!"e!onA on the foru!s/% and - i!!ediately ot to +ork "ustin the 9$$B7% satanic sites% and under round "ases +ithin the peri!eter of -nterstate &PL% +hich circles the city. (hat +as on (i!,s day off and the ne8t day% Carol and - finished off +hat +as left of the 9$$B7 arrays% +hich resulted in characteristic "lue skies and puffy +hite clouds. (he che!trails o*er the city +ere disappearin fast% "ut outside the peri!eter% all around% there +ere still 9$$B7 sky !olestations and lin erin che!trails. 0ur oal has "een to !ake the city,s a!"ience feel "etter than the su"ur"s. 3e continued iftin to+er"usters all the +ay to 6lorida% lea*in one near each to+er alon --PL and other+ise e*ery three !iles alon the route. (here +ere to+ers a"out e*ery three !iles so the (Bs ot to do dou"le duty. 3e sa+ a "i "lue hole o*er the city of $tlanta and the un"usted su"ur"s !aintained the 9$$B7 !ess and lin erin che!trails% as +e,d hoped +ould happen. 3e also sa+ se*eral +hite lenticular clouds +ithin the ed e of the "lue hole% so that +as a nice confir!ation that the 0perators appro*ed and +ere supportin our efforts. Bustin 2orties I 3ar 7rotests 3e "usted the air"ase in #arietta +ith three 99 s as +e +ere lea*in and Carol said the 3in !akers +ere holdin do+n the ener y until ri ht "efore +e could lea*e the area% as the satanic feds +ere Kuite incensed that +e +ere iftin that "ase% +hich is !ostly under round and connected +ith Jockheed. $s al+ays% +e dro*e slo+ly "y the !ain ate and +a*ed +ildly to the feds in there as +e left the area. 0ne fed!o"ile% typically one +ith a "oss a ent% dro*e ri ht "y us and o"*iously didn,t see us after +e put do+n 99 nu!"er (+o on the far side of the "ase "ecause he +as dri*in erratically and turnin do+n side roads% searchin frantically for us% Carol said. - think the 0perators +ere hidin us "ecause +e didn,t take any precautions that ti!e. ?ou can do that% too% of course% and they,ll co*er your "utt. <ust pick a really )uicy tar et and et "usy. Carol and - spent a +eek in 6lorida ri ht after that% +hich - +rote a"out in the pre*ious article/post and - returned to spend the rest of #arch "ustin the deathforce trans!itters in $tlanta to ensure that the custo!ary su!!er s!o +on,t occur this year and also to ensure that $tlanta +ill not "e successfully su")ected to !artial la+ if 7resident Cu)o turns out to "e e*en !ore a"ys!ally stupid than +e all thou ht and declares that state in $!erica at the "ehest of his dis ustin operators. (i!,s "een fil!in the $tlanta +ar protests and placin or onite de*ices in those locations to ensure that no"ody ets hurt "y the unla+fully esta"lished local police or incited to *iolence "y the feds, a ent pro*ocateurs. 0ur hope is to do so!e fil!in to ether of his instructional docu!entary on !akin cloud"usters% 99 s and to+er"usters and "ustin trans!itters% under round nukes/"ases and satanic sites. - understand he,s ot Kuite a lot of foota e of feds on fil! V-/ 1o +onder that 12$ killer tried so hard to run hi! off the hi h+ay. (hankfully% (i! e8perienced the )oy of usin the 2hi*a on that uy% so hasn,t seen hi! since then. (he )erk +as actually stalkin (i! after tryin to kill hi!. - +ish they,d ro+ the "adds to stalk Carol and -. - could use the psychic e8ercise.
-,! sure e*eryone,s noticed "y no+ that these protests are attended "y people fro! across the social% political% ender% a e and racial spectru!% rather than )ust "y leftists% as happened predo!inantly durin the Fiet 1a! 3ar protests. -,! lad to see that so!e rassroots protests are takin place% since all +ar is redundant no+% as +ell as ine8cusa"le. 1e+ I 0ld 9$$B7 (o+ers (here are a half dozen *ery lar e% sort of uniKue 9$$B7 arrays in $tlanta and a dozen !ore of the old style +eather +arfare arrays. - think !ost of the "ad +ork +as "ein done "y the taller% ne+er ones. Bi ht after +e "usted one of the "i ones +e did a little shoppin near"y and a half hour after "uryin the sin le% s!all 99 +e sa+ fro! the parkin lot a couple of !iles a+ay that three !en +ere ridin up one of the uy ca"les in a ca eG a sort of ele*ator. - looked at the! throu h the "inoculars and they all ot out +hen they ot to the "i platfor! at the top of the thousand foot to+er and +andered around% scratchin their heads for a "it% then piled "ack in the ca e and +ent "ack do+n. Carol ot into their heads and said they already kne+ that +e,d "een there "ecause the thin si!ply stopped +orkin +ithout any apparent technical cause and that they +ere )ust oin up there to shut the "oss up. (hey think +e,re usin !a ic V-/ and apparently this pro)ect +e,re all en a ed in% is ettin Kuite a reputation a!on the +orld re i!e,s "otto! run flunkies as +ell as a!on its !iddle !ana e!ent and the o*erlords. Carol said that t+o uys on !otorcycles +ho passed (i! and - on the hi h+ay in the !ountains yesterday +ere supposed to kill us% "ut that +e,re *ery +ell protected. (hey sort of lared/leered at us as +e passed the! a ain at a stop si n and - didn,t think !uch of it at the ti!e% "ut (i! picked up on their !alintentions and asked !e to ask Carol a"out the!. (i!,s a lot !ore a+are of that stuff than - a!% also !uch !ore sensiti*e and attuned to freKuencies and fields.
6ed Chu!!in R (his afternoon% as - +as +rappin up !y e!ail% - stepped out of the Eapporiu! and encountered t+o fed!o"iles parked ri ht ne8t to !e. - can only see out the "ack +hen -,! inside the ca!per. - looked closely at "oth of the! and the nearest one froze in terror and stared at !e% like a deer cau ht in headli hts. - "et she +as a fed psychic. +ent into the store to et so!ethin % "ut they +ere "oth one +hen - ot "ack% of course. (he +o!an had parked there for o*er an hour "ecause - sa+ her dri*in into the parkin spot earlier% studiously a*oidin lookin into the Eapporiu! in the process V-/ - +as at the far end of the lot +here no"ody else +as parked. -,*e stopped +hackin the psychic and physical *isitors in order to "ait the! into ettin a little "older so - can ha*e "etter tar ets in a day or so. - still ha!!er the fed hackers e*ery ti!e !y co!puter slo+s do+n +hile on the net "ecause - )ust don,t +ant to encoura e that at all. -t only happens once or t+ice a day no+V until - ot strict +ith the!% thou h% it +as happenin e*ery fe+ !inutes% day in and day out. (hat only stopped +hen started oin after !iddle and upper !ana e!ent each ti!e - ot !olested electronically "y one of their stoo es. (hey,*e ot so!e hi h le*el hackers% too% so +hen you et hits fro! the! it !eans the flunkies ha*e pro"a"ly refused to !ess +ith you any !ore. (he "i ti!ers ha*e !ore finesse% "ut are still easy !eat for the 7o+er+and and/or 2hi*a. Carol said the feds took a fresh approach for a +hile and only assi ned non-killers in the daisy chain of co!!and a"o*e the chu!p hackers and peekers. (hat only lasted a fe+ days "ecause she kept puttin thou hts into their heads that they,re +orkin for a "loodstained% satanic or anization% not a *ia"le or e*en la+ful political one. - don,t think they,*e ot !any patriots left in their !ana e!ent cadres these days V-/ "ecause they +ent "ack to usin predators shortly after that e8ercise. 3e +ere +onderin +hy the "osses +eren,t ra""in their chests and fallin out of their chairs% +hich is +hat led to Carol ettin into their pointy heads. 7o+er+and I 2hi*a 2o!e of you uys ha*e "een tellin !e of the !ar*elous e8periences you,re ha*in +ith your ne+ 7o+er+ands% "ut you,re not postin the!. - don,t kno+ +hy that is% "ut - e8pect that you,ll do so +hen you feel like it and -,!
not too put off "y that% since - kno+ ho+ +onderfully e!po+erin these de*ices are. 7eople i*e !e too !uch credit for intelli ence and sensiti*ity% still% in spite of e*idence to the contrary. - don,t understand all the social dyna!ics happenin in the foru!s% "ut -,ll try not to rock the "oat any !ore than necessary. 1o+ that #ark 9ooten has Kuit his )o"% -,! "ackin hi! a hundred percent. - a ree +ith Carol that ideally% +e should each ha*e a 7o+er+and and a 2hi*a "ecause they au !ent each other so +ell. $s - !entioned in the pre*ious episode% +hen Carol took the 2hi*a ho!e last +eek% - felt a distinct drop in !y o+n effecti*eness. 6or creatin a shield% thou h% the 73 still see!s to "e superior and - appreciate this "uffer "ecause - don,t ha*e to "e on uard so !uch any !ore. 2e*eral other folks +ith ne+ 73s ha*e e!ailed !e +ith si!ilar o"ser*ations% "ut don,t think any of the! are postin their e8periences. 6or +hat it,s +orth% +e,re feelin that #ark can si!plify his de*ice and !ake it "oth easier to !ake and cheaper to "uy. -,! riskin puttin !y foot in !y !outh "y sayin this% of course% "ut if it leads to !ore people ha*in 2hi*as% sooner% -,ll "e *indicated. (here ha*e "een a lot of assertions !ade a"out the *arious coils in the 2hi*a% for instance% "ut no e*idence has "een offered to "ack those clai!s up. - kno+ it takes an a+ful lot of ti!e to +ind those thin s. 3hat -,d like to see is so!e sensory research data in support of these coils. C"s+ork and - did so!e infor!al coil for! research in Jos $n eles on !y last *isit and +hen Carol ets there ne8t !onth% you can "et +e,ll "e e8tendin that inKuiry. 9e +ants !e to illustrate the ener y fields he,s seein around all the de*ices% "ut that +ill ha*e to +ait a "it. - ot the concepts fro! hi!% "ut it takes !e a lot of ti!e to !ake illustrations. 2ince he and Carol can see ener y for!s fro! coils% +e !ay "e ettin into so!e serious confa"s shortly% since -,! the one +ho can et the :D shapes ri ht. 2ince - apply hi h standards to !y o+n assertions% -,! not shy a"out insistin that others do the sa!e% especially since - kno+ that this practice is one of the features that attracts "alanced% rational people to our pro)ect and discoura es those +ho are inclined to "lind i!itation and do !atic assertions. (he latter are !ore like "a a e than supporters and +e need to keep this !o*in for+ard% since +e,re only scratchin the surface of the potential of this !aterial and ri ht no+% +e,re all the cuttin ed e in en*iron!ental healin and perhaps e*en tyrant "ustin . -f you,re doin so!e e8peri!entin fro! +hich you,*e otten no results yet% please post your +ork in pro ress% okayR - think a lot of us ha*e so!e of that oin on and it,s al+ays "etter +hen there,s !ore dialo ue% especially since there,s no sti !a attached to Hfailure, here. - kno+ that so!e e8peri!ents need !ore +ork to et the! to the sta e +here data can "e retrie*ed. (he !ini CB that (i! !ade and +e left +ith 9u h Jo*el in 1orth Neor ia has one of the Je!urian seed crystals in it that #arc #elton% C"s+ork% Cu+ait Diane% #ark 9ooten% and se*eral others had incorporated in or onite de*ices in an atte!pt to create an e8tended field. - hope you uys +ill keep ha!!erin a+ay +ith this and look for so!e data. - ot a distinct i!pression at 9u h,s that so!ethin ,s happenin +ith that. -f anyone thinks that -,! do+n on this sort of research% please ad)ust your attitude% okayR -f you think it e*en !atters +hat - think% do like 2tuart <ackson does and i nore !e in that !ode% okayR $"orted Cala!ities $ lot of the stuff - +rite a"out can,t "e supported +ith any e*idence. 6or instance% C"s+ork% Carol% !yself% and others ha*e routinely stopped the fake o*,t fro! "lo+in up so!e @2 cities in the past nine !onths. 2o!eone +ill et a psychic hit that the o*,t is plannin to co!!it !ass !urder in order to et us closer to !artial la+% and our astral in*esti ators et the particulars and +e si!ply stop the! +ith our de*ices. - can tell you it,s otten a lot easier to do that since +e ot the 2hi*as and 7o+er+ands5 - still "elie*e that it +on,t take *ery !any of us% oin after the +hole hierarchy each ti!e +e e8perience e*en the sli htest !olestations fro! any of the secret police psychics% hackers% helicopter pilots% street peekers% etc.
By the +ay% 9u h Jo*el told us yesterday that !olten steel% for!erly the "ase support irders% +as found puddled in the "ase!ent of the 3(C a +eek after the collapse of the "uildin and he "elie*es "oth "uildin s +ere "rou ht do+n +ith plutoniu! tro!"one-case nukes in the "ase!ent. 7retty cool assertion% ehR ;Dd. 1ote: 7hil 2chneider noted the sa!e thin +ith !olten% e8truded re"ar +ith the first "o!"in of the 3(C in 1MM:V a *ery hi h yield ther!o de*ice !ust ha*e "een used to et that effect= -,! a+fully lad to see that e*en folks +ho! -,d thou ht lacked the chutzpah to stand up to these )erks are doin e8actly +hat +e,re doin +ith the 7o+er+and. -n the short ter!% others can psychically share the fe+ 2hi*as that are out and a"out% +ith the o+ners, per!ission perhaps. Donna Carrillo connected +ith Carol,s 2hi*a on our *isit to her house in late <anuary and has used it se*eral ti!es to help herself and others out of so!e ti ht spots that +ere en ineered "y the secret police psychic predators. - don,t kno+ +hat the para!eters are for that yet% "ut -,! hopin it +ill "eco!e co!!on practice until #ark ets !ore of the de*ices out on the !arket. 0f course there,s no real su"stitute for ha*in one. $ 1e+ 6rontier 9as anyone e*er openly and acti*ely opposed secret police a encies "eforeR - kno+ that if +e don,t do this no+% +e +on,t "e a"le to do it fro! our under round ca es if +e fail to stop the! fro! ettin their political +ishes. $ stitch in ti!e sa*es nine% and +hile they are still secret they,re *ulnera"le to us. Be!e!"er that all police are enforcers. 3ithout the secret police a encies such as the 6B- and 12$/C-$ to !urder and "ully the populace into docility% this fake federal o*ern!ent +ouldn,t last a +eek. Jet,s all see )ust ho+ !uch healin +e can e8ert on this ailin "ody politic in the co!in !onths. 3e can accurately consider this fake o*ern!ent a cancerous tu!or in the "ody of the nation and the secret police as the poisons produced "y the tu!or to consolidate and e8tend its o+n he e!ony. - first learned% se*en years a o% that cheap% si!ple zappers routinely and painlessly cure cancer "y si!ply re*ersin its polarity. -t +as a pretty easy transition to the realization that there !ust "e so!e +ay to perfor! a si!ilar function in order to heal the political situation in !y still-potentially- reat ho!eland. <ust as the "ody has the intelli ence and +ill to heal itself +hen the cause of illness is re!o*ed% the "ody politic of $!erica has the intelli ence and +ill to create a real o*ern!ent a ain here in the a"sence of the forei n o*erlords +ho ha*e so thorou hly and parasitically sickened it o*er the past t+o hundred years and as $!erica oes% so +ill soon follo+ the rest of the +orld. (hat +orks "oth +ays% of course% +hich is +hy $!erica is the only de*eloped nation that,s "ein su")ected to the "latant threat of treasonous tyranny% enocide and ensla*e!ent at the !o!ent. -,! findin !ore and !ore that all the people +ith +ho! - discuss !y "usiness here are not dis!issin it out of hand and are +illin to listen to and consider !y "asic pre!ise: that these ne+ trans!itters are not for cell phones "ut are% in fact% desi ned to facilitate !artial la+. - ha*en,t yet !et anyone +ho "elie*es that +e are )ustified to in*ade another country. (hat,s a iant step for+ard fro! ten years a o% +hen nearly e*eryone supported this re i!e,s attack on -raK and e*en the !ention of Hconspiracies, e*inced reat uffa+s fro! nearly e*eryone - !entioned the! to. 2tuart <ackson noted that he likes !y +ritin "ecause - see thin s in "lack and +hite and a! not afraid to e8press !y opinions% thou h of course he doesn,t a ree +ith all of the!. 9e notes that so!e folks lack the discern!ent to distin uish another,s forcefully stated opinion fro! +hat their heart !ay tell the! is actually true. #ay"e it,s ti!e for !e to !ake another disclai!er so that no"ody +ill foolishly repeat !y opinions as (he (ruth. -f anyone feels discoura ed fro! e8pressin an opposin *ie+ on any su")ect "ecause of the assu!ption that -,ll et !ad or that he/she +ill "e colored as a dissenter% please "anish that notion ri ht no+ and et "usy typin 5 - really do "elie*e that the spark of truth is "est re*ealed "y the clash of differin opinions. C"s+ork +anted !e to do so!ethin a"out the i!a e -,*e perhaps created of hi! as so!e sort of super!an. !entioned that "efore% "ut -,! oin to report the follo+in in order to de!onstrate that - don,t hold his *ie+s
up as the 3ord of 9ank% nor do - a ree +ith all of his technical assertions% thou h of course - +ouldn,t hesitate to lay !y life do+n for hi! if the occasion presented itself. 3ater Nifts - did a lot of +ater iftin on !y !arch fro! the sea a couple of days a o% "ut - didn,t o throu h any of the procedures that C"s+ork so stron ly reco!!ends "ecause 1/ -,! )ust too lazy% &/ - do a lot of +ater iftin % and :/ in !y *ie+% as one e8perienced +ith "oat "uildin +ith fi"er lass and also fiddlin % in !y di*in e8periences% +ith ferrous stuff that,s "een under salt +ater for decades% our de*ices +ill all last for !any% !any years "efore the sea disa"les the! and "y that ti!e there +ill "e #-JJ-012 of people iftin the +aters of this planet% !ost likely +ith !aterials that are far superior than +hat any of us ha*e co""led to ether. 3hen - +as last +ith C"s+ork and +e +ere creatin our arsenal for the reser*oir *orte8 and 2an Bernardino% he carefully de!onstrated and e8plained to !e each step of the construction of his +ater ifts. - si!ply nodded and kept !y !outh shut "ecause he,s a Capricorn and a enius and +ill do thin s his +ay% co!e hell or hi h +ater and of course% +hat he +as doin so lo*in ly +as !ar*elous% any+ay. 3hen - +as a teena er on Nua! in the !iddle 1M6's% there +as still a lot of +ar !ateriel left on the island and under the +ater. -t,s a fact that the <apanese tanks and uns that +ere e8posed to air +ere in !uch +orse shape than the steel artifacts that +ere su"!er ed in salt +ater .- often encountered une8ploded steel artillery shells in !y aKuatic +anderin s and once found a 1ML' 2tude"aker +ith a pristine "ody at the "otto! of the har"or. (his +as e8plained to !e as a function of o8y en and salt. (here,s little o8y en under+ater% hence !uch slo+er deterioration of !etal. (here,s little salt in the island air "ut a lot of o8y en and occasional rain% hence the !ore rapid deterioration. -n !y last su!!er of hi h school% - earned a hundred "ucks as a ca!p counselor for ten days and Kuickly "ou ht deck passa e on a little frei hter and spent the rest of the su!!er .includin t+o +eeks into the school year "ecause - lost track of ti!e V-/ in the 7alau -slands% no+ called the Bepu"lic of Belau. 0ne of !y pasti!es +as skin di*in there "ecause the +ater is so clear that you can see al!ost a hundred !eters in so!e places. (here +ere so!e air "attles o*er those islands in 3orld 3ar -- and so!e of the planes are on the "otto! of the la oons and easy to reach on a "reath of air. - re!e!"er sittin in the cockpit of a <apanese Eero fi hter and holdin the handles of the !achine un. - could "arely fit in the cockpit. (he !etal of the skin of the plane +as still shiny and none of the steel parts +ere corroded at all and this +as && years after it +as shot do+n. By the +ay% - once !ade !yself useful there and earned so!e fresh fish in the process +hen so!e kids% +ho had paddled their outri er out into the la oon +here - +as di*in . (hey ot !e to fetch their fishin spears fro! inside the "i coral head +hene*er they !issed their shots .their ar!s +ere too short to reach the spears/. Jater on% - encountered a "i !oray eel in one of those coral heads% "ut - uess - +as protected in those days% too V-/ (hose eels are as fearless% dan erous% and !indless as a typical #an in Black is% so you don,t +ant to et your hand in ran e of their strikes. (hat +as a fun ti!e. But% "ack to the !arch: (he first act - co!!itted +as to spud un t+o to+er "usters into the $tlantic% "eyond the surf% at (y"ee -sland,s coastal "each. - half e8pected so!eone near"y to et !ad a"out the noise and/or Hlitterin ,% "ut a +o!an Kuickly approached !e out of curiosity and +hen - e8plained +hat - +as doin she !entioned that she kne+ so!ethin a"out or one accu!ulators and she +ished !e luck. - tossed a (B into e*ery creek and inlet on the +ay "ack to the city and one ti!e% as - pulled o*er on a "rid e to pitch one o*er the rail% trustin that it +ouldn,t land on a "oater% a !an in a nondescript +hite sedan passed slo+ly "y and parked )ust in front of !e. - +as thinkin that this +as a particularly "old fed% "ut the old uy +as )ust upset that - thre+ so!ethin into the +ater. 3hen - sho+ed hi! one of !y spiffy BB to+er "usters and e8plained "riefly +hat it did for the +ater% he )ust turned his face a+ay and dro*e off. -f -,d kno+n he +ould "e so rouchy% - !i ht ha*e said instead% H6rankly% !y dear% - don,t N-FD a da!n5, since - a!% after all% a leadin
character in a Neor ia +ar scenario. - had to stop and !ake a "unch !ore (Bs that !ornin % so - picked a nice shady spot "y a "oat ra!p and there +ere four old 9$$B7 trans!itters in an array ri ht across the +ater. $ctually% - only noticed one to+er until after - spud unned a (B into the inlet )ust for fun. - did another +hen - sa+ the other to+ers% then another +hen fi ured this +ould "e an opportunity to see if the hea*ier (B -,d )ust !ade +ith BBs +ould o farther. -t did o a"out ten percent farther and had a !ore satisfyin kick and B00# +hen it +ent off. :'-?ear-0ld 9$$B7 $rrays ?ou can spot the old +eather +arfare .+a ed on the population% of course% fro! Day 0ne/ trans!itter arrays "y lookin at the faded red paint. $s a si n painter - kno+ that it takes a"out :' years for red paint to fade that thorou hly and all of the old to+ers +ere painted red and +hite. (hou h 9$$B7 +as ne*er !entioned "efore ten years a o% in fact that crap has "een oin on since the early se*enties on a +idespread "asis. - think all the focus on the $laskan% Bussian and $ustralian "i arrays +as si!ply a distraction. - e8pect CBs+ork to post a co!plete re"uttal to !y clai!s a"out +ater iftin and -,! oin to let hi! ha*e the last +ord "ecause - learned a lon % lon ti!e a o that one si!ply shouldn,t ar ue +ith anyone "orn "et+een Dece!"er &1 and <anuary &1. Bi ht% #elodyR Bi ht% #o!R fDon
Episode 5" >ur .isit 4ith ,ugh *o'e$ By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcLM*isit+ithhu hlo*el&:!ar':.sht!l #arch &:% &'': (i! 0,Donnell and - dro*e up to the !ountains yesterday to *isit +ith 9u h Jo*el at his @nion $ ricultural -nstitute% on Nre Bro+n,s su estion "ecause Nre told !e that 9u h +as *ery interested in our +ork and is a reputa"le pioneer in Biodyna!ic $ riculture% +hich is closely related to the healin +ork +e,re all doin +ith the or onite de*ices. - had read the chapter a"out 9u h in 2DCBD(2 06 (9D 20-J and +as ea er to !eet hi!% so - e!ailed hi! a !eetin reKuest% to +hich he responded i!!ediately and +ar!ly. -,! a+fully lad that (i! ca!e alon % for the pleasant co!pany and "ecause he enerously donated his fine !ini-CB to 9u h% "ut also for another reason that -,ll et into in a "it. (i! fi ured that the !ini +ould "e sufficient% since he,d !ade se*eral full-size ones% so!e of +hich are distri"uted around the area. 0n the +ay "ack to $tlanta% +e could see "y the partin cloud co*er to+ard the south that the !ini had already apparently connected to 2te*en 3hite,s CB field% centered in Cu!!in % Neor ia% +hich is :' !iles north of $tlanta. (ruthfully% )ust to !eet a fello+ pioneer +ho shares our passion for disse!inatin infor!ation and ener y +as refreshin in itself% especially since he is ready and a"le to e8press this in a for!at that,s easily understood% in spite of his e8tensi*e education and technical a"ility. $ll the rest of that enrichin afternoon +as icin on the cake. 2peakin of food% 9u h !akes the "est sushi -,*e e*er eaten. 9e !arinates shri!p .he,s fro! 2outh Jouisiana/ in a special hot sauce "efore he saut`s it% chops it up and adds his o+n fresh *e eta"les and e*en fla8 seed. 9e noted that since shri!p are so lo+ on the food chain they ha*e relati*ely little to8ic !aterial in the!% e*en thou h they,re the ones +ho eat the or anis!s off the "otto!. (he "i er and "i er fish are pro ressi*ely !ore to8ic "ecause of the Kuantities of shri!p and shri!p eaters that they consu!e. - had al+ays )ust accepted the notion that shri!p are !ore to8ic "ecause they,re "otto! feeders. -ndependent thinkin is one of the aspects of a pioneer V-/ 9is attitude is that he,s happy to "e hired "y far!ers to set up and o*ersee the application of his techniKues on their far!s% "ut he,s happier +hen he can teach the! to do that the!sel*es. - didn,t et the sense that he has any proprietary or self-a randizin !oti*es at all. - !ention so!ethin no+ a"out 9u h that he shared +ith us in partin % +hich is that he% like Beich% ca!e to the physical sciences fro! a career in psycholo y. 9e said that his ori inal !oti*e +as to fi ure out a +ay to et so!e ood *e eta"les for his ta"le% as none +ere a*aila"le in the !arkets in those days. 9e,s one of the *ery fe+ people -,*e !et +ho see!s to ha*e a ood understandin of +ho 3ilhel! Beich really +as% thou h 9u h,s +ork is !ore in line +ith Budolf 2teiner,s offerin s. - asked hi! if he thou ht the t+o Nreat 0nes +ould ha*e colla"orated +ell and 9u h feels that 2teiner,s esoteric approach !ay ha*e stuck "adly in Beich,s cra+% "ut -,! "ettin that 2teiner,s de!onstra"le results +ould ha*e earned Beich,s respect% in spite of the latter,s e8pressed disdain for !ystics .ne+ a e nazisR/. #ay"e +e can settle this Kuestion +hen +e,*e all passed on V-/ - had sent this piece to 9u h for his re*ie+ and his only ca*eat +as the follo+in o"ser*ation% +hich is in Kuotes: >(here is a ood chance that 2teiner and Beich +ould ha*e hit it off *ery +ell indeed. (hey "oth had the hi hest re ard for the path of kno+led e of <ohann 3olf an *on Noethe% +ho +as "oth the Nreat 7oet and dra!atist of the Ner!an Culture% "ut also one of its reatest% !ost ori inal scientists. 2teiner% Beich% 2chau"er er--there !ust ha*e "een !any others--all had the hi hest re ard for Noethe. -t +as Noethe +ho !aintained the o"ser*er and
o")ect +ere essentially one% no !atter the pre*ailin "elief in dualis!-- the separation of su")ect and o")ect. 3e didnOt see *indication of that one in physics until 9eisen"er Os (heory of -ndeter!inacy% +hich +as a !a)or !ilestone in the de*elop!ent of Uuantu! #echanics. Dssentially 9eisen"er found that the *ery presence of the o"ser*er and his or her !easurin instru!ents +as a deter!inin factor in the field of in*esti ation. -n other +ords the o"ser*er +as not aloof and isolated fro! the pheno!ena o"ser*ed "ut +as inti!ately linked% and thatOs +hy dou"le "lind studies are the old standard in !edical research. But !ore than that% Noethe "elie*ed the hu!an or anis! and its senses .+hich +e ha*e !ore than L/ are the hi hest and "est instru!ent for o"ser*ation% and that o"ser*ation is an on- oin process if +e are to understand the dyna!ic nature of the uni*erse. (he +orld around us is not fi8ed like a snapshot in a picture "ook or a speci!en pinned to a "oard. (here is an `lan *ital at +ork in the uni*erse and to appreciate its nature and chart its +ea*in % dancin path in the +orld +e !ust sustain our po+ers of o"ser*ation so that +e see ane+ in e*ery !o!ent e*en +hile +e recapitulate +hat +e kno+ of the past. Certainly "oth 2teiner and Beich took these principles of Noethean o"ser*ation to heart% thou h !ost around the! did not.A 2teiner +as certainly not inclined to parrot any of the !ind control phrases or "lind do !as that characterize the pseudo!ystics +ho! Beich pro"a"ly encountered% since the $lice Bailey/$leister Cro+ley consortiu! had ained an o"no8ious% o!nipresent ascendancy o*er !ost of the other representati*es of esoterica "y the ti!e Beich had "eco!e esta"lished in his first career in the early 1M:'s. 2teiner died in 1M&L. 9u h Jo*el,s o+n de!onstra"le results are on his e8peri!ental far! for anyone to see. 2prin hasn,t started Kuite yet in the 2outhern $ppalachians "ut all the plants there are already strainin to e8press their full potential and the leafy reens% first to *olunteer% are *ery tasty and succulent% e*en the ones you,d nor!ally ha*e to cook to eat. - +as surprised to find !yself en)oyin ra+ kale% for instance. 9e ne*er irri ates "ecause one of the fortuitous effects of his +ork is that it rains a"undantly. 3hen +e first set up the &/: scale CB - +as a little cha rinned "ecause it already looked so healthy and *i"rant there% "ut thankfully "efore +e left +e +ere seein so!e uniKue effects% and all of us sa+ so!e D0B Hdrainin , into the tips of the pipes ri ht a+ay. 2ince the CB +orks !ore on the upper at!osphere and 9u h,s technolo y +orks !ore in the lo+er at!osphere there !ay a *ery ood sy!"iosis in the !akin . By the +ay% - prefer 9u h,s ter!% Hdisor anizin ener y, to Hdeadly or one radiation, and he uses the ter! Hether, rather than Hor one%, +hich certainly +orks at least as +ell to descri"e the !atri8 of the uni*erse. 9e +as rather ada!ant that +e find another ter! to use rather than Hcloud"uster, "ecause the traditional cloud"usters are Kuite dan erous to use and nor!ally cause "ad effects alon +ith "enefits. - told hi! that -,! certainly not stuck on the na!e and that -,! +illin to let the !arket decide +hat to call this de*ice. #ay"e -,d "etter look at !y #onte 7ython !o*ies a ain for so!e inspiration for a possi"le ne+ na!e for our i!pro*ed cloud"uster. 9is ed e in a ricultural research is his disco*ery that the plant roots% the!sel*es% are +hat enrich the soil% and his e8tensi*e proof that fertilizers are co!pletely un-necessary as +ell as har!ful to the soil and costly to the far!er has the full potential to co!pletely disa"le and dis!antle the lo"al% che!ical-"ased a ricultural cartel. (hat !akes hi! !y soul "rother% since - kno+ that the hu!"le zapper has the full potential to disa"le and dis!antle the lo"al% che!ical-"ased !edical/dru cartel. (hat,s +hy - use pennies for electrodes% as a political state!ent a"out the true cost of profound healin % on our zapper !odel. 9e,s disco*ered a +ay to encoura e the food-producin plants to take car"on fro! the air .there,s +ay too !uch of that in our at!osphere ri ht no+/ and put it into the soil. (he use of an unco!plicated radionics "roadcaster and alon +ith the syste!atic application .si!ple sprayin / of ho!eopathic solutions o*er the far! causes the plants to "eco!e their o+n fertilizers.
9u h chose a piece of se*erely eroded% de*astated round on +hich to conduct his research so that it can,t "e said that any a!"ient life-enhancin soil properties could account for his success. 3hat apparently caused 9u h to in*esti ate +hat +e,re doin +ith or onite +as Dr. <a!es De#eo,s uncharita"le assess!ents of our +ork. (he latter,s open ad!ission that he had not personally in*esti ated our +ork caused a red fla to o up for 9u h% and he +ent to"! after that and liked +hat he sa+% so he +as happy for the opportunity to !eet !e and discuss this. - told hi! that De#eo,s clai! that he hadn,t in*esti ated our +ork +as not entirely forthco!in "ecause in Dece!"er% &''1% he "ou ht a cloud"uster kit fro! #ichelle Bid ley at +++.elliottco!!! and noticed a short ti!e later% +hile +atchin the +eather channel in a !otel durin one of our trips% that there +as a hea*y concentration of rain around Nreen 2prin s% 0re on .De#eo,s ho!e near $shland/ "ut no+here else in the re ion% and that the stor! had the characteristic or onite-cloud"uster round shape that so !any of us ha*e co!e to lo*e lately. #y +ife% Carol% +ho is telepathic and ha"itually and effortlessly astral tra*els% told !e% soon after% that he had dis!antled the HCroft cloud"uster%, and +e noticed that he didn,t chan e his stand. (i! "rou ht alon his EapChecker and +e had sa*ed a fe+ (o+er"usters and an 99 fro! our hi h+ay iftin e8ercise on the +ay north fro! $tlanta alon 9+y 4''. 9u h had us set the cloud"uster ne8t to his radionics "roadcaster% +hich is !ade in a *ertical% :A dia!eter 7FC pipe and is in a spot +here t+o leylines cross. (i! +as hearin /feelin a freKuency fro! a direction +here 9u h said there +as a to+er. - pointed the CB in that direction and the noise in (i!,s head stopped. - set it "ack upri ht and the noise started a ain V-/ (i!% in the presence of Ben% +ho is 9u h,s current intern% dropped the 99N in the institute,s sli htly sta nant pond so that they can +atch the effects on the +ater durin the co!in days% then +e +ent to+er "ustin to sho+ 9u h so!e instru!ental proof of a "usted to+er. 3e "usted a couple of the closer to+ers% then sa*ed a third one for the de!onstration. 3e ot a hi h readin on the !eter% then - tossed a (B in the "rush. 3e sat in the car% +atchin the needle start to drop% then it !o*ed up a ain instead of continuin to drop. D*entually% +e took the !eter outside and sa+ that stron readin s +ere co!in fro! se*eral directions. 3hen +e arri*ed% (i!% +ho is sensiti*e to !any of the freKuencies that are "roadcast "y these ne+ trans!itters% had ot a stron si nal in his head fro! the to+er% then after - tossed the (B out% he said the field "eca!e diffuse% sort of donut-shaped instead of directional. -t occurred to !e that the feds +ere playin +ith us "y turnin off that to+er "ut directin ener y at us in a scalar fashion fro! se*eral of the un-"usted to+ers% of +hich there +ere a J0( around that little $ppalachian to+n. (he other t+o to+ers sho+ed no stron readin s e*en "efore +e "usted the!% nor did a fourth trans!itter. -t felt likely to !e that they realized the potential that 9u h represents for spreadin this infor!ation to a ne+ roup of people +ith inte rity and a stron sense of co!!it!ent and personal responsi"ility. Be!e!"erin the rather !assi*e% "latant response of the 12$ pa*e!ent artists to !y initial !eetin in Jos $n eles +ith C"s+ork last #ay - had to consider this seriously. (he idea that the secret police +ould do that see!ed unlikely% thou h% e*en to !e% so - )ust shru ed and chalked it up to the fact that 9u h Jo*el +as oin to ha*e to find his o+n proof for the *alidity of this stuff% like all the rest of us ha*e done. (i! pro*ided so!e *indication% thou h% that +e +ere "ein played "y the 12$. 0n the +ay out% only the to+ers +e,d "usted .four/ produced no si nal in the EapChecker and all the others produced characteristically stron si nals as +e dro*e "y the!.
$nother *indication +as the appearance% as +e +ere returnin to the -nstitute after our local iftin e8pedition of the ne+% a!orphous clouds that are characteristically present ri ht after one has "usted a series of deathforce trans!itters. -t has al+ays taken a lot !ore to+er"ustin for !e to et that local effect% "ut the already- *i"rant ener y field that 9u h and de*eloped at the institute% plus the ne+ presence of the !ini-cloud"uster apparently "oosted the effects of disa"lin only four consecuti*e trans!itters. 0f course +e should factor in the presence of !any natural *ortices% since all !ountaintops create the!. - think so!e are !istakin this ne+ cloud for! for che!trail effects% and - !ay "e a *oice in the +ilderness at this point% "ut - ha*e to say that there +ere no spe+planes in the skies o*er 1orth Neor ia that day and e*ery ti!e - o out on iftin e8peditions - see these clouds after -,! done% e*ery sin le ti!e. (hese a!orphous clouds usually turn into thunderheads if -,*e "usted a lot of conti uous to+ers in a drou ht area% "ut - don,t think there are any !ore drou hts left in 1orth $!erica "y no+% thanks apparently to the thousand or t+o or onite CBs out there% so the clouds re!ain in that a!orphous state% appearin and disappearin +ithout any percepti"le pattern. 3hen +e discussed% +ith 9u h and Ben% the o"*ious notion that these to+ers ha*e little or nothin to do +ith cell phones they reco nized that +e +ere pro"a"ly ri ht% +hich !ade !e feel pretty ood% "ecause - had to ad)ust !y paradi ! in relation to eatin shri!p +hen 9u h e8plained that si!ple truth to !e V-/ @nion $ ricultural -nstitute,s +e"site is +++.uniona .co! 9u h,s su"seKuent report: Dear Beaders% $ +eek or so a o on this list there +as so!e discussion a"out the Tcloud"ustersT "ein !ade +illy-nilly% pointed at the sky and left there. - indicated - +anted to see the desi n and ho+ it +as "uilt% "ecause if these +ere cloud"usters as desi ned "y 3ilhel! Beich they +ere al!ost certainly *ery dan erous. -n fact% if such thin s +ere left in operation continuously +e should ha*e heard a"out the disastrous results on the ne+s. .and +e ha*enOt/ 6irst - ot an e-!ail +ith a +e" address and do+nloaded the plans. Clearly it +as 10( a cloud"uster% thou h it appeared to +ork in a so!e+hat si!ilar% thou h far safer% !anner +ith the ether--the li*in or anizational ener ies in the en*iron!ent. (hen yesterday alon +ith (i! 0ODonnell% Don Croft% the uru of these ne+ de*elop!ents *isited !e on his +ay "ack to -daho fro! 6lorida. -t turns out he li*es in #osco+% -daho +here - ha*e !y closest relati*es outside of !y i!!ediate fa!ily. -t +as an interestin *isit. (he de*ice he left +ith !e a!ounted to a t+o allon plastic paint "ucket +ith an array of pipes +ith crystals !ounted at their "ases and the "ucket filled +ith !etal sha*in s and polyester resin% such as you !i ht find sold to "oat !akers. (his !odel% +hich he called a !ini-cloud"uster% +as only a"out L feet tall and +ould fit in the trunk of a car. - talked +ith Don a"out callin this a cloud"uster +hen it +as so different fro! the Beich type cloud"uster and really deser*ed a different na!e so people +ouldnOt "e confused. - ot the i!pression he really listened to !e% usually a ood si n of "ein in a healthy e!otional state. - su ested +e call these thin s che!"usters% and he allo+ed as ho+ he +ould look for so!e ter! that +ould e*oke consensus. Certainly he and (i! appeared to "e healthy and ener etic. - shared so!e sushi - +as !akin --the usual nori and sticky rice +ith fla8 seeds% shredded rape reens and Chinese radish sli*ers .fro! !y arden/ carrot sli*ers% dulse% !arinated li htly saut`ed shri!p and a*ocado-- reat stuff. -t +as a hea*ily o*ercast day% and as Don predicted it started clearin . -t +as clear all ni ht and today is the clearest and prettiest -O*e seen it in se*eral !onths. 2ee!s like +eO*e "een needin this. Bando! happenstanceR
9o+e*er% so!ethin else ca!e to li ht as +ell. Back in early $pril OP4 - +as paintin the ceilin in a "eauty parlor in do+nto+n (oronto on Bloor 2treet. $s it approached !idni ht - +ent do+n the street to a C6C chicken place that closed at the stroke of 1& and ordered the s!allest possi"le "o8 of chicken. - kne+ they had to keep a stock of chicken up to closin ti!e% and if they had any left o*er% +hat could they do +ith itR 2o - told the uy had *ery little !oney% "ut if he had left o*er chicken -Od appreciate so!e. 9e a*e !e a"out P or S pieces. - looked "ehind !e and there +as another $!erican +ho +as doin the sa!e thin % so - talked to hi!. 9e looked like he !i ht "e li*in on the street% so - in*ited hi! to co!e inside +here it +as +ar! and help !e paint. 9e +as tellin !e that he used to "e a )anitor for Bell Ja"oratories% and there +ere t+o scientists there +ho had a theory that the hu!an ner*ous syste! acted as an antenna. (hey calculated the nu!"er of !iles of ner*e fi"er in the hu!an "ody accordin to !easure!ents of the craniu! and spinal colu!n% and they ca!e out +ith a .*ery lon / +a*elen th of "et+een P.S and S 9ertz. $fter "uildin a trans!itter .in the late si8ties this !eant so !any !iles of coils the trans!itter filled a space the size of a s!all house/ they ot a *olunteer off the street. (hey put hi! in a roo! full of )unk +here they had placed t+o pennies under a couch cushion% photo raphed the! and replaced the cushion% and they put hi! in the roo! in a chair +ith the instruction not to et out of the chair under any circu!stances. (hen they "ea!ed hi! +ith the picture and a *er"al instruction to o pick up the pennies. $fter :' !inutes or so of increasin a itation% he )u!ped up% +ent o*er% flipped up the cushion and picked up the pennies. (he scientists rushed in and asked +hat +as he doin . T- donOt kno+.A said the *olunteer% T- )ust 9$D to do it5T (he uy tellin !e the story then said the scientists dis!antled their trans!itter and +rote up their e8peri!ent as a failure. T3hyOd they do thatRT - asked. TBecause they realized they had found the "asis for !ind control.T said !y infor!ant. T- uess they didnOt +ant the o*ern!ent ettin a hold of it.T 0*er the years since then% ho+e*er% - ha*e thou ht a"out this disco*ery and a"out the o*ern!ent ettin a hold of it. $nd -O*e thou ht ho+ co!!on it is for a disco*ery to "e !ade in t+o or !ore places +ith near si!ultaneity. 2o -O*e +atched for si ns that the o*ern!ent is doin )ust the kind of thin these t+o scientists feared. Do you re!e!"er ho+ <ohn JennonOs assassin allo+ed he didnOt ha*e anythin a ainst Jennon. 9e only did it "ecause he had a *oice in his head that told hi! to do it and +ouldnOt o a+ay until he didR $nd do you re!e!"er the 9inckley "oy that !ade that crazy shoot out atte!pt at Bonald Bea an early in his presidencyR al+ays thou ht that +as a +arnin to Bonnie% and that he heeded it% "ut - suppose such thinkin could "e called speculation. (hese are pretty tenuous e*idences% "ut they are enou h to !ake one think. (hey +ere peculiar incidents that thou ht +ere !ore easily e8plained "y technolo ical !ind control than "y anythin else - could think of. 0ne thin - think is not speculation. (he o*ern!ent is not our friend. -t is the nature of o*ern!ents that they seek to control their citizens. 1ot only that% "ut it has "een !y o"ser*ation that in our ti!es in $!erica the e!otional tone that o*er+hel!in ly predo!inates +ithin our o*ern!ent and else+here that - ha*e "een is Co*ert 9ostility. 2o there is al+ays the pretense of T3eOre here to help you.T +hile the reality is other+ise.
(here is a spectru! of e!otional tone fro! apathy and rief all the +ay up to enthusias! and serenity% ran in fro! co!plete dise!po+er!ent do+n at apathy% all the +ay to infinite e!po+er!ent at serenity. (hose in co*ert hostility are )ust e!po+ered enou h to +ant to "lindside others and dise!po+er the!. (hey are not the kind of folks that +ant to see you acco!plish reat thin s. @sually they +ill find reasons to handicap you all they can as lon as you donOt ha*e any hold o*er the!. -n their le8icon control !eans li!it. $ ain it is the nature of o*ern!ents that +hene*er a thin can "e a"used it ends up "ein . (hese thin s et rationalized in a +ide *ariety of +ays. (hin s are set up supposedly for pu"lic "enefit% to help people in spite of the!sel*es. $nd it oes fro! there. 2o -O*e "een +atchin no+ for nearly three decades for si ns of o*ern!ent sponsored !ind control. ?ou kno+% to stop riots% panics% and insur enciesR -t is the o*ern!entOs )o" to do these thin s and to use +hate*er !eans are necessary. Don pointed out that the proliferation of cell phone to+ers +as reater than it see!ed could "e e8plained "y cell phone ser*ice. - thou ht a"out it and so!ethin like L or 6 ne+ cell to+ers ha*e one up in !y county and canOt say cell phone ser*ice has i!pro*ed !uch% if any. -O*e also dri*en do+n an a+fully lot of hi h+ay and -O*e seen !any cases +hen - +ould "e in si ht of% e*en ri ht ne8t to +hat apparently are cell phone to+ers and not otten any cell phone reception% despite the fact - ha*e free roa!in . -n a couple cases -O*e parked near"y and tried and tried. Don see!ed to think that !any of these to+ers ha*enOt anythin to do +ith cell phones% "ut are si!ply !ind control to+ers. But% accordin to hi!% $JJ the cell phone to+ers are fitted out +ith !ind control technolo y as +ell. (hatOs a co!fortin thou ht. - suppose there +onOt "e any riots in #? county. -f it looks like insur ency they can )ust "roadcast for e*eryone to report to the courthouse to "e fitted +ith a collar. (here +ill "e so!e isolated folks in secluded *alleys% "ut as soon as they co!e out on the hi h+ay they +ill "e cau ht up in the "roadcasts. 0n the other hand this sort of thin could "e dan erous% and is a far cry fro! the self- e!po+erin ideals that the @2$ +as founded on and that !ade it such a hot"ed of capa"ility. 2ure the o*ern!ent !ust keep the populace under control and safe. (rou"le is the !ost under control and the safest is dead. Don see!ed to think he !i ht ha*e the ans+er to this. 9e !akes a plu a"out the size of a hockey puck "ut thicker +ith his resin/!etal or anite around a crystal and a "it of he!atite and calls it a Tter!inator.T 9e clai!s if he chunks this +ithin a Kuarter !ile or so of one of these !ind control to+ers that it feeds "ack into the to+er and shuts it do+n. 9e had a !eter that !easured electro!a netic pulses and +e +ent out to *isit to+ers. 2ure enou h they pulse pretty stron ly. 9o+e*er% thou h +e ter!inated a fe+ to+ers - couldnOt see! to et conclusi*e e*idence +ith the !eter that +e had shut the! do+n. (he first one !ay ha*e "een shut off as soon as any e*idence appeared on the instru!ents +here*er these thin s are !onitored. Don see!ed sure the to+ers +ere !onitored and that see!s plausi"le enou h. (he ne8t one a*e off a ood si nal% "ut after +e chunked the ter!inator out the si nal faded fro! the to+er and yet +e started to pick up stron pulses fro! se*eral different directions. 2o!e kind of a "ack-up syste! +e didnOt kno+ a"outR (he third to+er ne*er a*e off !uch of any si nal fro! the start. Did they shut it do+n ahead of usR - +ant to see !ore e*idence alon these lines. -n any e*ent it see!s clear that if these to+ers are !ind control to+ers or dou"le as !ind control to+ers% they are not ready to send out the si nal for all persons to report for collars or i!plants yet. 3ere Don and (i! sufferin fro! hyperacti*e i!a inationsR (hey see!ed to ha*e a *ariety of stories to tell a"out their encounters +ith T!aintenanceT personnel% +ho! they "elie*ed +ere actually o*ern!ent a ents--the kind of thin one !i ht e8pect as shared paranoid fantasies. (hou h these t+o see!ed other+ise healthy and e!otionally Kuite up"eat. -t +ould "e easy to dis!iss this as paranoia% and it is in*itin to do so fro! the *ie+point one +ouldnOt ha*e to
think any further a"out it. 1onetheless this could "e !ore than !ere paranoia% and - in*ite people to (9-1C for the!sel*es. - also caution the nai*e that )ust "ecause they donOt kno+ anyone +ho +ould set up a !ind control syste! and use it to round up dissidents for e8ecution alon +ith controllin the population does 10( !ean such people do not e8ist. -t does not take !any i*in the orders. $ fe+ +ill do% and a fe+ such folks a!on us is 10( so hard to i!a ine. - +ill say this a"out the che!"uster that Don and (i! "rou ht !e. 1ot only +as today the clearest in recent !e!ory althou h the forecast +as partly cloudy% "ut at 6 p.!. - happened to notice P )ets o*erhead spe+in out contrails in *arious directions. 1one of the contrails sur*i*ed !ore than a fe+ !inutes after their e!ission. 3as this thin +orkin R 7erhaps so. (he pheno!ena +ere +hat - +as told to e8pect and that is +hat occurred thou h it +as *ery definitely not in the forecast. 1or!ally +hen a clearin of the ether occurs like this rain is only a fe+ days a+ay. Bain is forecast here in t+o !ore days. 3eOll see. Best% 9u h 72: - find talkin to another friend out near 2t. Jouis that he !akes a pocket sized circuit instru!ent that he says +ill neutralize the !ind control "roadcast syste! for indi*iduals. Do these uys sound like they are around the "end or on top of itR 6ro! +hat - kno+ of the! in other respects - tend to think they are the latter. 9J
Episode 6& >ur Meeting 4ith 1ar$ ,ans We$9 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc6'!eetin +ithkarl+elz':apr':.sht!l $pril :% &'': -t so happened that the !an +ho introduced or onite to the !arket li*es near $tlanta and he in*ited (i! 0,Donnell and - o*er to et acKuainted. -t +as pretty late on 2aturday ni ht "y the ti!e +e ot there "ecause -,d taken so!e +ron turns% ha*in still failed to et used to $tlanta,s uniKue street and hi h+ay layout after disa"lin all the ne+ !ilitary trans!itters in the city durin the pre*ious !onth. Carl ca!e into a scientific approach to radionics and re!ote ener y +ork fro! a "ack round of Bunic #a ic. 9e +asn,t forthco!in a"out ho+ he started +orkin +ith or onite "ut that didn,t surprise !e% since !ost Duropean pioneers play their cards pretty close to the chest and - didn,t !ention it "eyond a casual inKuiry. - did let hi! kno+ that +e,re all deeply inde"ted to hi! for introducin this disco*ery% thou h. -,d kno+n fro! !y first *isit to his +e" site in 1MMS that he,d found a +ay to enerate or one% +hich is the ne8t lo ical step "eyond accu!ulatin it. Carl +ould say that or onite is an accu!ulator% and that,s technically correct% "ut in effect% accordin to the research that Carol and - ha*e done +ith it one can say that it also enerates or one% since it con*erts a!"ient deadly or one% or Hdisor anizin ener y%, as 9u h Jo*el calls it% into healthy or one. 0ne !i ht ar ue that so!ethin can,t "e otten fro! nothin % unless one ackno+led es the (aoist notion that nothin is really so!ethin V-/ since the uni*erse is ar ua"ly a sea of potential fro! +hich ener y and !atter !anifest% it !ay )ust "e another +ay of sayin the uni*erse is a sea of ether/or one/chi/lifeforce% etc. 3hene*er so!eone asks !e to e8plain ho+ or onite +ork - ha*e to lau h a little "it% since ans+erin that is like e8plainin the (ao. -t )ust +orks and no a!ount of intellectual calisthenics +ill "rin an understandin of the funda!entals% +hich need to "e felt% to "e understood. -,d say that Carl 3elz pushes the en*elope !ore than anyone else in ter!s of definin +hat one !i ht do to influence one,s o+n life and en*iron!ent throu h the intelli ent application of the co!"ination of or onite and si!ple electronics. 9is attitude is that a principle !ust "e reduced to its si!plest concei*a"le for! "efore it can "e considered useful. (he do!ain of !a ic +as e8clusi*e until the old paradi ! "e an fadin into o"scurity. 1o+ it,s a*aila"le to anyone +ho has the inclination to e8plore its uses. -n his o+n +ords: 2o!eti!es% in the course of your +ork% you +ill "e introduced to +ords and techniKues that !ay or !ay not cause su"conscious fears and dou"ts. 0ne of these +ords is >!a ickA. $ctually% +hat !ost people call >!a ickA is nothin "ut action at a distance that you can achie*e +ith the help of structural links and life force% i.e.% it is functionally identical +ith radionics. ?ou +ill learn !ore a"out structural links later5 -t is a +ell-kno+n fact that the sa!e people +ho used such !ethods e8tensi*ely to+ards their o+n selfish ends ori inally i!planted these fears and dou"ts. - norance +as al+ays the safest !ethod to do!inate lar e parts of the population5 2o +e decided to use the +ord >!a ickA and other si!ilar +ords +hene*er they are the "est choice to accurately descri"e +hat,s happenin +hen you +ork to achie*e positi*e per!anent solutions. 3e had a peek at his top of the line de*ice% the $(N2 :'''% +hich can "e ad)usted to apply t+el*e different freKuencies throu h the t+el*e arcs that correspond to the zodiac% all arran ed around and throu h a rin of or onite% the +itness !aterial "ein placed in the center section. Coincidentally .5/ - )ust ot an e!ail !essa e fro! a fello+ +ho is interested in applyin the <yotish confi uration of the "irthday of the 9indu prophet% Ba!% to Carl,s de*ice in an effort to !ake so!e thin s happen re ardin the destruction of tyranny in the +orld. (he fello+ +as a little scared to try it% "ut - encoura ed hi! "ecause - feel sure that nothin "ad can happen throu h the application of an or onite-"ased de*ice% includin Carl,s $N(2 :'''.
$s anyone kno+s% so!e thin s can "e confir!ed "y scientific researchV so!e thin s si!ply can,t "e. Carl focuses on pro*in his de*ices usin "lind studies and repetition and if anyone,s interested in learnin !a ic% reco!!end his courses si!ply "ecause - ha*e deep respect for his !ethods% inte rity and enius. Carl and (i! are ni ht o+ls "ut -,! in the ha"it of oin to "ed "y ten and it +as that late +hen +e arri*ed. 6ortunately% Carl !ade us so!e *ery fine Fiennese coffee and +e had a reat ti!e until +ell past !idni ht. (he sad part for !e is that - !issed !eetin his lo*ely +ife. Carol and - +ill return in the fall to see +hat +e can all do to pro!ote our co!!on interests and - plan to sho+ up at an earlier hour then. 3e +ere treated to a sort of tour of the etiolo y of his +ork% +hich centers on +ays to cause ener y to !anifest in re!ote locations. -,*e pro!ised not to directly di*ul e the proprietary thin s he de!onstrated "ut - can tell you that this !an has far e8ceeded our efforts in in*esti atin and harnessin or onite,s potential and he,s "een kno+n to i*e his ti!e and e8pertise freely to those in need of his uniKue help +ho can,t afford his rates. - !ust say that if anyone +ere interested in pursuin this study "eyond our o+n *ery eneral acco!plish!ents the ne8t lo ical step +ould "e to su"scri"e to Carl,s courses and purchase his de*ices fro! +++.or 0ne ite! that !any of our fello+ cloud"usters !ay find useful is a *ery s!all di ital freKuency enerator. kno+ that applyin different freKuencies to or onite and or crystal de*ices can ha*e Kuite a stron % specific effect if it,s intelli ently done. 3e,ll "e ettin one of his +heels and +orkin on so!e pet pro)ects that +e started in 6e"ruary% na!ely the destruction "y or onite-"oosted radionics of the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation% +hich is a thou htforu! created "y parasitic/predatory ritual !a ic and is certainly not a la+ful entity. Don Croft
Episode 61 WhatEs The >pposite of F+t$antaEs Burning@E By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc61oppositeofatlanta"urnin ':apr':.sht!l $pril :% &'': 3hate*er that is% - think +e achie*ed it in #arch "ecause the city itself is entirely s!o free% the skies o*er $tlanta are pristine and the places in the city that felt like hell +hen +e arri*ed no+ feel pleasant and in*i oratin . -f you,re not fa!iliar +ith !y +ritin style% you should kno+ that -,! only reportin !y o"ser*ations and considered opinions. -f you disa ree or think -,! !akin this up% - in*ite you to e8peri!ent +ith these little de*ices +here you li*e. -t,s cheap enou h% -,! not sellin anythin and you !ay learn so!ethin *alua"le in the process. (he su"ur"s all around the H7eri!eter, of -nterstate 9i h+ay &SL% so!e of +hich are upscale and prosperous% are still s!o y and the skies carry re!nants of che!trails and 9$$B7 !olestations% e8cept for the *icinity of 2tone #ountain% +here Jinda -zenson has placed her cloud"uster on 2unday% #arch :'. 3e had disa"led a nuclear po+er plant under 2tone #ountain a couple of +eeks "efore that% and that essentially disa"led !ost of the !ilitary and 9$$B7 trans!itters around there% instantly. (he H!ountain, +hich is a hu e ranite "oulder in a surroundin plain% si!ilar to $yers Bock in $ustralia% is the re ion,s !a)or ener y *orte8 a"out ten !iles east of the city -n the ei ht or nine !onths that (i! 0,Donnell had "een acti*e in the cloud"uster net+ork he had put s!all or onite de*ices around parts of the city and Carol and - +ere pleasantly surprised to find that the a!"ience +hen +e arri*ed +asn,t nearly as oppressi*e as it +as on our pre*ious *isit% t+o years "efore. -t +as terrific ha*in (i! as our uide and his help disa"lin all the 9$$B7 trans!itters early on% as +ell as sho+in us the +ay to the principle deathforce eneratin sites% such as prisons% under round facilities and +ar ce!eteries +as ti!ely and *alua"le. 0ne of our first *isits +as to the Center for Disease Control% +hich has ot to "e one of the !ost "latantly satanic of the fake o*ern!ent,s institutions used to +a e +ar on the populace. (he *ery lar est 9$$B7 trans!itters +ere located ri ht around that facility% +hich didn,t surprise us. $ half hour after Carol and - deposited a holy hand renade at that 9$$B7 array +e sa+ three !en ridin a steel ca e up one of the uy +ires to the top platfor!% +hich is o*er a thousand feet off the round V-/ - ot to +atch the! throu h the "inoculars% scratchin their heads% +alkin around% and then pilin "ack into the ca e for the lon ride do+n. (he sky +as co!pletely healed after that dayV no !ore 9$$B7 scu!% no !ore che!trail re!nants at all. -,! callin all the 9$$B7 and deathforce trans!itters H!ilitary, no+ "ecause they,re o"*iously !ade to +ithstand an artillery assault% unlike any of the infrastructure +e,d "een accusto!ed to "efore the ne+ to+ers, rapid deploy!ent a year or so a o. - think !ost rational people kno+ "y no+ that Hcell phone, trans!itters and repeaters can "e put on a phone pole or rooftop !uch !ore easily and cheaply than on those !assi*e% costly to+ers% and they can "e po+ered "y the co!!ercial rid +ithout drainin it% unlike the ne+ trans!itters% +ith their "undles of hi h current coa8ial ca"les runnin up fro! Nod-kno+s-+here. -t see!s o"*ious to !e that the fake @2 o*ern!ent had planned to ha*e us fir!ly under !artial la+ "y the ti!e the net+ork of !ilitary trans!itters +as co!pleted early last fall. Bi ht no+% those to+ers are stark re!inders of their !urderous intent and all -,! +aitin for is for !ore people to start askin the!sel*es and each other +hy in hell these pricey% secret-technolo y !onstrosities +ere so Kuickly put up all o*er the +orld in the space of a sin le year. 2te*en 3hite put up the re ion,s first cloud"uster al!ost t+o years a o in Cu!!in % +hich is a"out thirty !iles north of $tlanta% "ut due to the proliferation of 9$$B7 and other !ilitary trans!itters "et+een there and the city% the ood effects can,t easily "e seen in the !etropolitan area.
0n our trip +est fro! 6lorida t+o years a o +ith the first or onite cloud"uster +e +ere a+estruck at the si ht of dense s!o o*er +hole re ions of the country and the o!nipresent che!trails% +hich +e had seen fe+ of on our trip to 6lorida ei ht !onths "efore that. By last #ay there +ere enou h cloud"usters in the @2 to ha*e disa"led all of the che!trails e8cept o*er !any of the !etropolitan areas% +here the co!"ined concentrations of 9$$B7 and other !ilitary trans!itters produced and !aintained an o*erpo+erin le*el of deadly or one radiation .D0B/. -n a fe+ cities% like Boston and 2eattle% the a!"ient ener y le*el is hi h enou h that one or t+o cloud"usters acco!plishes +hat took :' allons of or onite +as reKuired to do in $tlanta% thou h those t+o cities are a"out the sa!e size as the latter. #y dau hter% Be*in% +ho has a CB in Boston% had ne*er noticed che!trails until she +ent to Cape Cod last +eek and +as shocked to see +hat -,d "een tellin her a"out. Before she ot her cloud"uster she,d ne*er noticed the sky !uch and that one disa"led all the che!trails o*er the +estern part of Boston% at least% since the day it +as set up on her "ack porch in 3altha!% in 1o*e!"er% &''1. Fery si!ply% to et rid of all the s!o and sky !olestations% all that,s needed is to disa"le the to+ers. 3e fist did all the 9$$B7 trans!itter arrays throu hout the city% then - spent a +eek syste!atically disa"lin all the s!aller !ilitary trans!itters% of +hich there are around fi*e hundred in $tlanta. $nyone can do this. 3e used a"out thirty allons of or onite for that city of t+o !illion people to !ake the to+er"usters and holy hand renades. - didn,t count% "ut it see!s +e !ade a"out a thousand 4-ounce to+er"usters and a hundred 1&-ounce holy hand renades. -n !y to+er"ustin *entures% -,*e esti!ated that the distri"ution of the ne+ to+ers is a"out one for e*ery t+o thousand people in !ost areas. - +as told "y an alle ed cell phone co!pany technician +ho +as +orkin at one of the to+er sites that - +as "ustin that the cell phone co!panies only use & cents of each dollar they take in for infrastructure% includin trans!itter construction and !aintenance. -f you consider that these to+ers ha*e proliferated in places like (i"et and 1a!i"ia it +ould "e a lon stretch of anyone,s i!a ination to assert that cell traffic is payin for these thin s. 3e Hdid, an entire lar e city as an e8a!ple "ut of course $tlanta is a key re ional center in the a enda of tyranny and enocide% !uch as Jos $n eles is% so +e felt a little an8ious a"out neutralizin that a enda there as soon as possi"le. - can,t speak for anyone else,s !oti*es% "ut !ine are to pre*ent !artial la+ "ecause - don,t +ant to e8perience ensla*e!ent and !urder% nor do - +ant !y children to. Beyond that% - lo*e hu!anity and +ish the "est for e*eryone. - hear fro! people no+ and then +ho don,t +ant to oppose this fake o*ern!ent "ut feel that they are doin their part to heal the +orld% re ardless. - ha*e to ask the! +hether there +ill "e anyone in the +orld to appreciate their efforts% includin the!sel*es% if they don,t do +hat they can to stop this predatory +orld re i!e ri ht no+. 1o+ and then - hear a"out so!eone +ho has "een +orkin Kuietly and effecti*ely "ehind the scenes to stop this loathso!e !artial la+ process. 6or instance% -,! told there is a fello+ +ho created a de*ice% +hich% +hen turned on% !akes nuclear reactions i!possi"le +ithin it,s field and that he,s taken the! to each city +here there is ru!ored to "e a nuclear attack planned "y the $!erican secret police a encies on the populace% for +hich any nu!"er of forei n roups could "e "la!ed to fri hten e*eryone into acceptin !artial la+ and the enforce!ent of all the treasonous ne+ fake la+s% like 9o!eland 2ecurity. - assu!e he,s either psychic or consults reputa"le% hi hly skilled and disciplined psychics to find these a endas% as our net+ork does. 3e prefer to do our +ork pu"licly and internationally% in*ol*in as !any co-+orkers as feasi"le so that e*eryone can see ho+ easily this can "e acco!plished "y ordinary folks like oursel*es. - think that,s !ore e!po+erin than +orkin in secret and it enerates for+ard !o!entu! for the +hole race "y the force of e8a!ple. (he 3arsa+ Nhetto uprisin occupied a lar e part of the Ner!an ar!y for three !onths durin the !iddle of 3orld 3ar --. (he co!"atants in the hetto +ere a fe+ li htly ar!ed% star*in !en and +o!en in an enclosed
area. -t see!s to !e that the +orld order had this e*ent in !ind +hen they de*ised a plan to disa"le the populace on a !o!ent,s notice +ith these po+erful ne+ scalar trans!itters. By usin these% they +ould "e a"le to use )ust a s!all nu!"er of soldiers to control a lar e nu!"er of te!porarily disa"led people until hu!anity could "e culled to it,s desired le*el of fi*e hundred !illion. $ fe+ of us ha*e already Hli"erated, enou h of the ar!ed @2 populace fro! the dan er that these to+ers represent that all the ar!ies in the +orld +ould not "e enou h to suppress an uprisin % !uch less zipcuff% haul off% and decapitate the indi*iduals like you and - +ho are on the unla+ful secret police a encies, endless lists of Hene!ies of the state, ri ht no+. 3e ai! to see to it that they,re the ones +ho e*entually o to prison% not us. $ccordin to the Neor ia HNuide 2tones%, on +hich are en ra*ed the +orld order,s +ish list of 1MPM% this population reduction +as to ha*e "een achie*ed "y &'':% so +e can assu!e they,re already !any years "ehind schedule% hence the !ilitary to+ers as a last ditch effort to play catch up. #y hunch is that the to+ers +ere a lon shot at "est. - uess that since they,*e ot unli!ited !aterial resources "ut li!ited hu!an resources they had to !ake a serious ad)ust!ent and they really did stick their neck out too far this ti!e. (hey did "etter +ith the incre!ental steps to tyranny "ecause% like any parasite% they ha*e had to operate in a +ay that +ouldn,t dra+ attention to the!sel*es or else their position is co!pro!ised. (hey in*ested endless resources into "rain+ashin and !ind control pro ra!s desi ned to con*ince us all that +e +ere helpless% hopeless and po+erless to chan e the course of hu!an history% not unlike the +ay that co!!on parasites e8crete a!!onia into the "rain to alter our perceptions and !ake us depressed and listless. - su"scri"e to the "elief that +e are in an acceleratin % up+ard cycle of hu!an consciousness. - don,t su"scri"e to any of the protocols created throu h the @nited 1ation,s Jucis (rust .for!erly na!ed Jucifer (rust/ re ardin this cycle "ecause - think that the folks +ho o+n that a ency are the pro"le!% not a source for solutions or ans+ers. - don,t pretend to "e pri*y to the actual ti!in descri"ed "y the #ayan calendars% "ut -,! Kuite sure that +hat +e do this year +ill "e crucial to the future of hu!anity and if +e can at least reduce the destruction and !ayhe! that the +orld order +ishes to co!!it in these% its final days% then +e,*e done so!ethin uniKue and !ay ha*e set the tone for a pheno!enally producti*e hu!an spiritual/social/scientific cycle% +hich has already "e un. #ost truly reat thin s "e in as un-noticed% e*en o"scure !o*e!ents in consciousness. (he conundru!% perhaps% of personal e!po+er!ent like +e,re e8periencin in this little net+ork is that the one e!po+ered has less net potential to e8ploit others +hen he/she ets in*ol*ed +ith usin the or onite and related de*ices to heal oursel*es% hu!anity and the en*iron!ent. - think that has so!ethin to do +ith uni*ersal la+. -n a la+less +orld like ours is ri ht no+ +e are helpin to "rin "alance and fruition to a cycle of history that could still o the other direction if +e don,t pay attention and follo+ our instincts ri ht no+. (he stark re!inders of +here +e perhaps should all ha*e ended up "y no+ are standin in full *ie+ fro! any point in the populated areas and e*en on !ost of the !ountaintops near population centers: the ne+% secret-tech !ilitary trans!itters for +hich no *ia"le e8planation or e*en e8cuse has "een i*en throu h the prostituted !edia or e*en o*er the internet. #any of us in the infor!al% e!er in lo"al cloud"uster net+ork feel certain that if +e hadn,t !ade our de*ices in a ti!ely +ay +e !ay +ell ha*e entered a lo"al% artificially-induced fa!ine "y no+. #ost of us felt sort of re"orn the first ti!e +e sa+ that characteristic "lue hole in the che!trail/9$$B7 !uck o*er our heads the day +e erected our first cloud"usters. 3e felt e*en !ore co!!itted and encoura ed after our first entle rains and !any of us hadn,t seen rain in se*eral years due to the lo"al predations of the countless 9$$B7 arrays. - think that "y no+ !any realize that these !olestations occurred locally% not fro! so!e alle edly po+erful% nearle endary arrays in Jat*ia% $ustralia or $laska. $nyone +ho tra*els a "it +ill notice these characteristic !ultiple to+er arrays e*ery thirty or forty !iles alon the !a)or hi h+ays throu hout 1orth $!erica% closer to ether in populated areas. Cnock these out for thirty or forty !iles around +here you are and you,ll et the sa!e results +e ot fro! our initial "ustin effort in $tlanta last !onth% - uarantee.
0ne 1&-ounce holy hand renade +ill disa"le !ost 9$$B7 arrays% includin the enor!ous four-to+er J0B$1 trans!itters that are alle edly for na*i ation. 6or the *ery e8tensi*e 9$$B7 arrays% such as the one on the coast north of 2an 6rancisco% use your discretion "ut t+o or three 99 s !i ht "e needed in those rare cases. -f you,re readin this% you,*e pro"a"ly otten past the de"ate a"out +hether these trans!itters are for our "enefit or not and -,! "ettin that you,re ready% +illin and a"le to fi8 this pro"le!% perhaps e*en lad to hear that such a si!ple% relati*ely risk-free option is a*aila"le no+ to !ake !artial la+ unenforcea"le. $n interestin characteristic of disa"lin the ne+ trans!itters is that the net effect is actually "etter than if the to+ers had ne*er "een erected in the first place. -t !ay "e too early to tell% "ut so!e of us suspect that the to+ers are eneratin % thou h the little or onite de*ices% reater fields of life-force/ch,i/prana/or one/aether than +ould "e there if the to+ers had not "een "uilt. 0f course% those +ords are all used to descri"e the sa!e ener y. - fa*or Hor one, "ecause - +ant to credit Dr. 3ilhel! Beich for his contri"utions to science and hu!anity. 0ne raphic e8a!ple of the syner y of deathforce trans!itters and the or one- eneratin three-ounce to+er"usters% for !e% is the effect - sa+ on the people in a lar e housin pro)ect south of do+nto+n $tlanta. (here +ere se*eral lar e trans!itters around this co!ple8 and +hen - *isited there to disa"le the! the people sa+ outside looked an ry and suspicious. $ +eek later - +ent there and sa+ that there +ere !ore people outside and that !ost of the! see!ed happier and !ore out oin . $ctually% -,d for otten that -,d "een there to "ust the to+ers and only after - sa+ ho+ happy the people looked - reco nized the place as one -,d already *isited +ith so!e to+er"usters. $nyone +ho,s *isited inner city housin pro)ects can appreciate that transfor!ation% - think. #ost of us had already e8perienced the transfor!ati*e Kuality of or onite de*ices +ithin the ho!e and +orkplace "ut Carol and - +anted to see if +e could e8tend these "enefits to a lar e ur"an area. - credit these transfor!ations +ith !ankind,s innate stri*in to find happiness. ?ears a o% - Kuit "uyin into the Bi Jie that hu!anity is inherently !isera"le. (here !ay "e a fe+ people +ho are that +ay% "ut they,re the e8ception% as far as - can tell% and consider a*oidance of these folks a precious "enefit. 0ur approach fro! the "e innin has "een rather si!ple and perhaps e*en !undane. 9o+ could it "e other+ise if this is to ain acceptance in popular culture as it certainly shouldR 3e,*e si!plified the para!eters and looked for the least e8pensi*e% least skill-intensi*e !ethods for !akin the "asic de*ices% +hich +e still use% personally. 6or those +ho +ant to e8a!ine !ore arcane% po+erful effects and applications of or onite% +e reco!!end studyin the +ork and purchasin the de*ices de*eloped "y Carl 3elz% +ho introduced or onite to the !arket *ia +++.or and has pioneered so!e uniKue and challen in de*ices and techniKues that co!"ine the disciplines of science and !a ic. (here are se*eral% includin #ark 9ooten% Cristina 2chepps and HC"s+ork, a!on our net+ork +ho ha*e "een a"le to i!pro*e the perfor!ance of our "asic or onite de*ices and e*en disco*er ne+ syner ies usin or onite and specific !inerals% crystals and electronic co!ponents. -f you +ant to in*esti ate and participate in the on oin research and de*elop!ent of these thin s% keep track of"! and the related foru!s. Don Croft
;DditorOs 1ote: ?esterday% - had lunch +ith (ed Nunderson. 0n our +ay into the restaurant% - stopped in the parkin lot to sho+ (ed ho+ easy it +as to dissipate a cloud usin the Fisual Bay% a techniKue learned fro! (re*or <a!es Consta"leOs "ook% (he Cos!ic 7ulse of Jife. 2ince +eO*e "een seein real clouds of late% - +anted (ed to e8perience the sa!e thrill that - felt +hen - first tried Fisual Bay cloud"ustin in that *ery parkin lot a"out : years a o% ha*in only read a"out the techniKue in (re*orOs "ook. - pointed to a nice puffy% cotton "all cloud and said that it +ould e*aporate in a"out : !inutes or less. $s - eye"alled the cloud% (ed asked !e +hat - +as doin and +anted to kno+ if he could )oin in. - said TsureT. - told hi! +hat - +as doin and +ithin M' seconds that cloud had co!pletely disappeared. (ed +as ecstatic5 9e couldnOt et o*er it. 9e had ne*er% in his +ildest i!a ination% thou ht that it +as possi"le to do so!ethin as see!in ly O!a icalO as that and he kept shakin his head repeatin the +ord Oa!azin O as +e +alked into the restaurant.
- relate this anecdote "ecause Don Croft is also doin so!ethin see!in ly O!a icalO +ith easy-to-!ake or one enerators% the 7o+er+and "ein the latest e*olutionary de*elop!ent in anti-parasite technolo y. -f youO*e "een keepin up +ith the last 1& or 1: episodes of his $d*entures series% you kno+ )ust ho+ effecti*e the 7o+er+and .and its 9ootenized cousin% the 2hi*a/ has "een in neutralizin % cripplin % or% in so!e cases% e*aporatin those forces opposed to peace% "rotherhood% freedo!% and ood +ill. Don keeps repeatin to the reader that you can do the sa!e thin s he is doin in his $d*entures episodes% if you are "ut +illin to en a e. Jike Fisual Cloud"ustin % youOll ne*er e8perience the thrill .and "enefits/ of astral )oustin +ith or one toys -unless you try it. (hink a"out it for a !inute. -!a ine that you had access to $laddin,s Ja!p and could et the Nenie to i*e you Ocapa"ilitiesO to th+art and a"ort hi h tech% une*ol*ed souls dedicated to a ne ati*e% destructi*e a enda directed to+ards you and your fello+ !an. ?ou could e!ploy these O!a ical toysO fro! the co!fort of your li*in roo! and ne*er e8pose yourself to direct physical dan er or en a e in !ortal physical co!"at. (he OactionO takes place in your !ind% +ith the assistance and a!plification afforded "y the or one toys .and unseen% hi her di!ensional "ein s en a in the Oun e*ol*ed onesO/. ?our !a ical toy is self- o*ernin "y desi n: it can only har! those +ho are en a ed in the "usiness of har!in others. (he de ree of pain inflicted "y your toy is proportional to the le*el of e*il to +hich your tar et has sunk. (hose +ho are ne+"ies to the a!e of fascist ensla*e!ent et a "ad headache and are other+ise !ade to +ish they +ere en a ed in so!e other type of +ork. (he "osses% the planners% and the really nasty OenforcersO% usually suffer a !ore harro+in fate. 1o+% +ouldnOt that "e neatR 3ell% thatOs precisely +hatOs takin place. #ind you% Don I co!pany are often oin after the Ohea*iesO and Bi Boys of the 130 7olice 2tate. (hese are the OpeopleO +ho +ill "e handin out orders to the du!"ed-do+n !ilitary and police pa+ns +hen they kick in their !artial la+/roundup/concentration ca!p scenario. 3hat if a lar e percenta e of these OpeopleO "eca!e incapacitated in so!e +ay and couldnOt carry on their +orkR 3hat +ould other ne ati*e cohorts do if they started to notice that their all-po+erful "osses and planners +ith their in*inci"le% hi h tech/"lack !a ic technolo ies "e an to drop out of si htR 3ould that "e in to +orry the!R 3ould they "eco!e concerned that they !i ht "e ne8t and !ay"e think a"out lookin for another line of +orkR ?ou "et your "oots5 -f thereOs one thin you can a"solutely plan on +hen dealin +ith an un-e*ol*ed% 2er*ice-(o-2elf entity% itOs their desire for self-preser*ation. #ake the kitchen hot enou h and these uys +ill )u!p ship faster than you can say% T0sa!a "in Jaden did it5T .By the +ay% ha*e you noticed ho+ co!pletely and utterly #r. Bin Jaden% the OarchitectO of the 3(C "o!"in and raison dOetre for the @. 2. o*ern!ent to launch a "litzkrie "o!"in attack a ainst the i!po*erished people of ru""le stre+n $f hanistan% has fallen fro! the corporate !edia/3hite 9ouse spotli htR D*en the ne8t e*il $ra" +ho +as declared responsi"le for the 3(C attack% 2adda! 9ussein% has no+ fallen fro! the li!eli ht. 1o+ itOs a toss up as to +ho +ill ne8t take up the De!onOs Cro+n. 3ill it "e the president of 2yria% the leadership of -ran% or the leader of 1orth CoreaR $lso% do you think Bush% Cheney% Bu!sfeld% and Cissin er dra+ stra+s or play O)ankenO to decideR ...But - stray too far./
-snOt it +iser to OretireO these upper le*el people no+% +hile +e still ha*e the freedo! and opportunity% "efore the !artial la+ scenarioR -f enou h people !ake or "uy a 7o+er+and of their o+n-and use it- there +onOt "e a !artial la+ scenario. -tOs like deployin DonOs Che!"uster or a (o+er Buster: once you see for yourself )ust ho+ +ell these or one enerators +ork to clear the sky or neutralize DJ6 to+ers% you +ind up askin yourself: T+hy did - +ait so lon RT ...Cen $dachi= $dditional Dssays on the 7o+er+and: Dpisode L&% Dpisode L4% Dpisode 6&B $d*entures of Don I Carol Croft -nde8 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc6&p+noninstructions&4apr':.sht!l $pril &4% &'': - *ery rarely see or feel ener y% so donOt feel like a chu!p if you don,t% either% okayR 2u estions of Dn a e!ent (he real perfor!ers +ith these de*ices are our i!a inations and all of us ha*e one of those. 7lease don,t underesti!ate the po+er of your o+n i!a ination5 (he crystal-"ased de*ices that Carol and - de*eloped% also #ark 9ooten,s 2hi*a and other ne+ creations of other folks% access and a!plify the latent po+er of our i!a inations so all +e need to do is con*ince our e o-"ased dou"ts and fears to step aside and let the rest of us do +hat needs to "e done these days to pre*ent the +orld,s an of tyrants fro! co!!ittin !ayhe! and enocide as they e8it history,s sta e. Don,t +orryGif your tar et is not uilty he/she +on,t e8perience anythin !ore than a *a ue disco!fort and if the tar et is innocent the ener y +ill likely feel ood to hi!/her. (hat,s ho+ this ne+ technolo y +orks. 3hen - use !y 73 to disa"le a secret police predator or other tyrannical !iscreant or ena"ler% - so!eti!es i!a ine that -O! standin knee deep in +ater +ith the ra in ocean "ehind !e. - i!a ine the OrecipientO a"out to et a hu e +a*e of or one crashin o*er hi!/her. - feel the +ater recede all the +ay do+n to !y feet% rushin out to+ard +here !y add end is facin as a tsuna!i "uilds up. - do this on a slo+ in "reath. (hen% as - e8hale% the +all of +ater/or one hits the tar et. - feel it all o*er the front of !y "ody as a sort of out+ard pressure in this case. Carol says that really freaks the! out or kills the!% dependin on their threat .to hu!anity/ le*el. -t al+ays takes the! "y surprise% she says. $nother techniKue: - i!a ine !y doppel an er% +hich is a "i % "lack panther !ost of the ti!e% pro+lin around the tar et% lookin for an opportunity to pounce. -f the tar ets are )ust so!e chu!p psychic a ents or internet 12$ hackers% he knocks the! do+n and plays +ith the!% as a cat does +ith a "ird or !ouse% and they et terrified "eyond co!prehension .!y internet "ro+ser operates as it should fro! that !o!ent% !ost often/. -f the tar et is a killer% - see the *ery hun ry panther rippin his/her throat or uts out and - e*en i!a ine !yself relishin itG- think that !akes it !ore real for the tar et. Be!e!"er that +eOre not !akin these deter!inations and if the i!a ined tar et is har!less .+e all oof so!eti!es/ nothin at all +ill happen e8cept that - feel a little cha rinned. -n !ost cases% - et an ry "efore - do the +ork. Bi hteous an er is like asoline on a fire. -f you think an er is al+ays a "ad thin % try to fi ure out ho+ to disa"le the pro ra!!in that +as used to con*ince you that this is true% okayR ?ou can "et those pro ra!!ers don,t +ant you an ry at the!% and you !ay "e an ry at !e for !entionin this% +hich is yet another e*idence that you +ere pro ra!!ed V-/ -f you,re a ne+ a er% your "urnin an er +ill "e *eiled "y a s!ile and an e8pression of concern for !e. ?ou !i ht "e "eyond rede!ption at that point. $nother one: $s - "reathe "oth in and out% - i!a ine spirals of "ri ht or one !o*in up throu h the tar et% spinnin *ery fast. - spin the! "oth +ays% so it looks like a D1$ !olecule pattern.
- donOt kno+ if any of the crystal-"ased de*ices +ill +ork if one is un+illin to use the i!a ination. -!a ination ets a "ad rap in our culture "ecause of so!e pseudoscience and/or reli ious !ental pro ra!!in considerations. -n fact all of the reat disco*eries +ere !ade "y people +ith e8tre!ely acti*e i!a inations. -tOs only +hen it ets out of hand or +hen dru s are used that the i!a ination tends to "e fruitless and !isleadin . think a ood i!a ination is also tied to oneOs control of the e o. (he e o% +hen out of line% al+ays ske+s the i!a ination% sidetracks us and ets us false data% +hich is +hy - i nore channelin . 9a*in said all that% you really need to find your o+n e8pression +ith these tools. 3e !ustnOt institutionalize any of this +ork. -f you ha*e children% you !i ht consider lettin the! use the de*ices for you% after ha*in read the! these instructions. ?ou can "et that !ost ei ht to thirteen year olds +ill instantly rasp these concepts and +ill o ri ht to +ork +ith appropriate usto. (hey,re pro"a"ly !ore o"ser*ant than you are% too% and +ill !ore Kuickly *isualize the tar et and e*en the fed peekers% "oth physical and astral. Jet the! "e your teachers. 9ere,s Cheri,s account a"out usin her 7o+er+and and you can see that her approach is entirely different% thou h certainly as *ia"le: >- think - +as psychically attacked ni ht "efore last - !y lo+er "ack +as killin !e% then !y !iddle "ack. - ot into "ed a"out S::' at +hich point - ot a sharp pain in !y ri ht side. - pushed it +ith !y fin er - sore - +eird. #y little 7o3i ;7o+er+and= +as on a dresser "usily co*erin a"out L other thin s% "ut% fro! "ed .in !y !ind/% - )ust told it that if this +as an attack "y the dark side% +ould it please stop !y pain and send it "ack to the! tenfold% then on up the chain of co!!and to the top. $ll pains +ere one +ithin : seconds. 1o 2hdt55555 2o -O! keepin this 73 and orderin another one for !y sister. (his oneOll +ork reat in sync +ith !y 2hi*a - the "ad "oyz are oinO do+n5555555555555A By the +ay% +e don,t need to "e touchin the de*ices in order for the! to +ork for us. 3e don,t e*en ha*e to "e in the sa!e roo! or perhaps e*en in the sa!e to+n. (here !ay co!e a point +here it +on,t !atter if the thin is turned on. - kno+ -,*e otten the sa!e results at ti!es +hen - later disco*ered that the freKuency "o8 +as not e*en on or the nine-*olt "attery +as lon dead. - don,t kno+ if there,s a li!it to ho+ !any people can use one de*ice or to ho+ !any )o"s one can set the thin to acco!plish. - think you,ll need to et a feel for that yourself. (here are others +ho are inclined to pro ra! these de*ices for e8tended +ork "ut !y personal style is !ore inclined to real-ti!e encounters +ith the "ad uys. -,! hopin that"! foru!s +ill continue to "e used copiously to record and discuss the e8peri!ents others are conductin alon these lines. $stral Fisitors $ ood test for you to deter!ine if the 73 is Hdoin so!ethin , is +hen your co!puter ets hacked "y the 12$/C-$. - et that interference nearly e*ery ti!e - et online these days and% as - said% they stop as soon as focus so!e special attention on the hacker% thou h so!eti!es - need to attend to the hackers, superiors if -,! in a hot spot due to ha*in done so!ethin particularly hurtful to their collecti*e predatory a enda and in those cases it,s usually one of the superiors +ho is hackin !y co!puter% Carol tells !e. (he "oss hackers% usually #-B% ha*e a lot !ore talent% resources and deter!ination than the chu!p le*el hackers. Carol says they,re al+ays shocked/an ry that so!e"ody like !e can actually -D and stop the!. 6or psychic peekers - find it e8pedient to "last the! e*ery ti!e the thou ht occurs to !e that !y pri*acy is "ein co!pro!ised "y the!. $s a rule% - do this e*ery ti!e - e*en think of the! "ecause that,s pro"a"ly e8actly +hen they sho+ up. 2o!e are cle*er at hidin . (hese days the 12$ +on,t do anythin at all until/unless one or !ore of their psychics can et a clear picture of our circu!stances% so disa"lin the astral *isitors really puts a kink in their plu!"in . Be!e!"er that anyone
+ho is in the astral plane is particularly *ulnera"le to our "rand of interference% and in that +orld the i!a ination of the corporate entity .you% the +ould-"e *icti!/ is kin % so ha*e so!e fun +ith these *a!pires% okayR ?ou,ll no dou"t find% as - ha*e% that you,ll et fe+er and fe+er inti!ations of psychic peekin as you pro ress. (he psychics in the 12$ and the other secret police a encies in the +orld kno+ the scoreV don,t kid yourself. 1one of the! are under any illusion of patriotis! or the desire to ser*e hu!anity. 1one. (he re!ote *ie+ers are another story. #any of the! are le iti!ate !ilitary !en and +o!en. -f one of the! hasn,t fi ured out that !any of their tar ets are innocent and that the people orderin the *ie+in are cri!inals% i*e hi!/her a "last +hen you sense the intrusion and it +ill !ake the ri ht i!pression +ithout har!in the *ie+er. - feel the! as rather clu!sy intrusions co!pared to the hi her-le*el professional psychics. - think the secret police use the! as "ackup only. Be!e!"er that e*ery sin le !olestation of your pri*acy% your skies% e*en your !ail% is )ust another opportunity for you to e8ercise your ri ht to protect yourself and your fa!ily and friends fro! this *ast corporate !onster that -,! callin the +orld order. $ll of these intrusions are at the hands of the secret police and their affiliated chu!ps in the other+ise !ore le iti!ate police a encies around the +orld. (he satanic orders% like Nolden Da+n% (heosophical !asonry% etc.% are su"- roups of the secret police and do their dirty +ork on occasions +hen the fake o*ern!ents of the +orld +ant to di*ert attention fro! the!sel*es. 6or instance% the !urder of the 2pecial 6orces doctor and his fa!ily a fe+ years a o in 1orth Carolina +as perfor!ed "y one of the C-$,s satanic assets and the strin of !urders in #aryland and 3ashin ton% DC% last fall had the sa!e characteristics% includin the token H$ce of 2pades, callin cards left at each !urder scene. ...(o!orro+ the 3orld 2o]stop the secret police fro! enforcin the +orld order,s a enda and +e +ill ha*e effecti*ely disa"led the +orld order,s terror ca!pai n and the ne8t lo ical step +ill "e the dissolution of the corporate entities that are posin as le iti!ate national% state% county and local o*ern!ents in the +orld. (hen% - think it +ill "e natural and easy to fi8 this political !ess "y dissol*in all hea*ily centralized Hauthority, and consultin locally and at the county and state le*els to arran e for !ore or anic% !ana ea"le and feasi"le for!s of o*ern!ent. (he fact that +e,re already a lo"al society is no lon er de"ata"le% - think. 3e .a !ore conscious hu!anity/ acco!plished that% not so!e *a ue% hidden or anization of H!asters, on our "ehalf. 2ee ho+ i!portant your +ork +ith these de*ices can "e to the course of history and the safety of the hu!an raceR - fi ure that for e*ery hundred po+er+ands and 2hi*as out in the !arket there +ill "e a"out fifteen or t+enty of the! in the hands of people +ho +ill use the! as - propose% and that,s pro"a"ly enou h to finish off this corporate "east that,s posin as le iti!ate police a encies around the +orld. -f you,re one of the re!ainin !a)ority +ho hasn,t the inclination or coura e to take this !onster on% you can at least "e sure that )ust turnin the thin on and stayin +ithin its sphere of protection +ill at least keep the! at "ay in your case and you,ll pro"a"ly "e physically safe fro! the! as lon as they don,t et their +ish and esta"lish !artial la+. -f you only ha*e one of #ark 9ooten,s 2hi*as you should kno+ that this protection +ill only "e a*aila"le +hen you consciously !ake it happen "ecause that de*ice is strictly interacti*e. 6airlanes I 6erraris (he analo y - use to descri"e the difference "et+een a ifted% disciplined psychic and one trained "y the +orld order,s !asters is that the for!er is like a 6ord 6airlane and the latter is like a 6errari. 3hile the for!er !ay not +in any races on the track% it also +on,t likely "reak do+n and it +ill "e relia"le for the distance. (he latter ets !ore i!pressi*e track results "ut needs e8tra% constant attention to the !echanical +orkin s and you +ouldn,t consider takin it *ery far fro! the repair shop. (hat analo y +orks loosely +ith the 73 and 2hi*a. (he 73 +ill +ork for anyone )ust "y turnin it on% at least in ter!s of protection and so!e !ar inal healin and consciousness-raisin . -f you don,t +ork consciously +ith the 2hi*a you,*e )ust "ou ht an e8pensi*e doorstop for all the ood it +ill do for you.
-,d say that the sa!e non-instructions +ork for the 2hi*a as for the 7o+er+and and - a ree +ith !y +ife that opti!ally one +ould +ant to ha*e "oth around if one is serious a"out tacklin the +orld order. $s a de!onstration% - )ust spent three +eeks in the face of the re i!e +ith only a 7o+er+and and - ne*er felt like +as in any dan er% thou h +hat - did and +here - +ent durin that three +eeks +ould "e considered Kuite risky. -t,s in *o ue no+ to talk a"out reptilians and D( predators "ut in fact Carol and - "elie*e that the hu!an ones are far !ore dan erous ri ht no+ and if +e i nore the non-hu!an ones +e,ll still +in the a!e if +e focus on these !ore i!!ediate% fake- o*ern!ent physical threats. 0nly hu!ans can do the real dirty +ork and the real healin in the +orld ri ht no+. -f you ha*e the inclination and talent to deal +ith the reptilians% draconians% B-2irians% etc.% that are in lea ue +ith this fake +orld o*ern!ent the 7o+er+and and 2hi*a enerally +ork on the! the sa!e +ay they +ork on astral hu!an peekers% so ha*e so!e fun +ith the!. #ost of the! are a lot cle*erer than their hu!an cohorts and can !anipulate ti!e and e*ents "etter% +hich - think is their callin card. Chaco Canyon 6or e8a!ple% on !y +ay to ift Chaco Canyon this +eek a car plun ed onto the +est"ound hi h+ay fro! the o*erpass a"out a !ile ahead of !e% "lockin traffic. (hen% as - e8ited a half hour later onto the sa!e o*erpass .!y tank +as )ust a"out e!pty and - couldn,t ha*e !ade it to another as station/ the co!puters at the truck stop near"y stopped +orkin and - lost another hour )ust ettin !y as. (hat +as in $l"uKuerKue. - !ade it to the *icinity of Chaco Canyon that ni ht% re ardless% and - didn,t e*en "other lookin into +hat non-hu!an a ency !ay ha*e tried to interfere +ith !e that +ay% earlier. 9u!ans si!ply aren,t cle*er or resourceful enou h to do that kind of interference +ork% in !y opinion. @nder!inin the +orld order "y neutralizin the secret police a encies +ill also effecti*ely disa"le any alien or reptilian intentions for us% +e "elie*e. #-$Os 3e feel certain that the t+o "odies taken on stretchers fro! the 12$ house up the street that day in early 6e"ruary% a couple of hours after - ai!ed !y 7o+er+and at it .the house - +as *isitin +as ettin "ea!ed really hea*ily fro! that house a half "lock up the other side of the street/ +ere reptilians .part hu!an or at least usin hu!an for!s/. - already kne+ the 73 kicks predator "utt% "ut the tar eted fello+ +ho! - +as *isitin apparently needed so!e con*incin V-/ 3hen - +ent +ith Nale 2tark and her kids to ift do+nto+n Beau!ont% (e8as% last +eek a fed!o"ile .it +as a ne+% e8pensi*e% sil*er-"ronze pickup that looks like a silly i!itation of a 9@##F% so he +as pro"a"ly the co+ardly 2pecial $ ent -n Char e of terrorizin Nale and her fa!ily lately/ pulled up "ehind us +hile +e +ere +aitin for a frei ht train to pass. 3e H!ade, hi! and he then pulled into the police parkin lot ne8t door and parked. - nailed hi! +ith Nale,s 7o+er+and% and then dro*e o*er to look at hi!G+ell% okay% - +anted to loat--throu h the +indo+. 9e turned to face !e and had a look of a")ect terror on his face% +hich told !e that he,s )ust a peeker% not a killer. -f he +as a killer% he,d ha*e "een killed% -,! Kuite sure% thou h technically he +ould ha*e co!!itted suicide "y unla+fully interferin +ith so!e"ody% innocent% +ho has a po+er+and. $s - see it% these chu!p le*el secret police that !ost of us ha*e% "y no+% reco nized in our areas !ay "e rather "eni n and non-threatenin "ut their appearance indicates that the hi her ups% +ho are searchin for +ays to secretly kill not only us% "ut !illions of other innocents% are relentlessly in*entin +ays to interfere +ith us% so +hen these chu!ps sho+ up it,s an open in*itation to i!a ine the 7o+er+and,s ener y disa"lin the killers in the hi her ranks% +hich - did in this case and +hich you can certainly do% too. $s - see it% +hat +e,re doin is 3hittaker Cha!"ers, drea! co!e true. 9e +as the "etrayed chief prosecutor at the 1ure!"er trials after 33--. - think +e all kno+ that those nazi !urderers +ere soon +orkin in our o+n already-nazified federal o*ern!ent and also "eca!e -nterpol and the national secret police a encies in the
ne+ly for!ed countries% "oth co!!unist and Hde!ocratic., -f 3ilhel! Beich had had these tools% he +ould likely ha*e li*ed a *ery lon % fruitful life% ha*in done to the hu!an fake- o*ern!ent predators +ith these tools +hat he did to those nasty D(s, ships +ith his cloud"usters. 9a*e you noticed that no"ody,s ridiculin Hconspiracy theories, these daysR -f anyone - talk to e8presses dou"t a"out the po+er of conspiracy% - hold up the physical e*idence of the *ast net+ork of ne+ !ilitary trans!itters as stark testi!ony to +hat the +orld re i!e has in store for us if +e don,t stop the!. By no+ - think e*eryone is +illin to consider that these thin s are certainly not for cell phones. -,d point out che!trails to the 7a)a!a 7eople "ut !ost of the places - *isit are no lon er pla ued "y these poisonous spe+planes% thanks to our e8tensi*e CB net+ork. 1otice that all of the !edia attention directed a ainst us paints us as dan erous% not as deran ed or paranoid V-/ keep !eanin to send those uys so!e !oney for all that free ad*ertisin they,re pro*idin . - already kno+ they don,t +ant any of our de*ices. fDon Croft
Episode 62B Po4er4and 8on;instru3tions ; @pdated <une 6% &'': ;DditorOs 1ote: (he instructions for !akin the 7o+er+and +ere i*en in Dpisode L& of DonOs $d*entures series. (he ori inal set of instructions to use the 7o+er+and +as presented in Dpisode 6&. $ *ariation on the 7o+er+and de*eloped "y #ark 9ooten called the 2hi*a +as i*en in Dpisode L4. (his update is the latest updated *ersion fro! Don I friends a"out 7o+er+and usa e...Cen $dachi= $d*entures of Don I Carol Croft -nde8 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc6&Bpo+er+andupdate'6)un':.sht!l <une 6% &'': - *ery rarely see or feel ener y% so donOt feel like a chu!p if you don,t% either% okayR (he real perfor!ers +ith these de*ices are our i!a inations and all of us ha*e one of those. 7lease don,t underesti!ate the po+er of your o+n i!a ination5 (he crystal-"ased de*ices that Carol and - de*eloped% also #ark 9ooten,s 2hi*a and so!e ne+ creations of other folks% includin Jarry in <apan% Nale in (e8as and Nerard in $ustralia% access and a!plify the latent po+er of our i!a inations so all +e need to do is con*ince our e o"ased dou"ts and fears to step aside and let the rest of us do +hat needs to "e done these days to pre*ent the +orld,s an of tyrants fro! co!!ittin !ayhe! and enocide as they e8it history,s sta e. Don,t +orryGif your tar et is not uilty he/she +on,t e8perience anythin !ore than a *a ue disco!fort and if the tar et is innocent the ener y +ill likely feel ood to hi!/her. (hat,s ho+ this ne+ technolo y +orks. 3hen - use !y 73 to disa"le a secret police predator or other tyrannical !iscreant or ena"ler% - so!eti!es i!a ine that -O! standin knee deep in +ater +ith the ra in ocean "ehind !e. - i!a ine the OrecipientO a"out to et a hu e +a*e of or one crashin o*er hi!/her. - feel the +ater recede all the +ay do+n to !y feet% rushin out to+ard +here !y add end is facin as a tsuna!i "uilds up. - do this on a slo+ in "reath as - Hfeel, the +ater recedin a+ay fro! the shore until -,! standin on +et sand. (hen% as - e8hale% the +all of +ater/or one that has reached an incredi"le hei ht ri ht "ehind !e on its +ay to the "each hits the tar et +ho is standin in its path. feel it all o*er the front of !y "ody as a sort of out+ard pressure in this case. Carol says that really freaks the! out or kills the!% dependin on their threat .to hu!anity/ le*el. -t al+ays takes the! "y surprise% she says. $nother techniKue: - i!a ine !y shapeshiftin doppel an er% +hich is an i!!ense "lack panther !ost of the ti!e% pro+lin around the tar et% lookin for an opportunity to pounce. -f the tar ets are )ust so!e chu!p psychic a ents or internet 12$ hackers% he knocks the! do+n and plays +ith the!% as a cat does +ith a "ird or !ouse% and they et terrified "eyond co!prehension .!y internet "ro+ser operates as it should fro! that !o!ent% !ost often/. -f the tar et is a killer% - see the *ery hun ry panther rippin his/her throat or uts out and e*en i!a ine !yself relishin itG- think that !akes it !ore real for the tar et. Be!e!"er that +eOre not !akin these deter!inations and if the i!a ined tar et is har!less .+e all oof so!eti!es/ nothin at all +ill happen e8cept that - feel a little cha rinned. -f -,! really off "ase% the tar et +ould feel a rush of nice ener y% "ut so far !y +ife tells !e !y hunches ha*e "een pretty ood. -n !ost cases% - et an ry "efore - do the +ork. Bi hteous an er is like asoline on a fire. -f you think an er is al+ays a "ad thin % try to fi ure out ho+ to disa"le the deep% lon -ter! !ental pro ra!!in that +as used to con*ince you of that% okayR ?ou can "et those pro ra!!ers don,t +ant you an ry at the!% and you !ay "e an ry at !e for !entionin this% +hich is yet another e*idence that you +ere pro ra!!ed V-/ -f you,re a ne+ a er% your "urnin an er +ill "e *eiled "y a s!ile and an e8pression of concern for !e. ?ou !i ht "e "eyond rede!ption at that point% poor fello+. $nother one: $s - "reathe "oth in and out% - i!a ine spirals of "ri ht or one !o*in up throu h the tar et%
spinnin *ery fast. - spin the! "oth +ays% so it looks like a D1$ !olecular pattern. - donOt kno+ if any of the crystal-"ased de*ices +ill +ork if one is un+illin to use the i!a ination. -!a ination ets a "ad rap in our culture "ecause of so!e pseudoscience and/or reli ious/ !ental pro ra!!in considerations. -n fact all of the reat disco*eries +ere !ade "y people +ith e8tre!ely acti*e i!a inations. -tOs only +hen it ets out of hand or +hen dru s are used that the i!a ination tends to "e fruitless% !isleadin and e*en har!ful. - think a ood i!a ination is also tied to oneOs control of the e o. (he e o% +hen out of line% al+ays ske+s the i!a ination% sidetracks us and ets us false infor!ation% +hich is +hy - i nore channelin as a source of usa"le data. 9a*in said all that% you really need to find your o+n e8pression +ith these tools. 3e !ustnOt institutionalize any of this +ork. Do!inic in $ustralia ets ood results +ith his 7o+er+and "ut he dislikes !y approach% so -,! +aitin for his treatise on this and +ill include that +hen - recei*e it. -f you ha*e children% you !i ht consider lettin the! use the de*ices for you% after ha*in read the! these instructions. <ust don,t put any pressure on the! and !ake sure that they don,t feel that they need to !eet any of your e8pectations% okayR ?ou can "et that !ost ei ht to thirteen year olds +ill instantly rasp these concepts and +ill o ri ht to +ork +ith appropriate usto. (hey,re pro"a"ly !ore o"ser*ant than you are% too% and +ill !ore Kuickly *isualize the tar et and e*en the fed peekers% "oth physical and astral. Jet the! "e your teachers. Children% unlike "rain-co!pro!ised and heart-suppressed adults% can easily distin uish the stink of the presence of the secret police psychics and ne+ a e fake helpers fro! the fra rance of an elic and "onafide-"ene*olent 0ther *isitors. 9ere,s Cheri,s account a"out usin her 7o+er+and and you can see that her approach is entirely different% thou h certainly as *ia"le: >- think - +as psychically attacked ni ht "efore last - !y lo+er "ack +as killin !e% then !y !iddle "ack. - ot into "ed a"out S::' at +hich point - ot a sharp pain in !y ri ht side. - pushed it +ith !y fin er - sore - +eird. #y little 7o3i ;7o+er+and= +as on a dresser "usily co*erin a"out L other thin s% "ut% fro! "ed .in !y !ind/% - )ust told it that if this +as an attack "y the dark side% +ould it please stop !y pain and send it "ack to the! tenfold% then on up the chain of co!!and to the top. $ll pains +ere one +ithin : seconds. 1o 2hdt55555 2o -O! keepin this 73 and orderin another one for !y sister. (his oneOll +ork reat in sync +ith !y 2hi*a - the "ad "oyz are oinO do+n5555A By the +ay% +e don,t need to "e touchin the de*ices in order for the! to +ork for us. 3e don,t e*en ha*e to "e in the sa!e roo! or perhaps e*en in the sa!e to+n. (here !ay co!e a point +here it +on,t !atter if the thin is turned on. 0ften% - find that !y 73,s "attery has run out "efore -,*e done so!e ood +ork +ith the 73. - don,t kno+ if there,s a li!it to ho+ !any people can use one de*ice or to ho+ !any )o"s one can set the thin to acco!plish. - think you,ll need to et a feel for that yourself. (here are others +ho are inclined to pro ra! these de*ices for e8tended +ork "ut !y personal style is !ore inclined to real-ti!e encounters +ith the "ad uys and their chu!p secret police !inions. -,! hopin that"! foru!s +ill continue to "e used copiously to record and discuss the e8peri!ents others are conductin alon these lines. $ ood test for you to deter!ine if the 73 is Hdoin so!ethin , is +hen your co!puter ets hacked "y the 12$/C-$ eeks. - used to et that interference nearly e*ery ti!e - et online and% as - said% they stop as soon as focus so!e special attention on the hacker% thou h so!eti!es - need to attend to the hackers, superiors if -,! in a hot spot due to ha*in done so!ethin particularly hurtful to their collecti*e predatory a enda and in those cases it,s usually one of the superiors +ho is hackin !y co!puter% Carol tells !e. (he "oss hackers% usually #-B% ha*e a lot !ore talent% occult resources and deter!ination than the chu!p le*el hackers. Carol says they,re al+ays shocked/an ry that so!e"ody like !e can actually -D and stop the!. #-B usually die +hen they et in the +ay of the 73s. - think they,re like the nazi 22% +ho had to !urder an innocent "efore they could put on the unifor!. D*er +onder +hy an 22 officer +as appointed 2ecretary Neneral of the @1R
6or psychic peekers - find it e8pedient to "last the! e*ery ti!e the thou ht occurs to !e that !y pri*acy is "ein co!pro!ised "y the!. $s a rule% - do this e*ery ti!e - e*en think of the! "ecause that,s pro"a"ly e8actly +hen they sho+ up. 2o!e are cle*er at hidin and the cle*erest ones are also the ones +ho ha*e the !ost innocent "lood on their hands% accordin to !y +ife. (he psychics like to +ork on us durin sleep after +e,*e stopped the! fro! co!in around durin our +akeful life. -t,s a ood idea to +ake up +hen you sense their influence on your drea!s and "last the snot out of the!. - found recently that - +as a"le% in !y se!i-sleep% to clearly identify four fed psychics. #y psychic +ife confir!ed that for !e. 2he,d +oken !e up to help her deal +ith a noisy% !aterialized a ent do+nstairs in our house .a co!!on occurrence until that ni ht/ +hen - found these other feds. 3e,*e "een sleepin !ore soundly since +e stopped those ni htti!e *isits. (hese days the 12$ +on,t do anythin at all until/unless one or !ore of their psychics can et a clear picture of our circu!stances% so disa"lin the astral *isitors really clo s up their +et+ork plu!"in . Be!e!"er that anyone +ho is in the astral plane is particularly *ulnera"le to our "rand of interference% and in that +orld the i!a ination of the corporeal entity .you% the +ould-"e *icti!/ is kin % so ha*e so!e fun +ith these +ould-"e ener y *a!pires% okayR ?ou,ll no dou"t find% as - ha*e% that you,ll et fe+er and fe+er inti!ations of psychic peekers as you pro ress. (he psychics in the 12$ and the other secret police a encies in the +orld kno+ the scoreV don,t kid yourself. 1one of the! are under any illusion of patriotis! or the desire to ser*e hu!anity. 101D of the!. (he re!ote *ie+ers are another story. #any of the! are le iti!ate !ilitary !en and +o!en. -f one of the! hasn,t fi ured out that !any of their tar ets are innocent and that the people orderin the *ie+in are cri!inals% i*e hi!/her a "last +hen you sense the intrusion and it +ill !ake the ri ht i!pression +ithout har!in the *ie+er. - feel the! as rather clu!sy% relati*ely "lind intrusions co!pared to the hi her-le*el professional psychics. - think the secret police use the! as "ackup only and the !ilitary uses the! routinely for so!e+hat !ore le iti!ate reasons. Be!e!"er that e*ery sin le !olestation of your pri*acy% your skies% e*en your telephone% e!ail and snail !ail is )ust another opportunity for you to e8ercise your ri ht to protect yourself and your fa!ily and friends fro! this *ast corporate !onster that -,! callin the +orld order. $ll of these intrusions are at the hands of the secret police and their unofficially affiliated chu!ps in the other+ise !ore le iti!ate police a encies around the +orld. (he satanic orders% like Nolden Da+n% - $#% (heosophical and Bosicrucian !asonry% etc.% are su"- roups of the secret police and do their dirty +ork on occasions +hen the fake o*ern!ents of the +orld +ant to di*ert attention fro! the!sel*es. 6or instance% the ritual !urder of the 2pecial 6orces doctor,s fa!ily .for +hich the doctor hi!self is no+ in prison/ a fe+ years a o in 1orth Carolina +as perfor!ed "y one of the C-$,s satanic assets and the strin of !urders in #aryland and 3ashin ton% DC% last fall had the sa!e characteristics% includin the token H$ce of 2pades, callin cards left at each !urder scene. 2o]stop the secret police fro! enforcin the +orld order,s a enda and +e +ill ha*e effecti*ely disa"led the +orld order,s terror ca!pai n and the ne8t lo ical step +ill "e the dissolution of the corporate entities that are posin as le iti!ate national% state% county and local o*ern!ents in the +orld. (hen% - think it +ill "e natural and easy to fi8 this political !ess "y dissol*in all hea*ily centralized Hauthority, and consultin locally and at the county and state le*els to arran e for !ore or anic% !ore !ana ea"le and feasi"le for!s of o*ern!ent +hile the present% treasonous officials are radually arrested% tried and con*icted for their !anifest cri!es. 2ince !ost or the )ud es are also traitors% +e,ll need to esta"lish actual courts a ain% of course. (hat,s not a pro"le!% since it has to "e !ostly done locally% any+ay. (he fact that +e,re already a lo"al society is no lon er de"ata"le% - think. 3e .a !ore conscious hu!anity/ acco!plished that% not so!e *a ue% hidden or anization of H!asters, on our "ehalf. 2ee ho+ i!portant your +ork +ith these de*ices can "e to the course of history and for the safety% health and prosperity of the hu!an
raceR - fi ure that for e*ery hundred po+er+ands% 2hi*as% Bi #a!as% etc. out in the !arket there +ill "e a"out fifteen or t+enty of the! in the hands of people +ho are +illin to use the! as - propose% and that,s pro"a"ly enou h to finish off this corporate "east that,s posin as le iti!ate police a encies around the +orld. -t,s not necessary to "e as a ressi*e as - a!% "ut "i results do reKuire "i efforts. -f you,re one of the re!ainin !a)ority +ho hasn,t the inclination or coura e to take this !onster on% you can at least "e sure that )ust turnin the thin on and stayin +ithin its sphere of protection +ill keep the! at "ay in your case and you,ll pro"a"ly "e physically safe fro! the! as lon as they don,t et their +ish and esta"lish !artial la+. -f you only ha*e one of #ark 9ooten,s 2hi*as you should kno+ that this protection +ill only "e a*aila"le +hen you consciously !ake it happen "ecause that de*ice !ust "e acti*ated consciously for specific oals. $s +ith any !a ic pursuit% the results +ill depend lar ely on your a"ility to clearly define the oal. 2ayin % H7rotect !e fro! predators, +on,t likely et you !uch in the +ay of discerni"le results. (he analo y - use to descri"e the difference "et+een a ifted% disciplined psychic and one trained "y the +orld order,s hi h !asters is that the for!er is like a 6ord 6airlane and the latter is like a 6errari. 3hile the for!er !ay not +in any races on the track% it also +on,t likely "reak do+n and it +ill "e relia"le for the distance. (he latter ets !ore i!pressi*e track results "ut needs e8tra% constant attention to the !echanical +orkin s and you +ouldn,t consider takin it *ery far fro! the repair shop. (hat analo y +orks loosely +ith the 73 and 2hi*a. (he 73 +ill +ork for anyone )ust "y turnin it on% at least in ter!s of protection and so!e !ar inal healin and consciousness-raisin . -f you don,t +ork consciously +ith the 2hi*a you,*e )ust "ou ht an e8pensi*e doorstop for all the ood it +ill do for you. -f you focus correctly and are clear +ith your intentions and tar ets% the 2hi*a +ill o to +ork on the +hole lot +ith *i or and resol*e until the )o",s done. -,d say that the sa!e non-instructions +ork for the 2hi*a% 7o+er+and and other si!ilar de*ices and - a ree +ith !y +ife that opti!ally one +ould +ant to ha*e as !any of these ite!s as possi"le around if one is serious a"out tacklin the +orld order. $s a de!onstration% in #arch% &'':% - spent three +eeks in the face of the re i!e +ith only a 7o+er+and and - ne*er felt like - +as in any dan er% thou h +hat - did and +here - +ent durin that three +eeks could "e considered Kuite risky and +as *ery da!a in to the re i!e,s enocide a enda. -t,s in *o ue no+ to talk a"out reptilians and D( predators "ut in fact Carol and - "elie*e that the hu!an secret police ones are far !ore dan erous ri ht no+ and if +e i nore the non-hu!an ones +e,ll still +in the a!e if +e focus on these !ore i!!ediate% fake- o*ern!ent physical threats. 0nly hu!ans can do the real dirty +ork and the real healin +ork in the +orld ri ht no+. -f you ha*e the inclination and talent to deal +ith the reptilians% draconians% B-2irians% etc.% that are in lea ue +ith this fake +orld o*ern!ent the 7o+er+and and 2hi*a enerally +ork on the! the sa!e +ay they +ork on astral hu!an peekers% so ha*e so!e fun +ith the!. #ost of the! are a lot !ore cle*er than their hu!an cohorts and can !anipulate your perception% ti!e and collateral e*ents "etter% +hich - think is their callin card% "y the +ay. 6or e8a!ple% on !y +ay to ift Chaco Canyon this +eek ;$pril P% H':= a car plun ed onto the +est"ound hi h+ay fro! the o*erpass a"out a !ile ahead of !e% "lockin traffic. (hen% as - e8ited a half hour later onto the sa!e o*erpass .!y tank +as )ust a"out e!pty and - couldn,t ha*e !ade it to another as station/ the co!puters at the truck stop near"y% +here - +as a"out to as up% stopped +orkin and - lost another hour )ust ettin !y as. (hat +as in $l"uKuerKue. - !ade it to the *icinity of Chaco Canyon that ni ht% re ardless% and - didn,t e*en "other lookin into +hat non-hu!an a ency !ay ha*e tried to interfere +ith !e that +ay% earlier. 9u!ans si!ply aren,t cle*er or resourceful enou h to do that kind of interference +ork% in !y opinion. @nder!inin the +orld order "y neutralizin the secret police a encies +ill also effecti*ely disa"le any alien or reptilian intentions for us% +e "elie*e% "ecause the secret police are the only effecti*e :D interface "et+een predatory D( and oursel*es.
