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To act in such a way that the Jews
who died in the gas chambers would be
the last Jews to die without defending
Golda Meir
w o u l d
s o o n
need its
own, independent, capabilities
to complete its nuclear program.
The joint venture with France
gave Israel several ingredients for
nuclear weapons construction: a
production reactor, a factory to
extract plutonium from the spent
fuel, and the design. In 1962, the
Dimona reactor went critical;
the French resumed work on
the underground plutonium
reprocessing plant, and
completed it in 1964 or 1965.
There is little doubt that some
time in the late sixties, Israel
became the sixth nation to
manufacture nuclear weapons.
Other things they needed
were extra uranium and extra
heavy water to run the reactor
at a higher rate. Norway, France
and the United States provided
the heavy water and Operation
Plumbat provided the uranium.
After the 1967 War, France
stopped supplies of uranium to
Israel. Israel had small amounts
of uranium, but not in the large
quantities supplied by the French.
Using a West German front
company and a high seas transfer
from one ship to another in the
Mediterranean, they obtained 200
tons of uranium oxide, known as
yellow cake. The West German
government may have been
involved directly but remained
undercover to avoid antagonizing
the Soviets or Arabs.
Norway sold 20 tons of heavy
water to Israel in 1959 for use in an
experimental power reactor. Israel
simply promised that the heavy
water was for peaceful purposes.
Author Seymour Hersh, writing
in the Samson Option says Prime
Minister Levi Eshkol delayed
starting weapons production
even after Dimona was nished.
In the mid-60s, considerable
collaboration between Israel
and South Africa developed and
continued through the 1970s and
1980s. South Africa became Israels
primary supplier of uranium for
Egypt attempted unsuccessfully
to obtain nuclear weapons from the
Soviet Union both before and after
the Six-Day War. President Nasser
received from the Soviet Union
a questionable nuclear guarantee
instead and declared that Egypt
would develop its own nuclear
program. His rhetoric of 1965 and
1966 about preventive war and
Israeli nuclear weapons coupled
with overights of the Dimona
reactor contributed to the tensions
that led to war. One source lists
such Egyptian overights, along
with United Nations peacekeeper
withdrawal and Egyptian troop
movements into the Sinai, as one
of the three tripwires which
would drive Israel to war. There
was an Egyptian military plan
to attack Dimona at the start of
any war but Nasser vetoed it. He
believed Israel would have the
bomb in 1968. Israel assembled
two nuclear bombs and ten days
later went to war. Nassers plan, if
he had one, may have been to gain
and consolidate territorial gains
before Israel had a nuclear option.
He was two weeks too late.
The Israelis aggressively
pursued an aircraft delivery
system from the United
States. President Johnson
was less emphatic about
nonproliferation than Pres-
ident Kennedyor perhaps
had more pressing concerns,
such as Vietnam. He had
a long history of both
Jewish friends and pressing
political contributors coupled
with some rst hand experience
of the Holocaust, having toured
concentration camps at the end of
World War II. Israel pressured him
hard for aircraft (A-4E Skyhawks
initially and F-4E Phantoms later)
and obtained agreement in 1966
under the condition that the aircraft
would not be used to deliver
nuclear weapons. Although denied
at the time, America delivered the
F-4Es, on September 5, 1969, with
nuclear capable hardware intact.
The Samson Option states that
> >
Moshe Dayan gave the go-ahead
for starting weapon production in
early 1968, putting the plutonium
separation plant into full operation.
Israel began producing three to
ve bombs a year. The book
Critical Mass asserts that Israel
had two bombs in 1967, and that
Prime Minister Eshkol ordered
them armed in Israels rst nuclear
alert during the Six-Day War.
On the afternoon of 6 October
1973, Egypt and Syria attacked
Israel in a coordinated surprise
assault, beginning the Yom
Kippur War. Caught with
only regular forces on duty,
augmented by reservists with
a low readiness level, Israeli
front lines crumbled. By early
afternoon on October 7th,
no effective forces were in
the southern Golan Heights
and Syrian forces had reached
the edge of the plateau,
overlooking the Jordan River.
This crisis brought Israel to its
second nuclear alert.
Defense Minister Moshe
Dayan, obviously not at his
best at a press brieng, was,
according to Time magazine,
rattled enough to later tell the
prime minister that this is
the end of the third temple,
referring to an impending
collapse of the state of Israel.
