Modelos de Narrativas

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Modelos de Narrativa

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG


Princpio Meio Fim

Estrutura cinco estdios

Exposition setting scene and introducing characters Little Red Riding Hood has to take food to grandmother who is ill Development situation develops, more characters introduced She sets out through woods where wolf is lurking Complication something happens to complicate lives of characters She meets wolf, he delays her and rushes ahead and ties up grandmother Climax decisive moment reached; matters come to head; suspense high She arrives, comments on size of grandmothers ears, etc., Wolf eats her up Resolution matters are resolved and satisfactory end is reached Wolf falls asleep, passing forester investigates noise, rescues grandmother from cupboard and Red Riding Hood by cutting Wolfs stomach open

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG


Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG


Equilibrio Desequilibrio Reequilibrio

The state of equilibrium (state of normality good, bad or neutral). An event disrupts the equilibrium (a character or an action). The main protagonist recognises that the equilibrium has been disrupted. Protagonist attempts to rectify this in order to restore equilibrium. Equilibrium is restored but, because causal transformations have occurred, there are differences (good, bad, or neutral) from original equilibrium, which establish it as a new equilibrium.

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Villain struggles with hero Donor prepares and/or provides hero with magical agent Helper assists, rescues, solves and/or transfigures the hero Princess a sought-for person (and/or her father) who exists as goal and often recognises and marries hero and/or punishes villain Dispatcher sends hero off Hero departs on a search (seeker-hero), reacts to donor and weds at end False Hero claims to be the hero, often seeking and reacting like a real hero

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Conflito de Opostos:
Good vs evil Boy vs girl Man vs woman Good-looking vs ugly Strong vs weak East vs west Ignorance vs wisdom Humanity vs technology

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Joseph Campbell
Estgios (A Jornada do Heroi Monomito):
Departure, separation World of common day Call to adventure Refusal of the call Supernatural aid Crossing the first threshold Belly of the whale

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Joseph Campbell
Estgios (A Jornada do Heroi Monomito):
Descent, initiation, penetration Road of trials Meeting with the goddess Woman as temptress Atonement with the father Apotheosis The ultimate boon

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Joseph Campbell
Estgios (A Jornada do Heroi Monomito):
Return The refusal of the return The magic flight Rescue from within Closing the threshold Return Master of the two worlds Freedom to live

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Joseph Campbell
Papeis (arqutipos):
Hero (Arthur, Theseus, Simba) Shadow (Scar, Minotaur, Voldermort) Outcast (Cain, Ancient Mariner) Devil figure (Lucifer, Anakin/Darth Vader) Woman figure: Earth mother (Mother Nature) Temptress (Eve, Sirens, Delilah) Platonic ideal (Dante's Beatrice) Unfaithful wife (Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary) Wise old man (Merlin, Rafiki, Yoda, Dumbledore)

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Joseph Campbell
Papeis (arqutipos):
Situation archetypes Quest (Holy Grail, Ahab) Initiation (Huck Finn, Stand by Me) Fall (Paradise Lost, Darth Vader) Death and Rebirth (Christ, Hercules)

Archetypal symbols Lightdarkness Waterdesert HeavenHell

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Christopher Vogler
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Ordinary world Call to adventure Refusal of the call Meeting with the mentor Crossing the first threshold Tests, allies, enemies Approach to the inmost cave Supreme ordeal Reward (seizing the sword) The road back Resurrection Return with the elixir

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Christopher Vogler
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hero to serve and sacrifice Mentor to guide Threshold guardian to test Shapeshifter to question and deceive Shadow to destroy

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Ronald Tobias
Os 20 enredos:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Busca Aventura Perseguio Resgate Fuga Vingana Enigma Rivalidade Injustia Tentao 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Metamorfose Transformao Amadurecimento Amor Amor proibido Sacrifcio Descoberta Vilania Extrema Ascenso Queda

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

Christopher Booker
Os 7 enredos:
Overcoming the Monster Examples: Perseus, Theseus, Beowulf, Dracula, War of the Worlds, Nicholas Nickleby, The Guns of Navarone, Seven Samurai and its Western-style remake The Magnificent Seven, James Bond, Star Wars: A New Hope.[2] Rags to Riches Examples: Cinderella, Aladdin, Jane Eyre, Great Expectations, David Copperfield.[2] The Quest Examples: The Odyssey, The Pilgrims Progress, King Solomon's Mines, Watership Down.[2] Voyage and Return Examples: Alice in Wonderland, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Orpheus, The Time Machine, Peter Rabbit, Brideshead Revisited, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Gone with the Wind, The Third Man.[2] Comedy Tragedy Examples: Macbeth, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Carmen, Bonnie and Clyde, Jules et Jim, Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary, Julius Caesar.[2] Rebirth Examples: Sleeping Beauty, The Frog Prince, Beauty and the Beast, The Snow Queen, A Christmas Carol, The Secret Garden, Peer Gynt

Modelos de Narrativa Escrita, Banda Desenhada, Filme, RPG

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