USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Marine Corps
Concepts & Programs 2013
Americas Expeditionary Force in Readiness
Our achievements since September 11, 2001 are testament to our long history of innovation.
The dynamic nature of conflict and competition for technological advancement steels our resolve to
ensure that Marines are armed with the necessary weaponry, doctrine and equipment necessary to main-
tain an operational advantage in any engagement. Our focus is not limited to equipment and weapons
systems, but reflects the development of new operational concepts and organizational realignments.
Concepts and Programs 2013 is an excellent resource to better understand the Corps, our capabilities,
and the course we have charted for the future. Optimizing the Marine Corps is a process, not an end-state,
and spans years of investment and experimentation. The results of this continuous process will yield
an increasingly lethal, diverse and versatile array of capabilities we consider vital to meet the demands
Semper Fidelis,
James F. Amos
General, U.S. Marine Corps
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Aviation Command and Control System (AC2) Family PILLAR 4: Infrastructure Sustainment. . . . . . . . . . . . 151
of Systems (FOS) and MACCS FOS Sustainment . . . . . 110 Section 1: Providing Capable Bases and Stations . . . 152
Global Command and Control System-Tactical Combat Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Operations (GCCS-TCO) System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Installations and Military Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Common Aviation Command and
Control System (CAC2S). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Infrastructure Sustainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Theater Battle Management Core System (TBMCS). . . 113 Installations Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Range Modernization/Transformation (RM/T). . . . . . . 155
Combat Operations Center (COC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Ground-Based Operational Surveillance System
(Expeditionary) (G-BOSS(E)). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Environmental, Natural, and Cultural
Resources Stewardship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Section 6: Expeditionary Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 PILLAR 5: Equipment Modernization. . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Expeditionary Energy: From Bases to Battlefield. . . . . . 118 Section 1: Equipping the Marine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Follow-On-To Shoulder Launched
Section 7: Marine Corps Intelligence, Surveillance,
Multi-Purpose Assault Weapon (FOTS). . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
and Reconnaissance Enterprise (MCISRE) . . . . . . . . . 122
Marine Enhancement Program (MEP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Family of Improved Load Bearing
MCISRE Construct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Equipment (FILBE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Operational Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Family of Individual Warfighter Equipment (IWE). . . . 163
Section 8: Expeditionary Logistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Section 2: Ground Combat Tactical Vehicles . . . . . . . 166
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Mobility for the 21st Century. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Electronic Maintenance Support System (EMSS) . . . . . 130
Ground Combat Tactical Vehicle Strategy (GCTVS). . . 168
Family of Field Medical Equipment (FFME). . . . . . . . . 130
Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV7A1)
Marine Corps Family of Power and Environmental Family of Vehicles Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Control Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)
Family of Combat Field Feeding Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Family of Vehicles (FOV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Section 9: Preparing for Tomorrows Fight . . . . . . . . 134 Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Marine Personnel Carrier (MPC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Marine Corps Security Cooperation High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled
Group (MCSCG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Vehicle (HMMWV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) . . . . . . 173
PILLAR 3: Capability & Capacity to Meet Logistics Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR). . . . . . . . 175
DoD Strategic Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Section 3: Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Section 1: Amphibious and Pre-positioning Ships. . . 140
Aviation Strategy for the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Naval Expeditionary Capability in the 21st Century . . 141
F-35B Short Take-Off Vertical Landing (STOVL)
Maritime Support to Expeditionary Operations. . . . . . 142 and C (Carrier Variant) Lightning II Joint
Amphibious Warships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Strike Fighter (JSF). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC)/ Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Transition Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Marine Air Ground Task Force Electronic Warfare
Evolution of Maritime Prepositioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 (MAGTF EW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 MV-22B Osprey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
H-1 Upgrades (UH-1Y Venom/AH-1Z Viper). . . . . . . . 182 Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive
KC-130J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Device (RCIED) Electronic Warfare (CREW) . . . . . . . . 214
CH-53K Heavy Lift Helicopter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Section 6: Intelligence, Surveillance
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 and Reconnaissance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
AN/TPS 80 Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar Distributed Common Ground System-Marine Corps
(G/ATOR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 (DCGS-MC) Enterprise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
P-19A Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Intelligence Analysis System (IAS)
Vehicle Replacement (P-19R). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Family of Systems (FOS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Technical Control and Analysis Center (TCAC) . . . . . . 218
Section 4: Fire Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Sensitive Compartmented Information
Expeditionary Fire Support System (EFSS) . . . . . . . . . . 193
Communications (SCI Comms). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Target Location, Designation, and
Counter Intelligence and Human
Hand-off System (TLDHS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Intelligence Equipment Program (CIHEP). . . . . . . . . . 219
Mission Payload ModuleNon-Lethal Weapons
MAGTF Secondary Imagery Dissemination
System (MPM-NLWS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
System (MSIDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Ocular Interruption System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Remote Video Viewing Terminal (RVVT) . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Disable Point Target (DPT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Wide Field of View Persistent Surveillance (WFVPS). . . 221
DoD Non-Lethal Weapons Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
21st Century Marine Expeditionary Intelligence
Section 5: Command and Control/ Analysis (MEIA-21). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Situational Awareness (C2/SA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Tactical Exploitation of National
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Capabilities (TENCAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Team Portable Collection System Multi-Platform
Command and Control Vision Statement . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Capable (TPCS-MPC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Marine Corps Information Enterprise Intelligence Support to Cyberspace Operations. . . . . . . 224
(MCIENT) Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
MCIENT Core Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 CHAPTER 4: Marine Corps Almanac . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Marine Corps Enterprise Information Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Technology Services (MCEITS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Active Officer Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Global Combat Support System- Active Enlisted Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Marine Corps (GCSS-MC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Reserve Officer Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Composite Tracking Network (CTN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Reserve Enlisted Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Joint Battle Command- Platform (JBC-P) Marine Corps Fiscal Resource Overview Chart. . . . . . . 239
Family of Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
FY12 TOA Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Networking On-the-Move (NOTM) Increment 1. . . . . 207
FY12 Appropriations Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Tactical Networking Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Marine Corps Procurement Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Tactical Communication Modernization (TCM). . . . . 210
Marine Corps Ground Equipment Age Chart . . . . . . . . 241
Tactical Data Network (TDN)
Marine Corps Aircraft Age Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Data Distribution System- Modular (DDS-M) . . . . . . . 211
Ground-Based Air Defense
INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Transformation (GBAD-T) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
AN/TPS-59(V)3 Radar System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Identity Dominance System (IDS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
vi i
chapter 1: The USMC Americas Expeditionary Force in Readiness
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
emies find windows of vulnerability to exploit. This disruptions. Those who perceive themselves as left
human dimension creates vast uncertainties and de- out of a globalizing world are ripe for exploitation by
mands a security establishment capable of responding rogue states, non-state actors, and criminal elements
to a wide range of threats. that thrive in the chaotic margins of the global or-
As we look ahead, we see a world of increasing in- der. Irregular challenges are thus becoming the new
stability, failing states, and conflict provoked by both regular in the future security environment as terror-
conventional enemies and transnational threats. The ism, economic warfare, and cyber warfare present new
complexity and scope of conflict continues to evolve modes of competition.
and change rapidly. Both friends and potential en- Much of the worlds population is concentrated
emies are increasingly bound through economic in- along the worlds coastlines. These littoral regions are
terdependence, shifting balances of power, and the linked to our national interests and the global economy
effects of the information age. The information age and are the primary operating area for our Navy-Ma-
and globalization have brought a diffusion of military rine Corps team. Our naval and maritime capabilities
power, to a greater number of states and to non-state are designed to address the range of instabilities and
and criminal actors. Global stressors such as poverty, threats found in the critical seam between the water
urbanization, overpopulation, competition over scarce and the land. Naval expeditionary forces provide an
natural resources, and natural disasters increase ten- important backstop for todays unpredictable threats.
sion and instability. Forward-deployed Marines represent the Nations in-
While millions have benefitted from globalization, surance policy against the threats and disruptions in
millions of others have suffered social and economic the global security environment.
chapter 1: The USMC Americas Expeditionary Force in Readiness
The Role of the Marine Corps global commons, while ensuring our ability to project
Todays Marine Corps is purpose-built for the our national power and influence into the littoral re-
current and future security environments. The Ma- gions. Naval forces deter aggression through forward
rine Corps is the right force, at the right time, contrib- presence, contain crises, respond to natural disasters,
uting the right capabilities to the defense of our na- and buy strategic decision time for our nations lead-
tion and its interests around the globe. Our potential ers. Well-trained Navy-Marine teams are located off
enemies are observant, adaptive, and cunning. They the coast of anticipated crisis areas every day, poised to
strike without warning, often in places and at times swiftly respond.
we least expect. Our Nation needs a force ready to The flexibility of the Marine Corps and its am-
move toward the sound of chaos, responding swiftly phibious capabilities align the service well with the
to crisis and creating the space and time for strategic security demands articulated in the 2012 Strategic
decision-making. America needs a forward-deployed Guidance for the 21st Century. The Marine Corps val-
force capable of defending its interests, even when ac- ue in a wide range of missions, its ability to operate
cess is denied. Our nation has such a force. They are without a large footprint ashore, and its ability to scale
called Marines. up in times of crisis make them an essential tool for
national decision-makers and joint commanders. Ma-
rines smoothly integrate with the other elements of the
joint force, enable interagency efforts, and are a natu-
ral partner to special operations. Where U.S. citizens,
allies or interests are threatened, maritime response
capabilities provide a range of rapid intervention op-
tions. When conflict escalates, their ability to conduct
forcible entry operations in a major contingency serves
as a rheostat for the thoughtful and appropriate appli-
cation of military power.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
dom (OEF), our Marine Expeditionary Units (MEUs) Global Crisis Response
and other task-organized Marine Air Ground Task Marines remain vigilant around the globe, re-
Forces (MAGTFs) supported national security objec- sponding to crises spawned by instability, civil conflict,
tives throughout the globe. Marines provided forward and humanitarian disaster. The Marine Corps pro-
presence, deterrence, and theater security cooperation vides six rotational MEUs and numerous special-pur-
activities, and contributed to building partner capaci- pose MAGTFs, each capable of responding when con-
ties in every geographic combatant command. ditions deteriorate. For example, for more than 150
days during 2012, the 24th MEU remained on station,
Afghanistan ready to protect American interests and provide deci-
The Marine Corps number-one priority is pro- sion space to our leaders in the wake of violent protests
viding the best trained and equipped Marine units to across the Middle East and North Africa.
Afghanistan. Over 7,000 Active and Reserve Marines Additionally, Marine Embassy Security detach-
remain engaged in operations in the Helmand and ments and Fleet Anti-terrorism Support Teams have
Nimroz provinces in Regional Command Southwest protected our diplomatic missions against a range of
(RC-SW). Marines, along with nine Coalition partners threats. During 2012, these specialized Marine units
deployed to reinforce U.S. diplomatic missions to pro-
and 32,000 Afghan National Security Forces in RC-SW,
vide physical security and force protection in Libya,
strive to deny the Taliban safe haven, restore stability to
Yemen, and elsewhere. Every day, Marine Security
the most violent regions of Afghanistan, and give hope
Guards are deployed at 148 embassies and consulates
to the Afghan people. We have made significant prog-
around the world.
ress in degrading the Talibans ability to organize and
disrupt the efforts of the Afghan government, while
building Afghan security institutions and improving
the political and social conditions within RC-SW.
As the Afghan governments ability to provide
security increases, the confidence of the population
will be restored, accelerating the achievement of gov-
ernance, economic, and social objectives. Marines in
Helmand Province have helped open 86 schools, pro-
viding a new normal of daily classroom participa-
tion. Our efforts have contributed to the education
of more than 121,000 children, including more than
28,000 female students, representing a 432% increase
Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief
since 2005. Healthcare is another area of vast improve-
In December 2012, Marines and Sailors from the
ment. Over the last six years health clinics serving the
3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) responded
needs of the Helmand population have increased from
quickly and effectively to a request from the Govern-
six to 57.
ment of the Philippines to assist in humanitarian and
disaster relief operations in the aftermath of Typhoon
chapter 1: The USMC Americas Expeditionary Force in Readiness
Pablo. U.S. and Philippine armed forces worked Thousands of Marines in Marine Special Opera-
shoulder-to-shoulder in order to ensure relief supplies tions Command participated in counter-terrorism,
reached those in need. foreign internal defense, and other spec-ops in places
around the globe. In support of U.S. Africa Command,
Marines trained counter-terrorism forces in Mali
and Mauritania supporting coalition forces combat-
ing al-Qaida affiliates across the Maghreb region of
North Africa.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Marine Corps Missions wedge for the joint force that buys time and space for
Marines offer an innovative portfolio of highly the assembling and movement of larger and heavier el-
cost-effective means for crisis response and forward ements necessary for sustained operations. When the
engagement. Our ability to respect territorial sover- joint force is formed, Marines can smoothly integrate
eignty without a large footprint ashore and scalability into the larger Joint operation ashore or readily return
in times of crisis makes us an essential tool for nation- to sea, where they can serve as an asymmetric maneu-
al decision makers or joint commanders. By design, ver element. This capability creates a swing force for
Marines smoothly integrate with the joint force, en- subsequent conflict, or for addressing simultaneous
able the interagency, and are a natural partner to spe- crises that arise during major contingencies.
cial operations. Where U.S. citizens, allies or interests Marines respond to todays crisis, with todays
are threatened, maritime response capabilities provide forcesTODAY. A force able to swiftly intercede in
rapid intervention options tailored to the demands of crisis buys time for civilian and military decision-mak-
each crisis. When conflict escalates, our ability to flex ers to assess and formulate a more deliberate response.
and scale-up to the forcible-entry demands of a major Forward-deployed Marines provide an effective crisis-
contingency serves as a rheostat for the application response capability throughout the range of military
of persuasive military power. operations. Expeditionary forces can defend the ter-
The rapid response and early intervention of Ma- ritory of allies, seize key terrain, or threaten the global
rine forces enables access for the rest of the joint force. interests of an opponent. The inherent flexibility of
Operating under austere conditions ashore, Marines these forces enables the United States to swiftly escalate
can sustain themselves from the sea for long periods, or de-escalate conflict according to the aims of strategy
without the need for immediate reinforcement through and risk.
ports or airfields. The integrated firepower of Marine Marines provide a stabilizing forward presence
aviation, operating from amphibious ships or expe- that deters conflict. Forward presence builds trust
ditionary basing ashore, allows Marine forces ashore that cannot be created suddenly, when conflict looms.
to operate with a light footprint. Marines provide a As our Nations force in readiness, the Marine Corps
bolsters national credibility and deterrence through
persistent forward naval engagement. With dispersed
expeditionary units afloat near likely crisis areas, and
prepositioned equipment stationed forward aboard
shipping, the Navy-Marine team is a visible and tan-
gible reminder of our nations resolve.
Marines build strong partners. Marines build
trust. Investment in building partner capacity is not
charity work, but rather an investment in collective
security throughout the global commons. Sea-based
Marines tread lightly on host-nation infrastructure
and sovereignty. Sized more closely to the secu-
rity forces of most other nations, the Marine Corps
provides a model of a tightly integrated air-ground-
chapter 1: The USMC Americas Expeditionary Force in Readiness
logistics force, suitable to train effective security Responding to Austerity with Vision
institutions across the globe. As the Nation continues to recover economically,
Marines assure access ashore. Littoral power the Marine Corps is highly cognizant of the necessity
projection capabilities enable U.S. joint forces to push for frugality and good stewardship of the nations re-
open the door of access ashore. This ability to go where sources. We have continued to adjust our organization,
the Nation is not invited fundamentally underwrites infrastructure and business practices to make the Ma-
the deterrent value of the joint force, and provides rine Corps the best possible return for the defense dol-
decision-makers options that complement precision lar. Austerity may make us leaner but we will emerge
strike or nuclear capabilities. Modern amphibious op- stronger as we innovate and remain the most capable
erations seek to achieve precision maneuver that cre- Marine Corps the nation can afford. We may have to
ates and exploits seams in forces that might oppose a do with less, but we will refuse to do things less well.
landing. Uniquely, Marines can operate without the Readiness is the currency with which we meet the
requirement for nearby land bases and can sustain nations security obligations; a hollow force is not an
themselves from the sea without intact and secured option for the nations crisis response force. While
ports and airfields. readiness comes at a cost, the cost of not being able to
Marines respond to natural disaster. Crises im- intervene or contain crisis can be catastrophic. Invest-
posed by unpredictable natural forces create human ment in a ready Marine Corps buys decision space for
suffering on a scale that the U.S. cannot ignore. Timely leadership decision-making, and it buys time to assem-
U.S. responses strengthen the credibility of its prom- ble the components of the larger joint force if condi-
ises, and increase the effectiveness of its security de- tions require it. Preserving that ready edge for the joint
terrence. The ability of amphibious forces to provide force is fundamental to the capability we provide to the
air, ground, and sea response, without imposing bur- nations security.
dens on already stressed infrastructure, makes them a Maintain our Commitment to fulfillment of
unique contributor to U.S. capability and influence. the mission in Afghanistan. Our Afghanistan mis-
Marines are most ready when the nation is least
ready. Because our Nation cannot afford to hold the
entire joint force at the highest state of readiness, it has
chosen to keep the Marines ready. For over half a cen-
tury, the Marine Corps has complied with the mandate
of the 82d Congress to be the most ready when the
Nation is generally least ready. There is no effective
substitute for ready forces that can swiftly respond to
crisis. There are no effective substitutes for United
States Marines.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
sion is not complete until the last Marine is home, our our ability to execute them while furthering the con-
wounded warriors have healed, and the families of our cept of Single Naval Battle to provide a seamless pro-
fallen have been taken care of. As long as Marines are jection of naval power from blue-water to operations
forward deployed in a combat theater, they will receive ashore. We must have the organizational and process
our first priority, the center of our thoughts and our discipline to manage our concepts through their full
last ounce of energy. life cycle, providing focus and guidance for innovation,
Reset and Reconstitute the Force. Our mission training, and experimentation.
is not complete until our equipment is reset and our Invest in our Marines. The superior qualities of
force is reconstituted. That equipment is central to our the individual Marine provide our warfighting edge.
ability to respond to future missions. As stewards of That begins with recruiting and retaining the highest
the taxpayer, Marines have initiated heroic efforts to quality talent and applies to our active duty, reserve, and
recover, refurbish, and repair equipment. civilian workforces. Marines are expected to shoulder
Rebalance to the Pacific. Rebalancing to the Pa- increasingly complex burdens in the emerging security
cific theater is a central element of our national strat- environment we must adopt our educational establish-
egy which builds on the decades-long presence of Ma- ments and training venues to ensure their readiness for
rines who operate across its land, water and airspace the complexity of modern conflict.
every day. We will not just be in the Pacific, we will Invest in Innovation. In addition to training and
be effective in the Pacific through distributed, multi- education, we will create mechanisms to embrace in-
mission-capable MAGTFs. We will preserve our global novation across the force to move our concepts from
responsiveness, while developing opportunities in this theory to practice. We will leverage our human capital
priority theater. through experimentation and innovation at every level
Advance Littoral Concepts. The changing nature and create responsive mechanisms to reduce the flash-
of the security threats to the Nation demands contin- to-bang process of transforming innovative ideas to
ued innovation. Operational Maneuver From The Sea force implementation.
and Ship-to-Objective Maneuver remain our capstone Care for our Wounded Warriors. After a decade
warfighting concepts, and we will continue to focus on of war, the continued physical, moral, and mental
health of all of our Marines remains paramount. Those
who bear the physical and mental wounds of war must
remain our first concern. We will continue to extend
every effort to heal our wounded, support their fami-
lies, and help young Marines and Sailors increase their
Keep Faith with Marines and their Families. The
faith of the American people has improved the qual-
ity of life for our Marines and families during the last
decade and we must protect those gains in an era of
increasing fiscal constraints. Our families share in our
burdens, our values, and our risks, and their service
chapter 1: The USMC Americas Expeditionary Force in Readiness
must be honored through quality programs and access In short, Americas Marines are a hedge against
to much-needed resources. the unexpected and dangerous in a security environ-
ment that remains fraught with challenges. A com-
The Nations Expeditionary pelling security investment, the Marine Corps provides
Force of Choice significant return on investment for every security dol-
Marines have always responded to change in ways lar. When the Nation pays the sticker price for its
both timely and timeless. While our concepts, training, Marines, it gets not only the least-expensive force in
and equipment have adapted, our fundamental charac- the U.S. defense arsenal, it also gets one that is highly
ter has not. Marines remain physically strong, mentally skilled, forward deployed, and able to operate across
agile, and imminently practical warfighters. The cohe- the full range of military operations. Expeditionary
sion, fidelity, and expeditionary mindset of Marines are naval forces provide an effective hedge against both
a proven recipe for success. Marines will continue to the Nations most likely and most dangerous security
live hard, train hard, and fight hard, providing the Na- challenges. We do not know where or when we will
tion with a ready capability to contain the crisis, plug fight, but we know that we will be ready when the bugle
the gap, hold the line, fight and win. sounds. We do not know whom we will fight, but even
the toughest adversaries have not proven our equal. We
will remain Americas middleweight expeditionary
force in readiness . . . Semper Fidelis.
chapter 2: organization
The Marine Corps is a crisis response expeditionary force which is task-
organized and able to conduct operations across the entire spectrum of
military operations. Fundamentally, the Corps is a middleweight force
that fills the void in our Nations defense structure between light Special Op-
erations Forces (SOF) and heavier conventional units. The Corps provides
scalable and adaptive forces that complement the lighter and heavier forces.
During the last several years, the Marine Corps has grown in size to
202,100 Active Component Marines to meet the demands of global commit-
ments and combat operations. The organization of the Corps has changed in
order to adapt to the complex environment, even as it retained the flexibility
and agility to respond to future needs. During this period of rapid growth, the
Marine Corps has maintained balanced, combined-arms capabilities adapted
to the new demands of regional conflicts, while developing agile and capable
forces to meet future hybrid threats as well. The same will be true of the Marine
Corps as it adjusts to post-Iraq and post-Afghanistan environments, which
will include a capabilities-based force reduction to an end strength of 182,100
active duty Marines by fiscal year 2016.
Chapter 2 outlines the Marine Corps combined-arms structure and
organization and highlights the unique capabilities that Marines bring to
the fight.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 2: organization
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 2: organization
- A
viation operations from expeditionary sites vide training to, less developed military forces. The
- T
heater security cooperation activities SPMAGTF can be tasked with building partner na-
- Airfield and port seizures tion security capacity and supporting partner na-
heater security cooperation operations to build tion security efforts in specific regional areas. The
the capacity of partner nations and increase in- SPMAGTF provides the combatant commander
teroperability. with a flexible expeditionary force employment op-
tion that further augments the traditional capabili-
Prior to deployment, the MEF commander ex- ties provided by the Marine Corps. SPMAGTFs are
ercises full command of his organic MEU. Once em- normally designated by the service headquarters
barked, MEU command relationships are delineated in response to combatant commander requirements.
by the Geographic Combatant Commander (GCC) and The Nations MAGTFs thus provide a continuum
are normally assigned operational control (OPCON) of capabilities to support naval, combatant command-
to the naval service component. However, during crisis er, and national requirements. These MAGTFs joined
response and contingency operations GCCs may shift by special-purpose forces and unique Marine forces
OPCON of the MEU as articulated in Joint Publication enable the Corps to address the full range of conven-
(JP) 3-02, Amphibious Operations: tional, unconventional, and irregular/hybrid threats as
While the full range of command relationship op- well as other taskings as the President might require.
tions as outlined in JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed
Forces of the United States, are available, in am- Unique Combatant
phibious operations, service component com- Commander Support
manders normally retain operational control (OP- A combatant commander or subordinate joint
CON) of their respective forces. If the Joint Force force commander might also require Marine forces
Commander organizes along functional lines, that do not have all elements of a MAGTF. These forces
functional component commanders will normally are not given a specific MAGTF designation. Examples
exercise OPCON over all their parent Services include the Black Sea Rotational Force (BSRF) and
forces and tactical control (TACON) over other Marine Rotational Force-Darwin, which participate
Services forces attached or made available for in security cooperation to build military capacity, pro-
tasking. vide regional stability, and develop lasting partnerships
with nations in the region.
Special Purpose MAGTF (SPMAGTF) In addition, as the Marine Corps evaluates po-
A SPMAGTF is task organized to accomplish a tential hybrid threats, we believe there likely will be a
specific mission, operation, or regionally focused ex- requirement for smaller combined-arms task forces.
ercise. They can be organized, trained, and equipped These task forces will operate in an environment where
with Marine forces to conduct a wide variety of expe- greater capabilities are pushed to lower levels, thus en-
ditionary operations ranging from peacetime missions, abling distributed operations at increasing distances.
to training exercises, and responses to contingencies These task forces will depend upon increased tactical
and crises. SPMAGTFs can support theater campaign mobility and must maintain a high state of readiness.
plans, security cooperation, and civil-military opera- At the same time, they must retain the capability to
tions requirements. integrate quickly into a larger, more lethal force on
SPMAGTFs have capabilities, mobility, and sus- short notice.
tainability commensurate with mission requirements The Marine Corps ethos, training and warfighting
in order to increase interoperability with, and pro- philosophy makes Marines ideally suited to these types
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
of units and operations. However, we must ensure that rapid closure of a MEB. The MPF can also support
our organizational designs, as well as planning and smaller or larger MAGTFs by employing as few as
command and control capabilities, preserve the opera- one or as many as 12 MPF ships. The MPF consists of
tional agility required to answer the demands of the government-owned ships operated by Military Sealift
complex future operating environment, and consis- Command (MSC). When needed, these ships move to
tently fulfill the needs of our combatant commanders. a crisis region and offload either in port or offshore via
in-stream offload. Offloaded equipment and supplies
MAGTF Sustainability are then married up with Marines arriving at nearby
A fundamental characteristic of a MAGTF is its airfields. The end result is a combat-ready MAGTF
ability to operate for extended periods as an expedi- rapidly established ashore, using minimal in-country
tionary force, relying on its integral combat logis- reception facilities. The MAGTF combat capability
tics element and internal resources for sustainment. provided by MPF is capable of supporting geographic
All MAGTFs have inherent sustainability that allows combatant commander military operations across the
them to be self-sufficient for planned periods. Larger range of military operations.
MAGTFs have a deeper, broader, and more capable
organic support capability. Different size MAGTFs de- MARINE CORPS PREPOSITIONING PROGRAM
ploy with sufficient accompanying supplies to support NORWAY (MCPP-N)
joint operations. MAGTFs can augment their organic MCPP-N enhances the operational responsiveness
sustainability by using external support from Navy of all geographic combatant commanders by provid-
organizations, host-nation support agreements, inter- ing mission-tailored, prepositioned support to Marine
service support agreements, and in-theater cross-ser- Corps expeditionary operations globally. The exist-
vice agreements. ing equipment set is being reshaped, with the addi-
tion of communications and ordnance assets, to sup-
Maritime Prepositioning port a MAGTF built around an infantry battalion task
Force (MPF) force and composite aviation squadron. Quantities of
The MPF is a strategic power-projection capability equipment and supplies currently stored in Norway
that combines the lift capacity, flexibility, and respon- will also be adjusted to provide a balanced equipment
siveness of surface ships with the speed of strategic air- set appropriate to support the new force list. MCPP-
lift. Strategically forward deployed around the globe, N will retain its primary role of augmenting up to a
the maritime prepositioning ships (MPS) of the MPF MEB-sized force to support the reinforcement of Nor-
provide geographic combatant commanders with per- way and U.S. Marine Corps expeditionary operations.
sistent forward presence and rapid crisis response by MCPP-N materiel is stored in six caves and two air-
prepositioning the combat equipment and supplies to fields spread across Norway and is available for rapid
support up to two MEBs for 30 days. preparation and marshaling at aerial, sea, or rail ports
The MPF is organized into two Maritime Prepo- of debarkation in support of deploying MAGTFs. This
sitioning Ship Squadrons (MPSRON) with 12 ships forward prepositioning reduces reaction time and
overall. By 2015, there will be 14 ships. MPSRON-2 eliminates the need to otherwise deploy this equip-
is based at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, and ment from locations in the continental United States,
MPSRON-3 is based in the Guam-Saipan area of the with all the attendant burdens on strategic lift that this
western Pacific Ocean. would entail.
These interoperable MPSRONs are each designed
to marry-up with a fly-in echelon to support the
chapter 2: organization
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. This includes the administration, discipline, in-
Corps (HQMC) ternal organization, training, requirements, efficiency,
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (HQMC) con- and readiness of the service. Also, as the Commandant
sists of the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, HQMC sup-
and those staff agencies that advise and assist him in ports him in his interaction with the Joint Staff. The
discharging his responsibilities prescribed by law. The Commandant also is responsible for the operation
Commandant is directly responsible to the Secretary of the Marine Corps material support system.
of the Navy for the overall performance of the Marine
Marine Corps
Recruiting Command
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 2: organization
US Marine Corps
II Marine
Marine Corps
22d, 24th, 26th marine corps
2d 2d Marine security
Marine Expedi- security force
Marine Division Logistics group cooperation
tionary Units regiment
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
2d Radio Battalion
2d Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company 2d Marine Aircraft Wing Marine Corps Air Station,
Cherry Point, NC
2d Law Enforcement Battalion
Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron 2
2d Marine Expeditionary Brigade
2d Marine Expeditionary Brigade Command Element Marine Aircraft Group 14
22d Marine Expeditionary Unit Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 14
24th Marine Expeditionary Unit Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 1
26th Marine Expeditionary Unit Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 2
Marine Corps Security Force Regiment Yorktown, VA Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 3
Chemical Biological Incident Response Force Indian Head, MD Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 4
Marine Attack Squadron 223
2d Marine Division Marine Attack Squadron 231
MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Marine Attack Squadron 542
Headquarters Battalion Marine Attack Training Squadron 203
Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 252
2d Marine Regiment
Marine Wing Support Squadron 271
1st Battalion
2d Battalion Marine Aircraft Group 26
3d Battalion MCAS New River, NC
3d Battalion, 9th Marines Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 26
chapter 2: organization
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
U.S. MARINE CORPS FORCES, Annually, MARFORPAC conducts more than 160
PACIFIC (MARFORPAC) major multi-lateral and bi-lateral exercises and theater
MARFORPAC has three command roles and re- security cooperation engagements with some 30 allies
sponsibilities. The command serves as U.S. Marine and partners in the Asia-Pacific region. MARFORPAC
Corps component to U.S. Pacific Command (USPA- forces also rapidly respond to a yearly average of 14
COM), U.S. Marine Corps component to U.S. Forces humanitarian-assistance and disaster-relief (HA/DR)
Korea (USFK), and Fleet Marine Forces Commander operations.
to Pacific Fleet. In addition to its service component Through unity of effort, MARFORPAC exercises
responsibilities, MARFORPAC could be tasked to act coordinating authority in a consultative relationship
as a joint task force command element. with MCICOM for operational force base support re-
With its headquarters located aboard Camp H. M. quirements, Defense Policy Review Initiative (DPRI)
Smith, HI, MARFORPAC is the largest field command requirements in Japan and Guam, USPACOM Unified
in the Marine Corps, having control of two-thirds of Campaign Plan (UCP) and contingency planning re-
Marine Corps operational forces. Commander, MAR- quirements, and other installation-support initiatives
FORPAC commands all U.S. Marine Corps forces as- affecting the Marine Corps in the PACOM AOR.
signed to USPACOM approximately 86,400 Ma- While Marine Corps Installations Command
rines, Sailors and Civilians operating in a diverse exercises command and administrative control over
geographic area stretching from Yuma, Arizona to all bases and stations of the Marine Corps, two of
Goa, India. MCICOMs regional commands, MCIWEST and
The Commander, MARFORPAC supports na- MCIPAC, have USPACOM-assigned forces as tenants.
tional and theater strategic objectives, and exercises As such, COMMARFORPAC exercises tactical control
Marine Corps component responsibilities in support of MCIPAC and MCIWEST, or both, when supporting
of operational and concept plans, theater security co- USPACOM (UCP) tasking and operational missions.
operation, foreign humanitarian assistance, homeland During exceptional circumstances that require
defense, force posture, and lay down. This includes a U.S. response in the PACOM AOR, such as HA/DR,
planned rotational presence in northwestern Austra- or major combat operations, COMMARFORPAC, in
lia, and protection of installations and forces in the consultation and accord with COMMCICOM, may as-
USPACOM area of responsibility (AOR). sume operational control of MCIPAC and MCIWEST
and their assigned installations.
chapter 2: organization
US Marine Corps
Fleet Marine US Marine Corps
Forces Pacific Forces Pacific MCICOM
Marine Division Marine Division
3d 1st
Marine Aircraft Wing Marine Aircraft Wing
Marine Expeditionary 3d Marine MCIPAC
Brigade Expeditionary Brigade
MARFORPAC retains ADCON over MARFORK during Armistice.
