Law of Criminal Procedure in Saudi Arabia
Law of Criminal Procedure in Saudi Arabia
Law of Criminal Procedure in Saudi Arabia
qqA)p` E 7<
other nudes!
Article 13:
nvestiation and trial of offenses
committed by nuvenile offenders,
includin irls, shall be conducted in
accordance "ith the relevant la"s
and reulations!
uaa .. u.r :
(qqL2 $qqA4+L-. Zqq; .Qqq?T. [*qqALg-.7
(:L,)*+;7 *
4G7 5,VW- c.p0-.7 5,VM,-.
Article 14:
The ureau of nvestiation and
Prosecution shall conduct its
investiation and prosecution in
accordance "ith its #a" and the
implementin reulations thereof!
uaa . u.r :
/-pL' 5A_ $A4+L-. \*1IX.7 =*9-.
$A4+L-. \*1IX.7 =*9-. *
4% !*:;*VM-
Article 15:
mll public la" enforcement
persons shall implement the orders
of nudicial entities entered pursuant
to this #a", and may use any
appropriate means thereof!
uaa .&> :u.r
/q01 ZqA,] H*q]P 5&0qN-. 5q;*9-. s<
.7aqqgM2 8qq;.7< [*qq:e-. 5Ac*qq34-. wPI*qqR-.
*qq4% .aqq:- =*qqVM-. E (qq:-7 s< .p0,9LqqN2
50ACp-. 5%C*M,-. !*_aAgML-
Chapter l
lnitiation of Criminal Action
Article 16:
Pursuant to its #a", the ureau of
nvestiation and Prosecution shall
have nurisdiction to initiate and
follo"up criminal action before the
competent courts!
<. _.
_mn _V
gs_ ri
uaa .a. :u.r
}Lv' 5A_ $A4+L-. \*1IX.7 =*9-. *
*:;*VM- 5;*h` p1Q-. *:'8~*%;7
=*;< ()*+,-. !5RLv,-.
Article 17:
The victim or his representative
and his heirs may initiate criminal
action "ith respect to all cases
involvin a private riht of action,
and shall follo"up any such case
before the competent court! The
competent court shall serve a
summons to notify the Prosecutor!
uaa .. :u.r
SMe,0- JA01 7< U; KpM2 JM1 E JP.p-7 U;
EOQ9` $? ZqGP p1Qq-. SqG ZqA,]
*2*34-. SL-. $09L2 *:` $? t* E w8qq~*%;7
Oa_ p1Q-. =*;< 5,>+,-. /qq017 !5RLv,-.
5,>+,-. SG Oa_ 5-*+-. A0%' S1Q,-. =*qq9-.
Article 18:
jo criminal action shall be
initiated nor investiation
proceedins conducted in crimes
involvin a private riht of action,
uaa .&. :u.r
X ope2 5;*h^ p1Q-. 7< [.\.8]^
$A4+L-. SG (c.8e-. |].p-. *:AG $? t*qq
I.8G- X^ \F*M` /01 p>~ U; SMe,-. JqqA01
7< U; KpM2 JM1 7< JP.7 U; OQ9` /-^ 5:e-.
Article 32:
n case of flagrante delecto, the
criminal investiation officer may,
upon his arrival at the crime scene,
stop "hoever is found at the scene
from leavin or movin a"ay from
that place until the reuired record
is drafted! or that purpose, he
may immediately summon any
person from "hom information
relevant to the case can be
f any person present at the scene
fails to obey the order of the
criminal investiation officer, or if
the person summoned refuses to
appear, a note to that effect shall
be entered into the record and the
violator shall be referred to a
competent court to tae "hatever
action deemed necessary!
uaa . :_.9.
f]8- %3-. Sc*Me-. QM1 SqG J-*q4LW.
5-*? %0L-. 5,28e-*` s< ZM,2 U28qq6*+-.
U; 5?P*%; fq+; 5q9h.p-. 7< I*q9L`X. JqM1 E
/L? (L2 828+' 8qq3+,-. =oB-. Jqq-7 !-aqq`
s< S1QLN2 SG H*+-. U; Uqq>,2 HpqqR+-.
JM; /01 [*;p09; SG s~ !59h.p-.
.i^7 u-* Q?< U286*+-. 8;T. PI*R-. JqqA-^
U; f]P %3-. Sc*Me-. 7< ZML;. Q?< Uqq,;
(_*qq1I Uqq1 Ppqq3+-. qq%2 qq-i SqqG
83+,-. E H*qq+27 u-*qqv,-. /qq-^ 5qq,>+,-.
5RLv,-. 8284L- *; O.8' !JW@`
Chapter lll
Arrest of the Accused
Article 33:
here a crime is in the process
of commission, the criminal
investiation officer shall arrest the
suspect present at the scene of the
crime "here there is sufficient
evidence for his implication! m
record of that shall be made and the
ureau of nvestiation and
Prosecution shall be immediately
notified! n all cases, the person
under arrest shall not be detained
for more than t"entyfour hours,
ekcept pursuant to a "ritten order
from the nvestiator!
f the accused is not present, the
criminal investiation officer shall
issue an order for his arrest and a
note to that effect shall be entered
into the record!
_mn <.
.n _r g.a
uaa .. :_.9.
f]8- %3-. Sc*Me-. SqqG H*qq? qq%0L-.
5,28e-*` r%4-. /01 (qq:L,-. 8qq6*+-. baqq-.
Q]p' fcXI 5AG*) /01 J;*:'. /01 s< P8qq+2
83+; -a` E s<7 PI*%2 B`` 5A_ $qqA4+L-.
\*1IX.7 =*q9-. SqG7 !.
PpqG ZqA,] H.pq?T. X
ope2 \*4`^ Yp%4,-. JA01 *
Gphp; 8qq)T Uqq;
Zqq`P< U28qq@17 51*qqC X^ 8;qq` S`*qqL) Uqq;
.iG (- U>2 (:L,-. .
86*? |eAG /01 fqq]P
%qq3-. Sc*qqMe-. s< PQqqR2 .
8qq;< J&%qq3`
OP*3?^7 E s<7 UA%2 -i SG !83+,-.
Article 34:
The criminal investiation officer
uaa . :_.9.
|e2 /01 f]P %3-. Sc*Me-. s< Z,N2
2 /01 [BeC
speN-. P7I7 EuAhpL-. s<7 .p0RL2
UAWpeN,-*` UAGphp,-.7 E s<7 .p9,N2
Chapter lV
Search of Persons and
Article 40:
The privacy of persons, their
d"ellins, offices, and vehicles shall
be protected! The privacy of a
person protects his body, clothes,
property, and belonins! The
privacy of a d"ellin covers any
fenced area or any other place
enclosed "ithin barriers or intended
to be used as a d"ellin!
_mn g.
.n. >.V .a
uaa :_._V
t*v~- (:M)*N;7 (:%'*>;7 (:%).8;7
5qq;8? |qqe' *:LW*Aqq 5qq;8?7 ! }vqq@-.
S,+' OQN] JN`B;7 J-*;7 *;7 Q]p2 J9;
Uq; Jq9L;< f,q@'7 ! 5q;8? U>qN,-. fq)
s*>; PpN; 7< *qq+; bqq` Ed]*qq? 7< Qqq9;
J-*,9LCX !7;
Article 41:
m criminal investiation officer
may not enter or search any
inhabited place ekcept in the cases
provided for in the la"s, pursuant to
a search "arrant specifyin the
reasons for the search, issued by
the ureau of nvestiation and
Prosecution! o"ever, other
d"ellins may be searched
pursuant to a search "arrant,
specifyin the reasons, issued by
the nvestiator! f the proprietor or
the occupant of a d"ellin refuses
to allo" the criminal investiation
officer free access, or resists such
entry, he may use all la"ful means,
as may be reuired in the
circumstances, to enter that
m d"ellin may be entered in
case of a reuest for help from
"ithin, or in case of a demolition,
dro"nin, fire, or the lie, or in hot
pursuit of a perpetrator!
uaa ,a> :_._V
X ope2 f]8- %3-. Sc*Me-. HpQ-. SG
b< f+; sp>N; 7< J@ALg' X^ SG H.p?T.
tpRM,-. *:A01 *
;*VW E 8;qq` |%qqN; Uqq;
5qqA_ $qqA4+L-. \*qq1IX.7 =*qq9-. E *qq;7 .Qqq1
U)*N,-. /gL>AG SG *:@ALg' si` |%qqN;
U; .i^7 !$4+,-. rGP |?* U>N,-. 7<
J0*qq~ UqqA>,' fqq]P %qq3-. Sc*qqMe-. Uqq;
HpQ-. 7< =7*qqh J-pqqI E o*qq] Jqq- s< aqqvL2
fc*qqqCp-. 5qqq;oB-. 5178qqq@,-. HpQqqq-
U>N,-. |N+` *; JA3L4' !H*+-.
ope27 HpI U>N,-. SG 5qq-*? |qq0
wQ1*N,-. U; f.Qqq-. E 7< 7Qqq? =Qqq_ 7<
8 7< $28? 7< p+W -i E 7< HpqqI Q
\*M< J'IP*&; r%40- !JA01
Article 42:
m criminal investiation officer
may search the accused "here it is
la"ful to arrest him, "hich may
include his body, clothes, and
belonins! f the accused is a
uaa . :_._V
ope2 f]8- %3-. Sc*Me-. SG H.p?T.
