Unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 6
In FM transmitter, if frequency of modulating signal is doubled, the modulation index will A. Be halved B. Be doubled C. Be 4 times D. Remain Unchanged ANS:-A 3. The main disadvantage of FM is A. Adjacent channel interference B. Limited line of sight C. Complex cicuitary D. Low operating range ANS:-B 4. In obtaining the selectivity and sensitivity, the section that plays most important role is A. RF B. IF C. Mixer D. Detector ANS:-A 5. Which of the following statement is correct in regard to broadcast superheterodyne receiver 6. Mixer is tuned to signal frequency 7. Intermidiate frequency is variable 8. Local oscillator frequency is below the signal frequency 9. RF is of no use ANS:-A 6. In communication system, noise is most likely affect the signal A. At the transmitter B. In the channel C. In the information source
D. At the destination ANS:-B 7. Indicate the false statement. Modulation used to A. Reduce bandwidth used B. Allows multiplexing of signal C. Ensure the signal may be transmitted over long distance D. allow the use of practicable antennas ANS:-A 8. Indicate the true statement. Most receivers conform to the A. AM group B. FM group C. Superheterodyne group D. Tuned radio frequency group ANS:-C 9. AM is process of A. Superimposing a low frequency on high frequency B. Superimposing high frequency on low frequency C. carrier corruption D. Frequency shift and phase shift ANS:-A 10. The modulation index of AM wave is changed from 0 to 1. The transmitted power is A. Unchanged B. Halved C. Doubled D. Increased by 50 percent ANS:-D 11. The relation between carrier power and total power in AM wave is A. Pc=Pt(1+m(Square)/4) B. Pc=Pt(1+m(Square)/2) C. Pt=Pc(1+m(Square)/4) D. Pt=Pc(1+m(Square)/2) ANS:-D 12. A single sideband contains 1Kw. Power contained in sidebands is A. 0.25Kw B. 0.5KW
C. 1KW D. None of above ANS:-C 13. For 100 percent modulated wave with carrier suppresed, the percentage power saving will be A. 100 B. 50 C. 150 D. 66.66 ANS:-D 14. A carrier simultaneously modulated by 2 sine waves with modulation indices 0.3 and 0.4, the total modulation index is A. 1 B. Cannot calculated until phase relation are known C. 0.5 D. 0.7 ANS:-C 15. The image frequency of superheterodyne receiver A. Is created within receiver itself B. is due to insufficient adjacent channel rejection C. is not rejected by IF tuned circuit D. is independent of freqeuncy to which receiver tuned ANS:-C 16. One of main function of RF amplifier in superheterodyne receiveris to A. Provide improved tracking B. Permit better adjacent channel rejection C. Increase the tuning range of the receiver D. Improve the rejection of the image freqeuncy ANS:-D 17. The local oscillator of a broadcast receiver is tuned to frequency higher than the incoming frequency A. To help the image frequency rejection B. to permit easier tracking C. Because otherwise an intermidiate frequency could not be produced D. To allow adequate frequency coverage without switching ANS:-D 18. A 4V peak audio modulating signal changes the carrier frequency from 200Khz to 210Khz, the frequency deviation is A. 5Khz B. 10Khz
C. 15Khz D. 20Khz ANS:-B 19. In an AM transmitter the unmodulated output current is Ic.The modulated output current It equal to A. Ic(sqrt(1+msquare)) B. Ic.sqrt(1+(msquare)/2) C. Ic.sqrt(1+(msquare)/6) D. Ic.sqrt(1+(msquare)/4) ANS:-B 20. Bandwidth of FM with deltaF=75 Khz, fm=15Khz A. 120Khz B. 140Khz C. 160Khz D. 180Khz ANS:-D 21. In low level AM system the amplifier following the modulated stage is A. Linear device B. Non linear device C. Harmonic Device D. Class C amplifier ANS:-A 22. The tuned circuit of the oscillator in a AM transmitter used a 50 microhenry coil and 1nF capacitor. If the oscillator output is modulated by audio fequencies upto 10Khz, the frequency of carrier will be A. 356Khz B. 356Mhz C. 712Khz D. 712Mhz ANS:-C 23. A 200W carrier is modulated to a depth of 75 percent. The total powerof modulated wave is given by A. 128W B. 156.3W C. 256.25W D. 288.33W ANS:-D 24. In FM system, if the depth of modulation is doubled, the output power is
