A Brief History of Packaging

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A Brief History of Packaging1

Kenneth R. Berger, reviewed by B. Welt2

Introduction For each product's needs, there are good

packaging solutions. Though packages are often taken
From the very earliest times, humans consumed for granted, they are the result of many years of
food where it was found. Families and villages made innovation -- in some cases accidental. A brief review
or caught what they used. They were also of the more popular packaging developments are
self-sufficient, so there was little need for packaging included in this fact sheet.
of goods, either for storage or transportation. When
containers were needed, nature provided gourds, Paper and Paper Products
shells, and leaves. Later, containers were fashioned
from natural materials, such as hollowed logs, woven One way of placing packages into categories is
grasses and animal organs. As ores and chemical to describe them as flexible, semi-flexible, or rigid.
compounds were discovered, metals and pottery were Flexible packaging includes the paper sacks that dog
developed, leading to other packaging forms. food comes in, the plastic bags that hold potato chips,
and the paper or plastic sacks in which we carry
Packaging is used for several purposes: home our purchases. An example of semi-flexible
packaging is the paperboard boxes that cereal, many
• Contain products, defining the amount the other food products, small household items, and
consumer will purchase. many toys are packaged in. For many non-food
items, the packaging is made more rigid by formed
• Protects products from contamination, from
packing materials that slip inside the box and hold the
environmental damage and from theft.
product and its accessories or components in place.
• Facilitate transportation and storing of Forms of rigid packaging include crates, glass bottles,
products. and metal cans.

• Carry information and colorful designs that Cloth or paper may be the oldest forms of
make attractive displays. flexible packaging. Flexible packaging is the most
"source-reduced" form of packaging, that means that

1. This document is ABE321, one of a series of the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Original publication date December 2002. Reviewed December 2005. Visit the EDIS Web Site at
2. Kenneth R. Berger, assistant professor, Bruce Welt, assistant professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and
other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex,
sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service,
University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Larry
Arrington, Dean
A Brief History of Packaging 2

a flexible package has the least amount of material Another important use of paper in packaging
compared to other forms of packages that would hold came with the development of paperboard -- the kind
the product. This also means that flexible packaging of paper that packages a box of cereal. The first
adds very little weight to the overall product, and paperboard carton -- often called a cardboard box --
there is very little to discard when the package is was produced in England in 1817, more than two
empty. hundred years after the Chinese invented cardboard
or paperboard.
The use of flexible packaging materials began
with the Chinese, They used sheets of treated Another common form of "cardboard" based on
mulberry bark to wrap foods as early as the first or corrugated paper appeared in the 1850s. Basically,
second century B.C. During the following centuries, this form of cardboard is made from thin sheets of
the Chinese also developed and refined the paperboard that are molded into a wavy shape and
techniques of paper making. Knowledge of how to then "faced" or sandwiched between two flat sheets
make paper gradually moved west across Asia and of paperboard. The strength, lightness, and cheapness
into Europe. In 1310, paper making was introduced to of this material make it very useful for shipping and
England. The technique arrived in America in storing. However, replacing wooden crates with the
Germantown, Pennsylvania, in 1690. new paper alternative would prove to be something
of a battle. Nevertheless, about 1910, after much
Paper is basically a thin sheet of cellulose. litigation between manufacturers and the railroads,
Cellulose is a fibrous material derived from plants. shipping cartons of faced corrugated paperboard
Early paper was made from cellulose fibers derived began to replace self-made wooden crates and boxes
from flax, the plant that also gives fibers for linen used for trade. Today, cardboard boxes -- more
cloth. As demand for paper grew, old linen rags were accurately called "C-flute corrugated paperboard
sought as a source of fiber. cartons" -- are used almost universally for product
In 1867, the process for deriving useful cellulose
fiber from wood pulp was developed. Because wood As with many innovations, the development of
was so cheap and plentiful, this fiber source rapidly the carton was accidental. Robert Gair was a
replaced cloth fibers as the primary source of paper Brooklyn printer and paper-bag maker during the
fiber. Today, virtually all paper has wood pulp as the 1870s. While he was printing an order of seed bags, a
source of cellulose fiber. metal rule normally used to crease bags shifted in
An important step for the use of paper in position and cut the bag. Gair concluded that cutting
and creasing paperboard in one operation would have
packaging came with the development of paper bags.
advantages; the first automatically made carton, now
Commercial paper bags were first manufactured in
referred to as "semi-flexible packaging," was created.
Bristol, England, in 1844. Shortly thereafter, in 1852,
Such folding cartons or "tubular cartons" dominate
Francis Wolle invented the bag-making machine in
the dried, processed food market.
the United States. Further advancements during the
1870s included glued paper sacks and the gusset The development of flaked cereals advanced the
design, producing the types of paper bags used today. use of paperboard cartons. The Kellogg brothers were
In 1905, machinery was invented to automatically first to use cereal cartons. The Kelloggs operated a
produce in-line printed paper bags. sanatorium at Battle Creek, Michigan. They
developed flaked cereals as a health food for their
With the development of the glued paper sack,
patients, but soon began marketing this new food
the more expensive cotton flour sacks could be
product on a mass scale. Their original packaging was
replaced. But a sturdier multiwalled paper sack for
a waxed, heat-sealed bag of Waxtite wrapped around
larger quantities did not replace cloth until 1925,
the outside of a plain box. The outer wrapper was
when a means of sewing the ends was finally
printed with the brand name and advertising copy.
Today, of course, a plastic liner protects cereals and
A Brief History of Packaging 3

