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MTCR Handbook Item9

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Navigation Equipment
Produced by
Instrumentation, navigation and direction finding equipment and companies in
systems, and associated production and test equipment as follows; and
specially designed components and software therefor: • China
(a) Integrated flight instrument systems, which include gyrostabilizers or • France
automatic pilots and integration software therefor, designed or mod- • Germany
ified for use in the systems in Item 1; • Israel
• Italy
Notes to Item 9: • Japan
(1) Items (a) through (f) may be exported as part of a manned aircraft, • Norway
satellite, land vehicle or marine vessel or in quantities appropriate for • Russia
replacement parts for such applications. • South Africa
• Spain
• Sweden
Nature and Purpose: Integrated flight instrument systems use a variety of
• Switzerland
sensors as well as inertial instruments (accelerometers and gyroscopes) to
• Ukraine
track a missile’s flight path. Because they collect and use more data than • United Kingdom
purely inertial guidance sets, they are often more accurate. The additional • United States
sensor data often allow the use of less expensive inertial instruments without
a reduction in accuracy. These systems utilize all available information in var-
ious and often innovative schemes to navigate accurately. Because manufac-
turers have used a variety of names for integrated flight instrument systems
(e.g., navigation systems), items with other names may actually be MTCR-
controlled integrated flight instrument systems.

Method of Operation: Integrated flight instrument systems collect and

process in-flight data from active and passive sensors, receivers, and inertial
instruments in order to track the missile’s flight path. They use one of sev-
eral hierarchical or voting schemes to derive the best estimate of position
and heading for comparison with the preprogrammed flight path. The re-
sults are used to generate signals to steer the vehicle along the intended
flight path and to trigger other preprogrammed functions at their appropri-
ate time.

Typical Missile-Related Uses: Integrated flight instrumentation systems

are required equipment in unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), including cruise

ITEM 9 9-1
Photo Credit: Litton Guidance and Control Systems
Photo Credit: Litton Guidance and Control Systems

Figure 9-1: The main body of a cruise missile Figure 9-2: Another view of the same integrated flight
integrated flight instrumentation system. instrument system shown in Figure 9-1.

missiles. Systems capable of achieving system accuracy of 3.33 percent or

less of the range may be controlled as Category I under Item 2 (d).

Other Uses: Integrated flight instrumentation systems are used in both

civilian and military aircraft.

Appearance (as manufactured): The size of integrated flight instrumenta-

tion systems varies with the type of vehicle and the vintage of design. Recent
designs have been reduced in size to about a half meter on a side and re-
duced in weight to several kilograms or less. Integrated flight instrument
systems vary greatly in appearance because they are designed for different
interior configurations of different vehicles, and they use different combi-
nations of subsystems. Like missile guidance sets controlled under Category
I, Item 2 (d), most integrated flight instrumentation systems are enclosed
in metallic boxes, which often have removable access panels. However, be-
cause integrated flight instrumentation systems use more than just an iner-
tial measurement unit (IMU) for navigation information, they often look
much more modular than ballistic missile guidance sets that depend exclu-
sively on an IMU. Examples of this modular appearance are shown in
Figures 9-1 and 9-2. The components of the system may be distributed
throughout the missile with some of their sensors and antennas located well
apart from the computer and IMU.

9-2 ITEM 9
Appearance (as packaged): Although integrated flight instrument systems
are not as delicate and expensive as some of the more expensive ballistic mis-
sile guidance sets, their packaging is usually robust and includes desiccants
and air-tight wrappers for protection against moisture. These systems are
usually shipped in cushioned containers with labels indicating the need for
careful handling.

(b) Gyro-astro compasses and other devices which derive position or ori- Produced by
entation by means of automatically tracking celestial bodies or satellites; companies in

Notes to Item 9: • France

(1) Items (a) through (f) may be exported as part of a manned aircraft, • Germany
satellite, land vehicle or marine vessel or in quantities appropriate for • Russia
replacement parts for such applications. • United Kingdom
• United States

Nature and Purpose: Gyro-astro compasses are precision assemblies of

sensitive optical and electro-mechanical equipment used for navigation.
They provide an in-flight orientation update and thereby increase the navi-
gational accuracy.

Method of Operation: These devices use an optical sensor to detect a dis-

tant point-source of light in a known direction. Typically, these sensors rely
on stars, but they can also use satellites travelling in known orbits. The guid-
ance computer compares the expected direction of the star on the current
trajectory with its measured direction and sends signals to the flight control
system to make any necessary course corrections.

Typical Missile-Related Uses: Gyro-astro compasses are used in missiles

that fly a portion of their trajectory above the atmosphere.

Other Uses: Gyro-astro compasses are used in space probes and some air-
craft as well as on some ships to aid in navigation.

Appearance (as manufactured): Improvements in optical sensor technology

have reduced the size and weight of such sensors, and are likely to continue to
do so. Although gyro-astro compasses vary considerably in de- Photo Credit: Litton Alenia Difesa
sign, the optical sensors, or telescopes, all have a visible optical
lens, which may be protected by an automatic shutter or trap
door. Many telescopes are gimbal-mounted (i.e., mounted in-
side one or more pivoting cages) and thus can be automatically
pointed to locate an optical reference. A typical unit might
measure less than half a meter and weigh less than 10 kg. A
photograph of a gyro-astro compass is shown in Figure 9-3.
Compasses without gimbals consist of little more than an op-
tical sensor with precision mounting surfaces, a shutter, and
supporting electronics. Their metal cases often measure only 5 Figure 9-3: A high resolution gyro-astro
to 7 cm on a side and weigh approximately 0.5 kg. compass.