A. Increase by Sqrt2 B. Decrease by Sqrt3 C. Increase by 2 D. Remains an unmodulated value ANS:-D 25. An FM signal with a modulation index m is passed through frequency triple.The wave in the output of the tripler will have a modulation index of A. m/3 B. m C. 3m D. 9m ANS:-C 26. In an FM waveform the sidebands are spaced at interval equal to A. Four times the modulating frequency B. Twice the modulating frequency C. Half the modulating frequency D. Equal to the modulating frequency ANS:-C 27. A FM signal with modulation index of mf is passed through a frequency doubler. The wave in the output of doubler will have an modulation index of A. mf B. mf/2 C. 2mf D. 4mf ANS:-C 28. Which of the following is the disadvantage of FM over AM A. A much wider channel is required by FM B. The area of reception is limited C. The modulating and demodulating equipment is complex D. all of above ANS:-D 29. In an FM signal, the power A. Increases as modulation index increases B. Reduces as the modulation index increases C. Increases as the modulation index decreases D. remains constant when modualtion index increases ANS:-D 30. Which of the following is the advantage of FM over AM
A. Noise is reduced B. The amplitude of the FM wave in FM is independent of mf C. There Is large increase in noise to signal ratio in FM D. All of above ANS:-D 31. In FM frequency deviation is A. Proportional to modulating frequency B. Proportional to amplitude of modulating signal C. constant D. zero ANS:-B 32. The spectrum of FM wave A. the carrier frequency cannot disappear B. the total number of sidebands depends on mf C. the carrier frequency disappears when mf large D. the amplitude of any sideband depends on mf ANS:-D 33. The equation of FM will be A. 10sin(1.57*106t) B. 10sin(1.57*106t+25sin2513t) C. 4sin(1.57*106t) D. 4sin(1.57*106t-25 sin2513t) ANS:-D
34. An AM wave is A. The sum of the carrier and modulating wave B. the difference between carrier and modulating wave C. the product of carrier and the modulating wave D. sum of carrier and its products with modulating signal ANS:-A 35. Carrier frequency in FM wave e=12sin(6*108t+5sin1250t) A. 75.5MHZ B. 85.5MHZ C. 95.5MHZ D. 180Khz ANS:-C 36. A single sideband contains 1Kw. Power contained in sidebands is A. 0.25Kw B. 0.5KW C. 1KW
D. None of above ANS:-C 37. For 100 percent modulated wave with carrier suppresed, the percentage power saving will be A. 100 B. 50 C. 150 D. 66.66 ANS:-D 38. A carrier simultaneously modulated by 2 sine waves with modulation indices 0.3 and 0.4, the total modulation index is A. 1 B. Cannot calculated until phase relation are known C. 0.5 D. 0.7 ANS:-C 39. The image frequency of superheterodyne receiver A. Is created within receiver itself B. is due to insufficient adjacent channel rejection C. is not rejected by IF tuned circuit D. is independent of freqeuncy to which receiver tuned ANS:-C 40. One of main function of RF amplifier in superheterodyne receiveris to A. Provide improved tracking B. Permit better adjacent channel rejection C. Increase the tuning range of the receiver D. Improve the rejection of the image freqeuncy ANS:-D 41. The local oscillator of a broadcast receiver is tuned to frequency higher than the incoming frequency A. To help the image frequency rejection B. to permit easier tracking C. Because otherwise an intermidiate frequency could not be produced D. To allow adequate frequency coverage without switching ANS:-D
