Mosaic of Thought Book Group Study Questions by Martha
Mosaic of Thought Book Group Study Questions by Martha
Mosaic of Thought Book Group Study Questions by Martha
1. Many of us learned to read with Dick and Jane and SRA cards. What was
your personal response to “First Reader”?
2. Ellin Oliver talks about the transformation that has taken place in her
own reading. “I have moved from a passive to an active stance. I am
acutely aware of my own reading process, the questions and challenges I
have for the authors I read, the awareness I have of moments of
confusion and disorientation in the text, and the tools I use to confront
that confusion.” (Pg. 5) How aware are you of the processes you use in
your own reading? Where would you place yourself, as a reader, on a
continuum between being a passive reader and an active reader? How
important do you think it is for a teacher of reading to be an active
4. What touched you as you read this section? Surprised you? Intrigued
1. What were you thinking as you read “Salvador, Late or Early?’ What
were your thoughts after you finished reading?
2. “My concern, “I told them, “is that many children are not so engaged as
they read. They don't know when they’re comprehending. They don’t
know when they’re not. They don’t know whether it’s critical for them to
comprehend a given piece. And if they don’t comprehend, they don’t know
what to do about it.” What were your thought/feelings as you read this
quote? How prevalent is this as a problem with the students you work
with each day?
1. What was the single one, or two, most interesting or valuable insights for
you as you read this chapter?
2. This is the first chapter that really demonstrates how teachers who
follow this model of instruction explicitly teach one strategy, in depth, at
a time. What are your reactions to/thoughts about this method of
comprehension instruction? What do you think are the benefits or
drawbacks to this type of instruction?
3. How can we mesh this type of instruction with the use of our basal
4. Debbie Miller, the teacher whose classroom is highlighted in this chapter,
documents her student’s progress through the strategy study with
classroom charts. What kind of chart/visual aid could you envision using
in your classroom, with your students?
5. If you have the time, try to bring or write down the names of a book or
two that you think would be good for “think alouds” in making text-to-
self, text-to-text, or text-to-world connections.
1. “The research shows that children who struggle as readers tend not to
ask questions at any time as they read—before, during, or after.”
“They’re not really reading, not really getting it, not really connecting
with the text enough to interact with it.”
3. Are some questions better than others? Other resources I’ve read talk
about thick (those that help the reader understand the story better) and
thin (usually short, factual answers that don’t necessarily increase
comprehension) questions. How can we help our students evaluate the
helpfulness of the questions they’re asking?
4. How can we help our students take the step from generating questions to
using those questions to increase their understanding of the text? Once
we’ve got our students generating questions, what is the next step? How
can we evaluate individual student’s progress with this strategy?
5. The example chart on page 113 in the text seems fairly complicated to
me, especially for primary students. What kind of chart or visual aide
could you envision using in your classroom to document progress during
this strategy study?
2. As I read and reread this chapter I was struck again and again with how
inter-related this strategy is with schema and text connections. The
sensory images each of us makes in response to a text will be very
individual based on our own personal schema. The students in Todd
McLain’s class noted this. I also took note of how this strategy,
especially when the reader responds emotionally, leads to questioning.
The kindergarten students demonstrated this when they asked questions
about the little boy in the story they were reading. What do you think of
the idea that as we teach one strategy, in depth, children will
independently start to implement some of the other strategies of good
readers? Agree/disagree? For me, this leads to reflection on the
importance of teaching one strategy at a time. How necessary do you
think this is? How do you envision implementing strategy instruction in
your own classroom? What are your thoughts about what order the
strategies should be presented in?
3. I loved how Ellin referred to what was on the walls of Paige Inman’s
classroom as “testaments to what is valued in” her room. What would a
visitor to one of our rooms interpret as important to us and our students
based on what is on our walls?
3. On page 158, Christina infers that the mother in “Tar Beach” is worried
the dad may never come home, “Well sometimes when parents don’t have
jobs, they just go away and they never come back.” I was dying to ask
her about her personal experience with this issue. Could she have dealt
with something like this in her personal life? I haven’t read this story
(but plan to, smile) and am not sure what the central concepts are. But, if
Christina has some personal experience with dad’s who are out of work or
who have left a family behind, don’t you think this could be a very valid
inference, albeit one that wouldn’t show up on a standardized test form?
4. How can we gain insight into the thinking behind the inferences our
students make? How can we help them to recognize the validity/
feasibility of an inference?
1. How do you see your participation in this group and the material from
this book impacting your reading instruction? Will reading instruction
look different in your classroom next year based on your participation
in this group?