An Embedded Training Solution: Fbcb2/Tactical Decision Making Intelligent Tutoring System
An Embedded Training Solution: Fbcb2/Tactical Decision Making Intelligent Tutoring System
An Embedded Training Solution: Fbcb2/Tactical Decision Making Intelligent Tutoring System
Bill Pike
Orlando, FL 32826-3276
We are developing for STRICOM an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) for tank and mechanized infantry company
commanders that teaches tactical decision making and the tactical use of FBCB2, a C4I system. These are complex
cognitive tasks that normally require the availability of an instructor. This prevents the effective use of embedded
systems for training in the field, where an instructor is not typically present. Our ITS interfaces to a tactical
simulation and FBCB2 and assumes the duties normally performed by the instructor.
Instructors and experts both agree that company commanders need to improve their tactical decision-making and
that this requires more tactical decision-making practice. Practice should include a mix of tactical planning and
tactical execution in dynamic simulations that provide 3-D virtual terrain views. Additionally, FBCB2 training
decays very quickly so that an embedded, scenario-based training aid would substantially increase combat readiness.
The ITS addresses these problems by teaching tactical decision-making and the proper tactical use of FBCB2 by
presenting course material and examples, then testing the commander in tactical situations simulated by OneSAF
Test Bed (OTB) and displayed in FBCB2. The ITS first evaluates the student's plan, entered as an FBCB2 overlay
and provides an automatic critique. It then monitors the student's actions in the simulated scenario, assesses their
correctness for the current situation, and debriefs the student by automatically assembling an After Action Review
(AAR). It then infers the knowledge deficiencies of the student, and formulates a remedial instruction plan, which
normally includes further course material, examples, and further exercises to practice and test the student's
This paper will first describe the requirements for an embedded training system, give the general capabilities of ITSs
and explain why ITSs meet the embedded training requirements, describe the FBCB2/Tactical Decision Making
ITS, list the lessons learned from this effort and conclude with work planned for the future. The ITS description
begins with an overview, followed by a description of the ITS's functionality, followed by a description of each
component, and ends with a description of how evaluation is automatically performed and modeled.
Bibliographic Sketches:
Dick Stottler co-founded Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. (SHAI), an artificial intelligence consulting firm in San
Mateo, California in 1988. He has been principal investigator on a number of tactical decision-making intelligent
tutoring system projects conducted by SHAI and is working on an ITS for battalion commanders at the Command
General Staff College and a prototype for the future combat system, both for the US Army STRICOM. He has a
master’s degree in computer science from Stanford University.
Bill Pike is the Lead Principal Investigator for Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) with the US Army
STRICOM. At STRICOM, he has been the principal investigator on several ADL topics on integrating courseware
with advanced topics, including the use of game engines as assessment tools for tactical principles. He is an officer
in the Naval Reserves and has a Master’s degree from the UCF in Computer Engineering.
Richard H. Stottler
Stottler Henke Associates, Inc.
San Mateo, California
Bill Pike
Orlando, Florida
Overview ITS
The FBCB2/Tactical Decision Making ITS for
Company Commanders is divided into three sections – OTB Simulation
FBCB2 use, Planning, and Mission Execution. Each
section is a prerequisite for the next. The first section
Figure 1. FBCB2 Tactical Decision-Making ITS
tutors on the use of FBCB2, primarily the creation of
plan overviews. It is a prerequisite for the second
section, planning, since the student is required to enter
There are several interactions between the modules in
plans in the planning section using FBCB2. The
the architecture, as shown above. When the ITS
planning section tutors the application of general and
determines that the next appropriate instructional event
specific tactical principles to the development of the
is the presentation of multi media descriptions, such as
concept of operations and the detailed plan. The
traditional computer-based training (CBT) files, these
student enters a plan using FBCB2; the ITS provides
are presented to the student. The ITS will select, for
feedback on the overall concept of operations that the
some students, appropriate FBCB2 overlay scenarios,
student has chosen as well as the plan details. It is a
brief the student and send these to FBCB2. After
prerequisite for the third section since the student
receiving the briefing from the ITS, the student enters
should be able to apply tactical principles in the
the overlay into FBCB2. The ITS then reads and
relatively loosely time-constrained planning stage
evaluates this overlay and provides a multi-media
before being forced to apply them in real-time decision-
debriefing which might also reference additional CBT
making. The third section, execution, tutors the student
files. Planning scenarios are performed in an identical
on tactical mission execution. The student performs the
fashion, using FBCB2 to enter plans. Finally the ITS
mission in a real-time tactical simulation and the ITS
will select appropriate execution scenarios for the
evaluates the decisions made and gives the student a
student. The student is given a briefing, which may
debriefing with a description of which were correct,
include hints, by the ITS, then the scenario is sent to the
which were incorrect, and why.