ITEM 9 9-3
Appearance (as packaged): Because gyro-astro compasses are delicate
mechanisms, they are usually packed in robust shipping containers that pre-
vent damage from moisture and mild shock. Shipping containers usually have
warning labels indicating that they contain costly assemblies of sensitive op-
tical, electrical, or mechanical equipment.

Produced by
(c) Accelerometers with a threshold of 0.05 g or less, or a linearity error
companies in
within 0.25 percent of full scale output, or both, which are designed
for use in inertial navigation systems or in guidance systems of all
• China
• France
• Germany Notes to Item 9:
• Israel (1) Items (a) through (f) may be exported as part of a manned aircraft,
• Italy satellite, land vehicle or marine vessel or in quantities appropriate for
• Japan replacement parts for such applications.
• North Korea (3) Accelerometers which are specially designed and developed as MWD
• Norway (Measurement While Drilling) Sensors for use in downhole well ser-
• Russia vice operations are not specified in Item 9 (c).
• South Africa
• Sweden
• United Kingdom Nature and Purpose: Accelerometers are sensitive pieces of electro-
• United States mechanical equipment used in measuring acceleration, which is the rate of
change of speed in a given direction. Acceleration is integrated once to pro-
vide velocity and integrated again to provide distance traveled from the
point of origin or launch. Two of the most important performance para-
meters are the threshold, the smallest measurement detectable, and the
linearity error, the maximum error from the actual value measured.

Missile accuracy is directly dependent on the quality of the missile’s ac-

celerometers and gyros; missiles that fly for a long time without external up-
dates require high quality accelerometers. Missiles that use sensor systems
like Global Positioning System receivers, stellar fixes, or terrain-matching
sensors to make mid-flight corrections can use lower quality accelerometers.
Much of the cost of inertial-grade accelerometers results from the extensive
calibration testing that must be performed on each unit.

Method of Operation: Accelerometers receive electrical power, sense ac-

celeration and gravity, and provide measurement information as an electric
signal. Information from the accelerometer, along with information on
time, local gravity, orientation, and possibly other measurements, allows ve-
hicle speed, heading, and position to be estimated by the guidance set or in-
tegrated flight instrumentation system. Several different types of ac-
celerometers exist, each with its own method of operation.

Many pendulous accelerometers (often referred to as force balance, force to

balance, or force rebalance accelerometers) use a small weight on a flexible
hinge that is supported against the forces of gravity and acceleration by a
magnetic field. Numerous variations of this design exist, but the principles

9-4 ITEM 9
are much the same. The small weight is held in a null position by an elec-
tromagnet. As the acceleration changes, the weight moves, and control cir-
cuitry changes the current in the electromagnet to bring the weight back to
the null position. The amount of current required for this repositioning, or
rebalancing, is proportional to the acceleration.

A spinning mass gyroscope with an unbalanced mass added along its spin
axis can be used as an accelerometer. The gyroscope revolves about a pivot
perpendicular to its axis of spin at a rate proportionate to acceleration in-
cluding gravity. The sum of these revolutions serves as a mechanical inte-
gration of acceleration to provide an output proportionate to velocity rather
than acceleration. Accelerometers of this type are known as pendulous inte-
grating gyroscopic accelerometers (PIGAs). PIGAs can be very expensive
and have been used in some of the most accurate long-range ballistic mis-
sile systems.

Other accelerometer designs also exist such as vibrating element accelerom-

eters that vary the tension and frequency of a vibrating element. Chip ac-
celerometers use a flexible portion of the microcircuit semiconductor to
vary electrical resistance and produce an electrical output. Accelerometers of
this type are currently at the low end of the performance range, but design
efforts will continue because of the potential for substantial cost reduction.
Such modern accelerometers are already used in IMUs requiring less accu-
racy such as UAVs, including cruise missiles.

Typical Missile-Related Uses: Accelerometers are used in missile guidance

sets or integrated flight instrumentation systems. Typically, three ac-
celerometers mounted perpendicular to each other provide all the accelera-
tion measurement information necessary for inertial navigation. They can
be installed in a gimbal structure (see Item 2 (d)), mounted in a floating
ball, or affixed (strapped down) to the missile frame. Combined with gyro-
scopes, they make up an IMU or inertial sensor assembly (ISA). Depending
upon mission requirements, some UAVs, including cruise missiles, can
make due with only one or two accelerometers.

Other Uses: Accelerometers are used in both civilian and military aircraft
and space systems, in oil well drilling stress testing, as inertial navigators in
cars and other land vehicles, and in electronic equipment, manufacturing,
gravity meters, robotics, and carnival rides (roller coasters). However, most
of these uses do not require the high stability and highly calibrated accuracy
of inertial-grade accelerometers.

