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Brussels, 11.9.2009
COM(2009) 467 final



Enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market


1. Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights: turning a long-term commitment into action 3

2. Understanding the challenges and reducing the risks: an EU Counterfeiting and
Piracy Observatory....................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Supporting IPR enforcement through comprehensive information and sharing of best
practices........................................................................................................................ 6
2.2. Shaping the Observatory as a platform for stakeholders and Member States.............. 7
3. Fostering administrative cooperation across Europe ................................................... 8
3.1. Increasing the transparency of national structures and systems................................... 8
3.2. Promoting cross-border cooperation through modern information-sharing tools........ 9
4. Building coalitions: facilitating voluntary arrangements between stakeholders.......... 9
4.1. Focusing on common ground amongst stakeholders ................................................... 9
4.2. Combating IPR infringements through Stakeholders' Dialogues .............................. 10
4.3. Tackling the sale of counterfeit goods over the internet ............................................ 10
5. Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 11


Enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market



In today’s knowledge-based society intellectual property rights (IPR) are vital business assets,
encouraging innovation and creativity by ensuring a fair return on investment. IPR play an
increasingly important role, fostering economic growth by protecting and enabling inventors,
designers and artists to benefit from the commercial value of their creations. This results in an
essential cycle of business development, knowledge and further innovation. Moreover, trade
marks in particular can have a beneficial effect on consumers, in many cases signifying
quality and a reassurance that the products and services they buy are legitimate, safe and

The EU is home to some of the largest and most successful businesses in the world, who
consider IPR to be amongst their most precious commercial possessions. However, within the
Single Market IPR are equally important to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), who
use them to protect their intangible assets and to gain access to vital ‘start-up’ finance and
venture capital. It is essential that the European Union continues to support this environment
through a high-standard intellectual property culture that protects and creates opportunities for
vital European talent.

The growing value of IPR is an indicator of success. However, it also makes them attractive
to counterfeiters and pirates, who are often well financed and have become organised, highly
skilled entrepreneurs operating on an industrial scale. These infringers make full use of
advances in technology and trade, adopting modern business models to control the
production, distribution and sale of illicit goods across borders and continents. The internet is
one such tool that is being used to drive a worldwide market in infringing products, which is
stifling innovation and threatening jobs.

In Europe, counterfeiting and piracy1 have a dramatic and damaging effect on business and
they have the potential to become even more problematical due to the recent economic
downturn and the growing range of fake products being sold. While luxury goods, fashion,
music and film products have traditionally been targeted, today counterfeiting and piracy
affect a wider variety of mass consumption goods such as foodstuffs, cosmetics, hygiene
products, spare parts for cars, toys and various types of technical or electrical equipment2.

In this Communication, the term "counterfeiting and piracy" should be understood as covering the
infringement of all intellectual property rights as referred to in the Statement by the Commission
concerning Article 2 of Directive 2004/48/EC; OJ L 94, 13.4.2005, p. 37.
The latest Commission Community Customs Report warns that the threat to consumer health and safety
is increasing dramatically, with the seizure of items more than doubling in 2008 to 178 million, of
which about 20 million potentially dangerous to health and safety of EU citizens, or 11% of all items
intercepted; IP/09/1106 of 9.7.2009.

This has resulted in risks to the health and safety of European citizens. In particular, the
increase in fake medicines3 is of growing concern4. The Commission has implemented a legal
framework within the Single Market that provides the tools to enforce IPR in a fair, effective
and proportionate way. The IPR Enforcement Directive5 is one of the cornerstones of this. It
has harmonised the laws of Member States with regard to civil measures for the enforcement
of all IPR and a proposal on criminal sanctions is currently under discussion in the Council6.

The EU Customs Regulation, which allows for the detention of goods suspected of infringing
IPR, is another pillar of the legal framework7. The Commission is currently consulting
Member States and stakeholders on how this Regulation can be further improved.

With a principal body of laws in place, the Commission now proposes to supplement the
regulatory framework with complementary non-legislative measures, in line with
Competitiveness Council Resolution of 25 September 2008 on a comprehensive European
anti-counterfeiting and piracy-plan.

