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SpringerBriefs in Physics

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For further volumes:
Ignazio Licata Davide Fiscaletti

Quantum Potential: Physics,

Geometry and Algebra

Ignazio Licata
Davide Fiscaletti
Institute for Scientific Methodology

ISSN 2191-5423 ISSN 2191-5431 (electronic)

ISBN 978-3-319-00332-0 ISBN 978-3-319-00333-7 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00333-7
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It is extremely satisfying to see how the original work of de Broglie and Bohm is
now being explored more fully from a number of different perspectives, leading to
fresh insights into quantum phenomena and showing that the conventional inter-
pretation is limited.
First came the claim that it was ‘‘impossible’’ to explain quantum phenomena in
terms of individual particle movements. Then, when this was shown to be
incorrect, the criticism changed to ‘‘this teaches us nothing new. Why add the
metaphysical baggage of actual particles when the Bohm momentum pB ¼ rS
and the kinetic energy cannot be measured.’’ But even this criticism has now been
shown to be wrong with the appearance of weak measurements.
Rick Leavens and others have shown that the weak value of the momentum
operator at a post-selected position is the Bohm momentum and that the weak
value of the operator P b 2 ðx; tÞ=2m is the Bohm kinetic energy. The quantum
potential is now open to experimental investigation. Numbers can be attached to
these quantities which can then be compared with experiment. Recently, experi-
ments of this kind have been carried out on photons by Aephraim Steinberg and his
group in Toronto. More experiments are in progress, this time to make weak
measurements on atoms, bringing the experiments even closer to verifying the
predictions of the extra phenomena revealed through the de Broglie–Bohm
Now we appear to have a more believable explanation of quantum phenomena,
but it still leaves us with one feature that many find objectionable, namely,
quantum nonlocality. This opposition is maintained in spite of all the theoretical
and experimental support for some form of nonlocality. It leaves us with the
question of how we are to understand the resulting tension that exists between
local relativity and quantum nonlocality.
Experiments show that the nonlocal correlations turn out to be correct even
when detection events are space-like separated. Of course we should not be sur-
prised at these results because Bohr had already argued that there was a novel kind
of wholeness involved in all quantum phenomenon. He talks of the ‘‘impossibility
of making any sharp separation between the behaviour of atomic objects and the
interaction with measuring instruments which serve to define the conditions under

vi Foreword

which the phenomena appear.’’ When replying to EPR, he talks about ‘‘an influ-
ence on the very conditions which define the possible types of predictions
regarding the future behaviour of the system.’’ An influence acting over space-like
separations? What influence? Could it be the quantum potential?
Although the de Broglie–Bohm approach allows a separation between particles,
it is the quantum potential that ‘‘locks’’ them together. Furthermore, this coupling
does not appear to be propagated as in a classical interaction. Rather it appears as a
global constraint on the whole process that begins to make Bohr’s claims of
‘‘wholeness’’ clearer. Could these global constraints, which are reflected in the
covering groups of the symmetries involved, be the real explanation of these
apparently nonlocal effects? More investigations are needed and this is where this
book can play a valuable role. Ignazio Licata and Davide Fiscaletti have collected
together a number of substantial explorations of the de Broglie–Bohm model,
particularly those that explore possible meanings of the quantum potential. This
gives us a valuable source of relevant material which can play an important role in
taking these investigations further into new areas.

17 October 2013 B. J. Hiley


Who Needs Quantum Mechanics Interpretations?

The activity on Quantum Mechanics ‘‘interpretations’’ is still a flourishing industry

cranking out new products every change of season. Like any production activity, it
shows many self-referential aspects tending to wear out criticality the logistic
curve of economists. Most of such research is justified by the longstanding—and
unsolvable—problems of Copenhagen interpretation, such as the physical nature
of the wave function, the collapse problem, and the observer role.
And yet, if we look outside of what H. Pagels called ‘‘the bazaar of reality,’’
that is the actual use of Quantum Physics in real physics problems, we will see that
something significant has happened for ‘‘foundations’’ in these years.
For example, the 2012 Nobel prize has been awarded to David Wineland and
Serge Haroche, whose by far classical experiments in quantum optics has showed
the full citizenship of those ‘‘strange’’—and so embarrassing for the Standard
Interpretation—negative probabilities of Wigner–Feynman distribution. It is just
of negative probabilities that Feynman, with his usual intellectual audacity, has
talked about in his contribution in honor of David Bohm [1].
The development of quantum cosmology has incisively proposed again the
Robert Serber statement: ‘‘Quantum Mechanics laws are applied to Big-Bang now,
but there were no observers then!’’ [2], so driving the metaphysics of the observer
more and more toward Alice’s wonderland. After all, restarting from Pascual
Jordan and Werner Heisenberg, Marcello Cini, one of the masters of Italian the-
oretical physics, wrote: ‘‘I know very well we can’t come back and physicists will
keep on looking at Schrödinger equation as a fundamental pillar of their subject, as
for me, after having teach it for 50 years, I’m happy I realized that wave functions
can go and take their place next ether at the junk store’’ [3]. He completely
developed such magnificent program in a 2003 paper; here we quote a key
statement from the abstract: ‘‘In this formulation the wave/particle duality is no
longer a puzzling phenomenon. The wave/particle duality is instead, in this new
perspective, only the manifestation of two complementary aspects (continuity
versus discontinuity) of an intrinsically nonlocal physical entity (the field) which
objectively exists in ordinary three-dimensional space’’ [4].