SL-. ope2 *:AG r%4-. *
;*VW /01 (qq:L,-.
s< f,qqq@27 !Jqqq@Lg2 ALqqqgL-. OQqqqN] 7
JqqN`B; 7 JqqL9L;< .i^7 ! s*qq) (qq:L,-. /qqW<
7 |?* U>N,-.
7< U; KpM2 JM1 U; BX. /01 si^
ALgL-. %
7 -i SG !83+,-.
U; K*eL?X. E 7< wPI*; U>N,-. E
s<7 U
[BA:NL-. 5;oB-. -a- *,` X
832 5+0R,` ALgL-. !JLeALW7
Article 54:
jo person other than the
accused and no d"ellin other than
his shall be searched, ekcept "here
there are stron indications that
such search "ould help in the
uaa . :_.a>
X ope2 ALg' 8A (qq:L,-. E 7< U>qqN;
8A JM>N; X^ .i^ q3'. Uq; [.P*q;< 5q2ph
s< .a_ ALgL-. QAgAC SG !$A4+L-.
Chapter V
Seizure of Mail and Sureillance
_mn _&>
.m _. .s& .a>a
of Conersations
Article 55:
Mail, cables, telephone
conversations and other means of
communication shall be inviolable
and, as such, shall not be perused
or surveiled ekcept pursuant to an
order statin the reasons thereof
and for a limited period as herein
provided for!
uaa .&> :_.a>
fc*C80- 52Q28%-. 5Ah8%-.7 [*I*+,-.7
5Ag'*:-. E *_8A7 U; fc*C7 EH*R'X. E5;8?
BG ope2 BX. *:A01 7< *:L%h.8; X^ 8;`
N; wQ,-7 wIQ+; E *
4G7 *,- }M2 JA01
.a_ !=*VM-.
Article 56:
The lirector of the ureau of
nvestiation and Prosecution may
issue an order authoriin seiure of
mail, publications, and parcels and
surveillance and recordin of
telephone conversations, if such
procedure is deemed useful in
determinin the truth related to a
crime that has actually been
committed! Such order shall state
the reasons thereof and shall be for
a period not ekceedin ten days
rene"able accordin to the
reuirements of the investiation!
uaa .a. :_.a>
Ac8- 5A_ $A4+L-. \*1IX.7 =*9-. s< 8;2
%3` fc*C8-. [*`*&v-.7 [*1p%&,-.7
I78&-.7 E J-7 s< si2 5%h.8,` [*I*+,-.
5Ag'*:-. *:0AeN'7 E /L; s*) -a- wQc*G SG
Pp: 54A4+-. SG 5,28] 9h7 E /01 s<
sp>2 siD. *
N; .
IQ+;7 wQ,` X Q2d' /01
w8@1 =*2< 50`*h Q2QeL0- *
4G7 [*A3L4,-
Article 57:
The nvestiator alone may
peruse the mail, documents, and
any other seied items and may
listen to any recorded material! e
may issue orders that any such
material, or copies thereof, be ept
in the file of the case or returned to
its former o"ner or to the
uaa .. :_.a>
$4+,0- OQ?7 BX. /01 [*`*&v-.
fc*C8-.7 .P7T.7 \*A~T.7 8T.
5p%3,-. E J-7 s< Z,LN2 /-^ [BAeNL-. E
J-7 |N? [*A3L4; $A4+L-. s< 8;2 *:,3`
7< NW *:M; /-^ u0; 5A34-. E 7< 8;2
*_I8` /-^ U; s*) .
dc*? *:- 7< 50C8; !JA-^
Article 58:
The content of mail and cables
seied shall be communicated to
the accused or to the addressee, or
they be iven copies thereof as
soon as possible, unless it is
deemed to have a neative effect
on the investiation process!
uaa .&. :_.a>
sp,3; [*`*&v-. fc*C8-.7 5Ah8%-.
5p%3,-. /-^ (:L,-. 7< }v@-. 50C8,-.
JA-^ E 7< /&9' J- wPp *:M; SG K8h<
h7 E X^ .i^ s*) SG -i P.86^ 8AN`
Article 59:
The person "ho has a riht to the
uaa .. :_.a>
|?*R- $+-. SG \*A~T. 5p%3,-. s<
Jq%0 s< Y8Lq92
/01 .a_ P.8qq4-. Qqq- qqAcP w8c.Qqq-. SLqq-.
*:9%L2 $4+,-. HB p%C< U; 2P*' JB`^
EP.84-*` sp>27 P.8qqh qqAcP w8c.Qqq-. *
SG 50?8; !$A4+L-.
Article 69:
The accused, the victim, the
claimant in respect of the private
riht of action, and their respective
representatives or attorneys may
attend all the investiation
uaa .. :_..
(:L,0- SMe,-.7 JA01 S1Q,-.7 $+-*qq`
t*qqv-. fqqA)77 fqq) (qq:M; 7< JA;*qq+; s<
.783+2 ZA,] [.\.8]^ $A4+L-. E $4+,0-7
s< b8e2 $A4+L-. SqqG 5qq%A U2Pp)aqq,-. 7<
Article 74:
f the nvestiators orders and
decisions durin the investiation
proceedins are not issued in the
presence of the litiants, he shall
advise them of such orders and
decisions "ithin three days from
their issue date!
uaa . :_..
.i^ (- U>' 8;.7< $4+,-. J'.P.8h7 s@`
$A4+L-. ba-. J28e2 Qh [PQ SqqG 5qq:].p;
=pRv-. E JA09G s< *:0%2 (:- SG HB 5qqB
=*2< U; 2P*' !*_P7Q
Article 75:
n the ekercise of their duties, the
nvestiators may see the direct
assistance of the security forces
"henever necessary!
uaa .&> :_..
UqqA44+,0- H*qq? (:;*qqAh (:'*qq%].p` s<
.pMA9LqqN2 w8qq~*%; pqq4` Uqq;T. .i^ =d0LqqC.
8;T. !-i
Chapter ll
Assignment of Eperts
Article 76:
The nvestiator may see the
assistance of a specialied ekpert
"ith respect to any matter relatin
to the investiation!
_mn _.
<i .>
uaa .a. :_..
$4+,0- s< UA9LN2 8A%v` }Lv; \.Qqq`D
b<8-. SG b< 5-N; 5q409L; $A4+L-*q` baq-.
Article 77:
The ekpert shall submit his report
in "ritin "ithin the time prescribed
by the nvestiator! f the ekpert
fails to submit his report by the
deadline, or if he finds nustification
therefor, the nvestiator may
replace him "ith another ekpert!
ach of the litiants may submit a
report prepared by another ekpert
retained by him in an advisory
uaa .. :_..
/qq01 8A%qqv-. s< =Qqq42 O8qq284' 5qq`*L) SqqG
Qqq1p,-. baqq-. IQqq? Uqq; fqq%h $qq4+,-. E
$4+,0-7 s< HQ%LqqN2 Jqq` .
8A%qq 8qq .i^ (qq-
=Q42 8284L-. SG I*9A,-. IQ+,-. J- E 7< Qqq]7
/3L4; -a- E f>-7 Qqq?.7 Uqq; =pqqRv-. s<
=Q42 .
8284' U; 8A% 8 5gR` !52P*@LC.
Article 78:
The litiants may, on sufficient
cause, obnect to the appointment of
the ekpert! Such obnection shall
specify the reasons thereof and be
submitted to the nvestiator for
decision! The nvestiator shall
issue his decision "ithin three days
from the date of submission of that
obnection! hen an obnection has
been filed, the ekpert shall not
continue in his assinment ekcept
in case of urency in "hich case the
uaa .&. :_..
=pRv0- Y.8L1X. /01 8A%v-. .i^ [Q]7
K*%C< 52ph p1Q' /-^ -i E =Q427
Y.8L1X. /-^ $4+,-. fRg0- JAG E |e27
s< UA%2 JAG K*%C< Y.8L1X. E /017
$4+,-. fRg-. JAG SG wQ; 5B =*2< U;
|'8L27 !J,2Q4' /01 .a_ Y.8L1X. =Q1
P.8,LC. 8A%v-. SG J0,1 X^ .i^ /3Lh.
