For Global PA Project Team,: Energy Management Solution by
For Global PA Project Team,: Energy Management Solution by
For Global PA Project Team,: Energy Management Solution by
Whats e&eco-F@ctory?
+ Energy Saving
Solution which enables visualization of shop floor with IT system to reduce production cost
Solution which enables visualization of production and energy saving to reduce production cost and energy cost
Information Systems
Quality Control, Process Control Functions, etc.
Need for gateway computers Need for communication software development Incapable of real-time analysis
net Ether
Information Systems
Quality Control, Process Control Functions, etc.
Direct connection with database through MES Interface Control system/ controller
Mitsubishi FA Product Groups
net Ether
Information linkage
Host information system communication processing Data processing (operation processing, logging, etc.)
Controller communication
Polling processing Gateway PC
Mold condition etc Operation information jigs and tools information etc
Encoder assembly
Encoder test
Shipping test
Control Supervisor Engineering Leader Facility operation analysis tool Technical Production Section Engineering Section
Visualization of energy by measurement Install energy meters Energy saving by high efficient devices Replace with high efficient devices
Waste Productivity
3 3
Energy saving by improving the operation Find energy waste by managing the power consumption rate [KPI] 3 3 Energy saving by production improvement Improve the productivity
Productivity Side
Energy Saving by shorten the operation time Energy Saving by reducing time for rework
Reduce wiring and space: Module mounted directly on the MELSEC-Q base unit High-speed sampling to obtain accurate measurement: Current, voltage, power, power factor, and effective power Obtain data without the need of PLC programs Visual GOT screens 1) Measurement for each machine Precise energy control per product unit 2) Real time measurement Effective preventive maintenance 3) Linked with manufacturing information Easy quality control
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Visualization of energy by measurement Example of Nagoya works Heating Oil Utility Gas
0.4% LP-GAS 6.1% 3.2% Improve Productivity Heavy Oil 0.3%
Electricity 90%
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IPM motor
High Efficiency Motor
Eco drive
Compared to no VFD
more efficient
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Energy saving by High Efficient Devices New Drive Technology applied to Kani factory
Result of using IPM Motor
Condition for installation Result of the following operation for 1 year Energy Cost 14yen/kWh
Air Volume 100 80 60
Time(hour) 0 7 8 9 12 13 17 18 20
Power Power consumption consumption rate rate got worse got worse -> -> Productivity Productivity decreased decreased Production Production is is lower lower with withrespect respect to to the the energy energy consumption consumption
Measured Measured Power Power consumption consumption rate rate helps helps us us detect detect the the wasted wasted energy energy and and grasp grasp the the productivity productivity with with respect respect to to the the energy energy consumption consumption
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Energy saving by managing Power Consumption Rate Our approach: Utility cost Production Line
Sept. Sept. of of 2008 2008 SEC SEC = = 2.4kWh 2.4kWh
Production Line Air Conditioner Machine Tools 40% 33% Compressor Lighting 9% 15% Utility
Dec. Dec. of of 2008 2008 SEC SEC = = 1.8 1.8 kWh kWh
Air Conditioner with VFD Re-layout of lightings 5.4% Lighting with VFD
Electric Transformer
Power Data
EcoMonitor Pro
Floor Level
Production Data
EcoMonitor Pro
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Down time
Up time
Categorized by reason History of machine failure Machine Faiulre Operation time, Machine Status
MES Interface
(Down timeReason)
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3 3
Investigation and analysis from the machine failures conditions Prioritized Countermeasures (Sorted by frequencies)
Conditions Frequency Countermeasures
Adjust theConditions conveyor guide/ Modify the software Frequency Washing robot internal error Magnet attachment error on the Occurs at the improvement of conveyor tray -> Complete the jig adjustment Washing robot Cycle error
Countermeasures Enable retry after failure: Set the robot down for reattachment Enable retry at workpieces inconsistency and extend the time until the error notice Acceptance value is +/-3% Let the operators check the measured value when the error occurs
Application ST2 Cycle error Entrance shutter Cycle error Magnet transfer 2 Magnet error at attachment position
Adjust the conveyor level/ Modify the software Measurement 1: Measured value is illegal
Measurement 2: Measured value is Magnet stopped at the magnet centering section illegal -> Execute chamfering as an interim measure to cut the interfering section Rotation lock 1 Return/Cancel Additionally cut the interfering section of the part
Magnet transferring palette 2 Prevent the operator's failure A part came off the UV unit Cycle error -> Install the part, additionally tighten the other parts, and eliminate the interfering section The cable around the hand is intercepting the light to Robot controller error the area sensor -> Check the cable treatment Instruct the operation Magnet supply tip 1 Up/Down Magnet attachment error at pickup pos. Application robot error
Execute quick exhausting to reduce the effect from back pressure Correct the difference of magnet length Turn the magnet in the tray right-side up
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3 3
Result Reducing down time to improve the productivity will contributes energy saving
Line-G Trend
Down Time (Hours)
ce do wn ti me
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Thank you!!
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