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Yc@061 SF 2D

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Service Library Service Literature

Facts Product Section

Package Air Conditioner
Customer Property: Contains Model YC✱
wiring and service informa-
tion. Please retain. Literature Type Service Facts
Sequence 2D
Date December 1998
File No. SV-UN-RT-YC✱061-SF-2D 12/98
Supersedes New

Models :
Packaged Gas/Electric
YCD061C4LABF 5 Ton Rooftop Units
YCD061C4LCBF with Micro-Electronic Controls

Warnings and Cautions appear at appropriate locations throughout this manual.
Read these carefully

WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices and where property-damage-
only accidents could occur.
Since the manufacturer has a policy of continuous product improvement,
it reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.
Page G-1094-814
Product Specifications
VOLTS/ PHASE/ HZ 460/ 3/ 60 VOLTS/ PHASE/ HZ 460/ 3/ 60
Cooling Net Cap. BTUH (1) 58,000 Type/ No. Used FC Centrifugal/ 1
Indoor Air Flow (CFM) 2000 Dia. x Width (in.) 12.6 x 9.5
System Power (KW) 5.38 Drive Direct
Heating Input/Output BTUH (3) Motor HP/ RPM/ Speed
Low Heat 90,000/ 73,000 Standard Motor 0.60/ 850/ 2
High Heat 120,000/ 97,000 Oversize Motor 0.75/ 1040/ 1
Temp. Rise - Min. F (L/ H) 25 Volts/ Ph/ Hz 460/ 1/ 60
Temp. Rise - Max. F (L/ H) 65 L.R. Amps/ F.L. Amps
Gas Type (4) Natural Standard Motor 5.6/ 2.5
GAS PIPE SIZE (In.) 1/2" NPT Oversize Motor 6.4/ 3.1
Min. Circuit Ampacity Type/ CFM Propeller/ 4150
Standard/ Oversize Motor 15.9/ 16.5 No. Used/ Diameter 1/ 24
Fuse Size - Max. (Amps) Drive/ No. Speeds Direct/ 1
Standard/ Oversize Motor 25 No. Motors/ HP/ RPM 1/ 0.25/ 850
COMPRESSOR - No Used One Volts/ Ph/ Hz 460/ 1/ 60
Volts/ Ph/ HZ 460/ 3/ 60 L.R. Amps/ F.L. Amps 2.1/ 0.9
R.L. Amps 10 Type/ No. Used Centrifugal/ 1
OUTDOOR COIL — TYPE Hi-Performance Type Drive Direct
Rows / F.P.I. 2/ 16 COMB FAN MOTOR
Face Area (Sq. Ft.) 12.09 Volts/ Ph/ Hz 208-230/ 1/ 60
Tube Size (In.) 0.375 Motor HP (L/ H) 1/20 (.05)
INDOOR COIL–Type Hi-Performance No. Speeds/ RPM 1/ 3350
Rows / F.P.I. 3/ 15 L.R. Amps 1.0
Face Area (Sq. Ft.) 7 FILTER Furnished
Tube Size (In.) 0.375 Type Throwaway
Refrigerant Control Device Short Orifice Filters Size (DF/ HZ) 16 x 25 x 1
Drain Conn. Size (In.) 3/4" PVC Quantity 3
Charge (Lbs. of R-22) (5) 10.2 Uncrated (In.) 35 x 49-5/8 x 87-1/4
WEIGHT (Approx. Lbs)
Shipping/ Net 902/ 713
1. Cooling Performance is rated at 95 F ambient, 80 F entering dry bulb, 67 F entering wet bulb and nominal cfm listed.
ARI capacity is net and includes the effect of fan motor heat.
Base models are certified in accordance with the Unitary Air-Conditioner Equipment certification program,
which is based on ARI Standard 210/240.
All models tested in accordance with ARI Standard 210/240.
2. Rated at ARI conditions and in accordance with DOE test procedures.
3. Heating performance limit settings and rating data were established and approved under laboratory test conditions using
American National Standards Institute standards. Ratings shown are for elevations up to 2000 feet.
4. Convertible to LP gas with orifice change.
5. Refrigerant charge shown is a nominal value; for a more precise value see the unit nameplate.