MARFORPAC exercises Coordinating Authority in a consultative rela-
tionship with MCICOM over operational force base requirements and
installation support initiatives.
supporting CDR, USPACOM UCP tasking, as well as OPCON during
exceptional circumstances such as crisis/contingency response, de-
pending on CDRUSPACOM requirements.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 2: organization
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
3d Marine Division
Marine Corps Bases, Okinawa, Japan 3d Marine Logistics Group
Marine Corps Bases, Okinawa, Japan
Headquarters Battalion
Combat Logistics Regiment 3
3d Marine Regiment MCB Kaneohe Bay, HI Combat Logistics Battalion 3
1st Battalion MCB Kaneohe Bay, HI
2d Battalion Combat Logistics Battalion 4
3d Battalion
Combat Logistics Regiment 35
4th Marine Regiment
3d Maintenance Battalion
Units sourced via Unit Deployment Program(UDP)
3d Medical Battalion
12th Marine Regiment 3d Supply Battalion
1st Battalion MCB Kaneohe Bay, HI Combat Logistics Company 36
3d Battalion MCAS Iwakuni, Japan
3d Combat Assault Battalion
Combat Logistics Regiment 37
3d Reconnaissance Battalion
MEU Logistics Battalion 31
chapter 2: organization
U.S. MARINE CORPS FORCES, SPECIAL From its inception in 2006 through 2012, MAR-
OPERATIONS COMMAND (MARSOC) SOC has conducted more than 125 operational over-
In October 2005, the Secretary of Defense directed seas unit deployments of Marine Special Operations
the Marine Corps to form a service component of U.S. Teams (MSOTs) and Marine Special Operations Com-
Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and be- panies (MSOCs) in support of the geographic combat-
gin providing forces to the commander of USSOCOM. ant commanders. While MARSOCs primary focus has
MARSOC was formally established February 24, 2006 been the support of operations in Afghanistan, units
and is the Marine Corps component of USSOCOM. have been involved in many other missions that span
Headquartered at Camp Lejeune, NC, MARSOC the globe. To date, MARSOC has conducted missions
trains, organizes, equips, and, when directed by the in over 18 different countries. The majority of these
Commander USSOCOM, deploys task organized, scal- missions focus on training partner nation forces, as-
able and responsive Marine Corps special operations sisting in counter-narcoterrorism efforts and provid-
forces (SOF) worldwide in support of combatant com- ing other subject matter expert guidance to countries
manders and other agencies. in component commands such as U.S. Africa Com-
MARSOC will ultimately grow to a total force mand, U.S. Pacific Command, U.S. Southern Com-
of approximately 4,000 Marines, Sailors, and civilian mand and U.S. Central Command. In 2009, MARSOC
employees, including smaller numbers of the other deployed its first Special Operations Task Force HQ,
branches of service. MARSOC includes three subordi- built around a Marine Special Operations Battalion,
nate commands: the Marine Special Operations Regi- to Afghanistan. MARSOC continues to deploy SOTFs
ment (MSOR), which consists of three Marine special to Afghanistan, recently executing the fourth such de-
operations battalions (1st MSOB at Camp Pendleton, ployment. These MARSOC SOTFs provide command,
CA, and 2d and 3d MSOB at Camp Lejeune, NC); the control, coordination and support to multiple SOF
Marine Special Operations Support Group (MSOSG), elements from MARSOC, U.S. Army Special Opera-
which consists of three battalions (Marine Special Op- tions Command (USASOC) and Naval Special War-
erations Combat Support Battalion and Marine Spe- fare Command (NSWCOM) throughout RC West and
cial Operations Logistics Battalion at Camp Lejeune, Southwest, an area of over 100,000 square miles.
NC and Marine Special Operations Support Battalion
at Camp Pendleton, CA.); and the Marine Special Op- MARSOC Core Activities. Special Operations re-
erations School (MSOS) at Camp Lejeune, NC. quire unique modes of employment, tactical techniques
A Marine Corps major general commands MAR- and training, and are often conducted in hostile, de-
SOC with a supporting staff designed to be compat- nied or politically sensitive environments. MARSOC
ible with all the functional areas within USSOCOM is made up of regionally grounded and operationally
and Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. The MARSOC astute Multidimensional Operators, formed into spe-
headquarters is responsible for identifying Marine cial operations teams that are forward deployed to
special operations-unique requirements; developing conduct shaping, deterrence and crisis response opera-
Marine SOF tactics, techniques, procedures and doc- tions. MARSOC is tasked by SOCOM with providing
trine; and executing assigned missions in accordance units specially trained in the following primary SOF
with designated conditions and standards. core activities:
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 2: organization
1st marine
special support
operations battalion
2d marine
special logistics
operations battalion
3d marine combat
battalion battalion
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Marine Corps
Individual Reserve
WEST PALM BEACH, FL Support Activity
NEW ORLEANS, LA minneapolis, MN
chapter 2: organization
Force Headquarters Group New Orleans, LA Marine Aircraft Group 41 JRB Fort Worth, TX
Intelligence Support Battalion New Orleans, LA Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 41 JRB Forth Worth, TX
4th Air and Naval Gunfire Marine Medium Tilt-Rotor
Liaison Company West Palm Beach, FL Squadron 764 Miramar, CA
6th Air and Naval Gunfire Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 112 JRB Fort Worth, TX
Liaison Company Concord, CA Marine Aerial Refueler Transport
1st Civil Affairs Group MCB Camp Pendleton, CA Squadron 234 JRB Fort Worth, TX
2d Civil Affairs Group Miami, FL Marine Fighter Training Squadron 401 MCAS Yuma, AZ
3d Civil Affairs Group NS Great Lakes, IL Marine Wing Support Squadron 473 MCAS Miramar, CA
4th Law Enforcement Battalion St. Paul, MN
6th Communications Battalion Brooklyn, NY Marine Aircraft Group 49 JRB McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ
Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 49 Stewart ANG Base, NY
4th Marine Division New Orleans, LA Marine Aerial Refueler Transport
Squadron 452 Stewart ANG Base, NY
23d Marine Regiment San Bruno, CA Marine Medium Helicopter
1st Battalion Houston, TX Squadron 774 NAS Norfolk, VA
2d Battalion Pasadena, CA Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 772 JRB McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ
3d Battalion Bridgeton, MO Marine Light Attack Helicopter
2d Battalion, 24th Marines Chicago, IL Squadron 773 Warner Robins AFB, GA
Marine Wing Support Squadron 471 Minneapolis, MN
25th Marine Regiment Ft. Devens, MA
Marine Wing Support Squadron 472 JRB McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ
1st Battalion Ft. Devens, MA
2d Battalion Garden City, NY
Marine Air Control Group 48 Great Lakes, IL
3d Battalion Brook Park, OH
1st Battalion, 24th Marines Mount Clemens, MI Marine Tactical Air Command
Squadron 48 Great Lakes, IL
14th Marine Regiment Fort Worth, TX Marine Air Control Squadron 24 Virginia Beach, VA
2d Battalion (HIMARS) Grand Prairie, TX Marine Air Support Squadron 6 Westover Air Reserve Base, MA
3d Battalion Bristol, PA Marine Wing Communications
5th Battalion Seal Beach, CA Squadron 48 Great Lakes, IL
Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
3d Force Reconnaissance Company Mobile, AL Squadron 4 MCAS Yuma, AZ
4th Force Reconnaissance Company Alameda, CA
4th Tank Battalion San Diego, CA Marine Aviation Training Support Group 42 NAS Pensacola, FL
4th Assault Amphibian Battalion Tampa, FL
4th Light Armored Reconnaissance
4th Marine Logistics Group New Orleans, LA
Battalion MCB Camp Pendleton, CA
Combat Logistics Regiment 4 Kansas City, KS
4th Combat Engineer Battalion Baltimore, MD
Combat Logistics Battalion 23 Fort Lewis, WA
4th Reconnaissance Battalion San Antonio, TX
Combat Logistics Battalion 451 Charlotte, NC
4th Marine Aircraft Wing New Orleans, LA 4th Dental Battalion Marietta, GA
Marine Transport Squadron 4th Medical Battalion San Diego, CA
Det VMR Andrews AFB Andrews Air Force Base, MD 6th Engineer Support Battalion Portland, OR
Det VMR JRB Belle Chase New Orleans, LA Combat Logistics Regiment 45 Marietta, GA
Combat Logistics Battalion 453 Aurora, CO
Combat Logistics Battalion 25 Red Bank, NJ
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 2: organization
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 2: organization
chapter 3: programs
The primary role of the Marine Corps in the 21st century is to be the
Nations Expeditionary Force-in-Readiness. It is a force that provides
combined-arms operating forces including integrated aviation and
logistical components for service as part of naval, joint, and combined
forces world wide. The Marine Corps fills a unique role in the capability
range of Americas armed forces. A Middleweight Force, we are lighter than
the Army, and heavier than Special Operations Forces (SOF). Marine Corps
forces magnify U.S. power-projection capabilities, ensuring American
military power remains influential during peacetime, compelling in crisis,
and decisive in war.
As we look ahead, we will reinvigorate and reinforce our credentials as a
lighter, faster, hard-hitting, expeditionary, and sea-based Marine Corps that
relies on agility, shock, and surprise. Innovation and fiscal responsibility like-
wise will continue to be hallmarks of the Marine Corps. We are continuing to
invest limited resources to restore combat capability and enhance our Marines
readiness at home and in overseas operating areas. We also are monitoring our
total investment requirements and measuring them against changing opera-
tional demands. In Marine Corps ground and aviation programs, for example,
we continue to test, develop, and procure dual-use systems and employ emerg-
ing technology. Throughout, however, our focus remains on the individual
Marines ability to carry out the tasks at hand.
Chapter Three of the 2013 Edition of Concepts and Programs provides
information on Marine Corps programs of record and major end-item equip-
ment, which will ensure that current and future Marines have what they need
to accomplish the mission.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
ACQUISITION CATEGORIES (ACAT) the largest automated information system (AIS) acqui-
and terms sition programs. There are several cost thresholds for
The category of an acquisition program shall gen- this level, which include AIS programs with single-year
erally be determined based upon an assessment of cost, funding, in all appropriations in excess of $32 million
complex and risk. A description of the most commonly in FY 2000 dollars, with total program cost in excess of
discussed Acquisition Category (ACAT) levels follows: $126 million in FY 2000 dollars, or total lifecycle costs
in excess of $378 million in FY 2000 dollars, or desig-
nated as Special Interest by the MDA.
ACAT I: Major Defense Acquisition Pro-
grams (MDAP)
The Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, ACAT II
Technology, and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) designates These programs do not meet the threshold for
MDAPs as ACAT ID (Defense Acquisition Board) or ACAT I, but have research and development funding
ACAT IC (Component). The Milestone Decision Au- in excess of $140 million or procurement funding in
thority (MDA) for an ACAT ID program is USD(ATL), excess of $660 million. They are also known as Ma-
and the MDA for ACAT IC (Component) Department jor Systems and the USD(AT&L) or his designee is the
of the Navy (DON) programs is the Secretary of the MDA for ACAT II programs. The Marine Corps funds
Navy or the Assistant Secretary of the Navy Research, two ACAT II program: the Logistics Vehicle Systems
Development & Acquisition (ASN(RDA)). To achieve Replacement and the Lightweight 155 Howitzer.
this level of designation, a program must exceed $365
million in FY 2000 dollars in research and develop- ACAT III
ment funding, exceed $2.190 billion in FY 2000 dollars Programs that do not meet the cost threshold for
in procurement funding or be designated as Special ACAT I or II but involve combat capability are desig-
Interest by the MDA. nated ACAT III or IV programs. Within the Marine
The Marine Corps leads the following ACAT I Corps, the designation generally depends on the level
programs: the MV-22 Osprey Program; the Global of program management and oversight assigned by
Combat Support System; the Ground Aviation Task Commander, Marine Corps Systems Command, Pro-
Oriented Radar; the Medium Tactical Vehicle Replace- gram Executive Officer Land Systems, or the Direct
ment; and the Common Aviation Command and Con- Reporting Program Manager when that applies. The
trol System. The Marine Corps also participates in nu- Marine Corps currently manages more than 24 ACAT
merous joint ACAT I programs, including the Global III programs.
Broadcast Service, the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, and
the Joint Tactical Radio System. ACAT IV
There are two categories of ACAT IV programs.
ACAT IA: Major Automated ACAT IVT (Test) programs require Operational Test
Information Systems (MAIS) and Evaluation (OT&E), while ACAT IVM (Moni-
USD(AT&L) designates MAIS programs as ACAT tor) programs do not. Commander, Operational Test
IAM (MAIS) or ACAT IAC (Component) and is the and Evaluation Force (COMOPTEVFOR) or Director,
MDA for ACAT IAM programs, unless delegated to Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activ-
the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and ity (Director, MCOTEA) may elect to monitor ACAT
Information Integration (ASD(NII)). The ASN(RDA) IVM programs. The Marine Corps manages nearly 40
is the MDA for DON ACAT IAC programs. These are such programs.
chapter 3: programs
Abbreviated Acquisition Programs (AAPs) nology discovery and development process reflecting
AAPs are programs that do not meet the criteria close collaboration between the science and technol-
for ACAT IV or above and does not require operation- ogy (S&T) community, the user, and the system de-
al test and evaluation. Developmental costs for AAPs veloper. It is an iterative process designed to assess the
cannot exceed $10 million and total program value viability of technologies while simultaneously refining
cannot exceed $50 million. For information technol- user requirements.
ogy systems, developmental costs cannot exceed $15
million, or program costs exceed $30 million. For the Engineering and Manufacturing Development
past several years, the Marine Corps manages approxi- (Pre-Milestone C): This is the phase in which a system
mately 100 AAP programs at any given time. or increment of capability is developed. Work in this
phase includes reduction of integration and manu-
facturing risk, ensuring operational supportability,
Operations and Support Programs
human systems engineering, design for the ability to
(O&S Programs)
produce, and demonstration of system integration, in-
As total life-cycle managers of already acquired
teroperability and utility.
and fielded systems, the Marine Corp Systems Com-
mand maintains control and management oversight Production and Deployment (Post-Milestone
responsibilities for more than 300 independent sys- C): This is the phase in which the operational capa-
tems needed to support the warfighter. bility that satisfies mission needs is achieved through
operational test and evaluation to determine effective-
Acquisition Phases and Terms ness, and suitability. Milestone C authorizes entry into
Materiel Solution Analysis Phase (Pre-Milestone Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP, for MDAPs and
A): The purpose of this phase is to assess potential major systems), into production or procurement (for
materiel solutions and to satisfy the phase-specific non-major systems that do not require LRIP), or into
entrance criteria for the next program milestone des- limited deployment in support of operational testing
ignated by the MDA. The most promising systems for MAIS programs or software-intensive systems with
concepts shall be defined, in part, by broad objectives no production components. The MDAPs and other
for performance and the identification of interoper- programs on the Office of the Secretary of Defense
ability and integration requirements within a family of (OSD) Test and Evaluation Oversight List, Production
systems or system of systems. The Materiel Solution and Deployment have two major efforts LRIP and
Analysis Phase ends when the Analysis of Alternatives Full-Rate Production and Deployment and require
(AoA) has been completed, materiel solution options a Full-Rate Production (FRP) Decision Review. For
for the capability need identified in the approved Ini- MAIS programs or software intensive systems with no
tial Capabilities Document (ICD) have been recom- production components, the FRP Decision Review is
mended, and the phase-specific entrance criteria for referred to as the Full Deployment Decision Review.
the initial review milestone have been satisfied.
A Non-Developmental Item (NDI): An NDI is
Technology Development Phase (Pre-Milestone any previously developed item of supply used exclu-
B): The purpose of this phase is to reduce technol- sively for government purposes by a federal agency,
ogy risk, to determine and mature the appropriate set a state or local government, or a foreign government
of technologies to be integrated into a full system, and with which the United States has a mutual defense
to demonstrate critical technology elements on proto- cooperation agreement. An NDI requires only minor
types. Technology Development is a continuous tech- modifications or modifications of the type customar-
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
ily available in the commercial marketplace in order to Full Operational Capability (FOC): In general,
meet the requirements of the Marine Corps. FOC is attained when all units and organizations in
the force structure scheduled to receive a system have
Initial Operational Capability (IOC): In general, received it and have the ability to employ and main-
IOC is reached when some units or organizations in tain it. The specifics for any particular system FOC are
the force structure scheduled to receive a system have defined in that systems CDD and CPD.
received it and have the ability to employ and main-
tain it. The specifics for any particular system IOC are
defined in that systems Capability Development
Document (CDD) and Capability Production
Document (CPD).
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Pillar 1:
High Quality People
section 1: Manpower
chapter 3: programs
Our Marine Corps is an expeditionary force fully trained and capable
of executing assigned missions. Our strategic guidance rightfully focuses
our attention on the Pacific and Central Command regions. Navy-Marine
Corps forward basing, response capabilities and plans are already positioned
to support that strategy, yet we will remain vigilant and capable to respond
on short notice in other areas of the world as our Nation requires. Marines
continually stand ready to contribute to a decisive joint force and can help
provide access for that force wherever needed.
Our Corps of today and tomorrow will maintain its high standards
of training, education, leadership, and discipline while contributing vital
capabilities to the Joint Force across the spectrum of military opera-
tions. The emerging strategy revalidates our role as Americas Expedi-
tionary Force in Readiness. Our partnership with the Navy enables a
forward-deployed and engaged force that shapes, deters, responds, and
projects power well into the future.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
mental group, which again is well above the DoD and cruiting success. The same intensity, dedication, and
Marine Corps standards of 60 percent and 63 percent, commitment to achieving mission that have been the
respectively. The Marine Corps Reserve achieved 100 foundation of past success will remain the guide to
percent of its recruiting goals with the accession of the future.
5,450 Non-Prior Service Marines. Of these, 99.9 per-
cent were Tier I high school graduates and 78.1 percent
were in the I-IIIA mental groups. In addition, MCRC
accessed 4,210 Prior Service Marines into the Marine MARINE CORPS RECRUITING
Corps Reserves, achieving 100 percent of the objective. INFORMATION SUPPORT
Success was also achieved in the officer mission by SYSTEM (MCRISS)
obtaining 101 percent in all categories of air, ground, Description
and law. Coupled with the contributions of the U.S. The MCRISS streamlines the entire enlistment
Naval Academy (USNA) and the Naval Reserve Officer process and provides immediate benefits in man-hour
Training Corps (NROTC) programs, the overall annual savings by eliminating redundant data entry and im-
officer requirement was met. With a drive on finding proving the quality of information available. More-
the highest caliber of officers, the Marine Corps Of- over, the system directly interfaces with and supports
ficer Selection Teams are focusing on college campus key information technology initiatives from the U.S.
markets for contracting future officers through the Military Entrance Processing Command by electroni-
Platoon Leaders Class (PLC) Program. Every effort is cally scheduling applicants for processing and receiv-
being made to ensure that the quality of the future Of- ing electronic processing results. MCRISS interfaces
ficer Corps is maintained for years to come. with the Office of Personnel Management to ensure
Diversity representation throughout the Marine security background checks are fully completed on
Corps, both in enlisted and officer ranks, remains an each applicant. MCRISS harnesses state-of-the-art
important priority. FY 2012 showed continued prog-
technology and provides the Marine Corps Recruit-
ress in MCRCs efforts to further diversify new officer
ing Command with a solid foundation from which to
accessions. Hispanic officer accessions saw an increase
grow future manpower information systems such as
for the fourth consecutive year, and for the first time
MCRISS-Recruiting Sub-Station (RSS) and MCRISS-
ever, MCRC awarded the maximum allotment of 4-year
Officer Selection System (OSS).
Frederick C. Branch Scholarships. The All Commu-
The deployment of MCRISS-RSS and OSS auto-
nity Approach remains the beat that drives MCRCs
battle rhythm in engaging the American public and mates both the officer and enlisted side of recruiting
increasing the Corps connectedness to the society we at the recruiter/officer selection officer (OSO) level
serve. MCRC is carrying the message of leadership by organizing every effort and providing the proven
opportunities within the Corps to all segments. With framework of systematic recruiting. Systematic re-
this determined approach, MCRC will help potential cruiting establishes procedures for standardization,
applicants see the Marine Corps as a primary option management/planning, training, and action by focus-
and it raises officer program awareness with younger ing the OSO, RSS SNCOIC and recruiter on those ac-
audiences, in turn feeding our seeding programs. tivities and programs vital to effective recruiting. This
The results achieved during FY 2012 have upheld effort will further eliminate redundant data entry and
Marine Corps Recruiting Commands legacy of re- save the most valuable asset, time.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
The unit also provides formal instruction on promo- activities such as disaster relief.
tion and career progression to all academies, the Ser- Despite the current high operational tempo, the
geants Course, Career Course, Advanced Course, and Marine Corps continues to meet its Reserve recruiting
Infantry Unit Leaders Course. It conducts command mission. New Marines and prior service Marines are
visits at home and abroad, reaching more than 150,000 accessed into our Reserve at a rate of approximately
personnel per year. 25 percent of the Selected Reserves end strength per
year, providing continued capability to augment and
Officers reinforce the Active Component. The Reserve Officer
The Marine Corps officer retention goal is to re- Commissioning Program is enabling the Reserve Com-
tain the best and most fully qualified officers in the ponent to meet the demand for platoon leaders and
right grades and with the right skills to provide the company grade officers in our combat arms battalions.
capabilities required in the operating forces. Histori- This program, combined with increased recruiting of
cally, the aggregate officer retention rate has been 91.8 all prior service officers and pilots through increased
percent. For Fiscal Year 2012, we achieved a retention affiliation bonuses, inactive duty training travel, Active
rate of 92.5 percent. Regardless of this great success, and Reserve Component transition opportunities, and
the Marine Corps continues to look for indicators of primary military occupational specialty retraining, is
higher attrition in future years. providing the leadership needed in our Selected Ma-
Overall, officer retention is excellent. Shortages rine Corps Reserve units.
do exist in certain grades and skills, but we are tak- The Marine Corps Reserve is a full partner in the
ing actions to properly shape the composition of the Marine Corps Total Force. Reserve Marines continue
officer corps. To this end, the Marine Corps has both to prove their dedication to their country and fellow
monetary and non-monetary programs in place. All citizens. Their honor, courage, and commitment to
of these programs provide incentives to officers for warfighting excellence, while maintaining close ties
continued service while retaining Marine Corps flex- to their community, truly set them apart as citizen
ibility to meet requirements across the Marine Corps soldiers. MARFORRES will continue to serve as an
Total Force. integral part of the Marine Corps Total Force in ac-
complishing its assigned mission as an expeditionary
force in readiness.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
section 2: Education
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
MCDLP contributes to operational readiness by
providing all Marines with immediate access to re-
quired pre-deployment training, military occupa-
tional specialty common skills training opportunities,
and professional military education. Distance learning
capabilities fill critical gaps in the training and educa-
tion continuum and can reduce the amount of time
Marines are required to be away from their home duty
station attending formal training. MCDLP gives the
commander a better-trained Marine while increasing
personnel availability.
Throughout the Marine Corps, 42 LRCs have been
fielded and are currently operational.
Pillar 2:
Unit Readiness
section 1: Keeping Faith With
Marines, Sailors, and their Families
chapter 3: programs
We expect and require extraordinary loyalty from our Marines and Sailors
loyalty to country, family, and Corps. Our Nation has been at war more
than a decade, placing unprecedented burdens on Marines, Sailors, families,
Wounded Warriors, and the families of the fallen. They have all made tremen-
dous sacrifices, many in the face of danger; we owe our complete loyalty back
to them all.
We will work to ensure the critical needs of our families are met during
times of deployment and in garrison by providing the services, facilities and
programs to develop the strength and skills needed to thrive while facing the
challenges of operational tempo. If wounded, injured or ill (WII), we will seek
out every available resource to restore Marines to health. We will enable the
return to active duty for those seeking it. For those unable to do so, we will
responsibly transition them to civilian life. We will support and protect the
spouses and families of our wounded and those of our fallen Marines. There
are several areas and programs central to our tenet of keeping faith with Ma-
rines, Sailors and their families.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
active and reserve components, ensuring the Marine FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMS
Corps meets Department of Defense and Congressio-
nal requirements. MRRS is a low-cost, high-dividend
investment that has had a positive impact on the
ability of Marine commanders to assess the medical
readiness of their units.
Operational Impact
Medical readiness reporting is the responsibility of
the commander. MRRS allows Marine commanders
to accurately and efficiently report the medical readi-
ness of their units. With MRRS, IMR reporting has be-
come institutionalized. Data is updated in real time,
allowing commanders to gain immediate awareness
on the deployment health status of their units, down
to the individual Marine. In addition to tracking unit
and individual medical readiness, the capability exists
within MRRS to track Marines and Sailors who have
been diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
and those who have experienced concussive events
that may produce TBI from their point of injury
While we recruit Marines, we retain families. The
to return to full duty. This will give commanders
readiness of our families is directly linked to the readi-
the ability to monitor the status of a Marine who has
ness of our Corps. Because almost 50 percent of our
suffered a concussive event, in combat or at home sta-
Marines are married, investment in our families is
tion, and if necessary, ensure that Marine is referred to
critical to the long-term health of our Corps. For our
the appropriate health care provider. A similar appli-
active duty population, we have almost 90,000 spouses,
cation has been developed for Post Traumatic Stress
more than 117,000 children, and approximately 280
dependent parents and other dependents. The Marine
Corps is a young force, with 61 percent being 25 years
Program Status old or younger. Almost 39 percent of our enlisted force
MRRS has been operational since 2006. The is between the ranks of private and lance corporal (pay
USMC continues to make minor enhancements to grades E-1 to E-3), and almost 62 percent of Marines
MRRS to meet service, Joint and the Office of the are on their first enlistment. Our personal and fam-
Secretary of Defense requirements for Unit Medical ily readiness planning carefully considers these demo-
Readiness visibility and IMR reporting. graphics.
The Marine Corps is committed to providing Ma-
rines and their families with a comprehensive and ef-
fective support system. Periods of increased utilization
are expected both during the existing wartime mission
and as Marines return to garrison life and reunite with
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
resources to improve access to quality behavioral victim care initiatives. Large-scale Marine Corps-wide
health care services. training initiatives were implemented utilizing a top-
The Behavioral Health Program provides resourc- down leadership model, in order that the impact of
es to address the concerns facing Marines, Sailors, and sexual assault and its overarching effects on the Corps
their families today including new parent support, life were clearly understood by all. Commanders and their
and relationship skills, interventions for family vio- senior enlisted leaders will continue to establish an en-
lence, combat and operational stress control, suicide vironment that is non-permissive to any misconduct,
prevention, and substance abuse prevention. In addi- especially the crime of sexual assault. But the duty of
tion, the Behavioral Health Program is increasing the preventing sexual assault belongs inherently to Ma-
number of trained behavioral health personnel avail- rines of every rank.
able to provide counseling services and treatment. The SAPR Program remains steadfast in its com-
Sustaining the wellness and optimal functioning mitment to victim care. Response systems have been
of Marines, Sailors, and their families remains the top strengthened through advocacy training and have
priority of the Marine Corps. To succeed in this en- heightened focus on world class victim care. The Ma-
deavor our Behavioral Health Program is empowering rine Corps remains focused in its commitment to en-
leaders through training and awareness programs that suring all victims of sexual assault receive supportive
strategically target common behavioral health risk and services that preserve their dignity and safety. In addi-
protective factors and whose goal is earlier prevention tion to the successful implementation of these initia-
and intervention. The recent development of Marine tives, SAPR recognizes that sexual assault remains an
Total Fitness, a unifying framework that promotes a underreported crime. We will continue to reinforce
holistic view of health including mind, body, social, our prevention and response efforts, while holding fast
and spiritual elements, helps to guide the development to the fact that one instance of sexual assault is one
of wellness. The efforts of the Behavioral Health Pro- too many.
gram and engaged leadership enhances unit, personal
and family readiness.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
charge and has been popular with Marines and Sailors. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL
These shows build esprit de corps and unit cohesion DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM
to support the Marine Corps Total Fitness strategies. As our Nations force in readiness, Marines stand
In 2012, the For the Leathernecks tour reached over combat-ready. The Commandant is committed to
10,000 single Marines, many of which recently re- ensuring they also stand transition-ready through a
turned from a deployment or training exercise. Ap- Personal and Professional Development Program that
proximately 24 more shows across the Marine Corps will be integrated into Marines careers. The Marine
are scheduled for 2013. Corps is transforming its transition assistance so that
Operation Adrenaline Rush (OAR), currently of- it engages Marines throughout their military careers.
fered at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma and Marines will develop long-term education and career
Camp Lejeune, assists Marines in reintegration after goals and will be equipped with the skills needed to
deployment by empowering small unit leaders, main- successfully reintegrate into civilian life. Our first
taining combat readiness, and reinforcing unit cohe- phase revolutionized our Transition Readiness Semi-
sion through high adventure, outdoor activities like nar, which now contains both core and pathway con-
white water rafting or rock climbing. There are plans tent that tailors a Marines transition to his or her goals
to expand OAR to several other installations in 2013. while meeting specific transition readiness standards.
