Terry Thomas - COMPLAINT
Terry Thomas - COMPLAINT
Terry Thomas - COMPLAINT
Kristin L. Crone (SBN #269679) Terry Thomas (SBN# 133963)- Of Counsel UFAN Legal Group, PC 1490 Stone Point Dr., Suite 100, Roseville, California 95661 Tel: (877)791-2247 Fax: (916)669-9698 [email protected]; [email protected] Attorneys for Plaintiffs, CARLA VISENDI, et al
CARLA VISENDI, an individual; AZEDAH MARY AFZALI, an individual; RACHELLE AMINI, an individual; SHAVON AMINI, an individual; TROY ANDERSON, an individual; GILBERT BARROW, an individual; UNADELLA BARROW, an individual; ARMANDO BARZAGHI, an individual; GREGORY BAUGHMAN, an individual; JENNIFER BAUGHMAN, an individual; DEBRA ANN BERNABE, an individual; LINDA BERNARDI, an individual; LYDIA BORROMEO, an individual; RAUL BORROMEO, an individual; MICHAEL BYER, an individual; CAROL CAMPOS, an individual; LARRY CAMPOS, an individual; CORETTA CANTLEY, an individual; MARIBEL CASTILLO, an individual; AMIE CHAPMAN, an individual; MATT CHAPMAN, an individual; MARIA CHIN, an individual; RONALD CHIN, an individual; ANTHONY CLIFTON, an individual; SHELLY CLIFTON, an individual; CHICO COLEMAN; an individual; SHANNA COLEMAN; an individual; JAY CUCCIA, an individual; JUSTIN DAY, an individual; DANIEL DE LEON, an individual; MARY DE ROSALES, an individual; ANDRE EDMONDS, an individual; DEGEFU EJIGAYEHU, an individual; SHARON FAIRBANKS, an individual; RANDOLPH FOREST, an individual; 1
Civil Case No: PLAINTIFFS COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES: 1. Rescission Mistake Void Agreement 2. Fraudulent Concealment; 3. Intentional Misrepresentation; 4. Negligent Misrepresentation; 5. Invasion of Constitutional Right to Privacy; 6. Injunctive Relief for Violation of Civil Code 2923.5; 7. Violation of Civil Code 1798.82; 8. Wrongful Foreclosure: Violation of Civil Code 2924
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PAUL FRAGA, an individual; GRACE FERRIS, an individual; STEVEN FERRIS, an individual; GARY FRENCH, an individual; MARY FRENCH, an individual; BONNIE GALLEGOS, an individual; BERNARDO GANO, an individual; MARTHA ANNE GARCIA, an individual; GERALD GOLDSTEIN; an individual; SILVIA GOURIAN, an individual; LAURA GREGERSEN, an individual; DEBRA HERMAN, an individual; JAMES HERMAN, an individual; VINCENTE HERNANDEZ, an individual; ZORENE HERNANDEZ, an individual; DIANE HOPKINS, an individual; RON HOPKINS, an individual; ONGART ITTIVAMEETHAM, an individual; NORA JAUREGUI, an individual; RUBEN JAUREGUI, an individual; MICHAEL JENSON, an individual; JODI JOHNSON, an individual; NEIL JOHNSON, an individual; BEVERLY JOINER, an individual; DALE JONES, an individual; GRACE JONES, an individual; GARY JONES, an individual; JEANNIE KING-SCURLOCK, an individual; AVA KNOSE, an individual; JAN LEWIS, an individual; MAURA LEOS, an individual; MANUEL LEOS, an individual; JOHN HUMBERTO LOZANO, an individual; MELICIO MAGDAUYO, an individual; PHYLLIS MAGDAUYO, an individual; RICHARD MASUD, an individual; JUDITH MCPARLAND, an individual; LARRY MCPARLAND, an individual; ROBERT MEAGLIA, an individual; VICKY MEAGLIA, an individual; LORI MEISEL, an individual; EVANGELINA MELCHOR, an individual; JESUS MELCHOR, an individual; MARVIN MENDONCA, an individual; BETH MENDONCA, an individual; HARRIETTE MIDDLETON; an individual; ESTELLA MIMMS, an individual; FEREIDOON MOHAMMADI, an individual; APRILLA MORALES, an individual; LUIS MORALES, an individual; MICHELLE MOSES, an individual; LIDA MUSESIAN, an individual; YERVAN MUSESIAN, an individual; ROBERT NACHTSHEIM, an individual; KARINA NACHTSHEIM, an individual; JUDITH NEESE, an individual; 2
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RONALD NEESE, an individual; DAVID LEE NOLAN, an individual; JUDY NOLAN, an individual; KATHY OLSEN, an individual; ANGELINA ORTIZ, an individual; LEODAN ORTIZ, an individual; MELODY PARTDRIDGE, an individual; WILLIAM PARTRIDGE, an individual; ANTHONY PEREZ, an individual; DANIEL S. PITTL, an individual; WENDRASWORD POEDJORAHARDJO, an individual; MICHELLE POEHLMAN, an individual; STEPHEN POEHLMAN, an individual; AUGUSTINE QUINTERO, an individual; PETRA QUINTERO, an individual; VAN RANDON, an individual; ALEJANDRO RICO JR., an individual; ROBERT ROBLEDO, an individual; SHARON ROBLEDO, an individual; ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ, an individual; SANDRA RODRIGUEZ, an individual; DEBRA RICO, an individual; MARIO SANTIAGO, an individual; SALLY SHEEETS, an individual; TIMOTHY SHEETS, an individual; JAVIER SOTELO, an individual; SILVINO TAPIA, an individual; LINDA TEDJASUKMANA, an individual; BYRON THINGER, an individual; DONNA TOSCANO, an individual; MARIA UY, an individual; NICASTER UY, an individual; MONEIK VANGINKEL, an individual; MELANI VERANO, an individual; MICHAEL VERANO, an individual; SERAFIN VILLANUEVA, an individual; JACKIE WALKER, an individual; STEVEN WALKER, an individual; JEANNE WARD, an individual; STEWART WARD, an individual; CURT WASSERMAN, an individual; PAMELA LYNN ORTON WEATHERLY, an individual; NYRE WILLIAMS, an individual; WOLDEMEAMLAKE WOLDEYOHANNES, an individual; BING YOUNG, an individual; CHARLES ZETTLE, an individual,
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BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION, a corporation; BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION, a corporation; COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a corporation; COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC., a corporation; BANK MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS, LLC, a limited liability corporation; BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, a corporation; BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY, a corporation; BENCHMARK MORTGAGE CORPORATION, a corporation; CITIMORTGAGE, a corporation; CTC REAL ESTATE SERVICES, INC., a corporation; DESERT COMMUNITY BANK, a corporation; HSBC BANK, a corporation; FANNIE MAE, a corporation; FIRST FRANKLIN FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a corporation; HOME SAVERS, INC., a corporation; LEHMAN BROTHERS, INC., a corporation; MOUNTAIN STATES MORTGAGE CENTERS, INC., a corporation; NL INC., a corporation; PARAMOUNT RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE GROUP, INC., a corporation; PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE ASSOCIATION, a corporation; PROVIDENT SAVINGS BANK, a corporation; RECONTRUST COMPANY, NA, a California entity, form unknown; SCME MORTGAGE BANKERS, INC., a corporation; SOUTH PACIFIC FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a corporation; WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, a corporation; WELLS FARGO, a corporation WMC MORTGAGE CORP., a corporation; and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, Defendants
Plaintiffs, and each of them, hereby demand a jury trial and allege as follows:
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PRELIMINARY STATEMENT Plaintiffs attach as Exhibit A the Forth Amended Complaint from Ronald v. Bank
of America hereto and incorporate by reference each and every allegation as though fully set forth herein. 2. This lawsuit arises from: (1) Defendants deception in inducing Plaintiffs to enter
into mortgages from 2003 to 2008; (2) Defendants breach of Plaintiffs Constitutionally and statutorily protected rights of privacy; and (3) Defendants continuing tortuous conduct intended to deprive Plaintiffs of their rights and remedies for the foregoing acts, described below: a. A massive fraud perpetrated upon Plaintiffs and other borrowers by the Defendants that devastated the values of their residences, in most cases resulting in Plaintiffs loss of all or substantially all of their net worths. b. Defendant Countrywide Financial Corporation (Countrywide) was among the leading providers of mortgages in the nation during all times relevant to this Complaint. By 2005, Countrywide was the largest U.S. mortgage lender in the United States, originating over $490 billion in mortgage loans in 2005, over $450 billion in 2006, and over $408 billion in 2007. c. In 2007, Defendant Bank of America (BofA) commenced negotiations to acquire Countrywide. By late 2007, BofA began merging its operations with Countrywide and adopting some of Countrywides practices. From and after its acquisition of Countrywide and as a principal, BofA has engaged in and continued the wrongful conduct complained of herein. d. On information and belief, all other listed Defendants are believed to have been directed by, owned and operated by, or later acquired by Bank of America.
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e. As a result, Plaintiffs lost their equity in their homes, their credit ratings and histories were damaged or destroyed, and Plaintiffs incurred material other costs and expenses, described herein. At the same time, Defendants took from Plaintiffs and other borrowers billions of dollars in interest payments and fees and generated billions of dollars in profits by selling their loans at inflated values to investors. f. Like a drug that requires ever-higher doses to yield the same high, the fraud reached its zenith or its nadir when Countrywide, along with the other loan originators, systematically destroyed California home values county-by-county and then State-wide. g. Defendants improper acts have continued, including, inter alia: (1) issuing Notices of Default in violation of Cal. Civil Code 2923.5; (2) misrepresenting their intention to arrange loan modifications for Plaintiffs, while in fact creating abusive roadblocks to deprive Plaintiffs of their legal rights h. Defendants continue to demand payment and to foreclose and threaten to foreclose on Plaintiffs, despite the fact that: (1) Defendants have no proof that they own the notes and deeds of trust they seek to enforce; (2) there is considerable evidence that Defendants do not own the notes and deeds of trust they enforce and seek to enforce and based thereon, Plaintiffs allege that they do not; and (3) whether or not they can demonstrate ownership of the requisite notes and deeds of trust, Defendants lack the legal right to enforce the foregoing because they have not complied with disclosure requirements intended to assure mortgages are funded with monies obtained lawfully. Countrywide has asserted in its securities filings that it sold its mortgages.
Defendants have no evidence that they have re-acquired Plaintiffs notes or deeds of trust.
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Plaintiffs believe and thereon allege that Defendants have made demand for
payment on the Plaintiffs with respect to Plaintiffs properties at a time when Defendants are incapable of establishing (and do not have any credible knowledge regarding) who owns the promissory notes Defendants are purportedly servicing. Plaintiffs believe and thereon allege that because Defendants are not the holders of Plaintiffs notes and deeds of trust and are not operating under a valid power from the current holders of the notes and deeds of trust, Defendants may not enforce the notes or deeds of trust. 5. The Defendants include some of our leading financial institutions institutions on
which Plaintiffs thought they could rely and did rely. But, they were wrong. As is clear from the mounting number of federal and state enforcement actions against Defendants, it is now widely recognized that they have done very bad things with regard to their mortgage business. 6. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., a/k/a MERSCORP, Inc.
(MERS) operates an electronic registry designed to track servicing rights and the ownership of mortgages. MERS is sometimes named as the nominee for the
beneficiary, and at other times MERS is named as the beneficiary of the deed of trust on behalf of unknown persons. When a loan is transferred among MERS members, MERS purports to simplify the process by avoiding the requirement to re-record liens and pay county recorder filing fees. 7. For the substantial majority of the Plaintiffs herein, MERS claims to be the owner
of the security interest indicated by the mortgages transferred by lenders, investors and their loan servicers in the county land records which lowers costs for lenders and consumers by reducing county recording revenues from real estate transfers and provides a central source of information and tracking for mortgage loans. 8. Based upon published reports, including the MERS website, Plaintiffs believe and
thereon allege, MERS does not: (1) take applications for, underwrite or negotiate
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mortgage loans; (2) make or originate mortgage loans to consumers; (3) extend credit to consumers; (4) service mortgage loans; or (5) invest in mortgage loans. 9. MERS is used by Defendants to facilitate the unlawful transfers of mortgages,
unlawful pooling of mortgages and the injection into the United States banking industry of unsourced (i.e., unknown) funds, including, without limitation, improper off-shore funds. Plaintiffs are informed and thereon believe and allege that MERS has been listed as beneficial owner of more than half the mortgages in the United States. improperly listed as beneficial owner of many of Plaintiffs mortgages. 10. Because of the use of MERS, Plaintiffs do not know all of the relevant parties to MERS is
this action and what Defendants have what rightful claims to payment under the Notes herein. Plaintiff will amend this complaint as necessary to reflect the parties as they are discovered. 11. Despite being used by Defendants in California, MERS status in California was
suspended on May 31, 2002 and its agent for service of process resigned on March 25, 2009. No action taken by MERS in or with respect to the State of California, property in the State of California, individuals in the State of California or legal persons in the State of California since May 21, 2002 is a valid or enforceable action.
PARTIES Plaintiffs BANK OF AMERICA/COUNTRYWIDE AS OWNER OR ORIGINATOR 12. Plaintiff TIMOTHY SHEETS is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 875 Bel Esprit Circle, San Marcos, CA 92069. Mr. Sheets and his wife Sally Sheets refinanced their mortgage with Bank of America in 2006 as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Diego County on February 21, 2006. The Sheets attempted to get modified terms after the economic crisis unforeseeably and
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severely altered their financial circumstances. No modification was granted although the Sheets believe they qualified. 13. Plaintiff SALLY SHEETS is an individual residing in the State of California. Ms.
Sheets is married to TIMOTHY SHEETS and is subject to similar circumstances. She receives medical treatment for depressive symptoms triggered by the stress of her financial situation. 14. Plaintiff MATT CHAPMAN is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 27777 Pistachio Court, Hayward, CA 94544. Mr. Chapman and his wife Amie Chapman opened a mortgage with Countrywide Home Lending in 2005 as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Alameda County on August 11, 2005. In 2008, after Countrywides disastrous failure, Bank of America purchased Countrywide Home Lending and became the Chapmans lender. The Chapmans fell behind on their mortgage payments and sought a loan modification after the economic crisis unforeseeably and severely altered their financial circumstances. After going through the modification process three times, they were told they didnt qualify and were considered in default because of lower payments made during the trial period. A Notice of Trustee Sale was issued on October 26, 2009. The Chapmans were told that the sale date would be canceled upon modification of their loan. However, the Trustee continues to pursue foreclosure proceedings. 15. Plaintiff AMIE CHAPMAN is an individual residing in the State of California.