H*+-. H*e9LCX. 8;AG $4+,-.
qq9 2
83+; U1 59h.7 ALgL-. U,3L2 K*%qqCT.
SL-. S
qM `
*q:A01 Jec*qLW7 E Zq; w*q1.8; JqW< X
opqqe2 HpqqI U)*qqN,-. 7< *:qq@ALg' X^ SqqG
H.p?T. tpRM,-. *:A01 *
;*VW 8;`7 |%N;
U; 5A_ $A4+L-. \*1IX.7 !=*9-.
Article 81:
The nvestiator may search the
accused he may also search any
other person if it appears on stron
rounds that he is concealin
certain thins that may be useful in
determinin the truth! Such search
is subnect to the provisions of mrticle
uaa ,a> :_a.
$4+,0- s< Lg2 (:L,-. E J-7 ALg' 8A
(:L,-. .i^ 3'. U; [.P*;< 52ph JW< Sgv2
\*A~< QAg' SG u@) 54A4+-. E /1.827 SG
ALgL-. (>? wI*,-. 5AW*-. UA9`PT.7 U; .a_
Article 82:
Seiure of mail, publications,
parcels, cables, telephone
conversations, and other means of
communication is subnect to the
provisions of mrticles herein!
uaa . :_a.
/1.82 SqqG %qq6 [*qq`*&v-. fc*qqC8-.7
Qc.8e-.7 [*qq1p%&,-.7 I78qq&-.7 [*qqAh8%-.7
[*qqI*+,-.7 5qqAg'*:-. *qq_8A7 Uqq; fc*qqC7
H*qqqR'X. =*qqq>?< I.pqqq,-. Uqqq; 5qqqN;*v-.
UAqqN,v-.7 /qq-^ 5qq2I*+-. UALqqN-.7 Uqq; .aqq_
Article 83:
Seied items shall be handled in
accordance "ith the provisions of
mrticle herein!
uaa .. :_a.
\*A~T. .P7T.7 SL-. %3' Z%L2 *:W@`
=*>?< wI*qq,-. 59qqC*L-. UqqA9`PT.7 Uqq; .aqq_
Article 84:
The nvestiator may not seie
any piece of paper or document
that has been delivered by the
accused to his representative or
attorney in connection "ith the
performance of the service
entrusted to him, nor the
correspondence ekchaned
bet"een them in the case!
uaa . :_a.
X ope2 $4+,0- s< %qq32 Qqq- fqqA)7
E(qq:L,-. 7< JA;*qq+; .P7T. [.QMLqqN,-.7
SL-. *:,0C JA-^ (qq:L,-. \.IT 5qq,:,-. SLqq-.
Q:1 JA-^ *:` X7 [BC.8,-. 5-I*%L,-. *qq,:MA`
SG !5A34-.
Article 85:
f the nvestiator obtains
evidence that a certain person is in
possession of items relevant to a
crime that he is investiatin, the
nvestiator shall as the head of
the relevant department to issue an
order for the delivery of such items
to the nvestiator to enable him to
inspect these items as
circumstances may "arrant!
uaa .&> :_a.
.i^ [8G.p' Q- $4+,-. 5qq-I< /qq01 s<
qqRv~ *
qqMA9; opqq+2 \*Aqq~< *qq:- 5qqhB1
5,28e-*` SL-. $4+2 *qq:AG PQqqRLNAG .
U; AcP w8c.Q-. SL-. *qq:9%L2 (A0qqNL` qq0'
\*A~T. /-^ $4+,-. E 7< JMA>,' U; BX.
*:A01 |N+` *; JA3L42 !H*+-.
Chapter lV
Disposal of the Seized ltems
_mn g.
m. _s .V .ma
uaa .a. :_a.
Article 86:
mn order may be issued that any
item seied durin the investiation
be returned even before nudment
is rendered, ekcept "hen these
items are necessary for the
proceedins or subnect to
ope2 s< 8; z 2
I8` \*A~T. SL-. &%qq6
SG \*M< $A4+L-. p-7 s*) -i f%h E(qq>+-.
X^ .i^ W*qq) 5F qq;oX 8AqqN0- SqqG p1Qqq-. 7<
+; !wPI*R,0-
Article 87:
The seied items shall be
returned to the person in "hose
possession they have been found! f
these items "ere subnect to the
crime or the crime resultin
therefrom, they shall be returned to
the person "ho lost possession
thereof by reason of that crime,
unless the person in "hose
possession they have been found is
entitled to retain them!
uaa .. :_a.
sp>2 IP \*A~T. 5p%3,-. /-^ U; W*)
SqqqG J'o*qqqA? qqqh7 *:&%qqq6 E .i^7 W*qqq)
[*p%3,-. U; \*A~T. SL-. qq9h7 *qq:A01
5,28e-. E 7< 50qR+L,-. Uq; Oaq_ \*Aq~T. E
sp>2 *_IP /-^ U; Q4G *qq:'o*A? 5qq,28e-*` E
*qq; (qq- Uqq>2 Uqq,- &%qq6 Jqq9; $qq? SqqG
Article 88:
mn order for the return of the
seied items shall be issued by the
nvestiator or the nude of the
competent court "ithin "hose
nurisdiction the investiation has
been conducted the competent
court may order the return of these
seied items durin the trial!
uaa .&. :_a.
PQR2 8;T. I8` \*A~T. 5p%3,-. Uqq;
$4+,-. 7< U; Sqq6*h 5qq,>+,-. 5qqRLv,-.
SLqq-. Zqq42 SqqG *qq&W *:qq*RL. s*qq>;
$qA4+L-. E opqe27 5q,>+,0- s< 8;q' I8-*q`
SG \*M< 8VW !p1Q-.
Article 89:
mn order authoriin the return of
the seied items shall not preclude
interested parties from claimin
their rihts before the competent
court, ekcept the accused or the
claimant in respect of the private
riht of action "here such an order
had been issued by the court
pursuant to a claim by either of
them aainst the other!
uaa .. :_a.
X ZM,2 8;T. I8` \*A~T. 5p%3,-. b7i
s@-. U; 5%-*&,-. =*;< ()*+,-. 5RLv,-.
*,` (:- Uqq; pqq4? X^ (qq:L,-. 7< S1Qqq,-.
$+-*` t*v-. E .i^ s*) 8;T. I8-*` Qh PQqq
U; 5,>+,-. \F*M` /01 |0 b< *qq,:M; SqqG
5:].p; !8.
Article 90:
The nvestiator shall not order
the return of the seied items
should there be any dispute or
doubt as to "ho should receive
uaa :_..
X opqqe2 $qq4+,0- 8qq;T. I8qq` \*Aqq~T.
5p%3,-. QM1 51o*M,-. E 7< QM1 Ip]7 ~
U,AG J- $q+-. SqG *:,0qN' E ZqG y8
7 8q;T.
Hearing of Witnesses
Article 95:
The nvestiator shall hear the
statements of the "itnesses called
by the litiants unless he considers
that their testimony "ould be
useless! e may also hear
statements from others "hom he
deems necessary "ith respect to
the facts that may lead to the proof
of the crime, its circumstances, and
its attribution to the accused or his
a..V _| ag.
uaa .&> :_..
/qq01 $qq4+,-. s< Z,LqqN2 /qq-^ H.pqqh<
Ip:qq@-. U2aqq-. |qq0&2 =pqqRv-. *,qqC
(< *; (- 82 =Q1 wQc*g-. U; !*:1*,qqC
J-7 s< Z,LN2 /qq-^ H.pqqh< Uqq; 8qq2 =7dqq-
J1*,C U; Ip:@-. U1 Zc*hp-. SLqq-. bIqq'
/-^ [*%^ 5,28e-. *:G787 *_I*MqqC^7 /qq-^
(:L,-. 7< J'\.8` !*:M;
Article 96:
The nvestiator shall enter into
the record full information about
each "itness, includin the name of
the "itness, his surname, ae,
profession, nationality, place of
residence and his relationship to the
accused, the victim and the
claimant of the private riht of
uaa .a. :_..
/qq01 $qq4+,-. s< qq%2 SqqG 8qq3+,-.
[*qqW*A%-. 5qq0;*>-. Uqq1 fqq) Q_*qq~ f,qq@'
(C. Q_*@-. J%4-7 JMC7 JqqLM:;7 JLAqqNM]7
f+;7 JL;*h^ JL07 (:L,-*` SMe,-.7 JqqA01
S1Q,-.7 $+-*` !t*v-.
These particulars, the testimony of
"itnesses and the procedure for
hearin the testimony shall be
entered into the record "ithout any
amendment, cancellation, erasure,
insertion, or addition! These
particulars shall be valid only after
they have been approved by the
nvestiator, the cler, and the
7 q0' [*qW*A%-. wI*:q~7 Ip:q@-.
