Greenwald - US, British Media Are Servants of Security Apparatus - RT News
Greenwald - US, British Media Are Servants of Security Apparatus - RT News
Greenwald - US, British Media Are Servants of Security Apparatus - RT News
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Journalist Glenn Greenwald condemned the mainstream media during an address at a German computer conference on Friday and accused his colleagues of failing to challenge erroneous remarks routinely made by government officials around the globe.
Hacking, Human rights , Information Technology, Intelligence, Internet, Politics , SciTech, Security, Terrorism, USA
Thousands of attendees at the thirtieth annual Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg packed into a room to watch the 46-year-old lawyer-turned-columnist present a keynote address delivered less than seven months after he started working with former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.
Revelations contained in leaked documents supplied by Snowden to Greenwald and other journalists have sparked international outrage and efforts to reform the far-reaching surveillance operations waged by the NSA and intelligence officials in allied nations. But speaking remotely from Brazil this week, Greenwald argued that the media establishment at large is guilty of failing significantly with respect to accomplishing its most crucial role: keeping governments in check. When Greenwald and his colleagues began working with Snowden, he said they realized that theyd have to act in a way that wasnt on par with how the mainstream media has acted up until now. We resolved that we were going to have to be very disruptive of the status quo not only the surveillance and political status quo, but also the journalistic status quo, Greenwald said. And I think one of the ways that you can see what it is that we were targeting is in the behavior of the media over the past six months since these revelations have emerged almost entirely without them and despite them. [W]e knew in particular that one of our most formidable adversaries was not simply going to be the intelligence agencies on which we were reporting and who we were trying to expose, but also their most loyal, devoted servants, which calls itself the United States and British media. It really is the case that the United States and British governments are not only willing but able to engage in any conduct no matter how grotesque, Greenwald said. Nevertheless, he added, journalists tasked with reporting on those issues have all too often been compliant with the blatant lies made by officials from those governments. Halfway through his remarks, Greenwald recalled a recent quip he made while being interviewed by BBC about the necessity of a functioning media in an environment where government officials can spew untruths to reporters without being questioned. [A]t one point I made what I thought was the very unremarkable and uncontroversial observation that the reason why we have a free press is because national security officials routinely lie to the population in order to shield their power and get their agenda advanced, recalled Greenwald, who said it is both the the goal and duty of a journalist is to be adversarial to those people in power. According to Greenwald, the BBC reporter met his remark with skepticism. I just cannot believe that you would suggest that senior officials, generals in the US and the British government, are actually making false claims to the public , he remembered being told on-air.
US judge rules NSA phone surveillance program is legal 107
Obama defends NSA programs during rare White House press conference 48
NSA, GCHQ spied on Israel, Germany, UN and others - new Snowden leaks 32
It really is the central view of certainly American and British media stars, that when especially people with medals on their chest who are called generals, but also high officials in the government make claims that those claims are presumptively treated as true without evidence. And that its almost immoral to call them into question or to question their voracity, he said. Obviously we went through the Iraq War, in which those very two same governments specifically and deliberately lied repeatedly to the government, to their people, over the course of two years to justify an aggressive war that destroyed a country of 26 million people. But weve seen it continuously over the last six months as well. From there, he went on to cite the example of US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who earlier this year made remarks to Congress that were quickly proved false by documents leaked to Greenwald by Mr. Snowden. The very first National Security Agency document he was shown, Greenwald said, revealed that the Obama administration had succeeded in convincing court, a secret court, to compel phone companies to turn over to the NSA every single phone record of every single telephone call. Clapper went to the Senate and lied to their faces...which is at least as serious of a crime as anything Edward Snowden is accused of," Greenwald added. But DNI Clapper aside, Greenwald said that the established media continues to reject the notion that government officials spew lies. Snowdens NSA documents have exposed those fibs on more than one occasion, he noted, yet reporters around the world continue to take the word of officials as fact rather than dig from the truth. Their role is not to be adversarial. Their role is to be loyal spokespeople to those powerful factions that they pretend to exercise oversight, Greenwald said. But as the US, UK and other governments continue to feed the media lies, Greenwald said their operations are far from being singlepronged. The US knows that its only hope for continuing to maintain its regiment of secrecy behind which it engages with radical and corrupt acts is to intimidate and deter and threaten people who are would-be whistleblowers and transparency activists from coming forward and doing what it is that they do by showing them that theyll be subjected to even the most extreme punishments and theres nothing that they can do about it, he said. And its an effective tactic . Ironically, he added, those nations are fueling the fire of this activism with their own abusive behavior.
