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Electrical Drives and Control Unit I Part-A (2 Marks)

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What are the basic elements of Electric Drives? 4. Write the classification of Electric Drives. 5. Draw the block diagram of Electric Drive. 6. What is meant b !ro"# drive? !ive an e$am#le. %. What is meant b &ndivid"al drive? !ive an e$am#le. '. What is meant b ("lti)motor drive? !ive an e$am#le. *. What are the advantages and disadvantages of &ndivid"al drive s stem? 1+. What are the advantages and disadvantages of !ro"# drive s stem? 11. What are the advantages of electric drive over mechanical drive? 12. (ention the drawbacks of electric drives. 13. What are the factors infl"encing the choice of electric drives? 14. (ention the f"nctions of ,ower mod"lators. 15. -om#are &ndivid"al. !ro"# and ("lti)motor drives. 16. What are the motors "sed in Electric drives? 1%. (ention the necessit of #ower rating? 1'. Write down the dissi#ation e/"ation d"e to convection #rocess. 1*. Draw the heating and cooling c"rve for a #artic"lar electric drive. 2+. What are the classes of d"t for an electric motor? 21. What is meant b contin"o"s d"t ? 22. What is meant b contin"o"s d"t variable load? 23. What ha##ens if the motor is selected at highest load handling ca#acit at contin"o"s d"t variable? 24. What is meant b time intermittent d"t ? 25. What is meant b #eriodic intermittent d"t ? 26. What is d"t factor? 2%. !ive the ass"m#tions for heating and cooling calc"lation. 2'. What is heating c"rve? 2*. Define 0eating time constant 1213. 3+. What is cooling c"rve? 31. -om#are 4.- drives and D.- drives. 32. What is meant b short time rating of motor? 33. What are the factors that affect the #ower rating and si5e of electric drives? PART-B 1. E$#lain the factors governing the selection of motors. 2. Disc"ss in detail the determination of #ower rating of motors. 3. 1i3 E$#lain the different t #es of loading of drives. 1ii3 E$#lain the choice of selection of the motor for different loads. 4. 1i3 Describe the sim#lifications based on which the heating and cooling calc"lations of an electric motor are made.

1ii3 Establish the heating time constant and the heating c"rves. 5. 1i3 -om#are the D.- and 4.- drives. 1ii3 Write a brief note on classes of d"t for an electric motor. 6. Draw the t #ical tem#erat"re rise)time c"rve and derive the e/"ation for tem#erat"re rise in an electric drive. %. E$#lain the loading of an electric motor and its d"t c cle with a sim#le diagram. '. E$#lain in detail abo"t the vario"s t #es of electric drives. *. 4 1++ kW motor. having rated tem#erat"re rise of 6+6-. has f"ll)load efficienc of '+7 and the ma$im"m efficienc occ"rs at '57 f"ll load. &t has thermal time constants of '+ min"tes and 65 min"tes. &t is c clicall loaded. 12+7 of f"ll load for one ho"r and 5+7 of f"ll load for the ne$t ho"r. 8ind the tem#erat"re rise after 3 ho"rs. 1+. 9he thermal time constant and final stead tem#erat"re of a motor on contin"o"s r"nning is 3+ min"tes and 6+6-. 8ind o"t the tem#erat"re. i3 4fter 15 min"tes at this load. ii3 4fter 1 ho"r at this load. iii3 &f tem#erat"re rise at 1 ho"r rating is 6+6-. find the ma$im"m stead tem#erat"re. iv3 What will be the time re/"ired to increase the tem#erat"re from 4+6- to 6+6- at 1 ho"r rating. UNIT II DRIVE MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS PART-A (2 MARKS) 1. Wh motor characteristics are im#ortant? 2. Wh D- series motor sho"ld never be started on no)load? 3. Wh a fl )wheel set"# is "sed in D- series motor? 4. Wh differential com#o"nd motors are not "sed in #ractical? 5. What is the main reason of fitting fl )wheel along with the motor? 6. Draw the mechanical 1or3 s#eed :tor/"e characteristics of all t #es of D- (otors. %. ;tate the condition at which the starting to/"e develo#ed in a sli#)ring ind"ction motor is ma$im"m. '. ;tate the different modes of o#eration of three #hase ind"ction machines. *. What are mechanical characteristics of a motor? 1+. !ive the a##lication where D- ;h"nt. D- ;eries and D- -om#o"nd motors are "sed. 11. Draw the tor/"e)sli# characteristics of a three #hase s/"irrel cage ind"ction motor. 12. What is meant b braking? 13. (ention the -lassifications of <raking. 14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Electrical <raking? 15. E$#lain the #l"gging method of braking. 16. Wh regenerative braking is not #ossible ion D- ;eries motor witho"t modification? 1%. !ive the t #es of braking "sed for D- (otors. 1'. What is meant b =egenerative braking in D- (otor? 1*. (ention the demerits of mechanical braking. 2+. !ive the advantage of d namic braking. 21. What is meant b rheostat 1or3 d namic braking? 22. What is meant b ,l"gging in D- (otor? 23. Draw the s#eed)tor/"e characteristics of vario"s t #es of loads.