[.\.8qq]^7 *:1*,qqC SqqG 8qq3+,-. Uqq; 8qqA
f2Q9' E 7< |&~ E 7< @) E 7< 8Aqq@+' E 7<
X7 !5G*6^ Q,L92 \S~ U; -i X^ .i^ Q
JA01 $4+,-. |'*>-.7 !Q_*@-.7
Article 97:
The testimony shall be sined by
the nvestiator and the cler, and it
shall also be sined by the "itness
after it has been read to him! f the
"itness declines to sin or affik his
thumb print on such testimony, or if
he is unable to do so, a note to this
effect shall be entered into the record
toether "ith any ekplanation on the
part of that "itness!
uaa .. :_..
Z32 f) U; $4+,-. |'*>-.7 O\*3;^ /01
EwI*:@-. -a)7 Q_*qq@-. Qqq9` *qq:'7B' JqqA01 E
sG ZML;. U1 Z67 Jc*qq3;^ 7< JL,qqR` 7< (qq-
qq-i SqqG 8qq3+,-. Zqq; 8qq)i
K*%CT. SL-. !*:2Q%2
Article 98: uaa .&. :_..
/-^ w8c.I
$A4+L-. SG 5:e-. SL-. r%h JA01 *:AG E
SL-. *:A01 s< $4+L' U; ZA,] [*W*A%-.
5*v-. JRv@` E J&A+'7 *
,01 59h.p-*`
5`pNM,-. JA-^ E s7Q'7< SG *:W~ E
.i^7 3Lh. H*+-. J04W 0%
G y 5:e-*` SL-.
f{ 4yM
< Q2d' SG
*:1p,e; /01 UA9`P< *
;p2 U; 2P*'
r%4-. JA01 E 7< .8GD. U1 SG7 !(:L,-.
[X*+-. SL-. |0&L' uAhpL-. wQ; Hp<
8;< uAhpL-. Pp;,- P.I uAhpL-. Q9`
J9Ahp' /01 wPp .a_ 8;T. !(0NL-*`
Article 116:
hoever is arrested or detained
shall be promptly notified of the
reasons for his arrest or detention,
and shall be entitled to
communicate "ith any person of his
choice, to inform him (of his arrest
or detention), provided that such
communication is under the
supervision of the criminal
investiation officer!
uaa .a. u.r i. :a
0%2 .
PpG f) U; r%42 JA01 7< uhp2
K*%C` r%4-. JA01 7< JgAhp' E sp>27 J-
$? H*R'X. U,` O.82 JB`D E sp>27 -i
+' 5`*hP f]P %3-. !Sc*Me-.
Article 117:
arrants for arrest, summons, or
detention shall not be ekecuted
after ekpiry of three months from
the date of issue, unless they are
uaa .. u.r i. :a
X ope2 aAgM' 8;.7< r%4-. E 7< P*3?D. E
7< uAhpL-. E Q9` S3; 5B 8:~< U; 2P*'
*_P7Q *; (- !IQ
Article 118: uaa .&. u.r i. :a
J- -a` h77
50`*4,-. 2P*'7 siD. !JWp,3;7
Article 119:
n all cases, the nvestiator shall
order that the accused may not
communicate "ith any other
prisoner or detainee, and that he
not be visited by anyone for a
period not ekceedin sikty days if
the interest of the investiation so
reuires, "ithout prenudice to the
riht of the accused to
communicate "ith his
representative or attorney!
uaa .. u.r i. :a
$4+,0- SG f) H.p?T. s< 8;2 =Q9`
H*R'. (:L,-. O8A` U; UAWpeN,-. E 7<
UAGphp,-. E X<7 OP7d2 Q?< wQ,- X Q2d'
/01 UALC *
;p2 .i^ 3Lh. 5+0R;
$A4+L-. -i E s7I HBD. $+` (:L,-. SG
H*R'X. J0A)p` 7< !JA;*+;
Chapter l
Temporary Release
Article 120:
mn nvestiator in chare of the
case may, at any time, "hether of
his o"n accord or pursuant to a
reuest by the accused, issue an
order for the release of such
accused, if he considers that there
is no sufficient nustification for his
detention, that his release "ould
not impair the investiation, and
that there is no fear of his fliht or
disappearance, provided that the
accused undertaes to appear "hen
_mn g..
s sa
uaa _. i. :a
$4+,0- E ba-. /-pL2 5A34-. E SG b<
\.pC U; \*40' JNgW =< \F*M` /01 |0
(:L,-. s< 8;2 .8GD*` U1 (:L,-. .i^
Q]7 s< JgAhp' A- J- P8%; E JW<7 X P86
/01 $A4+L-. U; \B^ J0A%C E X7 /@v2
J`78_ 7< O*gL. E 8@` s< Q:9L2 (:L,-.
Pp3+-*` .i^ |0
JM; !-i
Article 121: uaa ,a> _. i. :a
Completion of lnestigation and
Course of Action
Article 124:
f the nvestiator is of the
opinion, follo"in completion of the
investiation, that there is
insufficient evidence to proceed
"ith the case, he shall recommend
to the Chairman of the relevant
department to stay the case and
the accused detainee be released
unless he is detained for another
reason! mn order by the Chairman
of the relevant department in
support thereof shall be effective
ekcept in manor crimes "here the
order shall not be effective unless
confirmed by the lirector of the
ureau of nvestiation and
Prosecution or his deputy!
The said order shall ekplain the
reasons therefor and be
communicated to the claimant in
respect of the private riht of
action, and to his heirs collectively
at his place of residence, in case of
his death!
_mn .
g. n>. m. _s
uaa . _. i.
.i^ <P $4+,-. Q9` \*:LW. $A4+L-. s<
5-IT. 8A 5AG*) 5;*hD p1Q-. SpAG
$4+,-. AcP w8c.Q-. g+` p1Q-.
.8GD*`7 U1 (:L,-. php,-. E X^ .i^ s*)
Gphp; |%N- 8 Q927 ! 8;< AcP
w8c.Q-. QA2L` -i .
aG*W E X^ SG (c.8e-.
w8A%>-. BG sp>2 8;T. .
aG*W X^ 5hI*R,`
AcP 5A_ $A4+L-. \*1IX.7 =*9-. E 7< U;
|e27 s< f,L@2 8;T. /01 K*%CT.
SL-. SM` *:A01 E 0%27 8;T. S1Q,0- $+-*`
t*v-. E .i^7 s*) Qh SGp' sp>AG A0%L-.
JLPp- 50,] SG f+; !JL;*h^
Article 125:
The decision stayin the case
shall not preclude the reopenin of
its file and the reinvestiation
"henever there is ne" evidence
strenthenin the chare aainst
the dependent! Such ne" evidence
includes testimony of "itnesses as
"ell as records and other
documentation that had not been
previously presented to the
uaa .&> _. i.
P.84-. PI*R-. g+` $A4+L-. X ZM,2 U;
wI*1^ LG u0; 5A34-. $A4+L-.7 *:AG w8;
8< /L; [8: 5-I< wQ2Q] U; *:W~
52p4' =*:'X. Q6 /1Q,-. Q927 !JA01 U;
5-IT. wQ2Qe-. wI*:~ Ip:@-. 86*+,-.7
.P7T.7 8T. SL-. (- $%N2 *:681
/01 !$4+,-.
Article 126:
f the nvestiator is of the
opinion, follo"in completion of the
uaa .a. _. i.
.i^ <P $4+,-. Q9` \*:LW. $A4+L-. s<
p1I U1 5,28] wQ?.7 7< U1
(c.8] 5&%'8; /-^ UAL,>+; E [P8h7 f)
*,:M; *:*RL. 7< =Q1 *:*RL. E s*)7
t*RLX. .
8R+M; *,:AG ZG8AG |0
UAA9' 5,>+,-. SL-. fRg' *:AG /-^
5,>+; dAA,L-. !
Chapter l
Summons to Litigants
Article 136:
f an action is initiated before a
court, the accused shall be
summoned to appear before that
court! jo such summons shall be
necessary "here the accused
appears for the hearin and a
chare has been issued aainst
<. a.
| a>a
_mn _V
9.| m>
uaa .a. _.9. i.
.i^ 9
p1Q-. /-^ 5,>+,-. u0>AG
(:L,-. Pp3+-*` E*:;*;< /ML
7 U1
JgA0>' Pp3+-*` .i^ 83? 5N0e-. :]77
JA-^ !5,:L-.
Article 137:
Prior to holdin a hearin,
litiants shall be summoned "ith
sufficient time provided for them to
appear before the competent court!
uaa .. _.9. i. :a
=pRv-. Pp3+-*` =*;< 5,>+,-.
5RLv,-. f%h I*49W. 5N0e-. hp` !*)
ope27 P*3?^ (:L,-. Yp%4,-. JA01
mn accused person "ho is arrested
in flarante delecto shall be
promptly, "ithout prior notice,
brouht before the court! f he ass
that court to rant him a race
period in order to prepare his
defense, the court must rant him
sufficient time!
