When one considers the exhaustion of fossil energy reserves, limited soil capacities, the
degradation of ecosystems, climate change and global warming, unbalanced diets, and
population increase, the current food system cannot be regarded as sustainable. Action
to implement a strategy that promotes the concept of sustainable diets is thus a matter
of urgency. Diets are a significant factor in a number of critical sustainability issues
such as climate change, public health, social inequalities, biodiversity, the use of energy,
land and water, and so on (Reddy et al., 2009).
The FAO (2010) defines a sustainable diet as one that ensures food for future generations,
while generating minimum negative impact on the environment. It consists of food
that is produced locally and is thus available, accessible and affordable for all as well as
being safe and nutritious; it furthermore protects the incomes of farmers and other
workers as well as the cultures of consumers and communities. A sustainable diet places
nutrition, food and biodiversity at the core of sustainable development and people’s
right to food. In order to be considered sustainable, Mediterranean Diets should thus,
inter alia, have low environmental impact, protect and respect biodiversity and eco-
systems, and optimise the use of natural resources.
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of natural resources in the Mediterranean
region and to analyse the main environmental impacts of Mediterranean food consump-
tion patterns on land and water resources and biodiversity.
resources (Blue Plan, 2006). Irrigation accounts for almost 65% of anthropogenic
abstraction and can even exceed 80% in the southern and eastern Mediterranean
countries (Thivet and Blinda, 2007). The seasonal nature of rainfall plays a crucial role
in water stress, since the water demand of certain Mediterranean crops coincides with
the periods of lowest rainfall and water availability (Fernandez and Mouliérac, 2010).
According to the projections of the Blue Plan, which takes the year 2000 as the base
year, water demands could increase by a further 15% by 2025, especially in the southern
and eastern countries, where an increase of 25% is expected. Furthermore, Mariotti et
al. (2008) have predicted an average decrease of 20% in surface water availability by
2070-2099, with a decrease in soil moisture and river runoff, and a 24% increase in the
loss of fresh water over the Mediterranean region due to precipitation reduction and
warming-enhanced evaporation. In fact, the impact of climate change on the
Mediterranean environment is already noticeable (Blue Plan, 2008). Measures to improve
water demand management, water saving and the rational use of water, especially in
agriculture, are thus of paramount importance in the region. In fact, the estimated
overall water use efficiency for the Mediterranean countries ranges from 50% to 85%
(Thivet and Blinda, 2007). Water demand management measures can free up significant
amounts of water. They are economically worthwhile if they provide a means of
maintaining the water supply where it is a limiting factor. Although the market can
create a preference for crops that consume smaller amounts of water, incentives and
regulatory measures must also be explored (Fernandez and Mouliérac, 2010).
The various forms of land degradation, particularly erosion, are as old as the region
(Blue Plan, 2003), and new threats have appeared in modern times in connection with
the social and economic upheavals of recent years, poor farming intensification in
certain sectors, encroachment on space by urbanisation and infrastructures, urban and
industrial waste pollution, and so on.
of the greatest areas for endemic plants on earth and includes several epicentres of plant
diversity. Three main circumstances have contributed to the high diversity of the MBH:
(i) its location at the intersection of two major landmasses (Eurasia and Africa) and (ii)
tremendous topographical diversity and huge differences in altitude. Its climate is unique,
but rainfall ranges from 100 mm to 3,000 mm, resulting in high vegetation diversity
within the region.
These combined factors make the MBH the third richest hotspot in the world in terms
of plant biodiversity (Mittermeier et al., 2004). Approximately 30,000 plant species occur
there, and more than 13,000 species are endemic to the hotspot; yet many more are
being discovered every year (Radford et al., 2011). The MBH is a centre of plant
endemism, with 10% of the world’s plants found in about 1.6% of the earth’s surface.
The hotspot, a surface area one-fourth the size of sub-Saharan Africa, has roughly the
same plant diversity as the entire area of tropical Africa (CEPF, 2010).
The forests of the Mediterranean are diverse, harbouring up to 100 different tree species.
