Midtown St. Joseph Neighborhood Revitalization Analysis
Midtown St. Joseph Neighborhood Revitalization Analysis
Midtown St. Joseph Neighborhood Revitalization Analysis
Neighborhood Analysis: Midtown St. Joseph, MO 1) Primary and Secondary Source Photographs: Normative Values and Judgments
Sketch for Residence of J.W. McAlister. July, 1890. American Architecture and Building News, Volume 759. Saint Joseph, Missouri. St Jo Mo Museum Hill Bed & Breakfast Historical Archives-Pictures from the Past of St. Joseph MO. Internet Address: https://picasaweb.google.com/106806075418621570232/StJoMoMuseumHillBedA ndBreakfastHistoricalArchivesPicturesFromThePastOfStJosephMO#5357073576816 171186. Accessed November 3, 2012. The above image is an architects sketch of a Museum Hill neighborhood home that was featured in American Architect and Building News in 1890. The J.W. McAlister home, which still exists in fine condition today, was not built to quite the same size and grandeur as depicted in the sketch. However, the final structure still retains the majority of the same forms and qualitiesespecially the
Buchanan 2 Richardsonian Romanesque style. I chose to highlight this illustration because the architect is clearly emphasizing the McAlisters wealth and class. Rather than feature the houses front entrance, the architect chose to showcase the back entrance on Felix Street where apparent servants are tending to multiple horses and carry hay. Additionally, the architect may be trying to emphasize the McAlisters wealth and status by emphasizing the homes size. Due to the shape of the lot, the house appears much larger on Felix Street than it does from the front entrance on 19th Street. Although the home was built on a smaller scale one year before this sketch was published, one might postulate that the larger, more elaborate sketch was published deliberately to portray St. Joseph as highly affluent to a national audience. Another thought is that they are trying to shed St. Joseph of its cowboy and Indian frontier image by demonstrating that the community is home to a well-to-do civilized society with servants. This is also a major message in the image below.
Source: Wyeth-Tootle Mansion. Unkown year. St Jo Mo Museum Hill Bed & Breakfast Historical ArchivesPictures from the past of St. Joseph. St. Joseph, MO. Internet Address: https://picasaweb.google.com/106806075418621570232/StJoMoMuseumHillBedA ndBreakfastHistoricalArchivesPicturesFromThePastOfStJosephMO#5357073680244 565906. Accessed November 3, 2012.
Buchanan 3 The second sketch depicts the Wyeth Tootle Mansion, which currently serves as a local museum within the Museum Hill neighborhood. A caption typed below a woman in Victorian-era clothing reads: A Residence that sold for $100,000. It is likely the caption is referring to the Tootles purchase of the home from the Wyeths in 1887, since it was the only non-familial exchange in the history of the propertys ownership before 1946. (St. Joseph Museums, 2009). Similar to the McAlister sketch, the Wyeth Tootle illustration emphasizes affluence and civility. This is accomplished through the mention of the houses purchase price and by including the image of a well-dressed lady walking safely in the street without the need of a man to protect her from the dangers of the Wild West. From this angle (the corner of 11th and Charles) the size of the house is maximized with both turrets visible to highlight the owners wealth. The setback and trees are also greatly accentuated in the illustration, exhibiting that St. Joseph was a city free of the issues that ravaged the urban centers at the time.