42. A 4V peak audio modulating signal changes the carrier frequency from 200Khz to 210Khz, the frequency deviation is A. 5Khz B. 10Khz C. 15Khz D. 20Khz ANS:-B 43. In an AM transmitter the unmodulated output current is Ic.The modulated output current It equal to A. Ic(sqrt(1+msquare)) B. Ic.sqrt(1+(msquare)/2) C. Ic.sqrt(1+(msquare)/6) D. Ic.sqrt(1+(msquare)/4) ANS:-B 44. Bandwidth of FM with deltaF=75 Khz, fm=15Khz A. 120Khz B. 140Khz C. 160Khz D. 180Khz ANS:-D 45. Audio signals are not transmitted by electromagnetic wave because__________ A. Antenna would be too long B. Audio signals do not radiate C. Simultaneous transmission would interfere D. The frequency is too low. ANS:-A 46. Common power line frequencies of ______and ________ Hz are in the __________ range A. 30 to 300Hz,ELF B. 300 to 3000Hz, VF C. 3000 Hz to 30KHz,VLF D. None of these ANS:-A,C 47. Radio signals are made up of A. voltages and currents B. Electrons and Protons C. Electric and magnetic field D. Noise and data
ANS:-C 48. Continuous voice or video signals are reffered as A. Baseband B. Analog C. Digital D. Continuous signal ANS:-B 49. Another name for signals in the HF range is A. Microwaves B. RF waves C. Short waves D. Milimeter waves ANS:-C 50. The communications medium causes the signal to be A. Attenuated B. Amplified C. Modulated D. Interfered with ANS:-A 51. The total side band power is what % of the carrier power for 100% modulation? A. 25% B. 50% C. 100% D. 150% ANS:-B 52. Information in an AM signal is conveyed in the A. Carrier B. Sidebands C. Both together D. None of these ANS:-B 53. Which of the following is not true about AM A. the carrier amplitude varies. B. the carrier frequency remains constant C. The carrier frequency changes D. the information amplitudes changes ANS:-C
54. If m is greater than one, then we get A. Normal operation B. Carrier drops to zero C. Carrier freq. shifts D. Information signal is distroted ANS:-D 55. The outline of the peaks of a carrier has the shape of the modulating signal and is called A. Trace B. Waveshape C. Envelop D. Carrier Variation ANS:-C 56. The spectrum range of infrared signal is A. 0.7 to10 Micrometer B. 0.007 to 10 micrometer C. 7 to 10 Micrometer D. None of these ANS:-A 57. The freq. 30 to 300GHz is in the spectrum A. VHF B. UHF C. EHF D. SHF ANS:-C 58. Signals that travels free space for a long distance are called A. RF B. AF C. None of these D. EF ANS:-A 59. The spectrum space occupied by a signal is called as A. Baseband B. Carrier C. Modulated D. None of these ANS:-A 60. A communication is the process of
A. Keeping in touch B. Broadcasting C. Entertainment of Electrons D. Exchanging Information ANS:-D 61. What type of modulation is used for Vvidh Bharti Pune A. FM B. AM C. PM D. None of these ANS:-A 62. For AM signal represented by v=(1+0.4cos6280t+cos(6.28e8t).The modulation index & carrier freq. is A. 0.3 & 100KHz B. 0.4 & 1MHz C. 0.5 & 10MHZ D. 0.4 & 10MHZ ANS:-B 63. In AM the modulating freq.should always be A. greater than fc B. equal to fc C. lower than fc D. None of these ANS:-C 64. Bandwidth of FM is A. 2fm B. fm C. infinite D. None of these ANS:-C 65. Total power in FM wave is constant A. TRUE B. False ANS:-A 66. The effect of mf on Bandwidth FM is A. same B. increase C. decrease
D. None of these ANS:-B 67. The effect of fm on deviation of FM is A. Constant B. increase C. decrease D. None of these ANS:-A 68. Standard IF is A. 455 KHz B. 455 MHZ C. 455 Hz D. 45.5KHz ANS:-A