My Study Pack at Ulu Tembeling: Section A & B
My Study Pack at Ulu Tembeling: Section A & B
My Study Pack at Ulu Tembeling: Section A & B
Anwar in #a$aria Pn %urul Amilin inti A&'ullah English Stu'ies Unit( Languge )ept* Institut Perguruan +eng$u Ampuan A,-an .2 / .0 August 2112
PAPER 2 UPSR ENGLISH LANGUAGE UESTION !" SECTION A #!$ M%&'() Assessment 3&4ecti5e" +o assess can'i'ates6 a&ilit! to construct sentences +as$" +o write grammaticall! correct sentences &ase' on the stimulus* 7or's gi5en ma! or ma! not &e use'* Ru&ric" Loo$ at the picture care,ull!* 7rite ,i5e sentences a&out it* 8ou ma! use the wor's in the &oxes to help !ou* Ti*( " U(e +,e -.ll./ing -.&mul% +. /&i+e +,e 0 (en+en1e(
.* 2* :* ;* 0* S 9 SIAPA 'alam gam&ar 'an DI MANA mere$a &era'a A 9 AKTI2ITI !ang ter'apat 'alam gam&ar L 9 en'a !ang ter'apat 'alam gam&ar (LEBIH 'aripa'a satu) S 9 en'a !ang ter'apat 'alam gam&ar (han!a SATU saha4a) A 9 AKTI2ITI !ang ter'apat 'alam gam&ar
A33i+i.n%l Ti*( Sentences must &ase' on the picture <eneral i'eas are not accepte' <rammaticall! correct sentences e care,ul in using the wor's gi5en=**'o not use wor's which 'o not show (expression> acti5it!) in the picture Script is assesse' at sentence le5el (not stor!( ,low( lin$ers) 3nl! 0 sentences Assesse' holisticall! A5oi' using=* I >m!>we>our ? / .1 mar$s" =*5ariet! o, sentence structures <rammar error is consi'ere' as ma4or errors (will a,,ect the mar$s) @ER8 IMP3R+A%+ %3+E A3R BUES+I3% .
1 1 35 22 54
4 3 canteen queue food dustbin plates drink keep eat duty clean
.* +he pupils are at the canteen* 2* Ai5e pupils are queuing at the counter* :* +here are two trees outsi'e the canteen* ;* +here is a &asin o, plates in the picture* 0* A &o! is washing han's at the sin$ near the 'ust&in while three &o!s are eating at the ta&le*
UESTION 2" SECTION B #!0 MARKS) Assessment 3&4ecti5e" +o assess can'i'ates6 a&ilit! to trans,er in,ormation accuratel! an' appropriatel! ,rom a text into a gi5en ,ramewor$* +as$" +o trans,er in,ormation ,rom one text t!pe into a gi5en ,ramewor$* +o write short paragraph on ones6 'ecisions or choices* BUES+I3% 2 a) C C C C Rea' in,ormation ,or each picture Domplete the answer E column &! column 7rite with / correct spelling . mar$ ,or each answer
BUES+I3% 2 &) C C C C C C C C C Dhoose one Rea' instruction ,or qs2& care,ull!=to whom !ou choose the choice ,orF <i5e reasons &ase' on the in,ormation gi5en Dorrect in,ormation )o not gi5e too man! reasons A5oi' using lin$ers such as ,irstl!( then( a,ter that***** ,urthermore( apart ,rom that( a&o5e all=(use correctl!) %o nee' to write closure to the reasons +here6s no nee' ,or comparison
QS: 2
Apartment located in the city has 3 rooms near shops has a nice view can make many new friends Bungalow located near the town has 5 rooms near seaside has a big garden can go swimming in the sea Terrace house located in small town has 3 rooms near school and playground has many neighbours can play with friends at the playground
A&ART*E"T B)"#A'O'O(AT,O" ")*BER O+ ROO*S "EARB% &'A(E A !A"TA#E OTHER A !A"TA#E the c0t1 ________ 3 shops $$$$$$$$ n0ce 20ew ________ (an ma/e man1 new ________ 4r0en5s
the town near the town near ________ 5 rooms __________ seaside big garden (an go sw0mm0ng __________ tree _________ school __________ man1 ne0gh3ours __________ Can play with friends at the playground
. mar/s
Apartment locate5 0n the c0t1 has 3 rooms near shops has a n0ce 20ew can ma/e man1 new 4r0en5s
Dhoose one +hen( rewrite I+ i( locate' in the cit!* T,%+ i( g&e%+5 I+ has : rooms* T,%+ i( (ui+%ble -.& m6 -%mil65 I+ i( near shops* I 1%n g. (,.**ing %+ %n6 +ime I li'e5 I+ has a nice 5iew* T,%+ i( -ine5 I can ma$e man! new ,rien's* Aor price " T,e *&i1e i( GGGGGGGGGGGG * T,i( i( &e%(.n%ble %n3 %--.&3%ble5 Aor colour " T,e 1.l.u& 1,.i1e( %&e GGGGGG* M6 -%7.u&i+e 1.l.u& i( 88888888 3r M6 -%+,e&9( -%7.u&i+e 1.l.u& i( 88888888 Aor ma'e in place " It is ma'e in GGGGGGGGG* I li'e im*.&+e3 g..3(5 O& M6 -%+,e& li'e( im*.&+e3 g..3(5 8our answer will &e as ,ollows" I /.ul3 1,..(e +,e %*%&+men+ be1%u(e i+ i( in +,e 1i+65 T,%+ i( g&e%+5 I+ ,%( +,&ee &..m(5 T,%+ i( (ui+%ble -.& m6 -%mil65 In %33i+i.n: i+ i( ne%& +,e
(,.*(5 I 1%n g. (,.**ing %+ %n6 +ime I li'e5 M.&e.7e&: i+ ,%( % ni1e 7ie/5 T,%+ i( -ine5 I 1%n %l(. m%'e ne/ -&ien3(5