simulation and the student performs the mission in the
simulation, using the simulation’s user interface (UI in
The overall architecture is shown below. The student
Figure 1). The simulation is interfaced to FBCB2, so
interacts separately with the OneSAF Test Bed (OTB)
that the commander can use that system to maintain
simulation, FBCB2, and the ITS. The ITS manages the
situational awareness during simulated scenarios.
instructional process, maintains a model of the student’s
While the simulation is running, the ITS creates a log
ability and knowledge, provides needed information to
file of significant events. After the scenario completes,
the student, extracts information from the student when
the ITS examines the log file, evaluating each
needed, and evaluates the results of the use of FBCB2
observable decision. It then provides the student with
and the simulation. FBCB2 provides two main services
an after action review (AAR).
onboard various vehicles in a tactical environment.
Most importantly it helps the commander to maintain
situational awareness by displaying friendly and spotted
enemy vehicles on its 2-D dynamic tactical map. It also
ITS Functional Description then begins to retrieve scenarios that exercise the
principles in which the student’s mastery is weakest.
When a new student logs on, questions are asked about
Furthermore, for any scenario using principles that the
the student's background, experience, and FBCB2
ITS believes the student is weak in, hints are provided
training/use. These questions include level of education
for the scenario. These are generally questions
achieved, rank, highest unit commanded, types of units
designed to get the student to think about the most
served in, familiarity and comfort with computers,
important tactical principles required in the scenario.
familiarity and comfort with FBCB2, and general
perceptions as to its usefulness. The ITS uses this
After the student has demonstrated mastery of general
information to make initial estimates as to the student’s
tactical principles in the TDGs, the next part of the
mastery of various principles (including both tactical
course requires that the student know how to apply
knowledge and the use of FBCB2) and to select the best
these and other principles in a dynamic tactical
instructional method for the student. It is also used to
simulation (OTB with a 3-D virtual reality viewing
select scenarios, other exercises, types of hints, and
capability). Additionally, more operations-oriented
other forms of instruction. Mastery categories are
principles (e.g., knowing when and how to use a
Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, and Expert. The
bounding overwatch) are also tested. The ITS gives the
Beginner category for a principle occurs when a student
student a short situation description. The student then
performs successfully with it less than 20% of the time.
proceeds to execute the mission in OTB. After the
(Novice – 20 to 50%, Intermediate – 50 to 75%, Expert
scenario ends, the event log is analyzed by the ITS to
> 75%.) Students at the Intermediate or Expert level for
determine which actions were correct, incorrect, or
a principle are never given hints. These mastery
omitted, and the underlying principles that were
estimates are available for viewing at all times to the
understood and applied or missed. Some scenarios in
particular will test the student’s use of FBCB2 to
If the ITS estimates that the student’s mastery of maintain situational awareness.