24. What are the conditions for the stable o#erations of the motors? 25. >ist the electrical braking for D- -om#o"nd (otor. 26. Differentiate (echanical and Electrical <raking. 2%. Draw the s#eed)tor/"e characteristics of three #hase ind"ction motor. 2'. Write short notes abo"t the different t #es of loads. PART-B 1. 1i3 >ist o"t the advantages and disadvantages of electrical braking over mechanical braking. 1ii3 Disc"ss an one method of electrical braking of D- (achines. 2. E$#lain the ;#eed)9or/"e characteristics of three #hase ind"ction motor with neat diagrams. 3. E$#lain abo"t the s#eed)tor/"e characteristics of a D- ;h"nt (otor with s"itable gra#h and e/"ations. 4. E$#lain abo"t the /"adrantal diagram of s#eed)tor/"e characteristics for a motor driving hoist load. 5. E$#lain how an ind"ction motor is bro"ght to sto# b 1i3 ,l"gging and 1ii3 d namic braking. 6. E$#lain the vario"s methods of braking of ind"ction motors. %. Draw and e$#lain vario"s load characteristics of D- ;h"nt (otor. '. E$#lain =heostat braking in D- ;eries (otor and ,l"gging in D- ;h"nt (otor. *. E$#lain vario"s methods of braking of D- ;h"nt (otors with neat diagrams. 1+. E$#lain vario"s methods of braking of D- ;eries (otors with neat diagrams. 11. 1i3 E$#lain the s#eed : tor/"e c"rve of single #hase ind"ction motors in detail. 1ii3 E$#lain the method of regenerative braking em#lo ed in D- (otors. 12. E$#lain abo"t the s#eed)tor/"e characteristics of a D- -om#o"nd (otor with s"itable gra#h and e/"ations. 13. 4 22+? sh"nt (otor has an armat"re resistance of +.+62 @ and with f"ll field has an emf of 215? at a s#eed of *6+ r#m. the motor is driving an overha"ling load with a tor/"e of 1%2 Am. -alc"late the minim"m s#eed at which the motor can hold the load b means of regenerative braking. UNIT III STARTING METHODS PART-A ( 2 MARKS) 1. What are the f"nctions of starters? 2. What are the factors infl"encing the selection of starters? 3. Wh starter is necessar for starting a D- (otor? 4. What are the starters "sed for starting D- (otors? 5. Wh is starting c"rrent high in a D- (otor? 6. What are the #rotective devices "sed in D- (otor ;tarters? %. 0ow does the fo"r #oint starter differ from three #oint starter? '. E$#lain the f"nction of A?= coil in D- (otor ;tarters? *. E$#lain the f"nction of B>= coil in D- (otor ;tarters? 1+. What are the different methods of starting three #hase ind"ction motors? 11. 0ow man terminals are #rovided on the terminal bo$ of a s/"irrel cage ind"ction motor to be started b a star)delta starter? 12. (ention the reasons for most of the three #hase ind"ction motors #rovided with delta connected stator winding?

