EM 1110-1-4006 - Removal of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) - Web
EM 1110-1-4006 - Removal of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) - Web
EM 1110-1-4006 - Removal of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) - Web
Removal of Underground
Storage Tanks (USTs)
No. 1110-l-4006 30 September 1998
1. Purpose. The primary purpose of this Engineer Manual (EM) is to provide practical guidance for
removal of underground storage tanks (USTs). The manual addresses site evaluation, monitoring, testing,
removal, and site restoration. A secondary purpose is to provide information relative to remediation of
contaminated soil and groundwater.
2. Applicability. This EM applies to all USACE commands having Civil Works and/or Military Programs
with hazardous, toxic, or radioactive waste (HTRW) project responsibilities.
5. Discussion. This manual addresses tanks subject to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA) Subtitle I undergroundstorage tanks requirements, and is not intended for use in the
management of tanks that have stored RCRA Subtitle C hazardous wastes. Each UST project
progresses through an orderly sequence of phases. These phases include initial data gathering, initial
field investigations, tank removal, and site remediation. This manual is intended to guide qualified
technical personnel through the activities associated with each phase and provides steps for preparing
UST removal contract documents. This EM will help the designer to incorporate the proper requirements
into the project documents.
5 Appendices
(See Table of Contents)
Chief of Staff
Table of Contents
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
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Table 3-1 Volumetric Leak Testing Methods 3-2
3-2 Nonvolumetric Leak Testing Methods 3-3
3-3 Major Variables Affecting Leak Detection 3-7
4-1 Geophysical Methods 4-4
4-2 Physicochemical Properties of Six Common
Hydrocarbon Mixtures 4-8
4-3 Used Oil Specification 4-10
5-1 Drilling Methods 5-7
7-1 Personal Protective Equipment 7-8
7-2 Action Levels for CGI Monitoring 7-29
8-1 Methods for Determination of Metals 8-10
8-2 Methods for Determination of Nonmetallic Analytes 8-11
8-3 Summary of Sample Container, Preservation, and
Maximum Holding Times 8-15
10-1 Combustible Gas Indicator (CGI) Equipment
and Supplies Checklist 10-4
11-1 Comparison of the FID and PID 11-2
11-2 Photoionization Detector (PID) Equipment and
Supplies Checklist 11-4
11-3 Flame Ionization Detector (FID) Equipment and
Supplies Checklist 11-8
13-1 Procedures for Purging Tanks 13-2
13-2 Procedures for Inerting Tanks 13-8
14-1 Procedures for Sludge Removal 14-3
15-1 Estimated Quantity of Soil to be Removed by
Tank Size (Average) 15-4
D-1 Cooling Power on Exposed Flesh Expressed as an
Equivalent Temperature under Calm Conditions D-7
E-1 Confined Space Entry Permit E-4
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1-1. Scope. The manual covers tanks subject to Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle I underground storage tank requirements and is
not intended for use in the management of remediation projects for tanks that
are believed to have been used to store RCRA Subtitle C hazardous wastes.
(Note: There is a regulatory distinction between a tank used to store
ignitable fuels and a tank used to store hazardous waste. Subtitle I, not
Subtitle C, applies to product tanks, even though hazardous wastes may be
generated from the tank upon removal from service. Therefore, generation of
hazardous waste from a tank does not preclude the use of this EM.)
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1-3. Closure Requirements. This guidance does not suggest that all of the
activities must be performed. Rather the reader must decide what activities
are required for each tank closure. This manual addresses the minimum tank
closure requirements based on applicable federal regulations and a review of
state requirements. In every case, the user of this manual must check the
requirements of the local environmental Implementing Agency (IA) and plan for
the specific coordination of activities specified in these IA requirements.
Questions as to the applicability of federal or state UST removal requirements
on active installations or Civil Works Facilities should be addressed to the
installation legal office or USACE district office (Civil Works), or if no
legal office exists, to the major command legal office to which the
installation or Civil Works Facility is assigned. Questions as to the
applicability of Federal or state UST removal requirements on former
installations should be addressed to the legal office of the USACE district
executing the work. A list of state UST contacts is provided in Appendix B to
assist in determining these local needs. Tank closure in place must be
approved by the appropriate command as detailed below prior to completion:
Figures 1-1 and 1-2 identify the generic steps in the UST removal process and
identify the applicable chapters in this manual for each step.
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EM 1110-1-4006
Regulatory Notification
Coordination Excavation Permit Local Fire Department
Tank Removal Permit Traffic Control
Destruction Certification
Site Safety & Health Plan
Sampling and Analysis Plan
Treatment &
13 - UST Removal
14 - Sludge Removal
Tank In-Place
Tightness Closure
Treatment &
13 - UST Removal
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14 - Sludge Removal
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16 - Site Remediation
17- Site Restoration
1-5. Regulations.
(b) Tank used for storing heating oil for consumptive use on the
premises where stored; however, it is Army policy per AR
200-1, Chapter 4,to manage heating oil tanks 250 gallons
(946 liters) or larger similarly to Subtitle I underground
storage tanks.
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(3) The following UST systems are excluded from the requirements of
this part:
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(a) Ignitability.
(b) Corrosivity.
(c) Reactivity.
(d) Toxicity.
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b. Work History. The contractor must provide, and have available to the
onsite project manager at all times, work history of all personnel
employed by the contractor for the specific purpose of fulfilling the
tasks dictated by the subcontract and site-specific plans and
instructions. This should be construed to mean any personnel used
for purposes of administration or logistical support within the
confines of the exclusion/contamination reduction zone as determined
by the project manager.
1-7. Corrective Action Planning. The guidance in this manual is based on the
requirements of federal regulations, AR 200-1 for FUDS and Installation
Restoration Program (IRP) sites, and a review of state regulations. The IA
may either be the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in states which
have not adopted their own UST regulations, or a state agency where
regulations have been adopted, or a local agency. The reader is responsible
for determining the governing agency for each tank removal. Appendix B lists
the state UST agencies.
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b. Tank Closure. Figure 1-1 details the steps that are typically
required for a clean tank closure, and Figure 1-2 details the
procedures for a closure that requires site remediation. Both
figures depict how these steps relate to coordination activities,
project documents, and the chapters contained in this manual. Figure
1-3 provides a checklist for tank closure.
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Completed/ 1. Have the major decision-makers been identified?
& Initials _____ Environmental Coordinator
_____ USACE District Office Contracting Representative
_____ Implementing Agency Contact
_____________ 2. Has the tank been identified and located?
_____________ 3. Is the tank history complete?
_____ As-built Drawings
_____ Utility Surveys
_____________ 4. Have the contents been identified?
_____________ 5. Has a visual site inspection been performed to identify potential
construction difficulties and/or signs of leakage?
_____________ 6. Have the planning documents been prepared and approved?
_____ Site Safety & Health Plan
_____ Sampling and Analysis Plan
_____ Project Work Plan
_____________ 7. Has an acceptable laboratory been identified and approved?
_____________ 8. Has a preliminary site investigation been conducted to determine
whether site remediation is required?
_____________ 9. Have all permits been obtained?
_____ Excavation
_____ Tank Removal (regulatory agency permit)
_____________ 10. Have provisions been made for product and sludge removal?
_____ Recycle of POLs
_____ Manifest for Waste Disposal
_____________ 11. Have provisions been made for disposal of contaminated water?
_____ POTW Acceptance of Waters
_____ Recycle/Separation/Treatment
_____ Manifest Waste Disposal
_____________ 12. Have the appropriate agencies been notified of exact date of tank
_____ Fire Department
_____ Implementing Agency
_____ Environmental Coordinator
_____________ 13. Have action levels and screening methods been determined for excavation
of soils?
_____________ 14. Have the methods for soil treatment and/or disposal been identified?
_____________ 15. Have provisions been made for the tank ?
_____Destruction certification
_____________ 16. Have provisions been made for site restoration?
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1-8. Plan of Work. The tank removal contractor shall develop, implement,
maintain, and supervise a comprehensive plan for tank removal and related
operations. The work plan should be based on project specification
requirements, work experience, the guidance provided in this manual, and the
latest versions of the following guidance references: API Recommended
Practice 1604, API Publication 2015, API Recommended Practice 2003, API
Publication 2217, and API Publication 2219. This work plan will provide the
USACE with the contractor's approach to performing the work. No work at the
site is permitted to commence until the work plan is approved. At a minimum,
the work plan should include:
b. Discussion of the approach for tank removal, tank cleaning, and tank
destruction procedures.
j. Borrow source.
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m. Decontamination procedures.
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(4) Tank.
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2-6. Fire Department Notification. The local fire department must be given
sufficient notice to allow them to be present during tank excavation. The
local fire chief must be contacted to determine whether any local ordinances
apply during excavation.
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EM 1110-1-4006
Requires Empty
Claimed Total Downtime for or Full Tank for
Method Principle Accuracy, gal/h Testing Test
Ainlay Tank Integrity Pressure measurement by a coil-type manometer to determine product-level change in a 0.02 10-12 h (filled a night Full
Testing propane bubbling system. before 1.5-h testing)
ARCO HTC Underground Level change measurement by float and light-sensing system. 0.05 4-6 h No
Tank Detector
Certi-Tec Testing Monitoring of pressure changes resulting from product-level changes. 0.05 4-6 h Full
"Ethyl" Tank Sentry Level change magnification by a J tube manometer. Sensitive to 0.02- Typically 10 h No
in level change
EZY-CHEK Leak Detector Pressure measurement to determine product-level change in an air bubbling system. Less than 0.01 4-6 h (2 h waiting after Full
fillup, 1-h test)
Fluid-static (standpipe) Pressurizing of system by a standpipe; keeping the level constant by product addition or Gross Several days Full
Testing removal; measuring rate of volume change.
Heath Petro Tite Tank and Pressurizing of system by a standpipe; keeping the level constant by product addition or Less than 0.05 6-8 h Full
Line Testing (Kent-Moore) removal; measuring rate of volume change; product circulation by pump.
Leak detection by differential pressure change in an empty tank; leak rate estimation by Less than 0.05 Minimum 48 h Empty
1 Including the time for tank end stabilization when testing with standpipe.
2 Including 1 to 2 h for reference tube temperature equilibrium.
Source: USEPA 1986. Underground Storage Tank Leak Detection Methods: A State of the Art Review. EPA/600/2-86/001.
Requires Empty
Total Downtime or Full Tank for
Method Principle Claimed Accuracy, gal/h for Testing Test
Acoustical Monitoring Sound detection of vibration and elastic waves generated by a leak in a Does not provide leak rate; 1-2 h No
System (AMS) nitrogen-pressurized system; triangulation techniques to detect leak location. detects leaks as low as 0.01
Leybold-Heraeus Helium Rapid diffusivity of helium; mixing of a tracer gas with products at the Does not provide leak rate; None No
Detector, Ultratest M2 bottom of the tank; helium detected by a sniffer mass spectrometer. helium could leak through 0.005-
in leak size.
Smith & Denison Helium Rapid diffusivity of helium; differential pressure measurement; helium Provides the maximum possible Few–24 h Empty
Test detection outside a tank. leak detection based on the size (excludes sealing
of the leak (does not provide leak time)
rates); helium could leak through
0.05-in leak size.
TRC Rapid Leak Detector Rapid diffusion of tracer gas; mixing of a tracer gas with product; tracer gas Does not provide leak rate; None No
for Underground Tanks and detected by a sniffer mass spectrometer with a vacuum pump. tracer gas could leak through
Pipes 0.005-in leak size.
Ultrasonic Leak Detector Vacuuming the system (5 lb/in2); scanning entire tank wall by ultrasound Does not provide leak rate; a Few hours Empty
(Ultrasound) device; noting the sound of the leak by headphones and registering it on a leak as small as 0.001 gal/h of (includes tank
EM 1110-1-4006
meter. air could be detected; a leak preparation and
through 0.005-in could be 20-min test)
30 SEP 98
VacuTect (Tanknology) Applying vacuum at higher than product static head; detecting bubbling noise Provides approximate leak rate. 1h No
by hydrophone; estimating approximate leak rate by experience.