Meanwhile, NSA reform may not happen as quickly as Greenwald, Snowden and others have hoped; despite a series of considerable victories for privacy advocates as of late, a federal judge in New York said moments before Fridays address that the surveillance policies exposed by those leaks are not in violation of the US Constitution. The American Civil Liberties Union sued DNI Clapper in June after Greenwald and others wrote that the government was compelling telecoms for telephony metadata pertaining to millions of Americans. But District Judge William Pauley wrote on Friday that Whether the Fourth Amendment protects bulk telephony metadata is ultimately a question of reasonableness. And while Judge Pauley and proponents of that program and similar surveillance operations continue to call the NSAs efforts imperative in Americas war on terror, Greenwald said at Fridays conference that their intention is much more sinister than stopping another 9/11 from occurring. The NSAs goal, Greenwald said, is to ensure that all forms of human communication . . .are collected, monitored, stored and analyzed by that agency and by their allies.
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Comments (89)
29.12.2013 21:04
Media these day's are controlled by their goverments. If a journalist think out of the box, he or she has to fear for his job. There where in France several incidents with journalist who lost their job because they wrote an critical article about Sarkozy. He went to their bosses and the rest is history for them. And in a few years we would be chipped like they do now with dogs where al our data is stored. By then Passports and bankcard are not neccesary tools anymore. And they will tell us....It is so convienent and easy for you....? But surely and slowly they drew their plan against us.
29.12.2013 20:25
When the 1996 Telecom Act passed, all the limitations on ownership of media were lifted and the Democrat/Socialist party bought most newspapers, TV, and radio stations. CNN, ABC, NBC, Washington Post, LA Times, NY Times, Oregonian, etc. now parrot the Democrat party line, much as pre-1991 Pravda, Itar-TASS, etc. did. The Democrats went full Socialist in 1993. Clinton appointees typically were incompetent and government was altered to mostly hire incompetent people whose jobs depended upon the Democrats to keep them. After 20 years of that, most Federal Civil Service is incompetent and corrupt.
29.12.2013 17:58
Greenwald is right about the American media serving the interests of the Washington Regime and its state security apparatus. What journalists and the companies and organizations they work for do in America is basically serve the interests of the state and the powers that be. Journalists under the American system lie for the secret police and help coverup the crimes and criminal activities of the secret police.
Tommy Yonker
29.12.2013 16:46
I can't believe Anderson Cooper is still in the camp of the morally decadent MSM. He must be embarassed by the position he has accepted for himself. Great changes are afoot and coming to us all. Mssrs. Snowden and Greenwald will eventually be recognized for the heroes that they are, and yes heroes are imperfect too.
29.12.2013 03:03
In the lead-up to the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination, mass media 'coverage' consisted of a cover-up--all mass media conforming to the Warren Commission cover-up. Why, for example, was the deathbed confession of E. Howard Hunt not mentioned? Why was the confession of James Stiles as having been one of the shooters also not mentioned?
RICO (racketeering) statutes apply to conspiracy to coverup felonies, mass murder and treason. Owners, editors, reporters and pundits of mass media should be supoened, indicted, interrogated (water-board as necessary) and if found guilty, their ill-gotten assets seized.
29.12.2013 02:36
Paul F. Getty 29.12.2013 00:34 I am losing interest more and more with msm, and tend to lean towards watching RT, Press TV, WorldLinkTV, freespeechtv, etc. The msm allowed the lies o 9/11, the WMD lies, etc, to prevail, and we are now engaged in dangerous stuff now because of it. America is a sinister nation now. We need to get back to what I thought America used to stand for....honesty, freedom, working for the common man. Mayb America was never any of that.... Profound!