Appearance (as manufactured): Accelerometers vary greatly in appearance

because many designs exist. They are usually cylindrical, metallic, and shiny
from precision machining. The larger accelerometers used in ballistic mis-
siles are several centimeters in length and can weigh up to several kilograms.
Those used in UAVs, including cruise missiles, are smaller and lighter; they
may measure only a few centimeters on a side and weigh less than a kilo-

ITEM 9 9-5
Photo Credit: Litton Sextant Avionque

Photo Credit: Lockheed Martin Federal Systems

Figure 9-4: An integrated circuit accelerometer. Figure 9-5: Two force rebalance accelerometers that
can be built with any of a wide range of performance
Photo Credit: The Charles Stark Draper Laboratories, Inc.

gram. Many accelerometers of MTCR concern have high

quality electrical connections and precision mounting sur-
faces for accurate alignment. Many accelerometers are fac-
tory-sealed instruments, not usually disassembled or even
opened for service by any customer. A modern integrated
circuit accelerometer is shown in Figure 9-4. The model
and serial number on the exterior of the accelerometer
should appear on the associated documentation, which
contains information about accuracy.

Distinguishing MTCR-controlled from other accelerome-

ters simply by visual inspection can be difficult because,
although different models of an accelerometer have differ-
ent performance capabilities, they may look identical. Two
force rebalance accelerometers covering a wide range of
performance are shown in Figure 9-5. One variant of a so-
phisticated gyroscopic accelerometer is the PIGA shown
Figure 9-6: A pendulous integrating gyro next to an inch scale in Figure 9-6. Relevant information
accelerometer (PIGA) next to an inch unique to each model- and serial-numbered accelerometer
scale. can be derived from the associated documentation (often
called calibration sheet or cal-data), including the g-threshold and linearity
error. A major factor that makes an accelerometer accurate enough for use
in sophisticated missile guidance sets is the exhaustive testing needed to
compile the calibration data. Thus, the detail and amount of the calibration
and error modeling data associated with each accelerometer are key indica-
tors for determining the missile-related use of an accelerometer.

Appearance (as packaged): Because they are designed to be sensitive to

acceleration, precision accelerometers are vulnerable to damage from rela-
tively minor impact. They are usually protected from physical shock in
small, high quality packages with thick, contour-fitted foam lining much
like a package for a fine pocket watch. For shipping, one or more of these
special boxes are packed in yet another box or other container with cush-

9-6 ITEM 9
ioned lining of some sort. The documentation on the accuracy of each
model- and serial-numbered accelerometer is usually contained in its

(d) All types of gyros usable in the systems in Item 1, with a rated drift Produced by
rate stability of less than 0.5 degree (1 sigma or rms) per hour in a companies in
1 g environment;
• Austria
Notes to Item 9: • Canada
(1) Items (a) through (f) may be exported as part of a manned aircraft, • China
satellite, land vehicle or marine vessel or in quantities appropriate for • France
replacement parts for such applications. • Germany
(2) In subitem (d): • Israel
(a) Drift rate is defined as the time rate of output deviation from the • Italy
desired output. It consists of random and systematic components • Japan
and is expressed as an equivalent angular displacement per unit • North Korea
time with respect to inertial space. • Russia
(b) Stability is defined as standard deviation (1 sigma) of the varia- • South Africa
tion of a particular parameter from its calibrated value measured • Sweden
under stable temperature conditions. This can be expressed as a • United Kingdom
function of time. • United States

Nature and Purpose: Gyroscopes, or gyros, are sensitive pieces of electro-

mechanical or electro-optical equipment that measure rotation about one or
more sensitive axis. Gyroscopes are usually mounted with accelerometers in
the guidance set or integrated flight instrumentation system. They measure
any change in the angular orientation of the accelerometers, so that the di-
rection of the accelerometer measurements is known. One of the most im-
portant performance parameters is drift rate stability, usually measured in
fractions of a degree per hour. This determines how quickly the gyro loses
knowledge of its orientation. For gyros used in strapdown guidance sys-
tems, the stability of the scale factor—the factor relating the sensed rotation
rate or angle and the gyro output signal—is also critical.

Missile accuracy is directly dependent on the quality of the missile’s ac-

celerometers and gyros; missiles that fly for a long time without external
updates require high quality gyros. Missiles that use sensor systems like
Global Positioning System receivers, stellar fixes, or terrain-matching sen-
sors to make mid-flight corrections can use lower quality gyros. Much of
the cost of inertial-grade gyros results from the extensive testing that must
be performed on each unit.

Method of Operation: Gyros sense angular shifts (changes in orientation)

and provide measurement information, usually as some form of electric sig-
nal. The orientation information from the gyros, along with information on
time, local gravity, acceleration, and possibly other measurements, allows
vehicle speed, heading, and position to be estimated by the guidance set or

ITEM 9 9-7
integrated flight instrumentation system. Several different types of gyros ex-
ist, each with its own method of operation. Most inertially guided missiles
use either spinning mass gyros or electro-optical gyros.

Spinning mass gyros contain a spinning disk and operate on the gyroscopic
principle whereby a proportionate measurable torque is generated perpen-
dicular to the angular disturbance. There are two common types of spinning
mass gyros. Single degree-of-freedom (SDF) gyros sense rotation about
only one axis, while two degree-of-freedom (TDF) gyros sense rotation
about two axes. Since missile guidance systems usually require orientation
knowledge for all three axes, three SDF gyros are required, but only two
TDF gyros (one axis will be redundant).