Varian Leak Detector Similar to Smith & Denison. Similar to Smith & Denison. Few–24 h Empty
(SPY2000 or 938-41) (excludes sealing
Source: EPA/600/2-86/001, “Underground Storage Tank Leak Detection Methods: A State of the Art Review.”
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b. Nonvolumetric.
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(1) Can detect a release from any portion of the tank and the
connected underground piping that routinely contains product;
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Variable Impact
Temperature Change Expansion or contraction of a tank and its contents can mask leak and/or leak rate.
Water Table Hydrostatic head and surface tension forces caused by groundwater may mask tank leaks partially or completely.
Tank Deformation Changes or distortions of the tank due to changes in pressure or temperature can cause an apparent volume change when none exists.
Vapor Pockets Vapor pockets formed when the tank must be overfilled for testing can be released during a test or expand or contract from temperature and pressure
changes and cause an apparent change in volume.
Product Evaporation Product evaporation can cause a decrease in volume that must be accounted for during a test.
Piping Leaks Leaks in piping can cause misleading results during a tank test because many test methods cannot differentiate between piping leaks and tank leaks.
Tank Geometry Differences between the actual tank specifications and nominal manufacturer's specifications can affect the accuracy of change in liquid volume
Wind When fill pipes or vents are left open, wind can cause an irregular fluctuation of pressure on the surface of the liquid and/or a wave on the liquid-free
Source: USEPA 1986. Underground Storage Tank Leak Detection Methods: A State of the Art Review. EPA/600/2-86/001.
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(1) The amount of time required for the tank's contents to stabilize
after a delivery of product.
(4) The actual minimum leak rate the test method can detect to a
probability of detection of 0.95 and a probability of false
alarm of 0.05.
3-5. Precautions. Table 3-3 summarizes the variables that can affect leak
detection. Three of the major variables are discussed below.
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(2) Vapor pockets commonly occur in tanks and the associated piping
that have been filled to capacity. Temperature fluctuations and
pressure changes in the tank contents cause the expansion or
contraction of vapor pockets. Volume changes of trapped vapors
produce product-level changes that may be misinterpreted as
leaks. Vapor pockets as small as 38 liters (10 gallons) in a
38,000 liter (10,000-gallon) tank can influence test results.
In preparation for tightness testing, if vapor pockets of 40 to
80 liters (10 to 20 gallons) or more are suspected, the tank and
lines should be bled as a precaution.
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3-6. Equipment. Each commercially available leak detection method has two
components: equipment and procedures. Both the equipment (physical devices,
computer hardware, and instrumentation) and procedures (operator
responsibilities, computer software, theoretical and analytical approaches)
can vary from one method to another. This can result in variances in method
performance for different leak rates and threshold values.
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3-7. Materials. Once a tank tightness test method has been selected, the
operator will provide the necessary equipment, handling/transferring
procedures, and training on material safety data sheets (MSDS) for the liquids
to be used. The only material that is typically necessary is additional
product to fill the tank.
It should be noted that topping off tanks with product may be difficult. The
Defense Fuel Supply Center that contracts for most of the Army's fuel has
stated they will not contract to have the tanks topped off. Individuals
responsible for performing the integrity testing will provide added fuel to
top off the tanks to be tested.
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a. Preparation.
(1) The tank is first filled to the level required for testing with
the same product at the same temperature as the tank contents.
A waiting period follows to allow temperature variations, wave
actions, and structural deformations to subside. If necessary,
the tank is bled to reduce vapor pockets.
b. Testing. The sensors inserted into the tank measure the temperature
and the level (or volume) of the product in the tank over time.
Often these two measurements are collected at the same rate. The
instrument readings are recorded either electronically or manually.
The test ends based on the data results. Often this is a function of
time, but sometimes the decision to end the test is controlled by
other measurements.
c. Analysis.
(1) Convert the level data to volume data and compensate for
temperature changes using procedures defined by the
manufacturer. Use these data to calculate a volumetric flow
rate of leakage from the tank.
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b. Documentation.
(1) All UST system owners and operators must maintain records
demonstrating compliance with applicable regulations.
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4-3. Regulatory Issues. Federal, state, and local agencies will need to be
contacted well in advance of tank removal (a minimum of 30 days). Preferably,
the Environmental Coordinator should contact the applicable agencies. In many
cases the regulatory agency may want to have an individual onsite to observe
tank removal. Appendix B lists state agencies in charge of UST management.
In addition, state regulatory agencies can supply lists of licensed tank
removal/disposal firms and provide guidance for waste disposal and other
useful information. Tanks storing hazardous waste are regulated under 40 CFR
264/265 and are outside the scope of this document.
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EM 1110-3-178
4-5. Site Reconnaissance. During efforts to locate the tank, the following
items should also be noted by the designer:
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- Gasolines.
- Middle distillates.
- Heavier fuel oils and lubricating oils.
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(2) The middle distillate group includes diesel fuel, kerosene, jet
fuel, and lighter fuel oils. These fuels may contain as many as
500 individual compounds; however, these compounds tend to be
more dense, less volatile, less mobile, and less water soluble
than gasoline materials.
(2) Two liquid layers present: Sample each liquid layer and treat
as a separate sample.
(3) Empty tanks: Do not sample tanks found to be free of any liquid
phase. If there is reason to believe that an empty tank may
have held chemicals other than petroleum, oils, and lubricants
(POLs), consult the Center of Expertise (HTRW-CX)for guidance.
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EM 1110-3-178
d. Strategy for the Analysis of UST Contents. There are only a few
categories of liquids likely to be present in underground
storage tanks at most sites: (1) fuel oil/diesel (2) gasoline
(3) jet fuel (4) kerosene (5) heating oil (6) oily water (7)
chlorinated solvents (8) waste oil (9) herbicides and/or
pesticide/PCBs, (10) paint and plating waste/byproducts, and
(11) used oil. Sampling strategy will vary depending upon the
type of material stored and whether the material is intended for
recycle or disposal. Commercial chemicals and fuel products
recovered from an UST used for product storage that are still
suitable for use can still be used for their intended purpose.
They do not have to be disposed of as hazardous waste. For
these types of materials, analysis will be confirmatory in
nature to determine the product identity and purity. However,
fuel water mixtures that must be processed in order to be
usable, materials that can not be used for their intended
purpose, waste oils, used oils, and spent materials will require
analysis to characterize them for recycle or disposal.
(2) For used oily wastes, the sampling strategy begins with
consideration of EPA’s Standards for the Management of Used Oil,
40 CFR 279. To ensure oily waste is not subject to hazardous
waste regulation, sample for total halogens. If the result is
less than 1,000 mg/L halogens, then additonal testing would be
limited to parameters listed in Table 4-3. If more than 1,000
mg/L total halogens are detected, the oily waste is presumed to
be hazardous waste unless demonstrated otherwise. To pursue a
non-hazardous waste demonstration, Methods 8021 or 8260 may be
utilized to determine whether signficant amounts of halogenated
hazardous constituents from Appendix VIII of 40 CFR 261 are
The basis for this testing is found in used oil standards in 40 CFR 279.
According to these standards, if oily waste contains greater than 1,000 mg/L
total halogens, it is presumed that listed hazardous waste was mixed into the
oil. The resultant mixture is then regulated as hazardous waste unless it can
be demonstrated that the source of the halogens was not hazardous waste. Once
the hazardous waste presumption is rebutted, use Table 4-3 to determine
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The used oil specification in Table 4-3, however, only applies to used oil.
It does not apply to fuel products. For fuel products the sampling strategy
will be based primarily on the requirements of the fuel purchaser/user.
Additionally, testing may be required to determine the Department of
Transportation (DOT) Proper shipping name for the fuel if sufficient knowledge
of the material is not available. Generally, testing for flashpoints and
boiling points of petroleum products will be sufficient to determine
applicable DOT shipping requirements.
For materials that are not petroleum fuels or used oils such as waste waters,
paint wastes, pesticides, PCBs, etc., the sampling strategy will be to analyze
the material to determine whether there are viable recycling and/or energy
recovery options and to determine whether the material is subject to
regulation under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) or the
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
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e. Required Analyses.
(1) Analysis for used oil: Analyze each UST organic liquid sample
collected for total arsenic, total cadmium, total chromium,
total lead, total organic halogens, and flashpoint. Currently,
no EPA method correctly analyzes organolead in a liquid organic
matrix. The organic layer is not usually analyzed for total
recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) since it is usually
100 percent hydrocarbon (unless required by applicable
regulations). Analysis to determine fuel type is more
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f. Tank Accessibility.
(2) Situations will arise in which UST access is not possible even
though the fill pipe is accessible. This may be the result of
corrosion. In this event, the field sampling supervisor should
contact the project manager for guidance.
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(2) Remove the fill pipe cap with use of nonsparking tools.
(4) Collect each separate stratified liquid and/or solid phase for
chemical analysis.
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(9) Fill out field notebook, sample log sheet, labels, and chain-of-
custody forms (See Chapter 8 for details).
h. Sludge Sampling.
(1) Sludge may be present at the bottom of the UST. Since storage
of RCRA-regulated waste is limited to 90 days without a permit,
it is important to characterize it early. If generator
knowledge is lacking, sludge analysis should include flashpoint
to determine if it meets the RCRA definition for the
characteristic of ignitability and should include TCLP analyses
for metals or other suspected TCLP constituents. Generally,
perform sludge sampling if:
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(e) Repeat Steps (b) and (d) to obtain the required volume of
sludge. Refer to the Quality Control (QC) requirements in
Chapter 8. (For some samples it will be necessary to obtain
at least 48 oz. of sludge.)
(h) Fill the 8-oz. wide-mouth glass bottles at least 3/4 full.
(j) Fill out field notebook, sample log sheet, labels, and
chain-of-custody forms.
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5-1. General. This chapter discusses the investigation procedures that can
be employed if the contamination at the UST is more widespread than the
immediate tank area. Typically these procedures are above and beyond what is
required during a UST removal. These activities, if required, should be
performed under a separate contract from the UST removal so as not to slow
down the tank removal process yet avoid potential UST-removal contractor
delays. This chapter is included for guidance and completeness of this
manual. Additional guidance on site characterization may be found in
EM 200-1-3 and ASTM Standard Guides D 5730 and E 1912.
5-2. Subsurface Soil Gas Survey. Soil gas surveys (also called field
hydrocarbon vapor tests) are a proven quick and economical in situ field
method for determining the presence of subsurface chemical contamination. The
soil-gas survey measures the relative concentration of volatile hydrocarbon
components in the vadose zone of the soil. Data obtained from these surveys
can be used to measure the relative magnitude of volatile hydrocarbons in the
soil and contaminant dispersion or migration trends. Quantitation is
accomplished with a gas chromatograph.
This information may help determine the need for quantitative soil sampling
and/or the need for monitoring well installation. Two basic types of soil-
gas surveys commonly performed during UST site assessments are discussed
a. Active soil gas survey. The first type is the active soil-gas survey
in which a probe is inserted into the subsurface and a volume of soil
gas is pumped out of the vadose zone into a sample collection device
for analysis. The gas samples are injected into a gas chromatograph
that has been calibrated with one or more of the analytes thought to
be present onsite.
b. Passive Soil Gas Survey. The second type is the passive soil-gas
survey in which a collection device is placed in the subsurface or on
the surface of the ground, allowing the atmosphere within the device
to come into compositional equilibrium with the soil atmosphere.
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Soil gas sampling methods also include headspace measurements and flux chamber
measurements (EPA/600/8-87/036). Headspace sampling involves placing samples
of site soils into a sealed container and measuring the concentrations of
organics in the air above the soil (in the headspace) after some equilization
period. Flux chamber measurements are obtained by placing an open-bottomed
chamber on the soil surface and slowly passing a carrier gas over the soil
surface and collecting a sample of the air from the chamber for analysis.
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More than one analyte may be of interest for the gas survey.
Any compound that may have been stored in the UST (e.g.,
gasoline or other volatile fuels; organic solvents such as
dichloroethane, trichloroethane, benzene, toluene, xylene,
methylene chloride, acetone; etc.) may be used to calibrate the
instrument so that quantitative results are obtained for that
(3) Extract gas through the probe via a vacuum pump connected to
the tubing. Five sample probe volumes should be extracted
prior to sampling.
