Finished Work of The Cross
Finished Work of The Cross
Finished Work of The Cross
The finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary is one of the central truths of the
Christian faith. What did Jesus say to his disciples when he started his public ministry? Read
John 4:34 _________________________________________________________________
And as he hung on the cross at the end of his earthly life? Read John 19:30 ______________
Read Hebrews 1:3. Does this give a deeper meaning to the thoughts of what Jesus had
completed at the Cross? What dos this verse mean to you? __________________________
To understand what Jesus was saying – and how the disciples understood it – we need to go
back to the whole way in which God had instructed His people in the Old Testament. What
was the greatest desire on God’s heart for His people since time began? What do you think?
Write your thoughts here:
What does the Bible say? Read Genesis 3:8-9. This is a picture of the days of man’s
innocence, when God walked with Adam in the garden. What was the relationship between
man and God in those days? ________________________________________________
Then sin came in and destroyed the close friendship. See Genesis 3:24. God’s response was
to make a way to repair the damage and restore the relationship.
The Tabernacle at the heart of the Israelite camp stated several things:
• God wanted to live with His people. His presence was there in the Holy of Holies.
• God is holy. Only the priests could come close to Him.
• Only the High Priest could come into the Holy of Holies and then only once a year.
• He could only come after sacrificing a bull on the altar.
• Blood must be shed constantly and regularly to atone for the sins of the people.
Verses 1-5 List the items in the tent (at least 10): _____________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
Verses 6-7 Who had access to God? _______________________________________
How often could he meet God? _________ How? ___________________
Verses 8-10 The writer gives several reasons why this Tabernacle was temporary and
failed to provide a way for the people to come to God. What 2 main points
does he make?
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
The main point the write to the Hebrews is making is that the Old Testament approach to God
through the priests, the sacrifices and the Tabernacle were
• Temporary – a permanent solution was needed
• Inadequate – a better way was coming
2. The Superior Priesthood of Jesus Christ
Why have we studied about the Old Testament Tabernacle, priests and sacrifices? It has been
a much-too-brief introduction. It is important, because Jesus Christ came to replace all this
with his own sacrifice for sins.
In the Old Testament, God showed how people could come to Him. Because of His holiness
it was not simple or easy. It required ...
• Special people (priests)
• A special place (the Tabernacle and later the Temple)
• Special sacrifices (to deal with sin)
Jesus Christ died on the Cross to replace all this. The Book of Hebrews was written for
Jewish people who were struggling with this truth and needed to understand more. Turn to
Hebrews. Most of our teaching on this subject comes from this book.
• Was the offering of Jesus Christ as High Priest effective? What has his offering done for
our consciences? (Verse 14) _______________________________________________.
• The Old Jewish Covenant (of tabernacle, priests, and law) did not solve the sin and guilt
problem. What has Jesus done to resolve the problem? (Verse 15) __________________
This may sound like complex theology, but for those who have difficulty knowing how to
enter the presence of God it is Good News! It says that Jesus Christ has achieved for all time
what no one else could – or needs – to do to provide a full, complete and final sacrifice for
sin for all time.
Jesus was not only the perfect High Priest. He was also the perfect sacrifice. Read again
Hebrews 9:12-14
Good news! The problem of sin and guilt has been dealt with once for all! We can do nothing
more to ensure a total and perfect forgiveness of all sin forever.
Human pride always wants to make a contribution to salvation. So people still try to win
God’s favour by keeping the Law, following rituals and rules of religion, trying to please God
and win His approval and mercy. Some go on pilgrimage, keep lengthy fasts, beat themselves
in belief that pain will earn salvation.
But the reality is that Jesus Christ has completed a total and absolute work of forgiveness, to
which no one can add anything further.
It is important to note that, in the Bible, blood speaks of a sacrifice. It tells us that one has
died as our substitute to pay the full, final, absolute and total price for salvation. It was the
death of Christ on the Cross that obtained our salvation, defeated Satan, took away the fear of
death, and opened the doors of heaven to all believers.
1. Have you ever felt the need to earn your salvation in some way? Have you tried to please
God by good works, personal sacrifices, extra hard work or other means that you feel will
make you worthy of His mercy? This is very common in other world religions, but not for
the followers of Christ.
2. Take some time to thank God for the full and finished work of Jesus 2000 years ago at
Calvary. “It is finished,” he cried. IT is accomplished, completed, perfected. Thank God
that nothing more is needed.
3. How can you follow up on what Christ has done? By offering your body as a living
sacrifice (Romans 12:1), offering up a sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15) and offering
spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5).
Lord, we praise you for the full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice for sin, made once for
all time when Jesus died on the cross at Calvary. We thank you that we can add
nothing to the perfect work that He has done for us. Our salvation is assured for ever
and all the glory goes to him and to Him alone.
1. This may have been a difficult lesson for some. Look back at the section on the Old
Testament tabernacle. Discuss the importance of understanding the place of animal
sacrifices. Ask each group member to explain hwy they think animal sacrifices were
necessary and what they achieved.
2. Discuss the holiness of God and the sinfulness of man. How can they be reconciled? Look
at 2 Corinthians 5:21. What does it mean that God made Christ to be sin? What does it
mean that we become the righteousness of God?
3. What are the implications of the perfect sacrifice of Christ? If He has done everything
necessary for our salvation, what is there for us to do? Can we sit back and enjoy what He
has done? Or is there an important part for us to play in obtaining our salvation?