Piping Inspector Questions

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1. What are the main duties of the piping inspe tor! Material receiving inspection Storage & preservation Cutting, assembly & fit-up Pre-welding inspection Visual inspection of socket & threaded joints Pneumatic test for reinforcing pad Pickling & passivation Database reporting Visual inspection of completed spools Piping pre-inspection & spool erection orifice flange inspection Pipe support inspection Verification of slope Internal cleanliness Valve installation Piping flange joint inspection Pre-test punch listing Hydro testing precommissioning. ". #o$ man% t%pes of gas&ets do %ou &no$! Full face (Asbestos) Spiral wound metallic Ring type Metal jacketed Inside bolt circle '. What are the different t%pes of mating f(anges! Name the ) most ommon Flat face Raised face RTJ(Ring type Joint) Tongue & groove Male & female ). What t%pe of information do %ou get from Isometri dra$ings! Line routing, Line orientation, Northing, easting & elevation, Bill of matl, Insulation type, NDT requirement, Revision status, Material classn, Design, operating & testing temp/pressure, paint system, P&ID, slope, Service details, flow direction, support details, notes; *. What t%pe of odes and standards do %ou use as a piping inspe tor! ASME B31.3, ASME B31.1, ASME B31.5, ASME B31.9; JERES-A-004, JERES-A-007, JERES-A-206, JERES-A-301, JERES-L-108, JERES-L-110, JERES-L-150, JERES-L-130, JERES-L-350, JERES-L-351, JERES-W-011, JERES-W-016

JERES-L-105, JERES-L-310,

+. What are the t%pes of ,a(-es! Gate valve, Globe valve, Butterfly valve, Needle valve, Check valve, Control valve, Knife gate valve, Based on function:-non-return valve, isolation valve, regulation valve, special purpose valve, .. What are the main things %ou $i(( he & /efore 0o(t tor1uing!

Flange rating, Type of gasket, Size of bolt, Calibration of torque wrench, Manual /hydraulic Torque requirement, Lubricant, Friction factor for threaded lubricant, torque value, JERES-L-109 / 351 2. Write ' Saudi 3ram o piping standards 456Series7! JERES-L-105, JERES-L-108, JERES-L-110, JERES-L-150, JERES-L-130, JERES-L-310, JERES-L-350, JERES-L-351 8. Write minimum ten h%drostati test pun h (ist items prior to ommen e h%drotest at site! Indi ate $hi h is 9ES item : NO item 1. All hot work shall be completed 2. Strainers shall be removed 3. All NDT & DT completion 4. PWHT completion 5. Adequate attachment 6. Coating on weld joint shall be removed. 7. Calibration of equipments used. Test blind MTC. 8. Test certificates of testing fluid 9. Components in new piping systems which interfere with filling, venting, draining or flushing shall not be installed.(orifice plates, flow nozzles, sight glasses) 10. All joints (flange, threaded, welded or mechanical seals) are left exposed for visual leak detection during the strength test. 11. All permanent flange joints were inspected, gasket mat'l verified & properly torqued. 12. Drains shall be provided at all low points of the piping system. 13. Vents and drain valves, both temporary and permanent, conforms with the piping class or rating. 14. Supports are installed. Additional temporary support may be installed as required. 15. Expansion joints and spring hangers or spring supports are provided with temporary restraints. 16. Arc strikes, gouges, and other indications of careless workmanship (such as surface porosity, uneven weld profiles, and undercut) shall be removed by grinding and inspected by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method. 17. Drains are provided immediately above check valves (vertical lines) 18. All threaded joints up to the first block valve of hydrocarbon pipeline are seal welded. Thread engagement has been verified & accepted.

19. The pressure testing manifold is separately pressure tested to at least 1.2 times the system test pressure but not less than the discharge pressure of the pump used for the pressure testing. 20. Line compliance with Isometrics: i. Correct Materials utilized grade/schedule (Bill of Mat'ls) ii. Correct flange and fittings rating iii. Construction tolerances per JERES-L-350 1;. Whi h t%pe of do uments<reports atta hed in h%drostati test pa &age! Refer Attached 11. Weep ho(e si=e sha(( /e dri((ed for dumm% pipe support $i(( /e >>>>>>>>mm Weep hole shall be located near base plate for all vertical dummy pipe support & near run pipe at 6O clock position for horizontal dummy. (JERES-L-350 13.2.3 & L-310 14.7.2) 1". What is dead (eg and e?p(ain!

Dead Legs: Piping sections that are potential for internal corrosion due to flow stagnation. Dead legs are created mainly by flow stagnation enhanced with presence of settled water and solid deposits. When the length of the section or branch , for 2 inch pipes and larger, is longer than three times its pipe diameter, or 1.22 m (4 ft) in length, the length of the dead leg is the distance measured from the outside diameter of the header (or run) to the near end of the branch valve. For branch connections of 1- inch NPS and smaller, the length of the dead leg is the distance measured from the end of the boss to the near end of the valve.