Special congratulations go to two other Marine Our next phase will enhance outreach to those who
Corps special activities the All-Marine Boxing and require localized support through our Marine for Life
Rugby teams that won their respective Armed Forc- Program and its Marine for Life representatives that
es Championships in 2012. will help Marines develop and maintain local networks
Marine Corps Community Services Business Op- of Marine-friendly individuals, employers, and organi-
erations provide lifestyle relevant products and services zations. Our Personal and Professional Development
below market price, which Marines and families need Program will also focus on spouse employment and
and desire to support household and financial health effective financial management strategies.
both in garrison and while deployed. In 2012, the Ma- This approach positions the Marine Corps to bet-
rine Corps Exchange (MCX) celebrated its 115th anni- ter support Marines and families during their military
versary. It has come a long way since 1897 and remains service and while they prepare for their eventual rein-
steadfast in its support of Marines, Sailors, and families. tegration into civilian life. Transition will no longer
The MCX continues to support the Commandants be a culminating event to a Marines service, rather
priority of keeping faith with Marines and families it will become a vital part of a Marines continuous
by providing a quality, relevant, and accessible benefit. personal and professional development from recruit
In 2012, we made important infrastructure improve- to veteran. Whether they choose to be reservists, stu-
ments; several new and renovated branded Exchanges dents, business owners, or employees, our Marines and
opened, including at Twentynine Palms, Henderson their families will return as quality citizens with a plan
Hall, Camp Lejeune, and Camp Pendleton. The MCX for success.
remains conscious of the changing needs of Marines
and families while seeking efficiencies and implement-
ing best business practices. With MCX, Marines and
their families can rely upon a high quality product, at a
fair, competitive price, and know that the proceeds are
invested in their community, creating a stronger Ma-
rine Corps and enhancing overall community health.
section 2: Equipping the Marine
chapter 3: programs
The Individual Marine is the heart and soul of the Nations Marine Corps.
The Individual Marine is trained, educated, and equipped to operate across
the broadest spectrum of missions and tasks a middleweight fighter op-
timized for crisis response but equally capable in global engagement, irregular
warfare, or responding to larger threats worldwide.
Marine ground combat forces will be staffed with disciplined, highly
trained, well-educated, and superbly led Marines who thrive in uncertainty,
exploit chaos, solve complex problems through simple means, and take pru-
dent, ethical, and decisive action. These Marines will be armed with superior
weapons and equipment that enhance shared understanding of the battlespace
and enable rapid, coordinated action all without overburdening the Indi-
vidual Marine or compromising our expeditionary agility.
Todays Marines are operating superbly in every clime and place. The
Marine Corps leadership has an obligation to their Marines, their families, and
the Nation to be prepared for tomorrow with an eye to lightening the current
fighting load. While a Marines focus in the field is on excellence and mission
accomplishment, the focus of Marine Corps programs is on the tools needed
for operational success. Americas Marines deserve nothing but the best that
the Nation can afford.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Heckler & Koch, Ashburn, VA
Operational Impact
The automatic rifle will significantly enhance the
automatic riflemans maneuverability and displace-
ment speed, while also providing the ability to sup-
press or destroy targets of most immediate concern to
the fire team. Description
The MERS is responsible for the Squad as a System.
Program Status The focus is on the Marine as a human and everything
Following the Milestone C decision in 2009, the worn, carried and consumed by the squad as a capabil-
IAR underwent a Limited User Evaluation (LUE) with ity provider. MERS is the steward of the Marine rifle
participation by three Operation Enduring Freedom squads suite of equipment and works with all the pro-
active-duty infantry battalions, a reserve infantry gram managers at Marine Corps Systems Command
battalion, and an active-duty light armored recon- to optimize and integrate the rifle squads equipment.
naissance battalion. The LUE assessment collection The program has founded the Gruntworks Squad In-
included a post-workup assessments and a 100-day tegration Facility located on Camp Barrett at The Basic
deployment assessment. Due to positive feedback from School. The facility provides a venue to engineer, eval-
the deployed units, the Commandant of the Marine uate, and refine the capabilities and limitations of all
Corps terminated the Limited User Evaluation in favor equipment in development and under consideration
of a Full-Rate Production Decision in third quarter of for procurement that will be delivered to the infantry
FY 2011. A Fielding Decision was achieved and fielding squad. This dynamic facility uses a human factors lab,
began in second quarter FY 2012. Initial Operational equipment prototyping and modification workshop,
Capability was achieved third quarter FY 2012 and Full a mobility platform integration area, and an Opera-
Operational Capability is scheduled for second quarter tional Environment Simulator focused on equipment
FY 2013. The full AAO has been purchased. evaluation in order to accomplish equipment mod-
ernization and integration initiatives. Human Systems
chapter 3: programs
Operational Impact
Ergonomic solutions coupled with weight, stiff-
ness and bulk reductions enhance the mobility of the
squad while providing simple, reliable, and trainable
integrated equipment solutions.
Program Status
Integration efforts during 2013 include:
M etric for mobility of Marines utilizing the
Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program Description
(MC-LEAP) The Marine Corps (FBPS) is comprised of criti-
I ntegration of the Joint Battle Command cal individual armor systems that save lives, reduce the
Platform (JBC-P) into the Marine rifle squad severity of combat injuries, and increase combat ef-
I mprovements in the weight distribution and load fectiveness. It also provides Marines with the ability to
carriage methodology within the squad using adapt their armor load to address the tactical situation.
metrics for mobility FBPS includes the latest in personal protective equip-
I nfantry weapon as a system ergonomic ment and load-bearing equipment, including the fol-
enhancements lowing: Improved Modular Tactical Vest (IMTV), Plate
T hermal strain and physiological studies in the Carrier (PC); Full Spectrum Battle Equipment (FSBE);
operational environment Body Armor System Combat Vehicle Crewman; Light
R esearch into efficient power generation and power/ Weight Helmet (LWH); Protective Undergarment
data distribution on the Marine (PUG); Protective Over Garment (POG); Enhanced
I ntegration and anthropometry of the Marine in Combat Helmet (ECH); and Improved Ballistic Eye-
mobility platforms under development such as Joint wear (IBE).
Light Tactical Vehicle, Amphibious Combat Vehicle, In February 2007, the Marine Corps transitioned
and Marine Personnel Carrier to the Modular Tactical Vest (MTV) for troops de-
I ntegration of the various unique items carried in ployed in Overseas Contingency Operations. The
the billet positions within the squad MTV provided improved load carriage, fighting load
integration, and emergency release capability over the
legacy Outer Tactical Vest. In response to MTV design
deficiencies identified during field use, the program of-
fice developed the IMTV. The IMTV improved armor
and fighting load integration, resulting in increased
mobility and lethality while reducing system complex-
ity and overall weight in comparison with the MTV.
Initial fielding was initiated during the first quarter of
FY 2012.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
The Scalable Plate Carrier (SPC) was issued as The Tier 2 POG was developed to provide in-
an additional ballistic vest for Marines operating in creased coverage to the pelvic region against high ve-
jungle environments and the mountainous regions of locity fragmentation. There are two phases to this ef-
Afghanistan, beginning in 2008. The SPC provides an fort. The first phase provided an immediate solution
option for commanders to address certain mission and in support of Marines in Afghanistan. Initial fielding
threat requirements. Compared to the MTV, the SPC of the POG was initiated during the first quarter of FY
allows for greater individual maneuverability, agility, 2012. The second phase calls for the development of
and mobility with reduced thermal stress in jungle and new protection systems for the lower extremities that
hot mountainous environments. The SPC is intended integrate with the final Tier 1 PUG design. Marine
to address a predominantly direct fire threat and of- Corps Systems Command is working with the Office
fers the same level of ballistic performance as the MTV. of Naval Research and the Naval Research Laboratory
The system reduces overall weight by minimizing the as well as the Army to develop more effective and less
soft armor required beyond that needed to address the restrictive solutions to reduce the lower extremity ca-
direct-fire threat. The SPC is being replaced with the sualties being suffered by Marines and Soldiers.
Plate Carrier (PC). In addition to body armor, Product Manager, In-
The USMC PC is now the Marine Corps armor fantry Combat Equipment (PdM ICE) also procures
Program of Record. The PC is a government-developed the current LWH and Modular Integrated Communi-
design that improves shoulder comfort, improves load cations Helmet (MICH). The LWH and MICH are the
carriage, incorporates an emergency release capabil- helmets that have been used by Marines during over-
ity when compared to the SPC, and shares 95 percent seas contingencies since 2004.
commonality with the IMTV. Starting in 2009, Enhanced Combat Helmet
The FSBE provides a tailorable suite of torso and (ECH) has been in development. Developmental test-
headborne ballistic protection, short-duration under- ing has shown the ECH has resistance to select small
water breathing capability, flotation, and limited load arms penetration and superior fragmentation protec-
carriage to meet the specific mission profiles required tion at the same weight of presently fielded helmets.
by the Marine Corps Special Mission communities. The ECH is a protective helmet consisting of a ballis-
The Tier 1 PUG was developed to protect the skin tic protective shell, pad suspension system, four-point
from the effects of sand and small debris used in Im- retention system, reversible helmet cover, night vision
provised Explosive Devices. There are two phases to goggle bracket, and attachment hardware. The ECH
this effort. The first phase, which began initial fielding shell has the shape of the Armys Advanced Combat
during the first quarter of FY 2012, provides an imme- Helmet for improved field of view, sound localization,
diate solution in support of Marines in Afghanistan. and equipment integration.
The second phase calls for exploring and the develop- The Improved Ballistic Eyewear (IBE) has replaced
ment of new protection systems for the lower extremi- the Military Eyewear Protection System (MEPS) Eye
ties. To facilitate this effort, a Pelvic Protection work- Safety Systems (ESS) ICE spectacle. The IBE is de-
ing group has been assembled under the Natick Soldier signed to protect Marines against sun, wind, dust,
Research Development and Engineering Center. The and ballistic hazards that are common on the battle-
working group coordinates Army and Marine Corps field. The IBE is fielded as a system, one spectacle and
efforts that explore more effective and less restrictive one goggle.
solutions to reduce the lower extremity casualties suf-
fered by Marines and Soldiers.
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
Program Status
ExCWB: NISH: Readyone Industries, El Paso, TX The STS program will attain Initial Operational
Ski System: NISH: Pioneer Adult Rehab Center (PARC), Capability during FY 2014 and Full Operational Capa-
Clearfield, UT bility during FY 2015.
Folding Mat: NISH: Pioneer Vocational/
Industrial Services Inc., Danville, KY Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
All Purpose Liner: NIB: Industries for the Blind, Winston Quantity: 25 863
Salem, NC
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Program Status
The Increment I Capability Production Document
(CPD) was approved by the Marine Requirements
Oversight Council in August 2009. Increment I con-
sists of procuring light weight mine rollers, robots, ve-
hicle mounted mine detectors, and light weight route
clearance blades. The Increment II CPD was approved
in July 2011. Increment II consists of rebuilding CAT-
EGORY I, II, and III Mine Resistant Ambush Pro-
tected (MRAP) vehicles, adding an interrogation arm
and Vehicle Optic Senor System (VOSS) onto CAT II
Operational Impact Mine Resistent Ambush Protected (MRAPS), and pro-
This mobility capability is essential for maintaining curement of the ENFIRE automated route reconnais-
access, shaping the battlespace, establishing the initia- sance kits. Increment III requirements documents are
tive, positioning forces, and supporting dispersed forc- planned for signature in 2013. Increment III will add
es. This capability ensures maneuver and sustainment emerging R2C capabilities to the Family of Systems.
forces reach their objectives when subject to attack by
the variety of explosive weapons and ambushes charac- Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
teristic of irregular warfare. It provides warfighter and Quantity:
system survivability against asymmetric threats. R2C Blades 46 0
operations also enable the effective execution of the sta- Robots 46 0
bility operations tasks of initial humanitarian assistance, ENFIRE 23 0
limited governance, restoration of essential public ser-
vices, and other reconstruction assistance by providing Developer/Manufacturer:
access and protection to the executing forces and agen- The R2C Family of Systems uses products from multiple
cies and gathers geospatial information vital for mobil- vendors and government agencies, with the largest
ity planning. being Force Protection Industries, Inc. (FPII), Charles-
ton, SC, and General Dynamics Land Systems, Sterling
Heights, MI.
chapter 3: programs
section 3: Investing in the Education
and Training of our Marines
chapter 3: programs
We will maintain professional military education and training programs
that prepare Marines for the stress of combat operations and equip them with
the skills to meet the challenges of life as a Marine. Founded on our core val-
ues, our education and training curricula strengthen individual resilience and
support a wide range of operational capabilities. We are leveraging compe-
tencies in entry-level and skills-progression training, and re-emphasizing core
competencies in combined arms and amphibious operations. Future training
will also center on the MAGTF Training Program, which will develop the es-
sential unit capabilities to conduct integrated operations. We are transforming
the Marine Corps University into a world-class institution and are widening
opportunities in career-level schools for our company-grade officers. We are
likewise increasing enlisted resident courses and are adding more distance-
education learning opportunities and requirements, especially at the junior
enlisted and non-commissioned officer level.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
Courses and Facilities Our training and education programs will culmi-
A broadly capable middleweight force will meet nate with the MAGTF Training Program. Through a
future requirements through the integration of newly standardized training approach, the MAGTF Training
acquired and traditional operational competencies. To Program will develop the essential unit capabilities
remain Americas Expeditionary Force in Readiness, the necessary to conduct integrated MAGTF operations.
Marine Corps requires balanced, high-quality training Building on lessons learned over the past 10 years, this
and education at all levels. As history has repeatedly approach includes focused battle staff training and a
shown, wars are won by the better-trained force, not service assessment exercise modeled on the current
necessarily the larger one. In the midst of ongoing com- exercise, Enhanced Mojave Viper. Additionally, we will
bat operations, the Marine Corps is realigning educa- continue conducting large scale exercises that integrate
tion and training efforts to enable Marines and Sailors training and assessment of the MAGTF as a whole. The
to succeed in conducting distributed operations in in- MAGTF Training Program facilitates the Marine Corps
creasingly complex environments against any threat. ability to provide multi-capable MAGTFs prepared for
To meet these challenges, the Marine Corps Training operations in complex, joint and multi-national envi-
and Education Command (TECOM) will provide the ronments against hybrid threats.
training courses and facilities that are responsive and In order to fully realize these training and educa-
relevant for preparing individual Marines and Marine tion enhancements, we will continue investing in the
Corps units via targeted, progressive training and con- resources, technologies and innovations that enable
tinuous assessment. them. These investments include modernizing our
Our current training is focused on preparing Ma- training ranges, training devices, and infrastructure to
rine units for combat, counterinsurgency and stability ensure quality resources are available to support the
operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom training of Marines, individual to MAGTF. We will
(OEF) . The past 10 years of combat have demonstrat- also leverage advanced technologies and simulation
ed that there is a positive correlation between quality systems to create realistic, fully immersive training
training and education and individual/unit readiness; environments.
both directly translate to operational success. There-
fore, as we draw-down from Afghanistan, our training
and education will rebalance to support the execu-
tion of a wider range of operational capabilities. We
will achieve this balance by leveraging competencies
in entry-level and skills progression training and by
re-emphasizing core competencies in combined arms
and amphibious operations, irregular warfare, human-
itarian assistance, and inter-agency coordination. In
The Marine Corps has developed an extensive PTP,
addition, we are making the investments necessary to
based on the Pre-Deployment Training Continuum, to
implement the recommendations of the 2006 Officer
prepare Marines for todays operational environments.
Professional Military Education Study (The Wilhelm
The PTP establishes a coherent progression of skill lev-
Report) to transform the Marine Corps University
el training conducted by commanders and evaluated at
(MCU) into a world class institution. These efforts
PTP Mission Rehearsal Exercises (MRXs). Training is
will ensure that Marines are prepared to meet the chal-
conducted in four nested blocks in ascending com-
lenges of post-OEF operational environments.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
petency levels. Marine Expeditionary Force command- ties (or Core Plus for Aviation) Training conducted by
ers determine what level of competency is required for a unit and by the units higher headquarters. For battal-
each deploying unit based on mission-essential task ion-sized units, Block 3 is battalion-level training. For
analysis. MEF commanders set unit priority for service aviation units, Block 3 is squadron-level integration
level training events and ensure units participating with adjacent aviation and supported ground units
in service-level training events have appropriate sup- utilizing formalized command and control functions
port attachments during respective blocks of training. to perform assigned METs to their required output
The following training blocks comprise the PTP standards.
Block 4
Block 1 Block 4 training is battalion/squadron-level core
Block 1A and 1B training consists of Sustained competency training and is also known as the units
Core Skills Training, Core Plus Skills Training, and Ma- Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE). Block 4 training is
rine Corps Common Skills Sustainment Training. Core a units graduation pre-deployment training exercise
Plus Skills are those combat-focused skills that are envi- and is individually tailored to support and assess a units
ronment, mission, rank, or billet specific and are devel- ability to perform tasks on its assigned Mission Essen-
oped after a Marine is assigned to an operational unit. tial Task Lists. Battalion and higher deploying units will
Block 1 training also includes formal schools training. typically undergo a Training and Education Command
Career progression training is critical to effective build- (TECOM)-supported MRX. Deploying units that do
ing block training, and the intent is for all incoming not participate in an MRX complete an Alternate Mis-
leaders to have received the appropriate schooling prior sion Rehearsal Exercise that is supported by the par-
to beginning the units collective training. For aviation ent MEF. The MRX provides information for the MEF
units, Block 1 provides resident instructor development, Commanding Generals unit certification process.
certification, and sustainment of the qualifications and
designations of individual aircrew and maintainers for Enhanced Mojave Viper
annual training requirements. Conducted onboard the Marine Corps Air-
Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) in Twentynine
Block 2 Palms, California, Enhanced Mojave Viper is a 28-
Block 2 training consists of Core Capabilities day full-spectrum MRX that focuses on providing a
Training conducted within a unit. Core Capabilities are service-level assessment of battalions and squadrons
the essential collective functions a unit must be capable in preparation for deployment. The exercise scenario
of performing during extended combat operations. For allows units to combine their core Marine Corps com-
battalion-sized units, Block 2 is company-level and be- petencies with Afghanistan-specific capabilities. The
low training. For squadrons, Block 2 is Core Skills re- exercise force composition consists of two infantry
finement and flight-leadership development, normally battalions, a combat logistics battalion, and three flying
single-ship through division-flight operations. squadrons (fixed wing, rotary wing, and assault sup-
port). Throughout the exercise, units undergo training
Block 3 and assessment in offensive operations, defensive op-
Block 3 training is based on unit Mission Essential erations, stability operations and counterinsurgency.
Tasks (METs) and consists of Advanced Core Capabili- Under various conditions, including desert, limited
chapter 3: programs
visibility, urban, rural, joint, and interagency missions, hase V, Redeployment, is focused on the unit retro-
units are provided a live-fire, combined-arms training grading to its home station.
venue that closely resembles the conditions in which
they will operate once deployed.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
forces through individual C2 operator and watch offi- sustainment training is incorporated throughout the
cer/watch chief and initial collective Battle Staff Train- lifecycle of a program. Additionally, the C2 TECOE
ing offered through its five, regionally situated subor- is the lead doctrinal proponent for the Marine Corps
dinate MAGTF Integrated Systems Training Centers Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 3-40.2 Information
(MISTCs). These training centers are located at Camp Management due to be published in mid-2012.
Lejeune, North Carolina; Camp Pendleton, California;
Twentynine Palms, California; Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii; Program Status
and Okinawa, Japan, and are integral components The C2 TECOE currently offers more than 20 pro-
of the MAGTF Training Programs C2 training grams of instruction through its MISTCs that support
continuum. C2 operator, systems administrator, advanced systems
The MISTCs are under the operational and ad- courses, watch officer/watch chief courses and collec-
ministrative control of the C2 TECOE and directly tive Battle Staff Training, with six more POIs under
support the MEFs and the formal schools through a development. Additionally, it has a Commanders C2
building block approach that focuses on C2 training Systems Overview course to acquaint operating force
tailored to unit size and type that culminates in in- commanders with the tools available to them in todays
creasingly complex series of battle drills that exercise digital Combat Operations Center. The C2 TECOE
unit standard operating procedures; introduce the lat- and its MISTCs effectively support the C2 training
est tactics, techniques, procedures (TTPs); and incor- continuum from the individual Marine to the initial
porate C2 best practices. collective level that feeds more advanced collective
The C2 TECOE is the lead proponent for the C2 training contained within the forthcoming Service-
Training and Readiness Manual. They work closely level Battle Staff Training Program, Integrated Train-
with the TECOM Ground Training Division and the
ing Exercise and Large Scale Exercise, all components
Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Opera-
of the MAGTF Training Program.
tions to establish C2 training standards, regulations
and practices regarding the training of Marines for
combat. This supports unit commanders, who will
continue to develop their own training plans to sus- MARINE CORPS TACTICS AND
tain proficiency and assess their units progress toward OPERATIONS GROUP (MCTOG)
attaining combat readiness. The C2 TECOE will con- The Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group
tinue to develop and maintain programs of instruc- was established in February 2008 under the cognizance
tion ensuring skill-training requirements support the of Training and Education Command (TECOM) to
building block approach in a formal school setting at implement the Operations and Tactics Training Pro-
each MISTC. gram (OTTP). Located onboard Marine Corps Air
The C2 TECOE preserves and promotes C2 train- Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, MCTOG
ing for Operating Force Marines by coordinating with is a subordinate organization to Marine Air Ground
the Deputy Commandant for Combat Development, Task Force (MAGTF) Training Command.
Deputy Commandant Advocates in HQMC, and liais- The mission of MCTOG is to provide standard-
ing with the Marine Corps System Command Product ized, advanced training and certification to Ground
Group system acquisitions processes. This includes Combat Element (GCE) Operations Officers, Op-
participating in several ongoing manpower personnel erations Chiefs, and other selected GCE training spe-
and training plan IPTs to ensure that appropriate C2 cialists in operations, combined-arms planning and
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
provides specific intelligence training and then links MARINE CORPS LOGISTICS
the student with TMIC to solidify the intelligence and OPERATIONS GROUP (MCLOG)
operations integration. Deputy Commandant, Installations and Logistics
and Commanding General, Training and Education
Battle Staff Training Program Command, partnered to establish the Marine Corps
The Battle Staff Training Program (BSTP) is the Logistics Operations Group (MCLOG). The MCLOG
method by which MCTOG assists commanders and provides a capability similar to the Marine Corps Tac-
OTIs in training units in advanced, collective Battle tics and Operations Group (MCTOG) and Marine
Staff command and control and planning skills. The Aviation Warfare Training Squadron (MAWTS)-1 for
BSTP prepares units to integrate Service, joint, and logistics units in the operating forces. MCLOG will re-
interagency assets in support of their anticipated mis- port to the Commanding General, Marine Air Ground
sions during deployment. In addition, the BSTP uses Task Force Training Command (MAGTF TC), and will
tailored unit training packages, exercise support, and be located at Twentynine Palms.
unit defined Mobile Training Team support packages MCLOG will serve as the following:
to train unit battle staffs either at the MCTOG Battle T
he single logistics operations training element re-
Lab, or in support of Home Station Training. Further- sponsible to synchronize the logistics training and
education continuum on behalf of the Logistics
more, MCTOG is focused on the regiment, battalion,
or company commander and staff in the information
he lead for providing advanced and standardized
management, problem solving and resolution pro- tactical logistics operations training and education
cesses encountered in the current and future operating on behalf of the Logistics Advocate
environments. T
he logistics doctrine proponent on behalf of the
Logistics Advocate.
Synchronization of GCE MCLOG will implement the Logistics Tactics
Doctrine and Training and Readiness Training Program (LTTP) to enhance combat readiness
The MCTOG is the critical link between the GCE and performance of logistics personnel and Logistics
Advocate (the Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies, Combat Element (LCE) units in MAGTF operations.
and Operations) and the means by which the doctrine, The cornerstone of the LTTP will be the graduate-
tactics, techniques, procedures, training standards, cur- level logistics operations courses, and the assignment
ricula, and institutional training programs are estab- of graduates to logistics operations officer billets in all
lished and kept current. As such, MCTOG will assist the elements of the MAGTF.
GCE Advocate in developing standardized GCE indi- MCLOG also will work with MCTOG and
vidual and collective capabilities that are linked to best MAWTS-1 to integrate Ground Combat Element; Avi-
practices, current TTPs, and emerging requirements. ation Combat Element; and LCE training and tactics,
techniques, and procedures within the Tactical Logis-
tics Operation Center (TLOC) through an Advanced
Unit Collective training program that will assist LCE
unit staffs in C2 and planning skills with a focus on lo-
gistics operations. This program will use tailored unit
training packages, exercise support, and unit defined
Mobile Training Team support packages to train logis-
tics unit battle staffs either at the MCLOG facility, or in
support of home station training.
chapter 3: programs
JOINT, INTERAGENCY, AND MULTI- dination Program, which assists Marine Corps JNTC-
NATIONAL (JIM) TRAINING accredited programs in gaining participation of others
Leveraging several joint initiatives from the Office services at their training and exercises.
of the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman Joint Chiefs
of Staff, and the newly formed J7 (Joint and Coalition Interagency Cooperation
Warfighting, or JCW) on the Joint Staff, Training and and Training: Interagency Coopera-
Education Command incorporates joint, interagency, tion and Training
and multinational training context into dynamic, ca- TECOM leverages interagency participation such
pabilities-based training in support of national secu- as subject matter expert attendance at pre-deployment
rity requirements.
training to increase realism and meet mission-train-
ing standards at pre-deployment training programs.
Joint Training Through efforts with the U.S. Agency for International
Through the OSD-sponsored Joint National Development, the Marine Corps Civil-Military Opera-
Training Capability (JNTC), the Training and Educa- tions School, and MCTOG, deploying units have been
tion Command (TECOM) has integrated specific joint trained in the use of the District Stability Framework
context solutions to identified joint training shortfalls assessment tool, which assists commanders with iden-
at U.S. Marine Corps Joint National Training Capabil- tifying the root causes of instability in their location,
ity-accredited programs, which include: and target efforts to address these problems. Similarly,
arine Air Ground Task Force Training Command TECOM provides input to civilian training efforts to
(MAGTF TC), Twentynine Palms, California make them more accessible to Marine units, such as the
arine Aviation Weapons and Department of Agricultures Agricultural Development
Tactics Squadron-1 (MAWTS-1), Yuma, Arizona for Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training program.
arine Air Ground Task Force Staff Training Pro- TECOM also assists the State Departments Bureau
gram (MSTP), Quantico, Virginia of Conflict and Stabilization Operations by support-
ountain Warfare Training Center (MWTC), ing annual training aboard Marine Corps Base (MCB)
Bridgeport, California
Quantico for a civilian capstone exercise centering on
arine Corps Tactics and Operations Group (MC-
the Civilian Response Corps.
TOG), Twentynine Palms, California
The JNTC also provides several tools that support
the incorporation of joint training into Service Title 10 Multinational Training
responsibilities. One of these tools is the Joint Training Coalition partners are invited to participate in
Enterprise Network (JTEN) that is the communica- service-level training when feasible and relevant. One
tions network for JNTC. The JTEN is a high-capacity, focus area is on operational level interaction, primarily
reconfigurable network that supports joint training through coordination and reciprocal participation in
exercises, and the evaluation of new warfighting con- mission rehearsal exercises with partner nations where
cepts. Additionally, it allows for inter- and intra-Service USMC units will serve as higher headquarters during
forces to link Service-owned training and simulation current operations. Additionally, institutional-level
networks to train in a live, virtual and constructive en- interoperability is being pursued through staff and
vironment that blends live tactical forces with manned instructor exchange programs in respective training
simulators and sophisticated computer models. A sec- organizations. Opportunities to incorporate coalition
ond tool is the JNTC sponsored, Joint Training Coor- partners into MAGTF TC training events such as En-
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
hanced Mohave Viper or the Weapons and Tactics In- understanding of the full staff-training continuum.
structor Course are frequently pursued and exploited.
Integrated Training
Exercise (ITX)
FUTURE TRAINING: MAGTF The ITX provides a battalion- or squadron-level
TRAINING PROGRAM collective training event supporting training in skills
required to accomplish assigned core mission essen-
tial tasks, and serves as the Service level assessment of
a unit. This program will be similar in scale to the type
of combined arms training that was conducted prior to
Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom and
the Mojave Viper pre-deployment training program.
It will include all elements of the MAGTF including
command, ground combat, logistics combat, and avia-
tion combat elements. ITX will provide training on the
techniques of MAGTF integration at the tactical level
and the technical skills allowing subordinate units of
The Training and Education Command (TECOM) the MAGTF to work together.
is developing the next generation of training for Ma-
rine operating forces to prepare for future fights and Large-Scale Exercise (LSE)
operating environments. The Marine air Ground Task The LSE is a Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB)/
Force (MAGTF) Training Program will establish, de- MEF-level exercise program that will use live-virtual-
fine, and integrate the requirements for training pro- constructive training linked through a supporting net-
grams and resources that will facilitate the develop- work across the United States and with amphibious
ment of warfighting capabilities in those operational
forces afloat, or ashore, to focus on the integration of
forces comprising a MAGTF.
headquarters organizations and their ability to con-
duct integrated MAGTF operations. It can be used as
Battle Staff Training the final pre-deployment training event for a MAGTF
Program (BSTP) that as has been designated to deploy, or it will serve
The BSTP is designed to provide training to battle as an exercise to validate the ability of the MAGTF to
staffs across all the elements of the MAGTF, at echelons execute designated core mission-essential tasks, de-
from a battalion, or squadron, to Marine Expedition- pending on requirements of the MEF commander. The
ary Force (MEF)-level. Most importantly, the BSTP LSE will increase joint and amphibious capabilities as
integrates individual and collective training, provided the Marine Corps reconstitutes its full amphibious
by multiple organizations from across TECOM, into capability.
a single training continuum beginning with training
of command and control systems operators, and con-
Amphibious Core Training
cludes with a command post exercise that tests the abil-
The Marine Corps is developing and refining key
ities of the entire staff. The BSTP provides an invalu-
training programs to reinvigorate our amphibious
able tool for the commander to assist in the training of
capability. TECOM is preparing individual Marines
his staff, and provides the commander with a detailed
through training and education at the Marine Corps
chapter 3: programs
Expeditionary Warfare School, the Marine Corps Training & Readiness (T&R)
Command and Staff College, and various courses at Development Module
the Expeditionary Warfare Training Groups Atlantic The T&R Development Module is the backbone
and Pacific, such as the Type Commander Amphibious of the MCTIMS suite of modules. This module is used
Training. We will prepare MAGTFs by training along- during T&R Development and Review Conferences
side the Navy through such exercises as amphibious to build or maintain individual and collective events
landing exercises and MEB-level exercises. and manage T&R data. The TECOM and Education
Command (EDCOM) staff uses this web-based ap-
plication to capture individual and collective training
standards for an occupational field and Military Occu-
Training and
pational Specialty (MOS) to produce the T&R manual.
Education Enablers
T&R Manuals provide commanders in the Operating
MARINE CORPS TRAINING Forces, Supporting Establishment, and formal learning
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT centers with a tool for the planning and implementa-
SYSTEM (MCTIMS) tion of progressive training that ultimately will ensure
MCTIMS is the Marine Corps emerging enter- individual and collective proficiency.
prise information system for training development
and management. An official program of record with
Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)
Marine Corps Systems Command oversight, MCTIMS
Manual Module
web-enabled applications work in concert with Oracle
databases containing USMC training information to The MOS Manual Module supports TECOMs
provide integrated applications that serve all Marine Ground Training Division mission to manage the MOS
Corps training development and management needs. Manual for the Marine Corps. This module provides
MCTIMS is the authoritative data source for all the capability to store web-based MOS Manual data to
training data, generating, maintaining, sharing, and expedite the annual review and reduce the labor associ-
reporting training data as required by other Marine ated with management of the MOS Manual.