3e feel certain that the t+o "odies taken on stretchers fro! the 12$ house up the street that day in early 6e"ruary% a couple of hours after - ai!ed !y 7o+er+and at it .the house - +as *isitin +as ettin "ea!ed really hea*ily fro! that house a half "lock up the other side of the street/ +ere reptilians .part hu!an or at least usin hu!an for!s/. - already kne+ the 73 kicks predator "utt% "ut the fello+ +ho! - +as *isitin that +as the recipient of all that nasty% focused 12$ electronic ha!!erin apparently needed so!e con*incin V-/ 3hen - +ent +ith Nale and her kids to ift do+nto+n Beau!ont% (e8as% last +eek a fed!o"ile .it +as a ne+% e8pensi*e% sil*er-"ronze pickup that looks like a silly i!itation of a 9@##F% so he +as pro"a"ly the co+ardly 2pecial $ ent -n Char e of terrorizin Nale and her fa!ily lately/ pulled up "ehind us +hile +e +ere +aitin for a frei ht train to pass. 3e H!ade, hi! and he then pulled into the police parkin lot% +hich +as ad)acent to +here +e +ere% and dou"le-parked "y so!e cop cars. - nailed hi! +ith Nale,s 7o+er+and% and then dro*e ne8t to his *ehicle to look at hi!G+ell% okay% - +anted to loat--throu h the +indo+. 9e turned to face !e and had a look of a")ect terror on his face% +hich told !e that he,s )ust a peeker% not a killer. -f he +as a killer% he,d ha*e "een killed% -,! Kuite sure% thou h technically he +ould ha*e co!!itted suicide "y unla+fully interferin +ith so!e"ody% innocent% +ho has a po+er+and and isn,t afraid or too deeply pro ra!!ed/co!pro!ised to use it. By the +ay% Nale has )ust started !arketin a !uch si!pler% less e8pensi*e de*ice +hich !ay "e used this +ay to ood effect. 9er offerin s are on +++.a+akenin sener!. (he feds ha*e already sent so!e thinly *eiled threats to her on that account% so you should consider that a fine endorse!ent for her products V-/ - +ish they,d "e stupid enou h to threaten !e directly. - can al+ays use ood% free ad*ertisin . (hese chu!p le*el secret police that !ost of us ha*e% "y no+% reco nized in our areas !ay "e rather "eni n and non-threatenin "ut their !ere appearance indicates that the hi her-ups% +ho are searchin for +ays to secretly kill not only us "ut !illions of other innocents% are ceaselessly in*entin +ays to interfere +ith us% so +hen these chu!ps sho+ up it,s an open in*itation to i!a ine the 7o+er+and,s ener y appropriately disa"lin the killers in the hi her ranks% +hich - also did in this case and +hich you can certainly do% too. -,! told "y a for!er insider that the killers in the 12$% C-$ and 6B- are only happy +hen they et to do +et+ork% so +hen you see one of the! +ith a happy look on his face .al+ays look for the "ul e in his pants at the ankleGthat,s his "ackup piece/ you,d "etter 73 the rat "astard V-/ $s - see it% +hat +e,re doin is 3hittaker Cha!"ers, drea! co!e true. 9e +as the "etrayed chief prosecutor at the 1ure!"er trials after 33--. - think +e all kno+ that those nazi !urderers +ere soon +orkin in our o+n already-nazified federal o*ern!ent and also "eca!e -nterpol and the national secret police a encies in the ne+ly-for!ed countries% "oth co!!unist and fascist .Hde!ocratic, nationalis!/. Jet !e kno+ if you +ant so!e courtroo!-Kuality e*idence fro! (ed Nunderson +hich clearly sho+s that the feds kne+ a"out the forei n co!ponent of M/11 si8 !onths in ad*ance "ut ne*er interfered +ith those fello+s. -f 3ilhel! Beich had used these tools% he +ould likely ha*e li*ed a *ery lon % e*en !ore fruitful life% ha*in done to the hu!an fake- o*ern!ent predators +ith these tools +hat he did in self-defense to those nasty D(s, ships +ith his cloud"usters. 9a*e you noticed that no"ody,s ridiculin Hconspiracy theories, these daysR -f anyone - talk to e8presses dou"t a"out the po+er of conspiracy% - hold up the physical e*idence of the *ast net+ork of ne+ !ilitary trans!itters as stark testi!ony to +hat the +orld re i!e has in store for us if +e don,t stop the!. By no+ - think e*eryone is +illin to consider that these thin s are certainly not for cell phones. -,d point out che!trails to the 7a)a!a 7eople "ut !ost of the places - *isit are no lon er pla ued "y these poisonous spe+planes% thanks to our e8tensi*e CB net+ork. Fo <oanna is a traditional $frican/-ndian healer in Brazil. 2he,s $l #c$llister,s !entor .$l,s site is!/ and has "een *ery supporti*e of our net+ork. Fo <oanna has also pro*ided so!e uniKue insi hts a"out the +orkin s of the or onite de*ices. 2he re!inds !e *ery !uch of the Qhosa +ise +o!an in $frica +ho! Carol and - *isited. $l recently took her a 2uccor 7unch% +hich is the crystal/electronic de*ice that,s at the core of the 7o+er+ands and here,s +hat $l told !e a"out her assess!ent of that de*ice: >- )ust returned fro! Fg <oanaOs house. 2he +as *ery happy to tell !e a"out her e8periences +ith the 27 you a*e her% and - a! passin it alon to you. Fg <oana has a fe+ disciples% TsonsT and Tdau htersT as she calls the!% that she is Tde*elopin T as !ediu!s. 6ro! +hat - understand these are people +ho are learnin ho+ to incorporate their T uidesT so as to "e a"le to ser*e hu!anity !uch as Fg <oana does. 2he says that +e all ha*e these uides% the head uide is our TfatherT% the other ones are responsi"le for and participate in our e*olution inspirin and orientin us in different disciplines% !o!ents and interests in our li*es. Fg <oana attends to people inside a *ery s!all% lon roo!% that has an altar at the opposite end fro! +here she sits. 2he has placed the 27 on this altar +ith the crystal pointin to+ards her% and turns it on durin the +hole session +ith her TsonsT. 2he said it has "een *ery helpful to all there due to the hu e a!ount of positi*e ener y and stron spiritual li ht that it enerates% she finds it to "e !ar*elous in its effect and is *ery thankful for the ift. 2he has not yet identified the entity that operates the 27% "ut has seen her as a fi ure in the crystal itself% she did say that it is a +o!an saint. Fg <oana +ill ha*e other thin s to say as ti!e oes "y and - +ill relate the! to you. 2he asked that you please "e careful +ith your o+n life ener y +hen you do thin s such as the e*ents at #t. 2hasta ;+e disa"led Count 2t. Ner!ain there=% it can "e *ery de"ilitatin and a e your "ody ;- ha*e "een a in faster lately% "ut it,s a s!all price to pay=] ]2he co!!ented that the Count 2t. Ner!aine +as Te*il in hu!an for!T. ?ou did a lot of ood. 3ell that is it% Fg <oana asked !e to tell you that she is prayin for you% she thanks you .and Carol/ for all the dedication and effort that you put out. - thank you also% take care. $lA 1otice that all of the !edia attention directed a ainst us paints us as dan erous% not as deran ed or paranoid V-/ keep !eanin to send those uys so!e !oney for all that free ad*ertisin they,re pro*idin . 3hat - )ust disco*ered ;#ay 1&% H':= is that these de*ices are po+erful healin tools. Carol,s "een tellin !e this ri ht alon . $ fe+ days a o% one of our zapper custo!ers asked !e to i*e her so!e ad*ice a"out her dyin "rother% +ho! the docs had i*en a fe+ days to li*e and +hose shrink told hi! he,s +elco!e to take all the prescription dru s he +anted no+. (he pro"le! +as cancer and li*er failure. - told her that - +as clueless a"out helpin the uy% since he +as too far a+ay for her to et a zapper to hi! "ut that -,d send hi! and her so!e ener y fro! the tools. - did that ri ht a+ay and - felt an incredi"ly stron kundalini rush all o*er !y "ody in the process. (hat +as a first. - et a lot of sensation% as - !entioned a"o*e% "ut ne*er any kundalini acti*ation to speak of.
$ couple of days later% she e!ailed !e to say that the cancer +as one and there +as no si n of li*er pro"le!s and that he +as oin ho!e that day. $lso% she said that his attitude +as co!pletely ne+ and that he +anted to fi8 all the thin s that had "een +ron in his life. - ather that he +as pretty profli ate until that point. 2ince then% se*eral others around the +orld ha*e asked !e to send ener y that +ay and each ti!e - ot the kundalini rush% so!eti!es stron er% so!eti!es +eaker. - +onder if the stren th of the rush relates to the size of the pro"le! or to possi"le "arriers to healin +ithin the recipient. -,ll update this as - et !ore info. Jarry in <apan created Bi #a!a and that one see!s to do all the stuff that 2hi*a and 73 do to ether% and then so!e. 9e ot so!e a+fully stron confir!ations durin the early sta es of construction. - don,t kno+ if he intends to sell the!% "ut he,s uploaded plans and photos on"! foru!s files section. Nale in (e8as has "een !akin uniKue or onite +ands that do a lot of this "ut they ha*e no fancy +ork in the! and +ould "e the !ost easily afforda"le. -,! encoura in her to produce a consistent product so that - can help her !arket the!. Bory in 1. -reland !ay ha*e so!ethin si!ilar in the +orks and +e ha*en,t yet had the opportunity to re*ie+ +hat so!e fello+s in $ustralia are doin in that *ein "ut they,*e ot a pretty ood track record in our net+ork. 2o!e others are spontaneously creatin si!ilar tools% so this tells !e that <esus, pro!ise that H(he !eek shall inherit the earth, !ay "e in the process of fruition ri ht no+. - think only "rain-dead ne+ a ers actually "elie*e that this satanic +orld order +ould +illin ly hand the o*ern!ents of the +orld "ack to hu!anity "ut ol, Noe""els said it "est: (he "i er the lie% the !ore people +ill "elie*e it. fDon Croft HC"s+ork,s, $ssess!ent of the 2hi*a and H#ini-!e, ;3e,re findin that the 73 is a ood de*ice to et your sea le s +ith and after you,*e identified +hat it feels like to use that% you !ay +ant to et acKuainted +ith #ark 9ooten,s offerin s% +hich are descri"ed here. 9is are !uch !ore interacti*eV in fact% the *ersion of the #ini-!e +hich Carol and - ha*e is apparently different fro! the one that C"s descri"es% as ours has no or onite in it% "ut in fact the little thin is like a .:LP #a nu! +hen +e use it on the 9o!eland 2ecurity predators lately. -t,s the Kuickest de*ice of the! all and +hate*er "eneficial entity is hus"andin this one see!s to really en)oy his/her/its +ork. 3e ha*en,t tried it for healin yet% "ut +e,ll et to that. fDon=: (his is !y re*ie+ of #arkOs shi*a thin . - asked to share it +ith you% as a !atter of course. 1o pro"le!o. 2hi*a and #ini-!e creations "y #ark 9ooten #ini-!e (his ne+ creation/in*ention "y #ark is really fascinatin on !any le*els. 2tructurally% it contains a (i"etan dou"le ter!inated Kuartz crystal +rapped +ith copper% +ith si8 radial ar!s e8tendin to+ards the circu!ference. Dach of these ar!s has its o+n tour!aline. -t also contains peridot% aKua!arine% fine "rass sha*in s% a 2BB Tcrop circleT coil +hich dri*es the ener y for! up+ard. 6irst% like any +ell !ade 99 % it really thro+s off a nice indi o cone of ener y. Fery "ri ht% a"out & feet up+ard. But unlike any 99 -O*e yet seen% it also has a nipple of deep *iolet ener y - !uch like a s!all as fla!e in shape - that co!es directly off the center. 0ut of this% co!es a *ery entle sprinkle of !icroscopic old flecks of ener y that disperse in the indi o "ea! of etheric ener y. 3ithout any intent% it e!its this ener y% day or ni ht. @pon the co!!and% TDo as you +ere created to do%T it "e an a itatin the prana .sKui ly ener y that co!es fro! the sun% etheric/ and dra+in it in+ard. (he indi o ener y for! then shoots up+ard se*eral feet. (hese old flecks% pure% first su"-ato!ic etheric ener y .the etheric plane has four le*els% !uch like the lo+er physical%
+hich has three - solid% liKuid% as/ and these fly off into parts unkno+n. $t the core of the unit% +ithin the crystal !atri8% there is a *ery al!ost in*isi"le% *ery li ht )ade in color ener y for!% +ithin the fi ure S for! of the crystal itself. 3ithin !inutes of intent% !alific thou htfor!s% de*as% ele!entals% de!onic "ein s% "e in to clutter around. (hose +ithout their o+n +ill are dra+n in and dissol*ed. Conscious% left-hand path life-for!s stay out of its...ran e% if you +ill. (his sol*es for !e the issue of "oth #ini-!e and 29-F$% and their propensity to attract the dark side% +hen acti*e. - found the addition of 7eridot !ost interestin % as it appeared to "e the catalyst for trans!utation of the dark thou htfor!s% +ith etheric aspects% into clear ener y. (our!aline has this a"ility as +ell% "ut the "ulk of the ener y +ork +as co!in fro! the (i"etan D( crystal and a s!all reen dia!ond% a"o*e it. -t +as the dia!ond that created the nipple of ener y cone that +as actually al!ost hypnotizin to +atch. -t dre+ you in% to the point you )ust lost ti!e "eco!in enchanted "y its ener y for!. Fery "eautiful... 3hat appeared to dra+ the ener y in+ard% +as #arkOs use of those 2BB coils% !iddle and "otto!% +hich a*e it Kuite a strident and po+erful ener y s+irl. 2ince the arri*al of 29-F$ and #ini-!e% !ost of the psychic attacks on !y ho!e and fa!ily ha*e fallen off to nothin . 3hat attacks did occur% - ne*er noticed "ecause these sentries a"sor"ed the ener y "efore it could enter !y or otherOs auras. @nlike a standard 99 % +hich is al+ays on and cannot do this% these t+o de*ices actually ra" !ale*olent forces - etheric and astral - and trans!ute the!. (hese de*ices% +hich nu!"er a!on an a!ple supply of *arious other creations sent to !e "y their creators% are of constant interest to local etheric% astral% and !ental *ehicle tra*elers +ho Thappen "yT and take a look a"out. (hey see! !ost interested in the Badionics stand% the 2hi*a and #ini-!e% and so!e interestin creations "y D!ello+ fro! the foru!. 3orkin +ith a Croft Cloud"uster 3ould it surprise anyone if they learned that "oth of these creations enhance the a"ility of the CBR 3ith the 2hi*a% +e ained a forest de*a - Kuite tall and fro! the near"y $n eles Crest 1ational 6orest% +hich is )ust t+o !iles fro! !y ho!e - +hich took o*er operations of the CB. 2o!eti!es it,s on% so!eti!es it,s off% dependin . Before that% the c" +as al+ays on. 1o+% its Tsuckin a"ilityT is under the control of this de*a% +hich is parked o*er a citrus tree and is still there% e*en +hen the 2hi*a is off doin +ork so!e+here else. 1o+% the nei h"orhood has 11 of these forest de*as% !ostly parked o*er deodars +here -O*e planted 99 s. (hese +ere ne*er here "efore the 29-F$% "ut since the one arri*ed% no+ there are !any. $nd in a recent scoutin of a fe+ cities around here% they ha*e "ranched out into the Ferdu o and 2an Na"riel !ountain ran e% thou h they still +onOt o near #ount 3ilson% ho!e of the Bockefeller funded ni ht!ares +hich sits upon that hill. #ost of the! are fe!inine% althou h a fe+ are !asculine. (hey stand% ar!s outstretched .if you can call the! ar!s/ dead o*er the center of each tree they ha*e chosen. (+o ha*e dropped do+n into the trees% for reasons unkno+n. (hey see! to "e directin the ele!ental life% +hich% +hen - !o*ed here three years a o% +as non-e8istent .e*er "een to Jos $n elesR ?ouOd kno+ +hy - this +hole "asin% +hich is the heart center of 1orth $!erica% is still turnin counter-clock+ise% thou h itOs startin to slo+ do+n./ (his report is !ainly a"out #ini-!e% a na!e i*en it "y !oi% as it rese!"led a s!aller *ersion of the 29-F$% "ut they are si!ilar in fe+ +ays% as +ill "e e8plored. 6or !y o+n self% - +as at first startled and unco!forta"le +ith all the TdarkT attention paid to these creations. 6indin s+irlin "lack clouds around your city% +ith you in the center% !uch like a hurricane% and kno+in full +ell that you and your en*irons are the attention of these "ein s% can "e disconcertin at "est. D*en !ore alar!in +ere the !any @2$6 (B:Bs that also +ere parked in these clouds% o"*iously +orkin +ith the reptoids. But% the positi*e out+ei hs the ne ati*e% in this instance. Beptoids in the area% +hich "latantly and in reptile for! +ere freKuently co!in "y on foot% car% or )ust !aterializin in the yard or near the +indo+s% stopped that
at once. (hey )ust +onOt co!e near these thin s. $nd the closest the reptoids and other nasties ca!e +ere a"out three !iles% as e*idenced "y the "lack clouds they used to cloak their craft. -t !ay +ell "e that these in*entions% +ell placed in certain key areas% are the sil*er "ullet +eO*e "een +aitin for to outri ht dri*e the! fro! our planet. (hey si!ply +onOt co!e near the thin s. $nd +hat +ith the forest de*as .not ele!entals% de*as are a distinct and different e*olutionary "ein % here on earth% "ut e8istin in finer !atter than the physical - and unlike hu!ans% they $JJ +ork to ether and ne*er +arV +orkin as a roup% yet !aintainin their o+n distinct% indi*idual consciousness./ (he 2hi*a has no effect upon hu!an predators and their a"ility to do their tradecraft in !y area% unless set like a 27 to stealth !ode% +hich is not their function. (he 2uccor 7unch creates a localized field effect of any+here fro! a fe+ feet to a"out t+enty feet% +ith a chaos ener y field. -f directed% it can "lock transponders% shift li ht around itself% and !any other thin s% like directin ener y and a!plifyin the intent "ehind the thou htfor! of its user. (he #ini-!e and 29-F$ +ork +ith the an elic or de*a kin do!% in addition to "ein the *ery "est and "ri htest 99 s yet !ade. 9ere% cooperation% honest intent% and patience deter!ines outco!e. -O*e !ade dozens of reKuests on these de*ices and had se*eral s!all sprites appear to do +hate*er +as asked. 2o!eti!es% nothin happened. (here +ere reasons for this% as +ill "e e8plained shortly. -ts still too early in !y e8peri!ents and taskin s to fully relay the uses of these creations% thou h -O! sure the in*entor !ay say so!ethin a"out it and !ore fully e8plain the idea "ehind the creations. (hese or one creations ha*e al+ays used the cooperation of the ele!ental kin do! as the etheric real!s are their +orlds% as this physical plane is ours. 99 s and all these creations are the "rid e% "et+een the t+o aspects of the physical% the !undane and the super !undane. 3ith the 2hi*a and #!% the addition of the an elic kin do!% +hich is *ery si!ilar to hu!an "ein s in their e*olution% thou h they +ork +ith ener y and not the dull "rassiness of our physical% corporeal +orld. - planted the #ini-!e on the property of a kno+n and *ery *isi"le reptoid. (heir house is no+ up for sale% and this thin is ne*er around any!ore. 6or !e% after puttin 99 s on his land% +hich kept hi! a+ay fro! the fences% "ut did not e*ict hi!% this is an i!portant ne+ step. 0nce the creature is one% this +ill "e done at another reptoids house% in hopes of achie*in si!ilar success. -f this plays out% then the repercussions are enor!ous. 3e !ay +ell ha*e our -CB# a ainst the off-+orlder predators. $s +e !o*e deeper into the +orkin s +ith ener y that is er!ane to the !ore su"tle real!s% so do +e !o*e deeper into oursel*es% our !oti*es% and our relationship +ith those life for!s +hich populate these *ery sa!e freKuencies of life. (he De*a/$n elic kin do! +orks +ith ener y and are kno+n as the uni*erseOs "uilders. -t is the de*as that "uild your "odies% "ased upon the infor!ation held in your per!anent seed ato!s% of +hich each person has three: one for the !ental% one for the e!otional% and one for the physical "odies. 3hen a child is "orn% there is a T!aster de*a%T fe!inine% +ho directs three !inor de*as to the child at "irth% so the "uildin processes can "e in. $t the a e of &1% these three depart. (his !ay +ell "e ne+ round for !any or one a+are people. 2o!e of us ha*e "een +orkin +ith and can easily see this kin do!. But% the de*as are the "uilders of hu!anityOs thou hts. (hey create the for!. (hey create the structure. (hey follo+ throu h. (ruly% the acti*e cooperation of $1? kin do! here on Darth% or other+ise% that seeks the hi hest and no"lest possi"le outco!es for all sentient life% !ust "e not only our ne8t step to+ards total self-a+areness% "ut also a *ery real opportunity to "oot the Dark 6orces out of this 2olar 2yste! once and for all. 3hen - first laid eyes on "oth these creations% there +as and is% no dou"t that +e are no+ "rid in old $tlantean kno+led e in our ti!e. (his has "een confir!ed "y the in*entor and "y other !eans. -s this as it should "eR 3ho can sayR -snOt it possi"le that as +e stru le +ith the !ass poisonin of the planet "y !ale*olent forces% !en and +o!en
+ould e!er e +ho could i*e us a fi htin chanceR 0f course it is. $nd itOs self-e*ident. (he Kuick appearance of cloud"uster technolo y and the e8plosion of lon -suppressed technolo y ala Beich% (esla% and 2teiner is findin !ass acceptance and !any "ri ht li hts in this ne+ field are e!er in +ith e8citin tools that are ena"lin the aspirations of "etter!ent that e8ists in the hearts of all of those% +hose di*inity is e8pressed "y their actions and sacrifices. 3e are "lessed to ha*e this chance. $nd eKually% +e are "lessed +ith so!e fine creations fro! the Crofts% 9ootens% #ortons% #elodyOs% 2tarkOs% NrayOs% and dozens of other pioneers in free ener y and freedo! fro! insanity. 9alf of the !en and +o!en on the Croft foru! "oard are pioneerin ne+ and e8citin concepts so fast and so a!azin and far reachin in scope and potential% that !y head spins fro! it all. But thatOs a ood thin .
Episode 63 P$anned #0+ Re3eption at Mt= Shasta5 Part 1 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc6:plannedciadeceptionatshasta'&!ay':.sht!l #ay &% &'': 7ut your discern!ent cap on and "uckle the chinstrap% okayR - "elie*e -O! i*in an accurate accountin % "ut for you it canOt "e !ore than a .hopefully/ ood story unless thereOs so!ethin in your heart +hich resonates +ith it. 3e all need to resist the ur e to eneralize our su")ecti*e e8periences. 3eOre on -nterstate L no+% south of Du ene% 0re on% on our +ay to #t. 2hasta. 3eOll arri*e there later this afternoon in ti!e to do so!e iftin and et a California 0!elet at the Black Bear Diner. (hey put a lot of !ushroo!s and a*ocadoes in the!. 0n the ni ht "efore +e left ho!e% Carol ot a *isit fro! a *ery a ressi*e psychic +ho li*es in the #t. 2hasta area and this +o!an failed to hide her anta onis! on that infor!ation- atherin .inti!idationR/ astral *isit% so Carol ot a li!pse of so!e of the !ayhe! that the reception co!!ittee +as plannin to put on us. (his psychic +as apparently in on the plannin . 0n the +ay to 7ortland yesterday% Carol cau ht astral si ht of t+o C-$ streetpeekers and a psychic +aitin for us on the outskirts of the city% so +e )uiced the! all in order not to "e seen dri*in past the city. Carol said one of the peekers +as also a killer. 3e rarely encounter C-$ folks unless theyO*e ot a !urder a enda oin for us. 0ther+ise itOs usually the 12$ and% since +e started in $tlanta% the 6B-. $"o*e all these tea!s are the uys in the ray unifor!s +ho all see! to ha*e +eak hearts% +hich Carol says is the ne+ 9o!eland 2ecurity 6orce and the @1Os espiona e/assassination tentacle. $n hour a o% +e checked ahead of us and Carol sa+ se*en C-$ a ents +ho are the tea! that includes that a ressi*e psychic. 3e )uiced the psychic first% +hich !ade her !ad as hell "ecause no"ody had e*er otten to her so easily "efore. 3e )uiced the psycho killer that +as to ha*e shot us +hile in the co!pany of a !iddle a ed couple% then +e )uiced the couple and +ent on to do the re!ainin three% one of +hich is a deli*ery "oy% or O opher.O (he psychic is still ettin the treat!ent. 2he !ust "e pretty hi h on the occult food chain to +ithstand the instru!ents this lon . Carol says sheOs half reptilian. (here are an a+ful lot of reptilians in the occult esta"lish!ent. -tOs kind of interestin that the all-hu!an psychics ne*er Kuite et o*er the feelin that theyOre !akin stuff up% "ut the reptilians and part-reptilians arenOt operatin under that handicap and their psychic si ht is as natural to the! as our physical si ht is to us. $lso% the nati*e reptilians are far !ore dura"le than any of the other predators. - personally feel% thou h% "ased on our e8periences in 6lorida a couple of years a o% that there are so!e reptilian hi*es that are no lon er predatory and that a fe+ are e*en on our side no+. - asked Carol if this C-$ tea! is affiliated +ith the - $# .$lice Bailey (heosophy--satanic/ Center in the to+n of #t. 2hasta and she said they are. 3e +ent after their "oss and Carol +as surprised to see that itOs 9ilarion hi!self .aka 2t. Ner!ain% Cuthu!i% ad nauseu!/. - put #r. 2kull on hi!% since the entity +ho connects +ith that de*ice has pretty !uch kept Dr. Jees disa"led% accordin to +hat CarolOs seein . 3eOll check on the! a ain +hen +e et to #t. 2hasta later today and !ake our strate y o*er dinner% "ased on the iftin -site infor!ation +e recei*ed. - dearly hope so!e C-$ folks are stupid enou h to sho+ up +hen +eOre in the Black Bear Diner. 9ilarion appeared as an unassu!in little old !an to Carol "ut she reco nized his ener y. 9e sho+s up as any nu!"er of personas% accordin to ho+ he +ants to affect the audience. - +ouldnOt "e surprised if he sho+s up as a "i % horny de*il at those chu!p-satanist rituals. - +asnOt surprised to find out that heOs )ust so!e link in the C-$
food chain in practical ter!s. 3eOd "een +arned "y a kno+led ea"le friend that a couple and a co!panion +ould sho+ up on this e8pedition% possi"ly at the C-$ killin round in 7lutoOs Ca*e% and to "e *ery +ary of stran ers. Carol ot that the psycho killer is the indi*idual +ho atte!pted to a"duct one of our close friends in that *ery spot not lon a o. 3eOll "e +earin our pistols in that ca*e. -Od hate to think that +e +ouldnOt o out shootin if so!e of those C-$ creeps ot the drop on us. - kno+ +eOll "e +ell looked after% no !atter +hat happens. (he fun part for Carol and - +ill "e to see ho+ takin 2hasta a+ay fro! the satanists +ill affect the ne+ a e pro ra!!in in all those !illions of nice "ut te!porarily +itless people out there. 0ur take a"out 9ilarion is that heOs a full-"looded% fairly autono!ous D(% so he canOt actually D0 anythin on our planet. 9e can sho+ up and try to fri hten or con people "ut he has to rely on the trud in hu!ans in the occult daisy chain% !ainly the C-$ and their (heosophical-satanic errand "oys/ irls% to et anythin done in :D% )ust like the 0perators ha*e to rely on us% the +alkin +ounded and spiritually handicapped% to et their healin +ork done on earth. (hatOs +hy Carol and - focus on the hu!an and !ostly hu!an le "reakers these days and itOs +hy +e donOt care !uch if the entities +ho use our 7o+er+and and 2hi*a decide that certain deser*in predators +onOt die. -O! certain that if it +ere up to us to !ake those assess!ents +eOd "e in !ore trou"le ri ht no+ instead of less "ecause +eOre not in a position to understand the finer points of uni*ersal la+. $ C-$ a ent in a dark red truck spotted Carol at a rest stop a half hour or so a o% south of Du ene% 0re on. 3hen she ca!e out of the restroo! he +as starin at her +ith a sddt-eatin rin on his face and he follo+ed us out of the rest area% and then passed us. Carol tried to follo+ hi! "ut he dro*e ninety !iles per hour until he ot to the ne8t e8it% then parked at the end of the ra!p and +atched us o "y. Carol said he sa+ !e point at hi! and +hen - )uiced hi! all that happened +as that he co!pletely for ot +hat he +as doin and didnOt report us. $t any rate% that uy slipped throu h CarolOs net% so +e !ustnOt let our uard do+n. 2he had done the in*isi"ility .to predators/ routine for the car "ut not for the occupants. ;Carol later told !e that he had "een spyin on so!e"ody else in the rest area +hen he reco nized Carol% so - uess +e +ere hi her on his list of priorities. fD= (he - $# Beception Co!!ittee at Burney 6alls .an hour or so "efore sunset% 6riday L/&/':/ (he follo+in happened on the e*enin +e arri*ed in the #t. 2hasta area% +hich +as 6riday% #ay &. -O! +ritin this in our !otel roo! the follo+in !ornin in 3eed% California% +hich is one of the to+ns to the north of the City of #t. 2hasta and is also at the "ase of the !ountain. (hanks to supernaturally ainin so!e ti!e on our dri*e throu h 0re on .the last ti!e that happened for us +as on a dri*e fro! 7hoeni8 to 2edona% t+o years a o/% +e arri*ed at #t. 2hasta !uch earlier than +eOd planned% and +e didnOt +ant to +ait for a !eal at Black Bear Diner .Carol later said one of the - $#/ C-$ stoo es +as already +aitin to poison us there/ so +e dro*e out to the farthest t+o tar et areas on our list of spiritually polluted% Nreat 3hite Brotherhood po+er spots. (hese t+o are Burney 6alls and #edicine Jake% each a"out fifty !iles fro! #t. 2hasta. 3hen +e ot to the falls% it +as rainin hea*ily and +e didnOt "rin rain ear% so after so!e hesitation% +e hiked do+n to the falls and tossed one Je!urian-crystal 99 into the pool under the falls% and did the Oother taskO further do+nstrea! at the desi nated spot. (hereOs a nice% pa*ed path do+n the cliff face to the "ase of the falls and alon the strea! Kuite a +ay fro! there. 0n our +ay do+nstrea! to do that second thin % +e passed an alle ed fisher!an% +ho a*oided lookin at us. Carol said that people donOt nor!ally fish in the pourin rain and said there +as so!ethin not ri ht a"out the uy. $fter +e did the thin +e +ent "ack to+ard the falls and there +ere a "unch of people there% so!e lookin
into the pool +here +e tossed the 99 % a couple +alkin to+ard us on the path and t+o !ore people +alkin up the path fro! +here +eOd )ust "een .no"ody sa+ +hat +e did do+nstrea!/. $s you can i!a ine% not !any tourists +ould sho+ up in the rain on a dis!al late afternoon at places like this% especially since itOs fifty !iles off the "eaten path. (he "ase of the falls is a"out :'' feet do+n a cliff and the +hole thin is *isi"le fro! the ed e of the parkin area. (he path zi za s do+n the cliff fro! the *ie+in area. 3e +ere +alkin up the cliff path fro! the path alon the strea! +hen +e sa+ the couple stop at the turn% a"out &'' yards ahead of us% o*erlookin the deep% tur"ulent place in the pool +here -Od tossed the 99 . Before the youn couple reached us fro! that point% Carol Kuickly told !e not to let the! pass on the left. (he fello+ in front +as starin at us and rinnin and tried to et us to !o*e o*er to our ri ht% a+ay fro! the cliff face +here there +as no uardrail% "ut - si!ply s!iled% said O9iO and stood "y the cliff side in front of Carol to let the! pass. - said O9iO to the +o!an% +ho looked like a &L yr. old 9illary Clinton% as they +alked "y us. 2he didnOt look at either of us. Carol said she had directed the tall fello+% +ho looked like a pretty typical #C @ltra pothead drone% to push Carol o*er the ed e. 9e pro"a"ly +ould ha*e pro!ptly for otten it V-/ (his is !ainly +hy -O! opposed to pot: it turns !illions of hu!ans into co!pliant% unconscious hand puppets for the satanic +orld order. #any people +ho are in cults% no !atter ho+ nice they are% +ould likely kill to protect their "elief paradi !s. (he history of the Bo!an Catholic Church is an o"*ious e8a!ple of that tendency. (o e8tend the e8a!ple% the inner +orkin s of the !urderous espiona e "ranches of that older or anization are not e*en discussed in polite co!pany% thou h theyOre an inte ral part of that co!!unity and dress up like priests and !onks. -O! sure that !ost of the - $# de*otees arenOt a+are of the ritual !urder that routinely takes place at the hands of the upper le*el of that roup. (hose fe+ at the top are the ones +ho interface +ith the unla+ful secret police a encies of our fake federal o*ern!ent. (he entire reception co!!ittee at Burney 6alls +ere fro! the - $# Ofello+shipO in #t. 2hasta "ut only the head psychic% the older +o!an% +as a+are of the C-$ connection to that cult% accordin to +hat Carol +as seein . ha*enOt a clue ho+ those folks could ha*e "een +aitin for us ;+e fi ured this out a little later fD=% "ut no"ody sa+ us do our deeds% at least .and as usual/. (he fake fisher!an +ent up the path to the ed e of the pool at the "ase of the falls +ith another of the uys .the second uy ca!e do+n the path "efore +e ot to the cliff path-he had also stood starin do+n into the pool fro! the spot on the path +here +e tossed the de*ice/ and they )ust stood there lookin into the shallo+ end of the pool% do+nstrea! fro! the +aterfall. -Od tossed it into the deep% tur"ulent part% so no di*ers +ill "e a"le to et to it and they canOt turn off the hu e +aterfall. -t +as ettin pretty loo!y do+n there% as the sun +as lo+ in the sky and it +as hea*ily o*ercast and still rainin . 3e )ust stood "y the uardrail hi her up the path and +atched the +hole thin play out "elo+ us as Carol ot into each of their heads and !onitored their thou hts. Carol said that the fake fisher!an +as ar!ed. 3e didnOt "rin our pistols "ecause +e didnOt think anyone kne+ +e +ere there% "ut ne8t ti!e +e lea*e the car% +eOre takin the!. (hanks to !y "i !outh% Carol said they all assu!ed +e +ere ar!ed so they +ere "ein e8tra cautious +ith us. 2ee ho+ +e can turn our lia"ilities into assetsR 3eOre plannin to do so!e !ore tar et practice later today ;#ay 4% 2aturday=. (he path up to the top of the falls i*es a ood *ie+ of the path at the "otto!% so +e +atched the! confer as Carol read their thou hts. (he t+o fe!ale psychics .the 9illary Clinton clone and an older +o!an +ho% +ith a fe!ale co!panion% had follo+ed us up the path to+ard the falls/ started psychically attackin Carol i!!ediately and half+ay up the cliff she nearly fainted fro! the onslau ht. - started "lastin the! "oth .- felt sure that they
thou ht +e +ere standin in the +ay of the! sa*in hu!anity fro! its +orthless self/ and Carol !ade it "ack to the car on her o+n stea! "ut +e +ere a!azed at ho+ +ell they held up under our "arra e. Carol ot% a little "it later% that the older +o!an +as accessin t+enty other - $# psychics in the to+n of #t. 2hasta to i*e her attacks !ore tooth. 3e then set the 2hi*a on that distant concla*e throu h that +o!an and it cycled throu h the +hole cro+d% essentially endin the pro"le! for Carol. 1one of the! +ere particularly put off "alance e8cept the "oss psychic at the +aterfall% she said. #ost of the folks +ho sell the!sel*es to these cults are altruistic and !i ht +ake up so!eti!e. #ean+hile% #r. 2kull hadnOt had !uch effect on 2t. Ner!ain% nor did the 2hi*a% so - asked !y doppel an ster to take a turn and that one is keepin the old "u er distracted enou h that he isnOt follo+in our pro ress. Carol said heOs constantly s+attin at the "lack panther "ut that the old D( fart doesnOt need to sleep and he ne*er ets tired. 3e had s!acked the other predatory psychic .the "oss +o!an in the local - $# C-$ si8-person assassination/a"duction tea!/ +ith the 2hi*a and 7o+er+and "ut it only !ade her !ad% kind of like slappin a pit "ull. Before +e ot near 2hasta% +e put the #r. 2kull/7o+er+and co!"ination on her and that took her out of action "ut didnOt stop her yellin and screa!in at us. Carol says sheOs a ood part reptilian and "i as a "oat% also that sheOs a da er "eau +ho is e8tre!ely se8ually frustrated. 3hoOd *oluntarily ha*e se8 +ith a porcupine% after allR - think - )ust earned a penalty for usin too !any !etaphors. 2he is the link "et+een 2t. Ner!ain and the C-$ - $# .O.and thatOs all - a!5O f7opeye/ hitter tea!% so they +ere all effecti*ely re!o*ed fro! the fray. 3eOll )ust keep #r. 2kull on her until she oes a+ay. - "et an enra ed cultist is !ore dan erous than a payrolled C-$ psycho-killer% any+ay. 3e left Burney 6alls and after &6 !iles +e turned north off of California 9i h+ay SM% +hich leads east and south of 2hasta% and dro*e to+ard #edicine Jake% +hich is :& !iles into the forest and !ountains% far fro! any people. 3e hadnOt Kuite fi ured out +hat to do a"out the - $# psychic attackers at this point and Carol +as feelin a little off center fro! their continuin "arra e% "ut ri ht after +e did the thin +ith the 2hi*a to stop the!% she sa+ a host deer cross the road in front of us. $s so!eti!e happens% that distracted us fro! seein the si n indicatin the turn to o to #edicine Jake% so +e dro*e on until the sno+ "locked the hi h+ay% a"out t+enty !iles into the !ountains and a"out fi*e thousand feet a"o*e sea le*el% then Carol said the 0perators indicated that +e should put a Je!urian 99 in the *icinity and toss out fi*e (Bs alon the road "ack out. - hiked into the +oods and "uried the 99 +here it +ill not likely "e found% then Carol sa+ a hu e "ear host !o*e across the road in front of the car. $ !ile do+n the road% +e sa+ a si n that indicated that +eOd )ust inad*ertently ifted the *icinity of Bear 2prin s. (he "ear +as "i er than a Nrizzly% Carol said. - +ondered out loud if so!e departed sha!an +as sho+in us so!ethin and she !ulled that o*er for a "it. 3hen she sa+ a hu e elk host cross the road a"out a !ile further% !y theoryOs !arket *alue +ent up for her and +hen she sa+ an enor!ous olden ea le host s+oop across the road in front of the car ."y no+ it +as ni ht ti!e/% - Kuickly tossed out the last to+er"uster and she said that the -ndians +ere ha*in a little fun +ith us. 2he see!ed a little pissed and said% O(hey could ha*e )ust asked us to take an 99 there and +e +ould ha*e done it5O 2heOd ne*er seen super-sized ani!al hosts "efore. Back to+ard 9i h+ay SM +e took the first turn to #edicine Jake and dro*e si8teen !iles until deep sno+ "locked that road% too. $lon that stretch% - sa+ a little +isp of Ofo O and asked Carol if it +as a host. 2he +as a!azed that - sa+ it at all and said - ot it ri ht. 3e ifted another Je!urian 99 deep in the forest +here +e had to turn around and laid three (Bs alon the road on the +ay out. - spotted t+o !ore host +isps and Carol said% O?ouOll pro"a"ly see one !ore% since the -ndians like to do thin s in fours%O and that the ones - sa+ +hich she looked at +ere -ndian !en.
Bi ht "efore she fi ured out +hat +as happenin for !e% - sa+ a s!all fro or toad hoppin across the road in front of us and - said% O0h% reat5 ?ou see all these !a nificent "eastly !anifestations and all - et to see is a little toad5O "ut she told !e that the -ndians +ere i*in !e so!ethin for !y efforts "y sho+in !e the hosts and that it !i ht lead to !ore ifts durin our present ad*enture. #y old friend% Dorothy% +ho is a Druid% a healer and a 2eneca nati*e elder% told !e that all of the local -ndians +ere in*ited to a hu e feast "y the @2 No*ern!ent durin the treaty ne otiations lon a o and they +ere all killed "y poison then. -t +as in 7anther #eado+% hi h on #t. 2hasta. (hat place is sno+"ound% pro"a"ly until <une% and itOs one of the su ested iftin locations "ut% thankfully% +e had left an 99 in a ood spot there on 2epte!"er &1% &'''% +hen Carol and - first started this pro)ect to ether. Dorothy +as reeted "y a lar e roup of Je!urians +ho +ere ha*in a picnic in 7anther #eado+ in 1MP&% the first ti!e she *isited the !ountain. 2he +as dri*in "y on -nterstate L and follo+ed a spontaneous ur e to dri*e up the !ountain. $fter the tasty picnic and a short nap on !ats .she said they didnOt +ant to da!a e the plants/% they took her Othrou h a lar e tunnelO into another hu e !eado+ for so!e !ore pleasant socializin % then they took her "ack to the parkin lot. (he tunnel +as a hyper-di!ensional portal of course. @ntil she later learned +ho they actually are% she thou ht sheOd )ust spent an afternoon +ith so!e nice hippies in odd clothin . 2he didnOt kno+ enou h a"out the !ountain to realize at the ti!e that there are no tunnels there. -t +as durin an infor!al initiation at the 2u!!er 2olstice t+o years a o that Carol and - ca!ped in the +oods "eside 7anther #eado+ and heard the Je!urians sin in fro! sunset to sunrise and - sa+ their craft constantly dartin around the skies o*er the !ountain. Carol sa+ the! standin around us in the ro*e of hu e firs near the !eado+ and spoke +ith the! off and on all ni ht lon . 6or an instant around sunset% ri ht "efore all of this started happenin % - +as a"le to read CarolOs thou hts +hen she +as silently readin the +rapper of her ranola "ar. 2he +as shocked +hen - asked her +hy she +as readin the ranola "ar contents out loud. (he really ood stuff ne*er see!s *ery re!arka"le +hen itOs happenin . 3hen it starts to happen% keep your eyes% ears% heart and !ind open% "ecause the 0perators are pro"a"ly tryin to sho+ you so!ethin or prepare you for you ne8t le*el. Do you see +hy - say itOs i!portant to report all unusual e*ents and o"ser*ations for the recordR -O! countin on !y reports encoura in e*eryone +ho reads the!% +hether they "elie*e +hat -O! sayin or not. 2t. Ner!ain and the rest of the fake-an el% $lice Bailey con artist% predatory/parasitic secret +orld order OspiritualO cro+d do their "est to replicate this ro+th process "ut it can ne*er "e !ore than a pretty holo ra!% co!pletely de*oid of heart ener y and su"stance and the initiate ends up losin !uch !ore than he/she hopes to ain "y follo+in that carrot-on-a-stick. #ost children can easily discern the stink of that fakery fro! the fra rance of the real thin % and the "i challen e of the adult !ind-controlled !a)ority .includin that noisy little institutionalized O#oral #a)orityO/ is to "reak do+n the pro ra!!in that keeps the! trapped in their head fantasies and delusions and a+ay fro! their hearts and discern!ent faculties. (hese are the pa)a!a people until they learn to listen to their hearts% +hich leads to the syste!atic dissolution of all that nasty pro ra!!in . 3e ot a !otel roo! in 3eed% California after all that. 3e +erenOt Kuite co!forta"le ettin a roo! in #t. 2hasta Kuite yet "ut !ay"e our last ni ht here can safely "e spent in that to+n. 3eed is fi*e !iles north of the City of #t. 2hasta% +hich is pro"a"ly the sin le "i est !a net for #C @ltra drones and deep-pro ra!!ed +orld sa*ior +anna"ees on the continent% as +ell as ho!e to so!e actual rele*ant% conscious% a+ake hu!an "ein s. -t sure +ill "e a nicer place to "e +hen Carol and - are finished this +eek. #ay"e the real-people !inority here +ill feel confident enou h to co!e !ore "oldly out of the +ood+ork at last and a +hole lot of the hypnotized% rinnin de*otees +ill stop sellin their "odies and +ill achie*e their full potential. (hese cults are a for! of spiritual prostitution% after all% as +as sho+n to us at Burney 6alls. (hose - $# de*otees arenOt "ad people. (heyO*e )ust sold the!sel*es to "ad people in an el costu!es in e8chan e for-+hatR Don Croft
Episode 63 P$anned #0+ Re3eption at Mt= Shasta5 Part 2 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc6:pt&plannedciadeceptionatshasta'&!ay':.sht!l #ay :% &'': Day (+o .2aturday L/:/':/ $fter co!pilin our notes a"out the pre*ious e*enin +e +ent off to et our +ell-earned !eal at Black Bear Diner in the to+n of #t. 2hasta. - first asked Carol if 2t. Ner!ainOs C-$ hit tea! +as still out of co!!ission and she assured !e that they +ere% since the psychic pit "ull +ho passed 2t. Ner!ainOs orders alon to the! +as still incapacitated. 3e parked "ehind the diner and ot our lo*ely "reakfast. Before the food arri*ed% Carol +as "usy checkin all the people in the "usy diner and e*eryone +ho +alked throu h the door and +orked in the kitchen. 2he ot so!e a+fully stron thou hts fro! the +o!en at the ne8t ta"le. (hey +ere *isitin the to+n and one of the! had !et the +aiter .+ho seated us/ at a "ar the ni ht "efore and cheated on her hus"and after that +ith the fello+. - had +ondered +hy they had such a lon % sensuous hu as she left. - didnOt lea*e hi! "i tip after Carol told !e that. 2he +asnOt "ein nosey-she only picked that up "ecause she had to "e *ery open% telepathically% to pick up the scent of the C-$. 2he said one of the +aitresses +as part of 2t. Ner!ainOs local ne+ a e Bor and that sheOd reco nize us fro! our !u shots as +e +ere lea*in . 2ure enou h% she ot that OlookO of enra ed reco nition that - sa+ on a Bor couple a little later in the day as +e +ere tellin her OBye5O 0n the +ritten notes +e recei*ed last +eek that su ested the "est possi"le places to put Je!urian 99 s in order to deflate the Nreat 3hite BrotherhoodOs efforts around #t. 2hasta +as a fairly cryptic note sayin to ift the sprin near the Castella D8it of --L south of Duns!uir% +hich is the to+n thatOs )ust south of the to+n of #t. 2hasta (he notes indicated that the Je!urians !i ht sho+ us a path into their city fro! that sprin ;the re ular% !aintained path ends at the sprin itself.= $fter careful e8ploration and !ap do+sin % +e deter!ined that the sprin +as no+here near the hi h+ay and that +eOd pro"a"ly ha*e to hike a couple of steep !iles to -ndian 2prin at the "ase of Castle Cra s% +hich are the *ertical "asalt peaks at the top of a fairly tall !ountain. 3e trusted that assess!ent% thou h Carol +asnOt a"le to sense any !a)or ener y in that direction and +e +erenOt in *ery ood physical condition for a lon % steep hike. (he confir!ation ca!e +ithin a Kuarter !ile or so in the for! of a sudden +a*e of nauseatin % de"ilitatin ener y that stopped Carol in her tracks. 2he said she hadnOt felt this +eird since +e put that cloud"uster up into the *orte8 on the +estern side of Brand"ur % a hu e% isolated !ountain +hich is the !ain *orte8 center of the 1a!i" Desert in $frica. (hat ti!e% the an ry reptilians under the *orte8 +ere spinnin so !uch dead or one at us that +e +ere "arely a"le to stand% let alone cli!" up the steep rocky slope carryin a cloud"uster. -Od "rou ht alon the s!aller pistol "ecause of the potential pro"le! +eOd had at Burney 6alls and after +eOd cli!"ed another half hour or so--sure enou h--a couple had !o*ed Kuickly alon "ehind us on the path and stopped +hene*er +e stopped% )ust like ordinary pa*e!ent artists do. - could already sense that the psychic fe!ale +as checkin us out +ith all her !i ht and Carol heard her O2hhO the !ale co!panion +hen they +ere talkin a"out us% so - spun so!e ener y at her fro! the 2hi*a. Carol said this only put up a "arrier so that she couldnOt read our thou hts% since there +as nothin !ale*olent a"out the
+o!an. - )ust fi ured that sheOs like !ost of the rest of the local ne+ a e Bor : a +ell-intentioned person +ho )ust hasnOt yet seen any reason to Kuestion her affiliation. 3e stepped off the path and let the! pass. D*en - could see "y their countenances that they +ere part of the ne+ a e co!!unity centered in the to+n of #t. 2hasta around the personality of 2t. Ner!ain. (he uy +asnOt a sensiti*e% "ut he sure +anted to kno+ +hat +e +ere a"out. -t +as fun to +atch his face and "ody lan ua e as +e discussed the hike. (he +o!an kept lookin at the lo+er left front part of !y closed *est% +here the pistol +as in its holster% and she ri!aced% sli htly% e*ery ti!e she did so. Carol said they +ere specifically sent "y the - $# hierarchy to keep *ery close ta"s on us. - didnOt feel that they +ere a threat% "ut on the other hand% - didnOt +ant the! to kno+ +here +e +ere oin . talked to the! a"out the Castle Do!e trail% +hich forks to the ri ht near to the "ase of the cra s% thou h +e +ould "e takin a left turn +hich leads to -ndian 2prin s. - !ay co!e across as a "la""er!outh and tell-all in !y +ritin % "ut in fact% +hen the chips are do+n% - play !y cards Fery Close to !y chest V-/ in a style +orthy of 3. C. 6ields. 2ure enou h% thou h they stayed )ust out of si ht ahead of us% they did take the turn to the ri ht. - sure as hell didnOt +ant these folks to kno+ +here +e +ere oin "ecause she +as an a+fully sharp psychic. $fter that couple passed us% Carol +as ettin !ore and !ore de"ilitated "y the "ack+ard spinnin *orte8 and +as also ettin a "it of re!ote interference fro! the "lack ro"ed cro+d% +ho apparently +anted to keep that ener y spinnin the +ron +ay. - )uiced the! +ith the 2hi*a fro! ti!e to ti!e% "ut it +asnOt ha*in !uch effect. 2he felt so!e relief +hen the trail +ent throu h the s!all ra*ines "ecause the ener y +as !o*in o*er the surface. 3hen she sat do+n on a lo at one point% - sensed the presence of so!e Je!urians and she told !e there +ere three of the! there% i*in her so!e encoura e!ent and takin !ost of the pain fro! her le s. 2he !entioned that the -ndian 2prin *orte8 is only one of the openin s to their hyperdi!ensional city and that they *ery !uch appreciate +hat +e +ere doin . - didnOt i*e !uch thou ht a"out +hether theyOd sho+ up and i*e us a nice e8perience at the 2prin "ecause doin this stuff is re+ard enou h for !e% as it pro"a"ly is for you% too. 3e +ere a"le to !o*e a little faster after that and +hen it see!ed like +e +ere ettin close to the fork in the trail% - asked Carol if the Bor couple had one past it. 2he said they +ere +aitin alon the ri ht hand trail to see +hat +e +ould do% so - roared as loudly as - could se*eral ti!es in their direction and sent the +o!an a forceful i!a e of !yself% enra ed and lookin for the! +ith a un in !y hand V-/ Carol said they scooted farther up the trail then and hid% their i!a inations keepin the! fro! +antin to d+ell on our personal "usiness for the ti!e "ein . 2hortly after that% +e ca!e to the fork and +ent to+ard the sprin alon a .thankfully/ fairly le*el and e8tre!ely scenic path. 3e !et a !iddle a ed couple co!in fro! the sprin % "ut didnOt chat "eyond sayin O9i.O - could tell they +ere part of the Bor % too. Carol said they +erenOt particularly lookin for us% "ut that they reco nized us fro! so!e !u shots that the !e!"ers had otten shortly "efore our arri*al in the area and - sa+ their looks chan e fro! friendly to suspicious as +e passed the!. (he chance of !eetin Bor people on the paths to any of the sacred sites in the re ion is a"out the sa!e as !eetin de*out 2outhern Baptists on a +alk throu h any 3heelin % 3est Fir inia% city park. 3e did our "usiness at the sprin % o*er iftin "ecause of the interference +e e8perienced ettin there% and another couple sho+ed up. (hese +erenOt Bor % +hich +as nice for a chan e. (hey +arned us that a couple of people .you uessed it: the first Bor couple/ +ho! theyOd )ust passed on the +ay "ack fro! Castle Cra told the! theyOd spotted a "ear near the fork in the trail. Carol told !e that the "ear had sho+n up to discoura e the first Bor couple fro! oin to the sprin at all.
3e found "ear sddt on the trail a little later. Carol reco nized it fro! her o+n outdoor e8periences on #t. 2pokane% +here she re+ up. -Od ne*er seen "lack sddt "efore. 7ath Beyond the 2prin 2he told !e% the ne8t day% that a path appeared "eyond the sprin % "ut that she didnOt +ant the hikin couple to see us on it% so she didnOt !ention it to !e at the ti!e and she te!porarily for ot it after that. 0n the +ay "ack do+n the !ountain Carol told !e to tell her +hen - percei*ed that the ener y flo+ of the sprin -centered *orte8 "e an !o*in the ri ht +ay and - +as pleased to find that - +as a"le to sense that chan e ri ht after it happened. 2he told !e that so!eti!es +hen a raped *orte8 ets healed% the direction chan e is so sudden that it knocks her on her "utt "ecause she had ad)usted her "earin to co!pensate for the ener y !o*in the other +ay. (hat happened on our first *isit to Bohe!ian Nro*e% t+o years a o. $fter Nre put the 99 in the tree in a pri!ary *orte8 then% thousands of dra onflies suddenly appeared around us and Carol fell ri ht o*er V-/ (he first Bor couple passed us a ain half+ay do+n the trail. (hey didnOt e*en say hello this ti!e and "y the ti!e +e ot to the parkin lot they +ere one. (he second Bor couple +as still there% thou h% and they +ouldnOt return our friendly reetin or s!ile at us. (hey steadily lared at us as +e +ere lea*in . Bi ht after +e spun the 2hi*a ener y at the psychic on the trail% it occurred to !e that it !i ht "e prudent to spin it at +hoe*er +as ettin her to +atch us% so Carol sa+ a circle of psychics around 2t. Ner!ain +ho +ere usin the +o!an on the path to +atch us. (he harder - spun the ener y at hi!% the "i er he ot% accordin to Carol% so - soon Kuit doin that. 2he said he +as still "ein pestered "y !y doppel an er "ut that it no lon er co!pletely kept hi! fro! doin his +ork. - sure didnOt relish the thou ht of oin into 7lutoOs Ca*e +hile this uy had access to !ost of his hu!an resources. $s - !ay ha*e !entioned% the !ostly-+ell-intentioned .thou h hea*ily pro ra!!ed/ local Bor centered around this )erk +as all he had to +ork +ith% since the C-$ had +ashed their hands of us durin our e8cursion to 2hasta. (he little C-$ tea! that +as assi ned to 2t. Ner!ain +as out of action% thou h +e did see one of its !e!"ers +aitin for us to et off at the hi h+ay e8it after +e finished our "reakfast a couple of "locks up the street that !ornin . 3e +ere dri*in "ack onto the hi h+ay to o to Castle Cra s +hen +e +a*ed to hi! V-/ Carol told !e that so!e of the local psychics in the Bor are already Kuestionin their affiliation "ecause theyOre co!pletely una"le to stop us% see +hat +eOre doin % or e*en slo+ us do+n. (hey kno+ that if +e +ere up to no ood% it +ould "e fairly easy for the! to stop us and -O! sure theyOre studiously una+are of the lo+er le*el thu ery that e8ists in their or anization for those ti!es +hen the nicer Bor !e!"ers are una"le to deal +ith situations like this. 0nce a psychic ets a ood look at the full tea! roster% thereOs no oin "ack to the rosy +ay thin s +ere percei*ed "efore% no !atter ho+ schizoid she/he !ay "e. 3e dro*e i!!ediately to #cCloud 6alls% not far fro! the to+n of #cCloud .the third to+n thatOs on the "ase of #t. 2hasta-this oneOs on the south part/ +hich +as the nearest point on the d+indlin list of iftin tar ets% and peppered the upper and !iddle falls area +ith (Bs and a Je!urian 99 +ent into the pool of the upper falls% +hich are the !ain ener y centers. 3eOre told that the pirated ener y of these falls e!po+ered the satanic acti*ities in 2acra!ento .CaliforniaOs Capital/ and Beddin % so +e +anted to et it done +ell. 3e didnOt encounter anyone there% as Carol said the Bor +as ettin discoura ed and thro+in up its hands "y then% ha*in lost t+o of its !ost cherished locations and a couple of lesser ones. 2ince !ost of these folks operate !ainly out of their heads% -O! not holdin out !uch hope that the +onderful healin ener y that no+ co!es out of the *ortices that +e ifted +ill "e seen as re!arka"le "y *ery !any of the!. #ost hu!ans are not predators or parasites% "ut +hen our delusional personal "elief paradi !s are challen ed% +e hu!ans can "e Kuite a ressi*e and e*en destructi*e.
?ou !ay ha*e noticed that +hile ne+ a e de*otees are !ilitant pacifists they fairly cheer +hen any ele!ent of society +hich represents a challen e to their pro ra!!in ets "rutalized "y the re i!e% as the e*ents around the !edia setup and the su"seKuent !ass !urder of that co!!unity in 3aco de!onstrated. 9ea*y !ental pro ra!!in is al+ays characterized "y schizophrenic "elief paradi !s and co!placent arro ance. 3e dro*e up to pristine Castle Jake% +hich is on the other side of Castle Cra s fro! the sprin % reacha"le fro! the to+n of #t. 2hasta% and - "uried a Je!urian 99 in the sno+ on the ice of the lake. - tossed a couple of (Bs out near"y after that and ri ht after - turned to+ard the car to lea*e a "lack 2@F sho+ed up and three thu ishlookin fello+s% one +ith a sha*ed head% a*e us that predator look as they scra!"led out of the *ehicle and ran to+ard the frozen lake. Carol said they +anted to find the 99 % "ut of course% -Od taken precautions to et it to a spot that +asnOt o"*ious and these crack addicts pro"a"ly couldnOt find "irdsddt if it dropped on their pointy little heads. 3e left se*eral !ore (Bs alon a stretch of the S-!ile lon hi h+ay +here Carol felt so!e stron % sick ener y and as she +as a"out to toss the last one out% the "lack 2@F +ent "arrelin past us on the +ay "ack to to+n. Carol said they +ere frustrated and an ry and that the "ald uy +as a "lack ro"e cere!onial participant in the sea!ier side of the #t. 2hasta Bor . - "et he +as recruited fro! a prison so!e+here. 9e looks like any of the ar!ed ro""ery and !urder aficionados -Od encountered +hen - +as a psychiatric aide in a facility for the cri!inally insane for a "rief period in 1MP&. 3e couldnOt !ake it to 9eart Jake% another reputed entry point to the Je!urian city that has "een pirated "y the Nreat 3hite Brotherhood% "ecause the trail +as co*ered +ith sno+. -f it +erenOt a steep trail% +e !i ht ha*e atte!pted it. -tOs on the other side of Castle Cra s fro! -ndian 2prin s. 3e trud ed throu h a fe+ !iles of deep sno+ a year a o on #osco+ #ountain in order to neutralize the nasty array there +hich +as ha!!erin us "ut +e +ere on a road+ay% not a steep !ountain trail. 3hen +e dro*e "ack into to+n e*en - could tell that the Bor there +as losin heart already and +as no lon er intensely interested in stoppin or e*en trackin us. 3e +ent S !iles up D*erritt 9i h+ay onto the !ountain to lea*e a Je!urian 99 at the *ista point that +as listed as one of the tar et sites and has a terrific *ie+ of Castle Cra s% across a "i *alley% then +ent "ack to 3eed% +here +e spent another ni ht. Bi ht no+ +eOre still in the !otel and -O! +ritin this +hile itOs still fresh in !y !e!ory. Jast ni ht% +e put the icosahedron/crystal de*ice .Carol ot the plans for this fro! the sa!e little alien d+arfs +ho a*e us the Bi 2ecret plans-- need to pu"lish the plans so you can !ake your o+n or sell the!% "ut - ha*e to +ait for CarolOs okay/ on top of the 2hi*a and Carol set the apparatus onto 2t. Ner!ain. 2he said his "elly s+elled up i!!ediately and "y the ti!e +e +ere done +atchin a !o*ie% she said he looked like an inflated "alloon V-/ (his is the techniKue she used to +aste the reptilian Kueen in Jos $n eles earlier this year. #ay"e no+ +e can safely o to 7lutoOs Ca*es. 3hen Carol +akes up +eOll !ake our a!e plan. By the +ay% +e recently rented a ood !o*ie +hich illustrates our approach to "usiness. -tOs called #? 6-B2( (3D1(? #-JJ-01 and the title is *ery !isleadin "ecause itOs a"out so!e youn entrepreneurs +ho disa"le a treacherous Bill Nates character .played "y (i! Bo""ins/ "y i*in a+ay the pro ra!!in and plans for settin up a WMM holo raphic co!puter "ased entirely on the internet. (hey +ere then in line to et rich fro! consultin fees. (hat fil! raphically "acks up !y assertion that the only thin in this +orld that has true *alue ri ht no+ is infor!ation and that intelli ently "ut enerously sharin the infor!ation is the real fountain of prosperity ri ht no+% not hoardin and e8ploitin it. Don Croft
Episode 63 P$anned #0+ Re3eption at Mt= Shasta5 Part 3 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc6:pt:plannedciadeceptionatshasta'&!ay':.sht!l #ay 4% &'': 7lutoOs Ca*e-Day (hree .2unday L/4/':/ 3eOd sa*ed this iftin area for last "ecause it has a reputation for a"duction ."y C-$/2atanists% presu!a"ly/ and +e +ere specifically +arned to o there ar!ed. 3e ifted the to+n of #t. 2hasta +ith a"out si8ty to+er"usters% !ostly in the residential areas% to assist the +eanin of Bor !e!"ers a+ay fro! the old predatory/parasitic hierarchy associated +ith 2t. Ner!ain. Carol said the old fart +as pretty ra ed "y the ti!e +e ot up that !ornin and that his true for! +as "eco!in !ore and !ore e*ident to the Bailey-(heosophy-oriented de*otees% +orld+ide. 3e decided to re-apply the 2hi*a and eo!etry/crystal de*ice to hi! each ni ht for a +hile after that. 3eOd used that co!"ination on Da*id Jees "ut it had little effect on hi!% perhaps "ecause heOs ot !ore hu!an ancestry than the other fello+ does. Carol +anted to pick up so!e 7o+er+and-sized Je!urian crystals fro! a ne+ store sheOd heard a"out in the to+n% O(he Crystal Boo!%O so +hen they opened at 11$# +e took stock of +hat +as in the store and discussed our needs +ith Beth 3ilson% the o+ner. 2heOs *ery +ell acKuainted +ith the stones and is careful to !ake sure that each stone that is sold is oin to the ri ht person. 2he has se*eral sin in "o+ls for sale% each !ade of crystal. 0ne of the!% !ade of rose Kuartz% is the only successfully co!pleted rose Kuartz "o+l% she said% "ecause the !anufacturin process tends to create air pockets in rose Kuartz and the "o+ls e8plode +hen theyOre reheated in the final step of the process. (he crystal is round al!ost to dust% then heated to 4%''' de rees 6% cast in a centrifu al !old% allo+ed to cool% then heated to that te!perature a ain% at +hich ti!e it "eco!es re-crystallized in the ne+ for!. 2heOs found that the 6-sharp tone "o+ls resonate +ith +hat she calls the Ohi h heartO tone in people and that the Je!urian crystals also resonate to that tone. C"s+ork had i*en us a little de!onstration at his house a !onth "efore of the relati*e 6-sharp tones of the Je!urian seed crystals co!pared to the C note tones of all the earth crystals and se!iprecious !inerals. Beth +asnOt a+are of this distinction% so her findin s a"out 6-sharp +ere Kuite a confir!ation for us. (he reason - +as !ost i!pressed +ith her% thou h% is that sheOs a+are of the i!portance of o")ecti*e science in the in*esti ation of the properties of !inerals. 2he reco!!ends% to e*ery custo!er% the hand"ook% CB?2($J 703DB% CB?2($J 9D$J-1N% "y #ichael Nien er% +hich is the first "ook a"out the !etaphysical characteristics of !inerals and crystals that -O*e personally found *alua"le. Nien er is an $ustrian +ho applied scientific principles to his o+n nati*e a"ility to discern the healin properties of !inerals. -n the early 1MM's% as a naturopathic student% he initiated controlled studies in*ol*in a lar e nu!"er of *olunteers of all a es fro! a cross section of society% !uch the sa!e +ay that our cloud"uster foru! has "een infor!ally set up% to find the co!!on effects of specific !inerals on hu!an health and consciousness. 9e +as a"le to relate his kno+led e of the enesis and che!istry of each !ineral to the influences of that !ineral on people. (he "ook is an e8hausti*e study of these aspects and rates +ell as a te8t"ook in any school or uni*ersity% in !y opinion% "ecause of its o")ecti*ity. (he "ook +as first pu"lished in 1MM6 "ut +as only recently translated into Dn lish. (hat shop is a !a net for ener y sensiti*e people and truth seekers% - think% and BethOs +ell- rounded% do !afree approach creates an open at!osphere there so that e*eryone +ho oes there feels +elco!e and enriched. Beth characterizes% for !e% +hat can "e done co!!ercially in the field of !etaphysics +hen one is free of do !atic li!itations. -t +as a distinct pleasure and surprise to !eet her in #t. 2hasta. -f you +ant to !ake an
e8tra special 2uccor 7unch% 7o+er+and or any other crystal-"ased de*ice% - hope youOll contact her for a Je!urian crystal. (hey cost !ore than ordinary Kuartz crystals "ut are +ell +orth the e8tra !oney. 9er e!ail address is crystals@sno+crest.netV her "usiness phone nu!"er is .L:'/ M1S-M1'S% and her +e"site% +hich she tells !e needs updatin % is +++.crystals!!. - uess itOs +orth tellin that a +o!an +ho +as sent "y the - $# hierarchy ca!e into the store soon after +e arri*ed and stayed there until +e left. 3e didnOt interfere +ith that one "ecause +e +anted her to kno+ +hat +e +ere doin there and that +eOre not !onsters. #ost of the people in the - $# OBor O +onOt !iss a "eat +hen they find out that theyO*e "een ser*in an un+orthy !aster and then drop their affiliation +ith that hierarchy% +e "elie*e. 3e tossed all those (Bs out in the to+n to help the! !ake the transition fro! spiritual sla*ery to freedo!. 0nly a tiny nu!"er of people near the top of the - $# or anization kno+ the true nature of 9ilarion/2t. Ner!ain and the purpose of all that !ind control. (hese are the ones +ho also affiliate +ith the C-$ and are +illin to do "ad thin s to pro!ote their roupOs true a enda. #any of the rank and file of that OBor O are self-sacrificin and capa"le of so!e pretty heinous actions if they feel their "elief syste! is directly threatened% +hich pro"a"ly accounts for the presence% in the pourin rain% of all those people at that re!ote +aterfall% the e*enin +e arri*ed in the area. (he 2hi*a and 7o+er+and had little effect on the! "ecause they sincerely felt that they +ere actin +ithin uni*ersal la+. (he "oss +o!an in that roup at Burney 6alls% +ho +as the !ain psychic% kne+ other+ise "ut she +as dra+in on the po+er of a +hole lot of innocent psychics to sustain her attacks on Carol. $lso% +e +erenOt a+are of their collecti*e psychic scrutiny of our pro ress up to that point "ecause they didnOt carry that Odirty ener yO si nature +ith the! +hen they +ere astrally peekin at us. $ll the professional predatory psychics% fro! the stupid 6B- all the +ay throu h the C-$/12$ to the ultra-slick ones fro! the Dark #asters% i*e off that characteristic etheric stench +hen theyOre present. - uess these are the *ultures of the astral real!. -f youO*e e*er otten a +hiff of an actual *ulture as it flies near"y you understand +hat - !ean% thou h if you ha*e a cloud"uster you +onOt "e seein any *ultures in your nei h"orhood. 1o+ +e kno+ to check on the presence of !ore innocent peekers +hen +e +ant to keep +hat +eOre doin a secret at the !o!ent. 0nly the reen% untried psychics in cults like - $# lack the discern!ent to kno+ e8actly +ho theyOre +orkin for these days% - think% and a ne+ tactic is for so!eone in the C-$ to pre*ail on the cult hierarchy to use one of their reen ones to spy on us. - think this is a fairly desperate !easure% since they risk +akin up the psychic this +ay. -t +as on the +ay to 7lutoOs Ca*e that Carol had the realization that the Je!urians apparently had sho+n us the path to the entrance to their city the day "efore at -ndian 2prin s. 3e +ere specifically told that if a path appears "eyond the sprin that it !eans that +eO*e "een in*ited. - uess +e )ust took a rain check this ti!e V-/ 3e plan to o "ack this su!!er to ift the places +e )ust couldnOt et to "ecause of deep sno+ this ti!e% na!ely #edicine Jake% Black Butte and 9eart Jake. (he latter is also reputed to "e an entry point to the Je!urian City. -Od e8pected 7lutoOs Ca*e to "e close to #t. 2hasta "ut in fact itOs a"out ten !iles fro! the !ountain in a pretty flat area. (he entrance actually throu h a Osky li ht,% +hich is the collapsed roof of the hu e la*a tu"e. (his ca*e ori inates fro! the north% so!e+here in 0re on% +hich is fifty !iles a+ay% and -ndians +ere kno+n to ha*e used the la*a tu"e as a sort of under round hi h+ay until so!e"ody .the early fedsR/ dyna!ited a section of it. 0ur i!pression is that these la*a tu"es +ere already in place +hen #t. 2hasta +as for!ed. 3e ifted the entire area in cle*er +ays% as +e +ere told that the C-$ often conducts its satanic rituals .personally o*erseen "y 2t. Ner!ain/ inside one of the sections of the ca*e% +hich is a la*a tu"e that e8tends to the north. 3e +ere ad*ised that theyOd "e huntin for the or onite o")ects% so +e focused our iftin !ostly in the ca*e that had the death stench in it. (he other Oca*esO are the intact parts of the i antic la*a tu"e that e8tends to the south +hich +ere separated "y skyli hts. (he one farthest south had that peculiar stench and Carol said one spot held so!ethin under round that +as tryin to et out% pro"a"ly the spirit or spirits of +hoe*er !i ht ha*e "een ritually slain and "uried there. 2he says our iftin yesterday freed those spirits "y no+. (hatOs the southern end of the series of ca*es. (he la*a tu"e is entirely o"structed "y stones and de"ris "eyond that.
2t. Ner!ain sho+ed up to inti!idate our friends at the other end of the la*a tu"e and farther into that ca*e is +here one of the! nearly ot a"ducted "y one of the C-$ psychos ri ht "efore the old )erk appeared to the!% as they +ere lea*in . By this ti!e the - $# Bor +ere feelin pretty +ell defeated. (heir "i est% "est effort +as focuses on our arri*al at Burney 6alls% t+o days "efore% and +hen they sa+ that +e couldnOt "e "eaten or e*en slo+ed do+n !ost of the! soon realized that +e +erenOt operatin outside of uni*ersal la+ and they si!ply Kuit tryin to stop us and felt a "it disoriented. (he local C-$ - $# hit tea! +ere still in disarray "ecause their psych "oss had thro+n in the to+el and +as no lon er on the )o" at all. (he para!eters for usin the de*ices around #t. 2hasta +ere ne+ to us "ut *ery instructional. - so!eti!es think +e learn a lot !ore fro! our li!itations than +e do fro! our stren ths. Carol felt the +aitin presence of a couple of people in the ca*e as +e +ere dri*in fro! the county road to+ard the parkin lot% "ut she later said they +ere only there astrally% and +e )uiced the! so +e could ha*e so!e pri*acy durin the iftin process. -f you +ant to do so!e of your o+n iftin of 7lutoOs Ca*e% take a look to the east fro! the entrance to the Ca*e at the end of the path fro! the parkin lot and youOll see a +ell-!aintained ra*el road that !akes a M'-de ree turn. 3e "elie*e that this is +here the killers park +hen they "rin their *icti!s to the ca*e to "e sacrificed. (he road is +ide there to allo+ for Kuite a fe+ parked *ehicles. 3e didnOt ift that parkin area% so please ha*e at it. 3e sa+ a lot of fresh footprints there +hen +e took the +ron path and ended up in that spot instead of at the ca*e entrance% so so!e people% pro"a"ly not tourists% had "een there since +e arri*ed in the area% other+ise the hea*y rain +ould ha*e o"literated the prints in the fine *olcanic sand t+o days "efore that. (he ca*e entrance is '.& !iles fro! the state parkOs parkin lot to the south alon a !arked trail .+e didnOt see that and assu!ed that the "i er road+ay to the east +as the trail/ "ut itOs only a"out a hundred yards fro! that road. -f you do so!e e8plorin and find the reputed ruins of an $tlantean city so!e distance to the north% under round% let us kno+ and "e sure to take so!e di ital pictures. ?ou +onOt need to +orry a"out ettin lost. Before +e had arri*ed at the ca*eOs parkin lot% +e had +atched a delicate% or eous lenticular cloud for! all around the top of #t. 2hasta% +hich +as al+ays in clear *ie+ as +e tra*eled on the hi h+ay around the !ountain for 1& !iles to the north and east .+e took a short detour to ift Jake 2hastina on the +ay/. (hat +as replaced "y +hite% puffy cu!ulus clouds +hile a *ast array of lenticular clouds for!ed o*er our heads and alon our path to+ard the ca*e. By the ti!e +e +ere done the sky o*er the +ide *alley% +hich +as for!ed "y countless la*a flo+s fro! the north% +as full of those little lens-shaped +hite clouds% !any of +hich interlocked in a +ay that +e hadnOt seen "efore. (hey kept for!in in our path later that afternoon% all the +ay to Cla!ath 6alls% 0re on% +here Carol said that the Je!urians )ust +anted to let us kno+ ho+ !uch they appreciate +hat +eOd done for the! in the area around and on #t. 2hasta and that they +ere deeply "o+in to us. 7re*entin the Je!urians fro! interactin +ith the rest of hu!anity !ust ha*e "een hi h on the Nreat 3hite BrotherhoodOs enocide a enda. 3e spent the ni ht in Cla!ath 6alls and dro*e all the +ay ho!e the ne8t day. 0n the +ay% +e ifted Crater Jake. (he area around it +as in deep sno+ and it looked like +e +ere dri*in in a hu e trou h "ecause of the *ery hi h sno+ "anks on either side of the road. Before +e ot to the sno+ ele*ation% thou h% a *ery lar e coyote leisurely crossed the road in front of the car. -t +as noon and the only other ti!e in our li*es +eOd "een that close to a coyote +as durin one of the ti!es that the 2asKuatch +ere sin in .R/ to ether near our pre*ious ho!e in the +oods not far fro! 1e+port% 3ashin ton% t+o su!!ers a o. 3e thre+ out a to+er"uster ri ht after that and kept our eyes open% "ut +e still !issed the o"*ious turnoff to Crater Jake% stran e to say. $ fe+ !iles "eyond that% a +easel crossed the road% +hich +as "ounded "y tall sno+ "anks "y that point% and Carol said +e +ere to start iftin e*ery !ile or so after that. (+el*e !iles further do+n the road% +e ca!e to a )unction that sho+ed us that +eOd !issed our turn to Crater
Jake 1ational 7ark% so after +e ifted a fe+ !iles do+n that other road% +e dou"led "ack% found the correct turn .an openin on the left in the sno+ "ank/ and +ent up to the ed e of the crater. -t took us Kuite a +hile "efore +e could fi ure out a +ay to et a 99 o*er the enor!ous sno+ "ank that o"structed our access to the craterOs ed e "ut +e succeeded and +ent "ack to the hi h+ay% iftin for se*eral !iles fro! the CraterOs ed e alon the +ay. 3e ot to see so!e of the colors in the +ater +hen a ray of sunli ht !ade its +ay throu h the thick cloud co*er. (he +ater is &%''' feet% nearly strai ht do+n fro! the ri! of the crater. (hereOs a thousand foot *olcanic island near the northern ed e of the lake and you can look do+n into its crater fro! the ri!. (he lakeOs a"out fi*e !iles in dia!eter and the island is apparently on one of the pri!ary points of 1orth $!ericaOs section of the o*erall earthstar rid% so so!e thorou h iftin +as called for ri ht no+ in ad*ance of the co!in satanic *ersions of the 3eesac 6esti*al on #ay 1L. (he po+er spots on and around #t. 2hasta are pri!ary ener izers of the +orld orderOs oppressi*e occult !achinery and so is Crater Jake. (akin a+ay their occult po+er sources is the "est +ay - can think of to defeat these )erks. -tOs far !ore ele ant% la+ful and efficient than shootin the! all% especially since there are a dozen ea er chu!ps +aitin to take the place of e*ery fallen satanic +onk in the +orld order. (his +as the third ti!e on our iftin e8cursion that +e !issed turns and ended up doin so!ethin that +e hadnOt planned for at all. 3e had assu!ed that +e could )ust dri*e around the ri! hi h+ay and toss out a "ucket full of (Bs "ut the ri! hi h+ay +as closed to the pu"lic and &' feet deep sno+ separated the road fro! the ed e of the crater% any+ay. 3eOd strun out Kuite an array of (Bs alon ad)acent hi h+ays "efore that and ot an 99 into the crater% so the )o" +as +ell done after all. 1either of us had e*er seen a +easel cross a hi h+ay "efore and +e already kne+ ho+ i!portant it is to pay close attention to all the "irds and ani!als alon the +ay. 3e sa+ that one a"out fi*e !iles "eyond the turn +e !issed. 3e +ent up @2 9i h+ay MP all the +ay to the Colu!"ia Nor e after that and +hen +e ot to the @2 P:' turnoff of -nterstate S4 on our +ay ho!e% +e took a short detour to the poisonous under round "ase near @!atilla% 0re on% )ust to t+ist their panties a ain. (he first ti!e Carol +ent there +as in $u ust% in the co!pany of #elody and our friend% Jinda Cin s"ury. (hey all ot the characteristic !etal taste +hich indicates a hi h le*el of a!"ient nuclear radiation +hen they dro*e into the area. (hey did a "an -up )o" of iftin the "ase +ith se*eral 99 s% so on our second dri*e-"y iftin e8cursion there in Dece!"er the radiation +asnOt nearly as stron . By the ti!e +e ifted it a third ti!e% in early $pril the radiation +as al!ost one and on this trip it +as apparently not present at all% "ut +e +anted to let the! kno+ that +e still cared% so this ti!e +e dro*e ri ht up on top of the "ase and put a titaniu! 99 on the round. (he C-$ people thou ht +e +ere still in California at that point% as +e +ere routinely fryin all the psychics they sent out to peek on us and e*ery ti!e an 0re on 2tate (rooper spotted us +e erased his !e!ory +ith the de*ices "efore he could call us in to the C-$. (he 2heriff depart!ents and local police alon the +ay didnOt ha*e us on their sur*eillance lists% Carol said. $fter +e ot a"out forty !iles a+ay fro! @!atilla% Carol% +ho +as trackin the thou hts of the ru!py Bi Boss of the under round facility .this one +as +earin the li ht ray unifor! that% to us% indicates the ne+ 9o!eland 2ecurity felons and/or @1 !ilitary espiona e personnel/% said he sent out hunters in t+o *ehicles +ith standin orders to shoot us on si ht. (hou h they +ere only searchin in the local area% Carol said he didnOt ha*e the authority to order a hit% so +e )uiced hi! a ain +ith the de*ices. 9eOs not a killer yet% so the only thin that happened% Carol told !e% +as that he ot terrorized and his e8tre!e an er and frustration turned to fear and hopefully a lar er dry cleanin "ill. 3e didnOt "other +ith the drones +ith the auto!atic +eapons and "ody ar!or. 3eOll "e sure to stop and ift a ain the ne8t ti!e +eOre in the area V-/ Carol +onders if the proliferation of house
trailers in the *icinity of the "ase has so!ethin to do +ith the *ery short lifespans of the !isera"le people li*in there. 3hy "uy a house% after all% if you +onOt likely li*e to pay off the !ort a eR 3hen +e +ere co!in o*er the crest of 7aradise Bid e on our +ay into the *alley +here our to+n is located in 1orthern -daho% +e sa+ one of those "ri ht oran e $ndro!edan .accordin to Carol/ ships close to the horizon to the north+est. -t +as 1::'$#. 3e hadnOt seen one of those since +e sa+ the one on our +ay throu h Death Falley% also +ell after !idni ht% on our first *isit there in 1o*e!"er &''1. Bi ht after +e ot onto the south"ound hi h+ay on our +ay to J$ after that% Carol +as i*en the plans for the Bi 2ecret fro! one of the little uys +ho +ere pro"a"ly fro! that craft. (hat happened near China Jake $ir 6orce Base. $t the ti!e she +as interactin +ith the d+arf% - sa+ a field of "ri ht% +hite li ht fro! a craft that had illu!inated part of the !ountainside on the other side of the "ase and the li hted area !o*ed slo+ly up the !ountain. -Od seen this happen in a re!ote spot in 3estern Canada se*eral years "efore that. Carol said the li ht +as "ein pro)ected fro! their craft. (he first ti!e +e sa+ one of those hu e oran e craft +as in 6lorida% in <anuary &''1. 0n our +ay% tryin to chase it do+n% +e ca!e across a "i % halo en-li hted trian le anti ra*ity craft that +as o"*iously doin the sa!e thin +e +ere. (he pilot of that secret- o*ern!ent ship o"*iously didnOt see us until +e had stopped the car and ot out to look at it% at +hich point the trian le ship "anked steeply and !o*ed Kuietly a+ay. 3e +ere a Kuarter !ile fro! it. 0f course the stately% "li!p-shaped oran e ship +as so hu e and so far a+ay that +e ne*er e*en ot close to it% e*en after dri*in directly to+ard it at si8ty !iles an hour for ten !inutes or so. 3hen you see so!ethin like that oran e craft% itOs i!possi"le to tell if itOs fi*e !iles a+ay or fifty. (he trian le craft +as a"out half the size of a foot"all field and +as flyin at a"out fi*e hundred feet altitude. 3e stopped the car as soon as +e spotted that one and our paths +ere a"out to con*er e. (hat happened ri ht "efore +e !ade our first cloud"uster% so !ay"e so!e ne+ in*ention is a"out to pop into CarolOs head% or e*en into !ine V-/ (he icosahedron/crystal de*ice ca!e to Carol fro! these nice folks shortly "efore she +as to *isit #alta last su!!er. Don Croft
Episode 64 (e$$o4stoneG%rand Teton By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc64yello+stone randteton16)un':.sht!l <une 16% &'': Carol and - had planned to o to ?ello+stone on 2aturday% <une 14% "ut +hen Carol sa+ on the calendar that the full !oon +as oin to occur at :$# on that day +e decided to et there the day "efore in ti!e to ha*e taken "ack .on "ehalf of hu!anity/ the co!pro!ised *ortices in that 1ational 7ark "efore the local 2atanists +ould ha*e the opportunity to do their ritual killin there that ni ht. #elody .D-!ello on the foru!s at"!/ offered to co!e alon and su ested that +e confi ure a solar-po+ered 27 to attach to one of her pine-resin or onite 9ar!onizers +hich had the ter!inals of an internal coil stickin out of it% so - !ade the de*ice in ti!e for our departure% (hursday afternoon. 3e picked #elody up on our +ay to the Bitteroot #ountains% a north/south ran e that lies "et+een us and #ontana. #ost of ?ello+stone 1ational 7ark is )ust south of #ontana in the north+est corner of 3yo!in . @nusual Clouds 2oon after +e started east fro! 2t. #aries% -daho and alon the 2t. <oe Bi*er into the hi h% forested Bitteroots +e noticed a couple of ano!alous clouds to the northeast. 3e put the top do+n on the con*erti"le so +e could all +atch the sky and scenery and those clouds% +hich rese!"led the spiral clouds that are so!eti!es seen o*er !a)or *ortices% stayed ahead of us for hundreds of !iles% all the +ay to #issoula% +here they !er ed +ith a hu e cloud of si!ilar appearance. 0ther clouds ca!e and +ent alon the +ay and a couple of ti!es a che!trail )et fle+ into the ed es of the lar er of the t+o clouds% apparently in an effort to disrupt it. 0f course% che!trails o*er 1orthern -daho ne*er stick *ery lon "ecause +e did our ho!e+ork here. Can you say that a"out +here you li*eR <uicin the 2pe+ Boys (hat inspired a serendipitous ne+ a!e: - asked Carol to connect +ith the pilot telepathically after - )uiced hi! and she said O9eOs not in the cockpit ri ht no+-heOs on the toilet.O $ccordin to +hat she +as seein -Od scared the crdp out of the uy. - didnOt i*e it a lot of thou h until yesterday% on our +ay ho!e% after - did it to t+o other spe+pilots and Carol sa+ the sa!e result. -O! thinkin that +e !ay ha*e initiated a ne+ terror ca!pai n a ainst the terrorists% perhaps e*en a uerrilla sa"ota e ca!pai n% if you consider that astrono!ically hi her dry cleanin "ills is sa"ota e. (ry it yourself5 -O! oin to 7o+er+and .1% &% :/ the crad out of e*ery sin le spe+ pilot - see fro! no+ on. (heyOre poisonin our at!osphere% +hich !akes the! predators% e*en if they do% in fact% lo*e their !others. - tried to et online in #issoula to update the thread -Od started a"out a possi"le current nuclear threat to the people in the Jos $n eles Basin% "ut - +as una"le to et online% so - chalked it up to 2o!eone protectin us fro! peekers. Jo in onto the net +ith !y +ireless connection !akes it possi"le for the secret police to find !e% after all% and fro! +hat Carol could see% the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination a ents and e*en their predatory psychics +ere una+are that +e +ere e*en on the road "y no+. (hat protection protocol tied in +ith those stran e clouds% +e disco*ered later. $ndro!edan 2entries (hat ni ht +e ca!ped a"out an hour south of #issoula alon -nterstate 9i h+ay M' at a state park. $s +e +ere all "unked under the stars - sa+ an ephe!eral fi ure off to our left and co!!ented to Carol a"out it% askin if it +as a ood or "ad uy. 2he said it +as one of those little +hite $ndro!edan uys and that there +ere se*eral others around us% +atchin out for us. 2he told us that they also put those clouds in front of us to let us kno+ that they +ere o*erseein this ?ello+stone/Nrand (eton healin pro)ect.
-O*e often seen their little ships and Carol sees the occupants in :D% as ha*e so!e other players in this net+ork. (hese are the folks +ho a*e Carol the instructions for "uildin the Bi 2ecret% the Cu"e and they )ust a*e her instructions for another de*ice% +hich +eOll !ake. -t occurred to !e that they !i ht ha*e "een the ones +ho a*e Carl 3elz .and us% "y e8tension/ or onite% as this +as Kuite ne+ to the Je!urians% reptilians% dolphins% 2asKuatch and other nati*e earth races +hen +e shared it to the! in recent years. Carol Kuickly confir!ed that this is the case. 2ince the Draconians !ay "e here no+ in order to !ake +ar on these nice little people so!e other puzzle pieces !ay "e fallin into place. $nd so!e of us still think this is all a"out +e hu!ans and reptilians V-/ 6riendly Beptilians 2peakin of reptilians% - )ust heard% indirectly% fro! a se*erely paraple ic friend of ours +ho has "een dili ently usin a 2uccor 7unch for a"out a year and a half. - "asically drafted the youn !an into ser*ice "ack then and told hi! that his contri"utions could "e incredi"ly useful and that his handicap +ill ha*e no "earin at all on that. 9eOs lately "een in freKuent contact +ith nati*e reptilians fro! that friendly hi*e thatOs under 6lorida and theyO*e "een instructin hi! a"out the true nature of the interspecies relationships "et+een hu!ans and reptilians. -O! oin to deal +ith that su")ect in another thread% "ut suffice to say that !y insistence that not all reptilians are predatory is "ein +ell-confir!ed "y his unsolicited reports. (his fello+ sho+s a lot of potential or helpin us all ad*ance this net+orkOs a+areness and effecti*eness and since the recent sur ical re!o*al of so!e trick i!plants that the "ad uys had inserted years a o heOs shifted into psychic o*erdri*e. 3eOre a+fully fortunate that heOs accepted !y challen e. (he ne8t !ornin % #elody asked Carol if she +ould "e a"le to !eet the $ndro!edans and Carol told her to ask the! since they +ere standin ri ht in front of her. 2he held her fin er out% like in the !o*ie% D(% and felt one of the! touch the end of it% at +hich point she ot a "i heart ener y rush. 0n the Boad $ ain Before +e reached the point +here +eOd need to pick +hich 7ark entrance +eOd use% Carol said there +ere four fed!o"iles +aitin for us% !ostly around Ji*in ston% #ontana% +here Dliza"eth Claire 7rophetOs predatory ne+ a e hi*e is located. (hey focused on that area "ecause +eOd !entioned the desire to o there and disa"le the hi*e. 2ince Ct. 2t. Ner!ain still officiates o*er that roup% as he did o*er the - $# fello+ship at 2hasta% +e fi ured that +eOd done enou h da!a e to the secondary satanic a ency and that +eOd "e "etter ad*ised to o in "y another route. 9a*e you noticed that the - $# 6ello+ship disa*o+ed their close association +ith #s. 7rophetOs "unch after that scandal erupted around her a fe+ years a oR (his is "etter than any soap opera. 9o!eland 7sychic #eets 7o+er+and 2oon after +e turned south fro! the interstate +e encountered a 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination psychic peeker in a shiny ne+% red 9onda sports car con*erti"le +ith the top do+n. - uess she +as en)oyin the day% as +e +ere. - +as )ust ad!irin the car% +hich +as in the parkin lot of the as station +e had stopped at +hen - sa+ her starin intently at us and apparently loatin o*er her ood fortune% so that +as pretty fortuitous and - "lasted her in ti!e to stop her fro! reportin us. 2he stayed at the as station and didnOt follo+ us. #ay"e she had to o to the "athroo! or so!ethin . 1or did any other a ents pick us up until +eOd otten se*eral !iles into the park itself. #elody had dis uised the car to look like !y "rotherOs 2u"aru station +a on in the eyes of 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination peepers% a couple of +ho! passed% "ut !issed seein us on our +ay to the 7ark. $fter the encounter +ith the psychic predator at the as station% #elody spotted si8 "ald ea les flyin in for!ations of three not far a+ay and +e +ere all pretty spell"ound "y that% since none of us had e*er seen ea les flyin in for!ation in circles "efore% "ut +eOd all seen an a+ful lot of ea les o*er the years. 6orty 6ed!o"iles - asked Carol to count the +aitin and e8pectant fed!o"iles in the park% after +e entered% and she ca!e up +ith Ofour%O "ut after +e !ade and )uiced four of the! on the first .short/ le of the trip she said% O0ops% - uess they +ere tellin !e itOs forty instead of four5O
(hereOs a "i loop of hi h+ay inside the park +hich takes you close to !ost of the !a)or *ortices that needed iftin . Carol had tried to enter the park last +inter% "ut *isitors arenOt allo+ed in until after the end of #ay each year. 2ince !ost of the park is a"o*e P%L'' feet thereOs a J0( of sno+ there fro! autu!n until su!!er. 6ire as Co*er (here +as a forest fire in recent years that destroyed !ost of the ti!"er in that hu e% !ostly forested park. 3hen you tra*el throu h there you realize that no natural fire could ha*e "urned this e8tensi*ely o*er so !any natural "arriers so our i!pression is that !any separate fires +ere set "y the felonious feds in order to keep the pu"lic out of the area durin the su!!er season for a considera"le len th of ti!e after+ard +hile they constructed a ne+ under round "ase. $ lot of stran e% *ehicular traffic durin the construction phase +ould ha*e created Kuite a "it of co!!entary and speculation a!on the pu"lic and of course doin that in +inter is out of the Kuestion at that altitude. (hese days% - think they )ust close off lar e areas and tell people thereOs forest fire. 3e encountered that situation in the California 2ierras last su!!er. (he +ide detour around the cordoned-off area took us do+n+ind into 1e*ada and +e neither sa+ nor s!elled any s!oke V-/ - +rote a"out the ano!alous thin s +e did see% thou h. 99 Deploy!ent Carol had do+sed nine locations for 99 s "efore her first atte!pt to et into ?ello+stone last year and #elody do+sed a fresh !ap "efore +e entered the park and ca!e up +ith the sa!e locations. 3e found a couple !ore% +hich accounted for the ele*en 99 s +eOd "rou ht alon . #elodyOs solar 9ar!onizer later +ent to a sunny !eado+ hi h up on Nrand (eton !ountain .and far fro! the trail/ near so!e fresh "ear poop. .- uess "ears donOt )ust do it in the +oods% after allV so another assu!ption% ODo Bears 2hdt in the 3oodsRO "ites the dustanother icon "roken. (hat "earOs kar!a ran o*er !y do !a. -Oll rit !y teeth and hold onto !y seat ne8t ti!e so!e"ody asks% O-s the 7ope CatholicR,/ 1ot to confuse you: +e did Nrand (eton the day after +e did ?ello+stone. 2ince the ?ello+stone *orte8 tar ets +ere around an appro8i!ate circle +ithin the 1ational 7ark !ade "y 11L !iles of pa*ed road and since +e +ould "e e8itin the park fro! the south% ha*in co!e in fro! the +est% +e feinted south to 0ld 6aithful eyser% then dou"led "ack around to et the rest. 3e disa"led t+o !ilitary trans!itters at 0ld 6aithful and "uried an 99 as close as possi"le to the hu e hot sprin fro! +hich the eyser occasionally erupts. ?ello+stone is full of these hot sprin s and eysers and +e found that !ost of the do+sed locations +ere characterized "y se*eral of the!. 3hene*er possi"le +e tossed the de*ices ri ht into the deepest parts of the sprin s% "ut +alkin close to the! is Kuite hazardous and !any people ha*e "een scalded and acid-"urned to death after fallin throu h the thin crust in the *icinity of the sprin s. Jike so!e !en and +o!en% the "eauty of so!e of these sprin s has a potentially deadly ed e to it V-/ (here +as one sprin +hich recei*ed an 99 that +as radiatin "ri ht% turKuoise-colored li ht in its +hite stea! e*en thou h the sun +as "ehind dark clouds at the ti!e. Carol said that +as *isi"le or one. 1one of the other sprin s +e sa+ a*e off *isi"le li ht. 2ince all "ut one of the *ortices +ere in *ery ood shape% they didnOt need a lot of help in Kuickly creatin a hu e% "lue hole in the dark 9$$B7 stor! that +as sent o*er the area that day. (he hole started openin shortly after +e ifted 0ld 6aithful. $s +e dro*e alon the +estern% up+ind part of the circular route% iftin *ortices% the hole ot "i er and "i er and e8tended do+n+ind to the east. 3e dropped to+er"usters in strea!s and puddles alon the road "et+een the *ortices .- had "rou ht thirty of the! alon % fi*e of +hich - later deployed around the solar 9ar!onizer to a!orphise the or one field-this is ho+ +e hide sin ular or onite de*ices fro! the peepers% +ho +ould other+ise si!ply focus on the center of the circular ener y field and snatch the healin de*ice/.
3hen +e ot to #a!!oth 9ot 2prin s in the northeast part of the circle% near the road that co!es south fro! the north entrance% the sky si!ply refused to clear and +e all ot the o!inous feelin thatOs characteristic of a place +here ritual killin s occur re ularly. -t +asnOt as stron as Ct. 2t. Ner!ainOs fa*orite "a"y-killin round at 7luto Ca*e near 2hasta% "ut it +as un!istaka"le% so +e ifted the area +ith (Bs in addition to lea*in an 99 in one of the deep sprin s. Dndin - Tthat *oodoo that you do so +ell...T $ resort/park ser*ice housin co!ple8 is near"y% a"out a thousand feet lo+er in ele*ation at the )unction of the road that co!es fro! Ji*in ston. Carol said that a lot of the practicin 2atanists +ho are associated +ith Dliza"eth Clare 7rophet/2t. Ner!ain li*e in that co!pound and that they had already planned to ritually kill so!e"ody later that ni ht. 9er i!pression is that the rituals in*ol*e thro+in the *icti!s into scaldin % acidic +ater% +hich has to "e a slo+% painful death. $nother i!pression is that after a !urder site has "een ifted% the satanic !en no lon er are a"le to achie*e erections there% and that +ithout all of the participants .e8cept the *icti!% of course/ ha*in or as!s% the rituals +ill fail% +hich carries a penalty for the suppliants. By no+ they apparently no lon er e*en sho+ up if their sites ha*e "een ifted +ith or onite "ecause they are% after all% essentially co+ards. - +onder +ho +ould ha*e "een killed hat ni ht. 1one of the fed!o"iles sho+ed up after +e ifted 0ld 6aithful and those !ilitary to+ers% forty !iles to the south. 3e did et into a "uffalo )a!% thou h% alon the +ay. -n a narro+ pass a herd of "uffalo% includin a lot of cal*es% a!"led "y% sin le file% in the other lane on their +ay south. (hat +as fun to +atch up close. ?ouOll see a J0( of +ildlife if you o to ?ello+stone. $ coyote e*en +alked "y our car in the dayli ht% +hich is e8tre!ely rare% and there are plenty of elk and !oose. 3e didnOt see any "ears that day "ut it !ay ha*e "een too early in the season for that. By the ti!e +e +ere ready to lea*e #a!!oth 9ot 2prin s there +ere t+o fed!o"iles on our tail. 3e )uiced the! and they stopped follo+in us% thou h +e could see that they +ere pretty an ry. (hey had sho+n up after +e +ere done% of course V-/ DC7 0ffensi*e Bi ht after that Carol and - started feelin pretty lousy% physically. #elody didnOt see! to "e affected% +hich +as instructi*e. - feel that they didnOt e8pend the effort on her "ecause she +as pretty !uch in an Oo"ser*erO capacity on this trip. By the ti!e she did her !asterful +ork on Nrand (eton the follo+in day% the sur*i*in !e!"ers of the local opposition +ere pretty "roken and dispirited% - think V-/ By the ti!e +e left the park% se*eral hours later% - could "arely +alk due to the pain in !y ri ht knee and our necks +ere feelin like +e had spiky% ti ht do collars on or so!ethin . DC 7rophet and t+el*e of her sycophant adepts +ere really ha!!erin us "y then and 2t. Ner!ain +as i*in the! all a hand% accordin to +hat Carol +as clearly seein % so +e dealt +ith that and the pro"le!s +ent a+ay% lea*in us e8hausted "ut other+ise no +orse for +ear. (he sky cleared then% too. (he rest of the iftin +as pretty routine after +e did #a!!oth 9ot 2prin s "ut +hile +e +ere in the northeast part of the "i circle of hi h+ay% in an area that +as on a steep !ountainside and the hi h+ay +as "roken and patchy .no uardrails% either/ the carOs electrical syste! faltered and - suspect that if - didnOt )uice the snot out of DC 7rophetOs soiree and a couple of near"y fed!o"iles - !i ht not "e +ritin this account and the only readin youOd "e doin +ith our na!es in it "y no+ +ould "e an o"ituary. (hey +ere o"*iously pretty !ad at us for stoppin their fun at #a!!oth 9ot 2prin s. (he nice thin a"out these iftin episodes is that thereOs no +ay to predict +hat +eOll find after +e take that initial step and put oursel*es out there "ut +e al+ays ha*e fun and learn ne+ thin s. $round dusk% after +e )uiced the 2atanists and Ct. 2t. Ner!ain .a ain% )ust for ood !easure/ +e ca!e to -nspiration 7oint% another iftin location. (he roarin ri*er is a"out &%''' feet% al!ost strai ht do+n in the narro+ ?ello+stone Canyon% not far north of the i!pressi*e +aterfall. - hea*ed an 99 as hard as - could do+n
to+ard the +ater and Carol said it did "ounce alon the steep slope far "elo+ and entered the strea!. By the +ay% the cynical people at the tops of or anizations like the - $# 6ello+ship and Dliza"eth Clare 7rophetOs "unch of !iscreants donOtO really care that 2t. Ner!ain looks like a hairless ?eti in his nati*e for!. 6ortunately for the !asses of duped ne+ a ers +ho +ere for!erly directly connected +ith this predatory D(% thou h% they canOt OresonateO +ith so!ethin thatOs o"*iously heinous and his stran lehold on the! has "een "roken no+ that he can no lon er sho+ up lookin like an $ryan super!an V-/ 1ot to say that heOs not still a hell of a char!er a!on fe!ale hairless ?etis% of course .(hereOs no countin for personal taste% as they say/. By the ti!e +e ot to the penulti!ate .ne8t-to-last V-/ iftin location it +as dark% the !oon not ha*in yet risen. - !ana ed to et an 99 into a hot sprin Os s+eet spot "y hittin the "u""ly part +ith a ood thro+. Carol and #elody% +ho re!ained in the car as - ho""led to the tar et and "ack% said - narro+ly !issed an encounter +ith a )ackelope V-/ (he *ery last one turned out to "e +here the hi h+ay passed o*er the Continental Di*ide% then +e +ere done and dro*e all the +ay .PL !iles/ to <ackson 9ole% 3yo!in % +here +e !ana ed to find a !otel roo! at 1$#. -Od ne*er felt so "eat up fro! iftin % "ut -Od ne*er "een assaulted "y thirteen e8perienced ritual 2atanists and a hairless ?eti "efore% either. (he ne8t !ornin Carol and - felt ri ht as rain and after a really ood "reakfast +e !ade our leisurely +ay to Nrand (eton and did the place% +hich is a !a)or% !a)or% !a)or ener y center for the continent. 3e took a "ack route and itOs pro"a"ly ood that +e did% e*en thou h +e didnOt sense that the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination or DC 7rophetOs psychic "loodhounds +ere lookin for us. 2t. Ner!ain +as "usy +ith !y Doppel an er and CarolOs OCu"eO a ain% so +e +erenOt concerned a"out hi!. 9e !ay not ha*e to sleep and it !ay "e i!possi"le for any of us to cancel the old rat "astard out% "ut he can "e se*erely distracted for e8tended periods% at least. - +onder +hy he needs to "e aroundR #ay"e itOs to raphically de!onstrate our o+n *ulnera"ility to us. - kno+ these creepy entities hate it +hen people lau h at the!. -f you can !ake the! !ad% you essentially o+n the!% thou h. Be!e!"er +hen these "a"y killers used to !ake us i!potently furiousR 6uriously i!potentR V-/ 6eathered 2alute Bi ht after +e entered Nrand (eton 1ational 7ark fro! the south +e sa+ a couple hundred +hite pelicans circlin ri ht a"o*e the road in front of us at a"out a thousand feet altitude. $nother thousand feet or so hi her an osprey .sea ha+k or +ater ea le/ +as circlin o*er the sa!e spot. (here +as no +ater near"y% in fact +e +ere a!on sa e"rush% so +e )ust felt rateful for such an i!pressi*e si n of-+hatR-- and tossed out a couple of (o+er"usters in appreciation% then dro*e to the trailhead on the slope of Nrand (eton. - +as a!azed that there +as no pain in !y knee as - cli!"ed up the steep !ountainside and "ack do+n a ain. 3e did the deed% takin our s+eet ti!e. Bi ht after +e put the tur"ochar ed har!onizer on the round% #elody and Carol ot a clear i!pression of ho+ the ener y dyna!ics had transfor!ed. (he clouds i!!ediately disappeared fro! around the top of the !ountain .- sa+ that% at least/ and they "oth sa+ ener y !o*in rapidly out fro! the !ountain in !any directions at once. Carol sa+ it as a *ertical rotation alon each Ospoke.O - donOt kno+ if the rid !ap +e +ere consultin is *alid "ut this *orte8 is o"*iously a central one. 3hen +e ha*e a lot !ore data fro! our and othersO field +ork re ardin earth rids !ay"e -Oll "e a"le to ha*e an infor!ed opinion% "ut you can "et this +as i!portant to the +orld order% "ased on the uneKualled efforts they !ade to top us on this trip. (he e8periences +e had at 2hasta only in*ol*ed acti*e opposition "y the !e!"ers of the - $# 6ello+ship and Ct. 2t. Ner!ain "ut he feds +ere in the a!e in hu e nu!"ers this ti!e% so - assu!e that these *ortices +ere !uch !ore essential to the o*erall predatory a enda than the ones round 2hasta +ere. Jos $n eles is the only other place +eO*e ifted that had this le*el of opposition. - think that if it +erenOt for C"s+orkOs persistent and relentless iftin efforts in and around Jos $n eles +e !i ht all "e pushin up daisies "y no+ and s!ellin like that spot in 7luto Ca*e that used to "e 2t. Ner!ainOs play round.
2B-C: 2pecial Bat in Char e 3hen +e +ere a"out to dri*e "ack onto the pa*ed road% after doin the !ountain% a +hite 2@F fed!o"ile +ith antennae stickin up fro! the ca" dro*e past us to+ard the !ountain +ith a *ery an ry lookin !iddle-a ed !an at the +heel. - s!iled and +a*ed at hi! as thou h - +ere a !ale *ersion of Dinah 2hore and then )uiced that 9o!eland 2ecurity rat as an afterthou ht% then +e proceeded to <enny Jake% +here Carol and #elody tossed in a couple of (Bs for ood !easure. $ couple of feds +aited in the parkin lot for the! to return "ut - +as eatin a snack and didnOt "other +ith the!. 3e did the! as +e +ere lea*in % thou h% then t+o !ore fed!o"iles Kuickly sho+ed up: a 2$-C in another +hite 2@F ri ht on our tail and a red-car psychic "y the side of the road. - )uiced the 2pecial Bat in Char e and he i!!ediately pulled o*er% then - )uiced the psychic and that +as the last +e sa+ of any feds for the rest of our trip. - uess that "unch had a slo+ learnin cur*e or else no"ody +arned the! a"out us. - ha*e the i!pression that these 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination rats arenOt *ery forthco!in +ith each other. 3e stayed at a ca!p round east of (+in 6alls% -daho that ni ht and Carol said the $ndro!edans +ere still thick as thie*es all around us. (he !ost e*entful thin that ni ht +as +hen a little "unny ran past our tent and +oke !e up. <erry I Bhonda #orton 3e had a terrific *isit +ith <erry and Bhonda #orton% our fello+ players near Boise% -daho% that afternoon and <erry sho+ed us his latest or one creations. 2ince -Od !et hi! last su!!er on !y e8tended O2outheast. -daho (o+er"uster D*aluationO ca!pai n heOd de*eloped Kuite an i!pressi*e line of personal or onite creations and had also !ade so!e si nificant o"ser*ations a"out ho+ or onite and cloud"usters +ork. 9e raciously a*e us one of he old-ri!!ed or onite/ e!stone ite!s that are desi ned to "e placed under the pillo+ +hile sleepin and - test-dro*e it last ni ht. -O! *ery i!pressed +ith its a"ility to help !e !o*e throu h so!e unresol*ed issues +hile in !y drea! state. - hope he sells a J0( of these. - think theyOre really ood for children and others +ho ha*e ni ht terrors. -n case you donOt kno+% <erryOs the !an +ho +rote the initial article a"out this net+ork for the -D$90 0B2DBFDB. -O*e ne*er !et a !ore percepti*e and considerate person than <. #orton and -O! a+fully rateful to "e his co-+orker. 9is success +ith unco*erin the contri*ed underlyin satanic ener y rid in Boise is a +atershed. - +as inspired to OundoO 3ashin ton% DC% last fall after readin his accounts of the satanic layout of Boise% -daho and "y his resoundin *ictory in undoin that pre*iously secret artifact. OCity 7lannin O takes on a sli htly ske+ed di!ension +hen +e realize +hat the hidden patterns for !ost cities in the +estern +orld are actually a !eans throu h +hich the putrid old +orld order ha*e "een a"le to parasitically and perpetually suck ener y out of the un+ittin inha"itants until no+. 3hat a "unch of *a!pires. Does anyone still "elie*e that these secret orders are e*en re!otely helpful to hu!anityR Je!urian 2unset 0n the +ay ho!e% ri ht "efore sunset% - sa+ the reKuisite Je!urian craft% flyin slo+ly alon "elo+ a rid e top at the far side of the *alley +e +ere dri*in throu h at the !o!ent. (he craftOs li ht shone off and on at inter*als of t+o or three seconds "ut +hen - directed #elodyOs attention to it the s!all craft +as no lon er *isi"le. -tOs okay-sheOs seen this stuff "efore. Carol sees these craft and their occupants +ithout e*en lookin at the!. fDon Croft T3hen a resolute youn fello+ steps up to the reat "ully% the +orld ;order V-/=% and takes hi! "oldly "y the "eard% he is often surprised to find it co!es off in his hand% and that it +as only tied on to scare a+ay the ti!id ad*enturers.T...Balph 3aldo D!erson
Episode 65 We$3ome to Radioa3ti'e 8e'ada By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc6Lradioacti*ene*ada'1)ul':.sht!l <uly 1% &'': (he stran est e*ent of the +hole trip +as +hen Carol and - +ere sittin in the Depart!ent of #otor Fehicles in Beno% 1e*ada% +aitin to rene+ !y dri*er license "efore +e headed ho!e to -daho that afternoon. -t +as the day after Bichard Jeider and oursel*es finished disa"lin all the under round "ases in the *icinity of 6allon% 1e*ada% +hich is a"out S' !iles east of Beno in the desert. Carol +as sittin to !y ri ht and in the ne8t chair to !y left +as an an ry 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination a ent +ho +as apparently tryin to inti!idate !e. $ctually% - didnOt e*en notice the uy at all. - e*en looked past hi! and nodded to a couple of friendly people +ho +ere sittin a fe+ chairs a+ay. Carol only told !e a"out the uy as +e +ere lea*in the "uildin . 2he +as astonished that - didnOt notice hi!% as he +as intensely unco!forta"le and +as lookin directly at !e% fle8in his !uscles and e8udin ani!osity. 2he said sheOd i*en hi! a lon stare to let hi! kno+ that sheOd !ade hi! "ut he +asnOt "ud in . 3eOd )erked the! all around pretty se*erely in the pre*ious t+o days% of course. 2he didnOt feel his ani!osity% +hich also surprised her. -t +as his "ody lan ua e that ot her attention. 2he fi ures that the 9ar!onic 7rotectors +ere shieldin us so +ell fro! his "ad )u)u. 3hen +e left the cro+ded "uildin there +as a "rand ne+ +hite Jincoln (o+n car +ith no license plates% parked in the handicapped parkin spot "y the entrance. 3e "oth kne+ it +as this shdt"irdOs official car% +hich !eans he +as a "oss. - left our "usiness card under his +indshield +iper. (he card says% ODon and Carol CroftO +ith OJet us entertain you5O in s!aller letters underneath. 3e put our o+n site%! and 2tuart <acksonOs site%"! on it. (he Beno cops had o"*iously told the feds +here +e +ere after spottin our car in the parkin lot. (hose are a+fully ood cops. - think the 1e*ada cities can afford the "est. 3e "elie*e that the local% county and state police depart!ents are already ro+in +eary of the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination% thou h. 2ince the felonious feds ha*e "een una"le to create any !ore lar e-scale $!erican !ayhe! .since they "le+ up the 3orld (rade Center/ or to incite $r!a eddon in the #ideast their o"*ious 1azi orientation is co!in into sharper focus for !any people. Bichard told us that he sa+ a picture of the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!inationOs para!ilitary unifor!s .co!plete +ith )ack"oots/ and that theyOre ray. CarolOs "een astrally seein !ore and !ore rayunifor!ed "ureaucrats in our Opredator responseO !issions in the past ei ht !onths and theyOre not usually $!ericans any !ore. $nd +e thou ht 6D#$ +as "ad5 3e like ettin these physical confir!ations that +eO*e perfor!ed a !ission +ell. - uess if +eOd done it any "etter% that poor uy !i ht ha*e )ust shot us out of frustration V-/ 3e picked Bichard up at his di s in Beno on 2aturday afternoon. 3e took a detour on the +ay to Beno fro! our ho!e in 1orthern -daho in order to look for !y +allet% +hich - had dropped +hen - put a 99 -the coup de race -- on the OroofO of the hu e under round "ase in @!atilla% 0re on. -Od taken the opportunity to relie*e !yself at the sa!e ti!e% as it +as dark and there +as no traffic and thatOs +hen !y +allet dropped out of !y trousers% +e fi ured. (hat +as on our +ay "ack fro! iftin 2t. Ner!ainOs lair at 2hasta t+o !onths "efore% also durin the ne+ !oon. -t so happened that D-#ello% Carol and - had ifted ?ello+stone ri ht "efore the pre*ious full !oon. - +onder +hoOs !akin out our schedule for us. (he stran est part is that !y dri*er license had e8pired the day "efore that and -Od "een assu!in it had another year on it. Carol +as told that durin that ti!e the local cops in our to+n% ri ht after +e neutered O9ilarion%O +ere instructed to arrest !e for any e8cuse if - +as seen dri*in a *ehicle. 2o!e of the local cops already donOt like us "ecause Carol +ent to the copshop and told the! that the ne8t cop that co!es sneakin around the "ack of our house at ni ht +ill "e shot. 0nly a fe+ of the local cops are the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!inationOs "utt"oys% of course. (he one that +as "ehind our house that ni ht +as actin for the!% not for the local o*Ot. 3e like cops in eneral.
-tOs a ood thin that +e took that detour to @!atilla "ecause )ust east of (ouchet% 3ashin ton +e +ere nearly run off the road "y a flyin saucer co!in to+ard us in the opposite lane. Beally5 -n fact +e narro+ly !issed ha*in a +reck +hen the fuel truck ahead of us pulled off the road to a*oid "ein struck "y the truck haulin the disc. (he flyin saucer +as stickin out a"out ten feet into our lane% carried on a flat"ed truck and loosely co*ered +ith clear plastic. -t +as a"out :'O in dia!eter and all "an ed up. (here +ere no *ehicles leadin or follo+in that truck. Carol !ade eye contact +ith the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination passen er in the ca" of that truck and she told !e he +as thinkin % O0h% 29d(% itOs the CB06(25O and that theyOd picked that route to hastily/sloppily re!o*e the crashed alien craft "ecause OtheyOre )ust a "unch of hicks in that area% any+ay. (0@C9D-deal +ith !y "i !outh yet a ain% you +itless% fake- o*ern!ent thu s5 (hose are +ell ar!ed and !ilitarily trained hicks% "y the +ay% you elite% effete% "loody 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination 7rddks5 V-/ ?ouOd "etter "urn your stupid ray unifor!s pretty soon% - think% and learn to fake respecta"ility if you +ant to a*oid prosecution. 3eOd sent a thou htfor! i!a e of our car off in another direction fro! Je+iston and the feds +ere apparently seein that i!a e do+n alon @2ML% our custo!ary route to 1e*ada throu h Boise. 3e cloaked our car so that the t+o or three feds +ho +ere checkin our detour route +ouldnOt see us. (here +ere three fed!o"iles +est of Je+iston alon @21& +atchin for us% so the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination +as "ein pretty thorou h. (hey didnOt pick us up a ain until +e ot to Beno% thou h. #ay"e Carol +ill let !e tell you ho+ +e do the cloakin . 3hen - do% youOll pro"a"ly think% O3hy didnOt - think of thatRO -tOs fun to see the feds lookin ri ht at us and not reco nizin us. (hatOs not their usual poker face% +hich they use +hen you !ake the!. -tOs !ore like a +easelOs look. O1akedO fed predators are interestin to +atch. $ ne+ yello+ Folks+a en +as +aitin for us at the 0re on/California state line and follo+ed us south in the custo!ary sur*eillance !ode .you speed up and slo+ do+n and the tail !atches the speed at a"out a tenth of a !ile "ehind you/. Carol said he +as one of the - $# fanatics out of 2hasta% perhaps a retired secret police uy. (heyOre still pretty sore that +e spoiled their party. $ friend +ho li*es in 3eed% +hich is the city on the north+est slope of the !ountain% says that it feels really a+ful in the city of #ount 2hasta% on the +estern slope% since +e ripped the *eil surroundin that dis ustin Ct. 2t. Ner!ain. 3e characterize their ne+ hostility as the han o*er ne8t !ornin after a drunken party. -n this case% $lice Bailey started the party in the 1M&'Os or so V-/ (he reason +eOre not often a+are of the - $# psychicsO sur*eillance is that theyOre not enerally "ad people% so they donOt e*ince that ener y stench of the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination psychics% !any of +ho! are apparently enlisted ri ht out of 2atanist co*ens. 3e fi ure that the - $# cultists are )ust a "it deluded% "ut +hoOs perfect% any+ayR 3e already kne+ that the fake @2 o*Ot has !ade e8tensi*e under round la"yrinths in the 3est 1e*ada desert *alleys "ecause you could see dense "ro+n s!o near the round throu hout that re ion +hen you dro*e throu h it% 3e didnOt +ant the! to kno+ our route or a!e plan "ecause there are 9@ND secret police resources in that re ion. (heyOre headKuartered in Beno% +e kne+ fro! our Bohe!ian Nro*e/Death Falley iftin !ission a year a o. 3eOd detoured southeast fro! 2acra!ento a year a o after doin Bo Nro*e and it +as the first ti!e +e e*er eluded the secret police for a si nificant distance. -n that case +e did it entirely "y stealth. (here +ere t+o aircraft lookin for us o*er 2acra!ento and +hen +e ot near Beno +e sa+ a +hole lot of fed!o"iles% the dri*ers of +hich +ere apparently una+are that +e +ere tar ets yet% so +e detoured throu h #onitor 7ass. (hatOs +hen +e sa+ the O!onolithO on a M%'''O peak. Beno Bichard had "een at the forefront of the iftin effort for so!e ti!e and had one to the 6allon *icinity t+ice "efore +ith a couple hundred to+er"usters and a fe+ dozen holy hand renades. (his ti!e% our co!"ined arsenal +as a"out three hundred of the :oz to+er"usters and t+o dozen 99 s% includin three that +ere !ade +ith Je!urian seed crystals.