Moreover, it is estimated that the Mediterranean Sea contains 8% to 9% of all marine
species in the world (Sundseth, 2009). In the Mediterranean basin, there is tremendous
topographic, climatic and geographic variability resulting in an astounding array of
species and habitat diversity. The World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has listed 32
eco-regions occurring in the Mediterranean hotspot. There are three broad types of
vegetation: maquis, forests, and garrigue (CEPF, 2010), the maquis being nowadays the
most widespread. Many of the endemic and restricted-range plant species depend on
this habitat, and several are thus threatened (Tucker and Evans, 1997).
Changes in diet, especially an increase in meat consumption, have generated an increase
in diet-related diseases but are also having an impact on biodiversity. The livestock sector
is considered to be one of the major players in the reduction of biodiversity since it is
one of the primary drivers of, inter alia, deforestation, land degradation, pollution,
climate change, the erosion and sedimentation of coastal areas and the facilitation of
alien species invasion (Steinfeld et al., 2006). Some 306 of the 825 terrestrial eco-regions
identified by the WWF reported livestock as one of the current threats; 23 of 35 global
hotspots for biodiversity identified by Conservation International are reported to be
affected by livestock production. And an analysis of the Red List of Threatened Species
issued by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature – formerly World
Conservation Union) shows that most of the world’s threatened species are suffering
habitat loss where livestock is a factor (Baillie et al., 2004).
The Mediterranean basin was one of the eight centres of cultivated plant origin and
diversity identified by Vavilov (1951), who listed over 80 crops, the most important,
Maquette_EN:Mediterra_2012_EN 22/02/12 9:07 Page 174
however, being cereals, pulses, fruit trees and vegetables. There were also many herbs,
spice-producing plants, horticultural crops, and ornamentals (Heywood, 1998). Several
socio-political, agro-climatic, ecological and genetic factors have contributed to this
remarkable crop diversity in the Mediterranean (Jana, 1995).
Agricultural lands and grasslands occupy 40% of the Mediterranean region, ranging
from large intensive olive or citrus groves to more mixed farming systems. With some
17 million farms, the Mediterranean region has an agricultural labour force of millions
of people (Elloumi and Jouve, 2010). The low intensity and localised nature of thousands
of years of subsistence farming has had a profound effect on the landscape, creating a
complex mosaic of alternating semi-natural habitats rich in wildlife. Vineyards and
ancient olive groves are also still a characteristic feature of the Mediterranean landscape.
On flatter land and in the plains various forms of sustainable agro-sylvo-pastoral farming
systems have evolved that make best use of natural resources (Sundseth, 2009).
However, whilst small-scale farming is still practised in many parts of the region, the
last 50 years have seen a massive change in agricultural practices. Ancient vineyards,
orchards and olive groves have been ripped out to make way for industrial-scale fruit
or olive plantations, and mixed rotational farming has been replaced by intensive
monocultures. This has caused the loss of wildlife-rich habitats (Sundseth, 2009).
Due to their high demand for pesticides, fertilisers and irrigation water, modern farming
practices put excessive pressure on the environment. More than 26 million hectares
(ha) of farmland are now under irrigation in the Mediterranean basin and in some
areas up to 80% of the available water is used for irrigation. The rapid growth in tourism
and urban development in coastal areas combined with the abandonment of small-
scale farming practices is putting tremendous pressure on the Mediterranean region’s
rich biodiversity (Sundseth, 2009).
Analysis of Mediterranean farm structures reveals that there are a large number of small
farms (less than 5 ha) on both the southern and the northern shores, especially in Greece
(76% of farms on 27% of the agricultural area), Italy (77% of farms on 17% of
farmland), Morocco (71% of farms on 24% of farmland) and Turkey (67% of farms
on 22% of farmland) (Elloumi and Jouve, 2010).
In many rural regions, especially in southern and eastern Europe, non-cultivated food
plants are still gathered (Heinrich et al., 2005). Local foods represent a type of mutual
interaction between the availability of edible plants that grow locally and the nutritional
requirements and needs of populations. In general, wild varieties tend to be richer in
micronutrients and bioactive secondary metabolites than those which are cultivated.