(4) Remove a gas sample with the gas-tight syringe inserted into
the flexible tubing between the pump and the probe.
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Sample Cap
Vacuum Pump
Vacuum Gauge
Ground Surface
Section of Hollow
Steel Pipe
Vadose Zone
Expendable Point
(2) Do not clean with water or any liquid because this will have an
effect on the gas chromatograph.
(3) Draw ambient air blanks through the probe and analyze by gas
chromatography to establish that cross-contamination is not
5-3. Borehole Drilling/Soil Sampling. Soil borings and monitoring wells are
the primary means of assessing the extent of contamination from any
hydrocarbon phase. Borehole drilling is a method for collecting subsurface
soil samples and for subsequent well installation (discussed below).
Boreholes are completed to determine the nature and extent of contamination at
an UST site.
Method Drilling Principle (Ft.) Advantages Disadvantages
Direct- Advancing a sampling 30 (100) Avoids use of drilling fluids Limited to fairly soft materials such as
Push device into the and lubricants during clay, silt, sand, and gravel. Compact,
subsurface by applying drilling. gravelly materials may be hard to penetrate.
static pressure,
impacts, or vibration Equipment highly mobile. Small diameter well screen may be hard to
or any combination develop. Screen may become clogged if thick
thereof to the above Disturbance of geochemical clays are penetrated.
ground portion of the conditions during
sampler extensions installation is minimized. The small diameter drive pipe generally
until the sampler has precludes conventional borehole geophysical
been advanced its full Drilling and well screen logging.
length into the installation is fast,
desired soil strata. considerably less labor The drive points yield relatively low rates
intensive. of water.
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30 SEP 98
EM 1110-1-4006
Method Drilling Principle (Ft.) Advantages Disadvantages
Auger, Successive 1.5-m (5- 45 (150) Fairly inexpensive. Fairly Depth of penetration limited, especially in
Hollow- ft) flights of spiral- simple and moderately fast cavey materials.
and shaped drill stem are operation. Small rigs can
Solid- rotated into the get to difficult-to-reach Cannot be used in rock or well-cemented
Stem ground to create a areas. Quick setup time. formations. Difficult to drill in cobbles
hole. Cuttings are or boulders.
brought to the surface Can quickly construct shallow
by the turning action wells in firm, nonclayey Log of well is difficult to interpret
of the auger. materials. without collection of split spoons due to
No drilling fluid or the lag time for cuttings to reach ground
lubricants required. surface.
Use of hollow-stem augers
greatly facilitates Soil samples returned by auger flight are
collection of split-spoon disturbed making it difficult to determine
samples, and continuous the precise depth from which the sample
sampling is possible. came.
Method Drilling Principle (Ft.) Advantages Disadvantages
Jetting Washing action of 15 Relatively fast and Somewhat slow with increasing depth.
water forced out of (50) inexpensive. Driller often Limited to drilling relatively shallow
the bottom of the not needed for shallow holes. depth, small diameter boreholes.
drill rod clears hole
to allow penetration. In firm, noncavey deposits Extremely difficult to use in very coarse
Cuttings brought to where hole will stand open, materials, i.e., cobbles and boulders.
surface by water well construction fairly
flowing up the outside simple. Minimal equipment Large quantities of water required during
of the drill rod. required. drilling process. A water supply is needed
that is under enough pressure to penetrate
Equipment highly mobile. the geologic materials present.
EM 1110-1-4006
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30 SEP 98
EM 1110-1-4006
Method Drilling Principle (Ft.) Advantages Disadvantages
Cable- Hole created by 300+ Can be used in rock The potential for cross-contaminated samples
tool dropping a heavy (1,000 +) formations as well as is very high.
(percus "string" of drill unconsolidated formations.
sion) tools into well bore, Can drill through cobbles and Decontamination can be difficult.
crushing materials at boulders and highly cavernous
bottom. or fractured rock. Fairly Heavy steel drive pipe used to keep hole
accurate logs can be prepared open and drilling "tools" can limit
Cuttings are removed from cuttings if collected accessibility. Cannot run some geophysical
occasionally by often enough. Driving a logs due to presence of drive pipe.
bailer. Generally, casing ahead of hole
casing is driven just minimizes cross-contamination Relatively slow drilling method.
ahead of the bottom of by vertical leakage of
the hole; a hole formation waters and Heavier wall, larger diameter casing than
greater than 150 mm (6 maintains borehole stability. that used for other drilling methods
inches) in diameter is Recovery of borehole fluid normally used.
usually made. samples excellent throughout
the entire depth of the Temporary casing can cause problems with
borehole. Excellent method emplacement of effective filter pack and
for detecting thin water- grout seal.
bearing zones. Excellent
method for estimating yield Heaving of unconsolidated sediment into
of water-bearing zones. bottom of casing can be a problem.
Excellent method for drilling
in soil and rock where lost
circulation of drilling fluid
is possible.
Core samples can be easily
Excellent for development of
a well.
Method Drilling Principle (Ft.) Advantages Disadvantages
Mud Rotating bit breaks 1,500+ Drilling is fairly quick in Expensive, requires experienced driller and
Rotary formation; cuttings (5,000 +) all types of geologic fair amount of peripheral equipment.
are brought to the materials, hard and soft.
surface by a Completed well may be difficult to develop,
circulating fluid Borehole will stay open from especially small diameter wells, because of
(mud). Mud is forced formation of a mud wall on mud or filtercake on wall of borehole.
down the interior of sides of borehole by the
the drill stem, out circulating drilling mud. Lubricants used during drilling can
the bit, and up the Eases geophysical logging and contaminate the borehole fluid and soil/rock
annulus between the well construction. samples.
drill stem and hole
wall. Geologic cores can be Geologic logging by visual inspection of
collected. cuttings is fair due to presence of drilling
Cuttings are removed mud. Thus beds of sand, gravel, or clay may
by settling in a "mud Can use casing-advancement be missed.
pit" at the ground drilling method.
EM 1110-1-4006
contaminate clean zones during circulation.
30 SEP 98
30 SEP 98
EM 1110-1-4006
Method Drilling Principle (Ft.) Advantages Disadvantages
Reverse Similar to hydraulic 1500+ Drilling readily accomplished Drilling through cobbles and boulders may be
Rotary rotary method except (5,000 +) in soils and most hard rock. difficult.
the drilling fluid is Drilling is relatively fast Use of drilling fluids, polymeric
circulated down the and for drilling large additives, and lubricants can affect the
borehole outside the diameter boreholes. borehole chemistry.
drill stem and is Borehole is accessible for
pumped up the inside, geophysical logging prior to A large water supply is needed to maintain
just the reverse of installation of well. hydrostatic pressure in deep holes and when
the normal rotary highly conductive formations are
method. Water is used Creates a very "clean" hole, encountered.
as the drilling fluid, not dirtied with drilling
rather than a mud, and mud. Expensive — experienced driller and much
the hole is kept open Large diameter of borehole peripheral equipment required. Hole
by the hydrostatic permits relatively easy diameters are usually large, commonly 450 mm
pressure of the water installation of monitoring (18 inches) or greater.
standing in the well.
Method Drilling Principle (Ft.) Advantages Disadvantages
Air Very similar to 1,500+ Can be used in all geologic Relatively expensive.
Rotary hydraulic rotary, the (5,000 +) formations; most successful Cross-contamination from vertical
main difference is in highly fractured communication possible.
that air is used as environments. Air will be mixed with the water in the hole
the primary drilling Useful at most any depth. and blown from the hole, potentially
fluid as opposed to Drilling in rock and soil is creating unwanted reactions with
mud or water. relatively fast. contaminants; may affect "representative"
Can use casing-advancement samples.
method. Air, cuttings and water blown from the hole
Drilling mud or water not can pose a hazard to crew and surrounding
required. environment if toxic compounds encountered.
Borehole is accessible for Compressor discharge air may contain
geophysical logging prior to hydrocarbons.
monitoring well installation. Organic foam additives to aid cuttings’
Well development relatively removal may contaminate samples.
easy. Overburden casing usually required.
Sonic Employs the use of 150 Can obtain large diameter, Rock drilling requires the addition of water
(vibra- high-frequency (500) continuous and relatively or air or both to remove drill cuttings.
tory) mechanical vibration undisturbed cores of almost
to take continuous any soil material without the Extraction of casing can cause smearing of
core samples of use of drilling fluids. borehole wall with silt or clay.
overburden soils and
most hard rock. Can drill through boulders, Extraction of casing can damage well screen.
wood, concrete, and other
construction debris. Equipment is not readily available and is
Can drill and sample most
softer rock with high
percentage of core recovery.
EM 1110-1-4006
Drilling is faster than most
other methods.
Reduction of IDW.
30 SEP 98
30 SEP 98
EM 1110-1-4006
Method Drilling Principle (Ft.) Advantages Disadvantages
Air- Air rotary with a 600 Very fast penetrations. Relatively expensive.
Percussio reciprocating hammer (2,000) Useful in all geologic
n Rotary connected to the bit formations. As with most hydraulic rotary methods, the
or Down- to fracture rock. rig is fairly heavy, limiting accessibility.
the-Hole- Only small amounts of water
Hammer needed for dust and bit Overburden casing usually required.
temperature control.
Vertical mixing of water and air creates
Cross-contamination potential cross-contamination potential.
can be reduced by driving
casing. Hazard posed to surface environment if toxic
compounds encountered.
Can use casing-advancement
method. DTH hammer drilling can cause hydraulic
fracturing of borehole wall.
Well development relatively The DTH hammer requires lubrication during
easy. drilling.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(b) Develop project DQOs and a SAP. See EM 200-1-2 and EM 200-
1-3 for additional guidance.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(5) Ice.
(8) Logbook.
c. Procedures.
(2) At each borehole the geologist must maintain a log that contains
at a minimum the following information:
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(i) Depth interval from which each formation sample was taken.
(j) Hole diameter and depth at which hole diameter (bit size)
(l) Depth to the static water level and changes in static water
level with hole depth.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(e) Have the driller prepare the sampler for opening, but do not
allow the driller to completely open the sampler.
(g) For those locations in which VOCs are analytes, VOC samples
must be collected immediately after the sampler is opened.
Using a sampling knife, cut off solid piece(s) (nominal 25
mm [one inch] in size) of sample and place piece(s) into the
container. Immediately close container and place on ice.
The container must not have any headspace if the sample is
to be analyzed for VOCs.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(2) Construct the well of materials that are compatible with the
anticipated geochemical and chemical environment.
(4) Seal the well adequately with materials that will not interfere
with the collection of representative water-quality samples.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(3) Review well log for construction, size, and well depth. Record
information in logbook. Do not measure the total depth of the
well prior to sampling. Measuring to the bottom of the well
casing may cause re-suspension of settled solids from the
formation materials and require longer purging times for
turbidity equilibration. Measure the well depth after sampling
is complete.
(b) Calculate the total volume of the well casing. Use the
radius of the well casing for the calculation. This is
Volume B.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(6) The well should be purged of at least three casing and sand
(filter) pack volumes or until pH, temperature, specific
conductance, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), dissolved
oxygen (DO), and turbidity are each at equilibrium. Equilibrium
is established when three successive readings are within:
C ±0.2 pH units.
C ±1 degree Celsius for temperature.
C ±3 percent for specific conductance.
C ±10mV for oxidation-reduction potential (ORP).
C ±10 percent for DO.
C ±10 percent turbidity.
(7) Begin purging well using either bailer, submersible pump, or in-
place pump.
(8) Collect all purge water in 55-gallon drums until the disposal
method can be determined based on water quality results. NOTE:
In some instances, purging rates must be kept below 500 mL/min
to avoid over pumping or pumping the well to dryness. Ideally,
wells should never be pumped to dryness.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(9) Initiate sampling after purging has been completed. Label all
sample containers with well ID, date, and time of sampling,
analytes, and preservative. See Table 8-3 for sample bottle
requirements. If bioremediation is a potential treatment option,
samples should be collected for testing for nitrates, sulfates,
ferrous iron, and methane.