0n our +ay north fro! Jos $n eles in early $pril Carol and - had disa"led a ar antuan 9$$B7 facility in the southern part of the 2an <oaKuin Falley. 3e didnOt kno+ at the ti!e that Bichard had disa"led a *ery lar e one in the northern part of that *alley% near 2acra!ento% the +eek "efore and had carpet ifted do+nto+n 2acra!ento% +hich +as one of the key occult connections throu h +hich the occult re i!e +as siphonin earth ener y fro! #t. 2hasta to the north. (his u ly occult net+ork +as set up in California in the late 1S''s% "efore the area "eca!e *ery populated. Disa"lin this 3est Coast occult net+ork !ay "e the key to disa"lin this fake @2 No*Ot in the short ter!% +hich is +hy +e +ant to !o*e to California $2$7. -f you consider the ti!in as a factor% the +est coast occult net +as set up ri ht "efore the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation +as initiated at <ekyll -sland% Neor ia in 1M11. (he <ekyll -sland 9otel% in +hich the rituals +ere perfor!ed "y !ostly Duropean "ankers% ot one of our *ery first 99 s t+o and a half years a o. 2o!e"ody else +ent there and added !ore recently% - +as told. (hat person is not a declared participant in our infor!al net+ork% "y the +ay. - think itOs terrific that !uch% perhaps !ost of the iftin +ork is done "y people +ho !ost of us ne*er hear fro!. (hatOs ot to "e dou"ly frustratin for the ne+ 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination 1azis +ho desperately +ant !artial la+ so that they can co!!it !ayhe! ri ht out in the open. -f you and - donOt stop these !urderers% +ho +illR -f youOre readin this -O! assu!in that a ride in a railroad cattle car to the uillotine is as repu nant for you to consider as it is for !e. 1o spaceships rescued the <e+s and Nypsies on their +ay to the ca!ps% nor should +e e8pect those fa*ors if +e shirk our responsi"ilities this ti!e. 3e decided to o to #onitor 7ass first and drop an 99 there% since itOs on a !a)or rid line and is apparently i!portant to the "ad uys. (he Oo"eliskO had "een reduced in hei ht "y a"out 6'^ since +eOd seen it a year "efore. $fter +e turned off the hi h+ay onto the ra*el road leadin to that peak +e could see that it +as actually !ade of piled flat stones rather than !ade fro! a sin le "lock. 2oon after +e dropped the 99 in the "ush and +ere dri*in "ack to the hi h+ay +e encountered the first fed!o"ile of our e8cursion. (his +as a "lack 2@F +ith darkly tinted +indshield and +indo+s. - could "arely !ake out a fello+ sittin in the passen er seat% so - assu!ed this +as the 2$-C and a*e hi! a friendly +a*e. (he car stopped ri ht after +e passed and they +ere apparently sur*eyin the area% lookin for si ns of +here +eOd "een. - +ouldnOt "e a"le to re!e!"er +here - put the thin % so -O! sure theyOll ne*er find it% and +e tossed out se*eral (Bs to ca!oufla e .a!orphise/ the holy hand renadeOs *i"rant or one field. $nother fed!o"ile +as "lockin the road in front of us near the hi h+ay "ut Carol said a psychic +as on "oard that one% so of course +e )uiced the! and they took off fast. 0n the +ay do+n fro! the S%'''O !ountain pass +e encountered a +hole lot !ore fed!o"iles and e*en a killer on a !otorcycle rushin up the hi h+ay. -t +as a pretty typical rural fed!o"ile neo-traffic)a! that afternoon. Boy% they all looked an ry5 Carol said they +ere supposed to )ust !urder us up there. 6or the rest of the iftin !ission they ne*er ot close to us. 3eOd taken all of their psychics out of the a!e. - hope youOll do that fro! no+ on +hen you o out iftin . (hese fake- o*Ot shid"irds rely hea*ily on their psychics these days. -tOs kind of like kids in school relyin on calculators and not "ein a"le to do eKuations +ell on that account. $pparently the ordinary pa*e!ent artists are !ade Kuite unco!forta"le/afraid +hen +e send the! our special lo*e% too% )ud in "y the looks +eOre seein on their faces lately. (his !ornin % on the +ay ho!e% +e +ere discussin the procli*ity that a fe+ people see! to feel to discount the e!po+erin effects of si!ple o")ects you can !ake fro! in redients found in any 3al#art store. (hese folks see! to ra*itate !ore to+ard arcane I co!ple8 "ut ineffecti*e approaches% perhaps in fear of the i!plications of personal e!po+er!ent that our ridiculously-si!ple approach see!s to represent. $lon +ith that co!e the occasional clai!s that one is a"le to disa"le all of the ne+ trans!itters +ith a sin le application of so!e !ysterious !aterial-youO*e seen this fro! ti!e to ti!e% -O! sure. (he first one +e encountered +as fro! a fello+ +ho called hi!self si!ply% O<eshua%O and for W:%''' heOd sell you a de*ice +hich +as alle edly a"le to stop all the cri!e in a lar e city at once and fore*er. #ay"e the )uryOs still out on that one% since he a"sconded "efore he
produced any of these V-/ Nosh% !ay"e he ascended instead of a"sconded. -n fact% +hat +e are findin is that one !ay access oneOs latent a"ility in order to easily disa"le predators re!otely and e*en heal serious illnesses "ut for physical deadly-ener y tech and pirated earth ener y *ortices one needs to place a physical healin ener y de*ice in the *icinity to correct the i!"alance. (here are pro"a"ly so!e spiritual ro+th lessons in this si!ple truth for us all. -O! pro"a"ly fonder of shortcuts than !ost others are "ut in fact disa"lin a !illion dollar deadly-ener y trans!itter +ith a &L-cent de*ice Kualifies as a shortcut in anyoneOs reckonin . Beno Bichard% at one ti!e in the co!pany of t+o locals% "usted all of the trans!itters in and around 6allon% 1e*ada and he and Carol had do+sed the !aps this ti!e and found the focal points of under round poisonous ener y production. Jots and lots of people in that re ion are dyin or ha*e died fro! cancer and no"ody had offered a clear e8planation for this local pheno!enon. $t one of the do+sed locations +e found a typical nuke coolin pond-the lar est +eOd e*er seen. 3e took that one out +ith four (o+er"usters. -t usually takes one or t+o. $ si n said it +as for O+ater treat!entO "ut of course it didnOt s!ell like se+a e% as actual +ater treat!ent plants al+ays do. 1or +as there any aeratin eKuip!ent. 3e used this opportunity to try out an or onite pendulu! that 1ancy Jan don had sent to us% as - had pro!ised her that -Od Otest dri*eO it in the field durin a !ission. (his pendulu! turned out to "e Kuite li*ely and responsi*e and if you +ant one you can contact 1ancy at nlan &&! Bichard told us that !ilitary officers are not allo+ed to li*e in 6allon% +here thereOs a pretty "i 1a*al $ir 2tation. (heyOre told to li*e t+enty !iles a+ay% outside of the polluted area. -n !y *ie+% the officers are enerally !ore e8penda"le than the enlisted !en% and thatOs not a pre)udicial state!ent. -t rather reflects the old +orld orderOs "ack+ard% patriarchic *ie+ of hierarchy and it reflects !y near-desperate desire to re!o*e any inti!ation of elitis! fro! our o+n infor!al roup effort. -n a *ia"le !ilitary unit the officers are in front durin "attle "ecause they are the e8e!plars. D8e!plars ne*er e8cuse the!sel*es fro! situations that are risky for the troops. Do you re!e!"er readin that Neor e Bush% 2r.% "ailed out of his plu!!etin aircraft first durin 33-- and left the cre+ to perishR 9is aristocratic selfindul ence e8e!plifies +hat -O! tryin so hard to stop fro! happenin in our o+n net+ork. (hereOs no e8cuse% e*er% for elitis!. (his realization is one of the hi h-end parts of hu!an nature that +e need to reinforce constantly. (he iftin !ission +as pretty routine% actually. 3e did the do+sed spots and% "ecause the "ases +ere underneath !ost of the *alleys +e dro*e throu h +e si!ply dropped (Bs e*ery !ile or so alon the routes and put the 99 s near key spots% choosin the! si!ply "y OfeelO and the presence of lar er-than-usual a"o*e round facilities. 3e started out at that nuke coolin pond in the +est% +ent south to ift a reser*oir on the 3alker Bi*er -ndian Beser*ation and ca!ped o*erni ht there. D*erythin in the *icinity of our ca!psite +as dead and there +as no +ildlife as far as +e could tell. -f you sleep in the desert youOre nor!ally in a !elee of )ackra""its% coyotes% scorpions% snakes% Bi Bu s% etc.% "ecause the ni htlife in deserts is pretty !uch the only life. (he dust itself +as apparently radioacti*e there "ecause the ne8t day CarolOs sinuses +ere "leedin and the skin on her lips is still peelin % three days later% thou h she +asnOt in the sun !uch at all. (he custo!ary !etallic taste +as a"sent due% !ost likely% to the radiation trans!utin effects of our 9ar!onic 7rotectors. 2he hates to think ho+ sick sheOd "e ri ht no+ fro! all that nuclear radiation if sheOd had no protection at all. 3e started layin (Bs e*ery !ile% north throu h 6allon% "ack +est a ain to the nuke ponds% and then surrounded the 6allon 1a*al $ir 2tation +ith de*ices. Jots of feds sho+ed up at the north+est section% +hich is apparently +here one of the !ain entrances of the under round "ase is. (he presence of all those fed!o"iles on the other side of the fence sho+ed us that an 99 needed to "e put near"y V-/
$s usual% these days% they did Ohit-and-runO appearances% perhaps )ust to let us kno+ that they kno+ +here +e are. 3e )uice the! all as a !atter of course "ecause these cri!inals need to kno+ that e*ery action a ainst a so*erei n person is a cri!e% e*en )ust Osho+in upO in an official capacity "ecause the e8istence of these a encies is unla+ful. (hey C$1 "e trained% folks. -f youOre one of the "eni hted fe+ ifters +ho are still in denial a"out the presence of secret police peekers and are dis!ayed that your "usted to+ers keep co!in "ack to life% please "e !ore dili ent a"out discoura in the!% okayR (his is the only +ay youOll kno+ that they +onOt find and re!o*e your to+er"usters and 99 s ri ht after you put the! do+n. $fter that% +e dro*e o*er a pass and into Di8ie Falley "ecause Bichard had seen a lar e% dark funnel-shaped D0B cloud there on his !ost recent !ission to 6allon. 2ure enou h% there is a Depart!ent of Dner y facility in the pass leadin to the *alley. 3e sa+ indications of se*eral ca*e-ins alon the +ay% Carol tossed a (B at the 2alt #ines Brothel and +e found a #arine Corps installation at the south end of Di8ie Falley. 3e ot to use the spud un "y that "ase to et a (B close enou h to a sin ularly +eird to+er +ith a sort of !erka"a-shaped de*ice on top of it. (he to+er is on the peri!eter of the "ase% a"out a Kuarter !ile fro! the road. Noin north in the *alley +e found indications of an under round "ase thatOs )ust as "i as the one under the *alley that 6allon sits in. 3e laid a line of (Bs and se*eral 99 s% includin one Je!u% for a"out si8ty !iles "efore +e apparently ca!e to the end of that "ase. (here +ere fenced-in air *ents e*ery !ile or so alon !uch of the route. By the ti!e +e had traced our steps and left the *alley to+ard 6allon the "ro+n D0B had )ust a"out co!pletely dissipated fro! Di8ie Falley already. (he D0B +as also one fro! 6allon. 3e +ent northeast of 6allon to 2till+ater% +hich is a O1ational 3ildlife Befu e.O (hatOs another ter! for Ounder round "aseO of course. -t +as a hu e% natural !arsh until the feds drained it recently. - donOt think they +ant Othe pu"licO to o there any !ore. -t used to "e popular a!on fisher!en and duck hunters "efore the feds restricted the use and then dro*e a+ay and/or killed all of the +ildlife. 1orth of 6allon +as a hu e% standin D0B OcloudO that rese!"led a hi h fo "ank. -t looked like it +as : or 4 !iles a+ay "ut in fact +e had to dri*e 1L !iles to et close to it. 3e laid a line of (Bs e*ery half !ile alon the +estern peri!eter of the O+ildlife refu e%O and then dro*e throu h 6allon and then north alon @2ML% droppin a line of (Bs% then the re!ainin 99 s to+ard the D0B fo "ank. By no+ the +ind fro! the +est had picked up to 9$$B7 proportions "ut the D0B +asnOt "ein "lo+n a+ay. (he last 99 +as a Je!urian and it +as ri ht on the east end of the fo "ank. $s +e +ere dri*in a+ay +e could see that the D0B field +as already startin to di!inish and the ne8t day% as Carol and - +ere dri*in past there a ain fro! Beno on our +ay ho!e +e could see that the D0B field +as entirely one and that in fact there +as no !ore "ro+n D0B any+here in the *alley that 6allon sits in. fDon
;DditorOs 1ote: -n this episode% Carol Croft% for the first ti!e% takes the key"oard a+ay fro! Don and does a little Oreporta eO of her o+n.=
By Carol Croft <caroldestiny@tur"!> /dc/adc66"itteroot!ission&:)ul':.sht!l <uly &:% &'': $"out 1L years a o% - +as sittin in a chiropractorOs office +aitin for !y friend +ho had an appoint!ent that day. - +as "ored and thou ht - !ay as +ell read so!ethin % so - picked up +hat - thou ht +as one of those OBeaders Di estO thin s. - opened it up to a pa e titled% T2tonehen e of the Coeur DO$lenesT ;the Coeur dO$lene tri"e +as pro!inent in 13 -daho=. - +as hooked. 2ince then% - had "een up to that sacred spot in -dahoOs Bitteroot #ountains four or fi*e ti!es no+ lookin for those sacred altars. Don and -% alon +ith our friend% Jinda Cin s"ury% had !ade plans a +hile "ack to o up there for a +eekend to ha*e a look around. -t turned out that Don +asnOt a"le to o% as his dau hter and her friend ca!e for a *isit that +eekend. 2o Jinda% +ho is a ifted psychic and one of !y teachers% and !e decided that it +as *ery i!portant to et up there that +eekend. 2o +e packed our ear and a+ay +e +ent. 3e had decided to !ake a lon day of it and start out "y oin to one of our fa*orite spots on the +ay: 9o"o Cedar Nro*e% near Clarkia% -daho. (his place has "een a *ery !a ickal spot for "oth of us% e*er since +e first +ent there. 3e like to o there so +e can dru! do+n throu h the iant% ancient cedar trees. (here are% or +ere% a lot of fairies/tree spirits there. Dark Dner y $ !an +ho! Jinda had !et a !onth or so a o told her a"out a hu e cedar that +as )ust a"out 1'' yards outside of the protected area. 9e +as tryin to et it officially included in the park. 2o +e decided that +e +ould put a (o+er Buster ne8t to it to try to help out. 3e found the tree and put the (B do+n and i!!ediately sa+ the or one "oilin up fro! the "otto! of the tree. (he +hole area chan ed. 3e cli!"ed "ack up the "ank and had a snack at a picnic ta"le up on the hi h round and then continued do+n the ori inal trail into the cedar ro*e. 3e noticed ri ht a+ay that the tree spirits and fairies +erenOt there% so +e took a look and sa+ that they +ere still +atchin the ro*e% "ut fro! a distance. 3e +ondered at the ti!e +hat +as oin on% "ut +e kne+ that so!ethin +asnOt ri ht. 3hen +e ot do+n to +here the loop trail +as% there +as an arro+ directin +alkers to o a certain +ay around the loop. (he arro+ +as pointin in a counter clock+ise direction. - i!!ediately ot that the o*ern!ent/forest ser*ice +anted people to +alk throu h the ro*e counter clock+ise "ecause that +ould take po+er a+ay fro! the *orte8 .any"ody ha*e feed "ack on thisR <caroldestiny@tur"!>/. - a! +onderin if they often do this in po+er placesR - "et they do5 3e% of course% chose to +alk in a clock+ise direction. Bi ht a+ay +e felt that so!ethin +as not ri ht. $s +e +ere +alkin % - noticed a particular tree that stood out fro! the rest. (he "otto! of the tree% near to the round% +as hollo+ and it looked like so!eone had car*ed it out in an intricate +ay. (here +ere a lot of s!all cha!"ers and in the !iddle% it looked )ust like a face--!onkey or do -like. $fter takin a close look at this% +e proceeded to +alk alon the trail% dru!!in . 2hortly% +e looked up and sa+ the "i est spider +e" - ha*e e*er seen. (he sun +as illu!inatin it as if to tell us% T0*er here5T 2tranded 3hen +e looked in that direction% - noticed that the ferns that +ere co*erin the round +ere "lo+in around as if there +as a "reeze% "ut there +asnOt a "reeze. (hen +e noticed that +e +erenOt alone. (here +ere a roup of "ein s tryin to hide fro! us. 2o +e stood there to fi ure out +hat +as happenin and +hy they +ere there. (he trees looked like they +ere *ery dry ne8t to the round. - sa+ that these "ein s +ere feedin off the treesO ener y% so +e decided to surround the!. Jinda +ent one +ay and - +ent the other.
Jinda +ent "ack up the trail a short distance and started dru!!in the heart"eat of the earth. (he "ein s started shriekin and co*erin their ears. 0ne of the! e*en char ed at her% "ut she si!ply turned a+ay and kept dru!!in . $fter a +hile% she ot really tired and felt like she had to sit do+n. 3hen she did% she al!ost lost consciousness. 2he cau ht the si nificance of that .!anipulation/ and i!!ediately stood up and started co!in o*er to +here - +as standin . - found a spot on the other side of the ferns and +as usin "ells to !ake the sa!e "eat as the dru!. - could see the! lookin for a +ay to et a+ay fro! us. $ fe+ of the! ca!e o*er to +here - +as standin and +ere scrutinizin !e. (hatOs +hen - ot fro! the! that they +ere !arooned here. - looked at the! and - sa+ that their faces +ere shaped like a cross "et+een a !onkey and a do . -t +as the sa!e face that - had seen in the "otto! of the tree trunk. (hatOs +hen it occurred to !e that theyOre fro! 0rion. $t that sa!e !o!ent% - started to feel dizzy% sli htly disoriented% and *ery tired. - looked up and sa+ Jinda co!in . 3e "oth realized at the sa!e ti!e that +e needed to et out of there. But "efore +e left% +e put do+n an 99 ri ht in the !iddle of the ferns. 3hen - set the 9oly 9and renade% the round see!ed to Kui*er a "it and then the or one started "u""lin up like crazy. - really like to +atch that process5 By the ti!e +e ot nearly out of the ro*e% +e noticed that the tree spirits and ele!entals that had !o*ed a+ay +ere already !o*in closer to the hu e trees. (hey couldnOt "e there after the parasitic *isitors had taken o*er their sacred ro*e. 3eOll o "ack there soon to do so!e follo+-up +ork and to !ake sure the pitiful 0rion uys ha*e left. By the ti!e +e ot "ack to the car% +e realized that it +as ettin late. 3e had ori inally +anted to !ake it up to the Bitteroot site so that +e could !ake ca!p "efore dark. 3e decided to take a ra*el-road shortcut that eli!inated a"out S' !iles of tra*el and +e ot to $*ery% -daho% near the Bitteroot head+aters of the 2t. <oe Bi*er% in record ti!e. -t +as a"out a L::'7# "y then and +e +ould ha*e plenty of ti!e to et close enou h to the archaeolo ical site so that +e could hike in and !ake ca!p "efore dark% or so +e thou ht. 3hat should ha*e only taken a"out 4L !ins to +alk alon that ra*el @2 6orest 2er*ice road% took : and a half hours. 1one of the roads that +ere on our !ap +ere there +hen +e ot to the! .the roads had "een chan ed around since !y last *isit% fi*e years a o/. ?ou +ould not "elie*e so!e of the places - had to take !y sporty little red con*erti"le5 .- +as !ortified. V-/ 3e finally found a suita"le parkin place. 0ur plan +as to hike in a"out & !iles and !ake ca!p ri ht on the sacred spot. -t +as dark +hen +e ot there% so +e !ade ca!p ri ht +here +e parked. (he enuine 7o+ers (hat Be +ere lookin out for us% - uess% "ecause they did not +ant us to ca!p up near the stones. 3e found out +hy the ne8t day. 7re Da+n Disco*ery 3e ot up early the follo+in !ornin "ecause +e +anted to et o*er to the site to see +here the sunrise shone on the spot. 3e left the car +ith a fe+ snacks% +ater% "rush cutters and !y M!! Nlock pistol. &'' yards up the trail +e ca!e across a ca!psite. (here +as ar"a e e*ery+hereV a "ear had "een there and tore thin s up. (here +ere & sleepin "a s there +hich% to "oth Jinda and -% looked like there +ere "odies in the!. 3e "oth sensed death there. 3e looked at the !ayhe!% looked at each other and decided that +e kne+ if +e disco*ered dead "odies in the "a s that +e pro"a"ly +ouldnOt o on. - a reed that +hen +e ca!e out - +ould see if the "odies +ere real% then +e proceeded alon the path. ?ou can i!a ine that +e +ere "oth pretty freaked out "y +hat +e had )ust seen. 3e stopped and did so!e centerin e8ercises to cal! oursel*es and that helped. 3e started do+n the hill. (he site +as on the other side of a saddle% on top of a round knoll. 0ne of the a"andoned #onitor Copper #ineOs !ain entrances +as at the "otto! of that saddle and the last ti!e that - +as there% the entrance +as )ust a rou h hole in the round around +hich the 6orest 2er*ice had placed so!e of that
plastic% fluorescent oran e fence !aterial to keep people fro! fallin into the deep% *ertical !ineshaft. 3hen +e ot to the old !ineshaft this ti!e% it +as co*ered "y a thick !etal rid that +as pro"a"ly a"out 1' feet sKuare. (here use to "e trees surroundin it% "ut they had "een re!o*ed. (he rest of the trees in the area +ere still standin . (he path this far in had "een cleared considera"ly since - +as here 4 or L years a o. -s there so!ethin ne+ under round thereR $re they usin this old !ine for so!ethin other than !inin R .- (hink 2ooooo5 V-/ 3e continued up the knoll on the other side of the !ineshaft +here the path +as o*er ro+n. (he "rush +as a lot denser than - had re!e!"ered. - "rou ht !y pistol "ecause of the "ears and cou ars in the area. <ust o*er the di*ide in #ontana% there are a lot of Nrizzlies. 0n !y last trip there +ith #elody .D-!ello on the cloud"usters foru!/ and our +itch friend Bar"ara% +e sa+ and s!elled fresh Nrizzly Bear urine in our path. (he hi her huckle"erries +ere in season then .$u ust/ and "ears lo*e to eat the!. #ilt (urley (he first ti!e - ca!e to this spot +as +ith an old lo er fro! 2t. #aries% -daho% na!ed #ilt (urley. #ilt had "een lookin for these stones for thirty years% +hich is a lot lon er than - ha*e. 9eOd parked in a spot and had us look o*er the side and there% )ust a fe+ !iles a+ay% +e could see the Nrizzlies in a !eado+ at the "otto! of the ra*ine. $ny+ay% - +ould ne*er o into this spot +ithout a un. 2o as - +alked% - +as tryin to fa!iliarize Jinda +ith !y pistol )ust in case so!ethin happened to !e and - dropped it. $s +e +ere clearin a spot in the trail% - cau ht a s!ell that +as all too fa!iliar to !e: a stron scent of urine. $ cou ar +ill tend to o*er-!ark his or her territory this +ay. $ cou ar and her cu" had !ade their ho!e for ei ht !onths in !y !a ickal circle .in the tall rass "ehind !y yard/ +hen - li*ed in 2t. #aries% -D% so - kne+ that stron % uniKue scent. Bi ht "efore - s!elled it% Jinda told !e that she had the i!pression that +e +ere "ein follo+ed. 3hen s!elled it% - told her that she +as ri ht- +e +erenOt alone. 3e +ere "ein stalked "y a cou ar. 3hene*er +e had stopped% +e could hear it in the under"rush. 2he +as a little fri htened "y this and asked !e +hat to do if +e actually sa+ it. - told her to "e sure not to run and not to look at itV )ust stand still and look at the round. 3e decided not to lin er there !uch lon er and !o*ed on up the trail. $t one point +e felt the round !o*e and Jinda said: T3hat +as thatRT .JindaOs a city irl/ (here +as a herd of elk close "y. (heyOre so "i % that +hen they )u!p o*er fallen trees% they shake the round +hen landin . 3e started seein a lot of elk droppin s after that% so apparently the sacred knoll is their territory. Death"ed Confession 3hen +e ot near the ancient site% +e "oth started do+sin for the location of the stones. 3e +ere usin do+sin rods to find the "urial site. (he !an +ho o+ned the !ine and sacred site had confessed on his death"ed to #ilt (urley that he kne+ that if so!eone +as to see the sacred alters% that they +ould ha*e shut his !ine do+n to protect the site. 2o in 1M4M% he had "ulldozed the stones into a trench and co*ered the!. 9e told #ilt that he +as asha!ed of +hat he had done and had to tell so!eone "efore he died. (he last ti!e - +as here% ri ht "efore it +as ti!e to o% - decided .out of frustration/ to )ust o +ith !y ut instinct and see +here it led !e. - found a spot on the top of the eastern slope that - +as sure +as the ri ht spot. 3hen - had arri*ed ho!e t+o ni hts later% - had a lucid drea! a"out the stone circle. -n the drea!% it +as ri ht +here - thou ht it +as. Back to the story. 0ur do+sin led us o*er to+ards that area% "ut not Kuite. -t +as hard to et !y "earin s "ecause the under ro+th had otten a lot hea*ier and taller than it +as on !y pre*ious *isit. 0ur do+sin led us in an arc )ust "elo+ the spot - had *isited "efore. - kept tellin Jinda that the site +as on top the hill% not do+n +here +e +ere "ein led. But +e +ent +here +e +ere uided and after a +hile +e decided that +e +ere oin too far do+n so +e "oth checked% "y do+sin % if +e needed to lea*e the Je!urian-crystal 99 that Don had !ade for the site in this
spot. 3e "oth ot a stron % clear O?es.O - found a t+in tree to lea*e it "y and +e started "ack up the hill. 3e +ere lea*in the 99 there "ecause +e kne+ that it +ould open up this spot and do +hat +as needed to help the stones et unco*ered a ain and it +ould clear the +ay for the ne8t ti!e that +eOll return .soon - think/. 3eOre already plannin another *isit this fall% after #elody and - et "ack fro! -reland. (his is a stran e% disorientin place these days% so +hen you hike in% you ha*e to !ark your +ay to a*oid ettin lost. D*ery ti!e - co!e into this area% it is co!pletely different. (his is characteristic of any *ery lar e% artificially distorted *orte8. 6i*e Black Bo"es 3hen +e ot to the top% +e started "ack alon the +ay +e ca!e% "oth feelin like +e had !issed so!ethin . 2hortly% +e kne+ +hy +e had that feelin : -n a certain spot% +e "oth felt like there +as so!eone +atchin so +e stopped to check it out and near"y% hidin "ehind the trees% +ere L people dressed in "lack ro"es. 3e took a closer look psychically and found that these "lack-clad people +ere <esuit hosts +ho +ere ritually confined to that site. (he <esuit !issionaries .or +hate*er/ +ent "y +a on train to #ullan% -D and then did a sort of a pil ri!a e south alon the +est side of the Continental Di*ide to this sacred site. -n the "e innin % they +ere led "y -ndians. (he <esuits% "ein the first occult archaeolo ists of the present era% apparently already kne+ the si nificance of these ancient artifacts and of this particular earth-ener y *orte8 and they clearly +anted to e8ploit "oth. (his +as a co!!on practice of the <esuits throu hout the +orld +hene*er they +ere i*en license to plunder. (he <esuits arri*ed in the early 1S''s and set up Cataldo #ission to the north of the site. (his +as enerations "efore there +ere !any +hite settlers in this re ion. Durin that period% they see!ed !ore interested in keepin other +hites out% rather than preparin the +ay for settle!ent. $nyone +ho kno+s the history of the <esuits% realizes that they had little altruistic !oti*e on "ehalf of the nati*es% +ho! the <esuits e8ploited as +ell. (hese fi*e hosts +ere there to uard the site and to try to keep people a+ay. - i!a ine that this practice is si!ilar to the storied 7iratesO practice of killin !en at treasure "urial sites for the sa!e purpose. Don encountered pirate hosts like that in the Cari""ean. (hey +ouldnOt let us et close to the stones and +ere apparently a"le to induce cou ars and "ears to attack people there. 3e had "een led to find a safe peri!eter of the site. $s +e +ere +atchin the!% +e +ere tryin to et the! to understand that +hat +e +anted to do +as to restore the site to +hat it +as. $s +e +ere *isualizin +hat +e +anted the! to see% +e could see another entle!an ar uin +ith the "lack-clad !en. 9e +anted the! to let us do +hat +e ca!e to do% "ut the "lack ro"es didnOt +ant us there. 3e tried to et the "lack ro"es to lea*e% "ut soon felt% a ain% the ur ency to et on the path and et out of there. 3e could feel *ery stron ly the i!pendin dan er if +e didnOt lea*e as soon as possi"le. $t that !o!ent +e heard a "ear near"y and +e sat do+n and tried to "e as Kuiet as +e could "e "ut% a ain% so!ethin told us +e needed to et oin % 1035 - ot !y un out of the holster and !ade sure that Jinda re!e!"ered +hat - had told her a"out ho+ to use it and +e started +alkin Kuickly out of there. 6or so!e distance +e could still hear the "ear "ehind us in the "rush and it fri htened us "oth a "it. - fell do+n an incline and turned !y ankle and as - +as assessin the situation - cau ht another stron +hiff of cou ar urine. -t +as so stron % in fact% that it irritated !y eyes and -O! sure the "i cat +as only a fe+ feet a+ay fro! !y head. Jinda reached !e% pulled !e up "y !y ar! and said% O3e otta N05 By no+ "oth of our hearts +ere "eatin like !ad% of course. 3e hurried out as fast as +e could and didnOt slo+ do+n until +e ot to the top of the ne8t hill. 6ro! there +e looked "ack and sa+ the Black Bo"es at the "otto! of the hill% larin at us. Behind the!% thou h% +e sa+ so!e elks that shifted into i!a es of ancient Celts +ith elk horns on their heads. 9ere +e turned around to see the Black Bo"ed people do+n at the "otto! of the hill +atchin us. $nd "ehind the! +e sa+ the% +hat +e thou ht +ere elk% fade and turn into Celts +ith horns on their heads. - kno+ - risk appearin like a lunatic "ut Jinda and - "oth sa+ this and for psychics this sort of encounter is no !ore unusual than if you +ere to see Chinese people in the $ppalachians. 3e kno+ that they +ere the hosts of Celts or +ere ancient ti!e and/or astral tra*elers fro! that place +ho +anted to help us find
the artifacts so that they could "e restored to their correct positions in order to help restore the health of the earth rid. (he <esuits ha*e al+ays "een dedicated to e8ploitin and destroyin that ti!eless and *i"rant lo"al. (hese "lack ro"ed-"andits are the ulti!ate rat "astards of hu!anity and the +orst part is that they do their filthy% e*il +ork in <esusO 1a!e. (hanks for sho+in us the peri!eter of that site% Celtic "rothers5 2eein you +as Kuite a rush5 $fter that e8hilaratin confir!ation +e "e an to +orry a "it a"out +hat +e +ere a"out to find and the !olested ca!psite that +eOd seen on the +ay in. +hen +e ot close +e "oth realized that so!ethin had chan ed there. (he "a s didnOt look OoccupiedO any !ore and +ere stre+n around instead of lyin "eside each other. - +ent% as pro!ised% to check it out and they +ere e!pty% +ithout a trace of "lood. Bears are *ery !essy killers/flesheaters% so there +ould ha*e "een a lot of "lood. $s you can i!a ine +e +ere "oth relie*ed "ut also "affled. 3e "oth felt sure that there had "een dead "odies in those sleepin "a s "efore% in fact +e +ere so certain that +e +anted to +ait till +e +ere on our +ay out "efore +e in*esti ated the potential horror of it. Did so!e 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination 2hdt"irds set up this site to fri hten us fro! proceedin to the sacred siteR $fter all% the old +orld order and their despica"le secret police a encies are founded on the ritual 2atanis! that the <esuits also practice and in fact thereOs no real distinction a!on any of these predatory/parasitic roups. 3hen +e returned to the car +e found a pile of fresh Nrizzly poop near the dri*er side door. (his +hole ad*enture had "een like a 2tephen Cin !o*ie. -O! still +onderin a"out e*erythin +e e8perienced that +eekend. Don and - ha*e encountered this hi h +eirdness of the old +orld order fairly re ularly "ut this +as JindaOs initiation V-/ Cataldo #ission $s +ere dri*in "ack do+n the rou h lo in road fro! the old Do!inion #ine +e "oth +ere inspired to *isit Cataldo #ission% +hich +as +ay out of our +ay% )ust to see if +e could find a historical reference a"out the connection "et+een the !ission and the Celtic site. (he old <esuit !ission +as one the fe+ sources that - didnOt check a fe+ years a o +hen - +as atherin infor!ation. 3e also kne+ that #elody +as there sellin her hand!ade "askets at the !arket place on the rounds. (he !ission had "eco!e a popular tourist spot and #elodyOs a enuine #ountain 3o!an% after all. 6ortunately% +e arri*ed at the #ission "efore #elody and her hus"and% <i! .DonOs older "rother/ left. #elody said +e should o inside the #ission and take a look and she "rou ht alon one of her super" tree-resin 9ar!onizers .she doesnOt like the ter!% O9oly 9and renade.O/. 2he left one in the confessional "ooth for a +hile to trans!ute so!e of the dead or one that confessions produce and to help so!e of the faithful hosts that +ere trapped there to et released. - suddenly ot a "ri ht idea% inspired "y that% and left an 99 up inside the church at an undisclosed location. Jinda helped to conceal !e fro! the tourists and astral spies +hile - placed it in that strate ic place and then +e cau ht up +ith #elody at the door. 0n our +ay out% #elody said: T3here are +e oin to put itRT - told her not to +orryV - already did it. 2he +anted to kno+ ho+ - did it +ith all those people around and - said% T- told you% could "e in*isi"le5T 3e all had a ood lau h at the 2atanistsO e8pense. Don had left a couple of (o+er Busters on the !ission rounds +hen he +as iftin across 1orthern -daho last fall and - think that !ay ha*e taken enou h of the "ad )u)u +ind out of the L etheric "lackro"es to keep Jinda and - fro! ettin eaten "y +ild ani!als earlier that day. -O! sure no+ that Cataldo #ission had "een the occult po+er "ase for the <esuitsO pre*iously-po+erful e8ploitation of the sacred site and po+erful earth *orte8 at Do!inion #ine. $s +e +ere +alkin a+ay fro! the church% +e felt the "ad-ener y plu "ein pulled up there on the !ountain +here the stones are and - sa+ the L dead <esuits o do+n the drain and "ack to the #ission. 3e then kne+ e8actly% +hy +e +ere led alon all these stran e paths for the last couple of days. -t is 20 -#70B($1( to follo+ our ut feelin s +hen +e initiate ad*entures like this one5 3e trust and ha*e
faith that there is a ood reason for e*erythin +eOre led to do% no !atter ho+ stran e or +eird it see!s at the !o!ent% and so should you5 -t al+ays "eco!es clear in the end% so )ust han in there and follo+ your instincts% as +e do. 3eOre all pretty e8cited to return to that sacred site and see +hat de*elops ne8t. 3eOll do +hat +e can to initiate the process of restoration there and -O! sure the doors +ill open for that +hen the ti!e is ri ht. fCarol Croft
Episode 6 %erman 0$$uminati7s 0daho 7Safehouse7 %ets Busted By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc6Pillu!inatisafehouse"ust'Lau ':.sht!l $u ust L% &'': $u ust 4% &'': Carol and - +ent huntin for itV found itV and "usted it. - posed near the front door after +e dro*e throu h the arched entrance and up the lon % pri*ate dri*e+ay. -tOs ri ht on the other side of 7aradise Bid e% a short distance fro! our ho!e in the *alley. (he rid e top is the one location in our e8ploits fro! +hich all the or onite de*ices had "een re!o*ed .the second "atch +as "uried and is still unreco*ered/. (hat +as a hell of a nasty array on top of that rid e and the local 2atanists are apparently the ones +ho +ere recruited to co!" the pine forest there to find our spud un-launched (Bs last +inter. 1o dou"t the local "a"y killers feel Kuite honored that so!e top le*el Ner!an -llu!inati shdt"irds ca!e to stay for a+hile in that castle. Boy% are those occultists !ad and surprised .can you say% Ocontu!elyRO/5 -tOs okay% "ecause challen es "uild character and since they ha*e no character to speak of% - pro"a"ly did the! all a hu e potential fa*or. Carol tells !e that the Ner!an -llu!inati sho+ed up here se*eral !onths a o "ecause the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination )ust arenOt up to the task of Odealin O +ith us "oth. (he for!er 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination OsafehouseO at S1& Blaine 2treet% +hich +e ifted last year and "lasted a fe+ ti!es a day )ust for fun% has "een deserted for a +eek or so V-/ (he Ner!ans picked a lo*ely !ansion% - !ust say% thou h it felt pretty yucky there in spite of all the or onite that had "een left there last +eek "y our friend% 2arah. 3e dropped Kuite a "it on the property today% too V-/ (he picture of !e in front of the entrance to the !ansion is in !y pu"lic files on"!. -t looks like theyOd )ust "uilt a "arracks farther "ack on the rounds .$r!y of DarknessR/. (he truth -O! pro*in to you% the reader .if you care to e8peri!ent +ith !y approach/% is that the !ost po+erful a ency on the planet is po+erless to stop a fearless person fro! si!ply doin as oneOs intuition dictates. - fully uarantee that -Oll "e out +alkin around lon after these sorry "astards ha*e all "een tossed into their o+n prisons or e8ecuted for their capital cri!es. - think itOs e8Kuisite that theyOll "e chan in places +ith all those !illions of innocent people of color% innocuous potheads% and political prisoners in $!erican )ails. - uess +e donOt ha*e too !any prisons% after all5 1ote that +e +ere led to our disco*ery and e8posure of this plot due to a friendOs ti!ely drea!. -tOs a ood idea to take drea!s seriously and to act on +hat our intuition ets fro! *ia these Otrainin fil!s.O -f Carol and - hadnOt co!!itted to follo+in our intuition faithfully% to ether% three years a o% +e +ouldnOt "e ha*in all these !ar*elous e8periences and insi hts. $u ust L% &'': - didnOt kno+ the pic +as "lurry. - first looked at it this !ornin . -Oll et Carol to take a "etter pic +hen she ets "ack fro! -reland% donOt +orry. 3eOll en)oy oin "ack there% really. -tOs )ust another !ansion% folks. 10(D that no"odyOs shot !e or turned !e into a toad. - fi ure theyOll either "e one or +ill ha*e put up a O(respassers 3ill Be FiolatedO si n if theyO*e ot any s!arts at all. -Oll "e sure to let you kno+. -O! pushin the en*elope a "it% "ut thatOs !y )o"% after all. -O*e found that so!e people tell !e theyOre concerned for !y safety no+% "ut - tell the! that% really% theyOre concerned that -O! de!onstratin that the "ad uys are actually +eak and ineffecti*eV not in*inci"le at all and that threatens the OconcernedO peopleOs paradi !% +hich !ay "e a fate +orse than death to folks +ho feel the need to control their en*iron!ent and others. $nother CB is oin to Jinda Cin s"uryOs place .+hich is )ust "eyond the -llu!inatiOs property fro! +here +e
li*e/ in a couple of days. (hat ou ht to put the sKueeze on those filthy "irds% ehR 2heOs ot her !edicine +heel and her"- arden !aze in full operation% "y the +ay. - e8pect the CB +ill o in the !iddle of the !edicine +heel. 6or +hat itOs +orth% our *orte8 is a +hole lot !ore po+erful than +hat the +heel is eneratin and the her"al sun tea +e !ake under the rotatin octahedron is a real po+er punch--!uch !ore enli*enin than coffee5 (he skies are or eous% a ain% and thereOs "een a lot of nice% ratuitous rainfall since +e "roke 9$$B7Os "ack .okay% they "roke their o+n stinkin "ack "y o*ere8tendin / last +eek. 3e didnOt do that% that is to say +e didnOt do anythin in particular lately. (he *orte8 in our "ackyard canOt "e seen to "e responsi"le for all this. (o "elie*e other+ise +ould "e a delusion. -O! not fakin hu!ility. Belie*e !e% if - thou ht - +as responsi"le for this *ictory o*er 9$$B7% -Od clai! it V-/ -O! not one of those anti-science folks +ho et a little "it of confir!ation for an effort and e8trapolate that in to an assu!ption that theyO*e destroyed the old +orld order% all alone. #ay"e so!e"ody can !ake up a *irtual tickertape parade pro ra!% sort of like 2tar (rek,s holodeck% for these folks so that they can at least feel like the +orld applauds and +orships the!% ehR 1o+ that -O*e +rapped a super !o"ius around the (rinity 3and that Jaozu Celly !ade for us% CarolsO one% so +eOll only et his assess!ent. Jinda +ill "e one "y the +eekend so +onOt "e pipin up a"out it .sheOs an e8cellent ener y assessor/. - +ant to send it to that +o!an in Nreat 6alls% #ontana% +ho has a CB and ro+s hay and has told !e that the drou ht there has "een de*astatin since late sprin . @sin a (rinity 3and in a place like this% +hich !aintains a fairly pristine at!osphere no+% !ay not "e an adeKuate test. -Od like to induce her to put the (rinity 3and in a *orte8 and see +hat transpires. - donOt kno+ if the ood +eather here +ent east% past the Bockies to +here she is. -f youOre readin this% #ontana 3o!an% please send !e an e!ail at ter!inator:@tur"!% okayR Carol noted that the !o"ius coil is e8traneous .only !ar inally "etter than no !o"ius and the coil effect is only ood for a *ery short ran e +ithout a freKuency pulse enerator% at "est/ on this de*ice unless thereOs a current ettin pulsed throu h it. -Oll furnish a freKuency "o8 and solar panel to +hoe*er li*es in a desert and +ould like to put this thin in a *orte8 and lea*e it in a safe place .assure !e that you can do it +ithout the 7eekers seein you% okayR/% thou h this thin technically "elon s to Celly and - !ay "e stickin !y neck out a "it. 3e can talk% at least. DoesnOt so!e"ody in 2outhern $rizona or 1e+ #e8ico +ant to put one of these in a desert *orte8R #ean+hile% +eOre field-testin so!e 7-7D B0#B2% +hich is +hat -O! callin !y Nre -Bro+n-inspired +ater iftin de*ice thatOs si!ply a copper pipe thatOs half-filled +ith or onite I half e!pty% +ith the end open. CarolOs takin three of those to sacred sprin s in -reland .- shined the copper and sprayed old pain on the closed ends in order not to terrify the Nestapo at the $!erican airports +ho +ill no dou"t sa*a e her lu a e a couple of ti!es/ and +ill !onitor the effects. -O*e !ade t+o of those +ith the 7hi ratio of 1 unit internal dia!eter to 1.6S unit len th. Besonant ca*ities !ay "e our ne8t Bi 2tep% since thatOs apparently the principle that Dr. Nre""eniko* used to create his flyin paint "o8 and create an in*i oratin chair. - think thatOs ho+ the Je!urians et around .- donOt !ean on paint "o8es and chairs% of course/. (hatOs% ri ht% - said 7-7D B0#B25 Nee% do you think that +ill pdss off the )ack-"ooted secret police oof"alls +ho are readin this postR V-/ ND( BD$D? (0 N0 (0 ?0@B 031 D$#1 C01CD1(B$(-01 C$#72% ?0@ 90#DJ$1D 2DC@B-(? $B0#-1$(-0125 6or the "enefit of our other-than-$!erican net+orkers% please e8cuse our current% apparent (urrets 2yndro!e epide!ic/ende!ic a!on the $!erican operati*es in this net+ork. -tOs )ust that +hen one is in the heat of "attle itOs hard not to use so!e e8pleti*es. #ay"e you can learn to talk that +ay as you incite your o+n !urderous secret police or anizations to a frenzy of frustration and i!potent ra e +ith so!e e8tensi*e% successful iftin at
their sancta sanctora. - note that a fe+ of our $ustralian "rothers and sisters ha*e already succu!"ed to this $!erican conta ion% "ut so!e of our Duropean% $frican% and 2outh $!erican co-+orkers !ay si!ply "e too refined to "eco!e suscepti"le to this Ndddd!ned !alady. 3ho else is seein the !asses of li ht lenticular clouds no+R $fter 9$$B7 shdt the "ed last +eek in the $!erican 7acific 1orth+est% there +as a !assi*e *ictory parade of or eous lenticulars past here for a half a day. -tOs fun to +atch the! for!in and if you keep lookin up youOre likely to see one of their ships in :D. Be patient and stay in an alpha state if you can. (his attracts their attention and they see! to en)oy puttin on little sho+s for us. -O*e already started packin for @ anda/B+anda V-/ and +ill o after Carol and - ha*e otten reacKuainted +hen she and D-!ello+ ets "ack fro! Durope. 3e need to et "ack up to the !ountains% +ith Jinda and D-#ello+% and put the finishin touches on that old% pre*iously-perpetual "lack-!a ic/<esuit !olestation of the Celtic altarstones/a!phitheater site durin the fall DKuino8 and !ay"e-)ust !ay"e-+eOll et so!e pictorial e*idence of the a!phitheater% at least% then% and enerate so!e archaeolo ical interest so that the @2 6orest 2er*ice +ill "ack off and let so!e"ody di up those si8 alter/pyra!ids that the !iner "uried in 1M4M. (hose t+o "ra*e Doctors in @ anda% Cayi+a and Batii"+e% are settin up an internet foru! for *ia"le% alternati*e $-D2 re!edies +ith Dr. Cary in -ndia. (his is a historic effort on par +ith +hat you and - are doin here% - think. -O! hopin Neor in <oO"ur can let #utt+a kno+ a"out this so that the old !an +ill take heart a"out Black $fricans spearheadin such a coura eous and far-reachin effort. 3hat the heck% !ay"e - can *isit a "it +ith Neor on the +ay. - think +e o+e it to oursel*es to find +ays to support% ackno+led e and encoura e "ra*e people like Credo #utt+a +ho ha*e sacrificed !uch of their life"lood on "ehalf of freedo! and of enli htenin the !asses .includin you and -/. - uess -O! usin this post for an update. (he *orte8 created "y the kinetic pyra!id/octahedron de*ice has "een restored here% three days after - ot the ne+ !otor oin --did - say thatR 2lo+er rotation% in fact% is not a li!itin factor. Durin the four days it took !e to replace the !otor the *orte8 had d+indled considera"ly. Carol feels that if it had disappeared it !ay ha*e "een a lot harder to et it created and spinnin a ain. (ypical of +hat +eOre all doin % a little tiny "it of effort has otten a hu e result. -t truly feels to !e that the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation is losin *itality and su"stance daily no+ and the rate is acceleratin . - heard that Nreenspan is actin nice lately to his creatures in Con ress% perhaps in an effort to keep his foot in the door. (hat 1D2$B$ silliness +as enerated for rear uard action% "y the +ay--note ho+ the -llu!inati al+ays try to !ake their parasitic/predatory a enda appear to "e our sal*ation V-/ Do you fancy in*itin a pedophile into your ho!e to +atch your children +hile youOre oneR 3hy in NodOs 1a!e +ould anyone trust these an sters to !ana e our econo!y% especially after they openly stole all the old fro! 6t. Cno8 and put it in their *aults in 1e+ ?ork CityR (he fact that their position is essentially untena"le is +hat is !akin it so easy for us all to kick their sca""y% scur*y le s out fro! under the! no+. - think 1D2$B$ is )ust a"out fully discredited "y no+% especially since a pu"lic access (F personality has openly challen ed the prota onists to an open de"ate on his pro ra!. #ark Da*ey at +++.suckin e! has aired that challen e on the net. -O*e told 2herry 2+inney that !y fond hope is that $lan Nreenspan +ill end up in the sa!e cell in a 2outh $la"a!a prison +ith 3arden Bullock% the fello+ +hoOs atte!ptin to persecute our "ra*e 7atrick 2+inney ri ht no+ on "ehalf of the +ardenOs federal dru lord e!ployers. - +onder if they pay the +arden in heroin. Nuess +hich one +ould "e the "itchR V-/ Did Nreenspan su"sidize the to"acco industry )ust in case heOll "e needin so!e currency .ci arettes/ in prison so!edayR
fDon Croft
Episode 6! *ao9u 1e$$- 's= Mos3o4 Mountain By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adc6S!osco+!ountain&&au ':.sht!l $u ust &&% &'': - +as doin a *irtual 9itler-style *ictory )i +hen Celly and - sa+ that rapidly for!in rainstor! o*er #osco+ #ountain a couple of days a o. - li*e ten !iles closer to the !ountain than he does and ha*e enerally "een in*ol*ed +ith the thin since #ay% &''&% +hen Carol and - trud ed thru deep sno+ for o*er t+o hours to lar ely disa"le a hu e to+er array on the ne8t lo+est peak fro! +hich +e and the rest of the *alley +ere "ein electronically sa*a ed &4/P. Carol and - had "een !eanin to et "ack up there and finish the )o". 3e +erenOt e*en a+are of the status of the *ortices at the t+o hi hest peaks% so +hen Celly "rou ht it to !y attention last +eek% - asked hi! to try so!e of his ne+% +atered or onite )i*e up there and handed hi! a Jatah County !ap. Beally% itOs like na*i atin throu h a can of spa hetti to et to the peaks% "ut since -Od "een there% it +asnOt too dauntin to point out the !ain route. .$n aside: the reason -O! oin to tell you the follo+in freely is that you kno+ -O! not tryin to sell you anythin ./ 2e*eral years a o Jinda Cin s"ury% CarolOs lon -ti!e psychic associate% had an apart!ent not far fro! +here +e li*e no+ and fro! her front +indo+ had a clear *ie+ of !ost of #osco+ #ountain. 2he had "een Kuite trou"led for so!eti!e after !o*in in there "y the presence% not far fro! her% of a heinous% predatory thou htfor!% so she did +hat she could to "anish it. -t then +ent to the "i trans!itter array on the lesser peak of #osco+ #ountain. Carol and - si!ply assu!ed this +as enerated "y the considera"ly lar e co!!unity of 2atanists here +ho !ainly affiliate +ith the pri!ary church in to+n% "ut also directly ser*ed the 12$/C-$% the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination% and lately the Ner!an -llu!inists +ho !o*ed into the !ansion/"arracks on the other side of 7aradise Bid e .+hich "orders the other side of the *alley fro! #osco+ #ountain/. 3hen Carol and - arri*ed at the *icinity of the to+ers .+e couldnOt see the! throu h the trees% so she au ed their presence "y trian ulatin their ener y/% +e "oth felt like +eOd "een s+ooped "y a *ery u ly ener y/entity and Carol i!!ediately put do+n the first 99 and said: T-ncredi"le--that "i % nasty thou htfor! )ust ot sucked into the 99 5T (hat happened a ain a fe+ !onths later to a si!ilar thou htfor! +hen +e ifted the #or!on (e!ple and a near"y !a)or trans!itter array near 2pokane. 3e spent another half hour settin t+o !ore 99 s in a crescent pattern around that peak. (he sno+ ot deeper the hi her +e +ent and "y no+% +e kept sinkin in up to our knees. -Od thou ht +e +ould "e a"le to )ust dri*e to the top "ecause the dense tree co*er hid the sno+ fro! *ie+ fro! a distance. 2ince there had o"*iously "een no *ehicles alon that forest ser*ice road for a lon ti!e% +e assu!ed that the dun "eetles that put up the array and !aintain it .these take a lot of !aintenance% -O! told/ et there fro! under round. D*er after +e did that )o"% Carol sa+ so!e D0B shootin up and out fro! the "ackside of that array% to+ard the +ilderness% so +e didnOt feel !uch of an ur e to et "ack there after the sno+ !elted. $fter +e took out the under round nuke alon @2ML hi h+ay% +here it oes do+n the other side of the pass near the +est ed e of #osco+ #ountainOs rid eline% she sa+ that the electronic co!ponent of the D0B at that site stopped shootin out% so +e assu!ed that this nuke +as !ainly set up to po+er that array. 3e co!pletely disa"led a si!ilar array a fe+ !onths earlier on top of 2teptoe Butte% +hich is a"out :' !iles north of 7ull!an. (he first nuke ponds +e found +ere a"out ten !iles fro! the "utte and Carol noticed that as soon as +e tossed a couple of 99 s in one of the ponds% not only did the other pond fill up +ithin an hour% "ut the "i array on 2teptoe Butte stopped pulsatin alto ether. CellyOs first e8peri!ent +ith his ne+ or onite/+ater de*ices +as to put one on 2teptoe Butte to heal the *orte8% +hich "y no+--a year and a half after +e "usted the array--+as still not in ood shape. (here +ere no +eather pheno!ena to confir! that% as far as - kno+ .- canOt
see that fro! +here - li*e/% "ut - do accept his e*aluation hat his de*ice had healed the *orte8 and that it +as spinnin the ri ht +ay no+ and ainin !o!entu! and stren th. #y feelin a"out that +as dou"ly confir!ed "y +hat - +itnessed the day after Celly finished placin the de*ices in the *ortices on #osco+ #ountain. Jaozu has a particular ift for sensin chi% +hich is apparently the reason heOs often in*ited to China and (ai+an to associate +ith so!e of the !aster healers there. 2ince heOs ot that characteristic (eutonic !odesty% heOll ne*er !ention that to you% "ut since itOs such a "i part of his consciousness% +e speak freely a"out it +hen heOs +orkin +ith us. 9e sort of re!inds !e of 2pider!an in that the folks in 7ull!an +ho kno+ hi! as that unassu!in uy +ho "uilds and rents or eous apart!ents on a hilltop and +ho used to "e a !ath teacher% are entirely una+are of his supernor!al a"ilities. - particularly like to +atch Carol and Celly interact +hen theyOre analyzin ener y or interpretin +hat CellyOs ettin directly fro! the $ndro!edans throu h his cro+n chakra. #ore on that% later% as it unfolds% "ut heOs +orkin on a rather uniKue de*ice +hich reKuires a co!ponent +hich heOll ha*e to *isit Chinato+n in 2an 6rancisco to find. 3hen he and - +ere in 2pokane a couple of +eeks a o ettin so!e of his other co!ponents% +e +ent to a Chinese restaurant and - s+ear that e*ery ti!e any of the fe!ale staff ca!e near our ta"le% they started i lin . - kno+ it +asnOt on account of !e% e*en thou h -O! strikin ly handso!e% char!in % +itty and ur"ane V-/ D*ery day around here this su!!er has "een pretty !uch like any other: clear "lue skies punctuated "y occasional rain% "ut the day after Celly put his e8peri!ental de*ices on #osco+ #ountain% - noticed that the sky o*er the *alley +as in a kind of ood-natured tur!oil% o"*iously centered o*er the !ountain. - thou ht at the ti!e% O3ell thereOs !y e*idence that CellyOs thin s ha*e chan ed the ener y dyna!ics !ore than +hat +eOd done there fifteen !onths a o--+e certainly didnOt see results like this5O 9e arri*ed at 47#% as a reed% to help !e et so!e ply+ood cut up in his nice% "i shop o*er in 7ull!an% ten !iles a+ay. 3ithin fi*e !inutes of his arri*al% the sky ot darker in the *icinity of #osco+ #ountain and "y the ti!e +eOd dri*en throu h to+n to the lu!"eryard% it +as rainin hard on the !ountain itself +ith occasional li htnin strikes. Bain +as "ein du!ped fro! fast-for!ed cu!uloni!"us clouds and +e e*en ot pelted +ith a little hail fro! an ar! of the stor! that +as for!in into the pre*ailin "reeze. (here +as 10 stron +ind acco!panyin this pheno!enon% +hich +ould cause any !eteorolo istOs "rain to fart% no dou"t. (here +as a secondary stor! centered in the *icinity of the -llu!inati !ansion south of 7aradise Bid e and !ade the !ental note that this +as pro"a"ly a sy!pathetic response of 7aradise Bid eOs already healed *orte8 to the t+o in*i orated ones on #osco+ #ountain% across the *alley. (he *alley is a"out S !iles +ide% so the display +as in easy *ie+ fro! any+here in the *icinity. - !i ht add that after - spud unned a half dozen (Bs into the dense +oods near the 9$$B7 and dru! array .sounds kind of like Ofife and dru!%O eh% B!oselyR V-/ on 7aradise Bid e fro! the +indo+ of our speedin Chrysler a year a o% the local ar!y of 2atanists apparently co!"ed the area and re!o*ed the! "ecause Carol and #elody sa+ that the array +as suddenly on line a ain last +inter and they had to o there and "ury a suita"le 99 to take it out a ain. (hey +ere closely follo+ed to the array% of course% and only ot it done on the second pass. (hese 2atanists are really persistent and% until +e fi ured out ho+ to !ake the! "eha*e +ith a 7o+er+and last <anuary% had often thrust the!sel*es into our field of *ision and lared +hen +e +ent on our daily errands. - donOt kno+ if youOre fa!iliar +ith the difference "et+een these sch!ucks and payrolled 12$/C-$ 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!inations% "ut itOs Kuite distinct and the 2atanists o"*iously take our +ork !ore to heart than the fake- o*Ot nine-to-fi*ers do. 3e ot to look at this stor! fro! se*eral an les as +e dro*e to and fro! the lu!"eryard and 7ull!an that afternoon. (he sky all around the dou"le stor! +as clear "lue% peppered +ith lazy cu!ulus clouds% e8actly the sa!e as -Od seen happen in south -daho last su!!er after -Od "usted all the to+ers in each succeedin to+n alon the interstate. -tOs also +hat our co!padre in $ustraliaOs 0ut"ack sees re ularly o*er his CB and other ener y contri*ances. ha*e a feelin lots of folks readin this% +ho ha*e CBs% ha*e seen this pheno!enon lately% "ut perhaps not taken
!uch notice. $fter all% ho+ can one person really affect the +eather% ehR Co!e on% no+--arenOt +e too insi nificant to do so!ethin like thatR DonOt you at least ha*e to o up there in a plane and drop so!e sil*er iodide crystals in the cloudsR V-/ -t didnOt take lon to do the shop +ork and as +e +ere standin outside after+ard% - asked Celly to co!!ent on +hat +as happenin in a stran e% lo*ely spiral cloud not far fro! us. $s +e +atched in the ne8t t+o !inutes% !ore appenda es appeared in the spiral and he said it +as like t+o spinnin O2Os. - said% T?ou !ean kind of like a s+astikaRT and he said TyesT. By then% half of it had "eco!e a cu!ulus cloud. -O*e "een harpin % so to speak% on the presence of these stran e a!orphous cloud for!ations% +hich -Od ne*er seen "efore late 1MMM. -O*e +atched the!% !any ti!es% since +e !ade our first CB in #arch% &''1% turn into soakin rainstor!s and the rain then is *ery entle% "ut su"stantial% +ith no acco!panyin +ind. - kno+ that a fe+ folks in our net+ork% +hen they see these or eous ne+ for!s snakin rapidly out across the sky% "eha*e like Chicken Jittle and post e!phatically that 9$$B7 and the spe+planes are !olestin the! a ain V-/ $ctually% itOs not a ne+ pheno!enon. -t +as so rare "efore% thou h% that a +ell-kno+n photo rapher in the early 1M:'s +ent to a re!ote location alon the coast of #aine to take pictures of these clouds as they for!ed o*erhead fro! a source% pro"a"ly a *orte8% out o*er the ocean. (he perspecti*e *ie+ of these is Kuite astonishin . 3hy not start lookin up !ore often so you can e8perience the )oy +e feel +hene*er +e see this processR - use the appearance of these clouds as one of the *isual confir!ations that our iftin !issions ha*e "een successful "ecause they si!ply canOt for! in the presence of D0B. - kno+ that !any of us ha*e seen "oth s!all and lar e% +hite lenticulars for! and re!ain +hile this process is takin place and itOs one of the !ost encoura in thin s -O*e seen. 3e +ent to CellyOs house not far a+ay to pick up that curious coil he ot fro! one of our associates in -celand +ho is an artist. -tOs a s!all lotus shape contri*ed around a pulled-up 2BB spiral% all !ade fro! one piece of "are copper +ire. Celly +anted !e to take it ho!e for Carol to study after she ets "ack fro! -reland ne8t +eek "ecause he sees a lo*ely% "ri ht syner y of dyna!ic and static chi around that de*ice. 9eOs !ade a CB on the principle of a toroidOs core and added a coil around it to enhance the ener y flo+. 0nce Carol had said durin their $ndro!edan sessions% that one of CellyOs )o"s in this net+ork is to sho+ us ho+ to i!pro*e a "asic CBOs perfor!ance +ith the addition of an easily !ade de*ice. (hatOs certainly in line +ith the essence of our approach% +hich is to directly in*ol*e as !any people in this e!po+erin +ork as is hu!anly possi"le. (he s+astika cloud +eOd seen +as !ore directly o*er this CB% so +hen - realized that - said% T3ell% of course5T (he ed e of #osco+ #ountainOs stor! had approached 7ull!an% up+ind% - !i ht add% "ut as +e +ere dri*in "ack to #osco+% +e +atched in utter astonish!ent as e*ery speck of sky that had contained that *ery tall stor! syste! "eca!e a "i % "lue hole in the sky +ithin fifteen !inutes. -t didnOt !o*e off and dissipate do+n+ind- it disappeared5 3ould - "elie*e this if so!e"ody else had reported itR - couldnOt say% "ut "oth of us +atched it happen. $s +e +ere standin in !y "ackyard "y the pyra!id% turnin round and round and lookin +ith our !ouths open .fi urati*ely speakin %/ a Kuiet helicopter arri*ed and "e an circlin around the property-)ust out of ran e of !y pellet rifle. -t felt kind of like it +as tryin to dance +ith us V-/ -n t+o years of li*in here% no helicopter has e*er circled our place. $ drop duster circled o*er the house% out of ran e of !y rifle% the day after - started the de*ice in the pyra!id spinnin . - said to Celly: T3atch this5T and started "ea!in the sch!ucks in the chopper +ith e*ery ounce of !y ener y. $ fe+ seconds later it erratically ducked "ehind the hill near"y% then ca!e "ack up and shot o*er to+ard the helipad on the street "y the "i er #or!on Church% a"out a !ile and a half to+ard 7aradise Bid e. $ctually it !ade a "eeline for a closer ro*e of tall trees then Kuickly ducked do+n "ehind the! to "e in the approach to the churchOs helipad. -Od ne*er seen that happen "efore in a populated area V-/ 3hen he had picked !e up that afternoon% he ca!e inside +hile - ot ready to o and noted that an entity had induced hi! to feel so!e an8iety. 2ince heOs not a naturally an8ious person% he +ondered ho+ that could "e% so he looked for% and found% a couple of *isitin psiops astral a ents. - said% T3ant to see ho+ - handle the!RT and
he said% TNo ahead.T - i!a ined "o!"in and strafin the! fro! !y *irtual 7-L1 as they ran in *ain for co*er across an open field% then said% T7ro"le! sol*ed% ri htRT 9e said% T?es% theyOre one--3hat did you doRT Bi ht after that% another one sho+ed up in the li*in roo!% he noted% so - said% T0kay +atch this ti!e%T and - dre+ the *isitor into !y lun s then slo+ly "reathed hi! out throu h a lon tu"e and into a *irtual furnace. @sually - donOt feel their disco!fort until !ost of the "reath is one. Celly told !e that this predatory entity left in a hurry% too. (his is fun% folks5 (ry it5 (he -llu!inati dun "eetles et a+fully antsy .sorry V-/ +hene*er anyone in this net+ork +ho ifts% ets to ether +ith any other iftin !e!"er. (hereOs only one other "i *orte8 in our area ."esides the one +e !ade in the "ackyard V-/ and CellyOs a reed to do another e8peri!ent there "ecause e*en thou h +e all finally finished takin out the hu e under round "ase there% the *orte8% thou h no lon er sho+in any D0B% is still not spinnin yet. -Oll +ait for hi! to post a"out that e8peri!ent% too% "efore - co!!ent a"out it. ?ou can do this +ork% you kno+. 3hatOs stoppin youR Do you think youOre not +orthy or so!ethin R Do et a life% if thatOs ho+ you think% please5 $rise fro! your Ja-E-Boy and start !o*in your feet. O9DDDD$$-@9-JJJ5O as that no-neck tele*an elist +ould say. fDon Croft
Episode 6" 0re$and %ets an Earth Energ- Boost By Carol Croft <caroldestiny@tur"!> /dc/adc6Mireland ets"oost'Lsep':.sht!l 2ept L% &'': #elody and - arri*ed in Du"lin on (hursday% the Pth of $u ust. Both of !y suitcases and one of #elodyOs had "een opened and searched "y the $!erican Nestapo--+hat a pain5 - ne*er lock !y lu a eV +hy "otherR 3e ot a ta8i to our !otel and rested% then took the train do+nto+n to find out a"out our tour to 1e+ Nran e the ne8t day. 0n our +ay to the tourist office% +e sa+ this hu e .a"out 1L'-&'' ft. tall/ spire. $ "i chro!e spire in the !iddle of a roup of old "uildin s and% "oy% did it look out of place5 (here +as no place to ift really close. D*erythin there is concrete% so +e +alked do+n a"out a half a "lock and - found the perfect spot. (here +ere a "unch of ca" dri*ers there +aitin for their ne8t fare. #elody +as +orried they !i ht see +hat - +as doin % "ut could tell that they +ere )ust lookin for their ne8t !ark. - asked if it +as 0.C. to put it do+n and - ot a OyesO. 6riday% $u ust S 0n 6riday !ornin % +e hurried throu h "reakfast as +e +ere "oth pretty e8cited a"out the 1e+ Nran e (our. 3e cau ht the train and !ade our +ay "ack do+nto+n to the tourist office to catch our "us. 3e +ere acco!panied on the "us "y t+o a ents. - had this tour reser*ed for a couple of !onths no+% so they kne+ +hen +e +ere co!in . ;O1e+ Nran e is considered to "e the central O"ur hO or O!oundO of ancient -rish !ytholo y +ith its le ends of heroic deeds and ro!antic stories pro"a"ly reachin "ack in to the Bronze $ e co!!unity that li*ed around it. -t is also the center one of three enor!ous cairns co*erin an area dotted +ith different 2tone $ e% Bronze $ e and -ron $ e structures that chronolo ically o*erlap each other. (he cairn is carefully positioned o*er a co!ple8 inter-connectin +ater/ener y flo+s.O f#ichael 7oynder. (he Nolden #ean arc +as delineated there fro! early ti!es +ith lar e stone !arkers and itOs located close to +here the O!ain lineO that also oes throu h Niza enters -reland. (he features are too nu!erous to o into here "ut the 2D O+all%O in the center of +hich is the entrance to the under round cha!"er% is lar ely Kuartz. -tOs an un"elie*a"ly intricate structure% thou h it looks like a pile of dirt to the uninfor!ed V-/ #ost of the sacred sites that Carol and #elody ifted in -reland are on the line "et+een Du"lin and 2li o fDon= 3hen +e arri*ed at 1e+ Nran e% the t+o a ents +ere soon )oined "y three !ore. $ !an and +o!an and three youn adults ;#-6 rookiesR=. 3e +ere oin throu h the "i display in the Fisitor Center +hen #elody asked if there +as anyone else. $ little *oice told !e to turn around and +hen - did% - ca!e face to face +ith an older fe!ale psychic. 2he +as really an ry +hen - turned around to face her and she didnOt ha*e a chance to et a+ay fro! !e. - )ust stood there and stared at her. Boy% +as she an ry5 - ot that she +anted !e to "e afraid% "ut she ot "ack: O- DonOt (hink 2o5O...$ll to ether% there +ere si8 a ents. 3e +ent do+n the stairs to +ait for the uide. 3e +ere standin there% +onderin +here to sit% +hen - looked up and sa+ the roup of fi*e a ents standin near"y. - o*erheard the older entle!en say: T-tOs 0C% they donOt ha*e a clue +ho +e are.T $t that sa!e !o!ent% he lanced "ack and sa+ that - +as standin ri ht "ehind hi!. 9e looked as if - could ha*e knocked hi! o*er +ith a feather. $ll the color left his face. 9e i!!ediately turned a+ay and +ent to sit at a ta"le near"y. #elody !arched o*er there and sat at the ta"le ri ht ne8t to hi! +ith his Tfa!ilyT% as in O3eOll see +ho can inti!idate +ho!.O 3e had a look in the ift shop there. -n the "ook section% #elody found a reat "ook called T7- in the 2kyT "y #ichael 7oynder. (he "ook sho+s a ley line fro! the Nreat 7yra!id in Niza - that happens runs ri ht throu h the !iddle of -reland. -t crosses 2tonehen e% then 1e+ Nran e% and lea*es -reland on the +est coast at 2li o. (his +as another si n of +here +e needed to o ne8t. -t +as no coincidence that +e found that "ook% so - kne+ that our ne8t step had to "e 2li o. -O*e al+ays "een one to follo+ such o"*ious si ns.
3e proceeded up to 1e+ Nran e +ith our tour roup. (he tour uide separated us into t+o roups% as the "i roup +as too lar e for all to o in at once. #elody and - +ere in the second roup. 9o+e*er% all the a ents% e8cept one% ended up in the first roup. 2o!eho+% - donOt think that this +as a part of their plan V-/ -a ain% +e "ein looked after. (hey +ent in first and +e had 1'-1L !inutes to do a little e8plorin around the e8terior of the Cairn/#ound. 3e "oth ot that +e should pro"a"ly ift the outside of it% )ust in case there +asnOt a spot inside. 2o +e ifted +hile the a ents +ere on the inside. (hen% +hile +e +ere on the inside% they +ere on the outside5 "et they +ere oin nuts% kno+in that they couldnOt see +here +e had done the iftin V-/. 3e ot "ack on the "us for Du"lin. $fter returnin % #elody and - +ere +alkin do+n a !ain street% "ut as +e +ere +alkin % #elody +as ettin ahead of !e. - +as tryin to catch up +hen suddenly- a !an stepped out of a door+ay. 9e +as o"*iously intendin to follo+ her% "ut - hurried to catch up +ith hi!. 3hen - did% - looked ri ht into his eyes and said% TD8cuse !e5T 9e stopped dead in his tracks. 9e had the silliest look on his face% like a kid +ho )ust ot cau ht +ith his hand in the cookie )ar. 9e kne+ e8actly +ho - +as. $fter - ot past hi! a little% - turned around% "ut he had disappeared fro! si ht. 2hortly after that% +e found #oles+orth 2treet% +hich is +here the #asonic (e!ple is located. $s +e +ere +alkin up the street% +e noticed that there +as a police!an .or security uard/ co!in up "ehind us. 9e crossed o*er and +alked up the other side of the street to+ard the 7arlia!ent Buildin % +hich faces the street that the #asonic (e!ple is on. 3hen +e ot close to the te!ple% - scoped it out and sa+ there +as no place to ift. D*erythin +as concrete. #elody +alked o*er to talk to the uard at the 7arlia!ent "uildin . 2he +anted to keep hi! "usy +hile - looked for a spot. - ot up ne8t to the door and looked o*er the ed e to see if - could see a suita"le spot% "ut no luck. 3hen - looked up% - sa+ a ca!era pointin at !e% so - +a*ed at +hoe*er +as on the other side and - ran the door"ell )ust for kicks. 3hat a disappoint!ent that no one ca!e to ans+er the door V-/ - +alked o*er to )oin #elody. $s +e +ere +alkin do+n the street% t+o uards ca!e up "ehind us really fast. 3e looked at each other and )ust kne+ it concerned us% "ut they passed us "y. (hey did that for effect% -O! sure% "ut +e didnOt i*e up. 3e found out that +e could et a tour of the #asonic (e!ple durin the +eek% so +e decided +e that could co!e "ack for another fly-"y. 3e +ere scheduled to co!e "ack throu h Du"lin in t+o +eeks. 2aturday% $u ust M 0n 2aturday !ornin % +e ot our rental car and started out for Jin o% located on the north+estern coast% opposite that of Du"lin. -t happened that +e +ere oin to "e *ery close to @isnech. #ide% the national center of -reland% +as concei*ed as a point +here an u!"ilical cord attached the island to the +o!" of the ods% +ho endlessly created and sustained its e8istence fro! a"o*e and "elo+. #ide is a real place% na!ely the 9ill of @isnech% no+ in County 3est!eath. (his place is the center point of the four pro*inces. - kne+ +e had to take care of it% "ut itOs a *ery tou h spot to find. 6or one thin % the si n points in the +ron direction5 (his spot is "arely !arked. -t took t+o trips to a local pu" )ust to fi ure out )ust +here it +as5 - could feel the ener y% "ut it +as *ery erratic. 3e had to o throu h a ate that said TBe+are Ba in Bulls and 2ucklin Co+s- Do 1ot DnterT 3e +ent in any+ay "ecause +e didnOt see any co+s. 3e +ent throu h the field and up the hill. $"out three Kuarters up the hill +as the capstone. #yth has it that the oddess Dire is "uried there. #elody +as sittin on the round +hen - ot there. - +alked o*er to the stone% sat on it% and shut !y eyes. - +anted to et a picture of the ener y. (he ener y +as *ery confined and erratic% "ut su"dued. $s - +as sittin there% - sa+ an enor!ous *orte8 at the *ery top of the hill. #elody decided to stay near the capstone and soak up the ener y fro! it +hile - !ade !y +ay up to the top of the hill +here found the co+s that the si n +as +arnin us a"out5 - deter!ined that it - +as close enou h and "uried !y ift. $s - +as !akin !y +ay "ack do+n the hill% - +as al!ost o*er+hel!ed "y the ener y sur e. 3hen - looked do+n the hill at the capstone +here #elody +as sittin % - felt "oth a reat sorro+ and )oy fro! that ancient site. 303... 2unday% $u ust 1' (he ne8t day +e +ere in Boyle. 3e stayed at a +onderful Bed I Breakfast +hose o+ners +ere tryin to help us
locate #ichael 7oynder% the author of the "ook +e had found at 1e+ Nran e% 7- in (he 2ky. - really +anted to !eet this uy and tell hi! a"out the cloud"usters% the foru!% and +hat +e +ere all doin . 3e heard that he had "een li*in close to Boyle at Jou h $rro+% near Carro+keel% and had done a lot of research there for his "ook. 3e +ent into Boyle to the Fisitor Center% "ut it +as closed. 1ot far fro! Boyle% +e sa+ a si n for Jou h $rro+. 3e turned and +ent to the local rocery/pu" to ask a"out #ichael 7oynder. (he +o!an told us he +asnOt in the area any!ore. 2he thou ht he +as so!e+here in County #ayo. 2he +anted to kno+ +here +e +ere oin ne8t% so +e told her that +e +anted to o to Carro+keel% "ut that +e couldnOt find any info on the site. 2he su ested that +e o to Carro+!ore first. (hey had a FisitorOs Center +ith !aps and other info. 2o thatOs +hat +e did. Carro+!ore is a "urial Cairn circle. (here is an outside circle of cairns +hich faces the *ery lar e one in the center. (he center cairn is the one that +e ifted. (hese are dated al!ost &''' years older than 1e+ Nran e% a"out 4L'' BC. 3hile on the tour% the uide told us to look at the surroundin !ountains and there +ere little points on !any of the!% +hich +ere o"*iously cairns. 0ne of those hilltop cairns is the oldest in -reland. (he uide said that #ae"eOs (o!"% also kno+n as Cnocknarea% loo!in o*er this site in the distance% +as facin the oldest cairn in -reland. - kne+ i!!ediately that doin Cnocknarea +ould take care of this oldest ritual site. -n addition% Cnocknarea is ri ht on the !ain ley line oin throu h -reland. 2o after +e finished +ith Carro+!ore% +e dro*e o*er to #ae"es (o!"/Cnocknarea. -t is on the *ery top of the !ountain. 3e parked at the "otto! and hiked ri ht up the side of the !ountain. -t is a lon +ay up the !ountainV steep too. -t took a couple of hours to hike up there. 3hen +e ot to the top% the ener y looked like one of those electricity spheres% +here you put your hand on it and the sparks follo+ your hand. (he area +as sparkin out in e*ery direction% "ut not *ery hi h. (he cairn +as ri ht on the *ery top. 3e +ere sittin there- and sure enou h- +e had "een follo+ed. (here +as a !an in an o*erly neat hikin outfit% sittin +ith his "ack to us. - +ent ahead and found a spot near the cairn to ift. #elody "rou ht so!e of her arnets to ift this spot. 2he +alked around the cairn clock+ise sprinklin her arnets. Je end has it that Uueen #ae"e had reKuested to "e "uried standin up in all her +arrior re alia. 3hen - put the ift on the round - could see her look up and s!ile. -t +as like she sucked it ri ht into the round. -Od like to see the! find that one5 - said a little prayer for her and -reland. $s +e +ere +alkin a+ay% +e noticed that the +hole top of the !ountain had Oopened up.O -t +as a hu e *orte8. -t re+ *ery "i % *ery fast. $"out that ti!e% a plane that +as lookin for us fle+ o*er. <ust like in $!ericaal+ays late and ne*er on ti!e5 Jater +e looked o*er in the direction of the *orte8 and sa+ +hite lenticular clouds o*er the *orte8. 3hat a nice confir!ation5 #onday% $u ust 11 3hat a "etter +ay to start off the +eek than to take a trip to 7ur atoryR 2t. 7atrickOs 7ur atory% that is% Jou h Dur . 3e couldnOt let this opportunity pass us "y. 3e ifted the lake. -tOs said that 2aint 7atrick ca!e here to slay Dur V the Corra% the 2erpent Noddess. 2he +as a representation of the (riple Noddess. Je end has it that +hen he +as tryin to slay her she s+allo+ed hi! +hole. -t took : days for hi! to find his +ay out. 3hen he finally !ade his +ay out% he killed her "y slashin her in the sto!ach% Ocuttin offO the three lo+er chakras +hich represent sur*i*al% control% fear% passion% a ression% and the connection +ith the earth .!other/. $fter +e ifted the lake% #elody and - sat do+n to +atch +hat +as oin to happen. (he lake% +hich had "een *ery "lack and still% slo+ly "e an to co!e ali*e. - sa+ four "i fish )u!p. (hen - noticed so!ethin on the "otto! that looked like a iant snake. (he eyes slo+ly opened and it started to !o*e a "it. (hen it stood up. Dur rese!"led the snake +hich represents the Cundalini sy!"ol% @ni*ersal Jife. 2he ot "i er and "i er. 3hen - +ent around the departure "uildin % - could see her +atchin us. 2he s!iled and a*e us a deli htfully de*ilish +ink. - +onder +hat she had up her slee*eR (he annual pil ri!a e to the -sland +as takin place the sa!e +eek that +e +ere there and - +ondered if those people felt it% tooR $s +e +ere lea*in % - offered a little prayer that% +hen - needed to% - !i ht dra+ a "it of her 3arrior Dner y. - then said ood"ye to Dur .
1ot far fro! Jou h Dur is Done al. (here is a line fro! @isnich +hich runs throu h there so +e ifted the !ost ancient site +e could find% Castle Done al. (here +as an a ent +aitin for us +hen +e ca!e out. 9e +as pretendin to talk on his cell phone% "ut he +as payin +ay to !uch attention to +hat +e +ere doin . 2o far% the a ents +e had co!e across +ere pretty inept. #ay"e theyOre )ust arenOt used to ha*in people spyin "ack on the!. (uesday% $u ust 1& (he ne8t day% after - spent a little ti!e at an internet caf`% - decided to put the or one pipe"o!" that - had +ith !e in the 2hannon Bi*er. (his ri*er is the lar est ri*er in -reland. - put it in a discreet place near a "rid e. $s +e +ere dri*in a+ay% - felt the ripple of ener y% "ut *ery su"tle ener y. - donOt feel like that they +ork as +ell as the 99 s. (he 99 s are !uch stron er in +ater. -t +as a *ery s!all or one pipe"o!"% thou h. - left the lar er ones in !y car "ack ho!e "ecause they look too !enacin % e*en thou h Don shined the! and painted the closed ends +ith old. 3e ne8t *isited (inacarra Dol!en% +hich has so!e connection +ith Carro+keel% on our +ay "ack. 3e had an appoint!ent the ne8t day at noon +ith a uide for Carro+keel. 3ednesday% $u ust 1: 3e ot up early the ne8t day and +ent do+n to the $""ey in Boyle. (he ener y in the $""ey is set up like the chakra syste!. -t +as easy to acti*ate it. (hin s there are really li htenin up. D*ery+here +e o% people keep tellin us ho+ OluckyO +e are to ha*e such ood +eather for our stay. -t is al+ays rainy and ray in -reland% apparently% "ut thanks to our iftin % +e didnOt ha*e to e8perience that. - "elie*e that they !anipulate the +eather in -reland to keep the people there su"dued and depressed. Carro+keel 3e +ent to et our ne+ friend Brenda and her dau hter. Brenda is the o+ner of one of the BIBs +e stayed at. 9er hus"and and dau hter ca!e alon too. 3e also stopped to pick up another friend% Joretta. 3e had an appoint!ent +ith #artin Byrne% our uide for Carro+keel% at noon. 3e +ere supposed to !eet hi! at the Donkey 2anctuary +hich is a sort of "ase for the site. 3e ot there and +ent up to #artinOs house. 9is +ife +as called a+ay that !ornin and he needed to +atch o*er the +ee ones% so he a*e us directions to +here +e needed to "e. 9e told us to open the ate and dri*e ri ht up to the topV other+ise% it is Kuite a hike. 3e all ot out and started up to the first "i Cairn. ?ou can o inside this one. -t is a "it s!all inside% "ut *ery cool. - took out our ift. 1ot far in front of this location is a place they call the 2un 2pot% +hich is occulted or hidden. (here is no !arker for it. -tOs the place +here the li ht of this sacred site co!es out of the round and ascends to the stars. - do+sed for the correct location. (he heather on this !ound of !ounds is Kuite thick% so it +as easy to conceal the little ift that - left. (he Carro+keel 2tar follo+s the layout of our solar syste! in !iniature. (he size of the 2tar has a dia!eter of a"out 16'' yards% +hich sho+s that it is a !an-!ade star. Dach cairn is associated +ith a particular planet. (he layout of the cairns% stones% and rin forts also !ark the annual e*ents of the 2unOs tra*els fro! solstice to eKuino8 to solstice and the !a8i!u! and !ini!u! rise and set of the 2un. (here is a spot there called (he 7ollna otu!. (his spot is *ery i!portant as it is sits directly on a !a)or strata fault line +hich runs "et+een all of the !a)or cairns of this site. (he central line of cairns +as sited on a direct north/south line in a star layout. (he cairns +ere placed o*er the confi uration of the fault line to "uild up the ener y. (here is a hu e open hole south of the center line of cairns +hich is an openin to the fault line. - had to cli!" do+n into that hole. 2urprisin ly% - found a s!all trail do+n to the "otto! and into the hole. - cli!"ed +ay do+n "ecause - kne+ - had to place !y little ift as far do+n as possi"le. $t the lo+est part% ri ht near the openin of the "otto!less pit% - found a *ery ood spotV "ut - had to reach into the hole to place it. - kne+ so!eone +as +atchin !e and that they +ere *ery close. 2o close that - felt so!ethin ra" for !y ar! +hen - reached inside to ift. - Kuickly pulled !y ar! out. -t really spooked !e.
- had to reach "ack in a ain to place it. 3hat a creepy feelin 5 (hen it tipped o*er and - had to reach in a third ti!e to set it upri ht. $s - +as reachin in% - felt so!ethin cra+lin up !y ar! .-t re!inded !e of the scene in the #atri8 +hen 1eo touched the !irror and the sil*er cli!"ed up his ar! and en*eloped hi! and took to the ne8t reality/. (his +as one of the +orst e8periences -O*e had +hile placin an 99 ;she usually has !e do it V-/ fDon=. - really had to +ork at keepin !yself cal! enou h to et the )o" done. - then started cli!"in up and out of the hole. - felt an ur ency to et out of there Kuickly. -t felt e8plosi*e. 3hen - ot out% #elody +as +aitin for !e at the top. 2he felt it too% so she +as doin +hat she could to hold the ener y "ack. (his fault line is +here the ener y is "uilt up and then forced throu h the 2un 2pot. (hatOs the reason this +as such an i!portant location to ift. 3e then !ade our +ay "ack to the car% +here +e !et so!e people +ho +ere friends of #ichael 7oynder. (heyOd heard that he +as in 3est 7ort on the coast near Nal+ay. 9e +as precedin us throu h -reland. 0n our +ay "ack to Doyle% +e stopped to ift Jou h $rro+% +hich is another i!portant spot alon -relandOs earthstar line. -t is a "eautiful lake +ith Jou h Dire close "y. -t is really pretty there. 3e +ent "ack to Boyle and did readin s for so!e people. $nne% a friend +hose acKuaintance +eOd !ade at the (ouris! office% +as settin these readin s up. 2he +ants to "e our !ana er and is really a kick. 3e later +ent out to dinner +ith $nne and her co-+orker% D!!a. D!!a in*ited us to stay the ni ht at her house. $fter +e *isited for a +hile% +e turned in. 3hen - turned off the li ht and ot into "ed% - could see that - +as not alone in the roo!. (he *isitors +ere shado+ people% +hich startled !e. - turned on the li ht and tried to fi ure out +hat +as oin on. - Kuickly ot that these thin s li*e deeper in the earth than e*en the reptilians and had follo+ed !e fro! the hole at Carro+keel. - tried to find out +hat they +anted% "ut they +ouldnOt co!!unicate +ith !eV so - shut off the li ht and settled "ack into "ed. But not lon after layin do+n% they +ere there a ain. (here +ere ei ht of the! standin on "oth sides of the "ed. - tried to use the 2hi*a on the!% "ut it didnOt see! to faze the!. (hey +ere ra""in !y ar!s and pullin on !y +rists. - kne+ that they +anted to take !e "ack to that hole in the round to do so!ethin for the!. (here +as no +ay - +as oin +ith the! and - related that to the! as plainly as - could% "ut they +ouldnOt lea*e !e alone. - finally re!e!"ered that - had !y succor punch +ith !e% so - turned on the li ht% ot it out of !y "a and put it in "ed +ith !e. (hey "acked a+ay% "ut they still +ouldnOt lea*e. - +as afraid to o to sleep% as - didnOt kno+ if - +ould still "e there in the !ornin % "ut - uess - e*entually fell off. - +oke up in the !ornin +ith sore and *isi"ly "ruised +rists. - donOt kno+ +hat they did after - fell asleep% "ut it !akes !e really unco!forta"le to e*en think a"out it .(hey still co!e to *isit !e after returnin "ack ho!e. (hey co!e a"out e*ery other ni ht. Don and Celly are helpin !e +ith it/. (hursday% $u ust 14 3e dro*e do+n to look at a !ound +here they cro+ned the kin s and Kueens of Bath!ore. 3e decided to ift this spot "ecause itOs the center of one of the four Kuarters .counties/ of -reland. $fter that% +e decided to o see the lar est 6airy 9ill in -reland. 3e needed a "reak and this +as a +onderful e8perience. 3e had to cli!" up a s!all hill to et to the lar e !ound. -t +as so cool5 $t the top of the !ound% there are a "unch of little fairy houses "uilt into the ri!. 0ne of the! al!ost looks like a castle. - "rou ht the! each a little piece of crystal and - left a little "it of !y hair "ecause - +anted the! to re!e!"er !e there. 3hat a !a ickal place it +as5 ?ou could shut your eyes and feel the! all around you% flittin here and there. -t +as "eautiful. 3hat a nice refresher after e*erythin else. 6riday% $u ust 1L 0n 6riday% +e +ent to Crou h 7atrick% +hich is a *ery i!portant pil ri!a e !ountain for the Christians. -t is a
*ery lar e !ountain% "ut +e didnOt +ant to hike to the top% as +e +ere "oth +eary fro! all of our pre*ious treks. 2o +e decided to ift )ust a little +ay up. - ot a *ery creepy feelin there. $t the "otto! of the !ountain% near the "ay% is a risly !e!orial "lack sailin "oat festooned +ith hu!an skeletons. $pparently it !e!orializes the -llu!inatiOs enocidal fa!ines. -t +as horri"le. 9o+ can these people et on +ith their li*es if they are constantly re!inded of that horri"le pastR (hat% alon +ith day after day of dark% +et +eather% thanks to 9$$B7 and ancient -llu!inati )u)u- ?-CD25 (he +eather has "een *ery "eautiful since +e started iftin al!ost & +eeks a o. D*eryone +e co!e in contact +ith !entions ho+ nice it has "een5 <ust donOt ask the! a"out the historical stuff. 0ne nice thin +e sa+: -rish people freKuently pull do+n the ne+ deathforce trans!itters these days. 2o!e"ody cli!es up to tie on a "i rope and a +hole cro+d )ust pulls until it falls do+n. 3hy canOt e*eryone do thatR 3e sa+ !ore to+ers in -reland than any+here else. - uess the old +orld order fear the -rish people !ore than the rest of us. 2aturday% $u ust 16 $s +e +ere !akin our +ay to the +est coast% - noticed a castle out in a field and - kne+ - had to o see it. 3e stopped and asked so!e kids ho+ to et there. (hey told us to o do+n the lane and take a ri ht and the ne8t road. 3e did and there +as a !an on a "ike% so +e asked hi! and he said to o to the far!house on the ri ht and that they +ould let us in. 3e proceeded to the old far!house and +ere !et "y a +onderful little -rish +o!an. 2he +as so s+eet. 2he a*e us a key and told us to +alk throu h all the ates that said Do 1ot Dnter. 2he +as reat. 2he sho+ed us to the first ate and +e proceeded fro! there. 3hen +e ot to the Castle +all% +e had to unlock a really old ate and then +e +alked into the courtyard. (his castle +as so cool. $nd +e had it all to oursel*es5 ?ou could tell that there +ere *ery fe+ *isitors there. (his is "y far !y fa*orite of the castles that +e sa+. -t is located on B46' ri ht "efore you o into Nort. 3e found the spiral staircase and +ent up the stairs to the upper le*els. 3e found t+o hu e o+l nests% "ut no "a"ies. -t +as too late in the season for that. -t see!ed like a treasure hunt +ith all the "eautiful feathers. 3e +ent up to the top floor and - looked out the +indo+. (he +indo+ had a di*ider so that there +as a top half and a "otto! half of the +indo+. - looked throu h the "otto! half of the +indo+ and could see all the scenes and people of the past centuries and +hat their li*es +ere like. -t +as all *ery serene. (hen - looked throu h the top half of the +indo+. 3hat a contrast5 (here +ere death to+ers on the horizon in the distance. ?@C5 -t !ade !e really sad. - +ish - had this treasure in !y "ack yard at ho!e. 3e started "ack to the far!house. 3hen +e ot "ack% the little -rish +o!an in*ited us in for a drink of +ater and so!e +onderful con*ersation. 2he +as *ery a+are of the history of the castle. #ost people there donOt ha*e a clue +hat they ha*e in their o+n "ack yards. -t +as so refreshin to talk to this lady and her hus"and. 3e had a *ery nice ti!e +ith the!. 3e stayed near 2aint Brid etOs 3ell in Clare that ni ht. -t is a *ery nice shrine. (he ener y there felt really nice. 2unday% $u ust 1P 3 e stopped at Cin <ohnOs Castle 3hat a horri"le% horri"le !an he +as5 #ercifully% +e +ent on and found a +onderful stone circle in Jou h Nur. 303% that +as neat5 - could definitely see !yself there in ti!es past. #onday% $u ust 1S 0n #onday% +e +ent to see Cildare .on the +ay to Cildare +e sa+ an enor!ous 9$$B7 array near 2hannon $irport-if youOre oin to "e near there% please knock it out +ith a couple of 1&oz 99 s% okayR Do your "it to help the -rish et past all that -llu!inati-induced loo!5 3eOd only "rou ht 1M s!all ifts% so +e couldnOt use the! on trans!itters/. 2aint Brid etOs Cathedral is here. -t is a "eautiful church. (here are & nuns here still keepin the fla!e lit for Brid et. $s +e +ere +alkin in% a"o*e the entry is a skull and "ones and other #asonic !arkin s that - couldnOt Kuite !ake out. (hat part +as pretty creepy.
(uesday% $u ust 1M 3e headed for Du"lin on (uesday !ornin to return the rental car and !ake arran e!ents for tra*elin to 3ales. 3hile dri*in alon the hi h+ay% - noticed a 2@F follo+in us. $ll of the 2@FOs +indo+s +ere tinted% as is usually the case +ith Boss 2pook *ehicles. 3e had stopped at little out-of-the-+ay spots alon the +ay and then ot "ack on the hi h+ay% "ut only to see hi! there a ain in the rear *ie+ !irror. 2o - finally pulled o*er really fast% forcin hi! to pass us and +e 7o+er+anded the cddd out of hi!. - ot into his alle ed "rain and learned that he +as suppose to keep track of us and report our +herea"outs at all ti!es. (hey are really tryin to keep track of us as +e et closer to Du"lin as there are four or fi*e spots left in Du"lin that they are really +orried a"out. 3e ne8t stopped to see the 9ill of (ara. (ara +as the capital of the four real!s of old -reland: @lster% #unster% Jeinster and Connau ht. -t +as there that the late Bronze $ e Bards% 0*ates% and Druids% asse!"led e*ery year for the !a)or festi*als "efore the kin s of the late centuries of the first !illenniu! BC and on into the -ron $ e. -t +as chosen as the capital "ecause itOs a hill that% althou h not *ery hi h% co!!ands a *ie+ all around for !any !iles. (here +as a curse put on (ara "y an early Christian priest/sorcerer +ho +as so incensed "y the !isuse of po+er "y the .then/ Cin of (ara% that he e8tin uished the 1%L'' year old ritual fires of (ara. (he ritual fires of (ara +ere the psychic fires of the Darth ener ies that acti*ated the layout of (ara. 2o in order to cut off (ara fro! itOs ener y% the curse took the for! of a Christian stone .Oplu O/ "ein set at the corner of the tiny ori inal church +ithin the ra*eyard and ri ht o*er the inflo+ ener y. By doin this% the priest effecti*ely put in a "arrier% )ust like puttin a lar e "oulder in the !iddle of a strea!. (he +ater is disrupted and is forced to part and flo+ around it. (ara +as i!!o"ilized as a sacred site and after that% its effecti*eness as a place of !a ical po+er +as lost. (his +as a deli"erate act of ener y !anipulation perfor!ed +ith full kno+led e of the effects. 2ince then% the history of -reland has "een predicta"le and the people of that -sland ha*e suffered for it e*er since. 3e ifted this site for the sake of healin the past. 3e +alked around the site a "it and then - placed the ift in a perfect spot. (he 9ill of (ara is ri ht on the !ain ley line fro! Niza. Bi ht after - placed the ift% a "i flock of ra*ens- at least 1'' of the!- fle+ ri ht o*er our heads !akin a loud racketV so +e kne+ +e +ere ri ht on tar et. $"out the sa!e ti!e% a plane lookin for us had flo+n o*er the area lo+. 3e +ent to the old church and ra*eyard that +as close "y. $s +e +ere enterin the ra*eyard% a "i o+l started hootin at us. (he o+l has al+ays "een one of !y tote! ani!als% so it see!ed to "e another confir!ation. - uess +e did a ood )o" there. 3hen +e arri*ed in Du"lin% +e !ade tra*el arran e!ents to o to 3ales that ni ht and returned the rental car. 3e also "ooked a tour of the Nrand #asonic Jod e of -reland for &::' that afternoon. $fter finishin our tra*el plans for 3ales% +e proceeded do+nto+n on a "us. 3e found our +ay "ack to the #asonic (e!ple and as +e +ere +alkin up to the front of it% +e noticed a Nestapo-lookin uy on the front steps lookin around like crazy. 9e +as definitely +atchin for so!eone. Nee% - +onder +ho that could "eR By the ti!e +e ot to the door% he +as starin at us. (he front door +as open. 9e reeted us .if you could call it that/ and +hen +e told hi! +e +ere there for the tour% he disappeared and returned a fe+ !o!ents later and told us to +ait at the end of the hall. $fter oin to the restroo!% +e found a really ood place to lea*e our little present. 3e started to lea*e% "ut he "locked our e8it. - told hi! that +e didnOt ha*e ti!e to +ait around for the tour% as +e had to catch the ferry for 3ales. 9e insisted that they had so!eone +ho could take )ust the t+o of us on a tour. (he uide appeared and led us up the "i staircase. (his uy see!ed really nice and #elody hit it off +ith hi! ri ht a+ay. 2o she talked +ith hi! e8tensi*ely. 9e took us do+n a little hall +here he opened a "i door and directly "ehind that +as another door. (here +as less than a foot-+ide ap "et+een the doors. Behind the second door +as the (e!ple Boo! +here he started his rap. 9e kept repeatin that the #asons +ere not a reli ious order and perfor!ed no hocus-pocus. - asked +hy the penta ra! there +as ri ht side up "ecause the ones in the 2tates are all upside do+n% "ut he had nothin to say a"out that and instead repeated that !asonry has a"solutely no connection +ith pa anis!. 9e +anted to !ake that point a"undantly clear% "ut of course% the place +as chock full of pa an sy!"olis! V-/
- +ent around and around the roo!% actin as if - +as lookin for a spot to lea*e so!ethin . - kne+ they +ere +atchin us *ery closely throu h their ca!eras and - really +anted to i*e the! so!ethin for their ti!e. - +as !akin the uy a little ner*ous - think% "ecause - kept !o*in around% lookin "ehind the drapes% at the "ack of the roo!% under the seats% "ehind the pictures- the +hole "it. 9e +as funny seein hi! )erk his head around tryin to keep track of !e +hile at the sa!e ti!e en a in #elody in a lon con*ersation. (hen he said: T3hen do you ladies catch your ferryR Do you ha*e ti!e to see the $rch 9allRT 3e said% T2ure% +hy notRT 2o he sho+ed us out and alon another hall. (he li ht fi8tures in that hall +ere *ery ornate. (hey +ere desi ned +ith the #asonic co!pass as the focal point of the li ht. (he hall definitely looked like so!e sort of processional +ay. (hen he opened a door to a *ery dark roo! and flipped on the li hts. (he +hole roo! +as D yptian. 3hen you +ent into that lon roo! you had to pass throu h four curtains: the first one +as li ht "lue% the second one +as dark purple% the third one +as red% and the fourth +as +hite. @p near the head of the roo! +as the altar% +ith a different sy!"ol on each side of it. (here +as a pyra!id +ith the $ll 2eein Dye% and on another side +as +hat looked like an upside do+n trident. $nother side had so!e #asonic sy!"ols% +hich - +asnOt fa!iliar +ith% and then a skull and cross"ones. -n front of the altar there +as a trap door on the floor. Behind the altar% there +ere : throne chairs% the one in the !iddle "ein !uch lar er than the ones flankin it. (his roo! a*e !e the creeps- Bi (i!e- and it actually felt dan erous. (he !an said that a lot of lau hter +ent on in this roo!% "ut - could hardly "elie*e that. #elody piped up and said: T3ell if they donOt lau h here% they otta cry5T - +as *ery proud of her. 9e started talkin a"out Othe "roken person%O and ho+ +e are !ore than this physical "ody. 3eird% - +onder +hat "reaks +hen that trap door opens "elo+ the feet of the @n+orthyR 3hat - could ha*e done there +ith a "unch of little (o+er"usters. 0h #$15 (hat ni ht% +e took a ferry fro! Du"lin port o*er to 3ales. $u ust &'-&1 3e spent t+o ni hts in 9olyhead. (here )ust happened to "e a lady stayin at the sa!e BIB as +e +ere% +ho li*ed in the to+n )ust ne8t to #ark Da*eyOs *illa e. 2he said she could i*e us a ride the ne8t day. (his is +hat call fate5 2o - called #ark Da*ey and set it up. - thou ht +e could o there and spend one ni ht% *isit +ith #ark% and then o to #anchester and catch a train or "us do+n to south+estern Dn land. 3e had !ade plans to spend a fe+ days +ith Do!inicOs #u!% +ho li*es in 9ols+orth% "ut at the last !inute #elody called #ark and told hi! +e +erenOt co!in . 2o +e ended up takin a "us o*er to Ban or in 3ales. 3e couldnOt catch another "us and had to take a train the rest of the +ay do+n to D8eter% +hich is +ithin an hour of Do!inicOs !u!Os house. #elody called her +hen +e ot there and she ca!e to et us. 2he is a really +onderful person. 3e *isited for a little +hile and then ot so!e !uch needed rest. 6riday% $u ust && (he ne8t day - +as upset "ecause - +anted to rent a car. - had planned to !ake it to $*e"ury% Nlaston"ury% and 2tonehen e. -t )ust didnOt +ork out5 3e had so !uch of fun% thou h% +ith <ennifer% Do!Os !u!. 0n the first ni ht% <ennifer had i*en us so!e old "ooks and - found Carn Brea in one of the!. - had assu!ed it +as in 3ales% "ut itOs in Corn+all% 2outhern Dn land% a"out t+o hours fro! <enniferOs house. 2o off +e +ent on our Kuest for Carn Brea. Carn Brea is on a ley line that is referred to as O(he 2aint #ichaelOs Jine.O (he site is on the ed e of a little to+n called Bedruth% Corn+all. Corn+all is kno+n as T(he Jand of #erlyn.T <ennifer parked the car near the trail up the hill. 2he +aited at the "otto! for #elody and - and +e proceeded up the hill. #elody +ent on ahead and - !ade !y +ay up !ore slo+ly. - had to stop and rest three or four ti!es. felt really li ht headed "ecause of the hi h ener y there. 3hen - finally ot to the top% there +as no si n of #elody. - do+sed for the "est spot +as to put !y little ift.
Carn Brea is +here they +ould li ht the first fire of the 2u!!er 2olstice. 0nce it +as lit there% they +ould continue li htin fires on hilltops across the re ion. (here is a lot of acti*ity on top of this little hill. - +alked around the "i stone cairn and it +as really cool. Fery "i . (hen - noticed - +as "ein +atched. - looked up the hill and sure enou h% there +ere t+o #-L a ents% a !an and a +o!an% near the hu e Celtic Cross on the top of the hill. (he !an had a pair of "inoculars and the +o!an had a telephoto ca!era. (hey +ere "oth lookin do+n at !e +ith their "inoculars and ca!era. - +alked around and pretended to place !y ift in at least 1' places. (hen - looked "ack up the hill and they +ere still +atchin . 2o - turned around and stared "ack and the! and then - +a*ed up at the!. (hen they turned and +alked do+n the "ackside of the hill. $fter they +ere one - placed !y 9oly 9and renade. (hey +ere there ahead of us% so they kne+ +e +ere co!in . (hat only happened there and at the #asonic (e!ple. D*ery+here else% they ca!e after the fact% )ust like the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!inations in $!erica... <ennifer took us to Bose+orthy +here her fa!ilyOs ho!e is. 3e found it and she +as *ery e8cited a"out it. 2he then a*e us a tour of the !oors. -t is so "eautiful up there5 2he had seen a stone circle in that area and she +anted to sho+ it to us. 3e finally found it and it +as +onderful. -n the !iddle of this ancient circle +as a stone +ith a candle and flo+ers. 2o!e had "een there not lon "efore us and had done a spell. -t +as really nice. 2aturday% $u ust &: (he ne8t day% +e +ent out to the !oors east of <enniferOs house. #orte ;6rench for TDeathT= 7oint is out there and Do!inic +anted us to check it out. 303% +hat an e8perience that +as5 #orte 7oint is located )ust outside of #ortehoe in County De*on. (his hill has an e*il portal. 3e ot there and it +as still fo ed in at 17.#. in the afternoon. (he fo usually lifts "y 11:''$.#. or noon. <ennifer +ent to look at her $untOs ra*e +hile +e +alked up the path to #orte 7oint. -t +as so fo y% - +as thinkin to !yself that there !ust "e a lot of people +ho et lost here. By the ti!e +e ot to the third rise% after enterin this place% - started pickin up on so!ethin *ery "i and e*il. - looked up the ne8t rise and there it +as-a hu e% "lack hole/portal. 3035 - +alked up close to it and "ent o*er to place the 99 on the round ri ht at the openin . 3hen - +as "ent o*er% - could feel so!ethin "rush up a ainst !e. - looked up and - sa+ +hat looked like a "unch of thin "lackish ar!s or snakelike thin s reachin out at !e. $s you can i!a ine% - took a really "i step "ack. (his hole s!elled like rotten !eat% like death or *ultures. - could tell that these thin s +ere carrion eaters. ?@C% +hat a s!ell5 3hen - took that iant step "ack+ard% - noticed that there +ere not )ust one portal% "ut three. - looked Odo+nO the one on !y ri ht and - could see- as plain as day- #ontauk. - kne+ +hat it looked like "ecause Don and - +ere there a couple of years a o. 0n !y left +as the third portal. - looked do+n that one and - couldnOt see the end. -t +as *ery dark% like the !iddle one. - ot i!!ediately that this +as one of the places the 3orld 0rder hierarchy "rin people that they +ant to et rid of +ithout actually !urderin the!% per se. (hey "rin the! here and thro+ the! into the center "lack hole. - "et a lot of people ha*e one !issin fro! this location. (his place is literally drippin +ith death. $s +e +ere lea*in % up dro*e the #-L/6 a ents- ri ht on cue. <ennifer said that lots and lots of folks +ind up !issin on #orte 7oint and their re!ains are ne*er found. (hese snaky carni*orous people are the sa!e ones that accosted !e after - put an 99 in the hole at Carrro+keel. 3eOd ne*er e*en read or heard a"out this predatory% non-hu!anoid species% "ut theyOre o"*iously in cahoots +ith the -llu!inati. 3e did so!e tourist stuff and then headed "ack to <enniferOs. 0n our +ay "ack% +e ca!e across a hu e% *ery ne+% +eather "all. -t is located )ust 1orth of 2outh #orton. -t is *ery close to a crossroad if that helps. - didnOt ha*e an e8tra 99 to lea*e there. -t is really hard to dri*e "y so!ethin like that and not ift it% so if youOre out that +ay% please ha*e your +ay +ith that +eather"all5 (hey are heinous. 2unday% $u ust &4 <ennifer took us to a spot called (he 9urlers. 3hat a neat place it +as. -t had three stone circles and a lot of other interestin stuff. 3onderful ener y there5 3e noticed that the earth ener y in -reland responded !uch faster than ii did in Dn land +hen +e did our iftin there. 3e had a picnic and really en)oyed oursel*es.
#onday% $u ust &L (he ne8t !ornin % <ennifer took us to the airport for our trip "ack to Du"lin. $fter +e landed in Du"lin% - !ade up !y !ind that - had to ift the last spot on !y list. 2o +e cau ht the "us do+nto+n fro! the airport. (he touris! uy helped us find the street that the (heolo ical 2ociety +as on and a+ay +e +ent. -t is so hard to ift do+nto+n Du"lin "ecause there are *ery fe+ places to hide a 99 . $ny+ay% +hen +e ot to the (heolo ical 2ociety% "ut a ain% there +as no place to ift% so - started lookin around. - found a spot that +as +ithin a"out 1'' yards fro! their front door. (hey +ere not e8pectin us this ti!e. $nd as they say: O(he third ti!e is the char!er.O 3e ifted this place si!ply "ecause OC"s+orkO told us it +as an i!portant tar et and apparently closely related to the -llu!inatiOs predatory efforts in -reland. -t see!ed like a fittin place for our last 9oly 9and renade. 3e fle+ ho!e the ne8t day. $ll in all% it +as Kuite a trip5 Carol Croft
Episode & +nother +meri3an 8a9i Bites the )ust By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /cn/adcP'$!erican1azi"itesdust'1oct':.sht!l 0ct. 1% &'': D*en thou h - feel sure that #artial Ja+% at least the kind hoped for "y (he 0ld Fillain% is no lon er possi"le in $!erica% - +as taken a"ack late last +eek "y a "rochure - found in the local post office a!on the innocuous postal ones and $0J/C-$ Hfree internet, CDs. -t depicted the i!a e of the ne+ H2ecretary of 9o!eland 2ecurity, and of course if you put a peaked hat and ar!"and on the uy he,d look like any of a nu!"er of 9einrich 9i!!ler,s sycophants. $s - +as standin in line% holdin this printed a"o!ination .pro"a"ly +ith !y !outh han in open/% a reptile +alked into the post office and started shootin the "reeze +ith one of the !ale clerks. Carol had +aylaid hi! as he entered the lo""y "ecause she likes to !ake reptiles look her in the eye "ut he si!ply +ouldn,t do so% nor +ould he say !ore than a couple of +ords in response "ecause he kne+ +ho she is. 9e +as +earin a Jatah County 2heriffOs Dept. ser eant,s unifor! and e*en - could see he +asn,t really hu!an. $fter - finished !y "usiness he "acked up in !y path so that - had to +alk around hi!. 9e +as kind of ner*ous% so - think so!e"ody sent hi!. - uess a couple of years a o this all +ould ha*e upset !e a "it% "ut +hat did et !y oat a little +as that "rochure% +hich is titled% H$re ?ou 7reparedR, or so!ethin . - scanned it for specifics% of +hich there +ere none% and it +as apparently desi ned to "oost people,s 8enopho"ia% +hich is the fear of forei ners. (here +ere no references to s+arthy% leerin % !urderous #usli!s "ut of course there didn,t need to "e% did thereR - sa+ so!e of the literature and i!a ery that +as distri"uted in Ner!any )ust "efore 9itler in*aded 7oland and this is +hat it re!inded !e of% thou h of course the hoped-for in*asion .Chainsa+ Cheney,s and the rest of the traitors, +et drea!/ in this case is kind of re*ersed due to the presence of countless thousands of Bussian and Chinese troops in $!erica,s under round "ases ri ht no+ and !any !ore alon "oth "orders in #e8ico and Canada V-/ $s soon as - ot ho!e% of course% - cut out his little i!a e and stuck it in the radionics o*en. -n this case% si!ply put the pic inside a 2uccor 7unch !ade on a hollo+ crystal. -!a es are the "est +itnesses for radionics% thou h it +ould ha*e "een terrific to et so!e alle ed hair fro! his co!" or one of his "oo ers or so!ethin . Carol said he started shakin ri ht a+ay and that he died after a couple of days. (he fact that he didn,t i!!ediately keel o*er +ith a fatal heart attack tells us that he +as pro"a"ly not actually the head of the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination "ut that he +as stained +ith innocent "lood% nonetheless. - +onder +hose picture +ill sho+ up after this if they,re stupid enou h to print another edition of that "rochure. (his unla+ful% !urderous re i!e is still la"orin under the delusion that !ost people in $!erica still support this treasonous federal o*ern!ent. - uess you could say that they don,t ha*e a fin er on the nation,s pulse. ?ou can al+ays et a fe+ depression "a"ies .that,s +hat - call the pink +ealth addicts/+illin sla*es/e!otional pla ue enthusiasts +ho +ere "orn durin the Nreat Depression/ and +hite trash to fly those stupid fla s fro! their cars. (o !e% that,s like +earin a tee-shirt that has a "i arro+ pointin at the +earer,s head +ith H2(@7-D, printed underneath. ?ou don,t see !any of those car fla s outside of the !ore de raded areas of the @2. 3ould you *alue that kind of supportR (he nu!"er of people +ho kno+ that this fake o*,t "le+ up the 3(C reached critical !ass not lon after that e*ent. 3hat do you think that did to the !ale*olent false patriotis! thou htfor! that had so !any $!ericans flyin car fla s durin the pre*ious enocide in -raKR -,*e thou ht of flyin one of those fla s upside do+n% +hich is a true indication of the state of affairs% "ut of course e*en - don,t o lookin for trou"le. Did you +atch C11 +hen the $!erican $r!y officer raised a @2 fla upside do+n in -raK in *ie+ of the ca!eraR
- hope to help us all a*oid the necessity of a !ilitary !utiny to arrest the traitors in 3ashin ton% DC% +hich is i!!inent no+ that the re i!e has failed to achie*e its o+n *ersion of !artial la+. -,! holdin the internet up as an e8a!ple that +e hu!ans can for! )ust o*ern!ents on the planet +ithout resortin to !ilitary coups. - "et all those in*asion troops on @2 soil +ould )u!p at the chance to return to Bussia% China% .Dast/ Ner!any and the other @1 countries they +ere a"ducted fro! and as lon as they,re not shootin at us or haulin us off to the concentration ca!ps - consider the! our uests and e*en potential friends and allies. 3e need to finish off that under round "ase co!ple8 centered around Dulce% 1e+ #e8ico% folks5 $ll +e,*e disa"led are so!e of the peripheral ones% so far. -f - +eren,t oin to $frica ne8t !onth% Carol and - +ould o ri ht to the heart +ith a fe+ hundred or onite de*ices and take out that Dulce under round co!ple8% as Bichard and +e took care of the "ases around 6allon% 1e*ada% last su!!er. 3hy not strike at the heart if you intend to neutralize a ra*enous "eastR 0thers are shootin spit +ads these days and +hinin a"out tyranny "ut +e,*e ot the Bi Nuns% so +hy not use the!R keep for ettin that !ore and !ore of the folks +ho read this stuff are fro! other cultures: a spit +ad is +hat nau hty little $!erican school"oys !ake "y sali*atin on so!e che+ed% folded "its of paper% then shootin it +ith ru""er "ands at other pupils% or perhaps the teacher. - uess that no+ !akes the! eli i"le for su!!ary decapitation under the Bra*e 1e+ 7atriotis! la+s. (ruth really is !uch stran er than fantasy% folks. (he present re i!e !akes 9.7. Jo*ecraft look like a research )ournalist. 3anted: $ 6e+ Nood #en 9a*e you noticed ho+ often they na!e a ne+ head of the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!inationR 3hy do you think that isR $ fe+ of our net+ork leefully +hack the top predator e*ery ti!e a ne+ one ets appointed. -t,s kind of like +innin prizes a carni*al !arks!an "ooth for us. $lle edly they aren,t doin !uch% yet% so +hat,s the fuss and +hy else are they appointin so !any Hne+, heads to this !onsterR $ccordin to our reckonin % se*eral folks in our infor!al net+ork ha*e pre*ented their M/11-style !ayhe! in se*eral !a)or @2 cities since our first effort in Chica o on <uly 4% &''&% and +e re ularly check to see if anyone,s "een appointed as the ne8t "oss of this "unch of nazi thu s after each ti!e +e fry the current one +ith our special kind of lo*e. (hey,re forei ners as often as $!ericans% "y the +ay% at the top of that dun heap. $t least t+o ti!es% that +e,re a+are of% so!e"ody else apparently did so!ethin si!ilar to our efforts to stop 9o!eland 2ecurity (errorists fro! co!!ittin !ass !urder. (he "lackout in the 1ortheast that +as concurrent +ith the !assi*e assault on the internet that destroyed !illions of 7Cs +as pro"a"ly the latest failed "id for !artial la+ and they,*e tried that a couple !ore ti!es in Durope since then. 3hat a "unch of losers/half+its (he 0ld Fillain has on the payroll these days5 (he reason +e speak openly a"out our acti*ities is so that !ore and !ore people can participate. (hat,s e!po+erin and has a sort of de!ocratic i!plication. ?es% folks% your H*ote, actually does count ri ht no+5 V-/ Dearly Belo*ed% 3eO*e Nathered 9ere (oday... C"s+ork ad*ised !e to check the o"ituaries after he ot "usy erasin reptoid predators at the top of the $!erican dun heap +ith his radionics/*orte8-"oosted efforts. - don,t read the papers% so +hat -,! ettin is filtered throu h the internet "ut if you take a look at +ho,s "een kickin the "ucket in the past couple of !onths you,ll et the picture and also a lesson in ho+ the reptiles in hu!an for! are a little different fro! ordinary people. (he Bush fa!ily,s ot a lot of those% as do the Boyals% "ut of course those are all fi ureheads and e*en +hippin posts desi ned to distract our attention a+ay fro! the !ore culpa"le predators% +hich is +hy +e ne*er o after the!. (he *ery +orst predators, na!es are rarely if e*er seen in print or on (F. 0llie 1orth +as an e8a!ple of a predator +ho +as !uch !ore po+erful than his alle ed rank i!plied% and the de!ise of Chainsa+ Cheney after the failed plan to assassinate 7resident Cu)o last 1o*e!"er is an e8a!ple of +hat happens to (he 0ld Fillain,s fa*ored ones +hen they don,t li*e up to the scheiss*oe el,s e8pectations. - sincerely pity the poor pa)a!a-clad souls +ho are e*en yet la"orin under the delusion that the !edia +hores/ne+sreaders are i*in us e*en an appro8i!ation of truth a"out the political landscape. 0f course% - like reptilians in eneral% as - like all sentient species. - don,t kno+ +hat all the fuss is a"out.
(hey,re our earthly nei h"ors and fello+ nati*es and !any of the hi*es are not predatory to hu!ans. (he predatory hi*es i*e the others a "ad rep. (he nicer ones li*in under 6lorida% the Baha!as% 3. Cu"a and ?ucatan +ere Kuite supporti*e after +e !ade our first CB in 6lorida al!ost three years a o and took it up the coast for so!e field trials. @p close% they lacked that !enacin aspect that you,*e pro"a"ly seen in the reptiles +here you li*e. (hey,re kind of cute the +ay they ape hu!an "eha*ior and - like their sense of hu!or and the +ay their shiny little saucer craft sho+ up at odd ti!es. (hey e*en ha*e so!e indi*iduality. Co!pared to those reen predators - inad*ertently killed in 7asadena in 6e"ruary +ith !y "rand ne+ 7o+er+and the 6lorida ones see!ed !ore fa!iliar and - +asn,t unco!forta"le around the!% e*en up close% as +hen +e *isited +ith $l Bielek then .there +ere t+o of the! at the ne8t ta"le for three hours in that -907% !onitorin our con*ersation% and they didn,t e*en eat anythin G- +onder if they +ere in*isi"le to the +aitress V-/ 9ere,s a reptile story the likes of +hich -,! 2@BD you,*e ne*er heard: Jizzies% Jizzies $ friend/client of Carol,s told her last +eek that she and so!e friends had attended a ne+ a e conference durin +hich there +as a uided !editation. 2he +asn,t co!forta"le doin that% so she )ust politely sat there. 2he +as near the front of the cro+d of :'' or so in that roo! and durin the !editation she turned around and +as shocked to see that )ust a"out e*eryone in the roo! looked )ust like "i % seated lizards. Durin the "reak% she !et up +ith her co!panions% +ho +ere also Kuite a itated. Before any of the! opened their !ouths% she said% HJet,s +rite do+n +hat +e )ust e8perienced% okayR, (hey did so and in each case they descri"ed e8actly the sa!e o"ser*ations. 9o+ cool is thatR Carol didn,t re!e!"er +ho conducted that +orkshop and it really doesn,t !atter% any+ay. -t sort of "oosts !y reco!!endation not to "lindly follo+ those ne+ a e !ind control protocols% thou h% don,t you thinkR -n places like 2outhern California - feel Kuite sure that a"out a Kuarter of the population is partly or purely predatory reptilians in hu!an for!. $l Bielek told us that in order to !aintain a hu!an for!% pure"red reptilians need to re ularly drink hu!an "lood. 9ence% - suppose% the incessant "lood dri*es "y the #asonic Bed Cross% +hose literature has clai!ed that it +as started "y Count 2te. Ner!aine. - read that in a pro!otional pa!phlet fro! the -nternational Bed Cross 2ociety that - found +hen +e +ere li*in in (on a in 1SS4. - "et they,re not sayin that any !ore. #y theory is that reptoids fro! all o*er the +orld ra*itate to areas +here there,s already a concentration of reptiles% a sort of HJike seeketh like and taketh pleasure in the co!pany of its kind, scenario. (hat !ay account for C"s+ork,s e8perience one day in Jos $n eles durin a iftin !ission +hen he instructed his 2uccor 7unch to cause his car to "eco!e in*isi"le to all predators. $fter a fe+ !inutes he,d "een nearly "lindsided se*eral ti!es "y cars dri*en "y folks +ho o"*iously didn,t see his car% so he chan ed the para!eters i!!ediately to specifically !ake his car in*isi"le only to secret police a ents .all of +ho! are no+ officially predatory% "y the +ay% "ecause this o*ern!ent is !anifestly treasonous and they,re e!ployed to enforce its unla+ful !andates/. Carol tau ht !e ho+ to !ake the car in*isi"le .- could sho+ you "ut she,d ha*e to kill !e V-/ and it,s a+fully fun to +atch the faces of the secret police as they dri*e "y in "oth directions% frantically lookin for us. (hat,s one of the !ost fun aspects of our iftin !issions. 3hen they kno+ you,re lookin at the! they et all stone-faced% "ut +hen they don,t kno+ you,re lookin they are as ani!ated and ner*ous as 3oody 3oodpecker. - suppose that,s an appropriate analo y for those p@hIdrheads. - feel a little "e!used that so!e folks +ho should kno+ "etter% assu!e that pro ressi*e !o*e!ents need to in*ol*e Hthe !asses., -n fact% e*en a cursory look at history indicates that this has ne*er "een so and in fact Hthe !asses, are al+ays a hindrance in the "e innin sta es of any rassroots !o*e!ent% +hich is +hat this lo"al cloud"uster net+ork is% and they,re fickle as hell% +hich is +hy (he 0ld Fillain in*ented H"read and circuses, in the first place .H3ho,s onna +in the 2uper"o+lR,/. -,d sooner enlist a "unch of Dn lish soccer fans than in*ite H(he #asses, into this little acti*e net+ork V-/.