Source: St. Joseph News-Press. Hackley, C. June 12, 1987. St. Joseph, MO. The above photograph is from a June 1987 article of the St. Joseph New-Press, which captures Midtown neighborhood residents picketing in front of City Hall. At the time, the City Council was considering a neighborhood redevelopment plan that granted a private developer (Gateway Redevelopment Corp.) the authority to utilize eminent domain within the Museum Hill and Robidoux Row neighborhoods. Beyond the controversy of eminent domain, opponents of the plan also feared that the for-profit corporation would displace low income Midtown residents and market a revitalized Midtown to middle
Buchanan 4 and upper-income homebuyers. Although the Gateway plan has been long-gone dead and buried, the photograph represents the communitys organized and passionate character which remains today. Additionally, the photo captures the social struggles and gentrification concerns that are still being contended with currently. Rather than choose to photograph one or two picketers for an up-close shot, the photographer opted for a wider shot and included about a dozen picketers. This decision resulted in an image that stresses the community backlash. The image also captures what many of the signs read, allowing the reader to ascertain a fuller understanding of the communitys struggle. Such decisions reveal that the photographer sympathizes, if not fully supports the picketers and strives to spread their message across the city. 2) Field Guide When studying an aerial map of the Midtown neighborhood, the most apparent characteristic is the preWorld War II neighborhood design, with small lots, densely laid out on a grid of square blocks. There is one major deviation from this design, where it appears obvious that a set of four blocks have been reconfigured to accommodate a relatively newer apartment complex. From my own experience living in Midtown, I am aware that this complex is a Section-8 multi-family housing complex named the Oakridge Apartments. The clear distinction from the rest of the neighborhood in structural layout as well as aesthetic appearance leads me to wonder if the residents of that complex experience the same issues that the Diggs Town residents experience before their neighborhood was redesigned to better blend in with the surrounding environment (Bothwell, et. al, 1998). Other clues I picked up on when studying the map are the massive holes that exist. Several vacant lots are located throughout the community, in some cases taking up the majority of the block. This signifies the neighborhoods age and the level of deterioration thats been allowed to occur. Furthermore, it indicates that investments arent being made in the neighborhood to build new homes on old lots. 3) Neighborhood Analysis Upon my first visit to Midtown St. Joseph in 2010, I felt the urge to conduct an in depth sociological study to help me understand how this neighborhood functions. On one block youll think youre in the worst neighborhoods in Detroit, and on the very next block youll find the most extravagant and beautifully maintained historic mansions that youve ever seen in your life. As someone who had always
Buchanan 5 lived in a socio-economically homogeneous environment, Midtown seemed completely foreign. Over the following two and a half years I became more acquainted with the residents of Midtown and observed a major divide in the two dominant groups of people that live therethe preservationists and the low-income renters. Nowhere else is this divide more apparent than on the landscape. The level of home maintenance/upkeep and other clues that reveal pride in home/community are the most apparent indicators to determining who lives where. These diverging influences that form the landscape personify the clashing cultures and agendas that exist within the neighborhood and give it its unique (and arguably schizophrenic) identity.
Someone who walks through Midtown for the first time will be overwhelmed with an array of emotions ranging from astonishment, concern, anger, confusion, and heartbreak all within the range of a few short blocks. The abandonment and decay of dozens of architecturally significant homes creates a greater sense of understanding and appreciation for the tremendous and intense work the preservationists have done to revitalize parts of the neighborhood. These properties are scattered throughout the neighborhood, with perhaps the majority located in the Museum Hill neighborhood near the Wyeth Tootle Museum. Not only are the homes restored, but they clearly convey a sense of homeowner and community pride through the maintenance and upkeep of their lawns, decorated front porches, flowers, ornate fencing and statuary, etc. These front yard outdoor spaces appear more than just attractive, but they look lived-in and well utilized. Such clues reveal the homeowners are proud, involved community members who are passionate about their neighborhood.
Similar to how the decaying properties create a greater appreciation for the restored homes, the restored homes in turn create a greater sense of annoyance or grief for the unpleasant properties. The unpleasant properties range from derelict mansions (just waiting to be restored), to poor quality rental properties, to Section 8 housing complexes that just dont quite fit in visually with the rest of the neighborhood. With the exception of the abandoned grand historic properties, most of the other unpleasant structures may not seem as unpleasant if they werent located next to such beautiful architectural wonders. Imperfections such as yard clutter, crumbling front porches, and overgrown weeds are emphasized and spot lighted resulting in greater scrutiny. One may anticipate that the owners of these properties would respond to this scrutiny with better maintenance and upkeep; however, from my own prior knowledge of the neighborhood I know that relatively half of the rental properties are owned by out-of-town landlords who dont ever see or visit their buildings.
