Line Spectrum of Atoms Different Types (Bohr'S Atoms Theory)

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Salmawati *), Nurul Istiqamah Hassan, Andi Moh. Amin, Syahrul Alim Modern Physics Laboratory o Physics !e"artement o Mathematics and Science State #ni$ersity o Ma%assar
Abstrak. Has been done e&"erimentally di erent ty"es o atomic line s"ectrum. 'his e&"eriment aims to determine the wa$elen(th o the li(ht s"ectrum "roduced by atomic helium, neon, and sodium usin( s"ectrosco"y with )owland slit as a di raction (ratin(. *olor s"ectrum o li(ht "roduced by the atom a ter the slit was obser$ed. *olors o the s"ectrum were then measured the an(les ri(ht and le t to calculate the wa$elen(th. +a$elen(th o li(ht atoms obtained rom the e&"erimental results ha$e been on the order o ,--. /-- nm as the re erence data, but i obser$ed "er color s"ectrum there are still di erences wa$elen(th $alues, with an a$era(e relati$e error o 0.--1. 'his was "robably due to the color s"ectrum not obtained se"arately to the ma&imum. 2or the 3nd acti$ity, we (ot the inter$al between two lines o Na.! 45 6 8,--- 3-,78 nm . +e can conclude that wa$elen(th o atomic line s"ectrum is di erent, or di erent atom.

Ke !"r#s$ Line s"ectrum, color s"ectrum, wa$elen(th INTRODUCTION Niels Hendri% !a$id 9ohr :8;;7.8<=3) is one o the ew "hysicists who ha$e a stron( scienti ic in luence o the other "hysicists o his day. In the all o 8<88, 9ohr, the scholarshi" sti"end "ost.doctoral studies, >oined the (rou" ?. ?. 'hom"son at *ambrid(e. Howe$er, 9ohr did not eel at home. A ter meetin( with )uther ord, he decided to wor% with him in Manchester durin( the second hal o his stay in @n(land. 'his is where 9ohr became amiliar with the conce"t o the atomic nucleus by )uther ord de$elo"ed in early 8<88. Ha$e %nown at the time that the )uther ord atomic model is inconsistent with classical "hysics. 'his model canAt e&"lain why an atom is stable. 2rom here, 9ohr %new that a Bnew "hysicsB should be used to o$ercome this "roblem. BNew "hysicsB is Planc%Cs quantum theory. S"ectrometer is an instrument used to determine, deri$e the, and identi y the s"ectrum o li(ht due to the distribution "attern o wa$e di raction e ects. !i raction "attern o the s"read o the wa$e is due to the narrow (a" in the medium obstacle the wa$e "ro"a(ates. 'he smaller the obstacle, the (reater the s"read o the wa$e. 'his could be e&"lained by the Huy(ens "rinci"le. Seen the li(ht and dar% "attern o li(ht, this is due to the new wa$elet . wa$elet is ormed in the narrow slit inter ere with each other mutually. S"ectrum lines orm a row o color li(ht with di erent wa$elen(ths. 2or the hydro(en (as that is the sim"lest atom, the wa$elen(th o this series turns out to ha$e certain "atterns that can be e&"ressed in the orm o mathematical equations is raised by 9almer. 2or this reason, it is necessary we can "ro$e the $alue o Planc%Cs constantD =.=0 & 8-.0, ?s by indin( the wa$elen(th o each s"ectrum color in ad$ance usin( the conce"t o utiliEin( a s"ectrometer and di raction (ratin(. Fb>ecti$e to determine Planc%Cs constant "rices in the trial, to com"are the wa$elen(ths o each color s"ectrum seen in the e&"eriment. . THEORY @ach element (i$es a characteristic line s"ectrum, the lines arisin( rom electron transitions within the atom. +ith one electron and one "roton, hydro(en is the sim"lest element and (i$es the sim"lest line s"ectrum.