#ark Nets #arked #ost of the people +ho are readin our offerin s and then !akin cloud"usters and also disa"lin these heinous ne+ o!nipresent to+ers +ill ne*er e*en send !e an e!ail. 0ne of #ark Da*ey,s detractors in Dn land pu"licly clai!ed that #ark had )oined a cult .Hcrazy, is a fa*ored% ti!e-honored appellation "esto+ed on *ia"le +arriors "y disinfor!ation a ents/ and that - +as sca!!in people in order to sell cloud"usters. - prudently decided early on that +e +ould not "e sellin any of these de*ices "ecause - kne+ that this accusation +ould da!a e our efforts if it +ere at all )ustified. -n this case% the detractor is )ust !akin an ass of hi!self% +hich is okay "ut certainly +on,t stop hi!. - think - told #ark that ar uin +ith these payrolled scheiss*oe el is like +restlin +ith a pi in the !ud: the pi has a rand ti!e% "ut you only et filthy and e8hausted. $fter #ark created that lo*ely "lue hole in 3est ?orkshire% he ot the confir!ation he reKuired in order "ack this net+ork 1''^. 3ithout confir!ations like this fro! our o+n efforts% folks% +e,re )ust +astin our "reath talkin a"out this to others. (he only or onite de*ices +e sell are the (er!inator Eapper% +hich +as de*eloped and !arketed si8 !onths "efore +e !ade our first CB% and Carol,s ine8pensi*e 9ar!onic 7rotector. -,*e "een !akin and sellin zappers for P a years and the ( is the fruition of a lot of B I D durin that ti!e% especially in the final sta e in +hich had Carol,s help. - think the CB and the other in*entions kind of re+ out of +hat +e learned fro! that% !ainly% thou h Beich,s offerin s +ere +hat inspired !e to in*esti ate or one,s sy!"iotic relationship to !icrocurrent in healin serious illnesses. (here are !any thousands of cloud"usters in the +orld% perhaps t+ice or three ti!es as !any as !y +ildest esti!ate if !y considered hunch that the Bussian No*,t has "een distri"utin the! is correct. $fter all% Dr. Beich ad*ised his associates that his de!ise +as "ein orchestrated fro! #osco+% e*en thou h the Bussians +ere already usin 0B$Cs in their hospitals "y the early 1ML's. $l Bielek told us that Dr. Beich had +orked for the C-$ until he fi ured out that his contri"utions +ere "ein applied to predatory pro ra!s such as #C@ltra. Beich,s associates +ere co!pletely una+are of any of that. -,! only personally a+are of a fe+ hundred cloud"usters% thou h -,*e had second-hand reports of a reat !any !ore% "ecause !ost people +ho !ake the! aren,t interested in tellin e*en the in*entor a"out their efforts and in fact% enerally% once a person has set up a CB and "usted the ne+ to+ers in his o+n to+n or nei h"orhood he/she likely for ets all a"out this stuff% +hich is natural. $fter all% once you,*e fi8ed +hat,s "u in you% +hy not et on +ith lifeR Beasona"ly% local che!trails% 9$$B7 !olestations and nei h"orhood deathforce trans!itters are really no !ore annoyin than a "union in real ter!s and it,s pro"a"ly cheaper% Kuicker and easier to fi8 those H"i , pro"le!s than it is to fi8 one,s "ad feet. Carol and - ha*e disa"led all the to+ers for a hundred !iles around our house% *isited other countries to fi8 *ortices and to do a little net+orkin % and tra*eled e8tensi*ely in the @2 and Canada to disa"le under round "ases and clear the s!o /D0B fro! entire lar e cities% "ut this is our callin ri ht no+ and +e en)oy it i!!ensely. 3e,re payin our o+n +ay in e*ery case .+e,*e ot t+o !a8ed-out credit cards to pro*e it V-/ and the re+ards +e et are the a"undant sensory confir!ations that follo+ our efforts% e*ery ti!e. -f +e,d put that a!ount of ener y into atherin a follo+in +e,d pro"a"ly "e "itter "y no+ and "o ed do+n +ith sycophants and "acksta""ers. $s it stands no+% +e,*e apparently ot !ore (eflon on us than Bonnie Bea an did "ecause since +e don,t stand to ain anythin in particular "y pro!otin this stuff the occasional ratuitous and e*en concerted attacks fro! ill-+ishers rather dra+ !ore ood people to us out of si!ple curiosity and (he 0ld Fillain kno+s for sure that if +e aren,t heard fro! "y our friends on the internet for e*en a fe+ days the fake o*,t +ill "e scrutinized "y an unco!forta"ly lar e% *ocal nu!"er of rational people and ri ht no+% thanks to their recent% "latant treason% those 1azis in 3ashin ton% DC% are loathe to contend +ith any scrutiny at all% especially on the net. (his is a +in/+in situation for you and us and it +ould "e a real sha!e to +aste this opportunity to disa"le their potentially enocidal infrastructure +ith i!punity. (en years a o any of us +ould ha*e "een suicided or
disappeared for co!!ittin so !uch !ayhe! on their capital and !ana e!ent-personnel assets. Bi ht no+% #ark Da*ey is under the un !ore than anyone else in this infor!al lo"al net+ork is "ecause he set up Dtheric 6reedo! 6i hter% a "oard strictly dedicated to reportin our collecti*e efforts% strate ies and tactics% to disa"le this +orld re i!e. -,*e ne*er +itnesses such a *ehe!ent response "y the le ions of secret police hackers% psionics a ents% character assassins% sorcerers and other sa"oteurs as has "een directed at #ark and 7hillippa% +ho is his a"le and conscious psychic consultant. Neor Bitschl is sendin a 7o+er+and to #ark% +ho is ha*in to contend +ith this !o" !ore or less "arehanded +ith +hate*er re!ote support a fe+ of us occasionally send the!. - ha*e no dou"t that he,ll pre*ail and -,! *ery i!pressed "y #-L/6,s !assi*e response to his recent efforts. (his is one of the "est confir!ations +e could et. D*eryone +ho posts there has had to contend +ith their hackers. -,*e ne*er seen anythin like that in the @2. - think one reason they,re so deter!ined to shut #ark do+n is that they stand to lose so !uch if e*en a fe+ hundred Brits take this pro)ect to heart. (he City of Jondon is the +orld,s financial% and therefore political% capital and all of that !ess depends on a sanction fro! the Uueen% +ho! Jyndon JaBouche has called H(he 3hore of Ba"ylon., (he Dn lish are ne*er far fro! a referendu! to dis"and the !onarchy and +hen that occurs all of the little "anker trolls and !ali nant secret police )erks +ho are hidin under UD--,s a!ple skirts +ill "e e8posed to the li ht of day and that +ill "e the end of the -#6% the 3orld Bank% and% "y e8tension% the lo"al dope trade% 1ational 2ocialis!% co!!unis!% 3all 2treet% etc% etc. and - kno+ fro! !y years in the parasite e8ter!ination trade that "etter health is $J3$?2 the i!!ediate result of e8pellin parasites V-/ (his is )ust as true in the "ody politic as it is in the hu!an "ody. $t this point% they can,t kill #ark or 7hillippa "ecause they,*e already ot enou h of a profile on the net to ensure that their !urders +ould precipitate a lo"al rounds+ell of attention to this effort and that% too% +ould spell the a"rupt end of this +orld re i!e. Do you ha*e e*en a hint of the potential +e fe+ ha*e tapped intoR (here is no leadership in this rassroots !o*e!ent "ut there are !any e8e!plars and potentially !any% !any !ore. 3e constantly try to outdo each other% +hich is the proper e8pression of the co!petiti*e spirit. <eff Bense and (re*or Consta"le stopped pu"licly attackin us as soon as it "eca!e o"*ious that their conde!nations and ridicule o*er a t+o-!onth period had dou"led the nu!"er of acti*ists in this net+ork +ithin a !onth% so +hat do you suppose +ould happen if the ne+s of a !urdered acti*ist ot outR Jife is s+eet in se*eral +ays for us all these days V-/ De#eo is still on the attack% thou h. - )ust heard for! a !an in 1a!i"ia +ho had !ade t+o C"s recently and +as askin for !y ad*ice a"out ho+ to deal +ith so!e local De#eo sycophants +ho +ere haran uin hi! for deployin or onite cloud"usters and tellin hi! that he,d )oined a cult. (his +as the first contact - e*er had +ith hi! and - suspect that after he,s ot it strai ht that the re*erse is true in his case - !ay not e*en hear fro! hi! !ore than one or t+o !ore ti!es. (hat,s pretty typical. - count !yself lucky if they e*en tell !e their last na!es and +here% in eneral% their CBs are located V-/ By the +ay% De#eo ordered a cloud"uster kit fro! #ichelle Bid ley o*er a year a o and apparently "uilt it not lon after that "ecause +hen Carol and - +ere in a !otel on one of our iftin !issions +e sa+ on the 3eather Channel that there +as a neatly circular rainstor! centered )ust east of $shland 0re on% +here De#eo li*es. Carol +ent there astrally and told !e that he dis!antled it ri ht after that. $s you kno+% +hen you first !ake one of these CBs you nor!ally et an initial little Hthank you, fro! the at!osphere for a"out t+enty !iles around in the for! of entle% sustained rain and a pleasant a!"ience. (hat is% if you,*e taken the ti!e to disa"le the ne+ to+ers +here you li*e you,re pretty !uch uaranteed to et that response. 3e +ere fortunate in that +e ot our initial o"ser*ations "efore they started "uildin these horri"le% under round-nuke-po+ered deathforce trans!itters all o*er the lo"e a couple of years a o.
3e +eren,t e*en allo+ed on the property of 0r onon% Dr. Beich,s +orkshop in #aine% e*en thou h +e *isited durin a ti!e that it +as scheduled to "e open to the pu"lic after i*in the! a !onth,s notice of our arri*al. $s -,d posted "efore% a C-$ a ent +ho "eca!e !y irlfriend "riefly ."efore - connected +ith Carol/ tried to entice !e to !o*e to 2anta 6e +ith the offer to let !e copy a lar e Kuantity of Dr. Beich,s o+n hand+ritten notes that she,d "een personally i*en "y D*a Beich. 2ince - +asn,t that fond of her and +asn,t% at that point% particularly interested in Beich,s infor!ation - declined her offer. (oo "ad% as her !asters at Jan ley pro"a"ly took that !aterial "ack ri ht after that. 9er assi n!ent +as to tra*el the +orld and insinuate herself into the confidences of the !ore de!onstra"le healers/pioneers on the planet. 2he called herself Bhoda 2a e +hen - kne+ her four years a o. 3ith Hsupporters, like <a!es De#eo% it,s no +onder that none of Dr. Beich,s *olu!inous unkno+n +ritin s ha*e "een pu"lished since "efore his !urder in 1MLP and - hope to Nod so!e"ody +ith so!e inte rity +ill ets their hands on Dr. Beich,s re!ainin occulted !aterial "efore it all disappears fro! 0r onon into the "o+els of Jan ley. 3hat +ill it take to !ake that happenR 9e,d disco*ered ho+ to o*erco!e ra*ity% had de*eloped a +orka"le or one-po+ered en ine and +ho kno+s +hat else% "esides lea*in a +ritten le acy of his po+erful insi hts and inspirations and !uch of that is pro"a"ly recorded for posterity at 0r onon. $ fe+ (o+er"usters tossed o*er the fence alon three sides of that heinous C-$ co!pound outside 3ashin ton% DC% last 1o*e!"er +as one of !y token efforts to et a little pay"ack for +hat they did to Dr. Beich durin his life and e*en in the present. 3hat a "unch of parasites5 0f course% no dou"t sa+ they noticed that lo*ely% "i "lue hole +e poked in the ra in "lizzard .no +ind +here +e +ere standin % of course/ o*er Ban eley that day +ith our "rand ne+ or onite cloud"uster. -,*e ot pics of the CB standin on a sno+drift in the sunshine ne8t to the H0r onon, si n that day in early #arch &''1. Dtheric 6reedo! 6i hters is set up to report acti*ities. -t,s really okay and appropriate if only a fe+ people participate there no+ "ecause +e don,t +ant to fill up space +ith a lot of e!pty ru!inations or noisy ladhandin . 2ince the secret police in Britain are so *i orously sla!!in #ark and 7hillippa no+ and hackin the snot out of anyone +ho tries to post there - kno+ that this approach is already payin off. #ark,s *ery ood at !arketin and net+orkin and as soon as he,s cycled throu h all of this and otten a clearer picture of +here the true potential lies in his efforts% - think he,ll et the ener y that,s reKuired to o*erco!e his assailants% +ith the net+ork,s help% of course. Both of us ha*e "anned se*eral a ents% !ind control dupes and !alcontents already. 2e*eral folks% so!e of +ho! -,*e personally kno+n% ha*e sho+n up to "ait !e into personal fi hts +ith the! and - "anned the!% too. 3e,re not inclined to that kind of fi htin V-/ 3hat - learned fro! the first CB foru! t+o years a o +hen it first ot started% is that su!!arily "annin these incorri i"les early on creates a s+eeter at!osphere in +hich su"stanti*e% co!!itted% action-oriented people are !ore co!forta"le postin % so they do so !ore often. 3e or one +arriors are essentially Kuite entle people. H(he !eek, are indeed inheritin the earth ri ht no+% folks. 0ther+ise the trou"le!akers +ill run the sho+ "y default. - don,t i*e a lot of thou ht a"out +hether the trou"le!akers are on a o*,t payroll or not "ecause in fact that,s not i!portant. 3e are +hat +e do% after all% not +hat +e say% and so!e of !y fa*orite people are postin no+ a"out +hat they,re doin to further the +ork and kno+led e connected +ith this "rand ne+ technolo y. 6ro! +here - stand% #ark doesn,t need to Hdo, !uch ri ht no+ e8cept +eather the stor! and keep this site open. (he Wh5[stor! of secret police harass!ent clearly indicates to !e that they C103 that +e,re on the *er e of the ne8t step% +hich is +ider a+areness of this net+ork on the internet. D*ery ti!e - "an a trou"le!aker - et the ne8t hu!an +a*e of #-6 hackers and their pitiful satanic ritual sorcerers .+itless Cro+ley-+anna"ees% no dou"t/. -t,s happens like clock+ork% "ut ha*e you noticed% folks% that their assaults are ettin +eaker each succeedin +eekR (hat !eans +e,*e cycled throu h !ost of that un+ashed horde "y no+ and the path is ettin clearer for us. Ceep "oostin #ark and 7hillippa +ith your 7o+er+ands &% :% 2hi*as% and +hate*er else you ha*e on hand until +e,*e otten past this hurdle% okayR Be!e!"er +hen (eia,s "rother .a #aori sha!an/ *anKuished the reptiles +ho +ere tryin to keep that ancient
predatory hi*e portal open on 1e+ Eealand,s 1orth -sland last fallR 9e,s the one +ho first a*e !e the notion that +e don,t really need tools to do this +ork% "ut it +asn,t until after -,d !ade !y first 7o+er+and and e8perienced that Hfeelin , that - kne+ for sure that this +as so. $round the sa!e ti!e +e ot a 2hi*a fro! #ark 9ooten and the Hfeelin , ot refined !ore and e8panded. 1o+ -,*e one "ack to usin an ordinary 2uccor 7unch% throu h +hich - direct H lo"al artillery, "arra es at friends and foes for healin % disa"lin or e*en killin % +hiche*er is appropriate under uni*ersal la+. Dr. *on 7eters ca!e up +ith that techniKue. $nyone can do any of this% of course. (his has turned !e into a *oter at last. - ne*er kne+ - could !ake a difference in politics V-/ Befu ees *ote +ith their feet "ut +e *ote !ore proacti*ely +ith our 7o+er+ands and si!ilar tools once +e,*e o*erco!e the !ind control protocols that prohi"it us fro! effecti*ely stoppin tyrants in their tracks. (his is !ore ele ant than )ust shootin these ra"id% fake- o*,t rats% don,t you thinkR 3hat are you +aitin forR ND( B@2? and ha*e so!e ood% clean fun in the process5 Don Croft
Episode 71
+n +$ien Presen3e Be-ond Mos3o4 Mountain By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /cn/adcP1alienpresence"eyond!osco+':oct':.sht!l 0ct. :% &'': 0cto"er 1% &'': - +as +onderin +hy e*erythin see!s so peaceful around here% assu!in that )ust "ecause the Ner!an -llu!inati scheiss*oe el +ho +ere plannin our de!ise ha*e left our to+n it doesnOt !ean that (he 0ld Fillain has conceded *ictory to Carol and -% locally V-/ By the +ay% Jaozu Celly and - dro*e up to the !ansion/"arracks last +eek to check up on the! and% sure enou h% the only *ehicles +e sa+ +ere a tractor and an old car% +hich pro"a"ly "elon to the caretaker. Nenerally% e8tre!ely +ealthy people donOt allo+ a tractor or a )unker to "e parked "eside a !ansion. 9o!eland Bed Cars (+o !onths a o they had a fleet of "rand ne+% red 2@Fs. By the +ay% if youOre in the @2 you !ay find that the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!inations +ho follo+ you around on your O iftin O !issions in red cars are the psychics. (hese turd knockers all see! to think theyOre in*inci"le. DonOt let any of those rats follo+ you% "y the +ay. -f you ha*en,tO stopped the! doin that "y no+% +hy notR #ake the! afraid of you5 -tOs the only +ay to et their respect. $ hu e !ilitary con*oy con*er ed on Jaird 2tate 7ark last +eek% so +eOre oin to o disa"le the ne+ under round "ase there today. (hat park is located )ust "eyond #osco+ #ountain% +hich is actually a lon % *ery hi h% east-+est rid e at the end of the 7alouse Ban e that for!s the northern "oundary of the *alley +eOre in. "et they thou ht +e +ouldnOt hear a"out their acti*ities there "ut - o*erheard one of the postal clerks sayin that there +ere helicopters flyin all around her house% +hich is close to Jaird 2tate 7ark% and the only places they can stick these "ases is under land that +ill ne*er "e e8ca*ated or !ined pri*ately. (he 2tate 7ark is surrounded "y the 2t. <oe 1ational 6orest. CarolOs dau hter encountered the !ilitary con*oy durin the ti!e the postal clerk reported seein all those helicopters% so +e si!ply put t+o and t+o to ether and Carol paid an astral *isit to the ne+ under round "ase
last ni ht. (hink lo"ally% $ct locally 2o!e alien reptiles had esta"lished their o+n little under round "ase in D!ida% north of there% apparently in the late 1S''s% "efore the +hites e*en ot here en !asse% and D!ida has a reputation for +eirdness that can only "e e8plained "y an inordinate le*el of reptilian D1$ in the localsO "lood. (he near"y Coeur dO$lene -ndian tri"e near"y also has a lot of lizards in it. Carol and - "o8ed the predatory reptilians and their hu e ship under round a couple of years a o% soon after +hich !ost of the! chose to )oin the nice reptilians in 6lorida .+e re!o*ed the 99 te!porarily to let the! out/ "ut the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination lately e8propriated the 99 that +eOd put in their surface portal and those +itless )erks ha*e apparently !ade a pact +ith the no+-li"erated alien predators not dissi!ilar to the +ay the $!erican 022 li"erated the !afiosi in 2icily in 1M44 in order to !ake the #afia +ork for the C-$ a little "it later on. #ussolini +as a"out to e8ecute the! all% +hich is +hy 7atton +ent to strate ically useless 2icily first instead of in*adin -taly. Carol and - assu!e that they set up that ne+ "ase in order to ha*e an operational center dedicated to erasin her and -. -t feels nice to "e +anted. 2he and her t+o ro+n kids dro*e fifty !iles to D!ida last ni ht% ar!ed% and found that the 99 that +e hid there had "een re!o*ed after so!e feds +ere seen ridin around in +hite 2@Fs +ith "lacked out +indo+s in that area lately. 2he laid a lot of (Bs around there "ut +e need to et "ack there and especially to the ne+ under round "ase and kick so!e 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination and alien $WW shortly. - clearly sa+ one of the reptiles last year there% "y the +ay% after -Od re!o*ed the 99 to let so!e !ore of the! out. (hey !o*e BD$JJ? fast5 $fter +e shut the! under round so!e of the! +anted to a"andon the predatory lifestyle% so +e arran ed for the nice reptilians in 6lorida/Baha!as/Cu"a/?ucatan to take the! in. (here +ere only a fe+ incorri i"les left% so +e )ust left the! under round% cut off fro! their food source .ani!als and people/. - lo*e this stuff. - +asnOt at the point +here - +as ettin "ored% "ut - +as pinin for a little :D action. -Oll let you kno+ +hat transpires. 0cto"er :% &'': D!ida ?esterday% - took o*er fifty (o+er"usters and four holy hand renades% plus a "a of thirteen (B flu"s .so!e of the resin +as i!properly catalyzed/ to the stretch fro! 7otlatch% -daho .north of #osco+ #ountain/ throu h D!ida to finish +hat Carol and - started t+o years a o. 2ince - +rote the first part of this piece earlier this +eek Carol +ent to D!ida to lay a line of (Bs alon the road "y +hich the old alien ship had "een secreted. 2he put one do+n e*er !ile for a distance of 1: !iles fro! the -ndian Beser*ation% endin at D!ida. (he ship had !o*ed after the feds re!o*ed the holy hand renade that trapped it under round% so this +as desi ned to create an initial ener y "arrier. 2he *isited the ho!e at the end of that road in D!ida +ho are the unconscious conduits for so!e of the trou"le +eO*e "een ettin . -O! not oin to !ention specifics in this case "ut suffice to say that one of CarolOs fa!ily !e!"ers ha*e "een co!pro!ised "y this fa!ilyOs acti*ities. (he !other in this fa!ily is often seen in t+o places at once and is o*erheard speakin +ith her sons e*en +hen the sons are at +ork and in school. (he sons are heard to participate in this discussion% +hich is actually telepathic "ut heard physically "y "ystanders. Beptilians typically co!!unicate this +ay and !any people in
D!ida ha*e enou h reptilian D1$ that they donOt apparently think t+ice a"out doin this. $nother co!!on feature in D!ida is that they often enter a house +ithout openin the door. (his is the feature that allo+s reptilians to !o*e their ships throu h hyper-di!ensional portals +hich you and - +ould not see e*en sense standin on those spots. (he portals are difficult to create% +hich is +hy closin their nati*e hi*e portals takes the! out of action for so lon . (he 2ound of 2ilence (he *illa eOs co!!ercial center is a sin le caf`. Jinda Cin s"ury% CarolOs close local friend% fello+ reputa"le professional psychic and confidant and her son once stopped at that caf` a fe+ years a o and +ere astonished +hen the occupants "eca!e silent +hen they entered and re!ained silent until after theyOd closed the door "ehind the!. Before and after% they could hear a lot of *oices throu h the closed door. 2he and Carol% not lon after that% independently found the portal that the "i ship +as ettin in and out of its ca*ern throu h and a couple of years after that% Carol and - closed that portal. D*eryone in the area considers D!ida e8ceptionally +eird. (he eneral assu!ption is that this stran e "eha*ior is fro! in"reedin "ut in fact itOs "ecause of the inordinate nu!"er of near-pure"red reptilians a!on the population. $nyone +hoOs tra*eled a "it pro"a"ly has "een to a s!all to+n or *illa e +here in"reedin has handicapped a lot of people. ?ou !i ht see so!e si8-fin ered hands and tiny adult heads in that case "ut 10( any e*idence of +idespread hi h psychis! and psychokinesis% as is co!!only seen a!on the people in D!ida. (he stran est part% to !e% is that these folks consider all of that nor!al and o"*iously donOt e*en consider that the rest of the population is not like the!. CarolsO e8 in near"y 2t. #aries% -daho +ent to hi h school +ith the !other of that household and ne*er !entioned her to Carol% +ho !o*ed to 2t. #aries +hen she +as already an adult. (he hi h school in 2t. #aries is s!all enou h that e*ery student kno+s e*ery other one. (he kids fro! D!ida +ere pretty +ell ostracized "y the rest% so itOs not surprisin that their O iftsO +ould not "e appreciated instead of feared in the o*erall !adness that characterizes the social dyna!ics in !ost pu"lic education institutions in $!erica. Jaird 2tate 7ark Jast +eekend% +hen CarolOs dau hter encountered the lar e !ilitary con*oy enterin Jaird 2tate 7ark% )ust north of #osco+ #ountain% +e +erenOt a+are that this had anythin at all to do +ith the presence of that "i ship under D!ida and lately -O*e "een assu!in that they +ere settin up a ne+ "ase of operations to take Carol and out. - +asnOt "ein e ocentricV the re i!e ha*e "een !akin one plot after another to kill us since +e first !ade a cloud"uster al!ost three years a o% +hich is +hy - started pu"lishin !y reports in the first place. 1otoriety on the internet% e*en on a *ery s!all scale% is oneOs "est protection these days. Carol +ent to D!ida% +hich is t+ice as far fro! here as Jaird 27% on a sort of reconnaissance !ission three days a o% +ith an 99 for the reptilian !o! .she raciously accepted it/ and so!e ifts alon the road for the reptilian controllers. Jocal Beptilians (he !odus operandi of the local reptilians is !ainly to feed on the life force of the locals. (his is a radual% parasitic process so Carol +asnOt in any dan er. (hey re ularly a"duct others in order to i!plant de*ices that +ill ensure closer access to the personOs ener y. -tOs 20 i!portant not to hate any of these entities5 - canOt stress that enou h. -O! a little distressed at the One+ 8enopho"iaO centered on nati*e reptilians. 3eOre all like #arco 7olo no+ a!on the #andarins these days% folks. <ust like +ith 1''^ hu!ans itOs ad*isa"le to e8ercise a little discern!ent and realize that no sentient specie is intrinsically "ad and all are potentially capa"le% at least% of spiritual pro ress to+ard our co!!on #aker.
6or e8a!ple% +hen #uha!!ad appeared a!on the $ra"s it +as co!!on for people to slay an infant dau hter and thro+ the "ody into the foundation of a ne+ house as a O"lessin %O and !o"s could easily "e incited to co!!it !ayhe! throu h a little O!ediaO influence .cle*er% recited poetry/. 3ith a little uidance and e8e!plary "eha*ior of the 7rophet and 9is follo+ers these $ra"s *ery soon "eca!e the planetOs ci*ilizin force% restorin ancient kno+led e and personal freedo!/responsi"ility and su"seKuently e*en "rin in poor Durope out of its Dark $ e. 0ne of the reasons - stress the i!portance of personal faith .reli ious or other+ise/ is that itOs throu h faith that O2atanic stren thO is Otransfor!ed into 9ea*enly 7o+er.O (his is a scientific/spiritual process and in the e!er in paradi ! one !ay no lon er distin uish science fro! spirituality. Dr. Beich kne+ that "ut in his day it +as still i!possi"le to e8press this si!ple truth +ithout payin a hea*y penalty to (he 0ld Fillain. $s - !entioned% !ost of the cre+ of that ship turned out to "e friendly after +e dre+ so!e clear "oundaries +ith the!. B-D-2-7-D-C-( 1o"ody% hu!an or other+ise% is likely to O i*eO you respect "ecause !ost sentient "ein s% certainly includin hu!ans% donOt ha*e a conscience. 3e ha*e to de!and respect +hen disrespect has "een de!onstrated. 3e do that "y dra+in "oundaries. (his can take a rather proacti*e for!% +hich is +hy +eO*e had to de*elop the 7o+er+and and other de*ices. -f youOre a person +ho has a conscience youOre oin to ha*e to +ork s!art if you +ish to e8ercise itOs e8pression "ecause (he 0ld Fillain% +hoOs an interplanetary Oentity%O .thou htfor!/ "y the +ay% is !andated to destroy people of conscience +hene*er they e8press their con*ictions. (he trick% folks% is to en)oy the tussle. - "et no"ody e*er told you that. 3hen +e consider that all such stru les are for the "enefit of our spiritual ro+th% +e !ay stop seein the! as threatenin or repu nant. 9ereOs +here personal faith plays an inte ral role. $ny fool can "e O oodO as a her!it "ut the real challen e these days is to e8press oneOs oodness pu"licly and confidently. Back to yesterday: - asked Carol +here the four 99 s should o. - do+sed the nu!"er usin a pendulu! in one hand and a 2uccor 7unch in the other% as usual% so - had no dou"t that - +as takin the ri ht nu!"er. 2he said to put t+o "y Jaird 2tate 7ark% +hich is the a surface entry for the ne+ "ase under 9ar*ard 9ill% and one at the top of the pass o*er 9ar*ard 9ill% and one past D!ida% +hich is at the "otto! on the other side of 9ar*ard 9ill .itOs actually 6%'''O Bald #ountain% in the 2t. <oe 1ational 6orest/. 2he said to put the sticky (Bs in the "a in the 7alouse Bi*er ne8t to +here her dau hter sa+ that "unch of ca!o-clad feds et out of their +hite 2@F fed!o"ile last +eek. -tOs a couple of !iles do+nstrea! fro! Jaird 27. (he 6ederal Bureau of Brazil Boys - didnOt encounter any feds until near the end of the iftin !ission that day. 0n the +ay to and fro! Jaird fro! the hi h+ay .t+o !iles/ there +as only one house and in front of that% across the road% +as a "oss fed!o"ile +ith the characteristic array of little antennae stickin up fro! the roof of the ca" .theyOre Kuite thin and s!all% so you need to et pretty close to see the!/% "ut no"ody +as a"out in the *ehicle or outside the house. (he state park had "een closed for a +eek or so and a locked ate +as across the entrance. (he lar e Boy 2cout ca!p ne8t to it +as also a"andoned. 0n the +ay north fro! that side trip% - stopped at the reKuisite spot and tossed the sticky (Bs into the little ri*er and then the 99 % at the pass si8 !iles further uphill. 1o feds dro*e "y fro! either direction% so they o"*iously didnOt e*en kno+ - +as there yet. - continued layin (o+er"usters e*ery !ile alon the hi h+ay% past D!ida% and tossed a couple into a *ery polluted pond "eside the road "y the *illa e itself. 3eOll !onitor the status of that pond. 3e cleared a the si!ilarly polluted strea! that runs throu h our to+n +ith a fe+ (Bs last su!!er-it took t+o !onths in this case
to turn the +ater transparent. - took the first ri ht hand turn after that and dro*e alon a ra*el lo in .@2 6orest 2er*ice/ road% lea*in (Bs e*ery !ile% until - ot to a locked ate si8 !iles ahead% on a rid e o*erlookin D!ida fro! the south% and left the re!ainin 99 there. (he first fed accosted !e as - turned off the pa*ed hi h+ay and onto that road. Carol told !e that he instantly reco nized !e ri ht off and +as Kuite an ry. (hatOs +hy he shouted at !e% - uess. (here +as no other traffic on that road. Nenerally% you take your life in your o+n hands if you *enture onto a lo in road +hile thereOs any lo in oin on "ecause those lo -truck dri*ers dri*e like theyOre possessed and thereOs only one lane. -tOs !ore like a train track than a road on those days V-/ Carol had told !e that +hen she left her "ody to look at +hat sheOd done +ith that line of (Bs around D!ida a fe+ days "efore% she sa+ a hu e% predatory .to the "ad uys/ or one serpent risin up fro! that little path+ay% so - +as !akin a sort of or one #edusaOs head for the reptiles and the feds that day. -n the recedin paradi !% shiftin alliances allo+ed in*eterate ene!ies to te!porarily )oin to ether to destroy a co!!on ene!y. 3hat +eOre findin is that this is no lon er feasi"le or e*en necessary. Carol% after astrally *isitin the ne+ under round "ase% learned that theyOd "een plannin that one for a year and it +as desi ned to "e an outpost for !onitorin the old reptile OcolonyO in D!ida% not to snuff her and -% thou h the latter had lately "eco!e a secondary a enda for the!. #y purpose yesterday +as to disa"le "oth of those factionsO a"ility to do har! to hu!anity. $re you fa!iliar +ith 7hil 2chneiderOs story a"out the ti!e he uided a Delta 6orce contin ent to a si!ilar under round "aseR 9e +as the only hu!an sur*i*or of that assault and +as left there "y the fleein off+orlders to die. - ha*e the *ideo in +hich he poses +ith the hand +ith the !issin fin ers o*er the hu e scar in the center of his chest +here one of the reptiles shot hi! +ith an ener y +eapon. -snOt it nice that none of us ha*e to encounter the "ad uys Kuite like thatR 3e donOt ha*e a clue a"out +hy the feds took a+ay our 99 that +as holdin the ship and the re!ainin cre+ trapped% "ut of course itOs al+ays an e8ercise in !adness to try to et into the head of any predator% hu!an or other+ise% so -O! content to lea*e that riddle alone for no+. (he only pro"le! that caused for us +as so!e personal disruption% +hich is +hy Carol and - !ade those little trips this +eek. $fter - did that lo in road% - did one !ore +ith !y re!ainin si8 to+er"usters. (his one led directly out of the *illa e itself% to+ard Bald #ountain% +hich sports a hu e ne+ deathforce array% "y the +ay. 1o dou"t !y !inistrations yesterday ha*e neutralized all those to+ers. 3hy do you suppose it is that (he 0ld Fillain insists on !arkin !ost of its under round facilities for us +ith these o"tuse erectionsR V-/ 7riapus has nothin on (he 0ld Fillain. 1ot surprisin ly% the *ery last to+er"uster ot tossed at !ile si8% +hich +as !arked "y a locked ate across the road. Jet -n (he Clo+ns Bi ht after - ot "ack to the *illa e - +as tailed "y a fed!o"ile. (his !ust ha*e "een a ne+"ie "ecause he +as stupid enou h for !e to easily see hi!. $fter - pulled o*er to force hi! to pass !e% - used Doc *on 7etersO lo"al cloud"uster artillery "arra e on hi! throu h !y 2uccor 7unch% +hich - al+ays lea*e turned on +hen -O! on a !ission. 9e raced ahead% out of si ht around a turn% and then - sa+ his e!pty *ehicle parked "y the road )ust after that. 9e +as either lyin do+n in the +hite 2@F or +as in the "ushes% !akin a !ess V-/ 0n the +ay o*er the 9ar*ard 9ill pass - encountered si8 or se*en !ore fed!o"iles% each of +hich ot a friendly +a*e and a co!ple!entary artillery "last fro! !e. (he last fed% and the !ost persistent% tried to follo+ !e onto @2ML on the +ay south to #osco+ #ountainOs pass and then ho!e. - !ade hi! pass !e and then i!!ediately "lasted hi!% after +hich he pulled ri ht o*er to let !e o "y% then stupidly tried to follo+ !e a ain. $ !ile later% +hen - ot to the @2ML intersection% - indicated a ri ht turn. 9e put his left turn si nal on and +hen - turned left in front of hi!% he turned left after that and
i!!ediately parked "y the side of the road V-/ 9is face looked kind of funny% - thou ht. - uess he hadnOt heard a"out !y little hi h+ay pasti!e. (his is a lot !ore fun than countin Folks+a en Beetles on road trips% folks. ?ou should try it5 ?ouOll ha*e the opportunity if you o disa"le so!e deathforce to+ers. -O*e "een in rural areas on !y iftin !issions at ti!es and seen three fed!o"iles +ith !e in 6our 3ay 2top intersections. Beally5 Back then% - didnOt kno+ ho+ to "last the!. 1o+ that - can do that - rarely see the! near"y any !ore unless theyOre particularly frustrated and an ry. - for ot to !ention that - sa+ four reptiles yesterday: three in D!ida and one on the other side of the !ountain. sa+ the! as fast-!o*in uncharacteristic shado+s in the sunli ht. - kno+ they +ere !ad as hell% "ut "ecause had !y 9ar!onic 7rotector on - didnOt feel any of their ani!osity. (he !other in that household is often seen !o*in a"out that +ay. Carol and her son sa+ her do that +hen they +ere in her house a fe+ days a o. (hey canOt attack you if youOre not afraid of the!% at any rate. $ll predators are that +ay. fDon Croft
Episode 2 The :ni'ersa$ 8ature of This ProBe3t < 8e4 >pportunitiesG0nsights By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcP&ne+ iftin pro)ect&Soct':.sht!l 0ct. &S% &'': 3eOre findin that there are health "enefits +hich o alon +ith the Opre*enti*e !aintenanceO of hittin predators +ho insinuate the!sel*es into our field of *ision% "oth physical and psychic. $fter +e started "ustin up their ne+ entropy trans!itters a couple of years a o +e "e an ettin poisoned +hene*er +e left to+n and at ti!es e*en +hen +e +ere at ho!e. - think this is ho+ they radually eli!inate their ene!ies these days so that it doesnOt look like !urder. -f you look at the uncharacteristic o"esity and pallor of folks like 7hil 2chneider and 7reston 1ichols - think youOre seein the effects of the poisonin . 0f course% those uys didnOt kno+ a"out zappers. $ny zapper on the !arket +ill !ostly disa"le these poisons% apparently% +hich is +hy +e +ear the! constantly +hen +eOre on !issions. (he terrific li*er/kidney/i!!une tinctures +e ot fro! Doc *on 7eters take the cake for "lastin that stuff into o"li*ion% thou h. 3eOd "een searchin for years for so!e "oosters like this "ecause% "et+een early 1MMM and the !iddle of last year e*ery "reathin person in 1orth $!erica% Durope% $ustralia/1e+ Eealand and 2outh $!erica +as rie*ously poisoned "y !ycoplas!a fro! che!trailsV not once "ut al!ost daily. (his radually +recked the kidneys/li*ers/i!!une responses of !illions of peopleV hence the Ofi"ro!yal ia%O Ochronic fati ue%O and *arious other ne+ ende!ics of chronic illness. 3hen the nu!"er of cloud"usters apparently reached critical !ass in these re ions the che!trailsO "io+eapon co!ponents apparently stopped +orkin and !ost people spontaneously reco*ered a reasona"le le*el of health soon after+ard. (he ones +ho didnOt reco*er can no+ reco*er "y ettin any zapper on the !arket and "y usin these tinctures% or so!ethin eKui*alent% in order to et their kidneys% li*ers and i!!une responses "ack up to snuff a ain and therefore stop sufferin . (here are lots of clai!s for healin products out there% "ut in fact the "otto! line% for us% see!s to "e to kill the patho enic or anis!s +ith electricity +hile re-esta"lishin the healthy functions of the kidneys and li*er% !ainly% at least in relation to the !assi*e poisonin that +e all e8perienced fro! che!trailsO "iolo ical +eaponry for at least three years. (here are other causes of illness% of course. $pparently% Ophase t+oO of the "iolo ical +arfare co!ponent of the che!trail pro ra! +as to ha*e "een the enocide kicker "ecause +ithout "eatin do+n the i!!une responses of the !asses of people in these re ions% !ost +ould only et a !ild dose fro! these other+ise deadly diseases in phase t+o% +hich +ill no+ ne*er happen. 1otice that the !edia +hores arenOt talkin a"out anthra8% s!allpo8 or any other of their !asterOs "iolo ical +eapons any !ore. (heyOre not talkin a"out it "ecause theyO*e a"andoned that a enda. 1or did the en ineered Oepide!icO that started in (oronto ;2$B2= e*er spread as pro!ised. (here are lots and lots of encoura in si ns of failed -llu!inati a endas no+% and !ore co!in shortly. Doc *on 7eters [email protected]/% our intrepid cloud"uster associate in Chattanoo a% (ennessee% pro"a"ly has a "etter understandin of ho+ the secret policeOs poisons +ork on ifters% "ut +hy not )ust !ake the! lea*e you alone insteadR 3e found out that as soon as +e started hurtin the feds +ho ca!e into our pur*ie+ .(he 0perators see! to +ant us all to notice these sneaky "astards/ +e started ettin healthier and had !ore *ital ener y. (hey canOt poison us if they canOt et close% after all. 3eOd "een in)ected .in cro+ds/ and sprayed% e*en on the hi h+ay% !ore ti!es that +e could count. 3e donOt e*en o into a theater% shop% restaurant or ter!inal any !ore +ithout first lookin for the fed stalkers and hurtin the!. $ stitch in ti!e sa*es nine and itOs kind of fun% like hide-and-seek. $ nice feature of ha*in an or onite de*ice on the "ody all the ti!e is that the psychics canOt access you easily and they then ha*e to et you into their physical si ht first in order to et into your head. -t ets pretty easy to !ake a predatory psychic in a cro+d. -tOs kind of like s!ellin farts% "ut a little su"tler. 2te*e and Celine in #ontreal are really ood at this% as are !any others in this infor!al net+ork. <esse% in California% can !ake the! t+ice as +ell as - can and - do so !ore than adeKuately.
#essiah!e+s !ay +ish to co!!ent on her recent pro ress to+ard *ital health at so!e point% as this also relates to applyin a fir! hand to the secret police psychic interlopers. 7art of the safety that Carol and - en)oy is *ery likely due to the reputation +eOre apparently earnin a!on the unla+ful federal police and espiona e a encies. - call the! all 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination% "ut in fact theyOre all still separate a encies% ha*in co!pletely failed to learn to lo*e each other as they +ere all ordered to do "y the -llu!inati. (he C-$ and 6B-% after all% ha*e traditionally en a ed in "loody po ro!s a ainst each other since 33--% ha*in deri*ed fro! t+o different factions +ithin this unla+ful @2 No*Ot. - think the @2 (reasury Depart!ent is the only federal a ency thatOs la+fully allo+ed to ha*e police% "ut of course +e no lon er ha*e a functionin @2 (reasury Depart!ent. 3anted: D8ecuti*e Director .fa"ulous retire!ent plan included/ 0ur intel sho+s that the latest deadline for !er in all of these horri"le or anizations into the $rch-9orror% the fascist% +ould-"e "loody 9o!eland 2ecurity $d!inistration% is ne8t #arch. (his +as supposed to ha*e "een acco!plished o*er a year a o "ut Carol and -% and apparently others% keep erasin the appointed "osses of 92$. 3e did another one last ni ht. (his is +hy you keep hearin ne+ na!es for that position% folks. (heyOre al+ays hu!an% "y the +ay. Bu!sfeld% the 33-- 1azi NeneralOs clone in the 3hite 9ouse% +ho at one point +as spoken of as the One+ "ossO of 92$% +as% in fact% not the "oss and heOs a fi urehead/puppet on a short leash and not entirely hu!an% apparently. 2ee ho+ Kuickly they shift the pieces on their "oard +hen no"odyOs lookin R (he !edia +hores are enerally lyin !ore than e*er "efore and they donOt e*en "other to transition fro! one lie to the follo+in % contradictin one any !ore. $! - the only person +ho sees thisR 3hat can one say a"out so!e"ody like that% +ho pro"a"ly also cheats at chessR V/ 6or all the talk a"out the Oreptilian !enaceO the o"*ious is rarely stated% +hich is that no reptoid can see! to !aster hu!an "eha*ior and they certainly canOt understand the hu!an psyche. 9o+ is it possi"le for anyone like that to so thorou hly "rain+ash so !any unpredicta"le hu!ansR (his pro"a"ly e8plains +hy Carol and - al+ays find reptiles like Bush% Uueen Dliza"eth and -di $!in in su"sidiary positions in the predatory +orld order. (heyOre !ore like uard do s +hich et to eat the *icti!s of their !asters as a re+ard for their o"edience. (he Draconians are a lot s!arter and see! to kno+ us% "ut of course they canOt participate in the slau hter directly until/unless the +orld re i!e !ana es to desertify the planet. (he entropy !atri8 needs to "e a lot stron er in order for the Draconians and other predatory species to e*en e8ist here in :D and they see! to kno+ that theyO*e already lost their "id. $s +e can all see% the trend to+ard desertification has "een re*ersed and as !ore and !ore people !ake and "uy cloud"usters% this healin trend +ill increase. (he !eek are inheritin the earth% finally% and itOs not e*en "ein done in an Oor anizedO +ay at all% +hich is the s+eetest feature of this rassroots effort. $ny "it of or anization can "e influenced% still% "y the +orld re i!e. 9ereOs so!ethin to think a"out: after the i!!inent fall of this re i!e% the internet +ill no lon er "e o*errun +ith disinfor!ation a ents and a ent pro*ocateurs. $ll of the! are on the payroll and there are thousands of the!-!ostly paranoid potheads +ho feed on dou"t and an er fro! others. (he reason - donOt et e8ercised "y the anathe!a and slander that ets ai!ed at Carol and - fro! other foru!s .+e donOt allo+ that on D66/ is that itOs all free ad*ertisin . O(he !eekO are characterized "y refined personal discern!ent. (ruly hu!"le% responsi"le people feel instincti*ely repulsed "y a ent pro*ocateurs and these are the "alanced folks +e +ant to associate +ith% not the still-sleepin % politically correct 7< !inions +ho actually "elie*e that this incessant slanderous flatulence is Oopinion.O $s - said% +atch these deluded% unhappy fools run for the hills or turn into decent% so"er hu!an "ein s as soon as they no lon er et their dru !oney fro! the -nternational #onetary 6und. 1e+ ?ork% Jos $n eles% I a Ner!an Nrayshirt +ith Bidin Boots 3hile +e +ere "ustin up predators last ni ht% Carol took a peek at possi"le upco!in federal terrorist
ca!pai ns in 1o*e!"er and sa+ one "ein hatched in 1e+ ?ork City a ain. 2he said they +ere plannin % yet a ain% to hit Jos $n eles% "ut that thereOs no lon er enou h of a entropy !atri8 left in J$ to pull it off% thanks to C"s+ork and associates. 3ithout all that dead or one entropy to slo+ peopleOs !inds do+n and instill paranoia Othe !assesO si!ply canOt "e !anipulated into acceptin !artial la+. (he re i!e kno+s that if they can esta"lish !artial la+ *ery +ell in one "i city they can Kuickly spread it to throu hout the planet. (hey also kno+% thou h% that this is no lon er likely to happen no+ that our net+ork has disa"led !any% !any thousands of their entropy trans!itters around the +orld. (hey )ust donOt ha*e enou h thu s or trick% non-nuclear !ass-destruction +eaponry to en a e in a lo"al uerrilla +ar. (hey need to keep the at!osphere reasona"ly healthy in order to e*en li*e under round so they +onOt nuke us all. -O! sure youO*e noticed that all their under round facilities depend on surface infrastructure. (he entropy zone that en*elops 1?C is still lar ely untouched% thou h. Carol sa+ that the latest histrionics around Bush Ji!"au h are essential co!ponents to a planned !ass !urder e*ent there in a fe+ +eeks "ut +e canOt fi ure out ho+% unless it relates so!eho+ to BushOs fascist i!a e. - sent a "last to and throu h Bush and Carol sa+ it o to a draconian% an 22 eneral and a ray-unifor!ed @1 +ould-"e !ilitary "i +i +ith ridin pants and "oots% +hich sheOd ne*er seen "efore. 2he told !e that these t+o uys +ere Ner!ans at the top end of the -llu!inati dun heap% so that tells !e that the +orld re i!e is no+ desperate to initiate !artial la+/ enocide% +hich ri ht no+ +ould only !ean a lon uerrilla +ar +hich theyOd e*entually lose. $l+ays% "efore% +hen they +anted to "lo+ up a lot of innocent people% like in 0klaho!a City% 3aco% Cu+ait% 7ana!a and 1e+ ?ork they left these plans to their chu!p @2 !ilitary and secret police lackeys. 3e stopped the nancy-"oy 22 NeneralOs heart +ith only a couple of "lasts and the @1 uy +ent do+n a little easier% "ut - tried so!ethin ne+ on the Draconian: 2Kuid/2pider 7arasites 3hen +e first ot "usy last ni ht +e needed to et those sKuid/spider parasites to lea*e the "ody of a teena er +ho! +e kno+ +hose life +as "ein ruined "y the!. (his is the first ti!e - ot a clear psychic i!a e of these creatures. 2ince they had no ani!us to+ard !e .they really see! to hate Carol "ecause of +hat she did to the! in -reland/ - in*ited the! into !y o+n "ody and all three of the! left the teen and entered throu h !y "reath. donOt think anyoneOs e*er in*ited the! in "efore V-/. - sent one each to a couple of the hu!an predators last ni ht--- donOt re!e!"er +hich ones--and the last one to the Draconian. (hese sKuid creatures see! to ha*e their o+n a enda apart fro! the predators in the +orld order. Carol says they relate to an al!ost arthritic condition in so!e of the earthOs tectonic platesO )unctures and +ere around lon "efore hu!ans and reptilians +ere. Jately theyO*e "een interferin +ith a fe+ people +ho are healin the earth rid% +hich is pro"a"ly +hy +eOre e*en a+are of the!. Dner ized 3ater 3hat +eOre seein no+ is that Jaozu CellyOs disco*ery of the use of ener ized +ater in or onite !ay "e the key to dislod in these ancient parasites and "lastin the entire earth rid into total *itality and fluidity in the process. 3hat +eOre all seein is that only a certain nu!"er of rid points !ay need to "e ifted +ith these special de*ices in order to release the entire rid fro! the parasites. - think the hu!an parasites% includin the -llu!inati% are the !ain pro"le!% still. @ntil a fe+ !onths a o% -Od ne*er e*en heard of this sKuid/spider species "ut se*eral psychics around the +orld spontaneously reported interactin +ith the! since $u ust% +hen Carol first an ered the! in -reland. Celly had told us that heOd "oosted 2teptoe ButteOs *orte8 to !a8i!u! *itality +ith one of his treated to+er"usters% "ut Carol +as one then and - donOt sense ener y +ell enou h to see that confir!ation. Celly is ener y sensiti*e and +eO*e found hi! to ha*e inte rity +hen it co!es to doin this +ork% so - didnOt dou"t his clai!. $ +eek later% he put si!ilar de*ices on near"y #osco+ #ountain in t+o *ortices and the ne8t day a hu e% ano!alous thunderstor! for!ed ri ht o*er those t+o spots and +as one t+o hours later. -t +as surrounded "y "lue sky and o"*iously for!ed fro! the center out+ard. (here +as !y *isual confir!ation for CellyOs clai! V-/
$ couple of days a o +e dro*e past 2teptoe Butte on the +ay to see !y kids in 2eattle and Carol said that +hat Celly +as seein there is entirely accurate. (he ener y fro! the *orte8 +ent out so far that she couldnOt see the end of the field. 3eOd "usted the !assi*e array and also the near"y nuke that po+ered it and the *orte8 reached a pretty ood state of health after that "ut +hat Celly did +as e8ponentially !ore po+erful. -t re!ains to "e seen +hether a +ater/or onite de*ice% alone% +ill achie*e those effects "ecause% so far% all of the *ortices that Celly did this for +ere ones that +ere pre*iously ifted "y ordinary or onite. (his includes #t. Bainier% #t 2hasta and 2edona% "y the +ay. Celly puts his !oney +here his !outh isV in fact he does a +hole lot !ore than he says% unlike !e V-/ 3hen Celly and - +ere iftin the local satanistsO last re!ainin !urder ritual site on (o!er Butte last +eek +e could see 2teptoe Butte on the +ay to and fro! the *orte8 and Celly had a hard ti!e lookin in that direction "ecause it +as so O"ri ht.O 9eOd seen the ne+ dead or one field on (o!er Butte a fe+ days "efore that and +e ot so!e help ettin onto the pri*ate property there to do the deed. (hey had cleared so!e forest near the top of the "utte% on the far side fro! to+n so that no"ody +ould see the "onfire% and thereOs a hu e "urn pile in the center of the clearin +hich Carol says contains the "ones of se*eral *icti!s. Celly% +ho re+ up on a dairy far!% noted that clearin s are ne*er !ade for razin unless at least one end is open "ecause other+ise the co+s +ould +ander off into the +oods. $lso% there +as no fence around the clearin as there +ere around the pastures% lo+er on the "utte% that +e crossed in order to et to the pine-forested *orte8 near the top. Celly and - had recently dri*en up to the Ner!an -llu!inati !ansion not far fro! (o!er Butte to see +hat +as happenin there and theyOd all left. (he only *ehicles +e sa+ in the fancy dri*e +ere a far! tractor and a )alopy. - uarantee that the 2atanists in your to+n are killin innocents and other+ise helpin the +orld re i!e +ith their plans to kill us all off. ?ou really ou ht to o stop their fun% as +e did here. (he !ar*elous part of this% for !e% is that anyone can produce these +ater/or onite de*ices. 9e had e8peri!ented +ith a *ariety of ener ized +aters and found out that si!ply passin a teaspoon or so of distilled +ater throu h a crude% copper coiled tu"e% then !i8in it +ith the +ater-"ased resin produces results that are )ust as dyna!ic as +hen he used so!e *ery proprietary +ater for +hich so!e incessant% unfounded clai!s had "een !ade in another *enue. -n the short ter!% - +ant to et this proposition out so that +e can do so!e lo"al e8peri!entin . -O! takin a fe+ of his treated 99 s to $frica shortly for the !a)or rid points that +eOll "e a"le to access in @ anda% B+anda% Cenya and Jake Fictoria. 3eOd "een Kuietly e8peri!entin +ith the use of ener ized +ater for se*eral !onths and CellyOs the one +ho !ade the "reakthrou h. - ne*er !entioned this% "ut +hen - first !et Celly "ack in $pril he offered to do so!e healin +ork on !y lo+er a"do!en. - de!urred a "it until - ot to kno+ hi! a little "etter "ecause his co!pletely unaffected "eha*ior puzzled !e at first. CellyOs redefined spontaneity for !e. (he fact that he li*es ten !iles a+ay clearly indicates the fine hand of the 0perators to Carol and -. - a reed to the healin and sat in a chair in the !iddle of !y li*in roo! +hile he danced around is a sort of tai chi fashion% spoke and san in a lan ua e -Od ne*er heard "efore and esticulated to+ard !y lo+er a"do!en off and on. -t felt pretty ood and this certainly kept !y attention "ut - didnOt ha*e a clue +hat he +as doin . Carol +asnOt around that day. Celly told !e he didnOt fully understand +hat +as oin on% either% "ut he +as o"*iously con*ersin +ith other entities durin the session. 6ro! that day% thou h% !y colon has "een operatin as Nod intended and that hadnOt happened since early childhood. (he $ndro!edan Connection Celly and - took so!e of Jinda Cin s"uryOs classes and this +as his introduction to a lot of the !etaphysical
"asics for understandin and +orkin +ith the "odyOs o+n su"tle ener y fields. Before he !et us% his only "rush +ith +estern !etaphysics +as a "rief stint in free!asonry se*eral years "efore. - think he +as astonished to find that there is so!ethin % after all% to all that !u!"o )u!"o in the Jod e V-/ -n one of the classes% Jinda +as discussin ho+ channelin only occurs throu h the throat charka% +hich is +hy thereOs no discern!ent or participation for the channeler% and Celly said% O3hat do you think of thisRO and "e an rapidly speakin the lan ua e -Od heard hi! speak durin !y healin session. Jinda told hi! that% +hen he did that% olden ener y +as pourin strai ht do+n into the top of his head and co!in out throu h his throat. 2he felt that he +as e8pressin a hi her aspect of his o+n soul. Bi ht then% - said% OCelly-do this +hen CarolOs aroundV - +ant her to translate5O and he did that a fe+ days later at our dinin roo! ta"le. Carol said his hi her aspect is $ndro!edan and that he +as then i*in hi!self instructions for "uildin a de*ice that +ill help hi! !ore fully inte rate his heart and !ind. $ +eek later% Carol had left for -reland and Celly and - dro*e to 2pokane to start ettin the special !aterials for the de*ice. -Oll lea*e it to hi! to e8pound on that. Jaozu .O randfatherO/ Celly had told us that so!e Chinese students had "efriended hi! +hen he +as a youn !athe!atics instructor at the @ni*ersity of 3ashin ton in the 1MP's and that heOs !ade se*eral trips to China +ith the! since then in relation to their o+n enKuiry into ener y +ork. - !et one of these friends +hen he ca!e to *isit Celly and of course this !an has a cloud"uster no+ fro! CellyOs hand. (hey like to ha*e hi! alon on their trips to $sia "ecause he can sense the ener y so +ell and at one point% in (ai+an% he had the opportunity to spend se*eral !onths +ith a !aster healer. (hatOs +hen he disco*ered that the lan ua e heOd al+ays spontaneously spoken +as also spoken "y so!e of the adepts connected to that institution in (ai+an. 0ne +o!an +ho had "een a popular !o*ie actress% "ut had i*en that up to de*ote her life to healin and ser*ice en a ed Celly in a lon discussion in this lan ua e. 2he spoke it consciously. - keep co!in "ack to the uni*ersal nature of this pro)ect +eOre all en a ed in. -O! oin to $frica a ain shortly "ecause - feel stron ly that the nature of the ener y +eOre all +orkin +ith +ill find a fuller e8pression there and Carol and - no lon er ha*e any dou"t that the $ndro!edan race has i*en us or onite and inspired the de*elop!ent of the related technolo y until no+ and they see! to resonate particularly +ith $sians% thou h the initial i!petus for disse!inatin this infor!ation is o"*iously in the pur*ie+ of the +hite race. 6or three years% Carol and - ha*e "een tryin to et to ?ucatan "ecause on the first day of our O!issionO the day "efore the fall eKuino8% &'''% +e ot clear instructions to *isit the coast of ?ucatan +ithin a short distance of +here -Od one a round and disa"led !y sail"oat ri ht after the hurricane there in 0cto"er% 1MM6. (hereOs no +ay to et there +ithout ha*in a "oat% as itOs !any !iles fro! the nearest road. (he first thin - did after that initiation in &''' +as to et !y ocean "oat up to snuff in (e8as and 6lorida so - could et to ?ucatan a ain "ut it clearly +asnOt supposed to happen then% as - had another nautical !isfortune +hile atte!ptin to heal the +ounded *orte8 east of Bi!ini% in the Baha!as. 3e !ade the first or onite cloud"uster ri ht after !y failed atte!pt to et there "y sea. -O! only no+ startin to see +hy - thatOs the last piece of the puzzle rather than the first one. (he red raceOs role in this unfoldin lo"al pro)ectR Did you think that all - cared a"out +as stoppin !urderous predatorsO heartsR V-/ Niftin #ission 1o+ that +eOre discussin the Baha!as a ain - +ant to announce that Cenny Budzinsky% +ho )ust ot a )o" on a cruise ship that plies the +aters of the Ber!uda (rian le "et+een the Baha!as and Ber!uda% +ants *ery !uch to ift the entire area% includin the accessi"le *ortices% and heOs i*en !e per!ission to announce his intentions and also his ina"ility% under the circu!stances% to !ake the de*ices in a ti!ely +ay. (his is !y for!al call for donations of to+er"usters and holy hand renades% +hich Cenny +ill dutifully place in desi nated spots on land
and at sea alon the route throu h the +ounded ener y trian le. 2ee ho+ the 0perators +ork +hen they +ant a certain )o" to et done e8peditiouslyR 0ur only responsi"ility is to respond to our instincts% as Cenny did +hen he offered to do this and as - hope you +ill +hen you send hi! the de*ices. Contact !e at ter!inator:@tur"! if you +ant to contri"ute !aterially to this pro)ect and -Oll connect you +ith Cenny% okayR (he or onite *endors +ill et full% appreciati*e pu"lic credit for their donations% of course% fro! Carol and -. (his is a really "i earth-healin opportunity% "ecause the -llu!inati see! to ha*e a lot in*ested in keepin this area !essed up. 0ne of their top fake urus led a roup of ne+ a e chu!ps to that Bi!ini *orte8 shortly "efore - +ent there and +hile their announced intention +as to heal it the result +as o"*iously that the chaotic% destructi*e ener y there +as a lot +orse than "efore they had done their crystal !inistrations at the "ehest of this fake holy !an. 2ince ne+ a ers and other "rain+ashed !asses canOt discern their +ay out of a +et paper "a % enerally% they pro"a"ly sincerely "elie*ed that they +ere helpin V-/ fDon Croft
Episode 3+ The Sour3e of the 8i$e and Budhaga$i 6a$$s ;DditorOs 1ote: Dpisodes P:$-C +ere +ritten "y Dr. 7aul Batii"+e +ho acco!panied Don Croft I Neor Bitschl on their ad*entures in @ anda. $ccordin to Don% this is Dr. Batii"+eOs -nternet postin de"ut and considerin the cali"er of these narrati*es% - think he should "eco!e our re ular contri"utor I correspondent fro! @ anda. 3hatOs your opinionR...Cen $dachi=
Dpisode P:B: 0ur <ourney to the Dast on &Sth 1o*e!"er &'': Dpisode P:C: Cizira at Budha ali By 7aul Batii"+e% #D <ep"atii"+e@hot!!> /dc/adcP:$sourceof1ile1Mno*':.sht!l 1o*. 1M% &'': 1M 1o*e!"er &'': (he day after their arri*al in @ anda on 16 1o*e!"er% Don and Neor had s+un into action. Dach felt they should *isit the source of the 1ile $2$7% so - )oined the! in near"y <in)a in co!pany of Dr. Bashid Cayi+a and +e rode to the spot at the ed e of 1aka"ule .Jake Fictoria/. (he +ide% s+ift ri*er a"ruptly fell L''! fro! the lake to "e in its 4M''k! )ourney to the #editerranean 2ea. (he falls +ere !ostly su"!er ed +hen 0+en 6alls Da! +as constructed a fe+ decades a o. @nlike other !a)or ri*ers% the 1ile is *ery +ide and fast-!o*in at its source. #y father re!e!"ers hearin the ru!"lin sound of the !i hty falls in <in)a% 6k! a+ay% !ore so at ni ht. $ rain"o+ had spanned this entire area for !ost of the day. 1ot far do+nstrea! a "rid e and% later% the da! +ere "uilt. 3hen the "rid e +as constructed in the 1ML's a lar e herd of hippos +ere destroyed "efore the pro)ect +as co!pleted. -tOs said that a lot of hu!an sacrifices had traditionally taken place there as +ell. Don and Neor had thro+n a fe+ Dtheric 7ipe Bo!"s fro! the "rid e% +hich is )ust upstrea! fro! the da!. 0+en 6alls Da! is responsi"le for su"!er in a *ery lar e sprin near the pre*ious +aterfall at the ed e of the lake. (he da!% +hich is )ust north of the "rid e% is responsi"le for the near-total su"!er ence of the falls. (he actual startin point of the ri*er is a little de"ata"le. Fery close to an island in the !iddle of the strea! is a lar e% no+-su"!er ed sprin % hence the de"ate. Burundi% +hich lies alon the lakeOs southeast shore% is also said to "e the location of the true source of the 1ile "efore it e!pties into this inland sea. 3e hired a lar e% !otor dri*en canoe to take us all throu h the fast current to the s!all island% +hich lies at the lake-ed e source of the 1ile. Neor ifted this site +ith a Ostielhand ranate%O +hich is an etheric pipe "o!" stuck into a to+er"uster. -!!ediately% +e all felt chan es ran in fro! a sli ht une8plained dizzy spell% in !y case% to a full sur e of ener y in Don. T(his is a *ery po+erful spot% *ery po+erful5T Don declared. Cayi+a and - tossed etheric pipe "o!"s do+nstrea! as +e +ent "ack o*er the s+irlin +ater. Close to +here +e landed is a co!!e!orati*e "ust of #ohandes Nandhi. 2o!e of his ashes had "een cast into the 1ile at this spot in 1M4S. Don felt that the -llu!inati and *oodoo societies +ere there"y e8ploitin this ood !anOs le acy and personal ener y% so he do+sed for an appropriate response% then thre+ one of Jaozu CellyOs uniKuely po+erful% ener ized+ater 99 s into the ri*er not far a+ay. 3e then proceeded 6k! do+nstrea! to Budha ali 6alls. Budha ali has al+ays "een a pri!ary ritual site in @ andaOs !a ical traditions and !y +ife% 9ilda% and - had also cele"rated the first "irthdays of our t+o children here. 0ne of natureOs !ost useful !oulds can "e found here% incidentally. (he 1ile cal!ly spreads Kuite +ide "efore acceleratin to a *iolent speed o*er the "eautiful falls.
(he o*ern!ent of @ anda is no+ "ent on su"!er in these falls in the na!e of de*elop!ent% "y constructin a da!. Da!n5 (he last ti!e - +as here +ith !y fa!ily - had co!e to take as !any startlin still photos as possi"le in case the da! is to "e constructed and - ha*e to say ood"ye to this !other of all creations. Don insisted that - choose the locations to ift and +e +alked first to+ards the upper part of the falls. - had Don toss one of his etheric pipe "o!"s in and +ithin fi*e !inutes% thousands of "ats fle+ up fro! the near"y "ushes. 9e inti!ated that perhaps the spirits of sacrificed people had "een released "y the upsur e of life-force fro! the ift and that the "ats +ere an out+ard sy!"ol and a confir!ation of our success and of course +e% the less Osuperstitious%O "ou ht that half - half $t these falls are youn !en +ho earn a li*in "y s+i!!in into the rapids. $nother !an% a cripple% dances +hile ascendin a *ertical% freestandin +ooden pole a"out 6!etres hi h. - !ust say +atchin the! can "e "reath takin . Cintu% one of the s+i!!ers% offered us a sho+ for a fe+ dollars. $s +e +ere una"le to thro+ an etheric pipe "o!" sufficiently far into the strea!% +e hired hi! to carry it to the !iddle of the lo+er falls and release it at a certain spot. (he !o!ent he di*ed into the upper falls% Don told !e that he has sensed earth spirits near the place -Od chosen to ha*e the D7B released. By no+% Cintu +as in the lo+er falls% raised his ar!s and thre+ the healin de*ice into the +ater% so!ersaulted and "e an s+i!!in to the rocky ri*er"ank. Jo and "ehold% the sa!e "ats% +hich had returned to their sleepin places% a ain fle+ out o*er the falls en !asse. (his +as no lon er a coincidence or superstition. $ psychic ou ht to tell us +hat happened% "ecause - ha*e noted Don is still Kuite unsure% !ost ti!es% a"out his o+n a"ilities. $nother confir!ation occurred. 6or the first ti!e - appreciated the chan es in the skies that can happen after so!e si nificant iftin . . $ hu e cu!ulus cloud for!ed and% atop the "illo+in !ass% +hite% horizontal fu!es +ere "ein released "y +hat Don said is a typical Je!urian space ship. 0ther uniKue cloud for!ations +ere seen% too. 2o!e al!ost for!ed Dr. BeichOs or one sy!"ol. 7aul Batii"+e
Episode 3B >ur Hourne- to the East on 2!th 8o'ember 2&&3 By 7aul Batii"+e% #D <ep"atii"+e@hot!!> /dc/adcP:B)ourneytotheDast&Sno*':.sht!l 1o*. &S% &'': 0n todayOs trip to the (ororo District% near CenyaOs frontier +ith 2outheast @ anda% +e escorted our friend% 2a! 0kurut% +ho helped Neor to reconnect +ith Credo #utt+a in 2outh $frica a !onth pre*iously% to *isit his fatherOs *illa e. 3e tra*eled "y road fro! Ca!pala in our 2ecret 2upporterOs offroad *ehicle. $lon the +ay% as usual% +e dropped (Bs +hene*er one of us felt like it and +e freKuently detoured to disa"le the !ore re!ote trans!itters. Cakira 2u ar 7lantation and Befinery% for instance% +hich lies half+ay "et+een Ca!pala and (ororo% felt real "ad% so +e tossed se*eral to+er "usters alon the +ay% after turnin north fro! the tar!ac hi h+ay to+ard a lar e trans!itter. $s +e ot closer% +e sa+ that there +ere se*eral other to+ers that +e hadnOt seen and they +ere all in the !iddle of a lar e% depressin settle!ent that is connected to the "i refinery. (he s!all "and of or onite +arriors% includin Dr. Cayi+a% Neor % Don and 2a!% had spent the ni ht in a hotel in - an a% )ust east of <in)a .the lar e to+n that lies near the head+aters of the 1ile Bi*er/ and - )oined the! for the east+ard trek the follo+in !ornin . 2eein that a *ery fe+ of the !ore re!ote trans!itters +ere located on !ountaintops +hich +ere surely inaccessi"le to e*en our intrepid Jand Cruiser% +e discussed the *ia"ility of usin lar e% re!ote controlled !odel aircraft in the near future to reach such tar ets% +hich Don had already "e un tentati*ely e8peri!entin +ith at ho!e in the @2$. - offered to chauffer the little sKuad% thou h -O! not a fan of Okick and pushO and prefer the co!fort and con*enience of auto!atic trans!issions. 3e ifted a stretch of hi h+ay in the *icinity of 1akala!a% a"out Lk! east of - an a +hich had "een notorious for !otor accidents. Don noted that the e8ceedin ly stron % tall "ar"ed +ire fencin on "oth sides of the road alon that stretch +as re!iniscent of so!e under round "ases in $!erica and is uncharacteristic of any fencin that heOd seen in @ anda and there +ere so!e suspicious-lookin ponds inside the fenced% apparently deserted areas. (he locals donOt kno+ +hat takes place here. 2o!e *illa ers say that this property "elon s to an internationally +ell-connected tycoon and +as !eant to "e a horticultural pro)ect% +hilst so!e others "elie*e it to "e a fish far!. 6or us% it )ust felt "ad% so +e ifted so!e of the ponds +ith etheric pipe "o!"s. (hereOs so!ethin *ery satisfyin a"out hearin that special splash5 6ro! a distance% southeast of 1akala!a% +e sa+ so!e hilltop to+ers +orth neutralizin . 3e !ade a ri ht turn "ut couldnOt see an o"*ious route. $fter a re!inder that the truck +as desi ned for cross-country +e !ade our +ay a little thru the "ush till +e reached a raded ra*el road. By passin heaps of du up !urra! "locka es +e reached the furthest to+er first. (o our surprise there +as a !uch shorter% !ean lookin to+er +ith enor!ous dru!s% entirely painted sky-"lue. 3e hadnOt seen this until +e ot Kuite close to the !ore o"*ious% tall red and +hite trans!itter. (his is one of the lesser kno+n% "ut ra*ely heinous N3D1 (03DB25 2ee CenOs +e"site ;+++.educate-yourself.or = for a fuller description. - +as so outra ed that if -Od had a spud un - +ould ha*e Oinad*ertentlyO shot a to+er "uster ri ht into one of these hu e dru!s5 (his !onster% alon +ith t+o Ocell phoneO to+ers .see CenOs site/ +ere al!ost sharin the co!pound +ith Bu iri District $d!inistration offices and a +orkshop/residence for handicapped people5 (hese N3D1 sites are +orth o"ser*in for any radiation related illnesses a!on st these officers and +orkers. $ll +e could do +as to enerously ift the en*iron!ent here in the interest of healin "oth the locals and the en*iron!ent. 0ne of the (Bs rolled ri ht in front of the $d!inistrati*e 0ffice. 9opefully so!e one has picked it +ho at "est +ould )ust thro+ it into the "ush or keep it in a near "y house. 3e often hand these to curious children and ask the! to keep the! in their ho!es.
3e happily continued to +end our +ay to the east. (he strea!s runnin "elo+ the hi h+ay recei*ed ifts irrespecti*e of half naked "athers and onlookers% and so did the !any to+ers. Jike in any +ar% so!e a!!unition didnOt hit the tar et% "ut thereOs no such thin as +asted a!!o in this ca!pai n. Ci"i!"a Bice 7lantation% a little further east% is a "eautiful% pri*ate% co!!ercial sche!e and +as the recipient of se*eral etheric pipe "o!"s. $ll alon our route% uniKue clouds +ith lon % fin er-like pro)ections +ere seen for!in in our path and the 9$$B7 +hiteout +hich had pre*iously co*ered the sky ahead of us% receded farther east as +e !o*ed and "usted !ore and !ore trans!itters. Don said that he had not seen this pheno!enon until *ery recently durin other lon -ran e to+er "ustin e8positions in his o+n country. $n enor!ous% solitary rock "eca!e *isi"le as +e finally approached (ororo to+n. 0n top +as an array of *arious types of to+ers. - +as told that a helicopter +as used to ferry the construction !aterials to the top. Neor ;oran e shirt V-/= placed an 99N near a hed e at a point as near as +e could et to the trans!itters on our circuit around the s!all !ountain. $s there +ere so!e onlookers% +e posed for a roup photo in order to conceal our intentions there. 3e dro*e alon further around the rock and sa+ a *ery lar e ca*e. Don said that such a ca*e in a eolo ical feature like this is surely a po+erful *orte8 and !ust ha*e "een an i!portant ritual site since ti!e i!!e!orial. -ndeed +e found inscriptions% apparently Kuite ancient. Jike any ood *isitors +e left a O iftO or t+o to honor the place. DonOs iftin spot% at the "ack of the ca*e% +as full of distur"ed "ats% so he considered it safe to lea*e so!ethin there. - no+ a ree +ith Don that Neor is Kuite ener y sensiti*e% so!ethin +hich Neor does not ad!it easily. $fter iftin this hu e *orte8% Neor e8perienced pleasant sensations in his feet and le s to the e8tent that he reKuested to delay our departure so he could relish it lon er. 2uch sensation are si!ilar to +hat people feel +hen a"out to astral tra*el. Neor has !ade and tossed or onite-"ased de*ices at +ell o*er one thousand to+ers in 2outhern $frica. 9e is a ood friend of Credo #ut+a% the reno+ned Eulu sha!an and historian. 6or all the ood he has done% Neor has co!e under repeated attack "y -llu!inati psychic predators in concert +ith $frican *oodoo practitioners. (hanks% Carol% OC"s+ork%O and Don for seein this earlier in the year and actin on it "efore Neor e8pired5 -!!ediately after +e ifted the ca*e% lar e cu!ulus clouds and s+irlin % spiral clouds "e an for!in o*er the !ountain% +hich stron ly su ested that our ifts +ere +ell recei*ed. 3e headed alon a rou h track to 2a!Os fatherOs *illa e% 1Lk! further east% near the Cenya frontier. (he traditional settin s of these scattered a ricultural settle!ents is so!ethin not to "e !issed. Nroups of "eautiful% i!!aculately rounded% +ell roo!ed !ud +attle huts% "uilt and !aintained "y the locals% are unfortunately punctuated "y corru ated !etal roofs and relati*ely u ly% rectan ular houses% "elon in to sons of the soil +ho +ork in the cities% o"tusely de!onstratin their relati*e +ealth. Jar e% e8tended fa!ilies% easily acco!!odated "y si!ply "uildin !ore huts% are still characteristic of this part of Dast $frica. (heyOre surprisin ly cool% +ell *entilated and roo!y inside. 3e +ere enerously treated to a traditional !eal% includin so!e delicious "read% !ade fro! sor hu!% !illet and cassa*a. 6or the first ti!e% Neor ate su ar cane and he opted for the a ressi*e O!udu a*uO style% +hile Don chose the less !anly !zun u !ethod of cuttin the cane into s!aller% "ite-sized pieces. Don had% of course% often eaten su ar cane in the first half century of his life. By no+% ha*in co!pletely disa"led the 9$$B7% N3D1 and entropy trans!itter net+ork across the !ost populous re ion of @ anda% fro! the Bepu"lic of Con o to Cenya% +e returned to our ho!es in the +est in
anticipation of returnin to Budha ali the follo+in day. Dr. 7aul Batii"+e
Episode 3# 1i9ira at Budhaga$i By 7aul Batii"+e% #D <ep"atii"+e@hot!!> /dc/adcP:CkiziraatBudha li&Mno*':.sht!l 1o*. &M% &'': (he iftin ad*entures !ade one of the rarest% incredi"le e8periences for !e since Don and Neor Os arri*al.. 6or so!e fe+ !onths - had "een +orkin +ith a reputa"le psychic and healer% na!ed Cizira. - +as introduced to this unassu!in !an in a *illa e% 1& k!s fro! !y +orkplace% "y a fe!ale patient +ho had cancer of the "reast% sta e ---. CaziraOs +ife +as astonished at ho+ he trusted !e to the e8tent of sharin his o+n +ritin s of his e8perience. (hese had "een type+ritten in anticipation of pu"lishin a "ook. 7rayer is the foundation of his healin and psychic +ork and he feels stron ly that +e ou ht to pray directly to the Creator and not to or throu h 7rophets% such as <esus% #oha!!ed and Buddha% etc. -f not% he )okes% T?ou et less than +hat you "ar ained for5T. Cizira heals +hile recitin prayers and says this ou ht to "e adeKuate% "ut heOs also a top-seed% +ell-seasoned her"alist. - ha*e referred infertile couples% +ho had failed to concei*e +ith con*entional !edical treat!ent% to hi! and. ha*e pro*ed the! pre nant after )ust +ords of prayer% e8orcisin entities% and touch healin . - ha*e seen sickly people flourish fro! these !inistrationsV - ha*e +atched dra!a unfold as he casts a+ay de!ons fro! psychiatric cases +ho +eO*e declared incura"le. - ha*e% indeed. 9e co!!unicates +ith trespassin entities and casts out de!ons +hile prayin to the Creator. 9eOs "een lookin for+ard to +orkin +ith ood entities to har!onize the earth. 9e calls the! thru !ediu!s% announces his intentions to the! and helps the! +ith so!e of their reKuire!ents. -f youO*e personally kno+n a !ature% co!petent psychic% youOll see that CiziraOs a"ilities are *ery real. 9e is one. Don% +ho has kno+n and +orked closely +ith se*eral po+erful psychics% says that Cizira is O+orld class.O Cizira first esta"lishes contact "y either holdin your hand% or touchin the sick area. 2o!eti!es he )ust raises his hand a"o*e you. 9e e!anates a heat sensation fro! his hands% +hich tre!"le durin healin sessions. (oday% as intended t+o !onths a o% +e escorted hi! to *isit Budha ali% +hich is actually the na!e of the ancient entity +ho is responsi"le for the falls. Cayi+a% Neor % Don% Cizira .+ith entoura e/ and - !et in <in)a to+n and headed to Budha ali 6alls. $t the entrance to the park% - asked the atekeeper +here #and+a Budha ali% the OofficialO priest for the site% could "e found and +as told that he uses an island in the !iddle of the falls to conduct his rituals "ut that he rarely oes there any !ore. #and+a Budha ali has a national reputation as a 2atanist% "y the +ay% and is the center of a *ery lar e scandal in*ol*in hu!an sacrifice deep under the falls the!sel*es% in*ol*in !any of the nations +ealthy people% +hich has lent a ne+ t+ist to the ter!% Onou*eau riche.O inKuired +here !and+a Budha ali .the OofficialO priest/ could "e found. - +as told that rarely does he e*er o to the island% a place +here the pre*ious priests used to perfor! the rituals. - +as further told that the priest no+ +orks fro! ho!e% a +alled off co!pound +ith a dark reen ate +hich +e had )ust passed. #ean+hile Cizira had OaskedO and +as told that +e should )ust proceed to the island and et to +ork. Don and Cizira felt that the #and+a +as not actually i!portant and is rather )ust used "y !ore po+erful% hidden people as +indo+ dressin . $t the entrance to the area% +hich is a 1ational 7ark% +e +ere reKuested to pay for the t+o "azun u .Don and Neor / and si8 "adu a*u .the rest of us/ "efore +e +ere allo+ed to *isit this sacred natural site.
3e ot into lar e% hired canoe in turns of threes as there +ere only that !any life)ackets% then took turns crossin to the ritual site: a s!all island in the !iddle of the tur"ulent 1ile% )ust do+nstrea! fro! the lo+er falls. (+o of CiziraOs sons and a dau hter "rou ht alon dru!s and 1a"ikokola% +ho *olunteered to "e the !ediu!% had "rou ht alon her little rand dau hter fro! her ho!e near Dnte""e. Don *olunteered to hold the "a"y durin the session. 3e all cli!"ed the islandOs path to a s!all clearin % +here a round% traditional +attle and thatch hut +as "uilt to acco!!odate rituals. Cizira prayed to Nod. T7raise "e to the al!i hty Creator of the uni*erse5 - cate orically affir! that nothin in this +orld is reater than ?ou. 9ear and ans+er !y prayerV let Budha ali co!e thru so +e can talkA. 7ause...9e repeated the prayer +hile raisin his hand in the air. 7ause. TBudha ali% it is !e su!!onin you. 9urry up and co!e and tell us +here you are and ho+ you ha*e "een. Budha aliR Budha ali% +here are youR 3e are your *isitors5A pause. TBoys let do so!e dru!!in +hile +e praise the Creator.T $!id sin in praise son s and dru!!in % Cizira roared% TBudha ali - here"y co!!and you to appear here% 1035T 2ilence. (he "ody to "e used "y the entity re!ained occupied "y its o+ner% 1a"ikokola% unchan ed. CiziraOs eyes ro*ed around as if he +ere searchin for so!ethin % then he looked strai ht at Neor % +a*ed his fin er and said% T- cannot detect the entity. -t see!s that heOs no lon er here5T Neor +ondered aloud if our pre*ious iftin had e8pelled Budha ali fro! the place% "ut - told hi! that Bucha ali is a ood entity and that so!ethin else had caused hi! to flee. 3e all a reed that Cizira should hide a 9oly 9and renade on the pre!ises and then try to contact Budha ali a ain. $fter doin so% Cizira restarted the prayer and reKuested the entity to co!e throu h Carikokola. 3ithin a !inute of prayin the "ody started perfor!in a +elco!e dance to the rhyth! of the dru!!in % "ut decided to keep silent% as thou h he +ere unsure a"out us. 9e +alked a+ay +ith Cizira follo+in % tryin to inKuire +hat is +ron . 9e returned% fell to the round and started so""in +ith e!otion. $fter a ti!e% Cizira asked if any of us had done +ron . (o this he replied% O1o.O (o !e this +as +onderfulV an endorse!ent that +hat +e are doin is ri ht. Cizira inKuired a"out his current location. T- stay far a+ay in the hills.T 9e ans+ered. T3here% e8actlyRT Cizira sou ht for a clarification. 1o ans+er... T(ell us +here e8actly you are located so that +e can co!e and *isit you +hene*er +e feel like it.T . 2ilence...
Cizira assured hi! that +e had co!e to his rescue and asked Budha ali +ho had "een doin har! to hi! and to su est other sites +here e*il +as "ein done in @ anda. T- donOt think you +ill "e a"le to fi ht !y !any ene!ies%T Budha ali said +ith profound sadness. 3e reaffir!ed our co!!it!ent to help. Cizira then allo+ed hi! to return to the hills and asked hi! to co!e +hene*er called or else allo+ us to *isit hi! in the near"y hills. 9e then called 1a"ikokolo "ack to her "ody. 2he ca!e "ack and cheerfully )oined the a!e Don +as playin +ith her little randdau hter. 2uddenly - sa+ Cizir lift his foot as if to pick off so!e "itin insects and he e8clai!ed% T9o5 there are )i ers hereT 1early e*ery"ody e8cept Don and Neor scattered to find a safe place to re!o*e our sandals and pick off the )i ers. 6allin short of scatter% checked their feet and re!o*ed these insects. (un a 7enetrans .)i ers/ ha*e to et into an ani!alOs skin% prefera"ly a hu!anOs% to co!plete their lifecycle +herein. (he fertilized fe!alesO "odies then s+ell and "urst% releasin hundreds of e s. 3hile in the skin they irritate and cause disco!fort to the host. 3e carefully e)ect those usin safety pins. Noer % +ho +ore a pair of closed shoes% clai!ed a zapper can do a+ay +ith the!. 3ell kno+in ho+ !uch disco!fort they caused - didnOt +ant to e8peri!ent on !yself. CiziraOs children helped Don +ith the re!o*al and he asked the! to help their O$untie%O 1a"ikokolo% +ho +as then sittin do+n. But she +ithdre+ her feet co*erin the! +ith her traditional inner ar!ent. 2he +ore this sad% elderly stare. - then realized that Budha ali and 1a"ikokolo +ere no+ sharin the "ody at inter*als. 3o+5 3e helped Ohi!O +alk to the "each and into the "oat. 3hile our ferry!en paddled the canoe across the po+erful current% Budha ali kept lookin around like so!eone +ho hadnOt "een there in a *ery lon ti!e. 3e helped hi! to dise!"ark at the ri*er"ank% and then helped hi! into the Jand Cruiser% +hich +as "rou ht *ery near. (here% the rand dau hter did not reco nize the rand!other% thou h she sat on her lap5 $fter payin the "oat!en for their ser*ices% - en a ed the! in a con*ersation to find out +hat they kno+ a"out Budha ali. (hey said all they kno+ is Budha ali +as co!pensated "y the o*ern!ent a ents plannin to construct the da! here and that the entity had relocated +ith the OpriestO to his ho!e near the road )unction to the falls% +here he practices. Cizira shook each of "oat!enOs hands in thanks and said% TDach of you +ill kno+% "y to!orro+ !ornin % precisely +hat happened here today.T Before +e set off Cizira reKuested that +e pray. Budha ali tried to et out of the *ehicle to )oin the prayer% "ut ad*ised hi! to participate +hile seated. $t the end% Cizira "lessed e*eryone +ho +as present +hile raisin his hand and then% +hile holdin our hands in turn% he asked us each to O0"ey Nod%O and asked the Creator that each of us et +hate*er +e ask for. - "ade fare+ell to !y dear friend% Neor Bitschl% +ho fle+ "ack to his fa!ily and career in 2outh $frica the follo+in day. 9e had asked !e to shorten our fare+ell% as he "eco!es Kuite senti!ental. - asked Don% T3hat ne8tRT 9e replied% T3ell% -O! oin to o to Ci"o a and han out +ith Cizira for a+hile5T
- +as picked up in <in)a "y !y +ife and dau hter and +e returned to our eastern ho!e in near"y - an a% +here ha*e carefully resorted to not tellin this story to any one% lest - pass for a lunatic.
Episode 4 Proud To Be a M9ungu By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcP4proudto"e!zun u'&dec':.sht!l Dec. &% &'': $ctually% -O! proud to "e an $!erican% "ut O!zun uO is the re ional ter! for any Duropoid like !yself. -tOs not dero atory at all and apparently the +ord is used si!ilarly to the +ay +estern cultures use the ter! OD(.O - lo*e it +hen little kids here run up to !e and say% al+ays enuinely% O9ello% #zun u-ho+ are youRO - sort of feel like a *isitin space!an% as not !any #zun us are seen in these parts. $ "lack person is O!udu a*u%O "y the +ay. -O*e +anted to *isit @ anda for !ost of !y adult life% e*er since learnin fro! so!e e8patriate $!erican friends% +ho li*ed here "efore -di $!inOs +ell-funded ra!pa e% a"out the racious% talented% +itty% culturally rich and resourceful people here. 3inston Churchill had na!ed this country O(he 7earl of $frica, durin his *isit here after 3orld 3ar --% and +hile he !ay ha*e "een eli i"le at the ti!e for han in due to his +ar cri!es% his co!pli!ent +as ri ht on the !ark% - can tell you. Durin the course of this !onolo ue in se*eral parts% -Oll introduce you to four of !y @ andan friends/tea!!ates +ho ha*e "een instru!ental in facilitatin these *ery producti*e efforts on "ehalf of or one and zappers% "oth precedin and durin !y too-"rief *isit to this +onderful country. Certainly not least% youOre pro"a"ly already acKuainted +ith Neor Bitschl% +ho acco!panied us durin the first t+o +eeks of this Dast $frica iftin e8position. Dr. 7aul Batii"+e% +ho has% ten !inutes a o% frankly told !e that he canOt fi ure out +hy -Od +ant to !ention hi! at all .- told hi! that -O! no !ore +orthy than he is% so O7lease donOt +orry a"out it.O/ !ay "e considered the clinical% o*erall scientific co!ponent of this tea! and is currently !y host and the coordinator of the fieldtestin +ork for three cro+d zappers. 9e routinely O iftsO +ith 9oly 9and renades% (o+er"usters and Dtheric 7ipe Bo!"s durin his tra*els +hene*er he encounters deser*in sites and has "een +orkin e8tensi*ely +ith Cizira% +ho has reluctantly a reed to let !e refer to hi! as a O+itch doctor.O -Oll ha*e an a+ful lot to say a"out Cizira% of course% and the uniKue +orkin relationship he has +ith Dr. 7. 9eOs one of those *ery rare indi*iduals +ho ha*e fully co!!itted to applyin a rare% co!posite ift of healin % hi h psychis!% coura e and e8e!plary spirituality% not to !ention a profound kno+led e of an e8tensi*e re ional her"al phar!acopoeia. @nder the circu!stances% - +as una"le to co!e up +ith a !ore descripti*e reference for Cizira than O+itch doctor.O #y hope is that -Oll "e a"le to pur e that ter! of the old 9olly+ood and di!e-no*el connotations that incite apprehension V-/ ?ou canOt concei*e a !ore entle soul that CiziraOs. Dr. Bushidie Cayi+a is the fello+ +ho laid the round+ork for our *isit and !ade it possi"le for us to et ri ht to +ork. (his *ery +ell rounded% +ell-tra*eled .heOs fluent in Dn lish% $ra"ic% 6innish% 2+ahili and a host of re ional $frican dialects/ and +ell-connected physician has consistently astonished us all +ith "oth his resourcefulness and his po+er of friendly persuasion. 1o"ody e*er% apparently% tau ht Dr. C that he has li!itations. 9e +as the first to reet Neor and - at Dnte""e -nternational $irport after one of his close friends% +ho prefers to "e referred to as our O2ecret 2upporterO had us ushered past custo!s. O2ecret 2upporterO had "een re aled "y Dr. C +ith tales fro! O(he $d*entures of Don and Carol CroftO on +++.educate-yourself.or and o"*iously +anted to see our tricks firsthand. Dr. C had pre*iously i*en our *ery open-!inded and inKuisiti*e 2upporter se*eral zappers% +hich +ere su"seKuently distri"uted these to trusted associates and relati*es in the upper echelons of @ andaOs esta"lish!ent +ho had then otten profound healin fro! di*erse !aladies in a short ti!e. Neor Bitschl of +++.or raciously )oined !e for the first si8teen days of our !ultinational or onite/zapper initiati*e and after our first ni ht in @ anda +e !ade for our 2ecret 2upporter a couple of cloud"usters% then +e ot *ery "usy "ustin to+ers the *ery ne8t day% usin our hostOs side yard as an or onite
factory for the ensuin t+o +eeks and% of course% keepin hi! fully updated on our pro ress. Ner!an Neor is a to+er"ustin fury on t+o le s and he also heroically participated in @ andaOs !ainly unre ulated ."y +estern standards% at least/ traffic Osyste!O throu hout. 9e rather re!inds !e of the cartoon character% (he (as!anian De*il% in fact% since he rarely stops !o*in and plannin . (hanks to his tireless efforts .and the use of an intrepid 1MPS (oyota Jandcruiser% co!pli!ents of our !a nani!ous and curious 2ecret 2upporter/ +e "usted essentially all of the 9$$B7 and entropy trans!itters fro! Con o/B+anda to Cenya in less than t+o +eeks and deposited the t+o cloud"usters in key positions in Ca!pala and Cisoro. Cisoro is the district that lies in the south+est corner of the country and includes a s!all population of orillas and so!e "orderline-surreal% )un le-clad to+erin *olcanoes and dizzyin roadside *istas. $fter the final round of "ustin % last 6riday% the eKuatorial skies o*er populous 2outhern @ anda are no+ unifor!ly pristine a ain. -tOs al+ays refreshin to look at +hite% "illo+in cu!ulus clouds in an azure sky rather than the sad aerial constipation thatOs co!e to characterize the skies o*er !ost of the +orldOs population centers since the northern he!isphereOs autu!n of &''1. (here are no che!trails to speak of in $frica% e8cept the inter!ittent% half-hearted ones theyO*e lately sKuirted out o*er <ohannes"ur % 2outh $frica% in "elea uered response to the ood )o" that Neor and a fe+ $frikaaner associates ha*e done to se*erely insult the e8tensi*e 9$$B7 and electronic entropy net+ork throu hout !uch of 2outhern $frica. Ca!pala% the Capital of @ anda% is "uilt on a procession of lush% *erdant hills at the north shore of Jake Fictoria and on each and e*ery hilltop the dis ustin % parasitic 3orld 0rder has erected 9$$B7 and entropy arrays. -f anyone +ishes to o to $frica or to any other lo*ely% re!ote area in order to escape the de"ilitatin effects of the 3orld 0rder de*il-+orshippersO deadenin ne+ electronic !atri8 he +ould "e rie*ously disappointed .unless he !o*es to @ anda% of course/. 3hen +e ot here the skies o*er Ca!pala +ere !ostly +hited out "y local 9$$B7 trans!itters% +hich push at!ospheric !oisture up a"o*e the altitude +here rain happens% as +eO*e seen else+here. Dr. 7Os cloud"uster is located a hundred !iles +est of Ca!pala and% of course% no cloud"uster is likely to disa"le the +hiteout-+e ha*e to "ust all of the local 9$$B7 trans!itters to et that happy result-"ut it has "een rainin sufficiently in Ca!pala re ardless of the parasitic% lo"al scheiss*oe el% thanks to his effort. (he nice thin a"out doin this +ork in $frica is that thereOs so !uch *itality in the land% +ater and at!osphere that it !ust surely take t+o or three ti!es as !uch ener y fro! these unsa*ory -llu!inati techies to et e*en !ini!al u ly effects in the sky% and those effects are usually localized% at "est% in $frica e8cept around <ohannes"ur % +here thereOs apparently enou h hu!an !isery and electronic/industrial !olestation to !aintain so!e pretty u ly skies for periods of ti!e% in spite of Neor and friends ha*in "usted all or !ost of the to+ers in the !etropolitan area "y no+. #y heart surely oes out to Neor % +ho periodically de*elops ne+ !ethods for "ustin a "i % "lue hole o*er <oO"ur % only to see it et co*ered o*er a ain +ithin a fe+ days "y the o"seKuious +hiteness as 9$$B7 re roups fro! his latest assault. (hanks to his efforts% thou h% +e ha*e a ne+ ran e of or onite O+eaponsO that +e can deploy a ainst the ene!y of hu!anity. -O! particularly fond of his O2tielhand ranate%O +hich is an etheric pipe "o!" +hose or onite end is e!"edded in a to+er"uster% and his prototype 0r one 9o+itzer% an or one techieOs deli ht. #any of the lakes and ri*ers in @ anda are no+ raced +ith so!e of Neor Os offerin s. (he stielhand ranaten feel a+fully ood to thro+% "y the +ay% thou h one is left +ith a sli htly na in feelin that it +ould ha*e "een !ore appropriate to Opull the pinO first. 9is O0r one 9o+itzerO !ay "e the proper antidote to the re!ote 9$$B7 and round+a*e trans!itters that are still pla uin <oO"ur and 7retoria. 2tay tuned to +++.or and to"oards&! for further reports on that% of course.
$s in the case of Fancou*er% Canada% perhaps% !ost of this incessant ur"an +hiteout that occurs in spite of e8tensi*e iftin of ur"an 9$$B7 and entropy trans!itters !ay "e ettin acco!plished "y a co!"ination of under round facilities .D8tre!ely Jo+ 6reKuency round +a*e trans!issions% sans to+ers/ and scalar trans!issions fro! re!ote 9$$B7 arrays (his% in fact% apparently causes the -llu!inati to o*ere8tend their reach in this case% +hich presents us +ith so!e intri uin opportunities if +eOre +illin to e8ploit the!. Dr 7aul Batii"+e had constructed Dast $fricaOs first cloud"uster si8 !onths pre*iously and that had perhaps forestalled a se*ere drou ht and fa!ine +hich had apparently "een slated for this re ion. Due to the *itality here it only takes a !ini!al effort to cancel the +orst effects of the 3orld 0rderOs at!ospheric/electronic rapine and plunder. Dr. 7 did that on the e*e of the eKuatorial <une-<uly dry season% +hich then turned into a +et season. 3hen Neor and - landed here in !id-1o*e!"er +e +ere treated to such "rilliant hues of reen that it ca!e close to hurtin our eyes. -Od ne*er encountered this pheno!enon% thou h -Od tra*eled e8tensi*ely in tropical re ions. Carol and - had "usted all of the ne+ 9$$B7 and entropy trans!itters that +e encountered durin our tra*els in 1a!i"ia t+o years a o. (he -llu!inati had then )ust initiated their u ly% lo"al display at the ti!e% so -O ! sure that +e +ere only seein the first of their efforts in that re ion and there hadnOt "een enou h of the ne+ trans!itters on the round for the! to ha*e esta"lished the hi h-altitude +hiteout that you and - ha*e co!e to kno+ so +ell +here sufficient trans!itters are still functionin in close pro8i!ity to each other. - "et you en)oy +ipin that hideous crap fro! the sky as !uch as +e do. Could you ha*e concei*ed ho+ !uch fun this +ould "e "efore you e*er heard of to+er"ustin and cloud"ustin R $nother feature of $fricaOs *itality is the ease +ith +hich one can acco!plish Osky sculptin O +ith an ordinary cloud"uster. 3e had a chance to play around +ith that near Ca!pala in our hostOs side yard +ith the t+o CBs "efore +e planted one% upri ht% in his arden and deli*ered the other one to a arden in Cisoro District. -n this case% - follo+ed Dr. BeichOs reco!!endation to point a CB near an e8istin cloud in order to dra+ rainfall fro! that direction. - did it to+ard clouds that +ere in a do+n+ind direction in order to de!onstrate that rain can "e otten that +ay and - kept the other one pointed o*er Ca!pala in order to suppress the still-e8istin +hiteout until +e finished disa"lin the nation+ide% east/+est 9$$B7 net+ork after our *isit to Cisoro. 0ur host +as Kuite i!pressed and - felt like so!e kind of +izard% thou h - slyly didnOt let on that this doesnOt +ork as +ell in !y country% +here the !ore-slu ish% a!"ient or one !atri8 still needs a lot of healin and re*italizin . Before - left ho!e% - ot kind of fat "ecause Carol had +arned !e that Dast $frica is a place +here tasty% nutritious food is scarce. 2he +as ri ht in her assess!ent% at least% re ardin the near"y section of nei h"orin Cenya% +here sheOd spent so!e ti!e in a pestilential area in &''1% de!onstratin the cro+d zapper in a *illa e clinic. 3hat she couldnOt ha*e kno+n is that the difference "et+een that little area and this country is Kuite profound. 3hereas she +as literally restricted to her cra!ped Kuarters after sunset due to the pre*alence of a ressi*e% *iolent% !ale *oodoo terrorists .Oni ht runnersO/ and that locale +as enerally ra*a ed "y a co!"ination of nearenocide "y the 3orld 0rder% 9$$B7 drou ht and the residual fear-"ased !a ical traditions% an ar!y of ho!eless% star*in $-D2 orphans and ra!pant illiteracy% @ anda% althou h essentially identical in ter!s of natural resources and cli!ate% has a lon standin tradition of ood fa!ily relations% !utual assistance% selfreliance and literacy% +hich is pro"a"ly +hy it has sur*i*ed a series of British-insti ated% "loody dictatorships +ith eneral !a nani!ity and confidence. -O*e lon felt that the -llu!inati are )ealous of the @ andans% as they apparently +ere of the Biafrans% hence the destruction of that pro ressi*e 1i erian co!!unity "y the -llu!inatiOs "loodthirsty% rapacious pro8y 1i erian re i!e there in the early 1M6's. - !ust say that -O*e rather "een in a luttonOs paradise here% "ecause +hile the traditional foods in @ anda are delicious% *aried and fillin % -O! actually losin +ei ht +ithout ha*in to e8ercise. - actually feel "ad for Carol and +ish -Od had to suffer here at least a little "it for her sake. -O! hopin that !y recently acKuired taste for fried locusts +ill et her past so!e of this. 1o% they donOt taste Olike chickenVO they rather re!ind !e of roasted
pu!pkin seeds. By the ti!e 9er Boyal 9i hness% the scaly 3hore of Ba"ylon% had thrust the si!ilarly canni"alistic -di $!in Dada at the peace-lo*in @ andans% a*e hi! a trunk full of "lank checks% an unli!ited supply of "ullets% a hu e +alk-in freezer for hu!an !eat% and a full array of the latest torture i!ple!ents% the +estern +orld% fortunately% +as no lon er +illin to condone enocide in $frica% so that syphilitic% "rutal psychotic and for!er British $r!y 2er eant #a)or% +as una"le to fulfill his enocidal !andate fro! the City of Jondon. $-D2% +hich is% of course% yet another deadly -llu!inati "id to reduce the $fricans to a O!ana ea"leO population% is far less ra!pant here than in nei h"orin Con o and Cenya% "y the +ay. -n frustration% after 7resident ?oder $!use!ent,s rassroots O#o*e!entO successfully supplanted the !ost recent% +ell-ar!ed and li!itlessly financed pro8y-!onster head of state here in 1MS6% the "anker trolls in (he City of Jondon i!!ediately and drastically de*alued the @ andan 2hillin in a desperate "id to destroy the @ andan econo!y. Bi ht no+% the -llu!inati are ar!in and fundin a re"el ar!y in 2udan +hich is terrorizin the less populous northern part of @ anda and there"y forcin the o*ern!ent to di*ert funds fro! infrastructure to defense. 0f course% the resourcefulness of the @ andan people is pullin the! throu h e*en this crisis. 3hat -O! +itnessin here is an econo!y that stands teeterin on the threshold of ra!pant prosperity% ha*in a"sor"ed the +orst that the out-of-"alance 3orld 0rder has to offer +ithout plun in into the hopelessness% cynicis!% self pity and dru addiction that can "e seen in so !any other nations% includin !ine. $ll +e ha*e to do no+ is disa"le and i!prison the -llu!inati and their culpa"le !inions and then the +hole +orld +ill prosper. -t see!s like a si!ple task to !e no+% sort of like zappin tape+or!s into o"li*ion +ith !icrocurrent. (hereOs really no reason for us to fear parasites. Neor noted that @ anda% like 6rance% has !ainly its a riculture on +hich to "ase prosperity. $s +e kno+% 6rance +as nonetheless in a position to defeat the British D!pire at the sa!e ti!e that the $!ericans declared their independence and Nreat Britain has al+ays "ased its econo!ic e!pire% e*en to the present day% on under!inin tar eted social structures and then consu!in the natural resources of these other+ise-producti*e econo!ies% )ust like a tape+or! does inside the hu!an intestinal tract. - +onder if you can concei*e of a capital city that has only t+o stopli hts and reKuires a four-+heel-dri*e *ehicle to na*i ate !ost of the side streets. Due to an al!ost co!plete lack of funds for national infrastructure% there has "een *ery little 7u"lic 3orks construction done here since #use*eni ousted the last of the -llu!inatiOs leeches fro! the 7residential 7alace. $s +ith 9itler% 2talin% #ao and Boose*elt% the -llu!inati routinely paid for e8tra*a ant pu"lic +orks in order to "uy loyalty% re!iniscent of the Bo!an hierarchyOs use of O"read and circuses.O (he @ andans didnOt "uy into that sche!e% o"*iously% and are no+ payin for their hard-+on "ut precarious freedo!. 3hat struck !e !ost dra!atically a"out traffic in Ca!pala is that +hile cross-to+n traffic is slo+% it ne*ertheless +orks and e*eryone see!s to a"ide "y unspoken Otraffic la+sO +hich include a sufficient dose of courtesy% and one +ill find *ery fe+ dented fenders and !iraculously fe+ +recked *ehicles. - +onder +hat it +ould look like here if the -llu!inati had "een a"le to addict sufficient nu!"ers of @ andans to alcohol% heroin% cocaine and pot% as theyO*e "een a"le to do in !ost other countries. Dr Cayi+a% +ho has placed his "id for the 7residency in &''6% la!ents the lack of traffic si ns and cops in the Capital% "ut - o"ser*ed an old 7ersian pro*er" to hi!% O(he peacock is al+ays happy "ecause it ne*er looks at its u ly feet.O - hope to con*ince hi! that pro"le!s like this are !ainly sy!pto!atic of a "elea uered econo!y% not essential ones at all.
9eOs ri htfully proud of his country!enOs resourcefulness and adapta"ility. (here si!ply isnOt !uch that these crafts!en canOt !ake fro! a*aila"le !aterials and they like to +ork outdoors% so a ride throu h to+n is a treat for the eye and for oneOs incredulity and an astonishin display of a +ide ran e of fine !anufactured products. - risked catchin a lot of flies in !y !outh the first fe+ days here as - +itnessed the +ay oods are !o*ed alon on locally-!anufactured "icycles% +hich dou"le as ta8is and car o haulers throu hout the country. 6ar!ers e*en et produce to !arket "y alternately pushin hea*y loads uphill% then coastin do+n the other side. - sa+ one fello+ carryin a "ed fra!e on his "ike rack. $lto ether% the load stood : !eters hi h "ut the fello+ +ea*ed in and out of traffic as thou h he had no load at all. $s a fan of the surreal and the near !iraculous% this place is !ore fun for !e than Disneyland. $nother feast of ne+ e8periences +ent alon +ith our to+er "urstin efforts throu h the !uddy side streets and hillsides of Ca!pala as Neor uided the Jand Cruiser under the a"le na*i ation of Dr. Cayi+a. D*ery+here +e looked% there +ere food crops% "usy% ener etic people% friendly reetin s% chickens% oats and e*en s!all herds of di nified traditional cattle% +hich are called O1sa ala%O +hich !eans% O+alks +ith race.O -O! oin to try to fi ure out ho+ to et a pair of their horns ho!e. 0ur $!erican Jon horns +ould "e consu!ed +ith antler-en*y at the si ht of so!e of these speci!ens head ear% +hich rises dyna!ically up and t+ist around in a +ay a little like !y treasured kudu horn fro! 1a!i"ia does. (he lon er horns reach al!ost t+o !eters in len th. $lon the +ay% Dr C let us kno+ +hich nei h"orhoods ha*e reputations for *oodoo .hu!an sacrifice% )ust like +hat the -llu!inati do5/ and then +e hea*ily ifted those fe+ areas as +ell as the u"iKuitous 9$$B7 and entropy trans!itters. - +as happily a"le to point out to the Doc that actual cell phone trans!itters +ere *ery s!all and !ounted on inconspicuous poles in strate ic spots throu hout the city. 9e had naturally assu!ed that it reKuired a "illion dollarsO +orth of fancy% ne+% !ilitary-style to+ers in order to operate the cell net+ork. - "et you did% too V-/ (hanks to a co!"ination of 7ro*idence and Dr. COs fancy foot+ork .not necessarily in that order/ Neor and +ere treated to an unendin strea! of net+orkin connections here for the zappers% +hich is +hat half of our *isit has "een a"out. (he tea!Os plan for zappers is to esta"lish a de!onstrated reputation for this si!ple techOs easy a"ility to cure a +ide ran e of ende!ic diseases% includin $-D2% yello+ fe*er and !alaria% and to !eet the su"seKuent continent-+ide de!and for afforda"le *ariations of this effecti*e de*ice. @ anda is the natural choice as a startin place in $frica "ecause of its relati*ely free press and the innate a"ility of @ andans to fend off -llu!inati-"acked disinfor!ation ca!pai ns and sa"ota e efforts. - +ish +e could take full credit for this happy state of affairs "ut +e +ere o"*iously all uided into this position "y the entities +ho !ay "e referred to as (he 0perators .e*er standin "y V-/ and this is pro"a"ly )ust another e*idence that Othe !eek are inheritin the earth.O $lso% of course% -O! sha!elessly fond of sayin % O?ou heard it here first5O - need to tell you a"out the "irds here. -n 1a!i"ia% Carol and - sa+ +hat - think is called a O reast "ustard%O +hich is a crane-like "ird that stands a"out four feet tall and has a +in span of around S feet. 3hen - sa+ that "i creature take off alon the road in the Calahari a couple of years a o - felt like -Od seen a @60. (hese iant sca*en ers fly in flocks a"o*e Ca!pala% ridin the updrafts al!ost to the le*el of the clouds. (here is also a specie of falcon +hich rese!"les one of our pere rines "ack ho!e "ut it uses its tail as a rudder and rarely O"anksO durin turns% thou h is *ery skilled at fast aero"atics +hen a roup of the! *ie for territory +ith the "i local ra*ens% +hich ha*e +hite OtorsosO here% sort of like they are +earin (-shirts. $lon +ith all that% there are !any types of colorful% tropical son "irds% !a pies% and s+allo+s +hich ha*e pointed% instead of split% tails. ?ou pro"a"ly noticed that your ne+ cloud""uster attracted a lot of son "irds and raptors and - in*ite you to i!a ine that process tripled here. 7erhaps the !ost refreshin aspect of @ anda% for !e% is that -O! not "ein do ed "y that plethora of anal-
retenti*e #-6 and C-$ a ents pro*ocateurs and pa*e!ent artists. (his re!inds !e that -O! no lon er "ein pla ued "y the dirty-dozen payrolled dissi!ulators +ho used to footnote all of !y co!!ents on the pu"lic foru!s - participated in "efore #ark Da*ey coura eously set up O Dtheric 6reedo! 6i htersO for us all on"oards&! last su!!er. - "et you also ot tired of seein their little "its of e8cre!ent e*ery ti!e you +ent to dip your ladle in the pu"lic punch"o+l% so to speak. $s +ith so !any thin s +esterners do these days% this schizophrenic assu!ption that free pu"lic discussion is possi"le +ith the participation of paid a ents pro*ocateurs is a little like the +ay funda!entalists assu!e that they can "e holy "y O oin to churchO +hile en a in in spiritually-de radin practices durin the +eek. 1othin short of uni*ersal censure of "ad "eha*ior and resolute refusal to allo+ espiona e and !ind control in pu"lic foru!s +ill stop these a ents fro! destroyin *ia"le discussion roups. Do you think that your o+n courtesy and lon -sufferin +ill help the! Osee the li htRO 9as it done that e*en once in the t+o and a half years that this net+ork has "een ro+in +orld+ideR $s +ith fa!ilies .if youOre in any +estern countryOs dysfunctional social !ilieu you !ay think -O! speakin Chinese or 1a*a)o "y no+/ dissension and character assassination ha*e to "e stopped dead if any roup of people is to en)oy free pu"lic intercourse and for e*ery a ent pro*ocateur that !ay "e induced to lea*e the fold% there are ten !ore +ho are ready to take his/her place +ho are !ore cle*er and resourceful% as +eO*e seen% so itOs the principle of discord that !ust "e o*erco!e% not the indi*idual paid% lar ely +itless "ut persistent chu!ps that are thro+n at us "y the -llu!inati. 3eOre all ready to de!onstrate that our e!otional a es correspond to our physical a es% donOt you thinkR #ost of the folks around here learned this "asic social lesson "efore they ot pu"ic hair "ut !y o+n alle ed head of state displays the fact that he has the e!otional a e of a toddler. D*en - +as shocked to learn that he refers to $frica as a Ocountry%O "y the +ay V-/ DonOt "e a"ys!ally i norant like hi! and also% please stop e8cusin othersO "ad !anners and eneral sa"ota e in pu"lic discussions5 - uarantee that until you do that% these !ind-nu!"in Bazun u +ill continue to do!inate and su"*ert e*ery sin le% other+ise +orth+hile thread. -O*e su ested that #akerere @ni*ersity% a *ery fine school here in Ca!pala% send so!e cultural anthropolo ists to the @2$ and the @C to study those cultures and then deter!ine +ays to help these "elea uered "ut !ostly +ell-!eanin "azun u to o*erco!e their centuries-old !ind control protocols and neurotic pre)udices. - already kne+ that $fricans look to the $!ericans and the British to pro*ide a little historical perspecti*e a"out political and econo!ic freedo!. 2hort of that% our o+n Dr. Cayi+a had spent se*eral years practicin as a physician in the @2$% -raK and 6inland and has de*eloped so!e fine o"ser*ations +hich !ay +ell contri"ute to a nation+ide synthesis of the "est aspects of +estern% #iddle Dastern and Dast $frican cultures in his on oin political/social efforts in @ anda. 2ince your internet attention span is pro"a"ly si!ilar to !ine% -Oll end this article no+% "ut - ha*enOt done !uch +ritin since - ot here% due to pre*iously li!ited co!puter access% and -O*e ot an a+ful lot of thin s to report +hich +ill follo+ shortly% includin so!e rather !a ical firsthand e8periences. #y heartfelt thanks o to Dr. 7aul for lettin !e use his laptop this !ornin +hile heOs at +ork. - +as fairly rupturin fro! the need to +rite so!e of this do+n "efore - for ot so!ethin essential and !y short-ter! !e!ory is not *ery i!pressi*e. Don Croft
Episode 5 Busting 0t +$$ :p 6rom 1ampa$a to 1isoro $d*entures of Don I Carol Croft -nde8 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcPL"ustin ro!ka!palatokisoro'Pdec':.sht!l Dec. P% &'': - realize that the follo+in report is out of seKuence% since - started +ritin a"out !y @ anda e8perience in the !iddle of it% so please "ear +ith !e. $s Dr. Batii"+e and - !entioned in his illustrated article% Neor and - didnOt +aste any ti!e ettin to +ork +hen +e ot here in the !iddle of 1o*e!"er. D*ery other ti!e -Od *isited a tropical country "efore it +as +ith the understandin that e*erythin +as oin to o slo+er than +hat +eOre used to in the +est% so - +as surprised to find that the opposite +as true here. 1ot only +ere +e i*en i!!ediate% enthusiastic support "y our host% 2ecret 2upporter% "ut Dr. Cayi+a personally ushered us around Ca!pala the follo+in day to e8pedite ettin !aterials for the clouduster and "oth he and Dr. B arran ed lo istics and pro*ided ne+ opportunities for us% +ith enerous support fro! (he 0perators% of course. (here are no 9o!e Depot stores or e*en depart!ent stores in Ca!pala and +hate*er you need co!es !ainly fro! +holesale !erchants +ho ha*e the !eans to i!port oods throu h nei h"orin Cenya "y truck. -tOs definitely a sellerOs !arket here. 6or the cloud"ustersO !aterials% +e paid three ti!es the cost -O! used to payin in the @2$ir costs a hundred "ucks to fill a as tank here% too% so all the dri*in around that Neor and - did pretty +ell !ade up for the fact that our lod in +as usually pro*ided and restaurant !eals are ine8pensi*e. 9ereOs +hat happened in the t+o +eeks "et+een our arri*al and the e*ents alon the 1ile% a fe+ days later% that Dr. B and - recounted a fe+ days a o: - left 2pokane% 3ashin ton% the sa!e day Carol and Jinda did on their +ay to 6lorida% "ut !y ne8t t+o ni hts +ere spent in the 2alt Jake City airport and on the 2outh $frican $irlines plane fro! 1e+ ?ork to <ohannes"ur % *ia Cote -*oire. $ year "efore% after "ustin 3ashin ton% DCOs satanic rid +ith a hundred pounds of BBs% resin and 3al#art crystals% -Od spent the ni ht in Balti!oreOs airport% +here so!e lon couches are pro*ided for +eary tra*elers% so - +as a little !iffed to see that 2JC only pro*ided unco!forta"le seats that see!ed to !e like pe+s +ith chastity "elts. - did !ana e to steal so!e sleep% thou h% in "oth situations and "ein in $frica a ain +as so e8hilaratin for !e that the )etla .it +as 11 ti!e zones a+ay fro! ho!e/ didnOt slo+ !e do+n too !uch. Neor Bitschl !et !e at the airport in <oO"ur and thou h +eOd seen each otherOs pictures it took us a fe+ !inutes of standin and lookin around "efore +e reco nized each other. - think he chan ed his lasses and heOd thou ht - +as shorter V-/ 6oiled 2natch Bi ht "efore that% +hile retrie*in !y lu a e% -Od naturally assu!ed that the secret police +ould "e foolin +ith at least the card"oard "o8 full of alu!inu! particles% crystals% kni*es . ifts that -Od traded for fro! Dennie the 2+ord!aster/ Jaozu CellyOs e8Kuisitely "oosted +ater-resin 9oly 9and renades and a "lanket. #iraculously% the "o8 had apparently "een unopened "y the $!erican Nestapo. 2ure enou h% - looked around +hile - +as +aitin "eside the lu a e carousel and spotted the "o8 a"out L' !eters a+ay. 2o!eone +as in a fast-!o*in line% tryin to check it in at an airline ticket counter. - +alked o*er and told the fello+ that this +as !y "o8 and he *i orously protested. - said% O9old on--Oll sho+ you !y lu a e ticket stu"%O "ut +hile - +as ru!!a in throu h !y shoulder "a heOd disappeared. - kne+ it +as !ine% of course% "ecause it +as +ell "ound +ith a characteristic rope +hich +as tied in a Nestapo-discoura in Nor onOs knot and theyOd e*en put a shiny sticker on the lid in 2pokane +hich noted that it +as appro*ed "y the (2$. had assu!ed that the $!erican Nestapo +ere si!ply told not to !ess +ith the "o8 "ecause it +as to "e stolen at
the other end. Neor had already planned to "rin plenty of !etal and crystals to @ anda% )ust in case. 0r one I #etal Detectors - assu!e that you ha*e as !uch fun +alkin throu h !etal detectors as - do these days. -f youO*e "een usin a (er!inator zapper or +orn a 9ar!onic 7rotector for any len th of ti!e you% too% +ill "e a"le to +alk throu h the! +ith all your !etal on +ithout settin the! off. . (he or onite in these O+ornO de*ices turns your "ody into a sort of or one capacitor and stron or one te!porarily disa"les those +alk-thru !etal detectors. - lo*e the looks on the Nestapo faces +hen - do that and it !akes the reKuisite% for!erly hu!iliatin "ody search +ith a hand scanner +orth+hile. Carol and - al+ays et our tickets !arked +ith the O7022-BJD (DBB0B-2(O sta!p% of course% so +hene*er +e sho+ up the Nestapo feel like theyOre finally earnin their pay. - "et they other+ise feel like the (F O#ayta repair!an%O since there are no terrorists in $!erica e8cept the C-$ and other unla+ful alpha"et soup ca"als. -O! sure you kno+ that they ne*er stand in line at airports. Neor and 6riederike pro*ided so!e racious hospitality in their su"ur"an ho!e and +e all stayed up +ay too late "ut +e !ade it to the early fli ht to Dnte""e in the !ornin +ith ti!e to spare. Jake Fictoria looks pretty s!all +hen you see it on a !ap of $frica "ut +hen +e +ere flyin o*er the !iddle of it% - +as +onderin % O9o+ co!e +eOre flyin o*er the -ndian 0ceanRO - s+ear thereOs so !uch to $frica that it !i ht Kualify as a planet. Dnte""e $irport% 2ecret 2upporter% I Dr. Cayi+a Bi ht after +e +ere +hisked past Custo!s at Dnte""e and ushered into the D8ecuti*e Joun e to !eet our 2ecret 2upporter% +e +alked past Dr. Cayi+a% +ho! - instantly reco nized and hu ed. - hadnOt seen his picture "ut there +as so!ethin a"out that "i s!ile of his that left no dou"t at all in !y !ind V-/ - donOt kno+ if you personally kno+ any eni !as "ut Dr. C +ill al+ays re!ind !e of the Nreat 2phin8-!ore a"out that later% of course. $ day +ith hi! is "ound to e8pand anyoneOs personal horizons. -f it +erenOt for his resourcefulness% net+orkin skill% and lo istical help% - pro"a"ly +ouldnOt e*en "e here. O#ultifacetedO falls short as an ad)ecti*e in descri"in this co!ple8 character% as youOll see. -f you ha*enOt dra ed out your dusty 3orld $tlas "y no+% sha!e on you5 @ anda lies alon the north and north+est shore of Jake Fictoria. (he rest of the lake is "ordered% clock+ise% "y Cenya% (anzania% Burundi and B+anda. 9$$B7 #ost of the ur"an population of @ anda lies +ithin a fe+ !iles of the lakeshore% so thatOs +here !ost of the 9$$B7 and entropy to+ers are% +hich is +hy +e ot such tre!endous results fro! plo+in throu h the! alon the hi h+ay. -f 9$$B7 +as really a "eneficial lo"al pro ra! to Osa*e the en*iron!ent%O they +ould ha*e "uilt the arrays unifor!ly throu hout the planet% includin the oceans% instead of puttin the! !ainly in densely populated areas and a fe+ at!osphere-!oisture choke points% donOt you thinkR Be!e!"er% thou h% that the "ad uys al+ays o*er"uild% so itOs not a "ad idea to o*er ift. (he !ost pressin need at first +as to "ust all of the to+ers in Ca!pala% so Neor and - ot "usy +ith that on the third day. 3eOd done so!e sky sculpture for 2ecret 2upporter ri ht after +e !ade the t+o CBs% +hich a"solutely deli hted hi!% and +hile +e +ere doin the dirty resin +ork +e also !ade a "unch of :oz to+er"usters for to+n. -Od "rou ht alon four 3al#art !uffin pans for that% +hich -O! lea*in +ith Dr. 7aul Batii"+e% the resident% already acco!plished% or onite flin er. 3ho can account for +hat !ay "e considered precious in any cultureR (hose !uffin pans are +orth an a+ful lot to us here. #y first fe+ ni hts in $frica +ere a "it of a challen e "ecause !y )et la pretty !uch forced !e to o to "ed "efore ten oOclock and our host lo*es to stay up late and con*erse. - had ne*er e8perienced a !idni ht dinner "efore - ca!e here. 6ortunately% Neor only !o*ed across one ti!e zone and heOs a re arious% pleasant and *ery intelli ent fello+.