An SDF gyro has the spinning mass suspended cross-axis inside a cylinder
that floats inside yet another slightly larger cylinder fixed to the guidance
platform. Many designs float the inner cylinder in a liquid while others sus-
pend it with gaseous flow. Rotations of the floated inner cylinder are related
to input orientation changes by the gyroscopic effect of the spinning mass.
Measurement of those rotations or measurement of the force needed to pre-
vent those rotations is the output of the SDF gyro.

The most commonly used TDF gyro is the dynamically tuned gyro (DTG).
It uses no floatation fluid, so it is sometimes referred to as a “dry” tuned
gyro. A DTG has the spinning mass suspended on a complex gimbaled flex-
hinge assembly, essentially an ultra-precision universal joint. The complex
hinge assembly is tuned so its error torques cancel at one specific speed, of-
ten in excess of 10,000 rpm. Naturally, DTGs need very good speed regu-
lation to operate reliably at the tuned rpm. Older types of TDF gyros con-
sist of a series of mechanical gimbals that isolate the spinning rotor from the
case. The angular position of the spinning mass with respect to the case is
used to measure the platform’s orientation changes.

Electro-optical gyros generate counter-rotating beams of laser light around a

closed path to form an interference pattern that is sensed by a detector. When
rotation about an axis not in the plane of the loop occurs, the difference in the
effective lengths of the respective paths creates a relative shift of the interfer-
ence pattern. This shift (known as the Sagnac effect) is observed by the detec-
tor, which provides an output proportional to the rotation of the gyro.

There are two common types of optical gyros, the ring laser gyro (RLG) and
the fiber optic gyro (FOG), and there are several variations of each. RLGs
create their counter-rotating beams of laser light inside gas tubes that are cav-
ities configured in a closed polygonal path, often triangular, but sometimes
four or five sided. These cavities are made in glass with a near-zero thermal
expansion for higher accuracy. FOGs use long spools of fiber optic cable to
carry the counter-rotating beams. An important difference between RLGs
and FOGs is that the spool of fiber optic cable gives the FOG a much longer
optical path length and, at least theoretically, better accuracy. In practice,
however, this improvement is offset by imperfections in the fiber optic cable

9-8 ITEM 9
and cable interfaces. FOGs are under development in several countries, and
their performance characteristics are continually improving. They hold much
promise for becoming the lowest cost gyro yet devised.

FOGs are designed as single-axis gyros so most missiles that use them will
need three to track rotations about all three axes; the same is true of single-
ring RLGs. Sometimes multi-axis RLGs are used that contain three or more
rings in a single block of glass; only one such unit would be required in a
guidance set.

Other types of gyros include the hemispherical resonating gyro, which es-
tablishes and monitors a standing vibration wave in a hemispherical cup
(somewhat like a small wineglass). There are also designs like small tuning
forks that operate by a method that involves Coriolis force. However, any
gyro capable of meeting MTCR performance specifications is controlled re-
gardless of its method of operation.

Typical Missile-Related Uses: Gyros are used in a missile’s guidance set or

integrated flight instrumentation system to sense changes in accelerometer
orientation. Designs may use two, three, or four gyros. They usually are
mounted perpendicular to each other in order to provide angular measure-
ment information about all three axes. They can be used in a gimbal struc-
ture (see Item 2 (d)), mounted in a floating ball, or affixed to a block which
is in turn affixed to the missile airframe in a strapdown configuration.
Combined with accelerometers, they make up the IMU or ISA.

Other Uses: Gyros are used in non-missile guidance sets, integrated flight
instrumentation systems, gyrostabilizers, automatic pilots, and in naviga-
tional equipment. Military applications include artillery, tanks, ships, and
aircraft. Commercial applications include ships, aircraft, and oil drilling. In
most non-missile applications, gyros can be smaller, cheaper,

Photo Credit: The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc.

and less complex because operating environments and accu-
racy requirements are usually less demanding.

Appearance (as manufactured): Modern SDF gyros can be

5 to 8 cm in diameter and 8 to 12 cm long, and weigh up to
one kg. DTGs are usually cylindrical with diameters of 4 to 6
cm and lengths of 4 to 8 cm, and generally weigh less than
one kg. Older gyros can be somewhat larger, approximately
twice the size and weigh several kilograms. Gyros used in
UAVs, including cruise missiles, can be much smaller and
lighter, perhaps tens of grams.

Many gyros of MTCR concern have precision mounting sur-

faces for accurate alignment and high quality electrical con-
nections. Because many designs exist, a gyro’s appearance can
vary greatly. Spinning mass gyros are usually cylindrical, metal-
lic, heavy for their size, and shiny from precision machining. A Figure 9-7: A DTG dynamically tuned
dynamically tuned spinning mass gyro is shown in Figure 9-7. spinning mass gyro.

ITEM 9 9-9
Photo Credit: Honeywell
Photo Credit: British Aerospace Ltd.

Figure 9-9: Three exposed ring laser gyros without their

Figure 9-8: A vibrating structure gyro. associated electronics.

A vibrating structure gyro is shown in Figure 9-8.