Performance Specifications
Evaporator Fan Performance
Downflow Unit
External Static Pressure (ESP) In Inches of Water Column
Standard Motor High Static Motor
Airflow High Speed Low Speed
1600 0.76 0.58 0.69 0.46 1.41 0.82
1700 0.71 0.59 0.63 0.48 1.34 0.86
1800 0.66 0.61 0.55 0.50 1.27 0.90
1900 0.60 0.63 0.47 0.52 1.21 0.93
2000 0.54 0.66 0.38 0.55 1.15 0.96
2100 0.47 0.69 0.28 0.59 1.06 1.01
2200 0.39 0.71 0.15 0.62 0.96 1.05
2300 0.30 0.73 0.84 1.09
2400 0.22 0.76 0.73 1.13

Horizontal Unit
External Static Pressure (ESP) In Inches of Water Column
Standard Motor High Static Motor
Airflow High Speed Low Speed
1600 0.78 0.58 0.71 0.46 1.42 0.83
1700 0.74 0.59 0.66 0.48 1.37 0.86
1800 0.69 0.62 0.60 0.50 1.30 0.90
1900 0.64 0.64 0.54 0.52 1.24 0.93
2000 0.58 0.66 0.45 0.56 1.17 0.97
2100 0.52 0.68 0.36 0.59 1.10 1.01
2200 0.44 0.70 0.24 0.63 1.04 1.05
2300 0.36 0.73 0.94 1.09
2400 0.26 0.76 0.84 1.13
Data includes pressure drop due to filters and wet coils.

Performance Specifications

Static Pressure Drops (Inches Water Column)

Economizer Pressure Drop (Inches of W.C.)
100% Return Air 100% Outside Air
CFM Downflow/ Horizontal Downflow Horizontal
1000 0.01 0.05
1200 0.01 0.06
1300 0.01 0.06
1450 0.01 0.07
1600 0.02 0.08
2000 0.03 0.10
2400 0.06 0.12
*For Power Fresh Air, “Full Return” is zero.

Filter Pressure Drop

Filter Pressure Drop (Inches of W.C.)
Standard Filters Area (Sq. Ft.) Velocity (Ft. per Min.)
CFM Downflow/ Horizontal Downflow Horizontal Downflow Horizontal
1600 0.02 8.33 192
2000 0.04 240
2400 0.06 288

Gas Heater Operating Data

Heating Input Rate – BTUH 90,000 120,000
Minimum Supply Gas Pressure Natural/ LP 3.5” w.c./ 8.0” w.c.
Manifold Gas Pressure (See Note 1) -0.2” w.c
Combustion Blower Suction Pressure
(With Gas Valve Closed) -2.1 to -3.1” w.c.
Minimum Flame Sensing Current (See Note 2) 5.0 Microamps D.C.
Normal Sensing Current Range 8.0 to 16.0 Microamps D.C.
Flue Gas Temperature Rise Above Ambient 350 to 450 F 350 to 525 F
Flue Gas Content - %CO2 Natural/ LP 8.3 to 9.5/ 9.5 to 10.5
Minimum Supply Air Temperature Across
Heat Exchanger 40 F
1. This Unit has a negative pressure gas valve. Never adjust to a positive pressure.
2. A voltage reading across pens (V+) & (V-) is equatable to the flame sensing
current. One volt equals one micro amp.

Mechanical Data
Refrigerant Circuit Diagram


Failure to follow proper procedures can result

in personal illness or injury or severe equipment damage.