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There are quite some serious eye sores that dot Midtowns landscape that further reveal the issues at stake. The many old vacant houses (both grand and modest in character) generate a sense of despair or misfortune. These feelings are partly relieved when you see a restored home a block away, however, widespread improvement has been slow. To the rest of St. Joe, Midtown is not viewed as an up and coming neighborhood. Instead it is still seen as that forlorn, crime-ridden neighborhood with the boarded up houses. This sentiment will likely remain until visual reminders of neglect and despair dont overshadow the visual cues of neighborhood vitality and pride.
4) Neighborhood as a Distinct Place and Community Photos of Midtown as a distinct place: Slide 1: All photos Slide 2: Museum Hill Mansion Slide 3: Harris Kemper Mansion Slide 4: Derelict structure Photos of Midtown as a community: Slide 1: None Slide 2: All photos except Museum Hill mansion Slide 3: All photos except Harris Kemper mansion Slide 4:All photos except derelict structure I chose the photos on Slide 1 of my PowerPoint presentation to juxtapose two of the common stories observed in Midtownabandonment and revitalization. By obtaining photographs from Museum Hill Historic Districts National Register of Historic Places Registration from, I was able to illustrate how three homes in the neighborhood have drastically changed since January 1991. Two homes at the corner of 15th and Charles have since been boarded up, just like dozens of others have over the course of those 22 years. A home at the corner of 12th and Sylvanie, on the other hand, has been remarkably revitalized. My own normative judgments are likely apparent in my selection of these locations. I see the neighborhood as a host to tremendous success stories, as well as depressing sob stories. In Slide 2 I attempted to illustrate how the two primary population groups in Midtown affect the environment. With the Museum Hill mansion, a clean, colorful, and well-maintained structure clearly contributes to the attractiveness of the neighborhood. The photo of the several sing-family dwellings portray how architecturally significant houses are home to residents who do not devote much time or
Buchanan 7 energy into home maintenance or yard clean up. This is the same story with the photo of the multifamily dwelling on the same slide. The building is architecturally significant, but its owners and/or tenants do not show the same appreciation for the building as their preservationist neighbors. With these photos, my personal dissatisfaction residents poor treatment of the neighborhood may be apparent. In Slide 3, Im trying to portray the vast distinctions that exist in the built environment. The grand Wyeth Tootle Mansion (now a museum), is only a few short blocks away from boarded-up shack-like structures that most wouldnt believe are in the same neighborhood. Also, the Oakridge Apartments, a Section 8 multi-family housing complex, has been constructed to accommodate low-income families. This complex appears to have been constructed in the 1970s or 1980s, and is therefore vastly different in appearance than the rest of the neighborhood. Even the configuration of the complex breaks away from the preWorld War II neighborhood grid structure, to further differentiate the area from the rest of the community. I borrowed an image from Google Maps in order to show an image of a chained gate in front of the complex, which illustrates the physical barriers that separate the housing complex from the neighborhood. Finally, I included Slide 4 to share images of important landmarks in the neighborhood, as well as the existence of another Section 8 housing complex. Midtown is home to some of the most magnificent churches in the region. Like Midtowns mansions, these churches both help and hurt the neighborhoods image due to the same issues of abandonment and decay. The derelict structure photographed on this slide was included because it has been identified by the St. Joseph Landmark Commission as one of the citys top ten most endangered properties in 2008 (City of St. Joseph, Missouri, 2008).
