ABC Trading PVT LTD Business Plan
ABC Trading PVT LTD Business Plan
ABC Trading PVT LTD Business Plan
Business Plan
Evaluated y! Pro"# $evan% Patel &aculty' Entrepreneurship' (cellon )nstitute * School o" Business
+a le o" ,ontents a& '(e)utive *ummary a& Company b& Mar+et ,pportunity )& Mission *tatement d& Management e& Competitors -& Competitive Advantages
The ,rgani.ational Plan a& *ummary /es)ription o- Business Mission *trategy *trategi) 0elationships *&1&,&T Analysis b& /es)ription o- Business )& *ervi)e d& Administrative Plan Lo)ation Management Personnel A))ounting and Legal
Competition Mar+et Trend Mar+et 0esear)h b& Mar+eting *trategy 2eneral /es)ription Method ,- *ales Pri)ing Branding *ales *trategies Advertising *trategies
Assessment o- 0is+
3easibility Plan
b& Cash 3lo6 )& Pro5e)ted Balan)e sheet d& 3inan)ial *tatement Analysis
E.ecutive Su//ary
ABC Trading Pvt& Ltd is Ahmedabad Based Trading Company& ABC Trading emphasis 6ill on *upply Chain o- Mineral 1ater in Indian 0ail6ay& ABC Trading 6ill supply Pa)+ed 7ualitative Mineral 1ater Bottle o- # liter to the end )ustomer in Indian rail6ay (Train)& Additionally$ this servi)e 6ill be provided -or all ma5or states o- India&
Mar0et 1pportunity
,n an average daily #"% passengers trains pass through Abad rail6ay station& Appro(imately # e(press8mail train )onsist the )apa)ity o- #9%% passengers reserved& i&e& the total audien)e mar+et -or ABC Trading 6ill be #9%%%% )ustomers8day
Mission State/ent
To help travelers 6ith a basi) need i&e& 6ater& Providing :ualitative mineral 6ater at subsidies rates$ so that no one remains thirsty&
Mana%e/ent ABC trading 6ill have a strong management team )onsist o- -inan)ial manager$ human resour)e manager$ operational manager and assistants& Management team 6ill also beside managers there 6ill be "%% employees -or dire)t selling& The )riteria -or re)ruiting the bottom employees 6ould be those 6ho are unemployed or is -or a need o- 5ob& ,o/petitors /ire)t )ompetitors are Bisleri$ ;inley$ A:ua-ina$ Bistar$ ;ing-isher$ M)do6els and lo)al Competitors 6hi)h do not have branding or have a dupli)ate branding$ lo)al brands )over ma5or mar+et share in bottled mineral 6ater industry& ,o/petitive Advanta%e The )ompetitive advantage is that ABC Trading Pvt Ltd is providing the mineral 6ater bottle o- # litter at 0s&<$ 6hile other brands sell the same produ)t at a range o- 0s& #" to 0s& #=
Ab) trading Pvt ltd 6ill be Ahmedabad based Pvt ltd trading )ompany and 6ill emphasis on supply )hain omineral 6ater in Indian rail6ays$ dire)t sellers 6ill be re)ruited to sell produ)t in Indian rail6ays this 6ill help )ustomers to get :ualitative mineral 6ater in the 6hole 5ourney 6henever they -eel need o- thirst&
To help travelers 6ith a basi) need i&e& 6ater& Providing :ualitative mineral 6ater at subsidies rates$ so that no one remains thirsty&
To provide 7ualitative mineral 6ater in Indian rail6ays& To -ill the gap o- supply in mineral 6ater in Indian rail6ays& To provide lo6 )ost mineral 6ater bottle so that every traveler gets 6ater to drin+$ )onsidering all )lass o- people&
1ill serve Cold Mineral 1ater Bottle in Indian 0ail6ays (Bailey mineral 6ater) -or 0s& <$ (6hose M&0&P is 0&s #=)& The supplier 6ill be Bailey (Parle agro produ)t) ? is a 6ell ;no6n brand and is observed trust 6orthy in Indian mar+et -or mineral 6ater&
*trategi) 0elationships
S4ot Analysis
#"% Trains daily -rom Ahmedabad @o need to mar+et the brand& Basi) need Can be stored -or at least # month
2aps bet6een demand and supply have been observed& @o )ompetitor in same pri)e segment&
Si3e o" usiness o 'a)h train 6ill be provided 6ith ma(imum A%% bottles o- # litter$ at # st year& o 'a)h train 6ill have A nos& o- dire)t sellers&
c# Service
1e 1ill serve Cold Mineral 1ater Bottle in Indian 0ail6ays (Bailey mineral 6ater) -or 0s& <$ (6hose M&0&P is 0&s #=)& Bailey (Parle agro produ)t)is a 6ell ;no6n brand and is observed trust 6orthy in Indian mar+et -or mineral 6ater& ABC Trading 6ill provide /ire)t *elling to Passengers Traveling 6ith Indian 0ail6ays&
/ire)t selling 6ill help Customers to -ill the gaps -or need o- mineral 6ater every time 6hile travelling -rom one pla)e to other&
d# Ad/inistrative Plan