Ca!pala 0n day three% Dr. Cayi+a )oined Neor and - and uided us throu h the deeply rutted side streets of Ca!pala in order to reach the cityOs successi*e hilltop arrays. Neor !arked e*ery sin le disa"led to+er on his N72% )ust like heOs done throu hout 2outhern $frica on his iftin ca!pai ns. 9eOd told !e a"out that in an e!ail "ut until he sho+ed !e a printed i!a e of a !ap of his re ion +ith all the "usted to+ers% - didnOt realize ho+ i!pressi*e that recordin !ethod could "e. @nlike in $!erica% +here !ost of the hilltop arrays donOt ha*e any po+er lines oin to the! and under round nukesO characteristic dual coolin ponds are apparent +here*er you are% +hen you o to these @ andan arrays% you usually hear "i enerators runnin in the fortified shacks inside the "ar"ed +ire co!pounds around the to+ers. $ fe+ of the! ha*e !assi*e po+er lines feedin the! fro! the co!!ercial rid itself% +hich -Od ne*er seen in 1orth $!erica% e8cept +hen the occasional ur"an entropy trans!itters are located on the hi h tension po+er trans!ission line to+ers the!sel*es. <ud in "y the "undles of !assi*e shielded ca"les at each to+er site% these trans!itters use a J0( of electricity% sort of like ha*in one +orld-class radio station trans!itter for e*ery couple of thousand people. DoesnOt this strain your credulity as !uch as it does !ineR Cell phone to+ers% indeed5 -n Ca!pala% the "i est arrays +ere in the !iddle of hilltop !ilitary installations. -n these cases +e si!ply O*ectoredO the ifts around the peri!eter of the "ases. (he ease +ith +hich +e all neutralize e*en the !ost fortified% hidden deadly paraphernalia re!inds us that the +orld order is actually Kuite defenseless in this e!er in paradi !. 3hy not e8ploit the opportunity and )ust insist on ha*in these -llu!inati an sters and their +ise uys arrested ri ht no+R ?our county 2heriff has that authority and you pro"a"ly elected hi! in the first place. (hese an stersO cri!inal records are clear as a "ell% thanks to the typical cri!inalOs penchant for +antin others to kno+ of his e8ploits. 3here - li*e% the -llu!inati like to put their entropy to+ers on the rounds of schools% hospitals% office "uildin s and si!ilar places +here a lot of people% especially children% are close "y. - donOt think the -llu!inati like kids% unless theyOre Oproperly cooked%O as 3.C. 6ields said. 3e had !ost of Ca!pala Oli"eratedO in a day "ut the skies further east% o*er the source of the 1ile and the ad)oinin )un le area% +ere still +hited out% perhaps !ainly "y ra!pant *oodoo acti*ity% and +e +ere to shortly see that there +as so!e apparently scalar effort fro! re!ote 9$$B7 arrays to !ess up Ca!palaOs skies a ain. (hat only cleared up for ood +hen +e finished off the re!ainin 9$$B7 arrays to the east and +est. 3eOd !ade t+o CBs at 2ecret 2upporterOs "ecause one of the! +as to "e deli*ered to Cisoro% +here an i!portant person +anted to see so!e sky sculpture firsthand and +e )u!ped at the chance to et a re ional CB net+ork set up. Dr. Batii"+eOs CB in Ci"o a and 2ecret 2upporterOs in Ca!pal +ould soon "e part of a trian ular net+ork 2!o +asnOt a !a)or pro"le! in Ca!pala% as it is in 1airo"i% e*en thou h !any of the *ehicles throu hout Dast $frica are s!oky diesels and nearly e*eryone cooks on outdoor charcoal or +ood "raziers. Carol told !e that the s!o in 1airo"i% +hich is on a plain% is e*en thicker than Jos $n elesO +as prior to C"s+orkOs and a fe+ othersO 9erculean iftin efforts in and around the J$ Basin. - )ust fi ure that 1airo"iOs an unhappy place co!pared to Ca!pala. 9u!an !isery enerates dead or one% therefore s!o % and - donOt see a lot of !isery in Ca!pala. D*en the oats and the lo*ely% traditional 1sa ala cattle razin in the nei h"orhoods look content and ro"ust. (he Boad to Cisoro 3e tra*eled to Cisoro and had the opportunity to ha*e share half+ay there +ith a @ andan resort o+ner and architect% +hich +as nice for Neor % +ho is also an architect and +as i!pressed +ith the fello+Os artistry% skill and style. Noin +est fro! Ca!pala% +hich is pretty !uch in the center of the stretch fro! Eaire .Con o/ to Cenya% one sees a *ariety of en*iron!ents relati*e to the chan es in altitude. @ntil *ery recently% the re ion !id+ay fro!
Ca!pala to Eaire .pronounced% OEa-DD-ray%O here "y the +ay/ +as Kuite arid% "ut no+ is looks as reen as the for!erly desert hillsides around Jos $n eles had "eco!e "y last +inter and sprin . $fter that% one oes "ack do+n to an altitude that supports the lush *e etation that Ca!pala en)oys. Jake Fictoria is o*er a thousand !eters in altitude. (he real )a+ dropper% for us% +as !eanderin alon the dirt hi h+ay on the near-*ertical !ountain sides as +e approached Cisoro% +hich lies in the south+est corner of @ anda in the presence of NOhin a% the soarin % li*e *olcano +hose top is usually concealed in a or eous% e*er-!orphin lenticular cloud% far a"o*e the le*el of the driftin cu!uli. -f - +ere a fan of 3all 2treet% -Od "uy stock in a 2urreal (ouris! a ency "ecause as soon as curiosity seekers learn ho+ rich this country is in unusual% !ind-"o lin si hts theyOre oin to sta!pede to et here $2$7 V-/ suppose - could "uy and sell 2urreal Dstate here if - had any !oney. (he !ind falters% too% at the si ht of the terraced fields that e8tend thousands of feet up the sides of these !ountains% !ost of +hich are *ery% *ery far fro! the nearest road. -O! told that !uch of "orderin B+anda rese!"les Cisoro. Dor Fi"es - !ust say that on the +ay to Cisoro +e encountered our first hostility in @ anda. 3e noticed that a fe+ of the folks "y the roadside in a s!all area a*e us dirty looks and a youn "oy actually thre+ a rock at the car "efore fleein into )un le% unsuccessfully pursued "y the dri*er. (hat si!ply re!inded Neor and - that +eOd need to do a little roadside iftin throu h that area on the +ay "ack% +hich +e did. (here is a nei h"orhood in Ca!pala +hich has a reputation for hu!an sacrifice rituals% Dr. C told us durin a to+er"ustin e8cursion there% and% sure enou h% +e sa+ so!e pretty unhappy folks there and so flun out se*eral (Bs. Dr. B told us a"out a si!ilar area alon the road to his +estern ho!e in Ci"o a% "ut +eOd already ifted that area "ecause it felt so cru!!y. 9is car en ine had si!ply stopped in that area a couple of ti!es% thou h there +as nothin !echanically +ron +ith it. (he only ti!e Carol and - e8perienced that pheno!enon +as on a re!ote road in ?ello+stone 1ational 7ark ri ht after +eOd neutralized one of the - $# 6ello+shipOs hu!an sacrifice sites. -tOs pretty creepy +hen that happens "ut at least +e all kno+ that +eOre ettin the )o" done. 2ky 2culptin 3hen +e ot to our Cisoro hostOs place% +e i!!ediately planted the CB in his arden and started +atchin the sky% +hich had "een partially +hited out "y 9$$B7 rape. -!!ediately% a "lue hole for!ed o*erhead and an i!!ense% proper lenticular cloud appeared on the ed e of the hole% ri ht ne8t to NOhin a. 3hether you "elie*e% as - do% that these pheno!enal clouds al!ost al+ays acco!pany and conceal Je!urian and $ndro!edan ships% theyOre nonetheless a co!!on si ht that co!!e!orates anyoneOs or onite e8positions. Norilla (ours (here are a strin of *ery reen *olcanoes in an east-+est line here. NOhin a is the eastern!ost and also the lar est. B+anda o+ns the southern half of that one and @ anda o+ns the northern half. #ost of *olcanoes further +est are in Eaire. (here are so!e !ountain orillas that li*e in that re ion. 3hile +e +ere in near"y Ca"ale a fe+ days later% +e sa+ a "i % ru ed open truck +ith so!e tourists in it +ho +ere headin for so!e social intercourse +ith orillas. 6or W&'' you can o !eet a orilla fa!ily% +hich is a pretty ood deal% - think. $t so!e point !ay"e so!e"ody +ill arran e forei n tours for the orillas. -Od lo*e to sho+ the! around -daho. (he Dast $fricans are fond of the "i ($($ trucks fro! -ndia. (hese last a"out t+enty years on rou h roads and are afforda"le I ha*e a lot of carryin capacity. $fter an e*enin of *ery pleasant co!pany +ith our Cisoro host% a son of a chief% +ho also prefers to re!ain anony!ous% and his raconteur friend% 6ather <oe% a deli htful @ andan priest +ho had tra*eled a lot% Neor and -
rested in preparation for a shoe leather tour of Cisoro the follo+in day. (here are so!e lakes in that re ion +hich +e +anted to ift "ut !ost of the! are inaccessi"le +ith a *ehicle. 2i8 kilo!eters fro! our hostOs place +e +ere a"le to toss a couple of etheric pipe"o!"s into the end of one of those lakes% thou h% and it +as fun !eetin and talkin to folks alon the +ay and shakin hands +ith a hundred or so curious children +ho reeted us +ith% O9ello% Bazun u-ho+ are youRO +hich +as likely the only Dn lish they kne+ prior to oin to school. 3e hiked a"out t+el*e kilo!eters that day. (hat e*enin +e +ere introduced to so!e of the local doctors% +ho +ere keenly interested in ha*in a clinical cro+d zapper% thanks to our hostsO lo+in reports. - arran ed for one to "e deli*ered there the follo+in +eek.
(he Ca"ale OBitchO (he ne8t day% Neor and - +ent to Ca"ale to do so!e intense iftin in an effort to neutralize O(he Bitch%O +ho had "een !akin plans to erase !e for a"out a !onth. Ca"ale is also near the B+andan "order and itOs +here the road to Cisoro "ranches off fro! the pa*ed% !ain hi h+ay. Bi trucks fro! #o!"assa% CenyaOs seaport% o throu h Cisoro to et to Eaire. #ost of those are flat"eds% carryin !etal containers fro! the ships the!sel*es. $ !onth or so "efore - left% OC"s+orkO had +arned !e that the -llu!inati dun -hoarders had already arran ed for !e to "e killed in @ anda. (heir plan +as centered around the efforts of a @ andan +o!an +ith salt-and-pepper hair +ho! C"s had clearly seen astrally. Carol sa+ that this +itch had a lot of support fro! British #-6 and +e ot "usy +ith the pro"le!. 0ddly% Carol learned that this +itch% thou h *ery co!petent% ne*er sa+ !y hits co!in . 3e apparently erased the t+o !ale @ andan killers she had enlisted and also se*eral !urderous British and @1 espiona e !iddle!en "ut none of the !ayhe! +e caused a!on these killers +ould +eaken (he BitchOs resol*e. (his +as clearly her pro)ect and it +as !ainly percei*ed as a territorial stru le "y her% apparently% rather than a po+er play% +hich is +hat usually !oti*ates the -llu!inati the!sel*es. - continued to sla! here periodically ;7o+er+and=% ri ht up to the ti!e +e +ent to Ca"ale% +hich +e ca!e to assu!e +as her operational "ase and present location +hen +e +ere there 1othin at all see!ed to slo+ her do+n% thou h she o"*iously had a lon history of killin in her resu!e. 3e stayed in a hotel on the ed e of to+n and the follo+in !ornin Neor and - +alked up to ift a hillside array in that part of to+n .on a colle e ca!pus/ and to enerally et our "earin s. (here +ere t+o !ore arrays in to+n% +hich +e could see fro! this ele*ation and a lake not far a+ay. $fter lunch% Neor rented a s!all !otorcycle to et the! all e8peditiously in preparation for oin after (he Bitch% "oth of us assu!in that she +as ettin a lot of ener y fro! these trans!itters. 3e "oth had a sense of trepidation and the fact that 7resident #usa*eni +as to *isit Ca"ale and deli*er a speech the ne8t day sort of reinforced our i!pression that (he Bitch +as here. (he 0perators usually +ork this +ay% !o*in us ifters around like chess pieces and if youO*e e*er otten a sense for this on your o+n or onite e8peditions% you kno+ e8actly +hat -O! talkin a"out and can !ore easily relate to this "izarre account. -f you canOt relate to +hat -O! tellin you% )ust read this as a fantasy if you like. - donOt !ind. Neor is a *ery le*el-headed uy% not at all an8ious "y nature% +ho keeps a healthy dose of skepticis! "ut he told !e that as he +as co!in do+n fro! the last% hi hest array in to+n% +hich +as spread out alon the rid e of the tallest !ountain there% he felt distinct trepidation% +hich pro"a"ly accounted for a fall fro! the "ike that resulted in a pretty rueso!e Oroad rashO alon his left ar! and left knee. - ha*e to say that - +asnOt too surprised +hen he then sho+ed up in our hotel roo! lookin like he +as Oin the +ars.O 9e +ashed and dressed the +ounds% "ut Kuickly left a ain to toss so!e stielhand ranaten into the lake% four kilo!eters a+ay% +hile he still had the rented !otorcycle. 9e +as pretty tired +hen he ot "ack% partly "ecause
the !otor"ike stopped +orkin half+ay there and he had to +alk the rest of the +ay. (he le*el of as in the tank +as lo+ enou h that dri*in up a steep hill half+ay to the lake had left the fuel intake e8posed and no )u)u in this case V-/. 9e did ri htly ha*e a sense of acco!plish!ent% thou h% and of course he used one of his zappers after that to pre*ent infection.
(railin the #zun u 2i nal (he day after that% 7resident #usa*eni +as in to+n and there +ere ar!ed soldiers e*ery+here. 3e deter!ined to look for (he Bitch and ift her into o"li*ion if possi"le and as +e +ere ettin ready to o% the electricity fortuitously +ent off in to+n. - ra""ed !y zapchecker and turned around until - ot a si nal% hopin that +here*er she +as !i ht "e i*in off a stron si nal. Neor Os *ie+ of her ray unifor! led !e to assu!e that she +orked around so!e po+erful electronic stuff that +as po+ered off the rid. 0f course% a !odern satanic practitioner in $frica .or any+here else/ is likely to !ake use of e*il !zun u !a ic% +hich is "ased lar ely on electronics. 3eOd "usted all of the 9$$B7 and entropy to+ers% so nothin else in to+n should ha*e "een puttin out a si nal. -t turned out that - ot a consistent si nal fro! e8actly the sa!e direction that !y pendulu! had indicated a little earlier. -t +as co!in fro! a part of to+n that +e hadnOt *isited yet .ri ht after that% the po+er ca!e "ack on/ so +e headed off in that direction% ha*in to take Kuite a fe+ turns alon the +ay% uided !ainly "y !y pendulu! at this point. 3e +alked past a lar e "oardin school and the pendulu! indicated that the source +as ri ht on or under the rounds of that +alled facility. 2oldiers +ere stoppin e*eryone +ho +alked throu h the ate in order to check for +eapons% so this +as apparently +here the 7resident +ould "e speakin and people +ere lined up there% +aitin to et in. 3eOd )ust ifted a rectan ular pond% "y the +ay% +hich see!ed like it could "e used for an under round nuke. 3e +ere later told that there are a lot of ca*erns under Ca"ale. $ssu!in +e +ould ha*e to ift the peri!eter of the lar e school rounds% +e +alked on% "ut +hen +e turned the corner% +e sa+ that a ate had "een left open further do+n the street% so +e +alked throu h that one and continued to follo+ the pendulu! and zapchecker. -n the !iddle of the facility +as a spot that +as o*er the center of the ener y field% accordin to "oth the zapchecker and pendulu!% so +as perhaps directly a"o*e (he Bitch !ay ha*e "een the @ andan +itch that Credo #utt+a had told Neor +as controllin Ei!"a"+eOs 7resident and% perhaps% se*eral other $frican dictators. -Od already learned that the !ost rueso!e satanic stuff in @ anda takes place under round% pro"a"ly on account of the reptiliansO in*ol*e!ent. 3e then +alked out past the uards at the front ate% +ho +ere still "usy scannin for +eapons. - "et theyOd ha*e had a hard ti!e +rappin their "rains around our or onite +eapons if +eOd tried to take the! in that +ay V-/ 0perator Co*er Neor and - i!!ediately felt a sense of relief .after - ot an inti!ation that (he Bitch had sent !ore killers to look for us the pre*ious ni ht% - locked the hotel roo!Os door/. 3e found an internet caf` later in the day and -Od otten a note fro! Carol e8pressin concern a"out not "ein a"le to locate !e the ni ht "efore and - told her that the 0perators +ere pro"a"ly concealin us then% for our o+n protection. 3e e8perienced so!ethin like that a year "efore% +hen +e eluded the 12$ for the first ti!e on our +ay fro! 2eattle to pick up the CJ0@D2 06 DD$(9 *ideo fro! C"s+ork in Jos $n eles. (hat +as the only ti!e C"s didnOt OseeO us co!in . - donOt think heOd e*er e8perienced such a ap in his super-psychic skills "efore% "ut of course +hen (he 0perators +ant to hide us% they hide us fro! e*eryone% not )ust fro! the other+ise o!niscient 12$% +ith their ar!y of top psychics% satellites and spy net+orks.
O-Oll Be BackO Carol later confir!ed that (he Bitch +as dead at that point% "ut the reptilians or so!e"ody apparently reconstructed her not lon after that. -t +as an a+fully ood coup% re ardless. By the +ay% the day "efore% Neor and - had a *isualization session and he sa+ her in a ray unifor! .typical secret-@1/9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination costu!e these days/ and also sa+ a tall D yptian !an in an e8pensi*e "usiness suit +ith her. -t +as apparently easy for us to erase the D yptian% so he !ust ha*e "een an allhu!an ritual killer% perhaps directly in*ol*ed "ecause of +hat +eOd done at the head+aters of the 1ile. (hereOs a pro!inent D yptian "ank in Ca!pala% so !ay"e he +as so!eho+ connected +ith that. - think (he Bitch is part reptilian. 2heOs a+fully dura"le. - ot the instinct i!pression that +e can at least terrify her no+% +hich !eans that as lon as -O! "reathin % -O! +innin . Carol and - +ill et "usy +ith her +hen - o ho!eV !ean+hile% -O*e asked Doppel an ster and #r. 2kull to pay her a courtesy call. . $ couple of days a o% - asked Cizira to look at the situation and he told !e that - +onOt ha*e any !ore trou"le in @ anda% e*en if - o to the +ar torn north. 9eOs a really ood psychic. Neor rented the "ike "ecause +e didnOt dri*e fro! Ca!pala. 3e did !ana e to et rides fro! ne+ friends to Cisoro% Ca"ale and "ack and% ha*in !arked and ifted !ost of the locations of the 9$$B7 and entropy trans!itters alon the +ay% +e ifted the ones +e !issed on the +ay "ack. -tOs a ood thin +e didnOt ha*e to ride "uses% since they really pack you into these $frican "uses and it +ould ha*e "een hard to do !uch proper iftin that +ay. 9a*e you i*en any thou ht to ho+ these countless thousands of to+ers can "e used after theyO*e all "een dis!antled "y proper o*ern!ents pretty soon% as the Bussians apparently already did in their countryR -n the ne8t article% -O! oin to tell a"out !y *isits +ith Cizira in his *illa e and to relay so!e of his personal accounts of *isions and circu!stances that led to his present career. Don Croft
Episode 6 ,anging 4ith The Wit3h )o3tor By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcP6han in +ith+itchdoctor'Pdec':.sht!l Dec. P% &'': Dr. B and - already +rote a"out the e8perience +ith Cizira at Budha ali 6alls% "ut -O*e *isited C three other ti!es and learned a fe+ thin s% "oth "y o"ser*ation and fro! his instruction. - +ant to sho+ you )ust ho+ uni*ersal hu!an faith and spiritual uidance are and to share a li!pse of a "it of @ andaOs spiritual tradition. - first !et Cizira +hen - +as still at ho!e in the @2$. - clearly sensed his presence +hile - +as +orkin in !y ara e one day in 0cto"er% a fe+ +eeks "efore - ca!e to $frica. Dr. Batii"+e had told !e "y e!ail that Cizira +as in the process of checkin !e out. 9is o+n initial contact +ith Cizira ca!e ri ht after Carol and - had su ested that he look for a reputa"le traditional healer in order to e8pand his o+n resources as a !edical doctor +ho applies alternati*e healin !ethods. Dr. B had lon "een interested in alternati*e !edicine and had adopted !any of these !odes% includin electro!edicine% colloidal sil*er% nutrition% her"s and ozone therapy% in his capacity as chief physician at Ci"o a District 9ospital. 9is initial !eetin +ith Cizira last <uly ca!e throu h a personal introduction "y a patient of his in a distant *illa e +ho had cancer and had "een to see the healer. 2adly% that +o!an died not lon after+ard "ecause her hus"and for"ade her to et the treat!ent she needed. Cizira a*e !e a "ottle of his her"al cancer cure% "y the +ay% +hich -O! oin to pass alon to 3illia! *on 7eters% the cloud"uster net+orkOs *ery reputa"le naturopathic physician and ho!eopath% for his consideration +hen - et "ack. 0ne of the thin s - hope to see de*elopin fro! !y *isit here is a close colla"oration "et+een !y @ andan healer friends and *on 7eters. $fter se*eral *isits +ith C% Dr. B "eca!e "etter acKuainted +ith his o+n spirituality/sensiti*ity and also +as a"le to +itness CiziraOs skill and ran e of kno+led e in the use of healin her"s and foods% +hich he uses as an ad)unct to his a"ility to heal +ith prayer and touch. #any doctors here talk a"out +orkin alon side traditional healers% "ut Batii"+e +as ne*er satisfied +ith )ust talkin % +hich is pro"a"ly +hy +eO*e co!e to "e such ood friends in a short ti!e. Durin his 44 years% Cizira had attended a #usli! pri!ary school% "een a fish!on er% a uerrilla fi hter .under the co!!and of no+-7resident #usa*eni/ and a furniture !aker "ut in 1MML he "e an his present career after askin Nod% in desperation% to indicate the path to his o+n destiny. (he ne8t !ornin he +oke to find a s!all% intricate dia ra! on his forear!% in a pattern su esti*e% to !e% of a Chinese calli raphy or crop circle. (he !arkin +as *ery li ht co!pared to his surroundin % pi !ented skin. $ series of *isions follo+ed and% perhaps not +ishin to "e considered insane "y his nei h"ors% he !o*ed to Cenya to "e in practicin his ne+ healin art. 9is !other +as a traditional healer% so he +as no stran er to her"al and psycho/spiritual practices "ut she diso+ned hi! after he re)ected her traditional reliance on local deities in fa*or of a reliance on one Creator. (he first thin he tells *isitors is to stop prayin to anyone "ut the Creator of the @ni*erse% as reliance on anyone else uarantees a di!inished return for oneOs efforts. (hin s didnOt feel ri ht for hi! in Cenya% thou h% and he reco nized this as a si n that he needed to take a !ore difficult path% so he returned to @ anda% +here he +as uided to "uy his present plantation% a"out 1& k! fro! Ci"o a near the hi h+ay to Ca!pala% $fter he !o*ed there% he had series of *isions that confir!ed his decision. Durin these +akin *isions% the surroundin s disappeared and he ot clear instructions a"out ho+ he +as to conduct his affairs.
$fter healin a fe+ locals% ru!ors "e an to spread a"out hi!% !ost of +hich +ere unfriendly% and at one point so!eone fro! the o*ern!ent approached hi! +ith an offer to pay hi! for his psychic a"ilities on their "ehalf% +hich he apparently declined. $s you pro"a"ly kno+% at least fro! !y accounts of !y +ork +ith si!ilar psychics/healers in the @2% the spiritual stru les of ifted people are essentially no different fro! yours and !ine and theyOre perhaps e*en !ore ti htly "ound "y @ni*ersal Ja+ since they +ork closer to it +hile theyOre in the supernor!al state% so re+ard and retri"ution% +hich are the uni*ersal !eans of assistin spiritual ro+th% are a little !ore i!!ediate for the!. Cizira is +ise enou h .unlike !e/ to realize that it +as only a !atter of ti!e "efore his enuine lo*e for people +ould dispel these ru!ors and thatOs !ostly co!e to pass "y no+% thou h so!e o*Ot people see! to feel a little suspicious% still% +hich is to "e e8pected% - suppose. 6ortunately for Cizira% the o*Ot here isnOt !uch ali ned +ith the -llu!inati and% +hile their intelli ence- atherin a"ility is Kuite i!pressi*e% the intent of their policin isnOt the co!plete eradication of personal freedo!% as it !ostly is in $!erica and so!e other for!erly free countries% sad to say. Neor and - !et Cizira on an o*erni ht trip to Ci"o a durin our first +eek in @ anda. Dr. Batii"+e +ent +ith us to !ake the introductions and told us that "efore he .Dr. B/ kne+ that Neor e +ould also "e co!in to @ anda% Cizira had seen us "oth arri*in in a *ision% referrin to Neor % then% as a youn er% taller !an% +hich he is. Dr. B +as a little trepidatious a"out the !eetin % as Cizira had ne*er had a pleasant e8perience +ith a !zun u "efore. (hat apprehension +as Kuickly dispelled after the introductions% thou h% and C +as his usual% re arious% confident and outra eous self in no ti!e. $fter sa!plin so!e of his her"al concoctions .nothin he !akes is har!ful/ and a fine dinner of fresh "eans and s+eet potatoes% t+o of CiziraOs youn sons "e an playin dru!s% his +i*es and other children arran ed the!sel*es in a chorus and Cizira led so!e son s +hich heOd recei*ed in *isions. $fter the proper at!osphere had "een esta"lished% he +ent in turn fro! Neor % !yself% Drs. C and B and Dr. BOs father .a retired national o*Ot official/% +ho +as *isitin Ci"o a% and held our hands% then our foreheads and told us a "it a"out our destinies. -tOs pro"a"ly not appropriate for !e to !ention anyone elseOs !essa e% "ut he told !e that - need to +ork on usin the po+er of !y utterance to defeat !y ene!ies% +hich are Kuite nu!erous in $!erica and desperately +ant to kill !e these days. -tOs "een Kuite a *acation here for !e% - !ust say% and all those -llu!inati dun "eetles and their !urderous 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination flunkies see! far a+ay ri ht no+. - think needed a little "reak fro! those )erks. 3hile CiziraOs in his psychic !ode% his hand tre!"les. (his no+ also happens to Dr. B +hen the process is happenin . C al+ays praises the Creator and asks for his help "efore atte!ptin any psychic efforts% +hich think is a+fully nice. $fter our Budha ali trip% he e8plained so!e of the ener y dyna!ics that +ere in*ol*ed there. $ccordin to his reckonin % there +ere e8traordinary% indi*idual hu!ans in ancient ti!es +ho ca!e to "e identified% after a period of inte ration in the ne8t +orld follo+in their physical deaths% +ith certain po+er spots and people ca!e to call these places "y the deceased% e8traordinary indi*idualsO na!es and propitiated their !e!ories accordin to the e8e!plary li*es that they had led% so in places like Budha ali 6alls +here the O uardian spiritO +as a "ene*olent indi*idual% rituals +ere perfor!ed +hich honored that aspect. -n places +here the na!esakeOs life+ork +as essentially e*il% e*il acts +ere perfor!ed to perpetuate their li*in e8a!ple. (he reason +e perfor!ed the ritual on the island in the 1ile "y the falls is that in recent years% the site had "een su"*erted "y !urderous *oodoo practitioners% in con)unction +ith o*ern!ent/corporate plans to "uild a hydroelectric plant a little further do+nstrea!. $pparently% the "ad uys kne+ that they needed to "anish Budha ali fro! the falls "efore they could ather the po+er to su"!er e the falls +ith the ne+ da!. -t re!ains
to "e seen +hether theyOll no+ "e a"le to construct the da!% of course. -f !ore electricity is needed% there are surely other sites alon the 1ile that can "e as easily da!!ed if the o*Ot rather insists on not usin e8istin free ener y tech and the further do+nstrea! one oes% the fe+er people +ill "e displaced "y a pro)ect like that. By the +ay% se*eral Ode*elopin +orldO o*ern!ents% includin Costa Bica% ha*e !ade tentati*e plans to esta"lish free ener y technolo y "ut - think e*eryoneOs )ust +aitin for the first one to de!onstrate that his/her nation +onOt et pere!ptorily nuked "y the City of JondonOs le "reaker% the @2% for ha*in the coura e to put this already-de*eloped technolo y to +ork on a national scale. 0f course +hen that happens% the trolls in Jondon +onOt ha*e a le to stand on any !ore% so to speak% since all of their he e!ony is no+ "ased on already-o"solete petroleu!. - personally hope that this pioneer tech +ill e!er e in @ anda. - notice that the C-$ and #-6% the only terrorist or anizations on the planet% donOt ha*e !uch of a stran lehold on this o*Ot as they still do in Costa Bica and also in the rest of $frica. (o say that $frican culture is characterized "y any specific practice or "elief syste! is !isleadin . $s a reputa"le anthropolo ist once pointed out% this continent is a *erita"le cornucopia that can "e used to pro*e or dispro*e anythin at all "ased on the practices of a i*en culture or su" roup and callin it O$frican.O 9ence the plethora of anthropolo ists +ho *isit here to su"stantiate their o+n particular personal do !a and philosophy. (o illustrate his point% the author had *isited t+o $frican cultures% +hich - "elie*e are in @ anda% to docu!ent t+o societal e8tre!es and take the +ind out of the sails of the s!all ar!y of fake-science +estern anthropolo ists. (he folks in one culture are intensely i!po*erished% selfish and a"usi*e and the author noted seein a "lind !an% +ho had snatched a piece of rottin !eat fro! a carcass that so!e )ackals +ere dinin on% "ein then o*er+hel!ed "y people +ho fou ht each other for the putrid scrap% lea*in the poor uy in a "ruised heap. 9e a*e another e8a!ple of a near"y culture in +hich e*eryone see!s to share responsi"ility for the co!!unityOs o*erall !aterial and e!otional +ell-"ein and +here e*eryone +as happy to look after the needs of children% no !atter +hich fa!ily they "elon ed to. - think !ost $frican cultures fall so!e+here in "et+een those e8tre!es. Cizira had asked !e to teach hi! to do so!e that our net+ork do% so - took hi! a cro+d zapper% a (er!inator% so!e of CarolOs 9ar!onic 7rotectors and one of her prototype Crystal 9ar!onizers. - !ade a cloud"uster for hi! there and +hile - +as +orkin % he told !e so!e !ore a"out his life and +ork. By the +ay% -O! in Ca!pala no+% at Dr. Cayi+aOs house% and last ni ht it "e an rainin hea*ily here around !idni ht and continued% !ore li htly% until &7#% an hour a o. (here +as so!e li htnin in the "e innin of the stor! "ut no +ind% +hich sho+s that the cloud"uster on the other side of to+n is doin its )o" in 2ecret 2upporterOs arden. (he pre*ious rainstor!% a fe+ days a o% +as "riefly acco!panied "y a stron % localized +ind% +hich of course is typical of any thunderstor! +here a CB isnOt present or up to speed. $s - +as ridin to to+n fro! Ci"o a +ith Dr. B in the hospital *an yesterday% +e "oth felt a little dis!ayed "y +hat looked like so!e 9$$B7 +hiteout all the +ay here "ut +hat +e +ere apparently seein +as so!e intense or one "uildup in the at!osphere in ad*ance of this pheno!enal rain. - hope to find out if it rained si!ilarly in (ororo% "y the Cenya frontier% as it had "een Kuite dry there +hen +e *isited last +eek. - +ant to find out if CiziraOs CB had so!ethin to do +ith this pheno!enal rainfall. - suspect that +hat +e thou ht !i ht "e 9$$B7 +hiteout +as rather )ust the co!plete saturation of the re ionOs at!osphere +ith !oisture-"earin or one% instead. $s -O*e said "efore% or onite ets a lot !ore "an for the "uck here in $frica. $s +e +ere dri*in throu h COla on the +ay to Dr. Cayi+aOs house% Dr. B candidly ad!itted to !e that heOd felt discoura ed after readin so!e of the !aterial fro! our detractors% "ut that after that% he decided to )ust o ahead and !ake a cloud"uster any+ay last #ay. - let hi! kno+ that the t+o popular +e"sites he !entioned are strictly C-$ efforts% after all% and that a ood +ay to test +hether a site is for disinfor!ation is to check our ener y after *isitin it% co!pared to our ener y le*el after readin "onafide% infor!ati*e +e"sites. -n*aria"ly% +e feel discoura ed and e*en hopeless after a"sor"in so!e of the disinfor!ation +hile +e feel "uoyed and inspired +hen +eO*e read the real stuff. 0f course% if the disinfo sites didnOt pepper their efforts +ith li"eral a!ounts of
factual% e*en cuttin ed e infor!ation% you +ouldn,t "e interested in the! in the first place. (he C-$ has plenty of ne+s +e can use. 2ince CiziraOs CB is apparently in a *orte8 and only 1&k! fro! Dast $fricaOs *ery first CB% in Doc Batii"+eOs Ci"o a "ackyard% +e !ay ha*e )ust e8perienced so!e tur"o-"oosted rain!akin . - had a hunch that C +ould take to cloud"ustin Kuite easily and perhaps sho+ us a fe+ tricks% as C"s+ork in Jos $n eles re ularly has. felt a little "ad for all those Ca!pala crafts!en +ho +erenOt a"le to put their +ares outdoors this !ornin % especially the uys +ho !ake all those stuffed% upholstered couches and chairs +hich they perhaps display "y the roadside partly in order to ha*e roo! to +ork. - can easily relate to CiziraOs cos!olo y "ut - ha*e to ad!it that !y !ind failed to rasp the "enefits of poly a!y that he tried to con*ey and he see!s to +ant to ha*e a follo+in % +hich - feel is contrary to a !andate of ser*ice. - chalk that stuff up to hu!an nature% thou h% and !ean+hile heOs doin a lot of people ood and is a racious host. -% too% ha*e had three +i*es% after all. - )ust didnOt do it all at once and itOs al+ays felt that% to !e% it +as enou h of a challen e to do )ustice to one +o!an. 6ortunately% - finally found Carol% +ho lo*es !e "ecause of !yself% rather than in spite of !yself and doesnOt freak out e*ery ti!e - e8press !yself "ut rather see!s to actually en)oy !y cuttin frin e orientation. - surely do lo*e her "ack the sa!e +ay. Considerin the realities of fe!ale se8uality% it +ould "e !ore lo ical for +o!en to ha*e !ultiple hus"ands% as #ark (+ain pointed out .that "ook could only "e pu"lished posthu!ously-another case of a fello+ ahead of his ti!e V-/% usin Catherine the Nreat% +ith her re i!ent-sized "ed% as an illustration. (hereOs a really cute Brazilian !o*ie a"out a peasant +o!an +ho ca!e to ha*e three hus"ands that you !i ht en)oy seein . - for ot the na!e of it. 0f CiziraOs thirteen kids% se*eral of the! are ener y sensiti*e and/or psychic .as are t+o of his +i*es/ and the rest see! to "e +ell ad)usted .thatOs an a+fully Kueer ter!% no+ that - see it on paper/ and theyOre definitely friendly and confident around stran ers. - ot a uided tour of his plantation% +hich heOd !ana ed to et to a state +here !uch of the fa!ilyOs food is si!ply picked fro! trees and *ines. (his re ionOs ot a fruit% for instance% that youOd need to pick up correctly in order not to dislocate your "ack. -tOs called a )ackfruit and ro+s in a to+erin % or eous% "road-leafed tree and rese!"les "readfruit% of Captain Bli h fa!e. -t +ei hs a"out thirty pounds% thou h% and% unlike starchy% "land "readfruit% is filled +ith "ite-sized pieces of tasty oran e% sort of +a8y% fruit that re!inds !e a "it of tan erines and apples. 2o!e folks +ho kno+ hi! are perhaps )ustifia"ly distur"ed "y COs poly a!y and his disinterest in !oney% "ut ha*e confidence that none of this +ill stand in his +ay *ery !uch% since his !ain focus is on de*elopin his healin and psychic ifts. #ore !oney and li*in space +ill pro"a"ly s!ooth o*er the difficulties he and his +i*es are no+ e8periencin and "oth are on the horizon% apparently. 3hat -O*e disco*ered fro! !y o+n net+ork-"uildin efforts is that so!e people e8pect !e to "e their *ersion of perfect and a fe+ of those et pretty nasty +ith !e +hen - donOt !eet their e8pectations. (o hell +ith the!% of courseV -O! not doin this to et anyoneOs appro*al% nor do - +ant a personal follo+in .here% the hu!or of the 0perators is o"*ious% since -O*e ot a near-neurotic hatred of sycophancy and - prefer to spend !ost of !y ti!e +ith !y +ife and alone rather than relatin to people in :D/ and -O*e noticed that !y !ost *i orous detractors are not doin !uch to refine their o+n characters at any rate% nor a! - !akin any personal clai!s. . - +ish there +ere so!e +ay - could detach these fe+ lazy "ut noisy louts fro! our net+ork and attach the! to so!e of our 9itler-+anna"ee detractors instead V-/ #ay"e - can do that +ith utterance% as Cizira pro!ised - +ill "e a"le to do.
- think that e*eryone +ho cra*es leadership should i!!ediately et saddled +ith a dozen or so of these "acksta""in sycophants% donOt youR (here are !any +ays to !ake this +orld a "ri hter place% +eOre findin % and these !ethods donOt all ha*e to "e pretty. Jife really isnOt like a Disney !o*ie. 3hen one assu!es a le*el of co!!it!ent the +ay Cizira% Cayi+a% Batii"+e and - ha*e one ets fairly s+ar!ed "y reactionary people +ho feel that their personal% luke+ar! paradi ! is threatened. (he nether reaches of hu!an nature dictate that ha*in our personal paradi ! challen ed can "e !ore se*ere than e*en a threat to our physical "odies. Dr. C +as nearly killed +hen a !otorist ran hi! do+n a !onth and a half a o and Dr B +as repeatedly sickened "y ener y attacks since he started ad*ocatin electro!edicine. - had assu!ed that Dr BOs attacks +ere poisonin . 2o!e !ay ha*e "een "ut the latest one% +hich delayed our Ci"o a *isit "y a day last +eek% +ere% accordin to Cizira% the result of a personal ener y attack. - talked to hi! on the phone +hen he called to say he +as too sick +ith OfluO to tra*el the ne8t day "ut after - "lasted his attacker throu h hi! he reco*ered Kuite Kuickly. - then ad!inistered Dr. *on 7etersO e8cellent ODraina e ClearO ho!eopathic for!ula and Dr. 7Os sy!pto!s +ere one entirely shortly after that. Cizira is curious a"out ho+ he !i ht "e *ie+ed "y $!ericans and he told !e that $fricanOs !inds are "ehind $!ericansO "ecause $frica is less !odern. (he fact that he rarely sees (F or !o*ies and doesnOt read !uch $!erican or Duropean literature sho+s !e ho+ per*asi*e this !isconception is here. - told hi! that% actually% any child in $frica can Kuickly a"sor" !odernization "ut the !inds of +estern people are actually retarded "ecause they !ostly donOt kno+ anythin a"out their true% spiritual natures% +hich $fricans enerally understand "etter. 9e see!ed to et it% "ecause he ra""ed !y ar!% held it to his chest and lau hed uproariously. Dr. Cayi+a has the (F on as -O! +ritin this and itOs on a station +hich plays a lot of #(F-style !usic *ideos fro! Cenya% +hich is pretty cool% as it has a lot of traditional dancin !i8ed in +ith $frican pop !usic. 7eople often fall to the round in trances e*en in these party situations. - !ay "e taken to a re ional initiation cere!ony this +eek% "y the +ay% in +hich !ediu!s are used% so stay tuned V-/ (he ni ht that Neor and - ot here% "oth Drs. B and C sho+ed up at our hostOs house and they +anted to kno+ +hat our a enda +ould "e% so that they could kno+ "etter ho+ to assist us. 3e told the! that% aside fro! "ustin up the 9$$B7 and entropy net+ork and !akin a fe+ CBs% +eOd rather )ust ha*e the! arran e an appropriate a enda for us% instead% since theyOd already "een doin fa!ously +ithout us% after all. (heyO*e done *ery% *ery +ell +ith that task since then% as you can see. -f youO*e e*er +atched !o*ies or *ideos of !ainly $frican% Jatin-$!erican !a ic rituals fro! Brazil% 9aiti% Cu"a% etc.% you see the use of !ediu!s +ho o into con*ulsions after dancin to dru!s and chantin and this see!s to "e characteristic around here. -tOs not seen as unusual at all and - donOt think anyoneOs fakin . #y e8pectation that $frican spirituality relates !ainly to e!otion .+ater/ has "een a"undantly confir!ed. By the +ay% Cizira told !e the other day that Budha ali is doin )ust fine no+% +hich surely !ust ha*e surprised C. - !i ht sound a "it like a crazy !an ri ht no+ "y confidently sayin that $fricans +ill "e at the forefront of this or onite +ork and related% soon-to-co!e free ener y tech "ecause you pro"a"ly ne*er heard anyone talk a"out $frica that +ay% "ut please re!e!"er that you heard it here first. - +as rather shocked to find that !any $fricans ha*e "ou ht into the notion that Opro ressO is still associated +ith O+hite.O (hereOs an old 7ersian ada e that the folks on the !ountaintop are the first ones to see the da+n. Con*incin the folks in the *alley has al+ays "een a challen e. 0r !ay"e -O! )ust foolin !yself. 3eOll see. ?ou !ust ad!it that -O*e at least put !y !oney +here !y !outh is% since -O! here !ainly to see +hether !y hunch is correct and itOs not cheap to co!e here% nor can +e easily afford it ri ht no+. (here are t+o Dn lish-lan ua e ne+spapers in Ca!pala. - +as astonished to find that not only does the press here appear to "e enuinely free% "ut that the psycho/spiritual stuff is reported alon +ith the political and
"usiness ne+s. 0n the day +e arri*ed% there +as a front-pa e story of the intense *oodoo acti*ity under Budha ali 6alls% for instance% +hich is ho+ +e Okne+O that the falls +ould ha*e to "e a pri!ary tar et. (he reason - ne*er read ne+spapers in $!erica .e8cept (9D -D$90 0B2DBFDB% and a fe+ other alternati*e pu"lications/ is that theyOre clearly si!ply for!ats for !ind control protocols and lies. -f - +ere addicted to sensationalis!% -Od focus !ore on a recent article that descri"ed the successful disruption of a courtroo! "y t+o poisonous snakes and a "ird. -t +as a trial of a district official% char ed +ith corruption% and the consensus +as that heOd arran ed for so!e *oodoo inter*ention on his "ehalf. - +atched a political scandal unfold here in +hich so!e ca"inet officials +ere "ein accused of corruption. ?esterday% 7resident #usa*eni contri"uted an article in +hich he not only a reed that the accused official +as culpa"le "ut that the accused had lied a"out his acti*e participation in the Besistance% +hich #usa*eni had led since 1MP1 until their *ictory in 1MS6. - had +ondered +hether the 7residentOs !ain challen e% after his !ilitary *ictory% +as to find enou h trust+orthy people to conduct a proper national o*ern!ent and to !o*e @ anda to+ard its first Constitution-"ased re i!e since its colonial days. (he si!ple fact that he doesnOt ha*e his pu"lic critics assassinated% as is done in the @2$% +ei hs hea*ily in his fa*or% as far as -O! concerned. $s - et to kno+ Dr Cayi+a "etter% -O! feelin !ore and !ore confident that he represents the e!er in political paradi ! here. (hou h heOs kno+n +ealth and pri*ile e and has tra*eled e8tensi*ely in the +orld% he li*es Kuite hu!"ly and lo*es to talk to e*eryone he !eets. -O*e kno+n so!e rare indi*iduals +ho only re*eal their acco!plish!ents as con*ersational footnotes rather than +a*in the! like "anners and you need to "e +ith these people o*er an e8tended ti!e "efore you et a clear picture of their past acco!plish!ents "ecause they "asically donOt like to talk a"out the!sel*es. (his is ho+ Drs Cayi+a and Batii"+e "oth are. Cizira% "y contrast% is sort of like a peacock. $s an $frican psychic healer and teacher% he has to e8hi"it confidence and e*en a ression and this is in order for hi!% certainly. 9eOs en a ed and defeated ene!ies astrally )ust like Carol and - do% "y the +ay% thou h he doesnOt focus on that the +ay +e do. - found out that his ene!ies here are not as !urderous as ours are at ho!e% thou h% as he said% O#y ene!ies are your ene!ies., - uess -O! still a"sor"in the i!plications of ho+ Opolitically !ori"und and spiritually "ankruptO our +estern cultures ha*e "eco!e% "ased on the pre*alence of profound !ind control% or anized !urder and !ayhe! that +estern o*ern!ents no+ foster and/or allo+. -t see!s to !e like the @2% Bussia% Dn land% -taly and Ner!any% under +hose collecti*e political shado+ all the other nations essentially found the!sel*es "y then% sort of ot flushed do+n the toilet of cultural *ia"ility "y the !iddle of the t+entieth century. 2ince nature hates a *acuu!% -O! lookin to $frica to pick up ci*ilizationOs torch no+. (his can "e done +ithout a stru le. $r ua"ly% Bussia !ay "e in the process of escapin this sti !a% and perhaps China "y e8tension% "ut as far as -O! concerned the )uryOs oin to re!ain out on their case until itOs o"*ious that they +onOt "e suitcase-nukin those heinous financial trolls in the City of Jondon in their o+n )oint "id for so!e Kuick +orld he e!ony. donOt "elie*e that one for! of tyranny is any "etter than another and neither Bussia nor China are in a position to de!onstrate the *irtues of a Constitutional o*ern!ent yet. 2o% you !i ht ask +hy -O! !o*in all o*er the !ap +hen this article is a"out an $frican +itch doctor. - uess the only thin - can tell you is that Cizira represents% to !e% a lo"al trend of eneral a+akenin and -O! doin !y "est to sho+ you that. 3eOre +orkin on a sche!e to take hi! to !eet Credo #utt+a and perhaps to *isit Carol and - in the @2% since tra*el is a uniKue for! of education and his innate intelli ence +ill easily assi!ilate forei n e8periences to e*eryoneOs su"seKuent "enefit. 3hen Dr. B !et Cizira the latter e8pressed% sadly% that heOd often felt *ery alone on account of his ift and he at least kno+s% no+% that there are other folks around the +orld +ho% appreciate and *alue hi!% kno+ +hat he kno+s and share his personal challen es and e8periences and that has see!ed to "uoy his spirits and sti!ulate his *oracious curiosity.
Don Croft
Episode 6B >ur Trip to the War Torn 8orth By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcP6Btripto3arton1orth1:dec':.sht!l Dec. 1:% &'': Dr. Batti"+e su ested that +e *isit the city of Nulu% in the north part of @ anda% to +itness so!e of the pro"le!s here and% perhaps% to do +hat +e could to alle*iate so!e of that unhappy situation +ith so!e )udicious iftin . 3eOd tried rentin a car "ut the insurance +as prohi"iti*e due to the JordOs Besistance $r!y .read: typical C-$ and *ery "loody/ acti*ity in the *icinity of Nulu% so Dr. 7aul raciously offered to dri*e his o+n car. @ andaOs a relati*ely s!all country% "ut !any of the roads are in disrepair% so e*en a short trip can pretty +ell "eat up an ordinary car. Doc Batii"+e handles his nice front-+heel dri*e sedan like a cha!p% thou h. (he JB$ is headed "y a scruffy% deran ed% "ut e!inently controlla"le fello+ na!ed Cony +ho apparently is supplied "y the @2 and Britain +ith !odest +eaponry and )ust enou h a!!unition to keep the current @ andan Be i!e fro! usin needed re*enue for infrastructure and ser*ices% "ut not enou h to i*e Cony any decisi*e *ictories. $fter 7resident #usa*eni took o*er the o*ern!ent in 1MS6% the @ anda 2hillin +as a"ys!ally de*alued in a +ay thatOs "eco!e routine for any country% +hich insists on operatin outside the parasitic !andate of the -nternational #onetary 6und. (hatOs !y assess!ent% at least% of ConyOs situation and !y @ andan friends see! to feel that it has so!e !erit. Cony a"ducts children and forces the! to fi ht% +hich is the +ay 7ol 7ot and 9o Chi #inh .and all the other note+orthy -llu!inati terrorist assets/ operated a fe+ decades a o. -t +ouldnOt surprise !e if the C-$ has ad*isors +hoO*e learned directly fro! Othe !astersO and no+ teach that stupid Cony these tricks. -f you consider conscience an asset% you pro"a"ly shouldnOt +ork for $!erican or British intelli ence/sa"ota e a encies. 7resident #usa*eni pu"licly supported% at least *er"ally% the $!erican/British in*asion of -raK +ith the understandin that% in return% heOd recei*e so!e !ilitary assistance and% !ore i!portant% satellite i!a ery of ConyOs !o*e!ents% "ut none of that has "een forthco!in and -O! assu!in that the 7res shouldnOt trust any satellite data fro! the @2 at any rate. -f youOre an $!erican and understand% as !any of us do "y no+% that any pro!ise fro! the alle ed $!erican o*ern!ent is +orth considera"ly less than toilet paper% you can pro"a"ly appreciate #usa*eniOs dile!!a no+. 9eOs ca ey enou h to !aintain so!e national so*erei nty for @ anda in spite of 1P years of espiona e and e*en sa"ota e fro! the C-$ and #-6. -n one instance of econo!ic sa"ota e% @ anda ot an order fro! Cu"a of a shipload of "eans. 2ea+ater had "een pu!ped into the top of the car o holds en route so that the "eans +ere rotten +hen they arri*ed in 9a*anaV typical C-$ and/or #-6 tactic .ONod sa*e the UueenRO 3hat the hell forR/. 0f course% those t+o espiona e a encies are essentially the sa!e a ency% operated "y the sa!e old aristocratic fa!ilies as any persistent an of thu s% any+here else in the +orld% is. #usa*eni +as apparently a no!inal #ar8ist durin the years +hen he led a popular re"el ar!y .(he #o*e!ent/ in the "ush prior to his successful and relati*ely hu!ane and "loodless coup in 1MS6% +hich +as essentially the end of British pro8y re i!es here. - rather assu!e that he +as si!ply playin Bussia a ainst Britain/@2 alon the +ay. (hat used to take a J0( of skill and sa**y. #ost other #ar8ist re"el leaders +ho assu!ed po+er o*er nations ha*e "een notorious for "rutality and suppression and after they took po+er the "ookstores su"seKuently only sold "ooks "y #ar8 and Dn els .like the Bi"le% e*eryone had a copy "ut hardly anyone read the!/ "ut think the s!arter ones% like Nandhi% #usa*eni% #andella and *ery fe+ others% +ere si!ply "ein e8pedient and ne*er intended to esta"lish the full spectru! of -nternational #onetary 6und-financed international socialis! protocols +hich ha*e repeatedly resulted in the lau ha"le house-of-cards de"acle thatOs kno+n as Co!!unis!. DonOt et an ry )ust "ecause - referred to Nandhi as a one-ti!e #ar8ist% please. -tOs "est to lea*e e!otion at the
door +hen you co!e into !y parlor% e*en thou h you !ust kno+ "y no+ that nothin - say should "e taken as anythin !ore than a personal opinion. -f youO*e read any "io raphies of Nandhi or e*en seen that fine fil! fro! 1MS: in +hich he +as played "y Ben Cin sley% youOll note that in the years he spent in 2outh $frica as a youn la+yer% "efore he disco*ered reli ion% he had or anized a co!!une alon the lines and +ith the ter!inolo y of #ar8ist protocols. -tOs fau8 pas to call hi! a #ar8ist% of course% and - certainly "elie*e that !any early Co!!unists% such as 3ilhel! Beich% innocently "elie*ed that they +ere pro!otin a *alid doctrine. Nandhi had o"*iously "een free of affiliation +ith Jondon-"ased% #ar8ist .#ar8 +as financially supported "y Jord (ho!as 9u8ley throu hout his +ritin career% as +as Dar+in V-/ -nternational 2ocialis! "y the ti!e heOd resolutely decided that -ndia !ust "e free of the 3hore of Ba"ylon and #usa*eni is no lon er referrin to his trusted associates as OCo!!isarO or OCo!rade%O as he had done throu hout the years that they +ere stru lin in the "ush and a"road. -f you "elie*e that co!!unis! is anythin "ut a creature of the -llu!inati and fully financed "y Jondon and 3all 2treet% then you pro"a"ly shouldnOt "e readin !y stuff at all. No do your ho!e+ork if you donOt +ant to "ust a "lood *essel% okayR $ll of that is clearly sho+n% ad nauseu!% in pu"lic record durin -nternational 2ocialis!Os for!ati*e years in the first half of the (+entieth Century. ?ou !i ht not kno+% for instance% that the 1e+ ?ork (i!es in 1M1S Kuoted 7resident 3oodro+ 3ilsonOs freKuent praise of the Bolshe*iks as Othe !odern day disciples of Christ%O and nu!erous accounts of that scoundrel% <7 #or anOs% li"eral financial support of (rotsky and then Jenin. 3hen old "eca!e relati*ely *alueless after the Bolshe*iks had plundered and then slau htered !illions of far!ers and their fa!ilies% food "eca!e currency "y 1M&1% so the -nternational Bed Cross then "e an sendin food to the Bolshe*iks instead of old. Dnter% shortly after that% the parasitic -llu!inati O"usiness!enO such as $r!and 9a!!er% +ho ot cheap concessions fro! Jenin that are still honored "y the Bussian o*ern!ent. Co!!unis! has only "een feasi"le in societies that had ne*er e8perienced personal freedo!% per se% so it only ot a foothold in still-feudalistic states like Bussia% China and Cu"a. (he other OconKuestsO of co!!unis!% as +hen Boose*elt and Churchill deeded and financed Dastern DuropeOs and ChinaOs su"!ission to 2talin and #ao "efore 33--Os end% +ere !ilitary ones% not social ones at all. -O*e ne*er seen such entrepreneurial spirit in a population "efore as -O*e seen in @ anda% thou h. - personally +onder +here they all find the ener y. -tOs inconcei*a"le to !e that any political a enda could stop that under the circu!stances and Co!!unis! is a"solute anathe!a to indi*idual initiati*e% of course% and also destructi*e to the nuclear and e8tended fa!ily structures. $nyone +hoOs spent e*en a +eek in eKuatorial $frica +ill appreciate the persistent *itality of fa!ily ties here. Be ardin the persistence of the spirit of indi*idual initiati*e% note that e*en t+o enerations of "loody% -#6financed suppression in 9un ary had failed to e8tin uish the entrepreneurial dri*e there and products fro! 9un ary et top dollar .so to speak/ in Durope these days. By the +ay% -O! assu!in that you already kno+ that Co!!unis! failed si!ply "ecause Jondon and 3all 2treet stopped payin all of its "ills in 1MM'. By then% the +orld had appro8i!ated JondonOs oal of international socialis!% +hich is another ter! for international +a e sla*ery. (hereOs no political freedo! +ithout econo!ic freedo!% of course. 0ur hope is that the @ andans +ill keep lookin for !ore +ays to finance their infrastructure throu h international "arter% as it has on se*eral note+orthy occasions. (hey successfully traded soy"eans +ith ?u osla*ia for a hi h+ay% for instance. (hey sent a shipload of "eans to Cu"a "ut C-$ a ents pu!ped sea+ater into the car o holds% so +hen the "eans arri*ed they +ere rotten. - read last !onth that WL !illion in @1-CD6 funds +as !issin . #y fond hope is that #usa*eni di*erted that to support the $r!y. - ha*enOt seen or heard of a sin le instance of actual help fro! any @1-affiliated a ency here% thou h thereOs a hu e fleet of shiny% ne+% +hite 43D *ehicles +ith "i % "lue O@1 on the doors and lots of slick ad*ertisin for O$-D2O su")ects and nation+ide *accination ca!pai ns that no dou"t resulted in !ost youn sters
ettin !icrochipped% at "est% and !any of the! killed% at +orst. - didnOt see !any of these e8pensi*e -llu!inati/@1 *ehicles outside of Ca!pala or Nulu% thankfully. Before +e left the Capital on our trip% Dr. 7 and - +ent to $l (ar"oush% the Je"anese restaurant in Ca!pala that ser*es !ostly the $ra" diplo!atic corps% and feasted on hu!!us% ta"ouli% oli*es% salad% fresh pita "read and falafel .so!e ka"o" for the Doc% +ho see!s to eat three ti!es as !uch as - do and isnOt fat/ and there +as so !uch food +e !ade sand+iches for supper% too% and "a ed the!. - canOt see! to pass up ood $ra"ic food no !atter +here - a!. (here +as a !uzun u s!okin a hookah in there% "y the +ay% and - ot to drink so!e heade8plodin % traditional-style $ra"ian coffee. - really need to learn $ra"ic and o spend so!e ti!e in one of those countriesV !ay"e in 1orth $frica% +here they !ake sharkskin dru!s% "y the +ay. (he proprietors of the $ra" restaurants -O*e dined in see! to really like +atchin their custo!ers en)oyin the food% +hich adds e*en !ore to the e8perience for !e. Batii"+e told !e he didnOt kno+ +hat to order so - ordered )ust a"out e*erythin )ust to e8plain +hat it all is V-/ (he dri*e to the 1ile .half+ay point/ +as une*entful% e8cept for "ustin up half a dozen to+ers and a couple of arrays alon the +ay "ut so!e soldiers stopped us at the "rid e o*er the 1ile% +hich is occupied "ecause the JB$ threatened to destroy it. - "et the C-$/#-6 +onOt e*en i*e those "utchers dyna!ite% thou h V-/ (he 1ile is *ery +ide and fast-flo+in % e*en at its source% as -Od !entioned% and there are *ery fe+ "rid es across it on its +ay to 2udan. -f Cony had !ana ed to destroy this "rid e it +ould ha*e put so!e serious hurt on the $r!y% +hich +as already pla ued "y a *ariety of lo istics pro"le!s% includin a fleet of +orthless ne+ .to the!/ helicopters% thanks to +idespread corruption and sa"ota e "y the -#6 and its lo"al le "reakers/"acksta""ers% the C-$ and #-6. (he Doc had stopped +ithin *ie+ of the "rid e to take a photo of the falls% a kilo!eter upstrea!% and the soldiers% +ho had seen that% +ere )ust "ein prudent% no dou"t% "y stoppin us at the "rid e to interro ate us. Doc e8plained +ho he +as and that +e +ere oin to *isit a friend of his in NuluV - sho+ed the! !y passport and after a "it they let us !o*e alon . Doc sheepishly told !e later that heOd told the soldiers that -O! a personal friend of the 7resident V-/ (hose falls are reputed to "e yet another ritual killin site and Doctor 7aul +as doin a little photo recon in preparation for our iftin effort there on the +ay "ack. 3e didnOt toss an etheric pipe "o!" o*er the "rid e as +eOd hoped to do% since the soldiers +ere +atchin us and had +ritten us up in their little "ook. 3e sa+% on a pro!ontory o*erlookin the falls% +hat looked like a s!all fortress and turret% and +e assu!ed that this place !ust "e in*ol*ed in the rituals these days% so +e +ere itchin to et "ack there and take care of "usiness. 3eOd started out +ith forty or so to+er"usters% so!e etheric pipe "o!"s and three holy hand renades. 0h% and +e still had a couple of Neor Os stielhand ranaten. (hose are !y personal fa*orite% as they co!"ine the to+er"uster and etheric pipe "o!". (he road +as pretty "ad fro! the 1ile to Nulu% pro"a"ly "ecause no road repair cre+s +anted to +ork +here they !i ht et "utchered "y lassy-eyed JB$ de*otees. <ust like funda!entalist reli ionists else+here% the JB$ drops NodOs na!e +hile perpetuatin "loody% !indless atrocities on non-co!"atants% includin children% )ust as the de*out% Christian Duropean-deri*ed $!ericans did to the !ostly peace-lo*in $!erican -ndians all across the continent throu hout the nineteenth century. $s far as - can tell% thereOs not a hint of actual popular support for this roup. Bather% theyO*e efficiently caused the e*acuation of a lar e area of @ anda and e*en 2udan. - assu!e that the heart-dead C-$/#-6 operators are )ust usin Cony as a pro8y *illain in order to allo+ their -llu!inati !asters to !ore easily steal the natural resources .ne+ly disco*ered old/ of the re ion% as has "een done repeatedly throu hout the +orld "ut !ost especially in $frica in recent decades. JetOs see if +e can stop that. 2toppin the -llu!inati is !y raison dOetre
these days% as it ou ht to "e yours if you +ould like your children to ro+ up and to keep your o+n head on your shoulders. 3e didnOt feel that +e +ere in dan er% thou h +e encountered a lot of @ andan $r!y patrols alon the road "eyond the 1ile and all of the 1on-No*ern!ental $ enciesO and @1Os *ehicles +ere flyin "i % audy fla s fro! tall !asts that are "olted to their front "u!pers .speakin of surreal V-/ 1o dou"t Cony has strict orders not to "utcher any of these fla ed -#6 a ents. (hey apparently only +ant hi! to kill Black $frican non-co!"atants and soldiers in a specific re ion of @ anda and 2udan. 3hat are they afterR @raniu!R 3eOll find out% - suppose. (he sky +as or eous all the +ay until )ust "efore +e arri*ed in Nulu% +here it +as 9$$B7y. (he lo+er at!osphere in Nulu itself +as incredi"ly s!o y% thou h +e couldnOt s!ell any s!oke and +e approached fro! a do+n+ind direction. - hadnOt seen s!o like that since "efore OC"s+orkO and friends had sufficiently disa"led the Dntropy% 9$$B7 and satanic rids in the north half of the Jos $n eles Basin last year. (he people in Nulu% +hich is a s!all city% +ere uncharacteristically lu! and there +as a strikin a"sence of !otor *ehicles and e*en fe+er of those @ andan-!anufactured "icycles than else+here .OBata Bicycles-$ny Boad% $ny Joad5O/. 3e sa+ an a+ful lot of people +ith crude +heel"arro+s instead% toilin alon the streets% +earin tattered shoes and clothin "ut at least not o"*iously star*in . (he city had "een prosperous "efore Cony/-llu!inatiOs !urderous a enda and +as the econo!ic center for a hu e area of the country% +hich is !ainly kno+n for its fine cattle. (here isnOt a lot of cattle there no+. (he herders are traditionally no!adic and certainly prudent enou h to kno+ +hen their li*elihood is threatened. 0ther+ise% the *ast razin ran e is so rich that any (e8an +ould pro"a"ly +et his pants +ith en*y. By the +ay% Dr. 7aul told !e that in recent years% so!e thu s had carried out a ca!pai n of terror in Ci"o a% +here there has ne*er "een any support for Cony. (he +ell-ar!ed ne+co!ers stole cattle +hile a!"ushin % ro""in and !urderin se*eral cattle "uyers and sellers. (he locals had so!e uns of their o+n and e*entually succeeded in a!"ushin % killin so!e and then capturin the sur*i*in thu s% so!e of +ho! shared the sa!e hospital +ard +ith so!e of their *icti!s% all of +ho! +ere under Dr. 7aulOs care. $ cop ca!e alon +ith so!e $r!y a!"ulances and took the +ounded thu s a+ay% presu!a"ly to freedo!. (he eneral assu!ption is that the thu s +ere hired "y the ar!y% +hich is so seriously under funded that !any of the soldiers +ho! +e sa+ outside of Ca!pala donOt e*en ha*e leather "oots or proper unifor!s. -O! tellin you this so that youOll kno+ that - donOt consider the current re i!e an elic. - !ust say that since Neor % Dr. Cayi+a and - thorou hly ifted the Capital thereOs "een a spate of corruptione8poses% resi nations and firin s a!on the top "rass and in the o*ern!ent itself. By contrast% durin the pre*ious re i!e at one point% the house that Dr. 7aul li*es in +hile in Ci"o a +as used as an $r!y co!!and post and captured re"els in (he #o*e!ent +ere tortured% and then literally slau htered in the "rick outhouse "ehind the residence. (hin s are !uch "etter in @ anda no+ "y anyoneOs esti!ate. 2o!e folks pine for -di $!inOs re i!e% - !ust say% perhaps "ecause% like 9itler% 2talin and #ussolini% he +as *ery +ell financed "y Jondon and prudently "uilt up the countryOs infrastructure to solidify pu"lic support for his re i!e and didnOt interfere !uch +ith Black $fricansO "usiness li*es. 3hen you are a"le to !o*e a+ay fro! 7olitical Correctness% you can honestly see the ood and "ad aspects of any re i!e +ithout feelin the need to toady% as all funded-uni*ersity students in the +est% and% sad to say% e*en in $frica% are tau ht to do to the -llu!inatifa*ored-at-the-!o!ent re i!es. -n @ andaOs case% there are apparently a ent pro*ocateurs at #akere @ni*ersity% the pre!ier school in the country% +ho are acti*ely incitin *iolent opposition to #usa*eni. 9e hasnOt killed any of the!% either% to his credit% thou h heOs had to shake up his intelli ence apparatus this +eek and appoint a ne+ head% this ti!e a *ery youn !an. -t +ill "e fun to see +hat happens ne8t. (he 7residentOs su"tlety% sense of ti!in and resourcefulness a!azes !e no end. (he !ain pro"le! that successful +arriors like 7resident ?o+eri #usa*eni ha*e is that they nor!ally arenOt
adept at o*ernin % nor can they usually find enou h co!parati*ely honest people to assist the! in o*ernin % so they ha*e to rely on +ho!e*er is at hand. -n this case% and in that eneration% the folks +ho are a*aila"le and ha*e !ana erial e8perience are re!nants of colonial and pro8y re i!es. 3hat -O*e +itnessed here is that thereOs a +hole ne+ potential cadre of co!petent professionals +ho are !ore in touch +ith the nature of ser*ice +ork than the pre*ious eneration has "een. (his is true throu hout the +orld% of course% not )ust here. (he confir!in Kuality of their orientation% to !e% is that theyOre turnin "ack to so!e of the ti!e-tested% hi her $frican traditions of o*ern!ent% +hich is "ased on !utually-e!po+erin rassroots support% intertri"al affiliations% consultation and consensus and startin to see the li ht at the end of the tunnel in ter!s of puttin the alle ed !i ht of the +estern +orld in proper perspecti*e% alon +ith all the sca!s that are "ased on the pre*ious feelin s of resi nation that had taken hold in $frica. 3ho +ill ha*e the last lau h after the -llu!inati has failed% *ery shortly% to ruin the a riculture here% for instanceR (he po+er and +ealth of any nation is its a riculture and "y that standard @ anda and !any% !any other -#6-tar eted nations throu hout the +orld are o"*iously% to !e at least% on the "rink of ra!pant prosperity and true de*elop!ent as (he City of Jondon .the tired old present e8pression of Bo!e/ continues to Odecline and fall.O #usa*eni see!s to !e to "e an e8ception to the rule of a successful +arrior% at least in ter!s of his !ature a"ility to o*ern. 7erhaps he adopted a stron !andate for hi!self "efore he decided to ca!pai n !ilitarily a ainst the !ost recent% ruinous British-pro8y re i!e here. (hereOs a national ne+spaper% (9D #01-(0B% +hich re ularly criticizes his policies and especially the actions of !any of his su"ordinates in the $r!y and in the o*ern!ent. 9eOs lately responded "y firin !any corrupt officials and in so!e cases "y e*en +ritin rational e8planatory letters to the editor% +hich are then pu"lished. $s far as - kno+% he hasnOt had anyone !urdered for opposin hi! in the press or in politics and - ha*enOt detected any of the dou"lespeak or outri ht lyin fro! hi! that characterizes politicians in the +est. -n the latter case% itOs eneral kno+led e "y no+ that +e can tell theyOre lyin "ecause their lips are !o*in % +hich is +hy - ne*er pick up an $!erican paper e8cept to read so!e of the co!ics or classified ads. - sa+ a picture of the @2 $!"assador to @ anda the other day. - +ouldnOt "uy a used car fro! hi!. $ +hite tie% "lack shirt and pinstripe suit +ould !ake hi! look like any #afia don. 1one of his !any )okes are funny at all to !e. 7resident #u a"e% the scour e of once-prosperous Ei!"a"+e% at least tells funny )okes. 3estern "ad uys ha*e no class at all "y contrast. 9e offered% for instance% to send o"ser*ers to 6lorida to ensure pollin inte rity there after Bush .O7resident Cu)oO/ +as unla+fully appointed 7resident in &''' "y the @2 2upre!e Court. #u a"e +as +idely kno+n% "y then% for his o+n *ote-fraud shenani ans% +hich is +hat !ade his offer so funny. DonOt you think itOs !iraculous% as - do% that any nation these days has a shred of national so*erei nty left after se*eral enerations of -llu!inati rape and plunder in the Opost-e!pireO decadesR #y o+n country had totally and profoundly capitulated to (he City of Jondon .-#6 is si!ply one of JondonOs !any !asks% of course/ "y 1M:L% sad to say. (he upside of that% - suppose% is that at least all elected @2 federal officials are no+ !anifestly lia"le for capital punish!ent% ha*in "latantly co!!itted treason% especially "ecause of their acti*e and passi*e roles in enactin draconian% alle ed le islation follo+in the fedsO destruction of the 3orld (rade Center% for +hich the ar!y of payrolled liars incredi"ly "la!ed a fe+ s+arthy #usli!s. (he saddest part of this lon -ter! treason de"acle is that !any $!ericans ha*e "eco!e so "rain+ashed and su"!issi*e in past enerations that they !i ht feel inclined to )ust hu the traitors and tell the! that they for i*e the!% sort of like ho+ the )ury Oco!passionatelyO acKuitted the teena e #enendez "rothers .+ho "rutally !urdered their parents on a +hi!/ "ecause Othey +ere no+ orphans.O - kid you not5 2ince the "rain+ash protocols that are no+ in place in $!erica and Durope +ere deri*ed fro! funda!entalist Christian "rain+ashin successes in the nineteenth century% thou h% +hich are o"*iously schizophrenic/psychotic% the do+nside of this fake% *acuous !eekness is that in any i*en !o!ent the "rain+ashin can de rade en !asse and the for!er drones +ill then likely turn into an ar!ed% *en eful !o"
+hen they realize ho+ irretrie*a"le their personal freedo! truly is under the current% incorri i"le $!erican re i!e. -tOs "een said that itOs too late to sal*a e this federal o*ern!ent "ut too early to shoot its leaders. -n fact% thanks to the internet% all +e really need to do to fi8 the pro"le! is to pre*ail on a fe+ elected 2heriffs arrest so!e of these traitors and the rest +ill pro"a"ly play out in a la+ful !anner% includin hundreds of treason trials in ne+ly la+ful courts throu hout the land. - donOt +ant the ar!y% other than perhaps so!e Constitutionally !andated !ilitias% to et in*ol*ed in this process. -f +e allo+ a !utiny to re!o*e the traitors in 3ashin ton% DC% +e !ay ne*er return that stolen political po+er to the localities and states% +here it ri htfully "elon s. JetOs set these Bussian and Chinese troops that are "illeted under round in the @2 free and help the! et "ack ho!e +here they "elon % okayR 0ur ai! is to a!eliorate this potential !ayhe! that +ould "e kno+n as lo"al !artial la+ and to lessen the i!pact of the -llu!inatiOs *indicti*eness as they continue to e8it the eopolitical sta e durin this fast-e!er in paradi !. $nyone can see that @ andans en)oy a +hole lot !ore personal freedo! than $!ericans do at this point. $ll they lack is econo!ic freedo! and% like 6rance% this place is a potential econo!ic po+erhouse due to the industriousness of the people% the stren th of their fa!ily structure and to the a"undance I consistently hi h Kuality of their a ricultural products. 6or i*e !y non-seKuitur here% "ut yesterday% +hile Doc Cayi+a and - +ere ridin a "us to the city fro! his su"ur"an ho!e in Cyali+a)ala/1a!u on o - sa+ a little caf` "y the hi h+ay% called O#onica Je+inskyOs <oint.O @ andans ha*e a pretty +ry sense of hu!or. - ou ht to stop and see +hat their specialty is V-/ $s far as - can tell% @ anda has !ore potential econo!ic freedo! than !ost countries "ecause theyO*e "een !ore or less a"andoned "y the -nternational #onetary 6und% +ho !ust ha*e honestly "elie*ed that destroyin the national currency +as an econo!ic death sentence. 3hat cretins those "anker/trolls ha*e turned out to "e% after all5 (hey should ha*e kno+n that ha*in sur*i*ed a series of parasitic and e*en "rutal pro8y re i!es since their independence in 1M6&% the @ andans +ere not oin to )ust roll and i*e up )ust "ecause a "unch of Bazun u ruined their currency. (his is still a "it of a "arter culture% after all. 3hat does it take to succeed in this e!er in paradi !R (he old rules of e8cessi*e centralization% e8ploitation% su"*ersion and suppression donOt +ork +ell any !ore and those four approaches to O o*ernanceO .- really hate that ne+ +ord/ are the -llu!inatiOs entire stock in trade. #ay"e no+ they can o find so!e planet +here their tired old crap still +orks. -Oll *olunteer to pull the handle at the allo+s if they decide to stick around to stand trial instead. 9ell% -Oll e*en pay !y o+n tra*el e8penses to ha*e that happy pri*ile e. 7olitical correctness "e da!ned. ?ou can hu and for i*e the! all you +ant "ut in !y *ie+ they need to "e punished no+% too. Doc and - ifted all se*en Dntropy/9$$B7 to+ers in Nulu .ho+ !any refu ees ha*e cell phones% do you reckonR V-/ and after the sun +ent do+n .no streetli hts in that city/ +e did the other iftin +ork% +hich in*ol*ed ettin out of the car% in *ery pri*ate darkness. -n @ anda% re ular people are al+ays +atchin % unlike in +estern countries% +here the only ones Oal+ays +atchin O are the fake- o*Ot spies +ho follo+ us all around on our iftin !issions% or at least try really% really hard to. 0ne of the 99 s% for instance% had to "e placed +ithin the !ain to+er array% since it +as o"*iously in a *orte8. 3e slept in a !odest% *ery clean hotel roo! o*erni ht after eatin our sand+iches and chattin Otil nearly !idni ht. 3e dined at one of the hotel "arOs ta"les. (here +as a youn +o!an at the only ta"le that had chairs a*aila"le% so Doc asked her per!ission for us to share the ta"le. $t the ti!e% - thou ht% O<eez% - hope she doesnOt think +eOre co!in on to her.O 2he see!ed nonplussed "ut +as o"*iously not happy a"out our presence. 9e told !e later that sheOs a hooker% +hich - !issed entirely. - thou ht she +as on a school trip or so!ethin and
the only unusual thin - noticed a"out her +as that she +as !i8in "eer and Coca Cola in a lass. -O! such a "a"e in the +oods. Doc B ne*er drinks% nor do -. 9e ot a "ottle of +ater and - ot a 2(01? soda% +hich is !ade in Dast $frica +ith in er and so!e !ystery in redients and is really tasty. By the +ay% after - told Carol that it +as hard for !e to understand !y #u anda +itch doctor "uddy% CiziraOs% praises for poly a!y% sheOd e!ailed !e ri ht "ack to say% ODonOt et any ideasV - donOt like to share !y !en +ith anyone5O 7oly a!y is la+ful here% "y the +ay% perhaps "ecause there are so !any #usli!s. - donOt cotton to poly a!y "ut - think thatOs one !ore e*idence that the culture is stron er here than the hypocritical 7C protocols of the -llu!inati are. -llu!inati-asset !oralists% for instance% ad*ocate !ono a!y "ut "u er little "oys. 3hen you o to @ anda% take alon a O2olar 2ho+er.O (his is an ine8pensi*e% sturdy plastic "a +ith a short hose and sho+er nozzle attached. ?ou can lea*e the full "a in the sun to heat the +ater and then han it up to et so!e +ater pressure. -O*e used those a lot "ut - for ot to "rin one this ti!e. #ost houses donOt ha*e runnin +ater% thou h folks keep the! scru""y-dutch clean inside and out. 3aterOs usually hauled fro! a co!!unal pu!p% spi ot% strea!% lake or sprin . 0ne can take an entire "ath +ith a allon of +ater% includin sha!poo and sha*e% if one is reasona"ly efficient. Net used to the idea of hole-in-the-floor pri*ies% too. (hereOs a sort of athletic art to usin those +ell and thereOs no Kuestion .- "ear +itness/ that one is uaranteed "etter "o+el function +hen one is constrained to sKuat rather than sit. -O*e kno+n affluent people in $!erica +ho ha*e "uilt platfor!s o*er their toilets so that the feet and kinetic e8cretory "its are on the sa!e le*el. 3esterners% culturally% arenOt sKuatters "ut pro"a"ly should "e if the colon/rectal cancer rates are an indication. #y first encounter +ith this kind of plu!"in +as in #icronesia +hen - +as se*enteen. -n that case% the floor of the pri*y +as a series of "a!"oo OplanksO o*er a pit or la oon% +ith the !iddle t+o planks !issin . (hey called it a O"en)o%O +hich is the <apanese +ord for pri*y. (he <apanese "uilt so!e or eous% appropriate tech infrastructure +hen they Oo+nedO those lo*ely islands "et+een 33- and 33--. (he $!ericans tore !ost of it up fro! so!e 8enopho"ic i!pulse and ne*er replaced it. $n Dn lish uy rode trains all o*er the +orld and +rote a coffee-ta"le "ook a"out his rides. 7B-FF-D2 - 9$FD C1031 !i ht "e an interestin % co!!ercially feasi"le pan-cultural study for so!e"ody +hoOs !ore erudite than - a!. -O*e heard that the -*y (o+er cro+d is happy to pu"lish al!ost anythin as lon as it doesnOt criticize the -llu!inati or any of their predatory/parasitic a endas. #y second encounter +as in 2outh 6rance% +here pu"lic toilets% at the ti!e% +ere characteristically a lar e% round depression in the floor +ith t+o raised% shoeprint-shaped pedestals in the !iddle. -tOs hard to !iss in that case. (hese are pro"a"ly a "i challen e for drunks% thou h. 6olks fa*or !asonry houses +ith !etal roofs in this part of the +orld% thou h as you et a+ay fro! the lar er to+ns you !ostly see traditional round% thatched huts that feel *ery nice to "e in and are cool inside durin the day. (he "est part is that the only real e8pense in "uildin one of these is the doorfra!e and door% +hich !ay "e considered optional at any rate. (he o*ern!ent nor!ally i*es fertile land to refu ees% e*en fro! other countries% in cooperation +ith the local hierarchies% +hich is an indication to !e that the re i!e is sincerely interested in the +ell-"ein of the people. (here are still se*eral thousands of yet-to-"e-settled refu ees fro! northern @ anda and e*en 2udan in lar e ca!ps not far fro! Nulu and Jira% +hich is a si!ilar-size city farther east. (he ar!y O"arracksO that +e sa+ "et+een the 1ile and Nulu +ere *illa e-like collections of round huts e*ery fe+ !iles alon the hi h+ay and there are se*eral lar er clusters of close-packed huts around the city itself. (hese are lar ely "uilt "y professional people fro! the e*acuated areas +ho do *olunteer +ork +hile +aitin for e!ploy!ent else+here. (here are lots of ho!eless people around% too% of course% !any of +ho! sleep on the
hospital rounds. D*en under duress% it can "e seen that @ andans take a lot of pride in their personal appearance and surroundin s. -Od only "rou ht alon one pair of lon pants and a "uttoned shirt .li ht tra*eler/ and - kno+ that "y !ostly +earin shorts% sandals and (-shirts -O*e caused !y co!panions a little social distress. Doc Cayi+a kindly shined !y shoes% +hich are "lack% part-leather cross trainers% "efore he took !e to a do+nto+n o*ern!ent office earlier this +eek to ans+er Kuestions fro! se*eral !o*ers and shakers a"out zappers and -O! sure that helped !e !ake a ood i!pression on the!. (he ne8t !ornin +e +ent around to see if any !ore iftin needed doin % and Doc Batii"+e +anted to *isit the hospital and do so!e specific iftin there. (he s!o +as one and the sky +as nor!alizin "y then. 0ne of his associates% +ho had li*ed in Nulu for so!e ti!e and is a doctor at the hospital .out of to+n at the ti!e/% told hi! o*er the phone on the pre*ious e*enin that Nulu is al+ays s!o y like that% so +eOre ea er to et so!e follo+ up fro! hi!. 2o!e of the loo! had dispelled% too% +hich is +hat usually happens after you ift a city +ith or onite de*ices. $fter all% a"out half of the 1'%''' or so ne+ Dntropy and 9$$B7 to+ers in the Jos $n eles "asin ha*e no+ "een "usted and Os!o daysO in J$ are *ery fe+ and far "et+een no+% instead of constant as "efore. 3eOd used a"out &' to+er"usters% an 99 and an etheric pipe "o!" on Nulu "y then. (he hospital +as "uilt in 1M:S and +as in pretty tou h shape. (here +as no shorta e of trained staff% !ost of +ho! are *olunteers fro! a!on the refu ees .the o*Ot canOt afford to pay the!% "ut they +ere i*en land and thereOs plenty of food to o around/% "ut of course the facility is o*er+hel!ed in ter!s of other resources% includin space. 3e !et the head nurse% 2erafina% +ho escorted us throu h the rounds and ans+ered the DocOs Kuestions. 2erafina told us that in the !aternity +ard% for instance% prospecti*e !others are !ostly consi ned to reed !ats on the floor and +hen thereOs a sur ical e!er ency at ni ht% the cro+d of ho!eless folks +ho sleep alon the co*ered +alk+ays "et+een the +ards and the operatin theatre really slo+ do+n the e!er ency personnel. (he only ne+ facility +e sa+ on the rounds +as a "lood collection and stora e la" donated "y the -talian o*Ot in &''1. Doc 7aul said the supply and *ariety of "lood stored there is i!pressi*e. 3e sa+ hu e +arehouses full of alle ed food on the outskirts of to+n% o+ned "y 1N0s affiliated +ith the @1% "ut - didnOt see any e*idence that the @1 a encies co!e around the hospital !uch. - say% Oalle ed%O "ecause none of this stuff is *ery nutritious nor is it part of the traditional diet% +hich -2 nutritious. #y happy thou ht is that the usual +ay the @1 uses food as a +eapon in order to induce people to co!e to their ca!ps isnOt +orkin entirely as theyOd like% since @ anda is already loaded +ith +holeso!e food% perhaps thanks in s!all part to Doc Batii"+eOs ti!ely construction of Dast $fricaOs first cloud"uster last #ay% +hich caused the Odry seasonO to ha*e !ore rain than the pre*ious rainy seasons. $nother +eapon% in a dual sense% are the dru s supplied "y the 3orld 9ealth 0r anization. -n one sense% theyOre +eapons "ecause theyOre desi ned to kill or disa"le lots and lots of people and in the other sense% the 390 poison pushers +ant $fricans to "elie*e that O-f you +anna heal% you otta co!e to @255O -n @ anda% at least% e*en the refu ees ada!antly prefer traditional re!edies to 390 dru s and they donOt hesitate to let these creeps kno+ that. (he +ay the 390 induces cholera and si!ilar epide!ics in refu ee ca!ps is to insist on pit toilets "ein du +ithout supplyin any di in i!ple!ents. (hey then loudly la!ent T(he $fricansO lack of any sense of sanitation%T to the +orld. -t re!inds !e of the +ay 9itlerOs and CusterOs tale-tellers dehu!anized their intended *icti!s "efore herdin the! into those cattle cars on the +ay to the slau hterhouses. $nother @1 trick in $frica has "een to depri*e refu ee ca!ps of +ater and then haul it into the ca!ps in petroleu! tank trucks +ith a lar e proportion of asoline or diesel !i8ed +ith the drinkin +ater. (he @1 only pulled that stunt in Eaire a couple of ti!es% thou h% since it +as an o"*ious population-cullin techniKue to e*en the slack-)a+ed 7a)a!a 7eople +ho stare at C11. 2o% there +e ha*e it: (he @ andan o*ern!ent i*es land to refu ees and helps the! keep their di nity and the City of Jondon hu!iliates and !urders the! +hene*er possi"le.
?ou !i ht still actually "elie*e that the @1 represent at least a shred of hu!anity% "ut !ost Black $fricans no lon er la"or under that delusion. Dr. Batii"+e is preparin a report on our *isit +ith the reno+ned Dr. ?ahaya 2eka ye and his 7B0#D(B$ cere!ony +ith :'' fello+ @ andan her"alists and traditional healers% +hich is oin to sho+ you an astonishin Oother sideO to +hatOs happenin in fa*or of real healin in $frica these days. -Oll offer so!e co!!ents after heOs posted that illustrated report. 1o+ that heOs "ack on the )o"% thou h% he !ay not ha*e ti!e to do all of that. 9eOs the hardest +orkin *acationer - kno+. 2ince +eO*e disa"led essentially all of the 9$$B7 and entropy trans!itters in the entire country in the past !onth% itOs pretty +ell uaranteed that the trolls in Jondon +ill ne*er et their cordial +ish of fa!ine for @ anda% thank Nod% and itOs "een rainin daily for t+o +eeks into the current Odry seasonO here. -n fact% so!e are co!plainin a"out the rain% as !ost of the roads are no+ !uddy and the crafts!en and !erchants% +ho +ork !ostly outdoors% are feelin a pinch. -O! sure the far!ers and herders are seein it a little differently% of course. 7erhaps so!e"ody +ill et around to "ustin all the 9$$B7 fro! Dast @ anda to #o!"assa% CenyaOs port city directly east of here. - think that +ill put another lon knife in 9$$B7Os $frican heart. 3eOre oin to spend a !onth in 2outhern $frica +ith Neor % sa*a ely assaultin 9$$B7 fro! that an le% too. 2ince Neor and associates ha*e already done the lionOs share of that% -O! oin to !ake sure that !y report +onOt see! like randstandin % e*en thou h - !ana ed to upsta e Neor in !any of the photos that Batii"+e took on our iftin !issions. -O! startin to feel a little like 6reddy Cru erOs hi her-self e8pression or as No*ernor 2ch+artzene erOs i!a ined portrayal of the character% 9a!let% in re: 9$$B7 in $frica- O(o "e or not to "e ... 1ot to "e5O ;Boo!5= (his is also locust . rasshopper/ season in @ anda% "y the +ay% +hich is a ood thin % since theyOre a food staple. Doc Cayi+a pointed out a ni htti!e locust har*est operation on Ca!palaOs outskirts. (here +ere se*eral hu e pieces of corru ated iron% e8peditiously arran ed% lotus-fashion% under an e8posed halo en li ht attached to the top of a *ery lon pole in the center. (he "u s +ent to the li ht fro! e*ery direction% +ere "linded and then fell to the !etal% +here they slid do+n into a collection trou h. -O! a "i fan of appropriate tech% arenOt youR (hey et the "i "ucks here for cooked and ra+ locusts. (heyOre *ery fillin % "y the +ay. -f youOre a !uzun u% itOs pro"a"ly helpful not to think of +hat they looked like on your +indshield last su!!er "ack in Cansas. (here +ere so!e 6rench docs stayin at the hotel in Nulu +ho +ere +ith #edicins sans 6rontieres .Doctors 3ithout Borders/ and Dr. 7aul noted that the na!e isnOt entirely accurate% if you take intellectual frontiers into consideration. - didnOt "other to !ention zappers to the!. - think that puttin a "i fla on your *ehicle in that part of @ anda is like carryin a si n +hich says% O3eOre )ust here to look ood% so donOt "other to ask for our help.O Doc B concei*ed a trip to Jira on the +ay "ack and +e turned onto the Jira 9i h+ay "efore +e ot to the 1ile and tra*eled throu h a pro ressi*ely !ore prosperous and pleasant re ion% thou h ar!y patrols +ere still as nu!erous as on the road to Nulu. 3e "ou ht so!e "oiled peanuts fro! a *endor at the )unction for a"out a nickel and that +as a J0( of cho+. 0ne of Doc BOs friends in Ci"o a had raciously told !e ho+ to prepare Bunye"+a% +hich is a delicious sauce !ade fro! peanuts .O"inye"+aO/% to!atoes and onions. - canOt +ait to try *ariations of that% usin other nuts and *e eta"les. 2o!e "asil and arlic +ill "e tasty. -f youOre not "i on eatin !eat% as -O! not% this is a terrific traditional source of protein and it tastes ood +ith all the root *e eta"les and +ith !atoke. - like the cookin "ananas roasted or fried. (hey ro+ a lot of sunflo+ers here for the oil and for feed. Bi ht after Neor and - had arri*ed in @ anda a !onth a o the ne+spaper sho+ed a rueso!e front-pa e picture of JB$ atrocities in Jira-thirteen hacked "odies. - uess the C-$ is only i*in Cony enou h "ullets to shoot the @ andan and 2udanese soldiers +ith% so the "utcherin of non-co!"atants is pro"a"ly a do+nside !anifestation of @ andan resourcefulness. (hat sort of thin !akes !e appreciate the coura e of these s!all @ andan foot
patrols that +e sa+. ConyOs Cids .snipers% too/ o after patrols rather than fortified positions. $fter an hour +e reached the to+n% +hich is another lar e one +ith se*en Dntropy and 9$$B7 to+ers. (here are !any !ore to+ers per capita in Nulu and Jira than there are in Ca!pala "ut - uarantee that there are #@C9 fe+er cell phones per capita in the t+o s!aller cities V-/ $s in Nulu% there are *ery fe+ cars or e*en !otorcycles in Jira% +hich is the other @ andan city +hich recei*ed thousands of refu ees fro! the JB$/C-$/#-6 atrocities in 1orthern/Dastern @ anda. @nlike Nulu% thou h% Jira is *ery up"eat% li*ely and confident. -O*e "een to Kuite a fe+ OpoorO countries and it ne*er stops astonishin !e to see the ran e of hu!an responses to econo!ic duress. -O*e co!e to "elie*e that as +e 9o!o sapiens et !ore and !ore adeKuate rain% +e can sort out any le*el of !isery in ti!e. (hanks a ain% Dr. Beich% for sho+in us the path5 3e "usted up all the 9$$B7 and Dntropy to+ers and then had a traditional lunch. (he a!"ience in the !arketside caf` +as terrific and folks see!ed enuinely pleased and curious to ha*e a !uzun u around. $nyti!e you et !ore than t+o @ andanOs in a roo! is usually a cele"ration% -O*e found% and -O*e ne*er "een around folks +ho lau h as !uch as these do% thou h the !ore rural parts of the Baha!as is a close second% alon +ith the Black Cari" to+ns in Belize. - had the !iddle part of a tilapia fish in a ste+% +hich - ate +ith so!e rice and !atoke "anana paste% also so!e sor hu!/!illet/cassa*a stuff like +e had in the (ororo *illa e at 2a! 0kurutOs dadOs place "efore Neor fle+ ho!e. (hose are terrific fish +ith +hite flesh. Before +e ot "ack to the 1ile it +as rainin here and there in all directions% e*en o*er Nulu% apparently. - +ish you could e8perience the pheno!enally fast results that "ustin up the -llu!inati to+ers in $frica ets5 #y heart still oes out to C"s+ork in J$% "y contrast% since theyO*e had to use !any thousands of or onite de*ices and a score of cloud"usters to et the results that +e routinely et here +ith t+enty or thirty lo+ly to+er"usters and an occasional Cloud""uster. $nother reason - feel a little sheepish durin this trip is that +hile the -llu!inati are focusin so !uch of their attention and resources on +hat our net+ork is doin in places like J$ and the @C% +eOre stickin a hu e pole ri ht up their stinky "acksides here in $frica and lau hin out loud a"out it. (heyOd apparently considered $frica a done deal for the!% in spite of their "iolo ical +eaponsO .includin 9-F/$-D2/ partial% at "est% success on this continent. 1othin Os +orkin ri ht for the! these days. 9a*e you noticedR $ccordin to their pu"lished plans% the +orldOs entire population .!ostly an sters like the!/ +as to ha*e "een three !illion souls "y the turn of this century. (hat sure +ould ha*e "een a foolOs paradise% ehR V-/ Cizira is ettin so !uch rain in his Ci"o a district area that heOs sheepishly put his ne+ CB in the house to slo+ thin s do+n a "it. D*erythin he does is scrutinized closely "y his nei h"ors and the o*ern!ent these days% since heOs such a re!arka"le fello+. DonOt +orry-he lo*es that kind of attention the sa!e +ay - do and heOs a fi hter/lo*er in e*ery sense. -O! sure .and heOll fi ure out/ that this a"undance of rain is si!ply natureOs reasona"ly entle "alancin act and +ill resol*e itself into a !ore consistent% re ular pattern. $t least thereOs no stron +ind or e8cessi*e li htnin % thanks to the CBs% nor is there any destructi*e floodin since the rain is no+ hea*ily ionized and so is a"sor"ed into the soil. -O*e "een a"le to point out to !y co!padres here the conspicuous +ay that rainstor!s no+ for! o*erhead instead of !o*in in a frontal .+indy/ lo+-pressure syste!% as has "een the nor! since the -llu!inati initiated their +eather control .!ostly rain suppression% cyclones% destructi*e floodin and desertification% of course/ protocols in the 1MP's% +orld+ide. -f youOre in an area influenced "y one of the !any thousands of or onite cloud"usters% +hich is *ery likely at this point% look for *ery +hite% a!orphous cloudfor!s% Kuickly "uildin up
into the at!osphere in the !iddle of roups of s!aller cu!ulus clouds and keep +atchin . -f you o around and "ust all of the Dntropy and 9$$B7 trans!itters +ithin t+enty or thirty !iles% youOll !ore often see this happen. $s far as - kno+% there isnOt e*en an official na!e for this or onite-induced% pre-rain cloud for! yet. #ay"e the t+o-dollar +hores in the !edia +ill start callin it s+a!p as or so!ethin -+ho kno+sR (hat +onOt likely happen until the +ord% Oor onite%O +ends its +ay to +ithin easy strikin ran e of these payrolled liars in the !edia% thou h. 3hen do you think thatOs oin to happenR -f you kno+ "y no+ +hat - kno+% youOll thro+ a little party +hen they start poo-pooin the stark e*idence of our successes "ecause then their free ad*ertisin +ill spread our net+orkOs o"*ious e!po+er!ent process throu hout the +orld and enerate a rounds+ell. - think the "ad uys already kno+ this and also kno+ that !ainstrea! e8posure this net+orkOs success is as ine*ita"le as sunrise and their o+n he!orrhoids. (he really cool part is that "y then their entire ar!y of paid% cynical liars +ill "e po+erless to discredit us "ecause +eO*e ne*er sou ht pu"licity for our +ork fro! the! and +eO*e ne*er sou ht co!pensation% let alone personal reco nition or leadership. O@ntoucha"leO has acKuired a ne+ definition in our case. Bonald Bea an +ould sali*ate at the notion of our hard-earned (eflon. $ny+ay% that sky-healin effect +as happenin all around us ri ht after +e "usted up all of the 9$$B7 and Dntropy u liness alon "oth hi h+ays and in Nulu and Jira. (here +ere 10 to+ers "et+een the 1ile and Jira% "y the +ay. (hat,s si8ty kilo!eters. (here +ere also no si nificant settle!ents alon that road and fe+ ar!y patrols% +hich tells us that thereOs no real threat left in that re ion "y no+. By the +ay% these ne+ to+ers "eco!e essential cloud"usters after theyO*e "een O iftedO "ecause the or onite "its turn these dead or one enerators into healthy or one enerators. (he at!osphereOs net a!"ience is i!pro*ed% so itOs no+ "etter than if the to+ers had ne*er "een "uilt at all. (he -llu!inati are no+ hoistin the!sel*es on their o+n petards this +ay% at lon % lon last. $fter our !ilitary encounter at the 1ile "rid e% +e felt a little trepidatious a"out our need to toss a stielhand ranate the railin on our return. - spent se*eral !inutes pu!pin !yself up and ettin ready for the toss and Doc B and - resol*ed not to look at the soldiers at the other end of the "rid e. @ncharacteristically% - tossed +ith all the force - could !uster and it still hit the rail and "ounced "ack into the road+ay. Batii"+e Kuickly said% OCan you "elie*e that - sa+ that co!in RO - "elie*ed hi! "ecause inter!ittent prescience is a si n of a+akenin psychic a"ilities that often oes alon +ith +orkin +ith this ne+ technolo y. 3e ne*ertheless scooted off the road not far fro! the "rid e and headed for the OfortressO to at least to ift the o"*ious *orte8 "y the falls +ith an 99 . -t +as Kuickly o"*ious that no *ehicles had dri*en alon that dirt track for !any !onths and at one point - had to shut !y eyes as Doc B confidently and co!petently na*i ated a particularly !uddy% rutty% steep stretch. 3e ot to the end of the road and could hear the falls% so +e follo+ed a path out onto a pro!ontory and there +as our Ofortress and turret.O -t +as nothin "ut a red-dirt "ank on +hich a !any-+indo+ed "rick hut had "een erected for tourists .touris! had disappeared there se*eral years pre*iously% of course/. 3hile - deposited the holy hand renade in an appropriate spot near"y% )ust o*er the falls% Doc +as lookin at the acti*ity on the "rid e throu h the "inoculars. - took a look% too% and sa+ a roup of soldiers standin in the !iddle of the "rid e +here the etheric pipe "o!" had co!e to rest and another% lar er roup con re atin % +ith so!e !ilitary *ehicles% at the nearer end% so +e !ade a hasty "ut di nified retreat "ack alon the path% hopin that they hadnOt "een lookin at us% lookin at the! V-/ 6ortunately% a lar e co!!ercial truck had )ust arri*ed at the "rid e as +e +ere turnin "ack onto the hi h+ay
and that +as takin up !ost of their i!!ediate attention% so +e didnOt ha*e to deal +ith any interro ation and +ere free to dri*e "ack to Ca!pala. (he ne8t incident of prescience for the Doc happened a"out an hour later% and he re retted not takin heed of this one% as it +as re ardin a noisy "lo+out at hi h speed% +hich destroyed a ood tire and knocked part of his rear fender loose. - uess so!e C-$ "utt"oy had skillfully cut that tire% the +ay the 6B- did to us in Neor ia last year. (hatOs a co!!on trick here in the @2 thatOs accounted for a lot of hi h+ay deaths. 0nce% +hen Cizira +as *isitin the Doc at the hospital and after +atchin hi! +ork on the +ards% C asked incredulously% O3hy donOt you )ust use your third eye to see +hatOs happenin +ith your patientsRO and e*er since then Dr. Batii"+e has "een e8periencin "outs of hi h psychis! V-/ -tOs "een an a+ful lot of fun "ein around these t+o% - can tell you. Cizira ne*er see!s to fail to a+aken so!e hi her a+areness in e*eryone he touches. 9e sure did that for !e. Dr. Cayi+aOs "een !y host for !ost of the last half of !y *isit to @ anda. (he fello+Os a enius in +ays that co!ple!ent the other playersO e8pertise and that pro"a"ly rates at least an entire report. (he pro"le! is that heOs shared a lot of confidences +ith !e that are astonishin % e*en !ind "o lin % "ut prefers that - donOt share !any of the! +ith others% so -Oll ha*e to content !yself +ith reportin +hat +eO*e done to ether and )ust a little of +hat heOs done O"ehind the scenesO to spread the ood ne+s of +hat +eOre all doin here. ?ou can i!a ine !y internal pressure% since -O! one +ho lo*es to tell all as lon as it doesnOt har! anyoneOs *alid reputation or insult anyoneOs character. - can at least say% +ith inte rity% that none of the personal thin s that Doc Cayi+a has shared +ith !e indicate anythin "ut his o+n inte rity and incredi"le resourcefulness. 9eOs +ise to play his cards close to his chest% thou h% since heOs chosen a career in politics for the present phase of his !ulti-faceted life. -Oll continue to do +hate*er - can to foster his hi hest interests and - lo*e the fello+ like a "rother and hope heOll co!e stay +ith !e in $!erica as soon as possi"le. - kno+ +e can raise holy hell to ether any+here. #ore to follo+ on that count% of course V-/ Don Croft
Episode 6# Parti3ipating in the +4ards #eremon- of Traditiona$ ,ea$ers By 7aul Batii"+e% #D <ep"atii"+e@hot!!> /dc/adcP6Ctraditionalhealers1Ldec':.sht!l Dec. 1L% &''4 0n the return fro! Nulu% - su ested to Don that +e o and +itness the handin out of Certification a+ards to traditional healers sponsored "y 7B0#D(B$ .1N0 for the 7ro!otion of (raditional #edicine/ @ anda the ne8t day. By M::' a!% Dr Cayi+a% Don and -. had otten to ether. 3hile Don and Dr. C +ere at the internet caf`% - had repairs of the front +heeler done and +e sped to+ards the *enue alon the road to #asaka% al"eit a little late. #asaka is a to+n a"out 1&' kilo!eters +est of Ca!pala. $"out half +ay there% a si n post sho+in 7B0#D(B$ Buyi))a alerted us to !ake a ri ht hand turn to co*er the 4 kilo!eters on a !urra! road. (he !ore +e !o*ed alon this road% the narro+er it "eca!e until +e si hted a pot +ith holes in it% !ounted on a *ertical ce!ent sla" "earin the na!es 7B0#D(B$ in front of round "rick huts% still under construction% in the "ack round. 1alu o!a (he route had reduced to a path at a point +here a "y-stander sho+ed us an area +e could park our *ehicle in the "ushes and follo+ed hi!. 3e +alked no less than 1 kilo!eter deep into a thick forest% on a so y footpath% occasionally )u!pin o*er trails of safari ants% +hile listenin to our uideOs story. $pparently he +as also a trainee +ho had )ust Kualified. 9e told of there "ein an entity in char e of the forest and a +ater sprin startin +ithin% hence the na!e T1alu o!aT $ll of a sudden% +e +ere a"le to see the sky% and an open space +ith i!!aculately +ell !aintained s!all ardens ri ht in front of us. T(hese are !edicinal plant ardens% o+ned "y the trainees%T our uide told us. 6urther ahead +as a forest of trees% a "i er proportion of +hich +ere !edicinal% and "ore "otanical na!eta s. 9ere is +here the trainin takes place and the function to "e held there +as a"out to "e in. (he or anizers and raduates +ere +aitin for the uest of honor% the Besident District Co!!issioner of that area. $n -!pro!ptu Class $fter si nin in the uest "ook% +e +ere +elco!ed "y an elderly lady +ho offered to take us around the forest. (hat is +hen she reco nized that - had "een there "efore and she had instructed !e on an earlier occasion a"out the !edicinal uses of trees she +as pointin out. Jookin at !e she asked% T+hat !edicinal *alue does this tree ha*eRT 9onestly% sheOd told !e the first ti!e - +as there% "ut - could re!e!"er neither the tree nor its uses. #ost of these trees are no less than : !eters hi h. 3ith !ost of their lea*es for!in the canopy a"o*e% it !akes identification a little tricky. 3ell% she +ent all o*er it a ain and +e ended up in the ardens% +here thin s ot !ore interestin . #any plants had *ery uniKue uses ran in fro! luck% to relationships% to de-parasitin the "ody% to i!!une "oostin % poison antidotes and "ody cleansin . 3e listened to the lady as others )oined us. 0*erall% the reported i!portance of the plants herein% appealed to at least one aspect of our roupOs pressin life challen es and needs. 9o+ - +ish it +ere co!pletely true. $"ility of 9u!ans to Create I Direct
#y psychic friend Cizira says hu!ans ha*e a creati*e a"ility. (hey can "esto+ upon any thin a force to carry out so!ethin on their "ehalf. 6or instance% a plant can "e assi ned the responsi"ility to treat a disease or e*en uard a place a ainst thie*es. $n entity can "e reKuested to protect a +ater sprin % en a e another entity% or another "ein . -t can "e directed to look for plants +ith certain curati*e properties. 3ater can "e !ade to store a hu!an intent. $ll of the a"o*e% a!on st se*eral others% can !anifest "y one !akin si!ple affir!ations5 Cizira "elie*es that spirits in flesh .read hu!an "ein s/ ha*e !ore po+er than those +ithout. 2eth% a one ti!e nonphysical teacher% ascents to this idea. (alkin of +ater Kualities% 9ulda Clark 7h.D. no+ descri"es a techniKue of clonin treat!ents into +ater in the latest of her "ooks% (he Cure for $d*anced Cancers ."ut enou h of such di*ersions. Back to the ardens/ Dr ?ahaya 2eka ya $s +hat to learn see!ed endless% our lesson +as a"ruptly "rou ht to a halt "y the arri*al of a fla!"oyantly dressed !an% the "rains "ehind this effort% Dr ?ahaya 2eka ya $ dental 2ur eon "y "asic trainin % 2eka ya concei*ed the idea of this pro)ect 11 years a o. 9e narrated that% one ti!e +hile trainin for C01CDB1 3orld+ide as a consultant in traditional !edicine% he found hi!self in this forest% in +hich he ot lost for three days and t+o ni hts. (hrou hout the three days% the doctor continued% he did not eat or feel hun ry and he neither feared nor felt cold. 9e spent the ni hts under a hu e tree .6icus natalensis/ +here he recei*ed the !essa e that at that particular place +as to "e the trainin and treat!ent center for traditional !edicine. -t +as then that - realized +e +ere actually standin under that *ery tree. 7B0#D(B$ @ anda 7B0#D(B$ @ anda is an affiliate or anization of 7B0#D(B$ -nternational +ith its headKuarters in Dakar2ene al and +hose president is Dr Drick Fid)in N"odossou% #D. - a! i!pressed "y the risin nu!"er of #Ds ackno+led in the need to supple!ent their trainin and practice +ith alternati*e therapeutic approaches. 0ur intensi*e !edical trainin e!phasized the use of con*entional dru s as the only !ode of healin % carefully "rain+ashin the trainees into "elie*in that all other options% are not realV or at "est unpro*en. Ni*en their or anized reli ion-"ased "ack round% !any #Ds are Kuick to tell their clientele that traditional healin is satanic% unhy ienic and uses concoctions +hose dosa e is lar ely uess+ork. But it is this traditional healin % not con*entional !edicine% that has supported populations throu h all ci*ilizations. (he onset of con*entional !edicine has seen increased epide!ics% di!inishin life e8pectancy% and a di!inishin of Kuality life years. 3hen practicin % !any #Ds et frustrated "y the see!in ly incura"le diseases on the rise% "y the lack of freedo! to research into other possi"le treat!ents +ithout support fro! the !ultinationals phar!aceutical fir!s. Besearch +as carefully desi ned to "e e8pensi*e. - a! lad that the doors to 7B0#D(B$ are open to all% includin #Ds. -f !y country had schools trainin naturopaths% - "et these physicians +ould et alon *ery +ell +ith #Ds. -f the indi enous $frican peoples +ere e*er proud% they are no lon er. (he econo!ic i!"alance a!on st the nations "et+een the north and south di*ide has "een styled in place "y the currencies e8chan e rate. (o !e% the e8chan e rates reflect the Kuotient ti!es the a*era e Kuality of life% +hich in turn creates a hu e difference "et+een the t+o countries in Kuestion. (hus% currently @ andaOs Kuality of life is &''' ti!es +orse than that of $!erica. (he or anized reli ions introduced to $fricans +ere done rather unfaithfully. (hey% to ether +ith the educational
syste! that ushered the! in% poured in endless feelin s of inferiority a!on st the nati*es% thus under!inin the $fricanOs spirituality% +hich enco!passed traditional healin . @p to no+% +hite is considered superior and "lack is e*il. 3hat a chondray5 -n the su" 2aharan $frica% !ore than L'^ of the population does not ha*e access to !odern !edicines% in spite of the "rain+ashin that nothin else +orks. (his couples +ith the u ly truth that the $fricansO kno+led e of their !edicinal plants has "een lostV "ein carried to the ra*e +ith each dyin traditional healer% to create an enor!ous *acuu! in health education. -s it any +onder that $frica has the +orst declinin health statistics in the +orldR 7B0#D(B$% de*eloped a cultural and eo raphically specific trainin curriculu! for practitioners of (raditional #edicine .the 6$7DN !ethod/ +ith the hope that 3estern !edicine and !odern science +ill respect the a e-old kno+led e and +isdo! of traditional !edicine and indi enous science. (hey are lookin at natural !edicine as a !eans of de*elop!ent. 9ealth syste!s in $frica are al+ays donor dri*en. (he priorities the other +ay around are *ery +ron . (ake !alaria for e8a!ple. -t is still the nu!"er one killer in $frica% in spite of !uch !edia hype a"out $-D2. Jittle of practical kno+led e is applied a ainst !alaria% "eyond la!entations and procurin e8pensi*e !odern dru s. 0n a*era e% the nu!"er of ti!es one falls sick of !alaria in $frica is si8 ti!es per year. $ *ery conser*ati*e esti!ate of @2 W1 per treat!ent% per episode% for a population of && !illion% lea*es !y country loosin @2 W 1:& !illion to phar!aceutical fir!s annually to treat !alaria alone5 (here are +ell kno+n !edicinal her"s% shru"s% and trees that are effecti*e a ainst !alaria and nu!erous other ail!ents that can ro+ al!ost any+here in the tropics% e*en +ithin the co!pound of ones ho!e. (he e8traction of acti*e in redients often does not reKuire !ore than "oilin in +ater. 7reser*ation lar ely depends on natural !ethods% like the dryin of her"s in the sun. -f this kno+led e +as +ell understood "y the +ell-!eanin leaders of the third +orld% the costs of health care +ould "e drastically reduced +ith lots of sa*in s. (his approach could cure !ost of the health pro"le!s of $frica. (he "est of each style of !edicine !ust +ork to ether in order to ensure that the health pro"le!s of $frica are addressed +ithin e*ery country% city and *illa e. -n the current +orld situation% it +ould "e necessary to train healers and esta"lish settin s +here healers can share their kno+led e and reinforce their trainin . (his is +hat 7B0#D(B$ is atte!ptin to do. (he Cere!ony (here +as a "rief drizzle that hardly interrupted anythin as +e +alked "ack to the shade and inside the tent% "elo+ the TsacredT 6icus tree% +hich had "een erected to function as a classroo!. 2o!e of these shelters "ore ta s such as Tclass oneT .for "asic kno+led e and identification of !edicinal plants/% Tclass t+oT .diseases and treat!ents usin traditional !edicines/ and Tclass threeT .for spirituality and traditional healin /. 3e +ere seated in front of a lar e roup of trainees +ho +ere to "e a+arded certificates on this day. $fter selfintroductions% - +as reKuested to introduce Don Croft to the atherin in the local *ernacular. 3hile +aitin for the uest of honor% +e +ere entertained "y their o+n local choir and dance roup. (he roup san a"out the i!portance of traditional !edicine% ho+ it has helped heal !any of the nu!erous chronic ail!ents pla uin the country% the need to stop discri!inatin a ainst natural !edicines and instead pro!ote the!% the ad*anta es of (#% etc. (he chief Nuest of 9onor +as delayed in her arri*al "ecause of the other functions she had to preside o*er that
day. 9o+e*er% the pro ra!!ed continued in her a"sence. 3hen it ca!e ti!e to hand out the certificates% Don +as called upon to act as the uest of honor for presentin a+ards. (his +as so!ethin he did ad!ira"ly in spite "ein feelin *isi"ly un+ell. Don con ratulated each candidate in the local dialect .-% of course% +as fer*ently hopin that he +ould re!e!"er +hat to say/. (he Besident District Co!!issioner $rri*es $ "it later% +e +ere )oined "y the entire entoura e of the Nuest of 9onor% the Besident District Co!!issioner +ho is the representati*e of the 7resident of @ anda in the district. 9er entoura e included the district security chief% assistants% and "ody uards. 2he apolo ized for "ein held up "y other functions +hich included the district 3orld $-D2 day of cele"ration. -n her speech% she paid lo+in tri"ute to the role played "y 7B0#D(B$ in pro!otin +hat is indi enous% citin that +ithout (raditional #edicines% the protracted uerrilla +ar fi hters led "y 7resident #use*eni +ould ha*e faced i!!ense health challen es% at that ti!e. 2he pled ed support for the or anization. 2he dele ated the responsi"ility of choosin the "est arden to the security officer and !e. $ lo*ely arden% +hich +as *ery +ell !aintained% +as chosen and the Oo+nerO +as presented +ith ifts +hich included a oat and a hand lantern. 0ther ifts +ere then i*en to Don and the chief Nuest of 9onor. -n his speech% Dr 2eka ya% the 7resident of 7B0#D(B$ @ anda% talked of the achie*e!ents of 7B0#D(B$ in areas of her"al arden de*elop!ent% colla"oration +ith other a encies% and sensitization of co!!unities. 9e reco nized the role played "y *arious stakeholders in supportin this or anization and in particular thanked the 60BD 6oundation for their assistance. 9e cited fundin aps as a "i restriction in realizin their o")ecti*es. $t one point% Don reKuested that a ift "e i*en to Dr 2eka ya. 9e recei*ed one of Carol CroftOs creations% the 9ar!onic 7rotector pendant. Don said that he appreciated the @ anda o*ern!entOs openness to traditional and other alternate therapies% at least at the political leadership le*el. 9e descri"ed ho+ the 97 pendant +orks and its ad*anta es. 9e +ished all alon that he had "een a"le to take his ifted +ife% Carol% alon +ith hi! on this trip. translated his speech into the *ernacular and infor!ed the listeners a"out so!e of the other neckies strapped round Dr 2eka ya% +hich he had recei*ed as honors fro! *arious places in $frica. (he function +as cro+ned +ith a "ash of typical $frican stea!ed foods. 3e feasted till e*enin +hile chattin . +as !ainly ans+erin Kuestions of the inKuisiti*e security chief% +ho at the end of it all% +as reatly a!azed "y DonOs peculiarities and our uniKue *ie+ and approach to +orldly issues. 7aul Batii"+e #D
Episode What We )id +bout the :S Spe3ia$ 6or3es 7.isits7 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcPP@2specialforces*isit1Mdec':.sht!l Dec. 1M% &'': 2o!e of us ha*e "een e8periencin !aterializations in our ho!es "y a ressors in the past year or so and - think Carol finally ot so!e fairly hard data a"out this in an interestin +ay. (he day - left for $frica% she +ent to 6lorida +ith our friend% Jinda Cin s"ury% for a +eek or so and one of their acti*ities there +as to "e a dolphin s+i! in the 6lorida Ceys. JindaOs a psychic +hoOs on CarolOs eneral le*el% thou h her techniKue is a little different. (hey "oth felt so!ethin +asnOt Kuite ri ht +ith the fello+ +ho dro*e the "oat out to the reef that day and the confir!ation ca!e +hen he took the! to the *icinity of a @2 2pecial 6orces "ase thatOs used for under+ater trainin . $side fro! the oddity of the fello+Os focus% they didnOt i*e it a lot of thou ht or attention and thou h the +ater +as too !urky for s+i!!in that day% due to pre*ious stor!s .shark dan er/ lots of dolphins ca!e up to the "oat and interacted +ith the!. (hey later *isited the Dolphin Besearch Center +hich -Od +ritten a"out al!ost three years a o +hen +e li*ed across the road fro! it on Nrassy Cey. Jinda a reed that the dolphins there are rather usin that facility to research hu!ans V-/ $fter Carol ot ho!e% al!ost ni htly *isitations "e an to occur% e*en upstairs +here our "edroo! is% thou h only once did she see a :D person. -n that case he +as at the "otto! of the stair+ell at the end of the hall. -n e*ery case she si!ply i nored the! and "lasted the! until the *isits ended. Jast ni ht +e had a huntin session "ecause yesterday !ornin .+e stayed in a !otel in 2pokane after she picked !e up at the airport/ +e +ere OaccostedO "y a plainclothes o*ern!ent psychic in DennyOs Bestaurant +ho +as at a near"y ta"le +ith fi*e or si8 unifor!ed $ir 6orce uys% presu!a"ly fro! near"y 6airchild $ir 6orce Base. Carol +as the first to notice hi!% as !y "ack +as turned to that near"y ta"le% so +hen she told !e to look% - did so "riefly% then said% O3atch +hat happens to the uy%O and "lasted hi!. 2he said% O9is face turned red%O and +e "oth had a ood lau h. 9e stared ri ht at !e as +e left not lon after that% and it +as o"*ious that he +asnOt afraid of !e. - )ust fi ured that he +as oin to Osho+ upO later% so - didnOt do anythin else to hi! then. -O*e found that itOs so!eti!es kind of fun to play the! and let the! think theyOre ettin o*er on us. 9a*e you tried thatR (heyOd lo*e to !ake this spiritual conflict as dirty as any other +ar% "ut +hy not ha*e a little fun +ith it as lon as +ar is una*oida"leR 2ure enou h% that uy +as around astrally% last ni ht% +hen +e decided to o after the 2pecial 6orces +ould-"e hitters and +e left hi! alone as +e did the rest of the thin % then - chased hi! do+n. Carol said heOd split after our first hit and he pro"a"ly thou ht he could hide fro! us V-/ - think -O! +ritin this !ore for the "ad uysO sake than for you% as they hate it +hen anythin like this is put into pu"lic record. -tOs )ust one !ore fun +ay of countin coup on erst+hile-hidden ene!ies of !ankind and of life in eneral. Carol looked for the top of the food chain in this "unch and of course found a uy in a ray unifor!% so +e Oput it on the "i screenO and in a couple of !inutes he +as dead on the floor fro! a +eak heart. (hen +e focused on the @2 $r!y 2pecial 6orces Colonel .#C @ltra alu!ni% of course/ +ho had taken his
orders fro! this chu!p and then co!!anded the hitter-+anna"ees in our house% "ut all that happened +as that he puked% +hich told us that he hadnOt a clue that he +as out of line and perhaps honestly "elie*es that +eOre Oterrorists.O #ost #C 0ld Boys ne*er Kuestion their root pro ra!!in after all% e*en in the face of their "ossesO o"*ious predatory a enda% and not !any folks ha*e !uch of a conscience these days% any+ay. (he fi*e 2pecial 6orces *isitors +ere the ne8t tar ets and they% too% are )ust #C @ltra +arriors +ho ne*er Kuestioned their o")ecti*es% so Carol +ent to +ork on the! and found one +ho is psychic. - po+ered up her efforts and she ot hi! to clearly see his o+n pro ra!!in history and to see that +eOre not only har!less% "ut are t+o people +ho should "e protected% not attacked. 9e then started talkin to the other four a"out it% she told !e. 2he said that they had "een told to e8ercise e8tre!e caution in our house .5/ so all that had happened% so far% +as sur*eillance. 2he said theyOd tried to "e *ery Kuiet% so it +asnOt an effort to si!ply inti!idate her as pre*ious :D *isitors fro! the Dark #asters had tried to do a year a o after +eOd first disco*ered that +e could hurt the people at the top of the predator food chain. Carol feels that the si nificance of the tour operator .2pecial 6orces uy/ +as that they needed to esta"lish a physical link in the *icinity of the under+ater "ase in order for the! to et a relia"le portal esta"lished into our ho!e. Jinda had assu!ed responsi"ility for pickin a dolphin tour "efore they left ho!e and that particular "usiness tour co!pany +as the only one that ca!e up in an internet search. 3hen they ot there% they found lots and lots of esta"lished dolphin-tour "usinesses% so Carol assu!es that the C-$ +as !onitorin JindaOs co!puter and ensurin that only this one tour co!pany +ould sho+ up in a search. -,! sure youO*e e8perienced si!ilar hacker infestations "y no+. - donOt think +eOll "e "othered "y this "unch any !ore% e*en +ithout ha*in posted this account% "ut it +as pro"a"ly leadin up to a "loody hit if +e didnOt pay attention and take so!e action. 3e +asted the latest head of the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination for ood !easure. 2ince the "ad uys are addicted to centralization% this al+ays see!s to "e a ood idea for u!!in up their enocide +orks in 1orth $!erica% at least% and they keep appointin !urderous% all-hu!an chu!ps for so!e reason% so itOs hard to resist% any+ay S-/. #ay"e the -llu!inati% e*er resourceful% ha*e set up that )o" as a du!pin round for !urderous% "ureaucratic inco!petents "y no+. - uess -O! happy to o"li e% since in each case these ne+ 92$ "osses +ill no lon er "e "rutalizin and !urderin children and other innocents after they co!e to our attention. (he reason this @2 2pecial 6orces thin +as a curious de*elop!ent for us is that in the past the "ad uys !ostly sent cold-"looded killers at us% not real soldiers. (he faulty "it of reasonin on their part +as that people +ho arenOt outri ht !urderers are still suscepti"le to the sa!e hi her spiritual instincts +hich you and - are co!forta"le +ith% so theyOre all potential allies% especially as the outri ht satanic orientation of 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination "eco!es !ore and !ore "latant to their le "reakers. Co!!it!ent is a curious thin . -n our "rief history as a net+ork +eO*e seen a fe+ people finally co!!it to either side of this conflict and once that co!!it!ent has "een solidified% no a!ount of outside influence +ill see! to deflect the indi*idual fro! his chosen affinity in each case% no !atter +hat had transpired "efore or +hat theyOd acco!plished. - can say +ithout a trace of cynicis! that this e8perience has "een the sin le !ost astonishin % enrichin teacher of the nature of hu!anity than anythin else -Od e*er "een in*ol*ed in.