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Works Cited
Bothwell, S.E., Gindroz, R., and Lang, R.E.. "Restoring Community through Traditional Neighborhood Design: A Case Study of Diggs Town Public Housing." Housing Policy Debate 9, 1 (1998) City of St. Joseph, Missouri. 2008. 2008 St. Josephs Most Endangered Properties List. Accessed November 4, 2012. http://www.ci.st-joseph.mo.us/planning/Endangered-2008.pdf St. Joseph Museums, Inc. 2009. Wyeth Tootle Mansion. Accessed November 3, 2012. http://www.stjosephmuseum.org/wyeth_tootle.htm St. Joseph News-Press. Hackley, C. June 12, 1987. St. Joseph, MO. Sketch for Residence of J.W. McAlister. July, 1890. American Architecture and Building News, Volume 759. Saint Joseph, Missouri. St Jo Mo Museum Hill Bed & Breakfast Historical Archives-Pictures from the Past of St. Joseph MO. Accessed November 3, 2012. https://picasaweb.google.com/106806075418621570232/StJoMoMuseumHillBedAndBreakfastHistorica lArchivesPicturesFromThePastOfStJosephMO#5357073576816171186. Wyeth-Tootle Mansion. Unkown year. St Jo Mo Museum Hill Bed & Breakfast Historical Archives-Pictures from the past of St. Joseph. St. Joseph, MO. Accessed November 3, 2012. https://picasaweb.google.com/106806075418621570232/StJoMoMuseumHillBedAndBreakfastHistorica lArchivesPicturesFromThePastOfStJosephMO#5357073680244565906.
Neighborhood Harris Kemper Midtown Focus Area Museum Hill
0 0.075 0.15 0.3 Miles
Neighborhood Harris Kemper Midtown Focus Area Museum Hill
0 0.075 0.15 0.3 Miles
Neighborhood Harris Kemper Midtown Focus Area Museum Hill
0 0.075 0.15 0.3 Miles
Neighborhood Harris Kemper Midtown Focus Area Museum Hill
0 0.075 0.15 0.3 Miles
15th and Charles Before. Museum Hill Historic District National Register of Historic Places Registration Form. January 11, 1991. http://www.dnr.mo.gov/shpo/npsnr/91000112.pdf. Accessed November 3, 2012.
12th and Sylvanie Before. Museum Hill Historic District National Register of Historic Places Registration Form. January 11, 1991. http://www.dnr.mo.gov/shpo/npsnr/91000112.pdf. Accessed November 3, 2012. 12th and Sylvanie Now. St Jo Mo Museum Hill Bed & Breakfast Historical Archives-Pictures from the Past of St. Joseph MO. Accessed November 3, 2012. https://picasaweb.google.com/106806075418621570232/StJoMoMuseumHillNationalHistoricDistrictStJosephMO#5788504478257740354. Accessed November 3, 2012. Thematic Map/Slide 2 11th and Syvlanie Now. St Jo Mo Museum Hill Bed & Breakfast Historical Archives-Pictures from the Past of St. Joseph MO. https://picasaweb.google.com/106806075418621570232/StJoMoMuseumHillNationalHistoricDistrictStJosephMO#5788503942969637490. Accessed November 3, 2012. 11th and Syvanie Then. Museum Hill Historic District National Register of Historic Places Registration Form. January 11, 1991. http://www.dnr.mo.gov/shpo/npsnr/91000112.pdf. Accessed November 3, 2012. Thematic Map/Slide 3 Wyeth Tootle Museum. St Jo Mo Museum Hill Bed & Breakfast Historical Archives-Pictures from the Past of St. Joseph MO. https://picasaweb.google.com/106806075418621570232/StJoMoMuseumHillNationalHistoricDistrictStJosephMO#5788504455390561266. Accessed November 3, 2012. Harris Kemper Mansion. St Jo Mo Museum Hill Bed & Breakfast Historical Archives-Pictures from the Past of St. Joseph MO. https://picasaweb.google.com/106806075418621570232/StJoMoMuseumHillNationalHistoricDistrictStJosephMO#5788505058611191138. Accessed November 3, 2012. Oakridge Apartments. Google Maps. April 2008. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=oakridge%20apartments%20st%20joseph%20mo&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=911&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=il. Accessed November 7, 2012. Sheltering Arms Apartments. Google Maps. April 2008. Accessed November 7, 2012. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=1912%20Mulberry%20Street%2C%20St.%20Joseph%2C%20MO&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=911&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=il Twin Spires. http://www.visitmo.com/things-to-do/sightseeing-tours.aspx. Accessed November 7, 2012. All photos not cited were taken by me on my field visit to the neighborhood -Matt Buchanan, UBPL 715