Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project J T: M /E /O It/Mis Location: Contract Term: Start Date: Responsible To: Responsible For
Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project J T: M /E /O It/Mis Location: Contract Term: Start Date: Responsible To: Responsible For
Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project J T: M /E /O It/Mis Location: Contract Term: Start Date: Responsible To: Responsible For
t $at": R"%&o %i'(" to: R"%&o %i'(" )o!: MANAGER/EXPERT/OFFICER IT/MIS PMU/PIUs-UEAP(ADB) Uttarakhand, Dehradun One year with possibi ity !or e"tension I##ediate y PD PMU/Pro$ra# Mana$er PIUs-UEAP (ADB) Uttarakhand, Dehradun De%e op#ent o! the MI& syste# and he p $eneratin$ re'uired reports !or i#p e#entin$ a$en(ies
BACKGROUND: In )une *+,-, the north Indian state o! Uttarakhand and ad.oinin$ re$ions e"perien(ed hea%y rain!a due to a ( oud burst (ausin$ de%astatin$ ands ides and ! ash ! oods/ 0he rain!a durin$ the period o! )une ,1 2 ,3 re(orded to be -41 5 abo%e the nor#a rain!a resu ted in a tota hu#an i%e oss o! 13+ as reported by the &tate 6o%t/ o! Uttarakhand (6oU) with #ore than 17++ sti reported as #issin$/ 0he re$ion is a#on$st the (ountry8s #ost i#portant pi $ri#a$e (enters and the disaster o((urred durin$ the peak pi $ri#a$e season ea%in$ o%er 4+,+++ tourists and o%er ,++,+++ o(a s stranded in the upper rea(hes o! the #ountain terrain/ As per the pre i#inary assess#ent report by the 6oU and U9, tota o(a popu ation a!!e(ted is re(orded as ,,+,+++, 7*++ %i a$es a!!e(ted, :*++ (att e / i%esto(k ost, --*+ houses !u y da#a$ed/ 0he 6o%ern#ent o! Uttarakhand was e"tre#e y proa(ti%e in re ie! operations in the i##ediate a!ter#ath o! the ! ood and a so re(ei%ed support !ro# 6oI/ 0he pro(ess is $radua y #o%in$ !ro# i##ediate re ie! to ear y re(o%ery and p annin$ !or on$er-ter# re(o%ery and re(onstru(tion/ 0he ADB assisted Uttarakhand E#er$en(y Assistan(e Pro.e(t wi support the re(o%ery o! (o##unities !ro# the ! ood e%ent in the priority a!!e(ted distri(ts o! Uttarakhand/ O'*"cti+" Pro.e(t Mana$e#ent Unit / PIUs o! Uttarakhand &tate Disaster Mana$e#ent Authority !or i#p e#entation o! the ADB assisted Uttarakhand E#er$en(y Assistan(e Pro.e(t (UEAP), is seekin$ a Mana$er/E"pert/O!!i(er I0/MI& who is !a#i iar with MI& syste#, web enab ed syste# and ser%er ( ient #e(hanis#/ ;e/she wi in%o %e in a I0 a(ti%ities o! Pro.e(t to ensure the e!!i(ient and ti#e y i#p e#entation o! a UEAP a(ti%ities/ 0he pri#ary !un(tion wi be to support in tra(kin$ and #ana$e#ent o! pro.e(t a(ti%ities in a #anner that pro%ides the ri$ht in!or#ation to the ri$ht set o! peop e at the ri$ht ti#e to enab e adapti%e pro.e(t #ana$e#ent and de(ision support/
Sco&" o) ,o! &upport Desi$n, de%e op and i#p e#ent enterprise wide I0 syste# and MI& syste# !or the pro.e(t/
&upport settin$ up a #ai in$ syste# !or the pro.e(t<s sta!! within the do#ain o! the pro.e(t/ &ettin$ up a shared do(u#ent porta !or in!or#ation sharin$ and up oadin$/ =oordinate with di!!erent I0 sub(ontra(tors !or a te(hni(a issues/ &ettin$ up and #aintainin$ ser%ers at the ser%er roo# and ad#inisters network De!ines network pri%i e$es and network #ana$e#ent/ P ans and i#p e#ent network se(urity in( udin$ settin$ up se(urity syste# !or data, app yin$ ins(ription to network app i(ations, #ana$es host se(urity, !i e per#issions, ba(kup et( &ettin$ up internet ink !or the pro.e(t o!!i(e, reso %e issues re ated to (onne(ti%ity and ensures the hi$h a%ai abi ity o! internet (onne(tion/ Pro%ide (oa(hin$, $uidan(e and trainin$ to other tea# #e#bers / sta!! I#pro%es sta!!<s I=0 ski s by re$u ar in!or#ation o! new de%e op#ents/ E%a uates and re(o##ends pur(hase o! I0 e'uip#ent<s/ Per!or#s any other duties as re'uired within the sa#e (apa(ity/ Prioriti>e and ead i#p e#entation o! di!!erent I0 task, share know ed$e with others, ensures dead ines are #et and de i%erab es are produ(e on ti#e/
R"./i!"$ %-i((% a $ "0&"!ti%" &tron$ abi ity to assess sta!! re'uire#ents, de%e op / re(o##end I0 so utions, initiate and (o#p ete task or pro.e(t with itt e or no $uidan(e E"perien(e in #ana$in$ network in!rastru(ture dep oy#ent/ E"perien(e in de%e opin$ and i#p e#entin$ web-based MI& syste# within $o%ern#ent/se#i $o%t/ autono#ous or$ani>ations/pri%ate (o#pany o! repute/ ?now ed$e with broad array o! I0 in!rastru(ture (o#ponents and te(hno o$y, in( udin$ hardware, operatin$ syste#s, network, te e(o##uni(ations, #ai in$ syste#, database and web site desi$nin$/ Pro%en abi ity to work in a tea# en%iron#ent Abi ity to !o(us on i#pa(t and resu ts and responds positi%e y to !eedba(k &tron$ ana yti(a , reportin$, or$ani>ationa and presentation ski s E"(e ent %erba and written (o##uni(ation ski s in En$ ish Pro.e(t p annin$ i#p e#entation and #ana$e#ent e"perien(e is essentia / ?now ed$e o! an$ua$e ike P;P M@&AB, and database ike Ora( e, M@&AB M& A((ess, &AB et( is pre!erred/ 1/a(i)icatio % As #entioned a$ainst ea(h post in the ad%ertise#ent/ E0&"!i" c" As #entioned a$ainst ea(h post in the ad%ertise#ent/