Corps and service-level systems. Early MCTIMS de-
velopments directly supported the mission of TECOM MOS Roadmap Module
to provide entry-level trained Marines to the operat- TECOM and EDCOM use this web-based applica-
ing forces and supporting establishment. In the near tion to guide individual Marines on career training and
future, units will use MCTIMS to develop the units education. Roadmaps are single-source documents
training plans, training schedules, and record training containing grade-specific information related to train-
achievements. ing and education requirements from which Marines
MCTIMS is a government-owned software appli- can make informed career decisions regarding assign-
cation that is available for use by the total force. The ment, training and education requirements and career
system standardizes Marine Corps training develop- progression opportunities. Leaders use the roadmap as
ment and management by aligning to the Systems Ap- an aid to counsel and mentor subordinates.
proach to Training process.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Unit Training Management (UTM) and The Student Evaluation (SEV) Module. TECOM
Individual Marine Management (IMM) and EDCOM staffs use this web-based application to
Modules construct tests, record test data, track student scores
The UTM and IMM modules are the latest MC- and grade point averages, and generate reports. The
TIMS development efforts designed to directly support SEV module controls the synchronization of this data
the Operating Force. The UTM module provides com- with the external Question-Mark Perception applica-
manders with a toolkit that aligns with the unit train- tions. Student evaluation is also used to create survey
ing management process outlined in Marine Corps questionnaires and track student responses.
Reference Publication 3-0A, the Unit Training Man- The Student Management Module. TECOM staff
agement Guide. This capability enables commanders uses this web-based application to manage rosters,
and their staff to execute doctrinal UTM practices via units, and individual students for Marine Corps formal
an automated system. Other capabilities within this schools.
module will allow units to record, track, and evaluate Student Registrar. The Student Registrar Module
all unit collective-training requirements. is management by the Formal School Training Divi-
sion, TECOM. The TECOM and EDCOM staffs use
Additional MCTIMS this web-based application to manage class rosters and
Developments to Support student registrations.
the Marine Corps
Two additional MCTIMS developments fielded
during FY 2011 are the Curriculum Library and the MODELING & SIMULATIONS (M&S)
Electronic Training Jacket (ETJ). The Curriculum Li- TRAINING AND EDUCATION
brary provides Marines in the operating forces access to ENABLERS
formal learning center course materials to support train- Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Train-
ing and standardize instructional materials throughout ing Simulations Division (MTSD), a directorate of the
the Marine Corps. Marines operating forces will be able Training and Education Command (TECOM), has
to access lesson plans, student outlines, instructor prep- established a training modeling and simulation com-
aration guides, and media to support unit training re- munity of interest to facilitate information exchange
quirements. The ETJ provides a cradle-to-grave record and address specific focus areas, such as infantry skills
of all training accomplishments for all Marines view- simulations, staff training environment. MTSD also
able by the individual Marine or their commander. addresses simulation system integration, interoperabil-
ity, interconnectivity, compatibility, and networking.
Other Formal School Participants in this forum are drawn from across the
Management Capabilities Marine Corps and the science and technology commu-
The Curriculum Management (CMD) Module. nity. With this forums input, TECOM has published
TECOM and EDCOM staff and schoolhouse curricu- the Training and Education Modeling and Simulation
lum developers use this web-based application to cre- Master Plan. The purpose of the plan is to inform Ma-
ate and manage curriculum for Marine Corps formal rines and other stakeholders of current and future ef-
schools. The use of this module is mandated for the forts pertaining to training simulations and to guide the
production of Marine Corps programs of instruction. development and sustainment of effective simulation-
based training in support of the operating forces.
chapter 3: programs
Small-unit training is receiving particular focus by bilities. TECOM is further examining networking re-
TECOM to prepare Marines for todays and future op- quirements to link simulation systems with each other
erating environments. The Squad Immersive Training and with live domain capabilities, and as well as provide
Environment (SITE) program will significantly enhance access to existing Marine Corps, joint, interagency, and
collective training for the squad. SITE is envisioned as multinational partner training and modeling simula-
a multifaceted toolkit of integrated live, virtual, and tion networks. Such a network would support distrib-
constructive training capabilities that commanders can uted training venues between MAGTF elements, en-
leverage to train their small units at all points along the able large-scale MAGTF exercises, and facilitate Marine
training continuum. The SITE toolkit should include Corps participation in future joint and other exercises.
current virtual and live training systems appropriate for
small units, and future capabilities that leverage emerg-
ing technologies.
TECOM has participated in numerous joint initia-
tives focused on immersive training at the squad and
platoon levels. In support of the Enhanced Company
Operations (ECO) concept, MTSD is examining the
networking and interoperability of selected staff train-
ing, combined arms, combat convoy, combat vehicle,
and aviation simulation systems to enable better train-
ing capabilities among critical MAGTF building blocks.
These efforts will be integrated within the emerging
Small unit Integrated Training Environment (SuITE)
program to provide the domain for ECO.
TECOMs request to integrate the Marine Corps
Marine Corps combat readiness depends on the
MAGTF Tactical Warfare Simulation system into its
continued availability of Ranges and Training Areas
joint live, virtual, and constructive (JLVC) federation
(RTAs) that provide opportunities for realistic, mis-
was approved. This incorporation will provide higher
sion-oriented training in multiple, complex environ-
simulation fidelity of MAGTF and amphibious opera-
ments. To this end, the Marine Corps Training and
tions in joint exercises and enable the Marine Corps to
Education Command (TECOM) continues to execute
better leverage the many JLVC tools to support Service
the comprehensive Mission-Capable Ranges Program.
training and Combatant Commander regional en-
The purpose of Mission-Capable Ranges is to plan,
gagement exercises. TECOM is pursuing appropriate
program for, and execute the development, modern-
linkages among existing Marine Corps simulations to
ization and sustainment of RTAs, and the delivery of
provide more robust capabilities and examining simu-
comprehensive range services and training support
lations that address political, military, economic, social,
to the warfighter. Mission-Capable Ranges is require-
infrastructure, and information issues.
ments-driven, incorporating standards articulated in
Finally, the MROC approved TECOMs Live, Vir-
Marine Corps Reference Publication (MCRP) 3-0C
tual, and Constructive Training Environment (LVC-
Operational Training Ranges Required Capabilities, and
TE) Initial Capabilities Document that outlined desired
requirements-based assessments of the capabilities of
LVC-TE capabilities. This analysis identified gaps in the
Marine Corps ability to network current capabilities
TECOM has established six cornerstone objectives
and delineated integration standards for future capa-
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
a large MAGTF in a realistic, doctrinally appropriate ing involving CAST facilities across the Marine Corps.
training scenario CACCTUS is an upgrade to the USMCs CAST that
I nadequate training opportunities for the Marine provides fire support training for Marine Air Ground
units stationed in the western Pacific and Hawaii Task Force (MAGTF) elements up to and including the
I nadequate aviation training facilities on the east Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) level.
coast of the United States with range capabili- Using the system components and simulation
ties such as those provided by MCAS Yuma on the capabilities, two-dimensional and three-dimensional
west coast. visuals, interfaced Command, Control, Communica-
TECOM will continue to focus on meeting these tion, Computers and Intelligence (C4I), synthetic ter-
deficits. Concurrently, TECOM will engage in for- rain, and an After-Action Review (AAR), CACCTUS
wardlooking initiatives as it confronts future chal- immerses trainees in a realistic, scenario-driven envi-
lenges to RTA capabilities, including potential limita- ronment. The simulated scenarios enable command-
tions on resources available for range modernization ers and their battle staffs to train or rehearse combined
and sustainment. Sufficient commitments to sustain- arms tactics, techniques, procedures and decision-
ing and enhancing range capabilities are necessary to making processes prior to any physical engagement.
ensure RTAs continue to fully support the training re- In addition, CACCTUS provides training across live,
quirements of the Marine Corps. virtual, and constructive training networks through
interoperability with appropriate C4I systems in a
training environment.
Combined Arms Command and
Control Trainer Upgrade Operational Impact
System (CACCTUS) The CACCTUS provides critical combined arms
command and control integration and fire support
coordination training to units leading up to and
just prior to participating in live fire exercises and
Program Status
All five CAST facilities have been fielded with Ver-
sion 5.2.1. Authority to operate as a standalone system
was granted in August 2011.
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Quantity: 0 0
The CACCTUS is a combined arms staff training Developer/Manufacturer:
system that, when fully fielded will enable comprehen- Riptide Software, Inc. Oviedo, Florida
sive Marine Corps staff, unit, team, and individual
training at home station Combined-Arms Staff Train-
ing (CAST) facilities, and through distributed train-
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
fire procedures. These scenarios will allow for practical activities and traditions by collecting papers, articles,
application of Naval Surface Fire Support, artillery and images, and interviews of lasting historical interest
mortar fire, neutralization, suppression, illumination, Assisting in the Marine Corps use of military history
interdiction, and harassment fire missions. to aid in professional military education and train-
ing and to provide background and precedents for
Operational Impact decision-making.
Division historians, working in close coordination
Simulation events can replace 33 percent of
with the National Museum of the Marine Corps, col-
Marine Corps live-fire Training and Readiness re-
lect, research, write, publish, and distribute accounts
quirements, as well as Joint Service currency training
that are professional presentations of permanent his-
torical value to the Marine Corps and materially con-
tribute to the military, political and social history of
Program Status the United States and its armed forces. During 2009,
Six systems have been installed, one each at Camp the History Division moved into facilities on the cam-
Lejeune, Twentynine Palms, Camp Pendleton, Marine pus of Marine Corps University (MCU).
Corps Base Hawaii, Marine Corps Air Stations Yuma, The History Division has four Branches His-
and Okinawa. During January 2012, the MCAS Yuma tory, Reference, Editing and Design, and Headquarters.
system was part of the Proof of Concept linking the Each branch contributes to the research, writing, and
SAVT with the AV-8B aircraft trainer. The Yuma SAVT editing of the official histories of the Marine Corps. For
has been assigned to Aviation Weapons Systems Re- example, the Reference Branch fulfills several specific
quirements Branch for further refinement with the functions and to perform these functions maintains
inter-operability between these two systems and other topical working files that cover five areas: (1) specific
simulation trainers in the future. history subjects; (2) biographical files on prominent
Marines; (3) unit files; (4) photo files; and (5) geo-
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14 graphic area files.
Quantity: 0 0 As part of its mission, the Division also conducts
research, writes battle studies, deploys combat histo-
Developer/Manufacturer: rians with operational units to collect and preserve
TJ Inc., Christmas, Florida primary source materials; conducts interviews with a
wide variety of current and former Marines in support
of the Divisions research and writing efforts; edits,
designs, produces, prints, warehouses, and distributes
MARINE CORPS HISTORY DIVISION products; compiles, edits and publishes Fortitudine,
The History Divisions mission is to provide the quarterly bulletin of the Marine Corps Historical
knowledge of the Marine Corps past to ensure an un- Program; and carries out all functions of the Marine
derstanding of its present and future for the Marine Corps University Press. Founded in 2008, the Marine
Corps and the American people. The division does so Corps University Press seeks to further the vision, edu-
in the following ways: cational objectives and curriculum of MCU through
y making the Corps hard-earned experience and of- scholarly dialogue not offered in other forums.
ficial history available for practical study and use The Marine Corps University Press published
reserving a written, spoken, and visual record of its the first issue of the Marine Corps University Journal
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
in 2010 and plans to produce two issues in 2011. The nently displayed, and period uniforms, weapons, med-
journal features articles, interviews and reviews on als, flags, and other artifacts help visitors trace the his-
issues of strategy and international security. During tory of the Corps. Future phases will add a giant-screen
2010, History Division also expanded the operations theater, classrooms, an art gallery, visible storage, and
of MCU Press. It will maintain progress on a multi- more exhibition space to the flagship building. A cha-
year effort to scan and process key Reference Branch pel that overlooks the Museum and Semper Fidelis
materials to make them available in a digital format. Memorial Park opened in October 2009. Also planned
The History Divisions website (www.history.usmc. as part of the 135-acre Marine Corps Heritage Cen-
mil) is continually being improved and expanded, as ter are a hotel and conference center, artifact storage
is the Marine Corps University Press website (www. and restoration building, and additions to Semper Fi- delis Memorial Park.
The NMMC reports to Marine Corps University
and is federally funded and staffed by Marine Corps
civilian employees and uniformed Marines. However,
NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE its construction and expansion would not be possible
MARINE CORPS (NMMC) without the assistance of the Marine Corps Heritage
The President of the United States dedicated the Foundation. This strong public-private partnership,
National Museum of the Marine Corps (NMMC) on approved by Congress in 2001, allowed for the con-
November 10, 2006. Located in Quantico, Virginia, the struction of an iconic building and the delivery of the
NMMC is one of the most popular cultural attractions, highest-quality programs.
with an average annual visitor attendance of more than The strength of any history museum rests with its
500,000 during each of its first five years. Its exhibi- collections. NMMCs keystone objects that represent
tions recreate environments and immerse visitors into how Marines have waged war since 1775 weapons,
Marine Corps action. NMMCs mission encompasses tanks, vehicles, aircraft were transferred to the mu-
the following activities: seum by the Marine Corps. But pride in being a Ma-
C ollecting and preserving objects that reflect the his- rine has prompted many generations of Leathernecks
tory of the Corps to donate their personal items to the permanent col-
Interpreting Marine Corps history lection. Because the museum is charged with caring for
E ducating students and families its collections some 42,000 objects in perpetuity,
C onducting collections-based research curators add to the collection very selectively, consult-
S upporting the recruitment, education, and reten- ing a formal collections rationale for guidance. Stew-
tion of Marines. ardship responsibilities are divided among five broad
The National Museum is being constructed in categories: ordnance; uniforms and heraldry; aviation;
phases, the first of which includes approximately art; and general collections. Curators and collections
120,000 square feet. It opened with permanent galler- managers work together to fully account for the col-
ies dedicated to Making Marines, World War II, the lection.
Korean War, and the Vietnam War. In 2010, three ad- As is often the case with museums, less than ten
ditional galleries opened to tell the story of the Marine percent of NMMCs objects are on exhibition at any
Corps from 1775 through World War I. In immersive one time. Most of them are in storage at Marine Corps
exhibits, visitors take their places alongside Marines in Base Quantico, while some objects are on loan to other
battle. Aircraft, tanks, and other vehicles are promi- museums around the country. A team dedicated to the
chapter 3: programs
preservation of aircraft, vehicles, artillery pieces, and of those facilities. For additional information, see
other large artifacts completes the detailed restoration
of several artifacts each year.
Working with curators and historians, an in-house
exhibitions team designs and oversees permanent and
Center for Advanced
temporary installations, including the Commandants
Operational Culture and
Corridor at the Pentagon. Museum educators use these
exhibits to craft formal education programs that meet
Learning (CAOCL)
the needs of classroom teachers and are linked to spe- The CAOCL is tasked with ensuring that Marines
cific standards of learning. are regionally focused, globally prepared, and effective
Education at the museum can definitely be fun, at navigating and influencing culturally complex 21st-
especially for Little Marines, with puppet shows, century operating environments. CAOCL provides
hands-on activities, story telling, trains, and gallery operationally relevant products and services and ac-
hunts. Popular family day programs are offered on complishes its mission by ensuring a comprehensive
the second Saturday of each month. Marines attending response to the Corps needs through various means.
formal schools also make good use of the Museum as
part of their professional military education. Policy and Planning
Since World War II, the Corps has been instruct- CAOCL supports the Marine Corps in formulat-
ing a small number of Marines to go to war and do ing policies, plans, and strategies to address regional
art! Continuing in that tradition, in 2010 the Museum understanding, operational culture, and language fa-
deployed one artist to Haiti, and training sites in the miliarization requirements across the doctrine, orga-
United States to capture what todays warriors are ac- nization, training, materiel, leadership and education,
complishing. More than 60 works from the combat art personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF) spectrum.
collection were featured in an exhibit at the Arch dur-
ing Marine Week Saint Louis in 2011. Regional, Culture, and Language
In 2009, the Museum received the Themed Enter- Familiarization (RCLF) Program
tainment Associations award for Best New Museum, CAOCL serves as the administrator and coordina-
and the Secretary of the Navy recognized the muse- tor of the Marine Corps RCLF Program, which is a ca-
um with the Award of Merit for Group Achievement. reer-long training and education program that begins
The museum stands as a proud acknowledgement of at accession and instills, develops, and sustains a basic
the courage and commitment to duty delivered by all language, regional, culture capability in our career Ma-
Marines, in support of todays Marine Corps fami- rines to ensure that the Corps has assets within each
lies, and as an inspiration to the next generations of unit to assist in operational planning and execution in
Americans. all operationally significant regions of the world. The
In addition to the NMMC, command-specific RCLF Program is still under development but has met
museums are located at Recruit Depots San Diego, several key milestones on the path to full implemen-
California, and Parris Island, South Carolina; Marine tation, with three of six planned officer instructional
Corps Air Station Miramar, California; and at the blocks launched and five enlisted instructional blocks
Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center becoming available in 2012. As of late 2011, there were
Historical Display at Bridgeport, California. These more than 8,000 Marine officers with regional as-
museums reflect the unique interests and objectives signments, with enrollment set to substantially grow
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
with the launch of the enlisted instructional block for sion. CAOCL likewise assists units in practicing tech-
sergeants. niques for incorporating operational culture into their
planning process. CAOCL incorporates the integral
Pre-deployment Training skills of using an interpreter, understanding and us-
and Resources ing non-verbal communications, and interacting with
Language Familiarization Training. CAOCL a foreign population into culture training. Focusing
serves as the central point of coordination for language primarily on commanders and key personnel, CAOCL
familiarization training for all general-purpose Force also provides Key Leader Engagement training, which
Marines other than Foreign Area Officers and profes- combines culture and language skills for effective
sional linguists. CAOCL uses a combination of on- cross-cultural communications. Additionally, CAOCL
staff language instructors, Defense Language Institute publishes and distributes a variety of cultural reference
language instructors, and computer-based language material and field guides to assist Marines while de-
training products to meet the operational require- ployed or during training.
ments of Marines and units preparing for worldwide CAOCL Liaison Officers at each Marine Expedi-
deployments. CAOCL language familiarization pro- tionary Force (MEF) assist Marine units in accessing
grams, regardless of method of delivery, focus on mis- resources, scheduling training, and fulfilling culture
sion-oriented tactical phrases most likely to be used by and language training requirements.
Marines during exercises and operations.
CAOCL maintains Language Learning Resource
Operational Support
Centers (LLRCs), which are technology-enhanced
CAOCL provides subject matter experts in direct
classrooms equipped with culture and language study
support of the operating forces. These experts assist
materials and software, at eight major Marine Corps
commanders in understanding the cultural terrain of
bases and stations to facilitate culture and language
the battlespace and in planning operations. They serve
training for individual Marines and units. This helps
as evaluators and advisors during mission rehearsal
commands meet pre-deployment training require-
exercises, assist in scenario and exercise design when
ments and home-station sustainment training require-
requested, and provide a reach-back resource for de-
ments. CAOCL also provides phrase cards for ready
ployed forces for issues related to operational culture.
reference in deployed environments.
Cultural Advisors to MEF and Ground Combat Ele-
Operational Culture Training. CAOCL provides
ment (GCE) commanders serve as special staff offi-
operational culture training via mobile training teams
cers during pre-deployment training and deploy with
for Marines and units deploying anywhere in the world,
the units as integral members of operational staffs for
focused on those operationally relevant aspects of cul-
specified deployments to provide personal advice to
ture that will enhance Marines ability to navigate and
commanders and to assist in integrating operational
influence a specific operating environment during the
accomplishment of their missions. culture into the planning process.
CAOCL provides Operational Culture-General
instruction, preparing units with skills to work within Professor of Operational Culture
any culture around the world. The center also provides CAOCL maintains a faculty member at Marine
Operational Culture-Specific classes and briefs for Corps University (MCU) for providing instruction
units who need to learn about the cultures they will during Professional Military Education to MCU stu-
operate within during a specific deployment and mis- dents on the concept of operational culture and its ap-
chapter 3: programs
plication in Marine Corps planning and operations. ized for use by Marines, as well as leveraging expertise
The professor also conducts ongoing research on the from other organizations. TRG also has responsibil-
subject of operational culture. ity for developing valid assessment platforms to en-
sure CAOCLs activities are meeting the needs of the
Translational Research Group operating forces. TRG brings together scientists with
The Translational Research Group (TRG) supports critical disciplinary backgrounds that are uncommon
CAOCLs activities by providing the scientific basis and in the Department of Defense. Therefore, although fo-
scholarship specifically oriented on Marine Corps cused on CAOCL, TRGs expertise is also brought to
missions and guidance required for training, educa- bear on broader issues of interest to the Corps Training
tion, policy, and programming. The TRG conducts the and Education Command, such as resiliency.
work necessary to ensure that the globally applicable
concepts and skills of social science are operational-
section 4: Fire Support
chapter 3: programs
In 2007, the Major Combat Operations Analysis for Fiscal Years 2014
to 2024 study scrutinized the in-service organic fire support of the Marine
Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) to determine the adequacy, integration, and
modernization requirements for ground, aviation, and naval surface fires. The
Marine Corps also performed a supplemental historical study using Operation
Iraqi Freedom data to examine MAGTF fires in the full spectrum of warfare.
These studies reconfirmed our development of complementary systems of
ground indirect fires.
Ground indirect fires require a medium-caliber cannon artillery capabil-
ity, an extended-range ground-based rocket capability, and a capability with
greater lethality than current mortars but greater tactical mobility than in-ser-
vice artillery systems. This provides a balanced, expeditionary, ground-based
fires capability that is responsive, complementary, redundant, and within the
range and lethality requirements of the targets the Marine Corps will face
across the full range of military operations.
The foundation of ground indirect fires is the M777A2 Lightweight
155mm howitzer that, through design innovation, navigation and positioning
aides, and digital fire control offers significant improvements in lethality, sur-
vivability, mobility, and durability compared to the M198 howitzer. The High-
Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) fills a critical range and volume
gap in Marine Corps fire-support assets. HIMARS provides an extended-
range precision capability to Marine forces. The third leg of Marine Corps
ground indirect fires is the Expeditionary Fire Support System (EFSS), a towed
120mm mortar. EFSS will be the principal indirect fire support system for he-
licopter- and tiltrotor-borne forces executing ship-to-objective-maneuver as
part of a MAGTF. When paired with an Internally Transportable Vehicle, EFSS
can be transported on board MV-22 and CH-53E/K aircraft. EFSS-equipped
units will have immediately responsive, organic indirect fires at ranges beyond
current infantry battalion mortars.
Several additional innovative systems related to fire support significantly
enhance the warfighting efficiency and effectiveness of the MAGTF, including
the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System, and the Target Location,
Designation and Handoff system. In addition, the development of precision
guided munitions, such as Excalibur, Guided Multiple-Launch Rocket System
and the Precision Extended Range Munition, has shown lethality on the bat-
tlefield while minimizing collateral damage.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
HIGH MOBILITY ARTILLERY Capability in the fourth quarter of FY 2008 and Full
ROCKET SYSTEM (HIMARS) Operational Capability in FY 2010. In early 2012, HI-
MARS was fielded to two additional battalions (one
active and one Reserve) in the Marine Corps. The
program continues to procure munitions in support
of operations and sustainment.
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Quantity: 0 0
Launcher and MFOM: Lockheed Martin Corporation,
Missiles and Fire Control Division, Dallas, Texas
HIMARS is a C-130 aircraft-transportable,
wheeled, indirect-fire, rocket/missile system capable LIGHTWEIGHT 155MM HOWITZER
of firing all rockets and missiles in the in-service and (LW155)
future Multiple-Launch Rocket System Family of Mu-
nitions (MFOM). The HIMARS launcher consists of
a fire-control system, carrier (automotive platform),
and launcher-loader module that will perform all op-
erations necessary to complete a fire mission. The basic
system is defined as one launcher, two resupply vehi-
cles, and two resupply trailers and munitions.
Operational Impact
HIMARS addresses an identified, critical warfight-
ing deficiency in Marine Corps fire support. HIMARS
primarily employs the guided MLRS rocket to provide Description
precision fires in support of maneuver forces. HIMARS
The LW155 is a joint Marine Corps/Army program
is a transformational responsive, general-support/
whose mission is to develop, produce, field and sustain
general support-reinforcing, precision, indirect fire
a towed 155mm howitzer. Designated the M777A2, the
weapon system that accurately engages targets at long
LW155 replaces the M198 Howitzer providing direct,
ranges (greater than 40 miles) with high volumes of le-
reinforcing and general support fires for both services.
thal fire under all weather conditions and throughout
The LW155 incorporates innovative design tech-
all phases of combat operations ashore.
nologies to reduce the system weight to less than
10,000 pounds while providing increased mobility,
Program Status survivability, deployability and sustainability in expe-
The HIMARS program is in the operations and ditionary operations throughout the world. It is the
support phase. HIMARS achieved Initial Operational first ground combat system whose major structures
chapter 3: programs
are made of high-strength titanium alloy resulting in a The M777A2 can fire the precision guided Ex-
weight savings of more than 7,000 pounds when com- calibur munitions up to 24 miles with sufficient ac-
pared to the M198 system. The system makes exten- curacy, for example, to target commensurate portions
sive use of hydraulics to operate the breech, loading of a building, reducing the chance of non-combatant
tray, and suspension system reducing crew size and fa- casualties and enabling supporting fire to be deliv-
tigue. The M777A2 provides significant improvements ered much closer to friendly troops. The M777A2 has
in displacement and emplacement, capable of being proven it is battle worthy and reliable, achieving an
emplaced in less than 3 minutes and displaced in 2-3 operational availability greater than 90% supporting
minutes. A primer feed mechanism supports firing a Operation Enduring Freedom for USMC, Army and
maximum of four rounds per minute, with sustained Canadian forces.
firing of two rounds per minute. The M777A2 is capa-
ble of firing unassisted high-explosive projectiles using Program Status
conventional and modular propellants to a range of 15 The LW155 has been in-service with the U.S. Ma-
miles and rocket-assisted projectiles to approximately rine Corps and Army since 2005 and is deployed in
19 miles. current operations. The Marine Corps has procured
The M777A2 is a pre-planned upgrade to the ini- its full approved acquisition objective of 511 M777A2
tial M777 design that adds a Digital Fire Control Sys- howitzers while the Army has purchased 488 systems.
tem (DFCS) improving pointing accuracy to 1 mil. Both services will take final deliveries during 2013.
The DFCS uses a global positioning system, an inertial The Canadian army purchased 37 base-model M777s
navigation unit, and a vehicle motion sensor to accu- under a foreign military sale contract while the Aus-
rately locate and orient the weapon to deliver greater tralian army has purchased 54 M777A2s to date. The
accuracy and responsiveness. The system integrates ra- Government of India has also expressed interest in
dios for voice and digital communications and a chief purchasing the M777A2 submitting a Letter of Request
of section display that can be mounted into the cab for 145 systems in Nov 2012.
of the prime mover for use as a navigation aid dur-
ing towing. The systems mission computer processes Developer/Manufacturer:
fire missions and outputs pointing information to on- The M777A2 prime contractor is BAE Systems located in
board gunners and chief of section displays. A planned Barrow in Furness in the United Kingdom. BAE Systems
software upgrade will support on-board ballistic com- manages a supply chain consisting of both US and UK ven-
putations commencing in the fall of 2013. dors who deliver components for final integration at BAE
systems integration facility in Hattiesburg, MS. The Program
Operational Impact Manager -Towed Artillery Systems also supplies a number
The LW155 provides significantly greater combat of Government Furnished Equipment items, including the
capability to troops. The weight reduction improves Cannon Assembly manufactured by Watervliet Arsenal.
transportability and mobility without impacting range Final acceptance testing occurs at Yuma Proving Grounds.
and accuracy. The M777A2 is towed by the USMC Me-
dium Tactical Vehicle Replacement and can be airlifted
by the CH-53E/K, CH47D and the MV-22B Osprey
into remote high-altitude locations inaccessible by
ground transportation.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
Program Status
The AFATDS program is an Evolutionary Acqui- The TSQ-267 TPS is the command and control
sition program, designated an Acquisition Category node of the FTAS capability, providing radar deploy-
II for the Army. The AFATDS is a multiple service ment orders, support functions, and target data to the
program and the Army is the Executive Service. The counter-fire/countermeasure-servicing agent. The TPS
AFATDS program is in Sustainment. MTS achieved uses the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
Initial Operational Capability in first quarter FY 2012. as its primary communication, and Command and
Full Operational Capability will be achieved in second Control tool. As a program within Program Manager
quarter FY 2013. Radar Systems, the capability is being fielded under an
Abbreviated Acquisition Program (AAP).
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Quantity: 0 0 Program Status
The FTAS Program Office is supporting the warf-
Developer/Manufacturer: ighter with all three systems. The Firefinder and LCMR
AFATDS: Raytheon, Ft Wayne, IN are deployed to Afghanistan supporting operations as-
BUCS: Fire Support Engineering Division, Army sociated with Operation Enduring Freedom. The Ma-
rine Corps recently procured and fielded an additional
MTS: SPAWAR, Charleston, SC
22 Firefinder radar systems to support expanded re-
quirements. These procurements supported an in-
creased Approved Acquisition Objective (AAO) for
FAMILY OF TARGET ACQUISITION the Firefinder from 22 to 44 systems. The LCMR was
SYSTEMS (FTAS) procured and fielded under an AAP as a solution for
Description an approved Urgent Universal Needs Statement, with
The FTAS is the Ground Combat Elements indi- an AAO of 46 systems. Procurements for both the Fire-
rect-fire acquisition capability. The FTAS comprises finder and LCMR were funded using Overseas Con-
the TPQ-46 Firefinder Ground Weapons Locating Ra- tingency Operations supplemental procurement fund-
dar (GWLR), the TPQ-48 Lightweight Counter Mor- ing. The AAO for the TPS is seven sets, two for each
tar Radar (LCMR), and the TSQ-267 Target Processing active-duty artillery regiment and one for the Reserve
Component. Full Operational Capability for the TPS
Set (TPS).
occurred in September 2011.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
Section 5: Command and Control/
Situational Awareness (C2/SA)
chapter 3: programs
The Marine Corps Command and Control (C2) Initial Capabilities Docu-
ment (ICD), approved by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council in Feb-
ruary 2008, and the Marine Corps Functional Concept for C2, approved in
2009, incorporate joint integrating concepts and C2 mandates. Together, they
articulate our goal of delivering end-to-end, fully integrated, cross-functional
capability, including forward-deployed and reach-back functions. They em-
phasize that C2 must be leader-centric and network-enabled, and that individ-
ual Marines must understand their commanders intent and be able to carry
out complex operations. The C2 ICD, Functional Concept, and the Marine
Corps Information Enterprise strategy described in this section will enable
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) commanders to exercise effective
C2 and bring together all warfighting functions into an effective fighting force.
In addition, these programs support the ability of the MAGTFs to function in
an integrated naval environment and participate in or lead joint and multina-
tional operations.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
Program Status
The GCCS program has reached the Approved Ac-
quisition Object of 194 servers and 320 clients. GCCS
is in the sustainment phase of its acquisition lifecycle.