Power Schematic
Control Schematic
Connections Diagram

Sequence of Operation

These units are equipped with a microelectronic control fea- Low Ambient Operation
ture which provides operating functions that are significantly During low ambient operation, outside air temperature be-
different than conventional units. It is referred to as the “Unit low 55 F, the UCP will cycle the compressor and outdoor
Control Processor” (UCP). fan motor “Off” for approximately 3 minutes after every 10
minutes of accumulated compressor run time. The indoor
The UCP provides compressor anti short cycle timing func- fan motor (IDM) will continue to operate during this evapo-
tions through minimum “Off” and “On” timing to increase re- rator defrost cycle (EDC) and the compressor and outdoor
liability, performance and to maximize unit efficiency. fan will return to normal operation once the defrost cycle
has terminated and the compressor “Off” time delay has
Upon power initialization, the UCP performs self-diagnostic been satisfied.
checks to insure that all internal controls are functioning. It
checks the configuration parameters against the compo- Cooling with an Economizer
nents connected to the system. When units are equipped The economizer is utilized to control the zone temperature
with an optional economizer, the UCP drives the econo- providing the outside air conditions are suitable. Outside air
mizer dampers toward the open position for 15 to 20 sec- is drawn into the unit through modulating dampers. When
onds then closes. The economizer is closed for approxi- cooling is required and economizing is possible, the UCP
mately 90 seconds to ensure proper damper calibration. sends the cooling request to the unit economizer module
(UEM) to open the economizer dampers by energizing the
The LED located on the UCP module is turned “On” within economizer actuator (ECA). The UCP tries to cool the zone
one second after power-up if all internal operations are utilizing the economizer to slightly below the zone tempera-
okay. ture setpoint. If the supply air sensor (SAS) senses that the
supply air temperature is below 50 F, the dampers modu-
Cooling without an Economizer lated toward the closed position. If the zone temperature
When the system switch is set to the “Cool” position and the continues to rise above the zone temperature setpoint
zone temperature rises above the cooling setpoint controlband and the economizer dampers are less than
controlband, the UCP energizes the (K1) relay coil located 80% of full open, the UCP energizes the compressor
on the UCP. When the K1 relay contacts close, the com- contactor (CC1).
pressor contactor (CC1) coil is energized provided the low
pressure control (LPC1) is closed. When the CC1 contacts During simultaneous economizing and mechanical cooling
close, compressor (CPR1) and the outdoor fan motor (compressor operation), the UEM continues to modulate the
(ODM) start to maintain the zone temperature to within ± 2 economizer dampers open/closed to keep the supply air
F of the sensor setpoint at the sensed location. temperature in the 50 F to 55 F range with the compressor
(CPR1) operating.
In addition to starting the compressor (CPR1) and outdoor
fan motor (ODM) when the (CC1) contacts close, the com- If economizing is not possible, the UEM drives the dampers
pressor crankcase heater (CCH1) is de-energized through to the minimum position setpoint when the indoor fan relay
redirection of current flow through the CC1 contacts. (F) is energized and allows mechanical cooling operation.

When the cooling requirement is satisfied, the UCP cycles When the unit is equipped with the optional fan failure
the compressor and outdoor fan motor “Off. Current is al- switch, wired between terminals J5-3 and J5-4 on the UEM,
lowed to flow through the crankcase heater (CCH1) after the UCP will stop all cooling functions and produce an ana-
the CC1 contacts open provided the coil temperature limit log output if the active fan failure switch (AFF) does not
(CTL) is closed. open within 40 seconds after a request for fan operation.
When the system is connected to a remote panel, the
Evaporator Fan Operation “SERVICE” LED will flash when this failure occurs.
When the fan selection switch is set to the “Auto” position,
the UCP energizes the (K3) relay coil approximately 1 sec- Economizer Set-Up
ond after energizing the compressor contactor coil (CC1) in The required amount of ventilation air is set by adjusting the
the cooling mode. Closing the K3 contacts on the UCP en- minimum position potentiometer located on the unit econo-
ergizes the indoor fan relay (F) coil to start the indoor fan mizer module (UEM).
motor (IDM).
Two of the three methods for determining the suitability of
The UCP de-energizes the fan relay (F) approximately 60 the outside air can be selected utilizing the DIP switches on
seconds after the cooling requirement has be satisfied to the UEM, as described below:
enhance unit efficiency.
1. Ambient Temperature - controlling the economizing cycle
When the fan selection switch is set to the “On” position, by sensing the outside air dry bulb temperature. The
the UCP keeps the indoor fan relay coil (F) energized for Table below lists the selectable dry bulb values by DIP
continuous fan motor operation. switch setting.

When the unit is equipped with the optional fan failure 2. Reference Enthalpy - controlling the economizer cycle by
switch, wired between terminals J5-1 and J7-1 on the UCP, sensing the outdoor air humidity. The Table below lists
the UCP produces an analog output if the fan failure switch the selectable enthalpy values by DIP switch setting. If
(FFS) does not open within two minutes after a request for the outside air enthalpy value is less than the selected
fan operation. When the system is connected to a remote value, the economizer is allowed to operate.
panel, the “SERVICE” LED will be turned on when this fail-
ure occurs.