Photo Credit: Honeywell

Individual optical gyros are usually pad-like and

mounted in a low profile, sealed box. A three-ring
RLG unit will tend to be cubic and between 4 and
10 cm on a side. It may weigh between fractions of
a kilogram to over a kilogram. Some single-axis de-
signs resemble cylinders with diameters exceeding
20 cm. Three exposed RLG bodies are shown in
Figure 9-9; an electrode for the gas laser can be
seen at the bottom of each ring. The laser light
Figure 9-10: A fiber optic gyro with its top removed. travels the triangular path machined into the glass.
Some FOG designs are only 2 to 4 cm in diameter,
contain a fiber several hundred meters long, and
Photo Credit: LITEF

weigh fractions of a kilogram. A FOG with its top

removed is shown in Figure 9-10. A more typical
exterior appearance for FOGs and RLGs is shown
in Figure 9-11.

MTCR-controlled and uncontrolled gyros may

look identical. Relevant information unique to each
model- and serial-numbered gyro can be derived
from the associated documentation (calibration
Figure 9-11: A fiber optic, rate sensing gyro. sheet or cal-data), including the drift rate stability.
It is 2 × 6.5 × 8 cm. As with accelerometers, the exhaustive testing
needed to compile this calibration data is a substan-
tial part of what makes a gyro accurate enough for use in a missile guidance set.
Thus, the detail and amount of the calibration and error modeling data asso-
ciated with each gyro are critical to determining the missile-related use of a
gyro. The cal-data normally cites a serial number that is visible on the gyro.
Appearance (as packaged): Spinning mass gyros are vulnerable to damage
from shock, but optical gyros are fairly rugged. Spinning mass gyros are packed
in high quality, cushioned containers. Optical gyros do not need as much cush-
ioning material in the package, but they are still likely to be shipped in high
quality packages typical of expensive electronic instruments and sensors.

9-10 ITEM 9
(e) Continuous output accelerometers or gyros of any type, specified to Produced by
function at acceleration levels greater than 100 g; companies in

Note to Item 9: • China

(1) Items (a) through (f) may be exported as part of a manned aircraft, • France
satellite, land vehicle or marine vessel or in quantities appropriate for • Germany
replacement parts for such applications. • Israel
• Italy
• Japan
Nature and Purpose: Continuous output accelerometers and gyros speci- • North Korea
fied to function at acceleration levels greater than 100 g are a special cate- • Russia
gory of accelerometers and gyros, which may include those in Item 9 (c) • United Kingdom
and (d), respectively. These devices produce uninterrupted signals through- • United States
out their specified range and are designed to operate under extreme accel-
erations in excess of 100 g. All such instruments are controlled under this
item regardless of performance specifications. Their purpose is to provide
inertial instrument data under heavy accelerations like those experienced by
reentry vehicles (RVs) during defense avoidance and reentry deceleration.
These instruments may also be used as part of a fuzing system. No accuracy
specifications are included because instruments with significantly lower ac-
curacy can be used due to the relatively short period of operation.

Method of Operation: These inertial instruments operate in much the

same way as those covered in Item 9 (c) and (d), but they are ruggedized
and have a greater operating range (in excess of 100 g).

Typical Missile-Related Uses: These accelerometers can be used as fuses

in RVs, and continuous output accelerometers and gyros are used in the
guidance sets that steer maneuvering RVs as they evade defenses or termi-
nally guide themselves to a target. Such accelerometers and gyros are fairly
accurate and probably nuclear hardened. Continuous output accelerometers
rated in access of 100 g are also used in fusing and firing mechanisms for
cruise missiles with penetrating warheads.

Other Uses: Continuous output accelerometers

Photo Credit: Lockheed Martin Federal Systems

and gyros able to operate in a 100-g environ-
ment can be used in guided munitions such as
artillery shells. Such accelerometers are also
used in laboratories for high-g tests that require
continuous output.

Appearance (as manufactured): Continuous

output accelerometers, as shown in Figure 9-12,
may look identical to those covered in Item 9 c.
Similarly, gyros specified to function at levels
greater than 100 g may also be virtually identi-
cal in appearance to those covered in Item 9 d.
They all are usually cylindrical or pad-like with Figure 9-12: Two continuous output accelerometers,
precision mounting flanges and high quality visually identical to those of Figure 9-5, rated at 100 g.

ITEM 9 9-11
electrical connectors. Because smaller instruments
Photo Credit: Litton Guidance
and Control Systems

are inherently more g-tolerant, they tend to be

smaller than most other accelerometers and gyros.
There are even miniature high-g accelerometers
integrated into circuit elements, as shown in
Figure 9-13.