(11) Fill VOA containers first (add two drops HCl acid preservative
to containers prior to filling). Overfill container, put on
cap, and invert container to check for bubbles. If
bubbles are present, discard sample and refill. Place samples
on ice.
(12) Fill other organic analyte bottles next. Do not completely fill
the container. Leave approximately 10-percent volume as head
space. Mark the volume on the container with a grease pen.
Preserve as specified in preservation table. Place samples on
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
discharged from the tested well. Also, the test does not artificially induce
contaminant flow and can be performed on wells within known or suspected
groundwater contamination plumes. Further information on aquifer testing may
be found in EPA Groundwater Issue on Suggested Operating Procedures for
Aquifer Pumping Tests, EPA/540/S-93/503. Guidance for measuring well discharge
may be found in ASTM D 5737.
b. Data. Data from the slug tests can be input from the strip logs into
a computer spreadsheet for review. After these data are checked for
accuracy, the data file can be transferred into a commercially
available program that calculates hydraulic conductivity (m/day
[gal/day/ft2]) and transmissivity (m2/day [gals/day/ft]) for the
The procedures for collecting field samples for soil parameters are covered
extensively in many other publications and are not discussed in this manual.
Soil characterization data needs for different remedial technologies can be
found in EM 200-1-2.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
5-7. Survey. When there is a release from an underground storage tank, the
horizontal and vertical extent of the contamination must be determined. To
make an accurate determination of contamination extent, verify borehole and
monitoring well locations as well as the elevations of the monitoring wells.
Designers use this information to develop a site-specific groundwater contour
map, for calculating the groundwater gradient and flow rate, and a three-
dimensional model of the soil contamination. Coordinates and elevations
should be established for each well and boring location to a minimum of third
order survey. Elevations should be provided for each well casing to the
closest 5 mm (0.01 foot).
(3) Label all drums adequately prior to moving them to the staging
area. Label drums in a permanent, waterproof manner in
accordance with the IA requirements. Drums must not be labeled
on the top. At a minimum, label drums as to type of material
contained, site number, and location boring numbers.
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(1) To obtain soil, and water if present, from the surface and known
depths in the vicinity of the UST excavation for evaluation of
site characteristics.
The contractor should be responsible for assessing specific situations for the
most appropriate response. Upon removal of USTs, pools of free product may
exist in the ground cavity. The origin of these pools is usually seepage from
the tank or spills associated with removal. Free-product pools should be
sampled to possibly determine the nature and source of these liquids.
Guidance for preparation of sampling plans can be found in EM 200-1-3.
6-2. Field Screening for Soil Samples. An organic vapor analyzer may be used
as a cost-effective screening device for soil samples. When this instrument
is equipped with a sampling probe and a flame ionization detector (FID) or a
photoionization detector (PID), it is capable of detecting volatile
hydrocarbons in the 1 to 1,000 ppm range. The results obtained are not
quantitative, however. The results from several soil samples are relative and
will allow the sampling team to select samples that are the most contaminated
with hydrocarbons. The presence of little or no organic vapor is possibly
indicative of noncontaminated soils. The USACE may use FID/PID results as the
criteria for deciding which soil samples should be analyzed by the more
expensive gas chromatography (GC) techniques (Method 8021 or Modified 8015).
Other screening methods such as immunoassay may also be used for soil tests.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(2) Place soil from the soil sampling equipment into the jar. Cover
with foil and secure ring cap. The pint jar should be at least
3/4 full.
(3) Place the jar in hot tap water (30 degrees C.) for 5 minutes.
An alternate method is to place the jar on the dashboard of a
vehicle with the defrost cycle on.
(5) Immediately insert the sampling probe through the foil and into
the headspace above the soil.
(6) Take the reading and record the value in the field logbook along
with the other particulars of the sampling point.
6-3. Sampling. Guidance for soil and water sampling may be found in
EM 200-1-3.
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(2) Discuss (as a field team) the Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP)
prior to initiating field activities. All monitoring and
protective equipment should be checked thoroughly at this time.
Personal protective equipment and health and safety standards
are specified for each activity in the SSHP.
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EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
C Sample containers.
C Preservative supplies (ice).
C Sample labels, custody seals, and chain-of-custody forms.
C Personal protective supplies (gloves, Tyvek®).
C Decontamination supplies (see Chapter 9).
C Logbook.
(2) Discuss (as a field team) the SSHP and the procedures outlined
by it prior to initiating field activities. All monitoring and
protective equipment should be checked thoroughly at this time.
Personal protective equipment and safety and health standards
are specified for each activity in the SSHP.
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
6-5. Waste Disposal. Waste that is generated during sampling in and around
the UST(s) must be containerized and labeled according to its contents. The
waste must be packaged in DOT-approved containers for subsequent treatment or
disposal as outlined in Chapter 5.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
C Site identification.
C Type of samples.
C Sample identification numbers.
C Date and time collected.
C Collector's name.
C Field observations.
C Measurements.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
C Tank contents.
C Saturated soil samples.
C Free product samples.
C Water samples preserved with acid.
C Decontamination fluids.
C Sample preservatives such as methanol.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(6) Other applicable federal, state, and local safety and health
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
Because of the nature of the flammable or combustible liquids that are stored
in these tanks, hazardous conditions may arise in the work area during removal
and subsequent handling of tanks. For this reason, all personnel involved
onsite must be familiar with the potential hazards and know appropriate safety
and health measures to ensure a safe working environment.
7-2. Submittals. The following safety and health documents are required for
UST activities delineated in this manual. Avoid providing material of a
general nature that is not related to the UST project or site. Information
readily available in standard texts should be repeated only to the extent
necessary to meet the requirements of this scope. The Safety and Health
Program (SHP) should contain general information required by the referenced
OSHA standard and EM 385-1-1. By comparison, the SSHP should be a brief
document addressing site-specific safety and health requirements and
procedures based upon site-specific conditions. Reiteration of general
information contained in the SHP should be avoided in the SSHP.
a. Safety and Health Program. The contractor must submit a copy of the
SHP required by OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926.65(b)(1) through (b)(4)
with the initial SSHP. Information contained in this written program
must be used by reference in the SSHP, as appropriate, to fulfill
site-specific plan detail requirements.
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
7-4. Safety and Health Training. All personnel performing onsite activities
must have completed applicable training in accordance and compliance with 29
CFR 1926.65(e) and EM 385-1-1. In addition, site-specific training covering
site hazards, procedures, and all contents of the approved contractor SSHP
must be conducted by the SSHO for onsite employees and visitors prior to
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
commencement of work or entering the site. The type, duration, and dates of
all employee training performed must be listed by employee name and certified
in the contractor SSHP. The following training information is general in
nature but should be included in the SSHP.
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(4) Facial hair (beards, sideburns, etc.) that interferes with the
sealing surface of a respirator or interferes with its valve
function is not permitted. A "one-day" growth of beard is
considered to be interference.
(5) Contact lenses must not be worn onsite. Each individual who
requires visual correction must be provided with the appropriate
corrective lenses that are made to be mounted inside a full face
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
Minimum action levels for benzene and gasoline (where applicable) and percent
oxygen and lower explosive limits (LELs) must be as follows:
0-1 ppm Level D/Modified Level D
1-25 ppm Level C/Modified Level C
> 25 ppm Shut down operations and ventilate the area
0-30 ppm Level D/Modified Level D
30-1,000 ppm Level C/Modified Level C
> 1,000 ppm Shut down operations and ventilate the area
Oxygen Monitoring
19.5%-22% Normal operations
< 19.5% Level B, shut down operations and ventilate the
>22% Shut down operations and ventilate the area
< 10% Normal operations with monitoring
> 10% Shut down operations and ventilate the area
a. Exposure Monitoring.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
When monitoring to ensure personnel safety, both oxygen content and LEL
readings are required. When obtaining LEL readings, first verify the oxygen
content of the space to provide for proper operation of combustible gas
indicators. Oxygen levels less than 19.5 percent constitute IDLH conditions.
(If the inerted nature of the tank is to be determined, only oxygen readings
are required. Forced fresh air ventilation will be required when
Whenever air monitoring within the exclusion zone indicates Level C, PPE is
required, as well as routine air monitoring at the boundary of the exclusion
zone. The SSHO must expand the exclusion zone as necessary to ensure air
concentrations do not exceed Level D action levels at the exclusion zone
(1) The presence of organic vapors throughout the site area and in
breathing zones must be determined using a real-time vapor
monitoring instrument such as a PID or FID.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(1) Surveying.
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(a) Task Description. Monitoring wells are one method that may
be used to provide an access point for measuring groundwater
levels and to collect groundwater samples that accurately
represent in-situ groundwater conditions at the specific
point of sampling.
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
a. Site Rules/Prohibitions.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(b) Because the buddy must provide help, the buddy must be in
sight or hearing of the employee, and be prepared to enter
any area the employee enters. Thus, the buddy must be fully
certified to work in the level of protection that the
employee is working in, and must have the appropriate PPE
available. Personnel should not enter any area to assist
their buddy unless another backup is available in the case
of an emergency.
(b) MSDSs for all chemicals brought to the site must be filed
onsite. All project personnel will be informed of their
location and availability.
(e) Hands and faces must be thoroughly washed upon leaving the
work area and before eating, drinking, or other activities.
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(h) Carry a portable two-way radio for emergency and related use
(applies to all USACE personnel). The SSHO should always
carry a two-way radio.
(i) Keep hand tools and special tools clean and in good repair.
(j) Have the SSHO mark and inspect temporary lines, power cords,
and outlets prior to use.
(l) Use the correct tool for the particular job in the proper
(m) Carry materials and tools with concern for overloads and
balance; these items must be securely held.
b. Material Lifting.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(b) Place the feet far enough apart for good balance and
(f) Straighten the legs from their bend to lift the object.
(h) Set the object down by positioning yourself like you lifted;
the legs are bent at the knees and the object lowered.
(b) Make sure the hands and object are free of oil, grease, or
water that might prevent a firm grip.
(c) Inspect the item for metal slivers, jagged edges, burrs, and
rough or slippery surfaces.
(e) Keep fingers away from any points that may cause the fingers
to be pinched or crushed, especially when setting the object
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
c. Fall Protection.
d. Hand Tools.
(1) Refer to USACE Safety and Health Requirements Manual (EM 385-1-
1) for guidance in the use of hand tools. Only use tools that
are in good condition. Improper and defective tools contribute
to accidents. Observe the following safe practices:
(2) Use tools in the manner for which they were designed to prevent
(4) Do not use tools that have split handles, mushroom heads, worn
jaws, or other defects.
(6) Make sure that tools cannot fall on someone below when working
overhead. Tie the tools to a line, if necessary.
(2) Never apply air from an air hose to any part of the body or
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
f. Electrical Safety.
(1) Guidance for electrical safety appears in the USACE Safety and
Health Requirements Manual (EM 385-1-1). Most equipment at the
site uses electricity as the power source. Only use equipment
designed and installed in compliance with the National
Electrical Code Fire Code No. 70 (1985), NFPA, on the site.
Maintaining field equipment requires exposure to electrical
hazards that may result in shock or death unless safe practices
are strictly followed. When working with electricity, it must
always be assumed that there is sufficient voltage and current
present to cause injury.
(2) All lockout and tagging of circuits must comply with the
provisions of 29 CFR 1926.417 and EM 385-1-1. No work will be
performed on any energized electrical circuits. De-energize
electrical circuits by opening the circuit breaker or
disconnecting the switch feeding them. Where no circuit breaker
or disconnect switch exists, employ other methods to de-energize
the circuit. After the circuit has been de-energized, test it
with a voltage tester to make sure there is no voltage present.
Before work starts on the circuit, lock the disconnect switch or
circuit breaker in the open position with the worker's safety
lock. Attach a warning tag to the switch or breaker with the
worker's name on it.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(m) Keep all electric motors, switches, and control boxes clean
at all times.
(3) The SSHO should ensure that rules and safety practices in the
use of mechanical devices are regularly followed and that the
equipment is in proper working order, in keeping with all the
safeguards that have been adopted.
(a) Remove guards only after equipment has been shut down,
tagged, and locked out of service in accordance with 29 CFR
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(b) Make sure guards are in place and operative when using
(5) Shut off power and lock the equipment securely against all
motion prior to repairs or adjustments. A warning sign must
also be attached to the lock.