viii Preface

On an opposite and a complementary front, G. Preparata stated: ‘‘The unac-

ceptable subjectivism permeating the generally accepted Quantum Mechanics
(QM) interpretation based on Niels Bohr ideas and Copenhagen school makes
sense only in understanding it is not a complete theory of reality (…) To complete
it we have to put it aside and admit Quantum Field Theory (QFT) as the only
description of reality. Quantum Mechanics is so just an approximation of QFT and
it is limited to the analysis of quantum processes in space-time regions where, in
all probability, we can find a single quantum with its respective wave field’’ [5, 6].
The recent Afshar experiment [7] seems to confirm what Cini and Preparata said; it
does not ‘‘demolishes’’ nor does it ‘‘elude’’ Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, but
places it within its natural version in QFT, which links the number of quanta to
phase. In short, as J. Cramer says, a real ‘‘farewell to Copenhagen’’ [8], which
gave birth to strong processes of critical revision starting just from that 1927
Solvay Conference where it become the standard interpretation [9, 10]. Obviously,
an amazing series of experiments has been crucial in showing that nonlocality is
neither something mysterious buried under the statistical machinery of probabi-
listic interpretation nor the Einstein spooky action at a distance, but a central
element of the physical world’ logics.
Such processes should not be possible without an increasing acceptance of the
David Bohm Quantum Physics vision. Today, it can be considered, at least For All
Practical Purpose! (FAPP) as the dominant reading of Quantum Physics, able to
reopen many questions which were considered closed or forever ‘‘paradoxical’’.
For the most of physicists, thinking in Bohmian terms is simpler than thinking
within the restricted vetoes of the Copenhagen vulgate. We recall that it was just
D. Bohm who changed the ‘‘ideal’’ EPR experiment in an operative procedure
which experimental physicists uses largely still today and that John Bell, by
starting from Bohm work, developed his famous inequality, so becoming one of
the most brilliant supporter of Bohmian ‘‘speakability’’ of QM [11]. The constant
and distinctive element of Bohm’s work has been the crucial role of nonlocality to
be introduced ab initio in the structural corpus of the physical theory, and quantum
potential, even in the plurality of the mathematical treatments, is in the center of
such structure, the nonlocal trait d’union between the post-classical features of
Quantum Physics and the most advanced perspectives of Field Theory [12, 13].
For a long time, Bohm’s one has been ‘‘just’’ another interpretation, and almost
till the day before yesterday it was tout court identified with the de Broglie-Bohm
Pilot Wave Theory. Actually, the idea of a particle surfing a wave is typical of de
Broglie who felt the need to recover somewhat the classical concept of trajectory,
still today a sort of dogma motion central in the work of exceptional and very
active Bohmians [14, 15]. The fact that Bohm’s ideas were considerably different
from classical and post-classical ones is witnessed by this excerpt from the ‘‘duel’’
with M. Pryce, a defender of the orthodox vision, broadcasted by BBC in 1962:
‘‘We wondered what actually an electron does. What should it do while it
passes from the source to the slit? That’s the point. Well, I could propose, for
example, that the electron is not a particle in the sense it is currently meant, but an
event. I assume such event happens in a generic medium—a ‘‘field’’—we can
Preface ix