Appearance (as packaged): Because of their

rugged nature, these instruments do not need spe-
cial handling. They are shipped as small hardware
items. The documentation on the operating g
range of each model- and serial-numbered unit is
usually contained in its package.
Figure 9-13:
An integrated circuit
accelerometer rated (f) Inertial or other equipment using accelerometers described by
at over 100 g.
subitems (c) or (e) above or gyros described by subitems (d) or (e)
above, and systems incorporating such equipment, and specially de-
signed integration software therefor;
Produced by
companies in
Notes to Item 9:
(1) Items (a) through (f) may be exported as part of a manned aircraft,
• China
satellite, land vehicle or marine vessel or in quantities appropriate for
• France
replacement parts for such applications.
• Germany
• Israel
• Italy
• Japan Nature and Purpose: This MTCR Annex item ensures that any of the ac-
• Norway celerometers and gyros controlled in Item 9 remain controlled when they
• Russia are components of a larger assembly or a non-guidance related assembly.
• South Africa Examples of such assemblies include gimbal assemblies with the instruments
• Spain installed, IMUs, complete guidance sets not controlled under Category I,
• Sweden Item 2 (d), gravity meters, and stabilized platforms for cameras, antennas,
• Switzerland or other equipment. Any inertial system, subsystem, or other equipment,
• Ukraine regardless of its intended use, is controlled as Category II under this item if
• United Kingdom it contains one or more of Items 9 (c), 9 (d), or 9 (e).
• United States
Typical Missile-Related Uses: This equipment is used in guidance sets and
integrated flight instrumentation systems for ballistic missiles and cruise
missiles, as described in Item 2 (d) and Item 9 (a).

Other Uses: This equipment can also be used in guidance sets and naviga-
tion systems for a whole range of space flight, aviation, gravity mapping,
ocean navigation, land navigation, and well drilling uses.

Appearance (as manufactured): The appearance of inertial or other equip-

ment using accelerometers or gyros varies widely. IMUs can be gimbaled; a
gimbaled IMU is shown in Figure 9-14. These can be designed to be spher-
ical so as to float inside a liquid-filled chamber, as shown in Figure 9-15.

9-12 ITEM 9
Figure 9-14: A
Photo Credit: The Charles Stark
Draper Laboratory, Inc.

gimbaled IMU that

contains three
accelerometers and
three gyros (gimbals
are internal).

Figure 9-15: A model of

an inertial measurement
sphere that contains
three accelerometers
and three gyros,
designed to float inside
a liquid-filled chamber
(chamber shown open).
Photo Credit: Honeywell

Figure 9-16: A strapdown IMU that contains three

accelerometers and three ring laser gyros (in the
end opposite the cables).

IMUs can also be designed to be rigidly

mounted in a strapdown configuration, as
shown in Figures 9-16 and 9-17.
Equipment using accelerometers and gyros
may also use optical sensors, Global
Positioning System satellite receivers, radar
Photo Credit: Honeywell

units, horizon sensors, computers and software, and

other items, depending on the specific application. The
equipment has electrical connectors and mounting sur-
faces, and may have removable access panels for replacing
accelerometers, gyros, or other subelements. They vary
in size from a few centimeters to a meter on a side.

Appearance (as packaged): Because many accelerome-

ters and gyroscopes are inherently delicate, they are
packed in robust shipping containers with cushioning and
insulation to prevent damage from shock and moisture.
Containers may be wood, metal, or plastic with foam
Figure 9-17: A strapdown IMU containing cushioning. The shipping packages are likely to have the
three accelerometers and three ring laser cautionary labels usually used on containers of costly as-
gyros. semblies of sensitive electrical or mechanical equipment.

ITEM 9 9-13
Produced by
companies in
(g) Production equipment and other test, calibration and alignment
equipment, other than that described in 9(h), designed or modified
• China
to be used with equipment specified in a-f above, including the fol-
• France
• Germany
(1) For laser gyro equipment, the following equipment used to char-
• Italy
acterize mirrors, having the threshold accuracy shown or better:
• Japan
(i) Scatterometer (10 ppm);
• Russia
(ii) Reflectometer (50 ppm);
• Switzerland
(iii) Profilometer (5 Angstroms).
• United Kingdom
(2) For other inertial equipment:
• United States
(i) Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU Module) Tester;
(ii) IMU Platform Tester;
(iii) IMU Stable Element Handling Fixture;
(iv) IMU Platform Balance fixture;
(v) Gyro Tuning Test Station;
(vi) Gyro Dynamic Balance Station;
(vii) Gyro Run-In/Motor Test Station;
(viii) Gyro Evacuation and Filling Test Station;
(ix) Centrifuge Fixture for Gyro Bearings;
(x) Accelerometer Axis Align Station;
(xi) Accelerometer Test Station.
(h) Equipment as follows:
(1) Balancing machines having all the following characteristics:
(i) Not capable of balancing rotors/assemblies having a mass
greater than 3kg;
(ii) Capable of balancing rotors/assemblies at speeds greater
than 12,500 rpm;
(iii) Capable of correcting unbalance in two planes or more; and
(iv) Capable of balancing to a residual specific unbalance of 0.2
gram mm per kg of rotor mass;
(2) Indicator heads (sometimes known as balancing instrumenta-
tion) designed or modified for use with machines specified in
9(h) 1;
(3) Motion simulators/rate tables (equipment capable of simulating
motion) having all the following characteristics:
(i) Two axis or more;
(ii) Slip rings capable of transmitting electrical power and/or
signal information; and
(iii) Having any of the following characteristics:
(a) For any single axis:
(1) Capable of rates of 400 degrees/sec or more; or
30 degrees/sec or less; and
(2) A rate resolution equal to or less than 6
degrees/sec and an accuracy equal to or less than
0.6 degrees/sec;

9-14 ITEM 9
(b) Having a worst-case rate stability equal to or better
(less) than plus or minus 0.05 percent averaged over 10
degrees or more; or
(c) A position accuracy equal to or better than 5 arc second;
(4) Positioning tables (equipment capable of precise rotary position-
ing in any axes) having the following characteristics:
(i) Two axes or more; and
(ii) A positioning accuracy equal to or better than 5 arc second;
(5) Centrifuges capable of imparting accelerations above 100 g and
having slip rings capable of transmitting electrical power and sig-
nal information.