Temple was also the code
word for nuclear weapons.
Prime Minister Golda Meir and
her kitchen cabinet made the
decision on the night of October
8th. The Israelis assembled 13
twenty-kiloton atomic bombs. The
number and in fact the entire story
was later leaked by the Israelis as a
great psychological warfare tool.
U.S. Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger was notied of the alert
several hours later on the morning
of October 9th. The U.S. decided
to open an aerial resupply pipeline
to Israel, and Israeli aircraft began
picking up supplies that day. The
military situation stabilized on
October 8th and 9th as Israeli
reserves poured into the battle
and averted disaster. Well before
signicant American resupply had
reached Israeli forces, the Israelis
counterattacked and turned the
tide on both fronts.
On October 11th, a counter-
attack on the Golan broke the
back of Syrias offensive, and on
October 15th and 16th, Israel
launched a surprise crossing of
the Suez Canal into Africa. Soon
the Israelis encircled the Egyptian
Third Army and it was faced with
annihilation on the east bank of
the Suez Canal, with no protective
forces remaining between the
Israeli Army and Cairo. The
rst U.S. ights arrived on 14
October. American commanders
in Germany depleted their stocks
of missiles, at that time only
shared with the British and West
Germans, and sent them forward
to Israel.
Thus started the subtle, opaque
use of the Israeli bomb to ensure
that the United States kept
its pledge to maintain Israels
conventional weapons edge over its
foes. There is signicant anecdotal
evidence that Henry Kissinger told
President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat,
that the reason for the U.S. airlift
was that the Israelis were close to
going nuclear.
Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev
threatened, on October 24th, to
airlift Soviet airborne troops to
reinforce the Egyptians cut
off on the eastern side of the
Suez Canal and put seven
Soviet airborne divisions on
alert. Evidence indicates that
the Soviets sent nuclear missile
submarines also. President
Nixons response was to bring
the U.S. to worldwide nuclear
alert the next day, whereupon
Israel went to nuclear alert a
third time. This sudden crisis
quickly faded as Prime Minister
Meir agreed to a cease-re,
relieving the pressure on the
Egyptian Third Army.
Shimon Peres had argued
for a pre-war nuclear
demonstration to deter the
Arabs. Arab strategies and
war aims in 1967 may have
been restricted because of a
fear of the Israeli bomb in
the basement, the undeclared
nuclear option. Egypt and Syria
seemed not to violate Israel
proper and avoided triggering
one of the unstated Israeli
reasons to employ nuclear
weapons. Peres credits Dimona
with bringing Anwar Sadat to
Jerusalem to make peace.
At the end of the Yom Kippur
War (a nation-shaking experience),
Israel had her nuclear arsenal
fully functional and tested by a
deployment. The arsenal, still
opaque and unspoken, was no
longer a secret, especially to the
two superpowers, the United
States and the Soviet Union.
The conclusion of this article will
appear in the next issue of Endtime.
And this shall be the plague with which the
LORD will strike all the people who fought
against Jerusalem: Their esh shall dissolve
while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall
dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues
shall dissolve in their mouths. Zechariah
14:12 - Image by Corbin Runnels
f a leopard changes its spots,
is it still a leopard? As you
may have guessed, this age
old question has nothing to do
with feline biology, rather, it has
everything to do with motives and
Heres another question: if the
largest pro-world government
lobby group in the United States
changes itself into a grassroots
member organization of con-
cerned citizens for global solu-
tions, what is it?
I assure you this is more than
just gobbledygook.
This past spring, in a controver-
sial move, the largest pro-world
government organization in the
U.S. changed its spots. The World
Federalist Association, which for
decades has been a frontline world
government player, changed its
name to Citizens for Global
Granted, this new name is a
real yawner. But as sleepy as this
appears, such a changeover by
Americas most prominent world-
government advocacy group
reflects a directional switch that
cannot be ignored.
In order to understand whether
or not the leopard has changed its
spots, its important to know who
and what the World Federalist
Association is, its history, and its
inuence. If all this seems a little
mundane, ash back with me to
a WFA meeting in an unspecied
Texas city sometime in the later
part of the 1990s. Am I being
vague? Yes, but sometimes you
have to be.