In this respect support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is imperative. A
survey carried out on behalf of the Commission in 2007 confirmed that infringements of IPR
create major problems for European SMEs, many of which lack the resources and finances to
pursue infringers8. The Commission has therefore focused on increasing support in this area,
reflecting the strong emphasis being placed on IPR and knowledge management since the re-
launch of the Lisbon Strategy in 2005. In April 2009, the final report of the advisory expert
group, set up by the Commission, provided recommendations on the assistance required by
SMEs9. In line with the findings of the report, the Commission is continuing with a number of
related projects to help SMEs integrate IPR into their innovation strategies and business plans.

At global level the Commission has developed a long-term strategy for the enforcement of
IPR in third countries10. In the framework of this strategy, a list of "priority countries" has
been put together and this is regularly updated11. Other major initiatives concern negotiations
on an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and an EU-China Action Plan to
increase customs cooperation on protecting IPR. In addition to this, the Commission has
launched its China IPR SME Helpdesk. This provides SMEs with the business tools they need
to develop their IP rights and manage related risks.

Consolidating public and private sector partnerships is also imperative. In May 2008, a High
Level Conference on Counterfeiting and Piracy was organised, together with Members of the
European Parliament, to launch a sustainable EU strategy for a more participative approach12.
The Conference was followed by the Commission’s Industrial Property Rights Strategy for

See ‘Medi-Fake’ action results (February 2009) – over 34 million illegal
medicines seized.
4 and
Directive 2004/48/EC of 29.4.2004; OJ L157, 30.4.2004, p. 16.
COM(2006)168 of 26.4.2006.
Council Regulation (EC) No 1383/2003 of 22.7.2003; OJ L196, 2.8.2003, p. 7.
Technopolis, ‘Effects of counterfeiting on EU SMEs‘.
COM(2004)749 of 8.11.2004; OJ C 129, 26.5.2005, p.3.
Press release IP/08/652.

Europe13 and the adoption of the Competitiveness Council Resolution on a comprehensive
European anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy plan14. The Council’s conclusions confirmed the
need to make IPR enforcement work better within the Single Market by complementing
legislation with a range of non-legislative measures. It also called on the Commission to
continue to focus firmly on border controls in the form of an anti-counterfeiting customs plan
for 2009-2012. This plan has been developed by the Commission in conjunction with the
Member States 15.



The broad facts about the widespread damage caused by infringements of IP rights are well
documented. However, comprehensive information to help develop priorities and target
enforcement more effectively, and thus pave the way for better collaboration and evidence-
based policies, has been more difficult to assemble.

In 2006, a report by the OECD16 reflected that one of the biggest challenges facing
governments and business is getting reliable and up-to-date information on the extent of
counterfeiting and piracy and the impact on our economies and society, including
employment in Europe. Despite work carried out in some sectors to analyse the scope and
scale of the problem the figures use different methods and sources, with the resulting lack of
comparative data.

Moreover, a wide range of information is held by national enforcement bodies, European and
national IP offices and assorted professional business organisations. This data is often difficult
to assimilate. One of the more robust sources of information available is published by the
Commission and is based on annual customs detentions at EU borders17. However, border
detentions only show part of the picture, since they only relate to goods entering or leaving
the EU territory. It is necessary to widen the overall knowledge base to fully assess the
economic and societal implications of counterfeiting and piracy and to understand why some
products, sectors and geographical areas within the EU are more vulnerable than others.
Comprehensive and comparable data will also help to establish agreed priorities and
programmes, targets for enforcement and more focused consumer awareness campaigns.

To achieve this, the Competitiveness Council advocated the creation of the European
Counterfeiting and Piracy Observatory as the principal EU instrument to ‘enable regular
assessments, on the basis of the data which the public and private sectors wish to provide, of
the extent of counterfeiting and piracy and a more precise analysis of these phenomena’18.