Notes to Item 9:
(4) The only balancing machines, indicator heads, motion simulators,
rate tables, positioning tables, and centrifuges specified in Item 9 are
those specified in 9 (h).
(5) 9 (h) (1) does not control balancing machines designed or modified
for dental or other medical equipment.
(6) 9 (h) (3) and (4) do not control rotary tables designed or modified
for machine tools or for medical equipment.
(7) Rate tables not controlled by 9 (h) (3) and providing the characteris-
tics of a positioning table are to be evaluated according to 9 (h) (4).
(8) Equipment that has the characteristics specified in 9 (h) (4) which
also meets the characteristics of 9 (h) (3) will be treated as equipment
specified in 9 (h) (3).

Nature and Purpose: Alignment, calibration, and test equipment is used to

build, calibrate, test, and characterize these instruments to meet the re-
quirements. Gyroscopes, accelerometers, and IMUs are precision instru-
ments that must be accurate and reliable over time. Particularly important
is test equipment that subjects an instrument to accelerations and orienta-
tion changes while measuring the instrument’s response over time. This
equipment is essential to the manufacture of high quality inertial instru-
ments. Any specially designed test, calibration, alignment, and production
equipment is controlled even if it is not specified on the list.

Typical Missile-Related Uses: This equipment is required to produce and

calibrate inertial instruments for use in missiles of all types.

Other Uses: Most spacecraft, aircraft, and other vehicles using inertial nav-
igation or guidance units require similar equipment and technologies for
development, production, test, and calibration. However, many other non-
missile applications can use inertial instruments with higher drift rates,
lower vibration and acceleration tolerances, and lower stability require-
ments. Thus, the test, calibration, alignment, and production equipment for
non-missile inertial equipment is often less sophisticated and less precise
than that required for accurate missiles.

ITEM 9 9-15
Appearance (as manufactured): Specially de-
Photo Credit: Digital Instruments

signed alignment, calibration, test, and produc-

tion equipment for these guidance and navigation
items described in (a) through (f) are usually
limited-production items. They are as diverse in
size, weight, and appearance as in function, and
these features change as the technology changes.
Although far from a complete list, short descrip-
tions of some examples are provided below.

Because ring laser gyros sense the phase change

of minute wavelengths in light, their accuracy is
Figure 9-18: A profilometer system used for measuring determined by the quality of their mirrors. The
mirrors. mirrors must be a precise shape and reflect
almost all the light falling on them and neither
Photo Credit: Honeywell

absorb nor scatter it. The following three pieces

of equipment are designed to characterize mir-
rors for use in such gyros.

• A scatterometer (10 ppm) measures the ten-

dency of a mirror to scatter light away from
its intended direction to an accuracy of 10
ppm or less. It provides a beam of known in-
tensity and measures the intensity of scattered

Figure 9-19: A typical IMU module tester. • A reflectometer (50 ppm) measures the ability
of a mirror to reflect light to a measurement ac-
Photo Credit: Litton Guidance and
Control Systems

curacy of 50 ppm or less. It works by shining a

beam of known intensity on the mirror and
measuring the intensity of the reflected light.

• A profilometer (5 Angstroms) measures the profile of

the optical surface of a mirror to an accuracy of 5
Angstroms (5 × 10–10 m) or less. Various methods are
used to map the minute variations in optical surface
height. This mapping helps determine the localized
deviations from theoretical perfect geometry, whether
it is designed flat, concave, or convex. A complete pro-
filometer system is shown in Figure 9-18.
Figure 9-20: Another portable IMU tester
connected to a miniature IMU. The accuracy of inertial guidance systems is determined
by the quality of their accelerometers and gyroscopes.
Most of the following equipment either characterizes or tests these instru-
ments as they operate separately, as an assembly, or as a complete IMU.

• An IMU Module Tester operates an IMU module electrically, simulates

inputs, and collects response data to confirm proper electrical operation.
Typical IMU module testers are shown in Figures 9-19 and 9-20.

9-16 ITEM 9
• An IMU Platform Tester operates a complete
IMU platform, that is, the stable element or
fully operational strapdown IMU. A three-axes
rate table, also referred to as a motion simulator,
often is used as part of an IMU platform tester;
an example is shown in Figure 9-21. Such tables
are controlled under Item 9 (h) (3). An IMU
tested by this equipment should correctly sense
the earth’s gravity and rotation through all ori-
entation changes without misinterpreting it as
lateral or vertical movement and without losing
track of its initial alignment with respect to a
fixed coordinate reference frame.
Figure 9-21: A three-axis rate table for testing IMUs or
• An IMU Stable Element Handling Fixture gyros.
safely handles the IMU stable element, that is,

Photo Credit: Ideal Aerosmith, Inc.

the inner portion of a gimbaled or floated
IMU, which contains the inertial instruments.
Careful handling facilitates numerous neces-
sary manipulations without degrading the
stable element during its assembly, test, and

• An IMU Platform Balance Fixture determines

IMU platform imbalance and thereby facili-
tates adjustments to establish balance. The
center of balance must be established accu-
rately to avoid torques under acceleration and
vibration during flight. Figure 9-22: A typical rate table used for tuning gyros.

