Avanceon IPO
Avanceon IPO
Avanceon IPO
31 December, 2013
Avanceon LP (USA)
26% owned by Engro Innovative
Transaction Structure 18.87mn s ha res Book Bui l di ng s ubs cri bed a t fl oor pri ce of PKR14/s h. 6.3mn s ha res a t offer pri ce of IPO PKR14/s h. IPO da tes 7th & 8th Ja n
AVN Financial Highlights CY09A EPS DPS (PKR) BV/share PER (x) PBR (x) EV/EBITDA ROA ROE EBITDA growth Net Profit growth 0.2 2.4 59.1 6.0 11.4 NA NA NA NA CY10A (1.9) 0.5 N.M 30.3 N.M -16% -138% -123% N.M CY11A (2.0) -1.5 N.M N.M N.M -19% 395% -10% 2% CY12A 7.6 10.0 1.8 1.4 1.6 50% 178% -2328% N.M
About Avanceon
M. Ibad-Ur-Rehman [email protected] (+92-21) 111 354 947 Ext: 3122
AVN started its operation in 1989 under the leadership of Bakhtiar H. Wain, a mechanical engineer by profession, with rich engineering experience in Exxon Chemicals, Fauji Fertilizer and ICI Pakistan. Since then AVN has become a premier automation service provider in Pakistan vying for global outreach with strong emphasis on the growing Middle East market.
Please refer to the last page for Analyst Certification and other important disclosures.
Key Risks
Despites stellar earnings growth potential of AVN, we highlight some major risks that can erode value: i) AVN is highly dependent on its employees since this is the key resource used in delivering services. Thus employee dependency and turnover is high as they are easily enticed by world renowned automation companies ii) Main driver of growth for AVN stems from infrastructure projects in the Middle East. Any issue in procuring overseas contracts will be an impediment to posting earnings growth in the future.
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