COM(2008)465 of 16.7.2008.
Council Resolution of 25.9.2008, OJ C 253, 4.10.2008, p. 1.
OJ C 71 of 25.3.2009, p. 1.
OECD; ‘The Economic Impact of Counterfeiting and Piracy’ (2006);
Report on EU Customs enforcement of intellectual property rights; results at the European border –
Supra note 14, point 15.

2.1. Supporting IPR enforcement through comprehensive information and sharing
of best practices

The Commission is now establishing an Observatory to serve as the central resource for
gathering, monitoring and reporting information and data related to all IPR infringements.
However, the Observatory should play a much wider role, becoming the platform for
representatives from national authorities and stakeholders to exchange ideas and expertise on
best practices, to develop joint enforcement strategies and to make recommendations to

Ensuring that the Observatory becomes the pan-European source of knowledge and a central
resource for stakeholders and public authorities engaged in IPR enforcement activities will
require close collaboration between the Commission, the Member Sates and the private
sector. The aim therefore is to involve public and private representatives from across the
European Union and to bring them together in partnership with consumers to cultivate a
broader understanding of the problems. This will facilitate the development of practical
solutions, more focused awareness raising strategies and more collaborative action. An
important deliverable would be a publicly available Annual Report, presented by the
Commission and providing specific information on core work areas.

In particular, the Observatory will:

• improve the collection and use of independent, reliable information and data;

– developing a benchmark methodology for the collection, analysis and

reporting of independent data relating to IPR infringements ensuring that
the information is aggregated objectively and in a balanced manner;

– carrying out detailed analyses and providing regular assessments of the

economic and societal implications, including the impact on innovation,
competitiveness and employment in Europe, the involvement of
organised crime and risks to the health and safety of European citizens;

– using comprehensive data from public authorities and private

organisations to assess the strengths and weaknesses of IPR enforcement
throughout the Internal Market;

– providing regular and specific reports to identify vulnerabilities within

the Internal Market, to highlight the threats and challenges and to drive
evidence-based enforcement strategies. The publicly available reports
will provide a solid knowledge base, and will become central tools in
setting priorities and measuring progress;

• promote and spread best practice amongst public authorities;

– identifying and assessing IPR enforcement coordination in the Member


– promoting and spreading best practice in particular through innovative

and successful cooperation initiatives between different enforcement
authorities as well as other relevant national authorities;

– identifying and documenting enforcement training programmes carried
out in different Member States and spreading best practice;

– encouraging that publicly funded projects fully respect intellectual

property rights;

– fostering public and private sector cooperation, in particular with respect

to awareness-raising and the training of enforcement agencies;

• spread successful private sector strategies;

– identifying and assessing successful anti-counterfeiting and piracy

strategies and action undertaken by the private sector and spreading best

– reaching out to a wide range of stakeholders in the distribution chain,

such as organisers of trade fairs, transport and logistics companies and
payment service providers;

– encouraging efforts to enhance the quality of intellectual property rights

in order to enable effective enforcement;

– identifying successful public awareness campaigns, developing strategies

and initiatives and spreading best practice throughout economic sectors
and across national borders;

– exploring how awareness and education about IPR can be promoted

among young people;

• identify, report and propose solutions to key problems;

– assessing and highlighting problems in specific geographical areas and

specific sectors and delivering recommendations to policy-makers,
enforcement agencies and stakeholders.

2.2. Shaping the Observatory as a platform for stakeholders and Member States

In its Resolution the Council suggested that the Observatory should be based on existing
Commission structures, which should be light and flexible and, where necessary, make use of
external expertise. Therefore, the Commission will provide the central administrative
resource. However, Member States’ representatives and stakeholders will play an integral part
in the work of the Observatory and the achievement of its objectives.

Member States will be asked to appoint a national representative and the participation of
stakeholders will need to reflect a broad range of European and national bodies, representing
the different economic sectors most concerned by and most experienced in the fight against
counterfeiting and piracy. European consumers also need to be properly represented and
invited to play an active role. In this way the Observatory could help consumers to become
active and responsible partners. In addition, particular attention needs to be given to the
representation of SMEs.