N%0L; 5,28e-*` /-^ 5,>+,-. .
PpG 8A`7
.iG !I*9A; 83? (:L,-. |07 O\*&1^
50:; I.Q1D EJ1*GI /09G 5,>+,-. s<
J+M,' 50:; 5AG*) !
Article 138:
The summons shall be served on
the accused personally, or at his
place of residence, pursuant to the
rules of the Shariah Procedure #a"!
f it is not possible to locate the
place of residence of the accused,
the summons shall be delivered in
his last place of residence in the
indom to the appropriate
authority in the overnship, county,
or district! The place "here the
crime has occurred shall be deemed
to be the last place of residence of
the accused, unless other"ise
uaa .&. _.9. i. :a
5hP7 uA0>L-. Pp3+-*` /-^ (:L,-.
EJNgW 7< SG f+; EJL;*h^ *
4G7 Q1.p40-
wP84,-. SG =*VW [*9G.8,-. !5A18@-.
.iG [Pa9' 5G89; f+; 5;*h^ (:L,-.
sp>AG A0%L-. SG 8 f+; s*) (A42 JAG
SG E5>0,,-. (0N27 5:e0- Z`*L-. *:- .a_
f+,-. U; wP*;^ 7< 5VG*+; 7< Q927 !d)8;
s*>,-. ba-. 9h7 JAG 5,28e-. 8 f+;
5;*h^ (:L,0- *; (- %2 B !-i
Article 139:
letainees or prisoners shall be
summoned throuh the detention
officer or prison "arden, or their
uaa .. _.9. i. :a
sp>2 B`^ UAGphp,-. 7< UAWpeN,-.
5*Cp` Pp;; uAhpL-. 7< UeN-. 7< U;
=p42 !*,:;*4;
Chapter ll
Appearance of Litigants
Article 140:
n manor crimes, the accused shall
personally appear before the court,
"ithout prenudice to his riht to
see leal assistance! ms to other
_mn _.
_m> m>
uaa _._V i. :a
|e2 /01 (:L,-. SG (c.8e-. w8A%>-. s<
83+2 JNgM` =*;< 5,>+,-. Z; =Q1
HBD. J4+` SG 5W*9LCX. U,` ZG.Q2 !JM1
*;< SG (c.8e-. 8T. opeAG J- s< |AM2
A)7 7< *
A;*+; (2Q4L- EJ1*GI
p1Q-. /01 wQ1 t*v~< SG
59h.7 wQ?.7 83?7 (:39` u0v'7 (:39`
(P (:gA0>' EPp3+-*` Z,NAG S6*4-.
p1I S1Q,-. J'*MA`7 /01 EZA,e-.
*_Q827 SG %6 E5A34-. X7 (>+2 /01
UA%c*-. X^ Q9` !(_Pp3?
Chapter lll
Order During Hearings
_mn <.
n> . _s .
uaa .. _._V i. :a
Article 143:
rder and control over court
hearins are vested "ith their
Chairman, "ho shall be entitled to
remove anyone "ho disturbs the
hearins from the courtroom! f this
person fails to abide by the courts
order, the court may instantly
sentence him to imprisonment for a
period not ekceedin t"entyfour
hours, and this decision shall be
final! The court may, at any time
before the end of the hearin,
retract that decision!
%6 5N0e-. *:'P.I^7 s*pM; *:NAc8` E
J-7 SG fA%C -i s< 8v2 U; 51*h
5N0e-. U; fv 2
E*:;*VM` sG (- fL,2
s*) 5,>+,0- s< (>+' /01 Ppg-. JMeN`
wQ; X Q2d' /01 Z`P< U28@17 51*C E
sp>27 *:,>? *
Ac*:W E 5,>+,0-7 /-^ *; f%h
\*:LW. 5N0e-. s< Z]8' U1 -i (>+-. !
Article 144:
The court may try any person "ho
commits an act of assault on that
court panel "hile in session or on
any of its members or staff and it
may issue a sentence aainst him
accordin to Shariah principles,
after he has been iven the chance
to defend himself!
uaa . _._V i. :a
5,>+,0- s< ()*+' U; Z4' JM; SG \*M<
*_I*49W. 5,28] Q
Chapter lV
Refusal and Dismissal of udges
Article 147:
Subnect to the provisions of
Section herein relatin to order
and control over hearins, the
refusal and dismissal of nudes shall
be subnect to the provisions of
Shariah Procedure #a"! m nude
shall be precluded to try the case if
the crime has been committed
aainst him at times other than
court hearins!
_mn g.
_>.. umn ma_ r S>
uaa .. _._V i.
Z; w*1.8; =*>?< fRg-. -*-. t*v-.
g+` =*VM-. SG 5N0e-. $%&' SG s*~
S+M' w*34-. (_IP7 U1 (>+-. =*>?T.
wIP.p-. SG =*VW [*9G.8,-. 5A18@-. E *,)
sp>2 S6*4-. *
1pM,; U; 8VW p1Q-. .i^
W*) 5,28e-. Qh 9h7 JA01 SG 8A
[*h7< I*49W. ![*N0e-.
Chapter V
Priate Right of Action
Article 148:
m person harmed by a crime and
his heirs shall, at any time durin
the proceedins of the case in issue,
be entitled to submit a reuest to
the trial court reardin his private
riht of action reardless of the
amount thereof, even thouh his
action has been renected durin the
_mn _&>
raV >. >
uaa .&. _._V i. :a
U,- J4+- P86 U; 5,28e-. E JP.p-7 U;
OQ9` E s< |-*&2 J4+` t*v-. *,:; 0`
OP.Q4; E =*;< 5,>+,-. wPpVM,-. *:;*;<
p1Q-. E SG b< H*? W*) *:A01
p1Q-. E /L? p- (- f%42 J%0 \*M<
Article 149:
f the person harmed by a crime
lacs capacity and has no uardian
or trustee, the court in "hich the
criminal action has been filed shall
appoint a person to pursue his
private riht of action!
uaa .. _._V i. :a
.i^ s*) U; J4+- P86 U; 5,28e-. Qh*G
5A0_T. (-7 U>2 J- S-7 7< ES7 |]7
/01 5,>+,-. 51pG8,-. *:;*;< p1Q-. s< UA9' J- U; |-*&2 J4+`
Article 150:
Private riht of action shall be
initiated aainst the accused if he is
of capacity, or aainst his uardian
or trustee if the accused lacs
capacity! f such accused has no
uaa _.a> i. :a
ZG8' p1I $+-. t*v-. /01 (:L,-. .i^
s*) EB
_< /017 S-p-. 7< Sp-. .i^ s*)
(:L,-. Qh*G sG !5A0_T. (- U>2 J- S-7 7<
ES7 |]7 /01 5,>+,-. s< UA
Pp3? /017 !5N0e-. 5,>+,-. s< J&A+'
,01 *,` av'
SG JL%A U; ![.\.8]^
Article 159:
The court shall not be bound by
the description included in the
memorandum of the chares! t
shall ive the act the proper
description even thouh the
description is not compatible "ith
the memorandum of the chares,
and shall advise the accused
uaa .. _.a> i.
X QA4L' 5,>+,-. up-*` IP.p-. SG
5+cX Ep1Q-. *:A017 s< S&
up-. ba-. J4+LN2 p-7 s*) *
up0- IP.p-. SG 5+cX Ep1Q-. .i^7 8]
f2Q9L-. |]7 /01 5,>+,-. s< 0%' (:L,-.
Article 160:
The court may, at any time,
permit the Prosecutor to amend the
memorandum of the chares at any
time! The accused shall be notified
of such amendment and be ranted
sufficient opportunity to prepare his
defense "ith respect to such
amendment, accordin to la"!
uaa _.. i. :a
5,>+,0- s< si' S1Q,0- =*9-. SG s<
fQ2 B
2Q9' SG 5+cX p1Q-. SG b<
Eh7 0
7 (:L,-. -a` |e27 ! s< /&92
(:L,-. 58G 5AG*) I.Q1D J1*GI s@` .a_
f2Q9L-. *
4G7 !=*VM0-
Article 161:
lurin the hearin, the court shall
inform the accused of the offense of
"hich he is chared and shall read
and ekplain to him the
memorandum of the chares and
provide him "ith a copy thereof!
The court shall then as the
accused to respond!
uaa ,a> _.. i. :a
J]p' 5,>+,-. 5,:L-. /-^ (:L,-. SG
E5N0e-. /0L'7 JA01 5+cX p1Q-. 6p'7
J- /&927 wPp *:M; E ( J-N' 5,>+,-. U1 !-i
Article 162:
f the accused at any time
uaa . _.. i. :a
.i^ 8L1. (:L,-. SG b< h7 5,:L-*`
Article 166:
Subnect to the Shariah rules
overnin the testimony "ith
respect to hadd cases, a person
summoned to testify, pursuant to a
nudes order, shall appear before
the court at the desinated place
and time!
uaa .a. _.. i. :a
Z; w*1.8; *; P84' *
18~ SG wI*:@-.