Amie is married to MATT CHAPMAN and is subject to similar circumstances. 16. Plaintiff LIDA MUSESIAN is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 1055 Irving Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. Ms. Musesian and her husband Yervan Musesian obtained their mortgage with Washington Mutual in 2004 as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on February 25, 2004. On November 30, 2005, a Deed of Trust was recorded listing Countrywide Home Loans as the Musesians lender. In 2008, Bank of America bought out Countrywide and became
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the Musesians lender. Ms. Musesian tried to get a modification for three years but Bank of America claimed repeatedly that they were missing documents she had provided them. A Notice of Default was filed on January 27, 2011 and a Notice of Trustee Sale was filed May 4, 2011 for May 26, 2011. 17. Plaintiff YERVAN MUSESIAN is an individual residing in the State of Yervan is married to LIDA MUSESIAN and is subject to similar
California, with property located at 16621 Patronella Avenue, Torrance, CA 90504. Mr. Nachtsheim and his wife Karina Nachtsheim refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Lending in 2005 as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on December 22, 2005. In 2008, Bank of America bought out
Countrywide Home Lending and became the Nachtsheims lender. The Nachtsheims sought a loan modification after the economic crisis unforeseeably and severely altered their financial circumstances. They declined to accept an offer of modification with even less favorable terms and were repeatedly denied assistance on their loan by Bank of America. A notice of default was issued by the Trustee on March 28, 2011. 19. Plaintiff KARINA NACHTSHEIM is an individual residing in the State of
California. Karina is married to ROBERT NACHTSHEIM and is subject to similar circumstances. 20. Plaintiff DAVID LEE NOLAN is an individual residing in the State of Utah, with
property located at 280 East 100 South, Lehi, UT 84043. Mr. Nolan and his wife Judy Nolan refinanced their mortgage with Countrywide Home Lending in 2007 as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Utah County on July 10, 2007. In 2008, Bank of America bought out Countrywide Home Lending and became the Nolans lender. As a result of the economic downturn, the Nolans faced a severe reduction in their income. Bank of America representatives told the Nolans that they must be at least 90 days behind
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to receive a loan modification. The Nolans, relying on this information, stopped making payments, but Bank of America denied their repeated requests for modification. 21. Plaintiff JUDY NOLAN is an individual residing in the State of Utah. Judy is
married to DAVID LEE NOLAN and is subject to similar circumstances. 22. Plaintiff MICHELLE MOSES is an individual residing in the State of California,
who had owned property located at 1224 Calle de Campo, Santa Maria, CA 93454. Ms. Moses obtained her original mortgage with Citifinancial, but the lien was resold to Countrywide Bank in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Santa Barbara County on July 20, 2007. In 2008, Bank of America bought out Countrywide Home Lending and became Ms. Moses lender. Following drastic reductions in her income during the economic downturn and increased expenses, including her mothers disability, Ms. Moses sought hardship assistance from Bank of America. The bank told her nothing could be done because she had enough resources to make payments and failed to send documents required for available government programs. After repeatedly seeking
modification, she finally received a notice stating that her request for assistance was denied because she did not have the financial resources to support repayment or loan modification. A Notice of Trustee Sale was issued on September 10, 2009. The property was sold on May 19, 2011 and an eviction notice was issued on June 24, 2011 stating that Ms. Moses had three days to vacate the premises. 23. Plaintiff JAY CUCCIA is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 4800 Lexington Circle, Loomis, CA 95650. Mr. Cuccia and his wife Jan Lewis refinanced their mortgage with Countrywide Home Loans in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Placer County on September 14, 2005. In 2008, Bank of America bought out Countrywide and became Mr. Cuccias lender. Mr. Cuccia fell behind on his mortgage payments and attempted to get a modification, but was denied because he did not have sufficient income. In June 2005, Bank of America
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married to JAY CUCCIA and subject to similar circumstances. 25. Plaintiff GILBERT BARROW is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 6270 Lake Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95831. Mr. Barrow and his wife Unadella refinanced their mortgage with Countrywide Home Loans in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Sacramento County on August 31, 2005. In 2008, Bank of America bought out Countrywide and became the Barrows lender. After the economic crisis unforeseeably and drastically altered their financial circumstances, the Barrows sought a loan modification through Bank of America but were denied assistance. 26. Plaintiff UNADELLA BARROW is an individual residing in the State of Unadella is married to GILBERT BARROW and subject to similar
circumstances. 27. Plaintiff JOHN HUMBERTO LOZANO is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 9829 Pattycake Court, Elk Grove, CA 95624. Mr. Lozano obtained a mortgage with Countrywide Home Lending doing business as Americas Wholesale Lender in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Sacramento County on April 14, 2006. Bank of America became Mr. Lozanos lender when the bank bought out Countrywide in 2008. After substantial reduction in his income during the economic downturn, Mr. Lozano sought a loan modification with Bank of America. He was granted a temporary modification, but when the temporary modification ended, the bank declared him in default and initiated foreclosure proceedings on his property in June 2011. 28. Plaintiff GARY JONES is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 6058 Pythagoras Avenue, Oak Hills CA 92344. Mr. Jones originally obtained his mortgage loan through Desert Community Bank in 2003, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Bernadino County on March 28, 2003. MERS records indicate that Bank of America holds his note as an investor. After the economic crisis
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unforeseeably and severely altered their financial circumstances, Mr. Jones and his wife Pam Jones applied for a loan modification through the Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives program. They were denied assistance three times. On April 23, 2011 they were told that they had rejected Bank of Americas offer of a trial modification, though the Joneses had no knowledge of such an offer. 29. Plaintiff VINCENTE HERNANDEZ is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 6 San Andres, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688. Mr. Hernandez and his wife Zorene Hernandez refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Bank in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Orange County on September 15, 2005. Bank of America acquired the Hernadezes loan when it bought out Countrywide in 2008. When economic hardship struck, the Hernandezes sought a loan modification and were told that they should stop making payments in order to receive a modification. They did so, but the modification was denied, and Bank of America initiated foreclosure proceedings against them in June of 2011. 30. Plaintiff ZORENE HERNANDEZ is an individual residing in the state of Zorene is married to VINCENTE HERNANDEZ and subject to similar
State of California, with property located at 11183 Whitewater Avenue, Montclair, CA 91763. Mr. Poedjorahardjo obtained his mortgage with Bank of America in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Bernadino County on March 14, 2007. After the economic crisis unforeseeably and severely altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Poedjorahardjo applied for a loan modification through HAMP. Bank of America sat on his application, continuing to request additional documents. On April 27, 2011, Mr. Poedjorahardjo was told that the loan modification was denied, and on May 31, 2011, he was told that the account had been sent for foreclosure review.
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California. Linda is married to WENDRASWORD POEDJORAHARDJO and subject to similar circumstances. 33. Plaintiff AVA KNOSE is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 25305 Hemlock Avenue, Moreno Valley, CA 92557. Ms. Knose refinanced her mortgage loan with Bank of America in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Riverside County on June 29, 2005. When Ms. Knose began having difficulty making her payments, she applied for a loan modification. She was told that she qualified for a modification and followed the trial modification plan, but was later denied with no reason given. She then applied for a modification through HAMP, but was told that her payment was beneath the threshold for assistance. 34. Plaintiff ALEJANDRO RICO JR. is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 425 Elkhorn Lane, Escondido, CA 92026. Mr. Rico and his wife Debra Rico refinanced his mortgage loan with Countrywide in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Diego County on December 20, 2006. Bank of America acquired the Ricos loan when it bought out Countrywide in 2008. After the economic crisis drastically altered their financial circumstances, the Ricos sought a modification. They thought that they had been approved but in August 2010 were told that their modification was denied. They were unable to bring their loan current after making trial payments and foreclosure proceedings were initiated. 35. Plaintiff DEBRA RICO is an individual residing in the State of California. Debra
is married to ALEJANDRO RICO JR. and is subject to similar circumstances. 36. Plaintiff BING YOUNG is an individual residing in the State of California, with Mr. Young
refinanced his mortgage loan with Bank of America in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Alameda County on October 19, 2006. Mr. Young is retired and has had increasing difficulty making his payments. Mr. Young has sought a loan
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modification but modification was denied. In 2009, Bank of America refinanced his loan, but the new terms did not alleviate his hardship. 37. Plaintiff JUSTIN DAY is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 1818 Ivycrest Way, Sacramento, CA 95835. Mr. Days mortgage is held by and was originated by Bank of America, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Sacramento County. Mr. Day was put into an interest only adjustable rate mortgage. The value of his property is now less than 50% of the value when purchased. Since the severe decline in property value and changed financial circumstances due to the economic disaster, Mr. Day has attempted to refinance or modify his loan with BofA. When inquiring about new loan terms, BofA took a $500 fee for consideration, demanded another $400+ fee for appraisal, and then approved new loan terms did not improve the monthly payment and Bank of America required a $10,000 payment up front to obtain the refinance. Mr. Day could not afford the $10,000 payment and therefore lost the amounts paid for consideration and appraisal. He also made a downpayment on purchase of the home of $100,000 which was lost due to the overinflated appraisal of the home at time of purchase. 38. Plaintiff MARIBEL CASTILLO is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 681 Alexandra Court, San Jose, CA 95125. Ms. Castillo and her husband Mark Castillo refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Santa Clara County on May 26, 2006. Bank of America acquired the Castillos loan when it bought out Countrywide in 2008. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Castillos sought a loan modification. They applied for a loan modification multiple times and were finally offered terms that did not alleviate their hardship. The Castillos then tried to sell the property in short sale, but were unsuccessful. Bank of America pursued foreclosure against them, and a Notice of Trustee Sale on the property was issued June 3, 2011 for a sale date of June 24, 2011.
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California, with property located at 2748 Mountain Pine Drive, La Crescenta, CA 91214. Mr. Mohammadi and his wife Azedah Mary Afzali refinanced his mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on April 11, 2007. Bank of America acquired Mr. Mohammadis loan when it bought out Countrywide in 2008. After the economic crisis severely and
unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Mr. Mohammadi repeatedly sought a modification but was denied assistance. 40. Plaintiff AZEDAH MARY AFZALI is an individual residing in the State of
California. Azedah Mary is married to FEREIDOON MOHAMMADI and is subject to similar circumstances. 41. Plaintiff BYRON THINGER is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 74071 Scholar Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92211. Mr. Thinger refinanced his mortgage loan with Bank of America in 2004, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Bernadino County on March 16, 2004. He refinanced again with Countrywide Home Lending on April 13, 2007. 42. Plaintiff SHAVON AMINI is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 850 Beech Street #1801, San Diego, CA 92101. Ms. Amini and her sister Rachelle Amini refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Diego County on May 20, 2005. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Aminis tried to contact their lender for assistance, but never received any response. 43. Plaintiff RACHELLE AMINI is an individual residing in the State of California.
Rachelle is SHAVON AMINIs sister and co-borrower and is subject to similar circumstances. 44. Plaintiff RUBEN JAUREGUI is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 15 Carey Avenue, Freedom, CA 95019. Mr. Jauregui and his
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wife, Nora Jauregui, refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans doing business as Americas Wholesale Lender in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Santa Cruz County on June 2, 2006. MERS records indicate that BAC is the loan servicer and the Bank of New York Mellon is the investor. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Jaureguis sought a loan modification. In August of 2010 they received a letter proposing a new payment plan, but were not offered any modification to their loan terms. On June 24, 2011, a
Notice of Trustee Sale was issued by the trustee for a sale date of July 18, 2011. 45. Plaintiff NORA JAUREGUI is an individual residing in the State of California.
She is married to RUBEN JAUREGUI and subject to similar circumstances. 46. Plaintiff MARIO SANTIAGO is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 462 Safari Drive, San Jose, CA 95123. Mr. Santiago, his wife, Donna Toscano, and his sister, Linda Bernardi refinanced their mortgage loan with First Franklin Financial Corporation in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust filed in Santa Clara County on April 27, 2007. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is both the loan servicer and the investor on the note. After the economic crisis severely and
unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, Mr. Santiago sought a loan modification but received no assistance. 47. Plaintiff DONNA TOSCANO is an individual residing in the State of California.
She is married to MARIO SANTIAGO and subject to similar circumstances. 48. Plaintiff LINDA BERNARDI is an individual residing in the State of California.
She is the sister of MARIO SANTIAGO and subject to similar circumstances. 49. Plaintiff MICHAEL JENSON is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 749 Savignon Blanc Court, Los Banos, CA 93635. Mr. Jenson and his wife, Susan Jenson, refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust filed in Merced County on March 6, 2007. MERS records indicate that BAC is the loan servicer and the Bank of New York
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Mellon is the investor on the note. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Jensons sought a loan modification. They were offered a trial modification and made the payments agreed upon for three months. The modification was denied but Bank of America failed to notify the Jensons until foreclosure proceedings had been initiated against them, with a Notice of Default filed on May 23, 2011. 50. Plaintiff ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 25790 Seagrass Trail, Wildomar, CA 92595. Mr. Rodriguez and his wife, Sandra Rodriguez, obtained their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2008, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust filed in Riverside County on January 31, 2008. Bank of America acquired the Rodriguezess loan when it bought out Countrywide later that year, and MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Rodriguezes sought a loan modification. They were told that Bank of America could not help them and that they would have to work with the trust company or trustee. A Notice of Default was issued against the property on April 1, 2011 by Recontrust Company. 51. Plaintiff SANDRA RODRIGUEZ is an individual residing in the State of She is married to ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ and subject to similar
circumstances. 52. Plaintiff SILVINO TAPIA is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 1080 Philadelphia Street, Pomona, CA 91766. Mr. Tapia refinanced his mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust filed in Los Angeles County on March 9, 2007. Bank of America acquired Mr. Tapias loan when it bought out Countrywide later that year, and MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and
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unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, Mr. Tapia sought a loan modification. In April 2011, Bank of America told him his loan modification was denied. 53. Plaintiff LARRY CAMPOS is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 3568 Ballantyne Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Mr. Campos and his wife Carol Campos refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans doing business as Americas Wholesale Lender in 2002, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Alameda County on August 6, 2002. After Mr. Campos disability, compounded by the economic crisis, severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Campos filed for bankruptcy and sought a loan modification. They were advised by a bank representative to stop making their payments in order to obtain a loan modification, but the modification was denied. On June 15, 2011, the trustee issued a Notice of Default on the property. 54. Plaintiff CAROL CAMPOS is an individual residing in the State of California.