F%&'re (. 'he Hydro(en S"ectrum 2or e&am"le, there are only our lines in the $isible re(ion o the hydro(en s"ectrum : i(. 8), at =7= nm :red), ,;= nm :blue.(reen), ,0, nm :blue.$iolet) and ,88 nm :$iolet). I the noble (ases and low."ressure metal $a"or under atmos"heric "ressure @&citation, the emitted radiation has a s"ectrum that contains only certain wa$elen(ths. @ach element o the s"ectrum shows a unique line. F"tical s"ectrometer can be used to determine the wa$elen(th o the line s"ectra o noble (as atoms and metal $a"or. Gratin( is used to se"arate the s"ectral lines. !i racted li(ht in the slit, e&"eriencin( the same wa$elen(th su"er"osition and "roduces ma&imum intensity. 'he relationshi" between di raction and wa$elen(th is linear :sin H I 5) on the normal s"ectrum. +e can determine the wa$elen(th o the li(ht that comes throu(h the slit usin( a s"ectrometer. 'he equation or determinin( the wa$elen(th o the line s"ectrum is

L%+e !8 !3

N 8 3 8 3 0<.0--;,.7,30<.37-;,.,37-

,-./0123 +3 7;<.00 7;<.,8 7;;.=8 7;;./,

9ased on 'able 8, the inter$al between two %nown yellow Sodium !.Lines with $alue 45 6 -./3 nm :measured at n 6 8) and 45 6 -.=/ nm :measured at n 6 3). Its a$era(e $alue is 5:!8) . 5 :!3) 6 -./- nm. E4PERIMENT METHOD In this lab, we need some a""aratus such asD F"tical S"ectrometer, Slit )owland, S"ectrum Lam" He, Na, Ne, *d, H(J*d and 'i, 'rans ormer, = K A*, 83 K A*, #ni$ersal *ho%e, 30- K, 7- HE. 'here are some ste"s in doin( this e&"eriment, 'hey areD Equipment and Work Adjustment Procedures S"ectrometer settin(s, Put a lam" s"ectrum He on the tube, then on.ri(ht on #ni$ersal cho%e. Loo% at the telesco"e and ma%e sure you see a $ertical li(ht line. Position the "rism (ratin( at the table and ali(n the telesco"e so that li(ht "asses throu(h the slit and (ratin( s"ectrum can be obser$ed in the telesco"e. Observation

4H 3 5= n.N sin
withD n 6 s"ectrum order, 4H 6 the amount o the an(le between the ri(ht and le t s"ectral lines, N number o (rid lines used, and 5 6 wa$elen(th

F%&'re ). Schematic dia(ram or the de inition o an(le 4H 'o calculate the inter$al two line, an e&am"le is (i$en di raction e&"erimental data on n 6 8 and n 6 3 or the line.! Sodium as ollowsD Tab*e (. Sodium !.Lines, di raction measurements or n 6 8 and n 6 3

F%&'re 5. e&"eriment




Measures the Line Spectrum He , Ali(n the collimator and the o"tical s"ectrometer telesco"e, Ali(n the li(ht lines are $isible in the telesco"e with $ertical threads on the telesco"e, )otate the telesco"e to one direction :ri(ht) and ma%e sure the line s"ectra obser$ed. So also in the o""osite direction :le t). )eturn

the telesco"e to its normal "osition. )otate bac% to the ri(ht slowly so that the obser$ed color o the irst line on the order o 8 :n 6 8). Ali(n the mar% on the $ertical threads telesco"e with the irst color line and read the scale on the s"ectrometer a""ointment as L ri(ht, 'urn the telesco"e to the le t so that the obser$ed color o the irst line on the order o 8 :n 6 8) and read the scale on the s"ectrometer a""ointment as L le t, )e"eat acti$ity :3) and :0) or the ne&t color stri"es on the same order, )e"eat acti$ity :3) and :0) or the ne&t color stri"es on the ne&t order, )e"lace li(ht He bulbs with Ne, then re"eat the action :8) to :/). Determine the interva bet!een t!o ines o" #a$D, )emo$e the lam" and re"lace it with the li(hts Ne Na. 2ind two yellow Na.! line o the irst di raction ma&imum on either side o the main. Ali(n the mar% on the $ertical threads telesco"e with yellow lines and read the scale on the s"ectrometer a""ointment as L )i(ht , 'urnin( the telesco"e to the le t so that the obser$ed yellow lines on the order o 8 on the scale and see the a""ointment as a s"ectrometer L Le tist, )e"eat acti$ities :3) to :,) on the ne&t order. E4PERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS DATA Obser6at%"+1 3eas're3e+ts