These secondary plant metabolites are produced in adaptation to local environmental
conditions (Heinrich et al., 2006). The diversity of local Mediterranean food elements
is not well known. Edible wild plants and weeds are interesting local elements in
Mediterranean food cultures. Ethnobotanical research has identified about 2,300 different
plant and fungi taxa that are gathered and consumed in the Mediterranean. The
percentage of local Gathered Food Plant (GFP) taxa is higher in the main diversity centres
on the periphery of the Mediterranean (Sahara, Alps, Caucasus, Canary Islands, the
Levant) and islands (Sicily, Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus). In an ethnobotanical survey carried
out in the Montseny mountain range (in Catalonia, Spain), Bonet and Vallès (2002)
recorded the consumption of 132 GFP taxa. As for North Africa, Gast (2000) reported
exhaustively on 80 species of wild vegetables and grain food plants used by Berber groups
during the famine season (December to March) in the Ahaggar region (Algeria). Wild
and spontaneous food plants are also widely used and consumed in Italy.
Taken as a whole, agriculture is the largest single source of greenhouse gas emissions
in the food chain (Carlsson-Kanyama, 1998), meat and meat products being the largest
contributor (Sinha et al., 2009). In addition, food production has major implications
for biodiversity at the global level, including habitat loss and pollution as well as an
Maquette_EN:Mediterra_2012_EN 22/02/12 9:07 Page 177
impact on water and land use (Reddy et al., 2009). Furthermore, disruptions of
environmental integrity can affect patterns of human health and disease as well as
nutritional status. However, acknowledging that the loss of biodiversity and other
environmental changes affect diet and health is usually limited to general considerations
of food security, and little attention is paid to the complexity of nutrition-health
relationships (Johns & Eyzaguirre, 2002). The footprint concept is a method for
addressing environmental impact; it comprises the Ecological Footprint (EF), the Carbon
Footprint (CF) and the Water Footprint (WF).
major land use type is calculated by totalling the contributions of a variety of specific
products. The EF of built-up land reflects its bioproductivity compromised by
infrastructure and hydropower. And the EF for forestland for carbon dioxide uptake
represents the waste absorption of a world-average hectare of forest needed to absorb
human-induced carbon dioxide emissions, after having considered the sequestration
capacity of the ocean.
In order to keep track of both the direct and indirect biocapacity needed to support
people’s consumption patterns, the EF methodology uses a consumer-based approach;
for each land use type, the EF of consumption (EFC) is thus calculated as: EFC=EFP+EFI-
EFE, where EFP is the EF of production and EFI and EFE are the footprints embodied in
imported and exported commodity flows respectively. EF assessments aim to measure
demand for biocapacity by final demand, but the EF is tallied at the point of primary
harvest or carbon emission. Thus, tracking the embodied EF in derived products is
central to the task of assigning the EF of production to the end uses it serves. Primary
and derived goods are related by product-specific extraction rates.
Global hectares per capita
r ia
FY a
t in
Data elaborated from the 2007 national footprint accounts statistics presented by Ewing
et al. (2010a) show that the Mediterranean EF of consumption is always higher than
the EF of production (Chart 1), except in the case of Serbia. Furthermore, the CF alone
is generally higher than the biocapacity value, except in the case of Morocco, Tunisia,
Albania, Turkey, Bosnia, Croatia and France. In general, the results show that the northern
Mediterranean countries have a high EF, while the impact of countries in North Africa
and the Middle East is the lowest.
With regard to the EF of production, the period needed to regenerate the resources used
in 2007 by Mediterranean countries ranged from 5 years and 5 months to 1 year and 3
Maquette_EN:Mediterra_2012_EN 22/02/12 9:07 Page 179
months in Libya and Albania respectively. As regards the EF of consumption, the period
needed to regenerate the resources consumed ranged from 8 years and 6 months to 1 year
and 6 months in Jordan and Croatia respectively. Thus, the Mediterranean countries have
a net demand on the planet greater than their respective biocapacity: expressed in average
values, 2 years and 3 months are needed to regenerate the resources used for production,
while 3 years and 4 months are needed to regenerate the resources effectively consumed.