She is married to LARRY CAMPOS and subject to similar circumstances. 55. Plaintiff BERNARDO GANO is an individual residing in the State of California, Mr. Gano
refinanced his mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans doing business as Americas Wholesale Lender in 2004, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Mateo County on September 1, 2004. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Gano was unable to keep up with his payments. On December 9, 2010, the trustee filed a Notice of Default, and on March 14, 2011, a Notice of Trustee Sale was issued. 56. Plaintiff SERAFIN VILLANUEVA is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 662 Larkin Valley Road, Watsonville, CA 95076. Mr. Villanueva and his wife, Amada Villanueva, refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans doing business as Americas Wholesale Lender in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Santa Cruz County on April 30, 2007. MERS
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records show that Bank of America is the current servicer and that Bank of New York Mellon is the current investor. When the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Villanuevas sought a loan modification. They agreed to a three month trial modification and made the trial payments, but were denied a permanent modification at the end of the trial period. On April 28, 2011, the trustee filed a Notice of Default and initiated foreclosure proceedings. 57. Plaintiff MARTHA ANNE GARCIA is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 8682 Larkport Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646. Ms. Garcia refinanced her mortgage loan with Bank of America in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Orange County on May 31, 2007. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Garcia sought a loan modification. The modification was denied on the grounds that she was late on her payments and that her income was insufficient. 58. Plaintiff DALE JONES is an individual residing in the State of North Carolina,
with property located at 2005 Bethlehem Road, Raleigh, NC 27610. Mr. Jones and his wife Grace Jones refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Wake County on March 30, 2005. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Joneses sought a loan modification. Bank of America instructed them to stop making payments in order to obtain a loan modification. The Joneses worked for two years to obtain a loan modification but the modification was denied. 59. Plaintiff GRACE JONES is an individual residing in the State of North Carolina.
She is married to DALE JONES and subject to similar circumstances. 60. Plaintiff RANDOLPH FOREST is an individual residing in the State of New
Jersey, with property located at 45669 Schooner Court, Great Mills, MD 20634. Mr. Forest obtained his mortgage loan from Bank of America in 2008, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in St. Marys County on January 11, 2008. After tenants defaulted
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on the property and the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Forest sought a loan modification. He received no response from Bank of America until he called several months later to discover that the modification had been denied. 61. Plaintiff MARY DE ROSALES is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 7943 Longridge Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91605. Ms. De Rosales obtained her mortgage loan from Bank of America in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on June 22, 2007. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. De Rosales sought a loan modification. She submitted the required paperwork multiple times but was denied the modification because Bank of America claimed it had not received the appropriate paperwork. 62. Plaintiff AUGUSTINE QUINTERO is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 127 Arthur Avenue, Santa Paula, CA 93060. Mr. Quintero and his wife Petra obtained his mortgage loan from American Sterling Bank in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Ventura County on November 30, 2006. Mr. Quintero believes that the loan was then sold to Countrywide Home Loans, which was then bought out by Bank of America. MERS records show Bank of America as the servicer and Fannie Mae as the investor. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, the Quinteros sought a loan modification, but were told that they could not receive assistance unless they fell behind on the loan. 63. Plaintiff PETRA QUINTERO is an individual residing in the State of California.
She is married to AUGUSTINE QUINTERO and subject to similar circumstances. 64. Plaintiff MICHAEL VERANO is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 2625 North Lincoln Street, Unit H, Burbank, CA 91504. Mr. Verano and his wife Melani obtained their mortgage loan from First Franklin Financial
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Corporation in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on November 2, 2005. First Franklin Financial was a subprime mortgage company that was a subsidiary of Merrill Lynch, which Bank of America bought in 2008. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Veranos sought a loan modification. The modification was denied on the grounds that their income was insufficient. 65. Plaintiff MELANI VERANO is an individual residing in the State of California.
She is married to MICHAEL VERANO and subject to similar circumstances. 66. Plaintiff BONNIE GALLEGOS is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 901 Cedarcrest Drive, Vacaville, CA 95687. Ms. Gallegos obtained her mortgage loan from First Franklin Financial Corporation in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Solano County on June 24, 2005. First Franklin Financial was a subprime mortgage company that was a subsidiary of Merrill Lynch, which Bank of America bought in 2008. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Gallegos sought a loan modification. She was referred to numerous different agencies before she was told that the modification was denied on the grounds that she had too much income. 67. Plaintiff STEPHEN POELMAN is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 9716 Vista Del Verde, El Cajon, CA 92021. Mr. Poelman and his wife Michele Poehlman obtained their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Diego County on November 16, 2006. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Poelmans sought a loan modification. Bank of America representatives told them that they did not have to make payments during the modification process. The modification was denied, leaving the Poelmans in delinquent status.
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Plaintiff MICHELE POEHLMAN is an individual residing in the State of She is married to STEPHEN POELMAN and subject to similar
with property located at 620 Doral Court, Ontario, CA 91761. Ms. Mimms refinanced her mortgage with Countrywide Home Loans in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Bernadino County on August 13, 2007. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and
unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Mimms sought a loan modification. She was offered a six month trial modification and faithfully made her payments. However, after the end of the trial payment period her loan was readjusted and she was required to make payments that were higher than those she had made prior to the trial modification. 70. Plaintiff MELODY PARTRIDGE is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 623 North Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505. Ms. Partridge and her husband William Partridge refinanced their mortgage with Bank of America in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on January 11, 2007. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Partridges sought a loan modification. They were offered a loan mod that would lower their monthly payment slightly, but after a year the loan would be adjusted and their monthly payments would rise even higher. The Partridges rejected this offer because it would not improve their long term situation. 71. Plaintiff WILLIAM PARTRIDGE is an individual residing in the State of He is married to MELODY PARTRIDGE and subject to similar
circumstances. 72. Plaintiff VAN RANDON is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 8245 Branhall Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95679. Mr. Randon refinanced his
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mortgage with Countrywide Home Loans in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Sacramento County on September 26, 2006. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Randon sought a loan modification. He was offered a trial modification and made the payments, but was denied a permanent modification. His second application for a loan modification was denied, and he was told not to apply again. 73. Plaintiff RONALD CHIN is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 4003 Tryon Place, Dublin, CA 94568. Mr. Chin and his wife Maria Chin refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Alameda County on December 16, 2005. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, the Chins sought a loan modification. They were told they did not qualify. The property was sold in foreclosure on August 8, 2011. 74. Plaintiff MARIA CHIN is an individual residing in the State of California. She is
married to RONALD CHIN and subject to similar circumstances. 75. Plaintiff NICASTER UY is an individual residing in the State of Nevada, with
property located at 2411 Blair Castle Street, Henderson, NV 89044. Mr. Uy and his wife Maria Uy obtained their mortgage loan from Countrywide Home Loans in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Clark County on December 8, 2006. Bank of America acquired the Uys loan when it bought out Countrywide later that year, and MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Uys sought a loan modification. They were told they did not qualify with no reasoning provided.
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married to NICASTER UY and subject to similar circumstances. 77. Plaintiff APRILIA MORALES is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 8901 South 7th Avenue, Inglewood, CA 90305. Ms. Morales and her husband Luis Morales refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on April 10, 2007. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After
the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, Mr. and Ms. Morales sought a loan modification. They were first told that they qualified for a modification. They were then told to resubmit their paperwork, and once they did so, they were told to send the paperwork to a different department. Despite their compliance with Bank of Americas requests, they never received any modification. 78. Plaintiff LUIS MORALES is an individual residing in the State of California. He
is married to APRILIA MORALES and subject to similar circumstances. 79. Plaintiff BEVERLY JOINER is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 2598 Diamond Street, San Francisco, CA 94131. Ms. Joiner obtained her mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Francisco County on May 17, 2007. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Joiner sought a loan modification. Meanwhile, a Notice of Trustee Sale was filed on March 17, 2010 but was postponed pending the modification. Bank of America told her that the modification was approved in late 2010, but she never received any paperwork. In March of 2011, Bank of America requested updated pay stubs and other financial information. Another Notice of Trustee Sale was posted on Ms. Joiners door on June 22, 2011. The notice was not recorded or signed. It listed the sale date as July 13, 2011. On July 1, 2011, Bank of America voluntarily postponed the sale to August 26, 2011.
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Plaintiff ANTHONY PEREZ is an individual residing in the State of California, Mr. Perez
refinanced his mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Fresno County on June 29, 2007. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Perez applied for a loan modification. He was granted a trial modification, but at the end of the modification period was told he did not qualify because his income was too high. He was then told that he was late on his loan because he owed the difference between his regular payments and those he made during the trial modification. 81. Plaintiff JAMES HERMAN is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 3504 Paseo De Los Americanos #67, Oceanside, CA 92056. Mr. Herman and his wife Debra Herman obtained their mortgage from Countrywide Home Loans doing business as Americas Wholesale Lender in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Diego County on October 31, 2005. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Hermans sought a loan modification. A bank representative told them that a packet would be sent, which they never received. Later, they were told that they were not qualified for a loan modification because of information on their credit report. 82. Plaintiff DEBRA HERMAN is an individual residing in the State of California.
She is married to JAMES HERMAN and subject to similar circumstances. 83. Plaintiff DANIEL DE LEON is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 3664 Grizzley Creek Court, Ontario, CA 91761. Mr. De Leon and his wife Angela Renee De Leon obtained their mortgage from Provident Savings Bank in 2008, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Bernadino County on January 2, 2009. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the loan servicer and the
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investor. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the De Leons sought a loan modification, but have as yet received none. 84. Plaintiff PAMELA LYNN ORTON WEATHERLY is an individual residing in the
State of California, with property located at 1941 Dwight Ave, Camillo, CA 93010. The title of Ms. Ortons mortgage loan was transferred to Countrywide Home Loans in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Ventura County on June 21, 2005. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Orton was forced to file bankruptcy. She sought a loan modification, but Countrywide claimed not to have received any paperwork, and the servicer, Litton Loan Servicing, tried to claim that she was not making payments. Litton later conceded at Ms. Ortons
bankruptcy hearing that Ms. Orton was in fact making her payments. 85. Plaintiff DEBRA ANN BERNABE is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 604 Vine Street, Los Banos, CA 93635. The title of Ms. Bernabes mortgage loan was transferred to Countrywide Home Loans in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Merced County on July 28, 2005. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. Because of the
precipitous drop in home values in her area, the negative equity on her home now totals approximately $151,000.00. 86. Plaintiff RAUL BORROMEO is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 3525 Park Ridge Drive, Richmond, CA 94806. Mr. Borromeo and his wife Lydia Borromeo obtained their mortgage loan from Countrywide Home Loans in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Contra Costa County on January 19, 2007. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Borromeos sought a loan modification. They applied twice and were told they were not qualified both times because the loan showed a negative trustee value.
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She is married to RAUL BORROMEO and subject to similar circumstances. 88. Plaintiff LAURA GREGERSEN is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 334 Santana Row #204, San Jose, CA 95128. Ms. Gregersen obtained her mortgage loan from Countrywide Home Loans in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Santa Clara County on September 2, 2005. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Gregersen sought a loan modification. After 27 months of working with Bank of America, she has still not obtained a loan modification. 89. Plaintiff CURT WASSERMAN is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 19401 Woodlands Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. Mr. Wasserman refinanced his mortgage loan with Bank of America in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Orange County on November 8, 2006. After the economic crisis compounded by a period of ill health severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Wasserman sought a loan modification. He obtained a modification in January of 2008, but still could not afford to make payments. Further attempts to modify the loan were denied. 90. Plaintiff ARMANDO BARZAGHI is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 213 Avenue E, Redondo Beach, CA 90277. Mr. Barzaghi obtained his mortgage loan from Countrywide Home Loans in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on November 22, 2006. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Barzaghi sought a loan modification, but was denied. 91. Plaintiff JESUS MELCHOR is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 1920 Riverside Road, Watsonville, CA 95076. Mr. Melchor and his wife Evangelina Melchor refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Santa Cruz County on
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January 31, 2006. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the loan servicer and the Bank of New York Mellon is the investor. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, the Melchors sought a loan modification. They received no assistance. 92. Plaintiff EVANGELINA MELCHOR is an individual residing in the State of
California. She is married to JESUS MELCHOR and subject to similar circumstances. 93. Plaintiff MARVIN MENDONCA is an individual residing in the State of Nevada,
with property located at 268 Autumn Eave, Henderson, NV 89074. Mr. Mendonca and his wife Beth Mendonca refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Home Loans in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Clark County on June 14, 2007. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the loan servicer and that the investor has chosen not to display their information. The Mendoncas did not seek a loan modification because they were told by Bank of America that they would have to default on their loan for at least three months to obtain one. Fearing destroying their credit and losing the property to foreclosure, the Mendoncas continued to struggle to make their payments. 94. Plaintiff BETH MENDONCA is an individual residing in the State of Nevada.
She is married to MARVIN MENDONCA and is subject to similar circumstances. 95. Plaintiff CHARLES ZETTLE is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 2875 Morgan Drive, San Ramon, CA 94583. Mr. Zettle and his wife Kelly Zettle refinanced their mortgage loan with Countrywide Bank in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Contra Costa County on September 28, 2007. The Zettles refinanced to consolidate their debt, including unsecured credit card debt, and later felt they were pushed into the adjustable rate agreement without fully being made aware of the terms. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is both the loan servicer and the investor. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their
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financial circumstances, the Zettles were forced to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. bankruptcy was discharged in 2010 and Bank of America threatened foreclosure. 96.
with property located at 1140 North El Cajon Street, Visalia, CA 93291. Mr. Edmonds obtained his mortgage loan from Countrywide Bank in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Tulare County on October 18, 2007. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the servicer and the Bank of New York Mellon is the investor. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Edmonds sought a loan modification. He was offered a trial modification, but was later told that he did not qualify for a modification because his income was too high. 97. Plaintiff RONALD NEESE is an individual residing in the State of Iowa, with
property located at 1350 G Avenue Northeast, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402. Mr. Neese and his wife Judith Neese obtained their mortgage loan from Countrywide Home Loans doing business as Americas Wholesale Lender in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Linn County on May 8, 2007. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the servicer and Bank of New York Mellon is the investor. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Neeses sought a loan modification. They were offered a trial modification but did not accept it because the modification would have raised their monthly payment amount. 98. Plaintiff JUDITH NEESE is an individual residing in the State of Iowa. She is
married to RONALD NEESE and subject to similar circumstances. 99. Plaintiff GARY FRENCH is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 32 Country Club Drive, Fairfield, CA 94534. Mr. French and his wife Mary French refinanced their mortgage loan with Bank of America in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Solano County on March 6, 2007. The Frenches later tried to refinance their loan again to obtain better terms based on more accurate property
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values, but were told that they could never refinance because they had Lender Paid Mortgage Insurance (LPMI.) 100. Plaintiff MARY FRENCH is an individual residing in the State of California. She
is married to GARY FRENCH and subject to similar circumstances. 101. Plaintiff JEANNIE KING-SCURLOCK is an individual residing in the State of
Colorado, with property located at 479 Dakota Ridge Road, Idaho Springs, CO 80452. Ms. King-Scurlock obtained her mortgage loan from Countrywide Bank in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Clear Creek County as being signed by Ms. King-Scurlock on September 5, 2007. Her signature does not appear on the deed or the mortgage note. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the loan servicer and Bank of New York Mellon is the investor. After the economic crisis severely and
unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. King-Scurlock sought a loan modification. She applied seven times and was finally offered a trial modification.