Indi(o 9lue Green Oellow Fran(e )ed

0,,/; 0=,7; 0/,7; ,7,=/ 73,;0 7,,8/

07,8; 0=,/3 0/,;,=,-7=,<3 7;,/3

=<,<= /0,0/7,0; <8,=/ 8-<,/7 883,;<

Tab*e ). S"ectrum o Neon S"ec S"ectrum trum ri(ht *olor Frd. Kiolet Indi(o 9lue 8 Green Oellow Fran(e )ed Pur"le Indi(o 9lue 3 Green Oellow Fran(e )ed 87,;/ 8=,8/ 8/,7; 8;,7; 3-,738,733,;0 08,00 08,;0 03,-; 03,000,-00,;/ 0,,8/

le t 87,,/ 8=,;0 8/,/8<,-3-,<3 38,/7 30,-3,,/3;,3; 08,,3 00,-/ 0,,-/ 07,;0 0=,7-

4H :ri(ht Nle t) 08,0, 00,-07,3; 0/,7; ,8,,3 ,0,37 ,7,30 7=,-0 =-,88 =0,7=7,0/ =/,-/ =<,//-,=/

8 =- SlitD =-- lineJmm = = & 8- ., ine J nm

Least scale o s"ectrometerD 9ased on e&"eriment, we (ot the result belowD
Tab*e (. S"ectrum o Helium
S"ect rum Frd. S"ectrum *olor Kiolet Indi(o 9lue 8 Green Oellow Fran(e )ed 3 Kiolet ri(ht :M) 87,/7 8=,-3 8=,7; 8/,<3 3-,/30,/7 37,7; 03,;0 le t :M) 87,78=,;0 8/,00 8/,=/ 3-,/7 30,/7 37,003,;0 4H :ri(ht Nle t) :M) 08,37 03,;7 00,<8 07,7< ,8,,7 ,/,77-,;; =7,==

Tab*e 5. S"ectrum o Sodium S"ec S"ectrum ri(ht trum *olor :M) Frd. 8 3 Oellow Oellow <,/3-,=/

le t :M) 88,-7 38,00

4H :ri(ht Nle t) :M) 3-,/7 ,3,--

!ata Analysis, !etermine the wa$elen(th.

4H 3 5= n.N sin

where, = !ave en%th :nm)

= ri%ht + e"t : - )
n = orde


N 6 line o slit !etermine uncertainty o wa$elen(th. ri%ht + e"t = sin 3


=,/8,0803nm = 80,7;;,3 nm
'+ =3,;; 1

=,/8 80,=


ri%ht + e"t ri%ht e"t


ri%ht 8 8 cos ri%ht + cos e"t e"t 3 3 3 3

=,;=,-;-= nm = 80,77-/; nm
'+ = 3,/< 1

because, ri%ht = e"t = ri%ht +ri%ht 8

= cos 3 3

=,;= 80,=



= 7-<,0-/7nm = 80, ,;<-- nm

'+ = 3,=71

ri%ht + e"t 8 cos 3 3

ri%ht + e"t sin 3

=7-< 80,7



= 7;<,;-7-nm = 80,3,<<, nm
'+ = 3,37 1

&' =

= nm


=7<- 80,3


(irst activit) a) Li(ht o He Order 1 $iolet


= =/8,3,,7nm = 83,<==<8 nm
'+ = 8,<0 1

==/8 80,-



08,37 sin 3 = , 8. := * 8- ) ines = ,,;,<--8 nm

= 8 cos 08,37 3 3 08,37 o sin 3

= /87,<,3;nm = 83,/<0-- nm
'+ = 8,<0 1


=/8= 83,;