FBCB2 principles is low, the student is put through
FBCB2-only refresher exercises. An introductory In the dynamic execution scenarios, unplanned actions
lesson explains with detailed steps how to create an may occur, such as unexpected contact with the enemy.
overlay and find and place the most relevant symbols. The student's tanks and other vehicles will begin to
react and the student will issue particular orders. The
After the FBCB2 refresher exercises, the ITS begins correctness of the student’s decisions can be evaluated
tutoring the student on general tactical principles. If it from the movements and actions of the company’s
estimates that the student’s mastery is relatively high it vehicles. As the company commander is also the
proceeds immediately to tactical decision games commander of an individual vehicle, the student is also
(TDGs) presented and answered as FBCB2 overlays. If evaluated on the maneuvers of the company command
not, it will first present General Tactical Principle tank (e.g., is the company commander vehicle being
Courseware. For each TDG, the ITS analyzes the overly endangered, is it with the main effort, and
student’s plan (given as an FBCB2 overlay) and whether the student commander is at the center of a
automatically creates a debriefing describing what parts wedge formation).
of the plan are right, what parts are wrong, and giving
an expert’s rationale for the best options. For poor After the scenario, the commander is debriefed with an
decisions, the ITS will lower its estimate of the mastery After Action Review. All actions are reviewed for
of principles related to those decisions, and provide correctness and the student is informed about the
remedial materials on those principles before presenting relevant principles. For the failed principles the student
any more TDGs. The student’s overlay is evaluated by is given detailed information and possibly an example
comparing it to overlays input by an instructor for that for each. The mastery level estimates for all principles
particular TDG. These typically represent a few involved are updated. Based on these, a new scenario is
possible right answers and a few common mistakes. retrieved. Scenarios will be selected that test untested
The instructor also has annotated the overlays with principles and test recently failed principles. This
information for use by the ITS in assembling the process continues until the student’s performance in
debrief and determining in which principles the student scenarios shows mastery of all required principles.
is weak.
The prototype has different instructional methods for
For the TDGs and the dynamic execution scenarios, the
students with little mastery or experience compared to
ITS initially selects exercises based on the need to test
students with significant mastery and experience.
untested principles, following each by a debriefing and
Those with less mastery are given more information
detailed information on the principles missed. The ITS
prior to running scenarios, more information for each
scenario, and have less choice about what scenario or flexibility, such as the ability to orient a support by fire
other instruction they can run next. Those with more position in different directions or to change the width of
mastery are given less information, harder scenarios, a ground axis of attack symbol. Additionally, FBCB2
and more freedom to choose. runs under Solaris on a Pentium PC. Since the other
components currently run under Windows (or Linux),
FBCB2 and OTB Description this required a minimum of two different machines to
As described in the architecture, the system contains run the entire system. Finally, FBCB2 is difficult to use
three major components – FBCB2, OTB, and the ITS in a training context since it is designed and built to run
itself. An FBCB2 screen capture is shown in Figure 2. on-board a vehicle, with a GPS and a radio network.
FBCB2’s major contribution to tactical performance is
its display of friendly and enemy spotted vehicles. An OTB screen capture is shown in Figure 3. It
Each vehicle’s individual FBCB2 system must be setup accurately models the terrain and fire effects upon and
correctly for this to occur. The proper setup causes the the capabilities of a diverse set of vehicles and provides
vehicle to automatically report its sensed GPS position. an interface for controlling the friendly vehicles under
Generally, scout vehicles use FBCB2 along with laser the student’s command. Unfortunately the interface is
range finders to input spotted enemy vehicle positions. complex. It often requires training on its usage,
resulting in operator training for a simulation required
for student training. For a company commander
student, who would normally be giving orders to
platoon leaders, intelligent platoon level behaviors are
lacking. A DIS/HLA gateway was required to provide
the HLA data stream that was necessary for the HLA
interface to the ITS. The terrain databases available for
OTB are somewhat limited. All the 3-D viewers used
in concert with OTB require separate terrain databases
to meet their 3-D display needs. Thus, to use a piece of
terrain for training requires that that terrain be
represented in both the OTB terrain database and in the
3-D viewer’s database. The amount of terrain in this
intersection is severely limited for all viewers we
examined. Finally, OTB’s modeling of how well a
simulated vehicle can see through vegetation often was
incompatible with the modeling provided by the 3-D
Figure 2. FBCB2 Screen Capture viewer so that many times the simulated vehicle in the
simulated world could see another vehicle through
Company commanders report that during engagements, vegetation (and therefore fire on it) but the human
they still spend 90 to 95% of their time viewing the student using the viewer could not and vice versa.
