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Media Coursework Richards Representation of Women In Vampire Films


There are many ways females are represented in Vampire films but also in many silmar ways. From the moment we watch horror films we immediately think that the women are unable to help themselves seen as lower status compared to a man and seen as na!ve. They are trapped by the male dominance that rules within most horror films of today with the males bein" in full control and power of the women. #n e$ample of this representation is the film %&cream' ()**+, which shows that the woman are always killed first showin" that they are helpless for themselves. #s we can tell most of the women were blonde which may show unintelli"ence. The scene of the vampire runnin" " around helpless shows how women have less power and control. This is how horror films portray youn" women to present a horror movie. This is the director-s concept to show that Women need to be rescued by a male fi"ure from them to be safe and protected. There have been a few films that have recently shown women to take on hi"her authority such as The .rphan the /$orcist and Monster. 0ut these are real life e$periences. 0y doin" this it shows the differences that lie in between. 0ut on the other hand Vampires are bein" as bein" nasty and vile. We "et this awful ima"e in our heads of how vampires like to suck human blood. They have supernatural powers are attractive eternally youn" and do not have to fear death at all.

Icono"raphy There are many uses of Icono"raphy within vampire films to represent the conventional meanin"s attached to an ima"e or ima"es Dracula: The use of icono"raphy in this film is throu"h violence which brin"s out war. #lso another si"nificant use of icono"raphy is the cross as its known to help fi"ht vampires and kill them as this is makes them weak and vulnerable so by the director markin" the moment of the cross fallin" we "et an impression that this film may be related as a vampire film. 1racula2s wife is weaker and ends up killin" herself due to the circumstance that of her believin" that her husband is dead. Fright Night: The use of vampire icono"raphy is seen when we see the colour red in the openin" which immediately indicates blood. The dark fo""y atmosphere which also su""ests horror and a time when vampires are more active to do what they want. We also see some kind of statue fi"ure in the nei"hbour-s house which su""ests the idea of devil worship or some sort of demonic powers.

#nalysis of 3et the Ri"ht .ne in From the openin" I would say that the film is Thriller and the sub4"enre is vampires.The non4die"etic music makes the audience feel tense and very aware of the whats "oin" on. The atmosphere is very dark and dull and could be an unknown place as most thrillers are filmed in hidden areas. Throu"hout the trailer there have been lots of different types of camera shots to convey the meanin" of the movie.&ome camera shots have been used at such hi"h an"les to show the overlook of the surrounds which is an 5ust like an establishin" shot. There was also two shots between the characters /li and .scar when they were havin" their conversation. The use of this is to create the sense that were actually viewin" the conversation between the two.The use of hi"h an"le shots shows the person below and creates a bi""er picture. The ima"e of Vampires is seen as ne"ative because of the way how there represented by their teeth the feastin" on blood fear of sunli"ht and death by wooden steak. Francis Ford Coppola Is an #merican film director producer and screenwriter. Coppola has directed about twenty4five films produced near forty4five composed two and acted in ei"ht. 6e is known predominantly for #pocalypse 7ow ()*8*, and The 9odfather I ()*8:, II ()*8;, and III ()**<,. 6owever he has worked in other "enres such as 6orror=Romance Musical and even Comedy. Coppola appears to use much of the same aesthetic techni>ues. Most of his works- mise4en4scene with some e$ceptions seems to be very basic.

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