Examples On Taxable Services A To L (Chapter 59)
Examples On Taxable Services A To L (Chapter 59)
Examples On Taxable Services A To L (Chapter 59)
Question - Calculate the value of taxable service under Cargo handling services of Cargo Ltd., providing brief reasons where required with suitable assumptions based on the following information for the month of April, 2009: (i) Total amount charged for all services Rs 40 lakhs (ii)Receipts for services in relation to export cargo and Handling of passenger baggage including in (i) above Rs 13 lakhs (iii)Charges for storage and cleaning of empty containers of Shipping lines included in (i) above Rs 10 lakhs (iv) Charges for packing and transport of Cargo included in (i)above Rs 3 lakhs (v) Charges for handling of agricultural produce included in (i) above Rs 2 lakhs (vi)Charges for transportation of Cargo included in (i) above Rs 5 lakhs (CA Final November 2009) Answer Deduction of export cargo is allowed in the definition itself. Cargo handling relating to agricultural produce is exempted. Packing and transport incidental to cargo are included in the definition itself. Charges for storage and cleaning of empty containers of shipping lines is not part of Cargo Handling Service and hence not includible. Thus, deduction of 13 plus 10 plus 2 can be claimed from Rs 40 lakhs and value of taxable service is Rs 15 lakhs. Question - X & Co. a partnership firm, is providing taxable legal consultancy services, for the second consecutive year. The firm furnishes the following information relating to the services rendered, bills raised, amounts received relating to this service, for the year ending March 31, 2010 (i) free services rendered to poor people (value of the services computed on comparative basis) Rs 40,000 (ii) Advances received from clients for which no taxable service has been rendered so far Rs 5,00,000 (iii) Services billed to clients (gross amount) (service tax has been charged separately in all the Bills; the firm follows mercantile system of accounting) Rs 12,00,000 (iv) The firm has received the following amounts during the year relating to taxable services rendered in March, 2009 (excluding service tax at applicable rates and TDS under section 194J to the tune of Rs 45,320) Rs 5,44,680 (v) amount received relating to taxable services rendered in the current year 2009-10 (excluding service tax at
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applicable rates and TDS under section 194J to the tune of Rs 1,20,000) Rs 9,80,000 (This amount includes Rs 50,000 for the appearance before Labour Court received from another firm. Service tax has been separately received for the applicable items in (v) above. You are required to compute the value of taxable services for the year ending March 31, 2010 and the service tax payable, briefly explaining the treatment of each item above (CA IPCC May 2010). Answer (i) No service tax (ii) Tax payable on service to be provided i.e. advance received. Hence value is Rs 4,53,309 [(5,00,000 x 100)/110.30] and service tax is Rs 46,691 (iii) No tax since service tax is payable on receipt basis and not billing basis (iv) Net amount received including TDS Rs 5,90,000 (Rs 5,44,680 + 45,320) [TDS is also amount received and hence service tax is payable (v) Taxable amount received during 2009-10 Rs 10,50,000 [9,80,000 + 1,20,000 50,000] (No service tax on charges for appearing before Court, Tribunal or statutory authority) Service tax payable is Rs 1,08,150 [10.30% of Rs 10,50,000]. Hence, total service tax payable is Rs 2,15,611. Question - Smart & Express Co. is providing taxable information technology software services. The firm furnishes the following information relating to the services rendered, bills raised, amount received pertaining to this service, for the financial year ended on 31st March, 2010 as under st (i) Amount received being 10% of the assignment fees on 31 March, 2010 for the upgradation and enhancement of software services to be rendered during the financial year 2010-11- Rs 6,00,000 (ii) Services provided to UNICEF, an International Organisation in Gandhinagar, for analysis, design