actual scene and only 5 to 10% updating their
situational awareness with FBCB2. FBCB2’s combat
messages are not generally used during combat by
company personnel. The messaging capability
provided by FBCB2 is very useful before the mission,
however, to distribute orders and plans. While FBCB2
is windows-based and each feature is generally user-
friendly when considered in isolation, the sheer volume
of its capabilities makes use of individual features
related to messaging difficult. Plan overlays are just
one type of dozens of possible message types. Knowing
how to start editing a plan overlay is difficult,
especially if the user is unfamiliar or a significant
period of time has passed since the student’s last use. A
company commander would usually want to use only a
few dozen different symbol types, yet FBCB2 contains
thousands of them, so knowing where to find a required
symbol is difficult. The current version of FBCB2 has
many symbols that do not possess the required Figure3. OTB Screen Capture
ITS User Interface • Gray -- Chapter/Section/Principle is not
The ITS user interface includes 5 panes for: selectable
1) Course Explanation • Black -- Chapter/Section/Principle is
2) Student Tasks selectable
3) Course Map • Blue -- Chapter/Section/Principle is selected
4) Student Progress
5) Student History In Figure 4, the student has passed several principles
(e.g. FBCB2 Software Use Proficiency, Fix and Flank
The Course Explanation provides a brief description of Enemy Selection, etc.) and can now select one of five
the course. More detailed explanations are also principles (e.g. Maintain or Seize Initiative). When the
available to the student. student selects a principle, a list of available actions
involving that principle will appear.
The Student Tasks box holds the current tasks that are
available for the user’s selection. The format is:
<Action>: <Chapter/Section/Principle name>
• -- Novice
• -- Intermediate
The Course Map box, shown in Figure 4, provides the • -- Mixed progress levels exist in this
student with a snap shot of the course. It is color coded section/chapter
in the following way:
In the above diagram, the student is, in the majority of
• Green -- Chapter/Section passed
sections, a Master. In the “Audacity, Boldness,
Simplicity, and Surprise” section, there is mixed common mistake, the same types of rationale as to why
expertise, since the student is a Novice at “Audacity” it is a mistake have been entered. The instructor also
and “Surprise” but a Master in “Boldness” and lists the principles that should be passed or failed if a
“Simplicity.” student’s symbol is similar to the particular symbol in
the stored plan. The descriptions and rationale listed
above are all in the form of multi media files, so the
The Student History displays the student’s past tasks in
explanations and rationale can include the appropriate
reverse chronological order.
graphics and animations as well as text.
FBCB2 Plan Creation Evaluation The ITS is thus able to assemble a debriefing by first
In order to verify that students know how to use the finding the most closely matching plan. If none is
FBCB2 plan overlay editor, the ITS requests that they found (which is rare, since students usually make the
use FBCB2 to create overlays with the symbols they same concept of operations mistakes) then the
need to use placed at various locations, described in debriefing merely explains to the student the most
absolute terms or in reference to terrain features or optimal plan both in terms of the overall concept and
other symbols. The ITS then compares the student’s the detailed rationale for each symbol. If the student
overlay to the correct solution. If an overlay file is matches a mistaken plan, a detailed debriefing will
successfully completed, the student is credited with appear as to why the assumed concept is poor and
knowing how to perform that action. If the student which individual symbols were good and bad and why.
correctly places each symbol in the correct location, This is one of the more common occurrences. If the
credit is also given for knowing where to find that student’s plan matches one of the correct plans, then
symbol and knowing how to place symbols in the each individual symbol is compared to the
overlay. Failure of any of these principles will prompt corresponding one in the correct plan in terms of type,
the system to debrief the student with detailed size, and general and exact location. For any of the
instructions on how to perform the type of action that symbols not matching the expert’s plan on one or more
was missed. of these dimensions, the student is given the expert’s
rationale for the correct choice.
