Welding Symboles
Welding Symboles
Welding Symboles
Elementary Symbols The symbols shown below are some of the symbols given in the Standard Designation square butt weld single-V butt weld single-bevel butt weld single-V butt weld with broad root face single-bevel butt weld with broad root face single-U butt weld single-J butt weld backing run (USA - back or backing weld) fillet weld plug weld (USA - slot or plug weld) spot weld (resistance welding) edge weld Illustration Symbol
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WELDED JOINTS - SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION ON DRAWINGS (to BS EN 22553) 2. Combinations of Elementary Symbols Elementary symbols are combined for welding from both sides as shown below Designation double-V butt weld (X weld) double-bevel butt weld double-V butt weld with broad root face double-bevel butt weld with broad root face double-U butt weld Illustration Symbol
3. Supplementary Symbols Elementary symbols may be supplemented by a symbol characterising the shape of the external surface, or shape of the weld. Note The absence of a supplementary symbol means that the shape of the weld surface does not need to be indicated precisely.
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4. Method of Representation To specify a weld detail it is necessary to show a weld symbol together with: an arrow line completed by an arrow head two reference lines consisting of:one continuous line one dashed line * (* see exception below)
The arrow line joins one end of the continuous reference line to form an angle with it.
1 = arrow line 2a = reference line (continuous line) 2b = identification line (dashed line) 3 = welding symbol
5. Position of continuous line & dashed line The dashed line can be drawn either above, or beneath, the continuous line as shown or
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WELDED JOINTS - SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION ON DRAWINGS (to BS EN 22553) 6. Relationship between the arrow line and the joint Figures below show the meaning of the arrow side of the joint and the other side of the joint
arrow side
other side
arrow side
arrow side
other side
arrow line
arrow line
joint A
arrow line
joint A
joint B Rev. 3
joint B
WELDED JOINTS - SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION ON DRAWINGS (to BS EN 22553) 7. Position of the arrow line The position of the arrow line with respect to the weld is no special significance except for single bevel or single-J welds. For these, arrow line has to point to the plate that is prepared.
This same detail can be indicated by moving the position of the dashed line (other side) as shown below: -
8. Position of the symbol with respect to the reference line The symbol is placed either above or beneath the reference line as follows:
The symbol is placed on the continuous line side of the reference line if the weld (weld face) is on the arrow side of the joint The symbol is placed on the dashed line side if the weld (weld face) is on the other side of the joint
Note For symmetrical welds, the dashed line is unnecessary - & should be omitted as shown. Supplementary Notes for Welding Inspection 5 Rev. 3 7/04
WELDED JOINTS - SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION ON DRAWINGS (to BS EN 22553) 9. Specifying the Dimensions of Welds Weld cross-section dimensions These are written on the left-hand side of the symbol (before the symbol) and certain letters are used to indicate particular dimensions, namely: s
s = depth of penetration
Butt welds are to have complete penetration unless the symbol shows a penetration depth
can also be used to show the depth of penetration required for a deep penetration fillet weld: s
a Weld length dimensions These are written on the right-hand side of the symbol (after the symbol) A 300mm long fillet weld with an 8mm leg would be shown as follows: Z8 300
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WELDED JOINTS - SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION ON DRAWINGS (to BS EN 22553) An intermittent fillet weld would be shown as follows: -
l l (e) l (e) n
n x l x (e)
n x l x (e)
l Z Z
Note The dashed line is omitted to indicate that it is a symmetrical weld (fillet size the same on arrow side & other side)
c =
c c d d
nxl(e) nxl(e)
d =
WELDED JOINTS - SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION ON DRAWINGS (to BS EN 22553) 10. Complementary indications Peripheral welds When a weld has to be made all round a part, the symbol is a circle as shown below Z8
Field or site welds A flag is used to indicate a field or site weld as shown below
Indication of the welding process If required, the welding process is shown by a number written between the two branches of an open fork, at the end of the reference line as shown below ISO 4063 gives the numbers allocated for each welding process, e.g., 111 MMA 121 SAW 135 MAG 141 TIG
Sequence of information in the tail of the reference line Further information can be added to the open tail of the reference line but it should be added in the following order (and each one separated by a line) welding process (to ISO 4063) acceptance level (to ISO 5817) working (welding) position (to ISO 6947) filler materials (to ISO 544, ISO 2560, ISO 3581)
In addition, a closed tail can be used which indicates a specific instruction, e.g., a procedure sheet as shown WPS 777
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