I7Q+-*` E |e2 /01 f) }v~ S1I \.IT
wI*:@-. 8;` U; S6*4-. Pp3+-. SG
Q1p,-. s*>,-.7 !U2IQ+,-.
Article 167:
f it is established that a "itness
has no"inly iven false
statements, he shall be punished for
the crime of pernury!
uaa .. _.. i. :a
.i^ % s< Q_*@-. /-I<` (092 *:W<
8A 5+A+ Pd9AG /01 5,28] wI*:~
Article 168:
f a "itness is a child or his
testimony is other"ise inadmissible,
his statement shall not constitute a
testimony! o"ever, if the court
considers that such testimony could
be useful, it may proceed to hear
that "itness! f the "itness is ill or
is other"ise under a serious
physical disability, renderin his
ekamination by the nude
impossible, the court may see the
assistance of someone "ho can
communicate "ith that "itness, but
such statements shall not constitute
a testimony!
uaa .&. _.. i. :a
.i^ s*) Q_*@-. .
8A E 7< s*) JAG *;
ZM,2 U; Hp%h J'I*:~ BG Q9'<
EwI*:~ U>-7 5,>+,0- .i^ [Q]7 s< SG
*:1*,C wQc*G s< *:9,N' .i^7 ! s*)
Q_*@-. *
`*R; Y8,` E 7< 5_*9` 5,AN]
*,; f9e2 (_*g' S6*4-. J9; 8A EU>,;
s*9LNAG U,` ZA&LN2 (_*gL-. J9; E X7
Q92 -i !wI*:~
Article 169:
Testimony shall be iven at the
court session, and each "itness
shall be heard separately! here
necessary, "itnesses may be ept
apart and confronted "ith each
other! The court shall refuse to
direct any uestion intended to
influence the "itness, or if it is a
leadin uestion! The court shall
not allo" directin any indecent
uestion, unless it relates to
uaa .. _.. i. :a
y '
wI*:@-. SG 0e; \*34-. E
7 wI*:~ Ip:@-. f) /01 wQ? E
ope27 QM1 \*3LhX. $28g' Ip:@-.
5:].p;7 (:39` /017 !r9%` 5,>+,-.
s< ZM,' JA]p' b< H.C JAG 5-7*+; 8AL0-
/01 Q_*@-. 7< \*+2D. EJA-^ *,) ZM,' JA]p'
b< H.C fv; K.I*` 5;*9-. .i^ (- U>2
409L; Zc*hp` uhpL2 *:A01 fRg-. SG
/017 !p1Q-. 5,>+,-. s< S,+' Ip:@-.
U; f) 5-7*+; S;8' /-^ (:`*_P^ 7<
E .i^7 % s< .
Q?< U;
understand mrabic, the court may
see the assistance of interpreters!
f any "illful default or
misrepresentation is established
aainst one of the ekperts or
interpreters, the court shall punish
\.8%v-. 7< UA
Article 176:
The contestation shall be filed
"ith the trial court and must specify
the contested evidence and the
rounds thereof!
uaa .a. _.. i.
=Q42 U9&-. /-^ 5,>+,-. wPpVM,-.
*:;*;< Ep1Q-. |e27 s< UA92 JAG fA-Q-.
sp9&,-. JAG 827dL-*` QMLN,-.7 /01 .a_
Article 177:
f the trial court has reason to
believe that there is a prima facie
case of forery, it shall refer the
relevant documents to the
competent authority and stay the
action until the competent authority
has issued a decision on the forery
action, "here the nudment on the
case in issue is continent on the
contested documents!
uaa .. _.. i. :a
.i^ [<P 5,>+,-. wPpVM,-. *:;*;<
p1Q-. *:]7 8AN0- SG $4+' E827dL-.
*:A09G 5-*?^ Oa_ .P7T. /-^ 5:e-.
5RLv,-. E *:A017 s< uhp' p1Q-. /-^ s<
fRg2 SG p1I 827dL-. U; 5:e-.
5RLv,-. .i^ s*) fRg-. SG p1Q-.
wPpVM,-. *:;*;< uhpL2 /01 5hPp-.
sp9&,-. *:AG !
Article 178:
f it is decided that there is no
forery, the court shall punish the
accuser, if appropriate!
uaa .&. _.. i. :a
SG 5-*? (>+-. \*gLW*` 827dL-. S34'
5,>+,-. 82d9L` S1Q; 827dL-. /L; [<P
/3L4; -a- !
Article 179:
f it is decided that all or part of a
formal document has been fored,
the court that has passed such
decision shall order such document
ekcluded or corrected, as the case
may be! m note to that effect shall
be entered into the record and the
fored document be mared
uaa .. _.. i. :a
SG 5-*? (>+-. 827dL` 5hP7 5A,CP
*:0) 7< *:39` 8;' 5,>+,-. SL-. ,>?
827dL-*` E*:c*-` 7< *:+A+R' |N+`
EH.p?T. P8+27 -a` 83+; 8~2 /01
5hPp-. !O*3L4,`
Chapter Vlll
Article 180:
m court shall base its nudment
on the evidence produced durin
the trial! The nude shall not base
his nudment on his no"lede of
the facts, nor on facts contradictin
_mn &.
uaa _a. i. :a
Q,L9' 5,>+,-. SG *:,>? /01 5-IT.
5;Q4,-. *:A-^ SG \*M< 8VW E5A34-. X7
ope2 S6*40- s< S342 J,09` X7 *,`
u-*v2 !J,01
such no"lede!
Article 181:
mny nudment rendered on the
subnect matter of a criminal action
shall decide the plaintiffs claims
reardin the private riht of action
and those of the accused, unless
the court elects that a decision on
those claims reuires conductin
special investiations upon "hich
disposal of the criminal action may
be postponed! n such a case, a
court shall postpone the disposal of
these claims, pendin completion of
the investiation!
uaa ,a> _a. i. :a
f) (>? PQR2 SG p6p; p1Q-. |e2 s< fRg2 SG [*%0
S1Q,-. $+-*` t*v-. E 7< E(:L,-. X^ .i^
[<P 5,>+,-. s< fRg-. SG Oa_ [*%0&-.
=d0LN2 \.8]^ $A4+' t* SM%M2 JA01
\*]P^ fRg-. SG p1Q-. acQM9G
]8' 5,>+,-. fRg-. SG 0' [*%0&-.
/-^ UA? H*,>LC. !*:'.\.8]^
Article 182:
The nudment shall be read in an
open session at "hich the parties
must be present, even thouh the
case has been considered in closed
sessions! The nudment shall be
nointly sined by all the nudes "ho
participated in renderin it, and "ho
must all be present at the time
"hen the nudment is read, unless
the absence of any of them is
ekcusable! The nudment shall
indicate the name of the renderin
court, its date, names of the nudes,
names of the litiants, the crime
subnect of the action, a summary of
claims or defenses submitted by
litiants and the supportin
evidence and aruments, the
staes of the action, the tekt of the
nudment, reasons and leal bases
therefor, and "hether it "as
rendered unanimously or by
manority vote!
uaa . _a. i. :a
(>+-. SG 5N0] 5AM01 p-7 W*)
p1Q-. [8VW SG [*N0] E528C -i7
Pp3+` .8< |e27 !p1Q-. s< sp>2
w*34-. U2a-. .p)8L~. SG (>+-. Qh .p9h7
EJA01 X7 Q` U; (_Pp3? *
9A,] h7
J'7B' *; (- Q+2 (_Q?T *; ZW U;
|e27 !Pp3+-. s< sp>2 (>+-. B
/01 (C. 5,>+,-. SL-. EJ'PQ< 2P*'7
EOP.Q^ \*,C<7 Ew*34-. \*,C<7 E=pRv-.
5,28e-.7 p6p; Ep1Q-. }v0;7 *,-
J;Qh =pRv-. U; E[*%0 7< *GI E *;7
JA01 U; 5-IT. Ee+-.7 f?.8;7
Ep1Q-. ( K*%C< (>+-. JRW7 OQMLN;7
ES18@-. f_7 PQ *,]D*` 7< 5A%0T*` !
Article 183: uaa .. _a. i. :a
>- U; (:L,-.
S1Q,-.7 =*9-. E S1Q,-.7 $+-*` t*v-.
s^ Q]7 E 0%27 -i *
A,CP U,- 8'
5,>+,-. JB`^ Q9` J`*NL). 5g !5A9&4-.