a) Bead ,--i)e ABC Trading ()ompany) 6ill have the head o--i)e at Paldi Ahmedabad$ -rom here all the a)tivities 6ill be managed&
b) 1are house # 6arehouse o- #%%% s: -eet 6ill be o))upied near ;alupur area at the )ost o- 0s&9%8s: -eet
ABC trading 6ill have a strong management team )onsist o- -inan)ial manager$ human resour)e manager$ operational manager and assistants& Management team 6ill also beside managers there 6ill be "%% employees -or dire)t selling& The )riteria -or re)ruiting the bottom employees 6ould be those 6ho are unemployed or is -or a need o- 5ob&
B&0& manager Admin *ta-,peration manager Control manager 3inan)e manager A))ountant /ire)t *eller
Legal Br Poli)es
@o 'mployee 6ill be on pay role basis on )ompanies name& All managers and e(e)utives in every department 6ill be titled as )onsultant& All dire)t sellers 6ill be hired -rom )ontra)tor$ total salary 6ill be given to )ontra)tor and /ire)t seller employees are liable to ta+e salaries -rom )ontra)tor itsel-&
a# Mar0et Analysis
,pportunity identi-ied 1ater ? a basi) @e)essity$ generally 6hile traveling people are more )ons)ious about their health&
) ,o/petition
/ire)t )ompetition /ire)t )ompetitors are Bisleri$ ;inley$ A:ua-ina$ Bistar$ ;ing-isher$ M)do6els and lo)al Competitors 6hi)h do not have branding or have a dupli)ate branding$ lo)al brands )over ma5or mar+et share in bottled mineral 6ater industry& In /ire)t )ompetition
o The Indian mar+et is estimated at about 0s "$%%% Crore and is gro6ing at 6hopping rate o- A% per )ent& By "%"%$ it 6ill rea)h 0s D$%%% ?#%$%%% Crore 6ith 99 per )ent mar+et -or mineral 6ater& o *)ar)ity o- potable and 6holesome 6ater at rail6ay stations has also added to the gro6th& o As Ab) trading is selling mineral 6ater bottle o- bailey in 0s&< & The more demand -or the produ)t 6ill be seen& o The trend o- the 6ater bottle is been observed 6hile traveling in a train& o This is be)ause people are more )ons)ious -or health spe)ially 6hen they travel -rom one pla)e to another and so 6ater plays an important role&
# Mar0etin% Strate%y
a) 2eneral /es)ription
ABC Trading 1ill serve Cold Mineral 1ater Bottle in Indian 0ail6ays (Bailey mineral 6ater) -or 0s& <$ (6hose M&0&P is 0&s #=)& The supplier 6ill be Bailey (Parle agro produ)t) ? is a 6ell ;no6n brand and is observed trust 6orthy in Indian mar+et -or mineral 6ater& As the pri)e is lo6 )ompare to mar+et pri)e and Bailey is the 6ell?+no6n brand the mar+eting othe produ)t 6ill be easy&
b) Method ,- *ales
)) Pri)ing
The pri)e o- # litter 6ater bottle 6ould be 0s&< -or end )onsumers& Bailey 6ill provide per bottle -or 0s A8 bottle to ABC Trading& I- Ab) Trading 6ill sell ea)h bottle -or 0s& < than 0s& 9 6ould be the pro-it -or ea)h bottle sold&
d) Branding
e) Advertising *trategies
@o mar+eting )ost to ABC Trading Company& Parle agro 6ill be doing advertising o- their brand&
Contingen)y Plan d& Change the supplier e& *ell at rail6ay stations ()abins -or re-reshments)
/is)ussed 6ith Mr& Barsh *harma at Bha)hau +ut)h& C Parle Agro Ltd& (operational head) Ir)t) tenders 6ill help to start the businessF every year Ir)t) announ)e tenders -or 6ater )ontra)t& Mr& Mu+esh patel (6hole 6est )orridor tender holder -or "%#% C "%## Contra)t -or 'mployees !B Consultan)y @arol Ahmedabad
%) &inancial plan
Start up E.pense
Tender bid 0egistration Pvt ltd )ompany Assets Advan)e to Parle agro
8et +otal
7s# -'-0'09'000
+a.a le pro"it
Total revenue E 0s& #%$%D$%%$%%% Total payments E 0s& <$A"$<G$%%% Tentative Pro-it 0s& "$G=$"A$%%% Ta( amt&E 0s& "$G=$"A$%%% H 9"&AA=I E DG$%=$<#"J "$=D$#<# (9I )ess) E DD$G9$DD9 @et pro-it E 0s&#$<G$G%$##<
+he process
,btain /ire)tor Identi-i)ation number Time ta+en ,ne day Charge 0s #%%8? 6&e&-& #st !uly$ "%%<
2et your digital signature )erti-i)ate Time ta+en 3our days Charge 0s A%% to 0s "G=%
2et the name o- the )ompany approved Time ta+en T6o to three days (6ithin seven days) Charge 0s =%%
Memorandum and arti)les o- asso)iation vetted and printed Time ta+en 6ithin si( months o- name approval Charge @il
2et the do)uments stamped Time ta+en ,ne day Charge *tamp duty varies -rom state to state
2et the memorandum and arti)les signed by at least t6o subs)ribers Time ta+en ,ne day
i) $ate line