Administrative cooperation between different enforcement authorities needs to be improved

to ensure consistent and efficient IPR enforcement across the Internal Market. Due to the
international nature of IPR infringements, improving internal cross-frontier cooperation is not
only a legislative obligation, it is a clear necessity, and while administrative cooperation
already operates in the area of Customs it is clearly lacking in other areas and needs to be

Greater administrative cooperation in the field of IPR enforcement should also be seen in the
wider context of a partnership between the Commission and the Member States in
implementing a borderless internal market20. To this end, an efficient network of contact
points across the European Union is essential to promote rapid exchanges of information on
suspect products, manufacturing sites, distribution routes and key sales points. This will
generate synergy, which in turn will help to coordinate national policies and to provide mutual

Developing better coordination is also necessary within Member States between those
involved in the enforcement of IPR. To ensure more effective exchanges of information,
national authorities must be in regular contact with each other and with relevant private sector
bodies. Therefore, Member States are called upon to appoint National Coordinators with a
firm mandate to synchronise IPR enforcement issues between their respective national
enforcement agencies. These National Coordinators should be directly linked through a
central system and should act as pivotal contact points for industry bodies, liaising with
stakeholders and facilitating cross-frontier collaboration.

As the national centres of IPR expertise, National IP Offices have an important contribution to
make. They could play a valuable role in building platforms and strategies to drive
coordinated approaches and spreading best practices. This role could be extended to new
functions such as awareness-raising, specific support for SMEs and coordination. Other
international IP focal points, such as the European Patent Office, may also wish to reach out
with their expertise and best practices. Moreover, in respect of trade marks and designs,
cooperation between the OHIM and the national offices could be further extended to cover
EU cooperation and future enforcement programmes and action.

3.1. Increasing the transparency of national structures and systems

Transparency needs to be improved in respect of the national structures to provide support to

stakeholders at cross-border levels, particularly SMEs. Following a comprehensive round of
consultation, in which all Member States have participated and produced information, the
Commission is currently analysing the structures that Member States have put in place to
combat IPR infringements. This will result in a report that will map existing frameworks and
strategies and provide best practice indicators. The report will be presented at meetings of
stakeholders and Member States, in the context of the Observatory, in the second half of

EC Treaty, Article 10; Directive 2004/48/EC, Article 19.
Commission Recommendation 2009/524/EC of 29.6.2009 on measures to improve the functioning of
the single market ; OJ L 176 of 7.7.2009, p. 17.

3.2. Promoting cross-border cooperation through modern information-sharing tools

Improving the exchange of up-to-date information to promote cross-border cooperation is a

vital need. In its Resolution the Competitiveness Council called on the Commission to set up
a network for rapid exchange of key information, drawing on national contact points and
modern information-sharing tools.

To achieve this aim an electronic network for information sharing on IPR infringements in the
Internal Market will need to be available to a wide range of national bodies, including
different enforcement agencies and national IP offices. It will need to:

• support ‘real-time’ exchanges of information on goods and services infringing

IPR in the internal market;

• allow the swift exchange of alerts concerning specific products, trends and
potential threats, and

• provide facilities to overcome language barriers for national authorities.

Building on its experience with other Internal Market systems, such as the Internal Market
Information Exchange system (IMI)21 and the market surveillance information exchange
system (ICSMS)22, the Commission is currently analysing how a modern system could be
designed to respond best to users’ needs by way of an interface for essential information to be
shared and exchanged and how it could build on existing networks, such as for example IMI.



4.1. Focusing on common ground amongst stakeholders

The fight against counterfeiting and piracy is not only of benefit to rights owners, it is also in
the interest of other stakeholders, such as importers, trade fair organisers, retailers, including
e-commerce platforms.

Counterfeiting and piracy severely damage trust and confidence in the trade of goods and
services, in particular on the internet or across borders. For business this can result in the loss
of opportunities. For consumers, counterfeiting could cause a reluctance to make the best use
of new distribution channels, or to take advantage of bargains throughout the Internal Market.

Moreover, the wide variety of counterfeit goods which potentially affect the health and safety
of any European citizen, such as fake pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, cosmetics, hygiene
products, electronic and technical equipment and spare parts for cars etc., demonstrate that it
is in the common interest of all concerned to work together to fight this growing phenomenon.