and programming of latest information technology software Rs 5,00,000 (iii) Services billed to client Rs 3,00,00,000 (In one of the bill amounting to Rs. 3,00,000, service tax was not charged due to conflicting nature and in another bill, the firm failed to recover the service tax from the client, which was charged separately, due to insolvency of the client, the bill details are as under - Being the charges for right to use IT software Rs 8,00,000 plus Service tax @10% Rs 80,000 plus Education cess @ 2% Rs 1,600 plus Secondary & Higher education cess @1% Rs 800 Total Rs 8,82,400) (iv) Amount received for services rendered during current financial year (excluding payment for 2 bills in item (iii) above for which payment received during current financial year) - Rs 1,04,78,500. - - Service tax and education cess have been charged separately in all the bills except wherever mentioned when it is not so charged separately. - - Compute the value of total taxable services and service tax payable thereon for the year ended 31-03-2010, assigning reason in brief to the treatment of all items (CA IPCC and AT November 2010) Answer Treatment of each item is as follows - (i) Tax payable on advance of Rs 6,00,000 (ii) The service is not in the course of or furtherance of commerce and hence Rs 5,00,000 not taxable (Note This exclusion has been omitted w.e.f. 1-7-2010. Thus, after 1-7-2010, such service will be taxable) (iii) Service tax is not payable on billing basis but on receipt basis. Hence, figure of Rs 3,00,00,000 is not relevant (iv) Tax is payable on amount received Rs 1,04,78,500. In absence of any specific information, this amount is assumed to be inclusive of service tax charged in Bills. In respect of bill of Rs 3,00,000, in absence of any specific information, it is presumed that the service was actually taxable. Hence, the amount is to be treated as inclusive of service tax. Similarly, in respect of another bill, only Rs 8,00,000 have been received. These have to be treated as inclusive of service tax. - - Hence, total gross amount received Rs 6,00,0000 plus Rs 1.04,78,500 plus Rs 3,00,000 plus Rs 8,00,000. Thus, total gross amount received Rs 1,21,78,500. Hence, value of taxable service is (1,21,78,500 x 100)/110.30 i.e. Rs 1,10,41,251.13 Service tax @ 10% is Rs 11,04,125.12. Education cess @ 2% is Rs 22,082.50 and SAHE cess @ 1% of service tax is Rs 11,041.25 If amount of Rs 1,21,78,500 is treated as net amount excluding service tax, the calculations will change. X Bank Ltd., furnishes the following information relating to services provided and the gross amount received : (Figures in Rs lakhs) * Merchant Banking Services 8 * Asset Management (including portfolio management) 3 * Service charges for services to the Government of India 1.5 * Interest on overdraft and cash credits 2 * Banker to the issue 5 * Locker rent 2. Repayment of financial lease made by the customer to the bank Rs. 80 lakhs which includes a principal amount of Rs. 50 lakhs. Compute the value of taxable service under Banking and other financial services under the Finance Act, 1994 and the service tax liability of X Bank Ltd., considering the rate of service tax at 10.3% (CA Final New Syllabus November 2010) Answer Interest on overdraft and cash credit facility is exempt (Notification No. 29/2004-ST dated 29-9-2004).. Hence, service tax is not payable on Rs 2 lakhs. Services provided to Government for tax collection are exempt (Notification No. 13/2004-ST dated 10-9-2004). It is
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not clear what service was provided to Government of India. It is presumed that it was fro tax collection and hence exempt. In case of leasing, tax is payable on 10% of interest only. Hence tax is payable on 10% of Rs 30 lakhs (80 50), i.e. on Rs 3 lakhs. Thus, service tax is payable on gross amount of Rs 21 lakhs (8 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 3). Net value for service tax will be Rs 19,03,898.45 [21,00,000 x 100/110.30)]. Service tax @ 10% will be 1,90,389.85, education cess @ 2% Rs 3,807.80 and SAHE cess @ 1% - Rs 1,903.90. Total tax Rs 1,96,101.55.