$s far as - can tell% oneOs capacity for selfless lo*e see!s to "e the deter!inin factor for re!ainin free of !indf---in entan le!ents +ith the other side and thatOs surely a function of personal faith rather than of any considerations of ethics/!orality% the filthy shado+ of +hich is surely O7olitical Correctness.O $fter +e +ere done% - chased and pu!!eled that "eni hted C-$ psychic until he +as scared Wh5[less .Bra*ado doesnOt count for !uch +hen you +ork for the "ad uys these days V-/. 1o+ Carol and - need to focus !ore effort on ettin rid of that da!na"le 6ederal Beser*e Corporation. (here +as a set"ack last !onth as the pri!ary radionics to+er .the secondary is in our "ackyard and needs a ne+ !otor% +hich - no+ ha*e/ +as% after nearly a year of operation% successfully re!o*ed "y the "ad uys% so no+ itOs "ack to the dra+in "oard to et another *orte8-po+ered de*ice online or to at least enerate a *orte8 in the ne+ location of the pri!ary +hen it co!es to rest pretty soon. ONodOs ti!e is the "est ti!e%O as the Ner!ans used to say. - ne*er can see! to help rinnin at the notion that the "ad uys think theyOre !akin anythin at all happen for the!sel*es and for their +ay-"ehind-schedule enocide a endas these days. -t all "ackfires for the!% one +ay or another% as far as - can tell% and "y the ti!e they reach the courtroo!s and su"seKuent nooses that a+ait the! throu hout the planet% theyOll "e pitifully deflated rather than ha*in one out +ith a !urderous flourish. 3anted: $erial Nifters Carol )ust traded her sporty little con*erti"le for a <eep% as it looks like +e +onOt "e ettin an airplane soon% as +eOd hoped. -t +ould "e so cool if so!e"ody +ith !eans +ill use an airplane to Ocarpet "o!"O "i % hard to reach under round "ases and the pri!ary !ountain top arrays. 3eOll focus on takin out under round "ases for no+ +ith a 43D *ehicle% "y default% as thatOs the "ad uysO last redou"t in $!erica. 0thers can take out the !ore o"*ious Dntropy and 9$$B7 to+ers +here they li*e% as far as +eOre concerned. #ore and !ore are apparently doin that% so itOs no lon er our personal responsi"ility% as far as - can tell. (he day she dro*e it ho!e fro! the dealer last +eek a cop parked "ehind it in our dri*e+ay .dead end street/ and +rote so!e stuff in his little "ook. (he license plate .O0BN01D6O/ +asnOt e*en on it yet V-/ and Carol +ent out and a*e the uy the stinkeye% so he dro*e a+ay% pretendin that he +as O)ust doin his )o".O Chu!p. (he stupider cops here really do think +eOre terrorists% still. (he feds o around to all the local cop shops in 1orth $!erica these days and use !ind control protocols to )ack up the ne+ly all-"lack-unifor!ed copsO paranoia. Noe""els +ould ha*e +et his pants +ith en*y at this 1ational 2ocialist achie*e!ent% no dou"t% and at the apparent ease +ith +hich these 6B- cretins et the cops to "elie*e that thereOs a s+arthy% tur"aned "o!"thro+er under e*ery "ush in to+n V-/ -tOs a i*en that the to+nspeople in our to+n donOt share this neurosis that the cops ha*e. (he !any #usli!s in this colle e to+n are treated *ery +ell% as they ou ht to "e. By the +ay% - found out that the #usli!s in B+anda didnOt participate in the "lood"ath there a fe+ years a o. 1or% presu!a"ly% did the 9indus. (o @ andaOs credit% the *arious reli ious factions in that country had resolutely decided to stop lettin the!sel*es "e di*ided alon those lines e*en "efore the British hurled -di $!in at the! all in the early 1MP's. dearly lo*e true reli ious di*ersity in any culture. C"s+ork can pro"a"ly round this 2pecial 6orces de*elop!ent out +ith so!e harder data +hen heOs ready. 3eOll "e *isitin hi! $2$7 for so!e confa"% since itOs "een a+hile since +e +ere there and these northern +inters are not !uch fun for us.
9a*in participated in essentially "ustin up the Dntropy and 9$$B7 nets in an entire $frican nation in the last !onth% -O! really ea er to put the hurt on the under round "ase net+ork in the south+estern @2 no+% +hich isnOt far out of our +ay +hen +e o to Jos $n eles. fDon Croft
Episode ! Treppen;4hippedI By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcPSsteppen+hipped&')an'4.sht!l <an. &'% &''4 9a*in talked and talked% for +eeks% a"out usin earthpipes to disa"le an under round "ase% Celly% Carol and finally put our !oney +here !y !outh is on 2unday% <an 1S% at <oseph% 0re on. Celly .Jaozu on the "oards/ raciously a reed to !ake the Darthpipe prototypes ;instructions to "uild an Darthpipe at "otto! of this pa e...Cen= +ith Carol and - on 2aturday in his terrific% heated shop in 7ull!an% 3ashin ton% and to acco!pany us to <oseph% 0re on% for the first field e8peri!ent the ne8t !ornin . -,d !entioned that "ase a fe+ ti!es "efore and one of CellyOs friends had told us that he +atched $ir 6orce 0ne co!e in for a landin there recently. Beally% the little run+ay in that narro+ 0re on *alley !i ht acco!!odate a Jear)et +ith a dra chute% "ut not a lar er plane. 3eOre assu!in that the fello+ rather sa+ one of those @60s that are dis uised as a "i )et. $fter all% Carol and - ha*e seen that happen se*eral ti!es +here +e li*e and these lo+ altitude% silent% slo+% steeply "ankin Bi <ets +ith their landin ear e8tended couldnOt ha*e stayed in the air at such a lo+ altitude% nor are there any adeKuate landin strips +ithin thirty !iles of here. (he D0B +as Kuite dense% thou h% and the little tourist to+n near 9ellOs Canyon couldnOt account for that. D*al .Cnie*al/ +as e*ident at one ti!e there% "ut +e didnOt see !uch e*idence of surface e*il. (he !ost o"*ious D0B characteristic +as dense fo at odd altitudes a ainst the surroundin !ountains% +hich are or eous% "y the +ay. 0re onOs ot a J0( of hidden treasures like the pine-forested 3allo+a #ountains. 3e sort of left it up to Celly to call the shots. 9eOd ne*er "een to <oseph% thou h his late father% a professor at 3@ in 2eattle in later years "ut a dairy far!er and populist in 3estern 3ashin ton "efore that% had "een "orn in that little to+n. - sensed that his dadOs spirit +as present and Carol said he had !ore or less directed us to <oseph and +anted to help Celly find the ri ht places to put the si8 earthpipes. CellyOs friend had told us% last su!!er% that he sa+ $ir 6orce 0ne co!in in for a landin around Dnterprise% +hich is fi*e !iles upstrea! fro! <oseph% so +e sort of assu!ed that the "ase +as close to that to+n% "ut Celly and Carol +erenOt seein !uch D0B around Dnterprise. $s +e approached <oseph% the D0B increased dra!atically% then +e sa+ the dense fo and +e +ere O-n (he Wh5[.O 3e took the lon +ay to et there fro! here. $s it turns out% - had assu!ed that it +as the only lo ical +ay to o and Celly and Carol .+ho kne+ "etter/ had si!ply chosen not to disa ree +ith !e. -t took fi*e hours and - kept sayin to Carol% O-s anyone peekin RO and she kept sayin % O1o.O Carol only told !e later that she +ondered +hy had insisted on takin the lon +ay. - told her that - didnOt kno+ there +as another +ay. 9ereOs a pri!e e8a!ple of the +ay !y stupidity often turns into an asset: $fter +e did the deed% Carol said a +hole strin of 12$ skunks had "een positioned alon the shorter route to report our pro ress to the +aitin stalkers in <oseph% "ut the 12$ assu!ed that +e +erenOt stupid enou h to take the lon routeV so they didnOt put any of their skunks alon that !uch lon er hi h+ay throu h 3alla 3alla. $ fe+ days prior to that% one of CellyOs friends% #ike% had spotted a fed "oss a ent tailin Celly in traffic. (he a ent +as o"*ious to #ike "ecause there +ere se*eral tiny antennae stickin out of the "i 2@FOs roof and all of the +indo+s% includin the +indshield% +ere "lacked out. 101D of those fed skunks are "old enou h% any !ore% to follo+ Carol and -% so they didnOt kno+ +hich hi h+ay +e +ere on as +e +ere lea*in CellyOs to+n. 1one of their psychics e*en tried to find us. (hey had to rely on a fe+ non-descript pa*e!ent artists alon the assu!ed route. 3e pro"a"ly +ould ha*e "een pretty naked to the 12$ in and around <oseph if +eOd dri*en the lo ical route% as none of our iftin locations had !uch co*er around the!. 0f course% the little 2uccor 7unch that +e keep oin in the car% &4/P% plu ed into the ci arette li hter% stops the 12$ fro! ettin a non-*isual electronic fi8 on us% e*en fro! satellites% and +e sa*a ely "eat up any of their psychics +ho stu!"le into our path. Carol asked !e if
- e*er feel "ad for trashin these psychic predators and other fake- o*ern!ent skunks. - thou ht a"out it a little "it and told her% O105O V-/ 2o% +e dro*e into <oseph +ithout any of these 12$ )erks kno+in +e +ere there at all. 3e +ent around% dri*in the & foot lon % 1 XT thick earthpipes into the nearly frozen turf +here*er Celly sa+ the densest D0B e!er in fro! the round and +e ne*er ot spotted "y a spook until +eOd dri*en o*er to the airport to insert the last one. 0ne of the! +as stationed there% of course% and there +as only one pa*ed road into the area. 9e didnOt see +here +e put it "ecause +e !ade hi! +ant to et to a toilet really fast as soon as +e spotted hi!% "ut as +e +ere turnin onto the hi h+ay a fe+ !inutes later% ha*in )ust finished the pro)ect% the local "oss 12$ spook cut us off% slo+ly dro*e around the front of our car and a*e Carol .the dri*er/ a s!u look and a +a*e% then dro*e "ack to to+n the +ay heOd co!e. Carol had drea!t% the pre*ious ni ht% of possi"le dan er for us there% so - +as oin to "rin !y pistol% "ut +e had for otten to "uy "ullets after our last shootin !atch. fi ured that if +e +ere oin to et it they +ould pro"a"ly "e usin a helicopter unship or so!ethin % any+ay V-/ as theyOd ha*e to put diapers on their "eni hted fat nin)as in order to et the! close to us +ithout e!"arrassin the!sel*es. #ean+hile% "oth Carol and Celly sa+ that "ri ht strea!s of or one +ere shootin up fro! the locations of each of the earthpipes and the sky o*erhead +as de*elopin that characteristic "lue hole in the dense D0B fo in se*eral places. 3e had a nice dinner in a Chinese restaurant in near"y Dnterprise% 0re on% in preparation for the .three hours% it turned out% as opposed to fi*e hours oin there V-/ ride "ack ho!e and the only sur*eillance in Dnterprise +as fro! a local cop +ho dro*e slo+ly "y +ithout reco nizin our car in the restarurantOs s!all parkin lot. 9e looked pretty ner*ous% so - uess the feds had "een screa!in at hi!. Celly had a nice chat in #andarin +ith one of the o+ners% thou h the folks +ere fro! near Canton. -tOs fun oin to Chinese restaurants +ith Jaozu Celly. $nalyzin the look on the "oss skunkOs face as he dro*e around our car a little earlier% - ot the i!pression that he assu!ed that +eOd failed this ti!e and that he felt pretty pleased. 1or!ally% after +e "ust up an under round "ase% the effects are so i!!ediate% dra!atic and co!prehensi*e% that the feds all look fit to "e tied ri ht after+ard. -n 1e*ada last <uly% for instance% a "oss 12$ uy +ho looked like a +ei htlifter on 7C7% e*en sat "eside !e% fle8ed his !uscles and lared ri ht at !e in order to fri hten !e. 2ince - had a 9ar!onic 7rotector on - +asnOt e*en a+are that he +as present. 0rdinarily% -Od sense so!e"ody like that fro! across the roo! e*en if !y "ack +as turned. Carol +as sittin across the aisle and +as astonished that - didnOt notice hi!. 2he only told !e a"out hi! as +e +ere +alkin out of there% so - put our callin card on his "rand ne+% +hite Jincoln (o+ncarOs +indshield as +e left the "uildin . (hat pu nacious% !urderous )erk had parked in a O9andicapped 7arkin 0nlyO spot% of course% ri ht "y the entrance. O$rrest that !an% officer5O V-/ Celly% a lon -ti!e fan of Ner!an culture% told us that there are a couple of distincti*ely Ner!an kinds of hu!or: allo+s hu!or and O(reppen+itz.O O(reppenO !eans Ostairs%O and O+itzO !eans O)oke.O (he i!plication is that this sort of )oke is usually otten only after one has reached the "otto! of the staircase. (he reason for the title of this article is that Othe )okeO on the feds is that the under round "ase has !ost likely "een co!pletely disa"led "y no+% t+o days after +e did the deed% "ut they didnOt see it co!in until lon after +eOd left the area. CellyOs oin "ack to <oseph in a fe+ days to !ake his o+n assess!ent. -O! not oin to announce success% e*en thou h CarolOs re!ote i!pression is that this has "een achie*ed% "ecause - +ant to et CellyOs re arded analysis of the relati*e le*el of D0B in <oseph "efore - can reco!!end earthpipes as a *ia"le alternati*e to (Bs and 99 s for "ustin up under round "ases. Carol and - do+sed the para!eters for the de*ices and also the nu!"er on 2aturday. #y hope is that this +ill "e pro*en to +ork% since +e need to "ust a J0( of under round facilities in order to ensure that the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination +ill ha*e no place to hide after +e arrest the federal
o*ern!ent for treason and et the! to real% ne+ly Constitutional courts of la+ throu hout the land. -t took Bichard .Dodeca/ and oursel*es a"out thirty allons of resin durin se*eral sorties to disa"le t+o "i % particularly heinous under round "ases around 6allon% 1e*ada last su!!er. 3hat +eOre seein % "ased on last +eekendOs e8perience% is that +e !i ht ha*e "een a"le to do that +ith a couple of allons of resin and forty or fifty Darthpipes and all in a day or t+o. $s soon as this ne+ approach is found to "e feasi"le% or as soon as a !odified approach has "een pro*en% Carol and - intend to et to Dulce% 1e+ #e8ico and disa"le the pri!ary under round co!ple8 +est of the #ississippi% perhaps Odoin O a fe+ other !a)or "ases in that interconnected net+ork alon the +ay. 2o!e predatory D(s +ere so upset "y the stron effects of CellyOs first field deploy!ent of an Darthpipe a fe+ +eeks a o that they "roke the la+s of nature and flipped his pickup truck ri ht o*er on the +ay ho!e. (hatOs the thin that ot !y attention% "y the +ay. Dndorse!ents co!e in !any for!s in this net+orkOs ca!pai ns% after all. (hanks% D(5 @nder round facilities put out a lot of deadly or one radiation .D0B/. -f thereOs no D0B% it si!ply !eans that nothin Os happenin any !ore do+n there. 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!inations essentially OcanOt "reatheO +ithout plenty of D0B around the!. (hatOs oin to "e their ulti!ate do+nfall-no place left for the! to hide. 3ant to depri*e these +alkin horrors-in-+aitin of their sustenance ri ht no+ instead of after they et a chance to atte!pt enocideR -tOs easy and fun to do5 (here are no risks or o"li ations and no sales!an +ill call5 -nstructions for #akin an Darthpipe 9ereOs ho+ +e !ade the!% thou h the para!eters are ad)usta"le: $ t+o foot lon section of 1 XT dia!eter copper pipe-"e sure to allo+ one end to "e clean-cut% other+ise the little flan e that ets !ade "y a pipe cutter +ill not allo+ the close-fittin or onite plu to "e inserted. Net a Kuartz crystal thatOs at least an inch and a half lon and a"out a half inch thick and coil a "are% 1:T-lon copper +ire .should "e thick enou h to hold the shape of the coil/ fro! the "roken end of the crystal% +hich is the "otto! end% in a clock+ise direction% openin it out in a cone-shaped% up+ard spiral for the last fe+ turns. (he crystal should ha*e a point on the top end. 7ut so!e 2aran 3rap .clear plastic polyester food +rap/ loosely do+n into a 4T lon piece of the sa!e pipe. 7ress the +rap into the inside surface of the pipe so that you can et the !a8i!u! a!ount of or onite into the !old. Drop so!e !etal in the "otto! inch or so of the pipe% add the crystal/coil% then fill the pipe +ith !etal% shakin it to et the !etal to distri"ute e*enly. Be sure to use !etal ;sha*in s= throu h +hich the resin +ill saturate% or else youOll need to !i8 resin and !etal first and spoon it into the !old. 7our the catalyzed resin ;fi"er lass resin to +hich the liKuid hardener has already "een added= slo+ly into the !old until itOs full. 3hen itOs hardened and cooled% )ust pull out the or onite plu and insert it into the &O pipe% payin attention so that the top of the plu +ill "e to+ard the top end of the pipe. 3e had to sa+ off a little "it of the cut ends of se*eral pipes so the plu +ould easily drop in. 9a!!er the pipe do+n into the round in a place +here it +onOt likely "e seen. Celly likes to ha!!er it all the +ay do+n so no"ody can later see it or pull it out. @se a "oard "et+een the ha!!er and the pipe% of course% so the top end of the pipe +onOt et distorted.
Both Celly and Carol sa+ !assi*e strea!s of D0B co!in into the e8peri!ental earthpipes "y his shop. -t can only ha*e co!e fro! deep under round. - think +e a"solutely ha*e a +inner here and that it +ill )oin the (o+er"uster% 9oly 9and renade and Cloud"uster as a pri!ary +eapon in the or onite arsenal% easily replicated and deployed "y )ust a"out anyone on the planet. fDon Croft Episode " That .ri$ Buffoon and >ther 0nstruments By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcPM*ril"uffoon&M)an'4.sht!l <an. &M% &''4 D*eryone +ho oes to $frica these days sort of ets capti*ated in one +ay or another and if you ha*enOt "een there youOre pro"a"ly hopin to kno+ +hat -O! talkin a"out. -Oll try to share a li!pse of that pheno!enon +ith you no+ in a rounda"out +ay. - +as sorry to lea*e that continent last ti!e "ut so!e pressin thin s at ho!e de!anded !y attention/participation and at least - kne+ that !y *isit to @ anda +as part of a +onderful process% in*ol*in our net+ork% +hich "e an "efore Neor and - arri*ed and is still unfoldin there. Jast +eek% - found out that CarolOs second and !y first *isit to $frica% that ti!e to 1a!i"ia .!ainly to support and e8tend the or onite and cloud"uster efforts that +ere started so!e !onths earlier there "y Nert Botha/% paid off handso!ely in the for! of a"undant% soakin rain across the entire Calahari and 1a!i" Deserts for the first ti!e in li*in !e!ory and perhaps !uch% !uch lon er. Neor in <oO"ur % of +++.or % !y recent tra*el co!panion% is !ostly responsi"le for this happy de*elop!ent% thou h heOs "een helped considera"ly "y $ndy in Bots+ana and (re*or% also in <ohannes"ur % not to !ention se*eral people in 2outh $frica% Ei!"a"a+e% Jesotho% 1a!i"ia and #oza!"iKue +ho ha*e at least erected cloud"usters on their properties. $fter a couple of years of layin round+ork +ith a dozens of cloud"usters% especially "y $ndy throu hout Bots+ana .the Calahari re ion/% Neor and (re*or tra*eled to 2outh $fricaOs -ndian 0cean coast and disa"led all of the 9$$B7 arrays alon the entire len th of it in t+o separate )ourneys in Dece!"er. (hatOs o"*iously +hat opened the +ay for the !oisture fro! the -ndian 0cean to finally "reach the for!er electronic "arrier and reach all the +ay across the southern part of that continent to the $tlantic at lon last% assisted alon the +ay "y all those cloud"usters. 9a*in turned those !assi*e arrays into or one enerators +ith so!e intelli ent distri"ution of or onite% the resultin rain +as likely a lot !ore dra!atic and per*asi*e than !i ht ha*e occurred if the 9$$B7 arrays had ne*er "een erected. (his pheno!enon of turnin the parasitic !achinery of the +orld order into our assets has "een characteristic of this net+ork since its inception & a years a o. Before they did that% the Fril creep that -Od !entioned had "een incitin enocide a!on the leadership of the ne+ly elected co!!unist o*ern!ent in 1a!i"ia. Dnter ONeor --O in that country% +ho asked the Dtheric 6reedo! 6i hters for help and support in his desire to pre*ent lootin and !assacre +here he li*es and no+ the +orld orderOs +ar a ainst the people of 1a!i"ia is "ein under!ined on t+o fronts: the ne+ rain +ill "rin prosperity to a drou ht-ridden land and or onite +ill deci!ate the predatory thou htfor! thatOs lately "een enerated "y a "rand ne+% Fril-inspired and Jondon-financed !urder !achine. OFrilO is the ancient% !ostly Ner!an secret society that is apparently !ore hidden and !ore po+erful than the -llu!inati. 2ince thereOs ne8t to nothin a"out the! in pu"lic record !ost of +hat Carol and -% and a fe+ others% are findin out a"out the! is throu h astral in*esti ation% "ut please "ear +ith !e and keep an open !ind "ecause - in*ite you to take a peek throu h our eyes at this in the conte8t of a !uch lar er pattern/trend. 3eOre operatin under the educated assu!ption that the Fril facilitated the rise and fall of 9itler .$ddy 9itler +as the pri!ary i!petus for socializin /ensla*in Durope I 1orth $!erica and for creatin the Eionist 2tate/% created and !aintained the #ontauk facility and other assets throu hout 1orth $!erica and Durope% ha*e *ery
old under round "ases and anti ra*ity technolo y% e*en in 1a!i"ia and $ntarctica and are likely an inte ral part of the Nreat 3hite Brotherhood itself% +hich is apparently !ostly $sian and #iddle Dastern% other+ise. -f you et a chance to read (9D 9-(JDB B00C% so!e of the docu!ented infor!ation in that "ook !ay !ake !ore sense +hen considered in this li ht% especially% perhaps% the 22O affinity for -sla!ic cultures. (hat "ook is a co!pilation of essays "y reputa"le Ner!an research )ournalists on the pheno!ena surroundin 9itler and the continuity of so!e of these pheno!ena fro! the 1S''s to the present day. 2o!e of the Ner!an personnel throu hout 3orld 3ar -- at #ontauk and in related pro ra!s are kno+n to ha*e +orked for "oth the $!erican !ilitary and the Ner!an !ilitary and% thou h the secret society +hich finances and operates #ontauk has ne*er "een na!ed pu"licly "efore% +e feel sure that they are the Fril. (his si!ple fact% de!onstrated circu!stantially "y eye+itness accounts of reputa"le people% ne ates any patriotic or ideolo ical considerations as OcausesO in that closely !ana ed lo"al cala!ity. 2ince the C-$ runs #C @ltra% the per*asi*e !ind control pro ra! initiated at #ontauk in the 1ML's% one !ay safely assu!e that the Fril are a uidin hand% at least% to the C-$. @ntil the sa!e +eeks in <anuary in +hich all of that rain +as soakin into the soil in the Calahari and 1a!i" the Fril +ere considered +ith a+e "y nearly e*eryone +ho kne+ the na!e. 2urely that reputation +as the inte ral part of ho+ this pale% insipid Ner!an fello+ +as a"le to enthrall the leadership cadre of the predatory 2outh 3est $frican 7eopleOs 0r anization and con*ince the! to do his "iddin . 0f course all co!!unist or anizations on the planet are only e*er )ust one or t+o steps a+ay fro! co!!ittin enocide and plunder% so - dou"t they needed a lot of con*incin . 9e pro"a"ly relied al!ost entirely on the *esti es of a+e that so!e Black $fricans still ha*e for Duropean !a ic and apparent te!poral !i ht. $fter all% !ost folks in 1a!i"ia% "lack and +hite% ha*e pro"a"ly seen or heard a"out those shiny Fril flyin saucers that e!er e fro! under 2pitzkoppe in the 1a!i" near the hi h+ay that runs fro! 3indhoek to the sea at 2+akop!und. - can assure you that these craft +ere har!less to us +hen +e +ere there% e*en after +e dropped so!e holy hand renades on that under round "ase% thou h they +ere sli htly annoyin and depri*ed us of so!e sleep the follo+in ni ht.. 2ince the D66ers +ent to +ork on this )erk the 23$70 cadre% +hich is a creature/instru!ent of the City of Jondon and so has no real leadership% ha*e lost that sense of fascination "ecause they can see that heOs not only as hu!anly +eak as they are% "ut has perhaps "eco!e lau ha"ly so since +eO*e "een hittin hi! +ith or one. Bi ht no+% Neor -- in 1a!i"ia is a"out to recei*e a ship!ent of or onite de*ices fro! Neor - in <oO"ur and please keep sendin hi! ener y to steel his resol*e% as heOll "e in a position to thorou hly ift the re ional 23$70 headKuarters +here he li*es and that +ill likely start the do!ino-effect reduction of 23$70 that +ill sho+ the people of 1a!i"ia )ust ho+ a"surd and outdated these foolish thu s are. $lon +ith those t+o trends in $frica% - "eca!e a+are that O2ecret 2upporter%O to +hose racious hospitality% +it% and *ast e8perience Neor - and - +ere pri*y in @ anda for a couple of +eeks% has co!e under considera"le occult attack. - canOt i*e you any details +ithout "reakin his confidence "ut "e assured that heOs not in physical dan er. 9is cloud"uster "ase has "een de!olished and heOs "eco!e the focus for so!e directed-ener y retaliation that ri htly should ha*e "een ai!ed at Neor and - if the parasitic ene!y had any personal inte rity. 2ecret 2upporter +asnOt deflected fro! hostin us e*en in the face of at least t+o other% !uch !ore heinous and raphic threats +hile +e +ere there% so -O! Kuite sure that this hasnOt done !ore than cause hi! a little dis!ay. 7lease send hi! ener y in your special +ay no+% throu h !e if you ha*e a hard ti!e *isualizin hi!. 0ther+ise% he dra+s on a considera"ly po+erful or anization for his o+n personal safety. (here are enou h cloud"usters in @ anda to keep the *ery nice +eather and a!"ience oin and no"ody +ill likely et to "ust those up% of course% especially the one at CiziraOs plantation V-/ (he fourth $frican trend in this conte8t has affected Carol and - personally "ut -O! not e*en sure -Od call it a pro"le!% at least for us. 2o!e"ody - lo*e and respect a*e !e an o")ect +hen - +as there and alon +ith the o")ect ca!e an entity and se*eral OtrappedO spirits. (he presence in our ho!e +as so su"tle at first that +e didnOt catch it until CarolOs psychic teena e dau hter opened the top of the lo*ely "asket and "urst into tears. 2he told !e that the e!otion she felt +as rief "ut that she didnOt kno+ +hy.
Carol and Jinda looked !ore closely at the "asket and sa+ a rather profound curse +hich +as acco!panied "y a *ery po+erful entity. -nside are the trapped spirits of se*eral people +ho are apparently zo!"ies so!e+here in Dast $frica. (he spirits are apparently "ein used to ener ize the curse% si!ilar to the +ay that people are ritually slain durin se8ual or ies here in $!erica% especially in the Bi"le Belt% to ensure that sort of continuity. - hadnOt heard of zo!"ie !a ic happenin outside of 9aiti "ut of course 9aiti has a culture that is pretty !uch unadulterated 3est $frican% e8cept for so!e political o*erlays fro! 6rench free!asonry in their !ore nefarious occult net+orks. (he present Bantu cultures of Dast $frica +ere "rou ht directly across eKuatorial Eaire "y 3est $fricans !any centuries a o. Jast +eek% after so!e of the D66ers started "lastin the Fril )erk in 1a!i"ia% polter eist acti*ity started up in our house related to that o")ect and Carol stuck the "asket in the cold ara e and tried *arious !eans to free the trapped spirits and in*ite the entity to lea*e. -t e*en yanked an earrin out of her ear durin sleep after one of those episodes% +hich +oke her up% and the ear "led a "it. (his afternoon% after - had a sort of epiphany and then !ailed the o")ect to the C-$ Besearch and De*elop!ent Depart!ent at Jan ley% Fir inia% it e*en opened the ara e door all the +ay V-/ -O! the only one around here +ho had a feelin that the entity connected to the "asket isnOt necessarily "ad. rather felt a sort of kinship +ith it% thou h OkinshipO isnOt an accurate +ord to descri"e !y feelin . -tOs a little like !y personal relationship +ith #r. 2kull% the Kuartz skull +ith !o"ius head"and +hich - keep runnin all year on a 1&* "attery on a shelf in a closet for radionics e8ercises and odd )o"s. $ndyOs !akin these on +++.ct"! in case youOre curious. 2o!e people talk ad nauseu! a"out Okar!a%O and +hile - ne*er dou"ted that actions% +ords and e*en thou hts enerate conseKuences for "etter or +orse - ne*er Kuite liked the +ay that +ord has "een used in +estern culture since it +as introduced "y British -ntelli enceOs (heosophical !ind control apparatus al!ost a century a o. -t see!s like Okar!aO has supplanted the notion of O race%O and people +ho use that ter! ratuitously are pretty !uch uaranteed to ha*e "ou ht into an anti-passionate% off-kilter and fau8-detached notion of ho+ uni*ersal la+ actually +orks. - personally feel that the present% +idespread use of this 2anskrit ter! is a "rain+ashin coup of the C-$/#-6% "ased on O+hat +orkedO in the cultural conKuest of -ndia in the late 1P''s "y the City of JondonOs a ents there. 9o+ else could a fe+ Ji!eys +ith !uskets and "ayonets in the noonday sun ha*e su"dued an entire su"continentR (his si!ply points up the parasitic +ay that relati*ely fe+ Duropeans +ere a"le to su"due so !any indi enous cultures fro! that ti!e until the early 1M''s. -tOs o"*iously no+ ti!e for all parasites to "e e8posed to scrutiny% +hich is +hy you and - arenOt lyin in !ass ra*es +ith "ullets in our heads no+% culled on account of our si!ple inKuisiti*eness into the present% not-so-hidden-any-!ore lo"al tyranny. D*en ten years a o you and +ouldnOt ha*e "een allo+ed to de*elop this discussion pu"licly. 7eople +ere "ein OsuicidedO then "y the C-$ and their !inions for doin +hat +eOre doin no+. - say% O(hank Nod for the che!trails and for the ne+ 9$$B7 and Dntropy to+ers5O "ecause +ithout these *ery "latant e8pressions of "iolo ical +arfare% rain suppression and !ind control you and - +ould likely ne*er ha*e !et and discussed% and e*en participated in% the end of tyranny alto ether. - dou"t that you and - +ould ha*e other+ise had a li!pse at +hat personal so*erei nty is really a"out% either. $nyone +ho easily destroys che!trails in the sky and disa"les these horri"le ne+ trans!itters can e8perience this personal sense of po+er and responsi"ility. (he "est part is that anyone can do these thin s. 6or all the ti!e -Od "een sayin that $frica holds so!e keys to our freedo! - )ust had the stron feelin +ithout actually kno+in e8actly +hy or ho+ that +ill !anifest "ut no+ -O! ettin a clearer picture% "ased on +hatOs transpired in the last t+o +eeks or so. #ainly% the $fricans are oin to sho+ the rest of the +orld the true *alue of hu!an e!otion% si!ply stated. (he reason that the +orld order has opted to !urder the! rather than to "rain+ash the! is the fact that their !inds
are too closely connected to their hearts for "rain+ashin to ha*e !uch effect% and the hu!an heart has al+ays "een the "ane of control freaks. (his is +hy the Blacks in $!erica are "ein su"dued +ith institutional pre)udice I the destruction of fa!ilies "y social +orkers% e8tortion "y police and courts% hard dru s .sales rather than addiction% per se-they sell the dope !ostly to +hites +ho are rarely prosecuted/ and institutional *iolence no+ instead of the political correctness% pot addiction% "read I circus% C-$-re ulated popular !usic and ne+ a e se+a e protocols that ha*e +orked so +ell for neutralizin and ensla*in !ost +hite people until no+ +ith !assi*e "rain+ashin . CarolOs Duropean/1ati*e-$!erican/Nypsy style of !a ic is *ery ood. 3ithout "reakin so!e confidences canOt tell you so!e of the !ore re!arka"le stuff sheOs done .all ood and +ithin the la+% of course/ "ut - +as a+fully i!pressed that nothin she did +ould "ud e the entity connected to that lo*ely "asket and the !ore she did% the !ore the entity Oacted outO in our en*iron!ent and a ainst her% personally. Both of us felt that it sort of ended up here accidentally% or at least not intentionally "y the ori inator of the curse. -t !ay ha*e "een intended for the person +ho a*e !e the "asket or for +ho!e*er had the "asket "efore that person did. (hat partOs still unclear and - donOt kno+ if +eOre e*en supposed to ha*e those details "ut the fact is that thereOs an a+ful lot of po+er "ehind it. 3e ha*enOt encountered that !uch po+er e*en fro! the dark !asters the!sel*es in $sia +ho o+n the finance% insurance% old% dia!ond and dope e!pires operated "y their lackeys in the City of Jondon. By the +ay% the old and dia!ond "its of that cartel are !ostly dependent on !ines in $frica% +hich is yet another interestin connection that !i ht fi ure pro!inently in the i!!inent do+nfall of the City of Jondon and% "y e8tension% lo"al tyranny. -n 9aiti people are chosen for zo!"ification "ased on their past and present cri!es. (he +itch doctor .they do !uch !ore than !erely OpracticeO V-/ is approached "y representati*es of a co!!unity and asked to deal +ith an alle edly culpa"le person this +ay. (hat +itch doctor has to consider the conseKuences of natural la+ if an innocent person is zo!"ified% so he does his "est to deter!ine +hether the candidate is indeed culpa"le. (he +hole process actually appro8i!ates a la+ful trial !uch !ore closely than do the far !ore corrupted court procedures in the @nited 2tates under the 6ederal Beser*e CorporationOs present he e!ony. (his sort of +itch doctor !ay "e !ore pleasant co!pany than the a*era e% duplicitous and parasitic $!erican la+yer "ut heOs pro"a"ly not so!eone for you to consider in*itin to your dinner party "ecause heOs sort of% +ell% Ora+.O (he !a ic practitioners +ho! you and - kno+ in 1orth $!erica% Durope% 2outh $!erica% $sia and $frica +ill only do clean +ork "ecause theyOre !oti*ated "y +hate*er they can do to help people li*e happier% !ore producti*e li*es% not )ust "y fear of retri"ution for "reakin natural la+s. -f you think thatOs a su"tle point% you pro"a"ly ou ht to keep your day )o" and not try to do !a ic responsi"ly. 3hen Carol first told !e a"out the entity% - i!!ediately thou ht% O- +onder ho+ +eOre supposed to use this opportunity to deflect this curse onto the "ad uysRO 2he +as a hast that -Od e*en consider so!ethin like that "ecause she assu!ed that -Od collect so!e conseKuences% so - +as content to let it ride. (he polter eist acti*ity stepped up so!e !ore and - sa+ that she +asnOt !akin it o a+ay. - sort of instincti*ely kne+ that "lastin this one +asnOt oin to do anythin "ut !ake it stron er% so - )ust +aited for an epiphany. (hat happened for !e yesterday. - +oke up early +ith a kno+in that the "asket should o to the C-$ at Jan ley. (he delicious parts are that the C-$ +onOt destroy so!ethin it canOt co!prehend .such as +hat you and - are doin / and that the *isitin entity is perhaps hun ry as hell for pay"ack and perhaps e*en +hite !eat ri ht no+ V-/ - see in that "asket .in perhaps holo raphic for!/ the pent up ra e of an entire continent at ha*in "een decei*ed "y +hite e8ploiters% for o*er a century% into "elie*in that +hite !anOs !a ic is !ore po+erful than "lack !anOs !a ic. (he Black #anOs passion-"ased stuff is a reat deal !ore po+erful than the tired old stuff fro! Durope .the "rand the C-$ uses to decei*e and hurt people% "y the +ay/% - can tell you. - kne+ that e*en "efore - !et old 0u!a Jahia in 1a!i"ia t+o years a o% so +hen - !et Cizira - +as already acKuainted +ith the ra+ po+er of #other $frica. Both of those lo*ely people are e8a!ples of the hi her e8pressions of that unspeaka"ly ancient
for! of e!otion-"ased !a ic. Bi ht no+% the "lacks in $!erica are still li*in under that old sti !a of su"ser*ience to the +eaker% +hite !anOs culture% +hich is +hy our earnest "lack associated in $tlanta +ere so easily inti!idated "y the "rutal% out-ofcontrol 6B- into dissociatin +ith us last #arch .they took ho!e plenty of or onite +hich theyOd !ade in our classes% at least/. - +onder if these dark-skinned $!ericans +ill clai! their "irthri ht .personal so*erei nty/ only after a si nificant portion of the "lack population of $frica has done so. - rather hope that the $!ericans +ill sho+ $fricans the road to personal freedo! and responsi"ility% instead. (his +ould effecti*ely end centuries of lin erin sla*e consciousness here and !y "lack friends in $tlanta +ere *ery clear in kno+in that OBlacks are the +ildcard in $!erica%O so - kno+ that anythin Os possi"le +ith the!. $fter the Blacks assu!e their freedo!% the 3hites throu hout the +orld surely +ill follo+ their e8a!ple. (he elite of the +hite race and their self-policin % "rain+ashed !inions .characterized "est "y their fanatical adherence to ne+ a e se+a e protocols and "y political correctness% - !ust say/ fear passion% si!ply stated% and the only +ay you can et the! to e8perience passion is to adroitly and kindly force the! past that fake% s!ilin appro8i!ation of Olo*in concernO and !ake the! an ry at you. (o a control freak% an er is the only natural e8pression +hen any e!otional response at all is a+akened. $ fe+ of the! can then learn the finer e8pressions and there"y pro ress spiritually fro! the infantilis! that characterizes their for! of leadership and confor!ity. 3eOre actually e8periencin this as an entire culture no+ in Durope and especially 1orth $!erica. 0r onite is a ood *ehicle for facilitatin this process. -f you consider that or onite sho+ed up ri ht no+ "ecause +eOre ready to !o*e up in e!otional a+areness and in Oci*ilization%O itself itOs not hard to see that other ne+ technolo ies% includin the internet and free ener y% are also oin to continue to play inte ral roles in erodin the old "astions of Oe!otional pla ueO that characterize the recedin +orld order. - for ot to !ention in the last letter that #essiah!e+s% Naea and Boninyuki ha*e for!ed a sort of triad arran e!ent for "lastin tar ets and sendin healin ener y. (heyOre usin $0J -nstant #essen er and all of the! are de*elopin confidence in their ener y sensiti*ity and psychic a"ilities this +ay. - canOt stress enou h that the *ery "est +ork any of us are doin is +hen +eOre a"le to syner istically co!"ine our indi*idual efforts +ith f other people and three is a po+erful nu!"er for this +ork. - really like the infor!al "ut effecti*e nature of their interactions and - hope to hear a"out and fro! !ore and !ore people +ho ha*e spontaneously for!ed these independent% cordial OcellO alliances. Carol and - re ularly +ork +ith Jinda Cin s"ury and Jaozu Celly this +ay% and no+ #cNinty has )oined us% "rin in all of his innate skill and fa"ulous insi hts to the ta"le. 2ince +e all li*e +ithin a s!all area +e can et to ether often% +hich is terrific% "ut the internet allo+s such alliances to for! fro! all o*er the planet and i*es us all a fairly rapid +ay to disse!inate infor!ation and stay in touch +ith each other. (hat round letter in !y na!e +asnOt sent around to Dn lish speakers% "y the +ay. -t +as sent around to people in Ner!any +ho ha*e e8pressed interest in this +ork% - found out. 2ince British #-6 has do!inated the Ner!an intel co!!unity since 33--% - assu!e that theyOre the ones doin this dirty +ork. -t certainly fits their sleazy and stinky !odus operandi. 7lease +ork on de*elopin your etheric olfactory so you can !ore readily distin uish the stench of their fakery fro! the fra rance of actual co!!unication fro! "ona fide D66ers% okayR -O! lad - asked. 2tonetor and - +ill esta"lish a dialo on Dtheric 6reedo! 6i hters desi ned to dispel any of the lin erin sa"ota e thatOs lately "een caused "y #-6 a ents% e!ailin to people in !e!"ersO na!es in a concerted effort to so+ suspicion and dou"t. -f youO*e otten any of these ersatz letters% 2tonetor and - hope to sho+ you that itOs not difficult to tell those fro! the real thin . 6or instance% - *ery rarely initiate correspondence .e8cept for these !ass !ailin s% +hich are al+ays lon enou h to ha*e o"*iously "een +ritten "y !e/ and - ne*er threaten or "ully indi*iduals% o"*iously% no !atter ho+ !erciless - !i ht "e +ith a *ery fe+ folksO persistent proselytizin of their di*isi*e ideolo ies and do !as.
(he nice part of this unfortunate de*elop!ent is that the secret police rats in Dn land +ho are !andated to shut do+n D66 are sho+in their hand !ore clearly no+. (his for! of e8posure is potentially fatal to parasites +ithin the hu!an "ody .zap the sli!y little "astards into har!less proteins5/ and a si!ilar process a+aits these cri!inals-in- o*ern!ent +hen the pu"lic clearly sees +hat theyOre doin V-/ 2i!ilarly% Cizira let us kno+ that an i!a e of !e sho+ed up in front of one of his +i*es a couple of +eeks a o and he kne+ it +asnOt !e. 9e told his +ife to ask the i!a e a Kuestion ne8t ti!e and if the i!a e ans+ers% then itOs !y astral for!% not a fake V-/ ?ou can use a si!ilar process if you e*er et an e!ail that you suspect isnOt fro! !e% of course. 7arasites are as parasites do% please re!e!"er. By the +ay% -O*e "een "lastin these scheit*o els in !y drea!s-ha*e youR 3e call this% O+orkin for the !an e*ery ni ht and day%O .thanks% -ke and (ina/ and - +ant you to consider that so!e of your drea!s are !ore than )ust drea!s no+% especially +hen you OfeelO in the!. Jucid drea!in is one of the happy results of sleepin near or onite. Cristina 2chepps is the one +ho !ade the first or onite de*ices specifically tailored to enhance lucid drea!in and astral tra*el% in case youOre interested in de*elopin those talents. +++.po+erpyra!! CarolOs oin to !onitor +hat happens +ith that "asket fro! no+ on and -Oll i*e you updates. - added ODeli*ery Confir!ationO to the packa e% so the +onderful% dedicated postal +orkers +e ha*e in the @2 pro"a"ly +onOt let e*en the C-$ take that "o8 "efore it ets deli*ered to those *apid% passionless scheit*o els at Jan ley V-/ 3e kno+ that 6edD8% @72 and $ir"orne D8press +ould "e ea er to prostrate the!sel*es "efore their corporate !asters% the C-$% and hand that "o8 to the! "efore it e*en left to+n if -Od chosen the!. - ne*er use co!!ercial carriers for that reason unless - ha*e no other option. (here +as a C-$ uy standin "eside !e at the counter at the 7ost 0ffice "efore +eOd e*en finished the transaction V-/ "ecause the 7.0. is in the little federal "uildin here in to+n and e*ery ti!e +e o there .+e ha*e a !ail order "usiness/ so!e"ody ets alerted "y the uys +atchin the !onitors. - !ade hi! first% then Carol reco nized hi!. 0ne of the postal clerks is a "i fan of +++.educate-yourself.or and follo+s our ad*entures there. (he others +ished !e +ell in $frica +hen - left. 0ne of the! +ears a 9ar!onic 7rotector. (he feds hate the fact that the postal +orkers like us V-/ - so!eho+ kne+ that the $frican entity +ould ha*e to o +ith the "asket. 9e didnOt +ant to lea*e and +hen asked Carol to look at a sudden s!all pain in !y "ack after +e ot ho!e fro! the 7.0.% she said it +as a cord thro+n "y the entity in his last effort to anchor hi!self in our ho!e. - patted the spot and said% O(here% there--tOs oin to "e okay and youOll ha*e plenty of fun at Jan ley +ith your ne+ play!ates%O then the pain stopped. -f the C-$ scheit*o els freak out and "urn the "asket% - +in5 -f that entity turns a respecta"le nu!"er of those "a"ykillin 2atanists into shufflin % droolin % hea*ily sedated schizophrenics or e*en stops their !isera"le hearts% +in5 -O! "ettin that theyOll re!ain true to for! and not destroy so!ethin this potent "efore they can enco!pass it. (hose "loodless% skulkin satanic relics of DuropeOs ersatz past lory +ill 1DFDB understand $frican !a ic% of course. 0n another note: 7olice Chief B. and his cre+ are kickin 6B- "utt no+ and cleanin up their to+n +ith or onite already. (hanks so !uch for helpin the! out at such a crucial ti!e5 (hose t+o local 6B- pukesO 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination !asters +ere linin the! up for so!e pretty heinous stuff. 3e )ust found out that Chief BOs pri!ary offense +as to create a friendly and !utually supporti*e relationship "et+een his police force and the co!!unity. (he feds +ant all cops to consider the co!!unity their ene!y and *ice *ersa and the feds pay !ost of the "ills for local police forces. 9is standin up to the federal "a"y eaters ca!e later and +as apparently the last stra+ for the! V-/ (he chief and his lieutenant% alon +ith their fa!ilies% ha*e no+ disa"led their i!plants and are zappin a+ay the effects of the latest "iolo ical aerial assault and +ill "e doin that for the rest of the police force shortly. (heyO*e all ot 9ar!onic 7rotectors no+% too. - need to interest the! in settin up a cloud"uster% as theyOre not +ithin ran e of any of those in ter!s of destroyin the "iolo ical +eaponry in the che!trails. (here arenOt !any
places like that left in 1orth $!erica "ecause the ran e of a CB for this is Kuite far. fDon Croft
Episode !& 78o5 Rainbo4 Moonbeam Ma-po$e5 Earthpipes +ren7t for Smo/ing7 By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcS'earthpipesnotfors!okin 1'!ar'4.sht!l #arch 1'% &''4 Carol and - dro*e to California *ia 0re on% loaded +ith Darthpipes to "ust an under round "ase or t+o at the end of 6e"ruary. $lon the +ay% +e *isited C"s+ork of c"! in Jos $n eles and participated in fil!in an inter*ie+/de!o *ideo a"out cloud"usters and the +ork that Dtheric 6reedo! 6i hters is doin . (hen +e *isited Death Falley% +here +e apparently shut do+n an ancient Draconian under round "ase .-O! oin to "e sketchy on the details "ecause +e narro+ly !issed ettin arrested "y a "unch of federales there% ri ht in the !iddle of the pro)ect V-Juis 2antacruz raciously a reed to acco!pany us fro! 7ortland% 0re on% to the really nasty @/N "ase in the coastal !ountains +est of the city +here three local !en had "een !urdered "y -llu!inati !ercenaries last fall. 3e like to in*ol*e our fello+ +arriors +hene*er possi"le and +e also like to ha*e +itnesses% especially ener y sensiti*es like Juis. 9eOs a *ery ood dri*er% too% and has a rather uniKue personal "ack round and enealo y in #e8ico. - )ust !ade an o"sidian 2uccor 7unch for hi! as a token of our appreciation. 9e told us that the $ztecs *alued o"sidian o*er old "ecause the "lack !ineral represents the sun. 2o% - had to !ake one of these and ha*e Carol check it out. (he first thin she said +as% ODonOt point that thin at !e5O -Od do+sed that thirteen of the !odified Darthpipes +ould suffice for that "ase% +hich is "i and net+orks +ith se*eral other ne+ 3est Coast "ases. 3hen Jaozu Celly% Carol and - did the "ase under <oseph% 0re on% in <anuary% the t+o-foot len th of the pipes +as appropriate "ecause the soil +asnOt stony "ut - realized that it +ouldnOt al+ays "e possi"le to et & foot pipes into the round% e*en +ith JaozuOs !i hty ar!% especially in desert areas or !ost of stony (e8as% for instance. $s al+ays% our ai! is to !ake the "asic de*ices as uni*ersally appropriate as possi"le and +eO*e seen that itOs "etter if the pipe can "e ha!!ered all the +ay into the round +ith the or onite plu in the top end. -O! no+ !akin the Darthpipes thirteen inches lon % +ith an inside dia!eter of one and a Kuarter inch. (he or onite plu % +hich - cast in short pipes lined +ith +a8 paper% is fi*e inches lon . Be!e!"er that if you use BBs the plu +onOt shrink% so you +onOt likely et it out of the pipe +ithout a !assi*e stru le. - nor!ally !ake (o+er"usters and 9oly 9and renades rather casually and e*en crudely% "ut for so!e reason felt it +as i!portant to !ake these plu s !ore carefully% considerin the ran e that they !ay "e called on to affect. Carol had !ade it clear that only certain crystals are appropriate% so +e do+sed so!e that +ere at least one inch lon . 3e dro*e to the "ase +ithout incident and Carol had Juis and - deter!ine +here to put the D7s. - deferred to Juis% actually% "ecause he had a ood sense of +here the D0B field +as. (he nice thin a"out findin these "ases is that anyone +ith so!e sensiti*ity can pick up the peri!eter of the "ase "y ho+ nasty it feels +hen he/she dri*es into it. (here +ere only t+o suita"le roads that tra*ersed the "ase itself% so +e pretty !uch spaced the! out alon the Fshaped t+enty-!ile stretch. $s +e +ere dri*in a+ay% +e sa+ t+o confir!ations of our success: a "i "lue hole for!ed o*er the "ase in the coastal cloud"ank and so!e fed!o"iles turned onto the side road that +e +ere )ust lea*in on our +ay "ack to the city. - ot the sense that they kne+ they +ere too late to do or see anythin % "ut +ere )ust dri*in out there to shut their "oss up. O.yaddayaddayadda...Better o see if you can catch the Crofts in the act. yak% yakkity% yak% "lah% "lah...O $s +e +ere finishin % Carol started lookin under round and told us that the nastier non-hu!an tech and "u ery there% +hich is +hat the "ases are "uilt to facilitate in the first place% +ere all shuttin do+n. 0ur theory is that the "ases ser*e t+o !ain purposes: 1/ to ha*e an en*iron!ent +here reptilians and predatory off+orlders
can interact in :D +ith hu!an cohorts and *icti!s% and &/ for the *ast hordes of the t+o-le ed rats of the occult +orld order to hide in the e*ent of lo"al cala!ities% +hich they +ould desperately like to initiate% and/or in case hu!anity +akes up fro! these )erksO fancy confidence sca!% +hich is +hatOs "een happenin lately. @sin earthpipes is far !ore ele ant and hu!ane than )ust flushin the! out +ith "i hoses% donOt you thinkR Bi ht no+%! and all the other C-$ disinfor!ation assets are haran uin their casual *isitors and de*otees a"out an upco!in alle ed cala!ity .pick one of !any/. (his isnOt unusual% e8cept that - think theyOre "ein a little too strident this ti!e "ecause the last dozen or so i!!inent-cala!ity +arnin s failed to !aterialize alto ether and instead of ettin +orse% thin s are enerally ettin "etter no+% thanks to a nu!"er of factors% includin +hat this net+ork is doin . 1ote that 7rofessor 2itchin is apparently asha!ed to e*en sho+ his face in pu"lic these days V-/ since last sprin Os de"acle. $s +e see it% the only cala!ity in the offin is the radual% continuin risin of the ocean as the ice caps keep !eltin fro! the "otto! up. (hatOs oin to erase the real estate *alue for e*erythin that sits up to a couple hundred feet a"o*e the old sea le*el% - think. 1ot e*en the present earth a8is shift is ha*in a percepti"le "ad effect and none of the hu e o")ects that are apparently "ein re ularly hurled at earth "y Draconians since $u ust 1MMS are reachin their tar et. Darth is a+fully +ell protected ri ht no+. 0ne of the si ns that thin s are ettin "etter is that $lan Nreenspan co*ered his sca"rous old "utt in front of Con ress "y sayin that the 6ed has Otoo !uch po+erO and that O-tOs Con ressO fault.O Can you "elie*e our ood fortuneR (his is the first ti!e that any felonious 6ed chair!an has tried to sa*e his +orthless carcass in front of ca!eras. Consider this: +hen the fed fails and/or is dis!e!"ered% perhaps this year% all "ank-"ased de"ts +ill "e auto!atically cancelled. 9o+ different +ill your life "e +hen you o+n your house and car outri ht and all of your other "ank de"ts +ill "e for i*enR 9o+ +ill it "e +hen all "usiness loans are for i*enR 3hat +ill the local% state and federal o*ern!ents do +hen those de"ts are cancelledR Nrie*eR - donOt think so. -t re!inds !e of the old #osaic DispensationOs <u"ilee% +hich +as a terrific% hu!ane periodic antidote to ci*ilization-destroyin usury. (he folks like 2itchin +ho are to-the-"one deter!ined to scrap all reli ious herita e% e8cept the fake occult/!ystery kind% ne lect to !ention that the patterns for the social and spiritual pro ress for hu!anity are laid out clearly in su"seKuent re*ealed reli ions. (he rossly unla+ful 6ed sur*i*es only on usury and sca!!in % of course% and the !ost "izarre part of this scenario is that they arenOt Olendin O anythin to us at all. -n fact% all of the old fro! 6t. Cno8 and e*en !ost of the old fro! Czarist Bussia% +hich had literally represented the real +ealth of "oth nations% no+ resides under round at the 6ederal Beser*e Bank of 1e+ ?ork% a stoneOs thro+ fro! the 3orld (rade Center% +ith +hich it shares a pri!ary earth *orte8. (heyO*e ne*er lent any of that stolen old to anyone% nor can anyone "ut the! touch it% e*er% accordin to the Duropean confidence sche!e that Con ress and the @2 (reasury Depart!ent fell for in 1M1: and JondonOs arch traitor% Boose*elt% consu!!ated in 1M:L "y i*in all la+ enforce!ent a encies and courts in the @2 to those unspeaka"le Duropean an sters and their $!erican sycophants like $l Nreenspan. ?ou !i ht think -O! di ressin no+% "ut this e8pressed thou ht is in line +ith the su")ect of under round "ases "ecause a fe+ co!!itted% reasona"ly resourceful people are already disa"lin a lar e nu!"er of these Oi!pre na"le stron holdsO no+% )ust as a fe+ of us are destroyin the ritual- enerated thou htfor! that has hypnotized $!ericans into "elie*in that itOs okay for a Duropean corporation to thorou hly ensla*e and under!ine the @nited 2tates of $!erica. 3hat +eOre doin on "oth counts re!inds !e of ho+ the Ner!ans "ypassed the !assi*e 6rench ar!yOs #a inot Jine in 1M:M% thou h of course +eOre )ust +adin ri ht throu h these parasitic% occult ratsO under round and a"o*e round O#a inot JineO +ithout sufferin at all and they canOt do a thin to stop us% o"*iously. Dtheric 6reedo! 6i hters is )ust co!in out of a t+o-!onth lon % !assi*e assault "y the C-$ and #-6. #ost in
our !odest lo"al net+ork ha*e e8perienced so!e rather intense psionic and D#6 assaultsV +eO*e all "een fairly s+ar!ed "y a sizea"le ar!y of C-$/12$/#-6 hacker rats in the British -sles% Canada and the @2V !ore than a fe+ of us +ere poisoned in *arious +ays and all of us are treated to artificial ni ht!ares +hene*er +e for ot to properly shield oursel*es durin sleepV three or four people +ere shot at close ran e "y non-lethal .thankfully/ poison darts "y in*isi"le assailantsV a couple ot into "izarre car +recks "ut +ere fortunately not seriously har!edV in the past !onth there has "een !assi*e interference "y the Ohi h endO predatory off+orlders% +ho apparently already kno+ theyO*e essentially lost this +arV +e e*en found a ne+ species of off+orld predators )ust since "lastin for our ne+ to+er"ustin friend% Eeke% in 2in apore. (hree people are reportin seein these snake-like entities no+% so +eOre pursuin so!e leads that !ay unco*er that an ancient oriental snake cult !ay "e the -llu!inatiOs preferred occult control !ediu! in that country. 7retty cool% ehR Durin the recent *i orous ca!pai n a ainst D66% #cNinty de*eloped his Cannon and "eca!e so proficient at usin it in our ho!e that a"solutely no predator +ill e*en approach the house any !ore. (hose ne+% *icious snake people had to content the!sel*es +ith lurkin in the ad)oinin !eado+ the past fe+ ni hts and "otherin the Kuail and pheasants% for instance. -t +as the ni htti!e "ird noises that alerted Carol to take a look out there V-/ other+ise +eOd pro"a"ly ha*e "een una+are of the!. #cNinty had sliced and diced se*eral persistent Draconians in our parlor a fe+ days "efore that as so!e Je!urians% $ndro!edans and an $tlantean looked on +ith appro*al. 1ot lon "efore that% e*en these fine folks fled +hen Byan cranked up his +eapon. (he Je!urian +ho *isited Carol in the restaurant and su ested the specific space-ori inated !ineral .WL' for a little chunk of that stuff5/ did us a tre!endous ser*ice "ecause if +as after puttin that little stone in the end of the cannon that the Draconians fell to #cNintyOs !inistrations. (hatOs +hat Carol clearly sa+% at least% and youn #cNinty% +hoOs a "uddin ener y sensiti*e and psychic% +as a"le to at least percei*e it. -tOs kind of nice not to ha*e to contend +ith the ni htly *isits "y noisy Nreat 3hite BrotherhoodOs nin)as and rude% persistent off+orlders any !ore% - can tell you. $ year a o% after +e disco*ered that the ne+ 7o+er+and could consistently stop hu!an predators% dead% - felt kind of desperate to et !any of these into the hands of effecti*e people as soon as possi"le "ecause the ca!pai n a ainst us +as !uch !ore se*ere then and +e +ere actually facin the possi"ility of defeat and e*en !urder. 2o!e of us around the @2 ha*e so!e peculiar scars fro! +hat happened to us durin the ni ht of Dece!"er 1S% &''&% for instance. (he latest ca!pai n a ainst us all% thou h far !ore *i orous% +as Kuite under+hel!in co!pared to that one and - feel fine a"out a !ore leisurely distri"ution of the latest +eaponry "ecause -O! sure "y no+ that +eOre not oin to lose or e*en suffer at the hands of these pre*iously-po+erful occultists and !urderers +ho used to "e in char e of our planet "y default. -n the past +eeks% Dennis Nriffin% +ho teaches a *ariety of !artial arts and trains re ularly +ith se*eral oriental !asters% had co!e out of a period of intense% prolon ed !editation and trainin +ith a Chinese s+ord!aster and then i!!ediately and passionately concei*ed an or onite Os+ordO +ith the intention of takin out specific predators in the occult lo"al hierarchy. 3eOre +orkin +ith hi! no+ so +e can learn the para!eters of his pro)ect and -O! hopin that he can train a fe+ people to do this useful +ork. (he ener y fro! his +eapon is precise% po+erful and su"tle. Carol lost track of it after it +ent throu h Eeke to his tor!entors in 2in apore. EekeOs a"le to sense +hen so!eoneOs "lastin hi! .it feels like a rush of pleasant ener y that flo+s fro! the cro+n to the "ase of the spine/ "ut Carol said he +asnOt a"le to tell +hen the ener y of 2ensei DennieOs focused efforts +ent throu h hi! to his assailants. -O! oin to share !ore +ith you a"out this enuine and uniKue s+ord!aster in co!in +eeks and -O! sure heOll "e happy to offer his ser*ices to anyone +ho needs the!. 9is e!ail address is [email protected]!. Carl Coch in 7hoeni8 has apparently de*eloped a ne8t-le*el healin /!editation tool that heOll continue to keep us posted a"out. #ark Da*ey and - started Dtheric 6reedo! 6i hters se*en !onths a o +ith the clear intention of raisin a spiritual ar!y to fi ht lo"al tyranny. -f so!eone had told !e early on that 2ensei Dennis and #cNinty +ould shortly drop out of the "lue +ith "rand ne+ +eaponry% ready to o% it !ay ha*e strained e*en !y credulity "ut there they are% folks. Carl Coch in 7hoeni8 !ay ha*e so!ethin alon that line "ut +e need to see hi! in action
in order to kno+ !ore clearly +hat itOs a"out. 9eOs apparently ot a stron !ystical "ent and that can +ork for us in interestin +ays% since the occult +orld order is founded on #ystery Ba"ylon concepts. 3ithout ha*in planned it% this ar!y no+ has effecti*e artillery% infantry% intelli ence and ca*alry .co!!andosR/ and Nrid +illin % soon% e*en an $ir 6orce if Carol and - can afford to et an ultrali ht this su!!er V-/ -t !ay "e ar ued that Cenny Budzinski is the D66 1a*y at the !o!ent% since heOs iftin fro! a cruise ship% +here he +orks as a !usician +hen heOs not tossin or onite o*er"oard in the Cari""ean. -f youOre readin this and ha*e a sea+orthy "oat .-Od do it +ith a proper sailin din hy% +ithout hesitation V-/ in 2outhern California% could you concei*e layin a north/south line of little Dtheric 7ipe Bo!"s% forty or fifty !iles out fro! the California coast pretty soon% at least alon the coast in the *icinity of J$R (hatOs +here the infli ht-refueled spe+planes !ake che!trails all day and all ni ht. Jo*ely and +itty O7icklesO% a foundin !e!"er of the Jos $n eles $t!osphere Becla!ation 7ro)ect .J$$B7/ so!eti!es ets "u!!ed out at her ho!e and +orkplace in the *icinity of @CJ$% a couple of !iles inland fro! 2anta #onica% "ecause that incessant% offshore- enerated che!trail +hiteout doesnOt often disappear until ri ht after it passes o*er her and +eOd dearly lo*e to !ake her daily skies radiantly "lue +ith inter!ittent% puffy +hite clouds% +hich !ost of the &'%'''%''' souls in the Jos $n eles Basin are no+ seein +hene*er itOs not ently rainin . (he freKuent rain% "y the +ay% is enerated directly o*erhead% so the &4/P che!trail acti*ity off the California coast% o"*iously spe+ed out +ith the intention of !aintainin drou ht V-/% is not only ineffecti*e "ut pro*ides a stark contrast for anyone +ho "others to look up and consider ho+ e8ceedin ly lo*ely and re)u*enatin the Jos $n eles at!osphere has "eco!e in the past year or so. (hat unparalleled acco!plish!ent "y J$$B7 is the direct result of their ha*in ifted !any thousands of to+ers and puttin up around :' cloud"usters% not to !ention hundreds of !iles of hi h+ay iftin and disa"lin an occult% satanic artificial rid that dates fro! the late 1S''s% +hen the entire area +as !ostly desert. (he "est confir!ation this ti!e +as the fact that the C"s+ork fa!ily are )ust a"out entirely free of acti*e sur*eillance and harass!ent. (hat rather shocked !e. 0ne !ilitary chopper tried to fly o*er% "ut +e all "lasted the snot out of the cre+ and they turned around and fled. $fter +e arri*ed% an apparently )ury-ri ed trans!itter on the opposite side of the *alley ai!ed so!e nasty stuff at us% "ut a sin le "last put that one out of co!!ission and apparently an ered a lot of frustrated folks deep under that !ountaintop array% accordin to +hat C"s sa+. 0rdinarily% there +ere *arious aircraft flyin o*er that house e*ery fi*e !inutes throu hout the day and pro"a"ly the ni ht% too. By the +ay% - think those fed cops in Death Falley +ould ha*e had Carol and - +ith our cuffed +rists "ehind our "acks in the "ackseats of a couple of their )eeps pretty Kuickly if +e hadnOt told the! ho+ J$$B7 had achie*ed that o"*ious success in J$ and also ho+ +e +ere in the process of !akin it happen in Death Falley itself% +here rainOs "een so a"undant that +eOre seein reen rass ro+in there no+. (he last ti!e +e +ent there e*erythin +as so "one-dry and dead that it +as unsettlin . - think so!e *ery !ean-spirited people in three piece suits and ray 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination 1azi ar"% under round at Jan ley and 6t. #eade ot pretty furious that these cops +ere inclined to enuinely appreciate us "y the ti!e +eOd finished talkin +ith the! V-/ . Carol said she felt sure that this +as to ha*e "een the C-$Os olden opportunity to et their hands on us at last at last. 3hen the three *ehicles had first pulled us o*er those crouchin % trepidatious federales looked ready to )ust "lo+ us a+ay if +e sneezed. - actually like cops% as Chief B and Jt. C% our to+er"ustin % 2uccor 7unchin % 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination spurnin police associates can attest. (hose uys are doin reat no+% thanks to you5 3eO*e no+ ot the 6B- thu s% +ho tried to fra!e these t+o enuine heroes% +atchin their o+n co+ardly "acks no+% as it should "e. - hope to Nrid that our t+o police friends +ill so!eday soon ha*e the distinct pleasure of arrestin these felonious 6B- )erks the!sel*es and "rin in the! to )ustice in ne+ly Constitutional courts. -Od lo*e to ride alon then V-/ and perhaps run the siren. (he trip throu h the enor!ous 2an <uaKuin Falley fro! 2acra!ento on the +ay to C"s+orkOs lo*ely ne+ ho!e
in J$ +as ratifyin "ecause the dense s!o +as entirely a"sent fro! that a ricultural area and it felt pretty ood for the first ti!e in our personal e8perience. (hat +as !ainly achie*ed +hen Beno Bichard .Dodeca/ and oursel*es disa"led t+o !assi*e 9$$B7 arrays at either end of that *alley at a"out the sa!e ti!e% last $pril. Niftin the t+o !a)or north/south hi h+ays and or onizin a lot of the irri ation +ater+ays and reser*oirs has also contri"uted to this success% of course% and +eOd lo*e to fly alon the foothills and peaks at either ed e of the *alley and "ust all of the 9$$B7 and Dntropy arrays "efore lon if so!eone doesnOt "eat us to it. Carol and e*en "usted that particularly nasty "ase under Jake Berryessa last <anuary. 3e did that one the hard +ay-no Darth 7ipes5 2o!e"ody +e kno+ !ay ha*e already disa"led the "ase under Dulce% 1#. 3eOd !ade a sort of pact +ith that person to do Dulce in t+o sta es in order to offset the opposition and take the! "y surprise on the first pass% "ut that person apparently )ust finished the )o" .!ore on that later/ $ couple of the psychics clearly sa+ that the Dulce "ase is a"andoned no+. $lso% thereOs so!e e*idence that +eOre not the only ones intent on erasin these "ases% as one of the psychics told !e he +itnessed a !ilitary "attle under round +hile our cohort +as apparently doin the deed +ith Darthpipes on the surface ri ht o*erhead. #ay"e thereOs a !utiny oin on in the @2 #ilitary ri ht no+% after all. -f so% you ou ht to follo+ your instincts and start "ustin the @/N "ases near you $2$7 in order to i*e our "ra*e soldiers a distinct ed e o*er those -llu!inati/Fril !ercenaries .Bussians and ChineseR/ and their predatory% non-hu!an allies. $fter all% if +e can do that in the @2% the rest of the +orld +ill reap the "enefits of our efforts. - realize that the Darthpipes represent a sharp departure fro! our !ethods "ecause% after all% !ost of us canOt tell +hen theyOre +orkin the +ay +e can all tell +hatOs happenin after +e "ust a "unch of to+ers and/or put up a cloud"uster. (hese acti*ities are still essential% of course% "ut it pro"a"ly +ouldnOt do you any har! to )ust o stick a fe+ earthpipes in the round at your nearest @/N facilities% ri htR ?ouOll pro"a"ly et at least a passa"le :D confir!ation% after all% if youOll rant !y hu!"le reKuest. 9ereOs one +ay you can et i!!ediate confir!ation for an Darthpipe deploy!ent: if youOre "othered "y incessant noise that co!es fro! under round% push one of these "a"ies do+n into your stra+"erry "ed and see +hat happens5 2tacie in 1orth Carolina had a drea! *ision in +hich an $!erican -ndian +alked around and pushed earthpipes into the round +ith his !ocassined foot in a trian le pattern% so Carol and - ha*e adopted that !ethod as an apparent force !ultiplier. 3e lo*e to hear a"out other folksO instructi*e *isions and insi hts. - particularly appreciate 2tacieOs *ision "ecause the red race had "een assi ned uardianship o*er the earth% accordin to *ery ancient 9opi traditions. (he +hites ha*e uardianship o*er fire% the yello+ people: air% and the "lacks: +ater. 2ee +hy - +ant D66 to reflect these de!o raphics instead of )ust "ein another e8clusi*e clu" for +hite peopleR -f youOre a Duropoid +ith race pre)udice you need to et past that no+ "ecause +hite !an culture is rapidly losin its he e!ony these days and no a!ount of Ocirclin the +a onsO +ill e*en slo+ this ine*ita"le process do+n. 3hen +e ot to J$% C"s+ork had his studio ready to o% includin li htin % a fancy ca!era and e8pensi*e editin eKuip!ent. 2o!e professional friends of his had "een there the pre*ious day to help hi! set the studio up. 3e arri*ed "efore noon and "y supperti!e all of the foota e had "een shot. 0nce a ain% Carol and e8perienced an e*en !ore profound appreciation for the depth of this fello+Os enius and co!!it!ent. (he finished product +ill "e a sort of co!panion piece to CJ0@D2 06 DD$(9 and +ill include an inter*ie+ +ith Carol and - and a cloud"uster-"uildin de!onstration. $fter a couple of !onths of !y he!!in and ha+in % - +as treated to a full e8planation of the su")ect of the 2ylphsO freKuently e8pressed appro*al of our net+ork around the planet "y creatin specific cloud shapes fro! an a!orphous ne+ cloudfor!. - can no+ say% honestly% O- Net -t5O and you can see and contri"ute photos of these freKuently-seen si nals on +++.c"! +hich is a sort of clearin house for recorded at!ospheric pheno!ena related to our lo"al healin net+ork. 3hatOs in a na!eR Carol calls the! O$n elsO and - consider the! to "e a contin ent of O(he 0perators.O ?ou !i ht
call the! O#ary and <esus%O OBa!%O or OJady 6ati!eh%O and +hoOs to say youOre +ron R - "et so!e of your o+n hi her- rade ancestors are ri ht up there +ith the rest of the "ene*olent entities +ho uide and protect this net+ork and the rest of hu!anity. -n DKuatorial $frica and else+here itOs "elie*ed that historical hu!an fi ures of !erit% spiritual !aturity and achie*e!ent +ere i*en uardianship of certain sacred% natural land!arks% !uch as +e consider the +ork taken on "y indi*idual ele!entals. $frican culture is !ore ancient than Duropean culture and - disco*ered that there are so!e po+erful su"tleties there that +hites !i ht find i!possi"le to fatho!. Carol and C"sork ha*e con*inced !e that the 2ylphs% in particular% are an un"elie*a"ly ancient earth-"ased race of entities +ho no lon er reKuire physical "odies% sort of like so!e of the ethereal% "lue 7leiadian healers +ho! Carol and - ha*e had the pleasure of encounterin . (his fil! effort% plus #ark Da*eyOs ti!ely !o*in of the D66 "oard% no+ http://"oards.ethericfreedo!fi!/e*e% to a pri*ate ser*er% is in ad*ance of or onite reachin hu!anityOs !ainstrea! a+areness soon. -O! seein the !ost recent de"acle a!on the rats at Jan ley% 6t. #eade and (a*istock .their a"solute failure to da!pen the ardor of D66Os efforts in the past t+o !onths/ as a clear si nal that the path is no+ clear for us to !o*e ri ht out into the +orld and speak openly a"out our +ork +ithout ha*in to contend +ith sa"ota e or su"terfu e *ery !uch. 3e *isited +ith Cen $dachi in an incredi"le oriental !arket and restaurant co!ple8 in 0ran e County for an afternoon and had a rand ti!e sa!plin the cuisine and findin so!e e8cellent insen and other Chinese products that canOt easily "e found else+here. Cen looks terrific% "y the +ay% so stop +orryin a"out hi!. 9eOs ot plenty of rit and deter!ination and nothin the occult rats can do +ill stop hi! fro! keepin his site up and *ital. 3eOre really proud to count hi! as a personal friend and fello+ +arrior and the fact re!ains that !ost of the folks in D66 ca!e to it fro! +++.educate-yourself.or (he concerted attacks that +eO*e all e8perienced lately closely follo+ed the O rand openin O of this pro)ect in Ner!any% "y the +ay. #arkus D!!anuel in OConfederatio 9el*eticaO deser*es a standin o*ation and !uch !ore for ha*in hus"anded this process and the al!ost co!plete a"sence Ner!an-speakin a ents sa"oteurs on the "oards "odes +ell for the rapid disse!ination of this +ork a!on that *ery si nificant populace. - suspect that the )ustified resent!ent of the Ner!an people to+ard 3ashin ton% DC% and Jondon is so profound that itOs a+fully tou h for the C-$ and #-6 to find enou h sociopaths and !alcontents there +ho +ould accept pay for destroyin +ell-intended consultation and research in Ner!any V-/ - +ish to Nod +e didnOt ha*e to plo+ throu h the hundred or so paid British% Canadian and $!erican a ents and their un+ittin e oistic and dru -addicted dupes on the "oards in order to !aintain at least a se!"lance of supporti*e consultation and pro ress o*er the past three years "ut thereOs no such thin as "ad infor!ation and !ost of us can no+ s!ell su"terfu e like Wh5[ on a shoe and deal +ith it decisi*ely as a result of this incessant e8posure to hired sociopaths and addicts. #ark and - ha*e only had to "an t+o or three a ents since the first of the year. (heir co!plete ina"ility to "reech D66Os +all !ay "e another reason +hy their e!ployers chose to launch the latest% desperate psiops% D#6 and poisonin ca!pai n a ainst us. (he occult +orld order has pretty !uch thro+n up its taloned hands in despair of stoppin any of us. Can you feel it% tooR (hatOs not to say +eO*e +onV )ust that +e need to press our ad*anta e and do our part to "rin these predators and parasites to )ustice in a ti!ely +ay so that hu!anity can ha*e proper o*ern!ent for the first ti!e in recorded history. 2top frettin no+ and )ust e8ploit this olden opportunity5 3ho +ould e*er ha*e i!a ined that an entire predatory +orld order +ould "e "rou ht to its knees +ith se*eral thousand &L-cent de*ices thro+n do+n in the *icinity of to+ersR 2ure% itOs not as ro!antic as the 6rench Be*olution% "ut the effects are a +hole lot !ore dura"le and +eOre not choppin off any innocent heads V-/ 6uture inter*ie+: O 2o% ho+ did all of you people "rin do+n that ancient% po+erful occult +orld orderRO
Dpisode S1 M3%int-7s Report? Busting :nderground Bases in the Seatt$e +rea DditorOs 1ote: Byan #cNinty is a uni*ersity student +ho recently !o*ed to #osco+% -daho% not far fro! Don I Carol Croft. Byan "uilt a uniKue !odification of the 7o+er+and +hich he na!ed #cNintyOs Cannon. Don +as *ery i!pressed +ith the po+er of #cNintyOs Cannon and +rote a"out it in this 6e". 1' report. (his is ByanOs first )ournal entry reported here% at the national archi*es of Don I Carol Croft...Cen $dachi= 6ro! Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcS1!c intysfirstreport&6!ar'4.sht!l #arch &6% &''4 (he pro"le! +ith reportin the earthpipe deploy!ents is that itOs i!possi"le to et !uch sensory confir!ation% aside fro! the o"*ious 2ylph acti*ity that typically% lately% follo+s in the skies o*er the "usted areas. 3e rely on Dtheric 6reedo! 6i hterOs .D66/ reputa"le psychics for those confir!ations "ut thatOs not so!ethin +e can hold up as OproofO to anyone +hoOs not directly in*ol*ed% of course. ?ou need to "ear this in !ind as you read the follo+in . - can say that if youOre a psychic and sincerely +ant to fi ht tyrants% D66 is a *ery co!forta"le% supporti*e place for you to "e% no !atter ho+ !uch - ha!!er those da!ned% luke+ar!% "rain+ashed ne+ a e 1azis +ho! you !ay ha*e had to associate +ith "y default up until no+. 9ereOs ByanOs report% follo+ed "y so!e of !y co!!ents: #cNintyOs Beport: 7art 1 of @nder round Bases Busted 2eattle $rea By Byan #cNinty 3ell this +eekend #arty% <osh% Don and - "usted the (aco!a and 2eattle% 3ashin ton areasO !ain under round "ases. Don and - arri*ed a"out 11a! at <oshOs ho!e--+hat a +onderful fa!ily he has5 0ne of the !ost "alanced fa!ilies - ha*e seen in a +hile. #arty arri*ed a"out a half hour later. $fter reetin s and ettin to kno+ each other% +e headed out to take out so!e "ases. 2outhern (aco!a has t+o lar e !ilitary "ases side "y side% each of the! co*ered in thick forest hidin +hatOs inside. ?ou canOt hide D0B thou hV you could feel it fro! the hi h+ay. $s +e approached the "ases% +e +ere scoutin out to+ers in the area. Jess than e*ery Kuarter !ile thereOs a to+er. 3here that indi*idual to+er is% there are t+o !ore ri ht "eside it% hidin . #arty and <osh ha*e done an a!azin a!ount of "ustin for such a hu e a!ount of area. (hey i*e a ne+ !eanin to carpet-"o!"in . 0ur plan +as to necklace each "ase. - +as the D0B sensor. Don put !e on duty for it. -tOs a lot of pressure% "ut did !y "est. 0ne tricky part to iftin +ith earth pipes +as discernin a"o*e round D0B to under round D0B. - learned that +hen !y hands ache% that !eans a"o*e round D0B. 3hen !y head hurts% thatOs "elo+ round D0B. 2o far% this !ethod see!s pretty accurate. 3e dro*e all around on the "ack roads% ne*er ettin lost% and takin ad*anta e of ne+% untouched areas. 3hile iftin one area% a Bed <eep pulled o*er the sa!e ti!e +e did% 1'' yard ahead on the opposite side of the road. - ifted and then the uys told !e a"out the <eep. $s +e dro*e "y% there +as no"ody in the car. Don and the uys ha*e "een +atchin the car% no"ody left the *ehicle. - took a photo as +e dro*e "y in order to radionic the! later on. 2ure enou h% an e!pty car. Don fi ured that they used an in*isi"ility de*ice to hide the!sel*es. Carol later confir!ed this. -t +as a *ery odd feelin kno+in t+o psychic spies +ere in that car. $fter +e passed the )eep% +e sent the! a ton of ener y. Cnocked the! for a loop. (hey ne*er kne+ +hat hit the!.
Ba!tha headKuarters +as located in the area +e +ere passin throu h. #arty sho+ed us the location. 2o!ethin helped uide us to that location for iftin . 3e ifted near a school. 1ot !ore than a !inute later% se*en Ba!tha cars tried "lockin us in the parkin lot. -t +as stran e. (he "usiness office +e +ere near +as closed% yet they +ere linin up to the dri*e throu h. - took !ore photo raphs for radionic fun if needed. 1e8t% +e did the final iftin for Ba!tha% close to their "ack yard. <osh noticed a hu e ener y release. 3e "oth sa+ the -nsect alien shri*el up and die. (heir !ind control +ill "e no !ore. 3e finished up the !ilitary "ases% then headed north for 2ea (ac. D*ery hotel had at least four to ten cell antennas on the!. - couldn,t "elie*e ho+ !any +ere on )ust one "lock5 (hatOs a"out fi*e hotels +ith close to thirty antennas on the!. 3e also placed a necklace of ifts around the airport. @p in the skies% +e could see 2ylphs fi htin a "attle of their o+n. (here +ere sure "eautiful to see. 3hile dri*in "ack% +e sa+ a rain"o+ for! in the clouds near +here +e ifted. -t +as facin the opposite direction to the sun% )ust a!azin . 3e all had a reat ti!e to ether. #et ne+ friends% and "usted a ton of area. (hursday% #arch 1S Don +as "usy creatin earth pipes and (Bs takin hi! nearly S hours of nonstop +ork to "uild our +eapons. 3hile Carol and - +ere on duty for creatin t+o ne+ additions for the Croft 9o!e 7rotection plan% #cNinty CannonOs. 3e +ere up late ha*in fun pourin at the sa!e ti!e. -t felt ood that +e created such a lar e arsenal% those under round !onkeys ne*er kne+ +hat +as co!in for the!. 6riday !ornin % #arch 1M Don and - started out on our lon )ourney. (he clouds looked like iant cotton "alls floatin alon as +e crossed into 3ashin ton. Don and - chattin a"out or one and ho+ itOs chan in li*es. Both sharin our o"ser*ations. (he dri*e fro! #osco+% -D to 2eattle% 3$ a"out :'' !iles. - set the car for o% no need for stoppin . 3hile dri*in alon - took notes +here +e needed earth pipes for the return trip. 0ne area "et+een the 3ashin ton "oarder and the to+n of 2pra ue had an under round "ase. (his +as confir!ed "y a con*oy of four dark colored% "lack +indo+ $!erican 2@FOs tra*elin do+n distant dirt road. (hey +ere only :' feet "ehind each other "asically in the !iddle of no+here. (hat +as the first ti!e - ha*e seen a confir!ation like this. $s +e crossed the Colu!"ia Nor e Don decided to de!onstrate his !editatin skills. 9e +as doin it so +ell think he +as !editatin for the "oth of us. V/ 3e reached the 2eattle area !id-afternoon. -t +as the first ti!e for !e "ein in this area. - +as surprised ho+ !any houses +ere stacked on top of each other. -t +as *ery "eautiful% "ut to cra!ped for !e. -f you had to take a leak% your nei h"or +ould "e standin there ri ht "eside you +atchin . 0n top of that cell to+ers +ere on e*ery hillside% e*ery lar e "uildin % e*ery lull in the rood% and schoolyard. - didnOt look at !y cell phone to see if all of those to+ers help reception% !ost likely not. 0ur first tar et +as on the opposite% +est side of the sound fro! 2eattle% a na*el "ase. $s +e approached% i!!ediately kne+ there +as so!e hea*y stuff happenin here. #y hands and head "e an hurtin as if - +as ha*in a !i raine. 0nce +e spotted the "ase% Don told !e it +as ti!e for !e to o into action. -tOs al+ays fun "ein the D0B finder. ?ou ha*e a ton of pressure on you fro! the D0B plus the pressure of findin the !ost effecti*e iftin spot. - +as ready% no turnin "ack. 0ur first iftin spot +as near a housin de*elop!ent. 0nce the ift +as placed i!!ediately - could feel a relief fro! the D0B. 1ot after a fe+ 1'' yards - could feel a +a*e of D0B a ain. 2o that led !e to our ne8t spot and so on. -t +as as if +e +ere puttin dents into the "ase. 3e necklaced the "ase +ith four ifts. (hen set out to et the entrance points to the "ase. - kept seein tunnels oin under the +ater co!in up on the peninsula sides. 3e +orked our +ay up it. #y head felt a lot "etter after iftin . 3e had a couple curious +atchers takin notes. 3e sent the! ener y and for a loop. (hey )ust needed a healthy dosa e of or one lo*e. 0ne entle!an ca!e dri*in
do+n a dirt road +hile +e +ere iftin . Bein a photo rapher% - instincti*ely sho+ed !y ca!era. 1ice. Ca!eras can let you o any+here.V/ (rust #e. 9e dro*e off Kuickly and +e sent hi! lo*e. 6inally% +e +ere done for that area. -t +as ti!e to head up north to stay +ith fa!ily. 3e crossed the 2ound on a 6erry% !y first ti!e e*er too. -t +as a lot fun% felt like a roller coaster to !e. -t +as a lon first day for us and +e "oth had a ton of fun seein ne+ places. fByan DonOs co!!ents: - used the +ord% O!editationO instead of Ocatchin flies in oneOs !outhO or Onappin %O thou h of course% daydrea!in is ho+ !ost of us co!e up +ith our in*entions% so thereOs no sha!e in it V-/ 9ondas are so co!forta"le. - li*ed in one for a couple of years% so it felt like Oco!in ho!eO to take a ride in ByanOs. -n case anyoneOs interested to kno+ +hy% - donOt try *ery hard to de*elop !y psychic a"ility. 9ereOs a case in point: if you had a choice to take ByanOs or !y )o" on that run% +hich +ould you preferR V-/ - had assu!ed that !ost of the D7s ;Darth 7ipes= for the +est side of 7u et 2ound +ould "e for the Bre!erton 2u" Base% "ut in fact only one +as needed there after +e did the Bre!erton 1a*y Base and near"y .linkin / @/N ;under round "ase= facilities% +hich +e did first. 3hen ByanOs head doesnOt hurt any !ore% the @NB is fried% +eO*e found. ?ou did a +onderful )o"% "y the +ay% Byan5 (hanks a lot for takin !e o*er there and for ettin us to ether +ith <osh and #arty5 #arty% "y the +ay% has found an interestin +ay to !ake his )o" easy: heOs a superintendent for a lar e contractin co!pany and ri ht no+ he super*ises fi*e +ork cre+s on *ery "i construction pro)ects around 7u et 2ound% +hich reKuires a lot of dri*in . (he first thin he does at a ne+ site is thorou hly ift the to+n and especially the nei h"orhood of the site% so that "y the ti!e his cre+s et to +ork% theyOre already happy and focused% so they actually reKuire *ery little fro! hi! and he has !ore ti!e for iftin or O!editation.O V-/ <osh is the resourceful fello+ +ho thorou hly ifted the 9Us of the naturopathic or anizations in 2eattle and 7ortland +ho +ere linin up to ruin Dr. *on 7eters in front of a federal hearin in 3ashin ton% DC% last fall. (hanks lar ely to #artyOs ti!ely and selfless ca!pai n on his "ehalf the Doc ca!e throu h +ith flyin colors and those fake% sche!in naturopaths ot the stink eye fro! the feds% instead. - think Doc !ade history then. 9a*e you noticed that +e et our "est *ictories "y takin the "attle to the ene!y instead of Odefendin O oursel*esR D*eryone else +ron ly "elie*es that they can effecti*ely protect the!sel*es +ithout attackin the ene!y% "ut +e kno+ other+ise. - think these incessant assaults% +hich no+ !ostly co!e fro! off+orlders% "y the +ay% at least in the @2% are (he 0peratorsO incenti*es to et us to fi ht s!arter rather than harder and takin the "attle to the "ad uys forces the! to +atch their o+n "acks for a chan e. (his is +hat -O! hopin $EOs psychic consortiu! +ill acco!plish shortly% as it +ill ne ate ha*in to do it all +ith iftin runs. By the +ay% Carol and - ha*e Otoken- iftedO the 12$ and C-$ hindKuarters in #aryland and Fir inia and "ra*e #ark has done that to the #-L/6 hindKuarters in Jondon% "ut so!e"ody needs to o there +ith so!e earthpipes to finish the )o". -f +e can do it% you can too% of course. - particularly en)oyed ruinin Ba!thaOs unla+ful fun% !uch !ore than - en)oyed "ustin +hate*er the hell +as under those !ilitary "ases% thou h of course the Ba!sters are .!ostly/ un+ittin affiliates of the "ase under 6t Je+is% +hich is ri ht ne8t door. #arty% +ho had "usted all of the to+ers around 6t. Je+is last year% "y the +ay
.that peri!eter is al!ost a hundred !iles/ treated us to reports a"out the +ay those "eni hted chu!ps are !anipulated "y that faker +ho OchannelsO +hat turns out to "e )ust another C-$-affiliated% u ly off+orld predator like O2t Ner!ain.O 3hat +e did +as "etter than shootin that Bi Bu +ith B$-D or BJ$CC 6J$N insecticide% "y the +ay. $ll of us felt the hu e sur e of ener y that ca!e +hen Byan pushed that earth pipe into the round ri ht on the Ba!stersO hi h-fenced 9U property in ?el!. $E and affiliates had fried the Bi Bu under the Bosicrucian hindKuarters in 2an <ose a couple of +eeks earlier and Jaozu Celly and ODo +o!anO ifted that co!pound not lon after that. Cudos to Denis in Uue"ec +ho psychicly located the BosicruciansO insectoid under round psychic po+er source% "y the +ay5 - could picture those t+o C-$ chu!ps in the red )eep +ho ot concerted "lasts fro! #arty% <osh and - as Byan +as +hackin that D7 into the round. - kne+ they +ished they hadnOt seen us "y the ti!e +e all Ohad a*e the! the Dye.O ;fEappa=. <osh% +hoOs learnin to trust his considera"le latent psychic ift% ot out of the car and ai!ed his 7o+er+and ri ht at the )erks V-/ -t +as ri ht after that +hen +e ot to the Ba!stersO hi*e% "y the +ay% and that +as an interestin transition. (o +itness those dead-eyed ra!sters s+ar!in around us +as e8tre!ely creepy% -O! sure the others +ill a ree% and they had the un!istaka"le spiritual patina of C-$ affiliation the +ay the - $# pa*e!ent artists and +ould-"e assassins around 2hasta did +hen Carol and - "usted up their sto!pin rounds last #ay. By no+% O#otherO (heresa% +ho li*es on #t. 2hasta% has otten a healthy dose of their incessant sur*eillance and psychic predations% too. 2our rapes for those )erks% of course% "ecause the deedOs "een lon done and no"odyOs seen or heard fro! O2t Ner!ainO in al!ost a year. -tOs i!possi"le to underesti!ate the standards of "elief to +hich !any people +ill su"scri"e +holeheartedly to% donOt you thinkR O2ie % 9eil5O V-/ (heyOre still really !ad at her for deli*erin the coup de race durin one of their hi hest .sic/ annual cere!onies% a !onth or so after our *isit and ri ht under their sno""y noses% at that V-/ - a ree +ith #ark that the pic of that Ba!sterOs little "oy shouldnOt "e posted% Byan% "ut - kno+ your intentions +ere ood. #arty noted that +hile ro+nups need to pay thousands of dollars to et an audience +ith that Ba!tha charlatan +ith the fake Nipsy accent% Okids al+ays et in free%O +hich is so creepy that itOs hard for !e to conte!plate. (hat little "oy in the childOs car seat couldnOt ha*e "een !ore than four% "ut he e*inced pure% adult !ale*olence +hen he looked at us. - uess he +as Ochannelin Ba!tha%O too% ehR V-/ ?ikes. 3ouldnOt it "e fun to toss the entire horde of self-seekin % cynical ne+ a e-se+a e pro!oters% corporate e8ecuti*es% unelected o*Ot officials% charis!atic preachers/pedophiles% Nreat 3hite Brotherhood% C-$/12$/#-6 an sters% satanists% unla+ful )ud es/la+yers and serial killers .#D a ents of the lo"al dope/"utchery cartel/% naked% into a "i pit and +atch the! all Oe8pressO their +orld order on each otherR 0ur effort +ould "e kind of like Othe nati*esO sendin learned e!issaries to study anthropolo ists in their natal ha"itat. 3e could i*e the old O"read and circusO concept a +hole ne+ !eanin % - think. - uess +e could thro+ in a fe+ of their star*ed reptilian stoo es% since itOs technically under round and the reptoids +ouldnOt ha*e to dis uise the!sel*es. (hat +ould "e sort of like puttin lions in there% ri htR 3ould 9B0 sho+ that on pay-per-*ie+R 7ro"a"ly not% since the 9B0 e8ecs +ould "e in the pit. fDon Croft
Episode !2 0 Wanna )efe3tI 6ro! Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcS&i+annadefect1M)ul'4.sht!l <uly 1M% &''4 3hat the hey% if thousands of C-$ e!ployees found asylu! in Canada% +hy can,t -R - et pretty sick of these !urderous 6B- cretins in our to+n. (+o ni hts a o% one of the! tried to !urder !y stepdau hter and no+ +e,re slo in throu h the process of retri"ution. - et so sick of this stuff. Jocal update: $s soon as - left for !y little *acation on <une :' the 6B- "ou ht a house three doors a+ay fro! our ho!e in #osco+% -daho% and Carol sa+ the! installin a "unch of ca!eras and other spy ear. 3e found out that they had also "ou ht a lar er house around the corner% +hich +as the sta in area for the !urder atte!pt on <enny% "y the +ay. Carol +as proacti*e and thorou hly ifted "oth properties and% +ith our ood friend% Jinda% +ho is a psychic on par +ith Carol% "e an atherin intel on these cretins. (hey had already "eefed up the "ase!ent entrance of the nearer house and co*ered the +indo+s and Jinda% +hile standin in the alley% had a +akin *ision of the cretins takin a person out of a *an% in a +heelchair% +ho +as "lindfolded and o"*iously dru ed% and +heelin that person into the "ase!ent entrance. (he shape of thin s to co!eR 6ortunately not "ut the potential +as pro"a"ly *ery real. (hese thu s all need to "e arrested and i!prisoned% "ut !ean+hile +e,ll do +hat needs to "e done to protect oursel*es and our lo*ed ones. 3hen - +as +alkin ho!e fro! the "us depot last +eek% - +alked throu h a roup of three *ery ru!py 6Buys around the side+alk in front of that house. (hey all failed to return !y friendly reetin . Carol had already told !e the score% of course. - think they already kne+ they had to lea*e% other+ise they,d ha*e had the custo!ary 6B- s!irks on their cri!inal faces and yesterday% Carol and - sa+ that the house is for sale a ain V-/ ?esterday afternoon% too% +e rode o*er on Carol,s !otor scooter and stood in front of the other house% sizin up the opponents% if you +ill. 0ne of the 6B- cretins stood in the dri*e+ay and en a ed !e in a starin contest% +hich he lost% and the fello+ +ho tried to !urder <enny then dro*e up on his !otorcycle% so +e oosed hi!% too. (hat ni ht +e "lasted the snot out of si8 people in that house +ho had "een in*ol*ed in the !urder atte!pt and toni ht +e,ll do the coup de race% pro"a"ly around t+ili ht% fro! "ehind the property. - like to tele raph !y punches so!eti!es "ecause it earns !e so!e points and terrorizes the terrorists "etter. ?ou should try this if you,re not a pothead. #ost of those cretins use pot and coke% so they,re already paranoid a hell and easy !eat for 9ell"oy. Carol talked !e out of takin alon !y pistol +ith the (eflon-coated "ullets V-/ 3e had dri*en the feds out of the pre*ious Hco!!and center, in to+n last su!!er a"out this ti!e. - uess it,s not o*er Htil it,s o*er% as the ?o i says. (hink lo"ally% act locally. 0kay% enou h a"out thatG+hat - really +ant to tell you a"out is our *acations5 3e all et a little stressed no+ and then and until <une :' - honestly ne*er understood the function of *acations. -,! LL% so - uess -,! kind of slo+ that +ay. Jike the uy +ho takes alon a fishin pole in order to )ustify )ust sittin on a "oat in the +ater% - planned to !ake the trip pay off "y net+orkin . -t +as still *ery pleasant and upliftin % of course% "ecause - a"solutely adore !y fello+ +arriors and look for+ard to e*ery opportunity to !eet !ore of the!. 3hat tri ered !y ur e to tra*el this ti!e +as that so!e or one +arriors in Canada had "een contacted "y three alle ed Hfinal co!panions, of 3ilhel! Beich and - thou ht% H#y Nod% if they contacted any of us% the C-$ +ill suicide the! shortly5, so - fi ured that -,d sneak o*er to 7ennsyl*ania and 0ntario and !ake contact +ith the!
and pu"lish it for their safety% after so!e initial contact fro! our friends there. (he C-$ had recently killed !y ood friend% 3ilhel! #uller% in British Colu!"ia% so - +as enuinely concerned. (he three turned out to "e rin ers% of course% sent in to defuse +hat 2te*e Bichard and 2te*e Baron had initiated so +ell and thorou hly. 0ne of the oldsters is apparently 3affen 22% in fact V-/ 3ell% it +as clear to Carol and - that - needed a "reak. - considered hitchhikin for the sake of solitude "ut Jinda fairly had a fit% as she could clearly see !e ettin picked up and tortured to death "y so!e C-$-sponsored satanists% so - +ent "y "us% instead. 0f course the 6B- +as present on the "uses and in 2pokane the @2 Border 7atrol +as checkin e*eryone,s @2 Citizen identification% +hich is a horrid *iolation of pri*acy. - don,t ha*e any standard -D "ut luckily !y nati*e tri"al -D card +orked for the! and that +as +orth kno+in . (he uy +ho checked it ca!e up to !e in the "us station in 2pokane a couple +eeks later and cle*erly Kuestioned !e% +hich +as kind of cute and fun% as he,s an -ndian% too. - think he,s a enuine person% thou h has "ou ht into the !yth that there are terrorists outside the @2 +ho are not e!ployed "y the @2 or 9er #a)esty,s alle ed o*ern!ents. - ot to Bis!ark% 1orth Dakota% the ne8t !ornin and spent the day there% *isitin +ith Carol (+o Da le. 2he told !e a "unch of stuff that she didn,t feel co!forta"le sharin in e!ail and - ca!e a+ay fro! the *isit +ith a reater appreciation of )ust ho+ profoundly corrupt and !urderous the 6B- are. Carol had spent a lot of years at 7ine Bid e% helpin the folks cope +ith the !assi*e% repetiti*e assaults there "y the 6B- and one of those )erks% a re ional "oss a ent% had tried se*eral ti!es to fra!e her and et her into prison. 3hen he realized that she +as )ust too po+erful% he pointed his pistol in her face and threatened to "lo+ her head off. -t ets pretty o*ert for people of color in the @2 these days +ho +ish to e8ercise their "irthri ht. ?ou,ll "e hearin a lot !ore a"out and perhaps fro! Carol (+o Da le% as !y Carol and - +ill "e +orkin closely +ith her to defeat the 6B-% finally. (here,s a fello+ in Bis!ark +ho,s a ::d de ree !ason and appoints all of the Helected, officials in that state. 9e +as courtin Carol (+o Da le,s support +ith pro!ises of +ealth and Hpo+er%, until she approached hi! in the 2tate Capitol "uildin durin a le islati*e session and said% H9ey% #r. .- for ot the )erk,s na!e/% this is for you5, and she kissed her hand% then turned around and slapped her o+n "utt% )ust like !y o+n Carol +ould ha*e done. -t,s easy to !ake friends +hen one fi hts the occult +orld order in the open. - don,t !ind .!uch/ ha*in the 6B- around as lon as they,re not in the process of plannin !y !urder "ut in #ichi an% - ot that feelin that so!eone +as peekin !ore a ressi*ely than usual% so - sent out a !assi*e% non-directed 9ell"oy "last and the uy across the aisle puked% and then keeled o*er. 9e +as hauled off the "us% still unconscious "ut "reathin % "y para!edics and his 6B- chu! ot off at the ne8t rural stop after i*in !e a stran e look. - think they,re all too chicken not to tra*el in pairs or roups these days. $fter all% no"ody likes the! e8cept their dope dealers. 3hen - ot to Detroit% thou h% the cops +ere +aitin at 1$# and i*in !e Hthat look, so - fi ured the Canadian "order cops% on the other side of the tunnel in 3indsor% 0ntario% had "een +arned "y the 6B- not to let !e% -daho,s 1u!"er 0ne (errorist% into their nice country. $lthou h - +as pretty hot to et to (oronto and help 2te*e Baron )u!pstart the final% dra!atic iftin ca!pai n there% - +as also a little relie*ed% as it a*e !e an e8cuse to *isit !y friend% <ohn Cilroy% in Boston. #y plan +as to sneak across one of the 1e+ Dn land "order crossin s into Canada +here the 6B- +ouldn,t think to send so!e"ody to poison the "order uards a ainst !e. (he cops in Canada aren,t as reliant on co!puters as the ones here are% fortunately% and - don,t think - +arranted a national $ll 7oints Bulletin there at any rate. (hey suspect that the alle ed @2 No*,t are the only terrorists in the +orld% - think% "ut they,re likely to "elie*e the lies the 6Btells a"out !e if they,re approached indi*idually. -t used to "e pretty tou h to escape the 12$,s dra net .i!possi"le "efore +e fi ured out +hat the 2uccor 7unch can do to their ear/ "ut - can usually a*oid the 6B- skunks +ithout e*en a 2uccor 7unch and their psychics are
the ones that the 12$ and C-$ didn,t +ant% so they,re easy !eat. - "rou ht alon a tent and s!all sleepin "a "ecause -,! kind of like the turtle% thou h -,d slept in a couple of !otels on the +ay. - +anted to lose a fe+ pounds "y +alkin and carryin a pack helps +ith that. -t took !e a couple of hours to find the Cilroy residence on 1antasket 7eninsula% south of Boston% "ut +hen - ot there it felt )ust like ho!e% +hich didn,t surprise !e% and after <ohn told !e that his randdad used to host the (hree 2too es in that house +hen they +ere perfor!in near"y% it occurred to !e that - !ay fairly "ra that - slept in the sa!e "ed as the (hree 2too es. - kno+ that,s a stretch% as it,s pro"a"ly a different "ed% "ut close enou h% ehR #y tu!!y ot a ood +orkout +hen it +asn,t full of $dele,s delecta"les durin that *isit "ecause "oth of the! are so full of funny stories and i!pro!ptu% raucous hu!or that those !uscles ot a hell of a +orkout. -f you +ant a taste of that% check out +++.)!% notin that he,s one of the finest portrait artists you,re likely to encounter and his !usic is the kind of stuff you !ay +ant to ha*e playin in the "ack round to help you throu h your lon % tedious day. 3e all like to han out +ith eniuses like Nen his Cilroy "ecause it !akes us feel s!arter% too. 9e,s a kind soul +hose !ain concern is e*eryone else,s +elfare% +hich is a rare Kuality a!on the !ore intelli ent of our specie. $dele shared so!e insi hts a"out the history of the re ion% +hich tied up so!e loose ends for !e. -f you +ant a ood lau h and so!e useful infor!ation% take a look at Nen his Cilroy,s current postin s on "oards.ethericfreedo!fi!/e*e 0ne of the reasons% - fi ured out% that - +as sort of pulled o*er to Boston is that <ohn +as poisoned "y C-$ operati*es% ten years a o .and periodically e*er since/ in an atte!pt to cause hi! to die under non-suspicious circu!stances. Before that% he had "een happily indoctrinatin his art students and patrons a!on the Boston Brah!in .-llu!inati fa!ilies/ in the artful study of conspiracy history. 6or the final )ud !ent% he +as "rou ht to 3ashin ton% DC% +here he +as introduced to Chainsa+ Cheney in one of the hidden offices in the upper le*el of the @2 Capitol Buildin . 9e told !e that +as a pretty creepy e8perience. -t,s al+ays creepy to e8perience direct% physical contact +ith a predatory reptilian% of course. (hese days% +e,re seein that the +orld around us has taken on so!e fairly surreal characteristics and you !ay +onder% at ti!es% +hether +e,re really )ust in!ates of an asylu!% "ut in fact if you,ll al+ays seek "alance% you,ll easily see that our side is +innin this +ar a ainst tyranny and the "ad uys +ill all "e one or ri htly dealt +ith% then the ni ht!are part of our e8istence +ill "e !ostly o*er. - think that +ill happen pretty soon "ut if you,re not "ustin the ne+ death to+ers in your to+n it +ill happen later for you than other+ise. (here are t+o kinds of innocence: innate% as +ith children% and acKuired% or re-acKuired. (he innocence of children is *ulnera"le and corrupti"leV the innocence one ains fro! self-discipline and spiritual stri*in is solid and incorrupti"le. -,! in*itin you to strain yourself to et rid of all the stuff that ties you to the disappearin paradi ! "ecause the only +ay +e,re oin to na*i ate the present lo"al re"irth process% +hich see!s kind of chaotic at ti!es% is to stri*e to+ard innocence and detach!ent. - don,t !ean a"andon your far! and stand on the hill +ith +hite ro"es and open ar!s% of course .that actually happened in $!erica in the sprin and su!!er of 1S44V-/ Detach!ent isn,t like that. -t,s an inside process. 3e,re still responsi"le to take care of our +onderful "odies and our earthly o"li ations% of course. (hat,s as !uch a part of our spiritual pro ress as any !editation techniKue or "elief syste! .or lack of it V-/ is. 3e athered !aterials for or onite the ne8t day and that ni ht +e !ade up a "atch. (he follo+in !ornin % the plan +as to initiate a iftin ca!pai n as a !isdirect% and then sneak o*er to the "order in Fer!ont% a fi*e hour dri*e fro! Boston. -,d planned to take !y chances on a "us fro! so!eplace like Concord 1e+ 9a!pshire% "ut <ohn and $dele *ery raciously offered to take !e all the +ay to #ontreal% instead.