Paul F. Getty
29.12.2013 00:34
I am losing interest more and more with msm, and tend to lean towards watching RT, Press TV, WorldLinkTV, freespeechtv, etc. The msm allowed the lies o 9/11, the WMD lies, etc, to prevail, and we are now engaged in dangerous stuff now because of it. America is a sinister nation now. We need to get back to what I thought America used to stand for....honesty, freedom, working for the common man. Mayb America was never any of that....
Robert W Taylor
28.12.2013 21:39
Their seems to be a progression, in the late 40's, and the 50's, our government decided to protect us vs communism, then the 60's came and they decided to protect us against drugs, now terrorists, at each stage the old line, "give us this, or that" and we'll protect you was used. Now they want us to give them our privacy. We're running out of things to give them.
Bryan Harris
28.12.2013 20:22
Greenwald is absolutely correct .... and this has nothing to do with alleged "Hate Speech", which is itself a way to avoid talking about things... All too often organisations like ABC or the BBC just follow the line provided them by the people spending most money with them. They do not investigate, and are only critical of anything that is not socialist by nature. It's time the media worked independantly - no more taking the same "news" from offical sources - reporters should go out and find the real news. RT shows the way here - they provide stories not even mentioned in most Western media!
28.12.2013 19:28
28.12.2013 16:59
Elaine Champion 28.12.2013 15:41 What right does Snowden have the right to dictate to the US on what it should do and shouldn't do to govern. He needs to run for an "elected" government seat, then start campaigning, be elected and then start putting forth is "opinion" on how the government is run, all done by what the US is run on "popular vote rules" and that includes Grenwald.
Citizens have every right to demand that their governments (public servants), obey the laws of the land and adhere to the constitution.
28.12.2013 16:29
Hate speech is when many comments are stated against a certain group or a country without having any valid evidence. If you read many comments in several articles, you would see coments claiming that Israel is behind the terrorist attacks in Russia, Asia, and that Qaeda operatives are Mossad or American agents. I do NOT believe those who make such comments have any evidence, but it is basically an emotional tendency, that is, hate speech.
28.12.2013 16:24
Poster of 28.12.2013 16:20: -Re ad my earlier comments. Mr. Greenwald stressed on the fact that the US & British media mislead their audience, but did not talk about the profound role Iran played in the invasion of Iraq. He did not provide the whole truth, while he criticized Williams for doing the same. Yes, ALL facts should be mentioned and it should be mentioned everywhere. Do we hear about any criticism of some countries here? No, while they still have high corruption rate, by the testament of their officials.
28.12.2013 16:20
The US does not have the right to dictate to any country what they should do. But it can ask them, and it is up to these countries to decide for themselves. Sweden, Norway and others decided to spy for the US. Do NOT blame the US, but blame these countries.
28.12.2013 16:20
RODRIGAZ ISA 28.12.2013 16:11 Poster of 28.12.2013 16:02: -Re ad my earlier comments. Mr. Greenwald is not providing the whole truth about the Iraq war either. All these actions are for a purpose. If this is a forum for a hate speech against a particular country or group of countries, then you are right. But I do NOT think this is the goal of this web site.
St ating Facts isn't "Hate speech". They are merely facts, which have nothing to do with hating any groups of people or nations. Nothing wrong with pointing out wrong-doing. It is only wrong to commit it; + it must be called out
28.12.2013 16:15
Elaine Champion 28.12.2013 15:41 What right does Snowden have the right to dictate to the US on what it should do and shouldn't do to govern. He needs to run for an "elected" government seat, then start campaigning, be elected and then start putting forth is "opinion" on how the government is run, all done by what the US is run on "popular vote rules" and that includes Grenwald.
What right does USA have to dictate to any foreign Gov't how to conduct their internal affairs + Interfere when US Interests {US Corporations} are compromised? Snowden himself is a creation of US policy globally.