suppose in this field there’s an impulse. A wave moves forward and converges in a
point so producing a very strong impulse and then diverges and scatters away.
Let’s imagine these impulses in a series all reaching a line there producing a series
of intense pulses. The impulses will be very close one to the other, and so they will
look like a particle. In most cases, all that will behave just like a particle and will
behave differently when goes through the two slits, because each impulse will
come out according to the way the incident wave passes the slits. The result is that
we are looking at something it’s neither a wave nor a particle. If you wonder how
the electron has actually passed the slit and if it has really passed one slit or the
other, I would reply that probably is not that kind of thing which can pass a slit or
the other one. Actually, it is something which forms and dissolves continuously
and that can be the way it really acts’’ [16].
His collaboration with J. P. Vigier, the most famous and brilliant among de
Broglie disciples, will last for a long time (very strong between 1954 and 1958, it
become progressively less intense after 1963); the French scientist will pursue his
idea of a quantum stochastic geometrodynamics where particles are like solitons in
nonlinear fields and nonlocality is a form of superluminality [17]. Bohm, con-
vinced that this approach is not sufficiently radical, will instead follow the alge-
braic-topological line which characterizes his intense last years work with Basil
Hiley. The revolutionary idea is that nonlocality does not look like a field at all, but
it is ‘‘written’’ in the informational structure of a pre-space that Bohm-Hiley called
‘‘Implicate Order’’. This one is revealed only partially, depending on the infor-
mation the observer chooses to extract from the system, and gives to QM its
characteristic ‘‘contextuality’’ [18]. It is the recovery of the old Bohr comple-
mentarity, now based not on something ‘‘elusive’’ and the ‘‘uncertain’’ role of the
observer, but on the deep logic of the physical world and the noncommutative
relation between system and environment. It is not only a matter of re-reading the
wave function as a statistical covering of a great number of transitions between the
field modes. The theory of Implicate/Explicate order is the first real attempt to
realize the J. A. Wheeler program of It from Bit (or QBit), the possibility to
describe the emergent features of space-time-matter as expressions, constrained
and conveyed, of an informational matrix ‘‘at the bottom of the world’’ [19].
Beyond any more or less ephemeral trends, this is the research of the great
climbers of theoretical physics, such as Basil Hiley and David Finkelstein.
Anyway, the most prevailing reading of the Bohm work is still that known as
the de Broglie-Bohm Wave Pilot Theory, surely for its intuitive advantages and the
relatively simple formalism. We could say that Hiley and his collaborators are
Bohmist rather that Bohmian, in the same sense as the word Marxian is opposed to
Marxist. Everybody agree on the fact that beyond Copenhagen Quantum Theory
can produce good Physics without (bad) Philosophy. Even the longstanding
question of the ‘‘realism’’ of trajectories seems to have found its turning point in
the connections with the Feynman Paths and the pregeometries [for a review, see:
20–22]. Thus, the quantum potential showed to be the most powerful, inclusive,
and flexible tool ‘‘to tell’’ the nonlocal quantum processes, so opening new per-
spectives in Field Theory, Particle Physics, Gravitation Theory, Cosmology,
x Preface

Quantum Information and Chaos, and laying the foundations for a grounded bridge
able to unify QM and QFT. Obviously, there are many ways ‘‘to read’’ the
quantum potential, and it is worthy to be underlined that the differences more that
interpretative are linked to the problem under consideration. There are semiclas-
sical approaches, stochastic ones, geometrodynamic ones up to the purely alge-
braic and topological ones. The subtitle of this short book (Physics, Geometry, and
Algebra) suggests we tried to provide the reader with complete review of the
different positions into play: from the wave pilot, into subquantum thermody-
namics and stochastics up to the noncommutative geometries and Clifford Alge-
bras. The heedful reader will maybe able to reveal some little, subtle dissonances
here and there, due to the fecund and sometimes fierce debating between the
The prefacer (IL) is definitely a Bohmist, whereas my co-author is more at ease
with quantum geometrodynamics. What come out in the end is not what Piotr
Garbaczewski defines as quantum political/quasi-religious parties but—at least we
hope so—a careful and punctual survey of the main results of a growing bibli-
ography, updated till the very moment I write such lines.
We have neither authorial aspirations nor the pretense to replace the D. Bohm,
B. Hiley great classical books, or the P. Holland and D. Dürr, S. Goldstein, e N.
Zanghì treatises. As for the applications we address the reader to the monumental
Applied Bohmian Mechanics [23].
We hope to give a light introductive guide to what can be actually done by the
Bohmian and Bohmist tools and to contribute to the awakening from that ‘‘dog-
matic sleep’’ about the mysteries of the wave function, a direction that seems to be
followed also by the recent operational trend of quantum Bayesism [24].
The quantum potential not only explains the probabilistic nature of the wave
function, but is an open door into the deep informational structure of the Universe.