1'. Write an% " t%pes of piping supports! Shoe, Spring loaded, resting, weer pad, 1). 5ine (ass 1;'CS'C is (isted on the Isometri @ra$ing. E?p(ain ea h>>>>>>>> 1 ;' CS ' C Raised face Flange rating 300 Carbon steel C. -!."mm Ca#stic As per JERES-L-105 page 375-377 1*. What t%pe of onne tion is a epta/(e for a ")A headerB 1"A /ran h! Weldolet or welded branch with reinforcement pad as per JERES-L-110 app:A

1+. #o$ man% minimum Pressure gauges to /e insta((ed during h%dro test! Two(JERES-A-004, para 7.1.5) 1.. Re(ief -a(-e a(i/ration period $ou(d /e>>>>>>>>>>> One week, per JERES-A-004 para 5.5.1 12. What is a PIP! Process industry practices 18. Name the different t%pes of Ser-i e Conditions! NFS :- Normal services, Category M, Category D, High pressure fluid services(ASME-B31.3) ";. #o$ do %ou -erif% 4name se-era( items to he &7 that the orre t piping materia( is used! Material specification, Pipe size, schedule, length, flange face rating, olet size rating, threaded/socket weld type, MTC, PMI report. "1. #o$ do %ou identif% fittings and f(anges! By material classification, size, rating, joint type (lap, socket, threaded, butt), face; "". #o$ do %ou he & piping for the orre t s hedu(e! Verify pipe material thickness by Vernier at end or UT on surface or stenciling done by manufacturer (visual) or heat number, traceability by MTC of product. "'. What is the standard mi(( to(eran e for piping "CC : (ess! 12% of nominal wall thickness "). What is the to(eran e for o-a(it% of piping! 5% of nominal diameter at any cross section other than weld end & 3% at weld end (JERES-L-350 para 9.2) "*. What is the differen e /et$een tor1ueing CS and SS /o(ting! CS:- Yield strength High; Torque value High SS:- Yield strength low; Torque value low "+. What are Da &s re$s and $hen are the% re1uired! Used in flange joint assemblies which often require frequent separation includes orifice plate, spectacle plates, spacers, screens, and drop out spools shall be provided with jack screw to facilities separation and opening for maintenance. When flange separations are used, jackscrews are not required. Jackscrews shall be installed to be accessible from both sides of the pipe. For orifice flanges, jack screws shall be installed at 3 & 9 o clock positions.(JERES-L-310 para 17.7)

".. What is often o-er(oo&ed during orifi e f(ange fa/ri ation! Inside surface of welded joints at @ orifice flanges shall be ground & machined smooth (JERES-L-350 para 10.4.2) Orientation of taps are as per JERSD-J-0001 All parallel pipe lines with adjascent orifice fittings shall have a min spacing of 300 mm (12 in) between flanges outside diameters if horizontal taps are required. Where this spacing is not practical follow JERSD-J-0001. Orifice flanges in adjacent lines shal be staggered so that no two pairs of orifice flanges are less than 1 m(3ft) apart. "2. What is the ma?imum diameter piping a((o$ed in ha=ardous ser-i e! Socket weld:- 2 for maintenance & minor modification & 1- for new construction Threaded:- 1- for standard fitting & valve, and 2 maximum when required for maintenance, minor field minor modification of existing piping system(JERES-L-110 para 7.2) "8. What is the minimum si=ed piping that an /e insta((ed on pipe ra &s! 1

';. Can Tef(on tape /e used prior to sea( $e(ding! No, (JERES-L-110 para 8.5) '1. #o$ man% threads an /e -isi/(e after sea( $e(ding threaded Doints! No, should cover all exposed threads(JERES-W-011 para 12.15.3) '". What is the gap re1uirement for so &et $e(ds for ne$ onstru tion! 1.5mm-3mm (ASME B31.3 fig 328.5.2C) ''. Gi-e e?amp(es of uni1ue support detai(s that a((o$ piping freedom of mo-ement for therma( e?pansion! Guide support, Moving saddle support, Expansion ballons, shoe support, Spring loaded '). When %ou $i(( app(% ") hours re orded h%dro test! If for justifiable safety reasons the UG line must be backfilled, then the joints shall remain exposed during testing, otherwise the test shall be a 24 hour recorded test.(JERES-L-150 para 7.4.2) '*. @ifferen e /et$een ar/on stee( and stain(ess stee(! CS:- Low cost, no chromium content, suitable for non-corrosive service upto 350 degree C, max carbon 0.3%. SS:- Contains more than 12% Cr, 0.08% C, Suitable for corrosive, cryogenic, High temp services, costly. '+. @ifferen e /et$een RT : UT! RT:- Uses X-ray or Gamma ray to detect discontinuities, reveals mostly volumetric. planar defects & subsurface defects not detectable easily

UT:-Uses ultrasonic beam to detect discontinuities reveals both planar & volumetric defects, but size & exact location of defects are not easily identifiable. Possible only on materials that do not defract UT waves. '.. @ifferen e /et$een PT : ET!
MT:- Only Applicable for ferromagnetic materials & able to detect both surface & sub surface discontinuities, compare to PT examination it takes less time for testing & inspection; Applicable for large temp range.

PT:- Applicable for both ferromagnetic & non ferromagnetic materials & able t detect only surface discontinuities, It requires more time; Applicable for small temp range.

'2. #o$ do %ou ontro( materia( in fa/ri ation shop! 1) All materials shall have material spec and grade stamped or stenciled & clearly marked with permanent marker. 2) All materials heat no. will be made traceable to MTC from approved vendor & no material substitution will be done withut proper approval from company. 3) All materials shall be stored & stacked separately as per material grade. 4) Heat no. shall be transferred before cutting onto pipes that have to be cut. 5) All materials shall be color coded as per traceability procedure '8. Write inspe tion items during -a(-es insta((ation! 1. Valve type correct at location 2. Valve test certificate 3. Valve tag as per P&ID 4. Valve direction of flow as per P&ID 5. Gasket bolts as per isometric & type 6. Handle direction 7. Chain wheel installed 8. Valve flange face condition

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