Tactical Plan Evaluation
As described above the student will be tasked with Tactical Execution Evaluation
solving a TDG with an FBCB2 Plan overlay. The ITS The evaluation of decisions in a free play tactical
will critique both the plan concept and its details. The simulation is one of the most challenging aspects for an
ITS uses a Case-Based representation for TDG ITS. This is because the same scenario can play itself
knowledge. Associated with each TDG scenario is a out very differently for different students since students
series of plans previously input by the instructor which can take any action at any time. Therefore, the
represent correct and common incorrect plan solutions. student’s actions cannot simply be compared to a script
The ITS finds the stored plan that most closely matches of expected actions, since the situation at any time may
the student’s entered plan by calculating a plan be very different than that expected by the script.
similarity using a symbol by symbol similarity
comparison that considers the type of symbol, the size We’ve found that in several different domains a
of unit associated with the symbol, and its general and generalization of Finite State Machines (FSMs) is very
precise location in reference to terrain features. The useful for evaluating decisions made in real-time, free-
instructors have previously annotated each plan with play, simulated, tactical scenarios. These FSMs may be
the optimality of the plan, the rationale for the level of general or scenario specific. They can be executed in
correctness of the plan’s general concept of operations, real-time, in parallel with the simulation, if a real-time
and also, which principles should be passed or failed if interface exists (using HLA for example) or they can be
this plan closely matches the student’s plan and detailed executed afterward on a log file that includes all the
descriptions for each symbol in the plan. For each necessary events and vehicle motions.
symbol the instructor has entered whether this symbol
is correct or a mistake, the priority and importance of Typically the evaluation is performed by executing a
this symbol to the overall plan, and various rationale. large number of FSMs simultaneously, where each
In the case of the symbol being correct, the rationale examines the actions from the perspective of one or a
includes why this symbol is needed in a good plan, why few principles. If available in the interface or log, the
the type (e.g., armor, infantry) was selected, why the student’s actions and orders can be evaluated directly.
general location was chosen, and why the specific Otherwise, evaluating the events and movements of
location was chosen. If this symbol represents a vehicles usually suffices.
Proceeding enemy intent” but the “Obscure an attack” and
Encounter Obstacle
Proceed “Suppress enemy during an attack” principles would
have been failed since the student attacked without first
Blocked Deploy to Flanks Failure calling for obscuring and suppressive fire.
CFF Smoke Remove Obstacle If instead, the student deploys properly to the flanks,
the looping transition would have been followed and
Obscuring Enemy credit would be given for “Modeling a thinking enemy”
Attack Flanks
CFF Suppress
and “Defending properly against a likely flank attack”.
Furthermore, if the student correctly calls for obscuring
Prepared for Attack and suppressive fire, those principles in this scenario
Attack Flanks
would be passed. If the actions of the student cause the
FSM to follow all the transitions to the “Success” state,
Attacking Enemy Remove Obstacle then the last transition (“Remove Obstacle”) would
Secure Beyond Far side secured Success include the knowing how to react to manmade obstacles
principle as one that was passed.
Figure 6. Example Evaluation FSM
Dozens of these FSMs execute in parallel, evaluating
An example of an Evaluation FSM is shown in Figure the student's actions from different perspectives, writing
6. The rectangles represent states and the arrows messages to a debriefing log, and sending the ITS lists
represent transitions. A transition indicates that the of failed and passed principles.
FSM should transition to the next state when the
transition’s event occurs and its conditions are met.