$s +e ot near Burlin ton% Fer!ont% $dele sensed that the feds had found us% so <ohn do+sed an alternate route% +hich took us across the northern part of Jake Cha!plain to the "order crossin in 1e+ ?ork 2tate% instead. (he uard there o"*iously +asn,t lookin for !e and <ohn sch!oozed her thorou hly enou h that she didn,t e*en check $dele,s or !y -Ds. - really +anted to et o*er to (oronto and to support 2te*e,s presentation in 0tta+a on the follo+in 2aturday. (his +as (uesday. (he short ride throu h Uue"ec +as kind of raucous% "e innin +ith those t+o sin in the Canadian 1ational $nthe! in 6rench and so!e li"eral co!!ents a"out a si n in a restaurant +indo+ that read% H#enu Dnfants., (hey dropped !e off at a nice hotel% +hich al!ost felt like - +as in Durope% and +e all sa+ that the 2ylphs +ere ha*in a +ild ti!e o*er the island city itself% "ut not seen !uch in the surroundin area. (hat% alon +ith the co!plete a"sence of s!o % plus the reKuisite disappearin che!trails% +as the finest tri"ute - could i!a ine to 2te*e I Celine Bichard% Denis Couture% and the other Canadiennes +ho had so thorou hly ifted that "eautiful city. - look for+ard to spendin ti!e +ith the 6rench cohorts in the fall% +hen Carol and - hope to +itness the *ictories in Dastern Canada% personally and to ether. Bi ht no+ +e ha*e to focus on payin off the de"ts accu!ulated fro! our for!er tra*els V-/% hence !y shoestrin )ourney. (here are enou h cloud"usters in the Dastern re ion of 1orth $!erica that the che!trails +on,t enerally stick for !ore than a fe+ !inutes% any+here. 3est of Cle*eland% the situation is !uch "ri hter% at least in the @2. et the sense that there are people "ustin the death to+ers )ust a"out e*ery+here no+% thou h !ost folks only do a fe+% then Kuit. (he reason - felt co!pelled to support the (oronto effort is that se*eral folks there ha*e "een chippin a+ay at the thousands of to+ers in that !etro area for o*er t+o years "ut 2te*e Baron has co!!itted to sponsorin the final *ictory effort no+ and that kind of co!!it!ent fairly de!ands a supportin *isit "y at least !e. 3hen - ot to the (oronto "us station on 3ednesday afternoon - +as una"le to connect +ith 2te*e on the phone. - ot a !ap and found his street% +hich runs alon Jake 0ntario% +est of the city. (he address% &6PM% indicated that -,d need to +alk a"out : !iles% so - headed out. -t ended up "ein closer to ten !iles% "ut - +anted the e8ercise and to et the "ird,s eye lo+do+n on ho+ (oronto felt and looked. 9o+ "etter than "y footR - could ha*e taken a trolley to his door "ut this +as !y *acation% after all. $s - +as approachin his address% a +hite cat ca!e out and reeted !e on the side+alk and - reco nized that this +as a special creature. 3e +alked to the front door and +hen - sa+ a "ench% loaded +ith to+er "usters% on the porch% - kne+ it +as the ri ht place. - don,t kno+ if you,re fa!iliar +ith the Cards of Destiny "ut Carol practices that art and it,s ho+ +e !et% se*en years a o. -,! an ace of spades% the Death Card% accordin to !y #ay L "irthday% +hich is +hy -,! co!forta"le li*in on the cuttin frin e. <ohn Cilroy is a nine of clu"s% the 7sycho Card% +hich accounts for his +ild "ut disciplined creati*ity and his heartfelt appreciation of the "izarre and ironic. 2te*e Baron,s a nine of spades% the sa!e as Jinda Cin s"ury% and it,s characterized "y constant re"irth/death% +hich is +hy they,re dra+n to arcane infor!ation and personal a+areness Hsyste!s., 3e stayed up pretty late discussin all !anner of thin s and 2te*e +as surprised to find another soul +ho has a +ell-functionin "ullWh5[ !eter. #any of the folks he associates +ith in his Kuest for arcania aren,t +ell endo+ed that +ay "ut - assured hi! that there are plenty of folks like he and -V they si!ply aren,t enerally found in ne+ a e +orkshops and se!inars V-/ - think this effort is pullin a lot of like !inded people to ether in (oronto% also so!e +ell !eanin ne+ a ers +ho% after all% are sho+in their true +orth no+ "y "ustin to+ers and shuttin do+n under round "ases +ith or onite rather than tryin to do it all +ith chantin % roup hu s% confor!ity and rituals. 3hat -,*e seen% after all% is that the ca!araderie that,s enerated "y iftin far surpasses any ideolo ical considerations and this is +hat continually stress. - should note that 6acel% the nice +hite cat% +as attacked and poisoned durin the first ni ht of !y *isit% and it happened inside the house. Carol said it +as the 12$ +ho did that and the spooks +ho later sho+ed up around
the lecture in 0tta+a +ere also 12$% she said. $nn and the kids spotted the! +hile +e +ere lookin for the lecture hall. $fter so!e zappin and a *et *isit% 6acel +as on the road to reco*ery% thank Nod% and - ot to s!ack do+n so!e 12$ thu s after thatGal+ays a treat5 -t !ade 2te*e pretty !ad% too% +hich +as pro"a"ly )ust the opposite result of +hat these )erks intended for hi! V-/ $ctually% it +as ettin acKuainted +ith 2te*e that caused !e to realize that Canada is actually a nicer place to li*e than $!erica is. Before that% - had assu!ed that 1ational 2ocialis! had pretty !uch rotted that country fro! the inside out "ut - learned that the "lack !arket is ali*e and +ell there% as it is here% and that - could do +ell there% not least "ecause the @2 se+er rat a encies ha*e a difficult ti!e operatin in Canada these days. Canada% despite the o"*ious corruption of its o*ern!ent% has e8ercised enuine national so*erei nty% +ay "eyond +hat -,*e seen in $!erica% "y standin a ainst the predatory a enda of the 3hore of Ba"ylon .the Jondon trolls +ho hide under UD--,s a!ple skirts/. (he @2 !ilitary and espiona e a encies happily o a"out "ein Jondon,s planetary le "reakers% thou h -,! stri*in !i htily to et our "eni hted !ilitary to )ust stop "ein Jondon,s +ise uys and arrest the da!n traitors in DC% instead. (hey can o instantly fro! "ein Eee-ros to "ein 9ee-ros V-/ 9a*in said that% - do feel co!!itted to stay in !y nati*e land and fi ht these !urderous federal a ency rats until +e finally +in the +ar. - can,t do it as +ell fro! Canada% as that +ould !ake !e a hypocrite% - think. -,! a lot !ore interested% ri ht no+% in freedo! than safety% as you ou ht to "e% too. 3hen )ust a fe+ !ore people take this attitude% the +ar +ill "e +on and these !urderous% poisonous cretins and their !asters +ill finally face courts of la+. 9ere,s an interestin de*elop!ent: 3e on D66 al+ays help anyone +ho asks for it "ut it,s otten to "e sort of like in ancient Nreece% +hen the 2partans +ere asked to send !ilitary aid. -n that case% the 2partans )ust sent one soldier. -n our case +e,re takin care of "usiness in !ost cases% indi*idually% +ithout ha*in to enerate roup support% so +e,*e "eco!e sort of like the 2partans. 3hen the 6B- set up t+o *ery e8pensi*e task forces in our nei h"orhood last !onth in order to facilitate our final de!ise% +e didn,t think in ter!s of self-defense% thou h -,*e sprayed so!e "ullets in !y assault rifle +ith (eflon% in case they totally lose it and "ust do+n our doors so!e ni ht. - "et they +ouldn,t e*en do that unless there +ere around a hundred of the!. (hey used &'' to take the little $ra" here% on char es of Hcredit card fraud, last year V-/ ?ou can "et -,! not oin out +ith a si h if it co!es to that. -,! not afraid to die "ut - don,t think it +ill co!e to that% "ecause% after all% -,! not afraid to die V-/ and all of the! are !erely "ullies% i.e. co+ards. Carol and - +ent after these local 6B- "astards "efore they had a chance to or anize a co ent plan. (his is the only +ay to oppose "latant tyranny. 1o"ody +ins a chess a!e fro! a defensi*e position and life,s )ust like a chess a!e that +ay% especially +hen one has co!!itted to defeatin tyranny. 7olice Chief Billy calls us fro! ti!e to ti!e )ust to let us kno+ that the 6B- no lon er harass hi! or Jt Carl% thanks to D66,s inter*ention last 6e"ruary. ?ou !ay re!e!"er that the 6B- had tried to fra!e those t+o coura eous !en and railroad the! into prison .a death sentence for any cop/ "ecause they,d stood up a ainst the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!ination. Be!e!"er the 92$R - ha*en,t heard the! !entioned in !onthsGha*e youR think all that Nestapo crap has de*ol*ed upon the 6B-% +ho has a lon history of "reakin the heads of people of color and anyone else +ho +on,t toe the line% politically% in $!erica. (he ne+spapers in (oronto note that the pollution pro"le! and e*en the D. coli conta!ination on the "eaches has disappeared suddenly. (hey didn,t !ention that it +as "ecause 2te*e Baron ifted those +aters last year "ut uess it,s "ecause no"ody told the! yet V-/ (he 2unday paper had a story a"out so!e di*ers +ho *isited a ship+reck southeast of (oronto% e8pectin to ha*e to use po+erful li hts to photo raph it. (hey +ere astounded
to find that the li ht fro! the surface% in the no+ *ery clear +ater% +as adeKuate and that they +ere a"le to see the entire +reck rather than )ust a piece of it% as "efore +hen it +as !urky. (he first day of the resin-pourin !arathon% there +ere thousands of +aterfo+l% sort of ca!ped )ust "eyond the rocks "y 2te*e,s lakefront ho!e. $t one point% around a thousand cor!orants s+ooped and landed ri ht offshore% then shot up +ith the sound of a lar e +aterfall. (he s+ans fro! !iles around ha*e taken up their trollin acti*ity close "y. 3hen you stand on the shore you can see for a couple of !iles in each direction "ut the s+ans are no+here "ut +ithin a fe+ hundred yards of 2te*e,s house. 1one of us +ere feedin the!. 0f course% the sylphs +ere ca*ortin ri ht o*er 2te*e,s CBs% one of +hich is a replica of Nalaero $urelius, Hhurricane, confi uration. - like to call that one H(he (e8as Bi 9air CB, and it +as nice to finally see and feel one of those in operation. (here are se*eral reputa"le in*entors in this net+ork +ho are i!pro*in on our "asic desi ns and co!in up +ith entirely ne+ de*ices% -,! *ery happy to report. 2te*e,s a !a net .Cilroy told !e -,! a ca)oler/. Dach day% !ore and !ore people ca!e to participate in the or onite !anufacturin process and each one left +ith a pile of de*ices and an assi ned or assu!ed area to "ust to+ers in and other+ise heal the land% +ater and sky in and around (oronto +ith or onite. 9is unconditional enerosity and efful ent spirit has e*eryone feelin like he/she is an inte ral part of this effort% +hich in fact is true. Ci! 2!ith% +ho posts as H!any cro+s, on D66% +as there and *ery pleased to see that all her hard +ork in the past has co!e to fruition in the for! of lar e scale% co!!itted in*ol*e!ent "y others in the area. - +as +earin !y tee shirt that has a lot of cro+s on it% so of course a*e it to her as a token of !y appreciation. 6ortunately% -,d "rou ht !y loud 9a+aiian shirt alon % so - could still "e reco nized as an $!erican. Ci!,s "een +ith this net+ork since the "e innin % three years a o% and +as one of the first on the planet to "uild an or onite cloud"uster. $ctually% there are *ery fe+ people +ho ha*e stayed +ith this fro! the "e innin year% and to !e people like Ci! 2!ith% <erry #orten and precious fe+ others are entitled to so!e special appreciation and reco nition% aside fro! i*in the! the shirt off !y "ack. - finally !et (o! 3loka% +ho has a *ery lar e !ailin list to +ho! he sends out "reakin ne+s stories and reports of +hat,s happenin in the personal so*erei nty !o*e!ent. 9e "rou ht alon so!e other interestin and interested folks and +e !ade so!e fine connections that +ill likely lead to so!e interestin de*elop!ents do+n the road. $s Cilroy notes in his posts on D66% the first thin - do +hen - encounter a ne+ roup of allies is to offer to find and "ust all of their electronic and nasty-etheric i!plants. (here +as a truckload of little i!plants a!on that (oronto "unch% so that had !e pretty "usy for t+o days strai ht. D*eryone noticed the ener y "oost they ot fro! ha*in their i!plants disa"led and +hen this is done in an already friendly and dyna!ic settin the effects are pretty astoundin . 9o+ !uch happiness and e!po+er!ent can ?0@ standR V-/ $nn 0kal ca!e to this net+ork a fe+ !onths a o "ecause she instantly reco nized that she,s supposed to "e doin this +ork. $fter so!e stru le% she,s !ana ed to arran e her affairs to de*ote a lot of ti!e to this effort and +hat particularly pleases us is that she,s a"le to consistently see the D0B ener y si natures that the to+ers and under round "ases put out. $ctually% - found this out +hen she and her t+o older kids% <ennifer and Ce*in% +ere escortin !e to 0tto+a. 0n a hunch% - asked her to look at the to+ers +e +ere passin and tell !e +hat the ener y looked like around the!. 3hat she +as descri"in +as )ust like +hat Carol descri"es. 0n the final le to 0tta+a% she sa+ that !ost of the to+ers +eren,t puttin off !uch D0B% so - realized they,d "een ifted. (he day "efore% -,d told 2te*e Baron that he needs to ha*e a relia"le ener y sensiti*e on hand +ho can tell hi! +hat areas ha*e "een co*ered and +hich are still i*in off D0B% so no+ those t+o are +orkin to ether to coordinate and e*aluate the re ional iftin +ork. <ennifer 0kal% 1P% is turnin into a enuine asset to the (oronto effort% too% as is Ce*in% 1'. (hey attended 2te*e
Bichard,s four-hour presentation and +ere en a ed and interested% +hich you pro"a"ly realize is re!arka"le and a testi!onial for $nn,s !otherin skill% as +ell as to the capacity of the t+o youn er ones. 3e ot to 2te*e,s lecture a little late% as +e +ere unfa!iliar +ith the ca!pus. 2te*e +as in*ited "y Dr. Budi and 7atti Ferspoor% +ho operate a school and clinic that trains physicians to "eco!e ho!eopaths. Budi "ases his +ork on 9ahne!ann,s% Beich,s and 2teiner,s teachin s and he,s Kuite reputa"le% accordin to our o+n Dr *on 7eters% +ho is a reno+ned ho!eopath in his o+n ri ht .+++.uncura"!/ and the for!ulator of Che!"uster% the ho!eopathic/her"al re!edy +hich Carol and - are pro!otin no+. (he Ferspoors ha*e a cloud"uster and they,*e "oth "een "ustin to+ers in and around 0tta+a recently. (hey in*ited 2te*e Bichard of Uue"ec to i*e a presentation to around a hundred *isitin physicians durin a se!inar/conference. (hese people ca!e fro! Durope% 1orth $!erica and $sia and +ere a recepti*e and supporti*e audience% +hich is certainly a credit to 9eilkunst% +hich is +hat Dr Budi calls his approach. ?ou can find out !ore a"out this "y *isitin +++.ho!! (he old-school natural healers are the ones that should "e patronized% "y the +ay% "ecause they understand the causes and cures of disease and also understand the process of healin . (hese fine folks !ake ordinary pill pushers and e*en ersatz naturopaths look like the hacks that they truly are. 3e ca!e in late% as - !entioned% and "urdened +ith "a s of to+er"usters% +hich 2te*e Baron had characteristically donated to the effort. 0ur plan had "een to ift the ca!pus and put a couple in the lecture hall "ut our lateness pre*ented that. Ce*in and - distri"uted the! .+ith 2te*e,s per!ission/% instead% to the attendees% !ost of +ho! ot one and that turned the! into a capti*e audience% since !any of the! are ener y sensiti*es V-/ - +as as spell"ound as the rest to hear 2te*e Bichard,s presentation and - +as particularly pleased to see that he has a fine rasp and a no-nonsense% +orkin kno+led e of the ener y dyna!ics in*ol*ed +ith or onite. -n fact% his offered e8planation of ho+ or onite +orks is the "est -,*e heard% so far. $fter the "reak .half ti!e/ he in*ited !e to participate +ith hi! in ans+erin Kuestions and co!!ents fro! the audience% +hich lasted a couple of hours and +as a+fully fun for !e. - had hoped to spend !ore ti!e +ith 2te*e and Celine after the !eet "ut they had to et "ack to their e8peri!ental far! in Uue"ec ri ht a+ay. 2te*e facilitates the 6rench lan ua e foru! on +++.Kue"ecor! and sells fine products fro! that site. (he potluck dinner after the presentation +as )ust as hi h and li*ely as the !eetin +as and 7atti told !e later that 2te*e,s presentation +as a hi hli ht of the conference and the su")ect of a lot of discussion for the re!ainder of it. Budi treated !e to a short dissertation on his uniKue approach to healin and curin G+hat a fascinatin !an5 #ost folks only !eet one or t+o creati*e eniuses in their li*es "ut on !y little "us trip "ack east - encountered se*eral5 (he ne8t day% - ot on the "us to co!e ho!e and that trip +as pretty une*entful% e8cept for a "rief flurry of acti*ity at the "order crossin in Detroit. (he "order cop +ho checked !y -D didn,t i*e it a second lance "ut as - +as standin in line to ha*e !y "a s checked out% four of the! suddenly turned to look at !e after conferrin to ether "riefly% so - kne+ that the 6B- had spoken +ith at least one of the! a"out !e )ust then. (he fello+ +ho checked !y "a a e sort of rushed throu h the routine +ithout lookin inside and +hen - +as on the "us% they all kept lancin at !e. - +onder if they +ere thinkin % H2o (9-2 is +hat the 6B- is callin a terrorist no+% ehR 9ardy har har5, ?ou !ay ha*e heard that -,! a kind of non-descript% unassu!in uy +ho s!iles s+eetly a lot.
0n the trip east% the only che!trails - sa+ +ere o*er the lar est cities and those +ere disappearin fast% due to the presence of cloud"usters and the acti*ities of the folks +ho "ust the to+ers. 0n the +ay +est fro! Detroit to 2pokane .al!ost the +est coast/ - sa+ not a sin le spe+plane and the skies +ere or eous% +ith plenty of 2ylph clouds here and there% e*en o*er the cities.
(hat told !e that there are actually only a token nu!"er of spe+planes flyin these days. -n fact% 2te*e Baron told !e that the spe+ assault on (oronto +as so !assi*e for three days after - left that - +ondered if all the spe+planes in 1orth $!erica +ere ordered to o sKuirt (oronto then V-/ 0f course% tactics like this only !ake the (oronto (ornados !ore co!!itted and deter!ined to +ipe the or one slate clean in that re ion fore*er. Don
72 $ +ord a"out the !iraculous recent proliferation of e*idence of the 2ylphs in our skies: 3ell% t+o +ords: they connect +ith us throu h our hearts% not throu h our eyes and they a"solutely don,t need anyone to "e their spokes!an% any !ore than Nod does. $lso% the 12$ and #-6 has contri*ed to !ake fake sylph clouds% apparently% and send out so!e disinfor!ation specialists to tell you Hall a"out 2ylphs and +hat they +ant fro! us., so DB,s prediction a"out that has co!e true. MM^ of +hat anyone +ill "e tellin you a"out sylphs is pure horse Wh5[% please consider. Discern!ent is a hea*y "urden "ut it,s inescapa"le these days% folks% and the 2ylphs are a"solutely real and +ant to help us. 0kay% the third +ord is that the 2ylphs are non-physical entities. (hey,re not clouds "ut they often use clouds to sho+ us stuff% the sa!e +ay you !i ht use a paintin to co!!unicate so!ethin . 0ther+ise% they co!e to us throu h our hearts% the +ay dolphins and +hales do% and so!eti!es they co!e ri ht do+n and en*elop us. ?ou,ll kno+ that,s happenin "ecause e*erythin around you see!s "ri hter and !ore *i*id and e*eryone around you acts content and happy for the duration. - hope that you,ll e8perience all of this directly and if anyone +ants to pretend to preach on "ehalf of the 2ylphs% please don,t do it to !e% okayR -% like you% ha*e had personal contact +ith these hea*enly creatures% so let,s keep it real% okayR fDon
Episode !3+ Hui3ing at the )e'i$7s Pun3hbo4$5 Part 1 Count O- $inOtO 2aint Ner!aine and (he Battlesnake 6ro! Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcS:saint er!aineandrattlesnake'6au '4.sht!l $u ust 6% &''4 (his account is !ainly a"out DB,s and Byan #cNinty,s initiation "y fire last 2unday in the De*il,s 7unch"o+l% east of Jos $n eles "ut -,*e found that catchy titles et your attention and% no+% Constantin 0chescu could really use your "lastin *irtuosity as he lan uishes on a "ench in the +aitin roo! of the Jos Fe as city sla!!er for "ein our real friend. (hey canOt see! to !ana e to et hi! into a cell these days "ecause he kno+s the la+ "etter than the reptile cops +ho sna ed hi! yesterday "ut they and their co*ert o*erseers .apparently the draconians under the city +ho are sore a"out our plan to disa"le all of their acti*ity this +eekend/ are oin to do their "est to et the "etter of hi!% any+ay% and +e need to use their o+n ener y to defeat the!% yet a ain. Jilly 0chescu is a "lack "elt karate +o!an fro! Bo!ania +ho,s learnin % fro! Carol% so!e $!erican Co+ irl tactics% as you,ll see. $pparently% a lot of these feds no+ percei*e !e as Flad the -!paler for so!e reason% thou h - ha*enOt raised !y hand in an er to another soul since - +as ele*en. No fi ure. 1e8t ti!e you ask the Crofts to co!e *isit% "ear in !ind that in our +ake usually follo+s an entoura e of sur*eillance% sa"ota e and *oodoo +ankers +ho +ould like to stop you fro! e8ercisin your ri ht to pick your co!panions% okayR - reckon this +ill further "ollo8 any diatri"es directed at paintin !e as a cult leader and it +ill lessen the nu!"er of in*ites% too V-/ 3e did% indeed% treat the Fery 0ld Bascal to a couple of earthpipes in 7luto Ca*e near #t 2hasta and - +as actually "itten "y a rattlesnake near De*il,s 7unch"o+l +hen - +as huntin for Byan last 2unday% thou h. (hese earthpipes are apparently the !ost po+erful or onite de*ices in our arsenal "ut they only really do !uch ood for under round +ork. 3hen you deploy the!% you !i ht or !i ht not et confir!ations in the at!osphere% please note. 3hen Carol and Jinda +ere at the 0re on Coast a !onth a o they sort of stu!"led onto a plot to enerate a !assi*e earthKuake in that re ion% so Carol% Byan and - +ent "ack there last +eek +ith 1P earthpipes% +hich +e placed at inter*als of 11 !iles do+n the coast fro! 2easide to 6lorence% 0re on% )ust to ensure that +hate*er 9$$B7ish "ea!in they +ere doin to desta"ilize that stretch and !o*e us into !artial la+ +ould co!e to nau ht. $s usual% +e ot so!e at!ospheric confir!ations. (he coast +as socked in +ith hea*y fo all day% in spite of clear skies and the usual +esterlies% +hich is an indicator of 9$$B7 interference. $s +e !o*ed south the +ind follo+ed us fro! the north and cleared a+ay the D0B% thus the fo . 3hene*er +e stopped to eat or do touristy stuff the +ind cau ht up +ith us and the influ8 of healthy or one felt !ar*elous. 3e stayed lon est at 2iletz Bay% +here +e ate at #oe,s .inco!para"le seafood/ and reeted the seals. (+o ha ish C-$ psychics leered at us all as +e stepped on the "each .tou h old als/ and +e had a little starin contest until they turned a+ay and lit so!e ci arettes% +hich for psychics !eans that they needed to shut out so!e ener y V-/% +hich +e +ere sendin to the!. (he other indicator of D0B +as that the *ultures had returned to the coast. (here,s apparently a cloud"uster in 6lorence "ecause as +e approached +e could see that characteristic "lue hole in the D0B !uck. 0ther+ise there +as no si n that anyone had "een "ustin to+ers. #ost folks +ho ha*e CBs and disa"le death trans!itters these days don,t contact us% +hich is +onderful% as it de!onstrates that this is a rassroots% e!po+erin effort rather
than a personality cult. -f - +ere actually a leader of this effort% -,d ha*e to constantly say% H(here they all o% and - !ust run alon after the! "ecause - $# (9D-B JD$DDB5, - thank Nod% daily% that - don,t e*en kno+ !ost of the folks +ho do this +ork and that a lot of the folks +ho are !ore *ocal a"out doin it enuinely don,t e*en like !e. @nder the circu!stances% +hene*er any of our ene!ies say that this is personality cult they,re si!ply !akin fools of the!sel*es to anyone +ith a scrap of discern!ent +ho "others to read their rants. D*en our ene!ies kno+ that Carol and - are not profitin fro! this effort. $ll +e,*e athered in fro! our efforts is W&'%''' in alle ed credit card de"t o*er the last three years V-/ -,*e athered pay"ack% thou h% +hich to !e is a +hole lot nicer than !oney. - uess you,ll ha*e to ask Carol +hat she,s otten fro! all this% aside fro! ha*in a !an +ho lo*es her !ore than life itself. 3e all defeated the che!trail pro ra!% !ost of 9$$B7% and pre*ented !artial la+ fro! "ein successfully enforced ."y disa"lin sufficient nu!"ers of death to+ers/ and that,s no s!all feat% -,! sure you kno+. Jook at the ne+spapers: the feds tell us that terrorist attack is i!!inent and e*en the headlines !ake fun of the! no+. 3hen you consider that the -llu!inists o+n all of the 7< folks, fa*ored !edia outlets% this is Kuite a testi!onial of ho+ +ell hu!anity is doin alon the path of a+akenin . - think )ust a"out e*eryone kno+s% "y no+% that our iftin reco!!endations are si!ply "asic directions for ettin uaranteed% o"ser*a"le results and confir!ations +ith a !ini!u! of ti!e% effort and !aterials. 3e encoura e anyone +ith talent and insi ht to i!pro*e on these de*ices and !any folks do that. - still !ake all of !y field pieces funky and "asic% as a point of pride V-/ 2o% the three of us spent our first fe+ ni hts in the pop-up ca!per trailer that Carol had "ou ht in <une. Byan,s 6, LA "ut +as a"le to fit +ithout too !uch trau!a in the other "ed and it +as like a lottery to find ca!p rounds +ith sho+ers on the hot su!!er days on our +ay south. (he 0re on coast is the !ost "eautiful coastal area that -,*e e*er *isited. 3e had )ust !et +ith our $ztec +arrior "rother% Juis 2antacruz% in 7ortland% 0re on% +hich is al+ays a treat. (o ether% +e scra ed a particularly tou h% satanic Bru)a in #e8ico +ho had "een tryin to et the "est of our "ro for !any years. 3e lau h at these insipid $!erican +o!en +ho da""le in the "lack arts and consider the!sel*es po+erful "ecause +e,*e "een to places +here real !a ic is perfor!ed "y old-school sha!ans. (he "ad ones ha*e to "e reckoned +ith in H(he (hird 3orld%, as Carol and -% <esse% and one or t+o others in this infor!al net+ork ha*e learned firsthand in our tra*els% unlike the hordes of C-$/12$ trained ne+ a e nazi schizoids here +ho! +e routinely knock do+n like tenpins. #ore folks are iftin in the Jatin countries these days% so +e connect the ones +ho contact !e +ith Juis and $licia 1a*or% +ho li*es in 2an Die o and +hose na!e +ill co!e up later in this article. 2ince Juis )oined this effort% last year% +e,*e "een doin a lot +ith o"sidian% +hich the ancient kno+ers in Central $!erica considered !ore precious than old. 3e hadn,t told anyone +e +ere oin to 7luto Ca*e "ecause it,s Kuite dan erous there% due to the - $# .not5/ 6ello+ship,s use of that place for their satanic !urder rituals. -n case you don,t kno+% the H- $!, part of the phrase co!es fro! the Bi"le and is a reference to (he CreatorGyou kno+: HBefore all thin s +ere created% a!., 3ant so!e funR 1e8t ti!e so!e neurotic ne+ a e nazi tells you that he/she is Nod% put hi!/her to the test V-/ (he #onarch 7ro ra!s, raduates all shun accounta"ility and it,s kind of fun to +atch the! sKuir! +hen you !ake the! accounta"le. (heresa and Da*id Carlson !et us in the parkin lot of the little state park and told us that they,d )ust distri"uted so!e ifts there. (hat +as pretty re!arka"le5 Carol and - +ere *ery sad to find that the stench of the part of the ca*e +here they "ury their *icti!s, re!ains +as e*en +orse than "efore "ecause that indicated that the satanic
ne+ a e 1azis had "een !urderin !ore children in order to "oost their !ascot/sponsor% the D( they call 2t. Ner!aine .Hain,t no saint,/. -n fact% +e had "eco!e a little alar!ed to hear that so!eone had started channelin this scoundrel a ain recently% hence our *isit to the ca*e. (he faithful% *acuous 1azis had "een cut off fro! hi! for a"out a year after our #t 2hasta $rea 0ffensi*e in #ay &'':. Carol and - had ifted a dozen or so key -llu!inati ener y-theft *ortices% hyper-di!ensional portals and ritual killin sites kno+n to DB "ut not o"*iously connected +ith the !ountain. 3e !o*ed a lot deeper into the ca*e until +e ot to a point +here Carol and Byan sa+ a 3atcher% +hich is one of the *ery old D( entities assi ned to report intrusions% etc% to killin sites. (hose t+o attacked the entity% +ho appeared to "oth of the! to slink on all fours up out of the deeper reaches and +as around &' feet tall +hen he stood upG!ay"e he,s actually )ust a little )erk% doin a 3izard of 0z act% thou h. (hey dro*e hi! "ack into the ca*e so that - could plant the earthpipes% one of +hich +as !ade +ith a little !oon"lood and ener ized +ater in so!e +ater-"ased resin. Jaozu Celly had enerously i*en Carol a allon of the stuff and Carol (+o Da le had "een e8poundin % to !e% the po+er of !oon"lood in !a ic% so of course - asked Carol to o"li e !e +hen - then decided to !ake so!e ifts +ith the stuff. Jast +eek - found out that a +o!an in $r entina had "een !akin holy hand renades +ith so!e of hers% and% of course% Eoe in 2alt Jake City had done this a couple years a o. ?ou !i ht "e sad to kno+ that there are so!e po+erful thin s that uys +ill ne*er "e a"le to do. Byan coined the H- $in,t, appellation after +e did the ca*e% "y the +ay. - usually pound the earthpipes into the round% fast% +ith a si8 pound sled e ha!!er "ut since there +ere a lot of "i stones on the floor of the ca*e - asked Byan% +ho,s ettin to "e a terrific psychic% to point to the ri ht spots so that - +ould et the! all the +ay into the round on the first try% +hich - did. (hey sa+ a "unch of little specks of "ri ht li ht flyin at us after that fro! deeper in the ca*e and those +ere apparently i!plants% ai!ed at our heart !eridians. 3e disa"led the! all in J$ +ith DB,s (esla coil. #ore on that later. Carol +as una"le to o into the "urial part of the ca*e on the +ay out% "ecause approachin it !ade her intensely nauseous. 2he said that so!e !urderers +ere on their +ay% sent "y 2t. - $in,t% so +e had to lea*e i!!ediately. $s +e +ere +alkin to+ard the parkin lot a couple of tunnel-*isioned #Cids passed us on the trail% +alkin fast and headin for the ca*e. Carol later told !e they +ere reptiles. - +ished -,d "rou ht a pistol "ut +e fi ured that if - )ust kept !y !outh shut a"out oin to 2hasta +e,d "e left alone this ti!e. (he Nreat 3hite Brotherhood,s !inions rarely% if e*er% physically attack you fro! the front% of course% unless they can cause you to "e afraid .+eak/ first. - didn,t turn !y "ack on !any stran ers +hile - +as in California this ti!e. $s +e approached 2hasta fro! the north% Carol could see that a lot of ne+% *ery dark acti*ity +as takin place under the !ountain in the direction of the ca*e. 3hat +e did +as directed at the 0ld Fillain% of course% "ut so!eone needs to et "usy +ith earthpipes on the north side of the !ountain and finish off +hate*er C-$/reptilian !ischief is connected to that )erk. - $# happy to report% thou h% that the or anization,s Hreadin roo!, and +arehouse suffered a catastrophic fire last !onth% durin the "usiest% !ost lucrati*e part of their year V-/ (heresa told us that she and Da*id had particularly ifted that "uildin last su!!er% alon +ith the a!phitheater +here they put on their fake-<esus plays and other pa eantry in the su!!er. Byan found a nifty% "i piece of o"sidian% !arked +ith a Kueer sy!"ol% in the corner of the lot and -,! oin to use it for so!ethin special. (hey had put it there for protection% of course.
3e had thorou hly ifted the City of #t 2hasta in #ay of last year and +e,re told that the faithful ha*e "een Kuite dispirited since then. -t,s i!portant to note that% like in any other cult% these "eni hted people "elie*e that 2aint - $in,t is practically Nod incarnate and you +on,t et the! to Kuestion their "eliefs. 2o!e of the! up"raid !e no+ and then for speakin ill of their !aster and - ne*er try to persuade the! that they,re seein a false front. 2o!e"ody +ho kno+s so!e stuff firsthand told !e that this old fart +as the Hapostle, 7aul% Bo er Bacon and se*eral other historical fi ures +ho had led a lot of hu!anity out into the fi urati*e desert o*er the past !illennia. - ha*e no reason to dou"t that and it,s pretty intri uin % don,t you thinkR (he !eek ha*e finally inherited the earth% after all. -t,s al+ays a little dicey to ift the round that cult follo+ers consider sacred "ecause these "eni hted people consider you e*il% therefore easily e8penda"le% "ut that +as nothin co!pared to +hat +e encountered t+o days later. 2o!e"ody e!ailed !e to say that she had !ade se*eral hundred to+er"usters +ith the intention of riddin do+nto+n 2an 6rancisco% so of course +e +ent there to see if +e could help% since the person said that she +as ho!eless. 3e a reed on !eetin at a certain ti!e "ut the person +as not to "e found. Bather% the nei h"orhood +here the !eetin +as to take place +as so filled +ith #Cids and Carol felt a little alar!ed and s!elled a setup% so +e left after a couple of hours. -t "eca!e fairly apparent that the "ad uys didn,t +ant us to et to J$% +here DB% +hose site% c"!% had "een fatally sa"ota ed "y the do!ain,s o+ner% si8 +eeks "efore. DB had essentially "een depri*ed of a li*elihood since that happened% nor +as he e*en a"le to access his o+n site or e*en to recei*e 7ay7al pay!ents. (hat +as conscious "etrayal and sa"ota e% and - +ant you to kno+ that "etrayal !ust ne*er "e confused +ith Hpersonality conflict, or H!isunderstandin ., DB had "ent o*er "ack+ard helpin this fello+ et out fro! under his #C @ltra past and present% durin the ti!e that Carol and - +ere helpin another fello+ do the sa!e. -,! not !entionin na!es "ecause these su"terfu e efforts are desi ned to !ake "etrayal look like a so!ethin else% "ut +e +ere all% in fact% sca!!ed "y their handlers% at least% and +e +on,t "e rescuin any !ore acti*e #Cids fro! no+ on% pleased note. 6ortunately for Carol and -%!% is under our control% so - did the only reasona"le thin and a*oided !akin contracts +ith anyone in the past three years that this infor!al net+ork has ro+n and thri*ed. Cen $dachi has "een enerous and supporti*e for the duration "y sharin !y +ritin s on his site% +++.educate-yourself.or % and +e *ery !uch en)oy our *isits +ith hi! and his lo*ely +ife% $yoko% +hen circu!stances allo+. (hanks to the *ery kind and ti!ely help of another partner% 2te*e Bichard% of +++.Kue"ecor!% +ho facilitates the 6rench-speakin contin ent of this rassroots effort% DB no+ has a "rand ne+ site% under his o+n control. Ceep +atchin it for so!e e8citin % inspirin and so!eti!es scary "lo s fro! HC"s+ork%, okayR -t,s! By the +ay% the -D is !eant to con*ey that HCBs 3ork5%, not HCB2 3ork%, )ust as 2uccor 7unch is pronounced% H2ucker 7unch%, not H2ooker 7unch., 2uccor% +hich !eans% Hto nourish%, really is pronounced% Hsucker., - could ha*e na!ed !y in*ention% H2uckle 7unch%, "ut - +anted so!ethin +ith i!pact. H2uckle 7unch, is kind of confusin % like +hat an infant !i ht feel in a topless "ar. - +ant you to et the full fla*or% so to speak% of our acrony!s. 3e all et sca!!ed% no+ and then% "ecause% let,s face it: nice people are and +ill al+ays "e tar ets. Carol% +ho had "een recently accused of "ein a *ariety of ro uish secret personae% includin Hsatanic +itch%, and HDon,s C-$ handler%, e*en ot cau ht in a fe+ less-than-charita"le people,s crosshairs lately and she,s a little less patient +ith "etrayal than - a!. - kind of feel sorry for the fello+ +ho recently sca!!ed/"etrayed her "ecause she,s a ood part -n)un and% as Carol (+o Da le says% H-ndian +o!en in "attle take no prisoners e8cept to torture the!.,
3hen - tell you +hat happened +hen Carol +as accosted "y the cops at the De*il,s 7unch"o+l and% yesterday% here in Jas Fe as% you,re oin to et a ne+ appreciation of this Kuiet% other+ise !ild +o!an +ho! you !ay ha*e thou ht you kno+. Jilly 0chescu,s not too sha""y% either V-/ DB% Carol and - had +ron ly assu!ed that +e could help a couple of +ell-!eanin % *ery talented and resourceful% :'ish #Cids% e*en thou h -,! al+ays fast to tell folks that H3e don,t rescue%, and our ood intentions si!ply "it us on the "utts% that,s all. Ji*e and learn% ehR (here +ill "e a ne+ "oard set up shortly% na!ed!% +hich +ill feature the postin s of &6 people +ho are tested +arriors/ ifters. (hese are the ones +ho ha*e carried MM^ of the +ork on the "oards in the past three years% after all% and ha*e e8hi"ited constancy in the face of ene!y fire% su"terfu e and "etrayals. 2o!e of the! aren,t *ery charis!atic "ut they,re all real friends to Carol and -. HNood friends help you !o*eV real friends help you !o*e "odies., (he reason +e,ll do it this +ay is "ecause% frankly% +e,re )ust not s!art enou h to catch all the insincere% so!eti!es *ery patient and resourceful people +ho are thro+n at us "y the C-$ and #-6 to steal our ti!e% ener y and resources I to lay intricate traps for us. 0ur intention% as +ith our three% pre*ious% ood faith efforts% is to pro*ide an e8e!plary for!atGa li*in +itness% if you +illGthat anyone can use for inspiration% education and confir!ation. - think +e,ll et it ri ht this ti!e. Before this% "y the +ay% +e didn,t really kno+ +ho +ould stand on the front line +ith us "ut all that tra*elin +e,*e done has paid off in ter!s of ettin to kno+ folks and allo+in the! to et to kno+ us% so this is ti!ely. 0ur hope is that !any% !any others +ill adopt this approach% +hich is essentially the cell !ethod that +orked so +ell for the 6rench Besistance durin the nazi occupation period and is no+ +orkin for the Constitutional @nor anized #ilitias in the @2 no+. (hey% too% learned fro! their !istakes% ha*in pre*iously "een su"*erted in the nineties and ener*ated "y thousands and thousands of 6B- and C-$ a ents. $ll +ars are +on and lost this +ay% of course% not "y "ullets and "o!"s. 2te*e Bichard is settin that ne+ "oard up for us ri ht no+ and +ill turn it o*er to !e +hen he,s done. - +ant to feature the 3o!en 3arrior chat function "ecause that sho+ed a lot of potential "efore. $s Carol (+o Da le told !e the other day% +o!en in eneral are ettin fed up +ith paternalistic he e!ony no+% so -,d "e an idiot not to e8ploit this uniKue opportunity to chop the feet out fro! under the old-fart occult +orld order% don,t you a reeR Jarry Bockefeller,s instant de!ise !ay "e a ood portent for us all. -,*e al+ays "een a little a!"i*alent a"out reptilians% especially since our early e8periences +ith the! included so!e close interactions +ith so!e apparently friendly% helpful ones fro! under 6lorida/Baha!as/Cu"a/?ucatan. - still honestly see ood in all of Nod,s creatures% or at least the potential for *irtue% e*en in the !ost de raded of the predatory sentient "ein s +ho! -,*e interacted +ith% face to face. 3hat - +itnessed last 2unday% thou h% has inspired !e to "uy a +hole lot of M!! and .4L cali"er a!!unition as soon as +e et ho!e. $s it ets harder and harder for the hostile reptiles in hu!an for! to !aintain those for!s% it +ould "e +ise to ha*e a firear! on hand "ecause - "elie*e they do intend to kill us all if i*en the opportunity. -,! oin to fi ht "ack% if so% and +ithout Kual!s. - still fir!ly "elie*e that the assu!ption that reptiles e*er created or ensla*ed hu!anity is dead +ron % "ut - no+ appreciate that !ost of the! desperately +ant to kill us all% perhaps *ery soon% and ha*e al+ays tried to control us% thou h. - don,t use the ter!s% H$nnunaki%, or H1i"iru, !uch% "ecause - don,t ha*e any direct corro"oration for any of the clai!s !ade a"out the!. - also "elie*e that you and - +ere put here to defeat the occult +orld order% includin
the -llu!inati% Fril% Nreat 3hite Brotherhood% the *arious satanic orders on all continents% the cadres of nonhu!an predators% etc.% +hich ha*e al+ays "een the front for error and spiritual re"ellion on our planet. - don,t e*en like to use the +ord% He*il%, *ery !uch "ecause - )ust don,t "elie*e in de*ils% no !atter ho+ hard others try to persuade !e to "elie*e that +ay. Do read others, cos!olo ies% if you feel like it% and !ake your o+n conclusions. - stay a+ay fro! cos!olo ies "ecause - think )ust a"out e*erythin % e*en a rapid pole shift% is up for ra"s ri ht no+ and that +e,re si!ply not capa"le of understandin +hat,s co!in % so +hy speculateR $ll that concerns !e is +innin this +ar in each !o!ent and it sure feels like +e,re +innin no+% +ith o*er+hel!in help% protection and uidance fro! (he 0perators. -f you,re a"le to see ele!entals% please note ho+ happy they are +hen any of us sho+ up% okayR think that "y no+ all of us% +ho ha*e the proper hu!ility% ha*e seen the 2ylph,s cloud sculptures and felt their lo*e for us. (hey,re all happy "ecause +e,*e "een fi8in the planet,s or one !atri8 +ith our cloud"usters and% especially% +ith the iftin . - did a couple of fire+alks a fe+ years a o and the tri"ulations +e,*e all entered lately feel kind of like +alkin on fire to !e. -f you e*er ha*e an opportunity to e8perience this% - heartily reco!!end it. 0ne of the 7ersian poets once +rote% H$ kno+er is he +ho is dry in the seaV a lo*er is he +ho is sure in hellfire%, and the si!ple truth is that +hen +e relate to life fro! our hearts +e,re i*en e*erythin +e need to "e happy% producti*e% safe and kno+led ea"le. (here is no sufferin as "ad as uncertainty% "y the +ay% and *ictory can "e su!!ed up in one +ord: confidence. 0r onite i*es that to us and takes it a+ay fro! the "ad uys. - realized lately that +e,re already throu h the +orst of the cala!ities. (he +orst part +as +hen nearly e*eryone +as asleep and +e fe+ +ho +ere +akin up felt hopeless% helpless and isolated in the face of the occult +orld order,s enocidal plans. 9ere,s the deal% as - see it: !any people realize that +e,re +innin no+ and !ore sleepy 7< folk are +akin up each day. -n the face of this a+akenin process% and in li ht of the fact that +e,re +innin all of our "attles% +hy +orryR D*en if +e et scra ed "y a hu e co!et% inundated "y to+erin tsuna!is and/or et o*erco!e "y hordes of hun ry% heartless lizards .keep proper a!!o on hand% )ust in case5 V-/ at least +e,ll o out loriously and the stru le -2 the o")ect of the a!e of life% after all% )ust as the )ourney is !ore i!portant than the destination. 3hen +e,re all sittin around a hundred years fro! no+% not ha*in to toil any !ore% pay for ener y or to e*en consider po*erty% sickness% hun er% strife or predatory reptiles% +e old *eterans +ill ather here and there around the lo"e% roar +ith lau hter inspired "y old allo+s hu!or% and s+ap terrific +ar stories a"out the ood old days .no+/. - already feel sorry for our pro eny% in fact. 2unday,s e*ents pro*ed to all four of us that +e can,t "e defeated% at least% and - +ant you to e8perience the sa!e assurance and confidence +ithout necessarily ettin shot at "y a sniper% "itten "y a deadly-poisonous snake% !anipulated hyper-di!ensionally% "ea!ed "y a *ariety of Fril and reptilian ships% surroundedGBodney Cin style--+ith *icious J$ cops and "lack-shirted 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!inations% or other+ise se*erely tested V-/ 2unday,s trou"le for us !ay reasona"ly said to ha*e started t+o +eeks "efore% +hen DB had one to the De*il,s 7unch"o+l to ift the *icinity of the altar there. By the ti!e he arri*ed% the sun +as oin do+n and a cro+d of people had arri*ed at the parkin lot of the county park facility% +hose e!ployees lea*e and lock the parkin lot,s ate at sunset. $ Jos $n eles County 2heriff Deputy stopped DB at the ate and said% H-,! sorry% #r. Bdddddd% "ut you ha*e to turn around and lea*e%, so D dro*e a+ay to the nearest dirt road% turned north% skirted the spectacular eolo ical feature% parked his car and +alked to a stone led e o*erlookin the altar% +hich +as a"out a half !ile fro! the ate. 9e had arri*ed at the "oulder o*erlook in darkness and in ti!e to +itness Ja+rence Bockefeller uttin a terrified youn irl in the !iddle of a circle of "lack-ro"ed% torch-"earin cele"rants% +ho had "rou ht alon a dozen or so other children to "e killed durin the ritual. DB +as so infuriated that he *ented his an er directly at the old !urderous -llu!inist% +hose heart stopped. 3hen the rat suddenly keeled o*er% dead% the others looked an rily around and he could hear the! yellin % H3ho did that5R, (he ne8t !ornin % of course% the ne+s of the old parasite,s death +as announced in the ne+s. DB told !e that he
had seen Bocky assu!e his enuine draconian for! ri ht "efore he slau htered that little irl and his description +as pretty raphic. #ay"e you can et it directly fro! one of his "lo s "ut for our purpose% -,ll refer to all of the predators in hu!an for! as hu!ans% +hile not dou"tin at all that +hat DB is relatin is accurate. -f you% too% +ill steer clear of "elief% denial and )ud !ent% you,re uaranteed to "e as happy as - a!. - could repeat so!e of his o"ser*ations a"out ho+ the children are Hprepared, "y the C-$ for their o+n painful% *iolent deaths in so!e of the re!ote desert shacks on H u!!int, land +hich he pointed out alon the +ay "ut you can read other accounts to et that. -t,s pretty risly and depressin . 1e8t door to DB li*es a Hretired, C-$ pediatrician% "y the +ay. - think you kno+ that the C-$ only uses pediatricians to har! children. Carol and - had ne*er seen so !uch sur*eillance as +e did 2unday on our +ay to the desert park facility fro! Jos $n eles. -n fact% that,s a"out all +e sa+ and it +as practically a traffic )a!. $s +e +ere doin our shoppin in preparation for the trip% it +as fun to +atch DB% +ho +as dri*in % roll do+n his +indo+ e*ery ti!e +e approached a plainclothes% pro"a"ly off-duty J$7D peeker and say% HNood !ornin % officer5, 0kay% the fun +as +atchin the H!ade, sur*eillance uys, faces after that V-/ -,! used to li*in +ith another telepath and +orld-class psychic% so DB doesn,t usually surprise !e +hen +e *isit hi! in J$. By the +ay% thanks !ainly to DB and Bick #oors% there are 10 C9D#(B$-J2 o*er J$ any !ore "ut there are a +hole lot of or eous clouds% includin a parade of 2ylph sculptures and *ery little s!o any !ore% closer to the round. (he plant life in the J$ Basin is *i"rant and practically screa!s% H(hank you5, 3e,re +innin no+. DB had infor!ed us that the secret police a encies ha*e ne+ +ays of puttin i!plants into people no+% "ased on so!e reptilian technolo y. - +atched that pan out durin the day as )ust a"out e*ery person +ho ca!e close to us +as fiddlin +ith their lasses or usin their cell phones in odd +ays. 9e told us that these t+o de*ices ha*e *ie+ screens on +hich our chi !eridians li ht up and so!e crosshairs so that +hen the !eridians are properly tar eted% a !a netic propulsion syste! sends the nanotech i!plants into the !eridian fro! a distance of up to ten feet or so. 3hen you pay attention% you can feel the! o in. -t,s a lot su"tler than the !ethods they had "een usin "efore% "y the +ay. (he older appliances shot i!plants "y co!pressed air and the i!plants +ere lar er% so they felt like a static shock or so!ethin si!ilar. (he darts a fe+ of our cohorts found in their skin +ere Kuite a "it !ore painful "ut that !ethod +as apparently only used for a fe+ !onths and +as for poison% carried in hollo+ plastic darts. think all the open discussion of that on the net stopped the C-$/12$ fro! usin it "y sprin of this year. 2o!e% includin Carol% had "een retrie*in the darts% +hich often didn,t, penetrate all the +ay into the skin. 3hen you sense that you,re recei*in an i!plant% )ust take note of +here it is and tape a !a net to it later on% of course% "ut DB ri ed a s!all (esla coil so that he holds the secondary coil in his left hand and attaches a lon +ire to the electrode at the top of the coil% placin the other end of the +ire a ainst the skin +here there,s an i!plant. - did this and found a"out 11 i!plants% !ostly around !y throat area% +hich -,d recei*ed since the last ti!e - "usted all !y i!plants% in <anuary of last year V-/ - found !ost of the ne+er i!plants on !y o+n after DB and Carol told !e +here to look "ecause the +ire end i*es a sharp tin le +hen near an i!plant and the tin le stops +hen the i!plant is deadGtakes a"out a !inute% usually. Cen $dachi traded a s!aller% "attery-operated (esla-coil type de*ice +ith !e a couple days a o and +e,re testin +hether this +ill do the sa!e thin . -t,s a ood healin de*ice% other+ise% -,! told% and he sells the! for W:'' or so on educate-yourself.or 3e use a (esla coil at ho!e to "oost our radionic effort to destroy the 6ederal Beser*e Corporation and - kno+
it,s doin a ood )o" "ecause as soon as - put it out in the pyra!id the se+er rats )acked up their attacks a ainst !e V-/ and initiated so!e frantic aerial sur*eillance for a fe+ +eeks. (his is an aside% "ut ri ht "efore +e left% Celly ca!e o*er and handed us a s!all or onite de*ice that,s !ade around one of Cesco,s fascinatin coil for!s. Cesco,s an artist in 1or+ay +ho has a enius for !akin ener y de*ices out of +ire% "y the +ay. 3e,re tryin to persuade hi! to !arket these creations. Carol and Byan could see that the or onite de*ice +as eneratin a *orte8% so Celly let !e stick it out in the rotatin part of our pyra!id structure. D*en - could feel the "oost fro! that. (he ift has no crystals in it% "y the +ay% +hich supports !y assertion that crystals are not the pri!ary in redient of or onite. Bather% it,s the orderin aspect of crystals +hich "oosts the etheric effects of the !etal/resin !i8. (he )ury,s still out on that% of course% as this +as only one e8peri!ent. 3e need to consider +hether the ele!entals +ill like or onite that has no crystals in it% for instance% "ecause it,s o"*iously the ele!entals +ho are a"le to connect the *arious de*ices and e8ploit their syner y. 0n the +ay to the 7unch"o+l the nature of the sur*eillance radually chan ed fro! the standard 12$/C-$ "o8 !ethod in J$ to a !ore su"tle and co!prehensi*e reptilian telepathic/*isual net+ork% re!iniscent of (he $ ents on the !o*ie% (9D #$(B-Q. $lso% +e could see that there +ere a +hole "unch of hu e reptilian ships parked ri ht o*er the 7unch"o+l% +aitin for us. DB said% H-t,s pro"a"ly oin to et rou h% so anyone +ho doesn,t +ant to face it needs to say so ri ht no+% "efore +e et closer., 0f course all four of us +ere ready and +illin to die in our efforts to seize sacred round fro! the occult +orld order% so there +asn,t any reason to pause. 9e told us that the site +as e8propriated "y the <esuits .all reptilians/ in the 16''s in order to facilitate their -llu!inist hu!an sacrifice rituals and there"y consolidate their control/ enocide in the re ion. De*il,s Nate .<7J/ +as set up "y the!% too% directly on the other side of the 2an Na"riel #ountains in 7asadena. $leister Cro+ley !ore recently arri*ed to consolidate the under round acti*ity at De*il,s Nate% of course% +ith his prot` `% 7arsons. 1ote that the <esuits, arri*al in California and the rest of 1orth $!erica follo+ed the period of the -nKuisition in Durope. (hey +ere pretty pu!ped up then "y the "lood of countless thousands of innocents. (he reptilians and their draconian o*erlords use a lot of these !a)or *ortices for hostin hyper-di!ensional portals% +hich is pro"a"ly ho+ Ja+rence arri*ed there in the first place. (hey !ake their "lack ro"ed chu!ps carry the terrified% naked stolen children on poles% trussed like pi s% do+n the trail% instead% fro! the parkin lot. (he +hole re ion is honeyco!"ed +ith under round "ases connected to Dd+ards $ir 6orce Base. 3e hope to et "ack there +ith a fe+ dozen earthpipes and clear out the entire rat nest. By the ti!e +e arri*ed in the park,s lot% - +as al!ost used to +itnessin "izarre hu!an "eha*ior a!on our trackers% includin one surreal Hfa!ily, +ho cli!"ed out of a "i #ercury sedan +ith a license plate +hich had nothin on it "ut a Kueer sy!"ol .an oran e trian le in a circle/ on it +hen +e +ere "uyin ice in a con*enience store outside of 7al!dale. (he people +ere all caricatures and radiated hostility and hun er. - +onder +hat they tell cops to do +hen they see this license plate. (hat !i ht !ake a ood story all "y itself. 1o+ - understood +hy the people of Jos $n eles ha*e al+ays see!ed so stran e to !e. DB says another reptilian Hnest, is 2alt Jake City and of course there are a lot !ore% includin Jas Fe as% +here Carol and - are ri ht no+% *isitin Constantin and Jilly 0chescu. 7redatory reptilians "oth enerate and feed on hu!an !isery. "et you kno+ so!e of those. -n his *ery co!forta"le% lo*ely J$ su"ur"an nei h"orhood% none of the kids look at all like their parents and the kids so!eti!es let slip co!!ents like% H(his is Dad 1u!"er 6our5, (he C-$ #onarch 7ro ra!% +hich includes !any !illions of se*erely pro ra!!ed pa)a!a people in all of the enor!ously ."ut pre*iously/ successful !ind control su" roups% like #C @ltra% $rtichoke% etc.% is founded on the syste!atic a"use of little children and in
!any cases the !urder of their "irth parents% so!eti!es at the children,s o+n hands. - don,t kno+ ho+ far do+n the ra""it hole you,re co!forta"le to o% "ut suffice it to say that - don,t feel confident to share the +hole s!ash in this article or any+here else. $ lot of folks +ho like to read !y +ritin +ould "e repelled "y that infor!ation and - +ant you to keep readin % frankly. -t,s definitely ti!e to end this occult ni ht!are% and e8peditiously. (he only thin the other side can,t sur*i*e is e8posure. (ellin each other a"out the! is like puttin salt on a slu . #any% e*en !ost of us in this iftin effort are Halu!ni, of these pro ra!s% thou h% includin !e% and +e +ant pay"ack% perhaps !ore than +e +ant to Hheal the planet, or to Hhelp !ankind%, thou h of course +e +ouldn,t ha*e +ashed out of those pro ra!s as adolescents if +e didn,t, ha*e consciences in the first place% or at least so!e personal inte rity and character stren ths. (he ones +ho stayed in ha*e certain% distin uishin characteristics: they,re fearful% !anipulati*e% shun accounta"ility% are sla*ish and flatterin % untrust+orthy and self-seekin . -n other +ords% take a ne+% harder look at the entire cadre of politicians% acade!ics% "ureaucrats% cler y% institutional scientists% rock concert ha"itu`s% pot addicts% desi nin +o!en% an ry !en% !ost of the s+ellin ay/les"ian co!!unity% all of the -llu!inist/satanic occult roups I fake reli ions% nearly all cele"rities% ad infinitu!. $s - said% there are !any% !any !illions of un+ittin people and fe+er conscious participants in the sta erin ly !assi*e #onarch 7ro ra!% in 1orth $!erica% Durope% Corea and <apan. (he Htrilateral, thin co!es up a ain and a ain. (he only reason +e +ashouts +ere not all killed is that countless thousands of deaths of "oys and irls in their early teens +ho are not suicidal or sickly +ould a+aken Kuite a fe+ pa)a!a people% so +e +ere all foisted into dead end li*es% instead. - +as fifty +hen - +oke up to !y o+n potential% for instance% after a "rief period in !y late teens +hen - first realized that there,s a lo*in Nod. Ceepin the 7< folks asleep is the secret of the +orld order,s he e!ony% of course% since -llu!inis! is only parasitic. - assu!e that if you,re readin this% you,*e already disa"led all of the ne+ death trans!itters +here you li*e. (his allo+s the 7< folks around you to +ake up to their o+n potential faster. -f you ha*en,t done it% +hy notR ?ou can sure afford it at &L cents per to+er. 6or the cost of a restaurant !eal +ith "ooze you could do your entire s!all city. 7art of the alu!nis, desire for pay"ack is that +e,re an ry that our handlers stuck us in "ad relationships I dysfunctional fa!ilies% "locked us fro! ettin educations and !akin ood li*elihoods and o*erall )ust W ^@hed us o*er +ith dark% post hypnotic% *ery deep and self-defeatin pro ra!!in as adolescents% +hich in !ost cases has taken us decades to stru le out of and into the li ht of day. - didn,t +ake up to the fact that it doesn,t !atter +hether the +orld ends or not .as lon as +e li*e fro! the heart and in the !o!ent/ until the actual threat "eca!e "latantly apparent% t+o years a o after the death to+er net+ork +as co!pleted% +orld+ide. (hankfully% this life,s pretty short and +e,re a"le to e*entually for i*e e*en the !ost heinous of personal trans ressions +hen +e choose to focus on +hat,s "est for our hearts and consider *irtue to "e its o+n re+ard. (o li*e up in one,s no in durin these tryin ti!es is pro"a"ly a ne+ kind of suicide. - ha*e toyed +ith the idea of startin a suicide hotline for satanic feds% thou h of course it +ould really "e )ust an infor!ation source: ho+ to do it ri ht the first ti!e. #ay"e - could )ust refer the! to <effrey Dah!er and <ack Ca*orkian% the Dyna!ic Duo. 3aste not% +ant not. #ay"e they could ha*e !ade a roup deal +ith Bay Croc% since no"ody really cares +hat,s in the! "ur ers% any+ay% as lon as the thousands of effer*escent% fau8 redhead Bonald #cDonald clones roa! the earth. But - di ress.
$s soon as +e started do+n the !ile lon loop trail into the 7unch"o+l% it +as o"*ious% e*en to !e% that the ener y of that place +as an a"solute !ess and the +hole area reeked of death and despair. (he only sound in the +hole desert canyon +as the "uzzin of flies% in fact. (his is +here they fil!ed the scene in +hich Captain Cirk "attled the draconian% "y the +ay. 2ince DB had "een there "efore% he kne+ +here to lea*e the trail on the +ay to the altar. $fter a Kuarter !ile% the trail ot pretty steep and on one led e% Carol% +ho +as "et+een DB and !e% started to fall off a cliff and DB cau ht her. 2he,d otten so dizzy fro! the ener y that so!e de*ol*ed entity had an easy ti!e )ust pushin her o*er "ack+ard there% so +e decided that she shouldn,t o further and that -,d )ust take her "ack +hile DB and Byan ifted the killin round% not far fro! +here +e +ere then. 3e all kne+ that Carol +ouldn,t ha*e sur*i*ed !uch !ore of that. 3e !ade it "ack to the parkin lot +ithout a lot of trou"le and +e e8pected the other uys to sho+ up an hour or so later "ut% as !ore and !ore reptoids arri*ed in the lot and constantly circled Carol% lookin for an openin % +ent "ack and forth "et+een our <eep and the ed e of the canyon lookin for so!e si n of the fello+s, return. #ean+hile% Carol kept searchin for the! telepathically and +as ettin a lot of interference fro! the nonhu!ans. (his article,s lon er than - e8pected and last ni ht% after -,d +ritten the a"o*e% our friend Constantin and - +ere stopped "y Jas Fe as cops and he +as taken to )ail for not ha*in a dri*er license or license plates. 9e had "een dri*in around this +ay for se*eral years% ha*in sufficiently hu!iliated the local )ud es +ith his kno+led e of the real la+s and he had "een teachin !e so!e of this after +e arri*ed here in JF yesterday !ornin . (he cops +ere si!ply +aitin for an opportunity to arrest hi! yesterday and it happened +hen he and - +ere oin to Jo+e,s to et so!e 1 aA copper pipe. 3hen the t+o reptiles +ere done tryin to inti!idate !e and had cuffed Constantin and put hi! in the "ack of their patrol car% they told !e H?ou,re free to o%, so - +alked across the street% "ou ht the pipe and +alked "ack to the house so that the feds could all see !e carryin it. 3hile he and +ere ettin harassed in the parkin lot% a fed chopper +as ho*erin o*erhead in "et+een the ti!es - "lasted it. uess they +ere loatin "ut +e,ll shortly see +ho ets the last lau h% ehR Carol and Jilly .Constantin,s Bo!anian +ife/ found the cops and Constantin% +ho +ere still there after -,d +alked a+ay% and the fe!ale cop hassled Carol% then "e an actin as a conduit for the draconians under round here% +ho of course kno+ that +e,re here to shut the! do+n today and to!orro+. (he ladies had !assi*e headaches fro! that reptilian cop,s continuous assaults as soon as the little fe!ale one )erked open Carol,s door and "e an hasslin her% "ut +e thorou hly ifted the )ail +here Constantin,s "ein held% then o*er ifted the courthouse% copshop and City 9all do+nto+n in case they,re foolish enou h to stick hi! in front of that )ud e a ain this !ornin . #ore on +hat Carol e8perienced +ith this cretin in the ne8t install!ent% of course. $ny+ay% - otta o "ecause - think +e,re oin to "e "usy i*in those t+o reptile cops their co!euppance shortly% durin the ti!e +e start ha!!erin our ifts into the round in and around Jas Fe as. -,! not oin to tele raph this specific sucker punch at those t+o cops "ecause - relish the surprise factor so!eti!es. Be!e!"er% folks: +hene*er the other side attacks you% 6-N9( B$CC5 -f you don,t +ant to fi ht "ack% please don,t e8pect thin s to et "etter. - uess there are t+o cliffhan ers in this account V-/ fDon Croft $ddendu!
Co!!ents fro! DB .c"s+ork/ posted at his +e" site concernin this episode: De*ilOs 7unch"o+l 3hat a +eekend. 3ell% the Crofts% !yself% and Byan +ent to the De*ilOs 7unch"o+l on Bitual Day and placed hundreds of units for !iles all o*er the sour round. 3e sa+ and photo raphed% dracs% retpoids% +ere shot at% +aylaid% a!"ushed and reKuired a helicopter rescue late yesterday to et out. 3e splashed t+o sailplanes% e*icted an entire sKuadron of ra*le*s% and closed that portal fore*er. Noin to let the doc do the detail in one of his ad*entures. By far% the hairiest iftin run DFDB. Cops "y the dozens +ith uns% BJ$CC D?D2% so!e +ith slits% license plates +ith only oran e trian les and an entire cadre of C-$ hunters tryin to end it. But% "y the Nrace of Di*inity - and so!e help fro! (ink and her !any% !any an elic friends% +e ot out. recei*ed a dislocated shoulder% a turned ankle% a fe+ i!plants shot into !e and Byan had to "e carried out "y helo. But% the portal is no+ closed to the! .esta"lished "y the !issionary <esuits 4'' years a o/ and is correctly spinnin . -t +as a lon and re+ardin day% and as usual% another *ictory for our side. $nd% no+% the entire an can 103 see the reptilians% hear the! the +hole s!ash. #y friends are a+akened no+...!ore +arriors +ith the ift. $nd Byan and - ha*e reat shots of all of this% fil! and di i. 3hich% of course% +eOll et up here strai ht a+ay. DB
Episode !3B Hui3ing at the )e'i$7s Pun3hbo4$5 Part 2 6i'e Earthpipes for the )e'i$7s ,o$e J;D Part 1 6ro! Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcS:Bearthpipesforthede*ilshole1'au '4.sht!l $u ust 1'% &''4 3e )ust left Jilly 0chescu in Jas Fe as% ha*in !ade sure that sheOs oin to "e okay and that Constantin is a"out to sue the satanic "lack ro"es off of <ud e Nre ori and the peaked hat% truncheon% ar!"and% )ack"oots and "lack fascist tunic off of $rrestin 0fficer Cyprios% plus suin *arious and sundry other kidnappers and e8tortionists in the Jas Fe as O)usticeO syste!. Jilly and Constantin are in that crunch zone% initiation period% +hen all +e ha*e to o on is our personal faith and friendship and she deser*es all of our ener y support ri ht no+. - "et you re!e!"er +hen youO*e e8perienced si!ilar initiation periods and also reco nize that +e all et the! fro! ti!e to ti!e alon this spiritual path. (his is the part +hich isnOt funny% of course. -tOs ti!e for all of these personal so*erei nty aficionados around the @2 and Canada to et so!e pu"licity and pu"lic support% - think% and - intend to "e one of the! "efore lon . Carol said the C-$ induced Cyprios to arrest Constantin in order to stop hi! fro! educatin !e and DB% +ho +ill contri"ute to this report% notes that the sa!e old uy in the 12$ +ho is "ehind !ost of the assassination and !ayhe! plots in the +estern +orld has also initiated this interference. ?our dance card +ill "e full a ain "y the ti!e +e t+o et our reports posted on!/% then on % folks V-/ $"out ten percent of the people +ho read !y articles and +rite to !e say they +ant to li*e in true freedo! no+% so this opportunity to "roadcast the infor!ation a"out personal so*erei nty is surely ti!ely. 6i*e years a o% a"out one in a hundred of the people - correspond +ith e8pressed that desire. 9ereOs so!ethin that !ost of the Dtheric 3arriors kno+ fro! direct e8perience: in order to ain a "etter understandin of +ho +e are% +e need to stand up for our ri hts "y acti*ely fi htin tyranny. 2la*es can rouse a"out o*ern!ent oppression/corruption% !ind control% death to+ers% che!trails% the Nula % ad nauseu!% until the co+s co!e ho!e and they +onOt "e punished for that "ut +hen you and - actually start to do so!ethin a"out it +e co!e face to face +ith the entire hierarchy of *indicti*e !inions of the occult +orld order% "oth hu!an and less than .not-so/ hu!an. 3atchin Jilly and Carol to ether +as an inspiration for !e. - spent !uch of the last four days ettin! up and runnin after 2te*e Bichard enerously set the thin up for us all and the t+o +o!en +orked to ether nonstop in the etheric real!s. 0n 2unday% they did such a ood )o" of keepin the felonious feds and the licentious Jas Fe as cops off our scent that - +as rather "ored% in fact% and it felt a little like "ase"all to !e% as !y day in the "ackseat +as only punctuated "y so!e naps and so!e fe*erish physical acti*ity .knockin earthipes into the hard round at under round "ase sites/. (he only real sacrifice - !ade that day +as to et a "lister on !y left hand. Jilly a"sor"ed and !astered e*ery techniKue that Carol had to offer and ne8t ti!e the t+o fe!ale +arriors et to ether it +ill no dou"t "e !ore of the sa!e. 3e only had a chance to spend a couple of hours +ith Constantin on the day +e arri*ed in Jas Fe as and he !entioned that Flad the -!paler of (ransyl*ania% +here JillyOs dad +as "orn% contri"uted si nificantly to the "loodline of the present Duropean no"ility. - then fancied !yself a sort of Flad the -!paler for the feds "ut 2ensei Dennie feels that a !ore appropriate appellation for !e !i ht "e OFlad the -!pala%O "ecause of the +ay - "ound around the countryside% )ust out of their reach. 2enseiOs a "ona fide s+ord !aster and Jilly% as - !entioned% is a karate "lack "elt. 2he +as astonished +hen she !et !e "ecause !y +ritin style a*e her the i!pression that -O! a pu nacious%
perhaps *ery *ocal person and in fact she said% - see!ed !ore like a ood .no colicR/ "a"y V-/. D*eryone +ho !eets !e after readin !y stuff has a si!ilar o"ser*ation. Beally% -O! !ore like 3oody $llen than Bruce 3illis. 3e "rou ht alon a pile of earthpipes to cancel out a fe+ under round "ases on our +ay ho!e. $s -O! +ritin this% +eOre headin north on @2ML fro! Jas Fe as% ha*in !ade a detour% throu h 7ahru!p% to De*ilOs 9ole% +hich is a fri htfully hot little spot on the ed e of a "i oasis area on the eastern outskirts of Death Falley. (here isnOt a +hole lot to tell% e8cept that the surroundin area +as 11' de rees% 6ahrenheit "ut as +e approached the little *olcanic "utte that hosts De*ilOs 9ole .a hole in the round at the "ase of the "utte/ the te!perature cli!"ed 1& de rees +ithin a half !ile and the ne+ <eep "e an o*erheatin for the first ti!e% e*er. - )u!ped out of the car and put three earthpipes in the round close to the 0ld FillainOs hole +hile Carol dro*e up the road a hundred yards or so to turn around. Dach ti!e she stopped the car the te!perature au e pe ed out in the red zone and she said that the reptilians and draconians under round +ere furious at us% spinnin enor!ous a!ounts of D0B at the carOs en ine in hopes of strandin us there% !iles fro! anyone. (he confir!ation that +e had picked the ri ht tar et +as in the for! of three tiny lenticular clouds% alone in the desert sky )ust o*er that spot. 3e sa+ the! fro! 1L or &' !iles a+ay and they kept shiftin their position% and then !er ed to ether as +e approached the drop zone. (hey then !o*ed +est% into the pre*ailin desert +ind% and Carol said they +ere tellin her to stick t+o !ore earth pipes into the round and to toss out a half dozen or so of the to+er"usters +hich Jilly had donated for our trip. 3e had put fi*e (Bs closer to the hole/"utte. Carl said the under round !inions +ere furious "ut of course i!potent. Bi ht no+% the only place they can physically har! us is under round% !ostly. 3e passed "y so!e enor!ous dust de*ils on our +ay out of there% stirred up "y draconian +rath% accordin to Carol. 3e had to dri*e a"out ten !iles alon a poorly !aintained ra*el road to et to the drop zone in the first place% so it +as a tedious dri*e "ack out of there. 9ereOs an e8a!ple of ho+ follo+in the ad*ice on! can pay off% "y the +ay. -f any eo raphical feature in your area has the +ord Ode*ilO or OhellO attached to it% assu!e that itOs in dire need of your or onite ifts. (hese na!es are apparently not accidental or +hi!sical% +ith the possi"le e8ception of 9ell% 1e*ada% perhaps V-/ ?ou !i ht "e +onderin )ust ho+ !any pipes one can fit in the De*ilOs 9ole V-/ "ut - donOt "elie*e in de*ils. $s +e dro*e a+ay fro! the hole% this afternoon% the te!perature outside i!!ediately dropped "ack do+n to 11'% of course% and the car stopped o*erheatin . - thou ht that !akin the air and our carOs en ine heat up +as a pretty ood trick. Ni*e the de*il his due% ehR V-/ (ra*elin north on @2ML fro! Beatty% 1e*ada .on the )unction of ML and the hi h+ay leadin up out of Death Falley/% +e sa+ three +eather "alls on !ountain tops east of the hi h+ay% all of +hich are on land that alle edly "elon s to the federal o*ern!ent .assi ned to 1ellis $ir 6ore Base for "o!"in practice "ut really% )ust another e8cuse to put in !assi*e under round "ases. 3e had ifted one of the "i under round "ase *ents "y the ed e of 9+y ML% al!ost three years a o durin our first iftin !ission to Death Falley% "ut this ti!e +e put three earthpipes around it. -f anyone readin this has the opportunity to et o*er that +ay and has so!e or onite to spare% it !i ht "e that iftin these +eather"alls% +hich see! to "e accessi"le "y pa*ed road% +ould "e a "i ser*ice to the re ion and !ay contri"ute to re*ersin the desert here. (hese are fairly ne+% "y the +ay. 3e kno+ thereOs plenty of !oisture in the at!osphere "ecause !uch of the desert of 1e*ada is co*ered +ith reen in $u ust% thanks to the cloud"usters and other or onite around the 3estern @2. @ntil recently% due to lon ter! 9$$B7-induced drou ht% the +hole re ion looked like it had )ust e8perienced a nuke strike. #t Charleston% )ust outside of Jas Fe as% has an ancient pine forest and the round is co*ered +ith thick% reen rass. OJas Fe as%O !eans% Othe !eado+s%O and +as na!ed "y the early 2panish e8plorers% apparently )ust "efore
the occult +orld order% likely *ia the enocidal% sourpuss <esuits% induced desertification in this re ion% partly throu h ritual hu!an sacrifice and enocide. Carol% Byan% DB and - +ere in De*ilOs 7unch"o+l nine days a o and -O! a little handicapped "y the fact that those three are ener y sensiti*es and Kuite psychic% +hile all - can do for !ost of that episode is to report +hat they told !e and to "ear +itness to the "izarre features of !ost of the OpeopleO +ho +ere around us that day. 3hen DB stra led out of the desert he +as una"le to articulate +hat he had e8perienced "ut this !ornin on the phone he practically de!anded that - post the second install!ent of !y report so that he could fill in all the "lanksV so et ready for a treat after you read this% okayR DBOs approach has that scary/enli htenin aspect that canOt "e i!itated or eKualed. -O! really lad that heOs otten his o+n site%!% outside of anyone elseOs control "ut his% and that heOs postin freely on an internet "oard a ain!/ (he uy kno+s Nreek% Jatin and $ra!aic% !ay"e e*en $!harric% "ut he doesnOt kno+ 9(#J .thanks fro! all of us% 2te*e% for helpin hi! out +ith that5/ 3o+-as -O! +ritin this% +e )ust sa+ one of those *ans full of fat C-$ nin)as roarin alon a desert dirt road% parallel to this hi h+ay% oin around M' to 1''!ph. Carol says theyOre lookin for us V-/ (he *an has )ust spun out onto the pa*ed hi h+ay% a"out a half-!ile ahead of us% and +ent north at that speed. asked !y +ife to et into their heads after - sensed a +a*e of fury co!in fro! that direction and she said theyOre thinkin % O(heyO*e N0( to "e here so!e+here5O 2ince lea*in Jas Fe as around noon .-tOs L 7# no+/ +e passed half a dozen fed"oys on the road% includin a couple of C-$ 2pecial $ ents -n Char e +ho didnOt see us% alon +ith the sa!e nu!"er of cops +ho +ere lookin for us. -tOs fun "ut a little creepy to +atch these uys lookin frantically all around as +e pass the!. - restrained !yself fro! offerin the uni*ersal esture of unsy!pathetic reco nition .a rhyth!ic ar!/hand esture indicatin the futility of espiona e% the +ord for +hich rhy!es +ith Opertur"ationO/. -n fact% Carol spots the spooks fro! a !ile a+ay% usually% and - can tell that she often doesnOt like to offer !e that infor!ation "ecause she kno+s -Oll )ust roll do+n the +indo+% lean out and e8tend that esture to the! +hen they et close enou h not to "e a"le to pretend they donOt see !e. (heyOre )ust a"out out of si ht no+. - really shouldnOt discuss her in*isi"ility techniKue on the net .if +e i*e the! the info% they,ll fi ure out ho+ to counter it/ "ut -Oll continue to share it +ith the +arriors +e !eet in :D% donOt +orry. -tOs not likely that youOre oin to !ake these uys as !ad as +e do% so you +onOt ha*e to contend +ith Chris 6arley e*il-t+in types. DB told her this !ornin that sheOs usin Oan old yo i techniKue%O +hen she hinted to hi! a"out it "ut - ne*er heard old ?o i Berra say anythin a"out this. - ha*e faithfully follo+ed his ad*ice% other+ise% thou h% +hich is +hy% O3hene*er - co!e to a fork in the road% - take it.O 3hoops5 $nother cop car% follo+ed "y a fed"oy% )ust raced "y us in fro! the opposite direction V3e )ust sa+ another fat-nin)a *an racin alon on the other side of the hi h+ay on a dirt road% also oin north. 9eOs )ust no+ turnin onto the hi h+ay in front of us. 3eOd )ust popped another couple of earthpipes onto the *ast under round "ase +eOre dri*in o*er% so itOs no +onder that theyOre kind of frantic. (hey kno+ +eOre doin it. - donOt !ind steppin out into 1'' de ree sunshine to pound these thin s in the round% "ut you can "et these uys in "ody ar!or and "ody fat arenOt really pleased a"out their )o"s today .2unday is apparently their ODay of Beco*eryO/ and +ould like to *ent their frustration on -dahoOs 1u!"er 0ne (errorist V-/ (hey donOt kno+ +eOre dri*in o*er into California to undo their OpediatricO #onarch !ind control facility under #ono Jake% of course. (hey apparently think +eOre oin strai ht to Beno "ecause +e +ere on the phone this !ornin +ith Beno BichardOs D0B-"ustin co!padre% Citchie. V-/ 3o+-these nin)a *ans are all o*er the desert no+5 3e can see for !any !iles around and theyOre raisin so !uch dust out there that it looks like the 2e*enth Ca*alry is lookin for Neroni!o. 0ne of the! see!s to ha*e )ust
co!e ri ht up fro! under round. -f it +erenOt for a little street s!arts and (he 0perators unfailin protection and uidance% +eOd "e scared ri ht no+. -n this area% you can see iant !olehills all o*er the landscape% o"*iously pushed up fro! under round. DB fa*ors !akin it rain in all the deserts no+ "ecause he feels it +ould flush the! all out like rats. 0kay% enou h of that-letOs talk a"out +hat happened at the 7unch"o+l after Bocky% that nice desert d+eller +ho rescued the fello+% "rou ht DB up to the parkin lot% nine days a o. Byan and DB had spent se*eral hours +alkin uphill to+ard the park facility% +hich they had inter!ittently seen% less than a !ile a+ay alon the canyon "ut kept findin the!sel*es "ack at the "loodstained altar stone +here Ja+rence Bockefeller took his last "reath% t+o +eeks "efore that. (hey apparently decided that the only +ay to "reak that cycle +as to +alk do+nhill% instead% a+ay fro! the place +here Carol and - +ere +aitin for the!. $ll this ti!e% +e +ere treated to a freak sho+ in the parkin lot% of course. - donOt !ean to deni rate enuine hu!an oddities% of courseV these +ere coarse i!itations of hu!an "ein s and they all hun around in the 1'Lde ree su!!er heat for se*eral hours% o"*iously )ust to seek opportunities to et close to !y +ife% +ho +as desperately tryin to contact DB and Byan% telepathically. 2o!e risly i!a es of the fello+sO de!ise +ere occasionally planted in her !ind "ut other+ise she !ostly sa+ the! steadily trud in uphill% +hich of course indicated that they +ere headin our +ay. - )ust fi ured that theyOd otten off the path% +hich +asnOt !uch of a pro"le! in this case. $fter four hours of +aitin % DB stu!"led out of an off road *ehicle% co*ered +ith sand% +ith torn clothes% a sho+er shoe on one foot and a torn sock on the other% delirious and una"le to +alk +ithout support. 3hen +e left the house that !ornin % heOd told his fa!ily that +eOd "e "ack in ti!e to take the! to the "each in the afternoon and +hen - sa+ that he +as startin do+n the trail at De*ilOs 7unch"o+l +ith ru""er thon s on his feet% - re!e!"er thinkin % ONreat-- really donOt feel like takin a rou h hike in this desert heat5 (his is o"*iously an easy trail% or DB +ouldnOt "e +earin thon s.T (he si n at the top of the +ell- roo!ed trail said it +as a loop% 1 !ile lon . -t looked like one could do it on crutches. $fter +e left the trail at the "otto! it ot a little rou h% thou h% and +e had to et o*er so!e hu e% tu!"led "oulders to et to the -llu!inati/<esuit ritual !urder site. 3e passed a yuppie-lookin couple% +ho! DB i!!ediately said +ere C-$ +atchers% and he and Carol said that the *arious lenticular and other +eird clouds )ust o*er us +ere loaded +ith assorted e*il e!pire spacecraft +hich +ere "ea!in us +ith all their !i ht. (he C-$ folks pretended to o the other +ay% "ut "e an follo+in us as soon as +e +ere out of si ht. $s +e "lasted the!% they "e an talkin loudly "ut they stayed out of si ht. (hey +erenOt there to har! us% after all. 3e +ere enterin a soured *orte8 +hich had "een turned into a hyper-di!ensional portal% of course% and DB is oin to directly relate +hat he and Byan encountered in that dead zone after Carol and - returned to the parkin lot. ;9ey5 3eOre no+ dri*in o*er #ont o!ery 7ass on our +ay to #ono Jake and +e sa+ a herd of !ustan s5= $s - !entioned in the first install!ent% the only li*in thin s +e sa+ on the +ay do+n +ere flies. DB treated us to so!e of the traditional descriptions of de*ils alon the +ay. 9e said that Beelze"u" +as kno+n as OJord of the 6lies%O and +as depicted as a iant% sittin infant% co*ered +ith flies. (he only other creature - sa+ +as a lon snake that !o*ed ahead of us at an e8traordinary speed in the direction of the altar% soon after +e left the path .and the neo-yuppies/. - +ondered out loud +hat that !eant "ut no"ody co!!ented. (he "ea!in fro! the ships had "eco!e so se*ere that Carol +as una"le to +alk upri ht +ithout assistance and she nearly fell fro! the narro+ path alon a !oderate cliff% so +e all decided that she had to o "ack and that -
had to take her. -n fact% sheOd already started to topple +hen DB% +ho +as ne8t to her% ra""ed her hand. (hose roilin lenticular clouds stayed in that position for se*eral hours and +ere pro"a"ly !ostly responsi"le for the hyper-di!ensional interference of DBOs and ByanOs return trek then. $t around L::'7#% the clouds disappeared and at the sa!e ti!e% e*eryone "ut the t+o !ost creepy lookin +aitin uys and a Ofa!ilyO in a !ini*an% ne8t to our <eep% left the parkin lot in their *ehicles. (he t+o County 7ark e!ployees had left early that day% "y the +ay-at around 4::'. Carol felt that the a"rupt departure of the creepsho+Os coincidence +ith the departure of the ships a"o*e the *orte8% +hich had already "e un to spin the correct +ay fro! all the iftin % +as o!inous and the only phone nu!"er +e had for DB +as for the cell phone in his pack% not his landline phone at ho!e% so part of our frustration ca!e fro! our ina"ility to call his +ife. $ half hour after the stran e ones left% Bocky dro*e into the lot +ith DB and said% Net this uy so!e +ater% Kuick5 - helped hi! into our <eep% a*e hi! a couple "ottles of +ater% started the !otor and turned the air conditionin on. 9e +asnOt *ery articulate "ut !ana ed to let us kno+ that Byan +as still in the canyon% perhaps hurt% and that +e had to find hi! "efore dark% other+ise heOd "e !urdered. Carol +ent to the payphone and called the 2heriff Depart!ent% +ho i!!ediately dispatched a rescue partyV follo+ed Bocky to his ho!e% a couple !iles do+n the road fro! the park facility. By the ti!e +e parked% DB% +ho +as pretty se*erely "an ed up fro! fallin do+n and other+ise recei*in so!e supernor!al rou h treat!ent on the +ay out of the canyon% +as at least coherent enou h to point in the direction +here Byan +as +aitin . Bocky +alked +ith !e to one of his nei h"orOs property% a Kuarter !ile a+ay% +hich had a co!!andin *ie+ of that part of the canyon and fro! there% +e spotted Byan% a"out a half !ile a+ay% +alkin to+ard the area +here DB +as +aitin . 3e +ere a"le to et his attention and indicated that he +ait for !e there. Bocky +alked "ack ho!e to "e ready for the arri*al of the rescue party and "y the ti!e - +alked around to the spot near the cliff +here +e sa+ Byan a helicopter had arri*ed o*erhead and a 2heriff Deputy% led "y Bocky% had co!e to +here - +as. 0n the +ay to that spot% - +as "itten "y a rattlesnake and the +ound +as "leedin . - had a sense that - +as oin to "e fine% so - continued on around the iant sandstone outcrop to find Byan .and the t+o other fello+s/ and +hen - ot "ack to the <eep - +as oin to put !y zapper on the snake"ite to take care of the poison% +hich is +hat happened. 3e ot +ithin a hundred feet of Byan "ut +ere una"le to scra!"le do+n the short cliff. (he helicopter had arri*ed and the deputy +as in radio contact +ith it. Byan clearly didnOt +ant to et into the chopper "ut% since couldnOt hear hi! and assu!ed that he +asnOt fit enou h% at the !o!ent% to cli!" the cliff% - estured !y ad*ice to let the uy +ho +as dan lin fro! the chopper )ust pick hi! up. Byan a reed% and the three of us returned to BockyOs place. - +as rateful for the 2heriff Depart!entOs rescue party "ut +as a little unprepared to find that a half dozen cop cars +ere in the dri*e+ay% too. DB +as fit enou h% "y then% to dri*e the <eep "ack to the parkin lot "ut - +as in a hurry to et "ack to Carol% so - asked one of the cops to take !e up there ri ht a+ay% as the a le of cops +ere apparently not in a hurry to un"lock the dirt dri*e+ay and let the <eep out first. 3eOd all heard three unshots in the canyon "efore the rescue ot under+ay and - +as pretty sure Carol +ould "e +onderin +hat +as +hat. - uess - should ha*e felt inti!idated "ut - honestly felt that - +as in control of the situation% +hich pro"a"ly
sounds stran e at this point. (+o cops ot in front and - +as locked in the "ackseat. (hey asked !e a lot of Kuestions durin that short trip% +hich - didnOt ans+er directly% and the dri*er had dark lasses and see!ed particularly cold. Carol and DB later said that heOs a full reptilian and +ears the lasses "ecause he +as ha*in a hard ti!e keepin his irises fro! turnin into slits V-/ 6orcin reptiles to re*eal their true features is the ne+ sport% "y the +ay. ?ou heard it here first5 3hen +e ot to the parkin lot there +as another con re ation of cop cars and rescue *ehicles. 0ne +ould assu!e that a "usload of preschoolers had +andered of into the desert and needed succor% e*en thou h Carol had clearly said on the phone that only one !an +as out there and that +e had a ood idea of +here he +as. - ot out of the car and sa+ Carol% in the !iddle of a roup of cops. 2he see!ed nonplussed to !e% then% "ut she told !e later on that one of the cops% another full reptilian% had tried to oad her into strikin hi! "y tellin her that she +asnOt allo+ed to )oin !e at BockyOs place. -n California% )ust like in co!!unist China% e*en a rude +ord or esture to+ard a cop can et you "eaten to a pulp and then thro+n in )ail and that +as o"*iously +hat the reptile +as ai!in to cause Carol to do. 9e kne+ that to stand "et+een her and her !an +as pretty !uch uaranteed to at least et hi! cursed and sho*ed. (hat kind of re!inds !e of another techniKue of !anipulation thatOs often used to put so!eone off "alance: +hen an indi*idual or roup +ishes to !ake a person of inte rity appear to "e a scoundrel or sociopath% theyOll insinuate that the person is uilty of certain i!a inary trans ressions and/or character fla+s and +ill spread this calu!ny in pri*ate con*ersations +ith others% +hile fei nin friendship +ith the intended *icti!% usually throu h flattery. 0rdinarily% the tar et +ill at so!e point react in his o+n defense% accusin the insti ators of slander and "ack"itin and the insti ators +ill pretend to "e +ounded "y that and !ay play the lap+in : sheddin crocodile tears and sayin % O3hy canOt +e all )ust et alon RO Beally% it +as appropriate for Bodney Cin to say that "ut in this e8a!ple% it +ould "e !ore like one of the J$7D assailants sayin it. 2ee ho+ this tired old artifice +orksR ;Carol and - )ust put fi*e earthpipes alon the southern and +estern hi h+ays around #ono Jake and "y the ti!e +e finished ha!!erin the last one in% the feds +ere already co!in up fro! under round and scra!"lin to find us. -tOs early dusk no+ and +e can see the! zoo!in around the dirt roads closer to the lake-t+its5= $s al+ays% +e ai! to inti!ately associate +ith the *ery s!all of people +ho can look at these histrionics and say% O3hat a "unch of +ankers5 - +ant to han out +ith the folks +ho are actually puttin their necks on the e8ecutionerOs "lock% not +ith these conni*ers and ersatz ser*ants of hu!anity5O and - personally feel a "it sorry for the !uch lar er nu!"er of +ell !eanin people +ho allo+ su"terfu e to sap their ener y and take a+ay their fled lin faith and confidence. (hey say theyOre confused% "ut on the other hand thereOs no escapin the fact that each of us are accounta"le for our o+n discern!ent or lack of it ri ht no+. $nother% nicer cop sa+ +hat the reptile +as doin and ca!e to CarolOs aid% assurin her that she +ouldnOt "e pre*ented fro! )oinin !e. (heyOd all heard the three hi h-po+ered rifle shots fro! do+n the canyon% of course. $nother thin that Carol told !e% !uch later% a"out that episode is that the cops +ere askin her a lot of Kuestions. 2he kne+ that so!e of the! +ere in*ol*ed in the !urder rituals that took place there durin e*ery ne+ !oon and full !oon period and her telepathic a"ility +as honed% razor sharp. 3hen she +as asked the na!es of +e three% she au ed their !ental responses. Be!e!"er that cops are not i*en !uch info "y their superiors and al!ost no info "y the feds% okayR (hey +erenOt *ery fa!iliar +ith ByanOs na!e .ne+er +arrior/% "ut +hen DBOs na!e +as !entioned% their "rains +ent into o*erdri*e and she told !e that they already suspected that he +as in*ol*ed "ut +erenOt sure. 3hen she !entioned !y na!e% they stopped +ritin and their thou hts% especially the reptileOs% "eca!e so frenetic that she couldnOt follo+ the!. DB arri*ed in the lot not lon after - did and the helicopter landed in a field )ust "eyond the trees. 2o!e !edics +ere athered around DB% +ho +as no+ sittin in the passen er seat% and all three of us +ere "ein Kuestioned
"y cops and !edics +hile +e +aited for Byan. Carol and DB told !e that the reptile cop +ho dro*e !e to the lot and a reptile !edic +ere shootin i!plants into !e .-O! kind of a "utthead +hen it co!es to puttin !yself into treacherous situations% in case you didnOt already kno+ that/ as - pestered a hu!an !edic +ith Kuestions a"out Byan% and +hen Byan and one of the chopper cre+ ca!e +alkin throu h the trees% +e all ot in the <eep and dro*e a+ay. 9ereOs so!ethin stran e: 3hen +e arri*ed in the parkin lot fro! BockyOs place% people had "e un arri*in and parkin in the lot% o"*iously in ad*ance of the ni htOs rituals. (he sun had )ust set and the ate to the parkin lot is closed and locked +hen the sun oes do+n% ordinarily. 1one of the cops appeared to e*en notice the ne+ arri*als and as +e dro*e out of there +e +ent past a line of cars that +ere co!in up the dead end road. Be!e!"er: +hen DB had arri*ed at that parkin lot around sunset% t+o +eeks "efore% the lot +as nearly full of ci*ilian cars and a cop at the ate .one of theseR/ told hi!% O-O! sorry% #r. Bdddddd% you ha*e to lea*e.O 9ereOs another stran e thin : 3hen DB arri*ed +ith Bocky the first ti!e% a reptile Ofa!ily%O +ho had "een ha*in a OpicnicO in the 1'L de ree sun for a"out four hours% ri ht ne8t to our <eep% had "een the only freaks to re!ain after L::'% +hen the rest of the parkin lot freak sho+ and also the "ank of lenticular clouds o*er the *orte8/portal had suddenly !o*ed a+ay% en !asse. Bocky +as a"le to con*ince the O!o!O to let hi! use her cellular phone to try to reach the park staff% +ho! he kno+s. 3e didnOt stop until +e ot to DBOs house% e*en thou h +e +ere all thirsty as hell% ha*in e*en drunk the !elted ice in the cooler V-/. 3e all felt a "it like $lice in 3onderland and +ere treated to a parade of o"*iously furious and larin reptiles in *ehicles on the hi h+ay until +e ot to the other side of the !ountains. -n fact% as +e turned onto the secondary hi h+ay fro! the road that leads only to the state park% +e follo+ed a sedan in the "ackseat of +hich a hostile-lookin youn irl had turned around and +as starin at us. (hat car turned at the intersection to+ard the !ain hi h+ay% +here +e +ould ha*e turned% "ut DB said% ODonOt turn here% theyO*e set up an a!"ush5O so +e took an alternate road and arri*ed ho!e safely. DBOs oin to fill in the aps of this account and +ill descri"e +hat he +ent throu h in the follo+in post and +hen Byan ets done in ?ose!ite% +here he doesnOt ha*e internet access% heOll no dou"t contri"ute his recollections and o"ser*ations% too. - think heOll "e there until the end of $u ust% then +ill )oin us in #osco+% +here he attends the @ni*ersity of -daho. (hat day +as kind of like the Battle of the Bul e for the four of usV a +atershed e*ent% a confir!ation and% of course an initiation. Dach of us +ere isolated and in dan er durin part of the day and the fact that +e sur*i*ed sho+ed us% at least% that the a"solute +orst that the occult +orld order can thro+ at us canOt har! us. (he truth% +hich is kind of sad to !e% is that in order to ain faith and confidence in this life one has to take so!e pretty startlin risks and to o on faith alone at ti!es. (hat ni ht% e*en thou h the t+o other fellas +ere in a lot of pain and disco!fort% +e athered around the ta"le on DBOs patio and had a "ra in contest until the +ee hours% likely keepin the pedophile C-$ doctor ne8t door a+ake +ith our raucous lau hter. - didnOt suffer any physical disco!fort that day% other than the rattlesnake "ite% so - +asnOt sufferin the ne8t !ornin . - !ust say% thou h% that - e8pected DB and Byan to "e ho""lin % at least% "ecause theyOd really "een throu h the !ill% as youOll see. (hey "oth see!ed unaffected% thou h% and e*en DBOs feet and shoulder% +hich he had dislocated% +ere co!pletely pain free. 3e had so!e !ore net+orkin to do in 2outhern California% so Carol and - left our ca!p trailer parked ne8t to DBOs house and +ent to -r*ine to !eet +ith Cen $dachi% a ain. 9e sho+ed us a lot of nifty ne+ ener y tools so that he could et Carol to scrutinize the!. 0ne of these is a hand-held% !ini (esla coil +hich +e had a hunch !i ht disa"le i!plants. DB had ri ed his o+n (esla coil up to do that and the first ni ht +e stayed +ith hi! found and disa"led% +ith the coil% a"out a dozen ne+ i!plants% !ostly around !y throat area. 2ee% the "ad uys
donOt like it +hen - e8press !yself V-/ 3e didnOt ha*e a lot of ti!e to spend +ith Cen that afternoon% so +e arran ed to see hi! the ne8t day and to !eet his lo*ely "ride% $yoko. 3e needed to et to 2an Die o to touch "ases +ith $licia 1a*or% +ho had "een "ustin up the death !atri8 in that city so +ell that the sky and lo+er at!osphere there is no+ pristine and full of or eous clouds and you can see that the +estern horizon is no+ as clear as a "ell. ?ou pro"a"ly re!e!"er that $licia is the one +ho confronted% interro ated and photo raphed the felonious fed +ho had parked in front of her house in order to inti!idate her. 2he put the photos on the net% +hich% for a se+er rat% is !uch "etter than shootin hi!. DB said that one of the feds he outed +as then posted to Nreenland as punish!ent V-/ $licia insisted on treatin us to dinner and e*en paid for our !otel roo! and the ne8t !ornin +e all ot "usy "ustin up !ost of the under round acti*ity connected +ith the 1a*y "ases there. 6irst% thou h% she sho+ed us the reser*oir sheOd ifted. (he +ater +as crystal clear and the a!"ience there +as splendid "ut "efore she did the deed there% last sprin % the area had "een like a se+er "ecause of the acti*ity underneath it. 3e did the +aterfront first% do+nto+n% and there +ere so !any feds that it +as tricky droppin so!e of the trick 3ater 0"lations that DB had contri"uted for the effort. -Od ne*er seen so !any feds in one place% in fact% since ifted 7ocatello and Blackfoot% -daho% t+o years a o durin !y field-testin e8cursion +ith the ne+ (o+er"usters. Back then% like in 2an Die o% - donOt think any of us could ha*e sneezed +ithout ettin so!e on one of the!% in fact. $s +e !o*ed a"out the har"or and coastal tar et areas% thou h% the cro+d thinned considera"ly and +e ot all of the de*ices into the round and +ater +ithout a hitch. 3e had to pound three of the pipes into the round in upscale nei h"orhood alleys% thou h% in Coronado% and at the state park "each near Chula Fista the park cop +as +aitin for us and "y the ti!e +e ot to a ood% pri*ate iftin area +e did a couple practically under the nose of a ro*in fed in a pickup +ho +as ta in alon after ettin the park copOs report. 3e took a +ron turn at one point and ended up at the ate of the 2u" Base% +here a #arine in full "attle dress +ith an auto!atic +eapon politely directed us ho+ to turn around. 3e i!!ediately found a nice secret spot +here the racket - !ade "y ha!!erin an earthpipe in the round didnOt attract any attention. - usually +ear !y Oco*ert shirt%O +hich is the 9a+aiian shirt - "ou ht in $rkansas% )ust to t+eak the feds "ut on that day - opted for so!ethin a little !ore su"dued% thanks to the O0ran e $lertO that the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!inations +ere tryin so hard to inflict. - like the !ilitary and if any !ilitary uys and als are readin this% +ould you please )ust o to 3ashin ton% DC% and arrest the federal o*ern!ent so that +e can all ha*e our planet "ackR (hanks5 - al!ost for ot: 3e had passed 7endleton #arine Base on the +ay to 2an Die o and +ere "uzzed "y a half dozen 1a*y Blackha+k helicopters then. Carol al+ays ets in the heads of our sur*eillors and these uys +erenOt har!fulV )ust doin +hat they +ere told. 0ne of the choppers% thou h% had a C-$ passen er% 2pecial $ ent (estosterone% +ith a Buck Bo ers ener y +eapon% and he +as "ea!in us. $nyone +ho +ears a 9ar!onic 7rotector or eKui*alent de*ice .+e donOt kno+ of any% yet V-/ +onOt e*en feel this stuff% of course% "ut - s!acked the idiot +ith a +hopper of Ounconditional lo*eO and +e +atched as the helicopter Kuickly landed "eside a line of 7ort7otties in a fenced-off field ne8t to the free+ay. $ helpful hint to all fallacious% freakish federal cretins in aircraft: you uys ou ht to start +earin disposa"le diapers if youOre assi ned to "ea! Dtheric 3arriors fro! the air or offend us "y "uzzin our ho!es. By the +ay% - "et none of you uys +ill fly o*er DBOs house any !ore V-/ (he only "ad thin that happens +hen unla+ful sur*eillance/attack aircraft o do+n in*oluntarily is that fires are so!eti!es started. -O! too nice to !ake the! crash "ut so!e of us o"*iously arenOt% please note.
(he reason +e +anted to et to 2an Die o to !eet $licia is that she co!"ines the Kualities of fearlessness% resourcefulness% selflessness% spontaneity% lo*a"ility% +it and intelli ence that +e appreciate so !uch in all of our close friends and fello+ +arriors. $lso% sheOs taken on an entire "i city all "y herself. (hose are the Kualities that pulled !e to Canada in late <une to !eet 2te*e Baron% 2te*e Bichard% and $nn 0kal then .- didnOt ha*e the opportunity to !eet !any of the rest% unfortunately/. -tOs also +hat inspired us to o to Jas Fe as last +eek to !eet the 0chescus and to stop occasionally to *isit +ith the Oother don%O don Juis 2antacruz in 7ortland V-/ By the +ay% $licia is !y her!ana rande and donOt "e fooled "y the difference in our hei hts% okayR 3hen she and Carol +alked out onto the pier at 0cean Beach to drop in three !ore of DBOs 3ater 0"lations. Carol +as a"le to sho+ $licia +hat to look for that indicates the presence of @ndines% +hich are "i +ater ele!entals. $licia sa+ it clearly. Carol says that DBOs assertion that @ndines often take the o"lations out to sea is pro"a"ly accurate "ecause she didnOt sense that the de*ices hit the "otto! +hen they tossed the! into the ocean there. 1or!ally% +hen or onite de*ices hit the "otto! in a "ody of +ater she can feel so!e re*er"erations. 2he said that as +e +ere lea*in the do+nto+n +aterfront a couple of @ndines% around a thousand feet tall% +ere standin in the har"or% esturin their appreciation. 3hen +e ot "ack to DBs place% he told us +hat ti!es +e had done the har"or and the pier V-/ By the +ay% on the +ay "ack to DBs% so!e #Cids ;C-$ #C @ltra !ind control pro ra!!in = tried hard to run us off the road t+ice and Carol said% O- +onder +hat Byan and DB ha*e "een up to today5O 2te*e set up a chat function for the ne+ "oard and - +anted it to "e )ust for +o!en +arriors "ut - think a "etter approach +ill "e to set it aside% other than for eneral use% for scheduled 3o!en 3arrior Chat 2essions% "ecause they see!s to et an a!azin a!ount of +ork done +hen they arenOt interrupted "y chatterin !ales V-/ O9ey% "a"y% - donOt like to use lines to pick up +i!!in.O 3e stopped to see Cen a ain on the +ay "ack to J$ and $yoko )oined us in ti!e for us to ha*e a !eal at 2a! 3ooOs. (hat part of -r*ine is a sort of su"ur"an Chinato+n and Carol and - lo*e to shop in the MM Banch#arket ne8t door% +hich is actually a Chinese super!arket/depart!ent-store +ith a resident her"alistOs shop. 3e stock up on Ninsen and other stuff there% in fact. Cen and $yoko are a deli htful couple and itOs o"*ious that she adores the uy. -tOs al+ays ratifyin to kno+ couples +hose !arria es actually +ork% +hich - also +itnessed as <ohn and $dele CilroyOs uest in Boston recently. -O! told that the first ten years are the hardest V-/ Carol finally had a chance to !eet $ndy 2char! of +++.ct"! in #onro*ia and +e had a nice !eal to ether. (he only other patron in that section of the restaurant +as a reptile +ho sat% starin at us% the entire ti!e. (he first ti!e - looked at hi! his eyes +ere +ide open and entirely "lack% +hich so!e of the folks on! ha*e reported seein . - hadnOt seen that yet% so it +as kind of special for !e. (he rest of the ti!e his eyes +ere nor!al. Carol and - had !a nets taped all o*er $ndy "ut no"ody "esides the reptile paid !uch attention to that "ecause% after all% this +as J$. (he ne8t day +e left for Jas Fe as. fDon Croft
Episode !4 Soothing Mother Earth and then #:Tting to the #hase in Paradise .a$$e6ro! Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcS4paradise*alley1&oct'4.sht!l 0cto"er 1&% &''4 Carol and - +ent "ack to ?ello+stone this +eekend "ecause she felt that the hu e caldera there +as ettin ready to "lo+ up. (hat +ould pro"a"ly fill the earthOs at!osphere +ith so !uch ash that +eOd all "e propelled "ack into the 2tone $ e% at least those of us +ho +ere unlucky enou h to sur*i*e. -n fact% the C@( people .Church @ni*ersal and (riu!phant% centered at the Boyal (eton Banch in Cor+in 2prin s% P.L !iles north of the national park entrance/ +ho ha*e e8tensi*e under round facilities near the threshold of ?ello+stone 1ational 7arkOs north entrance +ere apparently countin on sur*i*in such an eruption +hile the occult/corporate pa*e!ent artists +ho nor!ally do our footsteps .and control that luciferic or anization% of course/ +ere conspicuously a"sent on this trip% perhaps due to the fact that they ha*e a *ested interest in our success in iftin the caldera adeKuately. Carol has the i!pression that theyO*e !ostly a"andoned their o+n under round facilities in the park% +hich she feels physically connects to the C@( under round facilities. 3e only encountered three fed peepers in the park "ut !ay narro+ly ha*e !issed ettin !urdered "y a 1ational 7ark Ban er +ho! Carol told !e +as intendin to run us off the !ountain road +ith his pickup-a sort of +ould-"e ka!ikaze like the 6B- uys +ho had tried to run so!e of the etheric +arriors off the road .includin Carol and -/ a fe+ !onths a o. 2he has the i!pression that a"out a third of the parkOs e!ployees "elon to that anthill .oops-read: church/. -n fact% +e had )ust entered the 1atOl 7ark fro! the north and had put do+n three of the 1L earthpipes desi nated to surround the caldera .a MP-!ile loop around perhaps the !ost *olcanically unsta"le area on the continent/ and Carol noted that the ele!entals and departed -ndian elders/healers +ere e8pressin their appro*al and encoura e!ent +hen +e had to stop to let a s!all herd of "uffalo pass alon the road fro! up ahead. 2oon after +e "e an to !o*e a ain% the carOs electrical syste! started !is"eha*in and - had to pull o*er and shut off the i nition. 6or a"out fi*e seconds the li hts flashed on the dash"oard and all the needles !o*ed "ack and forth. 0n our pre*ious *isit% not lon after +e ifted the - $# killin field +ithin the park "oundary on the north+est ed e of the caldera so!e of their ritual ener y !anipulators apparently !ana ed to turn off our carOs electrical syste! for a !o!ent. (here isnOt a lot of traffic in that section of the park% so itOs not an area +e +anted to et stranded in. (he - $#ers at the cattle-less ranch .the payin de*otees call the!sel*es OchelaO +hich is a 2anskrit +ord for Osla*e%O +hich is a +ord for Ochattel%O so !ay"e it is a ranch of sorts% after all/ use a practice they call Odecreein O to deal etherically +ith their ene!ies. (his is a roup-focused acti*ity% hei htened "y rapid chantin . Beyond +hat the payin chattel do% of course% are apparently so!e !ore skilled psi !inistrations "y the Nreat 3hite Brotherhood trained staff !e!"ers "ut thereOs no su"stitute for the ra+ po+er that can "e enerated "y any roup thatOs +illin to focus their ener y on so!ethin . (his is so!ethin +eO*e e8perienced a fe+ ti!es% recently% in the chat function of!% thou h of course +eOre no"odyOs chattel as far as - can tell% and thereOs no secrecy or hierarchy a!on us. 3e donOt chant% either. (he !otor of our year-old <eep started a ain% only on the second try% after +hich e*erythin +as +orkin ri ht e8cept the odo!eter% +hich +e +ere usin to count off the !iles for iftin . (he OtripO feature on our di ital odo!eter can "e set to zero and +eOd counted off a"out &' !iles% ha*in deposited four earth pipes e*ery si8 !iles "y then. (he clock +as fine and +as tellin the ri ht ti!e after the !ishap. <ust after +e had e8perienced the electronic ano!aly a park ran er in a pickup +ho +as i*in us a nasty look as he passed us in the opposite direction pulled a"ruptly off the road "ehind us% as thou h to turn around% "ut +e
didnOt see hi! follo+in us after that. - !ention the clock "ecause - !onitored the ti!e "et+een +hen +e arri*ed in the park .around 11$#/ and the ti!e +e left .around 4::'7#/ +hich is ho+ !uch ti!e one +ould e8pect to ha*e spent Oon the )o"O includin dri*in for 1S' rural% !ostly !ountainous !iles and poundin in 1L earthpipes. $s +e +ere lea*in the park at the end of the L[-hour e8cursion - +anted to et a photo of an e!er in 2ylph cloud a"o*e +here +eOd caused the oppressi*e cloud co*er to "reak apart a"o*e the ifted area% +hich is +hat anyone can e8pect fro! deployin that !any earthpipes around a pirated area or a hu e under round "ase. asked Carol +hy the 2ylph cloud +as pink and she )ust felt that "ein in hi h !ountains did funny thin s to sunli ht in the late afternoon% thou h of course this +as a couple hours "efore sunset% accordin to our carOs clock. - looked at !y +atch% thou h% and it +as nearly P7#. 9er +atch indicated the sa!e ti!e. 6ro! +hat she could ather .accordin to the thou hts/intentions Carol read in the uyOs head/ the C@(-de*otee 7ark Ban er had Kuickly turned around +ith the intention of follo+in us% then pushin us off the road .there are no uardrails in that part of the 7ark/ "ut +e had apparently *anished to hi!% picked up "y a Je!urian ship .accordin to CarolOs esti!ation/% +here +e +ere hosted for &.L hours% then deposited in the sa!e spot +ithout ha*in "een a+are that +eOd "een shifted around in ti!e and space. 0f course - ha*e no other e*idence +hether or not this is +hat happened "ut Carol and - ha*e "oth lost and ained ti!e in dicey situations "efore .as ha*e so!e of the people +e kno+ and trust/ and sheOs pretty ood at isolatin the !o!ent it happens% at least in !y esti!ation. $s +ith all the supernor!al stuff% -O! )ust offerin an e8planation that see!s plausi"le to us. 7roof !ay or !ay not co!e later on. 2he feels that one reason our rescuers didnOt chan e the ti!e on the carOs clock is that they +anted us to focus on the )o" at hand co!pletely. 3e look at that clock instead of our +atches +hen +eOre in the car. $lso% Carol felt that the Je!urians +anted to toss !e a "one% since -O! not ener y sensiti*e and couldnOt follo+ the dyna!ics of the e8pedition the +ay Carol could% so -O! passin the "one alon to you if youOre like !e. $ si!ilar scenario happened to Carol +hen she +as iftin ne+ death to+ers in 1a!i"ia% three years a o. (he only other +eird e8perience +e had that day +as +hen a fed!o"ile% on the far side of the loop% pulled o*er in front of +here +e +ere parked and the dri*er apparently *anished. 3e pulled up "eside that one% close% as +e +ere lea*in and Carol rolled do+n her +indo+ and took a couple of di ital pictures. (he only other ti!e this happened in !y e8perience +as +hen Byan% #arty% <osh and - +ere poundin in the last earthpipe around 6t Je+is% 3ashin ton% in #ay and a fed!o"ile dro*e up and parked on the opposite side of the road a"out fifty yards ahead of us. 2ince Byan +as off poundin the D7 in the round in a hidden spot .heOs really ood at findin spots that ha*e no hidden rocks V-// the rest of us +ere acutely a+are of the fed!o"ile and +ere "lastin the cr@p out of the occupant.s/. #arty e*en ot out% stood in front of #artyOs 2@F and ai!ed his 7o+er+and at the fed!o"ile. 3hen +e dro*e slo+ly "y% after collectin Byan% +e sa+ no"ody inside. (he 12$ I perhaps the C-$ ha*e so!e pretty tricky cloakin tech% apparently. Did they et it fro! the Clin onsR V-/ 0ther than iftin +hate*erOs under the - $#erOs pur*ie+ the ne8t day% this +as the easiest critical iftin run +eO*e e*er !ade. 3eOd thorou hly ifted the dozen or so accessi"le !a)or *ortices +ithin the caldera in <une of last year and t+o other ifters% at least% had ifted in the 7ark since then. Carol says that roups of :D -ndian healers and others ha*e re ularly "een oin to ?ello+stone to sort of petition the caldera not to "lo+ up and end hu!an ci*ilization. 3hen #t 2t 9elens "urped last +eek and +e sa+ "ro+n clouds and unpredicted rainfall +here +e li*e% a couple hundred !iles do+n+ind of that *olcano% +e felt confir!ed in our plan to *isit ?ello+stone +ith earth pipes the follo+in +eekend. (he caldera has "een sacred to all the !a)or and !inor tri"es in the re ion for centuries or !illennia% of course% and those unrestricted nati*e herds of elk% "uffalo and !oose donOt see! to +ant to lea*e. -t feels +onderful
there and also throu hout 7aradise Falley% the course of the ?ello+stone Bi*er +hich leads to the 7arkOs north entrance% "ut for t+o or three !iles around the Boyal (eton Banch it felt oppressi*e to us and sort of lifeless. (he sky a"o*e the chattel ranch +as the *ery last of the lo+% oppressi*e re ional cloud co*er to "reak up fro! our iftin efforts and that only happened as +e +ere dri*in a+ay after iftin the cultOs 9U on the day after +e D7Od the caldera. Cesco 2o iu in 1or+ay had sent us ten of his uniKue% po+erful coils +hich he had confi ured for earthpipes in this case% so +e featured these in our e8cursion% !akin nine D7s +ith CescoOs coils and 1: OplainO D7s +ith the reKuisite% ordinary cone-spiral coils. - put a pinch of to"acco in each pipeOs or onite plu after <ody% our iftin co!padre in #osco+ .our -daho to+n/% had "rou ht o*er an 99 !ade +ith to"acco for Carol to assess. Carol added so!e of her dried !enstrual "lood to each% too. 3e already found out that puttin a little !enstrual "lood in or onite !akes it a lot !ore effecti*e for healin pirated *ortices and for puttin the hurt on the patriarchal occult/corporate +orld order% too. 0thers% +e kne+% had done this in 2alt Jake City and Buenos $ires and suspect a +hole lot !ore ha*e done this +ithout tellin us a"out it. (hereOs a hu e% +hite+ashed statue of #ary o*erlookin Butte% #ontana% +hich is on the route +e took fro! our ho!e in -daho to ?ello+stone. -tOs car*ed fro! the ranite of a rid e top% not far fro! a 9$$B7 array. Bichard in Beno +as there a couple of !onths a o and "usted all the to+ers% so the 9$$B7 array +asnOt doin !uch "ut Carol "rou ht alon so!e e8tra or onite in case +e +ere a"le to et up to the statue% +hich is a D0B spi ot in spite of its e8alted the!e. (he access road to the statue and 9$$B7 array is no+ ated and locked% of course% due to the presence of so !any terrorists in $!erica. (he a encies that erect and lock ates across pu"lic roads no+ are the terrorists% of course. $cross the *alley is a hu e% u ly strip !ine thatOs *ery% *ery deep. Carol calls it O#ontanaOs Butte 9ole.O (his kind of ties into the C@( notion "ecause Dliza"eth Clare 7rophet% +ho set up the di s "eside ?ello+stone in the 1MS's likes her chattel to call her O#other of the 3orld.O $s far as - can tell% +hen the Ba"ylonian ci*ilization "e an *i orously supplantin the older% !ore "alanced cultures +ith e8ploiti*e patriarchy they deified the fe!ale principle. (hatOs a co!!on s!okescreen tactic% sort of like ho+ the cri!inals in 3ashin ton% DC% erected O#otherOs DayO in the early 1M''s in an atte!pt to stop +o!en fro! de!andin suffra e. (his ersatz deification !ay e8plain +hy +estern cultures ha*e such an un"alanced attitude a"out +o!en% alternatin "et+een seein any i*en fe!ale as a saint or a "itch. #en% especially% are deeply pro ra!!ed to "e "lind to the fact that +o!en are essentially eKual spiritually% intellectually% e!otionally and physically% to !en% +ith sli ht *ariations to !ake it interestin . -n real ter!s% !ale and fe!ale co!ple!entary characteristics carry a lot of potential syner y% +hich is +hy a ood !arria e +orks so +ell. (he fact that ood !arria es are as plentiful as henOs teeth in +estern cultures indicates ho+ deeply and effecti*ely +eO*e all "een pro ra!!ed. (he parasitic occult/corporate +orld order has clearly put !ost of its su"terfu e efforts into controllin the +hite race% shapin it into its fa*ored en ine of lo"al e8ploitation in recent centuries. (his is +hy the pro!inent cults% !ostly de*eloped in the !id to late 1S''s .C@( ca!e directly out of (heosophy% est. 1SPL/ are !ainly !ade up of +hite people% for instance% as are all of the o"*ious and hidden hierarchies connected to the old +orld order. 2o!e ha*e "ou ht into the notion that this is due to so!e intrinsic superiority of the +hite race "ut itOs "eco!in clear% finally% that +hites are si!ply easier to "rain+ash and control than are people of color% +hich is +hy the old Ba"ylonian fa!ilies e*entually picked Dn land .OBule Britannia5O/ as their *ehicle for lo"al conKuest and do!ination. 2e!era!is% 1i!rodOs !o!% +as deified% and the -sis cult +as apparently the D yptian *ersion of the O#other of NodO idea +hich later !o*ed fro! #ithrais! .the Bo!an soldier-reli ion-a synthesis of Ba"ylonian and D yptian cult practices and do !as/ into Christianity% intact. 9o+ else could so!eone like Jucretia Bor ia "eco!e a popeOs incestuous !istress and e*en deter!ine +ho +as oin to "e the ne8t pope% and the ne8t% and the ne8tR
By the +ay% - personally "elie*e in the Di*inity of Christ. 1o a!ount of sleazy en ineerin "y patriarchic hierarchies or "y their ta -alon "a"y-eatin cults has "een a"le to o"scure that 2un of Bi hteousness as far as -O! concerned and -O! not e*en a Christian. By the +ay% +hen +e dro*e past the su"stantial "ut un-!anned uard shack and into the Church @ni*ersal and (riu!phantOs headKuarters co!pound Carol +as kind of shocked to find a life-sized% +hite+ashed stature of <esus tucked a+ay "et+een a couple of church "uildin s V-/ and it re!inded !e of the +hite+ashed #ary statue a"o*e Butte. 9istorically% <esusO !other +as apparently a real <e+ish princess% hi hly honored in her society as a lineal descendent of Da*id and Kuite +ealthy in her o+n ri ht. <oseph of $ra!ethea% her uncle% is kno+n to ha*e "een one of the +ealthiest traders in the Bo!an D!pire. - personally "elie*e in the -!!aculate Conception% too% "ut #ary +asnOt likely a *ir in +hen she concei*ed <esus% nor do - "elie*e that <esus died on the cross% nor is there any indication that the cross% +hich +as sacred to pa ans "efore the Christian era% is a *alid sy!"ol for Christianity% nor is the fish. (he 7opeOs cere!onial !itre .tall hat/ sho+s the open !outh of a fish and in 2u!erian ti!es% carried throu h Bo!an practices% it +as the ha"it% so to speak% of the 7ontius #a8i!us .O reatest "rid eO "et+een lo+ly hu!anity and +hate*er di*inity/ +ore a ro"e and hat to rese!"le the scaly skin of a fish and the open-!outhed fish head on the 7#Os o+n head. (here are so!e ood "ooks a"out the direct transference of Ba"ylonian/D yptian/Bo!an reli ious sy!"olis! and practices into early Christian ideolo y and if youOre one of the "illions +ho ha*e confused this +ith the person and teachin s of the historical Christ - reco!!end that you look into this. -f youOre <e+ish itOs a ood idea to et open-!indedly into Eechariah 2itchinOs re*ealin % supporta"le +ritin s a"out the pre-$"raha! ori ins of the <e+ish culture% thou h one need not a ree +ith his unfounded assertions a"out the true nature of the <e+ish Beli ion% of course% and - donOt support irrationalis! in any for!% +hether itOs the Creationis! ideolo y of Christian funda!entalis! or the idea that so!e cynical lizards created ho!o sapiens a fe+ !illennia a o. #usli!s% +ho hold to the Di*inity of <esus and #oses as dearly as Christians and <e+s do% ha*e kno+n these si!ple truths for al!ost 14'' years% +hich !ay "e one reason the occult/+orld order has "een tryin so hard to su"*ert% then erase -sla!ic cultures since the !id-1S''s. 1ot that #usli!s in eneral ha*e a slate thatOs !uch cleaner than anyone elseOs% of course. 2ince reli ion is the foundation of all +estern cultures +e need to co!e to ter!s +ith it so +e can !o*e out fro! under the ancient "rain+ash protocols that +ere facilitated "y cler y% pedants and theolo ians +ho +ere and are on the payroll of the occult/corporate +orld order. (hatOs the only thin -O! dri*in at. - donOt care +hether you "elie*e in Nod. (he +orld order itself ca!e out of these reli ion"ased cultures% thou h% after all. (his ersatz spirituality .Oirrationalis!O is the ter! that (heosophy "ases its approach on/ is si!ply a ne+er e8pression of the insistent parasitic he e!ony that apparently ori inated in 2u!eria 6%''' or so years a o and parasitically lo!!ed onto each succeedin phase of +estern history% fro! Ba"ylon up throu h the 9ouse of 3indsor. 7ost-!orte! deification/sanctification/!ystification is ho+ the patriarchic occult/corporate +orld order has dealt +ith all of the +ould-"e effecti*e people in the +orld% actually% +ho are real or potent threats to the persistent parasitic he e!ony. 6or instance% !ost of the Christian saints +ere first killed "y the Church as heretics% then ele*ated to Osainthood%O so!eti!es pretty fast. #artin Juther Cin % <r.% +as "etrayed "y friends% then !urdered% then a !a)or thorou hfare in the "lack nei h"orhoods in e*ery city in $!erica +as na!ed after hi!% not lon after the Oci*il ri hts !o*e!entO +as "rou ht "y the "etrayers to a rindin halt. Nandhi couldnOt "e touched "y JondonOs assassin until after Jondon fo!ented the re"ellion in 7akistan% then "io raphers s+ar!ed the !e!ory of the !an and atte!pted to +hite+ash hi! as so!ethin other than the etheric +arrior that he truly +as. Neor e 3ashin ton +as apparently poisoned "y #asonic doctors .look at his last portrait to see +hat look to !e like the o"*ious +astin effects of slo+ poison/ then sanctified and !e!orialized "y the #asons. - ha*e the i!pression that the Jondon-affiliated #asonic hierarchy in Fir inia )ust didnOt +ant 3ashin ton to speak out a"out <effersonOs "etrayal .<efferson had i!!ediately na!ed Nallatin% a 2+iss/British "anker% as @2 (reasurer +hen $aron Burr !urdered 9a!ilton/.