GCCS capabilities will be combined with the Joint Tacti-
cal Common Operational Picture Workstation in FY14,
and the GCCS program will merge with TCO.
TCO is in the sustainment phase of its acquisi-
tion lifecycle, having reached Full Operational Capa-
The GCCS uses joint system-of-record software
bility in 1996. TCO will continue to sustain software
to provide select command-and-control capabilities
upgrades across the Future Year Defense Plan as well
throughout the Marine Corps. These capabilities facil-
as Marine Corps-wide hardware upgrade of both the
itate the planning, execution, and management of op-
erations, including unit readiness reporting of person- Tactical Common Operational Picture Server and the
nel, equipment, and training. Planning, executing, and Intelligence Operations Workstation Version 1 client in
managing operations is done via the Joint Operations FY 2013.
Planning and Execution System, and unit readiness re-
porting is done via the Global Status of Resources and Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Training System (GSORTS). GCCS is fielded at the Quantity: 0 0
regiment and above echelons of command. TCO is
the principle tool within the Marine Air-Ground Task Developer/Manufacturer:
Force for generating situational awareness through the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA),
distribution of the Common Tactical Picture (CTP). Falls Church, VA
TCO also is the primary entry point for the joint-level
Common Operational Picture (COP). TCO provides
commanders at all echelons with the ability to map and
display friendly and enemy locations, as well as plan,
develop, display, and transmit overlays of intended
movement. TCO also provides commanders the abil-
ity to receive, fuse, store, develop, transmit, and display
commanders critical information requirements.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
COMMON AVIATION COMMAND ready technologies and will establish an initial product
AND CONTROL SYSTEM (CAC2S) baseline Processing and Display Subsystem (PDS) and
Communications Subsystem (CS). Naval Surface War-
fare Center, Crane, Indiana, will oversee the integration
and upgrades of the previously developed and fielded
systems (e.g., AN/TSQ-239 COC and AN/MRQ-12)
into CAC2S PDS and CS.
Phase 2 has been structured to accommodate the
integration of technologies necessary for the CAC2S
Sensor Data Subsystem (SDS) to meet remaining ACE
battle management and command and control re-
quirements. This phase will build upon the capabilities
Description of the Phase 1 product baseline by integrating the SDS
CAC2S will provide a complete and coordinated with the Phase 1 PDS into a single subsystem (Avia-
modernization of Marine Air Command and Control tion Command & Control Subsystem (AC2S) and with
System (MACCS) equipment. CAC2S will replace cur- the CS, thereby fully meeting CAC2S Increment I
rent dissimilar systems and provide the Marine Air- requirements.
Ground Task Force Aviation Combat Element (MAGTF
ACE) with the necessary hardware, software, and facili- Program Status
ties to effectively command, control, and coordinate air CAC2S requirements were originally documented
operations integrated with naval, joint, and combined in an Operational Requirements Document in Febru-
command and control units. CAC2S will be comprised ary 2003. The CAC2S requirements were further re-
of standardized modular and scalable tactical facilities, fined in a Capability Production Document and ap-
hardware, and software that will significantly increase proved by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council
battlefield mobility and reduce the physical size and in September 2007.
logistical footprint of the MACCS. The program was designated a MAIS program
on December 26, 2007, and elevated to an ACAT IAC.
Operational Impact CAC2S Phase 1 successfully completed its Initial Op-
CAC2S is an Acquisition Category IAC, Major erational Test and Evaluation in the third quarter of
Automated Information System program. It has been FY 2011. Subsequently, Phase 1 received its Full De-
restructured with a revised acquisition strategy to ployment Decision in the fourth quarter of FY 2011
ensure the CAC2S program fields ready and proven and Limited Deployment Capability (LDC) in Febru-
technologies at the earliest opportunity. To achieve ary 2012. Phase 2 is currently in the Engineering and
this goal, Increment I requirements will be achieved in Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase with a
two phases. Milestone C decision anticipated in the fourth quar-
Phase 1 accommodates rapid fielding of opera- ter of FY 2014. The AAO for CAC2S Increment I is 50
tionally relevant capabilities, including mobility, situ- AC2S, and 75 CS. Initial Operational Capability (IOC)
ational awareness, tactical communications, informa- for Phase 1 commenced 17 January 2012 with the
tion dissemination, and operational flexibility that will first operational unit (MASS-3) at Camp Pendleton,
establish the baseline CAC2S capabilities. This phase CA, followed by 2d Marine Aircraft Wing (2d MAW),
will upgrade fielded MACCS equipment with mature, Cherry Point, NC, in August 2012.
chapter 3: programs
Operational Impact
The COC is a deployable, self-contained, central-
TBMCS is the principal aviation command and
ized facility that provides shared command and control
control) tool within Marine aviation C2 systems and
and situational awareness functionalities in a collabor-
the Theater Air Ground System for the development ative environment. The system is designed to enhance
and execution of the ATO. It is a key system that sup- the tactical common operational picture for all levels
ports ATO planning and development and provides of the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF). It is
the automated tools necessary to generate, disseminate, a commercial-off-the-shelf, total turn-key, integrated
and execute the ATO/ACO in joint, coalition, and Ma- hardware solution using unit-provided radios, legacy
rine Corps-only contingencies. and re-hosted tactical data applications, and prime
movers to provide mobility, modularity, and scalabil-
ity for each assigned mission. From 1996 to 2011 there
Program Status
were three COC system variants (V) in production
The USAF placed TBMCS into sustainment in the (V)2, (V)3, and (V)4 scaled to the major subor-
2007 following the release of version 1.1.3 which is dinate command, the regiment/group, and the battal-
now fielded throughout the operating forces and the ion/squadron, respectively. COC supports the MAGTF
joint community. The USAF Program Office (PO), throughout the full range of military operations and
in conjunction with the USN, USA and USMC Pro- enables critical warfighting functions: Command and
gram Offices continue to sustain version 1.1.3 while Control (C2), intelligence, maneuver, fires, force pro-
planning for the eventual transition to a new system tection, and logistics.
of record which the USAF PO is currently working on The COC program office is upgrading the existing
COCs to introduce an enhanced, integrated software
with the joint community. The Marine Corps PO has
baseline supporting warfighter needs, the COC C2
fielded TBMCS Maintenance Release (MR) 1/Service
Software Package. Based on service oriented architec-
Pack (SP) 27, which provides key assault support en- ture principles, this baseline will enable existing Tacti-
hancements for both planning and execution, and is cal Data Systems (TDS) to share their data, producing
in the final process of testing and approval for release an identical common tactical picture. To support such
of TBMCS MR2/SP1 which will provide USMC users a robust software capability, the COC program will
with operating system and hardware upgrades. field a major hardware refresh in FY 2013 and FY 2014.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
section 6: Expeditionary Energy
chapter 3: programs
In 2011 the Commandant called on the Marine Corps to change the way
we think about energy as we man, train, and equip our expeditionary force.
As a Corps, we recognize that over the last ten years of combat, we have be-
come more lethal, but have become critically dependent on fuel and batteries,
putting our expeditionary capabilities and Marines at risk. Yet, the current
and future security environment demands a middle weight force, flexible to
respond to a host of threats at a moments notice, and able to sustain itself for
significant periods, at a time and place of its choosing. Modernizing our capa-
bilities in expeditionary energy is critical to maintaining operational capabilities
and readiness of the Force, for todays fight and tomorrows conflicts.
In March 2011 the Commandant issued the Marine Corps Expeditionary
Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan (Strategy) with the goal of increasing
our combat effectiveness through ethos, efficiency and renewable energy
from Bases to Battlefield. The goal of the Strategy is simple: a lighter, faster
and more lethal force, which goes farther and stays longer on every gallon of
fuel, every kilowatt of energy it requires. Specifically, the Strategy directs the
Marine Corps, by 2025, to create a Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF)
capable of maneuvering from the sea, and only requiring liquid fuel for mobil-
ity systems once ashore. This means C4I and life support systems will be pow-
ered by alternative and renewable energy and our vehicles will power larger
ground systems when required. Recognizing that to achieve this bold vision
would require institutional change, the Marine Corps put in place an frame-
work to guide our efforts: the Strategy, the Expeditionary Energy, Water, and
Waste Capabilities Based Assessment and Initial Capabilities Document (E2W2
CBA/ICD), together with the 2012 Marine Corps Science and Technology
Strategic Plan provide an investment plan to drive modernization in expedi-
tionary energy.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Experimental Forward
Operating Base
The Future Force In November 2009, the Deputy Commandant for
One of the Commandants six critical pillars of Combat Development and Integration established
modernization for the Corps, Marine Corps invest- the Experimental Forward Operating Base (ExFOB)
ments in energy efficient equipment and renewable to identify, evaluate, and accelerate the Marine Corps
energy are essential to building a lighter, more capable materiel solutions to achieve the mission of the Strat-
MAGTF. Translating into greater military capability, egy. ExFOB brings together stakeholders from across
these investments mean increased tactical and opera- the Marine Corps requirements, acquisitions, and sci-
tional tempo, and reduced vulnerabilities during re- ence and technology-development communities to
supply. In short, they can mean the difference between systematically focus on capability gaps identified in
reaching Baghdad or waiting for resupply. They save the E2W2 CBA/ICD. A semi-annual event, ExFOB in-
Marines time, with more focus on the enemy and less vites industry to demonstrate off-the-shelf technolo-
time spent planning and executing sustainment mis- gies with potential to address Marine Corps needs.
sions. Most importantly, by investing in training Ma- Promising technologies are put into the hands of Ma-
rines we are reinforcing our expeditionary mindset, rines for extended user evaluation under combat and
teaching Marines that resource efficiency is a force training conditions. Qualitative and quantitative data
multiplier that increases combat effectiveness. collected during ExFOB inform requirements, reduce
investment risk, and build Marines confidence in new
Requirements capabilities.
In September 2011, the Assistant Commandant ExFOB has taken new capabilities from concept
of the Marine Corps signed a comprehensive require- to combat in less than a yeartwice. In 2010 ExFOB
ments document to guide our investments in our sourced commercial and Marine Corps technologies,
equipment and our people: the E2W2 CBA/ICD. This trained an infantry company with renewable energy
document provides the analytical framework for de- systems, and deployed them to Afghanistan in winter
veloping the solutions to build the future force. The 2010. Marines learned that these capabilities could
E2W2 CBA/ICD identifies 152 gaps, including materiel reduce risk and increase effectiveness at the forward
and non-materiel gaps, and together with the Strategy, operating edge, such as enabling a foot patrol to oper-
provides a prioritized roadmap that the Marine Corps ate for three weeks without battery resupply, operating
chapter 3: programs
patrol bases entirely on renewable energy, and dra- ing renewable energy resources and building more
matically reducing fuel demand at a company outpost. efficient buildings and systems to drive down energy
In summer 2011, Marines evaluated ExFOBs hybrid costs. To achieve the Commandants vision of an ener-
power solutions and efficient air conditioners at Pa- gy-efficient, combat effective Marine Corps, every unit
trol Base Boldak in Afghanistan. This effort tackled and every Marine at our bases and stations, including
our largest ground power user command and con- our civilian Marines and our family members, must
trol operations and enabled a leap forward in our make energy a priority. A culture that values resources
understanding of the military requirement for hybrid and increases energy efficiency at our installations will
power. In 2012, the Marine Corps put this knowledge strengthen the readiness and capability of our force.
to work in preparing the Analysis of Alternatives for
hybrid energy systems, a critical benchmark in accel- The Expeditionary Energy
erating the acquisition of an entirely new means of Office (E2O)
powering the force. Established in October 2009, the USMC Expedi-
tionary Energy Office (E2O) is responsible for analyz-
Since 2010 ExFOB has: ing, developing, and directing Marine Corps energy
Reviewed over 280 technologies strategy in order to optimize expeditionary capa-
valuated over 75 technologies at ExFOB bilities across all warfighting functions. E2O, a Di-
demonstrations rector-level office within Headquarters Marine Corps
urchased and deployed 11 different (HQMC) reporting to the Assistant Commandant,
technologies to combat in Afghanistan works closely with the combat and technology devel-
ransitioned 4 Technologies to Programs opment communities. E2O serves as the Proponent
of Record for Expeditionary Energy in the force development
ed the requirements development of process. Additionally, E2O is tasked with advising the
battlefield hybrid power Marine Requirements Oversight Council (MROC) on
ollaborated with industry to develop high all energy and resource-related requirements, acquisi-
efficiency flexible solar tions, and programmatic decisions. And, in accordance
ollaborated with industry to develop small with the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
unit water purification systems Year 2009, the Secretary of the Navy assigned the E2O
I ntegrated and evaluated fuel saving auxiliary responsibilities as the Marine Corps Senior Official for
power units for combat logistics vehicles Operational Energy.
I nformed $352M in USMC investment and
interests within HQMC processes and within Program Investments
the Expeditionary Force Development System. Our investments are focused on supporting Ma-
rines in combat today, but also on increasing the com-
bat effectiveness of the future force. We are driving
Bases to Battlefield
energy performance considerations into the acquisi-
The Strategy recognized that because Marines live,
tion and requirements processes, improving new and
train, and fight as an expeditionary force, it is essential
legacy systems as well as future upgrades.
to foster energy efficient habits at our bases that Ma-
rines will translate to the battlefield. At installations, We calculate our Return on Investment in terms
the Marine Corps has made real progress in harness- of military capability gained through dramatic savings
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
ccelerating expeditionary energy systems So- U
rgent Statement of Needs for Energy-Efficient Light-
lar Portable Alternative Communications Energy ing for Expeditionary Shelter System
System (SPACES) and Ground Renewable Expedi- U
rgent Statement of Needs for Expeditionary Shelter
tionary Energy Network Systems (GREENS) to System Energy-Efficient Insulating Liner
Afghanistan (complete in March 2012), and the U
rgent Statement of Needs for the Solar Portable Alter-
Fleet Forces native Communications Energy System and Ground
I mplementing mobile electric power sources to Renewable Expeditionary Energy Network Systems
achieve ~22 percent fuel efficiency across the fleet E
nergy Efficiency Key Performance Parameter
of systems (Army funded development and USMC included in Ground-Based Optical Surveillance
funded procurement) System (Expeditionary) Capability Development
ielding Enhanced Efficiency Environmental Control Document
Units (E3CU) to achieve ~15-25 percent improved M
AGTF Expeditionary Hybrid Power System (MEHPS)
fuel efficiency beginning in 2012, with the next-gen- Analysis of Alternatives
eration family of ECUs entering service in 2014
eveloping fuel economy improvements for Medi-
um Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) vehicles,
Transforming the way we use energy is
anticipating 15 percent increased efficiency
essential to rebalance our Corps and prepare
Executing ExFOB demonstrations twice a year it for the future.
xercising and training renewable energy systems at Gen James F. Amos
events including Steel Knight 2012, Weapons Tactics Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps
Instructors Course, and Enhanced Mohave Viper
I mproving expeditionary energy modeling and
simulation capability to guide future program in-
vestments across the MAGTF
chapter 3: programs
chapter 3: programs
Marine Corps Intelligence is more than support to operations it is
continuous operations, oriented on global, dynamic threats as well as secu-
rity cooperation engagements necessary to enable prudent action in pursuit of
national interests. The MCISRE is an innovative, operational approach to the
intelligence warfighting function, providing timely, reliable, and understand-
able intelligence information that forms the basis of Marine Corps planning
and operations. The multi-domain, collaborative, worldwide construct of
the MCISRE provides the crucial operational edge required for Marine
Corps forces.
The MCISRE is not driven by the crisis of the moment. Rather, it is a
24/7/365 predictive analysis process with the global reach of operational
Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) Intelligence Centers (MICs) backed by
the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) and its connectivity to the
Combat Support Agencies (CSAs) and National Intelligence Community (IC).
To ensure its viability, Marine Corps Intelligence will continue to evolve and
maintain vigilance over a complex, technically sophisticated threat environ-
ment by seizing technological opportunities to increase MCISRE capabilities
and capacities.
The MCISRE supports the Marine Corps intelligence unity of effort
across the air, ground, maritime, and cyberspace domains. This strategy syn-
chronizes current USMC intelligence programs, units, and personnel at every
echelon across the operating forces and supporting establishment to enable
collaboration and sharing of all information and federated intelligence in
support of the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF).
To date, the MCISRE strategy continues implementing an enterprise solu-
tion in which all ISR functions, sources, and methods across the total force are
leveraged and shared for operational success. A major milestone has been the
creation of MICs that enable MEF units to train as they fight by providing ana-
lytical and intelligence production support from garrison locations to deployed
forces, supporting the Commandants Lighten the MAGTF initiative as well
as reducing the required number of forward-deployed personnel. Other major
advances include the creation of the Headquarters, Marine Corps Intelligence
Department Technology Innovation Division led by the Enterprise Chief
Technology Officer, a comprehensive intelligence professionalization program
across the Enterprise, and advanced analytic training, methods, and tools
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
other sources to provide all-source intelligence pro- Act with IDU: The Intelligence Dissemination
duction. DCGS-MC is the USMC component of the and Utilization (IDU) concept strives not only to de-
DoD DCGS Enterprise that performs all aspects of liver intelligence, but also to integrate it with opera-
MCISRE data processing, exploitation, exposure, dis- tions and planning. IDU includes the systems, people,
covery, analysis, and production. DCGS-MC consists and processes associated with dissemination, integra-
of a family of systems that is scalable, modular, and tion, use, and evaluation of intelligence. The IDU con-
tactically deployable. The DCGS-MC Enterprise com- cept enables precise action and the prudent re-tasking
prises the DCGS-MC program of record and several of P-ISR capabilities. IDU is the act of identifying and
other programs. This critical capability increases the conveying relevant combat information and intel-
amount and precision of information and intelligence ligence to satisfy MAGTF intelligence requirements.
made available to operators, decision-makers and IDU incorporates continuous feedback to ensure the
intelligence professionals across and at all echelons right combat information and intelligence is delivered
of the MAGTF. to the right consumer at the right time. IDU com-
prises those capabilities associated with the dissemina-
tion, integration, evaluation, and feedback steps of the
Marine Corps intelligence process.
chapter 3: programs
Logistics is a fundamental element of MAGTF expeditionary operations.
The MAGTF expeditionary logistics capability supports a balanced, multi-ca-
pable force that is integral to the strategic direction described in Marine Corps
Vision and Strategy 2025. Marine expeditionary forces are self-contained and
self-sustained forces that have everything necessary to accomplish the mission
from individual equipment to expeditionary airfields and medical treatment
facilities. These forces are structured to meet a wide range of contingency op-
erations and possess the logistics capabilities needed to initiate an operation,
sustain forces, and reconstitute for follow-on missions.
MAGTF Expeditionary Logistics includes the information systems, equip-
ment, and processes to train, deploy, employ, and sustain Marine forces across
the range of military operations. Enablers include:
Electronic Maintenance Support System
Family of Combat Field Feeding Systems
Family of Field Medical Equipment
Family of Power and Environmental Control Equipment
These are key for continuous MAGTF operations on a distributed battle-
field. The Marine Corps vision of the future requires fundamental changes in
the way we provide logistics support to our MAGTFs.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
section 9: Preparing for
Tomorrows Fight
chapter 3: programs
We are preparing for tomorrows fight in three critical areas: cyber war-
fare; special operations; and security cooperation. Modern armed forces can-
not conduct high-tempo, effective operations without reliable information
and communications networks and assured access to cyberspace and space.
The Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command is the focus of our organic
cyber capabilities and capacities needed to retain speed, precision, and lethal-
ity. The Marine Corps Special Operations Command is the Corps contribu-
tion to the U.S. Special Operations Command and maintains a shared heri-
tage and strong bond with its parent service as soldiers from the sea. The
Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group capitalizes on our theater security
cooperation and partnership activities with allies and partners, providing our
leaders with strategic options to shape outcomes, prevent conflicts, strengthen
at-risk states, and deny enemy safe-havens.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
Building PartneR
capacity (BPC)
ecurity Force
Assistance (SFA)
Security Assistance (SA)
Pillar 3:
Capability & Capacity to Meet DoD
Strategic Requirements
Section 1: Amphibious and
Pre-positioning Ships
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
Corps core competencies are the foundation for our the size of its military footprint to match the changing
expeditionary forces significant contributions to the situation ashore.
Nations security.
Todays Amphibious Capability
Operational Role of Marine Corps Among the many capabilities provided by integra-
Expeditionary Forces tion of combat-ready Marine Air Ground Task Forces
Our strategies and concepts address the following (MAGTFs) with multi-mission amphibious ships,
requirements: the ability to maintain open and secure three are of critical importance:
sea lines of communication for our maritime nation; F orward presence to support engagement and the-
the ability to maneuver across and project power from ater security cooperation
the sea; the ability to work with partner nations and A ready force to immediately respond to emergent
allies to conduct humanitarian relief or noncomba- crises
tant evacuation operations; and the ability to conduct A credible and sustainable forcible-entry capability
persistent and sustained littoral operations along any Forward-deployed amphibious forces are unique
coastline in the world. in that they are postured to immediately respond to
Marine Corps expeditionary forces provide a bal- crises while conducting persistent forward engage-
anced and scalable set of capabilities to counter irregu- ment to prevent and deter threats, particularly in the
lar threats, respond to emerging crises, and conduct areas of instability in the littorals. Often the mere pres-
major combat operations. In this era of strategic un- ence of an amphibious force capable of delivering a
certainty, a forward deployed expeditionary force, con- powerful amphibious blow at a point and time of its
sistently engaged and postured for rapid response, is own choosing is enough to stabilize an escalating crisis.
critical for national security in the future as it is today. The inherent versatility and flexibility of amphibi-
The Marine Corps expeditionary capability is enabled ous forces exemplified by their ability to conduct
by the complementary employment of amphibious missions across the range of military operations
shipping and prepositioned equipment. Together they achieves advantages disproportionate to the resources
provide responsive and scalable options to project in- employed.
fluence and power and provide support across the full An amphibious capability creates four strategic
spectrum of operations to include engagement opera- benefits for a nation that depends on its ability to ex-
tions and crisis response. ploit its command of the seas to project influence and
The deployment of the 22d and 24th Marine power, as follows:
Expeditionary Units (MEUs) on board amphibious Increased Freedom of Action: Amphibious forces
shipping and the prepositioning ship USNS 1st Lt. can use the maritime domain as a base from which
Jack Lummus to support humanitarian and disaster- to conduct operations. They can loiter indefinitely
relief operations in Haiti in 2010 is an example of the in international waters and maneuver ashore at the
Marine Corps capability to rapidly respond to crisis. time and place of their choosing.
These forces provide a similar capability to respond D eterrence: While a standoff strike is sometimes an
at the high end of the military operations spectrum adequate response, other situations require the rapid
to create littoral maneuver space for the Joint Force. insertion of sustainable combat forces boots on
The expeditionary character, versatility, and agility of the ground to underscore the Nations commit-
Marine Corps expeditionary forces provide the Nation ment to an ally or friend.
with the asymmetric advantage of seamlessly adjusting A ssured Access: Amphibious forces contribute
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
unique and essential capabilities toward the Nations aviation-capable large-deck warships. Because of fiscal
ability to take advantage of the freedom of the high constraints, however, the FY 2012 programmed force
seas to enter a region without regard to access con- level calls for 32 ships. The increased demand for am-
straints and impediments and to sustain sea-based phibious forces thus has placed a strain on amphibious
operations almost indefinitely without need for in- shipping as the employment of amphibious forces has
theater host-government support. increased while the inventory of amphibious ships has
ncertainty for Adversaries: A credible forcible-en- declined. Newly delivered amphibious ships, such as
try capability compels potential adversaries to invest the San Antonio (LPD 17)-class landing platform dock
in a broad range of systems and spread their defenses ships, are more capable than the ships they replace.
over larger areas of concern. However, a ship can be in only one place at a time. Al-
The lengthy experience of the Marine Corps in though the fleet retains a responsive surge capability,
conducting forward engagement and security cooper- the constrained number of in-service ships precludes
ation operations in the littorals has dispelled the mis- fully supporting the growing demand for rotational
perception that forcible entry is the only yardstick by MEU and Global Fleet Station deployments and other
which the requirement for amphibious capability and requirements. The Marine Corps amphibious ship and
capacity is measured. More relevant metrics in todays associated ship-to-shore connector requirements are
security environment, as underscored in the 2010 Qua- highlighted in the following pages.
drennial Defense Review, are the capability to conduct
persistent forward engagement activities and provide
a crisis-response force while retaining the capability to
respond to major contingencies. Amphibious Warships
The importance of amphibious forces is highlight- Amphibious warfare ships are the centerpieces of
ed by the increased employment of Marine Corps ex- the Navy-Marine Corps presence, forcible-entry, and
peditionary forces since the end of the Cold War. From sea-basing capabilities and continue to play essential
1946 through 1989, amphibious forces were employed roles in global operations. These ships are equipped
on average 2.5 times per year; since 1990, the rate has with aviation- and surface-assault capabilities that,
increased to about 5.5 times per year. The demand for when coupled with their inherent survivability and
amphibious forces to support steady-state operations is self-defense systems, support a broad range of mission
projected to increase even more in the coming years as requirements. They provide the most formidable ex-
combatant commanders place greater emphasis on con- peditionary forcible-entry capability in the world, the
ducting sea-based persistent forward-engagement ac- development and maintenance of which is the respon-
tivities throughout their areas of responsibility. Viewed sibility of the Marine Corps under U.S. Code Title 10.
another way, combatant commanders global demand The Marine Corps operational requirement is for
for amphibious ready groups and MEUs has increased two Marine Expeditionary Brigade Assault Echelons
86 percent and 53 percent for independent amphibious (MEB AE) of forcible-entry capability reinforced with
ships during the FY 2007 to FY 2011 period. two additional MEBs from the Maritime Preposition-
The ability to meet the demand for amphibious ing Force. The two-MEB AE forcible-entry capabil-
ships with the programmed amphibious fleet is a criti- ity requires 34 amphibious warfare ships (17 ships
cal concern. When forward-presence requirements are per MEB). When forward-presence requirements are
factored in with the 2.0 Marine Expeditionary Brigade considered with the 2.0 MEB lift requirement, the
(MEB) assault-echelon lift needs, the requirement AE requirements total 38 ships. Of these 38 ships, 11
calls for 38 amphibious ships, 11 of which must be must be aviation-capable large-deck ships Landing
chapter 3: programs
Helicopter Assault (LHA), Landing Helicopter Dock command and control complex, a hospital facility,
(LHD), or Landing Helicopter Assault (Replacement) and extensive support activities. Efforts are underway
LHA(R) to accommodate the MEBs Aviation to incorporate a well deck into the FY 2016 LHA(R)
Combat Element. platform and to incorporate changes in the basic ship
Nine large-deck ships (eight Wasp-class LHDs design to ensure optimized aviation and surface opera-
and one Tarawa-class LHA) are in service in 2012. The tions and service life.
eighth Wasp-class multi-purpose amphibious assault
ship, the USS Makin Island (LHD 8), was delivered in San Antonio-Class (LPD 17) Amphibious
2009. LHD 8 is similar to LHD 1 through LHD 7, but Transport Dock Ship
is powered by gas turbine engines and has all-electric
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
landing craft utility (LCU). Flight decks can support new command, control, communication, and navigation
operations by two CH-53E/K Super Stallions, two MV- equipment; buoyancy box and rotating machinery refur-
22B Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, four CH-46E Sea Knight bishment; enhanced engines; and upgrades of the cur-
helicopters, or a mix of H-1 attack/utility helicopters. rent skirt system with an improved deep skirt, thereby
The ships in this class also are outfitted with two Roll- increasing the performance envelope.
ing Airframe Missile launchers for self-defense and The Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC) program is
incorporate design features that significantly reduce developing a replacement for the in-service LCACs
their radar cross-sections when compared to previous and the LCAC service-life extension program (SLEP)
amphibious ships. as these craft reach the ends of their service lives. In
2007 the Navy Resources, Requirements Review board
Developer/Manufacturer: selected the 74 Short-Ton Air-Cushion Vehicle con-
Huntington Ingalls Industries (formerly Northrop cept in an approved Initial Capabilities Development
Grumman Ship Systems), Pascagoula, Mississippi Document as the LCAC replacement platform.
The Joint Requirements Oversight Council ap-
proved the Capability Development Document in 2010.
The contract for the detail, design, and construction of a
LANDING CRAFT AIR CUSHION SSC test and training craft was awarded to Textron, Inc.
(LCAC) / SHIP-TO-SHORE in 2012.
chapter 3: programs
sis response Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) date the larger and more numerous equipment of the
and three theater security engagement MAGTFs from MEB. Three LMSRs are already in service with the pro-
a shore-based prepositioning site. The MPF program gram; the fourth will be integrated in February 2013.
will continue to evolve to meet the challenges of a con- While the prepositioning program provides sig-
strained fiscal environment as well as a strategic envi- nificant capability to the combatant commanders, it is
ronment with greater anti-access challenges. limited in some areas, especially the ability to conduct
Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron-One sea-based operations. The closure of forces requires a
(MPSRON-1) was eliminated and its ships were either secure airfield and a secure port or beach landing site in
transferred to the U.S. Transportation Commands the JOA a significant constraint to some operations.
Strategic Sealift Fleet or reassigned to MPSRON-2 or In-service MPF platforms can embark limited person-
-3. The Marine Corps and Navy collaborated exten- nel pierside, at anchor, or while in transit. However,
sively to enhance the capabilities of the two remain- the platforms lack the billeting and support services
ing MPSRONs, to include the addition of a legacy to facilitate a sea-based force. Additionally, equipment
MPF ship to each MPSRON. This enhancement at- and supplies are administratively stowed to maximize
tained a higher lift capacity of the MEB requirement all available space. This administrative dense pack-
per MPSRON, retained critical sea-basing enabling ing of the ships precludes the conduct of assembly
capabilities within each MPSRON, and maintained operations aboard MPF ships. In-service MPF plat-
the Maritime Prepositioning Forces ability to support forms can support the limited employment of forces
geographic combatant commander requirements. In from a sea base, but this requires significant planning
addition, Marine Corps afloat and ashore preposition- prior to back-loading the ships during the preceding
ing programs are programmed for other significant MPF maintenance cycle. Also, since there are no main-
changes through 2025 and beyond. Changes will occur tenance facilities aboard in-service MPF vessels, all re-
in the afloat program, where the capability to conduct constitution must be done ashore before back loading
sustained sea-based operations with limited host-na- any of the equipment or supplies.
tion infrastructure in the Joint Operating Area (JOA) Between 2013 and 2015, additional ships will be
will provide a greatly expanded set of options for the integrated into the MPSRONs. Each new platform will
combatant commanders. A detailed integration plan incrementally transform the existing MPSRONs and
has been developed to ensure the new capabilities are provide an immediate operational benefit to combat-
seamlessly incorporated into the existing program. ant commanders. Dry cargo/ammunition ships enable
The first stages of this plan have already been re- selective access to and the offload of supplies, allowing
alized. Each MPSRON has increased organic ship-to- the building of tailored sustainment packages for forc-
shore movement capability with the fielding of the es operating ashore. Mobile Landing Platforms will
Improved Navy Lighterage System (INLS). The INLS provide the capability to conduct at-sea, sea state-3
provides operability in higher sea states and greater selective offload and vehicle/cargo transfer from an
throughput capacity than the legacy lighterage it re- LMSR to ship-to-shore connector craft. During this
places. The MPF also has been recapitalized with Mili- transition period, training and exercises will focus on
tary Sealift Command (MSC) either purchasing or ter- the development of new tactics, techniques, and proce-
minating the programs leased ships. dures as well as doctrinal and organizational changes
Another major enhancement is the integration of to fully realize the enhanced ability and operational
four Large Medium-Speed Roll-On/Roll-Off (LMSR) utility of afloat prepositioning.
ships which provide more stowage space to accommo-
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) means to move forces and supplies within that theater.