13. Write the a##lications of three #hase ind"ction motors? 14. (ention the merits of DB> starter. 15. (ention the demerits of DB> starter. 16. Wh stator resistance starter is rarel "sed? 1%. What are the effects of increasing rotor resistance on starting c"rrent and starting tor/"e? 1'. 0ow red"ced voltage starting of ind"ction motor is achieved? 1*. 0ow a"tomatic starters are working in D- (otors? 2+. 0ow we start the wo"nd)rotor 1sli#)ring3 motors? 21. Wh single #hase ind"ction motor is not self)starting? PART-B 1. Draw a neat schematic diagram of a three #oint starter and e$#lain its working. 2. Draw a neat schematic diagram of a fo"r #oint starter and e$#lain its working. 3. E$#lain with neat circ"it diagram. the star)delta starter method of starting s/"irrel cage ind"ction motor. 4. E$#lain the t #ical control circ"its for D- ;eries and ;h"nt motors 5. E$#lain the different starting methods of three #hase s/"irrel cage ind"ction motors with neat sketches. 6. E$#lain different methods of starting of D- (otors. %. E$#lain with neat diagram the starting of three #hase sli# ring ind"ction motor. '. Draw and e$#lain the #"sh)b"tton o#erated direct)on line starter for three #hase ind"ction motor. *. Draw and e$#lain the man"al a"to)transformer starter for three #hase ind"ction motor. UNIT IV CONVENTIONAL AND SOLID STATE SPEED CONTROL OF D.C DRIVES PART-A ( 2 MARKS) 1. En"merate the factors on which the s#eed of a D- (otor de#ends. 2. < what methods can the s#eed of a D- ;h"nt (otor be controlled? 3. Wh the field control is considered s"#erior to armat"re resistance control for D- ;h"nt (otors? 4. What is the effect of inserting resistance in the field circ"it of a D- ;h"nt (otor on its s#eed and tor/"e? 5. What is meant b s#eed control? 6. (ention the different methods of s#eed control em#lo ed for D- ;eries (otor. %. What is meant b armat"re control? '. What will be the effect of change in s"##l voltage on the s#eed of D- ;h"nt (otor? *. What are the advantages and disadvantages of armat"re resistance control of D- ;h"nt (otor? 1+. What are the advantages and disadvantages of 8ield control 1or3 8l"$ control method? 11. What is meant b fl"$ control 1or3 field control method? 12. &n which t #e of control the field c"rrent and armat"re c"rrent ke#t constant? 13. 0ow we select the sh"nt and series motor based on the tor/"e and s#eed in #artic"lar a##lication? 14. Write down the a##lications of Ward)>eonard s stem of s#eed control.

15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ward)>eonard method of s#eed control? 16. Write down the disadvantages and a##lications of armat"re diverted method of s#eed control of D- ;eries (otor. 1%. What is meant b solid state s#eed control? 1'. What are the advantages and disadvantage of solid state drive methods? 1*. What is meant b D- -ho##er? 2+. What is meant b d"t c cle? 21. What are the different t #es of -ho##er? 22. What is the f"nction of freewheeling diode? 23. Write the o"t#"t e/"ations for single #hase half and f"ll converters. 24. What are the arrangements are available "sing ,ower semicond"cting materials? 25. What are the two main methods for s#eed control of D- ;h"nt (otor? 26. What are the advantages of th ristor control on s#eed control of D- (otor? 2%. Wh -ho##er based D.- drives give better #erformance than rectifier controlled drives? 2'. Aame the solid state controllers "sed for the s#eed control of D.- ;h"nt motor and ;eries (otor. 2*. What is free)wheeling? PART-B 1. E$#lain with neat sketch the cho##er control method of s#eed control of D- (otors. 2. E$#lain with neat sketches abo"t the D- ;h"nt (otor s#eed control b "sing single #hase f"ll controlled bridge converter. 3. Disc"ss the Ward)>eonard s#eed control s stem with a neat circ"it diagram. 4lso mention its advantages and disadvantages. 4. E$#lain how the s#eed of a D- ;h"nt (otor can be varied both above and below the s#eed at which it r"ns with f"ll field c"rrent. 5. 1i3 E$#lain with neat sketch the o#eration of cho##er fed D- ;eries (otor drive. 4lso. derive the e$#ression for average motor c"rrent. 1ii3 E$#lain 9ime ratio control and -"rrent limit control. 6. E$#lain the s#eed control schemes of D- ;eries (otor. %. E$#lain the different methods of s#eed control em#lo ed in D- ;h"nt (otor. '. E$#lain the control of D- drives "sing rectifiers and cho##ers. *. E$#lain the single #hase half wave converter drive s#eed control for D- drive with waveforms. 1+. E$#lain in detail the single #hase semi)converter s#eed control for D- drive for se#aratel e$cited motor. 11. 4 5++? series motor having armat"re resistance and field resistance of +.2 @ and +.3 @ res#ectivel r"ns at 5++ r#m when taking %+4. 4ss"ming "nsat"rated field. find o"t its s#eed when field diverter of +.6'4 @ is "sed constant load tor/"e. 12. 4 25+? D- ;eries (otor takes 4+4 of c"rrent when develo#ing a f"ll load tor/"e at 15++ r#m. &ts resistance is +.5 @. &f the load tor/"e varies as the s/"are of the s#eed determine the resistance to be connected in series with the armat"re to red"ce the s#eed to 122 r#m. 4ss"me the fl"$ is #ro#ortional to the field c"rrent.