(6) Never oil line shafting while in motion, unless its manufacturer
specifies this practice.
(11) Keep steps, handrails, and floors free from grease and debris.
EM 1110-1-4006
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(1) Excavations.
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
Reference: EM 385-1-1
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(a) Barricade and post work zones before any work is done that
might release vapors.
(c) Eliminate all ignition sources from the area where flammable
vapors may be present or may travel.
(d) Keep work zones free of all ignition sources from the time
tank removal starts until the tank(s) is/are inerted,
residues have been removed, and the tanks' interiors have
been decontaminated.
After decontamination of the tanks' interiors, hot work must not be performed
unless combustible gas/oxygen monitoring indicates atmospheres within and
immediately surrounding the tanks are noncombustible as defined in this
chapter and Chapter 13. The hot-work prohibition includes welding, grinding,
sawing, or other similar operations that could be expected to potentially
generate combustion-producing temperatures or sparks, or that could produce
potentially hazardous fumes or vapors. If hot work is to be conducted, the
contractor must obtain a permit from the contracting officer prior to
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
conducting such work and will designate an individual at each hot-work site as
a fire watch. This person's sole responsibility will be to monitor the hot
work and have immediate access to the fire extinguisher located at each hot-
work site. The contractor must obtain a new permit at the start of each work
shift during which hot work will be conducted.
k. Illumination. The SSHO should ensure that all work areas will be
lighted to not less than the illumination intensities listed in 29
CFR 1926.65(m) and EM 385-1-1. To ensure this, work activities must
be restricted to daylight hours.
m. Drug-Free Work Environment. All UST projects shall comply with the
Drug-Free Workplace Act requirements.
7-9. Site Control Measures. Personnel not directly involved with the project
will not be permitted to enter the work zones.
a. Work Zones. The exclusion zones should include an area 7.5 meters
(25 feet) from the storage tank location and excavations. At the
exclusion zone perimeter, the contractor must establish a
contamination-reduction zone. Within the contamination-reduction
zone, equipment and personnel should be cleaned following the
guidelines provided in this chapter and Chapter 9. The contractor's
site office, parking area, and other support facilities must be
located outside the exclusion zone and the contamination-reduction
zone, in the support zone. The minimum level of personal protection
must be indicated in the SSHP. The boundaries of the work zones must
be clearly demarcated and posted by the contractor. A site map must
be included in the SSHP outlining the extent of work zones and
support facilities. The contractor must maintain a register of all
personnel visiting, entering, or working on the site.
EM 1110-1-4006
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employees may read the signs and take the necessary protective steps
before entering.
a. Decontamination.
(1) Potable Water. The SSHO must identify the closest source of
potable water. If not sufficiently close, potable water should
EM 1110-1-4006
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(2) First-Aid Kit. Keep 16-unit first-aid kits in the support zone.
Additionally, a minimum of two First-Aid/CPR-qualified employees
must be onsite during project operations.
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c. Evacuation Procedures.
(3) The SSHO should establish a safe refuge point and announce its
location in the daily meeting.
d. Contingency Procedures.
EM 1110-1-4006
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Injury Treatment
Eye Exposure If contaminated solid or liquid gets into the eyes, wash
eyes immediately at one of the emergency eyewash stations
using large amounts of water and lifting the lower and upper
eyelids occasionally. Obtain medical attention immediately.
Skin Exposure If contaminated solid or liquid gets on the skin, remove
contaminated clothing and wash the contaminated skin
promptly using soap or mild detergent and water. Obtain
medical attention immediately if there are any symptoms of
Breathing If a person inhales large amounts of a gas or vapor, move
individual to fresh air at once. If the person cannot
breathe, provide artificial respiration. Keep the affected
person warm and at rest. Obtain medical attention
Swallowing If contaminated solid or liquid has been swallowed, contact
the poison control center. Obtain medical attention
Provide the emergency medical facilities established for the site with a copy
of the SSHP.
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(5) In the event of an explosion or fire at the site, the SSHO will
take the following minimum actions:
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7-14. Occupational Safety and Health Hazards Associated With Tank Removal
Processes. Workers should be aware of appropriate health precautions. When
high concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon vapors are inhaled, symptoms of
intoxication, ranging from simple dizziness to excitement or unconsciousness,
may result, and are similar to those produced by alcohol or anesthetic gases.
If such effects occur, move the individual to fresh air. For minor effects of
exposure, breathing fresh air or oxygen results in rapid recovery. If
breathing has stopped, apply artificial respiration promptly, and obtain
medical attention as soon as possible.
(2) Keep petroleum liquids away from eyes, skin, and mouth; they can
be harmful or fatal if inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or
(3) Use soap and water or waterless hand cleaner to remove any
petroleum product that contacts skin. Do not use gasoline or
similar solvents to remove oil and grease from skin.
EM 1110-1-4006
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b. Benzene.
c. Tetraethyl Lead. This organic form of lead can cause diseases of the
central and peripheral nervous systems, the kidney, and the blood.
Skin absorption of this compound is a major route of entry into the
body. The ACGIH time-weighted average is 0.1 milligrams per cubic
meter for general room air. The permissible exposure level (PEL) in
OSHA's Occupational Safety and Health Standards (29 CFR 1910.1000,
Table Z-1) is 0.075 milligrams per cubic meter.
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(b) Remove liquids and residues from the tank(s) following the
procedures outlined in Chapter 12 titled Product Removal
Procedures using explosion-proof or air-driven pumps.
(c) Ground and bond all pumps, motors, and hoses to prevent
electrostatic-ignition hazards.
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7-15. Logs, Reports, and Recordkeeping. Develop, maintain, and submit the
following logs, reports, and records to the COR at the conclusion of the site
(2) Weekly Safety Report. The SSHO should submit a cumulative daily
safety checklist to the CIH/CSP for the preceding week. The
SSHO should prepare a short cover memorandum describing any
problems and/or deficiencies and how they were corrected.
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
8-1. General. Read this chapter for preparation guidelines for the Sampling
and Analysis Plan (SAP). The SAP includes a Field Sampling Plan (FSP) and
Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). The FSP describes field activities,
and the QAPP describes the laboratory-related activities of analysis,
laboratory quality control and reporting. See EM 200-1-2 and EM 200-1-3 for
additional guidance.
8-2. Plan Contents. The SAP must include the following items:
a. Title Page. The title page must contain the project name, project
location, contract number, phase, date, and contractor's name and
address, if applicable.
b. Table of Contents.
EM 1110-1-4006
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(6) Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) is responsible for the
safety of all site personnel and for ensuring that all field
operations are in compliance with the Site Safety and Health
Plan (See Chapter 7).
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C Date.
C Time of collection.
C Site name.
C A brief description of the sample.
C Type of sample (grab, composite).
C Preservatives used.
C Analyses required.
C Sample number as assigned in the field.
C Sampler's signature.
See Figure 8.1 for appropriate label or tag formats. Create local
forms that meet your specific needs.
EM 1110-1-4006
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Designate Preservative:
Comp. | Grab Yes No
Volatile Organics
EM 1110-1-4006
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(1) Tape all sample bottles shut with strapping tape. The only
exception to this rule applies to samples for volatile organic
analysis. The string from the numbered tag, if used, should be
secured around the lid. Mark the level of all liquid samples on the
bottle with a grease pencil to provide a reference level that
could be used to identify a leaking container.
EM 1110-1-4006
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e. Sample Shipping.
(2) Number and sign custody seals and affix on the front right and
back left of cooler. Cover custody seals with wide, clear
(3) Affix labels "This Side Up" (with appropriate arrow) on all
four sides and "Fragile" labels on at least two sides.
(4) Place the proper shipping name and identification number (i.e.,
"Flammable Liquid N.O.S., UN 1993") on all sides of the cooler,
as appropriate.
(7) The shipper must ensure that the samples will arrive at the
laboratory by the next day.
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(12) The field sampling supervisor must notify (by telephone) the
sample custodians at the contractor’s analytical laboratory and
the QA laboratory of the intended sample arrival time. Make
this notification least 2 working days in advance of delivery.
Avoid weekend deliveries unless prearranged.
(2) List only one site per custody form. If the contractor is
sampling at two or more different UST sites, each site must be
tracked with an independent custody form. Ship the original
with the samples and keep a copy for the sampling contractor's
30 SEP 98
EM 1110-1-4006
Chain of Custody (COC) Record
Samples Yes No
Date Time Relinquished by Date Time Received by
8-4. Sample Analysis and Data Reporting. Describe planned sample analysis
activities in the SAP. Include required analyses, methods, the analytical
laboratory selected, and the vague particulars of data reporting.
EM 1110-1-4006
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Abbreviations: CV = Cold Vapor; DA = Direct Aspiration; GF = Graphite Furnace; H = Hydride; ICP = Inductively Coupled
(a) Any water sample may be analyzed by SW-846 methods. Groundwater samples must be analyzed by the SW-846 methods.
Surface water and other water samples (drinking, silo, leachate, etc.) may be analyzed by the 200-series or the SW-846
series methods.
(b) Other extraction procedures may be appropriate instead of those listed. Methods 3010 (for flame and ICP) and 3020 (for
graphite furnace) are used as extraction procedures for Total Metals and are used in EP TOX or TCLP extractions.
Method 3040 is used to extract metals from oily wastes (greases, waxes, etc.).
(c) All 200 series methods are from EPA 600/4-79-020 (1983) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes; all other
methods are from SW-846 (1986), Test Methods for Evaluation of Solid Waste (including all promulgated updates).
Method-specific extraction procedure is incorporated into method. For arsenic this involves digestion by 3050 followed by
additional digestion in the method. For silver, digestion by 3050 is used with modification: approximately twice as much
HCl is used. 4Latest promulgated versions of referenced methods should be used.
EM 1110-1-4006
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Abbreviations: DA = Direct Aspiration; GC = Gas Chromatograph; GC/MS = Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectroscopy; IR = Infrared
(a) Any water sample may be analyzed by SW-846 methods. Groundwater samples must be analyzed by the SW-846 methods. Surface
water and other water samples (drinking, silo, leachate, etc.) may be analyzed by the 200-series or the SW-846 series
(b) All 300-600 series methods are from EPA 600/4-79-020 (1983) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes; all other
methods are from SW-846 (1986), Test Methods for Evaluation of Solid Waste (including all promulgated updates).
Direct injection may be used for high concentrations of contaminants in water. It is preferable to use Method 8260. If Method
8015, 8021, 601, or 602 is used, it is necessary to confirm results with a dual-column injection or a validation by GC/MS.
Method-specific extraction procedure is incorporated into method.
Some states require specific methods other than those cited here for the determination of petroleum hydrocarbons. In these
cases, the state-required methods should be used. If the cited method for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons is used,
follow extraction through Step 7.11 and then dilute with Freon-113 to 100 mL.
Extraction procedure only. Analysis (Table 8-1) must follow.
Federal Register March 29, 1990 (SW-846, 3rd Ed. 1311). TCLP leachates are analyzed by one or more of the following methods:
6010, 7060, 7470 and 7740. Scope must specify which analyses are to be performed on TCLP leachate extracts.
- Internal Quality Control: The number and types of internal QC checks shall be defined clearly in the SAP. The USACE
requirements are basically the same as those given in the EPA method. The only significant difference is that the USACE
encourages (Section 5.1) that its samples be treated as an independent set so that all applicable QC checks are applied to
the set of USACE samples even though the USACE sample size may be small. A list of all applicable checks must be
enumerated in the SOW and SAP in order to assure the USACE that the analytical laboratory is aware of these requirements
for internal QC checks. These include:
- Limits of data acceptability and corrective action to be taken when these limits are exceeded must be described.
- Corrective Action: The feedback system in place to deal with problems identified by these internal QC checks must be
described. Personnel responsible for executing this corrective action must be identified.
- The methods for determining precision, accuracy, and instrument sensitivity (detection and quantitation limits) must be
- Procedures for calibration and the frequency of calibration checks for laboratory instrumentation shall be described.
Latest promulgated versions of referenced methods should be used.
EM 1110-1-4006
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contains samples from another client, the USACE requests a copy of the
results obtained.