However, the monthly payments for the trial modification were higher than the amount of the payments under her original agreement. 102. Plaintiff PAUL FRAGA is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 9764 Ellsmere Way, Elk Grove, CA 95757. Mr. Fraga and his brother Luis Fraga obtained the mortgage loan from Countrywide Bank in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Sacramento County on October 21, 2005. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is both the servicer and the investor. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Fraga sought a loan modification. He was told he did not qualify. 103. Plaintiff STEWART WARD is an individual residing in the State of Minnesota,
with property located at 7374 Windsor Dr. N., Shakopee, MN 55379. Mr. Ward obtained his mortgage through Countrywide. At some point, according to the MERS database, his mortgage was serviced by Bank of America, NA and the investor was Bank of New York Mellon, NA. Mr. Ward attempted to get modified terms of his loan multiple times,
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repeatedly submitted paperwork at the behest of the bank, and, despite his best efforts, he was never given an answer on whether or not he qualified for modification. 104. Plaintiff JEANNE WARD is similarly situation with STEWART WARD (above)
and makes the same claims. 105. Plaintiff STEVEN FERRIS is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 3810 Clarkson St., Riverside, CA 92501. Mr. Ferris originated his mortgage with Countrywide. MERS has record of the mortgage and it is an adjustable rate note. Mr. Ferris is current on his payments and, therefore, did not get assistance in obtaining modified loan terms. Mr. Ferriss mortgage is now serviced by Bank of
America. He is both confused and frustrated with the handling of his mortgage. 106. Plaintiff GRACE FERRIS is similarly situated with STEVEN FERRIS (above)
and makes the same claims. 107. Plaintiff MANUEL LEOS is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 40 Trabing Rd., Watsonville, CA 95076. Mr. Leoss mortgage was originated by Countrywide as evidenced by the Deed of Trust dated August 27, 2006. His mortgage is now being serviced by Bank of America. 108. Plaintiff MAURA LEOS is similarly situated with MANUEL LEOS (above) and
makes the same claims. 109. Plaintiff CARLA VISENDI is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 763 Woodwind Place, Walnut Creek, CA 94598. Ms. Visendi suffers from diabetes. In September of 2010, Plaintiffs home was sold in foreclosure sale. During the non-judicial foreclosure process, Ms. Visendi was negotiating with Bank of America for modified loan terms. Ms. Visendi has the funds to cure the delinquency of her mortgage, but the amount of arrears was in dispute. Ms. Visendi was assured by a Bank of America representative that her foreclosure would be postponed until the dispute was resolved and loan mod negotiations were completed. Despite these representations
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(on which Ms. Visendi relied detrimentally), Bank of America foreclosed on the property. Ms. Visendis loan was originated by National City Bank. 110. Plaintiff SILVIA GOURIAN is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 4539 Melody Dr., Concord, CA 94521. Ms. Gourian was under review for the Making Homes Affordable modification. Despite Bank of Americas promises to postpone foreclosure during modification negotiations, Ms. Gourians property was foreclosed. Federal National Mortgage Association (the purported
purchasers of the property) have now served Ms. Gourian with an unlawful detainer action in an attempt to remove her from her home. Ms. Gourians loan was originated by Benchmark Mortgage. 111. Plaintiff DANIEL S. PITTL is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 5467 Sonoma Dr., Pleasanton, CA 94566. Mr. Pittls mortgage was originated by NL Inc.. His mortgage is now being serviced by Bank of America. Mr. Pittl was told to stop his mortgage payments by a Bank of America representative. The representative told him he would not qualify for a loan modification while he was current on payments. Mr. Pittl detrimentally relied on these statements and stopped his payments. He was never approved for a loan mod, but by the time a determination was made by the bank, his account had accrued an overabundance of late fees, attorneys fees, and other charges making it impossible for Mr. Pittl to bring his account current. 112. Plaintiff ONGART ITTIVAMEETHAM is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 7942 Rhode Ave., Los Angeles, CA 91605. Mr. Ittivameetham originated his mortgage with Americas Wholesale Lender. Mr.
Ittivameetham requested a modification. The bank gave a verbal agreement only and then did not fulfill the promised terms of the modification. 113. Plaintiff RICHARD MASUD is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 1208 North Catalina Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91104. Mr. Masud most recently refinanced his mortgage loan with BankMortgageSolutions Inc., as
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evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on January 9, 2008. According to MERS records and Mr. Masuds monthly statements, Bank of America is the current loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Masud sought a loan modification. assistance he requested was not an option. 114. Plaintiff JAVIER SOTELO is an individual residing in the State of California, He was told the
with property located at 2622 North Ponderosa Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705. Mr. Sotelo obtained his mortgage loan from MIT Lending, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Orange County on October 29, 2004. According to MERS records and Mr. Sotelos monthly statements, Bank of America doing business as BAC Home Loans Servicing LP is his loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Sotelo sought a loan modification. He went through the process several times and never obtained a resolution. On March 21, 2011, he received a Notice of Intent to Accelerate from BAC Home Loans stating that foreclosure proceedings would be initiated on April 20, 2011 if he did not cure the default. 115. Plaintiff HARRIETTE MIDDLETON is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 3820 Stocker Street, Unit 2, Los Angeles, CA 90008. Ms. Middleton most recently refinanced her mortgage loan with Guild Mortgage Company in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on March 9, 2007. MERS records and Ms. Middletons mortgage statements show that Bank of America is the servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Middleton sought a loan modification. She received an adjustable rate modification in July of 2010, but is still having difficulty staying current on her loan. 116. Plaintiff SHARON FAIRBANKS is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 26871 Via Grande, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. The title to Ms. Fairbanks mortgage loan was transferred to Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company
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in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Orange County on September 27, 2006. MERS records and Ms. Middletons mortgage statements show that Bank of America is the loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Fairbanks sought a loan modification. Bank of America told her that she needed to stop making payments in order to get a loan modification. She did so, but they refused to modify the loan. 117. Plaintiff ANTHONY CLIFTON is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 5639 Durango Road, Riverside, CA 92506. Mr. Clifton and his wife Shelly Clifton most recently refinanced their mortgage loan with South Pacific Financial Corporation, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Riverside County in 2006. MERS records and the Cliftons mortgage statements show that Bank of America is their servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Cliftons sought a loan modification. modification, but were dropped from the modification program. 118. Plaintiff SHELLY CLIFTON is an individual residing in the State of California. They obtained a trial
She is married to ANTHONY CLIFTON and subject to similar circumstances. 119. Plaintiff MELICIO MAGDAUYO is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 216 Bridgeview Drive, San Francisco, CA 94124. Mr. Magdauyo and his wife Phyllis Magdauyo most recently refinanced their mortgage loan with Home Savers Inc, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Francisco County on September 29, 2006. MERS records and the Magdauyos mortgage statements indicate that Bank of America is the loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Magdauyos sought a loan modification. Meanwhile, the trustee initiated foreclosure proceedings. The Magdauyos were told that they would receive a modification and their house would be safe from foreclosure, but so far, Bank of America has not offered any modification.
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Plaintiff PHYLLIS MAGDAUYO is an individual residing in the State of She is married to MELICIO MAGDAUYO and subject to similar
California, with property located at 175 Willow Creek Drive, Folsom, CA 95630. Mr. Baughman and his wife Jennifer Baughman obtained their mortgage loan with SCME Mortgage Bankers Inc. in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Placer County on April 12, 2007. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Baughmans sought a loan modification. They obtained a temporary modification and made five months of payments, but were never offered a permanent modification. A Bank of America representative told them that their trial payments were for both the first and second mortgage, but were later told that payments were still owed on the second mortgage. On June 23, 2011, a Notice of Default was filed against the property. 122. Plaintiff JENNIFER BAUGHMAN is an individual residing in the State of She is married to GREGORY BAUGHMAN and subject to similar
California, with property located at 9757 Paseo Montril, San Diego, CA 92129. Mr. McParland and his wife Judith McParland refinanced their mortgage loan with Fremont Investments and Loans in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Diego County on April 12, 2005. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the servicer, but the investor has chosen not to display their information. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the McParlands sought a loan modification. Meanwhile, the bank threatened to start foreclosure proceedings on August 27, 2011. The McParlands have not yet obtained a loan modification.
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Plaintiff JUDITH MCPARLAND is an individual residing in the State of She is married to LARRY MCPARLAND and subject to similar
circumstances. 125. Plaintiff KATHY OLSEN is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 15606 Hawley Court, El Cajon, CA 92021. Ms. Olsen most recently refinanced her mortgage loan with Cal Coast Mortgage Corporation in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded on April 28, 2006. Ms. Olsen receives her statements from Bank of Americas servicing company, BAC Loan Servicing. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Olsen sought a loan modification. She was offered a modification, but the terms of the new agreement were worse than her original loan. 126. Plaintiff NYRE WILLIAMS is an individual residing in the State of Georgia, with
property located at 2152 Lenox Ave, Becatur, GA 30035. Mr. Williams obtained his mortgage loan with WMC Mortgage Corporation, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded on August 8, 2006. Mr. Williams receives all communications about his loan from Bank of Americas servicing company, BAC Loan Servicing. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Williams sought a loan modification. Bank of America offered a loan modification, but the terms of the agreement would have worsened rather than improved Mr. Williams financial situation, and he turned down the offer. 127. Plaintiff CORETTA CANTLEY is an individual residing in the State of Arizona,
who had owned property located at 9371 West Williams Street, Tolleson, AZ 85353. Ms. Cantley received all communications about her loan from Bank of America and BAC Home Loans Servicing, and BAC Home Loans Servicing held itself out as the lender. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Cantley sought a loan modification. She was denied assistance. Bank of America
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then initiated foreclosure proceedings against her, and the home was sold on August 5, 2011 to a corporation by the name of KC93 LLC. 128. Plaintiff MICHAEL BYER is an individual residing in the State of Washington,
with property located at 3305 Northwest 130th Circle, Vancouver, WA 98685. Mr. Byer received all communications about his loan from Bank of America and BAC Home Loans Servicing. In 2008, after the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Byer sought a loan modification. He was offered a
modification, but the terms were untenable and Mr. Byer rejected the offer. Three years later, he has still not received assistance that would materially change his debt situation. 129. Plaintiff LORI MEISEL is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 28484 Warners Court, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352. Ms. Meisel obtained her mortgage loan from Paramount Residential Mortgage Group in 2008, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in San Bernadino County on July 8, 2008. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the servicer and Fannie Mae is the investor. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial She was told by a service
representative that she would have to stop making payments to get a modification. She did so, but the modification was denied. On November 30, 2010, the trustee filed a Notice of Trustee Sale on the property. 130. Plaintiff RON HOPKINS is an individual residing in the State of California, with
property located at 17512 Chatham Drive, Tustin, CA 92780. Mr. Hopkins and his wife Diane Hopkins obtained their mortgage loan from Nations First Lending in 2004, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Orange County on May 14, 2004. The Hopkinses receive all communications about their loan from Bank of America. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Hopkinses sought a loan modification. They were told they had to stop making payments
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to get a modification. They did so and worked through the process three times, but the modification was denied each time. 131. Plaintiff DIANE HOPKINS is an individual residing in the State of California.
She is married to RON HOPKINS and subject to similar circumstances. 132. Plaintiff NEIL JOHNSON is an individual residing in the State of Utah, with
property located at 178 West 1640 North, Lehi, UT 84043. Mr. Johnson and his wife Jodi Johnson most recently refinanced their mortgage loan with Mountain States Mortgage Centers Inc. in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Utah County on May 21, 2005. The Johnsons receive all communications about their loan from Bank of America. MERS records indicate that Bank of America is the servicer and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. is the investor. After the economic crisis severely and
unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Johnsons sought assistance from Bank of America, but the bank refused to help them. 133. Plaintiff JODI JOHNSON is an individual residing in the State of Utah. She is
married to NEIL JOHNSON and subject to similar circumstances. 134. Plaintiff TROY ANDERSON is an individual residing in the State of Utah, with
property located at 2202 Shadow Wood Drive, Lehi, UT 84043. Mr. Anderson originally obtained his mortgage loan with Home American Mortgage Corporation in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Utah County on June 18, 2007. No further title history exists on record. However, MERS records indicate that the Bank of New York Mellon is the investor and Bank of America is Mr. Andersons loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Anderson sought a loan modification, but received no assistance. 135. Plaintiff CHICO COLEMAN is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 14396 Campfire Place, Corona, CA 92880. Mr. Coleman and his wife Shanna Coleman obtained their mortgage loan with CTX Mortgage Company in 2007, as evidence by the Deed of Trust recorded in Riverside County on March 26, 2007.
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MERS lists Bank of America as the loan servicer and the Bank of New York Mellon as the investor. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Colemans sought a loan modification. The modification was denied. On July 20, 2011 the house was sold by the Trustee, Recontrust Company, and granted to the Bank of New York Mellon, as evidenced by the Trustees Deed Upon Sale recorded on August 3, 2011. 136. Plaintiff SHANNA COLEMAN is an individual residing in the State of California.
She is married to CHICO COLEMAN and subject to similar circumstances. 137. Plaintiff GERALD GOLDSTEIN is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 1027 Napoli Drive, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Mr. Goldstein originally obtained his mortgage loan with Platinum Capital Group in 2004, as evidence by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on July 30, 2004. No further title history exists on record. However, MERS records indicate that the Bank of New York Mellon is the investor and Bank of America is Mr. Goldsteins loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered his financial circumstances, Mr. Goldstein sought a loan modification. He sent paperwork to Bank of America several times but received no assistance. The trustee initiated foreclosure proceedings on March 3, 2011. 138. Plaintiff ROBERT MEAGLIA is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 3702 Aurora Loop, Rocklin, CA 95677. Mr. Meaglia and his wife Vicky Meaglia obtained their mortgage loan from Greenpoint Mortgage Funding in 2005, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Placer County on May 16, 2005. MERS records indicate that the Bank of New York Mellon is the investor and Bank of America is the Meaglias loan servicer. The Meaglias considered seeking a modification but found that doing so would further damage them economically because of the proeprtys negative equity.