Specifically, the JHSV will provide the capability to
deliver equipment, personnel, and supplies over the
intra-theater ranges to shallow, austere, and degraded
ports. It will provide support to seabasing and will
bridge the gap between low-speed sealift and high-
speed airlift.
The JHSV lead ship USNS Spearhead (JHSV
1) completed acceptance trials in 2012 with three
additional ships in various stages of construction at
Austal USA in Mobile, AL. The current contract is
for 10 ships. Two high-speed commercial ferries,
The JHSV will provide the critical intra-theater, renamed the USNS Guam and USNS Puerto Rico
surface connector capability that will enable the joint have also been purchased. In the interim, high-
force commander to project forces and sustainment speed vessels will continue to be leased in the Pacific
at high speeds over operational distances. The JHSV Command area of responsibility to satisfy compelling
will be capable of self-deploying to the theater of op- requirements.
erations and, once in theater, provide the high-speed
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Pillar 4:
Infrastructure Sustainment
section 1: Providing Capable
Bases and Stations
chapter 3: programs
Logistics is a fundamental element of Marine Air Ground Task Force
(MAGTF) expeditionary operations. The MAGTF expeditionary logistics ca-
pability supports a balanced, multi-capable force that is integral to the stra-
tegic direction described in Marine Corps Vision and Strategy 2025. Marine
expeditionary forces are self-contained and self-sustained forces that have ev-
erything necessary to accomplish the mission from individual equipment
to expeditionary airfields and medical treatment facilities. These forces are
structured to meet a wide range of contingency operations and possess the
logistics capabilities needed to initiate an operation, sustain forces, and recon-
stitute for follow-on missions.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
ethos within our force that efficient use of vital re- vantage of incentives available to our private partners,
sources increases combat effectiveness. We must edu- which allows us to meet renewable energy mandates.
cate and inform everyone who lives, trains, and works Where practical, these efforts will improve energy se-
on our installations energy users about their curity for our installations and the country by reduc-
daily impact on the energy footprint and then provide ing reliance on foreign energy sources.
them with tools to manage and improve their energy
and water use. Awareness starts with an understand- Garrison Mobile Equipment (GME)
ing of the value of energy, at home and deployed, and GME provides commercially available equipment
ends with accountability. In the end, we increase in- supporting installation transportation requirements
stallation energy security while reducing the cost of such as transportation, firefighting, rescue, construc-
purchased utilities. tion, and material handling. The fleet includes over
The USMC Expeditionary Energy Strategy pro- 14,000 vehicles.
vides additional guidance and specific actions to The Marine Corps has an aggressive program for
implement the strategy. There are five key enabling petroleum fuel reduction and conservation in the GME
concepts to implementation: awareness and account- fleet. The Service repeatedly exceeds the requirements
ability; measuring and improving performance; en- of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 Alternative Fuel Ve-
ergy efficiency as a component of planning; proactive hicle acquisition requirements and has been a leader
employment of new technologies; and energy security in the Department of Defense and other Federal agen-
and environmental stewardship. These actions will cies in the adoption of efficient vehicle technologies
enable the Marine Corps to implement the Deputies and the use of alternative fuels, including electricity,
Management Advisory Group strategies to: invest in E85, compressed natural gas, hybrids, biodiesel, and
energy efficiency; develop an energy ethos; and reduce hydrogen.
conventional energy dependence.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
Constructing deficit housing will continue important developments in our Nations history and
through 2014, principally at Camp Pendleton, CA; the role of the military in that history, and embody
Camp Lejeune, NC; and Marine Corps Air Ground our shared historical experiences. Many of our instal-
Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, CA. New units lations are also located in areas with regional air and
constructed at these facilities will be modern and water quality issues that require the Marine Corps to
energy efficient, and will continue to improve the meet stringent requirements to ensure environmental
quality of life of Marines, Sailors, and their families. protection and improvement and mission success.
Effective environmental management of these re-
sources ensures mission readiness by allowing the Ma-
rine Corps to sustain and enhance these lands, while
Environmental, Natural, protecting the health of our citizens, Marines, and
and Cultural Resources the valuable resources entrusted to us by our Nation.
Stewardship Land is a finite, valuable commodity. Unless properly
The Marine Corps serves as custodian and stew-
managed, Marine Corps lands can become damaged
ard of approximately 2.3 million acres of some of the
to the point where realistic training can no longer take
most environmentally sensitive and diverse areas of
place. Marine Corps use of land must be sustainable
the country and the world, including large portions
so the Marine Corps may use its lands frequently and
of the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts, some of the last
repeatedly. In addition, the American people have
remaining sub-tropical rain forest in Asia, and numer-
placed intrinsic values on stewardship of natural and
ous fresh and saltwater waters and wetlands. These
cultural resources. These values have been translated
lands provide areas where our Marines live and train as
into laws requiring the Marine Corps to protect and
well as habitat for an abundance of wildlife species, in-
preserve human health and the environment. In most
cluding 59 federally listed threatened and endangered
instances, Federal and state laws and regulations apply
plant and animal species. These same lands contain a
to the Marine Corps in the same way they do to our ci-
diversity of cultural resources, including archaeologi-
vilian counterparts. Failure to comply with these laws
cal sites; historic buildings, structures, and objects; cul-
can lead to fines, penalties, and judicial, legislative, and
tural landscapes and resources of traditional, religious,
executive decisions denying the Marine Corps access
or cultural significance to Native American tribes or
to land for training.
Native Hawaiian organizations. These resources re-
flect thousands of years of human activity, including
Pillar 5:
Equipment Modernization
section 1: Equipping the Marine
chapter 3: programs
FOLLOW-ON TO SHOULDER ity (FOC) in FY 2016. The Rocket (FFE Round) will
LAUNCHED MULTI-PURPOSE reach IOC in FY2014 and FOC in FY 2017.
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Launchers 0 0
FFE Rounds 0 0
FFE Round: Nammo Talley, Incorporated, Mesa, AZ
Launcher: Raytheon Missiles Systems, Tucson, AZ
The Shoulder Launched Multi-Purpose Assault
Weapon (SMAW) II is the materiel solution to the
FOTS capability requirement defined in a Capability
Development Document. The SMAW II system will
consist of a new launcher to replace the existing SMAW
Mk153 Mod 0 launcher, and the multi-purpose, fire-
from-enclosure (FFE), encased round. The SMAW II
launcher will be functionally and physically compat-
ible with existing SMAW legacy rounds.
The Marine Corps stood up the MEP in 1989 in
response to congressional guidance for the Corps to
Operational Impact establish programs dedicated to improving the lethal-
The SMAW II provides the Marine Corps Assault ity, comfort and survivability of the individual Ma-
Team the ability to engage targets from inside an en- rine. The primary focus of the program is on low-cost,
closure or in a confined space (e.g. alleyway), which low-visibility materiel solutions that can be rapidly
significantly improves the teams tactical flexibility fielded and that typically do not compete well against
and survivability. The system provides a lighter, more larger, high-profile items in the Department of the
maintainable, and more reliable launcher, which in- Navys budget.
corporates state-of-the art technology not resident in The MEP thus ensures improvements for the in-
legacy system. dividual Infantryman are identified and quickly tran-
sitioned into practical solutions. This goal is achieved
Program Status through an accelerated acquisition process that takes
The Launcher will reach Initial Operational Capa- advantage of commercially available technologies to
bility (IOC) in FY 2013 and Full Operational Capabil- provide lighter, more improved infantry items to the
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Marines as quickly as possible. Depending upon when mental Items that can be executed quickly. The potential
the item is needed, its complexity, risk and cost, it can MEP initiatives for 2013 include: Small Arms Collima-
take from 90 days to two years to test, modify as appro- tor, Modular/Scalable Protection System and Enhanced
priate, procure and field the item to the Marine. Hearing Protection.
Operational Impact
Items procured and fielded under the MEP seek FAMILY OF IMPROVED LOAD
to reduce the load, increase the survivability, enhance BEARING EQUIPMENT (FILBE)
the safety and improve the lethality of the individual
Marine Infantryman across the spectrum of opera-
tional environments. MEP systems are intended pri-
marily for the Marine Infantryman within the Ground
Combat Element (GCE). When applicable, MEP items
have also transitioned to support other Military Oc-
cupational Specialties within the GCE (e.g., Combat
Engineers and Artilleryman) and across the Marine
Air Ground Task Force (e.g., Supply, Maintenance, Description
Administration and Ordnance). In recent years, the The FILBE comprises load-carrying systems and
MEP has funded several critical programs, includ- components. It is designed to provide a stable platform
ing: Field Tarp, Flame-Resistant Organizational Gear, for carrying equipment and supplies needed across
Modular Tactical Vest, Multi-Purpose Bayonet, Rifle the spectrum of individual and unit operations. The
Combat Optic, Individual Water Purification Block I FILBE includes the load carriage system for the USMC
(Miox Pen), Tactical Handbook, Unit Leaders, Small, (USMC Pack system), the holster for the service pistols
Grip Pod for the M16 and M203, Handheld Flash- (USMC Holster), the Corpsman Assault System (CAS),
light, Three Season Sleep System, Pocket Laser Range Individual Water Purification System (IWPS), sub-belt,
Finder, Marine Corps Pack, Hearing Armour (hearing body armor pouch suite, and the USMC Chest Rig.
protection), Solar Portable Power System, the Vehicle The USMC Pack system incorporates an external
Mounted Battery Charger, Patrol Planning Tool and composite frame and is designed to better integrate
the Improved Helmet Suspension/Retention System. with body armor systems. The USMC Pack system will
be fielded as a system consisting of a main pack, an
Program Status assault pack, a hydration carrier, and five sustainment
The MEP Working Group includes core representa- pouches of differing sizes.
tives from Plans, Policies and Operations, Marine Corps The USMC Holster is an integrated system us-
Combat Development and Integration, and Marine ing a modular composite holster that is replacing the
Corps Systems Command. Nominations for the MEP fielded M-12 holster. The USMC Holster will provide
initiatives come from Marines via the website, email three mounting platforms: the belt platform for gar-
and the Advocate, or through review of the U.S. Armys rison duty; the drop-leg platform to support combat
Soldiers Enhancement Program for capabilities match- dismounted use; and the Pocket Attachment Ladders
ing a Marine Corps need. Nominated capabilities must System (PALS) platform to support a chest-mounted
focus on Commercial-Off-The-Shelf or Non-Develop- position for tactical operations.
chapter 3: programs
The CAS is a modular four-bag system that will targets from the holster implementing current combat
provide rapid access to medical equipment and con- marksmanship techniques. The CAS will enhance first
sumables. It supports first-responder capabilities tai- responder capabilities by providing the Corpsman a
lored to the duration and casualty expectations of a smaller, lighter, and efficient pack system responsive to
full range of combat and non-combat operations. The the different mission requirements.
CAS will integrate with the different USMC body ar-
mor systems and will be compatible with the USMC Program Status
Pack system. The USMC Pack system reached Initial Opera-
The IWPS is a critical element of the Marines in- tional Capability (IOC) in FY 2012 and will reach Full
dividual load. It is intended to provide the warfighter Operational Capability (FOC) in FY 2013. The USMC
with the capability to produce microbiologically safe Holster IOC and FOC were reached in FY 2012.
water from any freshwater source while operating in
austere environments. It will reduce waterborne patho- Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
gens (viruses, bacteria, and protozoan cysts), sediment, Quantity:
and bad taste and odor. IWPS includes an oxidant and USMC Pack 36,071 0
ultra-filter device (pump or in-line filter). CAS 10,000 0
The Sub-Belt provides for attachment of the IWPS 130,100 14,456
USMC Holster and pouches via PALS to optimize load SUB-BELT 269,662 0
distribution and an alternative placement of pouches POUCH SUITE TBD TBD
to the chest rig and body armor systems.
The ILBE pouches are a series of robust, special- Developer/Manufacturer:
ized pouches capable of carrying the basic ammuni- USMC Pack/Sub-belt: Eagle Industries, Fenton, MO
tion load required to support and sustain the indi- Propper International, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
vidual Marine during combat operations. The pouch CAS: TBD
suite will be a collection of individual pouches geared IWPS: TBD
toward the Marines load carriage requirements. Pouch Suite: TBD
The USMC Chest Rig provides the individual
Marine the means to carry the fighting load in a
modular system. It allows for rapid reconfiguration
of the fighting load between fielded Personal Protec- FAMILY OF INDIVIDUAL
tion Equipment (PPE) or employed in a stand-alone WARFIGHTER EQUIPMENT (IWE)
configuration. Description
The IWE consists of multiple programs that pro-
Operational Impact vide increased warfighter capability, protection, and
The FILBE program provides Marines improved sustainment in combat environments. There are more
scalability, modularity, and integration with other than 100 IWE projects within the Family of IWE. Many
fielded body armor and individual equipment. It al- of these programs were the result of Universal Needs
lows Marines to efficiently carry mission loads across Statement (UNS) requirements or requests from Ma-
the full-spectrum of combat and non-combat op- rine Corps operating forces. The Family of IWE pro-
erations. The USMC Holster allows Marines better grams include:
weapons carriage and the ability to rapidly engage Multipurpose Compact Attachable Light (MCAL);
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Operational Impact
The IWE provides Marines individually issued
items that enhance their combat capabilities, have re-
duced weight, increase energy efficiency and provide a
unique capability to the operating forces.
Program Status
IWE programs are in various phases of the ac-
quisitions process ranging from the Engineering and
Manufacturing Development phase to Operations and
Night Vision Goggle Compatible Light; Enhanced Bed Support phase.
Net System; Handheld Flashlight; High Intensity Min-
iature Illumination System; Multi-Purpose Bayonet; Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Mechanical Breachers Kit; Martial Arts Kit; Chaplains Quantity:
Kit; Field Tarp; ILBE Waterproof Bags; Marine Corps MCAL 9,204 14,336
Wire Cutter; Marine Corps Strap Cutter; Entrenching
Tools; Collapsible Waterbag; and Engineer Tools Developer/Manufacturer:
Streamlight Eagleville, PA
chapter 3: programs
section 2: Ground Combat
Tactical Vehicles
chapter 3: programs
quickly, heavy enough to carry the day upon arrival, and capable of operat-
founded the Ground Combat and Tactical Vehicle Strategy. It provides a basis
for planning, programming, and budgeting the ground maneuver and mobil-
ity capabilities and needs for the Marine Corps as Americas Expeditionary
to all manner of crises and contingencies. This Strategy guides planning for
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
GCTV Strategy define a triad of heavy, medium, and based on a revised set of requirements, key perfor-
light combat vehicles to create a balanced force capable mance parameters, and key system attributes
of achieving desired ends in the irregular spectrum of Assessed the weight, payload, protection, and cost of
conflict while retaining core competencies against tra- the Marine Corps light vehicle fleet and determine the
ditional threats. appropriate future mix of Joint Light Tactical Vehicles,
High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicles (HM-
Tactical Vehicles MWV) and inform HMMWV recapitalization and
The Ground Combat Forces Light Tactical Mobility reconstitution efforts.
Initial Capability Document (GCFLTM ICD) is one of E xamined HMMWV survivability upgrade program
several service and joint CBAs and requirements docu- to leverage on-hand vehicles.
ments that informed development of tactical vehicle
categories to support military operations. To minimize
the risk associated with unprotected legacy tactical ve- ASSAULT AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE
hicles operating in asymmetric environments, the GC- (AAV7A1) FAMILY OF VEHICLES
FLTM ICD and the GCTV Strategy define a future fleet UPGRADE
of tactical vehicles designed with adaptable armor and
improved protection accomplished through the pro-
curement of current armoring solutions.
Program Status
The GCTV Strategy is currently in its third phase
of implementation. Decision Point 1 already has in-
formed POM 2010 investments, and Decision Point 2
did the same for POM 2012 investments. A key output
of Decision Point 2 analysis is a planned 10,000 vehicle
approved acquisition objective (AAO) reduction by the
fourth quarter of calendar year 2013. Fiscal implemen- Description
tation of that reduction will inform POM 2013. The Initially fielded in 1972, the Assault Amphibious
POM 2012 endgame will set the course for key Requests Vehicle (AAV) remains the primary general-support
For Information to be addressed during Decision Points armor personnel carrier (APC) for Marine infantry.
3a and 3b, which will informing POM 2013 and POM The AAV family of vehicles consists of the AAVP7A1
2014 investments, respectively. Reliability, Availability, Maintainability/Rebuild to
The Marine Corps will continue to take a holistic Standard (RAM/RS) APC and two supporting mis-
approach to its GCTV Strategy. Actions occurring dur- sion-role variants: AAVC7A1 RAM/RS Command and
ing FY 2012 included: AAVR7A1 RAM/RS Recovery. The AAV7A1 RAM/RS
I nvested in Assault Amphibious Vehicle upgrades in family of vehicles provides ship-to-shore-to-objective
order to improve seamless ship to shore transition mobility as well as direct fire-support with organic
Accelerated the Marine Personnel Carrier program to weapons.
provide sufficient lift ashore Programmed to be replaced by a new amphibi-
Initiated the Amphibious Combat Vehicle program ous combat vehicle, the AAV7A1 RAM/RS family of
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
vehicles will continue to serve the Marine Corps until JOINT LIGHT TACTICAL VEHICLE
at least 2030. The AAV7A1 RAM/RS family of vehicles (JLTV) FAMILY OF VEHICLES (FOV)
previously underwent a series of capability enhance- Description
ments to improve mobility and reliability and to ex- The JLTV FOV is a joint Army/Marine Corps
tend the platforms service lives. program to procure the next generation of light tacti-
The AAV Upgrade Program will further improve cal vehicles and companion trailers. JLTV objectives
survivability and land and water mobility of the AAV, are to improve the mobility and payload of the light
serving as a capability bridge to fielding and replace- tactical vehicle fleet, while providing increased surviv-
ment by a new amphibious combat vehicle. This ini- ability through modular protection within the weight
tiative will improve force protection and platform sur- constraints of the expeditionary force. The JLTV
vivability by integrating technically mature upgrades program will also strive to minimize operations and
into the existing hull. These upgrades are slated for maintenance costs by maximizing vehicle commonal-
approximately 392 AAVP7A1 RAM/RS with potential ity, increased reliability, and better fuel efficiency, while
select upgrades applied to the Command and Recov- garnering additional procurement savings through ef-
ery variants. fective competition throughout program execution.
JLTVs can be configured to support multiple mission
Operational Impact packages, derived from two base vehicle configura-
The upgraded AAV will provide significant sur- tions, the 4-door Combat Tactical Vehicle and 2-door
vivability improvements through increased protec- Combat Support Vehicle. The commonality of com-
tion against current and future threats. Through im- ponents, maintenance procedures, and training among
provements in physical armor systems and supporting all configurations will minimize total ownership costs.
subsystems within the hull of the AAV, the upgraded
vehicles will increase protection to embarked Marines Operational Impact
and crew. The JLTV FOV will be capable of operating across
a broad spectrum of terrain and weather conditions.
Program Status The approved JLTV Capabilities Development Docu-
The AAV Upgrade Program will enter the acquisi- ment (CDD) identifies the capabilities of the next gen-
tion life cycle at Milestone B during FY 2013 and be- eration of light tactical vehicles required to support
gin the engineering, manufacturing and development joint forces across the full range of military operations
phase. Developmental Testing is planned for late FY and to provide a vital force enabler, multiplier, and ex-
2014 followed by Live Fire Testing in FY 2015. Mile- tender.
stone C, authorizing entrance into the Production and The joint service program is intended to replace a
Deployment Phase, is scheduled for late FY 2015 and portion of the Army and Marine Corps High Mobility
IOC in late FY 2017. Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) fleet with
JLTVs as part of the ground equipment modernization
effort. The JLTVs performance characteristics will ex-
ceed those of the armored HMMWV Expanded Ca-
pability Vehicle (ECV), and will ensure the additional
protection and mobility required by the Marine Air
Ground Task Force and joint forces. The JLTV FOV
will provide the warfighter with increased protection
chapter 3: programs
Program Status
The JLTV CDD was approved by the Joint Require-
ments Oversight Council in January 2012. The JLTV
program is in the Engineering and Manufacturing De-
the objective. The ACV will possess ground mobility
velopment (EMD) phase following a successful Mile-
and speed similar to the M1A1 during sustained oper-
stone B decision in August 2012. During September
ations ashore and will possess the capability to provide
2012 EMD phase contracts were competitively award-
organic, direct fire support to dismounted infantry in
ed to AM General, Lockheed Martin, and Oshkosh
the attack. The ACV will protect the force during of-
Defense for the design and build of 22 prototypes per
fensive and defensive operations, providing 360-de-
vendor. Delivery of the vehicles will be followed by 14
gree protection against direct fire, indirect fire, mines,
months of government testing. Marine Corps Initial
and improvised explosive device threats.
Operating Capability for the JLTV FOV is scheduled
The ACV will replace the legacy Amphibious As-
for September 2017 with Full Operational Capability
sault Vehicle that was fielded in 1972 and will be more
occurring in September 2021.
than 40 years old when ACV is fielded. The ACV will
be configured in two mission role variants: Personnel
Developer/Manufacturer: AM General, Lockheed Martin,
and Command and Control.
and Oshkosh Defense
Operational Impact
The ACVs over-the-horizon launch capability
Amphibious Combat enables the Navy and Marine Corps team to project
Vehicle (ACV) power from the sea base and conduct joint forcible
Description entry if required while providing force protection
The ACV is a new-start, pre-Major Defense Acqui- for the amphibious task force. The ACV will support
sition Program that will provide an advanced genera- ship-to-objective maneuver mobility and amphibious
tion, armored, amphibious combat vehicle. The ACV maneuver by providing the capability to launch from
will be the primary means of tactical mobility for the amphibious ships at operational distances, seamlessly
Marine rifle squad both at sea and ashore. The ACV transition between sea and land domains, establish
will autonomously deliver the assault echelon from footholds where conditions preclude other types of
amphibious shipping at launch distances at or beyond entry, and enable rapid build-up of combat power
the visual horizon, with speed to enable the rapid before an enemy can react. The ACV will enhance
buildup ashore, and provide combat-ready Marines at the Ground Combat Elements tactical and opera-
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
Program Status
Since February 2010, the Marine Corps has pro- Description
cured a limited number of specialty variant ECVs, as The MTVR program replaced the medium truck
the approved acquisition objective for the fleet is being fleet (M809/M939) series 5-ton trucks with state-of-
reduced. However, with plans to keep the HMMWV the art commercial automotive technology. The MTVR
fleet in the Marine Corps inventory until the year 2030, has an increased payload of 7.1 tons off-road and 15
efforts have begun on the HMMWV Sustainment Mod- tons on-road, a high-performance suspension, traction
ification Initiative (SMI) to explore concepts to restore control, central tire inflation system, automatic trans-
payload, reliability and automotive performance lost mission, and corrosion technology upgrades.
due to the increased weight of armoring. An upgraded MTVR family of vehicles includes a cargo variant
power train, brakes, suspension, axles, and wheels are (both standard and extended wheel base configura-
among those components and subsystems targeted for
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Operational Impact
More than 1,000 MTVRs have seen service in sup-
port of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring
Freedom, and humanitarian-assistance and disaster-
relief missions. With its 70 percent off-road mis-
sion profile and highly survivable armor package, the
MTVR has been heavily used in contingency opera-
tions as well as missions in support of humanitarian
Program Status
The MAS is installed on all MTVR variants de-
ployed to hostile environments. The MTVR Program
tions), dump truck, a wrecker, and a tractor. The dump Office has continued to improve the MAS in response
and wrecker variants maintain maximum commonal- to Urgent Universal Needs Statements. These improve-
ity with the basic MTVR cargo chassis while perform- ments include the addition of increased underbody
ing their unique missions. The tractor variant serves as blast protection, fuel tank fire-protection kits, and
the prime mover for the Mk 970 refueling trailer and 300-amp alternator kits (e.g., for powering counter-
the M777 155mm howitzer. The Navy also uses MTVR IED technologies), as well as developing the reduc-
vehicles for Naval Construction Battalion (Seabee) op- ible-height MAS configuration. In addition, live-fire
erations. The High Mobility Artillery Rocket System testing has resulted in additional MAS upgrades for
(HIMARS) Re-supply vehicle (and associated trailer) non-reducible armored MTVRs and for the armored
is an MTVR variant that was procured as part of the troop carrier. The program office is developing ad-
USMC HIMARS program. ditional safety and crew protection upgrades, such as
The MTVR Armor System (MAS) provides com- an automatic fire suppression systems and emergency
plete 360-degree protection as well as overhead and egress windshields, in response to additional urgent
underbody protection for the crew compartment us- need statements. The program office is also working
ing Mil-A-46100 High Hard Steel and Metal Compos- with the Office of Naval Research under the Future
ite standards. It is designed for the 22-year service life Naval Capability program to develop a fuel economy
of the vehicle. The MAS can withstand small-arms fire, upgrade kit. The approved acquisition objective of the
improvised explosive devices, and mines. It includes MTVR is 8,750 vehicles. A follow-on production order
upgraded suspension, air conditioning system, re- was placed at the end of FY 2012 to procure 207 cargo
movable armored troop carrier (with ballistic glass), variants and an interservice exchange agreement with
machine gun mounts, and the Marine Corps trans- the Navy is being executed for 29 Dump Truck variants
parent armor gun shield. The reducible-height toward the goal of achieving the desired variant mix
configuration of MAS allows for removal of cab roof within the approved acquisition objective.
to accommodate maritime prepositioned shipping
space requirements. Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Quantity: 32 0
Oshkosh Defense Corporation, Oshkosh, WI
chapter 3: programs
LOGISTICS VEHICLE SYSTEM creased distances with increased payloads. The LVSR
REPLACEMENT (LVSR) will rapidly distribute all classes of supply, while in-
cluding a self-loading and unloading capability. The
LVSR addresses one of the most significant Marine
Corps challenges in Afghanistan, that of getting sup-
plies, equipment, and logistics into the remote areas in
which Marines routinely operate.
Program Status
LVSR achieved Initial Operational Capability in
September 2009. The original indefinite delivery/in-
definite quantity contract for the LVSR was awarded
in May 2006 to Oshkosh Defense, Oshkosh, Wiscon-
Description sin. The approved acquisition objective of the LVSR is
The LVSR replaces the current Marine Corps 2,000 vehicles. Full-rate vehicle production began in
heavy-tactical wheeled vehicle, the Logistics Vehicle December 2008 and includes add-on armor B kits,
System. The LVSR cargo variant transports several car- in addition to the factory-installed integral A kit
gos, including: bulk liquids; ammunition; standardized armor. Add-on armor can be applied in the field by
containers; bulk, break bulk, and palletized cargo; and maintenance activities. By the end of FY 2012, the full
bridging equipment. The LVSR has wrecker and trac- Approved Acquisition Objective of 2000 vehicles was
tor variants as well and is being fielded throughout the procured consisting of 1489 Cargo variant, 349 Trac-
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF). The vehicle tor variants, and 162 Wrecker variants . The Program
base design includes factory-installed floor armor and Office and Logistics Command are conducting Reset
is also designed to accept an add-on armor kit for in- and Reconstitution planning which may result in ad-
creased crew protection. ditional vehicle procurements.
The vehicle is equipped with an independent sus-
pension system for superior off-road mobility in the Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
most severe environments. The LVSR features an on- Quantity:
road payload capacity of 22.5 tons and an off-road Cargo variant 0 0
payload capacity of 16.5 tons. Its maneuverability is in- Tractor variant 0 0
creased by four-axle steering capabilities. The LVSR is Wrecker variant 0 0
also equipped with advanced electronics system for in-
cab diagnostics of the vehicles critical systems. It uses
a single-source lubrication system for easier mainte-
Oshkosh Defense Corporation, Oshkosh, WI
nance and has a 600-horsepower C15 engine.
Operational Impact
To successfully accomplish their mission, MAGTFs
require a heavy ground logistics distribution system
that is highly mobile, efficient, reliable, and flexible.
This system must be capable of operating over in-
section 3: Aviation
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
F-35B SHORT TAKE-OFF VERTICAL without reliance on external sources by using fused
LANDING (STOVL) AND C (CARRIER information from its onboard systems and/or other
VARIANT) LIGHTNING II JOINT F-35s. This capability allows shortened engagement
STRIKE FIGHTER (JSF) times, less exposure to threats, and retains the element
of surprise. Together these elements allow the pilot to
control the tactical environment using proactive tac-
tics. When operating in a less restrictive environment
the F-35 provides sensor data to Marine Air-Ground
Task Force (MAGTF) command and control agencies
to enable intelligence collection and targeting across
the force.
The F-35 brings unprecedented lethality, surviv-
ability, and maintainability never possible in legacy
fighter attack aircraft. These attributes have been
designed into the aircraft from the beginning of the
process and ensure flexibility to counter even more so-
Description phisticated threats as they emerge.
The F-35 JSF is the next generation strike weapons
system designed to meet an advanced threat, while im- Operational Impact
proving lethality, survivability, and supportability. It The F-35 JSF brings strategic agility, operational
will be the cornerstone of a multi-mission joint force flexibility and tactical supremacy to the MAGTF. The
possessing improved mission flexibility and unprece- F-35B variant unites fifth generation stealth, precision
dented effectiveness to engage and destroy both air and weapons and multi-spectral sensors with expedition-
ground threats. The F-35 is designed to participate in ary responsiveness of a Short Take-off and Vertical
a wide variety of operations from routine, recurring Landing (STOVL) fighter-attack platform. The F-35B
military activities, to Major Theater War, and peace- will replace AV-8B, F/A-18A/C/D, and EA-6B aircraft.
keeping operations. Having a single aircraft capable of performing all these
The F-35 was developed using a complete analy- missions decreases logistical requirements and in-
sis of legacy aircraft shortfalls, emerging threats, and creases operational effectiveness.
consideration of future operating locations. This ap- The F-35 is a force-multiplier for the MAGTF
proach led to an aircraft design that incorporates ad- commander. It can operate without degradation with-
vanced stealth characteristics and a powerful sensor in anti-access or highly contested airspace providing
suite that provides superior awareness to the pilot and an advanced engagement capability that is not possible
ensures increased survivability and lethality in all en- with legacy aircraft. The F-35 fuses information from
vironments. all of its sensors and displays it to the pilot on large
The F-35 has an autonomous capability to strike panoramic cockpit displays. This comprehensive and
a broad range of moving or fixed targets, either day or
intuitive display provides complete situation aware-
night and in adverse weather conditions. These tar-
ness to the pilot, showing the location and status of
gets include air and ground threats, as well as enemy
both enemy and friendly forces.
surface units at sea and anti-ship or land attack cruise
The ability for the F-35 to accomplish the entire
missiles. The F-35 can complete the entire kill chain
kill chain independently minimizes reliance on other
chapter 3: programs
support aircraft. This reduces logistical requirements, ability, and supportability compared to those of legacy
further decreasing strains on MAGTF resources. aircraft.