Like most global governance
meetings, the real meat and pota-
toes of this particular WFA event
wasnt what was said behind the
podium. Rather, its at the coffee
breaks, banquet tables, and private
encounters in the hall where the
issues are hashed out, the net-
working begins, and the juiciest
information is spilled.
During one particular break,
a group of WFA activists and
staff set up a television and VCR.
Somebody popped in a video, and
we watched as two recognized
right wing authors spoke on
the dangers of world government.
In one presentation, the speaker
talked about the move towards
world government as a great con-
spiracy and flashed on the screen
a variety of logos and letterheads
from different global governance
The WFA reaction was interest-
ing. Some had their arms folded
and were seriously scrutinizing the
video, one person in the group
half-jokingly yelled at the screen,
we are the conspiracy. When a
specific letterhead appeared, a staff
member piped up, I designed
that logo. One individual sit-
ting beside me commented that
the information in the video was
accurate, but criticized one of the
speakers for using too much rhet-
After the tape ended, the WFA
staffer who inserted the video
talked about the seriousness of the
situation specifically that these
types of videos represented an
educational backlash against the
WFA and its goal of world fed-
eration. In the end, it was noted
that an educational counter-offen-
sive was needed in order to mar-
ginalize global governance crit-
> >
ics. Furthermore, some felt that
the WFA needed a new approach
that would shift public focus away
from the uncomfortable language
of world government. A few
postulated that this could be
achieved by couching WFAs pub-
lic message in terms that would
be considered more benign; for
example, instead of talking about
world government which is
what world federalism implies
reshape the language to reflect a
more grass roots platform: i.e.,
global democracy, internation-
al justice, and the rule of law.
I went away from this experi-
ence with my mind reeling it was
a good reminder about the serious-
ness of the game that I was a part
of. Moreover, it afforded me an
opportunity to witness the long-
standing public relations dilemma
of the WFA agenda: world gov-
ernment sounds way too radical,
but like it or not, it is the shadow
in which the WFA walks.
High ideals
With the bloody climax of World
War II, a number of groups in the
U.S. and Europe arose with the
call to form a united world gov-
ernment that would bring an end
to the war-system of nation-
states. In early 1947, in Asheville,
North Carolina, several of these
major groups joined forces to cre-
ate the United World Federalists.
At the same time they drafted and
released the Asheville Statement
of Policy/Purposes, which reads
in part,
We believe that peace is not
merely the absence of war, but
the presence of justice, of law, of
order in short, of government
and the institutions of govern-
ment; that world peace can be
created and maintained only under
world law, universal and strong
enough to prevent armed conflicts
between nations.
Therefore, while endorsing the
efforts of the United Nations to
bring about a world community
favorable to peace, we will work
primarily to strengthen the United
Nations into a world government
of limited powers adequate to pre-
vent war
Highlighting these early years,
the World Federalist Association
1997 Acti vi st
Guidebook states, By
November of 1947
large newspapers had
given editorial sup-
port to the move-
ment and there
were 150 student
chapters. By 1950
there were more
than 40,000
members. In
terms of pub-
lic member-
ship the late
1940s were
the apex
years of
the orga-
This shouldnt be unexpected.
The years immediately following
World War II were heady times
for world government advocates.
A new United Nations had been
born, and bold statements of
international peace and order
were being proclaimed. Speaking
at Westminster College in Fulton,
Missouri, Winston Churchill rallied
for a United Nations international
armed force (March 5, 1946). And
at Albert Hall in London, England,
Churchill proclaimed,
The creation of an authorita-
tive, all-powerful world order is
the ultimate aim towards which we
must strive. Unless some effective
World Super-Government can be
set up and brought quickly into
action, the prospects for peace
and human progress are dark
and doubtful. (Churchill Speaks,
1897-1963: Collected Speeches in
Peace and War, speech given on
May 14, 1947).
Others too were sounding-
out for an international system
of law and gover-
nance, including
Albert Einstein,
Harry Truman,
Julian Huxley,
Bertrand Russell,
and Indian Prime
Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru. So too did
U.S. Congressional
and Senate reso-
lutions appear
endorsing the con-
cept of expanding
the United Nations
into a system of
world government.
In the case of U.S.
