Muscles of The Lower Limbs
Muscles of The Lower Limbs
Muscles of The Lower Limbs
Minor Regions : Gluteal Region , The thigh , leg, foot. Joints : Hip joint , Knee Joint , n!le Joint. Functions : "# Mainl$ S%&&ORT. '# Lo(o)otion. Architecture: Gene*al a*(hite(tu*e i+ +i)ila* to the uppe* li),+ ,ut -iffe* the )o-ifi(ation of the )u+(le+ an- joint.
&+oa+ )ajo* 9 Gluteu+ )a2i)u+ 9 Ilio(o+tali+: Mo0e lo/e* li),+ a+ a /hole. #osterior Muscles: ". Gluteu+ Mu+(le+. '. Ilio(o+tali+.
'luteus Ma!imus: St*ong , o*iginate f*o) +a(*u). 7)o+t +upe*fi(ial: 'luteus Me(ius: S)alle* than )a2i)u+ , lo(ate +upe*io*l$ an- late*al to it. It8+ the +ite of inje(tion. )eep 'luteal Muscles: Si)ila* to *otato* (uff. The$ *otate the fe)u*.
Ab(omial wall muscles: -o ;le2ion. Sit up< hip fle2e-: &+oa+ )ajo* ,e(o)e in+uffi(ient. So the+e )u+(le+ /ill ,e u+e- an- ,e(o)e +t*onge*.
&nnervati ons
nte*io* *a)i of lu),a* ne*0e+.
Anterior ;i0e Le++e* t*o(hante* Majo* fle2o* of the lu),a* of ;e)u* /hole uppe* li),. 0e*te,*ae Sta,ili=e hip joint. Iliu). Le++e* t*o(hante* of ;e)u*
;le2e+ an- +ta,ili=e ;e*)o*al hip joint. ne*0e. L' an- L>
&liocostali Iiliu) s
'luteus Me(ius
E*e(t po+ition Hip joint e2ten+ion ?"6 Late*al *otation &*ote(t S(iati( ne*0e G*eate* t*o(hante* ,-u(t anof fe)u* )e-iall$ *otate hip joint @ont*a(t+ /ith ea(h
+tep thu+ p*e0enting the hip+ f*o) falling -o/n. ,-u(t an)e-iall$ *otate hip joint Rotation of the ;e)u*.
+))The Thigh:
Muscles o the thigh completely surroun( the emur. ,o -o(y : .annot be palpate(. )iagnosis o broken emur nee(s /0ray. "!tremities can be palpate( 1 an( a (iagnosis o broken can be accomplishe( by touching.
&nnervati ons
1.4ua(rucipes Femoris : Majo* E2ten+o* BB La*ge Hip ,one < E2ten- Knee Joint. Rectus 7Iliu)# < +tea-ie+ hip joint. emoris Ba+e of &atella <help iliop+oa+ to an- ,$ patella* fle2 hip joint. liga)ent to ;e)u* 5astus ti,ial tu,e*o+it$ <E2ten- Knee Joint &nterme(i
;e)o*al .e*0e
< Hip joint : fle2 , a,-u(t an- late*all$ *otate. < ;le2 Knee joint. Me-iall$ *otate it.
;e)o*al .e*0e
Ilioti,ial t*a(t
<In(*ea+e ten+ion of the t*a(t. 79 G.)a2i)u+# 77@on+e*0e ene*g$## < ,-u(t , )e-iall$ *otate an- fle2 hip joint.
Supe*io* gluteal
&nnervati ons
S(iati( .e*0e
,emiten(inos us
< E0e*+ion <Suppo*t an!eep the t*an+0e*+e (u*0e of the foot. <&lanta* fle2e+ the an!le. Do*+ifle2. E0e*t ana,-u(t foot.
&nnervati ons
Supe*fi(ial &e*oneal .e*0e
Ba+e of "+t Ten-on+ pa++ )etata*+al po+te*io* to Me-ial late*al )alleolu+ (uneifo*) fi2e- ,$ fi,ula* Ba+e of 6th *etina(ulu) )etata*+al fi,ula 6th )etata*+al
Ti,ial .e*0e
&lanta* ;le2 the an!le ;le2 g*eat toe. Suppo*t longitu-inal a*(h of the foot. &lanta* ;le2 the an!le ;le2 late*al 3 -igit+ Suppo*t longitu-inal a*(h of the foot.
n$ Mu+(le that (o)e+ f*o) the leg , an- (*o++ o0e* the foot anpa++ ,ehin- -e(*ee line , joining the t/o )alleoli i+ a plantar Fle!or.
In the foot /e ha0e )u+(le+ /hi(h /e (all )u+(le+ of the foot +i)ila* to the )u+(le+ of the han- /ith the e2(eption of: In the han-, all the )u+(le+ a*e on the plante* +u*fa(e /e -on8t ha0e an$ )u+(le on the -o*+al +u*fa(e, on the foot /e ha0e
)u+(le+ on the -o*+al +u*fa(e. The+e )u+(le+, although the$ ha0e the +a)e na)e+ an- the +a)e a**ange)ent+ ,ut thei* fun(tion+ <)o+tl$ in all of u+< a*e u+uall$ not -iffe*entiate-. :"!ample;: When /e tal!e- a,out the han- /e +ai- that the*e a*e +)all )u+(le+ that a*e (on+i-e*e- a+ the a((u*ate )o0e*+, the$ let $ou hol- the pen fo* e2a)ple. In the foot the+e )u+(le+ a*e p*e+ent, ,ut the$ -on8t ha0e a((u*ate fun(tion+ < u+uall$ < unle++ $ou t*ain the) o* $ou a*e o,lige- to u+e the) 7li!e in +o)eone /ho+e han-+ a*e pa*al$=e-#. So, /hat8+ the unction of tho+e +)all )u+(le+ in the footF The ma$or unction is to stabili<e the arches. Be(au+e the a*(he+ a*e 0e*$ i)po*tant. The$ -on8t -epen- onl$ on one fa(to*. If /e lo+t the a*(he+ /e /oul-n8t ,e a,le to /al! p*ope*l$, /e /oul-n8t ,e a,le to *un. So to p*ote(t thi+ the*e a*e 9 actors not only one that are responsible or stabili<ing the curves: The +)all )u+(le+ of the foot . The long )u+(le+, the )u+(le+ of the leg. The liga)ent+. The +hape of the ,one+. That )ean+ that if +o)eone *ea(he- the flat foot +tage, he /oulha0e gone th*ough all the+e 3 fa(to*+.
The +)all )u+(le+ of the foot a*e inne*0ate- G )o+t of the) G ,$ the ti,ial ne*0e.