The detection limits stated in the SOW (or by the nominal values given
for each method) must be met by the contractor's laboratory. All samples
must be extracted (or digested) and analyzed within the specific holding
times specified by each method. All analyses must be performed by the
designated laboratory (or laboratories) and may not be subcontracted.
(1) For the tank water samples: Collect one sample in triplicate.
One sample set may be collected for rinsate verification and sent
to the contractor's laboratory and QA laboratory. Provide one
pair of trip blanks for each cooler that contains aqueous samples
for VOA.
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
8-7. Quality Assurance Laboratory. The USACE Design District responsible for
the UST action will propose the use of a USACE or other referee laboratory as
the project's quality assurance laboratory if QA samples are to be collected.
8-8. Sample Numbering System. UST samples collected under contract with the
USACE must be numbered using a USACE numbering system as described below:
aaaa = Four-character designation of the project name
bbbb = Four-character designation of the sampling subsite
cccc = Four-number character sequential numerical designation starting
with '0001' for the first sample and incrementing by one for each
subsequent sample.
EM 1110-1-4006
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Abbreviation: TRPH = Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbon.
All containers must have Teflon-lined seals (Teflon-lined septa for VOA vials). G = Glass; P =
High-density polyethylene. Samples for analysis for volatiles must have septa lids.
Sample preservation will be done in the field immediately upon sample collection.
When only one holding time is given, it implies total holding time from sampling until analysis.
Triplicate sample sets are required on at least 5 to 10 percent (but at least one) sample so
that the laboratory can perform all method QC checks for SW-846 methods.
Total Recoverable Metals for water samples. Holding time for Hg is 28 days in glass.
Collect only one 250 mL sample.
EM 1110-1-4006
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TK - Tank
SS - Surface Soil Boring
SW - Surface Water
SL - Sludge
SB - Subsurface Soil
MW - Monitoring Well
SD - Sediment
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9-1. General. This chapter describes the procedures for the decontamination
of field equipment potentially contaminated in conjunction with UST removal.
This process recommends but does not necessarily dictate the proper
decontamination methods for any given situation. The contractor will be
responsible for assessing specific situations for the most appropriate
response. Decontamination is performed as a QA measure and a safety
precaution. It prevents cross-contamination among samples and helps maintain
a clean working environment for the safety of all field personnel and any
others who may be affected.
9-3. Equipment. Materials used for decontamination may include but are not
limited to:
a. Operations.
EM 1110-1-4006
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(4) Collect and hold all decontamination liquids until they can be
properly disposed. The procedure for full field decontamination
must be followed without deviation unless specified by the
project manager.
(1) Allow easy access for equipment to move in and out of the
staging area.
(3) Allow collection of all wash water into 55- gallon drums or
c. Decontamination Steps.
EM 1110-1-4006
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(9) Allow item to completely air-dry prior to any use. Cover item
if it is not intended for immediate use. Place large items on a
clean sheet of plastic.
d. Post-Operation Procedures-Field.
e. Post-Operation Procedures-Office.
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EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
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All analyzers and testing equipment used in locations that may have flammable
atmospheres must be approved, per NFPA 70, for the hazardous location (by
Class and Division) and the hazardous substance (by Group) in that location.
It is important that manufacturers' recommendations be followed, including
calibration procedures.
(1) Use only those instruments that are certified safe for use in
atmospheres containing vapors or gases in concentrations greater
than 25 percent of the LEL. Some are not certified safe for
operation in the atmospheres they can detect. The instrument
manufacturer's operating manual should be consulted to determine
safety certification in specific atmospheres.
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(2) Check the battery charge level. If in doubt, charge the battery
as described in the operating manual. Some units have charge-
level meters, while others have only low-charge alarms.
(3) Turn the unit to the "on" position and allow the instrument
sufficient warmup time.
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(4) Verify that the sample pump is operable when the analyzer is on.
The pump can usually be heard when operating.
TABLE 10-1
Battery Charger for CGI
Oxygen Sensor
Battery Charger for Oxygen Sensor
Spare Gas-Detector Filaments
Spare Batteries for CGI
Jeweler's Screwdrivers for Internal Adjustment
Calibration Kit
A) Spare gas cylinder (NIST traceable calibration
B) Valve attachment
C) Flexible tubing (tygon)
D) Cylinder to encapsulate sensor probe
Probe Extensions
EM 1110-1-4006
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(8) Most models are equipped with three meters that read percent
oxygen, percent LEL, and ppm. The ppm dial is often not used in
the field unless a photoionization detector (PID) or flame
ionization detector (FID) is not available, as the PID/FID
instruments are considered to be more accurate.
c. Documentation Preparation.
d. Field Preparation.
(1) Instrument Check. Before using the CGI in the field, follow the
procedures described in the instrument preparation section. You
may need to make additional adjustments. If necessary, adjust
the alarm setting to the appropriate combustibility limit. The
action level or the point when activities are halted and
personnel are removed from the immediate vicinity, as detailed
in the SSHP, is usually less than 25 percent of the LEL for the
gases that are present.
(2) Record necessary calibration data in the logbook and include the
information listed below:
e. Field Measurements.
EM 1110-1-4006
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(1) Calibrate the CGI daily before use in the field. See the
manufacturer's manual for calibration procedures.
(2) Position the CGI intake assembly close to the area in question
to get an accurate reading. For readings taken downhole during
drilling, there will be a slight delay between positioning the
intake tubing downhole and registering accurate meter readings
because of the time required for the sample to travel the length
of the tube.
(a) The meter indicates 0.5 LEL (50 percent). This means that
50 percent of the concentration of combustible gas required
to reach an unstable combustible situation is present.
(b) The meter needle stays above 1.0 LEL (100 percent). This
means that the concentration of combustible gas is greater
than the LEL and less than the UEL. Therefore, the
concentration is immediately combustible and explosive.
(c) The meter needle rises above the 1.0 LEL (100 percent) mark
and then returns to zero. This response indicates that the
ambient atmosphere has a combustible gas concentration
greater than the UEL.
(b) Readings that reach the action levels designated in the SSHP
EM 1110-1-4006
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(d) Calibrate the equipment and charge the battery after each
field use. See the operating manual for details.
f. Post Operations.
(1) Field.
(2) Documentation.
EM 1110-1-4006
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(3) Office.
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EM 1110-1-4006
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TABLE 11-1
Response Responds to many organic gases Responds to many organic and some
and vapors, especially low inorganic gases and vapors,
molecular weight hydrocarbons. especially heavy hydrocarbons.
Application In survey mode, detects total In survey mode, detects total
concentrations of gases and concentrations of gases and
vapors. In GC mode, identifies vapors. Some compounds possible
compounds. if GC column and standards are
Limitations Does not respond to inorganic Does not respond to methane or
gases and vapors with a higher inorganic aliphatic chlorinated
ionization potential than the solvents. Does not respond
flame detector. No temperature properly in presence of water
control. vapor (high humidity). Does not
detect a compound if probe (lamp)
has a lower energy than
compound's ionization potential.
Calibration Methane and others. Benzene (1,3-butadiene) and
Gas others.
Ease of Requires experience to interpret Fairly easy to use and interpret.
Operation correctly, especially in GC mode. More difficult in the GC mode.
Detection 0.1 ppm (methane). 0.1 ppm (benzene), depends on
Limits lamp voltage.
Response Time 2-3 sec (survey mode). 3 sec for 90 percent of total
Maintenance Periodically clean and inspect Clean UV lamp frequently. Check
particle filters, valve rings, calibration regularly. Recharge
and burner chamber. Check battery after each use.
calibration and pumping system
for leaks. Recharge battery
after each use.
Useful Range 0-1,000 ppm. 0-2,000 ppm.
Service Life 8 hours; 3 hours with strip-chart 10 hours; 5 hours with strip-
recorder. chart recorder.
EM 1110-1-4006
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a. Limitations.
(3) The PID does not respond to certain low molecular weight
hydrocarbons such as methane and ethane.
(7) High winds and high humidity will affect measurement readings.
Certain models of PID instruments become unusable under foggy or
high humidity conditions.
EM 1110-1-4006
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TABLE 11-2
Operating Manual
Probes: 9.5eV_____, 10.2eV_____, and 11.7eV_____
Battery Charger for PID
Spare Batteries
Jeweler's Screwdriver for Adjustments
Tygon Tubing
NIST Traceable Calibration Gas
(type: _________________________)
"T" Valve for Calibration
Intake Assembly Extension
Strap for Carrying PID
Teflon Tubing for Downhole Measurements
Plastic Bags for Protecting the PID from Moisture
and Dirt
EM 1110-1-4006
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d. Documentation Preparation.
e. Field Preparation.
(3) Position the PID intake assembly close to the monitoring area
because the low sampling rate allows for only very localized
readings. Do not immerse the intake assembly in fluid under any
(4) Monitor the work activity as specified in the SSHP while taking
care not to permit the PID to be exposed to excessive moisture,
dirt, or contamination. Conduct the PID survey at a slow-to-
moderate rate of speed and slowly sweep the intake assembly (the
probe) from side to side.
(5) Evacuate the area if the preset alarm sounds. Operators using
supplied air systems may not need to evacuate the work area, but
they should frequently observe the levels indicated by the
f. Post Operation.
(1) Field.
EM 1110-3-178
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(2) Documentation.
(3) Office.
a. Limitations.
(1) The FID does not respond to nongaseous organic compounds such as
some pesticides, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
(2) Most portable FIDs use the sample gas as combustion air for the
detector flame and are designed to operate in ambient
atmospheres with oxygen concentrations of approximately 21
percent. This design precludes the sampling of process vents,
poorly ventilated or sealed containers, or any sample gas with a
hydrocarbon concentration sufficient to reduce the available
oxygen or saturate the detector. Optional equipment is
available to supply oxygen from a compressed gas cylinder or
EM 1110-1-4006
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(3) Turn on the pump and check for leaks by covering the sample
inlet and observing the rotameter. The indicator ball should
drop to zero.
EM 1110-3-178
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(4) With the pump operating, open the hydrogen gas storage tank
valve and the supply regulator to allow fuel gas to flow into
the detector chamber.
(5) Depress the igniter switch, observe the indicator needle for
positive response, and listen for a pop. If the flame fails to
light, depress the igniter switch again. Once the detector
flame is lit, the unit is ready for use. Before lighting the
detector flame, always be sure that the combustion gas flow
(usually sample gas) is started. If the detector fails to
light, check over the instrument battery and gas levels and
start again at Step 1. If the instrument still does not light,
contact the project manager.
TABLE 11-3
d. Documentation Preparation.
EM 1110-1-4006
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e. Field Preparation. Before using the FID in the field, perform the
following instrument checks to ensure that the equipment was not
damaged during transport.
(3) Calibrate the FID daily before each use in the field.
(4) Hold the sample probe in the area in question. The low sample
rate allows for only very localized readings.
(7) Check for an alarm on the unit that signals the operator if the
detector flame goes out. If the alarm sounds, evacuate the work
area, relight the flame in a known safe area, and reenter the
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
12-1. General. This chapter describes the procedures that should be followed
for removal of product from an UST after the tank's contents have been
characterized by reviewing records and/or by chemical analysis. Sampling is
usually recommended for tanks that are no longer in use or that have
experienced a change in use over their lifetimes. The only time when a UST
would not be sampled is when the tank is currently in service, and the
contents stored over its service life are well-documented.
(1) All safety rules and regulations (consult the SSHP for specific
safety instructions).
(2) The use of equipment and procedures for removing product from
(4) API Publications: 1604, 2003, 2015, 2217, 2219, and NFPA 327.
b. Documentation.
C Site identification
C Date and time specific activities took place
C Personnel names
C Field observations.
EM 1110-1-4006
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Photographs are suggested; if photos are taken, records must indicate the name
of photographer, site name, camera type and lens size, and general direction.
This information will be included in the Tank Closure Report discussed in
Chapter 1 of this manual.
c. Procedures.
(3) Take a sample for offsite analysis if tank contents are unknown.
Generally, the contents of an active tank are known. See Chapter
6 for sampling of tank contents.