UNIT V CONVENTIONAL AND SOLID STATE SPEED CONTROL OF A.C DRIVES PART-A ( 2 MARKS) 1. >ist the different methods of s#eed control of three #hase ind"ction motor. 2. Write short notes abo"t cascaded method of s#eed control? 3. Define ;li#. 4. What is sli#)#ower recover s stem? 5. What are the advantages of ;li#)#ower recover s stem? 6. What is meant b ?oltage control in ind"ction motor? Where it is a##licable? %. What is meant b ?oltage C 8re/"enc control? '. What are the main feat"res of ?Cf control? *. What is meant b ;tator fre/"enc control? 1+. What is meant b 4- ?oltage controller? 11. (ention the advantages and disadvantages of ;tator voltage control. 12. What are the #ossible methods of s#eed control available b "sing inverter? 13. Wh we go for ,W( inverter control? 14. Write the classifications of ,W( techni/"es. 15. What is meant b - clo converter? 16. Write the t #es of c clo converter. 1%. Write the a##lications of - clo converter. 1'. Write down the limitation of c clo converter method of s#eed control. 1*. -om#are the ;tatic Dramer and ;cherbi"s ; stem. 2+. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ;tatic ;cherbi"s scheme of s#eed control? 21. Write the s#eed e/"ation of an ind"ction motor. 22. What is ???8 control? PART-B 1. Draw the #ower circ"it arrangement of three #hase variable fre/"enc inverter for the s#eed control of three #hase ind"ction motor and e$#lain its working. 2. E$#lain the ?Cf control method of 4- drive with neat sketches. 3. Disc"ss the s#eed control of 4- motors b "sing three #hase 4- ?oltage reg"lators. 4. E$#lain the s#eed control schemes of #hase wo"nd ind"ction motors. 5. E$#lain the concatenation o#eration of three #hase ind"ction motors. 0ence derive the s#eed e$#erienced for the cascaded set. 6. E$#lain in detail abo"t ;li# #ower recover scheme. %. E$#lain the different methods of s#eed control "sed in three #hase ind"ction motors. '. E$#lain the working of following methods with neat circ"it diagram. i3 Dramer s stem ii3 ;cherbi"s s stem *. E$#lain in detail rotor resistance method of s#eed control of a sli# ring ind"ction motor. 1+. 1i3 E$#lain the o#eration of ,ole changing method of s#eed control. 1ii3 E$#lain the #ole am#lit"de mod"lation method. 11. E$#lain the static Dramer method and static scherbi"s method of s#eed control of three #hase ind"ction motor. 12. E$#lain in detail abo"t the vario"s methods of solid state s#eed control techni/"es b "sing inverters.

13. E$#lain the solid state stator voltage control techni/"e for the s#eed control of three #hase ind"ction motor. 14. E$#lain the vario"s methods of s#eed control of a three #hase ind"ction motor when fed thro"gh semicond"ctor devices. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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