Chart 2 shows that North America has the highest EF, whilst Asia has an EF similar to
North Africa and the Middle East. The European countries, including the Mediterranean
States, have a higher EF compared to Asia, Oceania, and Latin America.
Global hectares per capita
EF of production EF of consumption Biocapacity Carbon footprint
Taking land use types (i.e. cropland, grazing land, forestland, fishing grounds, and built-
up land) into consideration, the results show that the EF of cropland is highest in
Mediterranean countries, while the EF of grazing land and forestland is highest in
Oceania (Chart 3). The average EF in the Balkans and northern Mediterranean countries
is at least 1.5 times the EF of North Africa and the Middle East.
Chart 4 shows that the EF per capita in the Mediterranean region increased in the 1961-
2007 period except in Morocco, Jordan and Albania, while the biocapacity decreased.
The ecological deficit is therefore going to increase. The EF has increased on average by
47.4% whilst the biocapacity has decreased by 36.4%.
Meat production has a higher environmental impact than the production of fruit and
vegetables. According to the Livestock, Environment and Development (LEAD) initiative,
the livestock industry is one of the largest contributors to environmental degradation,
on both the local and the global scale, contributing to deforestation, air and water
pollution, land degradation, loss of topsoil, climate change, the overuse of resources
including oil and water, and loss of biodiversity (Steinfeld et al., 2006). According to
studies carried out in the EU’s Environmental Impact of Products (EIPRO) project, the
Maquette_EN:Mediterra_2012_EN 22/02/12 9:07 Page 180
production and consumption of food accounts for 22% to 31% of the EU countries’
total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the so-called food carbon footprint. The
consumption of meat and dairy products is estimated to be responsible for approximately
14% of Europe’s overall impact on global warming (EC, 2006).
Cropland Grazing land Forestland Fishing grounds Built-up land
Cr rz.*
Fr a*
RO *
Tu cco
A. pain
Am b.
& a
Tu ia
Sl ia
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Pa Leb an
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As matter of fact, EIPRO showed that food and drink are responsible for 20% to 30%
of the various environmental impacts of total consumption (abiotic depletion,
acidification, ecotoxicity, global warming, eutrophication, human toxicity, ozone layer
depletion and photochemical oxidation), and in the case of eutrophication for even
more than 50%. Within this area of consumption, meat and meat products (including
meat, poultry, sausages, etc.) have the greatest environmental impact and their estimated
contribution to global warming is in the range of 4% to 12% of all products. The second
important product group in terms of environmental impact is that of dairy products
Maquette_EN:Mediterra_2012_EN 22/02/12 9:07 Page 181
(EC, 2006). A recent analysis by Goodland and Anhang (2009) finds that livestock and
their by-products actually account for at least 32.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide per
year, or 51% of annual worldwide GHG emissions.
Food supply directly translates into consumptive water use, that is, the amount of water
that is transpired and evaporates from the field during the production of a specific
amount of food (e.g. Molden, 2007). Water requirements for plant and animal products
vary widely. Higher-value crops (e.g. horticultural crops) typically require more water
per calorie than staple cereal crops. Meat and dairy production is more water-intensive
than crop production. In fact, 500-4,000 litres of water are evaporated in the production
of one kilogram of wheat, depending on many factors (such as climate, agricultural
practices, variety, lenght of growing season, yield), whereas it takes 5,000-20,000 litres
to produce one kilogram of meat, mainly to grow animal feed. In terms of food energy
content, approximately 0.5 m3 of water is needed to produce 1,000 kcal of plant-based
food, while for animal-based food, some 4 m3 of water are required. Assuming a projected
high level of average food supply of 3,000 kcal/capita/day, with 20% animal and 80%
plant food, the consumptive water use will be over 3 m3/capita/day – 1,300 m3/capita/year
(Falkenmark and Rockström, 2004).
The methodology of the global standard for water footprint assessment developed by
the Water Footprint Network is set out by Hoekstra et al. (2011) in The Water Footprint
Assessment Manual. The study quantifies and maps the water footprints of nations from
both the production and the consumption perspective and also estimates international
virtual water flows and national and global water savings resulting from trade. The
estimate included a breakdown of water footprints, virtual water flows and water savings
into their green, blue and grey components.