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a political party for 2 days for a meeting. The charges received Rs. 25,000. - - The hotel charges 10% service charges which are later distributed as tips to employees. - - The above charges are excluding service tax. All the charges have been received in FY 2009-0. The hotel has already been registered under Service Tax Act in F.Y. 2008-09 (CA IPCC and AT November 2010) Answer It is presumed that assessee is registered for service tax under mandap service. It is also presumed that assessee is not eligible for threshold exemption of Rs 10 lakhs, as he is already registered under service tax in FY 2008-09. Taxability of each is as follows (i) Not taxable as the service is not for official, social or business function (ii) Rs 50,000 taxable (iii) No service tax on room booking charges but electricity charges are includible. Hence, value of service is Rs 3,45,000 (iv) Total value of service Rs 4,05,000 (Charges for snacks and cold drinks are deductible since these are goods. Value of goods is not considered while calculating value of service) (v) Political meeting is not an official, social or business function and hence the amount is not subject to service tax. - - Service charges of 10% are includible as it is part of value of service. - - Total value of Bills taxable Rs 8,00,000 (50,000 plus 3,45,000 plus 4,05,000). Add 10% service charges Rs 80,000. Hence, total value of services for levy of service tax Rs 8,80,000. Service tax @ 10% - Rs 88,000. Education cess @ 1% - Rs 1,760. SAHE cess Rs 880. Total service tax payable Rs 90,640. Question - A mandap keeper is providing catering services of full meals along with mandap services. His total Bill for services came to Rs 1,00,000, including catering charges. Calculate the service tax payable, if tax rate is 10.30%. Answer - If a mandap keeper or hotel provides catering services of full meals, tax will be payable only on 60% of the gross amount charged to client, provided he does not avail Cenvat credit of inputs and capital goods. Hence, service tax is payable on Rs 60,000. Hence, service tax @ 10% will be Rs 6,000 plus education cess of Rs 120 (2% of Rs 6,000), plus SAHE cess of Rs 60 (1% of Rs 6,000) Question - Rosy Tours Co. has arranged three package tours during F Y 2008-09. The particulars of the Services and Charges are as under : (i) Tour 1: April, 2008 Charges received Rs. 3.5 Lacs The package includes transportation, accommodation, food, tourist guide and entry fees for monuments (ii) Tour 2 : October, 2008 Charges received Rs. 6.5 lacs. The package includes transportation and accommodation for stay (iii) Tour 3 : December, 2008 Charges received Rs. 4 lacs. The charges are solely for arranging accommodation for stay. However, the bills issued to the clients do not mention it clearly that the charges are solely for arranging the accommodation for stay. All the charges are excluding service tax. The rate of service tax is 12% plus education cess. Compute the taxable services and tax thereon (CA IPCC November 2009) Answer (i) Tax payable is 25% of normal tax. Hence service tax @ 25% of 12.36% of value of Rs 3.5 lakhs would be Rs 10,815. (ii) Tax payable is 25% of normal tax. Hence service tax @ 25% of 12.36% of value of Rs 6.5 lakhs would be Rs 20,085. (iii) The rate of 10% applies if the charge is inclusive of cost of accommodation and bill indicates that it is towards charges for such accommodation. Since these conditions are not fulfilled, the service tax would be 40% of normal tax. Hence service tax @ 40% of 12.36% of value of Rs 4 lakhs would be Rs 19,776. Question - Charges received Rs. 3.5 Lacs The package includes transportation, accommodation, food, tourist guide and entry fees for monuments (ii) Tour 2 : October, 2008 Charges received Rs. 6.5 Lacs. The package includes transportation and accommodation for stay (iii) Tour 3 : December, 2008 Charges received Rs. 4 Lacs. The charges are solely for arranging accommodation for stay. However, the bills issued to the clients do not mention it clearly that the charges are solely for arranging the accommodation for stay. All the charges are excluding service tax. The rate of service tax is 12% plus education cess. Compute the taxable services and tax thereon (CA IPCC/AT November, 2009) Answer (i) Tax payable is 25% of normal tax. Hence service tax @ 25% of 12.36% of value of Rs 3.5 lakhs would be Rs 10,815. (ii) Tax payable is 40% of normal tax. Hence service tax @ 40% of 12.36% of value of Rs 6.5 lakhs would be Rs 32,136 (It is 40% since the tour does not fall within the definition of package tour as defined in exemption notification) (iii) The rate of 10% applies if the charge is inclusive of cost of accommodation and bill indicates that it is towards charges for such accommodation. Since these conditions are not fulfilled, the
