Sunday Worship

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Sabbath, September 15, 2012 Sunday Worship Mathew 24:5, 11 The church of Christ was not in institutions or buildings

s Hebrew 10:7 2 Thess. 2:10 Malachi 3:6 Hebrews 13:8 Exodus 20:1 20 Leviticus 23:1 Leviticus 23:3 (Job 13:4 they are the forgers of lies). Luke 22:1 8 the Passover is not a Jewish Holiday it is a Holy Day in Leviticus when the angel of the lord Passover Hebrews 7:14 Mathew 28:1 6 1 Cor. 16:1 Psalms 50:5-6 1 Cor. 16:1 collection; not worship Acts 13:42 Acts 13:44 Acts 15:21 Acts 18:4 Col 2:16 Ezekiel 23:38 Ezekiel 44:24 Rev 14:12 Matthew 5:17 Mathew 24:34 Question: we should not have a church building Acts 7:48 1 Cor. 3:16 Elder Gabar Exodus 40:5 Exodus 40:7 Exodus 40:8 Exodus 40:15 Exodus 40:20 Exodus 40:25 Each generation was given signs telling of the coming of Christ. The people in 70 AD had their signs of the coming of Christ and each generation thereafter were given signs although Christ is yet to come in any of those generations. So there are certain things that happen each generation to prove that the 2nd coming of Christ is imminent.

Matthew 24:3 7 Rome was dominating the world at that time when Alexander took over the world was at peace meaning he conquered the then world, so that sign wars and rumors of wars was not talking of Christ days but of our days. Matthew 24:15 Daniel 9:27 Daniel 9:25,26,27 referred to in Mathew. Matthew 24:15 19, 20 historically we used to close our gate on the Sabbath. When it snows there would be no form of labor so the Romans would plan to lock them in and kill them on the Sabbath, see book of Josephus (first woe: Babylons destruction of the temple, 2nd woe: 70 AD destruction of the temple by the Romans Matthew 24:22 24 there were false Christ in those days and signs Mathew 24:25 30 did not happen in 70 AD Mathew 24:31- 34 That generation died and Christ has not come. What is the true meaning of this verse? There were people who were murdered for the name. Are they going to see the sign of the second coming of Christ? Yes (Some of the people were resurrected when Christ died on the cross it will happen again) 1 cor. 15:46 50, 51, 52, 53 1 Thess. 4:13, 14 to be rejected for Christ is also a sign, e.g. Stephen in Acts. 1 Thess. 4:15 - 17 Matthew 10:5 8, 16 25 Christ is saying to them what will happen to them in that generation. Right at that time they were being betrayed (a sign of the 2nd coming) Matthew 24:27 29 Christ was saying to them that some of them will die and it happened as He said. Mathew 10:30 - 33 Matthew 24:29 we are still going through the tribulation Rev. 11:1-3 (2 witnesses: northern and southern tribes) Rev. 11: 4 6 the Most High has used no other nation to do those things Elijah Moses (Israel). Rev. 11:7 (when the apostles has established Christ and His teachings then the Romans came to attack them Rev. 11:8 (America) Revelations 11:9 - 11 Ezekiel 37:5-9, 10 Revelations 11:11 12 Ezekiel 37:5 - 11 14 -Revelations 11:13 14 the 2nd woe was 70 AD, the 3rd woe is us (the temple) Revelations 1:7 not only this generation but past generation who died in the faith of Christ. Every generation has a sign to prove that Christ is coming. Deuteronomy 28:45 46 our testimony that Christ is coming, is slavery our fore fathers disobedience stopped at 50:00 Exodus 20:4 Exodus 20:6 Revelations 11:14 15

Revelations 11: 19 Revelations 12:9 Revelations 12: 7 8 Job 1:6 - 10 Luke 10:16 - 20 Revelation 12:5, 6 Isaiah 14:12 19 2 Thess. 2:3, 4 John 17:12 17 Revelations 12:13 17 Question: 1 Thess. 4:16 17 Revelations 19:15 17 Revelations 19:11 15 Psalms 150:5 Psalms 149:6 9 Jeremiah 51:20 26, 19, 20 Ezekiel 34:30 Ezekiel 38:8 23 TMH will bring pestilence, etc. Wilderness: Isaiah 11:11, 12 Genesis 15:18 Rev 18:4 Rev 17:17 Rev 17:16 This generation shall not pass Luke 21:24 28, 29 33, 22 Question: Jeremiah 16:12 21 Genesis 15:13 Question: Exodus 12:40

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