IT2 Prelim Case Analysis 2013

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. The Case Analysis for the Preliminary Term will be done in groups, composed of five (5) people per group. 2. The case analysis will have two parts: (1) a film analysis, and (2) a situational analysis. 3. In the Film Analysis, the group will analyze the film Anti-Trust, shown in class. 4. The groups analysis of the film will be based on the following questions: A. What are the manifold ethical questions addressed in the film that you chose? In what way were they presented in the film? B. In what specific way did Nurv Company fail to uphold its ethical responsibilities? C. Who, do you think, is the main character in the film? Describe the characters contribution in solving the issue of the film. D. What is the main problem discussed in the film? Please cite the specific scene in the film presenting the complex nature of the problem. E. How did the film end? Explain the various processes that led to the solution of the problem. 5. The output that will be submitted will have both the questions provided and the answers of the group. 6. In the situational analysis, each group will answer the case entitled Whodunit? found on Chapter 3 of James Halls Principles of Accounting Information Systems (7th Ed). Please disregard the requirements written in the book for the problem. The output that will be submitted will follow the format prescribed below: a. Statement of the Problem The problem in the case should be stated in question form. After stating the problem, discuss why is it the major problem in the case, and what makes it a problem. If the group discovers a few minor problems, the group may also cite them in this part in question form. Groups are cautioned that in citing minor problems, they also need to provide recommendation or solutions to those, the same as with the major problem. b. Areas of Consideration It is in this part where the group will place factors, events, observations, etc. in the case that they considered in trying to provide for the alternative courses of action and the eventual recommendation. These may be cited in bulleted form, in complete sentences. Suppletory statements, which will support (a) cited area(s) of consideration, are encouraged. c. Alternative Courses of Action To simplify the requirement, only two (2) alternative courses of action are required. The group should ensure that the courses of action are mutually exclusive from each other. Groups are also DISCOURAGED in using Do Nothing, Observe, Wait and see alternative courses of action as previously agreed in class. In citing an alternative course of action, a caption which encapsulates the course of action should be provided. After which, a discussion on the details of such is provided (steps and how they attempt to solve the problem). Lastly, the benefits and the costs should be outlined. d. Recommendations and Conclusion The group should explicitly state which of the alternative courses of action is chosen and state the detailed reason of choosing the option. After explaining the reason of the choice, a discussion as to the detailed plan of execution

of the chosen course of action should be outlined. The group should be able to defend that the benefits of the chosen alternative course of action are more beneficial than its costs, and that the chosen alternative is better than the other. e. Learnings and Take-Aways It is in this part where the group will summarize everything that they have discussed in this case analysis. It is also in this part where learning (individual or collective) is processed and discussed. 7. In submitting, please do not forget to include a cover page which identifies what the document is, which subject the document is for, to whom you are submitting it to, who are your members, which course, year and section do you come from and the when the submission has been made. 8. Students, whose names are never to be found in any of the cover sheets submitted, are deemed to have not participated in the case analysis. For this, they will earn a grade of 60 for the case analysis. Group leads should be able to list all of their members so as to avoid any complications on this matter. Lists in ALPHABETICAL ORDER (based on Last Name) are HIGHLY APPRECIATED. 9. The document should be in MS Word 1997-2003 Format (.doc). Any submission which deviates from this format may not be accommodated. File name should be CourseYearSection_Prelim_Case_Analysis (ex. AT4Z_Prelim_Case_Analysis.doc). Font style should be Arial, size 12, with 1.5 spacing and with 1 margins on all sides. 10. The submission should be done on the Daigler Virtual Learning Environment on the link for the Prelim Case Analysis submission. 11. Deadline of submission is on 11:59 PM of 11 January 2014. Any submission which comes in beyond the time and date set is considered late and will only have the highest possible grade of 80. 12. Questions regarding the instructions of the case analysis maybe sent via Twitter (@bleuheat); Email ([email protected]), or via Messaging on the Daigler Virtual Learning Facility. Questions beyond 8:30 PM on 11 January 2014 may not be accommodated anymore. 13. Students are hereby cautioned, in the strongest possible terms, against PLAGIARISM. As agreed on the first day of classes, the said violation will be dealt with accordingly and will be reported to the proper authorities. Rubrics: Writing mechanics Understanding of the questions Level of Analysis and Application TOTAL

= 25% = 35% = 40% = 100%

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