House Resolution
64 (1949), the
wording of the
resolution couldnt
have been clearer;
it should be a fun-
damental objective
of the foreign pol-
icy of the United
States to support
and strengthen the
United Nations and to seek its
development into a world federa-
And then the Cold War swept
aside the utopian visions of world
federalism. Not only that, the
United World Federalists and
more importantly the United
Nations was considered by
many to be a Communist front.
Membership in World Federalist
organizations plummeted.
Finding the middle road
Obviously, a direct jump into
world government was out of the
question. According to an histori-
cal appendix in WFAs document,
Rethinking Basic Assumptions
About The United Nations, They
soon realized that world federation
would not come overnight. From
Julian Huxley: First Director General of UNESCO
and supporter of a world government system
early on world federalists focused
their educational and program
efforts on such intermediate steps
as arms control, the development
of world law, and strengthening
the United Nations. Essentially,
a middle road was chosen.
Even though the Cold War-
era dampened World Federalist
numbers, the organization and its
membership were instrumental in
a number of ways.
1960s: Federalists initiated
the movement to create the
United States Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency
(now part of the State
Department). They also
supported the signing of
the Limited Test Ban
1970s: Worked to
rally support for the
United Nations Law of
the Sea Treaty.
1980s: Worked to
establish phased general
and complete disarmament
under international inspec-
tion, re-igniting the momen-
tum built during the Arms Control
platform of the 1960s.
Throughout this time, the United
World Federalists shifted and re-
grouped as an organization, splin-
tering during the 1970s, and then
re-emerging as the tax-exempt
World Federalist Association. And
while the idea of World Federalism
waxed and waned throughout the
Cold War-era, it did attract some
interesting individuals to its ranks,
including author Benjamin Spock,
U.S. Supreme Court Judge William
O. Douglas, and Ronald Reagan
who was to become the 40th
President of the United States.
In fact, when one goes through
the membership lists and biogra-
phies of leading World Federalists,
you find a startling array of politi-
cal hitters; members of the United
World Federalists and the subse-
quent World Federalist Association
include Congressmen, Senators,
state and federal judges, leading
UN officials, World Bank person-
nel, major authors and publishers,
union leaders, U.S. ambassadors
(to foreign countries, NATO, and
the United Nations), federal and
state government office holders,
mayoral candidates, presidential
candidates, university professors,
and a host of individuals with con-
nections to the Council on Foreign
Relations and other significant for-
eign affairs organizations. Even the
intelligence community had ties,
especially as the first president of
the UWF was Cord Meyer Jr., who
was eventually recruited by Allen
Dulles and became head of the
CIAs International Organizations
Division and Covert Action Staff.
But it was in the 1990s that
the World Federalist Association
achieved major results in its quest
for global governance.
Its all about strategy
On April 30, 1989, the World
Federalist Association adopted a
strategy statement for the 1990s
which read in part; The World
Federalist Association is working
to transform the United Nations
into a world federationOur
objective is a United Nations
World Federation
Pushing this agenda forward,
the WFA supported the creation
of a special U.S. Commission on
Improving the Effectiveness of the
United Nations. Walter Hoffman,
a member of the World Federalist
Association, was appointed by
Congressional House Speaker Tom
Foley to sit on the Commission.
And President George H.W.
Bush appointed Dr. Harris O.
Schoenberg to the Commission,
an internationalist tightly con-
nected to WFA interests.
Another event which
helped pave the way
for larger WFA policy
exposure was a 1992
conference at the
Wingspread Center
in Wisconsin.
Bringing together
participants from
the United Nations,
the U.S. govern-
ment, and key political
institutions, the focus
of this WFA-sponsored
meeting was to engage
participants in re-thinking
basic assumptions on how the
UN should operate. Ideas that
percolated included the creation
of an International Criminal Court
and the domestic enforcement of
international laws.
Compared to the Cold War
slump, the 90s were looking
Over the course of the decade,
the WFA became progressively
engaged in major United Nations
events including the 1992 Rio
Earth Summit and the UN World
Conference on Women and by
1996, the WFA was granted its
own consultative status by the
United Nations Economic and
Social Council. Moreover, in 1994,
the WFA spearheaded what was
to become one of its most suc-
cessful campaigns, the creation
of a lobbyist coalition to press
for an International Criminal
Court. When the ICC was finally
announced, Federalists privately
cheered it as their baby.