The water footprint is a geographically explicit indicator, showing not only volumes of
water consumption and pollution, but also the locations. The framework for national
water footprint accounting is shown in Figure 1.
+ + +
= = =
According to Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2011), the global water footprint was 9087
Gm3/yr (74% green, 11% blue, 15% grey) in the 1996-2005 period, and agricultural
production contributed 92% to this total footprint. The total volume of international
virtual water flows related to trade in agricultural and industrial products was 2320
Gm3/yr (68% green, 13% blue, 19% grey), 76% of which was related to trade in crop
products (trade in animal products contributes 12%). Moreover, the water footprint of
the global average consumer was 1385 m3/yr in the same period, 92% of which was
related to the consumption of agricultural products.
3 000
2 500
2 000
m3/year per capita
1 500
1 000
O ca
r ia
Al y
Cr .
Al y
Data from the 1996-2005 period show that the WF of consumption varied widely amongst
Mediterranean countries (Chart 5), especially in terms of internal and external WF of
consumption. In fact, the percentage of the external WF of consumption ranged from 7.3%
to 85.8%, in Palestinian Territories and Jordan respectively. Northern Mediterranean countries
had the highest water footprint of consumption per year and per capita (2279 m3) compared
to North Africa (1892 m3), the Balkans (1708 m3) and the Middle East (1656 m3).
Maquette_EN:Mediterra_2012_EN 22/02/12 9:07 Page 184
Mekonnen and Hoekstra’s study (2011) also evaluated the virtual water balance in the
period from 1995 to 2005 (Table 1) as an indicator of the water saved as a result of trade
in agricultural products. Only Tunisia, Syria and Serbia present a negative virtual water
Maquette_EN:Mediterra_2012_EN 22/02/12 9:07 Page 185
balance. The other Mediterranean countries show water savings ranging from 340 Mm3
to 62,157 Mm3, in FYROM and Italy respectively. Total water savings of 177,168 Mm3
(including the three forms of virtual water) are observed in the Mediterranean region.
According to Parfitt et al. (2010), the term “food losses” refers to the decrease in edible
food mass throughout the part of the supply chain leading specifically to edible food
for human consumption. Food losses take place at the production, post-harvest and
processing stages in the food supply chain. Losses occurring at the end of the food
chain − retail and consumption − are referred to as “food waste”. Food waste or loss is
measured only for products that are intended for human consumption, i.e. feed and
non-edible product parts are excluded. Food that was originally meant for human
consumption but which is accidentally eliminated from the human food chain is regarded
as food loss or waste even if it is then directed to a non-food use (feed, bioenergy, etc.)
(Gustavsson et al., 2011).
Food loss and waste vary, depending on type of food, country and season, inter alia.
Inefficient harvesting, transport, storage and packaging make a considerable dent in
food availability. Additional and significant losses and wastage occur in food processing,
in the wholesale and retail trade, and where food is consumed. Food losses in rich
countries are different to those in the developing world (Lundqvist et al., 2008); they
are greatest in developing countries due to poor infrastructure, low levels of technology
and low investment in food production systems (Gustavsson et al., 2011). Relatively
speaking, losses in the first part of the food chain, which are due to poor harvesting
techniques, lack of transport and poor storage in combination with climate conditions,
are more important in developing countries (Lundqvist et al., 2008), where 40% of food
losses occur at the post-harvest and processing level while in industrialised countries
more than 40% of the losses occur at the retail and consumer level (i.e. food is wasted).
Per capita waste by consumers is between 95 kg and 115 kg a year in Europe and North
America, while consumers in sub-Saharan Africa throw away only 6 kg-11 kg a year
(Gustavsson et al., 2011). There are several differences in terms of food wastage even
amongst industrialised countries and amongst households in the same country. In Italy,
Maquette_EN:Mediterra_2012_EN 22/02/12 9:07 Page 186
some 20 million tonnes of food waste are formed every year throughout the supply
chain. Every French citizen throws away 7 kg of food every year that is still in the original
package (ADEME, 2010).