28.12.2013 16:11
Poster of 28.12.2013 16:02: -Re ad my earlier comments. Mr. Greenwald is not providing the whole truth about the Iraq war either. All these actions are for a purpose. If this is a forum for a hate speech against a particular country or group of countries, then you are right. But I do NOT think this is the goal of this web site.
28.12.2013 16:02
[quote name='RODRIGAZ ISA' time='28.12.2013 12:59']China, South Korea, Japan, India get a LOT of oil from the Middle East and Africa. ........ Ar e the media in the first 4 countries owned by Jews? All the empires which sucked the natural resources of occupied countries were Jewish? Read the story. It is about NSA spying + British spying, + media complicity in it. The Media is Zionist in USA + Britain. The 4 countries you mention are not mentioned in the story. What you say is largely not related to story.
28.12.2013 15:49
Elaine Champion: -Good points. Mr. Snowden does not have the right to dictate, but he has the right to express his opinion freely. Both men are exploited, I think. But this happens all over the world all the time.
Elaine Champion
28.12.2013 15:41
What right does Snowden have the right to dictate to the US on what it should do and shouldn't do to govern. He needs to run for an "elected" government seat, then start campaigning, be elected and then start putting forth is "opinion" on how the government is run, all done by what the US is run on "popular vote rules" and that includes Grenwald.
Elaine Champion
28.12.2013 15:37
Grenwald stated that the NSA isn't interested in surveillance but something "more sinister" but doesn't say what that "more sinister" is. He talks like a walking paranoid schizophrenic and he'd love to actually have the all the tools himself to do some spying to bolster his journalism career.
28.12.2013 14:59
You write what you're told. Thanks corporate media! The government couldn't control the people without you! Who needs state owned mouth pieces when journalists are willing to do the job for you!
Simon J A Wolfers
28.12.2013 14:45
MSM like the BBC like to champion democracy at the same time as being complicit in it's destruction.
Hans Onrust
28.12.2013 14:15
hehe, I would like to see some so called Femen rise on this forum. The only thing we get here is sister-in-law stories........Some envy on my side on Putin and this Klner priest last days. Regarding the current 'free internet' and the enormous clams in the free Germany on sexual sites
28.12.2013 14:14
Poster 28.12.2013 14:00: &quo t;Your infatuation with Jews is obvious." "Actually, you are the only one talking about Jews here." --1st sentence: You are very wrong. Actually, I cannot stand any religion. 2nd Sentence: You obviously do NOT read RT. Just look at the comments everywhere. Remaining Sentences: The Americans are NOT the ones who are getting the oil contracts in Iraq; it is mainly the Chinese, Russians, and British-Dutch. Check the Internet. Check Libya oil output: Well below the invasion. Syria; it is NOT about oil; the Saudis do not need it. It is about Iran!
28.12.2013 14:12
Jan Vanosnabrugge doesn't have to guess. In the USA, unlike Russia, Presidents really are limited to two terms. Howe ver, it's quite possible that Obama's successor will be worse yet.
Jan Vanosnabrugge
28.12.2013 14:06
My guess. Obama will not be the next president.He may be shot or told not to run. It will be Hillary who must be in government service to protect state secrets.
28.12.2013 14:05
Evidently the West is licking its wounds over the Snowden revelations so they are forced to invent an all-dancing female distraction for the middle-class press on which so much relies like uniform public opinions.
Suddenly out of the blue yonder we get the cat women stepping on to worlds media scene demanding the resignation of PRESIDENT PUTIN. Why? Because Edward Snowden given sanctuary in Russia. That proves a point; a rather awkward point that the man who broke the data bank at the NSA is now considered the most dangerous man on their score card. The revenge stakes have never been higher between East and West.
Hans Onrust
28.12.2013 14:02
my friend's sister in law stole my 180 Lloyd shoes and gave them to him as a Christmas gift. Now I'm bare foot.
