Drug Zofran
Drug Zofran
Drug Zofran
Why is your patient getting this medication For IV meds, compatibility with IV drips and/or solutions
Prevention and treatment of postoperative n/v. Administer undiluted postop if n/v occur shortly after surgery.
Administer over at least 30 sec and preferably over 2-5 min
Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC or herbal medicines Lab value alterations caused by medicine
(ask patient specifically) May cause transient increase in serum bilirubin, AST, and ALT
May be affected by drugs altering the activity of liver enzymes. levels.
Be sure to teach the patient the following about this medication
Take as directed. Advise patient to notify health care
professional immediately if involuntary movement of eyes, face,
or limbs occur
Nursing Process- Assessment Assessment Evaluation
(Pre-administration assessment) Why would you hold or not give this med? Check after giving
Assess for nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention, Patient reports that nausea has resolved and Improvement of
and bowel sounds prior to and following they are no longer vomiting. postoperative n/v due to
administration. Assess patient for extrapyramidal radiation therapy.
effects periodically