The events and conditions associated with a transition Student Modeling
may be quite complex but their meaning is usually As described above, among other things, each
summarized by the transition’s label. An Evaluation evaluation module compiles lists of passed and failed
FSM’s transitions also include which principles should principles associated with the student’s actions and
be passed or failed when the transition is followed and a decisions. After each scenario or other instructional
parameterized message to be written into the debriefing event (such as viewing descriptive files) the ITS, for
log. each principle, examines the student’s entire history in
reference to that principle and determines the level of
The example in Figure 6 is a simplified FSM which mastery of the student with respect to that principle.
evaluates the proper response to encountering a This collection of mastery estimates for all skills and
manmade obstacle while proceeding down a road or principles is called the student model, since it models
narrow avenue. This FSM is one of dozens that would the student knowledge and skills. The updates to the
be simultaneously active student model are immediately reflected in the Student
Progress pane of the ITS’s user interface. This student
The first state is simply labeled “Proceeding” and the model, derived primarily from the student’s
FSM starts out in this initial state. When a manmade performance in scenarios, drives the instructional
obstacle is encountered this FSM transitions to the decisions of the ITS such as instructional method,
“Blocked” state. Based on the student’s actions, a remediation, and example and exercise selection.
number of different things may occur. The student
might simply proceed forward, in which case the FSM Remediation
will follow the “Proceed” transition. This transition The ITS provides several forms of remediation in
includes the principles that should be failed if the link is response to deficiencies it observes. When debriefing a
followed such as “Understand enemy intent” (i.e., why student’s performance in a scenario, scenario-specific
would the enemy place an obstacle without also placing explanations of the student’s mistake are given, which
forces to cover it?) and knowing how to react to reference and apply the general principles to the
manmade obstacles. The transition would also cause a specifics of the scenario. For example, if a student
message to be written into the debriefing log indicating decides to rush a unit to the direct aid of an ambushed
that simply proceeding was a mistake and why. Similar unit he will be failing to honor the general principle,
principles would be failed if the student immediately “Don’t reinforce failure,” but the student will be told
tried to remove the obstacle. The student would get how the specific decision made in this scenario violated
some credit if the decision was made to immediately this principle.
attack likely enemy locations overwatching the
obstacle. The credit would be given for “Understand
Additionally, if a student consistently has problems The software to convert FBCB2 overlays into a format
applying a principle, summary information describing usable by the ITS was straightforward, once we had
that failed principle will be given. Further problems by obtained the proper library to decode VMF messages.
the student will prompt the ITS to provide a more Obtaining the proper library took a surprising amount
detailed description as well as examples that illustrate of time.
the application of the principle in various scenarios.
STRICOM had originally intended to run a Linux-
Students having problems with a principle may also based version of OTB; however, the PC that created the
receive hints relating to that principle before beginning OTB scenarios was Windows-based. These scenarios
a scenario. These typically take the form of a question could not be executed on a Linux-based OTB PC, thus
such as, “What would you do if you were the enemy in forcing STRICOM to use Windows to host OTB.
this situation?”
Lessons Learned
The primary limitation of this form of remediation is
that it consists of the dynamic assembly of static We learned a number of lessons from this effort. They
explanations, rationale, and descriptions that are both can most easily be divided into three categories: those
scenario specific and general. In other words, although relating to training needs, those relating to automated
the system dynamically determines what content to training techniques, and those relating to the systems
display and can assemble different small components that we were working with.
targeted to very specific problems, those components
must already exist. It is clear that more tactical decision-making practice is
needed. Tactical proficiency should be improved
System Interfaces considerably among tactical practitioners, students and
Due to contract and demonstration requirements, there instructors. Since software skills decay quickly there is
were a very large number of different systems that a need for both initial and refresher scenario-based
needed to be interfaced. This caused a significant training to allow far more C4I system tactical scenario
number of problems. Only the major software training. For both of these, experts and instructors
interfaces will be described here. Probably the weakest agree that there is nothing more important that getting
link was the FBCB2 interface to OTB that allowed the practice in scenarios. Furthermore, this practice must
real-time simulated scenario from OTB to be viewed in be accompanied by an expert debriefing. When
FBCB2. An existing product, SATIDS, which was scenarios are merely played against others at a similarly
originally designed to model tactical networks, was low level of expertise, students learn very little, since
used since it already could read and produce both DIS their mistakes are not readily apparent to them. In
(used by OTB) and VMF (used by FBCB2) messages. general debriefing needs to be improved and made
Unfortunately, since SATIDS was not designed to be a available automatically so that students can practice
simple interface between these message formats, it is away from the schoolhouse.