Trends in diet composition towards a higher proportion of animal food items, fruit and
vegetables tend to shorten the durability of food and could increase the risk of losses
and wastage (Lundqvist et al., 2008). Fruit and vegetables as well as roots and tubers
have the highest wastage rates of any food (Gustavsson et al., 2011). According to Jones
(2004), losses at farm level in the US probably amount to about 15%-35%, depending
on the industry: 20%-25% for the fresh vegetable industry, 10%-40% for fruits such as
apples and citrus, 26% for the retail industry; 1% in supermarkets. In the US, the average
overall loss of fresh fruit and vegetables between production and consumption sites is
around 12% (Kader, 2005). Distance to market, a more complex food chain and changes
in composition and variety of food supply provide opportunities for more food and
water wastage (Lundqvist et al., 2008).
Food and drink wastage involve major global environmental consequences. Food loss
and wastage amount to major squandering of resources, including water, land, energy,
labour and capital, and needlessly produce greenhouse gas emissions (Gustavsson et al.,
2011). They account for more than one quarter of the total consumptive use of finite and
vulnerable freshwater and more than 300 million barrels of oil per year (Hall et al., 2009).
Reducing not only the consumption of food, especially meat and animal products, and
drink but also household waste can help to reduce the environmental impact of diets.
UNESCO’s awarding of the Immaterial Human Heritage title to the Mediterranean diet
gives it a strong geographical connotation and provides an opportunity to promote a
variety of Mediterranean products, environments and cultures. From this point of view
it is important to highlight their association with sustainable agro-food systems
conserving biodiversity and using natural resources (such as water and soil) rationally.
The Mediterranean diet should also be associated with food security, food sovereignty
and dependence on local and indigenous traditions and knowledge as well as with the
conservation of natural resources and reduction of the use of non-renewable external
It is important furthermore to reduce the amount of food wasted throughout the food
chain (i.e. from farm to fork). To do so, it is crucial to alert consumers to the environ-
mental implications of their diets and of overeating and wasting food. Reducing losses
and wastage will ease pressure on water and other resources and free up land and water
for purposes other than food production.
Cereal imports and high prices are calling the socio-economic and environmental
sustainability of the Mediterranean diet in question (in terms of purchasing power and
food miles), particularly in certain southern and eastern Mediterranean countries. In
fact, the FAO Food Price Index averaged 236 points in February 2011, which is the
highest figure (in real and nominal terms) since 1990. The steepest rise was in cereal
prices. In the countries of North Africa and the Middle East, per capita cereal con-
sumption is also high (265 kg/year in Egypt, for example) and the ratio of imports to
total cereal consumption is also high (87% in Libya, for instance). High prices of cereals,
and especially of fruit and vegetables, are likely to transform the traditional Mediterranean
diet into a diet for the rich. Moreover, population increase, especially in the southern
and eastern Mediterranean countries, will increase pressure on the region’s limited and
scarce natural resources, particularly water. In fact, almost 65% of water resources in
the Mediterranean are used in irrigation. This also calls in question the sustainability
of a diet that is based, inter alia, on irrigated crops such as vegetables and fruit. The per
capita EF in the region rose on the whole in the 1961-2007 period (+47.4%) while
biocapacity dropped (-36.4%) resulting in an increase in the ecological deficit. Further-
more, the carbon footprint is generally higher than biocapacity, particularly in northern
Mediterranean countries. Agriculture – particularly intensive irrigated agriculture –
also has a negative impact on biodiversity.
What is more, not only food production but also the transport, distribution and
consumption of foodstuffs and waste management are all issues that must be addressed
appropriately if the sustainability of Mediterranean food consumption patterns is to
be enhanced.
All in all, measures to promote Mediterranean diets can contribute to sustainable land
and water resources management and to the conservation of biodiversity, but they will
not suffice alone. Strategies and policies should be designed and implemented with the
active involvement and participation of all relevant stakeholders, particularly small-
holders, who are the main custodians of biodiversity, since it is they who manage natural
resources directly and who possess the local knowledge pertaining to biodiversity and
water and land resources.
Maquette_EN:Mediterra_2012_EN 22/02/12 9:07 Page 188
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