other products within the printed carton. Some cereal continued to decrease. Owens invented the first
manufacturers have attempted to sell cereal in automatic rotary bottle-making machine, patented in
flexible pouches, like snack foods. However, U.S. 1889. Suddenly, glass containers of all shapes and
consumers have only marginally accepted cereals in a sizes became economically attractive for consumer
pouch only, so we continue to see a bag-in-box format products, and from the early 1900s until the late
for cereals. 1960s glass containers dominated the market for
liquid products. A typical modern bottle-making
Paper and paperboard packaging increased in machine automatically produces 20,000 bottles per
popularity throughout much of the 20th century. day.
Then with the advent of plastics as a significant
player in packaging (late 1970s and early 1980s), While other packaging products, such as metals
paper and its related products were replaced in many and plastics, were gaining popularity in the 1970s,
uses. Lately that trend has slowed as designers have packaging in glass tended to be reserved for high-
tried to respond to the perception that plastic is value products. As a type of "rigid packaging," glass
environmentally unfriendly. The fact is that has many uses today. High weight, fragility and cost
decreasing that amount of material in packaging is have reduced the glass markets in favor of metal and
usually more important than the composition of the plastic containers. Still, for products that have a high
package to get the most environmentally friendly quality image and a desire for high flavor or aroma
form of packaging. protection, glass is an effective packaging material.
The packaging glass used today is the only type of
Glass glass accepted in US recycling programs.

Although glass-making began in 7000 B.C. as an Metals

offshoot of pottery, it was first industrialized in Egypt
in 1500 B.C. Made from base materials (limestone, Ancient boxes and cups, made from silver and
soda, sand and silica), which were in plentiful supply, gold, were much too valuable for common use. Metal
all ingredients were simply melted together and did not become a common packaging material until
molded while hot. Since that early discovery, the other metals, stronger alloys, thinner gauges and
mixing process and the ingredients have changed coatings were eventually developed.
very little, but the molding techniques have
progressed dramatically. One of the "new metals' that allowed metal to be
used in packaging was tin. Tin is a corrosion-resistant
At first, ropes of molten glass were coiled into metal, and ounce-for-ounce, its value is comparable
shapes and fused together. By 1200 B.C., glass was to silver. However, tin can be "plated" in very thin
pressed into molds to make cups and bowls. When the layers over cheaper metals, and this process made it
blowpipe was invented by the Phoenicians in 300 economical for containers.
B.C., it not only speeded production but allowed for
round containers. Colors were available from the The process of tin plating was discovered in
beginning, but clear, transparent glass was not Bohemia in 1200 A.D., and cans of iron coated with
discovered until the start of the Christian Era. During tin were known in Bavaria as early as the 14th
the next 1000 years, the process spread steadily, but century. However, the plating process was a closely
slowly, across Europe. guarded secret until the 1600s. Thanks to the Duke of
Saxony, who stole the technique, it progressed across
The split mold, which was developed in the 17th Europe to France and the United Kingdom by the
and 18th centuries, further provided for irregular early 19th century. After William Underwood
shapes and raised decorations. The identification of transferred the process to the United States via
the maker and the product name could then be Boston, steel replaced iron, which improved both
molded into the glass container as it was output and quality. The term 'tin can' referred to a
manufactured. As techniques were further refined in tin-plated iron or steel can and was considered a
the 18th and 19th centuries, prices of glass containers cheap item. Tin foil also was made long before
A Brief History of Packaging 4

