Wfo Student Application
Wfo Student Application
Wfo Student Application
Step 1
To begin your application, fill in all the fields below. Please note, for security reasons, your name is required on each page. Once you type it below, it should appear on each page. If it does not, please re-enter it on all pages. You cannot save this document unless you have Adobe Pro. Once you have completed all the fields, follow the instructions in step 2 and 3 to complete your application. For your security, all financial information in step 3 must be entered in writing only and the form printed and faxed to our secure line ( 314-985-1036) or it may be mailed.
Student Member of the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) and agree to comply with its charter, Bylaws and policies. 2. Home Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State/Province __________________________Zip Code ____________Country ____________________ Home Telephone # _________ _____________ _____________________ Home Fax # _________ _____________ _______________________
(Country Code) (City Code) (Telephone #) (Country Code) (City Code) (Fax #)
in ____________________________________________________________
(City, State, Country)
7. I will be a post-graduate student for __________ years (not to exceed five (5) years.) Student Membership is $20 U.S. per year 8. Expected date of completion of orthodontic education: ____________ _________________
(Month) (Year)
I, the person named above, do swear under oath that the answers to all questions on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I am qualified to be a Student Member of the WFO. I also understand and agree that the WFO may investigate my qualifications. I further waive the right to hold the WFO, its affiliates, executive committee, officers, members and employe e responsible for any damage as a result of the denial of this application or any other action taken by the WFO.
Date ______________________
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Step 2
Step 3
On the next page: please complete: a. b. c. your signature and the date the Certification of Enrollment and have the Dean, orthodontic department chairman or orthodontic program director where you are enrolled sign it the Verification of Eligibility and have the President of your affiliate organization sign it
To finalize your application, please choose a payment option and return the signed form by mail or secure Fax with the fellowship fee. Student membership is 50% of the WFO Fellowship dues, and includes a subscription to the WFO Gazette.
The student membership fee is $20.00 per year for the number of years stated below (not to exceed 5 years).
Check one:
TOTAL $____________
mail the completed form and payment (check or money order payable in U.S. funds) to: World Federation of Orthodontists 401 North Lindbergh Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63141-7816 USA
for your convenience you may pay by MasterCard or Visa. We do not accept American Express. To pay by credit card, complete the next page and Fax all pages of the completed and signed form to Fax #
Please note:
the information below cannot be filled in online. You must print this form, fill in the following information on the printed form and return the form by fax or mail. However, if you have Adobe Pro and wish to speed up your application process, you may save this file (with your completed data above) to your desktop and send it as an attachment to [email protected].
Print Form
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Date ____________________
(E-mail address)
(Signature of dean, orthodontic department chairman or orthodontic program director)
Verification of Eligibility
I, _________________________________________, President of the ________________________________________ have
(Presidents Name) (Name of national orthodontic organization)
Examined the certification of the post-graduate status in orthodontics of ____________________________________, and verify that
(Applicants Name)
(Presidents Signature)
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
I would like to purchase a WFO Lapel Pin for $25.00 U.S. I have enclosed payment for the pin OR
Check one:
Check one:
The V Code is the last 3 digits in the number that appears in the signature box on your credit card
Name on card ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Account Number ____________ / __________ / __________ / ___________ V Code ____________ Expiration Date ________________
(Month) (Year)
For your security all financial information cannot be sent by e-mail. This section must be completed on the printed copy and either faxed to our secure fax number above or mailed.
Print Form