Find You InnerMagic!
Find You InnerMagic!
Find You InnerMagic!
Episode from Dance of the Soul Hypnotherapys Radio Show (http:// ! Many people ask me how do I feel alive again, how do I nd that sparkle I see
deep in a childs eyes? What happened to the magic? What is magic? The webdictionary has a general denition that seems wholly inadequate. According to them magic results when a course of events occurs by supernatural or mysterious forces. Is this really magic? Or is this one aspect of magic? If we look at the essence of what magic is we can use all our senses to explore what this means to us. As we look up at the sparkling diamonds in the sky...this is magic. The scent of a magic. The melody of a bird.. is magic. Feeling the whisper of the wind... is magic. Magic is creation. Creation is consciousness fueled by imagination. The origin of imagination, consciousness and creativity still delude scientic circles. The web of imagination, consciousness and creativity are intertwined yet illusively so. Within grasp and yet seemingly like sand falling through our ngers. Like the dark matter of the cosmos its there but you cant touch it, see it, smell it or hear it.
So where does it come from? I nd myself going back to a time when I was in
the redwood forest. These gigantic trees with their buttress roots buried deep within the earth, while their shoots reached high up into blue innity. My heart lls with delight at being surrounded by these majestic pillars of ancient wisdom. The faint babbling of the
stream lulling me into a sense of ease. The cool breeze touching my cheek as the leaves shimmer, tinkling softly. I watch the golden red leaves as they drift gently and aimlessly toward the water below. And with silent pause they perch exactly where they are meant to without force, just being carried along by the whims of the wind. It makes me wonder why we lose sight of the magic around us. We breath it, smell it, hear it and feel it. Sometimes tangible and sometimes not. Humans search endlessly for the happiness anecdote. The elixir of bliss. The more they search the further away it moves and the more obsessed they are in our search. Unlike the leaf drifting gently to the ground following the ebbs and ows of the wind, moving this way and that, without force, without expectation it reaches the spot where it is meant to with elegance and grace. Therein is magic. In simplicity we nd elegance, in elegance we nd wonder.
We are all enchanted by fairytales in all their communicated forms. Why is this
so? Is it that our inner child is being nurtured or are we allowing ourselves to tap into that part of our nature that imagines and creates magic? Perhaps it is the seat of our consciousness, that part of us that feels a connection with all things. The twinkling of stars speaks to us in so many ways, the question is why? Is it our connection to all that is - the collective consciousness or are we romanticizing? Without imagination that feeds creativity our world would seem bland, empty and linear. For just one day imagine what it would be like to not listen to music, look at the beauty of nature and hide yourself in a closed environment, what happens? We become isolated, depressed and uncomfortable. Science has shown us over and over again how this affects not only humans but also animals. It demonstrates that isolation is not our natural state and that
of the ecosystem to which we are inextricably intertwined. Inevitably, if we have the capacity we can escape isolation. Yes, if we close our eyes and go within we are able to explore the inner dimensions that exist within us that are a part of us but we are so preoccupied with the busi-ness of life we forget about these inner parts of us that are waiting to be explored. Once we allow ourselves to do so we open the ower moving from the budding stage to the blooming stage. And once we have accessed this inner magic, it draws in for more and we are able to explore the inner depths over time with great ease and with great delight. Its our stuckness that shelters us from this inner realm. This stuckness is just the outer shell of the underlying emotion - fear. It is fear that keeps us from reaching out to ourselves and others. Where there is fear there is resistance. Where there is resistance the body tenses and we are moving towards who we think we are. In a relaxed state we move towards who we really are. So we have seen that with the tools isolation for a brief period of time has its place to go within. What happens when we have an InnerMagical experience and acknowledge and accept the gifts within ourselves we thought we never had? We are refreshed, refocused and renewed. When we reach out to ourselves, life and others - this is so. In fact, when our consciousness meets another we are connecting not only on a physical level but on a subtle level. The subtlety of this fusion is where magic is made. We have been conditioned to receive and connect with others from a cognitive perspective. It is here that we expect to nd our inner selves and our meaning and understanding of life. This view is imbalanced. It is our mind-body complex through which we nd meaning in life. When we are disconnected from this part of ourselves we lose the enchantment of life and our senses show us the mundanity of life. There is an
art to receiving information through this body and the nervous system, that results in feelings and emotions. These feeling and emotions give us important information but it is in transcending them that we are able to move to a higher consciousness state and move towards becoming our greatest potentials. Allowing them to be beacons on this dimensional plane but move through them, because emotions are not permanent they are dynamic. As we ow and meander along like the river of life we begin to see the magic around us, within us and in others because it is us who are dreaming our reality into existence. It is us who are making it up as we go along. What dream are you dreaming and when something happens in life, what do you learn?
ask yourself the question is it that I am being given a chance to nd the gifts within myself? And if this resonates with you and you need support and assistance turn to those and the modalities that are there to do so you will nd that which guide and allow you to nd your InnerMagic. Because you are dreaming yourself into existence. How are you going to shape your dream? Own it, it is yours. Take responsibility, for you are the dream, you are not the victim. Look around and see that it is you that is giving meaning to all that is around you - what meaning are you going to give? When you react to something, why is it there? What is there to learn, you constructed it after all, so there is a purpose? Next time you go outside look around and see what your dream looks like from the sky to the shopping mall, to your friends and yourself. We all have a different dream, we all create our own reality. Look inside and know where your dream is being created. Is it in the ego-mind or from the divine-mind.
Ego-mind is not evolved and holds on to fears, while divine-mind is a higher vibration and brings peace, love and kindness to itself and others. You choose.
sense of wonder. So next time you feel the mundanity of life creeping in remember that magic happens in the space between conscious thoughts and the present moment. When we nd the magic within ourselves we nd gratitude for all that is. The state of gratitude transcends all that is not for our higher good. Seek the magic within you, you will be surprised at what you nd! And by the way you have just experienced InnerMagic through my consciousness, may it wash over you like a gentle wave and may you come back to this place whenever you need to.
Author: Chiara Marrapodi is a Certied Clinical Hypnotherapist with ofces in San Diego and Los Angeles. She helps individuals nd their barriers to positive change and specializes in Work-Thrive Balance, weight loss, self-esteem, past life regression and pre-post surgery. You can contact her at [email protected] or her website