> >
Looks like a leopard
In the mid-1990s, public mem-
bership in the WFA increased
under a renewed membership
drive, eventually hovering around
the 10,000 mark. However, these
numbers were rarely reflected
in the WFAs annual meetings
and special events. Rather, the
WFAs core leadership under John
Anderson (1980 U.S. presidential
candidate) was the most active and
visible component of the organi-
zation. Membership may have its
privileges, but leadership has the
Probably no other event in recent
World Federalist history displayed
this fact more than the United
Nations Millennium Forum in May
of 2000. Key World Federalists sat
on the Forums steering com-
mittee and were heavily involved
in organizing and managing the
conference. They manned the reg-
istration table. They sat on panels
and were vocal in group discus-
sions. They dominated the
Forums thematic working
group on Strengthening
and Democratizing the
United Nations argu-
ably the most important
working group of the six
offered. They even had
VIP seats in the first three
rows during Secretary-
General Kofi Annans
opening speech. And at
the end of the week, World
Federalists were publicly
thanked for their efforts
in making the Forum a
success. In fact, World
Federalists were so promi-
nent that many delegates
privately complained that
the Forum was nothing more
than a Federalist event.
But they didnt talk about
world government; creating an
international tax yes; establish-
ing a UN parliamentary system
yes; giving the United Nations
its own military powers yes;
and strengthening international
law into a binding set of global
agreements affirmative on that
as well. Nothing about world
Hence, it didnt surprise me
when, about three years ago, I
saw a staff member of the World
Federalist Association on a late
night public television talk show.
The topic was the International
Criminal Court.
Towards the end of the program,
the host directly asked whether or
not the WFA advocated world
government. The WFA staffer
didnt say yes or no. Instead, an
obviously pre-planned explana-
tion about justice and the rule
of law left ill-informed viewers
wondering, why did the host ask
about world government?
All of this brings us around
to our main question about a
leopard and his spots. Today, the
WFA leopard seems to have lost
its spots by regrouping under a
name which could hardly be con-
strued in a negative light. You
could even say that Citizens for
Global Solutions invokes a posi-
tive impression, or at the very least
dull. Not surprisingly, a search for
the term world government on
the CGS website brings up only
one hit, and that single reference
to world government is couched
in a negative framework!
So is the bid for world govern-
ment no longer relevant to this new
group? Hardly. Despite the name
change, the core goals and val-
ues of global governance remain.
Moreover, when CGS formed, it
amalgamated a second organiza-
tion into its fold the Campaign
for UN Reform, a group whose
upper echelon was largely com-
prised of active World Federalist
players. In a way this merger was
a homecoming; the CUNR was a
World Federalist offshoot body
from the mid-1970s, and both the
WFA and the CUNR espoused
global solutions through an
international management system.
This striving for global gover-
nance, combined in the re-pack-
aged Citizens for Global Solutions,
is evident in the official CGS
vision statement,
Citizens for Global Solutions
envisions a future in which nations
work together to abolish war, pro-
tect our rights and freedoms,
and solve the problems fac-
ing humanity that no nation
can solve alone. This vision
requires effective democratic
global institutions that will
apply the rule of law while
respecting the diversity and
autonomy of national and local
Its no coincidence that the
term democratic global insti-
tutions resembles the earlier
United World Federalist plat-
form of a world government
of limited powers. In fact,
as I write this, the new and
improved Citizens for Global
Solutions is establishing an
internal sub-group the World
Federalist Institute.
The bottom line is this: No
matter if you call it the United
World Federalists, the World
Federalist Association, or the
Citizens for Global Solutions, the
ultimate achievement is the cre-
ation of a global system of gov-
ernment. The animal, spots or no
spots, is the same.
Albert Einstein Endorsed the idea of world
ith the dissolution
of the Soviet
Union, many
people said that Russia was
no longer a signicant factor
in world affairs. However,
Bible prophecy foretells a very
important role for Russia in the
In Ezekiel 38, it is proph-
esied that the chief prince of
Meshech, also referred to as
Gog and Magog, will lead the
invasion of Israel at the Battle
of Armageddon. Websters
Third International Dictionary
defines Meshech as the
word for Moscovi or
Moscow. Of course,
Moscow is the capital
of Russia.
We know that the inva-
sion of Israel described in
Ezekiel 38-39 is the Battle
of Armageddon since the
great supper of our God is
described as occurring in both
the Gog-Magog War (Ezekiel
39:17-20) and at Armageddon
(Revelation 19:17-20).