28.12.2013 14:00
RODRIGAZ ISA 28.12.2013 12:59 Are the media in the first 4 countries owned by Jews? All the empires which sucked the natural resources of occupied countries were Jewish? I am afarid to say that there is an acute case of one-sided hysteria about Jews;
Your infatuation with Jews is obvious. None can say all Jews are bad without lying. Actually, you are the only one talking about Jews here. However, you think it is a coincidence that western media that lied about oil rich Iraq, Libya, Syria etc to justify illegal invasions of those sovereign nations is almost completely owned by them?
Hans Onrust
28.12.2013 13:51
for sure the Stasi and KGB chiefs would be jealous on the current western state of the art '(press) freedom' incl. the general reluctant acceptance of it. Part of the so called 'globalization', as a marvelous tool for the fat elite 'playing democracy' politicians too,I guess. .
28.12.2013 13:17
-I guess your post proves who the moron idiot is. An advice for you, kid: Try to learn how to write proper English first.
Ed Hamilton
28.12.2013 13:08
Look at these histories that the media et al. keep out of sight! patrick.n et/forum/?p=1230886 America marches to deception by omission.
28.12.2013 12:59
China, South Korea, Japan, India get a LOT of oil from the Middle East and Africa. China gets cheap oil from Iran & has a lot of investments in Africa. In fact, the US is producing more oil than it imports; the only country among the other mentioned countries that does this. Are the media in the first 4 countries owned by Jews? All the empires which sucked the natural resources of occupied countries were Jewish? I am afarid to say that there is an acute case of one-sided hysteria about Jews; this probably mainly exists in Europe and is another proof of what the Israelis have been saying all along!
28.12.2013 12:40
We do not like to address our posts (except with friends) in personal forms as they would impolite in this way. Yeah, and all the empires that occupied the world since the Romans and before were also Jewish. Hitler was a Jew too?? The British, French, Spanish, Japanese Empires were Jews?? Of course, paranoid idiots would believe that. Oh, yeah, Greenwald is, believe it or not, is a Jew. May be he is part of the gang and wants to fool all of you.
Alex P.
28.12.2013 12:32
Well at least someone in the Western media finally openly admitted this. I'll go a step further and say that all
US/UK government institutions, including the security services all serve the narrow-financial powers in those countries. Very ironic that at a time when individual privacy is in retreat on a massive scale, transparency in Western financial institutions is at an all time low. Man those guys know what there doing lol; my favorite part is that this paradox eats away at Western credibility abroad to wag finger on all kinds of issues. Not a bad way to round off the year.
28.12.2013 12:25
One would wonder if this article and related issues represent: (i) A criticism of ONLY a part of the world, (ii) Blaming everything on Jews or Zionists; including the Kashmiri problem; the disappearance of the Tasmanian tiger and the monstrous tornadoes on the Jupiter planet, or ( iii) A shallow McCarthyism classification of the world as either Pro-Mullahs or Zionists, or a combination of the above! According to the definition in (iii), Saddam, Nasser, Kamal Junbilat (the most intellectual Arab socialist that ever existed who was killed by Syria in the 1970's) and many atheists would then be Zionists!
28.12.2013 12:23
Chied Bryan 28.12.2013 12:02 Before we start applauding what Greenwald said; let's not forget that RT is funded by the Russian government and hardly questions or challenges government policies. Sometimes RT even goes as far as avoiding headline stories that make the Russian government look bad.
Compared to the American government at present, I'd say the Russian government still has a mile to go to be
28.12.2013 12:17
Chied Bryan 28.12.2013 12:02 Before we start applauding what Greenwald said; let's not forget that RT is funded by the Russian government and hardly questions or challenges government policies.
Bu t so far, neither the Russian government nor RT has deliberately misled neither Russians or readers worldwide to justify illegal invasions of other sovereign nations driven purely by greed. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria the list goes on!!! Also, Russian population is not as gullible as majority uneducated stupid Americans that believes what their media says is always the absolute truth.
Chied Bryan
28.12.2013 12:02
Before we start applauding what Greenwald said; let's not forget that RT is funded by the Russian government and hardly questions or challenges government policies. Sometimes RT even goes as far as avoiding headline stories that make the Russian government look bad.
