Ordine Instalare Drivere

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Driver install order for desktops and laptops


The following list is an overview of the correct order to install drivers on Dell desktops and portables. After reinstalling Microsoft Windows, follow the order listed when reinstalling drivers. It is recommended that yo print this list for reference when installing drivers. Note: !ome devices may not f nction properly if the drivers are installed o t of order. ". Desktop System Software (DSS) or Notebook System Software (NSS) # A vital tility that provides critical pdates and patches for the operating system. If yo are reinstalling Windows or pdating all drivers, it is important that this software be installed first. This is located nder the System Utilities Category on the Drivers and Downloads page. $ote % $!! and D!! may not be available for all desktop and notebook prod cts. &. Chipset # 'elps Windows control system board components and controllers. This is located nder the Chipset Category on the Drivers and Downloads page. (. Video Adapter # )nhances video performance. This is located nder the Video Category on the Drivers and Downloads page. *. Network nterfa!e Card (N C) # )nhances the network controller for Internet or network access. This is located nder the Network Category on the Drivers and Downloads page. +. "aptops #nly: Dell $%i!kset or Dell Control &oint 'anager (DC&) # ,ontrols power management, ambient light sensor, wireless profiles, and sec rity feat res on laptops. This is located nder the Appli!ations on the Drivers and Downloads page. -. A%dio Adapter # )nables and enhances the a dio controller. This is located nder the A%dio Category on the Drivers and Downloads page. .. 'odem # Allows dial# p capability. This is located nder the Comm%ni!ation Category on the Drivers and Downloads page. /. (ireless Network Card # )nables and enhances the wireless network controller. This is located nder the Network Category on the Drivers and Downloads page. 0. )o%!hpad* &ointer* )ra!ksti!k* 'i!e* and +eyboards # )nhances the pointing device feat res. This is located nder the np%t Devi!e Drivers Category on the Drivers and Downloads page. "1. #ther Devi!es ntel v&ro)' or A'))' # )nhances system manageability. This is located nder the Chipset Category on on the Drivers and Downloads page. ,l%etooth Mod le located nder the Network Category on the Drivers and Downloads page. Dell (ireless 'obile ,roadband Cards located nder the Comm%ni!ation Category on the Drivers and Downloads page. &C'C A-Smart!ard controller located nder the Se!%rity Category on the Drivers and Downloads page.

)o%!h S!reen Digiti.er )nables to ch screen mo se control available on select Dell laptops. This is located nder the np%t Category on the Drivers and Downloads page.

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