Further evidence of Russias
prominent role in the endtime
is given in Revelation 13:1-2,
And I stood upon the sand
of the sea, and saw a beast rise
up out of the sea, having seven
heads and ten horns, and upon
his horns ten crowns, and upon
his heads the name of blasphe-
my. And the beast which I saw
was like unto a leopard, and his
feet were as the feet of a bear,
and his mouth as the mouth
of a lion: and the dragon gave
him his power, and his seat, and
great authority.
This strange beast is a symbol
of the endtime world govern-
ment of the Antichrist. Notice
that the mouth of the beast is
the lionthe symbol
of England. This is
Gods way of letting
us know that the lan-
guage of the endtime
world govern-
ment will
be English. The United Nations
has now decided that the official
language of the world commu-
nity is English.
The feet of the world gov-
ernment beast were the feet of
a bear. The official symbol of
Russia is the bear. God wanted
us to know that Russia would
be an integral part of the one-
world system of the Antichrist.
So Russia is destined to be a
major player in world affairs all
the way to the Second Coming
of Jesus Christ.
Russias resurgence
Since Vladimir Putin became
president of Russia, the
fortunes of the nation seem to
have turned around. Russias
oil production has increased
dramatically, almost equaling so
far this year that of the worlds
top oil producer, Saudi Arabia.
Russia is averaging 8.9 million
barrels per day.
At $40 per barrel, this
is infusing wealth very
rapidly into Russias
economy. This,
in turn, is allow-
ing Putin to pour
money into revi-
talizing Russias
Russia recently
boasted that she
has developed
ballistic missile
technology that
can outwit any defensive sys-
tem on earth. This is a clear
challenge to the United States
planned $50 billion anti-missile
Russias reply to those who
say the days of her power are
over? See you at Armageddon.
> >
hroughout my fifteen
years in the telecommu-
nications industry, I have
undertaken the responsibility of
designing massive telecommuni-
cations sites across the U.S. and
Europe. Technology has devel-
oped past anything I had ever
envisioned in terms of speed,
durability, and processing massive
amounts of data.
Most new networks are designed
for Voice over Internet protocol
and enormous data transfers. The
latest move now being undertaken
and in full swing is called Fiber
to the Premise. Fiber optic cable
is being installed in new hous-
ing developments with existing
neighborhoods soon to follow.
In the wake of this massive new
infrastructure will come peripheral
equipment designed to utilize fiber
optic speed and availability inside
every home in America and around
the globe. Southwestern Bell Corp.
and Verizon are in full production
of this fiber installation program.
Over the past decade, new fiber
optic networks have been built
and are in place across the planet
in preparation for this technology.
This type of fiber optic system is
far more accurate and many times
faster in processing and signal
carrying capacity than any copper
wire connection.
With this technology installed
in every home, business, and
facility in America and around
the world, the powers that be will
have the
in place to be able to
tap into every surveillance
gadget, bank account, and
personal information of every
type. The list of possibilities is
endless and what is possible
today may be reality tomorrow.
Scanners for these information
systems have already been in pro-
duction for years. Grocery stores,
gasoline stations and department
stores have been using them for
a decade. We dont even realize
they are functioning almost every
time we make
any purchase.
The possi-
bilities for the
use of these
new technolo-
gies are virtu-
ally unlimited.
The only con-
nection cur-
rently lacking
is access to
your personal
bank account.
Close this
loop, and cash
could become
a thing of the
past almost
Some have
speculated that
a future cata-
strophic economic event could
throw us into a cashless soci-
ety. Under such a scenario, the
introduction of technology would
be embraced instantly, easing
the minds of a panicked public.
All resisters could be labeled as
troublemakers, terrorists or simply
deranged. If this scenario seems
too much of a stretch, we should
realize that society is going cash-
less on its own without a global
disaster. One thing is sure; a cash-
less society is technically feasible
and easily accomplished.
Since 9/11, uncertainty and fear
has been instilled in Americans
and people worldwide. The fear
factor may have reached a level
that one major event could cause
people to embrace knee jerk solu-
tions in order to live in what they
believe is safety and comfort.