Steven Severn
28.12.2013 11:55
The mainstream media is largely owned by the very same elite parasites who benefit from our ignorance and misdirected understandings. Fearful, subservient and exploitable populations are required for neo-liberal capitalism to function.
28.12.2013 11:54
a) Where law ends....tyranny begins. b) It is dangerous to be right....when the government is wrong. c) One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end-up governed by your inferiors
W hich one of the above famous quotes applies at the moment; and in which countries? Answers on a post card to the leaders of the "free world".
28.12.2013 11:53
Listen to John F Kennedy's speech on "secret societies", much will become clear. Some argue that the speech contributed to his killing, others that it was the (cabal controlled) CIA, others again it was the defense industry wanting a war in Vietnam at all cost (putting their man LBJ in charge) - I would say, probably some of all. What is clear is that John F Kennedy was a president that decided not to be shut up and follow the provided "intel briefings", he was honoust and spoke openly. He provided in his many speeches a map to a better world that is not some unattainable dream. It is a choice we take or don't.
28.12.2013 11:52
[quote name='amere-brush-ha nd' time='28.12.2013 11:33']The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." [/qu ote] You must be a rightwing extremist that you think that world tyranny of banks is preferable sovereign selfdetermination by nations. A world government, especially under US/UK dominance is not a world government, it is world despotism and fascism revived. Only with national independence can the world maintain a balance of democratic freedom.
28.12.2013 11:33
Glen Greenwald speaks the truth regarding the media. Utterly compliant and servile.
28.12.2013 11:13
Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
28.12.2013 10:49
The intelligence services have been using the media for decades to "condition" ; the public for certain agendas. Only ill informed idiots will think they are independent and as faction bassed as politics. Obama has penned war crimes with his mighty pen, so has Tony Blair. Where are all of the journalists? why are they not digging up the truth of the thousands of war crimes since 9\11 and bring out the truth to the public. Ruby you are deluded
28.12.2013 10:46
Ruby Renae 28.12.2013 10:21 The notion that the US media has never been a mouthpiece for power is mistaken. It is actually more complex. There have always been niche publications opposed to intervention and war in the US, but the dominant narrative coming from D.C. has almost always favored going in with the military. Read some Mark Twain satiric pieces on US militarism, and you'll find that although there were pro-war hawks running the media, there was always prominent voices of dissent. satiric pieces? did you ever hear Kennedy's speech? What happened to investigative journalism?
Ruby Renae
28.12.2013 10:21
The notion that the US media has never been a mouthpiece for power is mistaken. It is actually more
complex. There have always been niche publications opposed to intervention and war in the US, but the dominant narrative coming from D.C. has almost always favored going in with the military. Read some Mark Twain satiric pieces on US militarism, and you'll find that although there were pro-war hawks running the media, there was always prominent voices of dissent.
28.12.2013 10:06
Most of us (who read RT) already knew that the US/UK MSM are loyal servants of the "security apparatus" as Greenwald put it. Once in a while they put on a little show pretending to challenge the status quo but they never dare to go far enough and ask some hard questions. The logical explanation is that they don't want to upset their bosses (their corporate owners) who are obviously in cahoot with the NSA since they have the same agenda. Wake up people before it's too late!
28.12.2013 09:37
Governments need their intelligence services to provide unregulated NSA / GCHQ secret operations making us mere specimens for their constant examination. Edward Snowden like Julian Assange are personae non grata in space or time to air any bad news; that's not fit to print unlike the NEW YORK TIMES and the be prosecuted by the British police? Bri tain has designed a political system based on simply winning elections; nothing more. Immigrants are the latest bone of contention of the gutter press. Bit late now after leaving the stable door open......
28.12.2013 09:17
Tom B 28.12.2013 08:51 Western mass media, not only in the US and EUEurope, are privately owned, profit based monopolies that censor what gets to make it into the news/entertainment or not ...
opportunity to make his case on CNN, NYT, Washington Post, Guardian, etc? I can't remember a week where Greenwald and Snowden did not get coverage or Greenwald didn't do live interviews on TV or in print. For 'serving the security apparatus' that is an awful lot of direct coverage opportunities given. No?