Article 184:
The court renderin nudment on
the subnect matter shall dispose of
the litiants claims in relation to
the seied items! here necessary,
it may refer the dispute "ith respect
to these items to a competent
court! lurin the hearin, the court
may also render a nudment "ith
respect to the disposal of these
seied items!
uaa . _a. i. :a
|e2 /01 5,>+,-. SL-. PQR' *
,>? SG
p6p,-. s< fRg' SG [*%0 =pRv-.
5409L,-. \*A~T*` *:-7 !5p%3,-. s< fA+'
.dM-. *:W@` /-^ 5,>+; 5RLv; .i^
[Q]7 wP786 -a- ope27 ! 5,>+,0- s<
PQR' *
,>? 8RL-*` SG [*p%3,-. SG
\*M< 8VW p1Q-. !
Article 185:
m nudment disposin of the
seied items as provided for under
mrticle - hereof shall not be
ekecuted if the nudment rendered
in the action is not final, unless
these items are perishable, or if the
safeeepin thereof is very costly!
f the court decides that the
seied items be delivered to a
particular person, such delivery may
be prompt, "ith an undertain,
"ith or "ithout uarantee, that the
items received by him "ill be
returned if the nudment pursuant
to "hich he received those items is
not upheld!
uaa .&> _a. i.
X ope2 aAgM' (>+-. PI*R-. 8RL-*` SG
\*A~T. 5p%3,-. /01 p+M-. UA%,-. SG
wI*,-. 59`.8-. UAW*,-.7 Q9` .i^ 5c*,-. s*)
(>+-. PI*R-. SG p1Q-. 8A Sc*:W E *;
(- U>' \*A~T. 5p%3,-. *,; 8N2 JA-^
u0L-. E 7< =d0LN2 JVg? [*4gW !w8A%)
ope27 5,>+,0- .i^ ,>? (A0NL`
\*A~T. 5p%3,-. /-^ }v~ UA9; s<
J,0N' *_*2^ .
PpG E Z; a< Q:9' JA01
5-*g>` 7< 8A` 5-*g) s` QA92 \*A~T. SL-.
*:,0N' .i^ (- Q2
y 2
(>+-. ba-. (0N'
\*A~T. !J%]p,`
Article 186: uaa .a. _a. i.
Article 189:
f the invalidity is attributable to
noncompliance "ith the la"s
overnin the composition or
nurisdiction of the court, it may be
maintained at any time of the
hearin and be disposed of by the
court "ithout a motion!
uaa .. _a. i. :a
.i^ s*) sB&%-. *
9].P /-^ =Q1 w*1.8;
5,VWT. 5409L,-. 52Xp` 5,>+,-. U; A?
*:0A>@' 7< *:*RL. 8VM` Ep1Q-.
N,LAG J` SG b< 5-*? W*) *:A01
p1Q-. S34'7 J` 5,>+,-. p-7 8A` |0
Article 190:
kcept as other"ise provided for
under mrticle - hereof, if the
invalidity is attributable to a
correctable defect in the
proceedins, the court shall correct
it! f it is attributable to an
uncorrectable defect, the action
shall be held invalid!
uaa _.. i. :a
SG 8A *; }W JA01 SG wI*,-. 59C*L-.
UAW*,-.7 Q9` 5c*,-. E .i^ s*) sB&%-.
9].P /-^ |A1 SG \.8]D. U>,2 EJ+A+R'
/09G 5,>+,-. s< s^7 !J++R' s*) *
/-^ |A1 X U>,2 EJ+A+R' (>+LG !JWB&%`
Article 191:
The invalidity of a certain action
shall not affect the validity of the
prior actions, nor the subseuent
actions, unless they have been based
uaa ,a> _.. i. :a
X |'8L2 /01 sB&` \.8]D. sB&`
[.\.8]D. 54`*N-. JA01 X7 [.\.8]D.
54?B-. J- .i^ (- U>' 5AM%; !JA01
Article 192:
f it appears to the court that the
action includes an essential defect
that cannot be corrected, it shall
issue a nudment dismissin the case!
That nudment does not preclude
the refilin of the case "hen the leal
reuirements have been satisfied!
uaa . _.. i. :a
.i^ [Q]7 5,>+,-. s< SG p1Q-. *
28_p] X U>,2 EJ+A+R' *:A09G s< PQR'
,>? =Q9` *,C Oa_ X7 !p1Q-. ZM,2 .a_
(>+-. U; wI*1^ *:9GP .i^ [8G.p' 78@-.
Chapter l
Article 193:
The accused, the Prosecutor, and
the claimant of the private riht of
action shall be entitled to appeal any
nudment "hether it relates to
conviction, acuittal, or lac of
nurisdiction! The court shall notify
these parties of such riht upon
readin of the nudment!
<. g..
.rV _r S>V
a. uar| .
_mn _V
uaa .. _.. i. :a
$+2 (:L,0- S1Q,0-7 =*9-. S1Q,-.7
$+-*` t*v-. |0 dAA,' f) (>? PI* SG
5,28] 5W.ID*` E 7< *:;Q9` E 7< =Q9`
/017 !t*RLX. 5,>+,-. (:;B1^ .a:`
$+-. H*? $&M-. !(>+-*`
Article 194:
mn appeal aainst a nudment shall
be "ithin thirty days from the date of
receipt of a copy of the nudment!
ollo"in the readin of the
nudment, the court shall desinate a
date for the receipt of a copy of the
nudment, "ithin a makimum period
of ten days from the date of readin
the nudment, and enter the same in
the case record!
The appellant shall be reuired to
sin an acno"ledement of receipt!
f he fails to appear on the appointed
date for receivin a copy of the
nudment, such copy shall, on the
same date, be deposited in the file of
the case, and a note to that effect
shall be entered into the record
pursuant to a nudes order! The
thirtyday period specified for the
appeal starts runnin on the deposit
date! The authorities in chare of the
prisoner shall brin him on the
prescribed time to provide him "ith a
copy of the nudment, and shall also
brin him to submit his appeal "ithin
the desinated time!
uaa . _.. i. :a
wQ; Y.8L1X. |0&` dAA,L-. spB *
U; 2P*' (0N' wPp IQ+'7 !(>+-.
5,>+,-. Q9` $&M-. (>+-*` .
Q1p; O*Rh<
w8@1 =*2< (0NL- wPp E(>+-. Z; [*%^
-i SG %6 E5A34-. a<7 ZAhp' |-*
dAA,L-. /01 E-i SG7 5-*? =Q1 OPp3?
(0NL- wPp (>+-. Ip'
SG u0; p1Q-.
SG 2P*L-. EJNgW Z; [*%^ -i SG %6
5A34-. 8;` U; Q927 !S6*4-. .Q2D. 52.Q`
I*9A,- UAB-. *
;p2 wP84,-. |0&- dAA,'
/017 !(>+-. 5:e-. 5-7N,-. U1 UAeN-.
OP*3?^ (0NL- wPp (>+-. HB wQ,-.
wIQ+,-. *:,0NL- E -a)7 OP*3?^ (2Q4L-
J6.8L1. SG wQ,-. wIQ+,-. (2Q4L-
Article 195:
Should an appellant fails to file
his memorandum of appeal "ithin
the period provided for under mrticle
herein, the trial court shall,
"ithin fortyfive days from the date
of pronouncin the nudment, file
that nudment "ith the mppellate
Court! f the nudment involves a
death sentence, stonin,
amputation or qisas (not involvin
death), such nudment shall be
appealed even if no litiant so
reuests, and the court shall file its
nudment "ithin the above
mentioned period to the mppellate
uaa .&> _.. i.
.i^ (- =Q42 |-* dAA,L-. 5+cX Y.8L1X.
HB wQ,-. tpRM,-. *:A01 SG wI*,-.
59`.8-. UA9NL-.7 Q9` 5c*,-. E ZG8'
5,>+,-. (>+-. /-^ 5,>+; dAA,L-. HB
5N, UA9`P<7 *
;p2 U; 2P*' $&M-.
.i^7 !(>+-*` s*) (>+-. .
PI* fL4-*` 7<
(]8-. 7< Z&4-. 7< t*R4-. *,AG s7I
EgM-. |eAG OdAA,' p-7 (- |0&2 Q?<
=pRv-. OdAA,' /017 ! 5,>+,-. s< J9G8'
/-^ 5,>+; dAA,L-. HB wQ,-. wPp)a,-.
Article 196:
uaa .a. _.. i.
1 0%AG (>+-. HQ
-. /-^ Y8L9,-.
/-^7 Sh*` =pRv-. E b8N'7 JA01 SG Oa_
5-*+-. [.\.8]D. !wI*L9,-.
Article 198:
The mppellate Court shall first
consider the formalities of the
appeal, and "hether the appellant
is entitled to file an appeal, and
shall then decide "hether to accept
or renect the appeal for formality
reasons! f the form of the appeal is
renected, the court shall issue a
separate decision to that effect!
uaa .&. _.. i. :a
8VM' 5,>+; dAA,L-. 78@-. 5A0>@-.