The VMFAT-501 Warlords, the first Marine
Program Status Corps JSF STOVL training squadron, stood up on April
Highlights of the F-35B program: 2, 2010 as part of the JSF Integrated Training Center
May 12: VMFAT-501 begins F-35B flight at Eglin AFB, FL. VMFAT-501 will be assigned to 2d
operations at Eglin Air Force Base Marine Aircraft Wing for operational control and ad-
September 12: 948 total F-35B flights ministrative control, but the Warlords will maintain a
October 2011: L Class ship trials command training relationship and co-location with
stimated Initial Operational Capability the U.S. Air Force 33rd Fighter Wing. Students are
(IOC): Late 2015 expected to start training in 2012. The Operational
stimated Full Operational Capability Test and Evaluation (OT&E) detachment stands up
(FOC): TBD at Edwards AFB during 2014 and commences Block
2.0 OT&E in 2015.
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
The Marine Corps will acquire 357 STOVL air-
Quantity: 6 6
craft and 63 CV aircraft for a total of 420 JSFs. Once
the F-35 enters service, the Marine Corps will begin
retirement of AV-8Bs and F/A-18A-Ds. All legacy tacti-
Lockheed Martin, Fort Worth, TX
cal strike aircraft platforms should be retired by 2031.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Suppression of
Enemy Air Defenses
and battlefield
1 10 surveillance sensors
Operations 10
Spectrum Electronic Warfare
Surveillance Battle Management
Maneuver Element
Electronic Warfare
Electronic Warfare
Battle Management
Battle Management
Future growth of MAGTF EW will allow for the routing, and dynamic bandwidth allocation. SRP
progressive inclusion of technologies and capabilities contributes to MAGTF EW by providing robust EMS
from other Services and commercial vendors. At pres- maneuver and adaptability in stressed EMOEs.
ent, the following capabilities comprise the MAGTF
W Service Architecture (EWSA) An extensible
EW portfolio in development:
Intrepid Tiger II (IT-2) A modular, commercial- data exchange and hardware protocol intended to
off-the shelf based Electronic Warfare pod designed connect EW/SIGINT airborne nodes to ground Op-
to address irregular warfare targets. The V(1) variant erators, Cyber/EW Control Cells (C/EWCCs), and
will fly aboard tactical aircraft (TACAIR) assets, the other air EW nodes. EWSA will provide on-de-
V(2) will fly aboard unmanned aerial systems (UAS), mand EW fires in operational conditions under C/
and the V(3) will fly aboard rotary-wing airframes.
EWCC control, and will unite Air EW, Ground EW
S oftware Reprogrammable Payload (SRP) A
small-format, software-definable, multi-channel, and SIGINT via an adaptive network with multiple
radio-reprogrammable digital technology for radio waveforms. Additionally, EWSA will also provide
relay, network management/monitoring, internet basic digital interoperability between air platforms.
chapter 3: programs
Program Status
The Marine Requirements Oversight Council ap- Description
proved the MAGTF EW Information Systems Initial The V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, the only
Capabilities Document (IS ICD) in September 2012. such operational military aircraft in the world, is an
MAGTF EW is a distinct program of record and is advanced-technology vertical/short takeoff and land-
funded against the FY 2014 FYDP. ing (VSTOL), multi-purpose tactical aircraft that is
IT-2 Block 0 is currently deployed in early opera- replacing the current fleet of Vietnam-era CH-46E &
tional capability status on AV-8B Harriers. IT-2 Block CH-53D helicopters. The V-22 is a multi-mission air-
1 will incorporate EW Support / surveillance capabili- craft designed for use by the Marine Corps, Navy, and
ties, and the later Block X variant will move beyond Air Force.
irregular warfare targets to include counter-radar The USMC variant, the MV-22B, joins the Joint
capabilities. High-Speed Vessel (JHSV) and Landing Craft Air
SRP has demonstrated capability in live-flight Cushion (LCAC) as the sea-basing connectors neces-
tests aboard the KC-130J. The next spiral of SRP may sary to execute expeditionary maneuver warfare. Spe-
incorporate TTNT waveform capability, Link-16, and cific missions for the MV-22B include expeditionary
advanced NSA-accredited crypto capabilities. assault from land or sea, medium-lift assault support,
EWSA functionality has been demonstrated in aerial delivery, tactical recovery of aircraft and person-
tactical demonstrations, with more demonstrations of nel, air evacuation, and rapid insertion and extraction.
increasing complexity planned. EWSA is being shared The MV-22B design incorporates sophisticated
with Army EW, and interested commercial vendors, and mature composite materials technology, fly-by-
to pursue new capabilities from a normalized frame wire flight controls, advanced manufacturing pro-
of reference and to encourage its adoption by other cesses, and digital cockpits. The MV-22Bs prop-rotor
agencies. system, engine, and transmissions are mounted on
each wingtip and allow it to operate as a helicopter for
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14 takeoff and landing. Once airborne, the nacelles rotate
Quantity: 0 0 forward 90 degrees, transitioning the MV-22B into a
high-speed, high-altitude, and fuel-efficient turboprop
Developer/Manufacturer: aircraft.
Various (NAVAIR, NRL, and prospective
commercial vendors)
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Program Status
The Marine Corps transition from the CH-46E to
the MV-22B continues at the approximate rate of 3 Os- H-1 Upgrades
preys delivered per month and two squadrons transi- (UH-1Y Venom/AH-1Z Viper)
tioned per year. Production of the MV-22B is based on
a block production strategy, which is designed to pro-
vide continual lifecycle and capability improvements
throughout the lifetime of the platform.
Block A aircraft are designed to serve as non-de-
ployable training aircraft, and they include software
enhancements, a nacelle reconfiguration, and addi-
tional reliability and maintainability improvements
compared to the original aircraft design. As of January
2013, 30 Block A aircraft have been delivered and are
primarily in service at Marine Corps Air Station New
River. Description
Block B aircraft are the deployable configuration The H-1 program (UH-1Y/AH-1Z) replaces the
of the MV-22B Osprey. These aircraft provide im- current two-bladed rotor system on the UH-1N and
provements in effectiveness and maintainability for AH-1W aircraft with new four-bladed, all-composite
operators and maintainers, including improved access rotor systems coupled with a sophisticated, fully inte-
to the nacelle for inspection purposes and substantial grated, state-of-the-art cockpit in both aircraft models.
reliability and maintenance improvements across the The UH-1Y and AH-1Z also incorporate new perfor-
entire platform. As of January 2013, 108 Block B air- mance-matched transmissions, a four-bladed tail ro-
craft have been delivered to the fleet. tor, and upgraded landing gear. Additionally, structur-
Block C aircraft incorporate mission enhance- al modifications to the AH-1Z provide the aircraft six
ments and increased operational capability. En- weapons stations, two more than on the AH-1W. The
hancements include weather radar, a forward-firing advanced cockpit common to both aircraft reduces
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Program Status
The Marine Corps KC-130J requirement (active
and reserve) is seventy-nine aircraft. The KC-130J is
propeller system provides thirty percent more thrust, currently in production with forty-six aircraft deliv-
twenty four percent faster time to climb and twenty ered. A forty-seventh KC-130J is on contract for deliv-
percent better fuel efficiency. ery by May 30, 2014. Initial Operational Capability was
A state-of-the-art flight station and integrated ad- achieved in February 2005.
vanced defensive system enables fewer aircrew to per-
form the same missions. Other improvements include Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
an advanced cargo ramp and door, capable of operat- Quantity: 0 2
ing at airspeeds up to two hundred fifty knots and an
improved air-to-air refueling system which enables in- Developer/Manufacturer:
creased fuel transfer rates without requiring the instal- Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, Marietta, GA
lation of the fuselage fuel tank. All active component
legacy KC-130 aircraft have been replaced with KC-
130Js. Once reserve component squadrons have transi-
tioned to the KC-130J, the Marine Corps will have one
type, model, and series of this versatile aircraft.
The CH-53K is critical to sea-based expedition-
ary maneuver warfare for the Marine Corps of 2025.
Operational Impact As Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) equip-
The KC-130J provides tactical air-to-air refuel- ment gets heavier, demand for vertical heavy lift as-
ing for fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and tilt-rotor aircraft; sets increase. Heavier equipment, such as up-armored
rapid ground refueling of aircraft or tactical vehicles; High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HM-
assault air transport of air-landed or air-delivered MWVs), the future Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV),
(parachute) personnel and equipment; airborne com- and the Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) eliminate medi-
mand and control augmentation; pathfinder support; um-lift assets as lift platforms and increase demand for
battlefield illumination; tactical aero-medical evacua- the heavy-lift CH-53K.
tion; and is an enabler for tactical recovery of aircraft The CH-53K provides the Marine Corps with the
and personnel. ability to transport 36,000 pounds of external cargo
In response to an Urgent Universal Need, the and is specifically designed to lift 27,000 pounds of
Marine Corps has acquired a bolt-on/bolt-off Multi- cargo up to 110 nautical miles in support of future
Sensor Imagery Reconnaissance (MIR)/Weapon Mis- warfighting concepts. The CH-53K generates nearly
sion Kit for KC-130J aircraft. This kit, known as Har-
chapter 3: programs
Operational Impact
CH-53K maintainability and reliability enhance-
ments decrease recurring operating costs significantly,
while improving aircraft efficiency and operational ef-
fectiveness compared with the CH-53E. Survivability
and force protection enhancements significantly in-
crease protection for aircrew and passengers. The CH-
53K will transport three independent external loads
tailored to individual unit requirements and provide
the critical logistics air bridge to facilitate sea-based
and distributed operations.
three times the external lift capability of the CH-53E
under the same environmental conditions, while fit- Program Status
ting within the same shipboard footprint. Performance In 2012, the CH-53K program made significant
improvements enable vertical insertion of dual-slung progress. The Ground Test Vehicle (GTV) completed
up-armored HMMWVs, the JLTV, LAV, or three in- assembly in Oct at Sikorskys Florida Assembly and
dividually tailored resupply loads delivered to three Flight Operations (FAFO) facility in West Palm Beach,
different operating bases using the independent triple- Florida, and entered the system validation test phase.
hook external load system. The GTV will undergo tests ensuring safe operations
The CH-53K provides unparalleled lift and range of the Engineering Development Model (EDM) flight
capability under high-temperature and high-altitude vehicles. All four EDMs are currently in assembly at
austere conditions, similar to those found in Afghani- FAFO, EDM-1 is 40 percent complete and will deliver
stan, thereby greatly expanding the commanders oper- in Oct 2013, and will conduct the first CH-53K flight
ational reach. It is the only fully marinized helicopter in 2014. Milestone C is scheduled for FY16 with Initial
that can lift 100 percent of MAGTF equipment from Operating Capability scheduled for the first quarter of
amphibious shipping to inland objectives. The CH- fiscal year 2019.
53K, having more lift capacity than present day heavy- General Electric (GE) continues to make great
lift assets, becomes the aircraft of choice to minimize strides with the CH-53K GE38 engine. A new engine,
the MAGTF footprint while maximizing operational specifically developed to power the CH-53K, the GE38
efficiency. has achieved over 2400 successful test hours and re-
Major system improvements include more pow- cently completed the rigorous 1000 hour Missionized
erful engines, an increased lift capability, an enhanced Durability Testing. The GE38 (required to produce
drive train, advanced composite rotor blades, a mod- 7500 shaft-horse-power) has sustained 7760 SHP and
ern digital cockpit, improved external and internal car- peaked at a robust 8300 SHP.
go handling systems, and increased survivability and The first Marine Maintenance Detachment and
force-protection measures. The CH-53K is designed Integrated Test Team will arrive at FAFO in January
to greatly improve heavy-lift performance and sur- 2013. The maintenance detachments will function as
vivability while reducing shipboard logistical require- work center supervisors, training other Marines on the
ments, operating costs, and direct maintenance man CH-53K, and assisting in logistics support develop-
hours-per-flight hour compared to the CH-53E. ment. These Marines will also assist in the assembly of
all four EDMs and support subsequent tests. The In-
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
tegrated Test Team will work hand-in-hand with their Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF).
Sikorsky counterparts in test plan development and The Marine Corps UAS CONOPS divides UAS
implementation. requirements into three levels that coincide with the
The Foreign Military Sales (FMS) potential of various echelons of command in the MAGTF. The
this aircraft continues to grow. Milestone C marks the larger and more capable systems support higher levels
first opportunity for the U.S. Government to establish of command, whereas the smaller but more numerous
FMS contracts with foreign governments, with several systems directly support lower tactical units.
countries already expressing interest in the CH-53K. USMC UAS Requirements include the following:
arine Corps Tactical UAS (MCTUAS):
Developer/Manufacturer: RQ-7B Shadow
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation (SAC), United Technologies Small Tactical UAS (STUAS): RQ-21A Integrator
Corporation (UTC), Stratford, CT Small UAS (SUAS): RQ-11B Raven
The Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) and Ma-
rine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) are supported by
MCTUAS, the largest of our UAS systems, the RQ-
7B Shadow UAS. The first system was deployed with
VMU-1 to support Operation Iraqi Freedom in Sep-
tember 2007. Employing MCTUAS electro-optical
and infrared (EO/IR) sensors, communications relay
payloads, and laser designators, commanders on the
ground have increased visual and communications
Description access within their areas of responsibility. The VMU
The Marine Corps has employed UAS since 1986. squadron supports the Marine Corps Ground Com-
Since 2001, the demand for dedicated aerial recon- bat Element (GCE) with route reconnaissance, fires
naissance aircraft has grown exponentially, and UAS integration and force-protection prior to, during, and
have played a critical part in supporting the aerial re- post-mission.
connaissance requirement. The Marine Corps has re-
fined its UAS requirements and concept of operations Program Status
(CONOPS) and has begun the procurement and field- RQ-7B Shadow programmed upgrades include
ing of improved systems at every level of the Marine tactical common data link (TCDL), UHF capability,
chapter 3: programs
weaponization, and a universal ground control sta- UAS (also produced by AeroVironment Inc.) to per-
tion (UGCS) that will increase joint interoperability form a user assessment for a potential add to the UAS
with other aircraft, UAS, and data systems. Procured family of systems.
as a near-term solution to shortfalls in the older RQ-
2B program, the RQ-7B provides multiple capabilities OTHER UAS APPLICATIONS
to the MAGTF. Upgrades to the RQ-7B are planned Cargo UAS has been added as an initiative to en-
through FY 2018. These upgrades will support the hance our assault support capabilities and to reduce
transition to a larger (Group-4) UAS that will provide the vulnerability of ground logistics supporting Ma-
the MAGTF with persistent ISR, strike, and electronic rines stationed at remote combat outposts. Two Lock-
warfare, on board a faster UAS platform with an im- heed Martin/Kaman KMAX Cargo UAS deployed to
proved endurance and payload capacity while main- OEF in 2011 in support of a Military User Assessment
taining an expeditionary footprint. with the VMU as a government-owned/contractor-op-
erated cargo UAS service. The MUA will help to form
Operational Impact: SUAS future CONOPS and a formal program of record that
The Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and the in- will provide the MAGTF with a UAS system capable
fantry regiment are supported by STUAS, with support- of cycling five tons of supplies between a support base
ing personnel sourced as detachments from the VMU. and remote outpost within a 24-hour period.
The STUAS system is designed to provide reconnais- Electronic Attack and UAS. The Marine Corps
sance, communications relay, and target acquisition in will incorporate an electronic warfare (EW) capabil-
support of the GCE. The Marine Corps currently pro- ity into current and future UAS platforms, partly to
vides STUAS support to the GCE with the Aerosonde address the eventual retirement of EA-6B Prowlers.
UAS under an ISR services contract with AAI. This UAS EW capability will comprise a portion of
the system-of systems-approach by which electronic
PROGRAM STATUS: RQ-21A Integrator warfare capabilities are distributed across manned
The Marine Corps selected the RQ-21A Integrator and unmanned aerial systems. The system-of systems
(produced by Insitu Inc.) as a government-owned ma- approach allows the nation to move away from low-
terial solution for the STUAS requirement. As 32 RQ- density/high-demand assets (such as the EA-6B) and
21 systems are fielded, they will replace the remaining make EW ubiquitous across the battle space.
contract intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
(ISR) services in Operation Enduring Freedom. The Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
and Development and is planned for IOC in the fourth RQ-7B (MCTUAS) 0 0
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
sition, Technology and Logistics in October 2011. The is to fight other types of fires, such as brush and struc-
Department of the Navy will continue to be the lead tural fires. The P-19A is currently the Marine Corps
acquisition agency for G/ATOR. G/ATOR is currently sole tactical Aircraft Fire Fighting Vehicle capable of
in Developmental Testing (DT); the final phase of DT supporting both garrison and expeditionary air fields.
and the Operational Assessment for G/ATOR will be The P-19R ARFF vehicle will meet both the 2012
conducted in Yuma, AZ in early 2013, with a Milestone National Fire Protection Association - 414 standards
C Low-Rate Initial Production Decision to follow. The and the expeditionary firefighting and aircraft res-
approved acquisition objective is 57 units. cue requirements of the Marine Corps. This pro-
gram will replace P-19As at both Operational Force
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14 (OPFOR) units and Garrison Mobile Equipment
Quantity: 2 0 (GME) Air Facilities located at the Bases and Sta-
tions. The legacy P-19A cannot be economically up-
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems, graded to meet the mandated in the 2012 NFPA 414
Linthicum, MD standards. Most predominantly absent on the P-19As
are various crew safety-related upgrades including;
three-point crew restraints, anti-lock braking, and
roll-over warnings.
P-19A AIRCRAFT RESCUE AND The P-19R will have functional capabilities to
FIRE FIGHTING (ARFF) VEHICLE minimize the consequences of fire and emergency in-
REPLACEMENT (P-19R) cidents including: fire suppression and extinguishment
on aircraft and structures, crew extrication and rescue.
Capabilities include the ability to seat a four person
crew and meeting USMC mobility and transport-
ability requirements at base and stations, and forward
operation bases. It is equipped with fire suppression
compounds and extinguishing agents, handheld ex-
tinguishers, and specialized rescue tools to extinguish
aircraft fires, protect rescue personnel, cool explosive
ordnance, extract aircrews, and successfully accom-
plish each rescue mission.
The P-19R can be transported to the area of op-
The P-19A Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF)
erations via strategic airlift (C-17 (Threshold) and C-5
Vehicle Replacement is intended to replace the A/
(Objective) aircraft) or surface platforms. The legacy
S32 P-19A Aircraft Crash and Structure Fire Fighting
P-19A fleet is undergoing critical readiness issues stem-
Truck, known as the P-19A. The P-19A was introduced
ming from reliability and electrical failures due to the
into service in 1984, with an intended service life of 12
age of the vehicles. The current P-19A is a maintenance
years but has been in service in excess of 28 years. The
challenge to station and wing mechanics, resulting in
primary mission of the P-19R is fighting aircraft fires
less than 75 percent material readiness levels.
and crew rescue. The secondary mission of the vehicle
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
The P-19R Capabilities Development Document
has been signed by Deputy Commandant, Combat
Development & Integration, and the program should
receive its Milestone B decision in the second Quar-
ter of FY 2013. The original Authorized Acquisition
Objective (AAO) of 180 vehicles is anticipated to be
reduced to 164 based on the MIP trade space review.
The Solicitation has been approved, RFP released and
proposals are due in December of 2012. The P-19R
Initial Operational Capability (IOC) is planned for FY
2016. IOC is achieved when one MWSS has received a
complete issue of P-19Rs; the assigned mechanics and
crews have received initial training at the operator/
crew, field and sustainment levels; and sufficient repair
parts are in place to support operations. The Marine
Corps is pursuing P-19R Full Operating Capability by
FY 2020 to meet the AAO.
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Test Articles 2 0
Low Rate Initial Production 0 4
Developer/Manufacturer: TBD
chapter 3: programs
section 4: Fire Support
chapter 3: programs
EXPEDITIONARY FIRE SUPPORT EFSS-supported units are particularly well suited for
SYSTEM (EFSS) missions requiring speed, tactical agility, and vertical
transportability. The EFSS design and configuration
ensure that its tactical mobility, in the air and on the
ground, is equal to that of the force supported.
Program Status
The EFSS Program is in production and deploy-
ment. Full rate production was approved in June
2008 and Initial Operational Capability was achieved
in March 2009, when one artillery regiment received
six EFSS. The EFSS Approved Acquisition Objective
(AAO) has been procured and will complete delivery
and fielding during 2013.
The EFSS is the third and final system of the Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
land-based fire-support triad that also includes the Quantity: 0 0
Lightweight 155mm Howitzer and the High-Mobility
Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS). Accompany- Developer/Manufacturer:
ing Marine Air-Ground Task Forces (MAGTFs) in all General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems,
types of expeditionary operations, EFSS is the primary St. Petersburg, FL
indirect fire-support system for the vertical assault
element of the ship-to-objective maneuver force. As
such, the EFSS mortar section the M327 120mm
Rifled Towed Mortar, the Prime Mover Weapon, the TARGET LOCATION, DESIGNATION,
Prime Mover Trailer, and Ammunition Trailer with a AND HAND-OFF SYSTEM (TLDHS)
basic load of ammunition and its crew are internal- Description
ly transportable by two CH-53 helicopters or two MV- A joint fires/combined-arms tool, the TLDHS is a
22B tilt-rotor aircraft, and possess the greatest possible modular, man-portable equipment suite that provides
range and flexibility of employment for operational the capability to quickly and accurately acquire targets
maneuver from the sea. in day, night, and near-all weather visibility conditions.
It is the first system within the Department of Defense
approved for fielding that allows observers to control
Operational Impact
Close Air Support (CAS) as well as artillery and naval
The EFSS expands the maneuver commanders
fire-support missions on a single system using digital
spectrum of fire-support options and capabilities
to successfully engage a spectrum of point and area
targets, including motorized, light armored, and dis-
mounted personnel; command and control systems; Operational Impact
and indirect-fire systems. The EFSS affords the MAGTF TLDHS enables operators to conduct target acqui-
commander increased flexibility in tailoring his fire- sition and target hand-off to fire support agencies us-
support systems to support the scheme of maneuver. ing existing and planned communications equipment
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
to support maneuver units of the Marine Air Ground MISSION PAYLOAD MODULE
Task Force. Operators are able to accurately determine NON-LETHAL WEAPONS SYSTEM
and designate a targets location and then digitally (MPM-NLWS)
transmit (hand-off) these target data to supporting-
arms elements. The TLDHS employs a laser designa-
tor for precision-guided munitions and laser spot
trackers, and it also generates accurate coordinates for
global positioning system-guided weapons, including
Excalibur rounds and Joint Direct Attack Munitions.
The primary operators are forward air controllers
(FAC) and joint terminal attack controller (JTAC) for
CAS, forward observers (FO) and joint forward ob-
servers for field artillery missions, firepower control
teams of the air and naval gunfire liaison companies,
Marine Corps Special Operations Command, and the Description
supporting training commands. The Mission Payload ModuleNon-Lethal Weap-
TLDHS is interoperable with several systems, in- ons System (MPM-NLWS) will allow Marine Corps
cluding AFATDS, Naval Fire Control System, Joint Tac- forces to conduct counter-personnel missions by
tical Common Operational Picture Workstation Gate- providing a new vehicle-mounted, non-lethal tube-
way, Common Laser Range Finder, and the PRC-117 launched munitions delivery system capable of sup-
Tactical Combat Net Radio. Tactical air control parties pressing human targets (i.e., the ability to degrade one
often employ TLDHS in conjunction with intelligence, or more functions or capabilities of a human target to
surveillance and reconnaissance assets. render it ineffective) with minimal risk of significant
injury. The MPM-NLWS will mount onto the Ma-
rine Corps Transparent Gun Shield (MCTAGS) on
Program Status
the High-Mobility, Multipurpose, Wheeled Vehicle
TLDHS Block II is in sustainment. TLDHS Block
(HMMWV) or its replacement. Increment One of
II provides extended CAS functionality for the FAC/ the MPM-NLWS will deliver an enhanced pyrotech-
JTAC via enhanced digital interfaces with the A-10, nic (thermobaric effect) munition from a tube-launch
F-16, AV-8B and F/A-18 aircraft. Block II also adds the system. Future increments of the MPM-NLWS may
ability for FOs to conduct indirect-fire missions via the include mounting the system to additional vehicles
AFATDS. Block II hardware is being refreshed in FY (e.g., Light Armored Vehicle (LAV), Medium Tactical
2013 and FY 2014. Vehicle Replacement, Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, and
naval vessels. In addition, future increments may in-
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14 clude additional munitions including obscuration,
Quantity: illumination, and other rounds to provide a more
(Block II hardware refresh) 200 200 flexible response capability and enable the system to
address future emerging capability gaps.
Stauder Technologies, Saint Peters, MO
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Program Status ing, so that friendly forces may gain control, minimize
The program is scheduled to achieve a Milestone C interference, and/or accomplish a task. The next gener-
decision in FY 2014. Initial Operational Test and Eval- ation NL Untethered Personnel Incapacitation System
uation is to occur in FY 2014. A total of 1,482 systems will provide this capability at distances greater than
will be procured, with Initial Operational Capability current systems. Recent Science and Technology ex-
scheduled for FY 2015 and Full Operational Capability perimentation and research have demonstrated prac-
in FY 2019. tical, available opportunities in this area. This system
will increase the standoff distance between the Marine
Procurement Profile: FY 12 FY 13 and a potential threat, allowing more time to deter-
Quantity: 0 0 mine intent and to escalate force, if necessary.
chapter 3: programs
field a wide range of non-lethal capabilities. All legal personnel, and undesired damage to property in the
and arms-compliance reviews must be completed be- target area or environment. Non-lethal capabilities
fore fielding of non-lethal weapons. have matured from the days of riot batons and rubber
In the 15 years since the programs inception, the bullets, but much more needs to be done to increase
need for non-lethal weapons, devices and munitions versatility and further expand the range of non-lethal
both counter-personnel and counter-materiel options available to U.S. forces. Several new or im-
continues to grow in support of the multitude of DOD proved capabilities are currently advancing through
missions being conducted around the world. Whether the development process including the:
engaged in counterterrorism, stability and reconstruc- Vehicle Arresting Device
tion, or anti-piracy operations, U.S. forces will need to Improved Acoustic Hailing Device
be adept at employing less-than-lethal techniques to 1 2-Gauge Extended Range Marking Munition
complement lethal capabilities and to have the means Mission Payload Module
to satisfy a critical tenet common to counterinsurgency Airburst Non-Lethal Munition
operations: protection of the population. Improved Flash-Bang Grenade
In recent years, the program has achieved success Green Laser Interdiction System
in fielding programs of record and responding to ur- Ocular Interruption Device
gent operational needs. An array of non-lethal weap- Additionally, extensive research has been conduct-
ons, devices, and munitions are available now for con- ed on next generation non-lethal directed energy ca-
ducting checkpoint operations, convoys, area security, pabilities that show great promise in providing vehicle
patrols, detainee operations, crowd control, maritime stopping, vessel stopping, and area denial applications
operations, and other missions. Todays non-lethal in- at extended ranges. The DOD Non-Lethal Weapons
ventory includes acoustic hailing devices, vehicle ar- Program is committed to supporting the U.S. Armed
resting devices, electric stun guns, vehicle launched Services with a wide range of proven non-lethal weap-
grenades, multi-sensory munitions, optical distracters ons, munitions and devices to support full spectrum
and voice translation devices all proven technolo- operations in complex environments.
gies that provide reversible effects and applicability For more information, please visit:
across the spectrum of irregular operations.
Non-lethal weapons are explicitly designed and
primarily employed to incapacitate personnel or ma-
teriel while minimizing fatalities, significant injury to
section 5: Command and Control/
Situational Awareness (C2/SA)
chapter 3: programs
The Marine Corps Command and Control (C2) Initial Capabilities Docu-
ment (ICD), approved by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council in Feb-
ruary 2008, and the Marine Corps Functional Concept for C2, approved in
2009, incorporate joint integrating concepts and C2 mandates. Together, they
articulate our goal of delivering end-to-end, fully integrated, cross-functional
capability, including forward-deployed and reach-back functions. They em-
phasize that C2 must be leader-centric and network-enabled, and that individ-
ual Marines must understand their commanders intent and be able to carry
out complex operations. The C2 ICD, Functional Concept, and the Marine
Corps Information Enterprise strategy described in this section will enable
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) commanders to exercise effective
C2 and bring together all warfighting functions into an effective fighting force.