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service tax would be 40% of normal tax. Hence service tax @ 40% of 12.36% of value of Rs 4 lakhs would be Rs 19,776. Question - Calculate the net service tax payable under the provision of rule 2A of the Service tax (Determination of Value) Rules, 2006 relating to determination of value of services in the execution of a works contract from the following particulars: (i) Gross amount for the works contract (excluding VAT) Rs 1,00,000 (ii) Value of goods and materials sold in the execution of works contract Rs. 70,000 (iii) CENVAT credit on (ii) above Rs. 1,000 (iv) Service tax paid on input services Rs. 1,000 (v) CENVAT credit on capital goods issued in the provision Rs. 1,000 of works contract service (vi) Service tax rate 10.30%. Make suitable assumptions and provide explanations where required (CA Final, New Syllabus, Nov., 2008) Answer Service tax on value of service; i.e. on Rs 30,000 [100,000-70,000] @ 10.30% is Rs 3,090. Cenvat credit of Rs 1,500 is available [Credit of Rs 1,000 on input services and Rs 500 (50% of Rs 1,000) on capital goods is available. Cenvat credit of service tax paid on inputs of Rs 1,000 is not available]. Hence, net service tax payable is Rs 1,590. Question - Calculate the value of taxable service of "X" Transport Company engaged in the business of transport of goods by road. Give reasons for taxability or exemption of each item. No freight is received from any of the specified category of Consignor/Consignee. Suitable assumptions may be made wherever required. X does not avail Cenvat credit. (1) Total freight charges received by 'X' during the year Rs 13,50,000 (2) Freight charges received for transporting fruits - Rs 1,25,000 (3) Freight collected for transporting small consignment for persons who paid less than Rs. 750 for each consignment - Rs 75,000 (4) Freight collected for transporting goods in small vehicles for persons, who paid less than Rs 1500 per trip - Rs 1,50,000 (CA Final New Syllabus, June 2009). Answer All these freight charges mentioned in (1), (2) and (3) are exempt from service tax by notification. Hence, his value of taxable service is Rs 10 lakhs. It is not specified what was his turnover in previous year. If it was less than Rs 10 lakhs, X can avail exemption from service tax in current financial year for entire amount of Rs 10 lakhs. However, if his value of taxable services in previous year were more than Rs 10 lakhs, he cannot avail exemption. In that case, he will be liable to pay service tax on Rs 10 lakhs. In case of GTA service, abatement of 75% is available. Hence, service tax is payable @ 10.30% on Rs 2.50 lakhs, i.e. service tax (including education cess and SAH cess) is Rs 25,750 [Note, if X has not charged service tax extra in his invoice, the value of Rs 2.50 lakhs should be taken as inclusive of service tax and then tax payable should be calculated by making back calculations]. Question - The contract for industrial construction is for Rs. 8,00,000 which includes value of services plus material which is to be supplied by contractor. Value of material used by contractor is Rs 5,00,000 and the value of service is Rs 3,00,00 (Total Rs 8,00,000). The customer has agreed to supply steel to contractor free of cost (FOC), the value of which is Rs. 2,00,000. Its value is not considered in quotation given by contractor. The land belongs to customer. Its value is Rs. 4,00,000. Cenvat credit on input services is Rs 10,000, Calculate service tax under composition scheme and also under normal scheme assuming service tax rate of 10.30%, if (a) the contract is covered under State works contract tax and (b) The contract is not covered under works contract service. Answer Under composition scheme, value of material supplied by customer free of cost is required to be added. In that case, total value of contract (including material supplied by customer, but excluding value of land) is Rs. 10,00,000. The contractor can opt to pay duty @ 33% on total value i.e. on Rs. 3,30,000, if he is not covered under State works contract tax. Service tax payable will be 10.30% of Rs.3,30,000 i.e. Rs 33,990. The contractor cannot avail any Cenvat credit. If value of land is not shown separately, then service tax will be payable @ 25% of gross amount which will include value of land plus value of material supplied by customer. If the contract is covered under State Works Contract Tax, the service tax payable is 4.12% of Rs 10,00,000 i..e. Rs 41,200. He can avail Cenvat credit of Rs 10,000. Thus, net tax payable is Rs 31,200. Under normal scheme of payment of service tax, the tax is payable on value of service of Rs 3,00,000 @ 10.30% i.e. Rs 30,900. Cenvat credit of Rs 10,000 can be availed. Hence, net service tax payable is 20,900.
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