• A Gyro Tuning Test Station energizes the gyro at the desired voltage over
a range of speeds to determine the best operating rate of rotation, or rpm.
The best rpm is achieved when the effects of gyro error sources are min-
imized as indicated by data collected. A typical rate table used as part of
a gyro tuning test station is shown in Figure 9-22.

• A Gyro Dynamic Balance Station precisely balances the high-speed rotat-

ing members of spinning mass gyroscopes. Balance is critical to gyro per-
formance and longevity. These balancing machines are subject to control
under Item 9 (h) (1) if they have the specified performance characteristics.

• A Gyro Run-In/Motor Test Station energizes the gyro or gyro motor at the
desired voltage and frequency to accumulate run time and thereby break in
the gyro bearings and measure motor performance at the design rpm.

• A Gyro Evacuation and Filling Test Station purges a gyro internal cavity
and fills it with the design pressure of a desired liquid or blend of gases.
Most gyros and accelerometers will be filled with an inert dry gas to

ITEM 9 9-17
• improve long term performance. In addition, cer-
Photo Credit: A.G. Davis Gage & Engineering

tain gyros have internal cavities that need either a

specific liquid of a given density and viscosity or a
specific blend of gases to function properly.

• A Centrifuge Fixture for Gyro Bearings facilitates

testing of gyros in a centrifuge to confirm the abil-
ity of the bearings to withstand the acceleration
forces expected during flight. Centrifuge fixtures
are also used to remove excess lubricant from a
gyro’s bearing retainer rings. A centrifuge is shown
in Figure 9-23.

• An Accelerometer Axis Align Station checks ac-

celerometer axis alignment by rotating the ac-
celerometer about its input axis while the input axis
Figure 9-23: A centrifuge used for gyro-bearing is horizontal. This test is often repeated after vibra-
testing and its controller. tion tests or temperature cycles to determine input
axis alignment stabilities. Accelerometer input axis
alignment is again checked after installation at the
Photo Credit: Boeing North American, Inc.

IMU level to determine the slight but important

deviations from desired mutual perpendicularity of
the input axis. The electronics associated with a
pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer (PIGA)
alignment station are shown in Figure 9-24.

• Accelerometer Test Stations are used to test the

accuracy with which an accelerometer can mea-
sure gravity over a range of positions and angles.
These data are then used to calibrate the instru-
ment. Accelerometers are mounted to a vertical
Figure 9-24: PIGA accelerometer alignment station
control electronics.
table surface and tumbled to experience gravita-
tional acceleration while upright and alternately
upside down. Several PIGA
test stations are shown in
Figure 9-25. Accelerometer
test stations can run tests
Photo Credit: Boeing North American, Inc.

that include temperature

control, as shown in
Figure 9-26. The tests use
data recording equipment
that take data over a long
period of time.

• Balancing machines are

used primarily to balance
spinning mass gyro-
Figure 9-25: PIGA accelerometer test stations. scopes to a high level of

9-18 ITEM 9
precision. Balancing machines are

Control Systems
Photo Credit: Litton Guidance &
controlled under Item 9 (h) (1).

• Indicator heads are precision round

steel tables that can be rotated and
locked in a specific direction repeat-
edly without loss of accuracy. They
are also known as tumble testers, in-
dexing heads, positioning tables, and
dividing heads. Indicator heads
modified for use in Item 9 (h) (1)
controlled balancing machines are
controlled under Item 9 (h) (2), and
high precision, multi-axis indicator
heads (i.e., positioning tables) are
controlled under Item 9 (h) (4).
Figure 9-26: A dividing head with a temperature control chamber
• Controlled motion simulators and for testing an accelerometer inside the chamber.
rate tables are precision machines
that rotate a mounting table about
multiple axes at precisely known

Photo Credit: Contraves Inc.

speeds and angles. They are normally
used in guidance development to test
instruments and IMU assemblies as
described above. Figure 9-21 shows
such a rate table; Figure 9-27 shows
a two-axis, rate-integrating gyro mo-
tion simulator. Rate tables are con-
trolled under Item 9 (h) (3).

• A centrifuge, as shown in Figure 9-23,

is used as part of an accelerometer test
station in order to determine ac-
celerometer non-linearities over a Figure 9-27: A two-axis rate integrating gyro test station utilizing
range substantially in excess of the plus a motion simulator/rate table.
and minus one g available in tumble
tests. Centrifuges are controlled under
Item 9 (h) (5).

Appearance (as packaged): Packaging varies greatly with the size, weight,
and sensitivity of the specific equipment. However, because most of these
items are precision equipment sensitive to shock or rust, packaging is likely
to be robust, with padding and coverings to protect against shock and mois-
ture. Much of the equipment can be disassembled and shipped in separate
containers or crates.

ITEM 9 9-19

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