(his is the ti!e for +o!en to assu!e their position of eKuality in the +orldOs affairs and thatOs takin so!e ad)ustin all around% no less for fe!ales +ho ha*e "ou ht into the tired old saint/"itch fe!ale paradi !. 3o!en are enerally "etter than !en at so!e thin s and *ice *ersa "ut +hy not see this in ter!s of potentially syner y rather than strictly as co!petitionR 6or instance +o!en are !ore naturally skilled at sharin infor!ation in a constructi*e +ay and !en are !ore naturally skilled at detached )ud !ent. $t least this is ho+ it see!s to !e at the !o!ent. - ha*e to stru le +ith the ender "rain+ash protocols as !uch as anyone these days "ut - think itOs a +orthy stru le. $pplied infor!ation% +hich is +hat etheric +arfare and healin are all a"out% fa*ors a +ell-functionin % fairly detached !ind and *ery present in*ol*e!ent. <ud !ent reKuires that one ackno+led e and co!e to ter!s +ith e!otional processes% sort of Ooutside of ti!e.O 3o!en ha*e al+ays kno+n that !ost !en can easily "e !anipulated throu h their e!otions and !en ha*e al+ays kno+n that !ost +o!en can easily "e !anipulated throu h their !inds ."eliefs/paradi !s/. (he o")ect is for "oth to stop !anipulatin % of course% and to facilitate !ore and !ore spontaneous syner y "et+een the enders. -n a lo+er e8pression% +o!en naturally +ant to protect territory and !en naturally +ant to take territory. (hese arenOt !utually e8clusi*e ur es and "oth can "e applied to hi her purposes. 0f course% -O! !entionin these eneralities for consideration and discussion. Beally% there are so!e !en +ho are "etter at the !ental stuff than !ost +o!en and there are so!e +o!en +ho are "etter at na*i atin the e!otional sea "etter than !ost !en. - uess the point -O! tryin to !ake is that itOs ti!e for us to studiously erase the effects of ender pre)udice% a*oid the pitfalls of those a+ful pendulu! s+in s to e8tre!e attitudes in the process and )ust continue to !o*e for+ard so that follo+in enerations +ill "e "urdened less and less +ith these ancient pre)udices. ?ou !i ht ha*e noticed that your o+n kids are less pre)udiced this +ay than you +ere at their a e. 3e donOt ha*e to control this processV +e only need to foster it +ithin oursel*es no+ and +atch the +onderful effect thatOs ha*in on our o+n li*es and on those around us. 0ne of the oldest sca!s - kno+% pro"a"ly connected to the an el/"itch con% has people "elie*in that !en are !ainly intellectual and +o!en are !ainly e!otional. (he re*erse is true% of course. 0ld Dorothy the Druid tau ht !e that and it holds up +ell under scrutiny. Both +ays of relatin to the +orld are needed for a person to "e "alanced% of course. (he day in ?ello+stone +as o*erall the !ost une*entful iftin run for us since +e started iftin o*er four years a o. 3hen youOre out on your iftin !issions% youO*e pro"a"ly noticed lately that the sur*eillance isnOt as hea*y or o*ert as it +as e*en si8 !onths a o. 3e "elie*e that this is so "ecause the luciferic occult/corporate a encies are losin so !any of their psychics "y attrition in this spiritual +ar and also that their concerted efforts to slo+ us do+n% !isdirect us% et us to distrust and e*en fi ht each other and enerally do +hat any other parasite +ould do in the circu!stances to protect itOs he e!ony +ithin the host is "eco!in !ore and !ore counterproducti*e for the!. -n !y correspondence -O! !ore often seein that +hereas "efore% +hen one ca!e to realize that this actually -2 a +ar and that itOs "ein +a ed a ainst hu!anity in eneral% one has had a stron tendency to +ithdra+% lately% !ore and !ore people are takin this unsou ht realization as a confir!ation that theyOre finally achie*in enuine e!po+er!ent throu h their o+n intelli ent efforts. -O*e "een pretty rou h on ne+a ers since this net+ork started o*er three years a o. - reco nize that !ore than half the people +ho are no+ iftin ha*e "een ena!ored of the luciferic principles that underlie +hat - call the ne+a e !o*e!ent. Jast +eek that +as sort of dri*en ho!e for !e +hen - ot a note fro! so!eone +ho challen ed !e .yet a ain/ on the issue of Otalkin a"out lo*e "ut also talkin a"out "lastin feds% etc.%O and - a*e hi! the standard response a"out ho+ folks +ho talk a"out lo*e cite <esus as the e8a!ple of that I that <esus opened up a can of 3hoop@WW on the usurers at one point and +as Kuite a ressi*e and unfor i*in to+ard
so!e entities% other+ise. (hat didnOt satisfy the uy% so - asked hi! .facetiously% - ad!it/ +hether he should "e the ar"iter for us of )ust +hen the line !i ht "e crossed. 3e "oth ended up lau hin a"out the issue% actually% and that helped !e see the practical function of the luciferic doctrine !o*e!ents in a fresher li ht. C@( is the u ly sister of the ne+a e !o*e!ent% of course% "ecause of DC 7rophetOs "latant con "ut in fact the s+eetest spinners of the Bi Jie are the !ore insidious !is uiders% in !y *ie+ "ecause 7< folks are thorou hly pro ra!!ed to look at the +ords rather than at the deeds and hidden a endas of the s+eeter talkers in that !o*e!ent. Carol and - talk a"out this a lot "ecause% of course% she ca!e throu h that !o*e!ent on her path to e!po+er!ent. (he fact that - ne*er "athed in that alle ed li ht on !y +ay to the present is that - ne*er could sto!ach "lind acceptance of do !as. #ost folks% especially fe!ales% donOt really care a"out issues like that and% honestly% - e!phasize it too !uch. -n fact% only a tiny fraction of +hite people +ho et dis usted +ith institutionalized reli ion +ill likely look any+here "ut into the standard default ideolo y% +hich is luciferianis! .institutionalized enli hten!ent "ased on O+orksO rather than on O raceO-the old Cain/$"el !etaphor/. (he cruel )oke% of course% is that the sa!e occult/corporate a encies +ho created (heosophy% #asonry% Bosicrucianis!% Nolden Da+n% 0(0% 2cientolo y% $scended #asters% Nreat 3hite Brotherhood% ad nauseu!% fro! +hich the ne+ a e !o*e!ent sprun and still ets its sustenance% also created the luciferic church doctrines% *ery lon a o% and reli ious funda!entalis! !ore recently. O3orld 0rderO isnOt a ne+ concept: it took !illennia for these ancient fa!ilies and a encies to arri*e at the present threshold of o*ert lo"al do!ination. 2u"terfu e and the cle*er art of erectin ersatz Ohi her/hidden realityO facades and related hierarchies ha*e "een their pri!ary en ines of e8ploitation ri ht alon "ut thatOs all "ased on the assu!ption that the indi*idual can only pro ress spiritually "y his/her o+n efforts% not throu h race and *irtue. Firtue is the ur e to li*e accordin to the dictates of oneOs conscience% of course% and race is so!ethin thatOs freely i*en% not earned. -O! not a"out to dictate any ideolo y in !y +ritin "ut in fact the people +ho ha*e done a lot of iftin +ork are findin that itOs easier to ha*e so!e personal faith and hope no+% in spite of +orldly trends in the other direction. (his isnOt a reli ious de*elop!ent "ut e*ery reli ion has uidelines that can "e used to de*elop personal faith. D!po+er!ent is part of faith and iftin is *ery e!po+erin % also a selfless effort. 2elfless ser*ice causes us to ro+ spiritually. (hese faiade erectors are the sa!e e8ploiti*e a encies that caused their o+n per*erted for!s of 9induis!% Buddhis! and e*en -sla! to "e !ain instru!ents of cultural decay in the 3est% Dast and 1ear Dast in recent centuries. (hey induce people to a"andon traditional for!s of !ind control in fa*or of these ne+er% Oe!po+erin O ideolo ies and the !ore insi htful seekers of truth sooner or later co!e to realize that they )ust canOt fake e!po+er!ent and enli hten!ent% so they start lookin % yet a ain% for so!ethin in this +orld thatOs enuinely capa"le of helpin the! unlock their hu!an potential. #ost of us realize that this isnOt likely to happen )ust "y our o+n efforts so +e look for people +ho are already doin it. Jao (se said% succinctly% O(hereOs so!ethin ponderous and one-sided a"out the learnin of the selftau ht%O and +e instincti*ely kno+ that in order for us to find a+ay out of the occasional personal rut +eOre likely to need a little outside% o")ecti*e help or e8a!ples and that% "y e8tension% each of us are anotherOs potential teacher and e8e!plar. (his isnOt )ust another atte!pt to et you to look to the internet as the instru!ent of our sal*ation "ut in fact in this conte8t% ho+ other+ise do you reckon that so !any like-!inded potential teachers and students ha*e found each other in the past fe+ yearsR V-/ 9o+ !any people do you kno+% aside fro! those of us you kno+ throu h the -nternet% +ith +ho! youOre capa"le of ha*in this con*ersationR JetOs face it: !ost nice folks +ill clin to their 7<s until theyOre pried fro! stiff% lifeless fin ers V-/ JetOs )ust face it and !o*e for+ard fro! there. 9o+Os your iftin ca!pai n co!in alon % "y the +ayR Niftin
is the "est% cheapest shortcut - kno+ for e8periencin enuine e!po+er!ent. -t reKuires a"solutely no "lind acceptance of do !a or o"eisance to erectile protoplas! or principalities. (he !ore iftin you do% the !ore clearly youOll see the outline of the hidden parasitic he e!ony that !essed up your to+nOs at!osphere in the first place. $ll parasites !ust first deplete the *itality of a part of the host .Ji*erR BrainR <ointsR 9eartR/ "efore it can "e OsecureO and a parasiteOs raison dOetre is to e8tend its territory .are parasites !ostly !alesR/ and increase its o+n influence and pro eny radually until the host is entirely depleted. 3hen OparasiteO is !entioned one naturally thinks of +or!s "ut in fact there are !any kinds of parasites: fun i% "acteria% *iruses% sli!e !olds% secret handshake societies% !edical practitioners% Jondon "ankers% institutionalized acade!icians% telephone solicitors% etc. - found out "y e8peri!ent and o"ser*ation in $pril% 1MM6 that all parasites in the "ody can "e killed easily "y !ild% painless .to the host/ electrocution. Dr Clark +as !akin the clai! "ut - needed to *erify it "efore - could accept it and then pro!ote it. - found out !ore recently that O iftin O an area +ith or onite depri*es "i-pedal parasitic entities of their safety and security% thus e8posin the! to scrutiny and la+ful )ustice. By e8tension% sendin *ery focused% a!plified life force to the !ore *oracious "ipedal parasites .serial killers in the o*ern!ent and their related O1N0sO/ depri*es the! of e8istence in :D. (hatOs a little "it like the ionization process +hich kills internal parasites +hile "oostin the *itality of the host. 9o+ is that not a lo*in processR $ healer can "e fairly descri"ed as *icious fro! the point of *ie+ of the patho en "ut the person +hoOs sufferin sees the healer as a lo*in friend. (he !ain reason - use pro*ocati*e rhetoric in the first place is that it i*es !e an ad*anta e in the fi ht to an er !y opponents. Dtheric street fi htin is !y forte% after all% and - en)oy it. -tOs a ser*ice% too% since -O! pre*entin others .the host in this case/ fro! "ein har!ed "y these senseless% incorri i"le% "loodthirsty predators. (he parasite has a funda!entally schizoid purpose% of course% "ut all +hite .no+: +estern de!ocratic li"eral/ cultures are characterized "y schizoid ideolo ies no+ and the +hite race has "een the *ehicle for lo"al e8ploitation for the past fe+ centuries% so is deser*in of this special scrutiny. CarolOs ot so!e Blackfoot 1ation relati*es in 1orth+estern #ontana "ut she hasnOt seen the! since she +as a child. D*en so% she distinctly re!e!"ers that the -ndians relati*es and friends she !et as a child +ere entirely hu!an% unlike +here +e li*e no+% +here the Coeur dO$lene tri"e +ere hea*ily infiltrated "y reptilian ancestry after the <esuits esta"lished a !ission there in the 1S4's% as are the older +hite co!!unities in and around that reser*ation% )ust north of us. (his is +hy she +as surprised to learn that 2te*e ODr 6reedo!O 2!ith and Jaura ODooneyO 3eise had "een so "eset "y reptiles in 2te*ens*ille% #ontana% not far south of +here CarolOs randfatherOs -ndian fa!ily li*e. 2te*ens*ille is a"out a hundred !iles south of the the 6lathead .Blackfoot/ -ndian Beser*ation. (he 2alish -ndians +ho li*ed in that *alley +ere !o*ed north to the Blackfoot (ri"eOs traditional ho!e around 6lathead Jake in the late 1S''s. 3eOre e8a!inin the possi"le relationship of the arri*al of the <esuits +ith the increase in reptilian D1$ in nati*e populations "ut itOs too soon to say !uch e8cept to note that the <esuit !ission near the 2!ithOs place and their recent iftin e8cursion +ith us to a <esuit ritual site not far to the +est of the! !ay ha*e so!e direct "earin on their on oin trou"le +ith reptilians +here they li*e. 3hen - +rite stuff like this - usually for et that this see!s pretty stran e to people +ho ha*enOt encountered the reality that reptoids and reptiles li*e a!on us. - hope youOll et one of DBOs Beptoid Bepellents% +alk into any #al3art% a fa*orite haunt of all +ho ha*e reptilian D1$% and +atch the reactions of so!e of the e!ployees and custo!ers +hen you et in their Oener y "u""le.O Be sure to notice chan es in the eyes and also "eha*ior. O1uff said V-/ "ut if youOre in 2outhern California your !ain challen e +ill "e to find so!e social *enue +here reptiles and reptoids donOt predo!inate. (he reason - like (oronto so !uch% - disco*ered% is that there arenOt !any reptoids there and -O! not particularly specie-pre)udiced% especially since Carol and - encountered so!e nice
reptilians in 6lorida durin the ti!e +e +ere !akin and testin our first cloud"uster and !eetin +ith $l Bielek. (he deadly Bocky #ountain 2potted 6e*er is apparently a "iolo ical +eapon that ori inated *ery close to the 2!iths and they lately earthpiped the ne+ly e8panded under round corporate "iolo ical Otestin la"O in near"y 9a!ilton% #ontana +here so!e"ody elseOs or onite +as recently found and !entioned in #issoulaOs pro!inent ne+spaper. - didnOt read that article "ut - +as told that an 6B- Ospokes!anO told in the inter*ie+er +ho +rote the article that !ore infor!ation a"out the har!less% thou h dan erous-lookin % o")ect is on educate-yourself.or . lo*e free ad*ertisin . 0n 6riday +e ot a late start and dro*e only as far as #issoula% not far north of 2te*ens*ille in the sa!e *alley% and stayed in a BF ca!p round in our little pop-up ca!p trailer so that +e could *isit +ith our friends% 2te*e and Dooney% in the !ornin . (hey had )oined us last <une% as - !entioned% to thorou hly ift the old <esuitsO ritual killin site in the near"y Bitteroot #ountains at the ruins of an ancient Celtic standin stone site and a!phitheatre. 2ince they arri*ed in 2te*ens*ille a fe+ years "efore theyOd "een "eset "y reptilian interference +ith their healin "usiness% !ainly centered around the acti*ities of a !iddle-a ed !atriarch% and it +asnOt until they learned a"out iftin and related etheric +arfare technolo y that they +ere a"le to put this "izarre fact of life into perspecti*e and to start counterin the !anipulation and ener y attacks fro! this +o!an and her Ofa!ily.O 3hen +e sa+ the! a fe+ !onths a o they +ere in the +orst of their tra*ails% - think% and +ere in the early sta e of turnin the tide. (hree !onths and o*er a thousand (Bs and 99 s later they looked a lot !ore ro"ust and resolute than "efore and Dooney +as poised to do a final iftin run in the *icinity of their oppressorOs o+n ho!e. Dffecti*e spiritual +arfare has a distinct street-fi htin aspect. 3e kne+ the local reptile association +as upset a"out our planned *isit +ith Dr 2te*e and Dooney "ecause the pre*ious ni ht% in the ca!p round% +e "arely slept for all the distur"ance% includin the +akin i!pression ."oth of us e8perienced this/ that so!e little "ipedal Chihuahuas +ere +alkin all o*er our sleepin "a se*eral ti!es. Carol +oke up +ith a lon scratch on her upper lip that looked and felt like it +as !ade "y a tiny% dirty cla+. uess one of the little "u ers stepped on her face. 3eOd ne*er encountered that "efore. Dr 2te*e a*e us "oth a chiropractic tune-up to die for and sho+ed us% raphically% ho+ !ost DCs see! to "e una+are that the feet and ankles need to "e the first area of treat!ent if the rest of the )oints on up the line are to re!ain in "alance. (o illustrate the point for !e% he touched a dozen or so e8tre!ely painful )oints fro! !y feet to !y skull% ad)usted !y ankles% then touched the! a ain. (he second round +as only a fraction as painful as the first and as he +orked his +ay up fro! the feet that all ot sorted out. By the +ay% +hen any of us are successfully attacked it al+ays happens throu h displaced )oints-ha*e you noticedR (he reptiles had i*en Carol a +hoppin headache "ut +hen 2te*e ad)usted her atlas the headache +ent a+ayV the attacker +ere depri*ed of an openin . 9er atlas has nearly al+ays "een out of ali n!ent "ut it hasnOt usually caused a headache% "y the +ay. #y !id thoracic areaOs "een sore for se*eral years .the psionic assailants et at !e throu h !y heart re ionV they et at Carol throu h her head/ and no+% three days after his tune-up% itOs still pain-free. -Od *isited a"out thirty chiropractors% so!e e8tensi*ely% and none of the! had "een a"le to heal !y upper "ack "ecause none of the! thou ht to look at !y ankles. $ 1apropath in Belize tau ht !e ho+ to pre*ent !y lu!"ar *erte"rae fro! e*er a ain causin !e to assu!e the horizontal position durin +ork hours. -n that case% it +as a si!ple e8ercise to stretch the Kuadriceps !uscles% +hich shorten on !any folks% especially tall people like !e% and rotate the pel*is for+ard. (hat +as ten years a o. Before that% - used to spend se*eral painful days per year on !y "ack after doin a little i!proper liftin .
- reco nized as soon as he de!onstrated the si nificance of the ankles .foundation/ as the Jo ical startin point for chiropractic care that the entire profession of chiropractic needs to "e o*erhauled and that chiropractors need to o*erco!e their #al3art !ass-production !entality and start earnin an honest li*in at last. (his is a !a)or% funda!ental realization for these +ould-"e healers that +ould help the! all to "e enuine ser*ants of hu!anity rather than !erely opportunists and te!porary fi8ers. - really hope he and Dooney +ill pu"lish a "ook a"out this si!ple% li"eratin approach. Do you kno+ any doctors +ho truly ha*e a social conscienceR -O*e !et only a handful% includin 2te*e% and -O! in contact +ith a J0( of doctors in !y "usiness. 9e e8plained all of this *ery +ell% in an entertainin +ay% to !e and that if - can understand it% anyone can. By the +ay% he uses a trian le analo y for health: the "otto! ed e is Ostructural inte rity%O one side is Oe!otional% !ental% spiritual "alance%O and the other is Oproper nutrition.O - like trian le analo ies and the one - en)oy usin a lot relates to discern!ent. -n that case% in order to discern properly% one has to stay in the !iddle of a trian le +hose points are "elief% denial and )ud !ent. CarolOs had trou"le +ith her ankles all her life "ut the ad)ust!ent 2te*e a*e her in <une still held. 9e fi8ed !e up so +ell that the +alk - took yesterday !ornin in Ji*in ston% #ontana felt as in*i oratin as +alkin used to feel +hen - +as a ra+-foodist% si8ty pounds li hter and thirty years a o. (hat noted% if -Od had an opportunity% e*en +ay "ack +hen% to eat one of DooneyOs !ushroo!/"leu-cheese o!elettes -Od ha*e "roken any diet re i!en V-/ Jots of thin s are co!in to li ht no+ +hich enuinely e!po+er and li"erate us-ha*e you noticedR 3hen one has tasted this one enerally loses that sense of titillation that oes alon +ith the endorphin rushes +hich one often attends luciferic +orkshops% a ain and a ain% to e8perience. 3hen enli hten!ent seekin has "eco!e an addiction% itOs ti!e to re-e*aluate oneOs path% - think. (he reason !ore and !ore people are a"andonin institutional paradi !s like churchianity and luciferic falseenli hten!ent do !as and adoptin enuinely ne+ +ays of "ein % instead% is that +e all ot tired of false pro!ises of e!po+er!ent and li"eration and decided to take this process into our o+n hands +ith each othersO help and encoura e!ent and +ith a +hole lot of infor!ation sharin . (he curious part of that is that +eOre no+ e8pendin !ore enuine effort than "efore to+ard our spiritual ro+th "ut are !ore conscious of the function of race in the process. 2te*e and Dooney !ade an e8tra lon cloud"uster +ith the notion of doin a little O!oon"ustin O and it +as tied upri ht to a tree that day. 3hile Carol +as ettin her tune-up Dooney a reed to let !e ai! it at the notch "et+een t+o !ountains to the +est +here a stron +ind +as ori inatin and pretty soon the oppressi*e +ind slo+ed do+n to a stron % in*i oratin "reeze and the dark D0B that +as seen in the !ountains% past that notch% +as e8chan ed for so!e "ri ht at!osphere. 3hen +e +ere all ca!pin in the Bitteroots in <une .Byan #cNinty !et us there% "y the +ay/ there +as still a lot of sno+ at our hi h rid e crest ca!psite and it +as pretty +indy. 3eOd "rou ht alon our little !ini CB% +hich - pointed into the pre*ailin +ind% and the +ind stopped. -t re!ained cal! for the duration of our stay. #ost folks +ho ha*e CBs donOt usually think to point the! into the +ind +hen the +eather turns unpleasant. Consistently stoppin stron +ind +ith an ordinary or onite CB +as one of our earliest successful e8peri!ents. - uess OordinaryO is an ar"itrary ter!. #ost of us donOt consider it e8traordinary any !ore to Ofi8O the +eather +here +e li*e% any !ore than +e consider it e8traordinary to see #al3art !a*ens, eyes turn to slits or o all "lack. 0thers !i ht still co!plain a"out the +eather "ut +e do so!ethin a"out it V-/ and so% of course% can you for around a hundred "ucksO +orth of ordinary !aterials. $s lon as youOre spendin the !oney% +hy not et one
of DBOs trick Beptile Bepellents and o ha*e so!e fun in #al3art for a chan e instead of dra in yourself throu h that dense D0BR - ca!e across so!e article a"out the Chinese 7eopleOs $r!yOs -ntelli ence CorpsO acti*e in*ol*e!ent +ith #al3art% "y the +ay% "ut - didnOt read it. - hope it pops up a ain. (here isnOt !uch left to tell a"out the +eekend. 3hen +e ot up on #onday !ornin +e hadnOt i*en any thou ht to +here +e needed to put the se*en re!ainin earthpipes to cancel the - $#er "a"y eaters in the area% so +e left the ca!per in a truck stop parkin lot% looked in the phone "ook for a funny-na!e church .+e didnOt kno+ +hat they called their or anization% -O! e!"arrassed to ad!it/ and do+sed that the Church @ni*ersal and (riu!phant% listed as ha*in a 7ost 0ffice Bo8 in Nardiner% #ontana .the north entry of ?ello+stone 1atOl 7ark/ and a toll free phone nu!"er% +as the ri ht one. 3eOd noticed a "i % cheap lookin !etal "uildin +ith a "i % cheap% pseudo-Celtic cross near"y in a <ones (o+n style co!pound of te!porary "uildin s and house trailers on the other side of the ?ello+stone ri*er fro! the hi h+ay% on our +ay to ?ello+stone the pre*ious day. -t +as in the !iddle of that fi*e !ile or so stretch alon 7aradise Falley that actually felt "ad% so +e fi ured that this +as the ri ht place and do+sin confir!ed it for us. Carol had the i!pression that this +as the *isi"le tip of the under round Oice"er O and felt that a hu e under round facility e8tended fro! the caldera fifty !iles north to this spot. 3e +ent "ack into the national park and - pounded three D7s in a suita"le spot a fe+ !iles into ?ello+stone 17% then another D7 half+ay to the chattel ranch% then three !ore on the C@( property as Carol +as dri*in alon the road o*erlookin the co!pound to distract their pa*e!ent artists. Both the C@( folks and the - $#ers at 2hasta ha*e a hu e intel and sur*eillance net+ork that !i!ics their parent or anization% the C-$. 2he then circled "ack to pick !e up% dia onally flanked "y one of their psychics in a car% and +e dro*e into the co!pound% throu h the unoccupied uard shack% tossin out to+er"usters alon he +ay in and out of there. $nother couple of their psychics% one of +ho! s!iled at us "eatifically% dro*e past and checked us out fro! the other direction as +e +ere dri*in out fro! "ehind that "i church or +hate*er it is. 0ther+ise% +e didnOt see anyone in that "i co!pound. #ay"e they +ere all "usy decreein at us at the !o!ent V-/. (here are no si ns on the property% other than an old one on the hi h+ay side of the ri*er% at the entrance to another *ery plain lookin co!pound% +hich reads% OBoyal (eton Banch.O (hereOs a pretty cool old hacienda in that s!aller co!pound% so !ay"e it +as an actual ranch "efore the luciferic "a"y eaters "ou ht it and !o*e their chattel into those cheap trailers and "arracks. (his !ornin - did so!e ho!e+ork on the internet and confir!ed that +eOd ifted the ri ht place V-/ $s - +as ha!!erin the last three earthpipes into the round on the other side of the "rid e on the property - ot an attack si!ilar to #octezu!aOs Be*en e .- think so!e under round chattel +ere enthusiastically Odecreein O !e on "ehalf of their herders at the ti!e V-// and "arely !ade it to a toilet in ti!e% do+n the road. $lto ether think +e ca!e out on top in that etheric "attle% !y te!porary disco!fort not+ithstandin . -t +ill "e fun to see +hat transpires +ith the Church @ni*ersal and (riu!phant and O(he #other of the 3orld%O in co!in days. Carol said she +as told "y the departed -ndian elders% as +e +ere lea*in the caldera% that our efforts +ill assua e the earth if itOs !eant to "e and that the eruption !ay ha*e "een successfully a*erted. 0f course +hat +e did can only "e seen as part of a reater effort to help the earth heal fro! the trans ressions co!!itted "y the !inions of this ancient parasitic +orld order and their "rain+ashed "illions. 2o!e idea of )ust ho+ po+erful predatory/parasitic hu!an ener y can "e is e*ident% at least to *eteran ifters% in ho+ !uch or onite it takes for us to cancel the effects of the !ore prolific hu!an D0B sources relati*e to ho+ !uch it takes to disa"le predatory technolo y and e*en to heal pirated earth rid *ortices. Carol +as skeptical a"out stoppin the eruption at ?ello+stone "efore that "ut +as +illin to try. 2he said% +hen - asked after +e finished the caldera% that they clearly told her that "ustin up the "a"y eatersO under round stuff +asnOt at all essential to stoppin the eruption. - think that e8traneous iftin run +as )ust ood clean fun-icin
on the cake for us. Both of us et pretty irritated "y the saccharine shenani ans of fake prophets and their heartdead chattel. - +as hopin to et so!e usa"le o"ser*ational data for CescoOs coils "ut since those D7s +ere !i8ed in +ith the others !y +ish +asnOt ranted this ti!e. - like to et repeata"le results "efore -O! co!forta"le pro!otin any ne+ in*entions. -O! confident enou h in CarolOs and CellyOs analyses of the e8traordinary effects of these coil creations% thou h% to reco!!end that people "uy the! and do so!e e8peri!entin in their iftin e8cursions and +atch for special effects. - did feel a distinct *orte8-"oostin effect +hen - put an ordinary (B that Celly had put a Cesco coil into .no crystals are in that (B% "y the +ay5/ in the rotatin octahedron aperture in our "ackyard pyra!id% at least. 3atch the! OFendorsO section for CescoOs upco!in +e"site. -O! personally pleased that so!eone has finally co!e up +ith a po+erful ne+ static coil for! in addition to the t+o "asic coil desi ns that Jinda Cin sury spontaneously su ested to Carol in <une% '1% "efore this lo"al% rassroots effort ot started .i nitedR/. fDon Croft
Episode !5 #aro$7s #osta Ri3a Trip By Carol Croft <caroldestiny@tur"!> /dc/adcSLcarolscostaricatrip'1)an'L.sht!l <anuary 1% &''L Dolphins and +hales ha*e al+ays had a *ery special place in !y heart. D*ery ti!e - +ent to the 0re on Coast tried to et to Depoe Bay or 1e+port so - could o on a +hale +atchin tour. 0ne ti!e +hen - +as out in the ocean a roup of ei ht ray +hales ca!e ri ht up to the "oat that - +as in. 0ne of the! that +as floatin ri ht "eside the "oat rolled on her side so she could look directly at !e. (he feelin - ot fro! that e8perience +as un"elie*a"le. - donOt e*en ha*e the +ords to e8plain ho+ !uch lo*e - felt co!in fro! her. 6ro! that !o!ent +as hooked. - had "een tryin for a fe+ years to find a place +here - could s+i! +ith the dolphins. #ost arran e!ents for that are *ery e8pensi*e and there are no uarantees that you +ill actually et in the +ater +ith the dolphins. -n 1o*e!"er O':% Jinda and - +ent to Cey 3est to o on a dolphin tour. 3e hired a "oat and actually found a fe+ dolphins "ut the captain of the "oat +ould not let us et in the +ater "ecause it +as too !urky fro! a recent stor!. Jinda and - decided to do so!e research to find an afforda"le tour% so!e place +here there +as a "etter chance of ettin in the +ater +ith the dolphins. D*ery place +e looked at +as too e8pensi*e until +e found Delfin $!or Dco Jod e% TDolphin Jo*eT in 2panish. Delfin $!or Dco Jod e is located on the 0sa 7eninsula% +hich is the southern !ost tip of Costa Bica% on the 7acific side. (here are ne*er !ore than 1&-14 people there. 2o it is uncro+ded and inti!ate. (here are 6 screened in ca"ins. ?ou look out the front of your ca"in at Drake Bay and the 7acific 0cean and "ehind the ca"ins is the rainforest. -tOs re!ote% inti!ate and *ery afforda"le. - thou ht to !yself: (his is the one. Delfin $!orOs +e"site is http://+++.di*! 3e paid for the trip three !onths in ad*ance and ti!ed our *isit to coincide +ith the cal! +eather season. 6ro! the !o!ent that +e !ade the arran e!ent - ha*e "een under etheric attack. 2o!eone% for so!e reason% didnOt +ant !e oin on that trip. (he constant attacks +ere ai!ed at !y kids% !y "usiness% !y !arria e% and !y health. $nd all alon the dolphins +ere *isitin !e in the etheric real!% tellin !e ho+ i!portant this trip +as. (here +as a feelin of ur ency fro! their co!!unications. $"out t+o +eeks "efore the trip - told Don that +e needed to !ake so!e or onite ifts for the dolphins. 3e had "ou ht so!e ne+ spherical% silicone !olds a couple of !onths "efore and these +ere perfect. - !ade s!all "i secret coils around a 9erki!er for the center of each or onite "all and then chose the other specific e!stones and Don !ade the ifts for !e. (hese +ere perfect. - kne+ the dolphins +ould lo*e the! and they did% as you +ill soon read. (his +as the "est and !ost re+ardin trip - ha*e e*er taken. - kne+ it +as oin to "e *ery si nificant% "ut didnOt kno+ ho+ i!portant% yet. - "elie*e the attacks +ere desi ned to i*e !e a heart attack% so they could stop !e fro! oin . -O! only 4P and pretty healthy so - kne+ the +ay - +as feelin +as not natural. - couldnOt e*en cli!" the stairs at ho!e +ithout "ein out of "reath and ha*in to sit do+n. -t +as horri"le. (hey +ere really +orkin on !e and there +as nothin +e could do to stop the attacks. - e*en thou ht that - !ay not co!e "ack fro! the tripV it +as that "ad. - ha*e al+ays "een a *ery healthy person. (his +as the +orst 7sychic attack - ha*e e*er e8perienced. (hey +ere not only attackin !y physical health% theyO*e also "een attackin !y kids% !y !arria e% and !y "usiness% thou h itOs otten easier since - returned fro! Costa Bica. (he latest incident: they fra!ed and then arrested !y dau hter% <enny% on Christ!as D*e% plannin to char e here +ith a felony. 2he has "een in )ail all +eekend as -O! +ritin this .Dec. &P/. - a! sittin here in the +aitin roo!
of the courthouse to see +hat they are oin to char e her +ith. 3hen sheOs in court% -Oll o to +ork on the county prosecutor% +ho has a +ide reputation for doin e*il for fun and also for the feds. 2ittin directly across fro! !e% as -O! editin this report% is a 6B- a ent% dressed in a "lack unifor! and a "uzz cut. 9eOs tryin to inti!idate !e% like thatOs oin to do this fool any ood. (hese 6B- uys all look like Nestapo thu s. -f the C-$ sent so!eone heOd pro"a"ly ha*e a ponytail and a friendly de!eanor. - +as here on 2aturday afternoon *isitin !y dau hter in the )ail% +hich is on the top floor of the Bene+ah County office "uildin % alon +ith the 2heriffs Dept. (he courthouse is on the second floor and the county offices are on the round floor. $fter - ca!e out - started iftin "ut after - hid the first & ifts - looked "ack at the door and : deputies had follo+ed !e do+nstairs to the street. (hey +ere standin out "y the side door pretendin not to +atch !e--idiots. - decided to o ift the prosecutorOs ho!e% so - +ent up there% did that +ith another 99 and so!e (Bs% then ca!e "ack to finish iftin the county "uildin . By the ti!e - ca!e "ack there +as no one outside% so - surrounded the place then dro*e P' !iles "ack to #osco+% -daho% +here +e li*e. (his dolphin report !ust "e *ery i!portant for the readers. (o !e% it +as a life alterin e8perience +hich - +ill ne*er "e a"le to for et. $pparently the feds and the other parasites donOt +ant !e to share it +ith hu!anity% "ut there is no +ay theyOre oin to stop !e. (he dolphins ha*e "een co!in to !e in !y drea!s since <uly and. - kne+ that - had to o% one +ay or another. Day 1 3e landed in 2an <ose% Costa Bica% on a #onday ni ht. 3e spent that ni ht in a hotel near the airport. Day & (he ne8t !ornin +e "oarded a s!all% 1&-seat airplane and fle+ into a *ery s!all% rou h landin strip cleared fro! the )un le. (here +as a )eep +aitin for Jinda and -. 3e rode throu h the )un le and crossed & s!all ri*ers .no "rid es/ and then found oursel*es on the "each. 3e then ot on a s!all "oat and !otored do+n the coast. $"out half an hour later +e pulled up on the "each in front of Delfin $!or Dco Jod e. 3e then +ent up the s!all hill to the Jod e and settled in. -t is a *ery re!ote% surreal location on the ed e of the rain forest% +ith a reat *ie+ of Drake Bay and the 7acific 0cean. 3hen +e ot there +e +ere +elco!ed "y 2ierra% the o+ner% and so!e of the staff. Jinda and - settled in and then decided to o do+n to the "each. 3e +alked up a path alon the ocean and found another secluded "each% +ent for a s+i! and )ust lay there on the "each and soaked up the sun and the surroundin s. $fter a"out an hour +e decided to +alk "ack to the lod e. (here is only one path alon the "each. 3e +alked for a"out an hour and suddenly realized that +e so!eho+ !issed the o"*ious si n that !arked the path that led up to the lod e. 1either of us could fi ure out ho+ +e could ha*e !issed it .*ery stran e5/. (he path up to the lod e is *ery +ell !arked and e*en has an arch+ay. 3e decided to +alk a little farther "ecause +e "oth thou ht% O(here is no +ay +e could ha*e !issed it5T $ little further alon - thou ht to !yself% T- +onder if so!eone or so!ethin had hidden the path fro! us.T 3e stopped and talked a"out it% then decided to turn around and head "ack the other +ay% thinkin % T3e had to ha*e !issed it so!eho+.T Bi ht after +e turned around - heard so!ethin in the )un le. - felt a <a uar +atchin us. <a uar !a ick is *ery stron in Costa Bica. - asked Jinda% TDo you feel thatRT 2he stopped and stood *ery still. 2he felt the "i cat too. (he <a uar had felt the shift in the ener y the !o!ent +e stepped off the "oat. -t +as like he +as e8pectin us% in fact. 9e !a ically inter*ened so that +e +ould et lost in the )un le% )ust so he could check us out. -t +as !ainly the or onite that he +as interested in. Don and - had a related !a ical e8perience +ith se*eral nei h"orhood cats durin a risky iftin !ission recently and a !ountain lion and her cu" li*ed in the arden "ehind !y house in 2t. #aries% -daho% se*eral years a o for ei ht !onths so this +asnOt ne+ to !e. (he different tri"es of -ndians% includin the ones in that forest% honor the spirit all ani!als% plants and e*en stones. - think theyOre closer to this realization than anyone else.
3e felt a"solutely no a ression fro! the "i cat% )ust intense curiosity. 1either one of us +ere afraid at all% e*en thou h at the ti!e +e +ere a"out an hourOs +alk in the )un le fro! the lod e. 3e decided to et "ack then. -t ets dark really fast near the eKuator after the sun oes do+n. 3hen +e ot "ack +e sa+ that% yes% the trail +as *ery +ell !arked. (here is no +ay +e could ha*e !issed the turn up the hill% throu h the arch+ay% to the lod e if it +erenOt for the )a uarOs inter*ention. 3e +ent on up to the lod e and after dinner +e turned in. Day : 3e +ere a+akened "y the screechin of the s!all +hite-faced !onkeys. (hey lo*e to tease the do s and the t+o !aca+s in residence there. (hey co!e e*ery !ornin a"out 6::' -P:''a!. (his is the !ornin +e are headed out in the "oat to Cano -sland to o snorkelin . 3e spent 4 hours snorkelin . -t +as reat. 3e sa+ s!all !anta rays% s!all sharks% "arracuda% all kinds of different fish. -t +as "eautiful. Bi schools of fish. (he sea life near the island is *ery plentiful. (here +ere e*en octopus and eels. -t +as reat. (hen +e landed on the -sland for lunch. Boy% our Costa Bican uide% told us that Cano -sland +as used "y the local -ndians as a "urial round. 3hat - ot +hen he +as tellin us this story +as that it +as !ore like the place they +ould "rin prisoners to kill the!. - sa+ people "ein "rou ht here ali*e and then killed. (here +as a trail that led up to the ritual killin site. -t took a"out 4L !inutes each +ay to hike up there. - chose not to o. - didnOt feel like it +as so!eplace - needed to o on this trip. 1e8t ti!e - co!e "ack here - +ill "rin a special ift for that site. 1o one in our roup +anted to hike up there so +e )ust settled in for lunch. 3hile +e +ere on the "each ha*in a late lunch% so!eone found a "oa constrictor sleepin in a tree close "y. (hat +as pretty cool. (hen Boy% +ho is also a !arine "iolo ist% told us a"out the sea snakes there. (he sea snake is the !ost poisonous snake there is. 0ne "ite fro! a sea snake can kill 4'' people. (here is no antidote for it either. But the ood ne+s is that% sea snakes ha*e *ery s!all !ouths. 2o it is e8tre!ely hard for the! to "ite you. (hey +ould ha*e to "ite the tip of your fin er or !ay"e your earlo"e. 3e did et to see one s+i!!in throu h the +ater. (hey arenOt *ery lon and they donOt s+i! really fast. #ay"e they could if they +ere after prey. $fter our lunch +e snorkeled a little +hile lon er and then headed "ack to the lod e. (here +as a uest +ho ot there the day "efore +e did. D*ery ni ht after dinner she +ould ha*e to use the co!puter. 3as she reportin to so!eone after each days outin . ?es5 2he didnOt see! like a typical C-$ a ent "ut - "elie*e that is )ust +hat she +as. 2he ot there the day "efore us and then left +ith Jinda and -% +hich is no coincidence. -t ne*er failed: e*ery ni ht after supper% <erry +ould sho+ one of the *ideos taken "y the professionals at the Dco Center and then told her she could use the co!puter for the internet as thou h it +ere a pre-arran ed deal. -t is so stran e and the satellite internet connection is *ery e8pensi*e for uests. $ lot of their fil! foota e has "een used in <acKues CousteauOs pro ra!s% the 1ature Channel and other +ell-kno+n !edia outlets. (here is no electricity in the *illa es alon the coast here "ut there are a lot of cell phones. (he locals ha*e to "rin their phones to the lod e so they can char e their "atteries. (he lod e has a "i enerator for necessities. Day 4 (he ne8t !ornin +e ot up and noticed that a cruise ship had arri*ed durin the ni ht in the Bay. -t +as )ust sittin out there. (his is not a place you +ould e*er see a cruise ship. (hatOs the sort of thin you +ould see on the Cari""ean Coast of Costa Bica. 2o!e one ca!e in durin "reakfast and said he had "een on a !ornin +alk and sa+ a"out S-1' of +hat appeared to "e assault "oats !o*in up the near"y ri*er +ith a "unch of *ery pale Duropeans on the!. Ner!an OtouristsRO 3hy no tansR (oday is our first Dolphin tour. - +as so e8cited5 - put 6 of !y or onite ifts in !y "a for the "oat% and off +ent. 3e ot in the "oat and headed "ack out to+ards Cano -sland. 3e found our first pod of dolphins out close to the island. 2potted Dolphins% a"out &' of the!. - decided the first day out - +ould drop a "all each ti!e - sa+ a pod of dolphins. (he second pod +as pretty lar e% a"out L' or so. (his ti!e - dropped & "alls. $ !o!ent after dropped the "alls - looked "ack do+n at the +ater and - could see a "ri ht li ht co!in up fro! deep under the surface. - nud ed !y friend Jinda and !otioned for her to look at the +ater. - +anted to see if she sa+ it too.
2he looked at !e stran ely and said% T3hat is thatRT - told her - )ust dropped & and she +as a!azed. $fter +e left this spot - noticed there +as so!ethin *ery lar e follo+in us throu h the +ater. -t +as a hu e ocean uardian. -t follo+ed us for the rest of the day. 3e then headed out to one of the dolphin feedin rounds. (here +erenOt any dolphins there so +e decided to ha*e lunch. $fter lunch +e headed "ack. 2ince it +as one of their feedin rounds - decided to lea*e a "all there% too% for the!. 0n the +ay "ack near to the -sland +e found another lar e roup of spotted dolphins. 3e started "oatin in a circle to see if they +ould interact +ith us. - put do+n another "all. (he dolphins +ere all o*er us. (hey +ere e*en surfin in the +ake of the "oat. -t +as so cool. (hey +ere s+i!!in off the "o+ too. (hey +ere e*ery+here around us. (hey +ere reactin *ery stron ly to the or onite. Boy decided that since they +ere interactin +ith us so stron ly that +e should try ettin in the +ater +ith the! to see if they +ould interact +ith any of us up close. (he +ater +as *ery dark in this spot. Boy said it +as a"out 1''' feet deep. - ot in the +ater +ith !y !ask and snorkel on. - +as s+i!!in around +ith !y ar!s ti ht a ainst !y sides. -f you do this the dolphins donOt feel threatened "y you. - didnOt et to see the! "ut - could hear the! )ust under !e. $fter - ot "ack in the "oat +hen - reached into !y "a to et another "all for the! and - noticed that !y last "all +as one. - re-counted and% sure enou h% - had only put out L "alls and the si8th one +as no+here on the "oat. - kne+ that so!eho+ it +as taken and put ri ht +here it needed to o% pro"a"ly "y the ocean uardian +ho +as follo+in us. 3hen - +as done iftin that day - had !ade a "i circle in the "ay +ith the fi*e "alls. - couldnOt +ait till the ne8t ti!e out to see +hat the difference +ould "e +ith that circle of or onite in the "ay. (he ne8t ti!e out - +ill drop the other si8. (he ener y in the ocean ri ht there had chan ed dra!atically already. - could feel so!ethin pheno!enal co!in % - )ust didnOt kno+ +hat it +as oin to "e yet. (he anticipation +as o*er+hel!in ... 3e headed in for the day. (o!orro+ +e are scheduled to o on a hike in the rainforest. 0nce% durin a iftin !ission in 2an Die o% California% - dropped one of!Os 0cean 0"lations into the clear +ater fro! a dock and it disappeared i!!ediately. 2e*eral others ha*e had this e8perience +hile ocean iftin and ha*e also seen the +ater uardians. Day Lj (oday +e o to Corco*ado Bainforest 1ational 7ark% a"out an hourOs "oat ride fro! the lod e do+n the coast. 3hen +e "eached the "oat at the entrance to the park the roup of TtouristsT fro! the ship +ere there. Boy told us that +e +ere oin to let the! head out first and then +e +ould o in the re*erse direction around the sin le trail. (he hike +as a "i loop throu h the rainforest. (he Ner!ans +ent one +ay and +e +ent the other direction. 3e ne*er !et up +ith that roup% thou h there +as only one trail. -t +as so +eird. 3here did they oR (he hu!idity and heat in the rainforest is so hi h that you canOt +alk *ery fast. ?ou )ust ha*e to take your ti!e. 3e sa+ a lot of !onkeys% +hite-faced !onkeys and ho+ler !onkeys. 3e sa+ a :-toed sloth% and so!e really "eautiful "utterflies. (he trees there are &L'-:L' ft. hi h. (hey e*en ha*e +hat they call tra*elin trees. (hey ro+ ne+ roots a"out S foot fro! the round that reach do+n and connect to the round% then the tree dra s itself so!eti!es up to 1L feet across the round o*er their lifespan. (hey dra the!sel*es o*er to et to the li ht. -t is one of the stran est% !ost re!arka"le thin s - ha*e e*er seen. $fter the hike throu h the rainforest +e +ent to the co*ered area to ha*e lunch. 3e had lunch and then Boy told us there +as another trail +e could +alk up. (here is a +aterfall at the end and you can s+i! in a fresh +ater pool there. 2o a+ay +e +ent. -t +as on this trail that - ca!e face to face +ith one of the !ain Ner!an/Fril uys fro! the ship. $ll of a sudden he +as standin in the path alon +ith & +o!en. 9e held out his hand to !e% to help !e do+n off of the lar e step - +as standin on. - took his hand and i!!ediately ot a *isual of +hat he +as. 9e +as one of the Fril leaders fro! the OcruiseO ship. By the +ay% +hen a real cruise ship anchors off shore thereOs constant "oat traffic% takin tourists too and fro! the shore. (he only
ones to lea*e the ship +ere this roup of Ner!ans. (he & +o!en +ho +ere +ith hi! +ere Fril psychics and +e didnOt see any of the rest of the! after +e arri*ed at the park and they !arched off alon the loop trail. 3here +as the rest of their roupR - "elie*e there is a portal there in the )un le. 3hat - psychicly sa+ is that the roup +as +alkin up the narro+ path and disappeared% one "y one% as they filed past a certain spot% like +alkin throu h a door. But there +as no door% )ust )un le. 3hen - first sa+ these : they acted surprised to see !e% pro"a"ly "ecause - should ha*e "een dead or disa"led fro! their attacks. 1o+ - kne+ +hy it +as hard for !e to hike throu h the )un le--they +ere "ea!in !e the +hole +ay. - had "arely !ade it that far. - couldnOt catch !y "reath and - +as ha*in chest pains. - +asnOt +earin !y 9ar!onic 7rotector "ecause +e +ere out in an open "oat and - +asnOt e8pectin this kind of trou"le. - kne+% +hile it +as happenin % that so!eone +as attackin !e "ut - +as so +orn out that all - could think a"out +as )ust "ein a"le to !ake it out of there. (he rest of the roup had to +ait for !e at e*ery turn. Bi ht after sa+ these Fril% a"out : !ore turns farther alon the trail% - fell and sprained !y ankle pretty "adly. - kept oin % thou h% and all - could think a"out +as that cool pool at the end of the trail. Jet !e tell you% it +as +ell +orth it5 - could "arely +alk "ut !an% did that +ater feel ood5 0n the +ay "ack do+n the trail% not far fro! +here +e +ere s+i!!in % Boy pointed to a spot do+n "y the strea! and he told us that there are a pair of alli ators +ho li*e there. -O! lad he didnOt share that info. "efore ot to en)oy that nice cool dip. $fter all of this% - +as +ishin that - had "een a"le to "rin !ore or onite to counteract +hat those Fril +ere thro+in at !e. (hat ni ht after dinner - spent a lot of ti!e "lastin those Fril% as you can i!a ine. - +as e*en "lastin the! in !y drea!s. - +asnOt oin to let the! stop !e. (he ne8t !ornin the cruise ship +as one. -t !ust ha*e left in the !iddle of the ni ht and real cruise ships donOt lea*e at ni ht. Day 6 (his is the day of our second Dolphin tour. -n this tour packa e +e et : days out in the ocean +ith the dolphins. - couldnOt +ait to et out on the +ater to see the difference in the ener y after the first ocean- iftin day. -t +as a!azin 5 (he +ater +as so cal!--!ore like a lake than the ocean. (oday% Boy decided to take us +ay out. 3e +ent a"out 4' !iles fro! shore. 0n the +ay out +e found : sail fish )ust floatin near the top of the +ater. (heir "ack fins are *ery hi h and lon . -t +as *ery stran e% - didnOt kno+ they +ould float like that in one place. 3e also sa+ L "i sea turtles floatin on the top of the +ater% sunnin the!sel*es... $nd then% there they +ere--+e found a hu e pod of Bou h (ooth Dolphins5 (his specie of dolphins are *ery rare to see. (hey are one of the oldest kno+n dolphin species% too. -t is said that the Bou h (ooth Dolphins +ill o out of their +ay to a*oid hu!an contact "ut thatOs definitely not +hat +e e8perienced on this day. Could it ha*e "een the or onite that - put out a couple of days a oR - dropped L special or onite "alls the last ti!e out and today - ha*e 6 !ore...(here had to ha*e "een o*er 1'' dolphins or !ore in this roup. - ifted & "alls "ecause they +ere reactin so stron ly to us and our "oat. (hey +ere e*ery+here +e looked. 2o finally Boy stopped the "oat. 9e decided to let us et in the +ater +ith the!. - ot !y flippers on and !ask and snorkel and a+ay - +ent. (hey +ere really close to !e% - could feel the! and - could hear the!% "ut couldnOt see the!. - had a really hard ti!e in the +ater as - had sprained !y ankle pretty "ad the day "efore on our hike throu h the rain forest. -t +as really hard for !e to et "ack to the "oat. 3e all ot "ack in the "oat and +ent on a little farther to et close to this lar e roup. $s +e +ere tryin to catch up +ith the! a"out S dolphins surfaced. (hey s+a! in a line like synchronized s+i!!ers. (he second ti!e this roup ca!e up - sa+ a hu e fin in the center of the line. (he fin had to ha*e "een 4 ti!es lar er than the other ones. #y !outh dropped open and - turned to one of our t+o uides% 2i!one% the Danish *ideo rapher% and - asked her% TDid you see that hu e finRT 2he +as lookin as shocked as - +as. 2he ca!e o*er on !y side of the "oat and +e "oth +atched for it to co!e up a ain and it ne*er did. 3e "oth had seen it. (he dolphin in the center of the line had to ha*e "een at least : ti!es as "i as the other dolphins% 9@ND.
3e "oated alon side the pod for a little +ays and they started playin +ith the "oat a ain so Boy stopped to let e*eryone in the +ater a ain. - couldnOt et in this ti!e% as !y ankle had s+ollen to t+ice the size that it is nor!ally. Jinda and the other P ot into the +ater. - +atched as a line of a"out 6 dolphins s+a! ri ht to+ard Jinda. $s they ot ri ht to her they then do*e under her. - "et she could ha*e reached out and touched the!. Jinda looked up at !e in the "oat and !otioned to !e% T-n throu h the cro+n% out throu h the 6th.T Boy asked !e% T3hat does that !eanRO and - )ust told hi! it +as si n lan ua e. (his is +hen - thou ht% T-f - canOt "e in the +ater +ith the! - +ill )ust channel !y ener y throu h Jinda%T so thatOs )ust +hat - did. - ot into an altered state% then - sent !y a+areness throu h Jinda% in the +ater. 0nce !ade contact throu h Jinda - could see dolphins e*ery+here. (hey +ere s+i!!in all around us in the +ater. Noin round and round us. -t +as like they +ere cradlin us. (hen there +as one +ho s+a! ri ht up and looked at !e% then do*e really deep% - couldnOt see it any!ore. $s - +as tryin to see it - sa+ +hat looked like a pillar of li ht co!in fro! really deep in the +ater. $nd then in the !iddle of the pillar - sa+ that dolphin s+i!!in up. -t +as un"elie*a"le. (he dolphin looked like he +as illu!inated as he s+a! up to a"out ei ht feet or so "eneath !e. 9e )ust hun there in the +ater. - started pullin ener y in throu h !y cro+n chakra and sendin it out throu h !y heart. (he dolphin co!!unicated +ith !e telepathically and told !e - +as doin it +ron . 9e told !e to "rin it in throu h !y cro+n and out throu h !y third eye .si8th/ as Jinda had indicated. - did that% then the dolphin said to follo+ hi! "ack do+n to the "otto!% physically. - told it - couldnOt "ecause - +as afraid. asked if he +as the hu e dolphin that - had sa+ "efore and he told !e% no% the "i one +as their leader and that this one +as his !essen er. Jinda and - +ere ha*in the sa!e e8perience +ith this !essen er "ut +e +ere each ettin indi*idual !essa es throu h this dolphin. Jinda% in the +ater% sa+ this one co!in strai ht up fro! the "otto! and ho*erin )ust "eneath her the sa!e ti!e - +as seein it etherically fro! the "oat. 3e +ere "oth in*ited to follo+ hi! do+n to !eet the "i one. 9e started tellin !e a lot of personal thin s: 9e said that - need to stop allo+in !yself to et cau ht up in the un+orthy thin s of life and that - +as here for a !uch "i er reason. 9e also said that - +as only usin a *ery s!all part of !y ifts and said that he +ould "e helpin !e +ith that if - +ould allo+ hi! to do so. 0f course% said% O?es5O 9e told !e ho+ sad the dolphins +ere that !ost of hu!anity +ere holdin the!sel*es "ack in their spiritual e*olution% especially in this critical ti!e. 9e said that the hu!ans are cau ht up in tryin to han on to the thin s in their li*es that they no lon er need. -f +e +ould )ust let o of these thin s the dolphins can help us so !uch. (he dolphins so +ant to help us ad*anceV each and e*ery one of us5 9e sho+ed !e a fe+ of !y friends that +ere cau ht up in this trap "ecause he +anted !e to see so!e e8a!ples. (hese friends are so dear to !e% and - +ant to help the! so "adly% "ut it is their li*es% their lessons% and their o+n spiritual e*olution. @ntil they a ree to let o% there is nothin that can "e done. Jettin o of e*erythin +e kno+% e*ery thin +e hold dear% for a hi her purpose% is a *ery hard thin to do. D*en the "est psychics ha*e a hard ti!e +ith this one fro! ti!e to ti!e. -t is *ery i!portant ri ht no+ to the dolphins to +ake up as !any people as they can. (here is a *ery stron sense of ur ency around this for the dolphins. (hen he +ent on to tell !e that the safe place to "e +as in the +ater% +ith +hat +as co!in . 9e sho+ed !e a picture of +hat +as co!in . $t first it looked like the +ater +as risin and then he sho+ed !e ho+ the ocean +as +ashin a+ay the land under a shelf of "asalt. (he sand +ashes a+ay and the land slou hs off into the ocean. (his all appeared to "e in slo+ !otion. (his !eans it is not oin to "e an a"rupt chan e. $s he +as sho+in !e this - looked up the coast fro! +here +e +ere to as far as 2an 6rancisco and it +as still slou hin off. - then ca!e "ack to hi! and he sho+ed !e that 1orth and 2outh $!erica +ere no lon er oin to "e connected and that the coast all the +ay up past 2eattle +as oin to "e one. (he coast +as oin to "e a lot further inland. - asked for a ti!e fra!e% and he )ust told !e O2oon% soon%O and then he reaffir!ed +hat he had said "efore: (he +ater +as the safe place to "e.
9e also told !e that the dolphins and +hales +ere tryin *ery hard to co!!unicate +ith hu!ans no+ and that !ust try to facilitate this process. (hey desperately +ant to help us. (hey +ant to +ake up as !any people as possi"le ri ht no+. (he ti!e is crucial% he kept tellin !e that. 9e also sho+ed !e ho+ the @2 1a*y and other a encies are tryin to kill the! all off no+% "ecause the dolphins and +hales so desperately +ant to help us hu!ans. 3hat he sho+ed !e +as heart +renchin . 9o+ they are "ein tortured "y the sonar and "y the different radio freKuencies that the 1a*y is usin on the!. (his !eetin see!ed to o on for hours "ut it +as in the space of a"out 1L !inutes% then all of the sudden could hear 2i!one and Boy talkin and Boy yellin at the uests in the +ater to tell the! +hich +ay to s+i! so they could find the dolphins. 2oon% e*ery one else ot "ack in the "oat. Jinda +as the last one in the "oat. 3e !ade eye contact and she said +ait until - tell you +hat happened. - nodded at her and +e started "ack for the lod e. 3hen +e ot "ack to the lod e% - couldnOt e*en talk to anyone. - )ust +ent "ack to the ca"in and +as still o*er+hel!ed +ith +hat - had seen and e8perienced. - )ust sat there +ith tears strea!in do+n !y face. - had felt so !uch unconditional lo*e fro! the dolphins and it +as so !o*in that they +anted to help us hu!ans so "adly that - couldnOt hold it "ack any !ore. $fter a+hile% +hen Jinda ca!e "ack% - started to tell her +hat - sa+. 2he +as shocked% and she told !e that +hat - +as tellin her +as al!ost e8actly +hat she had e8perienced. D*erythin +as the sa!e e8cept our personal !essa es. (hat +as confir!ation for "oth of us. (he Dolphin !essen er also tried to e8press ho+ thankful all of the ocean creatures +ere for or onite. (he ocean is one tar et area that +e ifters ha*enOt e8plored !uch yet and ri ht no+ - feel it is *ery i!portant to ift as !uch as possi"le out there. - donOt kno+ if +e can alter that scenario of earth chan es or not% "ut +e can definitely !ake it a lot easier process to e8perience. - think that +e ha*e already taken a lot of the po+er and possi"le de*astation around it a+ay% thanks to all the people around the +orld +ho are iftin . Day P (oday is a free day. - cau ht up on !y )ournalin . - +anted to rest !y ankle so ne8t ti!e out in the "oat - +ould "e a"le to et in the +ater. Day S 0ur last day out +ith the dolphins. - felt a *ery lar e presence out in the "ay this !ornin . 3eOll see. (oday there are a"out 1& people oin out on the dolphin tour. (hey told us this !ornin that +e +ere oin out in & "oats. Jinda and - +ere hopin that +e could o out in the s!all "oat +ith Boy. 3e didnOt +ant to o out in the other "oat +ith all those people. 3hen +e ot o*er to the !ain lod e +e sa+ the lists. Jinda% !yself and three other uests +ere on the s!all "oat +ith Boy. (here +as a youn couple fro! Bel iu! and a +o!an fro! 6rance in our "oat. -t +as a *ery s!all roup% +hich is *ery ood. - had & or onite "alls left. - a*e Jinda one for her "a and - had one for !y "a . Jinda and - +ere talkin a"out oin to ift one of the acti*e *olcanoes in Costa Bica +hen +e ot "ack to 2an <ose. 2he +as thinkin she +as oin to sa*e her "all for that. $fter +e picked up the 6rench lady% +e started lookin for dolphins. 3e usually see dolphins as soon as +e et into the "oat% "ut not today. 1e8t +e +ent out to Cano -sland% there are al+ays a fe+ out "y the island% usually the spotted dolphins. But no luck--+e didnOt see anythin . - )ust kne+ this +as oin to the "est day yet +ith the dolphins% so +hat +as oin onR 3e then headed fro! the island out to sea. 3e +ent to all the usual feedin rounds and places that +e had seen the dolphins "efore "ut had no luck. (hen all the sudden% o*er the radio% one of the fishin "oats told Boy there +as% of all thin s% an 0rca. 2o +e headed out there and sure enou h there he +as. Boy told us there hadnOt "een an 0rca here for a"out & a - : years. - kne+ ri ht a+ay that the or onite had dra+n hi! in. -t +as so cool5 (his is +hy +e didnOt see any dolphins. (hey had all headed out +hen the 0rca ca!e in "ecause 0rcas eat dolphins. #ost people call an orca a +hale "ut orcas are a dolphin specie-the lar est one. (here +as only one 0rca here. Boy said the others +ere pro"a"ly further out.
3e "oated alon side the orca for o*er an hour. -t +as so cool. - started tryin to co!!unicate +ith the orca ri ht a+ay. - used the techniKue that the dolphins had sho+n !e our last ti!e out. (he orca +as so "i % so proud. Definitely% the kin of this real!. - co!!unicated to hi! ho+ honored +e +ere to "e in his presence. 9e told !e that he +as here to pay his respects to the ones +ho "rou ht ne+ ener y to the +ater .that +ould "e Jinda and -/. (he other "oat +as there% too. (hat one had 2ierra% the o+ner of Delfin $!or% on "oard. (he orca stayed closest to our little "oat "ecause he kne+ +e had !ore or onite ifts and he +anted one. (he orcas co!e up for air a"out :-4 ti!es in a ro+ and then they di*e really deep% and are do+n for 1' -1L !inutes "efore they surface a ain. -t +as like he +as playin hide and seek +ith us that day. 0ne ti!e +hen he +ent do+n for a lon di*e - used !y Odolphin etheric sonarO and found hi!. Boy +as standin up in the "oat lookin for the orca +ith his "inoculars. - tapped Boy on the le and - said% O9eOs ri ht o*er there% Boy.O $ fe+ seconds after that Boy turned to look in the direction - had pointed and up popped the orca. 9e turned around and looked at !e +ith the !ost astonished look on his face. - did this to hi! for a"out 4 !ore ti!es and then he finally asked% T9o+ are you doin thatR5T -t +as so funnyV he )ust couldnOt et it. (his +ent on for a"out an hour% then the orca headed "ack out to sea. Jinda +as so thankful for the interaction +ith the orca that she took out the "all she had "een sa*in for the *olcano and dropped it in the +ater. -t +as so cool5 (he !o!ent she dropped it the orca instantly !ade a @-turn and ca!e "ack% ri ht to+ard us. 3hen he ot al!ost to us he do*e strai ht do+n. 303% +hat a thrill that +as5 - looked at Jinda and her eyes +ere as "i as saucers. (hen the orca +ent "ack out to sea. (he other "oat kept follo+in the orca "ut +e decided to stop and ha*e our lunch. $fter lunch Boy looked at !e and asked% T0C +here are the dolphins% CarolRT - shut !y eyes and did !y dolphin-locator techniKue and told hi!% T(heyOre o*er there% )ust off the southern !ost tip of the "ay.T (hen - had Jinda do it and she ot the sa!e spot. Boy looked at us *ery stran ely and said% T3eOll check out one other place first.T - think +e !ade hi! a little unco!forta"le "ut heOs a really ood uy. 2o +e +ent "ack o*er "y the island and there +ere no dolphins there. (here +ere% ho+e*er% a !a!a 9u!p"ack +hale and her calf. Boy ot on the radio and called the other "oat to tell the! the +hales +ere there. (he other "oat +as al!ost "ack to the lod e. Boy% a! - lad - +asnOt in that "oat5 (hey a*e up +ay too easily that day. $ny+ay +e spent a little +hile +ith the !a!a and "a"y and then Boy said% T0C +eOll i*e your spot a try. $re they still thereRO he asked. 2o - checked and - said yes and a+ay +e +ent. 3hen +e ot to the spot it +as a!azin . (here +ere a"out 1L'' dolphins. (he +ater +as literally "oilin +ith dolphins. (hey +ere feedin . D*ery+here +e looked there +ere spotted dolphins. 2o!e +ere playin +ith the "oat: s+i!!in alon side% surfin in the +ake in "ack of the "oat and also s+i!!in and )u!pin out in front of the "oat. (hey +ere there to i*e Jinda and - a proper send off. (hey +ere ecstatic a"out the or onite and they +ere sho+in ho+ rateful they +ere for the ifts. -t +as o*er+hel!in to see that !any dolphins in one spot. (here are no +ords that can e*en co!e close to e8pressin ho+ it !ade !e feel. 3e +ere there +ith the! for a"out an hour. 3e ot in the +ater one !ore ti!e. (he +ater +as ali*e +ith the sounds of the dolphins. - tried to e8press to the! ho+ rateful - +as for their e8istence and their lo*e for !ankind. -t +as ti!e to et oin then so +e ot "ack in the "oat and headed ho!e. $"out half +ay "ack to the lod e there +as a "i sea turtle floatin on the surface so Boy stopped the "oat. (he sea turtle +as only a"out &' feet fro! our "oat. - +as standin up and lookin o*er at hi!. 9e looked up at !e% s+a! o*er to the "oat% on top of the +ater% and then looked up at !e a ain as if to say% T(hank you%T and do*e do+n. 9e +as so close to !e could ha*e "ent o*er and touched hi!. 3hen he s+a! o*er to !e% - looked do+n at hi! and said%A ?ou,re +elco!e% old !an5T (he +hole trip has "een full of these o*er+hel!in !o!ents and - feel so "lessed. $t that !o!ent 2ierra asked us fro! shore% o*er the radio% +here +e +ere. -t +as ettin close to sunset and she +as startin to +orry. 2he asked Boy +hat +as delayin us and he told her% T?ou +onOt "elie*e +hat has "een happenin out here5T (hen he told her +e +ere on our +ay and +ould "e there soon. 3e +ere al!ost "ack to our "each +hen the "i est% !ost incredi"le rain"o+ appeared o*er the ocean. (here had "een )ust a hint of rain that
day. -t +as one of those story"ook !o!ents that !ost of us only read a"out or see in !o*ies "ut today% se*eral ti!es% +e had li*ed those !o!ents and - +ill re!e!"er it for the rest of !y life. - a! definitely not oin ho!e as the sa!e person +ho arri*ed% thatOs for sure. -O! still ha*in contact fro! the dolphins no+ as - a! editin this story. (hey tell !e that all - ha*e to do is ask and they +ill "e here. 3hat a co!fortin thou ht5 3hen +e ot "ack on the land% - realized that - +as *i"ratin like crazy. - didnOt kno+ +hat to think. - ot "ack to !y ca"in )ust as fast as - could. - lied do+n% ran !y ener y and tried to center !yself. (his +as like nothin had e*er e8perienced. -t +as like acti*atin kundalini% only% a"out 1'' ti!es stron er. Jinda had otten "ack to our ca"in "efore !e and she +as lyin do+n on her "ed. - told her +hat - +as feelin and asked her if she felt anythin like it. 2he said% yes. - asked her +hat she +as doin % "ecause nothin - tried +as !akin it su"side. 2o she sho+ed !e a techniKue to ali n the ri ht and left sides of the "ody. - did this and it toned the *i"ration do+n% so!e% "ut it didnOt o a+ay "y any !eans. 3e felt like +e +ere under control enou h to "e a"le to ha*e dinner and talk to people. 3e had dinner "ut +e couldnOt stay and *isit. - +anted to et "ack to our ca"in so - could see if - could fi ure this out. - +ent to "ed early. - +as lyin there% tryin to rela8 "ut the !o!ent - shut !y eyes - +as connected to the orca a ain% so asked if he could tell !e +hat +as oin on. 9e told !e that he and the rou h tooth dolphins had acti*ated L !ore strands of D1$ in "oth Jinda and - and that once +e inte rated these +e +ould "e i*en a 6th strand auto!atically. (his +as their ift to us. 3hat a ift5 - donOt kno+ ho+ - +as a"le to sleep that ni ht. - felt as if +as layin on one of those *i"ratin !otel "eds at hi h speed. 3035 Day M (oday is the day +e lea*e for 2an <ose. 3e ot our "a s packed% settled our "usiness +ith 2ierra and headed do+n to the "oat for our trip "ack. - felt like - +asnOt e*en +alkin . -t felt !ore like - +as floatin e*ery+here +ent. 3e ot into the "oat and headed "ack north alon the coast to the place +here the )eep +as +aitin for us to take us to the little )un le airstrip. 3hen +e ot there +e had to +ait for a"out a half hour for our little airplane. Jinda and - and one other +o!an .the har!less C-$ spook/ ot on the plane. (he pilot told us that +e +ere oin to !ake a stop at another little to+n alon our +ay. 3e +ere up in the air for a"out half an hour +hen +e started !akin our descent to another little )un le airstrip. (hank rid% this one +as actually pa*ed-+ell sort of. (hat run+ay is "ordered on one side "y a "i ce!etery. 3e ca!e to a stop and - asked Jinda ho+ !any people +ere ettin on. 2he counted in 2panish% and told !e% O6i*e.O (his +as a s!all% 1&-seat airplane. ?ou practically had to cra+l in on your knees and -O! a little claustropho"ic. $s the other passen ers +ere "oardin Jinda and - +ere sittin near the front of the plane. $ youn !an said he +anted to sit in the front seat and started !o*in for+ard. 3hen he passed "y - s!elled the stench of rotten flesh. (he !o!ent he sat do+n% poor Jinda do*e ri ht o*er his head to try to et to the pilotOs door to et fresh air. (his airplane has : doors: a door on each side for the pilot and copilot and one in the "ack for the passen ers. - +as hyper*entilatin and )ust could not catch !y "reath. - really had to concentrate in order to cal! do+n. (he pilot ot in then and all - could think +as that once +e +ere up in the air there +as no +ay to et fresh air. closed !y eyes to try to et a rip and then all - could see +as a iant hu!an head. -t filled up the +hole plane. $ dead uy out of the ce!etery ne8t to the airport had attached hi!self to this poor kid +hile he +as standin there +aitin for the plane. 0ur e8perience +ith the dolphins had left Jinda and - sort of O+ide open psychically.O (his uy had to ha*e "een so!eone *ery po+erful in the co!!unity "ecause his spirit took up the +hole plane-e*ery "it of space and air. (hatOs +hy Jinda and - could hardly "reath. - couldnOt e*en open !y eyes for the re!ainder of the trip% "ecause e*ery ti!e - did - +as totally o*er+hel!ed "y this spirit. - D-D 10( +ant hi! attachin to !e so - pulled in !y aura and did !y protection. -t +as the !ost horrendous half hour fli ht and +as so lad +hen +e ot "ack do+n on the round. (he cre+ and the +orkers at the airport +ere lookin at us as if +e +ere crazy "ecause Jinda and - fou ht to et out of the plane so that +e could et to fresh air. (hey +ere thinkin % TCrazy $!erican tourists5T - could hear it
as if they +ere sayin it out loud. Beally loud5 3e had a day and a half to spend in 2an <uan. (he o+ner of the hotel% that !ornin % ot us a dri*er to take us out to see a hu e her" far! near"y +hich he thou ht Jinda% the her"alist% +ould really en)oy. -t +as really neat. 3e +anted to o to $renal Folcano and (a"acon hot sprin s "ut the o+ner of the hotel told us there +as no +ay +e could et to $renal and "ack in one afternoon. 3e asked the dri*er +ho took us out to the her" far! and he said% T1o pro"le!o5T 9e +as the nicest youn !an and he spoke Dn lish *ery +ell. 3e had one or onite "all left and +e +anted to put it in one of Costa BicaOs "i est *olcanoes. $nd that is )ust +hat +e did. Day 1' -t +as a :-hour dri*e% each +ay% and +e +ere e*en a"le to spend : hours at the hot sprin s resort at the "ase of the !ountain. 3e looked for the perfect spot for the or onite and found +here the *olcanic +ater for the hot sprin +as co!in up out of the round. (hat +as the perfect spot% so +e ifted and then +ent do+n to en)oy the hot +ater. T9otT +ater +as ri ht5 -t +as so hot +e could "arely et in it. 3e found a cooler spot up near the top +here +e could et in the +ater. $s - +as sittin there in the +ater - tried to !ake so!e sort of contact +ith the *olcano to see if it liked the or onite. $n ethereal +o!an approached !e and told !e that the *olcano +as *ery distressed "ecause of the nu!"er of people +ho ca!e to the hot sprin s and that this is +hy the +ater +as so hot. 2he also told !e that +hat - ifted there +as reatly appreciated "ut the *olcano +ould need a lot !ore or onite to fi8 the i!"alance caused "y hu!anity. 2he told !e that the entire *olcano% +hich has "een "elchin la*a and fire% +ould need S !ore ifts around it: - esti!ate four earthpipes and four holy hand renades. -O! hopin that so!e ifter in Costa Bica +ill et in touch +ith us% and +ill do the honors soon. 0ther+ise% +hen o "ack - +ill take care of it. -t +ould "e a lot "etter if so!eone nati*e to the country does it% thou h. #t $renal has the sa!e unsta"le ener y si nature as ?ello+stone did "efore +e ifted it recently. #t. $renal needs the or onite really "adly ri ht no+. -t +as a"out Sp! +hen +e ot "ack% so it is definitely possi"le to do this trip in a day fro! 2an <uan. (hey are so laid "ack here% !ost people )ust fi ure that it is too !uch to sKueeze into a sin le day. ?ou ha*e to hire your o+n dri*er or rent a car% thou h% if you +ant to do the trip in one day. 3hat a reat trip5 - ha*e "een ho!e no+ for a"out & +eeks and -O! still ettin i!pressions and *isions fro! the *isit +ith the dolphins. #y psychic a"ilities ha*e ro+n a lot !ore% too. -t !akes !e a little unco!forta"le% actually% "ecause itOs hard% still% for !e to o out in pu"lic. - really ha*e to +ork at not hearin e*eryone,sO thou hts these days. - uess this is )ust part of the process of inte ratin the DolphinsO ift to !e. 39$( $ N-6(. - i*e thanks e*eryday. fCarol Croft .- +as recently sent this "it of info. - thou ht - +ould share it +ith you. -t is further e*idence that there is definitely so!ethin "i co!in ... D*en the +hales are !ysteriously pro ressin /e*ol*in . http://+++.a"!s/&''41&/s1&!/ #ysterious 3haleOs 2on Baffles Biolo ists 6ro! $BC 1e+s 0n Jine .Beuters/ /cn/+hales"afflin scientists'Mdec'4.sht!l Dece!"er M% &''L http://+++.a"!s/&''41&/s1&! $ lone +hale% +ith a *oice unlike any other% has "een +anderin the 7acific for the past 1& years% accordin to @2 !arine "iolo ists.
2cientists fro! the 3oods 9ole 0ceano raphic -nstitution in #assachusetts ha*e traced the !o*e!ent of +hales in the northern 7acific "y usin si nals the @2 1a*y records to track su"!arines. (hey ha*e told 1e+ 2cientist !a azine that the lone +hale% +hich sin s at a freKuency of a"out L& hertz% has cruised the ocean since 1MM&. $ +hale in the 7acific is "afflin scientists +ith its uniKue son . .6ile photo/ .$BC (F/ -ts calls% despite "ein clearly those of a "aleen% do not !atch those of any kno+n species of +hale% +hich usually call at freKuencies of "et+een 1L and &' hertz. (ea! leader #ary $nne Daher says the !a!!al does not follo+ the !i ration patterns of any other species either. (he calls of the +hale% +hich roa!s the ocean e*ery autu!n and +inter% ha*e deepened sli htly as a result of a ein "ut are still reco niza"le. Despite the +haleOs uniKue son % #s Daher says she dou"ts it "elon s to a ne+ species. Beuters
Episode !6 Mission 6reedom for +fri3a By Dr Bushidie Cayi+a /dc/adcS6!issionfreedo!africa&1oct'L.sht!l 0cto"er &1% &''L Dear Don% 6ind the full report on #ission 6reedo! for $frica. 6irst of all% thank you for ena"lin #r. Cizira and - to "e in this !ission "y a*ailin us funds +hich a*e us a "i push in this ad*enture and - e8tend our ratitude to the friends that contri"uted to this no"le course of settin $frica free fro! disease% and to put "ack the s!iles on the faces of $fricans. #ost of the ti!e one can ha*e enou h +ill% "ut the +ill needs the !eans to reach its destination. (he #ission -t all started +hen +e recei*ed funds fro! <eff #cCinley ;<eff +ired this to the Doc on "ehalf of a enerous "ut anony!ous donor outside the @2. fD=. 3hen that ca!e% - +ent to +ork ri ht a+ay. 3e "ou ht !aterials and +e started !akin the to+er "usters. 3e !ade o*er a thousand of the!. 3e intended to distri"ute the! in "oth @ anda and Cenya "ut due to political and custo!s o"stacles +e decided to distri"ute the! only in @ anda and lea*e Cenya and (anzania for the ne8t !ission. 3e set off in our #itsu"ishi 7a)ero to 2outh+est @ anda and +e distri"uted our H"o!"s, and !et !any curious people% +ho! +e +ere happy to infor!. (hey had no trou"le understandin our !ission and +e ot a lot of encoura e!ent. 3e finished the 2outh+est in a"out a +eek,s ti!e and the people +e !et at our lod in s +ere *ery interested to kno+ a"out +hat +e +ere doin . 3e also a*e the! health counselin and Cizira% +ith his spiritual po+ers% also told people their hidden secrets. 2o!e +ere shocked to !eet a !an +ho can tell +hat a stran er is thinkin . 3e *isited hospitals in that area. #any people there are sick and +e told the! a"out the "ad ener y +hich is produced "y the ne+ to+ers around the hospitals and schools. (hey +ere shocked to hear that% and e8pressed an er at the o*ern!ent for allo+in these near the hospitals and schools. $s +e +ere co!in "ack throu h the area +e *isited a fe+ hospitals and !ost patients +ere soon dischar ed fro! the hospitals due to the Kuick reco*ery they had after +e had planted the to+er "usters around the Htelephone, to+ers and the hospitals% the!sel*es. 3hen +e returned to Ca!pala% our "ase% +e rested for a +eek and then +e set off to the 1orth+est. (hat is part of @ anda that Don kno+s a"out ;3estern @ anda has the !a)ority of !a)or *ortices in @ anda and Cizira,s !ain interest +ith or onite has "een in healin these ener y centers and restorin the ancient% "ene*olent entities, presence in the!. fD=. 3e dro*e +est fro! Cru!a 6alls to 1e""i District and #oyo% near the "order of Con o. (he people there liked +hat +e +ere doin % after they learnt a"out our #ission "ut they don,t support the o*ern!ent at all. -t is the "irthplace of the for!er president +ho! !ost people call a dictator: -di $!in Dada. - "elie*e he +as a reat !an "ut that he +as taken ad*anta e of "y the colonialists "ecause he +as uneducated.
3hat he did to de*elop the country and the infrastructure he put in place there +as not eKualed "y any 7resident after hi! "ut +hen - "eco!e 7resident - +ill do !ore than they all ha*e done. 3e *isited a hospital and talked to the patients and% to our surprise% +hen +e returned there on our last day of the 1orth+est !ission !ost of the! had "een dischar ed. Bad ener y can keep people fro! reco*erin in hospital. (he patients )ust feel +eak and it,s so!eti!es i!possi"le for doctors to understand +hat the patient is sufferin fro! in that case. Cizira en)oyed !eetin a lar e nu!"er of people on that !ission and they +ere happy to ha*e a !an of his capacity and talent in their !idst +ho could ans+er their Kuestions. 2o!e of the! ha*e since co!e to *isit Cizira and - in Ca!pala and +e,*e tau ht the! all a"out zappers and her"al re!edies as the solution to their health pro"le!s. 3e spent t+o +eeks in the 1orth+est and are no+ restin in Ca!pala in preparation for our !ission to Cenya and (anzania. Jet !e tell you that people in $frica are *ery open-!inded and en)oy hearin +hat +e ha*e to say. 3e +ill succeed as lon as +e can keep the fire "urnin . 3e feel proud that it is part of us to heal the land. - hope that !any $!ericans +ill co!e to @ anda to e8perience this +ork +ith us and to see +ith their o+n eyes. @ andans are Kuite happy a"out the +ork. (hank you% Don and Carol and the rest of the tea!5 ?ou are doin a reat )o" +hen you stand +ith $fricans for healin and to !ake us feel that +e ha*e you as partners in this !ission. - re!ain ?our friend at +ork% Dr Bushidie Cayi+a 6ro! Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> $nother "enefit of )oinin forces +ith these t+o re!arka"le !en% as Neor Bitschl .or and ha*e done% is to et so!e e8periences and insi hts that are entirely una*aila"le to the 3estern tourists% scholars% relief +orkers and others +ho *isit the Dark Continent. ?ou,*e likely already e8perienced the po+er of or onite to transfor! the en*iron!ent and H)olly up, the 7< citizenry in your o+n to+n enou h to !o*e the! po+erfully "ut ently a+ay fro! the destructi*e !ass hysteria and paranoia induced "y the death to+ers and the 3hat (o (hink 1et+ork% so Dr C and - in*ite you to )u!p up to the ne8t le*el and kno+ +hat it,s like to "e in a country +here e*eryone already understands the !a ical dyna!ic of li*in in the +orld and% not least% are unafraid to talk to stran ers V-/ 3hen you o% take so!e !oney to pay for another !ission. $ thousand "ucks ets an a+ful lot done and half of that +ill pro"a"ly "e spent on asoline% +hich is costly in $frica. (he food is ine8pensi*e% plentiful and delicious% at least in @ anda% and you,ll feel like you,re in an ad*enture !o*ie S/ ?ou,ll ne*er !eet a !ore fru al !an than the Doc% "y the +ay% and if you +ant to kno+ so!ethin a"out $frica and $fricans you,ll only "e in to et that "y oin there and +orkin closely +ith the!% as +e,*e done. ?ou can,t possi"ly "uy an e8perience si!ilar to this one5
Doc Cayi+a is pro"a"ly oin to "e 7resident one day and Carol clearly sees that% too. -t,s kind of cool to kno+ so!eone "efore he/she "eco!es reno+ned and you can see that he has a enuine social conscience as +ell as political aspirations. Can you i!a ine any $!erican politician or #D doin this +orkR Cizira took Neor and - alon on a iftin !ission to heal the sa*a ed *orte8 at Bu)a ali 6alls near the head+aters of the 1ile Bi*er in @ anda and -,! not a fan of rituals "ut this one +as pretty po+erful% unlike the arcanery that passes for Hsha!anis!, a!on the insipid 3estern posers. (he dru!!in ,s a +hole lot "etter% too V-/ (hat sort of thin happens all the ti!e% e*en spontaneously% in Dast $frica and folks like Cizira are e!ployed "y people to consult +ith their ancestors and to heal the "ody and spirit. Nenuine traditionalists +ho ha*e a social conscience i!!ediately understand and appreciate the "enefit of or onite% of course% "ecause they already kno+ that life is all a"out ener y dyna!ics. (heir cordial attraction to or onite is one +ay you can tell the! fro! the fakers and dirty !a icians. Cizira re!otely kicks predator "utt% too. (his is so!ethin he +ouldn,t consider +hen - su couple of years a o "ut he started doin it a little "it later. ested it to hi! a
1o"ody had to teach this +itchdoctor ho+ to thro+ ener y effecti*ely% of course. By the +ay% the first thin he tells ne+"ies is to stop "elie*in that they need an inter!ediary .priesthood/ to pray to Nod and to )ust directly e8press to Nod +hat,s in their hearts. - +as astonished "y ho+ !uch this fello+ re!inds !e of DB% "y the +ay. 3e +ere instant friends. -f you,re like !e% you,ll reser*e )ud !ent a"out -di $!in "ut +e kno+ that the +orst of the !ayhe! in @ anda happened ri ht after he +as deposed and it continued until the current 7resident% #usa*eni% thre+ the cynical British sa"oteurs/!anipulators out of @ anda in S6. (he Doc is a youthful !an% *ery easy oin and self deprecatin % +hich "elies a *ast and *aried field of professional e8perience% includin careers as a o*ern!ent health official% an ar!y officer% and an o"stetrician in a #ichi an hospital for se*eral years. (he only ti!e - ot a li!pse of his +arrior aspect +as +hen there +as dan er around. (he uy doesn,t flinch or de*iate fro! his path. $n atte!pt +as !ade on his life ri ht "efore Neor and - arri*ed and he shru ed it off% thou h his car +as destroyed in the e*ent and he +as sli htly in)ured. (he closest appro8i!ation to his le*el of co!!it!ent and focus that -,*e seen in this net+ork has "een in our ood friends% Jaozu Celly and DB. $!erica and other 3estern nations are kno+n for a *ariety of pre)udices and - consider race pre)udice to "e one of the less tenacious for!s "ecause% let,s face it% people of e*ery race and culture are oin to keep !akin "a"ies to ether until all of hu!anity look like the !a nificent% pre-1S'' 9a+aiians. ?ou can see !ore interracial fa!ilies in the $!erican 2outh than in the 1orth% #id+est and 3est% "y the +ay% +hich illustrates !y point "est. Dducational and econo!ic pre)udice see! a lot !ore insidious to !e and% ha*in spent !ost of !y adulthood .so far/ at or "elo+ the po*erty line and ha*in failed to spend !uch ti!e in colle e - +as on the recei*in end of "oth. -t really stin s% - can tell you. -t,s easier to "e fat and u ly in the +estern +orld than to "e poor and unlettered. - ha*e to say% thou h% that +hen - +as +anderin throu h 2outhern 6rance and Uue"ec e*en the poorest people there had art around the! so% o"*iously% not all of the poor in !aterialistic cultures feel as cheated "y life as - did. $s you can see fro! the easy partnership that the Doc and Cizira en)oy% these pre)udices are not as deeply in rained in @ anda. 3hen Dr 7aul Batii"+e% +ho is the chief sur eon and director of Ci"o a District 9ospital% introduced !e to Cizira he "rou ht alon his dad% +ho is a retired% influential national official. Doc Cayi+a +as there% too% alon +ith Neor and -% and Cizira conducted a ritual and told each of the *isitors so!e rele*ant
hidden infor!ation. Cizira,s "ack round% "efore co!!ittin to a career in healin and !a ic% +as fish!on er% uerrilla fi hter in #usa*eni,s ar!y and carpenter. 9is !o! is a traditional Bu anda +itch so it +as apparently not a reat leap to )u!p into his present career. 9e,s a natural enius% alon +ith ha*in e8traordinary psi a"ility% and is fairly fluent in Dn lish so you,ll et a lot fro! hi! if/+hen you )oin the effort in Dast $frica. 9is sons are terrific dru!!ers% too. 9e !ana es to keep all of his kids in school and in !ost of $frica% includin @ anda% there are only pri*ate schools and education is considered essential% so tuition is usually a fa!ily,s pri!ary e8pense. 0*er here% housin is +hat eats up the !ost of our household "ud et "ut in @ anda you can "uild a cool% roo!y% lo*ely and co!forta"le house for ne8t to nothin and it,s fairly easy to et so!e land and ro+ food. 7resident #usa*eni has "een Kuite enerous +ith refu ees in @ anda and - sa+ so!e of that firsthand +hen Doc Batii"+e and - +ent to the +ar torn northeast on a iftin !ission. Dr C didn,t !ention this in his report% "ut after he and Cizira had ifted so!e po+er spots in 13 @ anda the C-$/British- sponsored !ass !urderer% +ho! the prostituted press call a Hre"el leader, i!!ediately fled fro! there into Con o then. (he Brits +ant the uraniu! deposits in 1 @ anda and% like any other sociopaths% are not open to the option of fair trade so they slau hter and dri*e out the inha"itants of the re ion +ith a pro8y a ressor. 0ur heroes +eren,t apparently in any dan er this ti!e% "y the +ay. #usa*eni,s o*ern!ent i*es refu ees fro! this incursion fertile land in less stressful parts of the country and encoura es the! to far!. $"undant and *ital a ricultural products are @ anda,s trade stock and since the Brits stop the @ andan o*ern!ent fro! ettin !uch !oney they "arter +ith de*eloped nations for oods and ser*ices a lot. 2our rapes on the part of the 3hore of Ba"ylon% of course. Doc Cayi+a is a little sore at #usa*eni% "y the +ay% "ecause he hasn,t allo+ed free elections% yet. Bi ht after he% Neor and - "usted all of the hundreds of death to+ers in and around that city% thou h% there +as a sudden rash of resi nations and firin s of tenacious% corrupt% hi h le*el o*ern!ent officials and this +as apparently orchestrated "y the 7resident. 7eople in !y country treat ar"itrarily Hi!portant, people +ith a lot of deference "ut in $frica those distinctions are kind of "lurred% +hich isn,t to say that education and !aterial success aren,t !ar*elous "enefits% at least potentially% or that acco!plished and successful people there aren,t respected thereG-they are. -t !ay "e that the enor!ous !o!entu! of such an ancient% deep and intricate culture has si!ply !ade it unlikely for +estern standards to "e taken to heart. (hey re*ere other% older hierarchies a lot% such as the Bu anda royalty +ho are not directly connected to o*ern!ent% reli ion or "usiness "ut ha*e a lot of cultural influence. Dr C has "een a uest of the present Bu anda kin % "y the +ay% +ho has taken a personal interest in his acti*ities. - o"ser*ed fro! !y first day in @ anda that distri"ution of +ealth "y patriarchs is a co!!on practice in that culture. - reco nized% too% fro! the first day that to et an understandin of this old "ut *ital culture +ould reKuire perhaps years of close association. -t,s not hard to appreciate it% thou h% and e*en +hen - +as in Nula% the !ost de*astated city in the country% no"ody panhandled !e% +hich is a ood thin "ecause -,! a co!plete sap for hard luck stories and tend to "elie*e the! all. -,*e ne*er seen so !any hard+orkin people in a nation. -t,s !ind"o lin % really% and they all ha*e an air of confidence and hopefulness in spite of !aterial lack. #y re*ulsion to+ard ar"itrary distinctions in $!erica accounts for !uch of +hy - al+ays felt so refreshed +hen *a a"onda e took !e to third +orld countries and +hy - cra*ed to lea*e $!erica since - +as 1P and hated to co!e "ack% e*ery ti!e% until - found out that - can easily and effecti*ely chan e those social dyna!ics and can refor! e*en !y o+n pro ra!!ed% diseased attitudes +ith iftin . 1othin clears a+ay the personal se+a e as +ell as selfless ser*ice and or onite e*en i*es us a shorter path to that happy station% too. 1o+ that - can finally afford to o li*e in another country% stran e to tell% - don,t !ind
stickin around here until the )o" of destroyin political/econo!ic tyranny is finished "y this ne+% unor anized rassroots !o*e!ent. 3ho +ould e*er ha*e "elie*ed that iftin and etherically "lastin o*ern!ental !ass !urderers is !ore effecti*e than shootin the!R -t,s sure a !ore e!po+erin antidote for centralized tyranny5 V-/ 2o!ethin that "ears repeatin is the fact that !iraculous and historic e*ents are al!ost ne*er reco nized +hen they happen. (he Doc,s and Cizira,s recent iftin e8position is "oth round"reakin % as you can see% and !iraculous and -,! confident that you,ll appreciate this after a !o!ent,s conte!plation if you ha*en,t picked up on it% yet. $s the Doc says% and -,*e +itnessed% there,s plenty of +ill in $frica to do ri ht "ut not a lot of !eans for no+% due to a enerations-old econo!ic "lockade "y (he City of Jondon and its creatures. 3hen you contri"ute to this *ast% youn #ission it,s technically not charity "ecause the people +ho +ill do the +ork that you,ll "e capitalizin in $frica are already sacrificin their ti!e% personal resources and e*en safety to carry it for+ard. ?our contri"utions are your Hin*est!ent in hu!anity%, as Dddie-san% another adfly of the etheric real!% +ho li*es in Cyoto% likes to say. Dddie,s "efriended so!e $frican `!i r`s in <apan% "y the +ay% and they,re interested in the +ork +e,re all doin . 3hate*er you +ant to contri"ute can "e sent directly to Dr Cayi+a in this case. Due to o!nipresent interference "y the occult/corporate dun "eetles .!ostly #-6 and C-$ spies% +ho stick out like sore thu!"s there% "y the +ay% heheh/ the only safe +ay to do it is to +ire it directly to Dr Bushidie Cayi+a in @ anda *ia 7ay7al or 3estern @nion and to send hi! an e!ail +ith the reference nu!"er. 9is e!ail address is si!ionM4@hot!! and please CC your e!ail to !e% )ust in case% at! % and -,ll !ake dou"ly sure he ets the infor!ation. - actually sa+ a s+ar!y% effete old #-6 scu!"a in Ca!pala% up close. - looked ri ht up his lon patrician nose +hile - +as doin e!ail% ri ht "efore he apparently sa"ota ed the po+er supply to that internet caf`% +hich one of the Doc,s "uddies o+ns and operates. 1aturally% there,s "een occult/corporate interference% +ith e!ail% snail!ail% health% etc.% directed at our heroes there. - +ish - kne+ that old #-6/!asonic fart,s na!e so - could pu"lish it here and cause hi! to "e posted to lo*ely (az)ikestan or so!ethin so he can stop "u erin little $frican "oys. -,! sure he +as the field a ents, Bi Boss and that he +as tryin to Hput !e in !y place., (he proper place on the tote! for any enuinely hu!"le !an% as Jao (se ad*ised% is the "otto!% thou h% and -,*e !ade it !y life,s oal to achie*e real hu!ility V-/. 3hen Neor and - arri*ed in @ anda the Doc had arran ed for us to "e +hisked past custo!s at the "ehest of H2ecret 2upporter%, +ho! you,re likely to !eet if you o there to help. (hanks to these t+o% !any top o*ern!ent officials are e8periencin e8traordinary health fro! usin zappers% "y the +ay S/ and - !ean Neor ,s and !y donated ones. Dr Bushidie has also lately "een distri"utin a proprietary her"al cure for $-D2 and other serious illnesses. Cizira is an acclai!ed her"alist in a country +here !ost people prefer to consult traditional healers. -f you +ant to understand their uniKue professional relationship you,ll need to spend so!e ti!e +ith the!. (hen you can tell !e a"out it% okayR V-/ (he forei n contri"utor +ho kindly !ade this !ission possi"le is the first +ealthy person to take an acti*e interest in supportin +idespread $frican iftin . - feel confident that !ore and !ore +ealthy people% like this one% +ho ha*e social consciences +ill sho+ up and the !ore !oney and or onite that can "e sent to $frica% the faster the continent +ill "e freed fro! the rie*ous chains of e8ploitation and shine as the +orld,s e8e!plar of e!po+er!ent. - don,t e*er +orry a"out it "ecause% as !y !entor% <a!es 9u hes% said% H-s Nod "rokeR,
(his slo+ e8plosion of e!po+er!ent on that continent throu h the distri"ution of or onite "y $fricans is a prediction -,*e "een !akin for fi*e years and it,s finally "ein seen "y others as credi"le% thanks to the efforts of these t+o intrepid !en and to the "uddin in*ol*e!ent in Cenya of Da*id 0chien % #rs. 0dondi% and 7risca 1yakundi% and in (anzania% thanks to $"dullah and 6aaria <i! and Daniel 1yalusi. Neor Bitschl in <ohannes"ur has "een instru!ental e*ery step of the +ay and -,! confident that he,ll "e in the forefront of $frica,s li"eration for the duration. ?ou can purchase or onite fro! hi!% +hich he,ll then send for you to our iftin co!patriots in Cenya and% indirectly throu h $"dullah <i! in @ anda% to (anzania. -t,s currently not feasi"le to send stuff directly to (anzania% -,! told% and $"dullah +ill put it on a "us fro! Ca!pala to Daniel 1yalusi in Dar Ds 2alaa! so it +on,t "e scrutinized "y corrupt Custo!s officials and #-6 stoo es en route. Neor ,s site is or Did you e*er i!a ine that you can !ake a real difference in $fricaR Did you e*er really "elie*e that sendin !oney to charities or !issionaries there e*er does !uch lastin oodR -f you think the @1 a encies are there to do anythin "ut e8ploit $frica on "ehalf of Jondon please think a ain% okayR 9ere,s so!ethin else to ponder: $frica,s post-colonial predica!ent is !uch like the condition of Durope on the e*e of the $ra"% 1orth $frican% (urkish and 7ersian scholars% doctors% scientists% architects% poets% "ook"inders% en ineers% philosophers and !erchants "rin in Duropeans up out of the Bo!e-initiated Dark $ e% +hich had sunk to its lo+est le*el durin the !urderous HCrusades., 9a*e you noticed ho+ the current rape of -raK "y Jondon,s ancient% !ultinational rulin caste and their +itless $!erican cannon fodder rese!"les those "rutal !edie*al incursions in al!ost e*ery !a)or featureR 1o+% there,s a "ook in the !akin 5 V-/ (he current% nascent Benaissance in $frica% thou h% is a lot cleaner and +ill spread a lot faster and farther than the one in Durope did and -,! una"le to e8press ho+ proud - feel to "e a part of that process. ?ou% too% can directly participate in this% of course% so +hat,s stoppin you% !y friendR ?ou can certainly afford it and - hope you,re not )ust readin this for entertain!ent5 (his life is for decisi*e action% after all% and you pro"a"ly understand that you can !ake a "i difference in the +orld or you +ouldn,t "e readin this. fDon
Episode ! #aro$ and )on7s ,igh4a- Pastimes By Don Croft <ter!inator:@tur"!> /dc/adcSPhi h+aypasti!es'&no*'L.sht!l 1o*e!"er &% &''L 3e disco*ered that you can ha*e a lot of fun +ith an or onite cloud"uster on the roof of the car +hen +e +ere dri*in to 6lorida fro! -daho in 2epte!"er-!ore on that in a "it--"ut the "est hi h+ay fun for us ca!e a couple of +eeks after +e ot here% +hen Carol inad*ertently ot "ehind a fed!o"ile in order to ha*e a !o*in shield for speedin . Do you kno+ that trickR 2he s+ears that the cops +ill al+ays o after the uy in front of a line of speedin cars and the 6lorida interstates and turnpikes are kind of like the $uto"ahn% any+ay% and one rarely sees dri*ers pulled o*er for speedin . (he funniest part is that they al+ays assu!e +eOre s!art enou h to do this stuff on purpose and e*en +hen +e et lost +hile under sur*eillance they assu!e +eOre e8ercisin so!e tricky ne+ style of spycraft% e*en thou h !ost ifters arenOt e*en a+are of their dun "eetle entoura e. -t re!inds !e of the old #onty 7ython% OConfuse$-CatO skit and so!eti!es-confused feds% in "unches% look like the Ceystone Cops% especially after youO*e done so!e sur ical "lastin . -f you can !ana e to "e !arried to a telepath youOll et lots of ne+ fun like this that others +onOt likely e8perience% thou h +eOre all telepaths +hen +eOre dead so itOs not really a "i deal-donOt feel like youOre lackin so!ethin . 0n that afternoon +e +ere dri*in fro! <upiter% our ne+ ho!e on the north "oundary of 3est 7al! Beach% to 2t $u ustine% a"out 14' !iles north% to e8a!ine a cata!aran for sale. 2he ot "ehind the first *ehicle she encountered that +as dri*in o*er PL !ph% +hich happened to "e a *an +ith @2 No*Ot license plates. (he speed li!it on --ML is P'. (here +as one fello+ dri*in and so!ethin "i in the "ack% +hich +e could see the top of "ecause the +indo+s +erenOt tinted. 9e sped up fro! PL to M' i!!ediately% +hich see!ed a+fully odd% since o*Ot drones ne*er speed-- think they et punished "y their super*isors +hen theyOre cau ht. 2o% she ot in his head and disco*ered that heOs 12$% takin so!e "roken psionic eKuip!ent fro! the 1a*y 2hip that +as "ein used to keep the dolphins a+ay fro! us +hen +e +ere at the "each. Nuess +ho "roke it V-/ 9ereOs +here the pasti!e started: +e "lasted the crap out of that uy and he did so!e "o""in and +ea*in % tryin to et a+ay fro! Carol. 0f course she stayed ri ht on hi!% keepin a safe distance "ehind% and the uy ot on the phone% then. 3ithin fi*e !inutes there +ere feds all around us% includin a "i pickup +ith "lack +indshield ri ht "ehind us% !atchin our speed. Carol ot a "i headache% apparently fro! +hoe*er +as in the pickup% "ut the other sur*eillance *ehicles left the hi h+ay shortly after +e "lasted the dri*ers. - focused on sendin ener y thru her headache and the pickup dropped "ack a Kuarter !ile or so I the headache disappeared. -t started rainin hea*ily and the uy in front didnOt slo+ do+n% thou h the rest of the traffic did% and the pickup ca!e ri ht up "ehind us a ain. Carol said the dri*er +as an android and to punctuate the state!ent she had !e o"ser*e that the +indshield +ipers +ere operatin only inter!ittently in a +ay that you or - +ould "e una"le to see +ell enou h to ride so!eoneOs "u!per durin a do+npour at SL !iles an hour. 2ho+off-o"*iously 12$. 3e "oth ha!!ered that uy and he dropped "ack a Kuarter !ile% a ain% then +e focused on the uy in the *an. 2hortly after that the *an pulled off at a rest area% so +e parked "eside hi! and - follo+ed hi! to the restroo!. 9e did a little Kuick turn and +ent in the other door fro! !e. - +as lookin for+ard to ettin ne8t to hi! +hile
"lastin . (hat +ould ha*e "een a real p5WWer5 S/ ?ou !i ht ha*e noticed that the three se+er rat a encies do their spycraft in three distinct styles. 2ay +hat you +ill a"out the 9o!eland 2ecurity $"o!inationV the 3hat (o (hink 1et+ork !ay clai! that the 6B-% C-$ and 12$ are one a ency "ut +eOre not seein it around us these days% thou h itOs true that they see! to "e a little !ore coordinated than they +ere in the days +hen t+o 6B- and C-$ sur*eillance tea!s dre+ their uns on each other +hen DB stepped out fro! an aisle in a 7asadena super!arket in the late nineties. 6B-n case you +ant to fine tune your o"ser*ations% hereOs ho+ they look: 6B- look like cre+-cutted% hi h school foot"all )ocks or #or!on !issionaries in costu!e and they radiate a ression and ske+ed% "lustery confidence. (heyOre usually youn % +hite !ales% too. (hese are the ones +ho often !ake a point of ettin in your face as Oplu!"ers%O O as !eter readers%O Orepo !en%O Outility +orkers%O etc. $ lot of the! si!ply look like the "ully in your ele!entary schoolOs play round or particularly a ressi*e funda!entalist Christians. -t !ay "e that in (ed NundersonOs day there +ere people of inte rity in the 6B-% "ut - suspect he +as one of the last. (hey like to pretend to "e real cops% too% and are fond of "ustin do+n doors% slau hterin fa!ilies +hile dressed up like "attle-ar!ored nin)as. (hey lo*e costu!es. (hese )ack"ooted nin)as are the ones you and - pro"a"ly +onOt e*er see% unless the Bush2r re i!e ets its !artial la+ +ish. -f that +ish is ranted% theyOll likely "e the last people +e e*er see V-/ "ut fro! +here +eOre standin this see!s to "e ettin less likely each day% thank Nod. 3hen +e +ere on the other side of the state% near 7ort Charlotte% lookin at another cata!aran for sale +e ca!e out of the "oatyard and found four 6B- *ehicles "y the ate% includin a u"iKuitous un!arked +hite *an +ith oran e ladders on top% and the dri*ers +ere all out of their *ehicles ha*in a confa". (his +as out% literally% in the !iddle of no+here V-/. 3e "lasted the! all% of course% +hich is so!ethin you need to do e*ery ti!e you see or sense a fed near you. Dtherically "lastin the! is a pu"lic ser*ice "ecause these folks all !ake a li*in "ein la+less predators% so +hen theyOre not tryin to har! you or *iolate your ri ht to pri*acy% theyOre uaranteed to "e doin that or +orse to so!e other innocent person. (hose a encies are set up to ulti!ately destroy us all-they +ere ulti!ately each chartered to do that "y that pree!inent 1ational 2ocialist% 6ranklin Delano Boose*elt% thou h the 12$ and C-$ re+ out of the @2 1a*y and British -ntelli ence so!e ti!e after 6DBOs ti!ely de!ise. (he only la+ful national cops +orked for the (reasury Depart!ent% of course% and included the Coast Nuard. 3e used to actually ha*e a (reasury Depart!ent "ut the -nternational #onetary 6und assu!ed that role after a !ilitary coup ended 1i8onOs presidency V-/. C-$ C-$ pa*e!ent artists try their "est to "lend in% so theyOre actually conspicuous that +ay. 1o sane person oes to that len th to "e inconspicuous% of course. (hey i*e off a sort of paranoid *i"e and +ill o to reat len ths to a*oid eye contact +ith you% e*en thou h theyOre all around you% if possi"le% +hen youOre out iftin . (hey see! to "e the default iftersO sur*eillance tea!s "ecause% letOs face it% !ost folks donOt e*er think to look for the!. Jook for the!5 V-/ -f you see anyone around +hen youOre droppin or onite% please assu!e theyOre C-$ and only do it +hen theyOre out of si ht% assu!in you ha*e a 2uccor 7unch runnin in your car. DonOt Dally $round% either5 -f you spend t+o !inutes "uryin a "it of or ontie +hen you donOt ha*e to itOs !uch !ore likely that your C-$ entoura e +ill catch up +ith you and !ark the spot for later retrie*al of your ift. (he C-$ are the ones +ho use the !ost psychics and itOs likely that if you see a C-$ freak dri*in a car there +ill "e a psychic in the passen er seat. (he psychics are !ostly !iddle a ed and e*en elderly +o!en "ut +eO*e seen a fe+ !en a!on the!. (hat i*es us an idea ho+ lon these folks ha*e "een at it. 3atch 9D$B(2 -1 $(J$1(-2 if you +ant to et a clue a"out the history. 12$ (he 12$ are the "eeOs knees% the crea! of the cropV these are often fla!"oyant% dress in "ri ht colors% dri*e fancy cars% radiate enuine confidence and try their "est to inti!idate +ithout actually hittin or shootin you. 0nce% +hen - took !y kids to a restaurant in Bellin ha!% 3ashin ton% +e ca!e "ack to the car and there +ere
t+o 12$ uys standin there% pretendin to "e panhandlers. (hey +ere actually "ein o"no8ious to e*eryone +ho passed "y on that do+nto+n side+alk% thou h they i nored all fi*e of us. (hey +ere dressed in e8pensi*e% stylish clothes and shoes and +ere articulate and clean-sha*en% thou h one had lon hair. (hey )ust +anted !e to kno+ they +ere around% - uess. - think lots of hippies )oined the 12$% +hich shouldnOt "e surprisin since the hippie !o*e!ent directly resulted in a *ast e8pansion of the federal "ureaucracy% too. - +as a teen in the si8ties and - sa+ lots and lots of hippies% since then% !o*e into the Opu"lic sector%O as potheads +ho si!ply lacked the a!"ition to "e entrepreneurs or artisans. -f youOll apply so!e critical thinkin to this and not et sidetracked "y (heosophical arcanery youOll see the si ns% yourself. $s you can tell% these 12$ uys .+e rarely see +o!en in the 12$/ are so!eti!es +itty% e*en% and - can tell you that they resist our "lastin efforts the "est. (hey co!e the closest to "ein +orthy opponents% - think. -t +as o"*iously 12$ hackers +ho destroyed! last !onth% for instance. (he 12$ operates in Canada +ith i!punity% pro"a"ly "ecause they re+ out of British #-6 after 3orld 3ar --. 0ne reason that Carol ets !o""ed "y spooks +hen -O! not +ith her is that arro ant !en assu!e that +o!en are less po+erful than !en are. ?ouOd think that the trail of destruction that Carol lea*es in their ranks% in her +ake% +ould i*e the! a clue "y no+% "ut - ha*e to assu!e that theyOre )ust !asochists. (he 12$Os #en in Black - encountered outside of Balti!ore% three years a o% didnOt fit that !old% thou h. thou ht they +ere in to+n for a !orticiansO con*ention e8cept that - already kne+ that 12$ fa*ors "rand ne+ Jincoln (o+n Cars +ith chro!e rills and the parkin lot +as full of the!. - also kne+ that !orticians donOt carry hea*y cali"er concealed +eapons at their ankles% of course% or +ear dark lasses inside "uildin s and constantly talk into radios. #ay"e these uys +ere )ust the lo+er #-B echelon: +et+orkersV assassinsV not 3ill 2!ith or (o!!y Jee <ones types. - had )ust finished iftin 3ashin ton% DCOs satanic penta ra!% thou h% so had a ood sense that their "old appearance +as )ust sour rapes. -Od done pretty +ell e*adin the! in the city for the pre*ious three ni hts durin !y iftin sorties. (he follo+in su!!er% +hen - +as in the Beno% 1e*ada dri*er license "ureau% an 12$ uy sat "eside !e and tried to inti!idate !e. Carol +as sittin across the aisle and +as astounded that - didnOt notice the cre+-cutted% !uscular uy fle8in and sco+lin directly at !e "ut - think the 9ar!onic 7rotector - +as +earin )ust trans!uted the ener y that he +as thro+in at !e. 3e had )ust finished an incredi"ly "i iftin ca!pai n +ith Bichard% earlier that day. 0n the +ay out of there - put our "usiness card under his ne+% +hite Jincoln (o+n CarOs .it had a chro!e rill and he +as parked in a handicapped parkin spot ri ht "y the entrance V-// +indshield +iper. Carol had pointed out the car as his% of course. Back to the tale: 3e follo+ed the *an out of the rest area% all the +ay to the 2t $u ustine e8it% +here +e ot off in a +ay that he couldnOt see us. (he !enacin pickup didnOt et off the hi h+ay at the rest area "ut a state trooper +as +aitin in the parkin lot% talkin on his radio. $lon the +ay - took the +heel +hile Carol +ent out of her "ody and into the *an. (he car o% a "i % tricked-out Chinese psionic +eapon% +as apparently "ein taken to 2a*annah% Neor ia% +here the Chinese !ilitary ha*e an e8tensi*e port facility% pro"a"ly like the one in Jon Beach ;C$= that e*eryone kno+s e8ists. 0ur first encounter +ith the one in 2a*annah +as al!ost fi*e years a o% on our +ay "ack to 6t 7ierce% 6lorida fro! *isitin +ith $l Bielek in $tlanta. (hat ti!e% +e felt a need to lea*e so!e or onite at the port and +hen +e approached% Carol ot Kuite sick fro! the dense and poisonous D0B radiatin fro! +hat the Chinese +ere "rin in in there% +hich +as apparently hu e lots of "io+eaponry for the che!trails% a!on other nasty stuff. 2he +asnOt a"le to dri*e% in fact% and +as "arely a"le to focus enou h to find the central% stron est point of the D0B so +e could drop the or onite there. Bein psychic% she +as literally incapacitated "ut all - felt +as a little nausea and irrita"ility. (hat +as the year that the che!trail pro ra! +as at its peak and unopposed and it +as a !onth "efore +e !ade our first or onite cloud"uster. D*ery+here +e +ent in the @2% that year% the D0B +as Kuite dense% e*en in 1a*a)o and 9opi land% and that +as e*en "efore !ost of the death to+ers +ere erected. 9a*e you considered +hat our +orld +ould look and feel like "y no+ if not for or onite and the co!!it!ent of a fe+ thousand souls
to distri"ute it intelli entlyR (here +as a stron alien presence there% too% and this +as one of our *ery first iftin !issions% so the hu!an and non-hu!an predators +ere pretty confident and a ressi*e. - often say that - donOt +ant to "e psychic and so!e folks think -O! sca!!in . - really donOt% "ecause - can see the pain and disco!fort that o alon +ith it e*ery day in !y +ife% DB% and others +ho are truly talented and co!!itted to defeatin tyranny. -n other +ords% thereOs not !uch la!our in it fro! +here -O! standin and -O! perfectly content to et !y occasional intuiti*e hits and realizations. 3hen - happen to see a host% spaceship or ele!ental in fleetin !o!ents itOs )ust fun and a!es% not !y reason for li*in . - can then honestly say% too% that if - can e8perience this stuff% so can you. (hey are nice confir!ations of a +ider% richer +orld than :D% after all. #ean+hile% that 1a*y ship that +as the +eapons platfor! for the Chinese psychics% 12$ psionic operators and 1a*y sonar predators +ho +ere "ea!in <eff% Carol and - and the dolphins durin our first s+i!!in / iftin e8cursion here is apparently still in 7al! Beach so +hen +e et our cata!aran in a +eek or t+o that +ill "e one of our first iftin social calls V-/ as +e "rin it fro! 6t Jauderdale to our o+n <upiter -nlet% rid +illin . 3e later found out that a pod of rou htooth dolphins ca!e to retrie*e all that or onite +e left out "eyond the surf that day. 2o!e surfers spotted the! the ne8t day. ?ou !ay kno+ that these are the specie +ho initiated Carol in Costa Bica a year a o and also sho+ed up in 9aifa Bay a !onth later to sho+ our psychics an under+ater nuke "o!" that +as supposed to initiate $r!a eddon on "ehalf of the Bush2r ca"al. (+its. 9a*e you noticed that all of these folks are lately lookin like theyO*e "een throu h the +rin erR O?ouOre +elco!e5O $nd O(hanks5O if you% too are doin your ci*ic duty and etherically "lastin the crap out of these !ass !urderers +hene*er you think a"out it. (here are so !any ood +ays to e!po+er oursel*es in this ne+% rassroots lo"al !o*e!ent and ne+ +ays are sho+in up% still5 DonOt you a ree that this is the "est ti!e to "e ali*eR (he dolphins in our chat"last sessions are ettin !ore a ressi*e to+ard the !e a!urderers% "y the +ay% and pretty soon !ay"e Carol and - +ill learn so!e tricks fro! the! that +e can pass alon to you. Nettin the "oat see!ed to "e a !ilestone% )ud in "y ho+ o"stinately the feds tried to stand in our +ay of ettin the financin . $ couple of +eeks a o% the day after Carol +ent "ack to -daho to et so!e of our stuff and tie up so!e loose ends% - had a +akin *ision .*ery rare for !e/ in +hich se*eral dolphins told !e to ONet it done5O 3hen - told Carol a"out it the other day she +as al*anized and dro*e that little @-9aul truck 11 and 1& hours each day to et here sooner. 2heOs a"out four hours a+ay fro! ho!e no+% "y !y esti!ation% and -O! a"out to o to a payphone and call her as soon as - finish +ritin this report. 2he had so!e interestin e8periences alon the +ay. (he feds ha*e "een all o*er her since she left hereV poisoned her se*erely in the Chica o airport% tried a ain in -daho .s!eared poisonous stuff on the door handle of the car she +as usin / and enerally !ade nuisances of the!sel*es. (he ni ht "efore 9allo+een so!eone apparently thou ht it +ould "e funny to assi n her to a haunted roo! in a !otel and +hen she ca!e out of the toilet at a as station she cau ht t+o feds in the ca" of the truck V-/ (hanks *ery !uch% "y the +ay% to Dooney% Dr 2te*o% <eff and Jynda for "oostin Carol after the Chica o episode% "y the +ay5 2he had i!!ediately used a couple of zappers to neutralize the poison "ut +as facin se*eral days of reco*ery .!any of us ha*e "een throu h this a fe+ ti!es/. ?ou uys helped her "ounce "ack a hundred percent +ithin a fe+ hours. (he healin aspect of "lastin doesnOt et !uch play these days "ut - s+ear thatOs oin to "e the !ain focus after all these la+less% fake- o*Ot types and their corporate puppet!asters ha*e "een "rou ht to account in co!in days. (he only fun she had on this trip% - think% +as so!e ti!e !anipulation after she asked (he 0perators to shorten her trip. ?esterday% for instance% an hour after she +as in 2t Jouis she found herself in the !iddle of (ennessee%
on the +ay to Chattanoo a% +here she !et Doc *on 7eters at a 3affle 9ouse for "reakfast V-/ Notta lo*e 3affle 9ouse5 (hat +as around 4'' !issin !iles. (he !ain fun +e had on our trip to ether fro! there to here +as chan in the cloud"uster on the roof to point "ack+ard and for+ard at inter*als% thou h it +as kind of ratifyin to deflate a se*ere thunderstor! +hen +e +ere ca!ped east of (opeka% Cansas. -t +as oin to "e a real !enace if +e didnOt ha*e a cloud"uster +ith us!ay"e a 9$$B7 tornado% in fact. 7eople in Cansas don Ot e*en )oke a"out these destructi*e% sudden stor!s. -f you et a chance to take a CB +ith you on a lon trip% +atch the feds in front and "ack of you. ?ou can "et one a ency or another% or all of the! if youOre really a threat to national ;socialist= security% like Carol and - are% +ill ha*e you under "o8 sur*eillance or +ill try to% at least. 7ut a "onehead in the !i8 and you can really t+ist their etheric tits5 3hen you ai! it for+ard% the fed in front "o"s and +ea*es to et out of the line of fire% then either races out of si ht or )u!ps off at the ne8t e8it. 3hen you point it to the rear the fed in that position passes you at "reakneck speed or canOt see! to +ait to et off the hi h+ay. (his happened a ain and a ain and pro*ided no end of a!use!ent% takin a+ay a lot of the tediu! of that loooon trip. -tOs a lot !ore fun than countin Folks+a en Beetles and youOll learn a thin or t+o a"out ho+ the federal o*ern!ent operates that ne*er ets !entioned in the 2ocial;ist= 2tudies te8t"ooks or on 1ational ;2ocialist= 7u"lic Badio. Dn)oy5 (ell !e a"out your hi h+ay fed"uster ad*entures% too5 fDon Croft