In addition, these programs support the ability of the MAGTFs to function in
an integrated naval environment and participate in or lead joint and multina-
tional operations.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
MARINE AIR GROUND TASK FORCE cision making. The FY13 edition of the MAGTF C2
(MAGTF) COMMAND AND CONTROL Roadmap will address FY13-FY21 proceedings, focus-
VISION STATEMENT ing on the Program Objective Memorandum (POM)-
MAGTF C2 focuses on the simple premise of get- 15 investment cycle.
ting the right information to the right Marine at the
right time in order to make timely and informed deci-
sions. MAGTF C2 is leader-centric, network-enabled
and is intended to support the continuous decision
making cycle of commanders at every level to ensure
The Marine Corps Information Enterprise is
they are positioned to best plan, direct, coordinate, and
defined as the Marine Corps information resources,
control. Networked C2 capabilities will connect all el-
assets, services, and processes required to achieve de-
ements of the MAGTF with joint forces and mission
cision and execution superiority, and to share infor-
partners to create unparalleled information sharing
mation and knowledge across the Marine Corps and
and collaboration, adaptive organizations, and a great-
with mission partners. The MCIENT Strategy prepares
er unity of effort via synchronization and integration
the Marine Corps for the future by establishing a vi-
of force elements at the lowest levels. Commanders
sion for the Marine Corps as an information enterprise
will have the ability to command and control disaggre-
and by providing the objectives necessary for enhanc-
gated forces across great distances to allow Enhanced
ing Service core competencies, defeating adversaries,
MAGTF Operations (EMO) down to the company
supporting allies and mission partners, and perform-
level and below. MAGTF C2 has, at its core, the fol-
ing the Marine Corps legislated role.
lowing ideas:
Commander/Leader Centric Vision
Network enabled The Marine Corps will continue to meet the chal-
Information Assurance lenges of a complex security environment, fight and
ollaborative, shared situational understanding win the Nations battles, and endure as the Nations
Performed by all echelons expeditionary force in readiness. To ensure these im-
an be performed anywhere in the operational peratives, the Marine Corps must evolve into a knowl-
environment edge-based force that leverages seamless enterprise ca-
pabilities across the spectrum of conflict in order to
MAGTF C2 ROADMAP enhance decision making, achieve knowledge superi-
The Deputy Commandant of Combat Develop- ority, and gain tactical, operational, and strategic ad-
ment and Integration has published the C2 Roadmap vantage over the Nations adversaries.
for FY 2013 (
fault.aspx). The MAGTF C2 Roadmap document is Strategy
capability-based and informs resource and acquisition Achieving the vision requires the development of
oversight requirements. This yearly update to the FY12 improved mobile, seamless, and secure communica-
baseline expands upon the previous annual version and tions and IT services across the Marine Corps Infor-
evolves in coordination with other Capability Portfo- mation Enterprise. Communications and services with
lio Management (CPM) and other elements of HQMC these characteristics facilitate collaboration, coordinated
to provide a streamlined foundation for informed de- actions, and instant or near real-time access to mission-
chapter 3: programs
critical data, information, and knowledge. To evolve the and support contractors know how to use improved
Corps into a knowledge-based force that achieves deci- enterprise governance tools, policies, and technological
sion and execution superiority in traditional warfight- capabilities to create advantage in a dynamic strategic
ing domains, cyberspace, and business mission areas, landscape.
investments in core MCIENT components are crucial. Finally, the Marine Corps Information Enterprise
Investments for the Marine Corps Enterprise Net- will embody an institutional sense and practice for le-
work (MCEN) and the Marine Corps Information veraging, protecting, and defending data, information,
Technology Environment (MCITE) will focus on en- and knowledge as decisive strategic assets. To this end,
suring their ability to more effectively deliver, display, the Marine Corps will infuse within its cyberspace capa-
and manage data, information, and knowledge across bilities an institutionalized Information Assurance (IA)
the enterprise. practice for ensuring data, information, and knowledge
These investments will emphasize better ways for
yield decisive advantage to the Corps and the Nation,
rapidly infusing emerging technologies that enhance
and not the enemy.
command and control , extend the reach of forward-de-
ployed forces, and improve organizational and tactical
agility. Investments will be planned from the perspective Characteristics
of ensuring bandwidth-limited Marines and mission Focused on Deployed Forces: In the future, the
partners have improved access to mission-critical data, location of MAGTF or other USMC forward-deployed
information, and knowledge, wherever and whenever forces will vary depending upon the operating con-
needed, and in an understandable format. Enterprise in- text, mission, and the extent to which Marines interact
vestments will also focus on workforce education, train- with internal and external organizations and individ-
ing, and professionalization programs. Such initiatives ual mission partners. The Marine Corps will leverage
will be designed to ensure Marines, Civilian Marines, multi-capable MAGTFs with Marines who are trained
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
to perform a multitude of tasks in varying operation- to define the implementations required for ensuring
al contexts and at differing levels of unit aggregation. information is visible, accessible, discoverable, and un-
MCIENT components will support these Marines by derstandable in a way consistent with the effective use
facilitating the development and fielding of mobile, of constrained bandwidth. Additionally, through pro-
seamless, and secure communications and IT services grams of record and Marine Corps IT regionalization
that provide robust collaboration tools and instant or practices, information will be distributed to deployed
near real-time access to mission-critical data, informa- forces and staged as far forward as required to ensure
tion, and knowledge. availability in a bandwidth-constrained environment.
Attuned to the Strategic Environment: The Structured and unstructured data spanning all func-
MCIENT is attuned to the strategic environment by tional areas will support the distribution, forward
facilitating the development and fielding of tools that staging, and sharing among all command echelons. Fi-
help Marines, Civilian Marines, and contractors better nally, creating a secure and seamless Information Envi-
assess, adapt to, and influence changes in a dynamic ronment requires an Enterprise Architecture (EA) that
strategic landscape. Attuning the enterprise to the integrates all Marine Corps components who manage
strategic environment requires a special emphasis on segment architectures within the MCIENT (e.g., Bat-
leveraging intelligence, including cyber-intelligence,
tlespace Awareness and Force Application).
for proactive and reactive mitigation of cyber attacks
Institutionalized Information Assurance: Insti-
and threats, and for successful execution across the full
tutionalizing Information Assurance across the Ma-
spectrum operations.
rine Corps means that Marines and systems embody
Grounded in Effective Governance: Effective gov-
a sense and capability for valuing information as a
ernance implies a mechanism for ensuring that Ma-
strategic asset. It requires a total-force approach to
rine Corps Information Enterprise capabilities are de-
ensure that IA skill sets and proficiencies are codified
veloped and fielded in support of Marine Corps goals
and ingrained through doctrine, policy, education, and
and objectives. Figure 1, the MCIENT model provides
training. IA ensures the confidentiality, integrity, avail-
a framework for integrating common functional re-
ability, authenticity, and non-repudiation of enterprise
quirements, applicable to MCIENT components, into
Information Enterprise objectives. The Marine Corps information and the information system on which the
Information Enterprise Strategy is thus the mechanism information resides. By continuing to professionalize
for leveraging the MCIENT model to influence en- the IA workforce, the Marine Corps can better leverage
terprise Force Development priorities. The MCIENT enterprise information to help negotiate and succeed
strategy provides the Marine Corps single, top-level in a dynamic security environment. Additionally, the
Information Enterprise objectives used to inform fu- Marine Corps will continue to use existing develop-
ture capability decisions, supporting plans, concepts, ment processes and continue to refine certification
and programming initiatives. and accreditation processes to ensure IA requirements
Secure and Seamless Marine Corps Information are identified and included early in a systems design
Environment: MCIENT core components enhance project. Continual refinement and incorporation of
the ability for Marines and their mission partners to emerging policies and guidance from the IA and ac-
access the information they need in austere and dis- quisitions communities will better ensure IA controls
tributed environments, whenever they need it. The are inherent to the system, thus providing superior
Director C4/Chief Information Officer of the Ma- and transparent threat protection across a wide range
rine Corps will coordinate with other organizations of missions.
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
MARINE CORPS ENTERPRISE tion sharing. MCEITS operations coordinates and car-
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ries out proactive and reactive activities supporting all
SERVICES (MCEITS) the data, applications, and services in its environment
Description including, utility computing, dedicated server provi-
MCEITS is an enterprise information technology sioning, capacity utilization, operations scheduling,
capability that delivers value to Marine Corps decision- event and incident monitoring and resolution, prob-
makers, application owners, information managers, lem management, system backup and restoration, and
and network users. MCEITS is the enterprise comput- continuity of operations planning.
ing and communications capability in the Marine Air-
Ground Task Force command and control framework. Operational Impact
MCEITS provides enterprise Information Technology MCEITS will enable access to Marine Corps en-
services contained within a world-class application terprise data, information, applications and services. It
and data hosting environment with supporting com- will also provide a collaborative information-sharing
munications, computing network, information assur- environment across the business and warfighter do-
ance, and enterprise services infrastructure supporting mains. MCEITS includes an enterprise platform with a
net-centric operations. MCEITS enables Marine Corps common hardware, software, and facilities infrastruc-
Information Technology portfolio consolidation of ture required to support managed hosting services,
Information Technology facilities, infrastructure, and non-managed hosting services and provisioned host-
services. ing services for Marine Corps applications. MCEITS
The MCEITS service management design contains delivers and manages its hosting services at agreed lev-
industry best practices and will utilize Information els as defined by Service Level Agreements to Marine
Technology Infrastructure Library-based principles Corps application owners. It provides Marine Corps
and methods to provide capabilities to meet operating users with access to the core enterprise services neces-
forces and supporting establishment requirements. The sary to enable rapid collaboration, efficient discovery,
MCEITS System Integration Environment provides and access to trusted data and information through
Marine Corps application owners and developers with an enterprise portal framework. It provides users
formal application integration and evaluation process- quick access to all hosted applications and core enter-
es and staging environment. The application inclusion prise services by enabling single sign-on capabilities.
process includes documented, defined, repeatable pro- MCEITS is delivering an agile Information Technology
cesses supporting the migration of applications into infrastructure that can easily adapt to evolving Marine
the operational environment. The MCEITS manage- Corps software, hardware, data, services, and manage-
ment effort will provide the documents that contain ment requirements while providing an enterprise view
guidance for the successful management, evaluation into the Information Technology environment, facili-
and integration of new and modified enterprise ser- tating greater reuse of existing Information Technol-
vices into the MCEITS operations environment. ogy assets.
The MCEITS operations environment provides
the common Information Technology infrastructure,
Program Status
allowing the Marine Corps to achieve greater effective-
MCEITS achieved Milestone C on June 28, 2011
ness and efficiency in the delivery and support of its
and Initial Operational Capability on July 6, 2011.
Information Technology service operations relating to
MCEITS is proceeding with Release 2 to deliver high
data management, application support, and informa-
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
all operational units, bases and stations in the Conti- COMPOSITE TRACKING
nental United States began in September of 2011, and NETWORK (CTN)
was completed in late 2012. Development of the de- Description
ployable Release 1.2 capability is ongoing, with fielding CTN is the adaptation of the U.S. Navy Coopera-
expected to begin during 2013. tive Engagement Capability (CEC) to satisfy Marine
Metrics collection is a strong component of GCSS- Corps expeditionary maneuver warfare requirements.
MC. Initial operations in Okinawa indicates significant The network will provide Marine Corps aviation com-
improvements in Order Ship Time, Repair Cycle Time, mand and control (C2) agencies the ability to distrib-
and Time to First Status. The full impact of these lo- ute composite tracking and fire control data to Marine
gistics enhancements will take time to assess and inter- Corps and Navy C2 and weapons systems. CTN is an
pret although initial data indicates positive results. essential element in the Marine Corps future Com-
Increment II/Future Increments: Current projec- mand, Control, Communications, Computers and In-
tions include an essential major Oracle COTS software telligence architecture.
upgrade to the e-business suite. Key system enhance-
ments for Asset Logistics Management also include Operational Impact
enhanced wholesale functionality, such as Warehouse CTN will provide the Marine Air-Ground Task
Management solutions, Item Unique Identification, Force (MAGTF) commander a sensor-netting solution
and other force multiplier capabilities to processes that will help defend friendly forces from aircraft and
and reporting. Other improvements may include In- cruise missiles. Near real-time correlation of local and
Transit Visibility and Standard Financial Information remote sensor data, via the CEC/CTN network, will
Structure accounting, along with continuous process provide the MAGTF commander precise and accurate
improvements to Supply Chain Management and data target-quality track data and will improve situational
warehousing capabilities. awareness and battlespace coverage.
Post Deployment System Support Program
(PDSS): PDSS supports GCSS-MC fielding by pro- Program Status
viding all necessary maintenance and sustainment ac- CTN has completed AN/TPS-59 Long-Range
tivities for systems in production/sustainment, and the Radar interface development. The software interface
remaining systems as they migrate from development development for Aviation C2 and Ground/Aviation
into sustainment. These activities include support of Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) are underway. Mile-
the GCSS-MC PDSS Model which is based on imple- stone C was achieved in the first quarter of FY 2009,
menting Information Technology Service Management and the software began Low Rate Initial Production in
within the Information Technology Infrastructure. early 2010. Initial Operational Capability was achieved
March 2011. The Approved Acquisition Objective is 25
Developer/Manufacturer: systems ten initial procurement and the remaining
Oracle USA, Inc, Redwood Shores, CA 15 dependent upon funding and required manpower
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Quantity: 0 0
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, Crane, IN
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
across the MAGTF to collaborate, access information, such as a MAGTF or JTF commanders mission into
and to exchange voice, video, and data in a dynamic en- an area of operations. It provides the primary inter-
vironment while OTM and at the halt. face between subscriber equipment and the long haul
multi-channel transmission systems. JECCS facilitates
Program Status secure and non-secure voice and data communica-
IOC: March 2013 tions, switching functions, network routing, and man-
agement functions. JECCS multiplexes Marine Corps
FOC: August 2014
Tri-Band satellite systems, Tropospheric Scatter Mi-
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14 crowave Radio Terminal (AN/TRC-170), and Digital
Quantity: Wideband Transmission System (AN/MRC-142) into
POP-VK 43 16 an integrated network. This integration enables access
SV Kit 85 32 to Defense Information Services Network (DISN) tele-
SK 170 6 communication services, wide and local area networks,
TMK 4 5
Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet),
and Sensitive but Unclassified Internet Protocol Rout-
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command er Network (NIPRNet) networks and physical network
(SPAWAR) management services, messaging services, Internation-
Pelatron Inc. Honolulu, HI al Maritime Satellite, Global Broadcast System (GBS),
and Ultra High Frequency-Tactical Satellite (UHF-
TACSAT) capabilities.
TDN DDS-M provides an Internet Protocol (IP)-
Tactical Networking Systems based data networking capability for communications
Description support to organizations organic to a MAGTF. The
Tactical Networking Systems is a portfolio of core transit-cased DDS-M provides an extension of the
baseband networking hardware and software config- DISN, SIPRNet, and NIPRNet, as well as a coalition
ured as a family of services that facilitates end-user networking capability. It provides the backbone tacti-
services requirements of multiple security enclaves cal data communications infrastructure to the MAGTF
for Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) tactical commander in the form of an integrated data network
communications networks. The portfolio comprises providing the capability to access a single data network
the Joint Enhanced Core Communications System enclave, authenticate users and equipment, send and
(JECCS); the Tactical Data Network (TDN), which in- receive electronic mail, share and store files, directory
cludes the Data Distribution System-Modular (DDS- services, disaster recovery/ COOP, perform required
M) Core, and Expansion modules; the Digital Techni- information assurance functions, Integrated Services
cal Control (DTC); and the Transition Switch Module Digital Network, transparent routing and switching of
(TSM). digital messages between the LAN, circuit switch, and
JECCS is the joint task force (JTF) enabler, a first- EPLRS sub networks. The DDS-M provides Marine
in integrated, processor-controlled communications Corps maneuver elements with a flexible, survivable,
and management system that provides Command and scalable, and modular IP data transport capability that
Control (C2) capabilities supporting a Marine Expe- enables access to strategic, supporting establishment,
ditionary Unit (MEU) deployment ashore or the early joint, and other service tactical data networks.
phases of a deployment by a larger command element, DTC provides a deployable technical control func-
chapter 3: programs
tion for the MAGTF commander. The DTC performs technical control and network management services
control and management functions over expanding for a broad range of switching and radio connectivity
digital communications systems, integrating the com- requirements.
munications assets of a node into an efficient system TDN DDS-M provides its subscribers with basic
that provides the MAGTF commander with seamless data transfer and switching services; access to strategic,
communications while making efficient use of limited supporting establishment, joint, and other service com-
bandwidth and equipment. The DTC is the central ponent tactical data networks; network management
management facility, terminating all terrestrial links capabilities; and value-added services such as message
and switch circuits for major commands. Data cir- handling, directory services, file sharing, and terminal
cuits and miscellaneous subscriber circuits are inter- emulation support. It will provide IP connectivity for
connected, as required. The DTC consists of an S-280 tactical data systems and the Defense Message System.
shelter that is modified to accommodate commercial DTC provides the resources for the technical con-
off-the-shelf (COTS), government off-the-shelf, and troller to exercise effective operational control over
non-developmental item technical control and ancil- the communications links, trunks, and groups within
lary equipment. a deployed Marine Corps network. DTC is located at
TSM provides a flexible unit level switch that re- the Marine Force Component, Marine Expedition-
placed legacy TRI-TAC switches (SB-3614, SB-3865, ary Forces (MEFs), and Major Subordinate Command
AN/TTC-42) with more robust voice and data switch- (MSC) HQ C2 nodes. Within a MAGTF node, the DTC
ing, data transport, and bandwidth management capa- can connect to multiple transmission systems such as
bilities. The TSM consists of three functional suites of satellite systems, multi-channel systems, single channel
equipment mounted in transit cases: (1) the Deploy- radio systems, and cable. From the MEF users perspec-
able End Office Suite (DEOS); (2) the Remote Sub- tive, the DTC provides the multiplexing and link man-
scriber Access Module (RSAM); and (3) the Deployable agement of four general categories of information. The
Integrated Transport System (DITS). TSM maintains DTC manages voice/circuit switches, data switches, and
USMC joint interoperability as the other services tran- dedicated circuits.
sition to COTS switching technologies. The modular TSM is employed at all levels of the MAGTF to
design of the TSM provides the capability to add or effect voice and limited data switching capability. The
delete equipment without adversely affecting existing modular design allows units to implement the system
communications architectures. A further emerging re- according to the mission needs. The equipment is op-
quirement is to incorporate a Voice over Internet Pro- erated and maintained by MSC, Marine Expeditionary
tocol (VoIP) capability. Unit, Marine Expeditionary Brigade, and MEF commu-
nications personnel. The number of TSM packages de-
Operational Impact ployed to a theater will be commensurate with the size
JECCS meets the Joint Task Force Enabler (JTFE) of the operation/contingency. The TSM equipment has
mission requirements with a first-in backbone con- been fielded to all levels of the MAGTF.
nectivity capability that accesses the Defense Informa-
tion Network Standard Tactical Entry Point, Nonse- Program Status
cure Internet Protocol/Secret Internet Protocol Router Initial Operational Capability (IOC) for Core
Network, Video Teleconference, and Defense Switch Module Suites was completed in 2012. Full Operational
Network. JECCS augments both current and some Capability (FOC) for Core Module Suites is expected
planned communications architectures and provides to take place in fourth quarter of FY 2013. IOC for
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
Legacy systems, such as Enhanced Position Locating ity. DDS-M is comprised of both core and expansion
and Reporting System, will not be supporter after 2016. modules. Core modules include the Configuration
Radios in the procurement phase include: the MBR II; Module (CM), Communications Switch Module, LAN
(AN/VRC-117G, AN/VRC-114(V)1, and AN/MRC- Services Module, LAN Extension Module, Application
145B), Wideband THHR; and MUOS. Planning for the Server Module and Data Storage Module. Expansion
follow-on generation of IISR and HF radios to address modules include the WAN Service Module (WSM),
lifecycle and COMSEC modernization compliance is Multimedia Control Module, Multimedia Distribution
underway. Module, Enterprise Switch Module (ESM), Deployed
Information Assurance Tools Suite, and Information
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14 Assurance Module (IAM).
MBR II 385 367
MUOS N/A TBD Operational Impact
TDN DDS-M provides extension of the Marine
Developer/Manufacturer: Corps Enterprise Network via the Global Information
Harris- Melbourne, FL Grid to forward deployed forces i.e. the last tactical
Thales- Clarksburg, MD mile. The modular packaging of the DDS-M provides
Motorola- Schaumburg, IL a take what the mission needs employment concept
Raytheon- Waltham, MA within the MAGTF.
Program Status
Tactical Data Network (TDN) Core Module Suites:
Data Distribution System- IOC: 4Q FY12
Modular (DDS-M) FOC: 4Q FY13
Description Expansion Modules:
The TDN DDS-M provides the tactical Unclassi- IOC: 2Q FY14
fied but Sensitive Internet Protocol Router, Secret Inter- FOC: 2Q FY15
net Protocol Router, and Coalition Network backbone
data communications infrastructure to the Marine Air Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Ground Task Force (MAGTF). DDS-M allows users Quantity:
to access to web surfing, send and receive e-mail, file Core Module Suites: 477 0
sharing/storage, perform required Information Assur- Expansion Modules:
ance functions, and to host mission-essential appli- WSM(V)1 0 49
cations. DDS-M provides firewalls, servers and data WSM(V)2 0 880
infrastructure components that allow tactical and de- ESM 0 62
ployed USMC forces to connect to the Defense Infor- Power Module 0 111
mation Systems Agency and Theater and USMC Enter- IAM 0 148
prise Networks. Programs such as Combat Operations CM 0 148
Center, Common Aviation Command and Control
System, and Common Logistics Command and Con- Developer/Manufacturer:
trol System utilize DDS-M for world-wide connectiv- General Dynamics- West Falls Church, VA
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
GROUND-BASED AIR DEFENSE (POMs) 2015 and 2016. The future weapon system is
TRANSFORMATION (GBAD-T) envisioned to provide continuous, on-the-move, low-
Description altitude air defense for the Marine Air Ground Task
GBAD-T is the Marine Corps only organic ground- Force (MAGTF). The program will examine future
based air defense capability. GBAD-T uses the High- capabilities, such as an integrated multi-mission tur-
Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV)- ret with a gun, missiles, and directed-energy weapons,
based Advanced Man-Portable Air Defense System which support future material and technology solutions
(A-MANPADS) and the Stinger missile to defeat both and the joint on-the-move engagement sequence.
fixed- and rotary-wing threats.
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Operational Impact
Section Lead
Employing A-MANPADS and the Stinger mis-
Vehicles 10 3
sile, the Low-Altitude Air Defense (LAAD) Battalions
Fire Unit Vehicles 41 9
provide the MAGTF low-altitude, short-range air de-
fense asset against enemy air threats. LAAD battalion
detachments deploy with Marine Expeditionary Units
Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane
(MEUs) as part of the Marine Air Control Group de-
Division, Crane, IN
The A-MANPADS Increment I program enhances
the legacy systems command and control suite. The
hardware and software upgrade provides an enhanced AN/TPS-59A(V)3 RADAR SYSTEM
fire-control and air/ground situational-awareness ca- Description
pability to the LAAD Battalions. Increment I uses Joint The AN/TPS-59 was fielded in 1985 and is the only
Range Extension Application Protocol, a joint-certified Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) long-range,
data link, ensuring compatibility with legacy and fu- three-dimensional, air surveillance, theater ballistic
ture C2 architectures. Increment I radios are satellite- missile defense (TBMD)-capable radar. The AN/TPS-
communications capable. 59A(V)3 a is transportable, solid-state L-band radar
that serves as the MAGTFs principal air-surveillance
Program Status radar and is integrated into the TYQ-23(V)4 Tactical
In May 2009, the Marine Requirements Oversight Air Operations Module. The radar may also be con-
Council approved the GBAD Initial Capabilities Docu- figured for operation with the MSQ-124 Air Defense
ment (ICD) that validated existing capability gaps Communication Platform to provide TBM track data
against low-observable/low-radar cross-section threats. to the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
The GBAD Analysis of Alternatives identified candidate via the Tactical Digital Information Link-Joint Service
material solutions for the Stinger missile replacement Link-16 network.
that fill the gaps identified in the GBAD ICD. The Ma- The TPS-59(V)3 is a component in the Navys Co-
rine Corps will execute a service life extension program operative Engagement Capability in the littoral envi-
of the Stinger missile to maintain a GBAD capability ronment and is the Marine Corps lead sensor in the
as a bridge to a to-be-determined weapons system to Composite Tracking Network.
be programmed for Program Objective Memoranda
chapter 3: programs
Program Status
In August 2012, a Marine Corps Systems Com-
mand Acquisition Decision Memorandum designated
the IDS as an Abbreviated Acquisition Program and
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
section 6: Intelligence,
Surveillance and Reconnaissance
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED the U.S. Army Intelligence Center & Fort Huachuca, Ariz.,
INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS with the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command,
(SCI COMMS) TROJAN Management Office, serving as executive agent
Description for the system. The system is fabricated and integrated by
SCI Comms is the former Trojan Special Purpose CECOM I2WD with the largest subcontractor being Global
Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal (Trojan SPIR- SATCOM Technologies, Gaithersburg, Md. for the satellite
IT) program and focuses on meeting broad-ranging communications subsystem.
intelligence communications requirements. SCI Com- High Band Special Intelligence Mobile Terminal (HBSI
ms is a portfolio consisting of several high-bandwidth MT): PM WIN-T, Aberdeen, Maryland (Contracting Office),
communications systems, including man-portable, HBSI-MT fabricated and integrated by General Dynamics,
palletized, and trailer-mounted variants. Each system Duluth, GA.
provides a unique, mission-specific capability. How-
HBSI Team Terminal: DJC2 Program Office, Pensacola, Fl;
ever, all systems provide the Marine Air-Ground Task
SWE-DISH: Rockwell Collins, Duluth, GA
Force (MAGTF) commander a near real-time means
to move perishable data for the production of timely,
actionable intelligence.
SCI Comms provides MAGTF commanders short- EQUIPMENT PROGRAM (CIHEP)
and long-haul, deployable and secure communication Description
capabilities using existing networks and access provid- CIHEP supports the full spectrum of counter-
ers (examples include the Defense Intelligence Activ- intelligence (CI) and human intelligence (HUMINT)
ity, the Defense Information Systems Agency, or the operations with imagery, commercial satellite commu-
U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command). SCI nications, auxiliary power, automated data processing,
communications are deployed in support of MAGTF and sensitive technical support equipment. All equip-
intelligence units worldwide and provide dedicated, ment is stored and transported in lightweight, modu-
mission critical intelligence communications. lar, and deployable cases to facilitate task organization
of equipment for assigned missions. The standardized
Program Status CIHEP software baseline provides reporting, analysis,
SCI Comms approved acquisition objective is communications, mapping, still and video image pro-
32 palletized systems, 20 mobile systems and 18 Team cessing, and Common Operational Picture applica-
terminals. tions.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
Data Controllers 1000 0
Advanced Video Suites 65 0
Thermal Components 100 0
chapter 3: programs
Advanced Camera Suites 0 606 and sustainment of the VideoScout systems until the
Basic Camera Suites 0 1182 RVVT program of record systems are fielded, which
Base Stations 0 137 is scheduled for FY 2016. Milestone B is scheduled for
FY 2013, and Milestone C is scheduled for FY 2015.
Developer/Manufacturer: The Marine Corps procured a total of 599 VideoScout
Various vendors, including Canon, Epson, Sony, Panasonic, systems during FY 2010 and FY 2011 and is consider-
ITT, Bogen-Manfrotto, ViaSat, FLIR, Integrity Data Inc. ing an engineering change proposal to meet a Suite A
(Type 1) encryption requirement for VideoScout.
Procurement Profile: FY 13 FY 14
VideoScout 0 0
RVVT 0 36
The RVVT allows viewing and exploitation of
video and metadata from multiple unmanned aircraft
systems and manned LITENING pod-equipped air-
craft. As a program of record, the RVVT will replace WIDE FIELD OF VIEW PERSISTENT
the previous two generations of remote viewing ter- SURVEILLANCE (WFVPS)
minals (ROVER and VideoScout) that were fielded Description
through the Urgent Universal Need Statement process. In response to a Joint Urgent Operations Need
RVVT will also assume the operations and sustain- Statement (JUONS) from the U.S. Central Command,
ment of these legacy systems. the Marine Corps is developing and fielding a ground
receive station (GRS) with automated data handling
Operational Impact and intelligence analysis that will enable Marine Forces
RVVT provides the Marine Air Ground Task to employ a dedicated Wide Area Airborne Surveillance
Force (MAGTF) a more complete view of the battle- sensor payload on Marine Corps organic unmanned
field by allowing Marines to view video from vari- aerial system (UAS). WFVPS will be able to downlink
ous theater and organic intelligence, surveillance and wide area images from any Common Data Link (CDL)-
reconnaissance assets that are in the MAGTF area of compliant wide area system, and will direct collection
operations in a compact portable form-factor. RVVT from the Wide Focal Plane Array Camera (WFPAC).
allows Marine forward air controllers, joint tactical air In near real time, it will generate automated tracking
controllers, and commanders at regiment and below of vehicle-sized movers and perform intelligence fu-
to view real-time video, capture and exploit the data, sion on a subset of the imagery. Post-mission, WFVPS
and receive platform metadata for precision targeting will generate automated tracking of all vehicle-sized
thus increasing battlespace awareness and enabling the movers and perform intelligence fusion across the en-
warfighter to characterize and engage threats more ef- tire mission area and duration.
fectively. WFVPS is one of four multi-service programs
supporting the WFPAC quick-reaction capability in
Program Status response to the JUONS. As part of the MCISR-E, the
RVVT is in the pre-materiel solution analysis GRS will be integrated into the DCGS-MC program
phase. The current focus of the program is maintenance of record.
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
USMC Concepts & Programs 2013
chapter 3: programs
This chapter provides a brief snapshot of the Marine Corps at the end
fiscal posture, and the age of primary equipment. As such it gives some
insight into the resources that we fuse together to create the worlds premier
fighting force.
Number Percent
1,348 6.2%
20,498 93.8%
Gen 6 1 3 79 2 91
Total 108 1,135 120 1,177 967 16,662 153 1,454 21,776
Number Percent
12,593 7.1%
163,824 92.9%
Private First Class 272 1,825 296 2,383 1,044 13,576 100 886 20,382
Lance Corporal 518 3,660 528 4,846 2,277 33,979 263 2,223 48,294
Corporal 417 3,012 418 3,300 1,604 23,961 280 1,897 34,889
Sergeant 340 2,890 382 3,688 1,023 17,759 228 2,184 28,494
Staff Sergeant 209 2,236 219 2,552 444 9,352 124 1,207 16,343
Gunnery Sergeant 119 1,434 122 1,418 241 5,069 58 626 9,087
SgtMaj/MGySgt 24 394 9 146 28 924 3 90 1,618
Total 2,078 17,418 2,141 20,610 7,256 115,823 1,118 9,973 176,417
<22 0 0.00%
22 7 0.17%
23 34 0.84%
24 56 1.38%
25 71 1.75%
26 91 2.25%
27 107 2.64%
28 131 3.23%
29 124 3.06%
30 125 3.08%
31-35 738 18.21%
36-40 843 20.80%
41-45 953 23.52%
46-50 600 14.81%
51-55 156 3.85%
56-60 15 0.39%
61+ 1 0.02%
Total 4,052 100%
Updated 2013
35 0.8 7.7 32.5 33.2
31.7 7.4 7.1
$B 29.1 0.4
30 27.3 7.2 6.8 9.0 10.1
0.7 9.5 6.9 8.0
5.7 7.7
data to come
0.2 6.0 12.5 6.9
25 6.1
6.3 13.4
19.4 9.6
3.0 8.1
20 16.7 0.5 2.1
26.1 26.0
15 3.5 4.1 0.3 25.3 25.2 25.1 25.4
22.0 24.6 23.9
19.3 18.7
10 17.2 17.2 17.6
12.6 13.9
0 FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17
Updated 2013
$ in Billions
Military Personnel
data to come
Operations and
6.00 Maintenance
$673 $20
DHAMCR $1,033
$665 $711
$272 $1,623
Updated 2013
data to come $5,983
Military Personnel
Operations and
Updated 2013
data to come
$6,255 $13,901
Military Construction/
Family Housing
6.0 4.2
2.7 4.1
Updated 2013
5.0 7.2
4.0 3.1
3.4 2.7
1.6 1.4
data to come3.7 3.6
3.1 2.2
1.8 1.3
CORPS Selected
GROUND Equipment
Program Service Life
42 Average Equipment Age 42
38 Service Life Extension Program
Age of Oldest In Inventory
Updated 2013
25 26
22 22 22
data to come
20 20 19
15 15
12 13
10 10
7 9
8 8
5 5 4
3 4
0 2
IOC TBD 2005 2004 2001 1999 2006 2009 2005 1991 2008
FOC TBD 2011 2010 2010 2006 2017 2012 2009 1993 2011
Updated 2013
21 24 23
20 22
data to come
5 4 2
AV-8B EA-6B FA-18A FA-18C FA-18D KC-130J KC-130T AH-1W CH-46E CH-53D CH-53E UH-1N UH-1Y MV-22B
Replacement F-35 F-35 F-35 F-35 F-35 N /A KC-130J AH-1Z MV-22 CH-53K CH-53K UH-1Y N /A N /A
IOC 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2014 2011 2007 2018 2020 2008
FOC 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2021 2020 2018 2020 2026 2015
Concepts and Programs is printed annually by the Program
Assessment and Evaluation Division, Program and Resources
Department, HQMC, 3000 Marine Corps Pentagon, Washington,
D.C. 20350-3000 under printing and distribution guidelines
established by Marines.
U.S. Marine Corps