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Vicky is married to ROBERT MEAGLIA and is subject to similar circumstances. 140. Plaintiff ANGELINA ORTIZ is an individual residing in the State of Ohio, with Ms. Ortiz and her
husband Leodan Ortiz obtained their mortgage loan with Star Trust Mortgage Company in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Butler County on February 10, 2006. MERS records indicate that the Bank of New York Mellon is the investor and Bank of America is the loan servicer. When the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Ortizes sought a loan modification. They were told they did not qualify. They then attempted to short sell their home but the bank did not respond. Meanwhile, Bank of America stopped accepting their payments. 141. Plaintiff LEODAN ORTIZ is an individual residing in the State of Ohio. He is
married to ANGELINA ORTIZ and subject to similar circumstances. 142. Plaintiff ROBERT ROBLEDO is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 3718 Stanton Court, Simi Valley, CA 93063. Mr. Robledo and his wife Sharon Robledo originally obtained their mortgage loan with More2Lend Financial in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Ventura County on January 20, 2006. However, MERS records indicate that the Bank of New York Mellon is the investor and Bank of America is the Robledos loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Robledos sought a loan modification. They did receive an offer of a trial modification, but the monthly payment required was to high for them to reasonably pay. 143. Plaintiff SHARON ROBLEDO is an individual residing in the State of California.
Sharon is married to ROBERT ROBLEDO and is subject to similar circumstances. 144. Plaintiff MONEIK VANGINKEL is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 9033 Grove Terrace, Pico Rivera, CA 90660. Ms. Vanginkel originally obtained her mortgage loan with WMC Mortgage in 2004. She
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refinanced her mortgage with SBMC Mortgage in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on February 22, 2007. However, MERS records indicate that the Bank of New York Mellon is the investor and Bank of America is Ms. Vanginkels loan servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Vanginkel sought a loan modification and a review for the governments Making Homes Affordable program. On March 7, 2011 a Notice of Trustee Sale was issued for a sale date of March 29, 2011. On April 13, 2011, her MHA application was denied. 145. Plaintiff STEVEN WALKER is an individual residing in the State of California,
with property located at 19965 Deer Brush Court, Groveland, CA 95521. MR. Walker and his wife Jackie Walker refinanced their mortgage loan with First Bank Mortgage in 2006, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Tuolomne County on May 5, 2006. MERS records indicate that the Bank of New York Mellon is the investor and Bank of America is the Walkers loan servicer. When the economic crisis severely and
unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, the Walkers sought a loan modification. They were told they did not qualify, but no reason was given for this decision. On May 24, 2011, a Notice of Default was filed against the property, and a trustee sale date was set for September 1, 2011. 146. Plaintiff JACKIE WALKER is an individual residing in the State of California.
She is married to STEVEN WALKER and subject to similar circumstances. 147. Plaintiff WOLDEMEAMLAKE WOLDEYOHANNES is an individual residing in
the State of Virginia, with property located at 7027 Achilles Court, Alexandria, VA 22315. Mr. Woldeyohannes and his wife Degefu Ejigayehu obtained their mortgage from Greenpoint Mortgage Funding in 2004, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Fairfax County on October 29, 2004. After the economic crisis severely and
unforeseeably altered their financial circumstances, Mr. Woldeyohannes and Ms. Ejigayehy sought a loan modification. The loan modification was denied, and foreclosure
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proceedings were initiated on the property. The Notice of Default issued July 1, 2011 lists the Bank of New York Mellon as the owner and trustee of the loan. 148. Plaintiff DEGEFU EJIGAYEHU is an individual residing in the State of Virginia.
She is married to WOLDEMEAMLKE WOLKDEYOHANNES and is subject to similar circumstances. 149. Plaintiff HARRIETTE MIDDLETON is an individual residing in the State of
California, with property located at 3820 Stocker Street, Unit 2, Los Angeles, CA 90008. Ms. Middleton most recently refinanced her mortgage loan with Guild Mortgage Company in 2007, as evidenced by the Deed of Trust recorded in Los Angeles County on March 9, 2007. MERS records and Ms. Middletons mortgage statements show that Bank of America is the servicer. After the economic crisis severely and unforeseeably altered her financial circumstances, Ms. Middleton sought a loan modification. She received an adjustable rate modification in July of 2010, but is still having difficulty staying current on her loan. Defendants 150. Prior to 1983, Defendant BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION (BofA)
exclusively did business in California and has deep roots in California business and culture. Now a Delaware corporation, BofA is currently a national bank with its principal place of business in Charlotte, North Carolina and doing business in the State of California and County of Los Angeles. Defendant BofAs agent for service of process is CT Corporation System located at 818 W. Seventh Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017. 151. At all times material hereto, Defendant COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL
CORPORATION (Countrywide) was a Delaware corporation, or a division or subsidiary of BofA, doing business in the State of California and County of Los Angeles. COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION now does business as BAC HOME LOANS, SERVICING.
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was a New York corporation, or a division or subsidiary of BofA, doing business in the State of California and County of Los Angeles. Defendant COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INCs agent for service of process is CT Corporation System located at 818 W. Seventh Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017. 153. Defendant RECONSTRUST COMPANY, N.A. (ReconTrust) is a wholly owned
subsidiary of BofA that has intentionally and maliciously concealed the true names of entities to which Plaintiffs home loans were transferred by other Countrywide Defendants. ReconTrust is one of BofAs agents which acts as trustee under the deeds of trust securing real estate loans so as to foreclose on property securing the real estate loans held or serviced by BofA. The foregoing is part of a scheme by which the Countrywide defendants concealed the transferees of loans and deeds of trust, inter alia in violation of California Civil Code 2923.5 and 15 U.S.C. 1641, as more fully described herein. 154. At all material times hereto, Defendant ReconTrust was and is a National Banking
Association organized under the laws of the State of Texas, doing business in the State of California and Los Angeles County. Upon information and belief, through ReconTrusts powers are limited to performing as a trust company, Defendant BofA, and the other Bank Defendants, have regularly used ReconTrust to foreclose, as trustee with power of sale, trust deeds on California realty and realty in other states. Such foreclosures are commonly conducted nonjudicially. Such foreclosures result in the dispossession of debtors,
including certain Plaintiffs herein, and also entail the assertion in certain instances of claims for the deficiency between amounts asserted to be owed and sale prices. Such foreclosures are without authority. 155. Defendant CTC REAL ESTATE SERVICES, INC. (CTC) is a California corporation-corporation number C0570795- and is a resident of Ventura County, California. Defendant CTC has acted alongside and in concert with BofA in carrying out the concealment described herein and in continuing to conceal from Plaintiffs, from the
California general public, and from regulators the details of the securitization and sale of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 156. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Liability Company who does business in the State of California with the agent for service 24 25 26 27 28 45
deeds of trust and mortgages (including those of Plaintiffs herein) that would expose all Defendants herein to liability for sale of mortgages of California citizens-including all Plaintiffs herein-for more than the actual value of the mortgage loans. The sale and particularly the undisclosed sale of mortgage loans in excess of actual value violates California Civil Code 1709 and 1710, and California Business and Professions Code 17200 et seq., 15 U.S.C. 1641 et seq. and other applicable laws. Defendant WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK (WAMU) is a Washington
Corporation which does business in the State of California with the agent for service of process as Theresa M. Marchlewski, 9200 Oakdale Avenue N1107101, Chatsworth, CA 91311. 157. Defendant DESERT COMMUNITY BANK is a California Corporation with the
agent for service of process as Robert C. Bride Jr., 12530 Hesperia Rd., Victorville, CA 92395. 158. Defendant FIRST FRANKLIN FINANCIAL CORPORATION is a Delaware
Corporation which does business in the State of California with the agent for service of process as CT Corporation System, 818 W Seventh Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 159. Defendant PROVIDENT SAVINGS BANK is a California Corporation with the
agent for service of process as Craig G. Blunden, 3756 Central Ave., Riverside, CA 92506 160. Defendant BANK MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS, LLC, is a Kansas Limited
of process Stacy L. Seibel, 1805 E/ 27th, Hays, KS 67601. 161. Defendant SOUTH PACIFIC FINANCIAL CORPORATION is a California
Corporation with its agent for service of process as Timothy Cahill, 2548 Brennen Way,
Fullerton, CA 92835. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 164. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2804 Gateway Oaks Dr., Ste 200, Sacramento, CA 95833. 24 25 26 27 28 46
Defendant HOME SAVERS, INC. is a California Corporation with the agent for
service of process as Connie L. Cotton Jr., 4859 W. Slauson Ave., Ste 170, Los Angeles, CA 90056. 163. Defendant SCME MORTGAGE BANKERS, INC., is a California Corporation
with the agent for service of process as Joseph William Davies, 8324 Allison Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91942. Defendant WMC MORTGAGE CORP., is a California Corporation with the agent
for service of process as Corporation Service Company which will do business in California as CSC-Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2730 Gateway Oaks Dr., Ste 100, Sacramento, CA 95833. 165. Defendant BENCHMARK MORTGAGE CORPORATION is a California
Corporation with the agent for service of process as Stephen E. Davidson, 16742 Gothard Street, Suite 223, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. 166. Defendant PARAMOUNT RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE GROUP, INC., is a
California Corporation with the agent for service of process as Paul Stephen Rozo, 1265 Corona Pointe Court, Suite 301, Corona, CA 92879. 167. Defendant MOUTAIN STATES MORTGAGE CENTERS, INC., is a Utah
Corporation doing business regularly in the State of California. MOUTAIN STATES MORTGAGE CENTERS, INCs agent for service of process is Paracorp Incorporated,
process as Tracey Hirt, 2175 N. California Blvd. # 1000, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. 169. Defendant THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION,
(BNYM) is a Delaware Corporation conducting regular business in California and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 as CSC-Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2730 Gateway Oaks Dr., Ste 100, Sacramento, 9 CA 95833. 10 171. 11 conducting business on a regular basis in the State of California. BAC HOME LOANS 12 SERVICING, LPs agent for service of process is CT Corporation System. 13 172. 14 business on a regular basis in the State of California. WELLS FARGO & COMPANYs 15 agent for service of process is Corporation service Company which will do business in 16 California as CSC-Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2730 Gateway Oaks Drive, Ste. 100, 17 Sacramento, CA 95833. 18 173. 19 business on a regular basis in the State of California. CITIMORTGAGE, INC.s agent for 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 47
acting as trustee for trusts holding several residential mortgage loans secured by California real estate. BNYMs agent for service of process is The Corporation Trust Company, Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. 170. Defendant LEHMAN BROTHERS INC., is a Delaware Corporation conducting
business on a regular basis in the State of California. LEHMAN BROTHERSs agent for service of process is Corporation Service Company which will do business in California
service of process is CT Corporation System 818 W Seventh Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017. 174. Defendant HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is a United States
Corporation, conducting business on a regular basis in the State of California. HSBCs agent for service of process is CT Corporation System, 818 W Seventh Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017.
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ASSOCIATION is a California
Corporation. PINE MOUTAIN LAKEs agent for service of process is Louis Gonzales, 400 Capitol Mall Eleventh Fl., Sacramento, CA 95814. 176. Defendant THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, is a
nationally chartered trust company which conducts business on a regular basis in the State of California. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST operates as a subsidiary of THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANYs principal place of business is 700 South Flower Street, Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90017.
Relation of the Defendants 177. Countrywide Financial (Countrywide) was one of the countrys largest
originators of residential mortgages between 2001 and 2008, when the company was merged with a subsidiary of Bank of America. Many of the mortgages originated by Countrywide were securitized and placed into trust. Interests in the trust were then sold off to investors. Countrywide is considered a seller of the assets contained in trust and benefited financially from the sale of interests in the trusts. In fact, Countrywide likely gained more from the sale of interests in the trusts than it paid out to its mortgagors. 178. Bank of America completed its acquisition of Countrywide in July 2008 despite
the FBIs ongoing investigation of Countrywide for fraud beginning in March 2008. Bank of America was fully aware of the wrongdoing of Countrywide at the time of the merger. 179. Bank of New York Mellon (BNYM) is serving as trustee for most if not all of the
trusts into which mortgages originated by Countrywide were placed. In fact BNYM is acting as trustee for many of the residential mortgage backed securities (RMBS) trusts. 180. According to a post on a Financial Times website (ft.com/alphaville), a BNYM
representative stated the following in a conference call regarding its third quarter earnings:
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Before I leave Issuer Services, I want to comment on the role of trustees for asset-
backed securitization. What we do as trustee is fairly straightforward. For most deals, we also act as a documentation excuse me. As trustee, what we do is we receive cash, and then we pay that cash on to the bondholders. For most deals, we also act as a document custodian, where we receive the loan files and report to the servicers and originators if the files are incomplete. We have good agreements that limit our role, so we dont foresee liability related to the recent foreclosure issues. 182. The post further posits that BNYM was the biggest trustee for US asset-backed
debt as of late 2008, according to Thompson Reuters data. 183. 184. According to a report published on the Moodys website in 2003: In a securitization, the securitized assets are no longer the property of their
originator. The assets are typically transferred to a special purpose vehicle, which is legally separate from the originator. However, the originator is often also the servicer, and in that capacity is responsible for collecting the payments made by obligors on behalf of investors. Collections on the securitized assets are deposited to a segregated trust account that is held by the transactions trustee. . . . 185. Besides collecting payments on the securitized assets, the servicer is responsible
for tracking the performance of the receivables and, in many cases, calculating the distribution of transaction cash flows. For example, in an auto loan securitization, the servicer calculates the amount of interest and principal to be distributed to holders of the various tranches of debt issued by the trust. The servicer reports repossessions,
delinquencies and losses on the receivables and calculates ratios relating to any performance triggers that were included in the transaction. The servicer also directs transaction cash flows to any reserve accounts that might be held by the trustee as credit enhancement for investors. The servicer is responsible for notifying the trustee if any performance triggers have been breached. . . .