Tom B
28.12.2013 08:51
Western mass media, not only in the US and EU-Europe, are privately owned, profit based monopolies that censor what gets to make it into the news/entertainment or not, and serve the sinister purpose of enriching their owners and the dumbing down and disinformation of the people.
28.12.2013 08:45
The foreign policy of a credible Government (not a banana Republic) has to follow LOGICAL path and stick to International Law. This obviously was NOT the case of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. And as long as those who committed this atrocity go unpunished, the evil act would just get bigger. Smart people and history do NOT forget aggression.
28.12.2013 08:38
Greenwald 28.12.2013 07:17 Greenwald: US, British media are servants of security apparatus
Odd to say for a man that does about 10 to 40 TV and print interviews on mainstream media a month. Seems like he gets plenty of air time in the US and UK media to be complaining that the media 'are servants of security apparatus.' I think Greenwald's true complaint is he is upset that many in the US and UK, though think some of the domestic intel leaks are important, disagree with Greenwald on the scale and method of these leaks being
acceptable or right.
28.12.2013 08:05
Mr. Greenwald criticised Brian Williams for not telling his audience the whole truth in regard to the Iranian position about its nuclear program. He is right. He is also right to state that the media in the US and UK deceived the public about the Iraq war. However, Mr. Grennwald is not saying here the complete truth. He did not talk about the Badr Brigades (supported by Iran) role in helping the Americans to control Iraq. The late Hakim was a personal friend of Cheney. Saddam, till the moment he died, was convinced that Iran & Israel played a major rule in the invasion of 2003.
james ford
28.12.2013 07:17
Rt prints lots of news direct from the British media. Especially the Guardian
28.12.2013 06:57
Of course, the Media, which is run by Zionist Corporations, is going to serve the Interests of a Gov't run by the same. This is very old news. Not much of a story here, RT.
Spiritus De Veritas
Doh, you don't say?
28.12.2013 05:57
Jack Foobar
28.12.2013 05:45
The NSA, FBI, BATFE, SS, and CIA exist to protect Government, not the People that pay them. That's the problem. The pyramid has flipped in public and private. The producers are castigated and killed while the leeches get more brazen. We are approaching a dislocation event that will precipitate a Civil War. Obama is a foreign born muslim, communist, and sociopath. Hillary will be in office next, and then it will snap. At this point, the Federal Government is going ALL harm and NO good for the public. It's a cancer.
28.12.2013 04:47
I don't like NSA any more than all of you, but I do have a question. If NSA is so powerful why haven't those that hacked Target last month still free. Justify yourself NSA, there are a lot of bad guys out there that need to be brought down, in stead you want to bug granny as she talks to here great grand kids. Or are you just a bunch of thugs who want to frighten people.
28.12.2013 04:18
The media became sycophantish when -- I think during the Reagan administration, but it was certainly well ensconced by the Bush I administration. Recall how every journalist in America howled with the blood- thirsty pack in 1991, and reported all the Madison Avenue lies that Kuwaiti money could buy, to a public equally ravenous for Arab blood! The provocation was not the bloodless coup or puppet leader in Kuwait, but the realpolitik of Margaret Thatcher wanting to save BP oil interest, and Bush wanting to end the Vietnam syndrome, etc, etc, ad nauseam.
KK Singh
28.12.2013 04:15
Many of us getting shocked at the behaviour of media, specially the established ones, like BBC and CNN and others, but this is due to our short-sightedness of understanding the media. Yes, media like any other apparatus of state is to protect the interests of the big corporates and not the people! Moment we grasp this basic, everything is clear and then after calling media paid, irresponsible, biased looses the meaning!
28.12.2013 04:14
We should also point out that Mr. Greenwald lists himself as a Jew, and he is a homosexual. Would that make him a Zionist? We say the former thing because of the new hysteric McCarthyism among some in classifying the world as either pro-Mulalhs or Zionists. The 2nd thing indicates that a person could be both
homosexual and profoundly sincere and deeply thoughtful about important things in life, not as some try to brand this small minority of people (less than 4% in all countries outside the Gulf region countries).