Sequence of Operation

3. Comparative Enthalpy - By utilizing a humidity sensor When the fan selection switch is set to the “Auto” position,
and a temperature sensor in both the return air stream the UCP energizes the indoor fan relay (F) coil approxi-
and the outdoor air stream, the unit control processor mately 30 second after initiating the heating cycle to start
(UCP) will be able to establish which conditions are best the indoor fan motor (IDM).
suited for maintaining the zone temperature, i.e. indoor
conditions or outdoor conditions. The DIP switches lo- The automatic reset high limit (TCO1), located in the bottom
cated on the UEM are non-functional when both the tem- right corner of the burner compartment, protects against ab-
perature and humidity sensors are installed. normally high leaving air temperatures. The automatic reset
fan fail limit (TCO2), located in the upper middle section of
Selection Dry Bulb Enthalpy SW1 SW2 the indoor fan board, protects against abnormally high heat
A 60 F 19 BTU/LB OFF OFF buildup which could occur because of extended cycling of
B 55 F 22 BTU/LB OFF ON the high limit (TCO1) or if the indoor fan motor (IDM) fails to
operate. Should TCO2 open, the UCP will de-energize the
K6 relay and energize the indoor fan relay (F) in an attempt
D ----- 28 BTU/LB ON ON to start the fan motor. The UCP signals that a heat failure
has occurred by flashing the “Heat” LED on the zone sen-
Heating Operation
When the system switch is set to the “Heat” position and the
zone temperature falls below the heating setpoint
There are two LED’s located in the Ignition Control Module.
controlband, a heat cycle is initiated when the K6 and K5
The Table below lists the diagnostics and the status of the
relay coils on the UCP are energized. The normally open K6
LED’s during the various operating states.
relay contacts closes to energize the heat relay (H) coil and
power the 24 VAC ignition control module (IGN) provided
TCO1 is closed. One set of double pole single throw K5
relay contacts are utilized to control the indoor fan motor Ignition Control Module Diagnostics
(IDM) speed. When the normally open K5 contacts close, the LED Status
indoor fan motor (IDM) will operate in high speed. When the Diagnostics Green LED Red LED
normally open heat relay (H) contacts close, power is
1. Powered with no call for heat Off Off
supplied to the ignition transformer (TNS2) powering the 115
VAC section of the ignition control module (IGN) and starting 2. Call for heat - no fault detected Flashing (1) Off
the combustion fan motor (CFM). 3. No Flame signal on try for ignition
or flame signal established and
Ignition Module lost prior to a lockout condition. Off Flashing (2)
With 115 VAC power supplied to the ignition module (IGN),
4. Gas Valve miswired or flame Continuous Flashing (1)
the hot surface ignition probe (IP) is preheated for approxi-
mately 30 to 45 seconds. The gas valve (GV) is energized signal present at a call for heat
for approximately 7 seconds for trial for ignition, to ignite the 5. Internal Fault - anytime. Off Continuous
burner. Once the burner is ignited, the hot surface ignition Notes:
probe (IP) is de-energized by the ignition module (IGN) and 1. Flash at a 50% duty cycle.
functions as the flame sensing device.
2. At the start of each retry for ignition the red LED will flash
If the burner fails to ignite, the ignition module will attempt for five seconds along with the green LED
two retries. At the start of each ignition retry, the green LED
will flash and the red LED will flash for five seconds before
locking out. An ignition lockout can be reset by;

1. Opening and closing the main power disconnect switch,

2. By switching the “Mode” switch on the zone sensor to

“OFF” and then to the desired position.

3. Allowing the ignition control module to reset automatically

after one hour. Refer to the “Ignition Control Diagnostics”
section for the LED diagnostic definitions.

Refrigeration Data


(Based on Indoor Airflow of 400 CFM / Ton)

86/72 F ID DB/WB
80/67 F ID DB/WB
74/62 F ID DB/WB
68/57 F ID DB/WB



350 115 F OD Ambient

300 105 F OD Ambient

95 F OD Ambient
85 F OD Ambient

200 75 F OD Ambient
65 F OD Ambient
150 55 F OD Ambient

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105

To Check Operating Pressures 4. Take discharge and suction pressure readings.

1. Start the unit and allow the pressures to stabilize. 5. Plot the outdoor dry bulb and the indoor DB/WB
2. Measure the indoor DB/WB temperature entering temperature onto the chart.
the indoor coil. 6. At the point of intersection, read down for the suction
3. Measure the outdoor air dry bulb temperature pressure and to the left for the discharge pressure.

Refrigeration Data


(Based on Indoor Airflow of 400 CFM / Ton)
To Determine Required Superheat -
A) Plot the Outdoor Temperature onto the bottom axis of the curve.
B) Move vertically to the appropriate indoor DB/WB temp. (or interpolate temp).


40 C) At the point of intersection, (OD & ID) read horizontally to the left for the required superheat.

86/72 F ID DB/WB
30 80/67 F ID DB/WB

74/62 F ID DB/WB

68 57 F ID DB/WB


35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115
1) REFRIGERANT CHARGE - ADD if the superheat is more than 5 F above curve value.
- REDUCE if the superheat is more than 5 F below curve value.
- OK if the superheat is within 5 F of curve value.
2) Do not add refrigerant if the superheat is less than 5 F.
3) Curves are based on 400 CFM/Ton Indoor Airflow @ 50% R.H.
4) System must be running at stablized conditions before measuring superheat.

© American Standard Inc. 1998 Technical Literature Printed in USA


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