(4) Vent the tank properly by ensuring all vent pipes are open to
the atmosphere, then pump or drain residual product to the
lowest possible level through the water-draw or pumpout
a. Precautions
(2) The truck operator should be provided with and trained in the
use of all required personal protective equipment. In addition,
the tank operator should be trained in recognition of
potentially flammable conditions and fire prevention, first aid,
and the proper use of portable fire extinguishers and other fire
extinguishing techniques.
EM 1110-1-4006
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(4) Dome gaskets are in good condition and seated tightly when the
domes are closed (this can be checked by applying pressure to
the tank).
(5) Hoses, connections, and fittings are in good condition, and the
materials of construction are appropriate for the application.
(6) All connections and other equipment are leak-free and in good
working order.
c. Internal Valves. Internal valves are not required on tanks that have
been specifically exempted by the U. S. Department of Transportation;
however, a copy of the exemption must be carried on the truck.
d. Operating Environment.
EM 1110-1-4006
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(3) A vacuum truck should be permitted into a diked tank area only
after the area has been tested and found to be gas free.
(4) In the area where product will be discharged from the vacuum
truck, vapor travel and sources of ignition must be considered.
f. Cargo Tank Vacuum Loading. The truck operator should utilize the
following procedure when loading a cargo tank:
(1) Attach the suction hose from the inlet valve to the load source.
(4) Position the four-way valve to pull a vacuum on the cargo tank.
WARNING: When volatile flammable or toxic liquids are loaded, the vacuum pump
exhaust should be extended downwind by attaching a length of hose sufficient
to allow venting to a hazard-free area away from people, ignition sources, and
so forth.
(6) Bleed off the vacuum by opening the bleeder valve, equalizing
the tank pressure.
(7) Close and cap the bleeder valve. Open the inside and outside
scrubber (liquid entry preventer); drain valves. Catch any
liquid for proper disposal.
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CAUTION: To prevent liquids and solids from entering the vacuum pump, neither
the inside nor the outside scrubber drain valves should be opened while the
unit is under vacuum.
12-4. Waste Disposal and Recycling. Two types of waste associated with
product-removal operations include product and contaminated water from rinsing
(a) Use for its intended purpose directly. For example it can
be burned as a fuel in a boiler, in an industrial furnace,
or in a space heater. It could also be burned in an engine
used to operate a free-product recovery system.
(b) Use for its intended purpose after being re-processed. For
example, fuel/water mixtures can be physically separated on
site to recover the fuel. Since it is not regulated as
hazardous waste, processing does not require an RCRA Part B
(2) When the POL is ignitable or fails TCLP, the following options
for disposal and/or recycling should be considered:
EM 1110-1-4006
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(a) Use for its intended purpose without first processing. Fuel
that can still be used for its intended purpose is not
subject to RCRA regardless of whether or not it exhibits a
hazardous characteristic.
(c) Mix with used oil and burn as used oil provided the mixture
does not exhibit any RCRA hazardous characteristic. Note,
however, that this is permissible according to federal
regulation, but may be prohibited by individual states.
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13-1. General. This chapter recommends procedures for the removal, storage,
and offsite disposal of UST systems that have contained flammable or
combustible fluids. All such work must be accomplished in accordance with
federal, state, and local requirements as well as accepted safety standards.
Before initiating work, the appropriate government agencies should be
consulted concerning applicable regulatory and permit requirements. This
chapter is not considered to be all inclusive due to the differences in state
regulatory requirements. USACE Guide Specifications and other helpful
guidance references are included in Chapter 1.
a. Preparation.
(3) Remove all liquids from the tank following the procedures
outlined in Chapter 12.
Confined space entry into the tanks should not be attempted unless
absolutely necessary, but it may be required to effectively remove
sludge from the tank. Consult NFPA 326, Safe Entry into Underground
Storage Tanks, for tank entry and Table 13-1, which summarize the
procedures for tank purging as well as associated advantages and
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TABLE 13-1
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(1) Exhaust flammable vapors from the tank by one of two methods of
tank ventilation listed below.
(2) One of the safest and simplest methods for purging a tank is to
fill the tank with water. However, in certain areas, regulatory
requirements for treatment/disposal of water used in the vapor-
freeing process may make this method cost-prohibitive. Purging
methods using liquids will not be used on USACE projects due to
generation of excessive volumes of waste. The method is
presented here for completeness. Before employing the method
described below, consult local regulations.
(a) Fill the tank with water until the floating product nears
the fill opening. Remove the floating product and place it
in a suitable container for proper disposal. Care should be
exercised to ensure that neither product nor water is
spilled into the tank excavation.
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(3) Another purging method that has been used with success and is an
approved method in some states is the use of commercial
emulsifiers and volatile fuel encapsulators. These products are
completely miscible in water, aid in the elimination of
flammable vapors, and are biodegradable. Regulatory
requirements for treatment and disposal of the water must be
determined prior to using this method.
(a) Standing outside the tank, rinse the tank with a three- to
six- percent solution of the product using a pressure
sprayer through a manway opening.
(c) When LEL readings are acceptable, pump out the water in the
tank for disposal.
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TABLE 13-2
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d. Testing.
(a) Take such tests with a CGI with an oxygen meter that is
properly calibrated according to the manufacturer's
instructions (typically on pentane or hexane in air) and
which is thoroughly checked and maintained in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
(a) Test the tank vapor space by placing the indicator probe
into the fill opening with the drop tube removed. Liquid
product must not enter the probe.
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(b) Remove each extractor valve riser cap and remove the
extractor valve using the proper tool.
(c) Disconnect the fuel line from the angle check valve and
disconnect other lines from the tank.
(d) Catch any liquids from the lines in a container and properly
dispose of liquids.
(3) Common Pipe Inerting Procedures. Use N2 or CO2 for the following
EM 1110-1-4006
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(c) Pressurize the line with the substance so that the fluid in
the pipeline will be backflushed into the UST. If the tank
connections are of the extractor-valve type, repeat the
backflushing process with each line that is connected to the
UST. If the lines are of the direct-connect type, continue
until the hose discharge is observed to be exhausting clean
inert substance. The procedures must be repeated for each
additional line.
f. Tank Removal.
(1) Remove liquids and residues from the tank as detailed in Chapter
(2) If excavation has not already been performed for piping access,
remove concrete or asphalt cover. Excavate underlying soils
down to the top of the tank. Segregate these soils from those
underlying the tank to reduce disposal volumes if these upper
soils have no visual or odor contamination. Excavation should
be deep and wide enough to allow access to all associated piping
and appurtenance tank connections.
(3) Remove the fill pipe, gauge pipe, vapor recovery truck
connection, submersible pumps, and other tank fixtures. Remove
the drop tube, except when it is planned to purge the tank by
using an eductor as described previously. Cap or remove all
nonproduct lines, such as vapor recovery lines, except the vent
line. The vent line should remain connected until the tank is
purged. Temporarily plug all other tank openings so that all
vapors will exit through the vent line during the inerting
(4) After the tank has been inerted and before it is removed from
the excavation, cap or plug all pipes or bungs at or as near as
possible to the tank. Cut any tank hold-down straps. Use a
nonsparking cutter, such as pipe cutters, to avoid the
generation of any sparks during pipe cutting.
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The plug or cap sealing the vent tube must have a 3-mm (1/8-
inch) hole drilled through the tube. This hole will allow
expansion and contraction of the gases contained within the tank
due to temperature variations without subjecting the tank to
excessive differential pressure caused by temperature changes.
The tank should always be positioned with this vent plug on top
of the tank during subsequent transport and storage.
(a) Attach pulling chain to the tank eyelets or any secure hooks
or rungs, or use nylon slings that will support the tank
(c) Set tank on the ground and stabilize with wooden blocks.
Keep the ventilation cap with the 3-mm (1/8-inch) hole on
(6) Visually inspect the outside of the tank and use screwed
(boiler) plugs to plug any and all corrosion holes in the tank
(7) Recheck the oxygen content within the tank as before and
reinitiate inerting procedures, if required. It is vital that
the internal tank atmosphere be insufficient to support ignition
as sparks are possible, and a tank above ground can cause great
damage to life and property if ignition occurs.
(8) Remove external scale and attached soil from the tank.
Nonsparking tools must be used at all times in the vicinity of
the tank until such time as the tank interior and exterior
surfaces are decontaminated.
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i. Tank Ballast Pads. Concrete ballast pads and associated hold down
straps are installed to counteract buoyant forces in high groundwater
areas. Ballast pads are difficult and expensive to remove. Concrete
ballast pads may be left in place under most circumstances unless
significant contamination is present and it cannot be remediated by
in-situ methods, or the user requires the pads removal.
a. Tank Storage.
(b) The former contents and present vapor state of each tank,
including vapor-freeing treatment and date should be
(2) Tanks that have held leaded motor fuels (or whose service
history is unknown) should also be clearly labeled with the
following information (see API Publication 2015A for additional
EM 1110-1-4006
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b. Disposal Criteria.
(2) Tanks that have been lined internally or coated externally with
epoxy-based or similar materials may not be accepted by scrap
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c. Disposal Procedures.
(2) Assign all tanks a unique identifier for all records and
(5) Physically clean metal tanks that are going to be sold as scrap
metal after they are inerted and cut open. Cleaning can consist
of high pressure or steam rinse, triple rinse, or
scraping/scrubbing. Methods are detailed in Chapter 14.
13-4. Waste Disposal and Recycling. Free product, sludge, and rinse waters
are typical wastes generated during tank removal. Federal, state, and local
requirements must be followed for proper disposal. Options for managing
wastes generated during tank removal will be similar to those discussed in
section 12-4 regarding tank contents.
13-5. Tank Coating Issues. The exterior of metal USTs are frequently coated
with coal-tar type coatings. Historical data indicates that the coating
materials occasionally contain hazardous substances such as asbestos,
polychlorinated biphenyls, lead, and cadmium. The presence of PCBs and
asbestos make it difficult to recycle the tanks as scrap metal. If the
coating contains PCBs and/or asbestos that cannot be easily removed because of
regulatory constraints or safety issues, it may be more cost effective to
dispose of the tanks within a chemical waste landfill.
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14-1. General. This chapter describes the removal procedure for any
remaining sludge in the underground storage tank (UST). This chapter
recommends but does not necessarily dictate the proper procedure for sludge
removal in any given situation. Typically, the contractor is responsible for
assessing specific situations for the most appropriate response.
(2) All safety rules and regulations (consult SSHP for specific
b. Documentation.
C Site identification
C Date and time specific activities took place
C Personnel names
C Field observations
EM 1110-1-4006
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(b) The tank may be swept and washed down with a water-hose
(c) The sludge may be washed or swept into piles and removed
from the tank with buckets or wheelbarrows.
(e) Vacuum tank trucks provide a fast and efficient method for
removing and hauling sludge from tanks. Follow these
guidelines when using vacuum trucks:
14-3. Waste Disposal and Recycling. Sludges that cannot be vacuumed should
be transferred to a lined, 55-gallon drum or another suitable container.
Small quantities of water may be added to the tank to facilitate removal.
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TABLE 14-1
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Test tank sludge for hazardous characteristics outlined in 40 CFR 261 Subpart
C. The test results determine the requirements for the final disposal. At
some installations, disposal services may be available through the local
Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO). This typically involves
completion of a turn-in document for each container of hazardous waste as well
as coordination either directly with the DRMO Contracting Officer
Representative or coordination via the installation environmental office.
Suggested disposal methods include cement kilns, incineration,
solidification, landfill disposal, or shipment to a temporary storage and
disposal facility.
Options for recycling of petroleum tank sludges are similar to those discussed
in Section 12-4.
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15-1. General. This chapter discusses the procedures for excavation of soils
and any associated free product when small quantities of hydrocarbon-
contaminated soils require treatment or disposal. An example is removal of
soils when small releases have occurred and are confined to the tank
excavation; these soils can be removed or treated onsite. The amount of soil
to be removed is dictated by the volume of released hydrocarbon, the depth and
area of liquid hydrocarbon penetration, the ease with which the soil can be
removed and properly treated, available funding, and the state or local
regulatory requirements.
c. Equipment should operate slowly, with due regard for the danger of
explosion. In certain circumstances, moving the earth may ventilate
the saturation area sufficiently to relieve the vapor concentration,
allowing movement and activity to proceed safely.