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It is clear from the above description of the role of the trustees and servicers of
mortgage-backed securities, that the trustee fills the role of the noteholder (working on behalf of the investors who purchased the pooled loans) and the servicer works at the behest of the trustee to enforce the terms of the loan. 187. Plaintiff is informed and believed that the other originating defendants as
described under the parties sections are similarly situated with Countrywide and will be included in any allegations herein directed toward Countrywide. 188. At all times material hereto, all Defendants operated through a common plan and
scheme designed to conceal the material facts set forth below from Plaintiffs, from the California public and from regulators, either directly or as successors-in-interest for others of the Defendants. The concealment was completed, ratified and/or confirmed by each Defendant herein directly or as a successor-in-interest for another Defendant, and each Defendant performed the tortuous acts set forth herein for its own monetary gain and as a part of a common plan developed and carried out with the other Defendants, or as a successor-in-interest to a Defendant that did the foregoing. 189. Plaintiffs believe and thereon allege that the agents and co-conspirators through
which the named Defendants operated included, without limitation, financial institutions and other firms that originated loans on behalf of Countrywide or BofA. These
institutions acted at the behest and direction of the Countrywide Defendants, or agreed to participate knowingly or unknowingly in the fraudulent scheme described herein. 190. Those firms originating loans that knowingly participated in the scheme are jointly
and severally liable with Countrywide or BofA for their acts in devising, directing, knowingly benefitting from and ratifying the wrongful acts of the knowing participants. Upon learning the true name of such knowing participants, Plaintiffs shall seek leave to amend this Complaint to identify such knowing participants as Doe Defendants. 191. For avoidance of doubt, such knowing participants include, without limitation,
legal and natural persons owned in whole or in part by BofA or affiliates thereof; legal
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and natural persons owning directly or through affiliates financial interests in BofA; legal and natural persons directly or through affiliates acting pursuant to agreements, understandings and arrangements to share in the benefits of the wrongdoing alleged in this Complaint and knowingly, to at least some degree, committing acts and omissions in support thereof; and legal and natural persons knowingly, to at least some degree, acting in concert with the Defendants. 192. As to those legal and natural persons acting in concert without an express legal
relationship with Defendants or their affiliates, on information and belief, BofA knowingly induced and encouraged the parallel acts and omissions, created circumstances permitting and authorizing the parallel acts and omissions, benefited therefrom and ratified the improper behavior, becoming jointly and severally liable therefore. 193. As to those legal and natural persons whose acts and omissions in support of the
BofA scheme were unwitting, on information and belief, BofA knowingly induced and encouraged the acts and omissions, created circumstances permitting and authorizing the parallel acts and omissions, benefited therefrom and ratified the improper behavior, becoming liable therefore. 194. Upon completion of sufficient discovery, if there are Plaintiffs herein whose loans
were originated by financial institutions that were not directly or indirectly, knowingly or otherwise a part of the BofA scheme, but rather, in an unrelated transaction, the originating financial institution later assigned servicing rights to the Defendants, then those Plaintiffs will withdraw their loan origination claims against the Defendants with respect to such mortgages. 195. The true names and capacities of the Defendants listed herein as DOES 1 through
1,000 are unknown to Plaintiffs who therefore sue these Defendants by such fictitious names. Each of the DOE Defendants was the agent of each of the other Defendants herein, named or unnamed, and thereby participated in all of the wrongdoing set forth herein. On information and belief, each such Defendant is responsible for the acts, events
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and concealment set forth herein and is sued for that reason. Upon learning the true names and capacities of the DOE Defendants, Plaintiffs shall amend this Complaint accordingly. 196. On information and belief, Plaintiffs allege that all Defendants named herein were
either controlled by, owned by, or later acquired by Countrywide which was then merged into a subsidiary of Bank of America. 197. Countrywides remaining operations and employees have been transferred to Bank
of America, and Bank of America ceased using the Countrywide name in April 2009. On July 1, 2008, a New York Stock Exchange Form 25 was utilized to deregister and delist Countrywides common stock, and on July 22, 2008 Countrywide filed Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. 198. Plaintiffs are informed and believe, and thereon allege, that: (1) BofA and its
wholly-owned and controlled subsidiaries are liable for all wrongful acts of Countrywide prior to the date thereof as the successor-in-interest to Countrywide, (2) BofA directly and through its subsidiaries and other agents sued herein as Does have continued the unlawful practices of Countrywide since October 31, 2007, including, without limitation thereof, writing fraudulent mortgages as set forth above and concealing wrongful acts that occurred in whole or in part prior thereto, and (3) BofA and its subsidiaries are jointly and severally liable as alter egos and as a single, greater unified whole.
GENERAL FACTS 199. The common facts herein include those facts set forth above in the prior sections
of this Complaint. 200. Under California Civil Code 1709 it is unlawful to willfully deceive another
with intent to induce him to alter his position to his injury or risk.
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Under California Civil Code 1710, it a deceit to do any one or more of the
following: (1) the suggestion, as a fact, of that which is not true, by one who does not believe it to be true; (2) the assertion, as a fact, of that which is not true, by one who has no reasonable ground for believing it to be true; (3) the suppression of a fact, by one who is bound to disclose it, or who gives information of other facts which are likely to mislead for want of communication of that fact; or, (4) a promise, made without any intention of performing it. 202. Under California Civil Code 1572, the party to a contract further engages in
fraud by committing any other act fitted to deceive.At the time of entering into the notes and deeds of trust referenced herein with respect to each Plaintiff, the Countrywide Defendants were bound and obligated to fully and accurately disclose: who the true lender and mortgagee were. 203. That to induce a Plaintiff to enter into the mortgage, the Defendants caused the
appraised value of Plaintiffs home to be overstated. 204. That to disguise the inflated value of Plaintiffs home, Defendants were
orchestrating the over-valuation of homes throughout Plaintiffs community. 205. That to induce a Plaintiff to enter into a mortgage, the Defendants disregarded
their underwriting requirements, thereby causing Plaintiffs obligations under the mortgage, when the Defendants knew that was untrue. One way they systematically disregarded the underwriting requirements was through the use of the Granada Network, another fact which Defendants systematically failed to disclose to any California borrower. a. That Defendants not only had the right to securitize and sell Plaintiffs mortgage to third-party investors, but that they specifically planned and intended to do so as to virtually all mortgages at highly-inflated and unsustainable values. b. That as to the intended sales:
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authorized under law at the time to own a mortgage, including, among others, MERS which according to its website was created by mortgage banking industry participants to be only a front or nominee to streamline the mortgage resale and securitization process; 2) Plaintiffs true financial condition and the true value of
Plaintiffs home and mortgage would not be disclosed to investors to whom the mortgage would be sold; 3) Countrywide intended to sell the mortgage together with
other mortgages as to which it also intended not to disclose the true financial condition of the borrowers or the true value of their homes or mortgages; 4) The consideration to be sought from investors would be
greater than the actual value of the said notes and deeds of trust; and 5) The consideration to be sought from investors would be
greater than the income stream that could be generated from the instruments even assuming a 0% default rate thereon; c. That the mortgage would thereby be used as part of a scheme by which the Defendants would bilk investors by selling collateralized mortgage pools at an inflated value. d. That, at the time they did the foregoing, the Defendants knew the
foregoing would lead to a liquidity crisis and the likely collapse of Countrywide; e. That the Defendants also knew the foregoing would lead to grave damage to each Plaintiffs property value and thereby result in Plaintiffs loss of the
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equity Plaintiff invested in his house, as well as damaging Plaintiffs credit rating, thereby causing Plaintiff additional severe financial damage; and f. That the Defendants knew at the time of making each loan, but did not disclose to Plaintiffs, that entire communities would become ghost-townforeclosure-communities after a domino effect of foreclosures hit them. g. That the Defendants did not have documents competent to establish that they are holders in due course of the notes or deeds of trust, or otherwise operating under a valid power of attorney with respect thereto to support the right to enforce the notes and deeds of trust against Plaintiffs property. That the Defendants did not properly source their funds, or report the source of
their funds in compliance with all requirements. 207. If the Plaintiffs had later learned the truth, each Plaintiff would have either (1)
rescinded the loan transaction under applicable law and/or (2) refinanced the loan transaction with a reputable institution prior to the decline in mortgage values in late 2008. Instead, each Plaintiff reasonably relied on the deceptions of the Defendants in
originating their loans and forbearing from exercising their rights to r5escind or refinance their loans 208. After entering into the transactions with each Plaintiff herein as alleged herein, the
Defendants, with the assistance of the other Defendants herein, sold in securities transactions the notes and deeds of trust pertaining to Plaintiffs properties. The sales: a. Included sales to nominees who were not authorized under law at the time to own a mortgage, including, among others, MERS; b. Involved misrepresentations by Defendants to investors and concealment from investors of Plaintiffs true financial condition and the true value of Plaintiffs home and mortgage;
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c. Involved misrepresentations by Defendants to investors and concealment from investors of the true financial condition of other borrowers and the true value of their homes and mortgages also involved in the pools; d. Were for consideration greater than the actual value of the said notes and deeds of trust; e. Were for consideration greater than the income stream that could be generated from the instruments even assuming a 0% default rate thereon; and f. Were part of a scheme by which the Defendants bilked investors by selling collateralized mortgage pools at an inflated value. Defendants hid from Plaintiffs that Defendants were engaged in an effort to
increase market share and sustain revenue generation through unprecedented expansions of their underwriting guidelines, taking on ever-increasing credit risk. 210. 211. MERS Improperly Separates the Note and Deed of Trust. MERS is a Delaware corporation formed in 1993 by several large participants in
the real estate mortgage industry. As alleged above in Paragraph 25, MERS has not been permitted to do business in California since 2002 and all of its acts since that date are void. MERS has one shareholder, MersCorp Inc. 212. MERS operates an electronic registry designed to track servicing rights and the
ownership of mortgages. MERS is named as the nominee for lenders and acts as a document custodian. According to statements of a BNYM representative quoted above, this is the job of the trustee of the pooled mortgages. When a loan is transferred among MERS members, MERS simplifies the process by avoiding the requirement to re-record liens and pay county recorder filing fees. 213. MERS claims to be the owner of the security interest by the mortgages transferred
by lenders, investors and their loan servicers in the county land records. MERS claims its process eliminates the need to file assignments in the county land records which lowers
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costs for lenders and consumers by reducing county recording revenues from real estate transfers and provides a central source of information and tracking for mortgage loans. 214. MERS principal place of business is in Vienna, Virginia. Its national data center is
located in Plano, Texas. At present, MERS appears to serve as nominee for more than 65 million mortgages based on published reports. 215. Based upon published reports, including the MERS website, Plaintiffs believe and
thereon allege that MERS does not: (1) take applications for, underwrite or negotiate mortgage loans; (2) make or origi9nate mortgage loans to consumers; (3) extend credit to consumers; (4) service mortgage loans; or (5) invest in mortgage loans. 216. Nationwide, there are courts requiring banks that claim to have transferred
mortgages to MERS to forfeit their claim to repayment of such mortgages. 217. MERS operations undermine and eviscerate long-standing principles of real
property law, such as the requirement that any person who seeks to foreclose upon a parcel of real property: (1) be in possession of the original note and mortgage; and (2) possess a written assignment giving it rights to the payments due from the borrower pursuant to the mortgage and note. 218. Many of the mortgages issued by defendants include intentionally ambiguous These standardized mortgages are crafted to allow
Defendants to situationally modify their positions, as demonstrated by the following language from some of the underlying documents used in mortgages involving MERS: 219. MERS is Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc.; (1) MERS is a separate
corporation that is acting solely as a nominee for Lender and Lenders successors and assigns; (2) MERS is the mortgagee under this security instrument; (3) MERS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and has an address and telephone number of P.O. Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501-2026, tel. (888) 679 MERS. 220. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY: This Security Instrument secures
to Lender: (1) the repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, extensions and modifications
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of the Note; and (2) the performance of Borrowers covenants. For this purpose, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to MERS (solely as nominee for Lender and Lenders successors and assigns) and to the successors and assigns of MERS, the following described property in the County of [_________]. 221. At all material times, MERS was unregistered and unlicensed to conduct mortgage
lending or any other type of real estate or loan business in the State of California and has been and continues to knowingly and intentionally improperly record mortgages and conduct business in California and elsewhere on a systematic basis for the benefit of the Defendants and other lenders; 222. Following a crescendo of rulings that MERS lacks the authority to foreclose on
February 16, 2010 MERS issued an Announcement to All MERS Members advising them: MERS is planning to shortly announce a proposed amendment to Membership Rule 8. The proposed amendment will require Members to not foreclose in
MERS name. Consistent with the Membership Rules there will be a 90-day comment period on the proposed Rule. During this period we request that
Members do not commence foreclosures in MERS name. 223. The Announcement also instructed MERS members to cease executing
assignments and other documents, except pursuant to new procedures being developed. 224. Based upon published reports, other litigation and the investigations of Plaintiffs
counsel, Plaintiffs believe and thereon allege that MERS has been used by Defendants to facilitate the unlawful transfers of mortgages, unlawful pooling of mortgages and the injection into the United States banking industry of improper off-shore funds. 225. The Bank Defendants do not comply with TILA effective May 20, 2009, pursuant
to an amendment to the Federal Truth in Lending Act (TILA), transferors of mortgage loans must disclose to the mortgagor the identity of any transferees. The notice must include the identity, address and telephone number of the new creditor; the date of the
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transfer; how to reach an agent or party having authority to act on behalf of the new creditor; the location of the place where transfer of ownership of the debt is recorded; and any other relevant information regarding the new creditor. 226. Section 404 of TILA, NOTIFICAITON OF SALE OF TRANSFER OF
MORTGAGE LOANS, provides: IN GENERAL -Section 131 of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1641) is amended by adding at the end the following g. NOTICE OF NEW CREDITOR1) IN GENERAL- In addition to other disclosures required by
this title, not later than assigned to a third party, the creditor that is the new owner or assignee of the debt shall notify the borrower in writing of such transfer, includingi. ii. iii. the identity, address, telephone number of the new creditor; the date of transfer; how to reach an agent or party having authority to act on behalf of the new creditor; iv. the location of the place where transfer of ownership of the debt is recorded; and v. 2) any other relevant information regarding the new creditor. DEFINITION -As used in this subsection, the term
mortgage loan means any consumer credit transaction that is secured by the principal dwelling of a consumer. 3) PRIVATE RIGHT OF ACTION -Section 130(a) of the
Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1640(a)) is amended by inserting subsection (f) or (g) of section 131, after section 125. 227. The amendment above was signed into law as part of the Helping Families Save
Their Homes Act of 2009, with immediate effect from the Presidents signature. The
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purpose of the amendment is to ensure that homeowners know who owns their mortgages and to prevent lenders from standing behind nominees. The requirement for any other relevant information is particularly strong, underscoring the strong Congressional intent for complete disclosure. Using MERS to foreclose may violate 15 U.S.C. 1641. 228. Remedies for TILA violations include rescission, damages and equitable relief. 15
U.S.C. 1635-1640. 229. This Complaint does not allege a cause of action for breach of TILA. Rather,
Defendants actions and omissions are relevant to the causes of action alleged herein for the following reasons: (1) such actions and omissions and the potential consequences thereof were concealed from Plaintiffs, (2) such actions and omissions are relevant to determining the availability of punitive damages, and (3) such actions and omissions are relevant to assessing whether there is liability under the California Unfair Competition Law which is the basis for the seventh cause of action herein.
FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION Rescission Mistake Void Agreement (By All Plaintiffs, Against All Defendants) 230. Plaintiffs re-allege and incorporate by reference all paragraphs of this complaint as
though fully set forth herein. 231. The Restatement (Second) of Contract, 17 states that the formation of a contract
requires a bargain in which there is a manifestation of mutual assent. . . American Law Institute, Restatement (Second) of Contracts, 17(1). 232. The bargain between the parties is often referred to as the meeting of the minds.
See, e.g., American Law Institute, Restatement (Second) of Contracts, 17, comment 2. 233. The California Forth District Appellate Court has held that a lack of meeting of the
minds, a mistake as to fact, can justify a rescission of the contract. A mutual mistake, whether of fact or law, which affects an essential element of the contract and is harmful to
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one of the parties, is subject to rescission by the party harmed. Guthrie v. Times-Mirror Co., 51Cal.App.3d 879 (1975). 234. The mistake or missing of the minds does not have to be mutual. A single party
mistaken justifies the voiding or rescinding of the contract when the mistake is known to the non-mistaken party. 235. The Restatement (Second) of Contracts, 153 states: Where a mistake of one party at the time a contract was made as to a basic assumption on which he made the contract has a material effect on the agreed exchange of performances that is adverse to him, the contract is voidable by him if he does not bear the risk of the mistake under the rule stated in 154 , and a. The effect of the mistake is such that enforcement of the contract would be unconscionable, or b. The other party had reason to know of the mistake or his fault caused the mistake. 236. The Plaintiffs in this action executed their Loan documents based on the mistaken
belief that they would remain in a borrower/lender relationship. 237. 238. The Lenders knew there would be no borrower/lender relationship. Because of this mistake, the Plaintiffs benefit from their Loan agreement is far
less than they thought they would receive. Instead of a lender who had full authority to deal with their contractual relationship and the economic value to the lender, the Plaintiffs received a relationship with a party who lacked the full authority of the lender and lacked the economic incentive to modify the loan rather than foreclose. 239. The mistake was not a future contingency, but a reality present at the contract
formation: the Defendants knew the securitization of the conduit Loans would occur with certainty and they knew no borrower/lender relationship was contemplated or planned as a result of the Loan.
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information regarding the Loans from Plaintiffs, to still receive the benefits of the Loans. 241. As illustrated by the Wells Fargo publication attached herein as Exhibit B, the
Defendants knew that the Plaintiffs did not understand that the securitization of the Loans would destroy the lender/borrower relationship. 242. Based on the material mistake in the formation of their contracts, Plaintiffs are,
therefore, entitled to an order of this Court rescinding the Loans and/or declaring the Loans void, invalid, and unenforceable. 243. In addition, Defendants request restitution and damages in an amount in excess of
SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (Fraudulent Concealment-Against All Defendants) (By All Plaintiffs) 244. Paragraph 1 through 243 and the paragraphs following this cause of action are
hereby incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. 245. Defendants had exclusive knowledge not accessible to Plaintiffs of material facts
pertaining to its mortgage lending activities that it did not disclose to Plaintiffs at the time it was entering into contracts with Plaintiffs. As more fully alleged herein, these facts included false appraisals, violation of Defendants underwriting guidelines, the intent to sell Plaintiffs mortgages above their actual values to bilk investors and knowledge that the scheme would result in a liquidity crisis that would gravely damage Plaintiffs. 246. Further, in connection with entering into contracts with Plaintiffs, Defendants,
made partial (through materially misleading) statements and other disclosures as to their prominence and underwriting standards in the public releases, on their web site, in their literature and at their branch offices. However, Defendants suppressed material facts
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relating thereto as set forth above. Countrywide knew that the mortgages would be pooled, and securitized sale. 247. Countrywide also knew that within a foreseeable period, its investors would
discover that Countrywides mortgages could not afford their loans and the result would be foreclosures and economic devastation. It was the movie The Sting in real lives and with people whose homes were often times their only asset. 248. Countrywide was more dependent than many of its competitors on selling loans it
originated into the secondary mortgage market, an important fact it disclosed to investors. Countrywide expected that the deteriorating quality of the loans that Countrywide was writing, and the poor performance over time of those loans, would ultimately curtail the companys ability to sell those loans in the secondary mortgage market. 249. Countrywide failed to disclose, that Countrywides business model was
unsustainable. In fact, the credit risk that Countrywide was taking was so alarming to Mozilo that he internally issued a series of increasingly dire assessments of various Countrywide loan products and the risks to Countrywide in continuing to offer or hold those loans, while at the same time, Countrywide executives continued to make public statements obscuring Countrywides risk profile and attempting to differentiate it from other lenders. 250. Despite their awareness of, and severe concerns about, the increasing risk
Countrywide was undertaking, Countrywide hid these risks from the borrowers, potential borrowers and investors. Defendants misled borrowers, potential borrowers and investors by failing to disclose substantial negative information regarding Countrywides loan products, including: a. The increasingly lax underwriting guidelines used by the company in originating loans; The companys pursuit of a matching strategy in which it matched the terms of any loan being offered in the market, even loans offered by primarily subprime originators;
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b. The high percentage of loans it originated that were outside its own already widened underwriting guidelines due to loans made as exceptions to guidelines; c. Countrywides definition of prime loans included loans made to borrowers with FICO scores well below any industry standard definition of prime credit quality; d. The high percentage of Countrywides subprime originations that had a loan to value ratio of 100%, for example, 62% in the second quarter of 2006; and e. Countrywides subprime loans had significant additional risk factors, beyond the subprime credit history of the borrower, associated with increased default rates, including reduced documentation, stated income, piggyback second liens, and LTVs in excess of 95%. Countrywide knew this negative information from numerous reports they regularly
received and from emails and presentations prepared by the companys chief credit risk officer. Defendants nevertheless hid this negative information from the public, including Plaintiffs. 252. Plaintiffs did not know the concealed facts Defendants intended to deceive
Plaintiffs. As described herein, that deception was essential to their overall plan to bilk investors, trade on inside information and otherwise pump the value of Countrywide stock. 253. Countrywide was one of the nations leading providers of mortgages. It was
highly regarded and by dint of its campaign of deception through securities filings, press releases, web site and branch offices, Countrywide had acquired a reputation for performance and quality underwriting. As a result, Plaintiffs reasonably relied upon the deception of the Countrywide Defendants.
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damaging Plaintiffs by materially reducing the value of their primary residences, depriving them of access to equity lines, second mortgages and other financings previously available based upon ownership of a primary residence in California, in numerous instances leading to payments in excess of the value of their properties, thereby resulting in payments with no consideration and often subjecting them to reduced credit scores (increasing credit card and other borrowing costs) and reduced credit availability. 255. Without limiting the damages as described elsewhere in this Complaint, Plaintiffs
damages arising from this Cause of Action also include loss of equity in their houses costs and expenses related to protecting themselves, reduced credit scores, unavailability of credit, increased costs of credit, reduced availability of goods and services tied to credit ratings, increased costs of those services, as well as fees and costs, including, without limitation, attorneys fees and costs. 256. To this day, Defendants profess willingness to modify Plaintiffs loans in
accordance with law, but nonetheless they persist to this day in their secret plan to use Indian or other offshore servicing companies to deprive Plaintiffs of their rights. 257. As a result of the foregoing, Plaintiffs damages herein are exacerbated by a
continuing decline in residential property values and further erosion of their credit records. Defendants concealments, both as to their pervasive mortgage fraud and as to their purported efforts to resolve loan modifications with Plaintiffs, are substantial factors in causing the harm to Plaintiffs described in this Complaint. 258. Defendants acted outrageously and persistently with actual malice in performing
the acts alleged herein and continue to do so. Accordingly, Plaintiffs are entitled to exemplary and punitive damages in a sum according to proof and to such other relief as is set forth below in the section captioned Prayer for Relief which is by this reference incorporated herein.
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THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION (Intentional Misrepresentation-Against All Defendants) (By All Plaintiffs) Paragraph 1 through 258 and the paragraphs following this cause of action are
hereby incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. 260. On information and belief the entire BofA scheme was to get loans against
Plaintiffs real estate and immediately transfer the realty to the pool to immediately transfer it to the investors overseas. 261. Consistent with discussions in this action, as Plaintiffs counsel continues to
survey Plaintiffs and potential Plaintiffs to collect information regarding their reliance upon Defendants misrepresentations, Plaintiffs will seek leave to amend to allege such supplemental allegations. 262. The campaign of concealment, misinformation and partial information described
above in the INTRODUCTION to Ex. 1, attached hereto, throughout the section captioned GENERAL FACTS in Ex. 1,and in the First Cause of Action was intended to be repeated and broadly disseminated through the media, analyst reports and individual communications, and it was. It was intended to become part of the well-understood givens among homeowners and prospective homeowners seeking mortgages, and it did become part of the lexicon of home ownership and mortgage choices. The campaign of disinformation and the manifestation of that campaign described in the preceding paragraphs of this Second Cause of Action succeeded. 263. Plaintiffs relied upon the misrepresentations and entered into mortgages with The misrepresentations were made with the intention that It was important to Countrywide that Plaintiffs rely on its
misrepresentations so that Plaintiffs would come to a false understanding as to the nature of Countrywides business. The foregoing misrepresentations were specifically intended to convince Plaintiffs to take mortgages from Countrywide Defendants.
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business plans and the relationship of trust developed between each of the Defendants and Plaintiffs. Plaintiffs were justified in relying upon Defendants representations. As a result of relying upon the foregoing misrepresentations, each Plaintiff entered into a mortgage contract with Countrywide Defendants. 265. In fact, the home appraisals were inflated. Countrywide did not utilize quality
underwriting processes. Countrywides financial condition was not sound, but was a house of cards ready to collapse, as Countrywide well knew, but Plaintiffs did not. Further, Plaintiffs mortgages were not refinanced with fixed rate mortgages as promised and Countrywide never intended that they would be. 266. As a result of Countrywides scheme described herein, Plaintiffs could not afford
the Countrywide mortgage when its variable rate features and/or balloon payments kicked in. Further, as a result of the Countrywide scheme, Plaintiffs could not refinance or sell their residence without suffering a loss of their equity investments. 267. As a result of the foregoing, Plaintiffs have lost all or a substantial portion of the
equity invested in their houses and suffered reduced credit ratings and increased borrowing costs, among other damages described herein. 268. Plaintiffs reliance on the misrepresentations of the Countrywide Defendants
appraisers, all directed and ratified by the Countrywide Defendants, was a substantial factor in causing Plaintiffs harm. 269. BofA and the Countrywide Defendants represented to multiple Plaintiffs that they As described herein, that
representation was false. Defendants, knew that representation was false when they made it. 270. Because of new laws pertaining to loan modifications and Defendants insistence
that they had a genuine interest in complying therewith and in keeping borrowers in their homes, Plaintiffs reasonably relied on the representations.
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By delaying Plaintiffs form pursuing their rights and by increasing Plaintiffs costs
and the continuing erosion of each Plaintiffs credit rating, each Plaintiffs reliance harmed that Plaintiff. 272. 273. Without limiting the damages as described elsewhere in this Complaint, Plaintiffs damages arising from the matters complained of in this Cause of Action also
include loss of equity in their houses, costs and expenses related to protecting themselves, reduced credit scores, unavailability of credit, increased costs of credit, reduced availability of goods and services tied to credit ratings, increased costs of those services, as well as fees and costs, including, without limitation, attorneys fees and costs. 274. Plaintiffs reliance on the representations made by BofA and Countrywide
Defendants was a substantial factor in causing Plaintiffs harm. Plaintiffs are entitled to such relief as is set forth in this Cause of Action and such further relief as is set forth below in the section captioned Prayer for Relief which is by this reference incorporated herein.
FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION (Negligent Misrepresentation-Against All Defendants) (By All Plaintiffs)
Paragraphs 1 through 274 and the paragraphs following this cause of action are
herby `incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. 276. The BofA, Countrywide Defendants, had reasonable grounds for believing such
representations to be true at the time: (1) the representations were instructed to be made, as to those Defendants instructing others to make representations, or (2) at the time the representations were made, as to those Defendants making representations and those Defendants instructing others to make the representations, or (3) at the time the representations were otherwise ratified by the Countrywide Defendants.
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Such representations, fully set forth in the Second Cause of Action and previous
sections of this Complaint, were not true. 278. BofA, the Countrywide Defendants intended that Plaintiffs rely upon those As described herein, Plaintiffs reasonably relied on those
representations. By reason of Countrywides prominence and campaign of deception as to its business plans and the relationship of trust developed between each of the Defendants and Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs were justified in relying upon Defendants representations. 279. As a result of relying upon the foregoing misrepresentations, each Plaintiff entered
into a mortgage contract with a Countrywide Defendant. 280. As a result of Countrywides scheme described herein, Plaintiffs could not afford
his or her Countrywide mortgage when its variable rate features and/or balloon payments kicked in., Further, as a result of the Countrywide scheme, Plaintiffs could not refinance or sell his or her residence without suffering a loss of Plaintiffs equity. 281. Without limiting the damages as described elsewhere in this Complaint, Plaintiffs
damages as a result of the foregoing also include loss of equity in their houses, costs and expenses related to protecting themselves, reduced credit scores, unavailability of credit, increased costs of credit, reduced availability of goods and services tied to credit ratings, increased costs of those services, as well as fees and costs, including, without limitation, attorneys fees and costs. 282. Plaintiffs are entitled to such relief as is set forth in this Cause of Action and such
further relief as is set forth below in the section captioned Prayer for Relief which is by this reference incorporated herein.
FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION (Invasion of Constitutional Right to Privacy-Against All Bank Defendants) (By All Plaintiffs)
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Paragraphs 1 through 282 and the paragraphs following this cause of action are
hereby incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. 284. The guarantee of privacy granted to each Californian is a special and unique right
embedded in the very first clause of the California Constitution. Article I, 1 of the California Constitution, which provides: 285. All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights.
Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy. (Emphasis added) 286. The unauthorized disclosure of private Information (confidential, nonpublic
personal information, including such information as social security numbers, dates of birth, property values, bank and credit card account numbers, and other personal information) is a fundamental violation of Californians inalienable right to privacy. Each Plaintiff has a Constitutionally protected privacy interest and right in his or her Private Information. 287. Each Plaintiff provided Private Information to the Defendants as a requirement for
obtaining a mortgage. Each Plaintiff had a reasonable expectation that the Defendants would preserve the privacy of that Plaintiffs Private Information. 288. Defendants directly and though their agents violated Plaintiffs privacy rights by
disclosing the Private Information without their knowledge, authorization or consent. This unauthorized disclosure of private information is intrusive into the most private reaches of the Plaintiffs lives, and does not include information that is of a legitimate public concern. Possession of personal confidential information allows criminals to
breed identities, that is, to obtain other forms of identification that may further enhance their ability to misuse anothers identity. Social security numbers are among the most sought after and valuable items of personal information to an identity thief.