:-,-8/ ) ,,;,<--8 nm

Order 2 $iolet

=7,== 3 = , 3 := * 8- ) ines sin = ,78,;8-=nm

=80,=,08, nm
80,=,08, '+ = ,,;,<--8 =0,-0 1 * 8--1


=,,< 80,=


o 8 cos =7,== 3 3 = :-,-8/) ,78,;8-= nm =7,== o sin 3 =7,<78;<3nm

=,7-,880<nm = 80,=,-37 nm
'+ = 0,-01

=,7- 80,=


'+ =



,78,;8-= = 8,03 1

* 8--1

=,/0,,-7,nm = 80,7;08= nm
'+ =3,;/1

= ,73 7,<7 nm


=,/0 80,=


=,//,/=8< nm = 7,;-0=3/ nm
'+ = 8, 381


=,// 7,;-


= 7-7,-7;;nm = 80,7--7, nm
'+ = 3,=/1


=7-7 80,7


=,</,,8;0nm =7,=;0-7< nm
'+ = 8,8, 1


=,</ 7,=;


= 70=,;0,8nm = 80,,88== nm
'+ = 3,7-1


=70= 80,,


=7-<,,<-;nm =7,=-737= nm
'+ = 8,8-1


=78- 7,=-


= 7;<,0787nm = 80,3780< nm
'+ = 3,371


=7;< 80,37


=7</,/;-0nm =,,<07387 nm
'+ = -,;0 1


=7<; ,,<,


==8,,38/-nm = 80,8=<7= nm
'+ =3,8,1


==8, 80,8/


==;8,7=;0nm =,,-/7=78 nm
'+ = -,7< 1


==;8 ,,-;


= =,;,<,8;nm = 80,-,;=; nm
'+ = 3,-81


==,; 80,-


==<,,,,<=nm = 0,<870<, nm
'+ = -,7=1

==<, 0,<3


Order 2 $iolet

= 0<8,,8;<nm ==,3700,8 nm
'+ = 8,8<1

b) li(ht o Ne Order 1 $iolet

=0<8 =,37



=,8/,0;-3nm =7,80-;,8 nm
'+ = 8,,/1

= 8 3 = 0-- 80,< 3<< =,=8 =8,--- 3-,78 nm

= ,8/ 7,80



=,0;,,<8-nm = 7,-30,0/ nm
'+ = 8,0/1

DISCUSSION 9ased on the calculation analysis, we can see that the e&"eriment result we (ot, or the 8st acti$ity wa$elen(th o each line s"ectrum color , is closest to the $alue o in theory. 'hese (ood results is also indicated by the hi(hest $alue o relati$e uncertainty :)#) is only about 0,--1. 2or the 3nd acti$ity, determinin( the inter$al between two lines o Na.!, we (ot 45 6 8,--- 3-,78 nm . The little di erence between $alue o in theory and $alue o in e&"eriment is caused by human errors, they areD :8) "aralla& error, when we see not "er"endicular to the scale o s"ectrometerP :3) inca"ability o eye to di erentiate the colors o line s"ectrum. CONCLUSION 9ased on the e&"erimental results, we can conclude that the wa$elen(th o each line s"ectrum color :red, oran(e, yellow, (reen, blue, indi(o, $iolet) is di erent each other, about 0-- nm Q /-- nm or di erent ty"es o atomic :He, Ne, Na). And the inter$al between two lines o Na.! is 45 6 8,--- 3-,78 nm . BIBLIO7RAPHY Rrane, R.S. 8<<3. 2isi%a Modern :ter>emahan). ?a%artaD #ni$ersitas Indonesia Leybold Physics Lea lets Q "7./.3.8, Measurin( the line s"ectra o inert (ases and metal $a"ors usin( a (ratin( s"ectrometer, Manual *ASSO.

=,0; 7,-3



=,,<,<<=0nm = 7,<=8;8, nm
'+ = 8,031

=,7- 7,<=



=,=-,078=nm =7,<-,,8= nm
'+ = 8,3;1

= ,=- 7,<-



=,/=,3887nm = 7,;83;3= nm
'+ = 8,331

=,/= 7,;8



=,;8,<=0,nm = 7,//;,/0 nm
&' = -,;31

=,;8 7,/;


second activit) Frder 8

= 0--,8,<<nm = 80,<07-, nm
'+ = ,,=,1

=0-- 80,<


Frder 3

=3<;,=,--nm ==,=83;=8 nm
'+ =3,381

= 3<< =,=8


So, the inter$al is D

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