BIG Assist Supplier Application Criteria v3
BIG Assist Supplier Application Criteria v3
BIG Assist Supplier Application Criteria v3
The process for receiving and assessing applications from potential suppliers to join the Approved BIG Assist Supplier register is outlined below. Supplier applications are assessed by independent assessors and are subject to scrutiny by the BIG Assist Independent Panel. There are three ey stages in the initial application and assessment process followed by appeals and review stages. !ach is described here.
A. Essential re uirements
The essential re#uirements are$ 1. 'egistration $etails nee$ to %e accurate an$ veri(ia%le. In the case of registered charities or companies or other such incorporated bodies the registered numbers need to be supplied. In the case of sole traders the individual's (I number needs to be provided together with chec able land based address and phone number. !. )ro(essional In$emnity insurance. All BIG Assist suppliers must have Professional Indemnity insurance. "etails of the policy% the areas covered and the amount of cover must be provided. Those with such insurance but with lower cover than )*++ will have the details of their policies chec ed by the BIG Assist staff team to ensure that it will provide sufficient cover for the proposed wor with BIG Assist.
3. Employer *ia%ility insurance. Those applicants who employ anyone must show that they have current employer liability insurance with a minimum cover of ),m. This will not be re#uired of suppliers who are sole traders. +. "ealt# an$ Sa(ety. All applicants -other than sole traders. are re#uired to hold a current /ealth and Safety policy and to submit a copy as part of their application at the re#uest of the BIG Assist team. Sole traders will be re#uired to demonstrate that they are aware of /ealth and Safety re#uirements and that they will follow the guidelines laid down by the BIG Assist programme. ,. E-perience o( provi$ing support to voluntary an$ community organisations. Any applicant who has had no e&perience of wor ing with clients in voluntary and community organisations -012s. will be rejected. The wor may have been paid or unpaid but there must have been at least some. .. *ist o( customers. A list of customers in 012s must be provided. /. 'e(erences. At least 3 recent% chec able references 4at least * from a 01S organisation5 must be provided which are directly related to the topic areas identified. 0. 1A2 registration num%er 34#ere applica%le5. All applicants who should be 0AT registered must provide their 0AT registration number.
be re#uired to demonstrate that they understand the importance of !#uality and "iversity and that they will follow the guidelines laid down by the BIG Assist programme.
Stage ! Assessment
*. 2n receipt of the successfully completed online application the BIG Assist project team will review the information provided and send this off to the assessors on a *78ly basis. 9. The assessors will underta e their assessments% results are moderated and recommendations are provided. 3. The BIG Assist independent panel scrutinise the recommended list of suppliers identified during the recruitment and assessment phase and satisfy themselves that due processes are carried out during the application and vetting stages to ensure that a. #uality standards are met b. suppliers are selected using fair and open recruitment to meet the criteria set 8. Applicants are informed of the outcome of their application via automated email through the BIG Assist site.
Suppliers will be re#uired to notify the BIG Assist staff team of any of the following changes in circumstances$ cessation of trading change of service offered increase or decrease in turnover si:e 1hanges of contact details change of status -e.g. sole trader to company6 merger. lapse of insurance