aluminum foil. Today many still refer to metal cans The invention of cans also required the invention
as 'tin cans' and aluminum foil as 'tin foil', a of the can opener! Initially, a hammer and chisel was
carryover from times well past. the only method of opening cans. Then in 1866, the
keywind metal tear-strip was developed. Nine years
In 1764, London tobacconists began selling snuff later (1875), the can opener was invented. Further
in metal canisters, another type of today's "rigid developments modernized the mechanism and added
packaging." But no one was willing to use metal for electricity, but the can opener has remained, for more
food since it was considered poisonous. than 100 years, the most efficient method of
retrieving the contents of a can. In the 1950s, the pop
The safe preservation of foods in metal
containers was finally realized in France in the early top/tear tab can lid appeared and now tear tapes that
open and reseal are popular.
1800s. In 1809, General Napoleon Bonaparte offered
12,000 francs to anyone who could preserve food for Collapsible, soft metal tubes, today known as
his army. Nicholas Appert, a Parisian chef and "flexible packaging," were first used for artists paints
confectioner, found that food sealed in tin containers in 1841. Toothpaste was invented in the 1890s and
and sterilized by boiling could be preserved for long started to appear in collapsible metal tubes. But food
periods. A year later (1810), Peter Durand of Britain products really did not make use of this packaging
received a patent for tinplate after devising the sealed form until the 1960s. Later, aluminum was changed
cylindrical can. to plastic for such food items as sandwich pastes,
cake icings and pudding toppings.
Since food was now safe within metal packaging,
other products were made available in metal boxes. Plastics
In the 1830s, cookies and matches were sold in tins
and by 1866 the first printed metal boxes were made Plastic is the newest packaging material in
in the United States for cakes of Dr. Lyon's tooth comparison with metal, glass, and paper. Although
powder. discovered in the 19th century, most plastics were
reserved for military and wartime use. Plastics have
The first cans produced were lead-soldered by
become very important materials and a wide variety
hand, leaving a 1 1/2-inch hole in the top to force in
of plastics have been developed over the past 170
the food. A patch was then soldered in place but a
small air hole remained during the cooking process.
Another small drop of solder then closed the air hole. Several plastics were discovered in the
At this rate, only 60 cans per day could be nineteenth century: styrene in 1831, vinyl chloride in
manufactured. 1835, and celluloid in the late 1860s. However, none
of these materials became practical for packaging
In 1868, interior enamels for cans were
until the twentieth century.
developed, but double seam closures using a sealing
compound were not available until 1888. Styrene was first distilled from a balsam tree in
1831, but the early products were brittle and shattered
Aluminum particles were first extracted from easily. Germany refined the process in 1933 and by
bauxite ore in 1825 at the high price of $545 per
the 1950s styrofoam was available worldwide.
pound. When the development of better processes
Insulation and cushioning materials as well as foam
began in 1852, the prices steadily declined until 1942,
boxes, cups and meat trays for the food industry
when the price of a pound of aluminum was $14.
became popular.
Although commercial foils entered the market in
1910, the first aluminum foil containers were Vinyl chloride, discovered in 1835, provided for
designed in the early 1950s while the aluminum can the further development of rubber chemistry. For
appeared in 1959. packaging, molded deodorant squeeze bottles were
introduced in 1947 and in 1958, heat shrinkable films
were developed from blending styrene with synthetic
A Brief History of Packaging 5

rubber. Today some water and vegetable oil In the 1660s, imports into England often cheated
containers are made from vinyl chloride. the public and the phrase "let the buyer beware"
became popular. Inferior quality and impure products
Celluloid was invented during the American were disguised and sold to uninformed customers.
Civil War. Due to a shortage of ivory, a United States Honest merchants, unhappy with this deception,
manufacturer of billiard balls offered a $10,000 began to mark their wares with their identification to
reward for an ivory substitute. A New York engineer, alert potential buyers.
John Wesley Hyatt, with his brother Isaiah Smith
Hyatt, experimented several years before creating the Official trademarks were pioneered in 1866 by
new material. Patented in 1870, "celluloid" could not Smith Brothers for their cough drops marketed in
be molded, but rather carved and shaped, just like large glass jars. This was a new idea - using the
ivory. package to "brand" a product for the benefit of the
Cellulose acetate was first derived from wood
pulp in 1900 and developed for photographic uses in In 1870, the first registered U.S. trademark was
1909. Although DuPont manufactured cellophane in awarded to the Eagle-Arwill Chemical Paint
New York in 1924, it wasn't commercially used for Company. Today, there are nearly three-quarters of a
packaging until the late 1950s and early 1960s. In the million (750,000) registered trademarks in the United
interim, polyethylene film wraps were reserved for States alone. Labels now contain a great deal of
the military. In 1933, films protected submarine information intended to protect and instruct the
telephone cables and later were important for World public.
War II radar cables and drug tablet packaging.
A Review
Other cellophanes and transparent films have
been refined as outer wrappings that maintain their From containers provided by nature to the use of
shape when folded. Originally clear, such films can complex materials and processes, packaging has
now be made opaque, colored or embossed with certainly changed. Various factors contributed to this
patterns. growth: the needs and concerns of people,
competition in the marketplace, unusual events (such
One of the most commonly used plastics is as wars), shifting lifestyles, as well as discoveries and
polyethylene terephthalate (PETE). This material inventions. Just as no single cause influenced past
only became available for containers during the last development, a variety of forces will be required to
two decades with its use for beverages entering the create the packages of the future, but a very important
market in 1977. By 1980, foods and other hot-fill factor will always be consumer choice. Ultimately,
products such as jams could also be packaged in only the packaging that our society demands is
PETE. produced. We choose by the products we purchase.

Current packaging designs are beginning to References

incorporate recyclable and recycled plastics but the
search for reuse functions continues. Walter Soroka, Fundamentals of Packaging
Technology, Second Edition, 2000, published by
Labels and Trademarks Institute of Packaging Professionals.

It now seems obvious that product containers Paula Hook and Joe E. Heimlich, Ohio State
will bear the identification of the maker alongside University Extension Fact Sheet, Community
pictures, nutritional information, ingredients, etc. Development, 700 Ackerman Road, Suite 235,
However, this seeminlgy obvious feature of Columbus, OH 43202-1578, A History of Packaging,
packaging has its own history. CDFS-133.

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