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15-3. Equipment.
b. Proceed until all the soils contaminated above regulatory limits have
been removed or until a reasonable amount of excavation has occurred.
The designer should specify a maximum cubic yardage of contaminated
soil excavation from each tank area without prior approval from the
contracting officer's representative (COR). If a minimum additional
amount of contaminated soil requires removal to result in a clean
closure, the contractor will obtain approval from the COR to perform
the additional excavation. The bid form can identify a minimum
quantity of soil to be removed with a second quantity of soil to
cover a worst-case scenario.
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(2) Cover this stockpile after work each day by a similar sheet of
polyethylene to protect the excavated soils from infiltration
due to precipitation and to help contain vapors released.
g. Sampling. After tank removal has been completed, the soil in the
bottom of the excavation should be sampled according to federal and
state requirements.
30 SEP 98
EM 1110-1-4006
TABLE 15-1
Estimated Quantity of Soil to be Removed by Tank Size (Average)
Tank Size Tank Diameters Tank Length Excavation Size Volume of Tank Estimated Soil Excavated
liters (gallons) meters (feet) meters (feet) cubic meters (Bank CY) CM (CY) CM (Bank CY)
1,890 (500) 1.22 (4.00) 1.83 (6.00) 31 (40) 2.13 (2.79) 28.5 (40)
3,780 (1,000) 1.22 (4.00) 3.50 (11.50) 46 (60) 11.41 (5.35) 40.5 (55)
7,570 (2,000) 1.93 (6.33) 2.80 (9.17) 61 (80) 8.18 (10.70) 52.0 (70)
11,350 (3,000) 1.93 (6.33) 4.17 (13.67) 76 (100) 12.18 (15.93) 65.5 (85)
15,140 (4,000) 1.93 (6.33) 5.18 (17.00) 92 (120) 15.15 (19.81) 76.0 (100)
18,925 (5,000) 2.44 (8.00) 4.32 (14.17) 103 (135) 20.16 (26.37) 84.0 (110)
22,700 (6,000) 2.44 (8.00) 5.05 (16.58) 115 (150) 23.60 (30.87) 93.0 (120)
30,280 (8,000) 2.44 (8.00) 6.73 (22.08) 145 (190) 31.43 (41.11) 113.0 (150)
37,850 (10,000) 2.90 (9.50) 6.02 (19.75) 165 (215) 39.64 (51.85) 124.0 (160)
45,420 (12,000) 2.90 (9.50) 6.91 (22.67) 183 (240) 45.50 (59.51) 137.0 (180)
56,780 (15,000) 2.90 (9.50) 9.07 (29.75) 230 (300) 59.71 (78.10) 168.0 (220)
75,700 (20,000) 2.90 (9.50) 11.51 (37.75) 279 (365) 75.77 (99.10) 202.5 (265)
EM 1110-1-4006
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a. Backfilling.
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(3) Test backfill material for Atterberg limits ASTM D 4318, grain-
size distribution, and compaction characteristics ASTM D 698,
ASTM D 1557 at a frequency of once per 3,000 cubic meters (3,000
cubic yards) or a minimum of one test per borrow source. Off-
site backfill should not be used until chemical and physical
test results have been submitted and approved.
c. Compaction.
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
(2) Bioventing Performance and Cost Summary. Air Force Center for
Environmental Excellence. July 1994.
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
Land treatment corrective action sites most often used aeration (50
percent), followed by land farming (36 percent), and land application
(13 percent).
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(1) Backfill clean holes (as determined by lab analyses) with clean
b. Backfill.
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30 SEP 98
a. Required Publications.
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EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
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American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Annual Book of ASTM
Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
EM 1110-1-4006
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EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
b. Related Publications.
Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 (49 U.S.C.A. 1671, et seq.).
Solid Waste Disposal Act, Public Law 89-272, Title II, as added by
Public Law 94-580, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42
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EM 1110-1-4006
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3420 Norman Berry Drive, 7th Floor, Hapeville, Georgia 30354, 404/
EM 1110-1-4006
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Nebraska (EPA Form), Nebraska State Fire Marshal, P.O. Box 94677,
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509–4677, 402/471–9465
New York (EPA Form), Bulk Storage Section, Division of Water, Department
of Environmental Conservation, 50 Wolf Road, Room 326, Albany, New York
12233–0001, 518/457–4351
EM 1110-1-4006
30 SEP 98
Utah (EPA Form), Division of Environmental Health, P.O. Box 45500, Salt
Lake City, Utah 84145–0500
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EM 1110-3-178
30 SEP 98
- Open wells with unvented casings and threaded caps slowly to avoid
sudden release of gases due to over-pressure.
- When the well is open, test the air in the wellhead for the
contaminants of concern.
- Many wells can be opened and "sniffed" at one time, which allows
the maximum ventilation time.
If field personnel can demonstrate that volatile organics are not a concern,
the site safety and health officer may allow them to skip the VOA procedure.
Experience with a recent round of groundwater sampling at the same location
would provide enough information to show whether this route of exposure is a
EM 1110-1-4006
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(1) Urge workers to drink 0.5 liters (16 ounces) of water before
beginning work, such as in the morning or after lunch.
Provide disposable 120-ml (4-ounce) cups and water that is
maintained at 10 degrees to 15 degrees C (50 degrees to 60
degrees F). Urge workers to drink 1 to 2 of these cups of
water every 20 minutes, for a total of 3.5 to 7 liters (1 to
2 gallons) per day. Workers must wash hands and face prior
to drinking. Provide a cool area for rest breaks.
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D-2. Heat Stroke. Heat stroke is a medical emergency, with a high mortality
rate. Heat stroke is an acute and dangerous reaction to heat stress
caused by a failure of heat-regulating mechanisms of the body – the
individual's temperature control system that causes sweating stops
working correctly. Body temperature rises so high that brain damage and
death will result if the person is not cooled quickly.
a. Symptoms: Red, hot, dry skin, although person may have been
sweating earlier; nausea; dizziness; confusion; extremely high
body temperature; rapid respiratory and pulse rates;
unconsciousness; or coma.
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D-4. Heat Cramps. Heat cramps are caused by perspiration that is not
balanced by adequate fluid intake. Heat cramps are often the first sign
of a condition that can lead to heat stroke.
D-5. Heat Rash. Heat rash is caused by continuous exposure to heat and humid
air and aggravated by chafing clothes. The condition decreases ability
to tolerate heat.
D-6. Heat Stress Monitoring and Work Cycle Management. For strenuous field
activities that are part of ongoing site work activities in hot weather,
the following procedures should be used to monitor the body's
physiological response to heat and to manage the work cycle, even if
workers are not wearing impervious clothing. These procedures are to be
instituted when the temperature exceeds 70 degrees F.
a. Measure Heart Rate (HR). Take a rest period and measure heart rate
by the radial pulse for 30 seconds as early as possible, in the
resting period. The HR at the beginning of the rest period should
not exceed 110 beats/minute. If the HR is higher, shorten the
next work period by 33 percent, while the length of the rest
period stays the same. If the pulse rate still exceeds 110
beats/minute at the beginning of the next rest period, shorten the
following work cycle by another 33 percent. The procedure is
continued until the rate is maintained below 110 beats/minute.
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D-8. Frostbite Symptoms. Local injury resulting from cold is included in the
generic term frostbite. Frostbite of the extremities can be categorized
in three ways:
(1) Take the victim indoors and rewarm the areas quickly in
water that is between 39 degrees and 41 degrees C (102
degrees and 105 degrees F).
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(6) Use sterile, soft, dry material to cover the injured areas.
(1) Do not rub the frostbitten part (this may cause gangrene).
(3) Do not use heat lamps or hot water bottles to rewarm the
(1) Shivering.
(5) Death.
EM 1110-1-4006
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Actual Temperature Reading ( F)
Estimated Wind 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60
Speed (in mph) Equivalent Chill Temperature ( F)
calm 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60
5 48 37 27 16 6 -5 -15 -26 -36 -47 -57 -68
10 40 28 16 4 -9 -24 -33 -46 -58 -70 -83 -95
15 36 22 9 -5 -18 -32 -45 -58 -72 -85 -99 -112
20 32 18 4 -10 -25 -39 -53 -67 -82 -96 -110 -121
25 30 16 0 -15 -29 -44 -59 -74 -88 -104 -118 -133
30 28 13 -2 -18 -33 -48 -63 -79 -94 -109 -125 -140
35 27 11 -4 -20 -35 -51 -67 -82 -98 -113 -129 -145
40 26 10 -6 -21 -37 -53 -69 -85 -100 -116 -132 -148
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E-1. General. These procedures establish minimum requirements for safe entry
into, work in, and exit from confined spaces like tanks, vessels,
manholes, pipelines, water transmission lines, tunnels, stilling wells,
junction structures, valve and metering vaults, dry wells, and wet
wells. These confined spaces are dangerous because gases and vapors
accumulate to form oxygen deficient, toxic, or explosive atmospheres.
E-2. Confined Space Entry Program. No one will enter a confined space unless
these procedures (or equivalent procedures established by the
subcontractor or client) are followed. The SSHO will determine whether
alternate procedures are equivalent. A confined space entry program
must include at a minimum:
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E-3. Confined Space Entry Personnel. The roles of confined space entry
personnel include:
a. The personnel who fill these roles must have completed training in
these procedures and in site-specific confined space hazards
identified by the SSHO.
c. Personnel may fill the roles listed above only if they are
qualified. All entrants and rescue teams must be trained in their
entry-procedure responsibilities. A written record of the length
and content of such training must be kept.
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a. Written entry permits are required for any entry into, or work in,
confined spaces. When a work team plans to enter a confined
space, it must complete an entry permit form that contains, at a
minimum, the information in Table E-1. Users are directed to
create local forms meeting their specific needs. Forms should
include the personnel, task, measurements, equipment required, and
the emergency contact.
a. USACE personnel may enter a confined space only with the equipment
specified in the entry permit. The safety equipment listed below
would be adequate for most foreseeable conditions.
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Space to be Entered: _______________________________________________
Nature of Task: _______________________________________________
Duration of Permit: From: _________________ To: ___________________
Person In Charge: _______________________________________________
Authorized Entrants: _______________________________________________
Attendant: _______________________________________________
Atmospheric Testing
Needed? In Place?
_____ _____ Oxygen deficiency (>19.5% and <21.5%)
_____ _____ Flammable gases (<10% LEL)
_____ _____ Toxic gases (< PELs). (Specify: ________________________)
_____ _____ Ventilation blower pushing clean air into space
_____ _____ Gas Detector(s) – on the belts or suits of entrants
_____ _____ Atmospheric Testing – after period of ventilation
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c. Rescue Equipment
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a. Inspect the area near the space for tripping hazards, traffic, and
ignition sources, like lighted cigarettes. Remove them, if you
can. Provide controls if you cannot move them.
(1) And valves are motor operated: disconnect them, engage the
lockouts, and attach a lockout tag.
d. The potential types of emergency in the spaces vary with the type
of confined space. The rescue equipment, including the SCBA,
should be inspected and tested prior to space entry.
E-7. Monitoring.
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(1) Start up, check voltage, and field check the meters. Do not
calibrate the detector with the probe in the confined space.
(2) Insert the probe about 12 inches into the space. Read the
(3) Drop the probe to the level that workers in the space will
occupy. Read it again.
E-8. Ventilation.
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(3) Verify that the rescue worker is available and that the
means for summoning is operable.
(8) Assemble and inspect the equipment that the rescue worker
would need to enter the space.
(9) Keep objects away from the access hole where they can be
accidentally knocked, pushed, or dragged into the confined
space. Lower tools or supplies to workers inside by a hand
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(10) If safety harnesses are worn into the space, secure the
safety line to a nearby well-anchored object, never to
movable equipment or a vehicle. Monitor the safety line at
all times, taking up extra slack as needed. Keep the safety
line away from traffic and equipment with moving parts.
(2) Inspect their own and each other's personal safety gear
before entering the confined space.
(5) Leave the space and report to the Attendant immediately upon
feeling the effects of a chemical exposure.
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