The possibilities
Consider this possible future
chain of events:
Fiber optics is now in every
home; RFID technology for prod-
uct moving and tracking is
now the main-
stay in all industries, hav-
ing become the success that it
probably will be. Companies have
saved millions by the virtual elimi-
nation of lost and stolen mer-
chandise. Profits have risen and
stock prices increased. The media
praises RFID technology as the
solution to most of societys woes.
Terrorists and other undesirables
are weeded out and reduced to tol-
erable levels. A new level of safety
and security is felt planet-wide.
Electronic deposit of payroll
checks is universally accepted
across our country and around
the world. You can sit in front
of your computer in the comfort
of your home and shop for any-
thing by way of electronic con-
nection. With a simple scan to
verify that you are who you say
you are, your digital bank account
can be accessed immediately, an
order placed, product paid for
and shipped immediately to your
doorstep. Your groceries can be
ordered from your refrigerator
by way of bar codes or RFID
chips that tell your Internet-ready
refrigerator that your milk has
expired and that youre out of eggs
and butter. With a scan, you give
your electronic acknowledgment
to authorize the order and for the
grocery store to deliver.
Our society is now totally depen-
dent upon technology, and Big
Brother controls it all. Within a
decade of the advent
of calculators and cash registers,
math scores plummeted in our
schools, because these items did
the math for us. One can only
imagine how this new technology
will stupefy a global society.
The belief in humanism domi-
nates the worlds thinking when
humanity decides to tackle a prob-
lem, there are no limits. Man can
do anything.
How close are we to 666?
New technology being tested
today involves electronic chips in
firearms that identify the owner
by a ring he wears on his finger,
accessing a chip that activates the
firing device. Anyone attempting
to use the firearm without the
ring cannot activate the device,
thus rendering it unusable. The
same technology allows some of
todays automobiles to be entered
and started without a key by the
owner alone. This technology is
advertised by car manufacturers
every day.
Technology is leading us down a
bright road, promising us a future
of comfort and security. Presently,
an RFID tag embedded under
the skin cannot provide positive
identification. Identities can still
be stolen. Biometrics can identify
individuals with amazing accuracy,
but its not perfect. Technology
isnt quite there...yet. But solu-
tions are being discovered
every day.
New systems, such
as the ones I design
and install, pro-
vide society
with the infra-
structure for
an economic
system that can
utilize a num-
ber system in
place of cash,
checks and
credit cards.
And this is the
goal! Economics
drives it. The
Bible says that
politics will
exploit it. All that is currently lack-
ing to bring such a system online
is proof-positive identification of
each individual, such as an inject-
ed chip and a global network of
scanning devices (see Im Now
Convinced below). The goal for
completing U.S. installation is five
All that would be needed for the
system to come alive is one politi-
cal decision. That is how far we
are away from the fulfillment of
the mark of the beast described in
Revelation 13.
Robert Mack
Im Now Convinced...
I have been a communications
engineer for 25 years and have
Diagram shows ber to the premies
> >
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called your program several
times to scoff at what some
of your presenters have stated
about Big Brothers abilities.
But after reading an article
entitled, Wireless Transceiver-
On-Chip Now Possible from
the EE Times, I am now con-
vinced that the final piece of
the puzzle is in place for the
global tracking of everything.
A research team from the
Wireless Integrated Micro-
systems Engineering Research
Center at the University of
Michigan says it has succeeded
in integrating the last two
components needed to create
a one-chip wireless transceiver.
It will now be possible to
manufacture hearing aide-sized
cell phones to what they call
smart dust.
The researchers expect
the technology, which was
developed with Defense
Advanced Research
Projects Agency and
National Science
Foundation funding,
to be applied in remote
wireless environmental
sensors, cell phones,
laptops and two-way
radio watches. We
think we can make
sensor nodes that
are almost invisible,
remarked one of the
team leaders. With
this technology, you
could just sprinkle
them around.
Bottom line: This
new invention allows
for all of those RFIDs
to be read anywhere in
the world and you will
never see the reader, as
it will be a little larger
than a grain of sand.
Kevin Bradway
P.O. Box 2066
Richmond, IN 47375-2066
Most people spend their
entire lives trying to
discover their purpose.
Michael Arachev discov-
ered his when he was
only twelve years old: he was born to rule the
Dark Intentions
Inside the Mind of the Antichrist
Irvin Baxters second prophecy ction book