28.12.2013 04:03
Finally someone other than Alex Jones has the balls to say this. The Constitution has been suspended and Americans are slowly but surely slipping into martial law. Ben Franklin put it well, "People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both"
jeff j
28.12.2013 03:58
Snowden is a so called whistle blower so called"truther& quot;, and i ask what part of the truth do you not understand ?
28.12.2013 03:57
Thanks to Germany for allowing Mr. Greenwald to speak in the conference, taking into account that Germany is still under a form of military occupation. We doubt if the same situation would be allowed to happen in a nonwestern country if a journalist was talking about abuses of authorities in a different major power outside the Western world. Make no mistake, the Iraq war is the straw that broke the camel back. Despite many more people killed in the Vietnam war and the dropping of atomic bombs on civilians was a despicable act, the Iraq war in 2003 was a case of pure naked aggression, and no investigation!
28.12.2013 03:35
Who cares what Judge Pauley considers legal, it is over for the NSA zionist corporate spying espionage tool since the world will now find alternative answers to this massive invasion of privacy....
Ashok Bhagat
28.12.2013 03:24
I agree 100% with the author. In USA media, print and/or electronic follow government line to the hilt.
g br
28.12.2013 03:18
to never question or challenge that which you disagree with, coming from those in power allegedly supposed to represent us, is called tyranny, not democracy. in a free democracy, you are suppose to constantly question those in power when they do things that are against public good, illegal, or just that which you disagree with. thats why theres suppose to be a senator from each district voting according to their constitutents, to represent the majority. w e have nothing close to a democracy. in a democracy, the wealth is not concentrated 92% into a thousand hands, and 8% into 349mil hands. thats tyranny.
Jeff Jackson
28.12.2013 03:13
in this regard , the last basin of freedom is the message of Snowden and Greenwald. we all know that. lets act on it while we can.
28.12.2013 01:57
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. Joseph Goebbels
28.12.2013 01:57
"...the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." Hermann Goering, Nuremberg Trial
28.12.2013 01:44
This spying is all about stopping the people from organizing to protest against them. They will see it coming and from whom, then the people will be charged with terr orism. I think this is another reason why they want a kill switch for the cell networks and the internet.
Bowen Daneliak
28.12.2013 01:15
Apocalypse! Please!!!
28.12.2013 00:40
News outlets in the western world, including newspapers and television networks, are all controlled by the huge transnational corporations. It has been this way for several decades now, as the neocons have taken full control of the information flow. Next on their agenda is complete control of the people and their thoughts. I am so grateful for the existence of RT. However, the day may come, when the Internet is controlled by the neocons as well.
Douglas Dewar
28.12.2013 00:29
Spying on us all is not required for national security. The motivation for spying on us all is to facilitate the rule of us all. So much for civil rights, so much for democracy, so much for the nation state. It was nice while it lasted.
28.12.2013 00:20
Homosandcrooks usa 27.12.2013 22:42 Is it a coincidence that this homosexual has the same dual citizenship as Snow den? You can't say Jews because their lapdogs will call you an antisemitic Semite or a racist black man...It would be good to know if these two are part of the Israeli black mail against the changing american position towards their entangling alliances 'trusting ally'...The truth would be good to hear for once on our lifetimes...all 360 degrees of it.
FS B agent said: We could not contradict the Jews in Russia. They can destroy us too.
28.12.2013 00:15
Babeouf 27.12.2013 23:22 During their battles with Irish Republicans in Northern Ireland the British Security services funded protestant para- military death squads to murder those suspected of aiding the Republicans. This process went on for about twenty years in Northern Ireland a part of the UK. And in all that time the BBC reported nothing of .
T he Kelts were trained by Rome (hence catholics) So who trained to Anglo Sax barbarians? Could it be the ladies and gentlemen of king Richard the Muslim heart troops? Spanish armada had 2,300 ships fighting only 50 broken protesting ships?
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