difficult to setup and brittle. For example, minor
changes to STRICOM's network would render the Because of the universal agreement for more practice
interface inoperable. and feedback, experts and instructors are very accepting
of the ITS concept with a couple of constraints. The
The next most problematic interfacing software related simulation to play the scenarios must be very easy to
to the license manager used by Mak Technology. This use. Neither student nor instructor wants to spend time
was important because we used both Mak's DIS/HLA learning how to use a simulation system that is only
gateway as the part of the interface between OTB and used in training. Secondly and similarly, the ITS must
the ITS and Mak's 3-D viewer to allow students to see a be user-friendly and intuitive, requiring little or no time
dynamic 3-D display of the terrain and vehicles. to learn.
Periodic problems with the license manager often
prevented both of these from working. When the There tends to be a very high degree of similarity
license manager was working, the gateway caused few between students' right and wrong answers in tactical
problems and the code to create the HLA log and then scenarios. This makes development of an automatic
convert it to a form useable by the ITS was straight- evaluation system far more straight forward, especially
forward to implement. We found that it was a good with the cooperation of the instructors in developing
idea from a processor load perspective to run OTB and scenarios for automated evaluation.
the 3-D viewer on separate machines.
Tactical decision-making falls naturally into three areas. For example, suppose an individual tank
phases - concept of operations, detailed planning, and commander, 2LT John Smith, is weak at bounding
execution. It is most helpful to evaluate and debrief overwatch. All courses taken after the ITS assesses the
each before going to the next. Use of stored correct and student as being weak in bounding overwatch,
commonly incorrect plans by scenario effectively regardless of the topic, should tend to present the
allows an automated debriefing capability for concepts student with scenarios that display skills with bounding
of operations and detailed plans. Use of finite state overwatch, if possible. When taking the Armor
machines, both general and tied to specific scenarios, Captain's Career Course (ACCC), the student’s profile
are effective for automatic debriefing of execution shows that bounding overwatch has finally been
decisions. Providing hints, without giving away the mastered and, therefore, relatively few of these types of
solution, is both possible and useful. scenarios are given. In ACCC, ITS notices CPT Smith
does not do well at clearing minefields. Now the
There were a number of lessons related to the specific student gets a lot of minefield problems. For example,
systems. The first was that in spite of the many when the student has a mission that is primarily
standards that make interfacing separate systems easier, designed to teach breaching a berm, the ITS creates a
interfacing different hardware and software systems is scenario that places a minefield beyond the berm.
often more difficult than expected, with additional data
requirements not at first apparent. This is especially The ITS described here is being interfaced to the
true if the systems being used were not originally BC2010 tactical simulation and adapted for brigade and
designed for training applications. battalion commander students at the Command and
General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth. This will
There were several lessons relating to FBCB2. Just eliminate many of the system problems described in the
getting it to run successfully outside of a vehicle is lessons learned section and make the combined system
difficult. In spite of their name, combat messages are much more appropriate for both the CGSC and the
not used during combat. In combat situations only 5 to ACCC at Fort Knox.
10% of the commander's time needs to be spent
monitoring FBCB2's dynamic 2-D tactical display to
maintain situational awareness. Using FBCB2 to create
messages and plans is difficult from a practical
perspective. Many of the plan symbols lack the required
flexibility. The use of FBCB2 during tactical execution
training is unnecessary, since most tactical simulations
support a similar 2-D display.
Future Work
Future work should include assessing student behavior
versus Army principles/doctrine and extending the
system to multiple courses. As a student takes
additional courseware, a profile keeps track of weak
areas and presents training missions that hit upon those