Ignazio Licata


1. Hiley, B., Peat, F.D. (eds.): Quantum implication. Essays in honour of David Bohm.
Psychology Press, Routledge (1987)
2. Serber, R., Crease, R.P., Mann, C.C.: The second creation: Makers of the revolution in
twentieth-century physics. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick (1996)
3. Cini, M.: Personal communication, Feb (2002)
4. Cini, M.: Field quantization and wave particle dualism. Ann. Phy. 305, 83–95 (2003)
5. Preparata, G.: Dai quark ai cristalli. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino (2002) (in Italian)
6. Preparata, G.: An introduction to a realistic quantum physics. World Scientific, Hackensack
7. Afshar, S.S.: Violation of Bohr’s complementarity: One slit or both? AIP Conference
Proceedings 810, 294–299 (2006)
8. Cramer, J.: A farewell to Copenhagen? Analog, Dec (2005)
Preface xi

9. Bacciagaluppi, G., Vantini, A.: Quantum theory at the Crossroads: Reconsidering the 1927
Solvay Conference. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2009)
10. Valentini, A.: Beyond the quantum. Phy. World, 32–37 (2009)
11. Bell, J.: Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics, 2nd edn. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge; (2004)
12. Licata, I.: Osservando la sfinge, Di Renzo Editore, Rome (2009) (in Italian)
13. Fiscaletti, D.: I gatti di Schrödinger, Muzzio Editore, Rome (2007) (in Italian)
14. Holland, P.: The quantum theory of motion: An account of the De Broglie-Bohm causal
interpretation of quantum mechanics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1993)
15. Dürr, D., Goldstein, S., Zanghì, N.: Quantum physics without quantum philosophy. Springer,
New York (2013).
16. Toulmin S. (ed.): Reported in quanta and reality. Hutchinson, London (1971)
17. Hunter, G., Jeffers S., Vigier J.P. (eds.): Causality and locality in modern physics:
Proceedings of a symposium in honour of Jean-Pierre Vigier. Springer, New York; Softcover
reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 1998 edition (2010)
18. Licata, I.: Emergence and computation at the edge of classical and quantum systems. In:
Licata. I., Sakaji A. (eds.) Physics of Emergence and Organization. World Scientific,
Singapore (2008)
19. Wheeler, John A.: Information, physics, quantum: The search for links: In Zurek W. (ed.)
Complexity, Entropy, and the Physics of Information, Redwood City. Addison-Wesley,
California (1990)
20. Boscá, M.C.: Some observations upon ‘‘realistic’’ trajectories in Bohmian quantum
mechanics. Theoria 76, 45–60 (2013)
21. Hiley, B.J., Callaghan, R.E., Maroney, O.: Quantum trajectories, real, surreal or an
approximation to a deeper process? arXiv:quant-ph/0010020v2
22. Licata, I., Fiscaletti, D.: Bohm trajectories and Feynman paths in light of quantum entropy.
Centr. Europ. J. Phys. (in press)
23. Oriols, X., Mompart, J., Cirac, I.: Applied Bohmian mechanics: From nanoscale systems to
cosmology. Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore (2012)
24. von Baeyer, H.C.: Quantum weirdness? It’s all in your mind. Sci. Amer. June (2013)

1 A Short Survey on a ‘‘Strange’’ Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1

1.1 From de Broglie’s Pilot Wave to Bohm’s Quantum Potential . .. 1
1.2 The Dynamic and Geometric Approaches
to the Quantum Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8
1.2.1 The Quantum Trajectories of Dürr, Goldstein,
Tumulka and Zanghì . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8
1.2.2 The Quasi-Newtonian Quantum Potential. . . . . . . . . . .. 13
1.2.3 The Thermodynamic Way to the Quantum Potential . . .. 18
1.2.4 The Geometrodynamic Approach
to the Quantum Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27
1.2.5 The Entropic Approach to Quantum Potential . . . . . . .. 29
1.3 Non-commutative Quantum Geometry and Hiley’s
Algebra Processes in Pre-space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45

2 The Quantum Potential in Particle and Field Theory Models . . .. 49

2.1 A Bohmian Way to the Klein-Gordon Relativistic
Wave Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49
2.2 The Quantum Potential in Dirac Relativistic
Quantum Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55
2.3 The Quantum Potential in Relativistic Quantum Field Theory. .. 59
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66

3 The Quantum Potential in Gravity and Cosmology . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

3.1 Bohm Theory in Curved Space-Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.2 Bohmian Theories on Quantum Gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.3 The Role of Quantum Potential in Cosmology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

4 Entropy, Information, Chaos and the Quantum Potential . . . . ... 93

4.1 A Short Survey About the Approaches to Quantum Entropy
and Quantum Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 93
4.1.1 Von Neumann Entropy and Shannon Information . . . ... 93
4.1.2 Kak’s Approach to Quantum Information . . . . . . . . ... 94

xiv Contents

4.1.3 Sbitnev’s Approach to Quantum Entropy . ........... 96

4.1.4 Quantum Entropy, Fisher Information
and the Quantum Potential . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 98
4.2 Chaos and the Quantum Potential . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 101
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 105

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