Preweek Final Evidence
Preweek Final Evidence
Preweek Final Evidence
Both > 15 and <60 y/o, Older of proof which produces conviction in an
Of the same sex unprejudiced mind. It is not a degree of proof
One < 15 or > 60 y/o, One between those ages as, excluding the possibility of error, produces
and the other between absolute certainty. Only moral certainty is
those ages required.
o Extra-judicial confessions are not sufficient to
(35) Between 2 or more persons called to convict.
succeed each other: Whoever alleges o X: If corroborated by evidence of actual
the death of one prior to the other, commission of a particular crime (corpus
shall prove the same. If no proof, they delicti).
shall be considered to have died at the o Elements of corpus delicti:
same time. a) Existence of a certain act/result
forming the basis of the criminal
charge; &
PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE b) Existence of a criminal agency as the
cause of the act/result.
EXAMINATION OF WITNESS o Requisites for circumstantial evidence to be
o Leading questions not allowed. sufficient to convict:
O X: a) More than 1 circumstance;
1) Cross examination; b) Facts from which the inferences are
2) Preliminary matters; derived are proven; &
3) Difficulty getting direct and intelligible c) Combination of all the circumstances is
answers from witness who is ignorant, such as to produce a conviction beyond
child of tender years, of feeble mind, or reasonable doubt.
4) Unwilling/hostile witness; RULES ON ELECTRONIC EVIDENCE (REE)
5) Witness who is an adverse party or an
officer/director or managing agent of a ADMISSIBILITY OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT
public/private corporation or of a o Admissible if: Compliant with ROC rules on
partnership/association which is an admissibility + Authenticated in the manner
adverse party. prescribed by REE.
o Confidential character of a privileged
OFFER AND OBJECTION communication not lost solely on the ground that
o The purpose for which the evidence is offered it is in the form of an electronic document.
must be specified, because such evidence may be
admissible for several purposes under the doctrine BEST EVIDENCE RULE (BER)
of multiple admissibility. o Electronic document equivalent of original
document under BER: Printout or output readable
Kind of evidence When to offer by sight or other means, shown to reflect the data
Testimonial At time the witness is called to accurately.
testify o Regarded as originals:
Documentary and After presentation of a party’s 1) Document is in 2 or more copies executed
Object testimonial evidence at/about the same time with identical
o Absence of offer is a defect which is waived when 2) Counterparts produced by same impression as
party fails to object when the ground became original, or from the same matrix, or by
reasonably apparent. mechanical/electronic re-recording, or by
o Defect caused by the absence of formal offer of chemical reproduction, or other equivalent
exhibits can be cured by the identification of the techniques that accurately reproduces
exhibits by testimony duly recorded and the original.
incorporation of the said exhibits in the records of o Not admissible to same extent as the original:
the case. 1) Genuine question raised as to authenticity of
What to object to When to object 2) If circumstances make it unjust to admit the
Testimonial evidence Immediately after offer is copy in lieu of original.
Question propounded in As soon as the grounds AUTHENTICATION OF E-DOCUMENTS
the course of oral become reasonably
o Burden of proving authenticity is on person
examination apparent
seeking to introduce an e-document.
Offer done in writing Within 3 days after notice
o Means:
of the offer, unless
1) Evidence that it had been digitally signed;
different period is allowed
by the court 2) Evidence that appropriate security
The grounds for objection must be specified. procedures/devices as may be authorized by
the SC or law for authentication were applied;
3) Other evidence showing its integrity and
reliability to the satisfaction of the judge.
REQUIRED QUANTUM OF EVIDENCE o Considered as public document: Document
electronically notarized according to SC rules.
1) Administrative cases:
o Substantial evidence = Amount of relevant FACTORS AFFECTING EVIDENTIARY WEIGHT OF
evidence which a reasonable mind might E-DOCUMENTS
accept as adequate to support a conclusion. 1) Reliability of manner/method in which it was
2) Civil cases: generated/stored/communicated;
o Preponderance of evidence = Evidence 2) Reliability of manner in which its originator was
adduced by one side is, as a whole, has identified;
greater weight than that of the other. 3) Integrity of information and communication
3) Criminal cases: system in which it is recorded/stored;
o Proof beyond reasonable doubt = Degree 4) Familiarity of witness or person who made the
o Child witness =
1) Person < 18y/o at time of giving testimony;
2) In child abuse cases: over 18 y/o but is found
by the court as unable to fully take care of
himself because of physical/mental disability
or condition.
o Every child presumed qualified to be a witness. To
rebut presumption of competence, burden of proof
lies on party challenging competence.
o Exclusion of the public during the child’s
examination to protect the child’s right to privacy.
o Alternative modes of giving testimony:
1) Live-link television testimony, in criminal
cases where the child is a victim or a witness.
2) Screens, one-way mirrors
3) Videotaped deposition.