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confidential information spends approximately 600 hours and $1,400 repairing his or her credit once violated. Victims of identity theft also often suffer further financial loss form the denial of credit or utility services, increased difficulty in securing employment and housing, and higher insurance and credit rates. In some cases, an identity theft victim may even have a criminal record develop in his or her name. Further costs include lost wages or vacation time, diminished work performance, increased medical problems, and impact on family and friends. 290. It is often the case that a victim will not discover that his or her Private
Information has been stolen and misused until long after an identity theft has taken place, and then only when they are denied credit or discover that their bank account has been emptied. 291. The California Constitution (Art. I, 1) is self-executing and confers a right of
action beyond the scope of the mere common law tort. See, e.g., Burt v. Orange (2004) 120 Cal.App.4th 273, 284. Fundamental to privacy is the ability to control circulation of personal information. The proliferation of business records over which individuals have no control limits their ability to control their personal lives. Personal privacy is threatened by the information-gathering capabilities and activities of private business-and never more then when a financial institution that requires personal information to permit a consumer to buy a home and obtains it with the assertion and promise it will be safeguarded fails to safeguard that information. 292. On information and belief, Defendants began running credit checks on their
borrowers to determine who was experiencing financial difficulties. These credit checks were outsourced, meaning that private data and other information was sent off-site. The goal was to develop information that could be used to further Defendants fraud involving the sale of collateralized securities and also to improperly provide information to those
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who already had purchased such collateralized securities in order to give Countrywide a tactical advantage ahead o other banks. 293. But, the real estate market collapsed so rapidly that Countrywide was caught in the
middle of its scheme. The FBI then identified Countrywide employees for their role in the unlawful disclosure of private and confidential information. On information and belief, third parties unlawfully used the Private Information acquired from Countrywide thereby further damaging each Plaintiff. 294. By reason of the conduct alleged herein, Defendants violated each Plaintiffs
constitutional right of privacy and each Plaintiff has suffered special damages in an amount according to proof at trial. 295. Further, as a proximate and foreseeable result of Defendants intentional disclosure
of Plaintiffs Private Information, each Plaintiff has suffered general damages- including pain and suffering and emotional distress- in an amount according to proof at trial. 296. Defendants conduct is willful, outrageous and pervasive, involving hundreds of
thousands of California citizens. Not only did Defendants abuse Private Information, willfully fail to maintain the security of the Private Information, and then disclose it to third parties without permission, but they took no material steps to retrieve the Private Information , concealed the extent of the violations, and then embarked on a scheme to defraud this Court and the United States District Court for the Western District of Kentucky. 297. Without limiting the damages as described elsewhere in this Complaint, Plaintiffs
damages as a result of the foregoing also include direct losses associated with identity theft and the losses associated with reduced credit scores, including, among others, unavailability of credit, increased costs of credit, reduced availability of goods and services tied to credit ratings, increased costs of those service, as well as fees and costs, including, without limitations, attorneys fees and costs.
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failing to cure the same, concealing the magnitude of the problem, and then lying to the Kentucky Federal Court. 299. Plaintiffs are entitled to exemplary and punitive damages in a sum according to
proof and such further relief as is set forth below in the section captioned Prayer for Relief which is by this reference incorporated herein.
SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION (Injunctive Relief for Violation of Civil Code 2923.5-Against Defendants Bank of America Corporation, BAC Home Loans Servicing, Bank of New York Mellon, Wells Fargo, CitiMortgage, Bank of New York Trust Co., HSBC Bank, and Pine Mountain Bank Association together the Foreclosing Defendants.) (By Plaintiffs Carla Visendi, Azedah Mary Afzali, Gilbert Barrow, Unadella Barrow, Armando Barzaghi, Gregory Baughman, Linda Bernardi, Lydia Borromeo, Raul Borromeo, Carol Campos, Larry Campos, Maribel Castillo, Amie Chapman, Matt Chapman, Maria Chin, Ronald Chin, Anthony Clifton, Shelly Clifton, Chico Coleman, Jay Cuccia, Daniel De Leon, Mary De Rosales, Andre Edmonds, Degefu Ejigayehu, Sharon Fairbanks, Paul Fraga, Mary French, Bonnie Gallegos, Bernardo Gano, Martha Anne Garcia, Gerald Goldstein, Silvia Gourian, Laura Gregersen, Debra Herman, James Herman, Vincent Hernandez, Zorene Hernandez, Diane Hopkins, Ron Hopkins, Nora Jauregui, Ruben Jauregui, Michael Jenson, Beverly Joinder, Gary Jones, Ana Knose, Jan Lewis, Maura Leos, Manuel Leos, John Hmberto Lozano, Melicio Magdauyo, Phyllis Magdauyo, Richard Masud, Judith McParland, Larry McParland, Lori Meisel, Evangelina Melchor, Jesus Melchor, Fereidoon Mohammadi, Aprilla Morales, Luis Morales, Michelle Moses, Lida Musesian, Yervan Musesian, Robert Nachtsheim, Karina Nachtsheim, Kathy Olsen , Melody Partridge, William Partridge, Anthony Perez, Daniel S. Pittl, Wendrasword Poedjorahardjo, Michelle Poehlman, Stephen Poehlman, Van Randon,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 300.
Alejandro Rico, Jr., Robert Robledo, Sharon Robledo, Alfredo Rodriguez, Sandra Rodriguez, Debra Rico, Mario Santiago, Sally Sheets, Javier Sotello, Silvino Tapia, Linda Tedjasukmana, Byron Thinger, Donna Toscano, Moneik Vanginkel, Melani Verano, Michael Verano, Serafin Villanueva, Jackie Walker, StevenWalker, Curt Wasserman, Pamela Lynn Orton Weatherly, and Charles Zettle) Paragraph 1 through 299 and the paragraphs following this cause of action are
incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. 301. Pursuant to California Civil Code, 2923.5, the Defendants-and each of them- are
prohibited by statute from recording a Notice of Default against the primary residential property of any Californian without first making contact with that person as required under 2923.5 and then interacting with that person in the manner set forth in detail under 2923.5. An exception to this rule of law exists in the event the Defendants are unable with due diligence to contact the property owner. 302. With respect to all Plaintiffs in this cause of action, the realty that is the subject
hereof was and is their primary residential dwelling within the meaning of 2923.5. 303. The Defendants, and each of them, caused Notices of Default to be recorded
against the primary residential properties of the Plaintiffs named in this cause of action absent compliance with California Civil Code, 2923.5. Included in the noncompliance, Defendants, and each of them, caused declarations to be recorded in the public records that were, each of them, false. This act also violates 2923.5 and other California laws precluding the filing of false statements. 304. Plaintiffs are entitled to such relief as is set forth in this Cause of Action and such
further relief as is set forth below in the section captioned Prayer for Relief which is by this reference incorporated herein.
SEVENTH CAUSE OF ACTION (Violation of Civil Code 1798.82-Against All Bank Defendants)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 308. 305.
Paragraphs 1 through 304 and the paragraphs following this cause of action are
incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. 306. The Defendants failed to timely disclose to Plaintiffs the disclosure of their
personal information as required under California Civil Code 1798.82. 307. As a proximate result of the foregoing untimely disclosure by Defendants, the
Plaintiffs were damaged as described in this Complaint. Without limiting the damages as described elsewhere in this Complaint, Plaintiffs damages also include direct losses associated with identity theft and the losses associated with reduced credit scores, including, among others, unavailability of credit, increased costs of credit, reduced availability of goods and services tied to credit ratings, increased costs of those services, as well as fees and costs, including, without limitation, attorneys fees and costs. Plaintiffs may recover damages under California Civil Code 1798.84 according to proof and such further relief as is set forth below in the section captioned Prayer for Relief which is by this reference incorporated herein.
EIGHTH CAUSE OF ACTION (Wrongful Foreclosure, Violation of Civil Code 2924- Against Defendants, Bank of America Corporation, BAC Home Loan Servicing, Bank of New York Mellon, Wells Fargo, Citi Mortgage, Bank of New York Trust, HSBC Bank, and Pine Mountain Bank Association together the Foreclosing Defendants) (By Plaintiffs: Carla Visendi, Maria Chin, Ronald Chin, Chico Coleman, Silvia Gourian, and Michelle Moses)
Paragraphs 1 through 307 and the paragraphs following this cause of action are
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Defendants have foreclosed upon the property owned by the following Plaintiffs:
Carla Visendi, Maria Chin, Ronald Chin, Chico Coleman, Silvia Gourian, and Michelle Moses. 310. In most cases, this has caused irreparable damage to the listed Plaintiffs as the
properties were sold to bona fide third party purchasers whose sales cannot be reversed. 311. Because Defendants are not the holders of the notes and deeds of trust and are not
operating under a valid power from the current holders of the notes and deeds of trust, Defendants did not have the right to proceed with the foregoing foreclosures. 312. The burden of proving an assignment falls upon the party asserting rights
thereunder. In an action by an assignee to enforce an assigned right the evidence must not only be sufficient to establish the fact of assignment when that fact is in issue, but the measure of sufficiency requires that the evidence of assignment be clear and positive to protect an obligor from any further claim by the primary oblige. Defendants failed to do so and improperly foreclosed by reason of lack of proof that they had the right to proceed. 313. Under the California Uniform Commercial Code, a negotiable instrument, such as
a promissory note secured by a mortgage, may only be enforced by the holder or a person with the rights of a holder. Com. Code 3-301. For instruments payable to an identified person, such as a lender, a holder is generally recognized as the payee or one to whom the negotiable instrument has been negotiated. This requires transfer of possession and
endorsement by the prior holder. Com. Code 3-201. Unless the parties otherwise provide, the mortgage follows the note. Civ. Code 2936. 314. In California, the assignment of a note generally carries with it an assignment of
the mortgage (Civ. Code 2936), it is still required in California that the holder of the note, or a person operating with authority from that holder, be the foreclosing party and that the mortgage not have been assigned away from that note. 315. The originators of Plaintiffs Notes no longer own the notes they originated and
there is just no way of knowing who now owns the Plaintiffs mortgages because the
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Foreclosing Defendants do not know who owns these mortgages. Indeed, the Defendants do not know where it is that they obtained their alleged rights to collect money from Plaintiffs or foreclose on their properties thereunder. 316. Once separated from the note, the trust deed is unenforceable and of no legal
value. On information and belief, the trust deeds were separated from the notes as to all listed Plaintiffs under this cause of action. 317. Plaintiffs counsel will continue to review documentation and will seek leave to
amend this Complaint should there be additional Plaintiffs in the foregoing category. As the banks are continuing foreclosures, many Plaintiffs in this complaint will soon have a cause of action in Wrongful Foreclosure. 318. For negotiable instruments payable to an identified person, such as a lender, a
holder is generally recognized as the payee or one to whom the negotiable instrument has been negotiated. This requires transfer of possession and endorsement by the prior holder. (Com. Code 3-201.) Unless the parties otherwise provide, the mortgage follows the note. (Civ. Code 2936; see also Carpenter v. Longan, 83 U.S. 271, 275, 21 L.Ed. 313 (1872).) 319. Civil Code section 2936 provides: the assignment of a debt secured by mortgage
carries with it the security. Defendants have no evidence that they own the notes or have any power to enforce them from the rightful owners, and now they have gauged that material risk at over 200 billion dollars. 320. As described above, (And, or described in Ex. 1 attached hereto) there is
compelling evidence that Defendants are violating TILA and the Patriot Act by failing to provide required information as to the owners of the notes and deeds of trust and the sources of funds used to provide their mortgages and/or acquire their mortgages. 321. Foreclosure was wrongful for each of the following reasons, independent of any of
the other following reasons: (1) because Plaintiffs mortgages were obtained through concealment and/or misrepresentation; (2) because Defendants do not own the notes and do not have a power of attorney with respect to the notes; (3) because the notes and deeds
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of trust have become separated; (4) because Defendants do not own the deeds of trust and do not have a power of attorney with respect to the deeds of trust; (5) because Defendants cannot surmount their burden of demonstrating they own the notes or have a power of attorney with respect thereto; and (6) because Defendants cannot surmount their burden of demonstrating they own the deeds of trust or have a power of attorney with respect thereto. 322. With respect to Plaintiff Carla Visendi, the property was foreclosed after Plaintiff
reasonably relied to her detriment on promises made by Bank of America representatives. First, Ms. Visendi was told to stop making her mortgage payments in order to be considered for a loan modification. At all times during the loan modification process, Ms. Visendi made it clear that she had the funds to cure the mortgage delinquency and was ready to do so if her modification would not be granted. She also asked Bank of America representatives on several occasions if her home would be foreclosed. She was assured the foreclosure would be postponed. It was not. Ms. Visendi was denied her right to cure the mortgage. irrevocably lost her home to foreclosure. She has now permanently and
dispossessed of the property and the property is now owned by a third party. 323. As a result of the illegal foreclosures, Plaintiffs were disposed of their property
and put to the expense of relocating and securing alternative properties. Plaintiffs were further dispossessed of the value of their homes and the potential appreciation thereof. 324. As to all Plaintiffs set forth in this cause of action, foreclosure proceeded after
Plaintiffs put Defendants on notice as to each of the foregoing defects. 325. Based upon the assertion (Express or Implied) that they did not have to prove they
held the notes or deeds of trust and did not have to prove they had a power of attorney with respect to the notes and deeds of trust, Defendants proceeded to foreclose. 326. Defendants thereby acted outrageously and persistently with actual malice in
performing the acts alleged in this cause of action. Accordingly, Plaintiffs are entitled to
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exemplary and punitive damages in a sum according to proof and to such other relief as is set forth below in the section captioned Prayer for Relief which is by this reference incorporated herein.
PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray for judgment against Defendants and each of them
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as follows: 1. General, special and exemplary damages according to proof under the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Causes of Action 2. Statutory relief according to proof under the Sixth and Seventh Causes of Action; 3. Temporary, preliminary, and permanent injunctive relief under the Fifth, and Sixth Causes of Action; 4. On all causes of action, for costs of suit herein; 5. On all causes of action, for pre- and post-judgment interest; 6. On all causes of action for which attorneys fees may be awarded pursuant to the governing contract, by statute or otherwise, reasonable attorneys fees; and 7. On all causes of action, for such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper, provided that this Complaint, including, without limitation, this
that fewer than 100 plaintiffs are alleging claims or amounts in controversy that would, as to them, equal or exceed the jurisdictional amount for federal jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 1332(a).