Therefore, rights holders and other stakeholders should be encouraged to exploit the potential
of collaborative approaches and to place more emphasis on joining forces to combat
counterfeiting and piracy in the common interest, also taking advantage of possible
alternatives to court proceedings for settling disputes.

4.2. Combating IPR infringements through Stakeholders' Dialogues

The focus on common interests should allow voluntary arrangements to be fostered between
stakeholders and thus practical solutions to be found. Voluntary arrangements to combat
counterfeiting and piracy on the ground can give stakeholders the flexibility to adapt quickly
to new technological developments. Moreover, this approach empowers stakeholders
themselves to work out optimal measures, particularly technological solutions. Voluntary
agreements can also be more easily extended beyond the European Union and become a
foundation for best practice in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy at global level.

For voluntary arrangements to be agreed and implemented it is vital for stakeholders to

engage in constructive dialogues, focusing on concrete problems and workable and practical
solutions, which must be realistic, balanced, proportionate and fair for all concerned. Any
voluntary inter-industry solution has to be compliant with the existing legal framework and
should neither restrict in any way the fundamental rights of EU citizens, such as the freedom
of expression and information, the right to privacy and the protection of personal data,23 nor
impinge on legislative negotiations at EU level. The Commission offers to act as a facilitator
for such stakeholder dialogues on concrete topics by inviting the parties to get together, by
organising meetings, by providing the administrative and logistical support and by
safeguarding, where necessary, a fair balance between all the different interests at stake,
including the legitimate rights and expectations of EU citizens. The Commission will
carefully monitor the development and functioning of voluntary arrangements and remains
ready to consider alternative approaches, if needed in the future.

4.3. Tackling the sale of counterfeit goods over the internet

As a first example, the Commission has launched a stakeholders' dialogue on the sale of
counterfeit goods over the internet. While the internet is not in itself the source of
counterfeiting, it has nevertheless become an important vehicle for the sale of fake goods
world-wide. Its global reach and accessibility, the possibility for traders to remain anonymous
and for offers to be placed and withdrawn instantly has made it one of the most attractive
tools for the sale of counterfeit goods. The enormous growth of the phenomenon makes this
an area for priority action. It is also an area where voluntary arrangements would seem to be
particularly promising, given the rapid progress of technological developments and the
resulting need for practical technology-based solutions.

Brand owners and internet companies alike have recognised this and have committed
themselves to developing a collaborative way forward. Consequently, the Commission has
organised a structured dialogue between stakeholders to facilitate mutual understanding and to
find solutions that will be in the interests of all concerned. A series of meetings have already
taken place to address specific issues relating to the sale of counterfeit goods over the internet.
Further meetings have been scheduled before the end of the year, which could lead to a

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Articles 7, 8 and 11; OJ C 303 of 14.12.2007, p.

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Memorandum of Understanding, dealing with issues such as prevention, identification and
removal of infringing offers (e.g. Notice and Take-Down procedures) and sellers from
internet platforms. However, if voluntary arrangements cannot be agreed, the Commission
will need to consider legislative solutions, in particular in the context of the IPR Enforcement


By providing incentives to create, innovate and trade, intellectual property rights are one of
the cornerstones of a competitive, wealth-generating, knowledge-based society. IPR
infringements cause widespread economic harm and an increasing number of counterfeit
products now pose a real threat to consumer health and safety. It is therefore in the interest of
stakeholders and consumers alike to have a responsive enforcement system which is robust,
proportionate and fair.

The Commission seeks to ensure this by complementing the existing regulatory framework
with non-legislative measures to make for more collaborative and focused enforcement across
the Internal Market, in particular by:

• supporting enforcement through an EU Counterfeiting and Piracy Observatory;

• fostering administrative cooperation throughout the Internal Market;

• facilitating voluntary arrangements between stakeholders.

The Commission is convinced that these measures will significantly strengthen the fight
against counterfeiting and piracy, in the common interest of European citizens, business and
the economy as a whole.

Supra note 5.

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