SG Y.8L1X. E *;7 .i^ s*) .
PI* U,; J-
$? |0 EdAA,L-. ( P84' Hp%h EY.8L1X.
7< J3GP B
>~ .iG ! s*) Y.8L1X.
6pG8; U; A? f>@-. PQRLG .
4LN; !-a`
Article 199:
The mppellate Court shall dispose
of the subnect matter of the appeal
on the basis of the evidence
included in the file of the case!
#itiants shall not appear before the
court, unless it decides other"ise!
uaa .. _.. i. :a
fRg' 5,>+; dAA,L-. SG p6p;
Y.8L1X. .
I*MLC. /-^ *; Q]p2 SG u0,-.
U; X7 !.P7T. 83+2 =pRv-. *:;*;< *;
(- P84' !-i
Article 200:
The mppellate Court may permit
the litiants to submit ne" evidence
to support the rounds of their
uaa :_.a
5,>+,- dAA,L-. s< si' =pRv0- (2Q4L`
[*MA` wQ2Q] QA2L- K*%C< (:6.8L1. E *:-7
s< avL' f) \.8]^ *:MA92 /01 fRg-. SG
*:,>? Pp3+`
E=pRv-. sp>27 *:,>? *
Ac*:W E *; (- U>2
(>+-. fL4-*` 7< (]8-. 7< Z&4-. 7< t*R4-.
*,AG s7I EgM-. =d0AG J9GP /-^ 0e;
\*34-. !/01T.
Chapter ll
Article 206:
mny of the litiants may apply for
reconsideration of any final
nudment imposin punishment, in
the follo"in circumstances:
() f an accused has been
convicted of murder, but the
person alleed to have been
murdered turns out to be
() f a person has been
convicted of havin
committed a certain act, and
yet another person has also
been convicted of havin
committed the same act, thus
resultin in contradiction that
leads to the conclusion that
one of the t"o persons should
be acuitted!
(&) 'f the $ud#ment has been based on
evidence that turns out to be for#ed, or
on testimon( that turns out to be
() f the nudment has been
_mn _.
uar| .
uaa .a. i. :.a
ope2 bT U; =pRv-. s< |0&2 wI*1^ 8VM-.
SG =*>?T. 5Ac*:M-. wPI*R-. 5`p49-*` SG
H.p?T. :5A'.
q .i^ (>? /01 (:L,-. SG 5,28] fLh (
/1 y Q
-. J0Lh !*
q .i^ PQ (>? /01 }v~ U; f]< E59h.7
( PQ (>? /01 }v~ 8 U; f]<
59h.p-. E*:'.i s*)7 UA` UA,>+-. rh*M'
JM; =Q1 5W.I^ Q?< =p>+,-. !*,:A01
q .i^ s*) (>+-. Qh SM `
/01 .P7< 8: Q9`
(qq>+-. *qq_827d' E 7< SqqM `
/qq01 wI*:qq~
8: Q9` (>+-. *:W< wI*:~ !P7o
q .i^ s*) (>+-. SM `
/01 (>? PI* U;
Q?^ ()*+,-. ( S
-< .a_ !(>+-.
q .i^ 8: Q9` (>+-. [*MA` 7< Zc*h7 (- U>'
5;p09; h7 5,)*+,-. E s*)7 U; s~ Oa_
[*MA%-. 7< Zc*hp-. =Q1 5W.I^ =p>+,-. EJA01 7<
uAgv' !5`p49-.
based on a previous nudment
that "as nullified!
() f after nudment, ne"
evidence or facts that "ere
unno"n at the time of the
trial, appeared, "hich could
have led to the acuittal of the
accused or the mitiation of
Article 207:
euest for a reconsideration
shall be made by a petition
submitted to the trial court and
shall specify the nudment to be
reconsidered and the rounds for
such reuest!
uaa .. i. :.a
G y8
|0 wI*1^ 8VM-. 5gA+R` =Q4'
/-^ 5,>+,-. SL-. [PQ< E(>+-. |e27
s< f,L@' 5gA+ |0&-. /01 s*A` (>+-.
Kp0&,-. wI*1^ 8VM-. JAG K*%C<7 !|0&-.
Article 208:
The court shall consider the
petition for reconsideration and
shall first decide "hether such
petition is satisfactory as reards
the form thereof! f it is accepted,
the court shall desinate a date for
considerin the substance of that
petition, and shall notify the parties
uaa .&. i. :.a
8VM' 5,>+,-. SG |0 wI*1^ 8VM-.
fRg'7 X
7< SG Hp%h |0&-. U; A?
Ef>@-. .iG JL0%h [IQ? 5N0] 8VM0- SG
p6p,-. E *:A017 B`^ .8< !p1Q-.
Article 209:
The courts acceptance of the
formal aspect of a petition for
reconsideration of a decision shall
not lead to the stay of ekecution of
the nudment, unless it is a
nudment involvin a corporeal
punishment such as qisas, hadd,
or tazir n other cases, the court,
may order a stay of ekecution in its
decision to accept the petition for
uaa .. i. :.a
X |'8L2 /01 Hp%h 5,>+,-. |0 wI*1^
8VM-. U; A? f>@-. uh7 aAgM' E(>+-.
X^ .i^ s*) .
PI* 5`p49` 52QN] U;
Et*Rh 7< EQ? 7< E82d9' SG7 8A -i
ope2 5,>+,0- s< 8;' uhp` aAgML-. SG
*_P.8h Hp%4` |0 wI*1^ !8VM-.
Article 210:
mny acuittal nudment pursuant
to a petition for reconsideration
must, if the convicted person so
reuests, include moral and
material compensation to mitiate
the damae suffered by him!
uaa u. i. :.a
f) (>? PI* =Q9` 5W.ID. \*M` /01
|0 wI*1^ |e2 8VM-. s< U,3L2 *
2pM9; *
2I*;7 =p>+,0- JA01 *,- J`*< U;
P86 .i^ |0 !-i
Article 211:
f a petition for the
reconsideration of a decision is
renected, any ne" petition based on
the same facts shall not be filed!
uaa ,a> u.r i. :.a
.i^ r
|0 wI*1^ 8VM-. BG ope2
OQ2Qe' \*M` /01 Zc*hp-. *:NgW SL-. S
M `
Article 212:
udments rendered on the
subnect matter, pursuant to a
petition for the reconsideration,
may be obnected to and appealed,
unless such nudment "as rendered
by the mppellate Court, in "hich
case the provisions of mrticle
hereof shall be implemented!
uaa . u.r i. :.a
=*>?T. SL-. PQR' SG p6p; p1Q-.
\F*M` /01 |0 wI*1^ ope2 8VM-.
Y.8L1X. *:A01 |0&` E*_dAA,' *; (- U>2
(>+-. .
PI* U; 5,>+; dAA,L-. |eAG
QA4L-. *,` IP7 SG wI*,-. 5N;*v-. Q9`
UALc*,-. U; .a_ !=*VM-.
Article 213:
inal nudments are those that
have become final after havin
been accepted by the party aainst
"hom they "ere rendered or after
havin been affirmed by the
mppellate Court or the Supreme
udicial Council, each accordin to
its nurisdiction!
<. &.
us S>V g.
uaa .. u.r i. :.a
=*>?T. 5Ac*:M-. S_ =*>?T. 5%NL>,-.
5A9&40- 51*M4` =p>+,-. JA01 E 7< $2QR'
(>+-. U; 5,>+; EdAA,L-. 7< 0e;
\*34-. /01T. |N+` !t*RLX.
Article 214:
m criminal case in respect of
"hich a nudment has been
rendered shall not be reconsidered
ekcept "here an appeal from that
nudment has been filed in
accordance "ith the provisions
uaa . u.r i. :.a
.i^ PQ (>? SG p6p; p1Q-. BG ope2 wI*1^ *_8VW X^
Y.8L1X*` /01 .a_ (>+-. *
4G7 *,- p_
P84; SG .a_ !=*VM-.
Article 215:
Penal nudments shall not be
enforced unless and until they have
become final!
<. g..
S>V . n..
uaa .&> u.r i. :.a
=*>?T. X ope2 *_aAgM' X^ .i^
+%< !5Ac*:W
Article 216:
mn accused detainee shall be
promptly released in case of an
uaa .a. u.r i. :.a
SG H*+-. U1 (:L,-. php,-. .i^
s*) (>+-. .
PI* =Q9` 5W.ID. E 7< 5`p49` X
Article 225:
This la" shall be published in the
fficial aette and be
implemented on ekpiry of one
hundred and eihty days after it has
been published!
uaa .&> _. i.
8@M2 .a_ =*VM-. SG wQ28e-. 5A,C8-.
f,927 J` Q9` S3; 5c*; UAW*,7 *
;p2 U;
2P*' !O8@W